James Joseph Hamm Supra

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Supreme Court of Arizona,En Banc.

In the Matter of James Joseph HAMM, Applicant.

Decided: December 07, 2005
James Joseph Hamm, Tempe, In Propria Persona. Monroe & McDonough,
P.C., by Lawrence McDonough, Tucson, and Juan Perez-Medrano, Phoenix,
Chair Attorneys for the Committee on Character & Fitness. Charles W.
Wirken, President, Helen Perry Grimwood, President-elect, Jim D. Smith,
First Vice President, Daniel J. McAuliffe, Second Vice President, Edward F.
Novak, Secretary-Treasurer, Robert B. Van Wyck, Chief Bar Counsel,
Phoenix, Attorneys for Amicus Curiae State Bar of Arizona. Michael D.
Kimerer, Marty Lieberman, Amy L. Nguyen, Phoenix, Carla Ryan, Andrew
Silverman, Tucson, Attorneys for Amicus Curiae, Arizona Attorneys for
Criminal Justice. Andrew P. Thomas, Maricopa County Attorney, by Andrew
P. Thomas, Phoenix, Attorney for Amicus Curiae Maricopa County Attorney's
1 James Hamm petitioned this Court, pursuant to Arizona Supreme Court
Rule 36(g), 17A A.R.S.,1 to review the recommendation of the Committee on
Character and Fitness (the Committee) that his application for admission to
the State Bar of Arizona (the Bar) be denied. Having reviewed the record
and the Committee's report, we conclude that James Hamm has failed to
establish the good moral character necessary to be admitted to the practice of
law in Arizona and deny his application.
2 In September 1974, James Hamm was twenty-six years old and living on
the streets of Tucson. Although he previously had attended divinity school
and worked as a part-time pastor, Hamm describes his life in 1974 as
reflecting a series of personal and social failures. In 1973, he had separated
from his wife, with whom he had a son. Although he had no criminal
record, he supported himself by selling small quantities of marijuana and,
again according to Hamm, he used marijuana and other drugs and abused
3 On September 6, 1974, Hamm met two young men who identified
themselves as college students from Missouri. The two, Willard Morley and
Zane Staples, came to Tucson to buy twenty pounds of marijuana. Hamm
agreed to sell it to them, but apparently was unable to acquire that quantity
of marijuana. Rather than call off the transaction, Hamm and two
accomplices, Garland Wells and Bill Reeser, agreed to rob Staples and Morley
of the money intended for the purchase. On September 7, Wells gave

Hamm a gun to use during the robbery. Later that day, Wells and Hamm
directed Morley and Staples to drive to the outskirts of Tucson, purportedly
to complete the drug transaction; Reeser followed in another vehicle. Both
Wells and Hamm carried guns; Morley and Staples were unarmed. Hamm
sat behind Morley, the driver, and Wells sat behind Staples. At some point,
Hamm detected that Staples was becoming suspicious. As Morley stopped
the car, and without making any demand on the victims for money, Hamm
shot Morley in the back of the head, killing him. At the same time, Wells
shot Staples. Hamm then shot Staples in the back as he tried to escape and
shot Morley once again. Wells also shot Morley, then pursued Staples,
whom he ultimately killed outside of the car. Hamm and Wells took
$1400.00 from the glove compartment, fled the scene in the van driven by
Reeser, and left the bodies of Morley and Staples lying in the desert.
4 Hamm took his share of the money and visited his sister in California.
At the hearing held to consider his application to the Bar, he told the
Committee that he was compelled to come back to Tucson, despite knowing
he probably would be caught. Police officers arrested Hamm shortly after
his return. While in custody, he told the police that Morley and Staples were
killed in a gun battle during the drug deal. Initially charged with two counts
of first-degree murder and two counts of armed robbery, Hamm pled guilty
to one count of first-degree murder and was sentenced to life in prison, with
no possibility of parole for twenty-five years.
5 Once in prison, Hamm began taking steps toward rehabilitation and
became a model prisoner. After spending one year in maximum security, he
applied for and received a job in a computer training program that allowed
him to be transferred to medium security. Once in medium security, Hamm
apparently took advantage of any and every educational opportunity the
prison system had to offer. He completed certificates in yoga and
meditation and, on his own, studied Jungian psychology. He helped fellow
inmates learn to read and write and to take responsibility for their actions.
He obtained a bachelor's degree in applied sociology, summa cum laude,
from Northern Arizona University through a prison study program.
6 After Hamm completed six years in medium security, prison officials
transferred him to minimum security, where he worked on paint and
construction crews. He received a significant degree of freedom, which
allowed him to live in a dormitory rather than in a cell and occasionally to
drive unaccompanied to nearby towns. He testified that he was the only
inmate permitted to head a work crew. Hamm reported to the Committee
that he played an instrumental role on various prison committees,
particularly the committee that developed a new grievance procedure within
the Department of Corrections. In addition, he wrote grant proposals for
libraries, for handicapped prisoners, and for obtaining greater legal
assistance for prisoners.

