Preuss - Germanic Law Versus Roman Law in National Socialist Legal Theory

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British Institute of International and Comparative Law

Germanic Law versus Roman Law in National Socialist Legal Theory

Author(s): Lawrence Preuss
Source: Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law, Vol. 16, No. 4 (1934), pp.
Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the British Institute of
International and Comparative Law
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[Contributed by LAWRENCE PREUSs, EsQ., Assistant Professor

Science, University of Michigan.]

Legal Reform under the Third Reich.--" National Social

Hitler has said, "is a Weltanschauung." 1 It differs fro

German political movements in that it envisages the complete

of all forms and expressions of national life in conformity wi

conceives to be the German spirit-the Volksgeist. As

thought embracing every social and cultural sphere, Nation

has also a Rechtsanschauung, which demands the subst

" German common law " for the " materialistic " Roman law on which

the present legal order is based.2 This principle has been incorporated in
the " Program of the N.S.D.A.P.," 3 and has furnished the basic text for
the elaboration of a National Socialist theory of law.
The fundamental requirement of legal reform under the Third Reich
is that " a law must be given to the German people which is German
according to its content and is suited to the German nature. Everything
foreign which has been imported in the course of two thousand years of
legal history and has been received under the name of ' Roman law' is

to be rejected. To the German people is due a German law. . . ."

The present law is branded as a " Roman-Byzantine-Oriental " system,"

or as a " Jewish-Roman " legal order,6 and it is charged that its " reception " in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries dissolved " every connexion
1 See Hitler's speech on " Nationalsozialismus als Weltanschauung," at the

Reichskulturtag, Niirnberg, September I, 1933. V61kischer Beobachter, September

2, 1933.

2 G. R. Schmelzeisen, Das Recht im nationalsozialistischen Weltbild, 1934 (Neu

gestaltung von Recht und Wirtschaft, 2 Heft), p. 7.

3 Adopted at Munich, February 25, 1920. Point 19 provides: " Wir fordern
Ersatz for das der materialistischen Weltordnung dienende r6mische Recht durch
ein deutsches Gemeinrecht." See Gottfried Feder, Programm der NSDAP und

seine weltanschaulichen Grundgedanken, 1933 (Nationalsozialistische Bibliothek, I Heft,

IoI--o, Aufl.).
4 Helmut Nicolai, Die rassengesetzliche Rechtslehre, 1932 (Nationalsozialistische
Bibliothek, 39 Heft), p. 6.

5 Ibid., p. 23.
6 Ibid., p. 55; also, " Nationalsozialistische Rechtsgestaltung," speech of
Reichsjustizkommissar Dr. Frank at Berlin, January 30, 1934. V6lkischer Beobachter, February 2, 1934269

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between law and race, between law and morality, between law
0 . .Rigid, rational clarity has been purchased at the cost of f

conviction and of the moral idea in law. Law has been disrobed of its

moral supremacy, and degraded to the status of the plaything of a lear

Begriffsjurisprudenz, of pettifogging distortion, and of a soulless legisla
machine. From their position as the ruler in legal life, the people have

cast down to that of an object. The law of the people has become
law of the jurists. The law no longer served the life of the people,
the people became the subject of inflexible paragraphs. Every tend
of the law in conformity with the laws of life, every contact with
natural data of blood and race (and, thereby, the necessary fusion
morality and law, of legal sentiment and law), were rent apart an
destroyed. The law, which was not derived from the people and wa
adapted to it, became foreign." I

Advancement of Racial Element.-The German people or V

whose spirit is to be reflected in the National Socialist legal system

conceived as a social group united by ties of common blood-a B

gemeinschaft.2 Common speech and a sense of common political des

are recognized as contributory factors in the formation of a people

are held to be of secondary importance. Race alone is decisive

Volk is thus a race community,4 and the Volksgeist is synonymous

the Rassenseele.5 Although the Germans are admittedly a racial mix
it is claimed that they constitute a Volk by reason of their predominan
Nordic blood.6 The highest task of the National Socialist State, Ad
Hitler has stated, is to preserve and to advance to a position of dominan
influence this valuable racial element, " which, through its heroism alo

