Tutorial 3 Question

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Chapter 3 Kinetics of Particles: Work & Energy (b)

Tutorial 2

1. The material hoist and the load have a total mass of 800 kg and the counterweight C
has a mass of 150 kg. At a given instant, the hoist has an upward velocity of 2 m/s
and an acceleration of 1.5 m/s 2 . Determine the power generated by the motor M at
this instant if it operates with an efficiency of 0.8 .
(19.5 kW)

Figure Q1
2. The block has a mass of 150 kg and rests on a surface for which the coefficients of
static and kinetic friction are s 0.5 and k 0.4 , respectively. If a force

F 60t 2 N where t is in seconds, is applied to the cable, determine the power

developed by the force when t 5 s . Hint: First determine the time needed for the
force to cause motion.
(58.1 kW)

Figure Q2
3. The roller coaster car having a mass m is released from rest at point A. If the track is
to be designed so that the car does not leave it at B, determine the required height h.
Also, find the speed of the car when it reaches point C. Neglect friction.
(h = 23.75 m, vc = 21.6 m/s)

Figure Q3

Chapter 3 Kinetics of Particles: Work & Energy (b)

Tutorial 2

4. The vertical guide is smooth and the 5-kg collar is released from rest at A. Determine
the speed of the collar when it is at position C. The spring has an unstretched length of
300 mm.
(vC = 2.09 m/s)

Figure Q4
5. The Raptor is an outside loop roller coaster in which riders are belted into seats
resembling ski-lift chairs. If the cars travel at v0 4 m/s when they are at the top of
the hill, determine their speed when they are at the top of the loop and the reaction
force of the 70-kg passenger on his seat at this instant. The car has a mass of 50 kg.
Take h = 12 m, 5 m . Neglect friction and the size of the car and passenger.
(v1 = 7.432 m/s, N = 86.7 N

Figure Q5

Chapter 3 Kinetics of Particles: Impulse and Momentum

Tutorial 2

1. If it takes 35 s for the 50-Mg tugboat to increase its speed uniformly to 25 km/h
starting from rest, determine the force of the rope on the tugboat. The propeller
provides the propulsion force F which gives the tugboat forward motion, whereas the
barge moves freely. Also, determine F acting on the tugboat. The barge has a mass of
75 Mg.
(F = 24.8 kN, T = 14.9 kN)

Figure Q1
2. The crate B and cylinder A have a mass of 200 kg and 75 kg, respectively. If the
system is released from rest, determine the speed of the crate and cylinder when
t 3 s . Neglect the mass of the pulleys.
(8.41 m/s)

Figure Q2
3. The 30-Mg freight car A and 15-Mg freight car B are moving towards each other with
the velocities shown. Determine the maximum compression of the spring mounted on
car A. Neglect rolling resistance.
(481 mm)

Figure Q3

Chapter 3 Kinetics of Particles: Impulse and Momentum

Tutorial 2

4. The 5-Mg truck and 2-Mg car are traveling with the free rolling velocities shown just
before they collide. After the collision, the car moves with a velocity of 15 km/h to
the right relative to the truck. Determine the coefficient of restitution between the
truck and car and the loss of energy due to the collision.
(e = 0.75, E 9.65 kJ )

Figure Q4
5. Block A has a mass of 3 kg and is sliding on a rough horizontal surface with a velocity
vA 1 5 m/s when it makes a direct collision with block B, which has a mass of 2 kg
and is originally at rest. If the collision is perfectly elastic determine the velocity of
each block just after collision and the distance between the blocks when they stop
sliding. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the blocks and the plane is
k 0.3 .
(vA, 2 = 0.4 m/s, vB, 2 = 2.4 m/s, d = 0.951 m)

Figure Q5
6. At the instant r 1.5 m , the 5-kg disk is given a speed of v 5 m/s , perpendicular to
the elastic cord. Determine the speed of the disk and the rate of shortening of the
elastic cord at the instant r 1.2 m . The disk slides on the smooth horizontal plane.
Neglect its size. The cord has an unstretched length of 0.5 m.
(v2 = 6.732 m/s, v2, r = 2.52 m/s)

Figure Q6

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