10 Types of Story
10 Types of Story
10 Types of Story
Dr Amit Nagpal
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Copyright 2014 by Dr Amit Nagpal
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The characters and events portrayed in this book are ctitious. Any similarity to real persons,
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Images used in Prologue- Shutterstock
Brand Storytelling-The Global Niche Story Global Niche
Cover and Book Design- NU
Dedicated to
Tell me a story.
- Pat Conroy, My Reading Life
One Liner Stories
Inspirational Stories
Wisdom Stories
Love Stories
Humourous Stories
Musings & Notes
Spiritual Stories
Poetic Storytelling
Brand Storytelling
Epilogue - And The Journey Continues
Brand Storytelling FAQs
Storytelling on social media channels
Essential Readings
I wish to express my deep sense of gratitude to Michael Margolis, Chief Instigator,
Get Storied, who has been my primary
inspiration and teacher in my storytelling
I would like to thank my family members,
especially my father, for his support in my
entrepreneurship journey in general and
this e-book in particular. Many of my
friends too have provided the inspiration
and support at dierent stages of the
I once again thank all of you for the keen
interest, timely suggestions and constant
- Dr Amit Nagpal
My life has been a pretty interesting story. Sometimes I jokingly
say, Sometimes your 'life' itself is such a story, that 'story' has
to come to your life.
My beloved teacher Michael Margolis says that social media has
democratized storytelling and I have joined his movement to
spearhead storytelling to the masses. Sometime back, a friend
came to me and told me, "I want to be a storyteller too. What
can I do to become one or is it a gift from God rather?"
I replied with a subtle smile, "Probably God rst makes you an
idealist and then surrounds you with unidealistic circumstances
all around. This gift of 'a bundle of contradictions' exposes one
to the weirdness of life. Weirdness and contradictions of life
often make for great stories. The best stories are often inspired
by the beloved or the divine. And then like any other skill, it is
practice, practice and more practice." This is how the idea to
create this e-book was born and named.
The Power of Inspirational Storytelling
Many a times in my public workshops and corporate training, I
am asked, What is the dierence between 'Storytelling' and
'Inspirational storytelling'? How do we make a story inspiring?
Storytelling is an art but why we love stories has science behind
it Stories stay in our mind or memory and also help us attract
more customers. And as Maya Angelou rightly says, There is no
greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. Stories
can be told in a single line and anecdote or can take the shape of
a book or even a series. Remember it is twists and turns which
make stories truly interesting.
Now let me explain how inspirational storytelling works
What is Inspirational?
Inspiring stories can change lives, inspiring stories can change
our world.
According to Yahoo Answers, Inspiration is some person, event,
or thing that can inspire the mind, emotions, and/or the body to a
higher level of feelings or activity. For example in the movie "As
Good As It Gets"? Jack Nicholson says to the lady, "You make me
want to be a better man." She inspired him - made him want to
be the best he could be."
How to make stories inspirational?
Fundamentally what inspires us is success, passion, victory
against odds, helping an underdog and other positive personality
traits which are not common in our society.
7-Interactive storytelling
The purpose is to make the process of storytelling a two way communication. Asking questions in the middle of the story is one of the
techniques. Based on written or oral sharing, other techniques can
be used.
In case of a written story, the storyteller interacts with the readers
by answering their comments. Sometimes based on the comments
and suggestions of the readers, he/she may write a new story or a
new article in the series to answer the new questions, which have
come up.
When sharing a story orally, you may make slight changes in the story
based on body language and other feedback of the participants.
And never forget to tell him the Result. He will quickly relate to
the story & believe in you. And belief in you will eventually put
belief in your product/service."
10-Brand building through anecdotes
I always tell my audience, When you
share inspiring success stories, you
get a great brand as a gift from the
Universe. You must have genuine
intent to inspire your audience and
the reputation follows like a shadow.
When I began coaching my rst CEO
client eight months back, I wrote this
story or anecdote, The CXO was
A CXO client of mine, had completed
one month of coaching and I gave
him an idea to celebrate. In fact it
was a weekly assignment. I told him,
enjoy a Mills and Boon this weekend.
He was zapped and told me, Neither
I am a female, nor I am a romantic.