1 Nicolai, op. cit., p. 20. Also, Gerd Riihle in V6lkischer Beobachter, August

2 M. R. Gerstenhauer, Der vdlkische Gedanke in Vergangenheit und Zukunft,

1933, PP. 105, 112. Also, Nationalsozialistisches Strafrecht : Denkschrift des preussischen Justizministers, 1933, p. 22.
3 Alfred Rosenberg, " Die rassische Bedingtheit der Aussenpolitik," speech at
Reichsparteitag, Niirnberg, September I, 1933. V6lkischer Beobachter, September

3-4, 1933; Ministerialrat Dr. Conti, in J. B. Illustrierter Beobachter, 1933,

p. 1586.
Professor Hans F. R. Giinther defines " race " as a " Menschengruppe, die sich
durch die ihr eignende Vereinigung leiblicher und seelischer Eigenschaften von jeder

anderen in solcher Weise zusammengefassten Menschengruppe unterscheidet und

immer nur ihresgleichen hervorbringt." Kleine Rassenkunde des deutschen Volkes,
1933, P. II.

For a scholarly survey of race theories in political thought, see Erich Voeg

Rasse und Staat, 1933.

4 " A Volk is a human community which lives in a determinate area, and ha

a sufficiently long time been essentially unified in race and speech. . . . A Volk f

becomes a nation when it attains a common activity of will. ... A Volk is a na

community; a nation is a community of will." Theodor Steche, in V6lkisc

Beobachter, December 19, 1933.

5 See Nicolai, op. cit., p. 26.

6 Schmelzeisen, op. cit., p. i ; Giinther, op. cit., pp. 21-47, 118-38.

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and thanks to its inner gifts, has created the German people o
conglomerate of elements." 1

In National Socialist ideology the concept of race plays a r61

similar importance to that of economic materialism in Marxist doctr

In theory, the State is merely the legal organization of the Volk,

in turn, is conditioned by blood.3 Every race produces its own W

schauung, and it is the task of National Socialism, as the movem
the "heroic man," to impress upon the life of the German peo
Weltanschauung of its highest elements, which, by reason of the

are capable of " heroic action." 4 The Aryan " race," and esp

its Nordic branch, is alone held to possess the capacity for cre
cultural values.6 The whole of human history is explained in t
of the struggle between culture-building Aryans and the " lower
Civilizations and empires fall when their Aryan or Nordic fou
lower their racial level through intermixture with inferior pe

]" Nationalsozialismus als Weltanschauung," cited supra; also, Mein K

1933 (12 Aufl.), pp. 434-8.

2 Theodore Heuss, Hitlers Weg, 1933, PP. 31, 32.
a " The national Weltanschauung sees the meaning of humanity in its o
racial elements. In principle, it sees in the State only a means to an end, a
ceives its purpose to be the maintenance of the racial existence of man. It
quently believes in no way in the equality of races, but perceives, together w
variety, their higher or lesser worth as well, and feels itself obligated thro
perception to assert the victory of the better and stronger, and to demand th
ordination of the worse and weaker, in conformity with the External Wi

rules this universe." Hitler, Mein Kampf, pp. 420-I.

" In reality, the State is the political constitution and form of the blood
Volk." Schmelzeisen, op. cit., p. 21. Also, Gerstenhauer, op. cit., pp. 105, 1

Karl Lohmann, Hitlers Staatsauffassung, 1933, PP. 21 ff.

I4 Hitler, " Nationalsozialismus als Weltanschauung," cited supra. Also, R

berg, Das Wesensgefiige des Nationalsozialismus, 1933 (5 Aufl.), pp. ii ff.

6 " What we see before us to-day of human culture, of achievements o

sience and technology, is almost exclusively the creative product of the

-'his fact, indeed, permits the not unfounded conclusion that he alone was the
of higher humanity in general, and, therefore, represents the prototype of w

understand by the term ' human being.' He is the Prometheus of humanity

whose luminous brow sprang forth to all times the divine spark of genius. .. ."
Mein Kampf, p. 317. See M. Staemmler, Rassenpflege im v6lkischen Staat, 1933

6 " The Aryan gave up the purity of his blood and thereby lost the p

Paradise which he himself had made. . . . The intermixture of blood and the low

ing of the racial level thereupon conditioned, is the sole cause of the perishing

cultures. . . . Every defeat may become the father of a later victory. Ev

war may become the source of a later uprising, every need the fertilization of
energy, and from every suppression may come the forces for a new spiritual

-so long as the blood is kept pure." Hitler, Mein Kampf, pp. 324, 359.
Dr. Walter Gross, " Politik und Rassenfrage," speech at the Reichspar

Niirnberg, September I, 1933. V6lkischer Beobachter, September 2, 1933.

