Chem 3830 Lab Manual - 2008

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The University of Lethbridge




Profs. P. G. Hayes, Ren Boer & Michael Gerken

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry


Chem 3830 Laboratory



Sept. 4


Sept. 5
No Lab period

Sept. 9
Last class before add/drop

Sept. 11

Sept. 16

Sept. 18

Sept. 23

Sept. 25

Sept. 12
Lab Introduction, Check-in
Spectroscopy Lecture
Sept. 19
Sept. 26

Sept. 30

Oct. 3

Oct. 2

Lab 1a

Midterm #1
Oct. 7

Oct. 9

Oct. 10
Lab 1b

Oct. 14

Oct. 16

Oct. 17
Lab 2a

Oct. 21

Oct. 23

Oct. 24
Lab 2b

Oct. 30

Oct. 28

Oct. 31

Midterm #2
Nov. 4

Lab 3a
Nov. 6

Nov. 7
Lab 3b

Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual


Chem 3830 Laboratory

Nov. 11
Last Class before
Withdrawal deadline

Nov. 13

Nov. 18

Nov. 20

Nov. 14
Lab 4a
Nov. 21
Lab 4b

Nov. 25

Nov. 28

Nov. 27
Midterm #3

Lab cleanup & checkout

Dec. 2

Dec. 4
Last Day of Class

Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual

Dec. 12
Final Exam



Chem 3830 Laboratory

Table of Contents



Laboratory Operation and Evaluation


General Laboratory Procedures


Safety Precautions


Safety Consent Form


Part I - Glassblowing Course


Part II Group 13 and 14 Compounds


Part III Group 15 and 16 Compounds


Part IV Group 17 and Compounds


Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual



Chem 3830 Laboratory

Expt. No.

Experiment Title


Part II - Group 13 and 14 Compounds





Electrochemical Synthesis of the Hexabromodigallate(II) ion

Pre-lab exercise


Inorganic Polymers: Preparation of Silicone Oligomers and Polymers

Pre-lab exercise


Vacuum-line Preparation and IR Spectroscopic Characterization of Germane, GeH4

Pre-lab exercise


The Influence of Oxidation State on the Electronegativity of Tin

Pre-lab exercise


Part III - Group 15 and 16 Compounds


Grignard Synthesis of Tetramethyldiphosphinedisulfide

Pre-lab exercise

Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual






Chem 3830 Laboratory

A Stable Inorganic Radical: 4-phenyl-1,2,3,5-dithiadiazolyl and Its Dimer

Pre-lab exercise
EPR spectrum
Mass spectrum


Synthesis of Dinitrogen and Allotopes of Phosphorous

Pre-lab exercise


Reactivity of Dioxygen and Allotropes of Sulfur

Pre-lab exercise


Part IV - Group 17 Compounds


Halide Ions as Ligands: Preparation and Characterization of Hexahalogenotellurates(IV)

Pre-lab exercise


Covalent and Ionic Derivatives of Iodine in the +1 Oxidation State

Pre-lab exercise


Synthesis and Properties of the Halogens

Pre-lab exercise



Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual



Chem 3830 Laboratory


Hydrofluoric acid

Molar Mass (g/mol)

Molarity (M)





















































Hydrochloric acid
Hydrobromic acid
Hydroiodic acid
Perchloric acid
Sulfuric acid
Nitric acid
Phosphoric acid
Acetic acid
* aliquot = mL of reagent which dilutes to 1L of 1M solution

Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual


Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual

Chem 3830 Laboratory


Laboratory Operation and Evaluation

Laboratory operation and evaluation

Dress code:
In a chemistry laboratory, firm footwear and long pants that cover the entire leg must be
worn at all times. Shorts, skirts, and sandals are not permitted, since they do not provide
protection from spills. In addition, a lab coat and safety glasses (contact lenses are not permitted)
must always be worn in the lab. You will not be allowed to proceed with the experiment if you
are not following these safety guidelines (and the ones listed in section C). The dress code will
be strictly enforced. You are responsible if you lose precious time and cannot complete
experiments because of inappropriate attire.
(a) Complete the glassblowing course (Part I).
(b) Complete a total of 3 experiments (2 weeks each) as follows (Please note that Experiments 7
and 8 must be performed as a pair (1 week each), and together constitute 1 of the 3 experiments
which must be conducted. In addition, if you elect to perform experiments 7 and 8 you must
submit a lab report for each experiment):
One experiment from each of Parts II, III and IV
Students will work in pairs, but must submit independent reports. Any evidence of
passing-on portions of reports (including those from previous years), either between partners,
or to others, will be treated as plagiarism and individuals will be prosecuted according to the
rules of the University. There is a zero tolerance policy for any kind of plagiarism, duplication
or cheating. Shared work in the pre-lab exercises is, however, permitted (though not required).
Beyond this proviso, the utmost cooperation and collegiality in the laboratory portion of this
course is strongly encouraged.
The lab is worth 30% of the total grade for Chem 3830. These 30 points are broken down
as follows:
Pre-lab exercises and pre-lab discussion
Laboratory reports and results
Laboratory notebook
Instructor's evaluation

5 pts
16 pts
4 pts
5 pts
30 pts

Parts I, II, III and IV carry equal value toward the total.
Note: All experiments must be performed (and submitted before the end of the course) in order to
pass. A grade of 50% constitutes a pass.
The pre-lab exercise must be completed in writing in the laboratory notebook at the start of each
experiment record, AND be discussed orally with the instructor in the assigned groups no later
Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual



Laboratory Operation and Evaluation

than the morning before the laboratory period. A student who has not done so will be barred
from the lab during that afternoon. In the pre-lab discussion each student will be asked about
specific safety issues, the experimental procedure, anticipated time management and the
theoretical background of the experiment.
The instructor's evaluation will be based on an assessment of the student's advance preparation
and understanding of the experiment, industry, laboratory technique, safety consciousness,
consideration of others, cleanliness and tidiness, and the quality of the results. A sample of each
synthesized compound must be available for examination by the instructor.
Laboratory Notebook
A complete and accurate record is an essential part of chemical research. Although your
Chemistry 3830 notebook is not a record of original research, an important objective of this
laboratory is to provide training in keeping a research notebook. The record of any experiment
should be sufficiently clear that another chemist reading it could understand exactly what was
done, what results were obtained and, if necessary, repeat the work exactly as it was done. Your
notebook will be judged primarily on how well it meets these criteria. Clarity and completeness
are more important than neatness (although it must still be legible). It is not necessary to adhere
to any particular format or organization as long as sufficient detail is provided. It is very
important to write down what you do as you do it. Likewise, any observations should be
recorded immediately it is not acceptable to fill in your lab book after completing the entire
experiment! It should also be noted that while the pre-lab exercises are both beneficial and
mandatory, it is not acceptable to pre-record your intended experimental protocol. Changes in
method are frequent, and readily forgotten when one has filled in a lab book prior to actually
performing the experiment. In addition, this is very bad practice for those who will someday
partake in original research where it is essential to write things down as they are done.
A bound, hard cover, lined notebook is required. Spiral or loose-leaf notebooks are
unacceptable. The pages should be numbered consecutively and some blank pages left at the
beginning for a table of contents. Begin each experiment on a new page and write only in blue
or black ink. If you have read the entire procedure in advance you will have some idea how
much information is to be recorded. Leave sufficient space to record the experiment on
consecutive pages. Each experiment should be dated. When the experiment extends over more
than one laboratory period, a date should be entered at the beginning of the entries for each
separate day's work or observations. (See Figure I-1.)
Include a short tabulation of the physical and chemical data of the compounds you are
using, i.e. b.p. (remember to correct for altitude), m.p. (remember this is always a range),
solubility, etc. (consult the CRC Handbook or the Merck Index for this information). Important
equations (e.g. those developed for the pre-labs) should be included as well. All data are to be
recorded directly into the laboratory notebook at the time they are obtained. Do not write data on

Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual



Laboratory Operation and Evaluation

a loose piece of paper for later copying. Nothing should ever be erased or removed from the
notebook. If you make an incorrect entry, draw a line through the mistake and add a correction.
The laboratory notebook is also a good place to write down your thoughts and
speculations as to the progress of your experiments. You may wish to include alternate methods
and techniques in order to better achieve the end result. Finally, include any notes that may aid
you in understanding and writing up the experiment (e.g. structures, references, equations, etc.).
When writing scientifically (e.g. in your notebook) it is important to avoid first and second
person (I, you, we, us, our). Also, your lab notebook should be written in past tense (unlike
Figure I-1).
In summary, always include (as a minimum):
1) Date
2) A reference for the experiment, if one exists
3) A balanced equation with expected product
4) Weights, volumes and moles of reagents used
5) Estimated volumes used for solvents for all steps of a reaction (including
6) Time between each manipulation or observation. Time of day works well.
7) Detailed observations, including, but not limited to, colour change, precipitate
formation, gas evolution, exothermicity, etc.
8) Yield (Total and for each crop (when applicable))
9) A table of contents in the front of your book (reserve 5 10 pages for this) keep it
up to date
10) Key data collected (elemental analysis, IR peaks, NMR interpretation)
11) General conclusions reached

Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual



Laboratory Operation and Evaluation

Figure I-1 Sample of notebook page

Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual



Laboratory Operation and Evaluation

Laboratory Reports
You will be required to provide a short typed report on every experiment you perform.
These reports should not be a regurgitation of the information provided in the laboratory manual,
but rather a concise summary of the results obtained. Two or three pages will usually be
A lab report should start with a title and a brief introduction, giving a short description
of the background that is necessary to understand the goal of the experiment. A concise
description of the experimental procedure (reference to the lab manual is not enough),
including simple observations, such as times, colour changes, clarity, yield, melting points
(remember clear and colourless are not the same concepts) is crucial. Always specify the number
of moles of reactants, reaction conditions. A simple sketch of the apparatus is frequently useful.
In the results and discussion section, discuss yields of products, melting points, and present and
discuss (analyze) spectral results. References to background information, mechanisms, spectral
or structural interpretation or any physical data, etc. should be included. The references should
be listed under a separate heading at the end of the report, in the order in which they were cited.
The format for such references varies from journal to journal; use the style of the American
Chemical Society (i.e. J. Am. Chem. Soc.).
A key part of your write-up is your response to the points raised at the end of each experiment.
The ideal case is to include them in your discussion, but do not forget to answer all of them. If
you so choose, you can address each question separately after the general results and discussion
section. These questions are designed to probe your understanding of the chemistry involved;
you may well have to consult the literature cited in the manual in order to find an answer. One or
more questions on the final exam will probably be lifted from the material covered in the
laboratory, so you are advised to study these points carefully.
Each report will be due one week after the completion of the experiment late reports will be
docked 10% per calendar day. Hard copies must be handed directly to your instructor at the
beginning of the lab period. In addition, electronic copies of lab reports must be submitted to the
lab coordinator prior to the start of the next lab period. It is important to remember that you
must pass the laboratory component of Chem 3830 in order to receive credit for the course,
regardless of your overall average. Likewise, all lab reports must be submitted (even if late) to
pass the laboratory component (and thus, the entire course). For "security" reasons the reports
will not be returned to you until the last week of classes (feedback will be provided prior to this
point). Your grades, however, will usually be available one week after submission of the reports.
Your lab note-books will be examined periodically during the lab periods and at the end of the

Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual



Laboratory Operation and Evaluation

General Tips for Lab Reports

Use scientific units of time (minutes, hours, days, etc.). Overnight is not an acceptable
period of time.
Use appropriate American Chemical Society (ACS) style abbreviations: mg, g, mL, L, etc.
Use significant figures.
Report yields in both g and %.
Melting points should always be reported as a range (mp xx-yy C) or (mp xx-yy C, dec).
NMR: 1H (C6D6, -35 C): 2.08 (s, 9H, SiMe3), 1.16 (d, 4JPH = 2.5 Hz, 9H, SiMe3), 0.32
(d, J = 7.2 Hz, 9H, CHMe2).
Avoid vague comments give specific details, such as temperature, colour change, time,
etc. whenever possible.
If equations are inserted into the text, place them at the end of the first paragraph which
mentions them.
Number compounds, figures, schemes, etc. in the order they first appear in the text.
Make a list of all remarkable or noteworthy results. Then go back and discuss each, trying
to put it into perspective with known chemistry.
Reserve broad, sweeping statements for the conclusions (or omit them completely).
This should be an analysis of the content of the experiment, focusing on implications and
putting the work into perspective.
Pay close attention to tenses. Use past tense for results which pertain to experiments and
descriptions of results obtained. When describing spectral data, use present tense (the
spectrum reveals).
Do not use first and second person (I, you, we, us, our).

Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual



Laboratory Operation and Evaluation

Miscellaneous Writing Tips:

Formulas are not nouns. (A resonance for the Me group rather than A resonance for
Use exhibits or displays rather than shows.
Within the text of the report, use numbers with units of times or measure (4 h, 8 g). For
all else, use word for numbers less than 10 and numbers for 10 and above.
Use a semicolon between independent clauses joined by conjunctive adverbs such as
that is, however, thus and therefore (the intermediate is not easily observed;
therefore, the final product is observed initially).
Always begin a sentence with a word. Do not begin a sentence with a number or
chemical formula.
Always use complete sentences, even in the experimental section.
Common Abbreviations (as per the ACS format, unless noted, no periods are used):
av average
min minutes
mL milliliters
mmol millimoles
ca. approximately
mp melting point
cf. compare
temp temperature
day do not abbreviate
s seconds
dec decomposition
THF tetrahydrofuran
equiv equivalent(s)
TMS do not use; SiMe4 or SiMe3
eq equation
pyr pyridine
g grams
vs. versus
h hours
Your instructor appreciates feed-back and constructive criticism regarding the operation
of the laboratory and the design and effectiveness of the experiments. Suggestions are welcome.

Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual



General Laboratory Procedures

General Laboratory Procedures

Safety Equipment
The safe operation of any chemical laboratory is dependent upon the extent to which
adequate safety measures are observed and practiced. As such, always be safety minded. This
means that every student must do all they can to prevent accidents in their own work and they
must be prepared for accidents by knowing in advance what emergency aids are available and
how to use these aids.
The laboratory is equipped with several types of safety and first aid equipment. It is
essential that you become familiar with the location and operation of these tools.
There is an emergency deluge shower located in each laboratory. These are for
use when corrosive liquids have spilled over large areas of clothes and skin, or when
clothing is on fire.
Eye Wash Station
Each laboratory is equipped with an eye wash station. These stations
dispense tempered (luke-warm) water and provide thorough irrigation of the eyes and
face in the event a person is splashed with an irritating chemical. The contaminated body
part should be rinsed for a minimum of 15 minutes.
Fire Extinguisher
Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are in each laboratory. Know the
location of these and how to operate them. They are very effective for fires involving
organic liquids and electrical fires. Sand pails should be utilized for metal (e.g. sodium or
potassium) fires. If a fire extinguisher is used even momentarily it must be given to the
laboratory coordinator for recharging. Small fires in test tubes, beakers, etc. can usually
be smothered by covering with a watch glass.
Use of Time
The efficient use of time is an asset not only to a student, but especially to a researcher.
Plan your experiments so that you will profitably use time which would otherwise be spent
watching, e.g. a distillation, a sublimation or a non-hazardous reaction that need not be attended.
This course allows some latitude in the planning of experiments and you should be constantly
looking for opportunities to use the available time effectively. Remember, if you manage to
finish an experiment early you are free to leave.

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General Laboratory Procedures

Cleanliness next to Godliness. Since most of the experiments will involve the use of equipment
which other students will use during the course, it is absolutely essential that all equipment be
left in good condition at the end of each period. Any equipment which is broken should be
reported to the instructor immediately so that a replacement may be found in time for the next
class. Wash bottles of detergent, alcohol and acetone are provided at each sink, as well as
scrubbers, sponges and rubber gloves. If you have particular difficulty cleaning a dirty piece of
glassware, notify the lab supervisor. Since there are a variety of communal areas which make it
difficult for the instructor to establish who is responsible for a given mess, the entire class will
lose 10% of the value of their lab report if the laboratory is not left in satisfactory condition!
Balances and weighing
A great many experiments in chemistry involve weighing at some stage. Much time can
be wasted during weighing procedures, and one of the biggest time wasters is the habit of
weighing to a degree of accuracy in excess of the requirements of the experiment.
For synthetic work, including parts of most of the experiments in this course, weighing to
0.1 g or 0.01 g is quite sufficient. Only for analytical work, such as in the characterization of
some of the compounds prepared in this course, is greater accuracy required, on the order of
0.001 g or 0.0001 g.
Even if weighing is only carried out to the required degree of accuracy, time can be
wasted in the actual process, and unless some method is used whereby weighing is carried out
rapidly, many experiments cannot be done in the time normally available.
At no time are chemicals to be weighed directly onto the pans of the ANALYTICAL
BALANCES. These include all the balances located in the balance room (D-745), as well as
those in D770. All of these balances will be irreparably damaged by exposure to the kinds of
chemicals you will be handling in this laboratory. For synthetic work, you will use only the
top-loading balances located in the lab (D-776). Please do not disturb other classes by queuing
up at the balances located in their labs. Should you require a more accurate measurement than
allowed by the top-loaders, follow the method of weighing by difference described in the
following paragraphs. Although they are more robust, even the top-loading balances are
susceptible to corrosion. Make it a practice to clean up any spilled chemicals on or around the
balances immediately! Balances used in these laboratories (all types) cost between $2000 and
$4000, and must be treated with utmost respect.
Accurate weighing technique: weighing by difference
To weigh an accurate amount of solid (i.e. to the nearest 0.001 g or better), place a
weighing bottle (and cap) on a balance, tare it, remove the bottle from the balance, and place an
estimated amount of material into the bottle. If the solid contains large crystals or lumps it should
be lightly ground in a mortar before weighing.

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General Laboratory Procedures

The weighing bottle (with contents) is now capped, wiped clean and weighed using the
correct procedure on the analytical balance (if the weight is significantly different from desired,
remove the bottle from the balance and repeat the above procedure until close (but there is no
need to be exact)). Immediately record the weight in your notebook.
Return to the lab, and tip the solid into your flask, vessel or whatever is suitable, no
attempt being made to remove the traces of solid which will cling to the weighing bottle. Return
to the balance room and re-weigh the nearly empty bottle accurately. The loss in weight is the
accurate weight of solid taken. This avoids the rather awkward process of washing all of the
solid from the bottle and is quicker and more accurate.
This method is often used, as it is rarely necessary to weigh out an exact amount. It is
bad practice to weigh out, for example, 1.25 g of a solid to make an exact 0.10 M solution. It is
better to use the above method, finish up with a weight of 1.32 g and express the solution as:
(1.32 g/12.6 L) M = 0.105 M
This avoids the very messy practice of adding and removing odd crystals to try to get an exact
By using the above method it is never necessary to have any loose chemicals near a
balance, as only a closed bottle is used on the balance.
Setting up apparatus
When ground-glass joints are used, it is not necessary to lubricate them except when high
temperatures or vacuum are involved or an inert atmosphere is required. If a joint becomes
seized, try the following methods of loosening it: (a) rock the cone in the socket, (b) tap the joint
gently with a block of wood, (c) warm the joint in a small flame, then tap gently, (d) soak the
joint in penetrating oil, then try tapping. A common cause of seizure is a caustic alkali. Try to
keep alkalis off the ground-glass, and if they do get on it, wash thoroughly as soon as possible.
Seizures can usually be avoided by dismantling the apparatus immediately after use. Where
required, the procedures call for lubricating the joints with silicone grease ("high vacuum
grease"). CAUTION: silicone grease may cause corneal damage. In order to avoid accidental
transfer of grease to your eyes, be sure to thoroughly wash with soap and water to remove
residual silicone grease from your skin.
Care should always be taken, when glass apparatus is set up, to avoid strain. It is best to
start with one piece, and build from there. Take a distillation apparatus as an example:

Lightly clamp the flask at a height convenient for heating,

Attach the still-head, screw-cap adapter and thermometer (no more clamps are needed for

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General Laboratory Procedures

Attach the rubber tubing to the condenser, then position a clamp and stand so that the
condenser will rest on the lower, fixed, side of the clamp. Attach the condenser to the
still-head, and clamp lightly,
Attach and support the receiver adapter and the receiver.

A similar procedure should be followed for the other assemblies.

Notes on individual assemblies
Reflux Clamp the flask and the condenser. If an air condenser is used, clamp it at the top.

Use a vented receiver adapter in the following circumstances:

if a noxious gas or vapour is given off, and must be led off by rubber tubing to an
absorption apparatus or a sink,
if an inflammable vapour is given off (for example in ether distillation), and must
be led off by rubber tubing to below bench level.
Where an air condenser is specified, it is frequently adequate to attach the receiver
adapter directly to the still-head.

Fractional distillation
Clamp the fractionating column only at the top. If a column is not
available, a vertical air condenser or an ordinary condenser with an empty jacket can be
used instead, though it will be less efficient.
Gas evolution A 250 mL flask, with a B24 joint, and a 100 mL dropping funnel are satisfactory
for most purposes. If these are not available, it is convenient to prepare a number of
standard rubber stoppers, each carrying a dropping funnel and a delivery tube, which will
fit 250 mL wide-necked flasks.
Gas drying If ground-glass jointed apparatus is not available, a 250 mL conical flask with a
rubber stopper is perfectly adequate.
Gas absorption
If it is necessary to dissolve a gas in a liquid, the best method is to use a
Bchner flask fitted with a wide glass tube in a rubber stopper. This overcomes the
'suck-back' problem by equalizing the internal pressure with that of the atmosphere.
Use of corks Even when apparatus with ground-glass joints is normally used, there are still
occasions when corks are required. For efficiency corks must be rolled before use, and
bored with care. A cork of the correct size should only just go into the neck of the flask.
Soften it by rolling between the fingers, or between sheets of paper on the bench. Never
try to roll a cork which already has a hole in it; it will almost certainly split.
To bore a cork, or a rubber stopper, choose a sharp borer slightly smaller than the
tube or thermometer which is to go into the hole. Hold the cork in the hand, and push and
rotate the borer until the hole is approximately half way through it. Now reverse the cork,
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General Laboratory Procedures

and continue boring from the other end until the holes meet in the middle. Now use a
rat-tailed file to increase the size of the hole until the tube or thermometer fits it with
gentle pushing, but with no strain. Place the cork on the file, and rotate it with the hand or
on the bench; do not use a sawing action as this will cause an eccentric hole which is
likely to leak.
When inserting tubes or thermometers into holes in corks, it is an advantage to
moisten them with a little ethanol as a temporary lubricant. If a cork becomes stuck to a
tube or a thermometer during use, it is best to cut it off, rather than risk breakage. The
majority of cuts which occur in the laboratory happen when pushing tubes through, or
removing them from, corks.
Reflux and distillation
Unlike ionic reactions, which are frequently extremely rapid, reactions between covalent
substances tend to be slow. Particularly in main-group and organometallic reactions, it may be
necessary to keep a reaction mixture hot for a matter of hours. This, coupled with the fact that
volatile and inflammable solvents must be employed, makes it necessary for special equipment
to be used.

The use of a reflux condenser is often necessary. It is used whenever a reaction mixture
has to be kept boiling for an appreciable time and the solvent is volatile. A water
condenser may be used for solvents boiling up to approximately 130 C, and for higher
boiling-point solvents an air condenser is adequate. The flask must never be filled more
than half way; the size of flask should therefore be chosen by consideration of the total
volume of the reaction mixture. A boiling stone or similar substance should be used to
promote even boiling for all reflux procedures which do not employ magnetic stirring.
The object of the apparatus is to keep the solution hot without loss of solvent. It is
pointless to boil violently; the heating should be controlled so that the solution is merely
simmering. The flask may be heated by an electric heating mantle controlled by a
Variac (NEVER plug a heating mantle directly into an electrical outlet!), or by using
an oil bath on an electric hot plate.

The purpose of distillation is to purify a liquid, or to remove a solvent from a

solution. The flask must never be more than half full, a boiling stone or magnetic stirring
must always be used, and the choice of condenser is the same as for reflux work. The
heating of the flask may be accomplished using any of the usual means. Purification of a
liquid by distillation is best performed at a rate not exceeding 2 drops of distillate per
second. Alternatively, removing a large quantity of solvent may be done much more

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General Laboratory Procedures

Fractional distillation
The purpose of fractional distillation is to separate two liquids of
different boiling-point. As with other forms of distillation, the flask must never be more
than half full, and a boiling stone or magnetic stirring must always be used. In order to
get good separation of the liquids, it is essential that the distillation be carried out very
slowly. The slower the distillation, the better the separation. A rate of 1 drop of distillate
per second should be the aim.
Since the efficiency of the process depends on the fractionating column reaching
thermal equilibrium (there should be a gradual increase in temperature from the top to the
bottom of the column), best results are obtained if drafts are excluded. In addition, the
source of heat should be steady.
Use of the separatory funnel
The separatory funnel is used for several important processes. Unless care is taken, its use
can be one of the major causes of mechanical loss. The choice of size is particularly important
and, as with flasks in distillation, the smallest which will properly do the job, is best.
Separating two immiscible liquids The liquid mixture is poured into the funnel, and the funnel
is gently agitated to assist in the separation into layers. The funnel should always be
stoppered, but if a particularly volatile substance, such as ether, is present, the funnel
should be vented occasionally through the stopcock (hold it slightly inverted while doing
this) to avoid the possible buildup of pressure.
When separation into layers has occurred, the stopper is removed and the lower
layer drained into a small flask. Swirling the funnel and omce again allowing separation
to occur frequently provides a further small sample of the lower layer.
The top layer is poured from the top of the funnel into a second flask. It is a wise
precaution to always keep both liquids, even if one of them is to be discarded. It is
surprising how often the wrong layer is thrown away!
One of the most common procedures consists of shaking a crude
Washing a crude liquid
liquid product with an aqueous solution to remove some of the impurities. The reagents
should always be used in small quantities, and the process repeated if necessary.
Mechanical loss is always greater when large volumes of washing solutions are used.
Gases are often formed in considerable quantities during the cleaning process,
thus, it is essential to release the pressure frequently. This is best done by inverting the
well-stoppered funnel and opening the tap.
If the required substance is the top layer, then allowing the bottom layer to run off
is quite simple. The entire bottom layer of waste should not be run off each time. It is
better to leave a small quantity of the aqueous solution, and add further fresh reagent.