Why do you want me to read M & B
- Robert McKee
begins now
What do you
still remember?
Keep Hunting
E= mc 2
Einsteins wife once asked him, How much do you love me?
He replied, You can calculate my loving energy at dierent
points of time using E= mc 2.
It might have been true.
The dad would call up the daughter and share lots of jokes.
He would then imagine her smile....and he began to smile
And I told him, "This time, you did not Rock....because it was
Hard Rock..."
A story is well that ends well. Twist and give a beautiful ending
to your story.
They threw lemons and he made lemonade. But this time they
are throwing apples and he is perplexed.
She was a marketer, so she told him ''Watch this space'' and
left him in the lurch without ending the story.
"Even blood had stopped owing in his veins. 'Coz all that
was owing now......were stories."
Her small eyes would keep searching for big miracles. And
then came a day when her big eyes began to see the small
Find a role model life story. Write a role model life story.
Lively Story
Every story has it's time, yet every 'time' has its story.
The world is
shaped by two things
stories told and the memories
they leave behind.
- Vera Nazarian
"Story is my Story"
And they asked him one day, "So what's your story?" He said,
"Well! 'Story is my Story'. I met the most beautiful people
during my story pilgrimage including my soulmate. I found an
angel investor by telling a story. I found professional peak and
personal joy, everything in storytelling. Even I could develop
deeper bonds with people and empathize, when I began to
see stories within the story. Probably in one birth, my soul's
story will come to an end with, 'And he found Nirvana &
merged with the Supreme Consciousness (or God) happily
Till then the 'Story is my Story'."
And they asked the storyteller, So what is your ultimate professional goal?"
The storyteller, To write stories for inspirational lms, so
that I can impact millions of lives. It may be for Bollywood or
Hollywood or any other."
And he continued, "And my stories would be about the new
age topics such as soul searching, empathy, deep passion,
wisdom, soulmates, unconditional love & playfulness.
Some of them would be about sheroes & heroes rising from
ashes like Phoenix. Some would inspire people to become
unconditionally loving angels & transform our very world."
Life took her to the darkest moments of the night. She was
afraid initially yet after a while she got used to it and lost her
fear. There was nothing in the world which could scare her
And then began her fearless story.
One day you connect the dots backwards and understand your
own, 'Back Story'. One day you nally nd meaning in suering and are able to heal the pain.
Till then you perceive, "Life is a bitch."
Follow the fashion & rat race and live the life of LCM or
Lowest Common Mentality.
Follow your passion and calling and bring out your HCF or
Highest Creative Faculty
The disciple asked the Guru, Is it only mother who gives unconditional love?"
The Guru answered the question with a question, Is it only
sun who gives light?"
The disciple, Of course not. The candle, the lamp, the enlightened sage, they all spread light."
The Guru, Yes. Yet can they match the light of the sun? We all
can give and try to give unconditional love in our own unique
small ways. Yet we cannot match the love of the mother."
On Deeper Relationships
The moment you become emotionally dependent upon someone, you start losing your capacity to give that person your
'unconditional love.'
Rule or serve?
He told her with an appreciative glance, ''Thanks for everything. You don't even know what you have done to me.'' So
the innocent lady (muse) got surprised and said, ''But I haven't done anything. What are you crediting me for?''
He said, ''In a way, you are right and you haven't done anything. And I, inspired by you, have rather done something to
Her (outer) beauty was already the talk of the town. When they
saw her inner beauty, she became the story of the town.....
and a story becomes a permanent memory.
Just Happens
Life has taught me that when you address people as 'Amazing', after a while, they actually start expressing their hidden
amazingness (if they have not done it already).
When you keep repeating the process, they keep surprising
you with even more than amazingness... with awesomeness
Keep Hunting
The grand old storyteller was about to die. Everyone was impatient to ask him only one question. ''What wisdom you want
to leave for us behind? Or what was the most important
lesson of life that you learned?''
The storyteller knew what they wanted to ask. So he shared,
''I have learnt only two lessons in life. Don't love your fear
stories. Don't fear a love story.''
And he took his last breath.....and all that was left now, was
deep calm on his face and beautiful stories etched on everyone's minds.
