Comelec Resolution No 9164

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Resolution No.

Promulgation: 16 March 2011



WHEREAS, on March 22, 2010, Resolution No. 8804 was promulgated by the Commission
on Elections, entitled In Re: Comelec Rules of Procedure on Disputes In An Automated
Election System in Connection with the May 10, 2010 Elections;
WHEREAS, on November 30, 2010, the Commission on Elections (COMELEC)
promulgated Resolution No. 9104, entitled and known as Rules of Procedure for the
Recount of Ballots Subject of Election Protest Cases Filed with the Commission on
Elections in Connection with the May 2010 National and Local Elections, Amending Section
6, Rule 15 of Comelec Resolution No. 8804 Promulgated on March 22, 2010;
WHEREAS, it is the constitutional mandate of the Commission on Elections to provide
procedural rules that will afford litigants in electoral disputes an inexpensive, speedy, and
fair proceedings;
WHEREAS, to be more consistent with the above constitutional mandate, there is a need to
REINSTATE and REIMPLEMENT Resolution No. 8804 with amendments;
NOW, THEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the Commission RESOLVED, as it
hereby RESOLVES, toREINSTATE Sections 6 and 7, Rule 15, Rule 17 and Rule 24
and SUSPEND Sec. 3, Rule 15 of Resolution No. 8804 as the procedures to be adopted in
the recount of ballots in election protest cases under the Automated Election System with
the following amendments, modification and additions:
Section 1. Section 6, Rule 15 of Resolution No. 8804 is hereby reinstated and
amended to read as follows:
Rule 15
Recount of Ballots
Section 6. Conduct of the Recount - The recount of the votes on the ballots shall be done
manually and visually and according to the procedures hereunder:
(a) At the preliminary conference the date and the place of the recount and the number of
Recount Committees shall be set.

(b) At least five (5) days prior to the scheduled recount of ballots, the protestant shall submit
a list of his designated pilot precincts constituting at most twenty (20%) of the total number
of his protested clustered precincts, but in no case exceeding two hundred (200) clustered
precincts or be less than twenty (20) clustered precincts, that will best attest to the votes
recovered or will best exemplify the merits or legitimacy of his protest.
The recount of the ballots in the remaining contested clustered precincts shall not
commence until the Division concerned shall have determined the merit or legitimacy of the
protest relative to the pinpointed pilot precincts through appreciation of ballots and other
documentary exhibits which the protestant may submit within a non-extendible period of ten
(10) days from the completion of the recount of the pilot precincts. Based on the results of
such post-recount determination, the Division may dismiss the protest, without further
proceedings, if no reasonable recovery was established from the pilot protested precincts,
otherwise, the recount of the ballots in the remaining protested clustered precincts shall
proceed, to be followed by the recount of the counter-protested clustered precincts, if any.
(c) At the appointed place and day, the Recount Committee/s shall convene and the ballot
boxes containing the ballots from the designated pilot precincts, the data storage device
used in said precincts, as well as the machine or any device that can be used to
authenticate the genuineness of the ballots shall be brought to the venue of the recount.
(d) The different Recount Committees will be provided with an adequate workspace with
tables and chairs that would enable them to perform the recount.
(e) Before the opening of the ballot box, the Recount Committee shall note its condition as
well as that of the locks or locking mechanism and record the condition in the recount report.
From its observation, the Recount Committee must also make a determination as to whether
the integrity of the ballot box has been preserved.
In the event that there are signs of tampering or if the ballot box appears to have been
compromised, the Recount Committee shall still proceed to open the ballot box and make a
physical inventory of the contents thereof. The committee shall, however, record its general
observation of the ballots and other documents found in the ballot box.
(f) Prior to the actual conduct of the recount of the votes, the Recount Committee must
authenticate each and every ballot to make sure that they are genuine. The authentication
shall be through the use of PCOS machine or through any other device capable of
performing the desired authentication requirement through the use of the bar codes and the
ultra-violet ray code detection mechanism, at the option of the Commission. The Recount
Committee shall also check the ballot ID and the clustered precinct number indicated in
each ballot.