7 While in prison, he met and married Donna Leone. She and Hamm
founded Middle Ground Prison Reform (Middle Ground), a prisoner and
prisoner family advocacy organization involved in lobbying for laws related to
the criminal justice system and prisons. Middle Ground also provides
public education about those topics.
8 In 1989, the Governor, acting on the recommendation of the Arizona
Board of Pardons and Parole (the Board), commuted Hamm's sentence.
When he had served nearly seventeen years, in July 1992, the Board released
Hamm on parole, conditioned upon no use of alcohol or drugs, drug and
alcohol testing, and fifteen hours of community service each month. In
December 2001, the Arizona Board of Executive Clemency2 granted Hamm's
third application for absolute discharge.
9 Between his release in August 1992 and his absolute discharge in
December 2001, Hamm performed thousands of hours of community service.
He advocated for prisoners' rights in various forums by writing position
papers, appearing on radio programs, testifying in legislative hearings, and
speaking at churches, schools, and civic organizations. He also appeared in
a public service video encouraging children not to do drugs or join gangs.
Hamm now works as the Director of Advocacy Services at Middle Ground
Prison Reform.
10 While on parole, Hamm graduated from the Arizona State University
College of Law. In July 1999, Hamm passed the Arizona bar examination
and, in 2004, filed his Character and Fitness Report with the Committee.
11 The Rules of the Supreme Court of Arizona establish the process through
which the Committee and this Court evaluate applications for admission to
the Bar, and prior case law clarifies the burden an applicant must satisfy to
establish good moral character. We begin with a review of the rules.
12 Rules 34 through 37 define the requirements for admission to the
Bar.3 The Committee may recommend an applicant for admission only if that
applicant, in addition to meeting other requirements, satisfies the Committee
that he or she is of good moral character. Rule 34(a). The applicant bears
the burden of establishing his or her good moral character. In re Greenberg,
126 Ariz. 290, 292, 614 P.2d 832, 834 (1980) (citing In re Levine, 97 Ariz. 88,
397 P.2d 205 (1964)). In determining whether an applicant's prior conduct
indicates a lack of good moral character, the Committee must consider the
following non-exhaustive list of factors:

A.The applicant's age, experience and general level of sophistication at the

time of the conduct
B.The recency of the conduct
C.The reliability of the information concerning the conduct
D.The seriousness of the conduct
E. Consideration given by the applicant to relevant laws, rules and
responsibilities at the time of the conduct
F.The factors underlying the conduct
G.The cumulative effect of the conduct
H.The evidence of rehabilitation
I. The applicant's positive social contributions since the conduct
J.The applicant's candor in the admissions process
K.The materiality of any omissions or misrepresentations by the applicant.
Rule 36(a)3.
13 When prior conduct involves the commission of a violent crime, the
Committee must, at a minimum, hold an informal hearing. Rule 36(a)4.E. If
three or more Committee members who attended the hearing or who have
read the entire record do not recommend admission of an applicant, the
Committee must hold a formal hearing to consider whether to recommend
the applicant for admission to the Bar. Id.
14 If the applicant fails to convince the Committee of his or her good
moral character, the Committee has a duty not to recommend that person to
this Court. In re Klahr, 102 Ariz. 529, 531, 433 P.2d 977, 979 (1967); Levine,
97 Ariz. at 91, 397 P.2d at 207 (If the proof of good moral character falls
short of convincing the Committee on Examinations and Admissions, it is its
duty not to recommend admission.); In re Courtney, 83 Ariz. 231, 233, 319
P.2d 991, 993 (1957) (In this it has no discretion; if the members entertain
any reservations whatsoever as to the applicant's good moral character, it
should not make a favorable recommendation to this court.). After the
Committee submits its report, an aggrieved applicant may petition this Court
for review. Rule 36(g).

15 This Court then independently determines whether the applicant

possesses good moral character and, based upon that determination, grants
or denies the candidate's application. Although we give serious
consideration to the facts as found by and the recommendation of the
Committee, [t]he ultimate decision in this difficult matter rests with the
Supreme Court. In re Kiser, 107 Ariz. 326, 327, 487 P.2d 393, 394 (1971)
(holding applicant possessed good moral character); see also Levine, 97 Ariz.
at 92, 397 P.2d at 207 (holding the Court must, using our independent
judgment, de novo determine whether the necessary qualifications have been
shown). We do not limit our independent review to matters of law; we
have the ultimate responsibility for determination of fact and law. In re
Ronwin, 139 Ariz. 576, 579, 680 P.2d 107, 110 (1983); see also In re Walker,
112 Ariz. 134, 137, 539 P.2d 891, 894 (1975) (making a finding regarding the
credibility of testimony, although in agreement with the Committee).

three licensed attorneys who had worked with Hamm and who recommended
his admission and also considered letters from those opposed to and in
support of Hamm's application. In detailed findings, the Committee
specifically considered the various factors set out in Rule 36(a) to determine
Hamm's character and fitness to be admitted to the Bar. In its report, the
Committee stated that, in reaching its conclusions, it considered the

16 The ultimate question in cases such as this is whether the applicant

has established good moral character, a concept with which we have wrestled
as we have attempted to define its boundaries. Greenberg, 126 Ariz. at 292,
614 P.2d at 834. As Hamm asserts, the rules and standards governing
admission to the practice of law in Arizona include no per se
disqualifications. Instead, we consider each case on its own merits. Id. In
Walker, we described the principles on which we rely as follows:

3)Hamm's neglect of his financial responsibilities and/or violation of a

longstanding child support court order and his testimony as to his failure to
comply with the court order.

Upright character *** is something more than an absence of bad

character. *** It means that he [an applicant for admission] must have
conducted himself as a man of upright character ordinarily would, should, or
does. Such character expresses itself not in negatives nor in following the
line of least resistance, but quite often in the will to do the unpleasant thing if
it is right, and the resolve not to do the pleasant thing if it is wrong.

19 After reviewing all these factors, the Committee concluded that Hamm
had not met his burden of establishing that he possesses the requisite
character and fitness for admission to the Bar and accordingly recommended
that his application be denied. We now consider the Committee's findings,
together with pertinent facts.

112 Ariz. at 138, 539 P.2d at 895 (alteration in original) (quoting In re

Farmer, 191 N.C. 235, 131 S.E. 661, 663 (1926)).
17 We also agree with Hamm that, under the Rule applicable to Hamm's
application, our concern must be with the applicant's present moral
character. In Greenberg, we explained that it is [the applicant's] moral
character as of now with which we are concerned. 126 Ariz. at 292, 614 P.2d
at 834; see also Rule 36(a)3. Past misconduct, however, is not irrelevant.
Rather, this Court must determine what past bad acts reveal about an
applicant's current character.
18 In compliance with Rule 36(a)4.E, the Committee conducted a formal
hearing to consider Hamm's application. The Committee heard testimony
on May 20 and June 2, 2004. Hamm, representing himself, and his wife
presented extensive testimony. In addition, the Committee heard from

1)Hamm's unlawful conduct, which included the commission of two violent

execution style murders and his testimony as to the facts surrounding the
2)Hamm's omissions on his Application and his testimony in explaining his
failure to disclose all required information.

