Moura Et Al. 2014 - Line of Balance Is It A Synthesis of Lean Production Principles As Applied To Site Programming of Works

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Line of balance Is it a Synthesis of Lean Production Principles as Applied to Site Programming of



Rafael de Sousa Leal Martins Moura1, Jos Mrcio Feitosa Monteiro 2 and Luiz
Fernando Mhlmann Heineck 3
Evidence on the use of Line of Balance as a scheduling technique already exists in the
Brazilian construction industry since the 80. More recently it has been associated
with Lean Construction applications, especially as tool for tactical planning of works.
This conceptual paper discusses how line of balance can be taken not just as a
straightforward graphical device to depict site programming in long, medium and
short terms but also as an appropriate graphical tool to represent, induce and make
self-evident the application of several Lean Production ideas like takt time, buffers
transparency, integrated planning of long, medium and short term, minimization of
production and transfer batches, PDCA, production levelling, inventory minimizing,
pull production and parallel operations, among others. Each of these concepts is
illustrated using line of balance displays. The work concludes that Line of Balance is
akin to Lean Production and Lean Production is very well represented by Line of
Balance diagrams, aiming at further discussions on this conceptual synthesis (lean is
line and line is lean).
Line of balance, building schedules, lean construction, lean conceptual synthesis,
graphical communication of lean principles.
Customers have gradually become more stringent on their requirements. In addition
to quality products, they also demand more affordable products and stricted delivery
dates. Realizing the need to adapt to this new market and observing the context of the
adoption of management techniques and production of the auto industry, that combine
quality and low cost by optimizing processes, the construction industry has been
gradually trying to adjust its management tools to these new market requirements.
Starting from the Toyota Production System, a new production philosophy was
devised for the building sector called Lean Construction. The basic principles of Lean
Thinking can be summarized as follows: (a) value specification, (b) alignment in the
best sequence of actions that create value, (c) carrying out these activities without
interruption, (d) the rhythm of demand commands the rhythm of production and (e)


Master Student, Federal University of Cear, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil, [email protected]

Civil Engineer, Fortaleza, CE, [email protected]
Professor, State University of Cear - UECE, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil, [email protected]

Production Planning and Control


Rafael de Sousa Leal Martins Moura, Jos Mrcio Feitosa Monteiro and Luiz Fernando Mhlmann

continuous improvement (Womack and Jones, 1996). More precisely these principles
are called value, value stream, flow, pull and perfection, respectively.
Lean Construction assumes a process model consisting of material and
information flows, from raw inputs to finished products, encompassing activities like
transportation, waiting, processing and inspection. Waiting, inspection and
transportation are activities that do not add value to the final product (Formoso,
2001). Effectively, processing activities that add value are those that meet the needs
of internal and external customers.
For the successful application of Lean Philosophy to construction sites, it is
necessary to adopt a new system of work planning to systematically organize all
departments within a construction company that contribute to production. Moreover
planning, according to Mendes Jnior (1999), is a tool that helps operatives to address
their work and therefore should be understood and used by them.
Losso and Arajo (1995) maintain that there are several methods of planning and
control for civil construction, among which stand out simple techniques, such as the
Bar Charts or Gantt Charts up to PERT/CPM Networks that might be appropriate for
complex jobs. However, when project is repetitive in nature, the technique most
appropriate for planning and control is Line of Balance, by taking advantage of
continuity of work (Mendes Jnior, 1999).
In simple terms, Line of Balance graphically represents the activities of a process
sequenced over time, considering the repetitive nature of the activities of a building.
Through this tool site managers can better visualize the execution sequence of
activities, which may result in improvement of productivity and quality of
Recognizing the influence of the philosophy of Lean Construction in building
industry, this paper aims to analyze their major principles and discuss if they can be
taken into consideration by the graphical outcomes of a Line of Balance schedule of
The concept of Lean Construction emerged in 1992 as a counterpoint to conventional
production philosophies. One of its early milestones was the publication of a
technical report containing the bases of this new philosophy adapted to construction
produced by Lauri Koskela (1992).
After this report, other authors started to enhance the philosophy as Ballard and
Howell (1996) who stated that Lean Construction has at least two focuses of
distinction from conventional construction management: waste reduction and better
management, highlighting information system processes, along with production
Heineck et al. (2009) summarized Koskela principles reducing then to 3 major
focus of attention as management outcomes goes: cycle, flow and coordination. The
first reflects the reduction of lot size by transforming activities in repetitive cycles.
The second states that Lean practices should reflect on operations that do not stop
while being carried out and that have a more continuous sequence. The third principle
states that coordination activities should be enhanced in order to overcome the