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General Laboratory Procedures

Careful separation is completed only when running off the last of the various washing
solutions. This avoids the risk of inadvertently losing a few drops of the treated product.
When the required substance happens to be the bottom layer, avoiding mechanical
loss becomes more difficult. If the product is run off between each wash and then
returned to the funnel for the next, the loss can become very great. The best compromise
is obtained by using rather large volumes of washing solutions, and decanting the spent
solution from the top of the funnel. In this way the product never leaves the funnel until
the final wash is over. It is then run out into its receiver, leaving the final washing
solution in the funnel.
Liquid extractions
The separatory funnel is often used to extract a solute from one solvent by
means of a second solvent immiscible with the first. The removal of a solute from water
by means of ether is one of the most common examples of this application.
The size of the funnel is chosen to accommodate the whole of the aqueous
solution. This saves time which would otherwise be spent in repetition. A series of
extractions with a small quantity of ether is much more effective than one with a large
amount of ether. In practice the volume used is that which gives the smallest manageable
top layer, bearing in mind that the ether solution must be decanted from the top of the
funnel. If the layer is too small, decantation becomes difficult. The solution is usually
extracted about three times with fresh quantities of ether, and all of the ether extracts are
decanted into one flask. After the final extraction the aqueous layer is run off and the last
ether layer decanted completely into the flask. The ether solution is then dried, and the
solute obtained by distillation of the ether.
Filtration methods
There are a variety of techniques used for the separation of a liquid or solution from a
The use of a filter funnel and a piece of filter paper folded into four is
Simple filtration
usually reserved for ionic substances (e.g. NaCl) precipitated from aqueous solution.
Precipitates obtained in qualitative analysis and inorganic problem work are often rather
fine, and cannot be efficiently filtered using a pump. Covalent solids, however, are
usually separated from a volatile solvent, and the comparative slowness of simple
filtration brings in complications caused by evaporation.
It is essential in simple filtration to ensure that the paper is carefully folded. The
paper must be fitted carefully into the funnel and wetted thoroughly with water, or the
appropriate solvent, prior to the start of the filtration.
The contents of the filter paper should remain at least 1.5 cm from the top of the
paper. These simple precautions can make a dramatic difference in the time required for a
filtration to reach completion, and should never be neglected.

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Filtering of organic liquids This is usually done to remove solid impurities which are not in a
very fine state of subdivision. A normally folded filter paper will work for this purpose,
but the 'fluted' filter paper gives a faster rate of filtration. A fluted filter paper is
essentially one that is folded to give a corrugated effect which allows the whole of the
paper to be active rather than only half, as is the case with simple filtration.
There are a variety of ways of folding such a paper; one of the easiest is as
The paper is carefully folded in half, opened out, and then folded in the same
direction at right angles to the original fold. The paper is then folded twice more, the
folds being all in the same direction and mutually at 45. Each section is now
individually folded in the opposite direction. The result is a fluted paper with sixteen
faces. The paper is then placed in a suitable sized funnel and pushed down so that all of
the ridges touch the side of the funnel. Since all of the paper is being used, only one layer
thick, filtration is appreciably faster.
When filtering a small amount of liquid to free it from a drying agent it is best to
use a very small piece of cotton wool, pushed lightly into the top of a funnel stem, or
even into the narrow part of a disposable Pasteur pipette. The mechanical loss entailed by
absorption on a filter paper is thus obviated, and much higher yields of product are
The Bchner funnel and filter pump This system of filtration is the most widely used when
dealing with recrystallized substances. The Bchner funnel may be attached to the flask
by means of a cork, but a much more useful device consists of a flat piece of rubber with
a hole in the center capable of receiving the funnel stem and making a good seal.
The disc of rubber allows, within reason, any size funnel to be fitted to any size
flask. If this method is adopted, then the size of the funnel chosen is the smallest that will
hold the solid, and the flask is similarly chosen to be the smallest that will hold the liquid,
if both solid and liquid are required. If the solid is to be discarded, than a large funnel can
be used to increase the rate of filtration. Alternatively, if the liquid is to be discarded,
then the flask may be large enough to hold all of the liquid as well as the washings. The
choice of size is very important, as mechanical loss during filtration can be significant.
The filter-paper disc is placed in the funnel, and wetted with the solvent present in
the solution to be filtered. It is essential that the funnel and flask be perfectly dry. If the
solvent concerned is ethanol, then the paper may be wetted with water. If available,
connect the suction flask to a Woulff bottle (ask the instructor how to use a Woulff
bottle). The pump is then turned on and the paper pressed into place. During filtration the
pump must never be turned off, as this may cause water from the pump to be drawn back
into the filtrate. When all of the material has been filtered, open the stopcock of the
Woulff bottle to ambient pressure (or disconnect the pump from the flask) while the
pump is still running. If some of the solid has not been transferred to the funnel, a portion

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of filtrate can be retrieved and used for swilling the residue into the funnel. The solid is
washed free of filtrate by pouring a small portion of chilled fresh solvent into the funnel
while the pump is disconnected. Finally, the solid is drained as dry as possible using
suction from the pump while applying pressure with a clean glass stopper.
Gravimetric filtration In quantitative work it is essential that all of the solid be transferred and
retained in the filter funnel. A filtering crucible with a porous sintered-glass bottom is
the most convenient apparatus to use. Porosities from 0 (coarse) to 5 (very fine) are
available, although for most purposes a porosity of 3 is best; a few fine precipitates will
require a porosity of 4.
The sintered-glass crucible is dried in an oven, cooled, and accurately weighed
before use. To collect the solid the pre-weighed crucible is set in the mouth of the
Bchner flask by means of a firm rubber cone. The pump is turned on, and as much
supernatant as possible is decanted off through the crucible. The liquid should be directed
into the crucible via a glass rod.
The solid is then transferred, using a gentle jet of the appropriate solvent to swill
out all particles. If solid clings to the apparatus, it can be collected using a glass rod
protected with a rubber 'policeman'. The pump suction at this stage should be as gentle
as possible; otherwise the porous glass may clog. Finally, the solid and crucible are
washed repeatedly to remove all soluble materials, and dried to constant weight.
Drying methods
The drying of liquids In the majority of cases with organic liquids extreme drying is not
necessary and drying agents such as anhydrous calcium chloride or anhydrous sodium
sulfate are adequate. Of the two, calcium chloride is the more efficient, but also the more
As calcium chloride will remove water and ethanol, it is employed when both
need removing. If, however, the drying only needs to remove water; anhydrous sodium
sulfate is generally employed. Sodium sulfate will only work at temperatures below 30
C and should generally be used at room temperature. It is capable of removing its own
weight of water, but the use of too much drying agent should be avoided at all times as
this will cause the drying agent to become 'wetted' with the product and a large
mechanical loss will be entailed.
In order to dry an organic liquid, whether a product or a solution containing the
product, the liquid should be placed in a suitable sized conical flask, fitted with a good
stopper or cork, and the drying agent added. The corked flask should be shaken at
intervals, and left for at least five minutes, preferably longer.
If sufficient drying agent has been used some should remain unchanged in
appearance: i.e. a fine opaque powder of sodium sulfate or firm granules of calcium
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The drying of solids Various methods exist for drying solid materials. When deciding which
method to use it is important to know something about the physical properties of the
material. For example, if dehydration of a hydrate or melting of an organic solid occurs,
recrystallization will have to be repeated resulting in further loss of time and material.
Although the method of air drying takes longer than the others, it is one of the
most safe for non-deliquescent solids. The damp solid, drained as dry as possible on the
filter, is transferred to a watch-glass and spread out evenly. The solid can then be left to
dry overnight in a location free of dust and drafts. As an added precaution against dust, a
second, larger watch-glass should be placed over the product in such a fashion that free
evaporation remains possible.
Though the desiccator is ideal for drying many solids, care must be taken when
drying hydrates. It is quite possible to lose some water of crystallization if the
dehydrating agent is too effective. Thus, samples to be dried should be spread out on a
watch-glass and labeled with their name and date.
The desiccator must be regularly recharged with fresh desiccant, and the
ground-glass seal kept greased with a minimum quantity of silicone grease, so it appears
transparent. Several desiccants are listed in Table I-1 with comments on their relative
Table I-1 Common drying agents


Phosphorus (V)

Expensive, fast and efficient.

sulfuric acid

Cheap, hazardous, fast and efficient. If BaSO4 is dissolved in the acid,

it precipitates when the drying capacity is exhausted.


Cheap, moderate effectiveness. Use if ethanol was the solvent.


Use if acidic vapours need to be absorbed.

Silica gel

Readily regenerated, but limited effectiveness. Changes colour when

exhausted if stained with CoCl2.


(Anhydrous sodium sulfate) Commonly stained with CoCl2; Blue when

fresh, red when exhausted. Very inert; use for most applications.


Ensure it is anhydrous! Used to dry organic liquids, especially ethers.

It is important to remember that after opening, a desiccator takes at least two

hours to re-establish a dry atmosphere.
A vacuum desiccator is used to speed the drying of a sample. The sample must be
covered with a second watch-glass and the desiccator evacuated and filled slowly to
avoid blowing the sample about. In order to guard against implosion, a vacuum
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desiccator must be covered with strong adhesive tape, or be enclosed in a special cage
when being evacuated and de-evacuated.
Recrystallization and purification of solids
Inorganic solids, when first prepared, are rarely pure. The original solid must be
recrystallized from an appropriate solvent. If the solvent is a flammable liquid, as it often is, it is
better to carry out a recrystallization under reflux, until more experience has been gained. With
ethanol, a very common solvent, it is quicker and neater to use a conical flask, but this does
entail a risk of fire.
The solid is placed in a suitable sized flask, preferably a conical flask as it
Reflux method
can be easily put aside to cook, and a condenser attached. A small volume of solvent is
poured down the condenser and the mixture is raised to its boiling point. If all of the solid
has not dissolved, a bit more solvent should be added after removing the mixture from the
hot plate. Repeat this process until the solid just dissolves at the boiling-point. If there are
no insoluble solid impurities, the solution will be clear. The mixture should then be
removed from the hot plate and slowly allowed to cool to room temperature. Once the
solution reaches room temperature, it may be necessary to gently swirl the flask in order
to initialize crystallization. The solid usually crystallizes upon cooling, but, if
crystallization is slow to start, scratching the inside of the flask with a glass rod
frequently helps crystals to form. The flask should be cooled to at least room temperature,
or preferably lower, by placing it in either iced water or a refrigerator.
The pure product is filtered off at the pump. It is essential for both the filter flask
and funnel to be clean and dry, except for the solvent concerned. The mixture to be
filtered is poured on to the filter paper and the solid remaining in the flask is washed out
with the filtrate. This is important. The filtrate is, of course, a saturated solution of the
required solid, and so the filtrate cannot reduce the yield by dissolving some of the
crystals. The filtrate should be used for washing out the flask several times, until all of
the solid has been transferred to the filter. On no account should fresh solvent be used for
transferring the solid to the filter. The recrystallized solid is then dried in a suitable
manner, bottled and labeled.
Open flask method This is essentially the same as the previous method, but is carried out
directly on the hot plate with an open conical flask. The solvent is only just allowed to
come to a boil and then the flask is removed from the heat. At this point, it should be
possible to see the vapour condensing inside the flask, and there should not be a risk of
fire if care is taken. The obvious advantage of this method is speed. This approach is not
suitable for low-boiling solvents such as ether or pentane.

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Recrystallization requiring hot filtration

If, during a recrystallization, there is an insoluble
solid impurity, it becomes necessary to filter the hot solution. Care must be taken that no
crystallization occurs during the process as this would block up the filter funnel and cause
great difficulty. To avoid this, the following procedure is used:
The crude solid is dissolved in the solvent in the normal way, and when all of the
solute has just dissolved at the boiling-point, a further small quantity of solvent is added.
This ensures that the solution is not quite saturated. This solution is kept hot while a
separate sample of solvent is heated to boiling and then poured through the prepared
Bchner funnel. This procedure heats up the funnel and flask. The filter paper, which
must be in position, is held in place by a glass rod. The selected funnel should be
reasonably large as this will retain the heat better and the filtration will be faster.
The hot solution is rapidly filtered with the pump on full. As soon as all of the
solution is through the funnel, the pump is disconnected and the funnel removed.
At this stage the solute will almost always have begun to crystallize in the
receiving flask. To save mechanical loss, the solution should be kept in the flask and
cooled in the normal way. The final filtration to collect the crystals therefore requires
another flask.
The use of activated charcoal
Sometimes there are coloured impurities present in the crude material to be recrystallized.
These are removed from the solution while hot by adsorption onto activated charcoal.
The recrystallization is carried out normally until the crude material is dissolved. At this
point, a little extra solvent is added, and the mixture cooled slightly. A small amount of activated
charcoal is added to the cooled solution. It is important to cool the solution before adding the
charcoal, as this material tends to promote boiling. If the solution is not sufficiently cooled prior
to the addition of the characoal, the entire mixture will usually boil over violently.
The mixture with the charcoal is allowed to boil gently for a few minutes, and is then
filtered hot, using the method described above. It is important to ensure that the paper is well
fitted or charcoal may get around the edges and contaminate the product. As in hot filtration, the
funnel should be large so that the filtration is as rapid as possible. The flask should be of a
suitable size for the volume of purified solution obtained.
Column chromatography
Chromatography using columns of adsorbent material is useful for separations on the
preparative scale because gram quantities of material are readily purified. Many adsorbents are
available, but these experiments all use aluminum oxide (alumina) or silica gel.

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General Laboratory Procedures

Packing the column Clamp the glass tube upright and check that the tap is closed. Wash the
walls of the column by pouring ~20 mL of solvent down the inside walls. Half fill the
column with the chosen eluting solvent. Push a pad of non-adsorbent cotton-wool or
glass-wool to the bottom of the tube; be careful not to ram it down too hard and make
sure that there are no air bubbles trapped in the glass or cotton-wool.
Method 1: Dry Packing:
Now slowly pour in roughly 25 g of chromatographic aluminum oxide or fine
silica gel. Use a filter funnel to guide in the powder and, if a blockage occurs (e.g. just
above the solvent level), rock the tube gently. You can also tap the tube gently with your
fingers to settle the powder uniformly and release any trapped air bubbles.
Push a second pad of cotton-wool down the tube to protect the upper surface of
the column from disturbance. Drain off the excess solvent until the level falls to the upper
cotton-wool pad; never let the solvent level fall lower, otherwise the uniformity of the
column will be ruined by trapped air bubbles. The column is now ready for use.
Method 2: Slurry Method:
Add a sufficient quantity of solvent to the weighed out chromatographic
aluminum oxide or fine silica gel so that when you swirl the flask, the contents move
freely (make sure that no air bubbles are trapped in the slurry). Pour the slurry into the
top of the column while you drain solvent out the bottom (save this solvent to use when
running the column). Be sure to close the stopcock when the solvent is approximately 0.5
cm above the absorbant. Finally, push a second pad of cotton or glass-wool down the
tube onto the top of the column. The column is now ready for use.
Loading the column Dissolve your sample in the minimum volume of solvent required to make
a homogeneous solution. Using a pipette, place the sample directly on top of the column.
Allow the column to drain slowly and wash in the sample by adding small portions of
fresh solvent. The sample should now be adsorbed as a narrow band at the top of the
Develop the column by running solvent through it. Fill up the tube
Developing the column
with solvent being careful to pour the solvent down the wall of the tube. This is important
to ensure the top of the column is not disturbed. Allow the solvent to pass through the
column at a rate of approximately 5 mL per minute. Keep the tube topped up, as the
liquid pressure will encourage a good flow rate and there will be less danger of letting the
column run dry (which will make it virtually impossible to achieve proper separation). If
the flow rate is too slow, pressure can be applied by attaching a small hand bellows to the
top of the tube (flash chromatography).
Collect equivolume fractions of solvent draining from the column. Coloured
materials are readily seen as they are eluted from the column, but colourless substances

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must be found by evaporating the fractions to dryness, or by running t.l.c. on each

Thin-layer chromatography
In thin-layer chromatography (t.l.c.) a suitable adsorbent is spread on a glass plate. After
activation of the adsorbent by heat, the plate is spotted with a dilute solution of the material
under study and then developed with a suitable solvent. When the solvent has risen a convenient
distance up the thin film, the plate is dried and treated with a detecting agent. Commercial plates
with plastic or foil backing are also available, and are extremely convenient.
Silica gel is the preferred adsorbent for t.l.c., although cellulose and alumina thin films
can also be readily prepared. In all cases the adsorbent must be specially manufactured for t.l.c.
work, and it is simpler to use materials free of special additives or binders. T.l.c. is generally
faster than other techniques and sharper separations are possible, but to master the method you
will have to work with care and ensure your apparatus is properly cleaned.
Preparing the plates

Silica Gel A slurry of roughly 30% w/v of silica gel in chloroform is kept in a well-sealed
wide-mouthed bottle, and microscope slides are coated by dipping them into the slurry.
The slurry bottle should be placed on a large sheet of blotting paper in a fume cupboard.
Shake the slurry bottle and then dip in two well-cleaned microscope slides, held together
at the top by crucible tongs. Dip in and lift out the slides in a continuous movement; do
not coat the top 1 cm of the slides. Allow to drain briefly. Handling the edges only, ease
the slides apart and lay them, thin film uppermost, on the blotting paper for five minutes
to dry. Activation is not necessary. If the film is not uniform, the microscope slide was
not clean.


Prepare a slurry of 1 g of cellulose in 5 mL of acetone by mixing well in a small glass

mortar. Hold a 15 cm x 5 cm glass plate over a sheet of blotting paper and pour the slurry
on to one end of the plate. By gently rocking the plate, spread the thin film uniformly
over the plate, and then lay it down for five minutes to dry. Activation is not necessary.
By use of the same technique it is possible to spread on 15 cm x 5 cm plates slurries of
alumina or silica gel (1 g in 2.5 mL of 85% aqueous ethanol; if the slurry proves too thick
or too thin, slightly vary the volume of solvent). Allow to dry at room temperature, then
activate in an oven at about 120 C for thirty minutes.

Spotting the plates

Thin films must be handled and spotted with extra care because of their
fragile nature. Spot the plates with a maximium of 0.002 mL of 0.01-0.1 M solutions
from a capillary or fine wire loop. If possible, solutions should be prepared in the same
solvent that will be used for development of the chromatogram.

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General Laboratory Procedures

As many as three separate spots can be placed on a microscope slide, if channels

are scratched in the thick film with the edge of a spatula and surplus material is cleaned
from the edges of the slide.
Compressed Gas Cylinders
Several experiments make use of gases which are commercially available in compressed
gas cylinders. They come in a variety of sizes with several valves and regulators. The metallic
content of the values is dictated by corrosive properties of the gas. The facile reaction of N2O4
with copper, for example, requires that the cylinder and valve contain very little copper. Many
cylinders contain a safety valve or nut which is designed to rupture if the pressure inside exceeds
the specifications of the cylinder. Under no circumstances should anyone tamper with the safety

Figure I-2 Details of the two main types of compressed gas cylinders used in the lab
The main valve (Figure I-2) on a cylinder is simply an on-off valve which allows no
control of the gas flow; it should always be used with some type of control valve. A needle valve
permits such control but if the cylinder contains a compressed gas, the cylinder pressure will
decrease as the cylinder is used and the gas flow will likewise decrease. Thus, for compounds
which exist as gases (e.g. CO, N2, BF3) in a cylinder, a given flow rate cannot be maintained
without continuous adjustment. Compounds which condense to form liquids under pressure exert
their natural vapour pressure so long as any liquid remains in the cylinder. For these gases (e.g.
MeBr, NH3) a continuous flow rate can be obtained with a needle valve.

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General Laboratory Procedures

To achieve a constant flow rate for gases which do not condense under pressure in a
cylinder, a pressure regulator is required. (Figure I-2b) First, open the main valve; the gas
pressure in the cylinder is given on the right hand gauge. Next, open the regulator valve by
turning the knob counterclockwise. Such regulators should not be operated with the valve
partially open; it is best to open it completely and then close it a quarter of a turn. Finally, adjust
the flow rate to the desired level by opening the needle valve. The pressure between the needle
valve and the regulator is given on the left-hand gauge. The regulator will maintain this pressure.
During the experiment, the flow can be halted by closing the needle valve, but when you are
finished with the cylinder for the day, close the main valve to prevent loss of the gas in case the
regulator leaks slightly. Do not empty a cylinder completely; leave approximately 25 psi so that
the cylinder does not become contaminated with air or other gases before it is returned to the
supplier for refilling.
In several experiments, N2 gas will be used to flush air from a reaction system, as shown
below. Before the reaction is begun, the N2 flow is sometimes turned off with the stop-cock. This
normally produces a pressure build-up which could result in the rupture of the Tygon tubing
connecting the apparatus to the nitrogen cylinder. To prevent this, it is convenient to connect an
oil or mercury bubbler to the nitrogen line to act as a pressure release valve for the excess
nitrogen (Figure I-3).

Figure I-3 In-line connection of a gas-bubbler

Handling Air-Sensitive Reagents
A large variety of air-sensitive reagents is available commercially. Specific examples
include solutions of boron complexes, organoboranes, borohydrides, Grignard reagents,
organoaluminums, organolithiums, and organozincs. Since all of these reagents react with water
or oxygen or both (sometimes violently), they must never be exposed to the atmosphere.

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Most modern synthetic chemists are familiar with the utility of these versatile
organometallic reagents. However, because the compounds are air-sensitive or pyrophoric, some
workers hesitate to make use of the remarkable chemistry of these reagents. Some chemists still
believe that very specialized equipment and complicated techniques are required for handling
these materials. This is often not the case.
Air-sensitive reagents available from Aldrich Chemicals are packaged in special bottles.
The Aldrich Sure/Seal packaging system (Figure I-4) provides a convenient method for storing
and dispensing research quantities of air-sensitive reagents. With this bottle, reactive materials
can be handled and stored without exposure to atmospheric moisture or oxygen. The reagent
comes into contact only with glass and Teflon, yet it can be readily transferred using standard
syringe techniques.

Figure I-4 The Aldrich Sure/Seal packaging system

The Bakelite cap on a Sure/Seal bottle can be removed because the crown cap, with its
teflon-elastomer liner, is already crimped in place. The reagent can then be dispensed using a
syringe or double-tipped needle (cannula) inserted through the hole in the metal crown cap. After
the needle has been withdrawn from the bottle, a small hole will remain in the Teflon/elastomer
liner. Under normal circumstances, the hole in the liner will self-seal and the reagent will not
deteriorate. However, the possibility exists that once an elastomer is punctured, it may leak on
long-term storage. This possibility is virtually eliminated with the Sure/Seal system because
when the Bakelite cap is replaced, the Teflon/elastomer liner in the cap forms a seal against the
top of the metal crown. Thus, the contents are effectively protected from moisture and oxygen in
the atmosphere.
Laboratory glassware contains a thin film of adsorbed moisture which can be easily
removed by heating in an oven (125 C/12 hours or 140 C/4 hours). The hot glassware should
ideally be cooled in an inert atmosphere by assembling the glassware while still hot and then
flushing with a stream of nitrogen or argon. Keck clips or rubber bands are required to secure all
joints during the flushing process.
Small quantities (up to 50 mL) of air-sensitive reagents may be transferred with a syringe
equipped with a long needle (8-16). The long needles are used to avoid having to tip the reagent

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bottles. The reagent may be introduced into the reaction vessel via a rubber septum. These rubber
septa slowly degrade upon contact with organic vapours, and therefore will only provide a
positive seal for a limited number of punctures, depending on the needle size. The lifetime of the
septum may be extended by always reinserting the needle through the same hole and by
replacing the septum with a glass stopper immediately upon completing the addition. If a glass
syringe and plunger are utilized, they should be oven-dried before use. The syringe and plunger
should not be assembled before being placed into the oven, and should be cooled afterwards
before assembly. If a plastic disposable syringe is to be used, it should not be placed in the oven,
as it will warp upon exposure to prolonged heat.
The syringe transfer of liquids can be readily accomplished by first pressurizing the
Sure/Seal bottle with dry nitrogen. This can be achieved by inserting a hose attached to a
nitrogen cylinder, as illustrated in Figure I-5. A much more safe, and thus, preferred method,
however, is to inject a slightly greater volume of nitrogen gas into the Sure/Seal bottle as liquid
that will be removed. This maintains a constant neutral pressure inside the bottle and can be
carried out by flushing (withdraw a full syringe of nitrogen gas from an appropriate source and
then expel it) the needle and syringe with nitrogen gas three times prior to injecting the desired
quantity of nitrogen. The nitrogen pressure is used to slowly fill the syringe with the desired
volume of the reagent. Note that the nitrogen pressure pushes the plunger back as the reagent
enters the syringe. As such, the plunger should be pulled back only if needed, and in these cases
only very slowly, since rapid movements tend to cause leaks and creates gas bubbles. Once the
desired quantity of reagent is in the syringe (remember that a small amount is still in the needle!),
reorient it such that the plunger is pointing downward toward the floor. Gently create a small
head space by pulling the needle out of the solution (but keep it in the bottle) and withdrawing
several milliliters of nitrogen gas into the syringe. The needle can now be pulled completely out
of the bottle and the reagent quickly transferred to the desired vessel by puncturing the rubber
septum on the reaction flask or addition funnel. Be sure to keep the syringe upside down until
after the needle punctures the rubber septum. This process will ensure that absolutely none of the
potentially dangerous reagent is lost during transfer.

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General Laboratory Procedures

Figure I-5 Filling syringe using nitrogen pressure

When handling air-sensitive materials, it is important that the user be thoroughly familiar
with the basic chemistry of the reagent. Also, the user should be prepared for unexpected
problems. For example, at least one extra set of clean, dry syringes and needles should always be
available in case the first set becomes plugged.