If the German people had preserved their racial purity, Hitler states, they
be " rulers of the earth," and a world peace would have been attained-not " a
peace resting on the palm leaves of tearful, pacifistic, hired female-mourners, but
based upon the victorious sword of a people of rulers seizing the world in the service
of a higher culture." Mein Kampf, p. 438.

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Cultures blossom once more when there is a fresh infusion of Germanic

Racial Determinism in Legal History.-This theory of racial determi

ism has been carried over into the field of legal history, which is picture
as a long struggle between Recht, which emanates spontaneously from th
Aryan or Nordic Rassenseele, and Gesetz, the law of external might, whic

is produced by inferior or mixed peoples. Upon this dogma has bee

erected a National Socialist legal theory which is called by Dr. Helm
Nicolai, its principal exponent, the " Rassengesetzliche Rechtslehre
" Legal Theory according to the Laws of Race." 2 In the old German

conception, Nicolai states, " law was innate and was transmitted by blood

As the blood, the inner nature, came from the gods, so also did the l
S . . Law (Recht) is a law of life, and is born with man, that is to say:

every man brings with him social instincts which tell him how he m

act in order to make possible an ordered life with other men. T

instinct, which indicates the law, is the conscience. It is the social

impulse, the legal impulse, which points out what is correct or false, wh

is good or bad." 3 Since law is an emanation of the Rassenseele, a

therefore hereditary, every race possesses a legal system corresponding t

its nature. A mixed people cannot produce a true law, since it lacks
unified Weltanschauung and a " pure " and " harmonious " " percept
of life." " The man of pure race decides correctly-artlessly, surely,
instinctively. The mixed person must choose between various possi
bilities. He lacks firm feeling and singleness of conscience. He does n
feel what is good and what is evil ; he must first decide." * The " inb
capacity " of the racially pure man " to feel, to judge, to know wha
right (Recht) and how one must act in order that peace and order m
be preserved in the community, was transmitted to the Nordic mani
his ancestors, by the gods themselves-not as a learned science, not
an externally transmitted wisdom, but through the natural disposit
of the blood. Not everyone, therefore, can know the law, but only
whose race is pure, who has been produced in genuine marriage betw
like beings, and whose family tree is free from alien admixture. L
therefore, can be known, established, proclaimed and announced only
Aryan, Nordic men. Hence, the Nordic man alone is destined to leg

1 " Richtlinien fiir die Geschichtslehrbticher," by Reichsminister des Innern

Frick. V6ilkischer Beobachter, August 16, 1933.

1 Developed in Die rassengesetzliche Rechtslehre: Grundziige einer nation

sozialistischen Rechtsphilosophie, 1932 (Nationalsozialistische Bibliothek, 39 Heft

Rasse und Recht, 1933, and in numerous articles cited in the work first named, p.
Dr. Nicolai is Regierungsprdsident at Magdeburg, Leiter des Innenpolitischen Abteil
der Reichsleitung der NSDAP, and has been engaged in the formulation of a pro

for the reconstruction of the Constitution of the Reich. See his Grundlage

kommenden Verfassung, 1933 (5 Aufl.), and Der Staat in nationalsozialistischen We

bild, 1933 (Neugestaltung von Recht und Wirtschaft, I Heft).
8 Die rassengesetzliche Rechtslehre, p. 13.
4 Ibid., p. 27.

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creativeness-that is, to the creation of law out of the original spring

wisdom." 1

The National Socialist legal theory acknowledges its indebtedness to

the historical school of jurisprudence of the past century, but contends
that Savigny's conception of the Volksgeist was " vague," " mystical," 2
" colourless," and " empty," 3 as the result of his ignorance of Rassenkunde and of the significance of the racial interpretation of history,'
which, one writer has stated, " was the greatest discovery of the passing

nineteenth century." - Only through a realization of the racial basis of

the Volk is the true nature of the Volksgeist revealed. Viewed as the
Rassenseele, Nicolai contends, it becomes a reality susceptible of scientific


Denunciation of Present "Jewish-Roman" System.-The above

doctrines have been applied concretely to legal history as a justification
for the National Socialist demand that a German common law replace

the present " Jewish-Roman" system. Originally, it is stated, the

forefathers of the Romans and Germans formed part of a single
Nordic " Urvolk," possessing the same racial derivation, speaking a
common language and living under the same law. While the
Germans remained in northern Europe and thus preserved their racial

purity, the forefathers of the Romans migrated to the south,

where they came into contact with inferior Mediterranean peoples.