The old man was surprised to see that the master was hardly
30 years old and asked him, ''How come you have the wisdom
of 60 at the age of 30 ?''
The master was taken aback and told him, '' Shhh..I will tell
you the secret but don't tell anyone.'' The old man said OK.
The master continued, ''Its only because (I took risks and
hence) the rate at which I committed mistakes was double."
So double the learning too.
No option left
Successful or Soulful?
The Guru is lost in thoughts this time and the disciple is obviously surprised. So he asks the Guru for the reason.
The Guru, Those who teach need to learn too. Those who
inspire need inspiration too. Those who are strong have weak
moments too. Yet it is human nature to label and brand
"Some follow the social norms...... some take the society one
level up to a new set of norms and then only a new chapter is
written in the society's story.
''She kept the condition that she would love him, if he had
money. It was saddening end of a story.
Then came the twist in the story. Someone walked into his life
and gave him unconditional love.
He showered her with money and all that life could oer. And
they lived and loved happily thereafter.''
And she told her coach, "Sometimes I hate myself for my hyper-sensitivity. Why do my mood swings take me for a ride all
the time? I feel so helpless."
The coach replied, "The Universe wanted you to experience
life this way. Remember sensitive souls get into a good mood
equally fast and are less likely to get into long depression.
Enjoy the beauty of nature and its smells and sounds. Give a
hug. Listen to soothing music. You would uplift your mood as
quickly as it went down.
And keep in mind the blessing is, the more sensitive a person
is, the more creative she/he is likely to be."
The Meltdown
Life seems to be playing hide and seek. But the day you seek
with the true spirit, life just can't hide.
Love is the
greatest story of all.
- Michael Margolis
A New Muse
The Storymate
A Conspiracy Everywhere
He had felt clueless about life for long and then one ne day
there were clues everywhere. He began to wonder, "The Universe is a master of Conspiracy for sure. And at the appropriate time, it helps you nd someone, who is as beautiful as life
itself and as innocent as love is."
For him that 'one smile' of hers, was worth capturing forever.
Yet he never knew that 'one smile', had captured him forever.
He was pulling her leg for sure and told her, ''Ahem Ahem!
Why do you keep falling in love and smart people keep rising
in love with you? ''. He then gave her a playful smile.
She said, ''Ahaan. I keep falling in love. ...you are right. This
time i am not going to make a fool of myself. ''
He got serious and said, ''I am only saying not to fall in love.
But love you must.''
He never knew the coming twist in the story.
They were a truly playful couple and would jump at an opportunity to tease each other....of course, without pulling legs
and ears.
He teased, "I want someone like you in my life. Will I get one?"
She replied, "No chance at all. There is no one like me. LOL"
He continued, "OMG, Poor me. What will happen to me now? I
have become like a man eating tiger."
She said with a surprised look, "What, man-eating tiger?"
He replied, "Yes, once a tiger tastes the man's blood, he
doesn't like anything else. When a guy meets the "The Playful
You", average women don't attract him anymore."
And she burst into laughter.
Aha! those jet black hair, and those jet black eyes.
And on top of all that, she wore a jet black top.
She looked like a jetsetter, she looked that 'trendsetter'.
Her movements were swift, her actions were quick.
Yet even from a distance, he held the remote,
Of her beautiful heart & soul that he dote,
For the world 'could only see', the jet black outside,
And he 'only could sense' her pure white (soul) story.
But I am scared
The disciple, "As per your advice, I have begun giving unconditional love. Yet my stupid mind keeps looking for someone
deserving of the love. Isn't that a condition in itself?"
The Guru, "I am glad to see you evolve and move one step
ahead. Yes, unconditional love doesn't even look for someone
deserving. It just ows from a person who is overowing with
love. Though it may take the form of loving energy, money,
eorts, time and so on. Yet the giver need not get pressurised
by expectations. The beauty of unconditional love is the surprise element and it is not supposed to meet any expectations."
And he added, "Let the Universe decide who deserves it but
you keep it just unconditional, not caring whether it goes to a
saint or a rogue. Just pray in the morning, "I am overowing
with love. Let serendipity nd the right recipient.""