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Safety Precautions

Chemistry Laboratory Rules and Safety Precautions


Wear appropriate clothing in the laboratory:

(a) a lab coat has to be worn at all times
(b) no sandals or open shoes are allowed
(c) no shorts or skirts are allowed inside the laboratory


If you have any possible conflicts between the lab environment and any acute and/or
chronic medical conditions (epilepsy, diabetes, allergies, etc.) please consult your lab
coordinator/instructor prior to any scheduled lab work. Likewise, if you are pregnant, or are
trying to conceive you should consult your instructor to ensure that you are not
unknowingly exposed to teratogenic materials.


Never work alone in the laboratory.


Smoking and eating are not permitted.


Unauthorized experiments are strictly prohibited.


Know the location and use of the fire extinguisher, safety showers and first aid kit.


It is required that you wear prescription glasses or safety glasses at all times in the
laboratory for your own protection. Contact lenses are particularly dangerous and they
must not be worn in the laboratory.


Report all injuries to your instructor at once.


Never taste chemicals or solutions.

10. Use the fume hoods at the sides of the laboratory for all poisonous reactions or any
reactions which produce noxious gases.

When diluting concentrated acid or base always add the concentrated acid or base to water
(never the reverse), while stirring the solution. Be very careful with sulfuric acid.


Keep an orderly, clean laboratory desk. Return glassware to the lab drawer when finished
using it to keep the work area from becoming cluttered.


Leave unneeded books, etc. outside of the laboratory. Never block aisles with personal
effects, or leave clothing, etc. on the benches.


Waste crocks are provided for the disposal of all solid chemicals and paper, etc.
Non-chlorinated solvents
Chlorinated solvents
Sulfur chlorides

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Safety Precautions


Stock reagent bottles are placed on the side bench or beside the balances; leave them at that


Always read the label twice before taking any chemical from a bottle. If you are not sure if
you have the right chemical, ask!

17. Properly label all chemicals or reagents, including newly prepared samples.

When pouring reagents, hold the bottle so the label points upwards facing the palm of the
hand. The accumulation of reagent on bottle lip may be removed by touching the bottle lip
to the rim of the receiving vessel.


Avoid using an excess of reagent. If you happen to have measured out too much, see if
someone else can use the excess.


Due to possible contamination of the contents of a whole stock bottle, never return unused
chemical to the stock bottle.


Always check your glassware before you use it. If it is broken or cracked, exchange it for a
new one.


There is one container reserved for broken glass. All broken glassware should be placed in
this crock and no other.


If corrosive chemicals or liquids come in contact with the skin or clothing, flood with
copious amounts of water for an extended period of time.


Spilled chemicals should be wiped up immediately; spilled acid or base should be rinsed
with plenty of water and wiped up with a sponge and the sponge rinsed after.


Inserting glass tubing or thermometers through a rubber stopper - first lubricate the tube
and stopper with glycerol or water, then holding the tube near the end to be inserted insert
slowly while rotating the tube. BE VERY CAREFUL!


When you are ready to leave the laboratory, your bench area should be rinsed off with a
wet sponge and the water, gas, and air valves shut off.


The chemistry store room is out of bounds to students. If you require apparatus, ask your
instructor for it.


Disposable polyethylene gloves are provided; other glove materials may not protect you
against the chemicals handled in this lab.


Never pipette by mouth.

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Safety Precautions

Material Data Safety Sheets (MSDS) are available for all chemicals and reagents. Consult
your instructor for access to this information.

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Safety Precautions
Consent Form

This form must be completed, signed, and submitted to the laboratory instructor before any
laboratory work is begun.


I have read and understood both the general procedures and the safety rules within this manual
that appear on pages B-1 B-19 and C-1 C-3 respectively, recognize that it is my
responsibility to observe them, and agree to abide by them throughout this course.

Name (please print) ____________________________________________

Date ________________ Signature ______________________________

Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual

Page C-4

Part I Glassblowing Course

Glassblowing course
Fundamental Glass Manipulation
Cutting glass
There are a number of ways in which glass tubing can be cut, but some techniques are
better than others. The preferred method is by flame cutting which is carried out in the following
manner. Rotate the tube to be cut in the flame and when the glass reaches the working
temperature, pull it apart. (Fig. I-6A) Redirect the flame to the front of the shoulder and pull off
the existing "point" (Fig. I-6B). Reheat the end of the tubing again and blow it out (Fig. I-6C).
With a piece of glass rod carefully chip off the feather edge and apply heat to the end of the tube
until the wall thickness is uniform. With this method, the possibility of pinhole leaks when
making a join is reduced and the seal can be worked so that it is invisible.

Figure I-6
The most common method of cutting tubing however, is the scratch technique. This is
accomplished by placing a scratch with a glass knife perpendicular to the tube axis, and with the
scratch facing up, apply downward pressure at the end of the tubing with the forearm and pulling
up and outward with the thumb at the scratch. Fig. I-7 illustrates.

Figure I-7
In addition to the foregoing method, cracking or cutting of large tubing can be made
easier if a piece of glass rod is heated to the melting point and is placed on the middle of the
scratch previously made on the tube. Fig. I-8 illustrates.

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Part I Glassblowing Course

Figure I-8
Quite often a situation arises where a short section of glass tubing has to be removed.
This can be a difficult task using the methods described. A simple method to accomplish this is
as follows. Make a fairly long deep scratch perpendicular across the tube to be cut, and with the
scratch facing up, apply an intense needle flame at the end of the scratch furthest away from you.
The tube will fracture along the scratch and the short section can then be removed with the aid of
tweezers. Fig. I-9 illustrates.

Figure I-9
Another cutting method which is ordinarily available in a professional shop only is a
glass cutting saw.
Hand Working Technique
A glassblowing operation is done with the apparatus corked; a blow hose is also useful.
The effects brought about by positive pressure in a closed system is expansion at the softened
area; negative pressure will cause collapse. By varying the pressure, a piece of glass tubing can
be given an entirely different shape simply by blowing or sucking on the blow hose while the
glass is soft.
By applying heat to a piece of tubing and merely pulling on it, several things happen; the
tube length is increased and the wall thickness becomes thin. Similarly, if the tubing is heated
and the ends are pushed together, then the wall will be thickened and the overall length of the
tube will be shortened.
When a piece of glass is heated to the working point, gravitational force will cause it to
flow downward. For this reason, rotation of the glass while it is being worked is necessary.

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Part I Glassblowing Course

Since the surface tension of glass is relatively high, glass protrusions when heated will
tend to flow in causing the glass to become thick at that point.
As with most other compounds, superheating can cause changes in certain properties of
glass. When these changes occur, the glass becomes cloudy in appearance and loses its flow
properties when reheated to the working point.
When glass is cooled from the softening point, it goes through a crystallizing temperature
range. If the glass is twisted or flexed in any way at these temperatures, it will become
translucent and appear crystalline. This devitrification can be cured by reheating the glass to the
working point.
Pulling A Point On Glass Tubing
There are many fundamental procedures with which a glass worker has to become
familiar, but most involve the ability to rotate two pieces of glass tubing synchronously.
Because this is quite difficult to master, a simple method called "Point Pulling" was devised.
The following procedure illustrates this method.

Figure I-10
A piece of tubing 12 or 13 mm in diameter, approximately 60 cm long, is cleaned and
dried. The tube is then held in the hands as illustrated in Fig. I-10a. A soft bushy flame is
directed to the midpoint of the tubing as it is being rotated. When the heated glass begins to
soften the ends of the tube are pushed slightly together over a period of time until the softened
glass area becomes thick. The tube is then removed from the flame and the ends slowly pulled
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Part I Glassblowing Course

apart until the diameter at the midpoint is about 5 mm. When cool, the tubing is scratched with a
knife at the narrowest point and separated into two pieces (Fig. I-10b)
The synchronous rotation of the tubing when in the softened state is of the utmost
importance for two reasons:

To attain uniformity of temperature around the entire periphery.

To prevent twisting and/or buckling of the glass.

Now, take one of the pieces and hold it so that the right hand supports the point only and
the flame is directed just back from the shoulder of the tubing. Fig. I-10c. This operation of
Point Pulling is repeated until the point, when rotated in the fingers, is aligned with the axis of
the tubing.
Constricting a Glass Tube
Illustrated in Fig. I-11 are two common types of constrictions. The method for fabricating
these is as follows: hold and rotate the tubing in the usual manner and direct a bushy flame at a
segment of it. If a constriction similar to Fig. I-11a is required, push on the tube ends to gather
glass and thicken it at the point where it is heated. If a constriction similar to Fig. I-11b is
desired, as a final step, pull on the tube ends slightly over a period of time until the desired
internal diameter is achieved.

Figure I-11

Assigned glassblowing projects


Joining Glass Tubing of the Same Diameter

Cut two pieces of 8 mm O.D. tubing to be 10 cm and 20 cm in length and cork one end of
the 20 cm piece. Hold both pieces in the fingers as illustrated in Fig. I-10a. (The tubing must be
held in this manner to allow the worker to blow into the end of the short piece and rotate the
tubing simultaneously.) As the tubing is rotated, direct a soft bushy flame to the tube ends
(Figure I-12a). When the glass begins to flow push the tubes together, then pull slightly in an
attempt to thin the glass at the butt. Fig. I-12b. The joint is then reheated and expanded by

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Part I Glassblowing Course

blowing into the open end of the tube. Fig. I-12c. The glass butt in reheated once again until the
expanded section is reduced to the same diameter as the tubing. Fig. I-12d.

Figure I-12

Joining Glass Tubing of Different Diameters

Before tubing of different diameters can be joined, one end of the larger diameter must be
modified as follows. Connect a blowhose assembly to one end of the larger diameter tube (20
mm) and rotate it with the left hand. Direct the flame to the other end of the tube as shown. Fig.
I-13a. When the glass flows, with the aid of a pair of tweezers or glass rod, pull off the end as
illustrated. Fig. I-13b. After the test tube end is accomplished (Fig. I-13c) reheat it and blow a
hole of approximately the same diameter as the smaller tube (8 mm). Fig. I-13d, I-13e.
Cork one end of the tubing to be joined, then heat both ends. Fig. I-13e. (A greater portion
of the flame should be directed to the larger diameter tube since more heat is required to soften it
than to soften the smaller diameter tube.) When the ends begin to flow, join them and blow
slightly. Fig. I-13f. Reheat the junction, expand the thickened glass by blowing, then pull the
ends slightly. Fig. I-13g.

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Part I Glassblowing Course

Figure I-13

Making T Pieces

From 8 mm O.D. tubing cut two pieces 15 cm and 8 cm in length. Cork one end of both
tubes and fit a blowhose assembly over the open end of the longer piece. Direct a small needle
flame to a spot near the midpoint of this tube. Do not rotate the tube. When the glass reaches the
working temperature remove it from the flame and blow slightly. A slight bulge will appear. Fig.

Figure I-14
Reheat the bulge until it collapses then quickly remove the tube from the flame and blow
into the assembly until the wall ruptures. Fig. I-14b. (The hole should not be larger than the

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Part I Glassblowing Course

diameter of the side arm to be joined.) After removing excess glass fragmentation with a piece of
glass rod, direct a flame around the opening in an attempt to trim the uneven thin wall.
With the right hand position the short piece of glass tubing as shown in Fig. I-14c. Heat
both openings, join the tubes together, then check "T" alignment. (If a small gap in the joint
should result due to improper positioning, take a piece of glass rod and heat it and the gap
simultaneously to the flow point and knit the pieces together. After the gap is closed, remove the
excess glass by reheating the area, dabbing the glass rod on the thickened part and pulling it
Work the glass at the joint by spot heating and blowing. This method ensures that rigidity
of the "T" is maintained. (It is important that the entire area be kept reasonably warm while the
joint is being worked, as severe thermal shock could cause the "strained" glass to fracture.)
Anneal the glass immediately after the "T" piece is completed.


Bending Tubing at Right Angles

Bending small diameter tubing is relatively straightforward providing the worker follows
this procedure. Cork one end of a piece of 8 mm O.D. tubing approximately 20 cm long and heat
it in a wide bushy flame. Rotate the tubing in the usual manner, but in addition, move it from
side to side in the flame while it is being rotated to heat a greater length along the tube. When the
tubing reaches the working point, quickly remove it from the flame (stop rotating), bend the open
end up toward the mouth and blow. Check the bend for alignment, etc. (Figure I-15).

Figure I-15

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Part I Glassblowing Course

(a) Bend is too sharp causing it to kink; a longer section of tubing should have
been heated
(b) More air pressure should have been applied
(c) Too much air pressure was applied
(d) Satisfactory bend

Putting a side-arm on a test-tube (Schlenk tube)

Take a 20 cm length of 20 mm tubing, and heat the end to make a test-tube end (see Figure
I-13a-d). Near the mid-point of the tubing, heat it in a low flame over a wide area around the
attachment point. Make a narrow flame, and heat the attachment point to red heat (Figure I-16a).
Blow out a small hole in the larger tube equal to the size of the side-arm to be attached (8 mm)
(Figure I-16b). Reheat this bulge, and blow out a large bubble. Remove the devitrified glass from
the hole (Figure I-16c). Attach the 8 mm tubing, which should be at least 10 cm long and be
corked or sealed at the end, to the larger tube as follows. Heat both pieces to red heat and
carefully join them at one point (figure I-16d). Now bend the tube in until it is attached at all
points in the circumference.

Figure I-16
Use gentle blowing to enlarge the size of the attachment point, with the goal of achieving
a uniform thickness from the walls of the larger tube to the walls of the smaller tube. The excess

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Part I Glassblowing Course

glass which has accumulated in the joining process is converted into increased diameter of the
hole (Figure I-16e & f).
When a reasonable joint is obtained, carefully and thoroughly anneal the joint in a cool
flame. After annealing and cooling, the side-arm can be cut about 2 cm from the larger tube, and
the cut end is flame-polished to remove sharp edges. Finally, the open end of the larger tube is
cut back to 3-4 cm above the attachement point and also flame-polished.

Bring the completed projects to your instructor (be sure to label them with your name),
who will evaluate them according to functionality and, to a lesser extent, appearance. At least
three of your projects must be judged "satisfactory" to pass the lab course. All glassblowing
projects must be submitted no more than two weeks after the end of your assigned sessions.

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Part II Group 13 and 14 Compounds

Experiment 1

Electrochemical Synthesis of the Hexabromodigallate(II) Ion

The aqueous chemistry of the Group 13 elements is usually typified by aluminum rather
than boron, since the latter has no cationic behaviour (i.e. B3+ does not exist). As the element,
aluminum tends to be slightly less reactive than the other members of the group, as it is capable
of protecting itself with a thin layer of oxide. Gallium has the unusual property of possessing an
exceptionally low melting point (29.8 C), yet it retains its group-characteristic boiling point
(2070 C). It thus has the longest liquid range of any known substance and is sometimes used as
a thermometer fluid.
The usual oxidation state is 3+ for these elements, but both the 2+ and 1+ oxidation states
is known in several cases. For gallium, these complexes are usually dimeric with Ga-Ga bonds,
but other low-valent gallium species are known to be mixed-valence compounds, such as
Ga+[GaCl4]-, where the oxidation states are Ga(I) and Ga(III), respectively. The development of
the chemistry of Ga(II) has been inhibited by unsuitable synthetic routes for true Ga(II) starting
This experiment describes a technique that gives a good yield of pure [PPh3H]2[Ga2Br6].
Gallium metal is made the anode of an electrochemical cell, and a current is passed through an
electrolyte containing suitable anions and triphenylphosphine. The IR and Raman spectra of the
product will be used to chracterize it. The IR spectrum of [Ph3PH]Br will be recorded for
Instructional goals:
Properties of the following elements are highlighted: Ga, Br, P
(1) Establishing the molecular versus empirical formula of an inorganic anion.
(2) Structural evidence from a combination of far-IR and Raman spectroscopy.
(3) Experience with electrochemical synthesis of a metal compound.
Pre-lab exercise

Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction in which [PPh3H]2[Ga2Br6] is formed.


What is the structure of the hexabromodigallate anion? Create a HyperChem model of

Ga2Br62 and minimize it using the PM3 semi-empirical method. (Hint: you must check the
"Allow Ions" box in the Periodic Table window in HyperChem to be able to draw this
correctly.) Measure the optimized bond distances and angles.
What is the structure of the triphenylphosphonium ion? Create a HyperChem model of
PPh3H+ and minimize it using the PM3 semi-empirical method. (This also requires Allow
Ions.) Measure the optimized bond distances and angles.


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Part II Group 13 and 14 Compounds



Experiment 1

Does it matter which way the electrodes of the cell are connected to the power supply?
Why? What physical evidence will you look for to confirm correct connection? (Hint: write
the two electrochemical half reactions.) What crucial data must you record during the
What signals do you expect to observe in the infrared spectrum of your product? What
range of frequencies should you record in the IR analysis of the product?
Map out the timing of your afternoon's work. Use free gaps of time to do other operations.
Be realistic in time allotted for each operation!


Gallium should be treated with respect as a heavy metal, and because it is easily
liquified. Wear gloves.
Triphenylphosphine is poisonous if ingested or inhaled, but otherwise safe under
normal laboratory use.
Concentrated HBr is corrosive and releases vapours of the acid. Handle only in a
Mercury is also a toxic heavy metal. Use in a hood and dispose of in a special

Preparation of the electrode and cell
Gallium metal can be cast around platinum wire to make a suitable electrode for the cell. Weigh
about 3 g of gallium metal into a small beaker and then place the beaker into a larger container of
warm water. The gallium will melt at 30C. Take about a 5 cm strip of the clean plastic tubing
provided and pinch one end shut with a hose clamp. Carefully (over a drip pan) pour the liquid
gallium into the open end of the plastic tube and insert the platinum wire (expensive, do not
lose!) before the metal has had time to solidify. Allow the electrode to harden before cutting
away the plastic mold (placing in a refrigerator for approximately 5 min may speed up the
solidification). Rinse the electrode with water, then acetone and accurately weigh before and
after each electrolysis.

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Part II Group 13 and 14 Compounds

Experiment 1

Set up the cell as shown in the diagram. You will have to work near a nitrogen gas outlet, but it
is not necessary to use a fumehood. Make sure that the anode (+) is the gallium electrode and
that the platinum wire is the cathode (). Do not switch on the current yet.
Preparation of [PPh3H]2[Ga2Br6]
Cool a 100 mL 3-neck ground-bottom flask in an ice bath and flush it through with nitrogen gas.
Add 30 mL of acetonitrile, 0.5 g of triphenylphosphine, and 2 mL of conc. hydrobromic acid.
[Reagent grade solutions of HBr are often yellow/orange due to formation of small
amounts of bromine. To remove this, shake the acid with 1 mL of mercury under nitrogen
in a separating funnel until the solution is colorless. Dispose of the mercury in the waste
container provided.]
The gallium electrode may begin to react with the solution, but this reaction will be suppressed
when the current is turned on. Apply a current of 50 mA for about 2 hours. Record the time
exactly. The product will start to crystallize during the electrolysis (after 0.5 h). Collect the
crystals on a small Bchner funnel in air and record the yield.
Record the loss in weight of the electrode and calculate the current efficiency (defined as moles
of metal dissolved per Faraday of current passed). Melt the gallium electrode back into the
container provided and cap for the next lab.
Record the IR spectrum as follows: Record the IR spectra of your neat product and [Ph3PH]Br
using the ATR IR spectrometer. In addition, record KBr pellet spectra over the full KBr range, of
the product as well of [Ph3PH]Br. Finally, record infrared spectra of [Ph3PH]Br and your product

Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual

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Part II Group 13 and 14 Compounds

Experiment 1

as a nujol mull between CsI plates (600 to 200 cm-1). Beware of moisture contamination in the
NOTE: CsI plates are extremely expensive (upwards of $300 per plate!) and are
moisture-sensitive. Use them with great caution, and always clean them immediately
(with CH2Cl2, NOT acetone or water!) and return to the desiccator for storage. These
plates are very expensive and fragile - much more so than the NaCl plates.
Determine the melting point of your product and record Raman spectra of it and [Ph3PH]Br.
Hand in your product as well as the interpreted IR and Raman spectra.
At the end of your report, address the following additional questions:

Interpret the vibrational spectra using the information provided in the references.
How was the structure of hexabromodigallate and related compounds established
What is the reason for the instability of Ga(II), and how is this instability dealt with in
Develop a qualitative molecular orbital bonding scheme for the dimeric anion. Show the
orbital occupancy and topologies, and demonstrate why a dimer forms. (Hint: first develop
a picture for the two C3v GaX3 units, then bring them together along the z axis. You may
use your HyperChem model as developed below to assist you in this task. However, do not
simply cut and paste the result of the calculation, but rather use it to help you set up a
qualitative MO scheme. A GaBr3 model can also be calculated in HyperChem.)

Molecular modelling


Use the model of Ga2Br62 created in your Pre-lab exercise. Calculate and record the energy
in PM3 (Hints: before starting your calculation, activate Start Log under the File menu;
make sure that the correct charge and multiplicity are entered in the Setup menu). Report
the geometry of this conformer bond distances and angles.
Rotate one of the GaBr3 groups by 60 degrees. (i.e. If you originally optimized the
molecule in the staggered conformation, rotate the GaBr3 group so you would form the
eclipsed conformation.)
Re-optimize the geometry of this conformer, and record the energy. Report the geometry of
this conformer bond distances and angles.
Now calculate the energy difference in kJ/mol between the two structures (note that the
default output of the program is in kcal/mol).
Use the model of PPh3H+ created in your Pre-lab exercise. Ensure that it is optimized under
the PM3 semi-empirical model, with the correct charge and multiplicity entered for this

Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual

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Part II Group 13 and 14 Compounds


Experiment 1

Describe the geometry of this ion, and record only the bond distances and angles for atoms
directly connected to phosphorus.
Under the Compute menu, after peforming either a Geometry optimization, or if already
optimized, a Single Point calculation, Compute Vibrations. This takes some time. Next and
again under the Compute menu, Calculate Vibrational Spectrum.
In what region of the spectrum do you expect the PH vibration to occur? Use the Animate
Vibrations method to locate a normal mode of vibration that seems to be dominated by a P
H vibration. Record the calculated wavenumber for this vibration and compare it to your
experimental value (Hint: remember that the calculation of molecular vibrations at this
level of theory is quite approximate.)


Evans, C. A.; Tan, K. H.; Tapper, S. P.; Taylor, M. J. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans.1973,
Brown, K. L.; Hall, D. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans. 1973, 1843.
Beamish, J. C.; Small, R. W. H.; Worrall, I. J. Inorg. Chem. 1979, 18, 220.
Roesky, H. W.; Kumar, S. S. Chem. Commun. 2005, 4027.
Jimnez-Prez, V. M.; Muoz-Flores, B. M.; Roesky, H. W.; Schulz, T.; Pal, A.; Beck, T.;
Yang, Z.; Stalke, D.; Santillan, R.; Witt, M. Eur. J. Inorg Chem. 2008, 2238.
Pineda, L. W.; Jancik, V.; Starke, K.; Oswald, R. B.; Roesky, H. W. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.
2006, 45, 2602.
Nagendran, S.; Roesky, H. W. Organometallics, 2008, 27, 457.

Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual

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Part II Group 13 and 14 Compounds

Experiment 2

Inorganic Polymers: Preparation of Silicone Oligomers and Polymers

Organic polymers have been known for a considerable time and include such compounds as
polyethylene, polymethylmethacrylate ("plexiglass"), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyurethane,
styrofoam and nylon. In general terms a polymer is a high molecular weight compound which is
made from small repeating units. For instance, the repeating unit in polyvinyl chloride is CH2
(CHCl). Organic polymers of this type are limited in their applications by their tendency to
thermally degrade above 250 C. As a result attempts have been made to prepare thermally
resistant polymers from inorganic starting materials. Of these, silicones (R2SiO)x are the best
known, although polyphosphazenes (R2PN)x are finding widespread industrial applications.
Silicone polymers constitute one of the largest single economic components of chemical
production in the western world. They consist of chains or networks of alternating silicon and
oxygen atoms based on the repeating unit (Me2SiO)n (see below), where n varies from several
hundred to several thousand.














The precise properties desired (e.g. viscosity) can be systematically controlled by varying the
chain length n; for light-weight oils n is approximately 100 while rubbers and resins have much
higher molecular weights (n > 1000) and may exhibit cross-linking between adjacent chains.
Small cyclic oligomers (Me2SiO)n, n = 3 8, can also be made.
Silicone polymers of this type are prepared by the controlled hydrolysis of
dichlorodimethylsilane Me2SiCl2. The hydrolysis proceeds rapidly to completion since the SiO
bond energy (500 kJ/mol) in silicone (or siloxane) polymers considerably exceeds that of SiCl
(350 375 kJ/mol). A notable feature of the reaction is the absence of any Si=O containing
product, i.e. Me2Si=O, the silicon analogue of acetone. This can be ascribed to the reduced
stability of -bonds involving 3p2p versus 2p2p overlap (as in acetone itself). The actual
sequence of events is quite complex; the intermediate silanols R2Si(OH)2 are generally
impossible to isolate as they immediately couple together in a condensation reaction with the
concomitant elimination of H2O (an entropy driven reaction).