The Nordic invaders established themselves as a ruling caste of

alien conquerors and raised Rome to the position of a world empire.

In the course of time, however, the Nordic patricians let down their

racial barriers and intermingled with the subject plebeians and

with other inferior peoples from the Near East. Decimated by war
and by the decline in their birth-rate, and with their racial level
lowered through intermixture, the Nordic element sank to a hopeless
1 Die rassengesetzliche Rechtslehre, pp. 13, 14. Also, Robert Reimer, Hochschule
fiur Politik der NSDAP, 1933, P. 92.
The unique creative capacity of the Nordic, Nicolai asserts, is shown " very
clearly in the history of the word ' ingenium '; we translate it to-day as 'talent,'
' inborn spirit,' ' genius,' ' spiritual creativeness.' That, however, is not the original
meaning: the word is derived from 'gens,' which properly means that which is in
the race, which is inborn. The ' ingenuus ' is one who derives from the old Nordic
patrician gentes, in other words, a man of Nordic race, who, by virtue of his genius,

possesses the creativeness and the capacity to know and to establish what is law,
and who can participate in the Nordic knowledge of good and evil which is transmitted by heredity. . . . In the professional title ' engineer,' that is, ' discoverer,'
the word ' ingenuus ' has retained the meaning of ' creative,' which, according to the

old Nordic and German conception, is an innate capacity transmitted by Nordic

blood." Op. cit., p. 14.
2 Ibid., p. 26.
3 Schmelzeisen, op. cit., p. ii.
4 Nicolai, Die rassengesetzliche Rechtslehre, p. 26.
5 Rosenberg, Das Wesensgefiige des Nationalsozialismus, p. Io.
6 Nicolai, Die rassengesetzliche Rechtslehre, pp. 3, 26.

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minority.' " Jews, Syrians and other Asiatics took over trade and

through their gold; the army was soon, for the greater part, compos

Germans and other 'barbarians,' and even the Emperor was no l

properly a Roman. In short, the Roman Empire became a soulless

machine ruling over a chaotic mixture of peoples no longer united th

the bond of blood, but only by a complex of legal rules." 2 This " law

codified by Justinian, was lacking in "inner, inborn legal sentim

The racial deterioration has dissolved all moral ties, in place of

the external might and power of the State now alone held men togeth

Between morality and law there no longer existed an inner relati

a consequence, it was deemed justifiable to pursue the universal im
for gain. . . . It was considered clever and prudent to circumven

laws, to slip through their meshes, and to snap one's fingers at the go

Justitia." 3 In short, the Roman law was almost exclusively o

reason (Verstand), and not of soul (Seele). Not having its roo

Volkstum and living experience, it became a jurists' law which so

justice in the mechanical application of abstract rules. German law
the other hand, was never enslaved by concepts and systems, but
always in view the needs of changing life. Roman law was a com
of the State, ordered from above, and, therefore, not binding u
the sovereign power. German law " sprang from the spiritual soil
people," and, since its basis was non-volitional, was obligatory for
members of the society, ruled and rulers alike. It was a social law

betont), and not individualistic and egoistic (Ichbetont), as was the Ro

The " Jewified, commercial world-empire " of Rome fell as the res
of its lack of racial unity, but its " law " survived and finally replace

old German law in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. This rec

of an alien system was not entirely the product of chance, Nicolai ass

but coincided with the disintegration of the Nordic race in Ger

through intermixture with other peoples. " The prolific Jews," h
" consciously brought our legal instruction, legislation and jurispr
under their influence. . . . The racial crossing of the people and
influence of Jewdom not only had as a consequence the distortio
destruction of old German legal institutions, but it has also cost
correct conception of what ' law ' properly means." 5

I Nicolai, Die rassengesetzliche Rechtslehre, pp. 6, 7. A similar interpretat

Roman history is found in Dr. Frick's " Richtlinien fiir Geschichtslehrbiicher,"

supra, in Mein Kampf, 317 ff., and in Rosenberg, Das Wesensgefiige des Na
sozialismus, pp. 13 ff. " The great majority in Italy," Dr. Frick states, " con
of the descendants of Oriental slaves. The hopelessness of this situation w
background for the Stoic Weltanschauung of the Romans." See the comm
Hermann Killer, in V6lkischer Beobachter, August 16, 1933.
2 Nicolai, Die rassengesetzliche Rechtslehre, p. 7.

a Ibid., p. 7; Schmelzeisen, op. cit., p. I8.