(g) Only when the Recount Committee, through its chairman, determines that the integrity of
the ballots has been preserved or that no signs of tampering of the ballots are present, will
the recount proceed. In case there are signs that the ballots contained therein are tampered,
compromised, wet or are otherwise in such a condition that it could not be recounted, the
Recount Committee shall follow paragraph (l) of this rule.
(h) The ballot box shall then be opened, and the ballots taken out. The Recount Committee
shall then segregate, classify and count the ballots as:
a. Including ballots with Identifying Marks
a. Including ballots with Identifying Marks
STRAY BALLOTS refer to ballots with two or more shades or without any shade in the
contested position. MARKED BALLOTS refer to those ballots containing marks outside the
ovals, which marks could either be identifying marks or voting marks. Voting marks are
markings placed beside the ovals that may appear to show the intent of the voter to vote for
a party, while identifying marks are those intentionally placed to identify the ballot or the
voter. Ballots containing voting marks may be subject to claims, while those with identifying
marks to objections.
Thereafter, the REJECTED BALLOTS shall be physically counted.
(i) After segregating and counting the ballots, those classified as STRAY, MARKED or
REJECTED will be given to the parties revisors for viewing, objections and claims. All other
ballots are not subject to objections or claims by the parties.
(j) There shall be a tally sheet for multi-slot positions of such number of copies depending on
the number of the parties, that will be used for the tallying of the votes as they are counted,
through the use of tara or sticks.

(k) Handwritten comments, objections and claims shall be submitted immediately after the
recount of every clustered precinct and included in the recount report as well as those other
documents in the ballot box that may be marked as exhibits for any of the party.
(l) In the event the Recount Committee determines that the integrity of the ballots has been
violated or has not been preserved, or are wet and otherwise in such a condition that it
cannot be recounted, the Chairman of the Committee shall request from the Election
Records and Statistics Department (ERSD), the printing of the image of the ballots of the
subject precinct stored in the CF card used in the May 10, 2010 elections in the presence of
the parties. Printing of the ballot images shall proceed only upon prior authentication and
certification by a duly authorized personnel of the Election Records and Statistics
Department (ERSD) that the data or the images to be printed are genuine and not
(m) Appreciating the validity of the votes credited for any party shall be done by the
Commission making use of but not limited to the ballot images stored in the original
Compact Flash Cards used in the May 10, 2010 Automated National and Local Elections,
and not by the Recount Committee. The rules on appreciation of ballots under Section 211
of the Omnibus Election Code shall apply suppletorily when appropriate.
Section 2. Section 7, Rule 15 of Resolution No. 8804 is hereby reinstated and
amended to read as follows:
Section 7. Preparation and submission of recount report. " The members of the
Recount Committee shall accomplish a report on the result of their recount in every pilot
clustered precinct, the ballot box contents of which underwent their examinations, in an
official form which shall be made available prior to the recount and shall contain the
following information:
1. The precinct number;
2. The date, place and time of recount;
3. The condition and serial numbers of the following:
1. Ballot boxes;
2. Locks;
3. Data storage device
4. The votes of the parties per physical count of the paper ballots;

5. The votes of the parties per ballot box copy of the election returns;
6. The number of ballots questioned by the parties indicating therein the exhibit numbers;
7. The number of torn, unused and stray ballots;
8. The entries in the Minutes of Voting and Counting, particularly:
1. The number of registered voters;
2. The number of voters who actually voted;
3. The number of official ballots together with their serial numbers used in the
4. The number of ballots actually used indicating the serial numbers of the ballots;
5. The unused ballots together with their serial numbers.
In accomplishing the Recount Report, writings should be legible and all data should be
completely filled up by the Recount Committee. The per-precinct recount report shall also be
signed and certified to by the Chairman of the Recount Committee and the representatives
of the parties. The duly accomplished handwritten Revision Report shall form part of the
records of the case and shall be considered as the original Commissions copy, which the
parties may photocopy at their expense. The tally sheet used for the recount, in case of
multi-slot positions, shall be attached to the report.
In addition to the per-precinct recount report, the Recount Committee shall prepare and
submit to the Division concerned within three (3) days from the termination of the recount of
the pilot precincts for post-recount determination of merit of the protest case, a committee
report summarizing the data, votes, questions on the ballots, significant observations made
in the recount of ballots in the designated pilot clustered precincts, and handwritten
comments and objections of parties. The same procedure shall apply should the Division
concerned decide to continue the recount in the remaining contested clustered precincts.
Each party furnished with a copy of the committee report may submit their comments
thereon within a non-extendible period of three (3) days from notice.
Section 3. Section 3, Rule 15 of Resolution No. 8804 and all other rules pertaining to
the compensation and distribution of honoraria of the Recount Committees are
hereby set aside until the Commission comes out with a resolution appertaining there