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Part II Group 13 and 14 Compounds

Experiment 2

The purity of Me2SiCl2 is very important in the formation of long-chain polymers (n > 1000).
The actual chain length can be controlled by the addition of small amounts (< 0.05%) of
chlorotrimethylsilane, Me3SiCl. The trimethylsilanol formed by hydrolysis of Me3SiCl
condenses with the growing polymer chain, effectively terminating further polymerization at that
OSiMe2OH + HOSiMe3 OSiMe2OSiMe3 + H2O
Conversely, if a trifunctional unit, as produced by the hydrolysis of trichloromethylsilane, is
incorporated into the polymer chain, polymerization proceeds in three directions. This produces
a cross-linked polymer and reduces the amount of linear polymerization. In the present
experiment you will carry out the hydrolysis of Me2SiCl2 in diethyl ether. Under these
conditions the cyclic trimer and tetramer, (Me2SiO)3 and (Me2SiO)4, are the major products.
These will be separated by careful fractional distillation. You will also study the effect of the
addition of cross-linking agents, e.g. B2O3, on the properties of the silicones.
Instructional goals:
Properties of the following elements are highlighted: Si, O, Cl
(1) Understanding condensation reactions of hydrolytically unstable halides.
(2) Experience with fractional distillation and use of a rotary evaporator.
(3) Performing IR spectroscopy.
Pre-lab exercise


Provide a balanced chemical reaction for the initial hydrolysis of dichlorodimethylsilane.

What reaction does this initial product undergo to form oligomers and polymers?
What are the formulae and structures of the "trimer" and "tetramer" prepared in this lab?
Produce HyperChem models of both molecules and optimize them using the PM3 semiempirical method. (Hint: draw a six-membered ring with alternating O-Si units. Then "Add
hydrogens and model build". Change all of the H's to C's. Repeat "Add hydrogens and
model build". Perform an intitial geometry optimization using MM+. Save this model.
Finally, re-optimize the structure using PM3. Use a similar strategy for the tetramer.)
Why must you use an NMR solvent containing no TMS for this experiment?
Map out the timing of your afternoon's work. Use free gaps of time to do other operations.
Be realistic in time allotted for each operation!

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Part II Group 13 and 14 Compounds

Experiment 2


Dichlorodimethylsilane reacts violently with water. Use caution in handling. The

vapours are corrosive; dispense in a fume hood.
Silicone fluids are generally of low toxicity, but remember the breast implants!
Avoid any unnecessary exposure to these and other laboratory chemicals.
CS2 is an extremely flammable solvent, and must be used with extreme caution.
Avoid any contact with a flame or spark source.

Make a solution of dichlorodimethylsilane Me2SiCl2 (30 mL) in diethyl ether (50 mL) and place
it in a 125 mL dropping funnel. Situate the dropping funnel so that the tip almost reaches the
bottom of a 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask containing 100 mL of water. Slowly add the solution
through the funnel while vigorously stirring the water by means of a magnetic stir bar. Hold the
reaction mixture at 15 20 C throughout the addition by surrounding the Erlenmeyer with an
ice/water bath (Note: excessive cooling inhibits the reaction).
Separate the two phases with a separatory funnel (remembering to vent the funnel after
agitation). Discard the lower (aqueous) phase and wash the ether phase (first with a solution of
sodium carbonate (10 g of Na2CO3 in 50 mL of H2O) and finally with another 50 mL of water).
Remove and discard the lower (aqueous) phase after each step.
Allow the ether phase to stand over magnesium sulfate (add magnesium sulfate until clumping
stops) in a sealed flask (!) for 20 minutes, then transfer the solution to a 100 mL round-bottomed
flask. Using a rotary evaporator remove the ether (45 50 mL) from the solution and discard it
properly. Transfer the remaining solution into a round-bottomed flask and set-up a distillation
apparatus. Consult your instructor if assistance is required. The apparatus is built-up from
Quickfit components with B14 joint sizes. All joints should be covered with a thin layer of
silicone grease to prevent seizure, but use caution to prevent contamination of your products by
the grease.
The distillation must be done slowly and carefully. The first fraction, the trimer (Me2SiO)3, bp
134 C, is a solid at room temperature. Thus, it may be necessary to warm the still-head with a
heat gun to prevent clogging and build up of pressure. Note that it is often practical to interupt
the distillation and physically remove this solid product from the condenser. Get help from your
The second fraction is the tetramer (Me2SiO)4, bp 175 180 C. It is usually the last pure
fraction that can be obtained by distillation at atmospheric pressure. Attempts to collect further
fractions (pentamers, hexamers, etc.) usually result in such high still-pot temperatures that the

Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual

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Part II Group 13 and 14 Compounds

Experiment 2

high molecular weight diols (HO[Me2SiO]nSiMe2OH) are pyrolyzed to cyclic dimethylsiloxanes

and water. Thus a rather cloudy distillate, contaminated by trimer and tetramer, is produced.
Excluding any material formed by pyrolysis, the usual yields of trimer and tetramer are about 2
and 11 grams respectively. Record the yields and boiling ranges of your products; you should
take more than one "cut" of each of your fractions and analyze their purities by 1H and 29Si NMR
spectroscopy. The purest samples of trimer and tetramer can then be used for the other analyses,
and for marking.
The residual silicone oil in the pot can be used to prepare "bouncing putty" by heating to
approximately 200 C with about 5% of its weight of boric oxide and an inert filler (try Celite).
"Bouncing putty" slowly flows under its own weight, like a liquid, but bounces very well when
formed into a ball and thrown at a hard surface (please avoid your instructor!).


Record the IR spectra of your neat products using the ATR IR spectrometer. Record IR
spectra of your distillation fractions. Use the bp data to try and identify those fractions that
have the most of one of the given isomers present.
Record 300 MHz 1H and 29Si NMR spectra of both products. Use CDCl3 containing no
TMS; set the reference by the residual CHCl3 signal at 7.25 ppm.
Interpret the mass spectra.

At the end of your report, address the following additional questions:
Explain how the addition of B2O3 converts silicone oil into a rubbery material.

You can buy silicone sealants (for bath-tubs, etc.) at any hardware store. These are termed
RTV (room temperature vulcanizing) polymers. What are these and how do they work?


How is Me2SiCl2 produced industrially? How would you make it in the laboratory?


Discuss the concept of catenation in the non-metallic elements. Which two elements form
the most stable homocatenates? Why do the majority of other elements form
heterocatenates? List as many examples as you can for heterocatenates among the
non-metallic elements.

Molecular Modeling

Using the models created for your Pre-lab exercise, ensure that both rings are geometry
optimized by the PM3 method. Describe the structures. Measure the bond distances and
angles within the rings, as well as the torsional angles around the rings. Compare the values
for the trimer and the tetramer.

Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual

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Part II Group 13 and 14 Compounds


Experiment 2

Calculate the energy of the two isomers (Hint: activate the Start Log command under the
File menu to record your energies in a file.) Can you think of a way to compare these
energies to determine which isomer is more stable?


Patnode, W.; Wilcock, D. F. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1946, 68, 358.

Wright, N.; Hunter, M. J. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1947, 69, 803.
Watt, J. A. C. Chem. Britain 1970, 6, 519.
Rochow, E. Silicon and Silicones; Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1987.
Greenwood, N. M.; Earnshaw, A. Chemistry of the Elements, 2nd Ed.; Elsevier
Butterworth-Heinemann: Oxford, 1997, p. 361.
Butler, I. S.; Harrod, J. F. Inorganic Chemistry; Benjamin/Cummings: Redwood City, Ca.,

Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual

Page 2-5

Part II Group 13 and 14 Compounds

Experiment 3

Vacuum-line Preparation and IR Spectroscopic Characterization of

Germane, GeH4
There is currently considerable interest in hydrides of the Group 13, 14, and 15 elements.
They are used as gaseous precursors to semiconductor materials and as doping agents in the
preparation of p and q junctions in elemental silicon for solid-state transistors and integrated
circuits. These compounds were first studied in detail by Alfred Stock, who invented the modern
chemical vacuum line in order to study reactive boranes, silanes and related compounds,
including GeH4.
In this lab you will prepare monogermane, the germanium analogue to methane. Both
CH4 and GeH4 burn vigorously in air; however, GeH4 inflames spontaneously, while methane
has a considerable activation energy, and usually does not burn until ignited by heat or a spark.
Therefore this experiment is performed entirely in an enclosed system built around a highvacuum line. Vacuum lines have been designed for a variety of applications. The modification
employed in this lab was designed specifically for this experiment. However it could be used for
numerous other experiments requiring the manipulation of volatile materials. Be very cautious
in handling the line. Turn the stopcocks slowly with one hand, while holding the stopcock
barrel with the other. Remember, glass is strong but fragile, and sudden shocks can break
the line.
Vacuum transfer of volatile compounds is very rapid in a totally evacuated apparatus.
Cooling one region of the apparatus lowers the local pressure in that region and the gas moves
there to re-establish equilibrium. (Figure II-2) In this way a volatile material can be moved
around at will.

However, even a small amount of a non-condensable gas will severely retard transfer in
vacuo. The definition of non-condensable depends on the cooling agent used. In practice,
chemists use liquid N2 or dry ice as coolants. lN2 has a boiling point of 196 C and dry ice
sublimes at 78 C under ambient pressure. Gases with boiling points close to these values will
not readily condense. Typically, gases that do not condense when lN2 is used as the coolant are
the components of air, N2 and O2. At higher pressures, however, O2 will condense quite readily
in lN2.

Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual

Page 3-1

Part II Group 13 and 14 Compounds

Experiment 3

Never insert an open-ended tube or container in lN2. In addition, be extremely

suspicious if a large amount of liquid suddenly forms in your vacuum line
(especially if it has a pale blue tint (lO2 is blue). This is probably liquid air,
because you have a leak in the apparatus. Leave the coolant around the trap
containing the liquid air, and call your instructor or other qualified personnel.
The rapid evaporation of a pool of liquid air (which can be caused by removing
the coolant) can easily explode a glass apparatus. Furthermore, liquid air is
enriched in lO2, which is capable of oxidative reactions with organic matter,
grease or dirt with explosive intensity.
Instructional goals:
Properties of the following elements are highlighted: Ge, B, H
(1) Understanding of, and experience with, a chemical vacuum line for the handling of
volatile, reactive materials.
(2) Preparation of a volatile Group 14 hydride.
(3) Measurement of a gas-phase, "high-resolution" IR spectrum.
(4) Determination of the GeH bond length in GeH4 by analysis of the vibrationalrotational spectrum.
Pre-lab exercise
Write a balanced chemical equation for the synthesis of germanium hydrides from GeO2
and KBH4.



What is a slush bath, and by what physical principle does it function?

What are the physical properties (e.g. m.p., b.p., vapour pressure) of GeH4 and Ge2H6?
Create HyperChem models of GeH4 and Ge2H6. Optimize their structures first using MM+
and then using the PM3 semi-empirical methods. Record all bond distances and bond
Why is the IR spectrum recorded at a very low pressure in a cell with a 10 cm path length
(much longer than the < 1 mm paths used in the liquid-film-between-NaCl-plates technique
used in Chem. 2500/2600)?
Draw flow diagrams through schematic representations of the vacuum line to indicate the
flow of vapours in the various stages of the preparation and purification of GeH4. Include
these in your lab notebook for consultation during the experiment.

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Page 3-2

Part II Group 13 and 14 Compounds

Experiment 3




Germanium dioxide is only mildly toxic by ingestion, but germane is a highly toxic gas.
We make it in only very small quantity, and in a totally enclosed system. If the container of
GeH4 were accidentally broken, leave the immediate area until the gas has completely
Potassium borohydride is toxic by ingestion. It reacts with water releasing hydrogen which
represents a fire and explosion hazard. Use caution in handling.
Evacuated equipment represents an implosion hazard. Wear eye-protection and full face
shields whenever you are near the reaction flask or vacuum line.
Ethyl bromide (bromoethane) is toxic by inhalation and ingestion. Its vapours are markedly
irritating to the lungs on inhalation for even short periods. The vapours are also highly
Chloroform is a suspected carcinogen, and is toxic by inhalation. It is not flammable.

Dewar Flasks
For the handling of cryogenic fluids, in this case liquid nitrogen (lN2), and mixtures containing this
coolant, you will employ Dewar flasks, or simply "Dewars" (Figure II-3). (The name is capitalized

because it refers to the inventor, Sir James Dewar, just as the Erlenmeyer flask honours Emil
Erlenmeyer.) A typical Dewar is a double-walled cylindrical glass container, with the space
between the walls evacuated to a very low pressure. This means there are few molecules in the wall
space to conduct thermal energy from the lab to the cryogen, and Dewar flasks are thus very good

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Part II Group 13 and 14 Compounds

Experiment 3

insulators. A further improvement in insulation is provided by silvering the glass to reflect radiant
These flasks are very expensive and fragile! Moreover, since they are evacuated, when
they break they implode with a loud report, and the glass fragments can cause serious
injury. Handle the Dewars with great care in this and all other situations where you use
Vacuum line setup
The vacuum line is attached to the lattice frame. A schematic representation is included as Figure
II-4. Make sure that you view this line and understand how it correlates to the diagram. The
apparatus for the experiment should be set up prior to starting as indicated in Figure II-5, and should
be checked by the instructor before continuing. Connect the outlet tube to port 2 on the vacuum line
with vacuum Tygon tubing.

Preparation of GeH4
Charge a 250 mL RB flask with 60 mL of glacial acetic acid and a stirbar. Prepare a separate
solution by dissolving, in order, 1 g of KOH, 0.5 g of GeO2 and 0.75 g of KBH4 in 15 mL of d H2O
in a 50 mL beaker. Do not use a metal spatula to stir this mixture! Pour this solution into the
dropping funnel.
Put on a full face-shield without removing the normal safety glasses. Keep the shield down
whenever facing the vacuum line or other evacuated containers.
Evacuate the vacuum line traps by opening stopcocks 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6. Carefully open 7 with the
stirrer running to evacuate the reaction flask. After the acetic acid stops bubbling, close 7 and cool
all four traps by immersing them in Dewars filled with lN2. Close 1. Open 7.
Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual

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Part II Group 13 and 14 Compounds

Experiment 3

Start the addition of reagent at a slow but steady rate such as to complete the addition over 10
minutes. Stop the addition with a drop or two of reagent left in the funnel. At this point stop the N2
bleed, and open 1 completely for a few seconds. Close 7. Open the bleed valve to bring the flask to
atmospheric pressure with N2. Disconnect the reaction flask and take it to a fume hood. Clean it out
as soon as possible.
Preparation of slush baths
Slush baths are prepared in a fume hood by slowly adding liquid nitrogen to the stirred liquids in a
Dewar, until the consistency of a thick milk shake is achieved. The stirring is done with a wooden
stick to prevent breakage of the Dewar flask. Care must be taken not to add too much lN2 or a
difficult-to-melt solid mass will form. If the lN2 is added too rapidly at the beginning, large amounts
of the substance being cooled will be thrown out of the Dewar.
Trap-to-trap distillation
Remove the Dewars from traps 2, 3, and 4 allowing all the volatile materials to condense into trap 1.
After several minutes only water may be left in these three traps. Close 2 and 4 and open 8. Use the
heat gun to evaporate away the water to the pump.
Immerse trap 2 in a Dewar filled with a CHCl3 slush bath (63.5 C). Move the lN2 Dewar from
trap 1 to trap 3. Open 4. As the mixture in trap 1 melts, the gases pass through the slush bath,
removing acetic acid and water. Do not hurry this along by warming the trap.
Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual

Page 3-5

Part II Group 13 and 14 Compounds

Experiment 3

When trap 1 is empty, close 5, 6 and 8. Remove the slush bath and open 2. Heat traps 1 and 2 to
drive the contents to the pump. When completely dry, cool them to room temperature. Attach the
external Ascarite/magnesium perchlorate trap between ports 1 and 2. Open stopcock 3 and the
stopcocks on the Ascarite trap to evacuate the trap. Close 2 and 4, and then open 6 and 7. Move the
lN2 Dewar from trap 3 to trap 1. The volatile germanes pass through the trap, but CO2 and residual
water are trapped by reaction with the trap materials. When trap 3 is empty, close all stopcocks and
disconnect the Ascarite trap. Ensure the stopcocks on the trap are closed; it can be used for
many preparations if kept isolated from the atmosphere.
Immerse trap 2 in an ethanol (99%) slush bath (110 C). Open 4 and 5. Move the lN2 Dewar to
trap 3. This slush bath removes digermane. When trap 1 is empty, close 5, open 2, and remove the
slush bath. Pump the residues in traps 1 and 2 away. Do not lower the liquid nitrogen on the
germane trap!

Measure the vapour pressure of your sample by closing 1 and 2, opening 8, and replacing
the lN2 Dewar with the ethyl bromide slush bath. This will liquefy the GeH4, and the
vapour in equilibrium with this liquid develops a pressure, which you can read from the
pressure gauge. Pure germane has a vapour pressure of 182 mm Hg at 111.6 C. When
you are done with this measurement, cool again with liquid nitrogen to freeze the GeH4
back into the trap. Close 8.


You will perform a gas-phase IR spectrum of GeH4 in high-resolution mode. This

involves several differences in procedure, including the use of a different software
package. Ask your instructor to assist with this data acquisition.
The IR cell is a 10 cm path-length gas cell, with large KBr windows. It is stored in its
own desiccator. This cell has vacuum stopcocks and ground-glass joints, enabling it to be
directly attached to the vacuum line at port 3. The cell is evacuated by opening stopcock
9. Now close 1, open 8, and remove the Dewar from trap 3 to vapourize the GeH4. A
pressure of only 10 20 mm Hg is required to observe the spectrum. Higher pressures
lead to loss of resolution from intermolecular effects.
To empty the cell after analysis, reconnect the cell to the line and open the stopcocks on
the cell and the line. The unused portion of GeH4 can be stored in the container provided.
Ask you instructor about the procedure for vacuum transfer to this container.

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Part II Group 13 and 14 Compounds

Experiment 3

Provide a full analysis of the high-resolution IR spectrum of GeH4. The following will serve as an
outline to guide you in this analysis.
Tetrahedral molecules are a special case of the class of molecules known as spherical tops, XYZ3.
The spectrum which you have recorded is an example of a vibrational-rotational spectrum, similar
in all respects to the HCl spectrum studied in Chem 3730. However, the mathematical treatment of
spherical top molecules is considerably more complex. Here follows a greatly abbreviated
treatment. Each vibration has associated with it a P, Q and R "branch", with the P at lowest energy.
The frequencies of the bands are identified by the Q branch. There are three in the spectrum of
GeH4: 3 at 2105 cm-1, 2, an "IR-forbidden" band at 935 cm-1, and 4 at 813 cm-1. An analysis of
the rotational "fine-structure" of 3 and 4 can give a value for the moment of inertia, I, for GeH4.
From this we can calculate the GeH bond length in this molecule by the following equation
(defined for XY4):
I = 8/3 my rxy2
rxy =

8mH x1.6671024

From the average spacing of the rotational lines in the P and R branches of the two fundamental
vibrations, denoted 3 and 4, respectively, we can calculate values for the estimated rotational
constant, B, for the tetrahedral molecule and the so-called Coriolis coupling constants, 3 and 4.
These are related by the following equations:
3 = 2B (1 - 3)
4 = 2B (1 - 4)
3 + 4 =
B = (3 + 4)/3
The estimated moment of inertia is obtained from B by the equation:

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Part II Group 13 and 14 Compounds

Experiment 3

IB =

82 c B

From the tabulated peak positions for the 3 and 4 lines, calculate values of B, I, and rGe-H.
Remember to use average values, and remember the resolution limit of the spectrometer, and the
resulting uncertainty in your answers.
At the end of your report, answer the following additional questions:

What is meant by the term fundamental vibration? Sketch the fundamental vibrations for a
tetrahedral molecule.
Why are certain vibrations classified as "forbidden", and others "allowed" in the vibrational
spectrum of GeH4?
Compare your values for B, I, and rGe-H with literature values.
Why is the rotational-vibrational method of determining structure and bond distances
restricted to small molecules?

Molecular modeling




Using your PM3 optimized molecular model of GeH4, perform a geometry optimization (this
should just be identical to a single point calculation, but ensures that you truly have an
optimized structure.)
Under the Compute menu, perform a Compute Vibrations. Then calculate the vibrational
spectrum. Arrange your screen so that you can see both the spectrum window and your
molecule. This may require re-sizing or translating your molecule on the screen.
Record the calculated vibrational frequencies (in cm1) and the symmetry labels of those
vibrations. Then animate each vibration, and use this in conjunction with your answer to
additional question #1 above to identify the calculated vibrations using the conventional
labeling system.
Construct a table comparing the calculated and measured vibrational energies of all of the
vibrational bands. Indicate which bands are allowed and which are forbidden in the Infra-Red.
Is the agreement between calculation and experiment good or poor? Explain.

Jolly, W. L.; Drake, J. E. Inorg. Synth. 1963, 7, 34.
Cotton, F. A.; Wilkinson, G.; Murillo, C. A.; Bochmann, M. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry,
6th Ed.; Wiley: N. Y., 1999, p 268.
Greenwood, N. N.; Earnshaw, A. Chemistry of the Elements, 2nd Ed.; Elsevier Butterworth
Heinemann: Oxford; 1984, p 374.
Steward, W. B.; Nielsen, H. H. Phys. Rev. 1935, 48, 861.
Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual

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Part II Group 13 and 14 Compounds


Experiment 3

Straley, J. W.; Tindal, C. H.; Nielsen, H. H. Phys. Rev. 1942, 62, 161.
Herzberg, G. Infrared and Raman Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules; Van Nostrand: N. Y.,
1945, p. 448 & 456.

Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual

Page 3-9

Part II Group 13 and 14 Compounds

Experiment 4

The Influence of Oxidation State on the

Electronegativity of Tin
The nature of the bonds between tin and its substituents is a function of both the oxidation
state of the tin and the electronegativity of the second moiety. In general, the effective
electronegativity of any atom increases with increasing oxidation state. Covalent character is a
feature of bonds between systems with both reasonably high and similar electronegativities. In
the tetravalent oxidation state tin is expected to form more covalent compounds with
electronegative substituents such as carbon or chlorine. Thus, Sn(IV) has an extensive
organometallic chemistry, involving covalent bonds to carbon-containing ligands.
Tin also has a stable divalent state which is much less electronegative. Bonding in Sn(II)
compounds is therefore more ionic, and the compounds resemble those of divalent mercury. The
trivalent oxidation state of tin, however, is not observed and attempts to prepare it usually result
in a disproportionation reaction affording di- and tetravalent tin species. This type of reaction
occurs in many other systems when the electronic configuration is particularly unstable. Specific
examples include Tl(II), Au(II), Nb(II), etc. Disproportionation is essentially a mutual
oxidation-reduction of the same element.
The reaction examined in this experiment is the oxidation of tin metal with benzyl chloride in
which the attempt to produce Sn(III) results in a covalent Sn(IV) compound and an ionic Sn(II)
Instructional goals:
Properties of the following elements are highlighted: Sn, O, Cl
(1) Basic synthetic techniques; reflux, recrystallization in air.
(2) Synthesis of an organometallic compound by direct addition of an alkyl halide to
the element.
(3) IR spectra by nujol mull.
(4) H and Sn NMR spectroscopy; use of heteronuclear NMR for an element with a
minor isotope which is NMR active.
(5) Experience with mass spectrometry; use of isotope effects in the interpretation of
the spectra of organometallic compounds.
Pre-lab exercise

Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction performed in the first part of this
Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction performed in the second part of this

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Part II Group 13 and 14 Compounds



Experiment 4

What is the structure of (PhCH2)3SnCl? Create a HyperChem model of the structure.

Optimize it in MM+ to get a good approximation of the true geometry. Improve your
model by re-optimizing it using the PM3 semi-emprical method.
What range of frequencies should you record in the IR analysis of the product?
Map out the timing of your afternoon's work. Use free gaps of time to do other operations.
Be realistic in time allotted for each operation!


Benzyl chloride is toxic and a possible carcinogen. Avoid breathing the fumes and
wear disposable gloves when handling. Dispense it in the hood.
Tin metal and tin oxide have very low toxicity. All powdered metals are fire hazards.
Organotin compounds are highly toxic.
Glacial acetic acid is poisonous, corrosive, and a severe eye and skin irritant. It
should always be dispensed and used in the hood with the sash down.
Ethyl acetate is very flammable. It is moderately toxic by inhalation. Use in the hood.

Preparation of (PhCH2)3SnCl
Place 75 mL of water in a 250 mL, 2-neck RB flask equipped with a water-cooled condenser,
heating mantle and a magnetic stir bar. The condenser should be attached to the central opening
in the reflux position (vertical). While stirring vigorously, add 10 g of tin powder through the
side arm of the flask. Bring the water to a boil and add 9.0 mL of benzyl chloride (density = 1.10
g/cm ) via a disposable pipette, over a period of 2 minutes.
Benzyl chloride is toxic and a possible carcinogen. Avoid breathing fumes and wear
disposable polyethylene gloves when handling! Dispense it in the fume hood.
The mixture is kept at the boiling point with vigorous stirring for 1.5 hours after which point it is
cooled to room temperature and the product collected and dried on a Bchner funnel (keep filter
paper for later rinsing). Save both the filtrate and the precipitate. The cooling process may be
shortened by using a water or ice/water bath.
NOTE: While refluxing you can complete other experiments, run spectra, etc. If for some
reason you have to stop without filtering, break up the clumps as much as possible before

Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual

Page 4-2

Part II Group 13 and 14 Compounds

Experiment 4

Transfer the precipitate along with the stir-bar into a 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask and remove the
residue from the filter paper with 3 portions of 5 10 mL of HOT ethyl acetate. Allow the
filtrate to drain into the same flask as the product. Heat the mixture until all of the large clumps
are dissolved and then filter off the remaining grey precipitate. Evaporate the filtrate to dryness,
stirring occasionally, using an air sweep. Save a sample of this crude product for
determination of its melting point.
The crude product is then recrystallized from 30 mL of hot glacial acetic acid (do this in the
fume hood). If the product does not completely dissolve using 30 mL add additional amounts in
5 mL portions. After recrystallization collect the crystals on a Bchner funnel, and wash them
with 25 mL of COLD glacial acetic acid. Dry them with the air sweep. Weigh the purified
Isolation of Sn(II) from the reaction mixture
While in the fume hood, treat the filtrate from the initial reaction with 12 mL of conc. ammonia
and heat the mixture to 70 C. The white precipitate of Sn(OH)2 is a positive test for tin(II).
Collect, dry and weigh the solid.

