ATOOCV1!2!13 Optical Activity in Absence of Chiral Carbon Biphenyls Allenes and Spiranes
ATOOCV1!2!13 Optical Activity in Absence of Chiral Carbon Biphenyls Allenes and Spiranes
ATOOCV1!2!13 Optical Activity in Absence of Chiral Carbon Biphenyls Allenes and Spiranes
In this section, we will study two kinds of optically active molecules without chiral carbon, compounds with
chiral axis, and chiral plane.
➢ Optically Active Compounds with Chiral Axis
This type of chirality arises when a tetrahedrally coordinated prochiral molecule becomes chiral by
extending the center along an axis. In other words, a prochiral molecule can no longer be superimposed on its
mirror image if its center has been extended to a line with the same groups at different ends.
Figure 3. Conversion of an optically inactive molecule to optically active via chiral axis.
After assigning priorities to different groups, if the tracking of decreasing priority of the remaining three groups
comes gives rise to clockwise flight, the molecules should be labeled as R and vice-versa. However, if the
group of lowest priority is towards observer, revert the result from R to S and vice-versa.
2. Examples of Optically active compounds with chiral axis:
Some of the most common examples of organic molecules with this type of chirality are biphenyls,
allenes, and spiranes derivatives.
i) Optically active biphenyls:
It is clear that biphenyl derivative will only be optically active groups on both ends are not the same.
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It is also obvious that the allene derivative compounds will only be optically active groups on both ends are
not the same.
iii) Optically active Spiranes:
It is also obvious that the spirane derivative compounds will only be optically active groups on both ends are
not the same.
Figure 4. Conversion of an optically inactive molecule to optically active via chiral plane.
After assigning priorities to different groups, if the tracking of decreasing priority of the remaining three groups
comes gives rise to clockwise flight, the molecules should be labeled as R. However, if the tracking of
decreasing priority of the remaining three groups comes gives rise to anticlockwise flight, the molecules should
be labeled as S.
The enantiomer of any optically active ansa compound can simply be obtained by flipping the chain below the
chiral plane.
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