A Schmelzeisen, op. cit., pp. I8-20. The Roman natural law, which, one
suppose, was not lacking in " soul," is dismissed as being based expressly on
and, therefore, " godless." Ibid., p. 20.
5 Nicolai, Die rassengesetzliche Rechtslehre, pp. 8, 9.

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The worst features of the Roman system are found in the pos

of the nineteenth century, and it is against this conception of the s

validity and purpose of law that the National Socialist theorician

the brunt of their attack. The rise of the positivistic school,
states, was the result of the predominant influence in Germany of

of mixed race, and especially of Jews. The Jew lacks the clear
conscience which is the monopoly of the racially pure. He the

" clings to external commands, to statute, to dogma, and to the lett

the law. He does not feel what is right or correct ; he must first es

it by the understanding, it must first be told him from witho

Jew, therefore, creates a legislative machine which tells him at
what is forbidden and what is permitted. Therefore, he sees in t
or other external organization the source of law. Therefore, he w
the power that emits the commands and sees justice in their o
fulfilment." I The legal doctrine of positivism is mechanical, ab
lacking in a sense of past and future, and dissevered from mora
religion.2 During the period of its ascendancy, " Law lay in the

irresponsible possessors of power, who lacked all consciousness of th

of the people and its need for justice. Aliens had, to a great ex
influence upon legislation and jurisprudence. The people lived

any sense of right and thereby, at the same time, lost in increasing m
the consciousness of law and of justice. We stood before a general de
of culture." 3 In the words of the same author, " Heaven ordained a

last hour that our spirits should awaken under the leadership
of our greatest." 4 National Socialism has undertaken to rebuil
foundations of law and " to oppose the devastating results of th
sided rule of reason. It emphasizes the worth of the soul, of f
of common sense, and of trust in God," but recognizes that a
between soul and intelligence alone corresponds to the German
In its task of legal reform it aims to produce a synthesis of th
forces. The new order must express the totality of the Volksg

" Ganzheit." 5

Relation of State and Law.-The fundamental principles underlying

National Socialist legal thought may now be clearly determined. Its
basic premise of a racially conditioned law is carried to a logical conclusion
in its doctrines as to the relation of State and law, of statute and custom.
The denunciation of the Roman law as the mere command of an irre-

sponsible, sovereign State may come as a surprise unless it be recalled that

the " authoritarian, totalitarian " National Socialist State is justified b

its defenders as having a more genuinely popular basis than the libera
democratic regime which it supplanted.6 Since law is the product of t

social instinct, it cannot have its source in the will of the State. Law is

2 Schmelzeisen, op. cit., pp. 21-3.

' Ibid., p. 5.
' Ibid., p. 23.
5 Ibid., p. I56 See the speech by Dr. Dietrich (Reichspresschef der NSDAP) at the Reichsparteitag, Niirnberg, August 31, 1933. V5lkischer Beobachter, September 2, 1933.
1 Op. cit., p. 27.

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what is " right " (richtig), and is not created by command. A

can issue orders and enforce them, but it cannot make them law
(Recht).1 " Law," Reichsminister der Justiz Dr. Gtirtner states, " cannot
be invented or devised; one cannot renew it in the sense that one
can renew the facade of a building. For law has the force of its validity
only outwardly in the authority of the legislator-that is, only in so

far as the State by intervening can enforce its validity. The vital
root of law, however, reaches down into the secret depths of the
popular conscience and thence supplies it with its inner validity and


The normal legal rule, therefore, is found in customary law, which is a

direct expression of the legal conscience of the people. The State, as an

external political organization, merely " formulates and administers the
law in that it expresses in statute (Gesetz) what it perceives to be law
(Recht)." ' The function of the legislator is to " investigate the law and
to establish by statute what it has found to be the living law of the
people." 4 " The legislator cannot create law arbitrarily out of nothing,
but can only find and form the law living in the legal conscience of the
people and sanction it through the coercive power of the State .
Statutes are mere technical aids for the realization of the idea of law." 5
They are necessary only because the popular conscience, which leads
unerringly to legally correct conclusions in fundamental and general
matters, is not sufficiently " detailed " for the solution of the numerous
1 Nicolai, op. cit., pp. 9, 24 ff. See Max Rumpf, " Richter und Volksgemein-

schaft," Deutsche Juristen-Zeitung, March 15, 1934, P. 382.