Yet he would make her y, high into the sky, 'Like a Dove'.
For he could pull her back any moment, with a magical power,
"The Power of Unconditional Love."
"As he shared one of his stories with her in an online chat, she
added few more lines to it and rather completed his story.
He was now sure, he had nally found his storymate and soulmate, but still decided to ask her, "You want to complete just
my story or "My Story."
She said, "You decide" and blushed so hard, he could feel it
even online. What he had not realized then, was that she was
his Midas touch and she would turn his life into gold.
Who knew life had scheduled so many surprises thereafter."
And she asked him, "So you want me to stay t, look good and
have high self esteem too. If not, you won't love me. It means
your love is conditional."
And he replied, "Absolutely not. My love is unconditional and I
love you irrespective of anything. Yet my pride in you is conditional and subject to these factors. Do you want me to have
pride in you? I want you to have pride in me."
Along with the stories, "She too became world famous. Yet
she remained anonymous."
She certainly was the mysterious part of the story.
And he told her, "My dear, I love the photos in which "You are
just 'You'"....the authentic self....not trying to pose for the
world, as per the world. ...and then you look what you are......simply divine and it's only then you tell your true story."
So little time
And she was such a pure sweet soul, that not only her smile,
even her smileys were magical. And then began a captivating
''They were more than 'Made for each other'. They were
rather 'Storied for each other'. And together they wrote the
world's most soulful story.''
She was his creative inspiration. He tried his best to give her
unconditional love.
And they kept bringing out the best in each other thereafter
Oh My Goodness !!!
She looked stunning beyond description. Only one phrase betted the epitome of inner and outer beauty that she was,
'simply divine'. Her inner beauty added an amazing aura too,
to her charisma.
Her high heels caught his attention rst. He found the heels
funny which made her conscious, which made her look all the
more cute.
He immediately began to tease her by bowing his head & addressing her as, 'Her Highness'. Then he looked at her face
and it was like, "Oh My Goodness!"
She looked so breathtaking that he had to immediately sit
down and take few deep breaths. After all, she had taken his
breath away and left him breathless.
On top of that, she was so full of life all the time that he had
begun to feel alive again.....after a long long time.
And he wished for time to come to a standstill....he was going
to be soulstill in any case everafter.
They were a wise couple, who had decided not to fall in love.
They rather decided to form a mutual admiration & caretaking
And they accepted challenges happily thereafter.
She was an economist and began to tease him," You know the
demand for beautiful women far exceeds the supply. You have
to chase me, my dear."
He was no less of an economist and replied, I love chasing
you, my dear. Yet if it comes to theory of demand and supply,
then the demand for playful men far exceeds the supply too.
So forget economics and apply loveonomics. All we need is
unconditional love."
And she began to smile with her trademark naughty wink.
The disciple told the Guru, ''She brings out the god in me and I
am scared of falling in love.''
The Guru, ''Don't be scared NOW.''
The disciple, ''What does that mean?''
The Guru, ''(If you are scared of falling in love) It means you
are already in love. Now running away cannot help.
Remember, the Universe has a rule. "You don't get what you
want. You get what you need.''
She was shocked to hear such strong words, and said, "But
why? What have I done to deserve this?"
And he said, "Just because I want to be deeply, unconditionally loved. And that is surely not what I feel."
"Oh my God! Is that so? "she noted with a visibly perturbed
face. And they both just broke down into tears.
His soul wanted to connect again, yet the analytical mind
started thinking, "Is it the empaths and over-sensitive people
who often end up becoming loners? Do those who are most
loving-empathetic end up alone?"
The father was sharing his love story with his daughter. He
began,''Her innocence was divine, her eyes were divine, she
had a heart of gold....her intent, her trust in him, her expressiveness, her desire to learn all the time, the way she connected emotionally. Wasn't everything just divine about her?''
He continued, ''I had begun wondering, whether she was
showing her best side to him, her soul or was she actually as
pure-hearted as she seemed to be?'' Then the thought crossed
his mind, ''However strong an inner voice you may develop...it
refuses to answer some of the tough questions.'' And like in
the past, he decided to trust till she proved otherwise. After
all he was wise enough to rise in love, if nothing else....