Proceedings IGLC-22, June 2014 | Oslo, Norway

Line of balance Is it a Synthesis of Lean Production Principles as Applied to Site Programming of


potential chaotic building environment. In practice, coordination will benefit from site
planning and programming at the strategic, tactical and operational levels.
Consensus among many authors indicates that Lean Construction philosophy has
as its main focus creation of value for clients, improving operations in small steps and
continually aiming to reduce, waste, whether of time, equipment or money.
Pacheco and Heineck (2008) point out that there are three different views on the
initial development of line of balance scheduling ideas. One version dates creation in
1942 by the United States Navy followed suit by applications made by the National
Housing Agency in the United Kingdom towards programming repetitive house
buildings in the 50 (Suhail and Neale 1994) 1. Another version by Turban (1968 apud
Lutz and Hijazi, 1993) 2, attributes the creation of Line of Balance to a direct outcome
of previously developed Goodyear Assembly Line at the beginning of the 40. A third
version is proposed by O'Brien (1969) 3. He said, citing another author (Kane), that
line of balance emerged in 1951 as the creation of the Naval Special Projects Office,
taking its final shape in 1962 (Navy Office of Naval Material, 1962) 4. In Brazil the
line-of-balance technique has been used since 1981 (Macedo, 1981), became common
in construction sites by 1990s as reported in research works like (Heineck and Peixe,
1990; Losso and Araujo, 1995; Heineck, 1996; Coelho, Vargas and Heineck, 1996).
Junqueira (2006) argues that this tool can indicate the sequence of activities
through various repeating units of work (floors, apartments, single family homes,
miles of road and miles of pipelines, for example). Through the adoption of this
concept it follows that activities durations will define production rates. Greater
production rates can be obtained by reducing cycle time or employing multiple crews
to perform de same job in different construction units.
Line of Balance suggests that all activities are to be performed with one single
rate, making it a completely parallel programming, where there is no wasted time
between the end of one activity and the beginning of another (Mendes Jnior and
Heineck, 1998).
The essence of balancing allows to define how many units (rooms, apartments and
floors) will be completed in a given time what brings the following benefits: the reuse
of building gangs in different operations, the best teams schedule, uninterrupted
work for a team (what improves productivity), minimization of inventories of work in
process, better definition of tasks and visual management (Junqueira, 2006).
The idea of work packages displayed on Line Balance allows to identify some
details of the progress of work, such as the activity to be performed (what); the team
that perform such work (who), the place of execution of the activity e.g. (apartment or
floor (where) and the moment in time the activity is performed (when). Finally, it is


Suhail, Saad A.; Neale, Richard H. (1994). CPM/LOB: New Methodology to Integrate CPM and
Line of Balance. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, v. 120, n.3, p. 667-684,
September 1994.
Lutz, James D.; Hijazi, A. (1993). Planning repetitive construction: Current practice. Construction
Management and Economics, n. 11, p. 99-110
OBrien, J.J. (1969). Scheduling handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill Inc, p. 246-255.
Navy Office of Naval Material, Line-of-balance technology, NAVEXOS, p.1853.

Production Planning and Control


Rafael de Sousa Leal Martins Moura, Jos Mrcio Feitosa Monteiro and Luiz Fernando Mhlmann

noteworthy that, according to Mendes Jnior (1999), an imbalance between activities

can negatively affect project performance causing stoppages in tasks, inefficient use
of both teams and equipment, and excessive costs. The schedule of activities for
repetitive projects aims to balance production rates and thus induce better use of
resources. A complete and current review on research papers on LOB was performed
by Lucko et al. (2013) which aims at filling a gap in the body of literature in
connection to the evaluation of advantages accruing from the use of site planning
tools, based on reports on actual performance improvements.
This research work was developed by a literature review of intrinsic concepts both on
Lean Philosophy and line of balance programming technique. The quest was to find
what they have in common or can easily be translated from one to the other. It
proceeded by drawing lines of balance to accommodate such common features,
providing exemplification and explanation on the authors reasonings on the
similarities of those concepts.
Some characteristics of Lean Thinking can be applied to initial sketches of a line of
balance, such as the definition of a production rate (takt time), synchrony and
parallelism between operations. Another example is the rational distribution of
employees throughout a site and strategies to allow flexible work, as it is the case
with cellular production. On the other hand, adherence to a strict sequence of work
provides continuous improvement through the learning effect (Pacheco and Heineck,
2008). In order to better discuss such ideas, reasonings were organized as follows.
Characteristics such as integrated planning of long, medium and short term,
minimization of production and transfer batches, PDCA, production leveling, pull
production, takt time, synchrony, parallel operations, inventory minimization,
interference avoidance and reduction of cycle time are shown in different charts
(Figures 1 to 11) hereof. Reduction of lead, correct sizing of buffers, increased
transparency, and strict definition of trajectories and sequences of activities are
illustrated in a single chart in Figure 12.
The line of balance technique is a tool used for long-term planning, but it is possible
to integrate a medium-term and short-term view of the activities to be performed as
shown Figure 1.