4)Hamm's mental or emotional instability impairing his ability to perform

the functions of an attorney including his testimony as to any diagnosis and

20 The serious nature of Hamm's past criminal conduct is beyond dispute.
Hamm acknowledges that no more serious criminal conduct exists than
committing first-degree murder. Our society reserves its harshest
punishment for those convicted of such conduct. See Tucson Rapid Transit
Co. v. Rubiaz, 21 Ariz. 221, 231, 187 P. 568, 572 (1920) (describing murder as
the most serious crime known to the law).
21 Hamm's past criminal conduct and the serious nature of that conduct
affect the burden he must meet to establish good moral character. He must
first establish rehabilitation from prior criminal conduct, a requirement that
adds to his burden of showing current good moral character. See In re
Adams, 273 Ga. 333, 540 S.E.2d 609, 610 (2001) (Where an applicant for
admission to the bar has a criminal record, his or her burden of establishing
present good moral character takes on the added weight of proving full and
complete rehabilitation subsequent to conviction); In re Allan S., 282 Md.
683, 387 A.2d 271, 275 (1978) (Although a prior conviction is not conclusive

of a lack of present good moral character, it adds to his burden of

establishing present good character by requiring convincing proof of his full
and complete rehabilitation.).
22 The added burden becomes greater as past unlawful conduct becomes
more serious. In In re Arrotta, we considered an application for
reinstatement from an attorney who, eight years earlier, pled guilty to mail
fraud and bribery. 208 Ariz. 509, 96 P.3d 213 (2004). We noted there that
the more serious the misconduct that led to disbarment, the more difficult is
the applicant's task in showing rehabilitation. Id. at 512 12, 96 P.3d at
216. An applicant for initial admission to the Bar who is attempting to
overcome the negative implications of a serious felony on his current moral
character likewise must overcome a greater burden for more serious crimes.
We agree with the New Jersey Supreme Court, which recognized that in the
case of extremely damning past misconduct, a showing of rehabilitation may
be virtually impossible to make. In re Matthews, 94 N.J. 59, 462 A.2d 165,
176 (1983). Indeed, we are aware of no instance in which a person convicted
of first-degree murder has been admitted to the practice of law.
23 To show rehabilitation, Hamm must show that he has accepted
responsibility for his criminal conduct. Hamm fully recognizes his need to
make this showing. Indeed, he states that his rehabilitation could not have
proceeded absent such acceptance. We recognize the Committee's concern
that Hamm has not yet fully accepted responsibility for the two murders.
Hamm says he has done so, repeatedly and strongly, but some of his other
statements indicate to the contrary. The inconsistencies among his various
statements related to accepting responsibility are most evident when he
discusses Staples' murder. Although he told the Committee that he accepts
responsibility for Staples' murder, in fact he consistently assigns that
responsibility to his accomplice. His testimony revealed almost no attention
to the commission or aftermath of Staples' murder. Hamm concedes that he
has focused on his role in Morley's murder rather than on his role in Staples'
murder. The difference in approach, he explains, resulted from one
postcard written to him by Morley's grandmother and his decision to use his
connection to Morley to provide motivation to overcome difficulties. We
have no reason to doubt that Hamm's focus on Morley's murder aided him,
using his words, in accomplishing things that people have been telling me I
can't do and we're [Hamm and Morley] still doing it today. That fact,
however, does nothing to assure us that Hamm has taken responsibility for
Staples' murder, as he must if he is to establish rehabilitation.
24 We also give serious consideration to the Committee's finding that
Hamm was not completely forthright in his testimony about the murders. 5
Hamm has insisted in his filings with this Court that he did not intend to kill,
but only to rob, his victims. The agreed facts, however, lead directly to the
inference that Hamm intended to kill. He conspired with his accomplices to
rob the victims; he accepted the gun provided by Wells and took it with him

