Biotto Et Al. 2022 - Project Pull Planning Based On Location - From Construction To Design

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Biotto, C., Kagioglou, M., Koskela, L., Tzortzopoulos, P. & Serra, S. (2022).

Project Pull Planning Based

on Location: from Construction to Design. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the
International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC30), 599–610.


Clarissa Biotto1, Mike Kagioglou2, Lauri Koskela3, Patricia Tzortzopoulos4 and
Sheyla Serra5

Construction project management is known for being fragmented and disconnected
between the stages of design, supply and construction. Lean construction has a variety of
well known production planning and control methods that may be used to integrate and
improve the information flow between these stages. These methods and techniques
include location-based tools and the Last Planner System (LPS). However, the combined
use of location-based tools with the LPS to allow an entire project, including the design,
supply and construction, to be pull planned, has not been described in the literature.
This paper presents results of one study in which location-based planning tools were
deployed to pull the project planning from construction to design. The study is part of a
doctoral thesis which used the design science research as a mode to produce new
knowledge. The main contribution of the paper is the model to develop a location-based
project management including the use of the LPS in construction, supply and design. The
model enables project managers to have a holistic view of the project plan, and structure
it as a pull flow from construction to design, reducing work-in-progress and batch sizes
between stages, and improving the information flow among project stakeholders.

Project management, pull planning, location-based schedule, design, construction.

It is known that construction projects face delays and cost overruns all around the world.
The traditional management of projects no longer meet construction demands (Formoso
et al., 2002; Moura, 2005). This may be explained by the architectural, engineering and
construction (AEC) industry fragmentation and how construction projects are managed.
As design and construction phases are conceived separately (Alarcón & Mardones, 1998),
it is more difficult to integrate information in the construction industry (Alshawi &
Ingirige, 2003 as cited in Dave et al. (2008)). As consequence, there are disconnections

Professor, Architecture and Urbanism and Design Department, Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Brazil,
[email protected], 0000-0002-2433-6735
Dean of Engineering, Design and Built Environment, Western Sydney University, Australia,
[email protected], 0000-0003-3521-1484
Professor, University of Huddersfield, UK, [email protected], 0000-0003-4449-2281
Professor, University of Huddersfield, UK, [email protected], 0000-0002-8740-6753
Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Federal University of Sao Carlos (UFSCar), Brazil,
[email protected], 0000-0002-9508-976X

Production System Design 599

Project Pull Planning Based on Location: from Construction to Design

at the interface design-construction, such as different production sequences and priorities

for design and construction, which create delays, rework and waiting for the project’s
participants, namely, designers, suppliers and builders.
A possible solution is proposed by Dave et al. (2015) who mention that “a better
interface between production and design schedule should lead to the release of design
information with a pull from the master schedule”. Some authors have already applied
the pull flow to integrate planning between construction and design from the point of
view of a construction company (Bolviken et al., 2010); an engineering-to-order (ETO)
enterprise (Viana, 2015); an ETO company in a project with overlap between design and
construction phases (Sivaraman & Varghese, 2016); and a construction project also with
overlap (Holm, 2014). However, none of these research shed light to the holistic
construction projects planning and control using location-based tools and pull flow
including the stages of design, supply and construction.
The idea of applying a pull planning from construction to design was put in practice
through one case study, in which the approach used to plan construction was the location,
by means of the line of balance and takt-time planning. The results suggest that location-
based planning might be used for project pull planning, however, in order to maintain the
information flow from downstream to upstream activities, it is necessary to plan and
control production using the Last Planner System collaboratively.