Obtain the m.p. of both the crude and recrystallized (PhCH2)3SnCl.


Record the H, C, and Sn NMR spectra of (PhCH2)3SnCl.

Record the IR spectrum of (PhCH2)3SnCl as a nujol mull. NOTE: If using KBr plates (as



opposed to ATR IR) be exceedingly careful as they are very expensive and fragile much
more so than the NaCl plates. Wash them with CH2Cl2 (not acetone), and return them to the

desiccator immediately after use.

Interpret the mass spectrum of (PhCH2)3SnCl.

Hand in your two products as well as all the original spectra. Include a partial analysis of the
vibrational spectrum, emphasizing the metal-halogen bands. Provide a full interpretation of the
NMR spectra, including chemical shifts, coupling constants and intensities of all observed
signals. Consult reference 4, p. 198 for background information on NMR. Assign the peaks in
the mass spectrum using the "fragment" ion approach.
At the end of your report, address the following additional questions:

Why was the solid extracted with ethyl acetate instead of acetic acid?

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Page 4-3

Part II Group 13 and 14 Compounds




Experiment 4

From its solubility properties, does tribenzyltin chloride seem to be ionic or covalent?
Give a rationalization for the stability of Sn(II) and Sn(IV) versus Sn(III).
Despite the implications of this experiment, several exotic organometallic compounds of
Sn(II) have recently been prepared and structurally characterized. What are some of these
compounds, and how do they fit in to the general scheme of tin compounds put forward in
the introduction?
The direct reaction of Sn with RCl is of crucial importance to key industries involving the
Group 14 elements. What are some of these industries, and why is the direct reaction so
important to them?
What effect do the differing isotopes of the atoms in your compound have on the mass
spectrum? Account for the appearance of all peaks containing isotopes of significant (>5%)
natural abundance.

Molecular Modeling



Use your PM3 optimized model of (PhCH2)3SnCl from the Pre-lab exercise. Report the
bond angles and distances for the atoms directly attached to Sn.
Organotin hydrides are important reagents in organic chemistry. Construct a model of
(PhCH2)3SnH and optimize it using MM+ and PM3. (Hint: you can use the model of the
chloride by removing the chlorine atom and using Model Build to Add Hydrogens. DO
NOT Model Build or you lose all the optimization you have already performed!)
Calculate Molecular Vibrations. This will take some time! Thereafter calculate the
Vibrational Spectrum. Where do you expect the SnH stretching vibration to occur in the
spectrum? Locate a normal mode of vibration that seems to be dominated by tin-hydrogen
stretching. Record the number of this normal mode and its calculated energy at the PM3
Would you expect that the SnH band would be easy to detect in the IR spectrum based on
your calculations? Why or why not?


Sisido, K.; Takeda, Y.; Kinugawa, Z. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1961, 83, 538.
Cotton, F. A.; Wilkinson, G. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, 5th Ed., Wiley: N. Y., 1989,
p. 265.
Greenwood, N. M.; Earnshaw, A. Chemistry of the Elements, Pergamon Press: Toronto,
1984, especially p. 459ff.
Butler, I. S.; Harrod, J. F. Inorganic Chemistry; Benjamin/Cummings: Redwood City, Ca.,
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics - Table of the isotopes (any edition will do; if
you do not own a copy, they are available in the Organic Laboratory.)
Petrosyan, V. S. Prog. NMR Spectroscopy 1977, 11, 115.

Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual

Page 4-4

Part III Group 15 and 16 Compounds

Experiment 5

Grignard Synthesis of Tetramethyldiphosphinedisulfide

A major feature of the chemistry of the second and subsequent row elements is their
ability to exist in high formal oxidation states, e.g. phosphorus(V) in PF5 and sulfur(VI) in SF6.
Considerable interest has been shown over the years in the electronic reasons for the stability of
these compounds, their stereochemical characteristics and their use as synthetic intermediates.
In the present experiment you will prepare and use methyl magnesium bromide (a
Grignard reagent), a synthetic intermediate of fundamental importance to inorganic and organic
chemists alike. The reagent will be generated by reacting magnesium with methyl bromide;
subsequent treatment with thiophosphoryl chloride, SPCl3, affords tetramethyldiphosphine
disulfide [Me2PS]2. This procedure illustrates the use of main group organometallic compounds
(in this case a Grignard reagent) in inorganic synthesis. This particular reaction is somewhat
anomalous in that the expected product, SPMe3, is not formed.
This anomaly is fortuitous; the isolated product is an extremely useful intermediate in its
own right. In particular, it provides a useful route to high-coordinate phosphorus(V) compounds,
e.g. Me2PCl3, by direct oxidation with chlorine
Me2PSSPMe2 + 5 Cl2 2 Me2PCl3 + 2 SCl2
Instructional goals:
Properties of the following elements are highlighted: P, S
(1) Preparation and use of a Grignard reagent and understanding of the
organometallic chemistry of magnesium.
(2) Preparation of a catenated phosphorus compound.
(3) Understanding and applications of H and P NMR spectroscopy.
(4) Awareness of 2nd order effects in NMR spectroscopy.
(5) Experience in the interpretation of high-resolution mass spectra for the
characterization of inorganic compounds.
Pre-lab exercise


Provide balanced chemical equations for the preparation of the Grignard reagent and for
the subsequent synthesis of [Me2PS]2.
What is the structure of [Me2PS]2? Build a molecular model in HyperChem for this
molecule. How many conformers should you reasonably consider? Using the MM+
method, try to find the lowest energy conformation after geometry optimization.
How many signals do you expect in the P NMR spectrum? Should the spectrum be
acquired with or without broadband H decoupling?

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Part III Group 15 and 16 Compounds


Experiment 5

Map out the timing of your afternoon's work. Use free gaps of time to do other
operations. Be realistic in time allotted for each operation!


Methyl bromide (bromomethane) is a highly toxic gas. It must only be used in a

closed system and the whole apparatus must be kept in a fume hood.
Thiophosphoryl chloride is a moderately toxic liquid. It reacts vigorously with
Grignard reagents.
Glacial acetic acid is poisonous, corrosive and a severe eye and skin irritant. It should
always be dispensed and used in the hood with the sash down.
The solvents ethanol, and especially diethyl ether, are highly flammable liquids.

Preparation of the methyl Grignard reagent
NOTE: This reaction must be performed in a fume hood and while preparing the
Grignard reagent, due to the violent reaction that may occur, place a curved blast
shield around the reaction vessel. Prior to doing the experiment, all glassware must
be dried and 3 blocks of dry ice prepared.
Dry magnesium turnings (2.5 g) are added to a clean, dry 500-mL three-neck RB flask, equipped
with a mechanical paddle stirrer (Figure III-1). To this flask, 250 mL of anhydrous diethyl ether
and a crystal or two of iodine are added. The flask is then equipped with the large dry ice
condenser to which the nitrogen line is attached. Attach a gas inlet to the right side-arm through
which the MeBr will be added.
With nitrogen gas bubbling vigorously through the upper line, begin adding chunks of crushed
dry ice to the condenser. When the cold finger is almost full, slowly add acetone (from a wash
bottle) to the finger. After the initial effervescence the dry ice/acetone slurry will settle down into
the finger. Further additions of small quantities of dry ice may be required to maintain the slurry
throughout the reaction. You are now ready to commence preparation of the Grignard reagent,
Slow down the flow of nitrogen to a steady rate of 2 bubbles per second. Fully open the main
valve on the MeBr cylinder and open the regulator valve turn for approximately 30 s to allow
the gas to pass slowly into the reaction flask. You will notice the methyl bromide begin to
condense on the cold finger and run back into the ether. After closing the valve, wait for 2-3 min
for the reaction to start. The reaction between MeBr and Mg has a finite induction period, but
once it commences it is quite exothermic, and may cause the ether to boil.

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Part III Group 15 and 16 Compounds

Experiment 5

The reaction between the MeBr and Mg is very vigorous. For this reason the cylinder
must not initially be left open for longer than 30 s. If it is left open longer than 30 s, the
build up of MeBr may cause the reaction to start violently enough to explode the
reaction vessel and the attached apparatus. Hence the blast shield.
After the initial reaction subsides, reopen the cylinder for an additional 15 s. Repeat this process
until all magnesium turnings have been dissolved. When this occurs, remove the gas inlet (make
sure the cylinder valve is closed completely) and replace it with a glass stopper. Remove the
dry-ice condenser and immediately replace it with the water condenser. (See Figure III-2.)
Transfer the nitrogen line to the top of this condenser to maintain an inert atmosphere within the
reaction flask. Leave the reaction mixture to stir at room temperature for 15 min; this will allow
any excess methyl bromide to evaporate.
Preparation of [Me2PS]2
Measure out 3.0 mL (5.0 g) of thiophosphoryl chloride, SPCl3, in a graduated cylinder and add
this and 50 mL of anhydrous ether to an addition funnel. Attach the addition funnel to the
stoppered side-arm of the reaction flask. Slowly add the SPCl3/ether solution while stirring

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Part III Group 15 and 16 Compounds

Experiment 5

The first few drops will cause a very violent reaction. Therefore it is advisable to add this
solution a few drops at a time while allowing the reaction to subside between additions. After
approximately 1 mL has been added the rate can be gradually increased.

This reaction is extremely exothermic and produces a heavy white porridge-like precipitate. (If a
crust begins to form or the slurry becomes too thick to stir, stop the addition, remove the addition
funnel and manually turn the mixture over with a spatula). When the addition is complete the
mixture is quenched by the slow addition of 50 mL of 10% H2SO4.
The reaction is now essentially complete. Halt the nitrogen supply is halted and remove the
addition funnel (and clean it). Pour the contents of the reaction flask into a 1-L beaker which is
filled with crushed ice. Filter the resulting slurry through a Bchner funnel and wash the solid
with 250 mL of water. Recrystallize the crude product by dissolving it in 150 mL of boiling
ethanol in a 250 mL beaker and allow the solution to cool to room temperature. Collect the white
crystalline needles of [Me2PS]2 by filtration and dry them in air.

Weigh your product and determine the yield. Obtain its melting point and compare with
literature values.
Record the H, C, and P NMR NMR spectra (in CDCl3).
Interpret the mass spectrum. Include a calculation of the exact mass of the main peak of the
parent ion.

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Part III Group 15 and 16 Compounds


Experiment 5

Measure the IR spectrum of the product.

Recorded a Raman spectrum of your product.

Hand in your product as well as all original spectra. Provide a full interpretation of the NMR
spectra, including chemical shifts, coupling constants, and relative intensities of all observed
signals. Consult reference 4, p.198 for background information on NMR spectroscopy. Explain
the phenomenon of "second-order effects in NMR spectroscopy", with specific reference to the
H NMR spectrum of [Me2PS]2. Assign as many peaks as possible in the mass spectrum.
At the end of your report, address the following additional questions:
Draw the structure of [Me2PS]2 and explain how this structure was determined (what other



possibilities are there?). Explain what product might be formed if it were oxidized using a
deficit of chlorine (i.e., less than the 5 moles required by the equation on p. 5-1).
Me2PCl3 forms conducting solutions in acetonitrile (it is a 1:1 electrolyte). By contrast,
Me2PF3 forms non-conducting solutions in acetonitrile. Interpret these observations in
terms of the structural differences between the two compounds.
Explain how high-resolution mass spectroscopy can be used to identify a compound almost
uniquely. Many journals now accept a correct high-resolution spectrum as proof for the
existence of a new compound, provided the researchers can provide independent evidence
of compound purity. What is the danger in using only the mass spectrum to substantiate the
existence of a new compound?

Molecular Modeling


Use your electronic models as created for the Pre-lab exercise. Perform a careful
comparative calculation of the three possible rotamers (cis, trans and staggered). Optimize
each using the PM3 semi-empirical method. (Hint: activate Start Log under the File menu
to record the energies in a text file.)
Make a table of the energies of the three conformers, using kJ/mol. Record all the bond
distances and bond angles other than those involving the hydrogen atoms. Put these into
your table as well.
Can you rationalize why the molecule adopts the more stable conformer?


Porterfield, W. W. Inorganic Chemistry, Addison Wesley Pub. Co.: Reading, 1984, p. 503.
Purcell, K. F.; Kotz, J. C. Inorganic Chemistry; Saunders, 1977, p. 430-444.
Harris, R. K.; Hayter, R. G. Can. J. Chem. 1964, 42, 2282.
Butler, I. S.; Harrod, J. F. Inorganic Chemistry; Benjamin/Cummings: Redwood City,

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Part III Group 15 and 16 Compounds


Experiment 5

Cowley, A. H.; Steinfink, H. Inorg. Chem. 1965, 4, 1827.

Fluck, E.; Issleib, K. Chem. Ber. 1965, 98, 2674.
Gee, M.; Wasylishen, R. E.; Eichele, K.; Britten, J. J. Phys. Chem. A 2000, 104, 4598.

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Part III Group 15 and 16 Compounds

Experiment 6

A Stable Inorganic Radical: 4-phenyl-1,2,3,5-dithiadiazolyl

and Its Dimer
Stable radicals are common in inorganic chemistry; nitric oxide, NO, and nitrogen
dioxide, NO2, are good examples. Fremy's salt, K2ON(SO3)2, and organic nitroxides, ONR2, are
perhaps less well-known, but find important uses in the spectroscopic study of reactions
involving radical intermediates. In the gas phase, and in solution, most of these radicals R. exist
in equilibrium with a dimer, RR. The characteristic conversion of brown NO2 gas into a
colourless liquid (N2O4) represents a classical example of such a process. Likewise, sodium
dithionite, Na2S2O4, really consists of a weakly associated pair of SO2- radical anions


(Kdiss(S2O4) = 10 M in H2O), and as such, represents a useful and widely used reducing agent


2 SO2

2 SO2



Related to the dithionite anion are a series of cyclic p-radicals built from catenated
S=N units; the two isomeric modifications (1 and 2) of the dithiadiazolyl are representative of
this type of system.

In the present experiment you will prepare the radical 4-phenyl-1,2,3,5-dithiadiazolyl by

reduction of the corresponding dithiadiazolium cation, which can itself be prepared (as its
chloride salt) by the reaction of persilylatedbenzamidine, PhC(NSiMe3)N(SiMe3)2 with sulfur
The reduction can be effected by a metal, such as zinc, or more conveniently, by the
addition of triphenylstibine, Ph3Sb (which is itself oxidized to Ph3SbCl2). The radical can be
isolated as its dimer, a dark purple crystalline solid, and characterized by Electron Spin
Resonance (ESR) spectroscopy, which provides information about the unpaired spin-density

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Part III Group 15 and 16 Compounds

Experiment 6

Instructional goals:
Properties of the following elements are highlighted: S, N & Sb.
(1) The synthesis of moisture- and oxygen-sensitive materials under inert gas, using dry
(2) Understanding of stable free radicals, and the use of ESR spectroscopy to study free
(3) Provide an example of the application of ultraviolet photo-electron spectroscopy in
inorganic chemistry.
(4) Familiarity with the use of molecular orbital theory in the interpretation of experimental
(5) Demonstrate the power of high-resolution mass spectrometry in chemical analysis.
Pre-lab exercise

What is the structure of PhCN2S2 Cl and the dimer of PhCN2S2 ?

Construct molecular models using HyperChem of the PhCN2S2 molecule. Be sure to make
both the phenyl ring and the CN2S2 rings aromatic! Minimize it in MM+ and AM1 (for the
latter calculation, be sure to set the charge and spin multiplicity correctly.) Now build a
model of the dimer and minimize it using MM+. What is wrong with this model?


Provide balanced chemical equations for the synthesis of PhCN2S2 Cl and (PhCN2S2)2.


Describe in what way PhCN2S2 Cl and (PhCN2S2)2 are air-sensitive. What precautions are


employed in their preparation to overcome these problems?

Map out the timing of your afternoon's work. Use free gaps of time to do other operations.
Be realistic in time allotted for each operation!



Persilylatedbenzamidine can hydrolze to benzonitrile, which is moderately toxic and

has an almond-like odour.
Sulfur dichloride is a poison by inhalation and ingestion. It decomposes on contact
with water to form HCl and various sulfur acids. Handle only in the hood, and
segregate wastes into the specially marked containers.
Triphenylantimony is toxic by ingestion, and should not be handled with bare hands.
Acetonitrile is a moderately toxic and highly flammable liquid. Use with care.

Make sure that the glassware needed for this experiment is placed in an oven at 150
C for at least 1 hour prior to starting the experiment. Do this before the lab period

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Part III Group 15 and 16 Compounds

Experiment 6

Preparation of PhCN2S2 Cl

Clamp a previously dried 250 mL side-arm flask, equipped with a water condenser, in the fumehood and attach the side arm to the nitrogen bubbler. Add a small stir bar, 75 mL of dry
acetonitrile (stored over molecular sieves) and 4.00 g of N,N,N-tristrimethylsilylbenzamidine.
Stopper the flask and use a heating mantle to warm the mixture to 50 C (use a Variac setting of
approximately 40%).

Carefully open the bottle of sulfur dichloride (STENCH) and use a Pasteur pipette to inject ~3
mL of SCl2 directly into the flask. A vigorous reaction ensues, producing a fluffy orange
precipitate. Increase the Variac setting and heat the reaction mixture to a boil for about 30
minutes. Remove the heating mantle and allow the flask to cool, slowly forming orange crystals.
The orange crystalline product is moisture sensitive (especially when still wet with solvent). It is
isolated by filtration with a "filter stick". (See figure III-5.) Replace the stopper of the 250 mL
flask with one end of the filter stick, to the other end attach a 100 mL side-arm flask (Figure III-

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Part III Group 15 and 16 Compounds

Experiment 6

5). Secure all the joints with clamps and, with the assistance of your instructor, slowly invert
the apparatus so that the product flask is tipped down onto the glass frit. Apply a gentle vacuum
at tap T1 to the lower flask using the double manifold vacuum line at the side of the lab. This
will draw the solution through the upper flask and leave the precipitate on the sintered glass frit
in the filter stick. When the filtration is complete remove the lower filled flask from the filter
stick and replace it with the provided stopper.

Re-apply the vacuum via tap T2 and thoroughly dry the solid (about 10 min). Dispose of the
(malodorous) sulfur waste in the designated waste bottle. When the solid is dry release the
vacuum and quickly transfer the solid to a pre-weighed stoppered vial. Re-weigh the vial and
record the yield of your product.
Measure the m.p. of your product. Use a regular m.p. capillary tube. Dip the open end in
silicone grease to provide a temporary seal against atmospheric moisture.
Record the IR spectrum.

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Part III Group 15 and 16 Compounds

Experiment 6

Preparation of [PhCN2S2]2
Add 10 mL of dry, oxygen-free, acetonitrile to a 200 mL side-arm flask. Attach the side-arm to a

nitrogen bubbler in the fume hood. After flushing for about 5 min add 0.25 g of PhCN2S2 Cl ,
followed immediately by 0.50 g of triphenylantimony while stirring with a small stir bar. The
solution will darken and a fine black precipitate will be produced. Filter the mixture through a
clean, dry filter stick, as described above. Dry the product under vacuum, and when dry fill the
apparatus with N2. Weigh the product and store it in a nitrogen flushed vial. Consult your
instructor regarding the purity of this sample. Further purification may be achieved by vacuum
Measure the m.p. of your product, as described above.
Record the IR spectrum or the dimer. Be sure to print out the region of interest to the same
scale as for the halide above. This will make visual comparison of the spectra much easier.
Interpret the ESR spectrum of the free radical dithiadiazolium in CH2Cl2 solution at room

temperature which is included in this lab manual.

Interpret the mass spectrum. In each case, the source of the radical is solid dimer. The weak
dimer bonds are broken in solution or in the gas phase. Include a calculation of what the
exact mass of the parent ion main peak should be!

Hand in your products as well as all original spectra, and record the yield of each compound
prepared. Comment on the differences between the IR spectra of the cation and the neutral
dimer. Do not attempt a complete analysis of the spectrum, but explain why this is omitted.
Provide an analysis of the ESR spectrum of the radical, i.e., determine the nitrogen hyperfine
coupling constants aN and the g-value of the radical (you are given the location of the centre of
the spectrum in Gauss units).
Interpret the mass spectrum of PhCN2S2 from the data provided. Clearly explain how this data
provides strong corroboration for the proposed molecular formula. What aspect of the compound
does the mass spectrum not show, and why is chemical analysis of new compounds still a
required exercise?
Molecular Modeling
A knowledge of the electronic structure (orbitals and energies) of PhCN2S2 is required to answer
the additional questions. Therefore be sure to do this section first. In order to avoid unnecessary

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Part III Group 15 and 16 Compounds

Experiment 6

computational difficulties, in this and subsequent exercises we will use the model of PhCN2S2+
that you optimized for the pre-lab exercises without further re-optimization. Be sure to follow the
instructions carefully. Note that we use the AM1 semi-empirical method. PM3 is poorly
parameterized for sulfur and nitrogen, and gives unreliable results.

Take the model of PhCN2S2+ and perform a geometry optimization to ensure this is
correctly modeled. Be sure to set the charge to +1 and the multiplicity to 1. Sketch the
shape of the HOMO and the LUMO. Into which orbital does the extra electron in PhCN2S2



Now change the charge to 0 and the multiplicity to 1. Perform a Single Point calculation,
and look at the orbitals. Is there a well-defined SOMO? Sketch its shape. Which orbital in
PhCN2S2+ does it resemble?
Now create a realistic dimer of the radical PhCN2S2. You must do this manually, since
neither the model builder nor the computational methods will provide accurate structures of
the dimer. Proceed as follows. Under File, Merge onto your existing model of PhCN2S2+



the same model. Save As a new file (e.g. dimer). Now you must place the two rings
directly above and below each other. This is done by changing Select to Molecules,
highlighting one of the molecules, and rotating/translating with the right mouse button
depressed. You need to have the two rings co-planar and directly above each other. The
two rings are slightly tilted apart, with the sulfur atoms closest and the Ph rings furthest
apart. The separation at S is ~3.1 . Once you have a realistic model, be sure to save it.
Perform a Single Point AM1 calculation on the dimer (charge = 0, multiplicity = 1). Plot
the orbitals and identify the HOMO. If this orbital does not extend between the rings, go
into Plot Options on the Orbitals window, and decrease the orbital contour value slightly.
Do not overdo this or the orbital will expand to cover the whole molecule. Now do the
same for the LUMO of the dimer.
Sketch a simple energy level diagram, including orbital energies from HyperChem, for
bringing together two dithiadiazole radicals to form a dimer. Your diagram should have
two monomer SOMOs interacting to form a dimer HOMO and a dimer LUMO. Indicate
the energies of the interaction and the paired and unpaired electrons in the usual manner.

At the end of your report, address the following additional questions:

Is your ESR spectrum consistent with your knowledge of the electronic structure of the
radical, i.e. how many lines would you expect to see, and why? Use the MO plot of the
SOMO from your molecular modeling exercise to answer this question.
The dimerization of PhCN2S2 is weak and reversible. In solution it appears to be largely in
the monomer form. The low sublimation temperature is also in agreement with breaking
apart of the dimer in the vapour phase. On the other hand, the dark colour of the solid is
due to the dimer. Discuss.

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Part III Group 15 and 16 Compounds


Experiment 6

The UV-PES spectrum of the radical is presented in ref. 5. Explain the method of UV-PES
spectroscopy, and interpret the spectrum in light of the filled energy levels calculated for


Fairhurst, S. A.; Johnson, K. M.; Sutcliffe, L. H.; Preston, K. F.; Banister, A. J.;
Hauptman, Z. V.; Passmore, J. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans. 1986, 1465.
Vegas, A.; Perez-Salazar, A.; Banister, A. J.; Hey, R. G. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans. 1980
Banister, A. J.; Smith, N. R. M.; Hey, R. G. J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1 1983, 1181.
Burford, N.; Passmore, J.; Shriver, M. J. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. 1986, 140.
Boer, R. T.; Oakley, R. T.; Reed, R. W.; Westwood, N. C. P. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1989,
111, 1180.
6. Butler, I. S.; Harrod, J. F. Inorganic Chemistry; Benjamin/Cummings: Redwood City,
Boer, R. T.; Hicks, R. G.; Oakley, R. T. Inorg. Synth., 1997, 31, 94.
Boer, R. T.; Moock, K. H. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1995, 117, 4755.
Boer, R. T.; Moock, K. H.; Parvez, M. Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 1994, 620, 1589.
10. Boer, R. T.; Moock, K. H.; Derrick, S.; Hoogerdijk, W.; Preuss, K.; Yip, J.; Parvez, M.
Can. J. Chem. 1993, 71, 473.
11. Boer, R. T.; Oakley, R. T.; Reed, R. W. J. Organomet. Chem., 1987, 331, 161.