Proceedings IGLC-22, June 2014 | Oslo, Norway

Line of balance Is it a Synthesis of Lean Production Principles as Applied to Site Programming of


Figure 1: Illustration of the scope of long, medium and short term.

According to Pacheco and Heineck (2008), repeating units of work might cause
learning effects, what leads to the reduction in activities duration. The smaller the
repeating unit, the greater the learning effect, what reduces also global lead time.
Figure 2 shows how this can be done by splitting typical building activities.

Figure 2: Minimization of production and transfer batches (Pinheiro, 2009).

In drawing LOB, repeatability of cycles is a parameter that comes naturally. This
repetition occurs according to the PDCA cycle traversing its four phases: planning,
doing, checking and acting. Checking might tell that goals are not being met; acting
(reacting) will provide the managerial mechanisms to allow continuous improvement
in the next cycles (Pinheiro, 2009).

Production Planning and Control


ael de Sousa Leal Martins Moura,
Jos M
Mrcio Feitosa Monteiro an
nd Luiz Fernanndo Mhlmann

Figure 3:
3 PDCA cyycles to imprrove repetittive work
Production levveling is obttained by reeducing cycle time, wh
hat brings sm
maller activ
duraation at eacch repeatin
ng unit. Thiis is what is shown in Figure 44. It has alll the
actiivities goingg on throug
ghout most of the projject duratio
on, which ccauses a greeater
stabbilization inn the conssumption oof resourcees, as it is the casee with parrallel
proggramming with
w low prroduction raates (all acttivities undeer the samee low takt tiime)
(Pinnheiro, 20099).

Figure 4: Reesource leveling due too the paralleelism of actiivities (Pinhheiro, 2009)).
Visuualizing acttivities to be
b performeed in a given
n space and
d time makees it is posssible
to inndicate whiich activitiees shall be ppulled by their successo
or ones. Thee use of kan
is tthe answer of Lean Construction
n to pull prroduction: line of ballance allow
ws to
undderstand how
w kanban works
on a building site.
Figure 5 shows oone predeceessor


Proceediings IGLC-22, June 2014 | Oslo, Norway


Line of balance Is it a Synthesis of Lean Production Principles as Applied to Site Programming of


activity being pulled by its successor. Pull production allows the minimization of
inventory, once the process is viewed as a whole, knowing the exact moment that
resources will be used.

Figure 5: Pull production.

According to Arditi, Tokdemir and Suh (2002), LOB is a variation of linear
scheduling methods that allows the balancing of operations such that each activity in
continuously performed. Its major benefit is that it provides production rates and
duration information in the form of an easy to interpret graphic format like the one
shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Production rate indicated by the line of balance slope (Pinheiro, 2009).
The sequence of activities in a line-of-balance enables the choice of how best to avoid
overlapping of activities. Knowing the rate and sequence of activities for each
operator, is possible to establish synchrony and identify any delaying activity
(bottleneck). Figure 7 shows the combination of three production rates for
interdependent activities: the best way of combining them is through a common rate
of progress, avoiding their occurrence at the same time in every repetitive production
Ohno (1988) says that synchronization in production is obtained by establishing a
single production rate. This production rate should be extended to the external supply

Production Planning and Control


Rafael de Sousa Leal Martins Moura, Jos Mrcio Feitosa Monteiro and Luiz Fernando Mhlmann

of materials. Although the author refers to the automobile industry, this concept might
be used in the construction industry.