One of the two pillars of the Toyota Production System (TPS) is the Just-In-Time (JIT).
A production system in which JIT is applied “makes and delivers just what is needed, just
when it is needed, and just in the amount needed” (Marchwinski & Shook, 2003). A JIT
production system eliminates overproduction, inventories and wastes.
The JIT pillar is based on three operating elements: continuous flow, takt time and
pull system, namely (Marchwinski & Shook, 2003):
1. Continuous flow: also known as one-piece flow, it is the production and moving
of “one item at a time through a series of processes”, at which each process makes
just what is requested by the next one as continuously as possible.
2. Takt time: is the rate at which products are made in a process to meet customer
demand or “the available production time divided by the customer demand”.
3. Pull system: is a production system where the downstream process signals its
needs to upstream process, eliminating overproduction.
Tommelein (1998) applied the pull production, i.e. the downstream process (construction
site) sends real-time progress status to upstream process, for the pipes installation. It
forced a resequencing of manufacturer’s production, which reduced buffers, enabled time
for project completion, and increased the productivity.
Viana et al. (2013) implemented pull production in an integrated planning and control
system in an ETO company which was responsible for designing, prefabricating
components and assembling on-site. The authors used the assembly process on-site to
pull the prefabrication of components.
However, in order to develop a pull system in construction it is necessary to master
plan the whole production system in a wider point of view: plan beyond construction
stage activities. It means that project managers should consider the upstream activities

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Clarissa Biotto, Mike Kagioglou, Lauri Koskela, Patricia Tzortzopoulos and Sheyla Serra

such as the construction supply chain and design, and structure the work in a manner that
the pull production method may be applied.
The Pull Planning was incorporated to the Last Planner System to structure the work of a
project phase collaboratively among stakeholders (Ballard, 2008). It bridges the master
and lookahead planning. The construction phase's milestones that were set up at the
project's master plan are pushed to the phase planning. Next, the phase's activities are
broken down into tasks and handoffs. A network and duration of tasks are defined by the
contractors of the phase using sticky notes (among other means) on a wall (or other
physical and digital media). Then, a reverse plan of the phase's tasks is devised, pulling
the tasks from the phase deadline towards the phase start date (Alarcon et al., 2004). The
contractors define the handoffs collaboratively between the crews and project phases,
insert buffers, and guarantee the completion of the work on time (Alarcon et al., 2004;
Ballard, 2008; Ballard & Howell, 2003).
The pull plan can be scheduled using traditional tools, such as a Gantt chart (Knapp
et al., 2006), or Location-Based Schedule (LBS) techniques, such as Line of Balance
(LOB) (O'Brien et al., 1985), flowline (Kenley & Seppänen, 2010) and Takt Time
Planning (Fiallo C & Howell, 2012).
The authors of this paper suggest the use of a LBS to prepare the whole project’s
planning (from construction to design) in a reverse manner.
The term location-based schedule was proposed by Kenley (2004) to designate the
techniques that use the location or unit as a basis for the production planning and control.
The aim of using LBS is to design a production system with continuous workflow and
uninterrupted flow for crews throughout the location units (Moura et al., 2014). To make
the workflow smoother and reduce the work in progress, the activities should be planned
at only one rate, i.e. in parallel lines (Mendez & Heineck, 1998).
Takt Time Planning
The takt-time planning (TTP) in construction is derived from the takt time used in lean
manufacturing. In construction, it started to be used in the Phase Scheduling or Pull
Planning (Frandson et al., 2013; Linnik et al., 2013).
To develop a production plan using TTP, it is necessary to define zones and takt time,
the trades sequence and duration, and balance their workflow (Frandson et al., 2013). All
these steps are devised with the participation of trades and general contractor in an
iterative fashion, and the decision is made collaboratively by communicating and
exploring production systems alternatives.
So far, in the literature, the LBS techniques are used specifically for the construction
stage, ignoring the procurement and design stages.

For this investigation, the authors used Design Science Research (DSR) to iteratively
develop an artefact (designed solution) based on its usefulness to the organizations and
contribution to existing knowledge; and to apply and develop the theoretical knowledge
throughout the studies (Lukka, 2003). In this paper, the artefact is a model for project pull
planning based on location.