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Experiment 6

Date: 8.09.1999 Time: 17:09



*10^ 3]


















EPR spectrum of PhCN2S2 recorded in CH2Cl2 solution

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Part III Group 15 and 16 Compounds

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Experiment 6

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Part III Group 15 and 16 Compounds

Experiment 7

Synthesis of Dinitrogen and Allotropes of Phosphorus

The elemental form of nitrogen is relatively inert. Thus, N2 is commonly used as an inert
atmosphere gas. There are limitations to this; for example, nitrogen reacts with lithium to form a
coating of Li3N on the exposed surface of the metal. In addition, some transition metal complexes
react with gaseous N2 at ambient pressure and temperature to form extremely stable speices. It is for
this reason that under stringent conditions, argon is preferred over nitrogen as an inert gas.
Liquefied nitrogen (bp 196 C) is also an extremely useful coolant, in part because it evaporates to
harmless nitrogen gas (except for the danger of asphyxiation in enclosed spaces.)
A nitrogen molecule is diatomic, N2. It can be represented by the Lewis structure :NN:
which implies a nitrogen-nitrogen triple bond. A great deal of energy is needed to break these
bonds, and they must be broken before nitrogen atoms can react with atoms of other elements. This
is one of the reasons why nitrogen molecules are so inactive. Conversely, the large bond energy of
N2 is one of the thermodynamic driving forces behind the explosive nature of many nitrogen
compounds. When N2 is formed during a chemical reaction there is concomitant release of a large
quantity of heat and gas.
Nitrogen constitutes approximately 80% of the atmosphere. This high proportion of nitrogen
might lead us to think of it as a plentiful element, but such is not the case. Indeed, nitrogen is a
relatively scarce element, only about one-third as abundant as carbon. Then how can we explain the
high proportion of nitrogen found in air? This is due to its chemical inactivity. In nature it forms
relatively few compounds. Practically the only simple nitrogen compound in nature is Chile
saltpeter (NaNO3). Of course one cannot overlook that considerable quantities of nitrogen are
involved in living systems and their remains (e.g. mineral oil.)
The inactivity of nitrogen has posed a crucial challenge for chemists. Since all plant and
animal life depend on nitrogen-based compounds, nitrogen must therefore combine with other
elements. Plant and animal cells consist of proteins which are highly complex compounds of
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen (~17% nitrogen). A growing plant takes nitrogen from the
minerals in the soil to make these proteins. The soil, which is steadily depleted of its nitrogen
minerals, must be replenished, otherwise plants would starve, as would the animals which depend
on plants.
The challenge to the chemist was therefore to learn how to make suitable nitrogen
compounds which could serve as plant food. The way the chemist has met this challenge is one of
the major scientific achievements of the last century.
Dinitrogen is needed to make various nitrogen compounds on an industrial scale, and for this
purpose it is obtained by the fractional distillation of liquid air. Nitrogen is more volatile than
oxygen (the boiling points are 196 C for nitrogen and 183 C for oxygen) and therefore,
evaporates in the first fraction.
In the laboratory, an easier way to prepare nitrogen from air is simply to remove the more
active oxygen by making it combine with another substance. For example, if air is passed over hot
copper, the oxygen combines with it to form copper(II) oxide. If all the oxygen is used up, the
residual gas is about 99% nitrogen; it contains small proportions of the inactive gases carbon

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Part III Group 15 and 16 Compounds

Experiment 7

dioxide and argon, and water vapour. Alternatively, pure nitrogen (or chemical nitrogen) can be
prepared by the decomposition of ammonium nitrite (NH4NO2). This compound readily
decomposes at a low temperature to give nitrogen as the only gaseous product. This is an example
of a comproportionation reaction.
Nitric acid
Nitric acid is one of the most important acids in the chemical industry; it is used in the
manufacture of fertilizers, drugs, dyes, and plastics. In industry, it is made by the catalytic oxidation
of ammonia, the so-called Ostwald process, described by the following 3 equations. The Ostwald
process is a cycle, in which the NO produced in step 3 is automatically sent back into the catalytic
converter used in step 2.
+ 5 O2 4 NO + 6 H2O
2 NO + O2 2 NO2
3 NO2 + H2O 2 HNO3 + NO

4 NH3

Pure nitric acid is a colourless liquid that boils at 86 C. It decomposes in sunlight, or when
heated, forming nitrogen dioxide (NO2) which turns the solution brown. Water is usually added to
retard this decomposition and, as a result, ordinary concentrated nitric acid contains about 68% acid
and has a concentration of approximately 15M.
Nitric acid is a strong acid and can be thought of as completely ionized in dilute solution.
Thus, reactions with metallic hydroxides, carbonates, or oxides are the same as those of dilute
hydrochloric acid or dilute sulfuric acid. For example:
Na+ +

OH- +



Na+ + NO3-


With metals, however, nitric acid does not yield hydrogen as is the case with the other acids.
This is because both the hydrogen and nitrate ions (NO3-) are powerful oxidizers. We would expect
the nitrate ion to be an oxidizer because nitrogen is in its highest oxidation state of +5. That is why
free hydrogen is not usually a product when dilute nitric acid reacts with a metal. Indeed, the
products of such a reaction depend upon the concentration of hydrogen and nitrate ions, the
temperature of the reaction, and the activity of the reducing agent. In short, these reactions can be
highly complicated, particularly with active metals.
Since dilute hydrochloric and sulfuric acids owe their oxidizing power solely to hydrogen
ions, they will only react with metals above hydrogen in the emf series. But this is not the case with
dilute nitric acid, which will react with all metals above hydrogen and most of the metals below
hydrogen. Let us consider the reactions of nitric acid with copper.
Cu + 4 HNO3


2 H2O + 2 NO2

If dilute nitric acid is used, a colourless gas, nitric oxide (NO), is formed rather than the dark brown
nitrogen dioxide.
3 Cu + 8 HNO3

Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual

3 Cu(NO3)2

4 H2O + 2 NO

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Part III Group 15 and 16 Compounds

Experiment 7

To summarize: when concentrated nitric acid is the oxidizer, nitrogen dioxide is a product;
when dilute nitric acid is the oxidizer, nitric oxide is a product. Notice also that in the more dilute
acid, the nitrogen is reduced to a lower oxidation state! This complex behaviour can be summarized
using the Latimer diagrams found in Ref.1, appendix 4.
Nitrates, the salts of nitric acid
An unusual but characteristic feature of nitrates is that their salts are all soluble in water. It is
well to bear this in mind if a solution of a metallic ion is needed. Nitrates, like nitric acid,
decompose when heated. Nitrates of the heavy metals decompose in an analogous manner to nitric
acid; instead of O2, they yield the metallic oxide:
2 Pb(NO3)2

2 PbO

4 NO2


Nitrates of the alkali metals, however, are more strongly bound in their crystal lattices and,
in consequence, are more difficult to decompose. When heated, they lose only oxygen to form the
corresponding nitrite. For example:
2 NaNO3

2 NaNO2


It should be mentioned that ammonium nitrate is exceptional in the way it decomposes.


N2O + 2 H2O

This is because the ammonium ion is itself capable of being oxidized, and takes part in the
decomposition to yield nitrous oxide, N2O. This gas is used as an anaesthetic, and is sometimes
referred to as laughing gas.
Phosphorus is much more abundant than nitrogen. It occurs mainly as phosphate rock which
contains a high percentage of calcium phosphate Ca3(PO4)2. Phosphorus, like sulfur, occurs in
allotropic forms, the two common ones being white (or yellow) phosphorus and red phosphorus.
White phosphorus is a soft, wax-like solid, exceedingly poisonous and very reactive
chemically. It ignites spontaneously in air. White phosphorus is soluble in carbon disulfide but
insoluble in water, and so it can be stored under water. Red phosphorus, however, does not oxidize
rapidly at room temperature, although it burns very readily if it is sufficiently heated. Red
phosphorus is much less poisonous than yellow phosphorus, and it is insoluble in carbon disulfide.
These marked differences in properties suggest a difference in molecular structure.
The molecular weight of phosphorus, as determined experimentally from its vapour density,
is 124. Therefore, phosphorus vapour consists of P4 molecules. These molecules have an unusual
tetrahedral shape, in which the four atoms are located at the corners of a regular tetrahedron. (Figure
III-6) In contrast to nitrogen which forms N2 in the gas phase with a triple bond, phosphorus forms
P4 which has four strained single bonds. (At least this is true below 800 C; above this temperature
the vapour consists of P2 molecules.) This is consistent with the known weaker double bond versus

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Part III Group 15 and 16 Compounds

Experiment 7

single bond strength on going down the periodic table. Indeed, compounds possessing stable P=P
bonds were unknown until 1981.
Phosphorus vapour condenses to a liquid at 280 C and then to a solid at 44 C. The
attractive forces between the molecules are van der Waals forces. If the solid or liquid is heated, the
P4 molecules separate and the vapour is formed. From this we conclude that the covalent bonds
which bind atoms into molecules are generally stronger than the van der Waals forces which bind
molecules into a liquid or solid.

Red phosphorus is amorphous rather than crystalline. It is therefore much harder to obtain
the detailed structure of this solid, since crystallographic methods cannot be used. The structure of
red phosphorus is thought to be chains of ring-opened P4 cages, as shown in Figure III-7. It is
prepared from white phosphorus by heating in the absence of oxygen at atmospheric pressure. This
thermal activation allows the ring-opening polymerization reaction to occur. If red phosphorus is
heated to a sufficiently high temperature, the bonds between the atoms are broken and, on cooling,
P4 molecules are formed which condense to the liquid and solid forms of white phosphorus.

Instructional goals:
Properties of the following elements are highlighted: N & P.
(1) The synthesis of N2.

Provide an example of the oxidizing ability of nitric acid.

Understanding different allotropes and reactivity of group 15 elements.

Pre-lab exercise
Construct a molecular orbital diagram for N2.

Explain the differences between the properties of covalent and ionic compounds.
What are the major safety concerns associated with this lab? How will you address them?
Can different allotropes of an element give rise to different reactivity? Give an example.
Map out the timing of your afternoon's work. Use free gaps of time to do other operations.
Be realistic in time allotted for each operation!

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Part III Group 15 and 16 Compounds

Experiment 7


White phosphorus is spontaneously flammable in air. It also causes severe skin burns.
Follow the guidelines in the procedure closely.
Nitric acid is extremely corrosive and can burn both the skin and respiratory tract.
Use with care and only in a fume hood.
Nitric acid reacts violently with many organic compounds. Never dispose of nitric
acid in the organic waste.
CS2 is an extremely toxic and flammable solvent, and must be used with extreme
caution. Avoid any contact with a flame or spark source.

The preparation and properties of pure nitrogen
Assemble the apparatus illustrated in Figure III-8 in the fume hood, and clamp it securely. The
generator is a clean, dry, 15 cm Pyrex test tube.

Place approximately 2 g of each NH4Cl and NaNO2 in the generator test tube, and add about 7 mL
of water. Prepare to collect two large test tubes of gas by displacement of water. Warm the mixture
slightly to start the reaction, then withdraw the flame. Since the reaction is exothermic, be prepared
to loosen the clamp and immerse the generator in water to cool it. Permit the first gas generated
(which will be mixed with air from the generator) to escape, then collect two test tubes of nitrogen.
In the fume hood:
(a) Observe the usual physical properties of the gas, such as colour, odour, solubility in water.
(b) Test the ability of the nitrogen to support combustion by inserting a deflagrating spoon
containing burning sulfur (0.1 g S) into one of the tubes.
(c) Into the other tube, insert a deflagrating spoon with burning red phosphorus (0.03 g P).

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Part III Group 15 and 16 Compounds

Experiment 7

Nitric acid as an oxidizing agent

(a) In a fume hood, put approximately 30 cm of iron wire and approximately 0.3 g of copper
turnings into separate test tubes. Add 5 mL of 3 M HNO3 to each test tube. Warm the test tubes to
start the reaction and set aside for later use.
Place a few drops of 0.1 M FeCl3 solution on a spotting plate, and add 15 M NH4OH until a
precipitate of Fe(OH)3 forms. Note the form and colour of the Fe(OH)3. Then do the same for a 0.1
M ferrous ammonium sulfate solution, which precipitates Fe(OH)2.
After several minutes of reaction of the dilute HNO3 with the iron and copper, observe the colour of
the gas evolved. Take a few mL of the solution formed from the iron, add several volumes of water
and then NH4OH. Compare the precipitate with the one obtained with Fe2+ and Fe3+ and NH4OH.
From the colour of the solution formed when HNO3 acted on copper, and from the comparison of
the precipitates, what were the products in each case?
(b) To 5 mL of 3 M HNO3, add 3 cm strips of magnesium ribbon until the reaction is fairly slow.
Remove the excess ribbon and transfer the solution to a 50 mL beaker and test for the presence of
NH4+ ion. Add 2 mL of 1 M NaOH (or enough to produce slight cloudiness) to the solution. Attach
a piece of moist red litmus paper to the underside of a watchglass, and place it on top of the beaker.
Gently heat the solution on a hot plate (do not boil) and observe the litmus paper. [NH4+ + OH-
NH3(g) + H2O]
(c) Add 2-3 mL of concentrated HNO3 to 0.5 g of flowers of sulfur in a pyrex test tube and gently
boil the mixture until the solution becomes clear. If necessary, remove the ball of free sulfur. Test it
for the SO42- ion. Add 2 mL of 0.3 M BaCl2 to the solution. Centrifuge and discard the supernatant.
Test the solubility of the precipitate in 6 M HCl. [BaSO4 is insoluble in water and in acid; BaSO3 is
insoluble in water and soluble in 6 M HCl].
Decomposition of nitrates
(a) Have a wood splint available prior to starting this reaction. In a small Pyrex test tube melt 2 g of
KNO3. Heat the molten salt vigorously for approximately two minutes at the highest temperature
possible with the Bunsen burner. During the decomposition, test the evolved gas by thrusting a
glowing splint into the test tube (nearly to the surface of the liquid, but do not drop the splint into
the molten salt). After the decomposition has continued for at least 2 min, allow the residue to
solidify completely, then cool it in the air for about one minute. Add 1 2 mL of 3 M H2SO4 to the
solid. Write equations for the decomposition and the reaction of the residue with H2SO4.
(b) Put 2 g of lead nitrate crystals into a Pyrex test tube and heat, holding the test tube directly in the
flame. As soon as the decomposition products can be identified, discontinue the heating. The light
yellow residue is PbO.
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Part III Group 15 and 16 Compounds

Experiment 7

Allotropic forms of phosphorus

(a) From the side shelf obtain about 0.25 g of red phosphorus. While in the fume hood examine its
physical structure. Heat approximately 0.05 g in an evaporating dish. Test the solubility of 0.05 g in
2 3 mL of CS2.
(b) Obtain a piece of Pyrex tubing about 20 cm long. Heat the centre of the tube in the O2 torch
flame. When the glass has softened, draw out the tube to a capillary approximately 2 mm in
diameter and seal off the constricted portion. In one of the tubes place a small amount of red
phosphorus no more than 20 mg. (See Figure III-9.) Heat the tube evenly until all of the red
phosphorus has sublimed to white phosphorus on the cooler part of the tube.

While the tube is cooling, observe the physical characteristics of the white phosphorus. When the
tube has thoroughly cooled, add about 2 mL of CS2, cork the tube and shake it until the phosphorus
has dissolved. Pour the solution onto a piece of filter paper and lay it upon the counter in the fume
hood to dry. Isolate it from all flammable materials and observe it carefully. (Warning: Do not spill
the solution on the hands as white phosphorus causes severe burns. When disposing of the solution,
pour it directly into the sink and NOT into the waste jars.)
In this and all descriptive chemistry labs, you must record detailed observations in your lab
notebook. Include this information in your report. Explain fully all reactions and write balanced
chemical equations for each.
At the end of your report, address the following additional questions:
For each reaction consider the question, Has an acid-base reaction occurred? Is there a
possibility of an oxidation/reduction reaction?
2. Can the observed changes be interpreted in terms of HSAB theory?
Can LeChatelier's principle explain the course of the reaction?
Is the material formed in each reaction ionic or molecular? Explain fully.

D. F Shriver, P. W. Atkins and C. H. Langford Inorganic Chemistry, N. Y.: Freeman,

1990. Ch. 12.
R. Chang, Chemistry, 3rd Ed., N. Y.: Random House, 1988. Ch. 21, p. 868-879.
P. W. Atkins General Chemistry, N. Y.: Scientific American Books, Ch. 19, p. 714-724.

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Page 7-7

Part III Group 15 and 16 Compounds


Experiment 7

J. C. Kotz and P. Treichel, Jr., Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity, 4th Ed., Saunders,
1999, Ch. 22, p. 1027 - 1022.
Fryzuk, M. D.; Johnson, S. A. Coord. Chem. Rev. 2000, 200, 379.
Yoshifuji, M.; Shima, I.; Inamoto, N.; Hirotsu, K.; Higuchi, T. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1981,
103, 4587.
Waterman, R.; Hillhouse, G. L. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, 13350.

Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual

Page 7-8

Part III Group 15 and 16 Compounds

Experiment 8

Reactivity of Dioxygen and Allotropes of Sulfur

Oxygen is one of the most abundant elements on earth. Large amounts of it are found in
the molten mantle, the crust that forms the great land masses, the water of the oceans that cover
most of the earth's surface, and in the gaseous atmosphere that surrounds the earth. Elemental
oxygen can exist in two allotropic forms: diatomic molecules (O2) and triatomic molecules
(ozone, O3). Allotropy is a characteristic property of all elements of this group. Only in the
atmosphere is oxygen found in the elemental forms, primarily as the dioxygen molecule, O2. O3
is, however, an important component of the stratosphere, in which it exists in equilibrium with
O2. The O2/O3 cycle acts as a filter for long-wavelength ultra-violet solar radiation, a process
which is commonly referred to simply as "the ozone layer."
Dioxygen reacts so avidly with both metals and nonmetals that the presence of a large
amount of free O2 in the atmosphere raises the question: where did all of that O2 come from?
Studies over the past 200 years have provided the general outline of the answer, but some
important details are still being actively investigated. Most of the dioxygen on earth has been
produced by plants, from the smallest algae to the majestic redwoods. Plants use water, carbon
dioxide (CO2) and sunlight to form carbohydrates and oxygen in a complex process called
photosynthesis. Animals reverse this process. They react carbohydrates with oxygen inside their
cells in a process called respiration, forming CO2 and water. Thus, plants and animals exist
together in a grand symbiotic cycle, each supplying the others' needs. The energy involved in this
biological cycle is about 30 times the amount of energy expended each year by all of mankind's
Oxygen may be prepared in the laboratory by a number of methods, most of which
involve the decomposition of oxides. Mercuric oxide, HgO, is of historical significance, being
used by Priestly in the discovery of oxygen in 1774 (by decomposing HgO with focussed
sunlight.) In Experiment 7, you prepared O2 by the decomposition of a nitrate:
2 NaNO3

2 NaNO2


A similar effect can be achieved by the thermal decomposition of potassium permanganate:

2 KMnO4




To observe and understand some of the chemistry of oxygen we will react O2 with a
variety of elements. The oxides formed will be dissolved in water and the solutions tested to see
if they are acidic or basic.

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Part III Group 15 and 16 Compounds

Experiment 8

Acids and bases from oxides

If EO stands for any element combined with oxygen, the oxide may react with water to form the
molecule E(OH)2
EO + H2O


(The number of OH groups will vary with different elements.) If the molecule E(OH)2 is soluble
in water, it will usually further react with water to form either hydronium ions, H3O+, or
hydroxide ions, OH-, depending on whether the OH or the EO bond breaks. (Figure III-10.)

If a proton is given up (or donated) to a water molecule (corresponding to cleavage at point a),
we can write the reaction as:


H3O+ + E(O)OH

and by further dissociation:





Thus, because it is a proton donor, the molecule formed from the oxide is an acid. On the other
hand, suppose that the EO bond breaks at point b. The E(OH)2 molecule then dissociates in
solution to give hydroxide ion, OH:
E(OH)2 E(OH)+ + OH
E(OH)+ E2+ + OH
Because it produces the proton acceptor OH-, the compound is called a base. If the oxide of an
element forms an acid in water, it is termed an acidic oxide or acid anhydride. If the oxide in
water forms a base, we speak of a basic oxide or base anhydride. To determine the formula of the
anhydride of an oxy acid or base, simply subtract sufficient water to eliminate all hydrogen
atoms. For example:
2 NaOH(s) H2O = Na2O(s)
Mg(OH)2(s) H2O = MgO(s)
2 B(OH)3(s) 3 H2O = B2O3(s)

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Part III Group 15 and 16 Compounds

Experiment 8

The tendency of E(OH)2 to be either an acid or a base in water is controlled largely by the
relative strengths of the interactions of water molecules with either H+ and E(O)OH or OH and
E(OH)+ and the nature of the element E. The variation in the nature of E is reflected by its
position in the periodic table.
When the acidic oxide N2O5 is added to water, we might expect the following reaction to

5 H2O

2 N(OH)5

Instead, the partially hydrated oxo acid N(OH)O2 is formed, which you may recognize as nitric
acid when written with the more familiar formula HNO3. Although acidic oxides seldom form
fully hydrated oxo acids, it is still easy to determine the formula of the anhydride by subtracting
water so as to leave no hydrogen atoms. For example, the formula of the anhydride of perchloric
acid is obtained by subtracting one mole of water from two moles of perchloric acid.
2 HClO4 H2O


Do not let the conventional way of writing the formulas for nitric acid and perchloric acid as
HNO3 and HClO4, respectively, mislead you into thinking that the hydrogen atoms in the acids
are directly bonded to the nitrogen or chlorine atoms. The structural formula for nitric acid might
more accurately be written as HONO2, and that for perchloric acid as HOClO3. (See Figure III11.)

Sulfur can behave chemically in two ways. First a sulfur atom can acquire two electrons
to complete its octet, thereby forming the stable sulfide ion, S2, with the [Ar] electron
configuration. It can also have positive oxidation states, particularly in the presence of powerful
oxidizers such as fluorine and oxygen. Thus, as we already know, sulfur readily burns in air to
form sulfur dioxide, a pungent gas. If sulfur reacts with metals (or hydrogen), it is the more
electronegative partner in the resulting bonds, and its oxidation number is 2. On the other hand,
if sulfur reacts with oxygen or fluorine, its oxidation number can be +1, +2, +3, +4, +5 or +6. Of
these, the most common is +4, as in SO2 and SF4. In the presence of a suitable catalyst, sulfur
dioxide will also combine with oxygen to form sulfur trioxide, SO3; and SF4 can be reacted with
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Part III Group 15 and 16 Compounds

Experiment 8

excess fluorine to make SF6. Interestingly, SF6 is a very stable gas, and is used as an insulator in
high-voltage electrical equipment, whereas SF4 is a highly reactive compound. This is another
example where a compound derives its stability from kinetic rather than from thermodynamic
factors. SF6 is unreactive because the crowded sulfur atom is kept away from nucleophiles by the
six tightly-held fluorine atoms.
Both sulfur and oxygen atoms have 6 electrons in their outermost energy levels. It would,
therefore, be reasonable to expect that sulfur, like oxygen, would form diatomic molecules, S2.
Actually, sulfur forms diatomic molecules only at high temperatures. At ordinary temperatures it
forms a ring of 8 sulfur atoms bound together by covalent bonds (Figure III-12). The origin of
this difference lies in the relative strengths of the single (e.g. OO vs SS) and double bonds
(O=O vs S=S). Only for the elements of the second period of the periodic table is the bond
energy of a double bond greater than the sum of two single bonds.

As one would expect, the van der Waal's forces are considerably greater in cyclic S8 than
in O2. Sulfur molecules are nonpolar and will thus dissolve in nonpolar liquids such as carbon
tetrachloride, carbon disulfide, and hexane, but not in water.
Sulfur has several allotropic forms, the most important of which are rhombic and
monoclinic. Crystals of rhombic and monoclinic sulfur differ only in the internal arrangement of
the crown-8 rings with respect to one another. The resulting crystals are observably different,
belonging as they do to two different symmetry classes.
Rhombic sulfur consists of yellow octahedral crystals (see Figure III-13). It is stable at
ordinary temperatures, and is therefore the more familiar allotrope. It melts at 114 C, is
insoluble in water and quite soluble in carbon disulfide. Sizable crystals of rhombic sulfur can be
grown by slowly evaporating a carbon disulfide solution of sulfur.
Monoclinic sulfur consists of long needle-shaped crystals (see Figure III-13). These can
be formed by melting rhombic sulfur and then allowing it to cool and crystallize. This is because
monoclinic sulfur is stable at temperatures above 96 C; it is unstable below this temperature and
slowly reverts to the rhombic form. A more convenient way of preparing monoclinic sulfur is to
let it crystallize from solution in hot toluene.

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Part III Group 15 and 16 Compounds

Experiment 8

Figure III-13 Common appearance of the two main allotropes of sulfur

Near its melting point, sulfur is a mobile liquid, which is consistent with the
interpretation that at this point it consists almost entirely of S8 rings and that these rings interfere
only slightly with each other's motion. However, as the temperature is raised, the kinetic energy
of the molecules increases, causing bond-breaking and re-forming to occur. As such the rings
become entangled and the viscosity of the liquid increases dramatically. As the temperature is
raised still further, more extensive bond-breaking occurs and a variety of short-chain sulfur
molecules are formed. This allows some of the entangled chains to free themselves, and, as a
result, the viscosity decreases. Finally, if the hot liquid is suddenly chilled by cold water, the
chains again become so entangled that the sulfur solidifies and becomes rubber-like in texture.
On long standing, the entangled chains eventually revert to S8 rings, and this so-called plastic
sulfur reverts to the rhombic crystalline form.
By sharing its electrons with more electronegative elements, such as oxygen, sulfur
attains positive oxidation states. There are numerous sulfur oxides, and myriad oxo acids and
anions, involving several sulfur oxidation states, and SOS catenation. We will consider only
the most common ones here. (Figure III-14.)

In sulfur dioxide, four of the sulfur electrons are involved in bonding with oxygen. SO2 is
the anhydride of sulfurous acid, H2SO3, which is a weak acid, and forms some H+ + HSO3. In
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Part III Group 15 and 16 Compounds

Experiment 8

basic solutions the equilibria are shifted to the right, to form more bisulfite and sulfite ions and
SO2 + 2 H2O H3O+ + HSO3
HSO3 + OH SO32 + H2O
SO2 can be detected by the formation of a bright yellow precipitate when the gas is
bubbled through an aqueous solution of hydroquinone. The crystals are composed of a
hydroquinone clathrate. This is a type of cage structure in which SO2 molecules are trapped in
the holes formed when hydroquinone forms a hydrogen-bonded network solid. The cage only
forms when "guest" molecules of certain size are added to the hydroquinone solution.
In sulfur trioxide all six of the sulfur electrons are involved in bonding. Sulfur trioxide is
the anhydride of sulfuric acid, H2SO4, one of the most important industrial inorganic chemicals.
It is a strong acid whose aqueous solutions contain large concentrations of H+ and HSO4 ions.
In basic solutions the SO42 ion is the predominant species.
SO3 + 2 H2O H3O+ + HSO4HSO4 + 2 H2O H3O+ + SO42
HSO4 + OH SO42 + H2O
A third sulfur oxide is known principally as the oxo anion, which is the thiosulfate ion.
Note that in the thiosulfate ion the sulfur atom that replaces the oxygen in the sulfate structure
may be assigned a 2 oxidation number and that the central sulfur atoms has an oxidation
number of +6, just as it has in sulfate. The +2 oxidation number assigned to sulfur in thiosulfate
is obtained by finding the average of +6 and 2, i.e. (+6 2)/2 = +2.
H2SO4 and SO42 are mild oxidizing agents, whereas H2S, S2, H2SO3, SO32 and S2O32
are reducing agents. In addition, since S, S2O32, SO32, and H2SO3 represent intermediate
oxidation states, they can act as oxidizing agents with a strong reducing agent and as reducing
agents with a strong oxidizing agent.
Instructional goals:
Properties of the following elements are highlighted: O & S.
(1) Understanding the properties and reactivity of O2.

