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Aliens Master File


***Aliens Exist***

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Aliens Master File


Aliens Exist - Rationally and mathematically true that aliens in some form exist plus Hawking concludes
Jonathan Leake Science and Environment Editor for The Sunday Times, April 25 2010 Dont talk to aliens, warns Stephen
Hawking JL
The suggestions come in a new documentary series in which Hawking, one of the worlds leading scientists, will set out his latest
thinking on some of the universes greatest mysteries . Alien life, he will suggest, is almost certain to exist in many other parts
of the universe: not just in planets, but perhaps in the centre of stars or even floating in interplanetary space . Hawkings logic on
aliens is, for him, unusually simple. The universe, he points out, has 100 billion galaxies, each containing hundreds of millions of
stars. In such a big place, Earth is unlikely to be the only planet where life has evolved.

Fossils discovered in meteorite pieces prove that alien life can exist in space.
Andrew Couts staff writer for Digital Trends, 3/5/2011 NASA scientist finds evidence of alien life JL
Aliens exist, and we have proof. That astonishingly awesome

claim comes from Dr. Richard B. Hoover, an astrobiologist at

NASAs Marshall Space Flight Center, who says he has found conclusive evidence of alien life fossils of bacteria found in an
extremely rare class of meteorite called CI1 carbonaceous chondrites. (There are only nine such meteorites on planet Earth.) Hoovers findings
were published late Friday night in the Journal of Cosmology, a peer-reviewed scientific journal. I interpret it as indicating that life is more
broadly distributed than restricted strictly to the planet earth, Hoover, who has spent more than 10 years studying meteorites around the
world, told in an interview. This field of study has just barely been touched because quite frankly, a great many scientist
[sic] would say that this is impossible. Hoover discovered the fossils by breaking apart the CI1 meteorite, and analyzing the exposed rock with a
scanning-electron microscope and a field emission electron-scanning microscope, which allowed him to detect any fossil remains. What he found were
fossils of micro-organisms (pictured below), many of which he says are strikingly similar to those found on our own planet (pictured above). The

exciting thing is that they are in many cases recognizable and can be associated very closely with the generic species here
on earth, said Hoover. Some of the fossils, however, are quite odd. There are some that are just very strange and dont look like
anything that Ive been able to identify, and Ive shown them to many other experts that have also come up stump.

Spectro-chemical analysis proves the chemical dispersion in the universe creates the conditions for the
abundant chemical creation of life.
Albert A. Harrison Ph.D in Social Psychology and Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology, University of California, Davis. 20 02 After Contact: The
Human Response to Extraterrestrial Life JL
There are at least three ways that life could appear on a planet. First ,

highly evolved, technologically advanced aliens could move from

place to place, establishing colonies on naturally suitable or terraformed planets . Second, life could have originated on one planet and
the seeds of life could have landed on other planets (perhaps even ours), there to be nurtured and to grow. Third, life may have evolved
independently at many times and in many places in the universe. From the viewpoint of SETI scientists, solar and planetary
evolution give rise to chemical evolution, and chemical evolution gives rise to biological evolution, as sure as night follows
day.32 The evidence is circumstantial but compelling . Spectro-graphic analyses and other studies suggest that the chemicals
necessary for life are widely distributed throughout the universe. These include not only the same elements that constitute living matter,
but also the heavy hydrocarbons and amino acids that are among life's more complex building blocks. 33 Organic molecules have been
identified in at least 50 galaxies.34 Life, or at least its biotic precursors, has been produced in laboratory settings . The original
experimental work by Stanley L. Miller, Harold Urey, Lesley E. Orgel and others consisted of combining chemicals that were believed to be crucial for
life, energizing the primordial soup with electricity, and assessing the results.35 These studies suggest that even under the tight time frames
of human experiments, the biotic precursors of life are fairly easy to produce . Since the necessary ingredients are widespread
throughout the universe and the universe has plenty of time, the expectation is that life will evolve again and again.