2 " Zur Erneuerung des deutschen Rechts," Deutsche Justiz, Rechtspflege und
Rechtspolitik, November 9, 1933, p. 622.
3 Nicolai, op. cit., p. 32.
4 Schmelzeisen, op. cit., p. 38.
" According to their inner nature, there is no opposition between statute and
customary law. Both are only forms of expression of the law flowing from the
spirit of the people. There exists an opposition only in their external relationship,
in so far as in statute the manifestation of law proceeds from above through the
legislator as the leader of the people, while (in customary law), on the other hand,
it comes from below through the people itself." Ibid., pp. 37, 38.
5 Nicolai, op. cit., p. 33.

On the position of the judiciary in the National Socialist State, see Richard

Hoffmann (Landgerichtsprdsident, Berlin), " Recht und Richter im neuen Staat,"

V6lkischer Beobachter, July 12, 1933.
In a speech delivered on November 21, 1933, Herr Greiser, Vice-President of the

Senate of Danzig, stated: " Although National-Socialism has to-day attained

power, the legal position for which we National-Socialists are contending has not
yet been created. Our struggle does not cease with the modification of Roman law :
it can cease only when Teutonic law has taken the place of Roman law. . . . The

issue of the present struggle is whether the objectivity of the judges is to remain the

supreme legal consideration. . . . In the totalitarian National-Socialist State, the

subjective law of the National-Socialist State must take the place of objective law,
since the National-Socialist outlook is not based upon objective treatment but on
subjective assent. The National-Socialist State must have National-Socialist law."

League of Nations Official Journal, March 1934, p. 291.

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technical, administrative and procedural questions which arise in t

many-sided life of the modern State.'

From the above premises it follows that the State is subordinated

law (Recht) and that all its measures in violation of this law lack obligato

force. Judged by this standard, the " November Revolution " of 1

was a breach of law in that it was contrary to the " Germanic legal
of loyalty and honour." 2 The Republic, therefore, was based upon
usurpation of power, and its " anti-national" agreements and enact
ments in violation of " the principles of liberty," such as the Treaty

Versailles and the Law for the Protection of the Republic, are not legally

or morally binding upon the German people.3 The Government of t

Second Reich must be viewed as a de facto regime, and only such of

acts are valid as have been recognized by the legitimate National Socialist
Government as being in conformity with the richtiges Recht.4

Influence of Racial Theory upon National Socialist Legislation.-In

any attempt to assess the actual influence of the racial theory upo

National Socialist legislation, difficult questions as to cause and effect ar

at once encountered. The dogma of Aryan or Nordic supremacy is its

in large part, a positive expression of the antisemitism which

characterized the National Socialist movement since its incepti

Translated to the legal sphere, it is as much a rationalization of antipath

to institutions deemed contrary to the principles of National Sociali

as it is a positive theory of German law. National Socialism, by defi

tion, is the movement which formulates and expresses the German spiri
in all cultural and social fields, including that of the law. Therefore, any

elements of a legal system which do not accord with National Social

views are non-German and " volksfremd." The " German law " of
race theoricians is National Socialist law, and everything else is con
demned as " Roman " or " Jewish." The rassengesetzliche Rechtsleh
ostensibly pursues the historical method, but no real effort is made
I Nicolai, op. cit., pp. 31, 32 ; Schmelzeisen, op. cit., pp. 37, 38.