Preparation and understanding of several different allotropes of sulfur.

Understanding the relationship between acid and base anhydrides.

Pre-lab exercise
Construct a molecular orbital diagram for O2.

Distinguish between three different allotropes of sulfur. How are their chemical structures
similar? How are they different?
What are the major safety concerns associated with this lab? How will you address them?

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Page 8-6

Part III Group 15 and 16 Compounds



Experiment 8

The preparation of oxides as outlined below represent elements from groups 2, 14, 15, and
16, in the periodic table. To complete the series, consider an oxide or hydroxide from each
of the other principal groups 1, 13, and 17.
Map out the timing of your afternoon's work. Use free gaps of time to do other operations.
Be realistic in time allotted for each operation!



Sample odours of evolved gases by wafting the air above the mouth of the test tube
towards your nostrils. NEVER inhale directly from the test tube into your nose or
mouth! (See Figure III-15.)
Magnesium burns extremely bright, especially in high concentrations of oxygen. Do
not look directly at the brilliant light as this can cause severe damage to the eyes.
Sulfuric acid is extremely corrosive and can burn both the skin and respiratory tract.
Use with care and only in a fume hood.
Nitric acid is extremely corrosive and can burn both the skin and respiratory tract.
Use with care and only in a fume hood.
Nitric acid reacts violently with many organic compounds. Never dispose of nitric
acid in the organic waste.
CS2 is an extremely toxic and flammable solvent, and must be used with extreme
caution. Avoid any contact with a flame or spark source.

The properties and reactions of pure oxygen
Since O2 was prepared chemically in Experiment 7, we will save time in this laboratory by using
oxygen from a compressed gas cylinder. Collect 6 bottles of oxygen gas from the O2 tank by
displacement of water from the inverted bottles in a trough. Your instructor will demonstrate.
Note the physical state, color, odor, density (compared with air) and solubility in water of O2(g).
(a) Prepare oxides of the following elements by burning them in oxygen gas as described,
keeping the bottles covered as much as possible. Number or label each bottle to avoid confusion.
Immediately after each combustion, add 10 15 mL of water, replace the watch glass, shake the
bottle to dissolve the oxide formed, and set it aside for later use.
Ignite an 8 cm length of magnesium ribbon, holding it with the crucible tongs and at once thrust
it into a bottle of oxygen.
Ignite a small piece of charcoal, holding it with the tongs or in a clean deflagrating spoon, and
thrust the glowing charcoal into a bottle of oxygen.

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Page 8-7

Part III Group 15 and 16 Compounds

Experiment 8

(iii) Phosphorus and (iv) Sulfur

For each of these, clean the deflagrating spoon, and burn out any combustible residue. Add no
more than 0.01 g of sulfur, or 0.03 g of phosphorus (use red phosphorus). Heat these over the
burner and if necessary ignite with the hot tip of a file. Then thrust them into separate bottles of
oxygen. After each combustion dies down, reheat the deflagrating spoon to burn out all
remaining phosphorus or sulfur.
Ignite a small ball of steel wool (ca. 3 cm in size) using a Bunsen burner. Thrust the
burning wool into a bottle of O2. Remove the tongs when combustion dies down, removing any
unburnt iron still held in them.
(b) Test each of the solutions formed with both red and blue litmus paper. If the solution does
not give a positive test with either red or blue litmus paper, divide the solution in half and test
one half with phenolphthalein indicator and the other half with bromcresol purple.
Phenolphthalein is colorless in acid and pink in base; bromcresol purple is purple in base and
yellow in acid.
Allotropic forms of sulfur
(a) In a fume hood, add 2 mL of CS2 to a level spatula spoonful (or 1 g) of flowers of sulfur in a
test tube. Shake for about 30 s and then filter the solution through a dry filter paper, catching the
filtrate in a clean watch glass. Set the watch glass under the hood and allow the CS2 to evaporate
undisturbed. When all of the CS2 has evaporated, examine the residue under low magnification
of a microscope.
(b) Place about 1 gram of sulfur in a 25 150 mm test tube. Pour about 20 mL of toluene into
the test tube and then heat it in an oil bath at 110 C with frequent stirring until much sulfur has
dissolved. (This takes about 5 minutes.) In the meantime, heat a watchglass over a water bath.
When some sulfur has gone into solution let the precipitate settle and decant the clear liquid into
the watchglass. Allow the toluene to evaporate in the fume hood and examine the crystals.
(c) Fill a 400 mL beaker about two-thirds with cold H2O. Add about 10 g of flowers of sulfur to
a 25 150 mm test tube and melt the sulfur slowly. Then heat it until it boils, noting the changes
in color and viscosity. Heat the side of the test tube that will be the path of the sulfur as it is
poured. Pour the boiling sulfur into the H2O in the beaker. Discard the film on the surface of the
H2O and remove the sulfur from the bottom of the beaker.
Sulfur dioxide and sulfite ion: oxidation +4
(a) Place about 2 g of Na2SO3 in a large test tube. Add 6 M HCl dropwise until you can smell
the odour of the gas (SO2) given off. Now add about 15 mL of water and stir until all the solid

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Part III Group 15 and 16 Compounds

Experiment 8

(b) Divide the solution equally among three smaller test tubes. To one portion add a few
milliliters of 0.1 M BaCl2. What is the precipitate formed? Is it soluble in 6 M HCl (added a drop
at a time)? (Ignore a slight turbidity, which is due to air oxidation of sulfite to sulfate.) Save this
solution for later comparison. To another portion add 5 6 mL of saturated bromine water, drop
by drop. How do you account for the decolorization that takes place? Now add a few milliliters
of 0.1 M BaCl2 to this test tube. What is the precipitate formed? Is it soluble in 6 M HCl? (When
testing the solubility of the precipitates in acid, it is suggested that the sample be centrifuged, the
supernatant discarded, and the remaining ppt be shaken with the acid.) Add a little of the third
portion, a few drops at a time, to a test tube containing 5 mL of 3 M H2SO4 and some mossy
zinc. Observe the odour of the gas, and note the precipitate formed.
Sulfuric acid, sulfates: oxidation state +6
(a) Is the dilution of concentrated H2SO4 exothermic or endothermic? To what do you attribute
this result? Place a few drops of 18 M H2SO4 on a few crystals of sugar in a small evaporating
dish. Heat if necessary. Repeat the test on a small piece of paper or wood (such as a match stick).
How do you explain the results?
(b) Add 3 mL of 0.1 M Na2SO4 to 3 mL each of the following solutions in separate 10 cm test
tubes (0.1 M Ca(NO3)2, 0.1 M BaCl2, 0.1 M Pb(NO3)2. Test the solubility of any precipitates in
dilute nitric acid by adding 1 mL of 6 M HNO3 to each precipitate.
In this and all descriptive chemistry labs, you must record detailed observations in your lab
notebook. Include this information in your report. Explain fully all reactions and write balanced
chemical equations for each.

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Part III Group 15 and 16 Compounds

Experiment 8

At the end of your report, address the following additional questions:

Is there a relation between the acidity or basicity of the aqueous solution of these oxides
and the position of the element in the periodic table?
Is there a difference in the vigor of reaction (rate, light and heat evolved, etc.) of the
different elements with oxygen that can be related to the position of the element in the
periodic table?
Is the material formed in each reaction ionic or molecular? Explain fully.

D. F Shriver, P. W. Atkins and C. H. Langford Inorganic Chemistry, N. Y.: Freeman,

1990. Ch. 12.
R. Chang, Chemistry, 3rd Ed., N. Y.: Random House, 1988. Ch. 21, p. 879-888.
P. W. Atkins General Chemistry, N. Y.: Scientific American Books, Ch. 20, p. 732-743.
J. C. Kotz and P. Treichel, Jr., Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity, 4th Ed., Saunders,
1999, Ch. 22, p. 1032 - 1035.

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Page 8-10

Part IV Group 17 Compounds

Experiment 9

Halide Ions as Ligands: Preparation and Characterization

of Hexahalogenotellurates(IV)
All the halide ions have the ability to function as ligands and they are by far the most
common of all ligand types, forming perhalogeno complexes with all metal and many metalloid
ions, e.g., FeCl4-, IrCl6-, SiF62-, as well as many mixed complexes in conjunction with other
ligands, e.g., [Co(NH3)5Br]2+. In this course we are focusing on the main-group elements, and in
this experiment we will prepare and study perhalogeno complexes of the metalloid tellurium.
Tellurium is a member of Group-16 of the periodic table, so this experiment is a study of both
Group-16 and Group-17 elements.
One of the important general questions that arises concerns the relative affinities of the
halide ions for a given metal or metalloid. There is no simple answer to this question, however.
For crystalline materials it is obvious that lattice energies play an important role. In considering
the stability of the complex ions in solution, it is important to recognize that (a) the stability of a
complex involves not only the absolute stability of the MX bond, but also its stability relative to
the that of ion-solvent bonds, and (b) in general an entire series of complexes will exist, M (aq),
(aq), MX2
(aq), --- MXx
(aq), where x is the maximum coordination number of
the metal ion. Of course, these two points are of importance in all types of complex ions in
solution, but they have probably been best studied for halide complexes.
A survey of the available data on the stability of halide complexes shows that generally
the stability decreases in the series F > Cl > Br > I, but with some metal ions the order is the
opposite, namely F < Cl < Br < I. We may use the Hard and Soft Acids and Bases theory to
rationalize such trends. The underlying theory behind the applicability of the HSAB rules include
the charge-radius ratio, polarizability, and ability to use empty outer d orbitals for back-bonding.
From the available results it appears that for complexes where the replacement stability order is
Cl < Br < I, the actual order of MX bond strength is Cl > Br > I. Thus, ionic size and
polarizability appear to be the critical factors.
For hexahalogenotellurates(IV), the fluorides are by far the least stable and have not been
isolated to this date. The stability of the remaining halogenates (Figure IV-1: Cl, 1; Br, 2; I, 3) is
found to be Cl > Br > I.

Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual

Page 9-1

Part IV Group 17 Compounds

Experiment 9

These six-coordinate anions are isoelectronic with IF6- and XeF6. There has therefore
been persistent interest in the physical structures of these compounds since they should possess a
lone pair. This therefore poses a challenge to the VSEPR model of structure prediction. In fact, it
has been speculated that the lone pair might be stereochemically inactive. Since our laboratory is
not equipped to prepare the noble-gas fluorides, this experiment is also meant as a "model
system" for this aspect of the chemistry of Xe.
Instructional goals:
Properties of the following elements are highlighted: Cl, Br, I, Te, {Xe}
(1) The preparation of salts of non-metal halogen complex ions.
(2) Experience in the use of vibrational spectroscopy for the study of high-symmetry complex
(3) Experience in the use of electronic absorption spectroscopy for the study of the electronic
structure of inorganic compounds.
(4) To gain an understanding of Mssbauer spectroscopy and its insights into chemical
(5) To acquaint the student with the concept of "stereochemically inactive lone pairs", and the
resulting controversies.
Pre-lab exercise
Write balanced equations for Part 1 and Part 2 of the preparation you are following (i.e.
either A, B or C).
What is the structure of [TeCl6]2- as predicted by the VSEPR model of chemical



structures? Sketch the structure and assign the point group. Now prepare a model using
HyperChem. For this function, draw Te with six Cl atoms attached. Then add a lone pair
from the HC periodic table. Invoke model build. No further optimization is possible.
What is the actual structure of [TeCl6]2- in its salts? Sketch this structure and assign its
point group. To build this model, take the previous example and optimize it using the
PM3 method. Be sure to set the charge correctly.
What range of IR frequencies do you need to record to get the data required for this

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Part IV Group 17 Compounds


Experiment 9

Map out the timing of your afternoon's work. Use free gaps of time to do other
operations. Be realistic in time allotted for each operation!




Tellurium and tellurium compounds are toxic. They are converted in the body to
dimethyl telluride which imparts a garlic-like odour to the breath and sweat.
Heavy exposures may, in addition, result in headache, drowsiness or respiratory
Precautions: handle in a fume hood at all times wear polyethylene disposable
gloves place ALL the solid wastes, including the gloves, in the special waste
Concentrated HCl, HBr, and HI are corrosive and release vapours of the acid.
Handle only in the fume hood.
Aqueous wastes from this experiment go into their own separate waste container,
and NOT down the drain!

Procedure 9A - Preparation of K2[TeCl6] and [NBu4]2[TeCl6]

Part 1 - Preparation of K2[TeCl6]
Tellurium(IV) oxide (2.0 g), TeO2, is dissolved in a minimum quantity, up to 30 mL, of
concentrated hydrochloric acid. A saturated solution of two molar equivalents of KCl in water is
added with stirring. The solution is evaporated on a steam bath (FUME HOOD!) and stirred
until the yellow crystals settle. The salt is recrystallized from 4 M HCl and is dried in a vacuum
desiccator over solid NaOH.
Part 2 - Preparation of [NBu4]2[TeCl6]
K2TeCl6 (1.0 g) is dissolved in 4 M HCl and two molar equivalents of tetra-n-butylammonium
chloride in 1 M HCl is added. If the solution of NBu4Cl is cloudy due to organic impurities, it
must be filtered by gravity through a fine filter paper before it is added to the tellurate. The
yellow precipitate, which is formed immediately, is filtered off on a Bchner funnel, washed
twice with a small amount of 1 M HCl, and dried in a vacuum dessicator.
Procedure 9B - Preparation of K2[TeBr6] and [NBu4]2[TeBr6]
Part 1 - Preparation of K2[TeBr6]
Tellurium(IV) oxide (2.0 g), TeO2 is dissolved in a minimum quantity, up to 30 mL, of
concentrated hydrobromic acid. A saturated solution of two molar equivalents of KBr in water is
added with stirring. The solution is evaporated on a steam bath (FUME HOOD!) and stirred

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Part IV Group 17 Compounds

Experiment 9

until the orange crystals settle. The salt is recrystallized from 4 M HBr and is dried in a vacuum
desiccator over solid NaOH.
Part 2 - Preparation of [NBu4]2[TeBr6]
K2TeBr6 (1.0 g) is dissolved in 4 M HBr and two molar equivalents of tetra-n-butylammonium
bromide in 1 M HBr is added. If the solution of NBu4Br is cloudy due to organic impurities, it
must be filtered by gravity through a fine filter paper before it is added to the tellurate. The
orange precipitate, which is formed immediately, is filtered off on a Bchner funnel, washed
twice with a small amount of 1 M HBr, and dried in a vacuum dessicator.
Procedure 9C - Preparation of K2[TeI6] and [NBu4]2[TeI6]
Part 1 - Preparation of K2[TeI6]
Tellurium(IV) oxide (2.0 g), TeO2, is dissolved in a minimum quantity, up to 30 mL, of
concentrated hydroiodic acid. A saturated solution of two molar equivalents of KI in water is
added with stirring. The solution is evaporated on a steam bath (FUME HOOD!) and stirred
until the black crystals settle. The salt is recrystallized from 4 M HI and is dried in a vacuum
desiccator over solid NaOH.
Part 2 - Preparation of [NBu4]2[TeI6]
K2TeI6 is (0.5 g) dissolved in 4 M HI and two molar equivalents of tetra-n-butylammonium
iodide in 1 M HI is added. If the solution of NBu4I is cloudy due to organic impurities, it must be
filtered by gravity through a fine filter paper before it is added to the tellurate. The black
precipitate, which is formed immediately, is filtered off on a Bchner funnel, washed twice with
a small amount of 1 M HI, and dried in a vacuum dessicator.
Make sure that the samples are completely dried before attempting to characterize them! Obtain
the melting points and IR spectra of all compounds prepared. Be very careful to keep the samples
dry during the required manipulation. Also collect an IR spectrum of the corresponding [NBu4]X
salts to aid in the interpretation of your IR spectra. Record the UV-visible absorption spectra of
the [NBu4]2[TeX6] salt as a dilute solution (0.1 mM) in CH2Cl2 (quartz cells, not plastic!)
Prepare solutions of accurately known concentration, and use 1 cm quartz cuvettes to measure
the spectra. It may be necessary to use solutions of different concentration in differing regions of
the spectrum.

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Page 9-4

Part IV Group 17 Compounds

Experiment 9

Molecular Modeling




Use the PM3 optimized octahedral structure of TeCl62 for all parts of this lab. Bromide
and iodide complexes are difficult to model by quantum mechanics, but we can asume that
the same principles apply to all three halide complexes, and indeed to that of the fluoride as
Calculate a PM3 geometry optimization of the dianion (set charge and multiplicity
correctly). Then calculate the orbitals. Note that you may have to adjust the Orbital
Exponent term in the Plot Orbital menu box in order to see what is going on in this
calculation. Usually this means that you will have to increase the exponent value, which
has the effect of shrinking the outside surface of the orbital. Once you do this correctly, you
should have no difficulty in identifying the consituent atomic orbitals in the MOs. Also, be
sure to use Align Molecule from the Edit menu (primary axis to z, secondary to x) before
performing your calculation.
Carefully look at all of the oribtals in the MO diagram. They are situated in three large
groups. What is the nature of the lower group? Should you ignore these in any interaction
diagram? Which set of orbitals constitute net bonding between the chloride ions and
tellurium? Which correspond only to the 18 lone pairs expected on the halogens?
Using your analysis of the PM3 MO diagram, construct your own interaction diagram. Use
only those symmetry adapted orbitals for the halogens that interact with Te. Ignore all that
are lone pair in character. Show bonding and antibonding interactions, and occupy with the
right number of net electrons, i.e., ignore core or lone pair electrons. Identify the HOMO.
What is the nature of the HOMO?

Hand in your products as well as all original spectra. Identify the bands in the IR spectra
according to their origin, and attempt a vibrational analysis of the TeX bands. Write a full
report according to the instructions given at the front of the laboratory manual.
At the end of your report, address the following additional questions:

What is meant by "stereochemical inactive lone pair"? Discuss how this concept applies

to [TeX6] ions, and to the isoelectronic compounds BrF6 , IF6 and XeF6. Is there any
evidence that the lone pair in these EX6L molecules can be streochemically active?

Briefly describe the principles of Mssbauer spectroscopy. (See ref. 20 for a simplified
discussion of this technique.) Discuss the results reported in the literature for the
2Mssbauer spectra of [TeX6] salts. Contrast the three halides.

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Part IV Group 17 Compounds



Experiment 9

Briefly discuss the origin of the UV-visible absorption bands using a molecular orbital
approach. (Hint: use the octahedral MO diagram you developed in the computational
exercise and determine the number of filled orbitals. Transitions between filled and
empty orbitals show up as absorptions in the UV-visible region of the electromagnetic
Describe the colours of the Cl, Br and I complexes. Put this on a quantitative basis by
preparing a table of for the various bands of the three types of complexes. What does this
data suggest about the strength of the TeX bonds?

(a) Cotton, F. A.; Wilkinson, G.; Murillo, C. A.; Bochmann, M. Advanced Inorganic
Chemistry, 6th Ed.; Wiley: N. Y., 1999, p 533. (b) Cotton, F. A.; Wilkinson, G. Advanced
Inorganic Chemistry, 5th Ed.; Wiley: N. Y., 1988, p 508.
(a) Greenwood, N. N.; Earnshaw, A. Chemistry of the Elements, 2nd Ed.; Elsevier
Butterworth Heinemann: Oxford; 1984, p 776. (b) Geenwood, N. N.; Earnshaw, A.
Chemistry of the Elements; Pergamon Press: Oxford, 1984, p 908.
Wulfsberg, G. Principles of Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry; Brooks/Cole: Monterey,
1987, p 40.
Shriver, D. F.; Atkins, P. W.; Langford, C. H. Inorganic Chemistry; Freeman: N. Y.,
1990, p. 387-388.
Wilkinson, G.; Gillard, R. D.; McCleverty, J. A. Comprehensive Coordination
Chemistry; Pergamon Press: Oxford, 1987, Vol 1, p. 213-330 & Vol. 3, p. 302-303.
Marshall, H. Inorg. Synth. 1946, 2, 188.
Brown, I. D. Can. J. Chem. 1964, 42, 2758.
Greenwood, N. N.; Straughan, B. P. J. Chem Soc. (A) 1966, 962.
Gibb, T. C.; Greatrex, N. N.; Greenwood, N. N.; Sarma, A. C. J. Chem Soc. (A) 1970,
Donaldson, J. D.; Ross, S. D.; Silver, J.; Watkiss, P. J. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans.
1975, 1980.
Urch, D. S. J. Chem. Soc. 1964, 5775.
Bartell, L. S. J. Chem. Phys. 1967, 46, 4530.
Gavin, R. M., Jr.; Bartell, L. S. J. Chem. Phys. 1968, 48, 2460.
Kim, H.; Claasen, H. H.; Pearson, E. Inorg. Chem. 1968, 7, 616.
Seppelt, K. Acc. Chem. Res. 1979, 12, 211.
Burbank, R. D.; Jones, G. R. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1974, 96, 43.
Butler, I. S.; Harrod, J. F. Inorganic Chemistry; Benjamin/Cummings: Redwood City,
Ebsworth, E. A. V.; Rankin, D. W. H.; Cradock, S. Structural Methods in Inorganic
Chemistry, 2nd Ed.; CRC Press: Boca Raton, 1991.

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Part IV Group 17 Compounds


Experiment 9

Huheey, J. E.; Keiter, E. A.; Keiter, R. L. Inorganic Chemistry, 4th Ed.; Harper Collins,
1993, p. 214 -217.

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Part IV Group 17 Compounds

Experiment 10

Covalent and Ionic Derivatives of Iodine in the

+1 Oxidation State
The most familiar oxidation states of the halogens are zero in the elements F2, Cl2, Br2,
and I2 and (1) in the halides of most of the other elements. However, in combination with
electronegative elements the heavier halogens must be assigned a positive oxidation number.
The oxyhalo acids such as chloric (HClO3), perchloric (HClO4), bromic (HBrO3), and periodic
(HIO4 or H5IO6) are examples.
A second class of compounds with positive oxidation states for halogens is the
interhalogen type. Compounds including IF, IF3, IF5, and IF7 are known, as are many other
possible combinations. Here the iodine is assigned oxidation numbers of +1, +3, +5, and +7,
respectively. In the case of the first two oxidation numbers, the fluoride ion may be replaced by
other oxidizing anions (i.e. those not oxidized by the iodine). Positive iodine nitrates, sulfates,
phosphates, and carboxylates have all been characterized. The positive iodine ion displays some
metallic behaviour. It can be complexed with numerous different ligands, the most effective
being aromatic amines such as pyridine.
Recently, hypervalent iodine compounds, i.e., compounds with iodine in a positive
oxidation state, have found application in organic chemistry (ref. 6).

The interhalogen compounds, while polar, are essentially covalently bonded. They
behave as neutral molecules and display the low melting and boiling points expected of such
species. The addition of complexing agents can lead to both cationic and anionic derivatives, and
an example of each is prepared in this experiment.

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Part IV Group 17 Compounds

Experiment 10

Instructional goals:
Properties of the following elements are highlighted: I, Br
(1) To prepare and study positive iodine compounds of the interhalogen and complex
ion type.
(2) To use the VSEPR model to discuss the structures of interhalogen compounds, and to
understand the bonding in these compounds by molecular orbital methods.
(3) Provide experience with sublimation.
(4) Use of electronic absorption spectroscopy in the understanding of electronic
structure of inorganic compounds.
Pre-lab exercise
Write balanced chemical equations for the synthesis of the products in parts (A), (B), and
Sketch the structures of IBr, [Ipy2]+, and [ICl2]-. Use the VSEPR model to derive the
correct structures. Assign the point groups of these molecules and ions. Now use
HyperChem to produce models of these three species using PM3 optimization. For
[Ipy2]+, it is simplest to use a model in which the two pyridine rings are co-planar. You

may need to rotate the CN bonds to bring these rings into co-planarity.
What are the physical properties of IBr? What kind of a compound is it, and how is this
reflected in the operations performed on it in this experiment?
What is sublimation? How does variation in applied pressure affect this process?
Map out the timing of your afternoon's work. Use free gaps of time to do other
operations. Be realistic in time allotted for each operation!

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Page 10-2

Part IV Group 17 Compounds

Experiment 10






Chlorine is a toxic gas by inhalation. It causes severe irritation of the mucous

membranes of the eye and lungs. Use only in a fume hood with the sash down.
Wear gloves to prevent skin burns.
Bromine is a liquid with a high vapour pressure. The vapours are toxic by
inhalation, with very similar effects to those of chlorine. Bromine also causes
severe skin burns. Antidote: wash with KI solution.
IBr must be treated with all the caution used for bromine.
Pyridine is moderately toxic, and has an extremely unpleasant odour. It is known
to cause sterility in male laboratory rats. Use only in the hood. Rinse wastes away
(aqueous down the hood sinks, organic rinsed into the waste container with
acetone) before removing glassware from the hood for washing.
Disposable polyethylene gloves are provided. These have superior chemical
resistance to vinyl or latex gloves. The latter are not to be used in the Chem 3830
All iodine compounds should be treated as poisons, and gloves worn at all times
during handling.