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Project Pull Planning Based on Location: from Construction to Design

DSR aims to fill the gap between the theory and practice through the development of
an artefact (Rocha et al., 2012). This middle ground between practice and theory is
necessary in order to develop valid and reliable knowledge to support practitioners in
organisational/business to devise solutions to problems (van Aken, 2005).
DSRs might be evaluated in different manners: 1) Internally – made by the researcher
through reflections on practice and connections with theory; 2) Externally – carried out
by the studies’ participants and scholar experts; and 3) Field-testing – through the
instantiation of the artefact in an organization.
The study is a case that presents a whole project reverse master plan, which embedded
the construction, procurement and design stages. The researcher was an observer of the
construction company management practice that deployed the takt time planning to pull
production from construction to design stage. It is characterized in Table 1.

Table 1: Case study characterization

Case Study
Type of Project Residential – block of apartments
Period of the Project January 2016 to December 2018
Area 31 residential units totalizing 2,535 sqm
Type of Study Case study
Time Horizon Cross-section study
Location Trondheim - Norway
Design Stages Developed and technical/detailed
Construction Stage Foundations and Concrete Structure
Evidence Sources Direct observation, documents, interviews and focus group
Research activities and 2 workshops and 8 interviews with Project Manager; Design Manager; Site Manager;
participants’ roles Architects; Structural Engineer; Project Manager
Companies involved Construction Company; Architecture Office; Engineering Office; Client
Evaluation Internal and external evaluation with study’ participants through focus group
Project Pull Planning using Takt-Time Planning; Design and Construction Planning
and Control using Last Planner System

The study was evaluated internal and externally according to the utility of the model. It
was composed by five criteria selected from the literature as reference as best project
management characteristics of collaboration, integration and flow; the criteria were
broken-down into eight measurable sub-criteria, as depicted in Figure 1. To see the
interview questions, access the thesis (Biotto, 2019). It is noteworthy that this paper is
focused, mostly, on presenting the last phase of the DSR, namely, the model evaluation.

Collaborative Collaborative
and integrated and integrated Transparent
WIP and batch size control Pulled and integrated production
production production plan plan
system design and control
Concurrent Communication
participation of Planning and Visual and Focus on of downstream
WIP and batch WIP and batch WIP and batch
stakeholders in control tools available plans construction information to
in design in supply in construction
production connecting D-C for stakeholders processes upstream
design processes

Figure 1: Criteria for the model evaluation.

Proceedings IGLC30, 25-31 July 2022, Edmonton, Canada 602

Clarissa Biotto, Mike Kagioglou, Lauri Koskela, Patricia Tzortzopoulos and Sheyla Serra

In case study, the project development comprised of three stages: 1) Pre-design; 2)
Delivery Stage; and 3) Facility Management. The first stage encompassed a) Idea Phase
and b) Concept Phase, whereas the second stage comprised a) Design; b)
Detail/Engineering Design; c) Construction; and d) Commissioning. The third stage is
Operation and Maintenance. The study observed the project management of the detailed
design phase and construction.
The Project Planning and Control System deployed had six levels of planning and
control, as depicted in Figure 2:
1. Level 0 - Project Master Planning: developed by the Project Manager,
Construction Manager, Design Manager and Owner presents the strategical
decisions made for the whole product development process, its major phases and
deliverables. It is the basis for further planning.
2. Level 1 - Construction Plan and Purchasing Plan: represented strategical
decisions about construction, procurement and supply, respectively:
o Construction plan is generated using developed design documentation in
MS Project by the Project Manager and Construction Manager. It is the
most important plan to pull detailed design plan and supply acquisition;
o Purchasing Plan is derived from the Construction Plan and contains the
majors milestones for supply acquisition.
3. Level 2 – Detailed Design Plan and Construction Takt Time Plan:
o Detailed Design Plan: developed collaboratively by the Owner,
Consultants, Design Manager, Project Manager, Construction Manager,
Foreman and Designers at the kick-off meeting (see Figure 3). Project
Master Plan and Construction Plan milestones are used as reference to pull
planning design deliverables. The result is transferred to a MS Excel
spreadsheet and used in the lookahead planning;
o Takt-Time Plan: the construction team studied the workflow, the crew size,
buffers and the takt-time for production.
4. Level 3 - Decision Plan and Design and Construction Lookahead Plans:
o Design Lookahead Plan: design project team removed six types of
constraints related to 1) client’s expectations and requirements; 2)
dialogue and share understanding among stakeholders; 3) decisions
needed; 4) team capacity and autonomy for decision making; 5) methods
and tools; and 6) previous design task according to the required quality;
o Construction Lookahead Plans: the project had different lookahead
planning involving different professionals and different planning horizons;
namely, a 8 to 12 weeks plan developed by the Site Manager, Design
Manager and Project Manager; a 4 to 8 weeks plan developed by the
Operations Manager, and; a 2 to 4 weeks plan developed by the Operations
Manager and Foreman. The different planning horizons and meetings are
related to the responsibility and power of decision of each sort of
professional in removing constraints.