And he paused and told his daughter, ''And thus began our
love story. ''
Good _________ inspire action,
connect emotionally & build reputation.
Keep Hunting
A tale spinner's
goal is entertainment.
- John H. Alexander
And the storyteller told the audience, "I am all set to take you
for a ride. Are you ready?"
The audience looked puzzled about the upcoming ride. Yet
one youngster gathered enough courage to get up and ask,
"Please don't take us Indians for a ride. At home, the family is
pressurizing for marriage. At work, the boss keeps reminding
of the low bargaining power and demand & supply situation.
At public services, governments hardly serve and rather
behave like our masters. Isn't everyone already taking us for a
The storyteller announced a dierent kinda ride,
"I am going to make you laugh and cry,
throb your hearts and make you jump with joy.
This ride is just an emotional rollercoaster.
Which makes you express all the emotions,
And I'm surely not a boaster."
He was late for the ight. As soon as the playful pilot saw him
running towards the plane, he quickly started the engines and
played the song, "Catch me, if you can."
He walked like a buttery, yet the pilot stinged like the
bee....and quick he ee...
And he began to tease her, "Why is it that you look all the
more beautiful in the company of children and dogs? Is it the
magic of unconditional love?"
She held his shirt's collar .....and helter & skelter, the poor guy
ran thereafter.
On a lighter note
People want positive energy (or love) and are getting tired of
everything else.
Interestingly when I spoke on Spirituality & Personal Branding at Ananda Spa in the Himalayas, CIOs took more interest
in spirituality and less in reputation management. Surprisingly
the three things which they liked most about my presentation
were:a) How meditation helps us in getting inspiration and how it
can bring out inner greatness and passion?
b) The power of storytelling as a self-expression tool.
c) The humour (with a serious touch) in my presentation got a
warm response. I said in the very beginning,
Some inspiration comes from my friends,
some of it comes from divine.
Some inspiration comes from the inspiration (muse),
There is nothing I can claim to be mine.
Hence no copyright deserved.
And I could see the smiles all around. To add to the beautiful
experience of Ananda, a CIO stood up and gave a standing ovation.
And words cannot express beyond a point. May the Universe
bless us all!
A CEO walked into my oce and told me, ''I want to learn
from you, how to inspire.''
I was zapped this time and he was smart enough to sense it.
Clients come to me to learn social media, online branding and
storytelling. No one has ever asked me after all, to coach him
/her, how to inspire.
He reminded me, ''You are an inspirational storyteller. Can
you help me write inspirational anecdotes and stories? ''
'Oh! so that's the matter' I thought. I took a deep breath and
then we began the discussion.
A CEO walked into my oce and told me, ''I want to learn
from you, how to inspire.''
I was zapped this time and he was smart enough to sense it.
Clients come to me to learn social media, online branding and
storytelling. No one has ever asked me after all, to coach him
/her, how to inspire.
He reminded me, ''You are an inspirational storyteller. Can
you help me write inspirational anecdotes and stories? ''
'Oh! so that's the matter' I thought. I took a deep breath and
then we began the discussion.
"I was traveling by air and had a beautiful lady sitting beside
me, on my right side literally. There was no one on the left,
front and back....no one to talk to. I am a networker who
can't be silent for too long. So I decided to break the ice with
the lady next.
I had noticed she was wearing the wedding ring in the wrong
nger. So I asked her the reason for the particular nger. Pat
came her reply. "It is symbolic because I am married to the
wrong person."
I told her, "We don't marry the wrong person. We rather
marry the blessing or the lesson."
Pat came another reply. "Gentleman, you are right but how
do I know he is there to give me a lesson or I am here to give
him a lesson?"
Well all my wisdom vanished at that point of time and I was
left speechless. She not just had beauty.....but had brains
(My adapted version of a story shared by a friend)
The lady was tomboyish and had rather a masculine, commanding voice. On top of that when she told me ''Amit I shall
be brutally honest'', I had no option but to wait with bated
breath and ponder. ''What is she going to be brutally honest
She continued, ''I was able to learn social media by reading
articles, but I am not able to learn storytelling by reading
stu. I am feeling a need for coaching.''