Section 4. Rule 17 of Resolution No. 8804 is hereby renumbered and amended to read
as follows:
Photocopying of Ballots/Printing of Ballot Images/
Augmentation of Cash Deposit
Section 1. Photocopying simultaneous with recount. - On motion of a party, the
Commission may allow the photocopying or reproduction of the ballots claimed and/or
objected by the parties, minutes of voting, election returns and audit logs. The photocopying
or reproduction, if allowed, must start at the commencement of recount and, as far as
practicable, must be completed simultaneously with the termination of recount.
Section 2. Where conducted. - Photocopying of ballots and other documents, and the
printing of ballot images shall be done within the premises of the Commission, or at or near
the area where the recount is conducted, and shall be under the supervision of the Over-all
Chairman of the Recount Committee or his duly authorized representative. The party
concerned shall provide an efficient photocopying unit and shall bear all the expenses
relative thereto.
Section 3.Printing of Ballot Images. - In case the parties deem it necessary, they may file
a motion to be approved by the Division of the Commission requesting for the printing of
ballot images in addition to those mentioned in the second paragraph of item (e). Parties
concerned shall provide the necessary materials in the printing of images such as but not
limited to copying papers, toners and printers. Parties may also secure, upon prior approval
by the Division of the Commission, a soft copy of the ballot images contained in a
secured/hashed disc on the condition that the ballot images be first printed, at the expense
of the requesting party, and that the printed copies be signed by the parties respective
revisors or representatives and by an ERSD IT-capable representative and deposited with
the Commission.
The Over-all chairman shall coordinate with the Director IV, Election Records and Statistics
Department (ERSD), for the printing of images. Said director shall in turn designate a
personnel who will be responsible in the printing of ballot images.
Section 4. Augmentation of Cash Deposit. - The parties will be directed to augment their
cash deposit for the payment of the electricity consumed in the photocopying and/or printing
of images, for the use of the system anent the printing of ballot images or in case the
expenses for the sealing and retrieval of ballot boxes are taken from the cash deposit.
Parties requesting for the photocopying of ballots and printing of images shall be required to

make a deposit before the commencement of the recount proceedings at such amount as
may be ordered.
Section 5. Rules 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 of Resolution No. 8804 are hereby
renumbered as Rules 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 respectively.
Section 6. Rule 24 of Resolution 8804 is hereby renumbered and amended to read as
Amendatory, Repealing and Effectivity Clause
Section 1. Amendment Clause. "The Commission may at any time amend any provision of
these rules."
Section 2. Repealing Clause. "Resolution No. 9104 and all other rules and resolutions of
the Commission or parts thereof that are inconsistent with any provision of these rules are
hereby deemed repealed, amended or modified accordingly."
Section 3. Effectivity. "These Rules shall be published in two (2) newspaper of general
circulation and shall take effect on the seventh (7th) day following its publication."
Section 4. Dissemination. - Let copies of these Rules on the Recount Proceedings be
furnished to all parties of election protest cases pending before this Commission and their
respective counsels, the Presidential Electoral Tribunal (PET), Senate Electoral Tribunal
(SET), the House of Representative Electoral Tribunal (HRET), and the Regular Courts,
through the Court Administrator.
Let the Education and Information Department caused the publication of this Resolution in
two (2) newspapers of general circulation.

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