in the car with the victims; he testified that, although he did not intend to kill
the victims, he was afraid they would be killed when he got in the car; he
shot Morley without ever attempting a robbery and shot him a second time to
make certain he was dead; and he also shot Staples to prevent his escape.
The Committee observed Hamm testify and was able to judge the credibility
of his testimony in light of uncontested facts. We agree that the record
shows that Hamm, despite his current protestations to the contrary, intended
to kill the victims. His failure to confront the fact that these murders were
intentional undermines his statements that he fully accepts responsibility for
his actions.
25 As did the Committee, we give substantial weight to Hamm's attempts at
rehabilitation. In Section I, supra, we described in some detail the activities
Hamm has undertaken, both while in and since his release from prison. We
are impressed with the sincerity and fervor of those who testified or
submitted letters on Hamm's behalf. Were rehabilitation the only showing
Hamm must make to establish good moral character, we would weigh those
factors tending to show rehabilitation against those tending to show a lack
thereof. Under the facts of this case, however, we need not decide whether
the facts of record establish rehabilitation.
26 When an applicant has committed first-degree murder, a crime that
demonstrates an extreme lack of good moral character, that applicant must
make an extraordinary showing of present good moral character to establish
that he or she is qualified to be admitted to the practice of law. Even
assuming that Hamm has established rehabilitation, showing rehabilitation
from criminal conduct does not, in itself, establish good moral character.
Rehabilitation is a necessary, but not sufficient, ingredient of good moral
character. An applicant must establish his current good moral character,
independent of and in addition to, evidence of rehabilitation. We conclude
that Hamm failed to make that showing.
27 We share the Committee's deep concern about Hamm's longstanding
failure to fulfill, or even address, his child support obligation to his son, born
in 1969, four years before Hamm and his first wife separated. Not until he
prepared his application for admission to the Bar in 2004 did Hamm make
any effort to meet his responsibility to provide support for his son. During
the Committee hearing, Hamm advanced several explanations for his failure
to do so. Like the Committee, we find none of his explanations credible.
28 Although Hamm attempts to excuse his failure to pay child support by
pointing out that he never received a copy of a final divorce decree, Hamm
scarcely can claim that he lacked awareness of his obligation. A few months
after he and his wife separated in 1973, Hamm was arrested on a
misdemeanor charge of failing to pay child support. On May 6, 1974, James

and Karen Hamm's divorce decree set Hamm's child support payments at
$75.00 a month. Hamm made no effort to learn the extent of his financial
obligation to his son from 1974, when Hamm was twenty-six years old, until
2004, when he was fifty-five. During those nearly thirty years, he gained
sophistication and attended law school. He must have known, and certainly
should have known, that he had long avoided a basic parental obligation.6

Discussions about interest? Seems like whenever we were talking about it,
you know, he said it was a large amount, and it seems like the subject of
interest did come up. I can't remember exactly, you know, what we said
about it. But, you know, I didn't push the issue or anything, say, well, you
know, you're going to pay me interest for this or what, or is there any interest.
It wasn't really an issue or important to me.

29 Hamm also attempted to excuse his inattention to his obligation by

explaining that he learned, first from a private investigator hired by his wife
in 1988, and later from his son, that his former wife's new husband had
adopted his son. His reliance on the private investigator's 1988 report to
excuse his failure is surprising, given the fact that his son was only months
from the age of majority when Hamm learned of the report; he provides no
explanation for his lack of concern prior to that date.