I said, ''Social media is more about knowledge and storytelling is a skill you learn with practice.''
Thank God ...that was honest but hardly brutal.
I was asked at an event to dierentiate between image management, personal branding and storytelling. I replied, "On a
lighter note, I would say Image management is like teasing,
personal branding is like irting and storytelling is like an evergreen romance."
And they asked the storyteller, "So what was the best gift
you got from the Universe?"
The storyteller, "A life-story packed with stories..... or full of
interesting experiences with amazing characters, each worth
a story."
The client asked me, I want to give the same message online and
oine. What is the solution?
My answer-Story
Client-I dont want to sound self-promotional. I want to integrate
social interest too. How do I make my message meaningful?
Me- Story
Client-Is there a tool, which can make my message educative and
entertaining at the same time?
Client-Can I align my personal and business brands and build them
together? If yes, how?
Client-I want to share same or similar message on mass media and
social media? What is the solution?
Client-What the hell, do all my questions have only one answer? Is
storytelling some kind of panacea or omnipotent tool?
Me-(Of course, I cant say, "What the hell" to a client) Thats true,
all your questions and problems have only one answer, The
A client had this tough question ready for me, early in the
morning, "Should I share the complete truth while sharing my
story?" I said, "Absolutely not. Naked truth can be as ugly as a
skeleton. You must cover it with esh and clothe it decently."
Truth and authenticity does not mean, being completely bare
and unpolished. Our story is supposed to inspire and an ugly
skeleton can hardly inspire.
Also I suggest my clients to develop compassion for the characters in their stories. Understand the back story of the villain
and explain why the villain behaved like one in the rst place.
My personal choice in storytelling is not, "Brutally honest,
ruthlessly frank" it rather is "Kindly honest, politely frank."
And the audience will fall in love with your stories.
A Story Pilgrimage
Magical Stories
"Sometimes in those stories you found your answers, sometimes in those stories, you found your 'very story'."
Sometimes life gives us much much less than what we expected & deserved, Sometimes it blesses us with more than what
we could have ever ever imagined.
Let us live in the moment to fully embrace a new story and let
go of the old story.
Story is a Myth?
But then some stories are best shared with your own soul,
Or a soulmate, who has become part of your very soul.
When your story is stuck and refuses to move .....don't give up,
what is hiding behind is often a twist in the story.
Never pray, "I don't have money." or "I don't have love." The
Universe rewards abundance mentality not scarcity.
Rather pray, "I have money and I would be happier with a bit
more. I have love ...... I have success......" And they surely
And don't forget to spread it, when you get it.
First the intent needs to have, 'purity, clarity and parity (with
Then trust in the intelligence of the Universe and give it few
The nal step is to hand over our story to the Universe and it
casts it's magic happily thereafter.
Pray wholeheartedly for 'what you want' and yet trust the
Universe that it will give you 'what you need.'
This is the contradiction of the prayer story.
Finally one day you begin to feel comfortable in your skin. You
don't feel the need for a mask as you believe, ''I am what I
am. Take it or leave it.''
And the surprise is people who really matter not just take
it.....but rather embrace you more aectionately than you had
ever expected.
Have a soulful day.
The faster you evolve as a human being, the quicker you move
into the zone of magic.
Life is just that simple a story.
Best stories
Stories are like democracy. They are of the people, for the
people and by the people.
A purposeful story
An enlightening story
May you ignite the spark inside you into a blazing re of your life
May all cynicism be consumed in this re and may your anger
blossom into passion!
May the light inside you shine and spread through your enlightening story!!!
Future of humanity
Miraculous stories
Emotional Connect
Only the one who has been through a similar story connects
with 'The Story'.
''He already had angels in life. The time was approaching for
him to be an angel now. Now all that story needed was an
angel investor. And it seemed it was on the way''
The Unhero
Create great, super-positive content and leave it in the Universe. Now let serendipity take over.
Lifelong Bonds
Life is not a straight line, its rather a set of circles. When the
mind opens to its grace, it becomes a whirlpool of miracles.