Production System Design 603

Project Pull Planning Based on Location: from Construction to Design

5. Level 4 – Design and Construction Weekly Plans:

o Design weekly plan: tactical and operational levels of planning were
developed and controlled in the weekly meetings at the site office. The
Design Manager was responsible for drawing up a set of activities to
prepare the meetings, and to distribute the information to designers and set
the future actions. Figure 4 is the plan used in the meetings that shows the
design milestones, detailed design deadlines in accordance to construction
batches and sequence, and basic design packages deadlines;
o Construction weekly plan: the team leaders devise the weekly plan,
revising which activities were concluded in the current week, and
predicting the next work week according to crew’s production capacity.
6. Level 5 – Daily Plan: occurs every working day on site. The crew’s members
gathered in the first hour of work to draw over the floor plan what should be
executed on the day, considering the previous tasks executed. The researchers did
not collect data about daily meetings within the designers’ offices.

Level 0 - Strategical Master plan

Construction Purchasing
Level 1 – Strategical Plan Plan

Level 2 – Takt-Time
Design Phase
Strategical/Tactical Plan

Lookahead Lookahead
Level 3 - Tactical Decision Plan
Plan Plans

Level 4 –
Weekly Plan Weekly Plan

Level 5 - Operational Daily Plan

Figure 2: Levels of the project planning and control system deployed.

Figure 3: Strategical Collaborative Planning for Design. Source: Courtesy of

Construction Company.

Proceedings IGLC30, 25-31 July 2022, Edmonton, Canada 604

Clarissa Biotto, Mike Kagioglou, Lauri Koskela, Patricia Tzortzopoulos and Sheyla Serra

In order to keep the communication flowing smoothly and rapidly, weekly meetings
occurred among designers, construction teams, managers and owner. In figure 5, the light
grey arrows demonstrate the flow of information from the operational meetings on
Mondays until the progression status meetings on Fridays. The blue arrows represented
the communication flow from construction, designers to the owner and client of the
project. The flow of information had a short update cycle time of only one week. For this
reason, the communication of changes, decisions and other information was rapidly
transmitted between stakeholders and in a transparent manner.


Figure 4: Example of using location-based from construction to pull design. In blue:

construction activities from the takt time plan. In dark green: deadline for detailed
design delivery. In light green: deadline for design package delivery. Source: Courtesy
of Construction Company.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Excavation progress
07:00 Progression
status meeting
08:00 Timber team
Concrete Owner & Builder
09:00 team - Design meeting
team meeting
10:00 Internal meeting
Team leaders Planning
12:00 Operational meeting Safety meeting
meeting meeting with
13:00 foreman
Internal meeting
Construction Communication Flow Construction – Design - Owner Communication Flow
Figure 5: Project meetings structure and the weekly communication flows.
Case study project planning was characterized by the early participation of stakeholders
from design, manufacturers, suppliers and builders in the production system structuring.
The project used the takt-time planning as a location-based tool for work structuring the
construction, which used the developed design as input information, and prepared the
reverse design and supply/purchasing. The internal evaluation of the study is detailed in
Table 2, following the criteria specified in the method section of the paper.