2 Nicolai, op. cit., pp. 34, 35.

3 Ibid., pp. 50 ff.
" War," Nicolai states (ibid., p. 44), " is no arbitrary act but a legal act throu
which peoples settle their claims to life." War is the " chivalrous and honourabl

composition of a legal claim which two peoples make to life. For the Roman co

ception that any frontier, any settlement whatever, might have an unchanged dur
tion of centuries, was alien to the German conception. Peoples rise and pass awa

they increase and extend themselves if their vital force is unbroken ; they de
and perish if their moral force does not suffice to maintain their existence and
master the future. The strong, however, has a right as against the weak; he ha
claim that the weak make room for him and yield him land where he can settle

gain for his posterity a place for living. But honourable struggle decides a

strength, and Fate decides whom the victor is, whom the victor must be. There

lies the divine justice which in the end claims the victory for the valiant and forcef
The German piously bows to the decision of Fate if the stronger opponent conqu

him-if, however, the victor treats the honourably defeated foe in a chivalr
manner." Ibid., p. 9g.
4 Ibid., p. 53.

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discover and to isolate the Germanic and Roman elements of the p

legal system. Painful and exhaustive research should precede

enunciation of a theory which purports to interpret the whole o

history. In its place, we find only sweeping and unsupported dog
affirmation. The point de depart is the National Socialist progra
what agrees with it is " German," what does not is " Jewish-Ro

It is admitted that not all of the legal institutions of the primitive Ger
can be transplanted to the present.2 In practice, this would seem to m

that the " spirit " which is conceived to have dominated ancient G
legal life must be made to pervade the law of the National Socia

State." The solidaristic aspects of German law are emphasized

one hears little of its no less prominent individualistic and anar

elements-private enforcement of rights, the Fehde, the Blut

which would hardly consist with the National Socialist " aut

tarianism " of the present. " Loyalty to the gods, to the ancesto
one's own kind, to labour for the existence of the generation and
Volk, loyalty before all to the rights, but also to the obligations w
every member of the Volk had to fulfil in the service of the wh
these are the watchwords of Germanic law, and, therefore, of Na
Socialism.4 It would probably be more accurate to say that they ar
expression of qualities with which the ancient German has been r
actively endowed. His portrait, as painted by National Socialist h
bears obvious resemblances to that of Rousseau's " noble savage,"
does as much violence to the original.

Whether or not there is any real historical link between Germ

and National Socialist Law, there is an evident connexion betwee
race theory and a number of the most important legislative acts

during the first year of the present regime.5 The laws providing for

1 An example of the National Socialist tendency to " Aryanize " or " Ger
ize" all that it does not wish to reject as " non-Aryan" or " Jewish" is fo
the following statement: " The Saviour Jesus Christ could never have been

by race on account of his personality and teaching, which are Aryan-heroic t

and through." Arthur Dinter, " Die Rassen- und Judenfrage im Lichte des G
christentums," in Das neue Deutschland und die Judenfrage, 1933, p. 1o3.
2 Schmelzeisen, op. cit., p. 33.

3 " The struggle to-day is directed less against the remains of objective R
law than against the spirit created by century-long preoccupation with the

law." Reichsjustizkommissar Dr. Frank; Address to the Akademie filr deu

Recht, December 3, 1933, quoted, ibid., p. 344 Nicolai, op. cit., p. 17.

5 Points 4 and 6 of the " Programme of the N.S.D.A.P." provide that "
one who is a Volksgenosse may be a citizen of the State (Staatsbiirger). On
who is of German blood can be a Volksgenosse, without reference to conf
Therefore, no Jew can be a Volksgenosse. . . . The right to determine the lea
and laws of the State shall belong only to citizens of the State. Therefo

demand that every public office, of whatever kind and whether it be in Reich
or Gemeinde, be filled only by citizens of the State."
See Reichsminister Dr. Frick, " Die Rassenfrage in der deutschen Gesetzge
Deutsche Juristen-Zeitung, January I, 1934, pp. 1-6.

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exclusion of " non-Aryans " from public office I and from the high

fessions,' and for restricting their attendance in the schools,3 are ju

on the ground that the development of true German Volkstum is po

only in a State which excludes all persons of alien blood from p

of influence and assures to the higher racial elements a predom
importance in the formation of the national life and character.
ceived, the race legislation is merely an elementary act of self-d