34 We discern no reason that Hamm's son would have been other than
forthright about these matters, while Hamm had every reason to present
himself in the best possible light.8 Like the Committee, we find the
testimony of his son to be more credible.

30 Hamm further explained that only when he applied for admission to the
Bar in 2004 did he discover that his son had not been adopted and then
calculated the child support payment [due] over the years. Hamm
determined that he owed $10,000.00 and, even though the statute of
limitations barred an action to recover past amounts due,7 contacted his son
and set up a repayment schedule.
31 Behavior of such long duration cannot be considered as a temporary
aberration Walker, 112 Ariz. at 138, 539 P.2d at 895; see also Office of
Disciplinary Counsel v. Lewis, 493 Pa. 519, 426 A.2d 1138 (1981) (holding
that even when an attorney made belated restitution for funds taken from
clients, because [s]uch actions cannot be said to be consistent with high
ethical standards of the profession, with a lawyer's fiduciary responsibility to
his client, with a character that is beyond reproach, or with truth, candor and
honesty, the attorney could not continue to practice law). Hamm's failure
to meet his parental obligation for nearly thirty years makes it more difficult
for him to make the required extraordinary showing that he has conducted
himself as a man ordinarily would, should, or does. Walker, 112 Ariz. at
138, 539 P.2d at 895.
32 We also agree with the Committee that Hamm did not display honesty
and candor in discussing his failure to pay child support with the Committee.
Hamm testified both that his son told him personally that he had been
adopted and that his son adamantly refused to accept interest payments on
the unpaid child support.
33 Hamm's son testified, however, that he had never been adopted, that
prior to his contact with Hamm he had changed his name himself, and that
he had not told Hamm he had been adopted. Hamm's son also did not
report adamantly refusing interest payments. In response to a question
from the Committee about interest payments, he said:

35 We further conclude that Hamm did not adequately explain his failure to
disclose an incident involving him and his current wife, Donna, when he
submitted his application to the Committee.
36 In 1996, Hamm and Donna engaged in a physical altercation outside a
convenience store. Donna yelled the word kidnap out of the window of
the vehicle Hamm was driving, causing him to pull over and leave the vehicle.
During their tussle, Donna tore Hamm's shirt. Both called the police, who
arrested neither Hamm nor Donna. The incident and what Donna describes
as her embellishments caused such great concern to the Hamms,
particularly because Hamm was on parole, that Donna submitted to a
polygraph administered by a private company to demonstrate that Hamm
had not kidnapped her. The two also underwent marital counseling.
37 Nonetheless, when filling out his Character and Fitness Report, Hamm
failed to disclose the incident to the Committee. Question 25 on the report
asks specifically whether the applicant, among other things, has been
questioned concerning any felony or misdemeanor.9 Hamm told the
Committee that, in reading the application, he missed the word questioned
in the list of encounters with law enforcement that Question 25 directs an
applicant to report.
38 Hamm's explanation strains credulity. In Walker, this Court inferred
that the son of an Army officer would understand the requirement to register
for the draft. 112 Ariz. at 138, 539 P.2d at 895. Likewise, we infer from
Hamm's knowledge of the law and his efforts in 1996 to document a defense
for the domestic incident that he fully understood its importance and must
have known that the incident would be of interest to the Committee. His
failure to include it in his initial application further affects his ability to make
the needed extraordinary showing of good moral character.

39 Hamm's actions during these proceedings also raise questions about

his fitness to practice law. The introduction to Hamm's petition before this
Court begins:
The consequences of this case for Petitioner take it out of the ordinary realm
of civil cases. If the Committee's recommendation is followed, it will
prevent him from earning a living through practicing law. This deprivation
has consequences of the greatest import for Petitioner, who has invested
years of study and a great deal of financial resources in preparing to be a
This language repeats nearly verbatim the language of the United States
Supreme Court in Konigsberg v. State Bar, 353 U.S. 252, 77 S.Ct. 722, 1
L.Ed.2d 810 (1957), in which the Court wrote:

Court has not adopted a per se rule excluding an applicant whose past
includes such serious criminal misconduct, we agree with those jurisdictions
that have held that an applicant with such a background must make an
extraordinary showing of rehabilitation and present good moral character to
be admitted to the practice of law. Perhaps such a showing is, in practical
terms, a near impossibility. We need not decide that question today, however,
because Hamm's lack of candor before the Committee and this Court, his
failure to accept full responsibility for his serious criminal misconduct, and
his failure to accept or fulfill, on a timely basis, his parental obligation of
support for his son, all show that Hamm has not met the stringent standard
that applies to an applicant in his position who seeks to show his present
good moral character.

While this is not a criminal case, its consequences for Konigsberg take it out
of the ordinary run of civil cases. The Committee's action prevents him
from earning a living by practicing law. This deprivation has grave
consequences for a man who has spent years of study and a great deal of
money in preparing to be a lawyer.

41 Hamm asserts that he was denied due process of law because two
members of the Committee may have prejudged the merits of his application.
Both members, however, left the Committee proceedings when their
potential bias came to light, and neither played any role in the Committee's
findings and recommendation.

Id. at 257-58, 77 S.Ct. 722. If an attorney submits work to a court that is not
his own, his actions may violate the rules of professional conduct. Iowa
Supreme Court Bd. of Prof'l Ethics & Conduct v. Lane, 642 N.W.2d 296, 299
(Iowa 2002) ([P]lagiarism constitute[s], among other things, a
misrepresentation to the court. An attorney may not engage in conduct
involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation.); see also Rule
42, ER 8.4(c) (defining professional misconduct as including engag[ing] in
conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation). We are
concerned about Hamm's decision to quote from the Supreme Court's
opinion without attribution and are equally troubled by his failure to
acknowledge his error. When the Committee's response pointed to Hamm's
failure to attribute this language to Konigsberg, he avoided the serious
questions raised and refused to confront or apologize for his improper
actions, asserting instead: From Petitioner's perspective, any eloquence that
might be found in the Petition does not derive from any prior case decided in
any jurisdiction, but rather from the gradual development of his own
potential through study, reflection, and devotion to the duty created by his
commission of murder. Hamm apparently either does not regard his
actions as improper or simply refuses to take responsibility. In either case,
his actions here do not assist him in making the requisite showing of good
moral character.10

42 Hamm, like all applicants for membership in the Bar, is entitled to

receive due process of law. The fundamental requirement of due process is
the opportunity to be heard at a meaningful time and in a meaningful
manner. Mathews v. Eldridge, 424 U.S. 319, 333, 96 S.Ct. 893, 47 L.Ed.2d
18 (1976) (quoting Armstrong v. Manzo, 380 U.S. 545, 552, 85 S.Ct. 1187, 14
L.Ed.2d 62 (1965)). Also, due process requires that a party be given a fair
trial in a fair tribunal. United States v. Superior Court, 144 Ariz. 265, 280,
697 P.2d 658, 673 (1985) (quoting In re Murchison, 349 U.S. 133, 136, 75
S.Ct. 623, 99 L.Ed. 942 (1955)). Both the Committee and this Court have
provided Hamm ample opportunity to be heard through hearings and written
arguments. Moreover, this Court, and not the Committee, made the
ultimate decision on Hamm's application. Hamm received a full
opportunity to be heard before a fair tribunal.


1. References in this opinion to Rule _ are to the Rules of the Arizona

Supreme Court.

40 When Hamm committed first-degree murder in 1974, he

demonstrated his extreme lack of good moral character. Although this

43 Because James Hamm has failed to meet his burden of proving that he is
of good moral character, we deny his application for admission to the State
Bar of Arizona.