Production System Design 605

Project Pull Planning Based on Location: from Construction to Design

Table 2: Case study evaluation

Case Study
At the beginning of the detailed design stage, the organizational structure of the
Collaborative and integrated design and construction stages is presented to all participants. It defined the
production system design planning responsibilities of Design Manager, Designers, Project Manager, Site
Manager, Operation Manager, Foreman, crews’ leaders and workers.
Collaborative and integrated The Collaborative production planning and control promoted the ownership of
production plan and control plans by its stakeholders, which was boosted by the high transparency of planning.
Work in Progress (WIP) and The WIP between design and construction was small because detailed design
batch size controls batch was the same than construction. WIP was controlled in the design meetings.
The available plans and weekly meetings stimulated transparency of people’s
responsibilities, tasks, dependencies, decisions, planning and project goals. In
Transparent plan
design, it was intrinsically connected with the BIM model’s development and
The developed design was pushed and inputted to the construction master
Pulled and integrated planning. The latter was pulled by the design planning to set delivery milestones.
production Both design and construction lookahead planning were connected and
communicated through the weekly meetings.

It is worth noting that the “WIP and batch size controls”, and pull flow were easier to
implement in detailed design rather than in earlier design phases. In case study, the
construction and detailed design shared the same production batch size, enabling the
pulled flow between them. However, when analysing an earlier design stage, its
production batch was composed by a set/kit of drawings/models/documents, i.e. a large
batch, which was delivered to the next design phase for detailing. Earlier design stages
experience constant changes due to clients and designers negotiations and
conflicts/clashes solutions, i.e., higher interdependency among stakeholders. As soon as
design matures and clashes are solved, the design development focuses on detailing the
models; an action that might occur with higher independency among stakeholders. The
latter enables the adoption of same size batch between design and construction, thus the
pull flow.


The model presents a project planning and control system composed by construction,
supply and design, as shown in Figure 6. The pull production system guarantees the
integration of information in the design-construction interface. The model might be
implemented by the Project Manager.
The first step to implement the model is to identify the construction demand. In the
stream design-supply-construction, the latter is the final internal client. To define
construction demand is important to structure the work of designers and suppliers. For
that, the construction work structuring should start early in the project development using
design documentation and a location-based planning tool. The Construction Manager, or
the General Contractor Manager should be responsible for gathering all people and
information necessary. As soon as design becomes more mature, it should be pushed to
the construction system for decision and planning review.
Consequently, construction location-based plan might be the reference to pull reverse
plans for suppliers that will pull a reverse plan for designers. Both Project Manager and
Construction Manager might gather the main manufactures and suppliers to participate in

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Clarissa Biotto, Mike Kagioglou, Lauri Koskela, Patricia Tzortzopoulos and Sheyla Serra

the collaborative planning, providing information about duration of installation,

