BIOCHEM - For Merge

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Analysis in any laboratory mainly based on reference materials like Stock standard solution.

accuracy in the preparation of stock standard reflects accuracy of the results. Stock standard
solution is defined as a solution with high concentration of stable analyte(s) that can be stored at
specific conditions in laboratory for long time and used as a standard reference material for
analysis of the target analyte(s) in the daily use. Example of stock standard solutions for like
Sodium (Na) solution with a concentration of 1000 mg Na /L (ppm) used as stock solution for
Sodium analysis by Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP), Flame Photometry, Ion Chromatography
(IC)etc, that can be stored at 4 0C for a minimum of 6 months. All stock standards shall be
checked before use with another standard that has been prepared separately from different
To prepare stock standard solution in lab you should first make sure that you understand the
concentration unit principles and some mathematical rules which will help to find exact answer
for reporting.
This course is intended to introduce you to some of the most widely used experimental
procedures in biochemistry, including protein purification and characterization,
enzyme assays and kinetics, and DNA isolation and manipulation. You will also gain
some familiarity with some of the types of equipment frequently used in
Research is often a collaborative effort in which many people may contribute to
different aspects of a given project. Few papers in the biochemical literature are
written by single authors; the vast majority of papers have at least two authors, and
many papers have more than ten contributing people. In part to provide a more
authentic experience of actual lab work, experiments will be done in groups of two or
three. You may choose partners, or you can ask to be assigned to a group.
Prior to each lab period, you will need to spend some time reading the Laboratory
Manual. This reading will provide background information and an outline of the
procedures to be performed. If you do not do this, you will find yourself wasting large
amounts of class time, and annoying both your lab partners and your instructor. You
will also find it difficult to answer the prelab questions that must be turned in each
The biochemistry laboratory course, like all laboratory courses, is an exploration of
procedures. This means that, in order to get full benefit from the course, you will need
to read the manual, and you should participate as much as possible in the
discussions. You should ask questions in or out of class. You should also try to
participate in the actual lab work (and not simply allow your lab partners to do things
for you). The more effort you put into the course work, the more you will learn. The
class is an opportunity to learn valuable skills; take full advantage of it!
SAFETY: Laboratories contain hazards of various kinds. Everyone is required

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