Our brains are wired for _______,
Hearts want to listen to ______,
souls wants to unburden with ________
Keep Hunting
He had been a successful edgewalker. Sometimes he had committed mistakes and even a blunder for which he was easily
forgiven, for he was considered a man of good intent.
He began to wonder, ''How do people come to know of my
intent? Is it the energy or body language or something else?
They were dicult questions to ponder upon. Yet he must feel
grateful to the Universe.''
The questions continued in his mind, ''Why has been my life
full of both good and bad yet unusual- interesting-rich experiences? Did I have to go through all this only because, life
wanted me to become a storyteller?''
Whenever he had thought he had found all the answers, life
had posed another question. The good news was, at least he
had nally begun to enjoy the never ending mysteries of life.
Storytelling heals
And the moment he looked at the vastness of the sea, he realized his own insignicance.
His own thoughts appeared to be small waves, his life appeared to be a mere series of high and low tides.....yet he
could sense as much stillness in the depth of the sea as much
as, he felt in the depths of his own soul.
The tsunami of his life had come and gone long back. Yet it
had left a powerful lesson to ponder over, "To discover the
hidden treasures of both the sea and the soul......one needs
heaps of patience and faith." He had nally begun to live in
the moment and love in the moment.
Immersed in the joyful waves, he was in a state of trance,
For a beautiful moment, he & sea became, One soul, One
And in that oneness began a hypnotizing, captivating dance,
the mystically-magical dance of, Sheer bliss & Pure ecstasy".
"He nally solved the mysteries of life & decided to turn the
tables. This time it was life, which would nd him mysterious.
And mystery surely has the highest of charisma."
The day you get completely aligned with the Universe, you
become its servant leader, you become its servant creator.
You don't write anymore what you have to say, you don't
speak what you want to speak, you don't even control your
You just become a channel and you just convey what the Universe wants you to say. And the Universe knows best what
the audience needs to hear.
Life took her to the very edge. And on the edge, she began
soul searching.
After moving in the traps of vicious circles of life for years,
one ne day she nally found her center. And then began an
enchanting story.
What next master? I have only one wish left and that deep
wish is to attain the state of 'Nirvana.'"
The Master, "Nirvana is here and now. You have found your
life purpose of inspirational storytelling. Inspire people
through stories. Help them heal by supporting them in sharing
their stories.
Find a soulmate, who is also a journeymate. Nirvana is this
very journey, not any elusive destination. So go my dear, my
blessings are with you, for the state of Nirvana."
An Inspirational Poem
(Dedicated to Dr Daisaku Ikeda, on his birthday)
Just Be My Girl
"Just Be My Girl"
To the world, be a wonderful woman,
But to me, just be my girl.
Aection seeking, a bit childlike,
With a playful soul, a gentle whirl.
But to me, just be my girl.
No one can connect better with you than us.
The first thing we do is to put ourselves in your story.
I have always believed that we are all world class in some area
(which I call as deepest passion) and Anastasia calls it our
Global Niche. In any case, the bigger the market we decide to
target, the more focused we need to be in terms of target
segment (or niche). Fundamentally I liked the idea of discovering our global niche, though I was already in the area of global
personal branding for nearly two years. I had been running an
interesting interview series on my Blog, Vasudhaiv Kutumkam or The World is one family. In the series I interviewed
wide range of people who were contributing to globalisation
in real sense of the term-development of global mindset,
cross cultural exposure (and respect for other cultures) and
making an honest attempt to become a Global citizen.
As a result you can live Life 3.0 with the help of Web 3.0. As
the co-founders point out, We show you how to connect to
who and what you love using small steps, the social web, and a
worldwide empowerment network. Our on-demand multimedia program (SUM-it UP, delivered at Udemy) includes downloadable digital lectures, guides and video coaching, which we
supplement with live web video workshops (delivered at
Linqto), study groups (delivered at G+) and a private work
group (delivered at Facebook).
Our diverse community of designers, academics, executives,
authors and entrepreneurs are all interested in achieving their
goals wherever they are.
In simple words, GlobalNiche helps you become truly independent using your power of self agency. You use what you have
to get where you want to go.