More than 134 solar systems and planets that could host Earth like ecosystems.
Dr. Robin Yap, Professor and Dr. Robin Yap, LLB, MSc Ed, DM, CTDP, 4/5/2005, Hes Really Out There
THE existence of extraterrestrial life is a fact and will be proven within ten years , say scientists. The verdict is delivered today
by Open University experts who conducted sophisticated simulations of how planetary networks outside the solar system
are likely to have developed over hundreds of millions of years. While their findings are unlikely to silence the cynics today, ever more
powerful telescopes will provide visible evidence within a decade, they say. The OU team says it is beyond reasonable doubt that some
sort of life exists in outer space. Its study suggests that half of the 134 planetary systems we know about in which Several
planets orbit a central star like our sun could contain earth-like planets which may be home to life . Projected across the Milky
Way which has 200billion stars of which 20billion are accepted as likely to have planetary systems that means 10billion, could contain planets capable of

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Aliens Master File


hosting life. All the planets that have been detected so far outside the solar system are enormous, about the size of Neptune which is 17 times the mass of
Earth, or larger But they are likely to have smaller neighbours, more the size of Earth and more likely to be capable of hosting life. If any of these smaller
planets exist in the so-called Goldilocks zone, where the distance from the central star offers the correct temperatures for water to exist in liquid form,
then there is a good chance of finding life there. The Open University team created computer models of known planetary systems and

then launched Earth-sized planets into orbit at various distances from the central star. The simulation showed that about
half of the 134 known systems offer a habitable zone that has lasted for at least a billion years, the period considered long
enough for life to evolve. Lead researcher Professor Barrie Jones said the findings show it is a near certainty that life exists on
distant planets. He said we could know for sure within a decade with the rapid advancements being made in developing telescopes. I think it is
beyond reasonable doubt that there is life out there somewhere, said Professor Jones. There are so many potential habitats for
life. We will be detecting these earthsize planets in a few years. In ten years we will have telescopes that will be able to get an image which we could
analyse for evidence of life such as methane or oxygen. Professor Jones will present his study to the Royal Astronomical Societys annual meeting in
Birmingham today. The findings are also published in the latest edition of the Astrophysical Journal.

According to Stephen Hawkings, simple math proves aliens exist.

Jonathan Leake, Times Editor, April 25, 2010, Dont talk to aliens, warns Stephen Hawking,
THE aliens are out there and Earth had better watch out, at least according to Stephen Hawking. He has suggested that
extraterrestrials are almost certain to exist but that instead of seeking them out, humanity should be doing all it that can to avoid any contact.
The suggestions come in a new documentary series in which Hawking, one of the worlds leading scientists, will set out his latest thinking on some of the
universes greatest mysteries. Alien life, he will suggest, is almost certain to exist in many other parts of the universe: not just in planets, but
perhaps in the centre of stars or even floating in interplanetary space. Hawkings logic on aliens is , for him, unusually simple.
The universe, he points out, has 100 billion galaxies, each containing hundreds of millions of stars. In such a big place, Earth is
unlikely to be the only planet where life has evolved. To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly
rational, he said. The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like.