German life, it is said, must be reformed according to the German

and it is prerequisite to the fulfilment of this task that the alien in

which has distorted and stifled it be eliminated. As a corol

the existing legislation, it is demanded that the purity of the

protected penally through the prohibition of all future interm

with non-Aryan peoples.6 This demand has been given co

form in a proposal of the Prussian Ministry of Justice tha
new offences be created: " race treason " (Rasseverrat), " vi
of the honour of the race " (Verletzung der Rassenehre) an
dangering of the race " (Rassengefdhrdung).6 It seems alto

probable that this proposal will be adopted by the committee

is now engaged in preparing the project for a new penal code

1 By the " Gesetz zur Wiederherstellung des Berufbeamtentums vom 7

1933 " (Reichsgesetzblatt, I, 175, ?3), it is provided that officials not of "
derivation " are to be retired. A person " is not deemed to be an Aryan
descended from non-Aryan, and especially Jewish, parents or grandpa
suffices if one parent or grandparent is non-Aryan. This is especially to be
if one parent or grandparent has belonged to the Jewish religion." " Er
ordnung zur Durchfiihrung des Gesetzes zur Wiederherstellung des Ber
tentums vom II, April 1933 " (RGB1. I, 195, ? 3). A person who is non-A
who is married to a non-Aryan may not be called to public office under th
and any person marrying a non-Aryan is to be dismissed. " Gesetz zur An
von Vorschriften auf dem Gebiete des allgemeinen Beamten-, des Besoldu

des Versorgungsgesetz vom 30, Juni 1933 " (RGBI. I, 433).

2 See, for example, the " Gesetz fiber die Zulassung zur Rechtsanwal
vom 7, April 1933 " (RGBI. I, ?? 1, (2), and " Gesetz betr. die Zulassung zur

Patentanwaltschaft und zur Rechtsanwaltschaft vom 22, April 1933 " (RGBI.
I, 217, ? I).
, " Gesetz gegen die Uberfullung deutscher Schulen und Hochschulen vom 25,
April 1933 " (RGBl. I, 225, ? 4).
See also the " Gesetz fiber Widerruf von Einbiirgerungen und die Aberkennung
der deutschen Staatsangeh6rigkeit " vom 17, Juli 1933 (RGBl. I, 480, ?? I, 2), which
provides for the revocation of all naturalizations effected between November 9,
I918 and January 30, 1933 which are deemed not to be " desirable," and for the

forfeiture of the nationality of German citizens who injure German interests through

their conduct abroad. These provisions have been applied almost exclusively to

4 See, for example, the statement of Reichminister Dr. Frick, quoted in the

Jiidische Rundschau, December 8, 1933.

5 For example, in Hitler, Mein Kampf, p. 445 ; Ernst von Heydebrand und der
Lasa, Deutsche Rechtserneuerung aus dem Geiste des Nationalsozialismus, 1933, 29 ff. ;
Nicolai, op. cit., pp. 45, 46 ; Schmelzeisen, op. cit., pp. 25, 26.
6 Nationalsozialistisches Strafrecht : Denkschrift des preussischen Justizministers,
1933, PP. 47-9.

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Reich.' It would be the logical completion of the po

legislation already in force.
Conclusion.--A detailed criticism of the theory of law
does not fall within the scope of the present article, an
legal history, might seem a work of supererogation
is to be gained by an attempt at refutation of a concep
dogmas which are accepted as articles of faith, for
determinist not only " feels " his law, but his race a
gesetzliche Rechtslehre, as expounded by Dr. Nicolai,
pagandist doctrine in which full advantage is taken
values contained in the appeal to race, tradition and
pathy to the alien. It is but another illustration of the
of propagandist movements to paint everything in
without intervening shades. A National Socialist di
virtues and benefits of the present regime is inevitably
denunciation of the incredible weakness and the aby
its predecessor. A parallel method is followed in th
described. It differs only in that the " Jewish comm
democrat " has been replaced, as the villain of the dram
Roman " jurist. The doctrine that law must be suit

characteristics of a people is valid beyond dispu

Socialist formulation it is no more sound than the

racial determinism upon which it is based.

1 For the composition of the committee, see the " Amtlic

des Reichsjustizministers (Dr. Franz Giirtner), Deutsche Jus

p. 622.
On the question of the dissolution of mixed marriages betwe

see Heinrich Stoll, " Die Aufl6sungeiner Mischehe," Deuts

May I, 1934, PP. 561-70.
2 Thus one writer has stated: " The extent to which the science of race has

already caught up to the actuality and significance of race, is not a decisive question.
Race reveals itself as might operating through an order of life, through behaviour,
intention and history-which is disclosed through instinct, vital feeling, evident fact

and the immediate experience of life.... " Ernst Krieck, Nationalpolitische

Erziehung (7, u. 8 Aufl., 1933), P. 27.

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