Figure 7: Combined rate of production for space-dependent activities (Arditi,

Tokdemir and Suh, 2002).
Construction industry has a different production problem as compared to the
remaining manufacturing enterprises in the sense that there is a flow of workers and
not of products through an assembly line. Thus, through the line of balance it is
possible to identify different production-like cells working in parallel and in small
batches, obeying the same rate and sequence of activities. By production-like cell is
meant the fact that each activity looks like being carried out by specialists, but there is
no hindrance to make workers tackle different activities in close-by repeating units, as
it is indicated by the vertical loop in figure 8. Advantages of parallel production and
cell are the elimination of peaks and valleys of consumption of resources, teamwork,
focused layout (more control) and decreased transport distances.

Figure 8: Activities in parallel (or cell-like production).


Proceedings IGLC-22, June 2014 | Oslo, Norway

Line of balance Is it a Synthesis of Lean Production Principles as Applied to Site Programming of


Line of balance can view inventory by an arrow that indicates when materials should
be supplied to each repetitive unit of work. This makes it possible to quantify the
partial consumption of inputs. It also provides a clear evaluation for the total amount
of material stocks that might be needed, what can illustrate the just in time advantages.
Just in time can be made clear by diminishing arrows indicating when materials
should be provided for each unit of work.

Figure 9: Inventory minimization.

When two or more activities occupy the same space and are performed at the same
time it is claimed that interference of tasks can be harmful to production. Line of
Balance helps to visualize the occurrence of interference activities and thus
preventing them from occurring, anticipating problems that are commonly detected
only during work execution. Another approach is to arrange different activities in
production cells: possible work interference between such grouped activities might
now be solved by workers themselves,

Figure 10: Undesired and desired interference.

Production Planning and Control


Rafael de Sousa Leal Martins Moura, Jos Mrcio Feitosa Monteiro and Luiz Fernando Mhlmann

For Alvarez and Antunes (2001) the duration of a cycle is obtained by the time period
between the repetitions of the same activity in two different production units. The
cycle time is easily detected in a line of balance. Once it is detected, increased
rhythms of work can be obtained by reduced cycle times.

Figure 11: Cycle time and different production rate different.

According Sellitto and Walter (2008) the term lead-time means at least two things: (i)
supply times related to the replacement of materials, and (ii) the measure of time that
a production system spends to turn raw materials into finished products available for
clients. Figure 12 illustrated lead time for activity A.
Time between the completions of two activities can be easily identified in a line of
balance. This is the Lean concept of buffering. Buffers can be established in terms of
possible delay of time between succeeding activities (horizontal buffer) and
production units waiting to be tackled by the same activity in different construction
units. Figure 12 visualizes buffers (horizontal and vertical) for activities B and C.
Buffers should be set at reasonable target values and ideally converge to zero.
The trajectory in LOB can be seen by the sequencing of squares in the orthogonal
plane that displays the technical interrelationship of tasks to carry out a building. It is
characteristic of line of balance to display the sequence of tasks and consequently the
basic outline of technical precedence. In this sense, it first needs a PERT/CPM type of
logical network of activities. Then such network of activities is arranged in sequences
from building unit to building unit. Figure 12 shows a typical Line of Balance for
several activities. One sequence of work is related to the technical arrangement of
work such that a unique building unit can be completed. Another sequence of work is
given by work crew trajectories. Dashed arrows in this chart, accompanied by the


Proceedings IGLC-22, June 2014 | Oslo, Norway

Line of balance Is it a Synthesis of Lean Production Principles as Applied to Site Programming of


words "upward trend" and "downward trend", graphically exposes these Lean
Production concepts that are used in Line of Balance.

Figure 12: Some features of sequencing lean line-of-balance.

The paper reviews several concepts of the Lean Philosophy, identifying activities that
create value. In order to attain the value producing goal, management should improve
the flow of information and assure the timely delivery of finished units of
construction. Line of Balance is studied in order to identify its potential relationship
as a planning technique to the principles of Lean Construction. This research work
recognizes Line of Balance tool as a planning device that gives support to the Lean
philosophy: it takes the latter theoretical concepts into practical graphical easy to
understand applications.
Thus, this research effort concludes that Line of Balance is akin to Lean
Production and Lean Production is very well represented by Line of Balance
diagrams, aiming at further discussions on this conceptual synthesis (lean is line and
line is lean).
We would like to thank the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education
Personnel (CAPES) for financial support to the master student, both Federal
University of Cear and State University of Cear by institutional support necessary
for the development this paper.
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Production Planning and Control


Rafael de Sousa Leal Martins Moura, Jos Mrcio Feitosa Monteiro and Luiz Fernando Mhlmann

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Proceedings IGLC-22, June 2014 | Oslo, Norway

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