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Ext Lots of Civilizations

Studies show hundreds of intelligent civilizations in Milky way alone.
A. Pawlowski, CNN, February 25, 2009, Galaxy may be full of 'Earths,' alien life,
As NASA prepares to hunt for Earth-like planets in our corner of the Milky Way galaxy, there's new buzz that "Star Trek's" vision of a universe
full of life may not be that far-fetched. Pointy-eared aliens traveling at light speed are staying firmly in science fiction, but scientists are offering
fresh insights into the possible existence of inhabited worlds and intelligent civilizations in space. T here may be 100 billion Earth-like planets
in the Milky Way, or one for every sun-type star in the galaxy , said Alan Boss, an astronomer with the Carnegie Institution and author of
the new book "The Crowded Universe: The Search for Living Planets." He made the prediction based on the number of "super-Earths" -- planets several
times the mass of the Earth, but smaller than gas giants like Jupiter -- discovered so far circling stars outside the solar system.Boss said that if any of
the billions of Earth-like worlds he believes exist in the Milky Way have liquid water, they are likely to be home to some type
of life."Now that's not saying that they're all going to be crawling with intelligent human beings or even dinosaurs," he said."But I would suspect that the
great majority of them at least will have some sort of primitive life, like bacteria or some of the multicellular creatures that populated our Earth for the first
3 billion years of its existence."Other scientists are taking another approach: an analysis that suggests there could be hundreds, even
thousands, of intelligent civilizations in the Milky Way.Researchers at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland constructed a computer
model to create a synthetic galaxy with billions of stars and planets. They then studied how life evolved under various conditions in this
virtual world, using a supercomputer to crunch the results.In a paper published recently in the International Journal of Astrobiology, the researchers

concluded that based on what they saw, at least 361 intelligent civilizations have emerged in the Milky Way since its
creation, and as many as 38,000 may have formed.

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Aliens Master File


Government Knows
The highest echelons of the government work on covert or black operations that cover the existence of
alien life.
Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris a professional consultant and expert witness on legal investigations and has prior military and government service in the USA
trained in JAG investigations in US. Navy Civil Service, 03/19/2011 Alien ET TJ Intel Report on 2012 Arrivals JL

Having been trained to live on planet earth while knowing that alien civilizations exist was to prepare others for openminded training to work with those we call the Men in Black. These men and women are usually those who are assigned Above Top
Secret classification assignments with a need to know . There are those of us in the past century that was given above Top Secret
clearances with crypto levels such as 26 through 32 and Above Royal. There are still some who have the national security levels
higher than that of the President of the United States that work in the undercover covert operations in intelligence . Some of
those who work with the CIA/DIA/FBI/NSA/NSC have no idea who these people are with Intel and inner department operations briefing access to public
and private files of government employees. Presently, there have been various retired government employees who have worked

together as teams that were told to not to disclose their prior operations and missions while employed and paid by the
United States government armed forces or other various agencies that deal with the intelligence fields. The National Security
Council (NSC) has been formed to oversee all the intelligence organizations of the past although the authority may have been given the organizations with
their various own budget allowances are not ready to allow for another organization to rise above their level of secrecy and establish a need to know on
various missions for national security reasons. There are young men and women who are trained and assigned positions right out of college into fields of
specialization based on their training and fields of expertise. We of course are aware of those in law, engineering, accounting, research, computer analysts,
and other areas that we can follow with the general services that come to be understood by the general populace based on the Internet employment
applications and the public relations information that is disbursed for the publics viewing. However, we still have the black operations and

budgets that are unlimited and formed to access information for national security reasons that will never be divulged to the
public or certain government personnel . This includes the legislative and senate dog and pony shows put on television for
the sake of appearance for the public awareness and calming down of the nature of humankind when inquiring minds need
to know or think they desire to know the truth. The world has an underlying intelligence community that has been around since the beginning
of the wars where we could utilize information to obtain the higher ground of our enemies. The intelligence field has grown since the world
wars that we are all aware of in our world history books in schools. The part of the intelligence and national security fields that have been
left out are those that will never be totally divulged because there has been too much time and money spent in this intelligent field we now call national
security. We also have organizations in the intelligence field that want their fair share of information that can be obtained
about alien civilizations and aliens visiting earth . We have had our Loose lips sink ships campaigns to keep our military personnel quiet.
This technique still works today among most our young military personnel that are trained for their time in service . Those who are given

clearances are allowed to know only what is needed to know to perform their duties while in the service to their
government. Then when they are released , they are debriefed and asked to sign nondisclosure agreements or confidentiality
papers that state they can be fined or imprisoned for divulging information that deals with their past employment and
service to the United States government. This keeps the service of underground secrecy at a level of control among those who perform basic
duties in certain classified areas. However, some are allowed to know things based on very secretive covert intelligence operations
that we have all come to suspect such as Area 51 , and Dulce, New Mexico. Various contractors receive clearances to work on
military weapons and air assault weapons and nuclear weapons. We have biological weapons and Star Wars with stealth
capabilities. We are always coming up with new technology to protect earth in space from predators who would dare to
overtake our planet.