2. The Board of Pardons and Paroles is now the Arizona Board of

Executive Clemency. 1993 Ariz. Sess. Laws, ch. 255, 64.
3. Amendments to Rules 32 through 40 became effective December 1,
2005. Order Amending Rules 32-40, 46, 62, 64 & 65, Rules of Supreme Ct.,
Ariz. Sup.Ct. No. R-04-0032 (June 9, 2005). In this opinion, we refer to the
Rules effective when Hamm filed his application for admission to the practice
of law.
4. The Committee was divided as to the significance of complaints made
concerning Hamm's alleged unauthorized practice of law. This Court's
decision does not rely upon those allegations.
5. Hamm's lack of candor on this question also impacts our analysis of
whether he met his burden of showing present good moral character. See
Section III, subsections B through E, infra.
6. Hamm also cannot attribute his failure to pay child support to the
absence of funds. Even while in prison, Hamm earned somewhere around
a hundred dollars a month probably, but used no portion of those earnings
to discharge his obligation.
7. When asked if he had taken steps to formalize his agreement with his
son to pay back child support, Hamm replied, No. No. I simply
acknowledged the debt regardless whether it is a legal debt or not and
whether it's an enforceable debt or not. In its findings, the Committee
noted that Hamm has since taken it upon himself to attempt to comply with
his child support obligations, but expressed concern that he made no
admission of a legal obligation to pay. Whether an action to enforce
Hamm's obligation to his son is in fact time-barred is unclear. In Huff v.
Huff, the Texas Supreme Court held that a ten-year statute of limitations
under Tex.Rev.Civ. Stat. Ann. art. 5532, since repealed by Acts 1985, 69th
Leg., ch. 959, 9(1), eff. Sept. 1, 1985, applied to violations of child support
orders. 648 S.W.2d 286, 287-88 (Tex.1983) (allowing a claim based on a
1973 divorce decree). Because Hamm's son turned eighteen in 1987, the
ten-year statute of limitations expired in 1997. In 2002, however, the Texas
Supreme Court held that an administrative writ, created by constitutional
amendment in 1997, could be used to enforce a divorce decree issued in 1974,
for which no order was obtained, because the administrative writ is a new

and improved enforcement mechanism. In re A.D., 73 S.W.3d 244, 248

(Tex.2002). We need not resolve this question of Texas law, but share the
Committee's concern over Hamm's failure to formally investigate his legal
obligations to his son.
8. Rather than acknowledge any inconsistencies between his testimony
and that of his son, Hamm lashed out at the Committee's refusal to agree
with Hamm's argument, which the Committee could accept only if it accepted
Hamm's testimony on this issue as credible. Hamm accused the Committee
of totally ignor[ing] the content of [Hamm's Petition] to which it supposedly
was responding.
9. Question 25 asks:Have you either as an adult or a juvenile, ever been
served with a criminal summons, questioned, arrested, taken into custody,
indicted, charged with, tried for, pleaded guilty to or been convicted of, or
ever been the subject of an investigation concerning the violation of, any
felony or misdemeanor? (In answering this question, include all incidents,
no matter how trivial or minor the infraction or whether guilty or not,
whether expunged or not, whether you believe or were advised that you need
not disclose any such instance.)
10. In addition to the matters discussed above, only four years have passed
since James Hamm was absolutely discharged. The fact that Hamm has
been free of supervision for this relatively short time weighs against his
admission to the practice of law. Greenberg, 126 Ariz. at 293, 614 P.2d at
835 (noting that [r]ehabilitation is seldom accomplished in an
instantaneous fashion and holding that Greenberg had not convinced [the
Court] that he as yet evidences the requisite good moral character)
(emphasis added); see also In re Dortch, 860 A.2d 346, 348 (D.C.2004)
(finding it would be erosive of public confidence in the legal profession and
the administration of justice were we to admit an applicant who is still on
parole for crimes as serious as those committed by Dortch). Because
Hamm otherwise failed to establish good moral character, however, we
reached our decision without considering this factor.
McGREGOR, Chief Justice.
BALES, Justices, and JEFFERSON L. LANKFORD, Judge.*

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