Note: Prepare a KI antidote solution by dissolving 5 g of KI in 100 mL of H2O in a 400
mL beaker. Keep this solution handy at all times while handling Br2 or IBr. Wash any
spills on the skin with this solution. Br2 will oxidize the I to I2, which leaves harmless Brand I2 on the skin, which merely stains the skin rather than burning it.
(A) Iodine Bromide
Place 3.2 g of iodine in a test tube and add 1 mL of bromine (bromine in excess). Close the test
tube with a cork (not a rubber stopper) and allow to stand for ten minutes at room temperature.
(Start step 1 of part (B) at this time.) The crude solid obtained is transferred in the fume hood to
the vacuum sublimation apparatus. Most of the excess bromine should evaporate during this
transfer procedure. Carry the sealed sublimer to the vacuum line.
Ensure that the trap is filled with liquid N2 to protect the pump from the corrosive
Evacuate the sublimation apparatus for 30 s being careful to avoid opening the stopcock to the
vacuum line too quickly, since this causes extreme bumping and splattering. Cold water is then

Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual

Page 10-3

Part IV Group 17 Compounds

Experiment 10

passed through the cold finger and the crude solid gently warmed using a water bath (it is also
possible to use only the heat from the palm of your hand).
In about 15 min most of the solid will have sublimed to the cold finger. The system is then
slowly returned to atmospheric pressure with dry nitrogen. The sublimation apparatus is then
opened in the fume hood and the purified solid transferred to a vial.
(B) Dipyridyliodonium acetate
Step 1
Place 4.7 g of iodine in 50 mL of chloroform in a 125 mL Erlenmeyer flask. Add 1 mL of
bromine and swirl the flask gently to mix the reagents. Allow the flask to stand corked at room
temperature for 30 minutes.
Step 2
As a test for complete reaction dip a glass rod into the solution, allow it to dry in the fume hood
and observe the crystals. They should resemble those produced in part (A). This however does
not always work because of the volatility of the crystals.
Add 5.9 mL of 0.98 g/mL pyridine (in the fume hood) dropwise to the reaction mixture (cooled
in an ice bath) while continuously swirling to mix the reagents. Continue mixing until the
solution clears. This reaction is strongly exothermic and will boil the solvent violently if the
pyridine is added too quickly. Allow the solution to sit in the ice bath for 5 min and then add 6.2
g of silver acetate through a solid addition funnel. Swirl the mixture; this should produce a
yellow solution and a dense precipitate. Allow the precipitate (what is it?) to settle, then decant
it onto fluted filter paper, keeping the filtrate. Save the white precipitate in a marked bottle.
With constant mixing slowly add 70 mL of ligroine to the yellow filtrate and allow the mixture
to stand. Cool in an ice bath if no crystals form. If still no crystals form, stopper the flask and
store until the next day. Vacuum filter the yellow precipitate and store the product in a stoppered

(C) Preparation of [NEt4] ICl2

The equipment consists of a hotplate/stirrer, an Erlenmeyer flask containing a magnetic stirbar,

and a glass tube to deliver the Cl2 below the surface of the solution. Prepare a solution of 3.5 g of
tetraethylammonium chloride in 35 mL of H2O in the flask. Add 2.6 g of iodine to the flask.
Warm the solution to at least 30 40 C with stirring. Bubble chlorine vigorously from the
cylinder (use the fume hood) until the iodine just dissolves and the orange oily mass that forms

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Page 10-4

Part IV Group 17 Compounds

Experiment 10

solidifies. Cool to precipitate the yellow product and collect it by filtration on a Bchner funnel.
Record the yield.
Obtain the IR spectra of the products of parts (B) and (C). Measure the solution IR
spectrum of IBr in ligroine using the polyethylene solution cells (below 600 cm1.)
Obtain the IR spectrum of [NEt4]Cl. Find the IR spectrum of pyridine in the Sadtler


reference collection. (Pyridine is too obnoxious to run a spectrum of as a neat liquid.)

Record the mp of the products of parts (A), (B) and (C). Note: some compounds may
decompose without melting. This is a valid observation record the decomposition
Record the visible spectrum of IBr in CCl4 in the range 600 to 200 nm. Then add a little


99% ethanol so as to make the solution ~1% in alcohol, and re-run the spectrum, noting
any changes.
Record the visible spectrum of [NEt4]ICl2 in CHCl3 solution in the range 600 to 200 nm.


Molecular modeling

Using your PM3 model of IBr calculate the orbitals for this molecule. Using the
HyperChem output as a guide, describe the bonding in IBr by constructing and orbital
interaction diagram between a bromine and an iodine atom. Provide correct symmetry
labels for the orbitals and sketch the orbital topologies. Assign the visible spectrum as
measured in CCl4 (electronic absorption spectrum) using your MO diagram.


Now add to your IBr model a molecule of ethanol, without joining them by a bond. Ensure
that they are arranged as in Figure IV-3, with the ethanol oxygen placed about 1.9 from
the iodine. (This is because in such adducts, iodine is the Lewis acid, and oxygen the Lewis
base, contrary to what you might expect from the behaviour of halide anions. Why?)
Perform a PM3 MO calculation and note the shape and energy of the HOMO and the
LUMO. To what can you attribute the colour change and the subsequent alteration in the
visible spectrum upon the addition of ethanol to the CCl4 solution of IBr? Create an MO
interaction diagram to show the interaction between the two oxygen orbitals and the IBr
orbitals that causes the change in the energy levels and MO patterns.

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Page 10-5

Part IV Group 17 Compounds

Experiment 10


Use your PM3 model of the [ICl2] ion to calculate and display the orbital shapes and


energies. Use this HyperChem result as a guide to construct an MO interaction diagram for
the combination of two Cl ions with a central I+ ion. Use the symmetry adapted orbital
approach. Provide correct symmetry labels for the orbitals, and sketch the orbital
topologies. Assign the visible spectrum using your MO diagram.
Use your PM3 model to calculate and display the orbitals of [Ipy2]+. Use the results of the
HyperChem calculation to describe the bonding in this ion using a simplified molecular
orbital approach by treating pyridine as a point source of N; think what type of orbital on
the N atom would participate in bonding to the iodine cation. Provide correct symmetry
labels for the orbitals and sketch the orbital topologies.

Describe the appearance of each product and determine the percent yield, showing the equation
and your reasoning. What is the oxidation state of iodine in each compound? What does the
volatility of IBr suggest about bonding (i.e., is it covalent, van der Waals, ionic, etc.)? Briefly
Discuss the IR spectra of (B) and (C). What are the observed bands due to? Explain, using
normal vibrations for the respective symmetry point groups as well as force constant arguments,
the complete absence of certain species from the IR spectra.
What other methods of characterization could be used to determine the structures of these
products? These may not be techniques available to us at the U. of L. What evidence do you have
that the description of the product of part (B) is correctly described by [Ipy2]CH3CO2? What
experiments can you think of to prove this?

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Page 10-6

Part IV Group 17 Compounds

Experiment 10





(a) Cotton, F. A.; Wilkinson, G.; Murillo, C. A.; Bochmann, M. Advanced Inorganic
Chemistry, 6th Ed; Wiley: N.Y., 1999, p 576. (b) Cotton, F. A.; Wilkinson, G. Advanced
Inorganic Chemistry, 5th Ed.; Wiley: N. Y., 1988, p 570.
(a) Huheey, J. E.; Keiter, E. A.; Keiter, R. L. Inorganic Chemistry, 4th Ed.; Harper
Collins, 1993, p. 837. (b) Huheey, J. E. Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd Ed.; Harper&Row: N.
Y., 1983, p 205, 222 & 276.
Shriver, D.; Atkins, P. W.; Langford, C. Inorganic Chemistry; W. H. Freeman: N. Y.,
1990, p 42 & 408.
(a) Greenwood, N. N.; Earnshaw, A. Chemistry of the Elements, 2nd Ed.; Elsevier
Butterworth Heinemann: Oxford; 1984, p 824. (b) Geenwood, N. N.; Earnshaw, A.
Chemistry of the Elements; Pergamon Press: Oxford, 1984, p 964.
Sidgwick, N. V. The chemical elements and their compounds; Oxford Press, 1950 Vol. 2,
p 1151-1155.
Wirth, T. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2005, 44, 36.

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Page 10-7

Part IV Group 17 Compounds

Experiment 11

Synthesis and Properties of the Halogens

Under normal conditions fluorine is a yellow gas, chlorine is a green gas, bromine is a
dark red liquid, and iodine a shiny black solid. All the halogens are poisonous and should be
handled with great care. It is interesting to note that the toxicity of the members of the halogen
family decreases with increasing atomic number.
The ionization energies are usually high. As a result, the halogens do not normally tend to
lose electrons in chemical reactions but rather, they tend to gain them. Ionization of halogens to
positive oxidation states usually occurs only in compounds with more electronegative elements.
For fluorine, there are none! For chlorine, there are a number of oxygen compounds ((O) =
3.50). Bromine and iodine also form some (unstable) nitrogen compounds. In recent years an
extensive chemistry of polyiodide cations has developed, with the help of "superacids" (see p.
410 of ref. 1).
The tendency of the halogens to gain electrons in chemical reactions is consistent with
their status as non-metals. This tendency is quantified by the electron affinity, or enthalpy of
electron attachment, to use the more modern term (the signs used in the table below follow the
latter definition). When a halogen atom acquires an electron to form an ion it releases energy,
thereby entering a lower energy state, or a more stable state. Thus electron affinity can be
defined as the energy released when an electron enters the outermost orbital of an atom.
Electron affinity (kJ mol1)






However, the exact size of the electron affinity is not as easy to correlate with orbital
character. For example, since fluorine is anomalously small, its electron affinity is reduced from
what it might be due to electron-electron repulsion. When we look at chemical behaviour,
however, we find that the oxidizing power of the halogens decreases as we proceed down the
group from fluorine, to chlorine, to bromine to iodine, in accord with the predictions of simple
Because of their great chemical activity it is not surprising that the halogens do not occur
free in nature. Chlorine is by far the most abundant of the halogens. It occurs as chloride ion in
sea water and as rock salt in large mineral deposits.
The halogens may complete their inert gas configurations either by gaining an electron to
form an ionic bond or by sharing an electron to form a covalent bond. An example of the first
kind of reaction is the combination of sodium and fluorine.



The electronegativity of fluorine is high and it captures an electron to form a stable ion, with
little tendency for back donation of charge. The resulting compound is thus an ionic solid. An
example of the second kind of reaction is the combination of atoms of the same kind to form
diatomic molecules, such as:

Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual

Page 11-1

Part IV Group 17 Compounds

Experiment 11
F + F


The van der Waal's forces between fluorine molecules are very weak and, as a result, there is
little attraction between the molecules and little tendency for fluorine gas molecules to condense
to a liquid. (The boiling point of fluorine is 188 C.) The van der Waal's forces are much
stronger for bromine, strong enough to hold the molecules together to form a liquid at ordinary
temperatures. (The boiling point of bromine is 59 C.) The forces in iodine are so strong that the
molecules condense to a solid at ordinary temperatures. (The boiling point of iodine is 183 C,
although at atmospheric pressure iodine sublimes rather than forming a liquid.)
Fluorine is the most powerful of all oxidizers. The oxidation number of fluorine is 1 in
all its compounds.
Chlorine is prepared in the laboratory by the chemical oxidation of the chloride ion.
(Industrially it is prepared by the electrolysis of brine, which effectively means the
electrochemical oxidation of chloride ions.) Hydrochloric acid is a good source of chloride ions
and manganese dioxide is a suitable oxidizer.
Chlorine is a strong oxidizer. It combines directly with most metals to form chlorides.
The vigor of the reaction depends upon the activity of the metal. Sodium, for instance, bursts into
flame if placed in chlorine. The reaction with iron is interesting because iron(III) chloride is
2 Fe + 3 Cl2 2 FeCl3
In this reaction, chlorine is a strong enough oxidizer to capture one of the "buried" electrons of
iron, an electron in the next-to-the outermost shell. If iron reacts with chlorine, iron(III) chloride
is formed; if iron reacts with hydrochloric acid, iron(II) chloride is formed. Chlorine is clearly a
more powerful oxidizer than hydrogen ion. Since chlorine is a stronger oxidizer than bromine or
iodine, it will displace bromine from bromides and iodine from iodides:

+ 2 Br

2 Cl

+ Br2

2 I

2 Cl


These replacement reactions serve as a test by which bromides and iodides can be identified.
Chlorine dissolves in water to a small degree. The total concentration for a saturated
aqueous solution at 25 C is 0.091 M. Of this total, [Cl2] = 0.061 and [HOCl] = 0.030. The
equilibrium for the disproportionation of Cl in neutral solution is:




One chlorine atom forms chloride ion in water solution and the other forms a covalent bond with
oxygen. One of the chlorine atoms in this reaction is reduced and the other oxidized. This
disproportionation is favoured in basic solution, where quantitative solutions of NaOCl can be
prepared (i.e. bleach)

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Page 11-2

Part IV Group 17 Compounds

Experiment 11

Preparation of and test for iodine in aqueous solution

Both industrially and in the laboratory iodine is prepared from iodide solutions (some
natural brines have a high iodine content; otherwise iodine can be isolated from certain types of
seaweed.) Iodine is appreciably soluble in water, but the presence of even a small excess I sets
up a powerful equilibrium as follows:


Solutions of I2 and I3 in water are brown in colour, due to a Lewis acid/base interaction
with the water molecules. This makes it virtually impossible to tell aqueous Br2 from aqueous I2,
or to identify iodine in any kind of coloured solution. However, a positive identification of both
these halogens is readily made by using a phase-transfer solvent. Normally CCl4 is used, a totally
non-polar liquid. Both Br2 and I2 are very soluble in this solvent, and as an additional benefit,
there is no Lewis acid/base interaction to alter the colours. Thus, Br2 in CCl4 is orange-brown in
colour (depending on concentration) and I2 is deep purple. When doing an iodine test, always be
sure to add sufficient chlorine water to lower the I concentration to the level where the
following reaction will tend to go towards the product side. Otherwise the iodine may stay as I3
in aqueous solution despite the presence of CCl4.


Hydrogen halides
A method of preparing hydrogen halides is to treat a metal halide with concentrated
sulfuric acid. The principle is that the other acid must be a sufficiently strong Brnsted acid to
protonate the halide ion, which is a Brnsted base. Concentrated sulfuric acid is used in the
preparation of volatile acids because it is strong enough of an acid, and its boiling point, at
approximately 330 C, enable the HX acids to be removed from solution by distillation.
Hydrogen fluoride is prepared by treating fluorspar with concentrated sulfuric acid:



2 HF

By far the most important of the hydrogen halides is hydrogen chloride. It is prepared by
the reaction between common salt and concentrated sulfuric acid as shown in the equation:




Neither HBr nor HI can be prepared by the methods used to prepare HF and HCl. You
will recall that the halogens are oxidizing agents and that, in oxidizing power, F2 > Cl2 > Br2 > I2.
It therefore follows that the halide ions are reducing agents and that, in reducing power, I > Br
> Cl > F. Concentrated H2SO4 is a strong oxidizer. Bromide and iodide ions react with, and
reduce, concentrated H2SO4; in one case sulfur dioxide is the reduction product and in the other,
hydrogen sulfide.

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Page 11-3

Part IV Group 17 Compounds

Experiment 11

It should now be apparent that HBr and HI cannot be prepared from their halide salts by
the reaction of an acid that is a strong oxidizer. Instead, phosphoric acid may be used. The
equations for the preparation of these two gases would then be:
3 NaBr + H3PO4
3 KI + H3PO4

Na3PO4 + 3 HBr
K3PO4 + 3 HI

Fluorides, chlorides, bromides, and iodides of the elements

In general, the halides are quite soluble in water. There are, however, some exceptions to
this rule, for example, the chlorides, bromides and iodides of silver, mercury(I), and lead are only
slightly soluble in water. Halide ions are also capable of acting as ligands in complexation
reactions, and replacing other ligands around the central (usually metallic) atom. For example,
the blood-red complex [FeSCN(OH2)5]+2 can be converted to the colourless complex [FeX6]3 by
reaction with excess halide. Likewise, the water molecules of hydration on blue Cu+2(aq) can be
replaced by excess halide ion to form yellow or green [CuX4]2 complexes.
Higher oxidation states of chlorine.
Chlorine and its compounds show a marked tendency to undergo self-(or auto)-oxidationreduction, in which some molecules or ions of a species are oxidized to a high state while others
are reduced to the stable 1 state. This process is called disproportionation. It is possible to
oxidize Cl (oxidation state 1) to free chlorine, Cl2(g) (oxidation state 0), and then carry out a
series of disproportionation reactions in which the chlorine is successively oxidized to the +1,
+5, and finally the +7 oxidation states, as indicated on the flow chart in Figure IV-4.

Instructional goals:
Properties of the following elements are highlighted: F, Cl, Br & I.
(1) Understanding the relative oxidizing and reducing properties of the halides.
(2) Preparation and reactivity of Cl2 and I2.
(3) Understanding the reactivity of Br2.

Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual

Page 11-4

Part IV Group 17 Compounds

Experiment 11

Pre-lab exercise
Construct a molecular orbital diagram for F2.

Why do the van der Waal's forces of the halogens become progressively stronger as the
atomic number increases?
Why is Cl2 gas collected in an upright jar, as opposed to water displacement from an
inverted jar (as in experiment 7)?
What are the major safety concerns associated with this lab? How will you address them?
Map out the timing of your afternoon's work. Use free gaps of time to do other operations.
Be realistic in time allotted for each operation!





Anhydrous hydrogen halides are extremely corrosive, HF is particularly dangerous

since it attacks tissue and cannot be rinsed away once it has contacted flesh. WEAR
Sample odours of evolved gases by wafting the air above the mouth of the test tube
towards your nostrils. NEVER inhale directly from the test tube into your nose or
Elemental chlorine and bromine are dangerous chemicals. Work in such a way that
body parts are never exposed to these reagents. Bromine is a liquid with a high
vapour pressure. The vapours are toxic by inhalation, with very similar effects to
those of chlorine. Bromine also causes severe skin burns. Antidote: wash with KI
All iodine compounds should be treated as poisons, and gloves worn at all times
during handling.
CCl4 is a suspected carcinogen, and is toxic by inhalation or ingestion. It is not
flammable. Use only in a fume hood.

The preparation and reactions of pure chlorine
Arrange an apparatus as shown in Figure IV-5. The delivery tube should extend to the bottom of
the bottle through a piece of paper covering its top. Place 3 g of MnO2 in a 25 x 100 mm Pyrex
test tube and add 10 mL of concentrated HCl. Immediately attach the delivery tube to the test
tube and gently heat the latter until Cl2 gas is evolved. Collect 2 bottles of the gas, placing a
white paper behind each bottle as it is filling to discern when sufficient Cl2 has been obtained.
Cover each bottle with a glass plate. Add H2O to the generator and immediately flush the
contents down the drain with plenty of water.

Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual

Page 11-5

Part IV Group 17 Compounds

Experiment 11

Pack steel wool into a small (4 mm) tight ball, but leave a few ends protruding. Move a bottle of
chlorine close to the burner, grasp the protruding ends of the steel wool ball with the tongs, heat
the iron until red hot, then quickly thrust and hold it into the bottle of chlorine (do not drop the
bottle may crack). After the reaction is complete, add 10 mL of water. Pour the solution into a 15
10 mm test tube and add a few drops of 0.2 M KSCN. A blood-red product of Fe(SCN)+2
indicates the iron metal was oxidized to the +3 state.
Moisten a piece of blue litmus paper and while holding it with forceps, thrust it briefly into the
second bottle of chlorine. Immediately replace the glass plate.
Obtain two pieces of each red litmus paper, paper with ink and pencil marks, and paper with
black typing. Wet one of each of the above items and drop them into the second bottle of
chlorine. Also drop in the dry pieces. Leave these until the end of the lab class and then observe
the results. (Grass or flowers may also be added.)
In separate test tubes put 2 mL of 0.1 M KI solution and 2 mL of 0.1 M KBr solution. Add a few
drops of chlorine water from the side shelf. Note the colors produced in the two tubes. Add
approximately 1 mL of CCl4 to each of the test tubes and shake them well. Allow the liquids to
separate and observe the relative concentration of colors in the two layers.
Add chlorine water drop by drop to 1 mL of 0.1 M KI solution in a test tube until there is a
definite change in the color of the mixture. Identify the colored product, using CCl4.

Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual

Page 11-6

Part IV Group 17 Compounds

Experiment 11

The preparation and reactions of pure iodine

Set up a 50 mL beaker with an evaporating dish as depicted in Figure IV-6. Put 0.5 g of KI
crystals and about the same quantity of MnO2 into the beaker. Fill the drying dish about twothirds with cold H2O. Moisten the solids in the beaker with 1 or 2 drops of H2O and add about 1
mL of concentrated H2SO4. Place the dish back on the beaker and apply just enough heat to keep
the beaker filled with iodine fumes for 3 or 4 minutes. Empty the dish and beaker and invert the
dish on the table-top to allow the crystals to dry. If adequate crystals have not formed on the
dish, use the crystals sublimed onto the sides of the beaker.
Using the spatula, put several of the iodine crystals in 2 mL of ethanol in a test tube, and shake
the tube to cause dissolution. Put a few drops of the solution into a 25 200 mm test tube and
dilute to 10 mL with H2O. Add a few drops of starch solution (suspension). This is an excellent
test for free iodine and, vice versa, for starch.

Add 0.1 M Na2S2O3 solution to the remainder of the alcohol solution dropwise until a change is
Using the collected data, arrange the halogens in order of their activity, and consider atomicstructural explanations for this trend.
Preparation and properties of the hydrogen halides
In separate dry 20 150 mm test tubes place about one gram of CaF2, NaCl, KBr, and KI. Have
four moist strips of blue litmus paper ready on a glass plate; also have a stirring rod and a
container of 15 M NH4OH available. Add approximately 1 mL of concentrated (~80%) H3PO4 to
each of the halide salts. If necessary heat to cause a reaction. After the air in the test tubes has
been displaced by the gases generated, blow gently across the mouth of each of the tubes. (The

Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual

Page 11-7

Part IV Group 17 Compounds

Experiment 11

formation of a fog indicates the presence of a water-soluble gas. The gases may fume in the air
itself. DO NOT INHALE THE GASES! Using tongs, briefly hold the pieces of blue litmus
paper in the mouth of the test-tubes. Also hold a stirring rod wet with NH4OH solution near the
test-tube mouths.
Repeat the above treatment with new small quantities of CaF2, NaCl, KBr, and KI and
concentrated H2SO4 instead of the phosphoric acid. If necessary warm to initiate reaction.
Observe any noteworthy differences between the methods of preparation. Take particular note of
the colour changes.
In each of 3 small test tubes, place 4 mL of 0.002 M KMnO4 and 2 mL of dilute H2SO4. Add 4
drops of 0.1 M KCl solution one test tube, 0.1 M KBr solution to a second, and 0.1 M KI
solution to the third. After reaction occurs, add about 1 mL of CCl4 to each of the tubes whose
contents show a change in colour, and shake well. Observe the appearance of the denser CCl4
Complexing ability of the halide ions
Put 2 mL of 0.1 M Fe(NO3)3 solution in a test tube. Add 2 drops of 0.2 M KSCN solution.
Divide the red solution between two test tubes. Add approximately 0.1 g of solid NaF to one test
tube and a similar amount of solid NaCl to the other. Stir the content of both test tubes. If the
color does not disappear add more solid until the solution becomes saturated. On the basis of
these results what would you predict would happen when using Br and I ions?
Add 1 drop of 1 M CuSO4 solution to 1 mL of 12 M HCl. Compare the appearance of this
solution to that of 1 mL of 1 M CuSO4 in a separate test tube. Add 2 mL of water to both test
tubes and make a fresh comparison.
Chemical properties of the hypochlorite ion
Since solid NaOCl cannot be easily isolated without decomposition, we shall test portions of the
solution of a commercial bleach obtained at the grocery store. It was prepared by passing
chlorine into a solution of NaOH. Pour several drops of NaOCl solution on red and blue litmus to
note its acidity or basicity. Note any bleaching effect.
Add 1 mL of 0.5 M AgNO3 to a 3 mL portion of the NaOCl solution. What is the precipitate?
(Compare with the behavior of a drop of 6 M NaOH on 0.5 M AgNO3.) Is it soluble in 6 M
HNO3, and does any other precipitate remain? Explain your observations.
Place 2 mL of 0.1 M KI and 1 mL of CCl4 in a test tube. Add 5% NaOCl solution dropwise
(shaking the test tube after each drop) and note any color change in the CCl4 layer. Is there any
evidence for the formation of I2? An excess of NaOCl must be avoided because it will remove
the color, owing to further oxidation of the initial product to the colorless IO3 ion.

Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual

Page 11-8

Part IV Group 17 Compounds

Experiment 11

Repeat this test using 2 mL of 0.1 M KBr in place of KI. Is there any evidence for the formation
of Br2 detected by a color change in the CCl4 layer? (No more than 5 drops should be needed to
cause a change.) Where would you place the ClO ion with respect to Br2 and I2 in a scale of
oxidizing strength? Acidify the test solution with 5 M HCl and shake, noticing any color formed
in the CCl4 layer. Does the oxidizing strength of ClO change when the solution is acidified?
In this and all descriptive chemistry labs, you must record detailed observations in your lab
notebook. Include this information in your report. Explain fully all reactions and write balanced
chemical equations for each.

D. F Shriver, P. W. Atkins and C. H. Langford Inorganic Chemistry, N. Y.: Freeman,

1990. Ch. 13.
R. Chang, Chemistry, 3rd Ed., N. Y.: Random House, 1988. Ch. 21, p. 888-898.
P. W. Atkins General Chemistry, N. Y.: Scientific American Books, Ch. 19, p. 743-751.
J. C. Kotz and P. Treichel, Jr., Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity, 4th Ed., Saunders,
1999, Ch. 22, p. 1036 - 1038.

Chemistry 3830 Laboratory Manual

Page 11-9

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