Anastasia and Tara have spent more than two decades guring
out how to make our personal and professional lives work in
situations that do not support who we are. As they point out,
What inspired us to start GlobalNiche was our years spent at
odds with our surroundings living abroad; we were the outsider, the unseen, the invisible and the forgotten. We knew we
were capable of success despite these circumstances and expatriatism taught us to transform our perception of our circumstances to create an advantage.
More interviews with Anastasia and Tara http://pinterest.com/globalniche/globalniche-net-press/ and http://www.yesilist.com/what-is-your-globalniche--cms
Are you sitting on a mountain of content and zapped
about what to do?
Many creative professionals have created a mountain of content and are unaware how to sell and market it. As many of us
are beginning to realise that we are living in the golden age for
content creators with the phenomenal growth of social media
and personal/online branding. Dont let the gold stay buried,
its time to monetize.
Practical Approach
Here is a diagram, which explains the basic approach used in
the programs:-
An Unexpected Twist
So you think, you are only a dreamer and not the doer type? I
posted recently on Facebook,
''Yes i have been too much of a dreamer,
But then, you've been too much of a doer.
I am learning to do,
And you must learn to dream.
Together we can write a touching story''
Take the help of doers like Anastasia and Tara. Do not assume
your story is over. Just remember there is an unexpected
twist, in many a story. So are you ready to Empower the
Global You?
Here are some useful links, for those who are thirsty for more:Sum it up (customize your life in worldwide community 10
Tools for your Global Niche web platform)
About page: http://www.globalniche.net/about/
Program introduction video
Text, Visual
Text, Visual
Text, Visual
Google Plus
Text, Visual
Text, Visual
Our Services
Storytelling Packages
Social Media Branding
Case Study Storytelling
Video Storytelling
Marketing Collaterals
About Me/ About Us website story
LinkedIn prole/Company page story
Blog (text) stories
PPT / Visual Storytelling
Quotable Quotes
E-Books (with a story touch)
Infographic Storytelling
Individual Services
+91 98 10 337995
Does Your LinkedIn Prole tell a Captivating Story?
One of the most boring tasks in the world is to read the Linkedin proles of
your connections. They are full of jargon and overloaded with information,
lengthy recommendations & everything else that can bore you to death.
Even the summary of many a prole has the potential to give you a headache. (Read More)
In honor of the World Storytelling Day, I have compiled the top 10 posts
(both stories and posts on storytelling) that have inuenced me and my
Top 5 (most popular) posts on professional storytelling. (Read More)
Mark Schaefer gave me this advice on blogging: Disclosing your own heart
and your own story is hard but makes for the best blog posts. I have
decided to accept his challenge and tell my story today. It is not easy to
tell a story of challenges and failures, but it has made me who I am today
and led to what I consider the three components of social media success:
Mindful Content + Passionate Engagement + Heartfelt Collaboration
(Read More)
At a time, when Indian corporate world is known more for greed than anything else, there are rare entrepreneurs setting new benchmarks in sustainability in Indian business. At a time when the very concept of Triple Bottom
Line (abbreviated as TBL or 3BL) was not known to most of corporate
India, came a pioneer who incorporated TBL and sustainability into his
business decisions. (The three Ps are people, planet and prots and are
referred to as the "three pillars of sustainability). The man is none other
than the Founder of the very well known real estate company Earth Infrastructure, Avdhesh Goel. (Read More)
Syringes and tablets were her toys and a genuine heart to heart smile was a
divine gift to her. After all, Dr Nupur Gupta wanted to be a doctor, right
from her childhood days.
Her father being a doctor, she knew of the respect and recognition the
profession commanded. She began her medical studies in 1990 at Jaipur
and nished her post graduation in the year 2000. A decade of in-depth
medical studies had laid the foundation for an illustrious career ahead.
(Read More)
Life in Colors
- Bringing both life and colors to your walls and oors
As a Transformational Coach & a Holistic Leadership Trainer, I assist individuals and organisations write inspiring success stories through energy management & performance enhancement (under pressure) and various tools
of reprogramming the mind for the reunion with body, heart and spirit. I
am determined to support my clients become inwardly fullled and outwardly successful! (Read More)
The mind is a
boring-facts seller.
The heart
"A playful storyteller".
- Dr Amit Nagpal
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