fabrication, designing the items. The supply reverse plan sets the milestones based on the
same location breakdown structure used in the construction plan. The design deadlines in
the suppliers’ plan will pull the designers’ reverse plan. The Design Manager is the
responsible to gather the main design offices’ leaders of the project for that.
The idea of using the construction location breakdown structure (batch) for suppliers
and designers is to allow the alignment of plans and facilitate the pull flow. Moreover,
the LBS might be a facilitator for batch size reduction in construction projects. Suppliers
are stimulated to deliver the material/components to construction following the
construction batch and sequence in order to avoid waiting, inventory and space
interferences on site. However, the manufacturers might find difficult to produce and
deliver components defined by construction needs. In this situation, they should resize
their batches in agreement with construction managers considering construction site space,
logistics and plans.
The same is valid for designers, who should produce the detailed design following
the suppliers or construction production batch and sequence. This idea enables a new way
of assembling work, and support the continuous flow by pulling only the necessary
information, when necessary, which are concepts of the just-in-time (JIT) production
system. Thus, the design packages will be composed by a combination of
drawings/models of a certain location necessary to be released to the next supplier. The
supplier will use this pack of drawings to engineering design (if applicable), and plan the
fabrication of components necessary to be delivered to a particular construction location.
The progressive design fixity concept is also behind the model. At the first design
phases (conceptual and developed), the design production flow is pushed. At the detailed
phase, there occurs the decoupling point, which is the interface between push and pull
(PP) flows (Kiiras & Kruus, 2005). It also points to the interface between transdisciplinary
and interdisciplinary design production. The interface push and pull was explained by
Hopp and Spearman (2011).
However, as construction projects suffers with uncertainty and variability, the whole
production planning and control system should be connected. It is suggested that the Last
Planner System should be used by builders, suppliers and designers. Through the
lookahead planning, the project participants should focus on removing the constraints,
updating the reverse plans and, when necessary, replan. The use of LPS is critical in order
to confirm with designers and suppliers the right priority of production based on
construction status. This idea of confirmation points was suggested by Viana (2015) in
her work regarding integrating the planning and control system in ETO companies.
However, the integration of the LPS adopted by designers and builders was suggested by
Bolviken et al. (2010).
The model enables the articulation of the project production planning and control to
integrate decisions and information between participants at the interface design and
construction (D-C). The plans are connected vertically and horizontally. In each phase of
design and construction, the hierarchy of plans (strategical, tactical and operational)
provides information from the upstream plan to the downstream and feedback in the
opposite direction. The horizontal integration between the phases D-C occurs at the
strategical levels, properly from the construction master plan reversely towards the design
master plan. The updates for confirmation of production occurs at the tactical levels,
which receive updates from the operational plans in their respective stages.

Production System Design 607

Project Pull Planning Based on Location: from Construction to Design

Design System
Design System Design Design System Operation
Design Design Design
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 …

Deliverables Reverse Design Plan Design Plan & Control

Phase scheduling production

Lookahead planning confirmation
Weekly planning


Reverse Supply Plan Last Planner On Supply

Push Phase scheduling

Lookahead planning
Weekly planning


Construction Plan Last Planner Onsite

Phase scheduling

Lookahead planning
Weekly planning

Figure 6: Model to implement project pull planning based on location.

Construction System Design
Figure 7 demonstrates the vertical and horizontal connections between hierarchical plans
in the D-C interface. This contribution suggests an integrated Construction System
Construction System Operationuse of the LPS (Ballard,
2000) to plan and control the stages of design and construction. It also expands the
collaborative planning model of Bolviken et al. (2010) to include the suppliers’ planning

Strategical Project Plan

Design Strategical Plan Supply Strategical Plan Construction Strategical Plan

(Master Plan) (Master Plan) (Master Plan)

Tactical Plan Tactical Plan Tactical Plan

(Lookahead Plan) (Lookahead Plan) (Lookahead Plan)

Operational Plan Operational Plan Operational Plan

(Weekly Plan) (Weekly Plan) (Weekly Plan)

Figure 7: Vertical and horizontal connections in construction, supply and design plans.

The paper presented a case study in which construction location-based plan were used to
pull plan the whole project production, including supply and design. Results were
internally evaluated and a model proposed for Project Managers apply pull production at
the design-construction interface using a location-based planning and the Last Planner
System. The model integrate a variety of lean concepts and tools in different levels of
construction project management, i.e., from strategical to operational. It also shed light to
the push and pull flows in design production, that must be understood by Design Manager
in order to preserve the transdisciplinary development of design solution. The model
implicates in reducing WIP and batch sizes in the D-C interfaces when applying a unique

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Clarissa Biotto, Mike Kagioglou, Lauri Koskela, Patricia Tzortzopoulos and Sheyla Serra

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Proceedings IGLC30, 25-31 July 2022, Edmonton, Canada 610

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