Aliens exist; the government is just trying to hide it from us.

Ben Farmer, Correspondent for The Daily Telegraph, Jul 2008, Aliens exist, but NASA covers them up says astronaut,

A former NASA astronaut who has walked on the moon has said aliens are not only real but have visited Earth several
times. Dr Edgar Mitchell, said he was aware of several UFO visits during his career, but each one had been covered up. The
77-year-old, who was a crew member of the Apollo 14 mission, said sources at the space agency had described aliens as resembling "little people who
look strange to us". Dr Mitchell told Kerrang! Radio that human technology was "not nearly as sophisticated" as theirs and had they been hostile, he
warned: "We would be been gone by now". He said: " There's not much question at all that there's life throughout the universe, we are
not alone at all. I'm most assured about that."Have we been able to identify where the other planets are? No, certainly not in our Solar System
but we have been able to identify quite a number of planets that could be life bearing planets . "I happen to have been privileged
enough to be in on the fact that we've been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomena is real. " It's been well covered up by all our
governments for the last 60 years or so, but slowly it's leaked out and some of us have been privileged to have been briefed on some of it. "I've
been in military and intelligence circles, who know that beneath the surface of what has been public knowledge, yes we have been visited. "Reading the
papers recently, it's been happening quite a bit." Dr Mitchell, along with Apollo 14 Commander Alan Shepard, still holds the record for the longest ever
moonwalking session at nine hours and 17 minutes following their 1971 mission.

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NASA Knows
Recent NASA discoveries suggest they know the existence of alien life forms and are simply hiding it.
Jen Carlson Senior Editor for the Gothamist (New York New Service) 12/1/20 10 Tomorrow's NASA Press Conference: Aliens Exist! JL
We just received a message from the NASA Solar System Ambassador for New York City, in preparation of NASA's big announcement tomorrow
regarding an "astrobiology finding." And as anyone with Google knows, that pretty much means THE ALIENS ARE HERE .
(Perhaps that is why the sky looked so creepy and foreboding this afternoon.) Really though, they are here... in fact, you are probably friends with aliens
on Facebook! There are already speculations regarding what tomorrow evening's press conference might be about exactly, but let's stick to the
known elements for now. The Telegraph reports that researchers will unveil the discovery of a microbe that can live in an environment
previously thought too poisonous for any life-form to survive ." They say NASA may touch upon the "discovery of 'shadow'
creatures which exist in tandem with our own" that could "develop into intelligent creatures such as humans." The microbe in
question was found at the bottom of Mono Lake in California's Yosemite National Park, where the creature has somehow used arsenic to surviveas one
astrobiologist said, "They're aliens, but aliens that share the same home as us."

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Military Knows
Military sources are flawed and biased No matter the truth they chose to cover up these stories to
maintain image.
Jacques F. Vallee received a B.S. in mathematics at the Sorbonne and an M.S. in astrophysics at Lille University, an astronomer at the University of Texas, where he
co-developed the first computer-based map of Mars for NASA, Jacques later moved to Northwestern University where he received his Ph.D. in computer science and a
member of the science board for the French Genopole, based in Evry specializing in life sciences and was elected as a Trustee of the Institute for the Future,
Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact 1989 JL
The first level of coverup is in the reporting of UFOs. It is the result of the closed mind and negative attitude of government, scientific,
and military authorities. More specifically, I call the "first coverup" the efforts made by those in a position of authority to discourage the reporting of
a UFO incident. This can range from the hostile laughter of a local deputy sheriff to intimidation of pilots by their commanding officers, or confiscation of
evidence from witnesses. In some cases, the public is led to believe that reporting UFOs is unnecessary because the government
knows all about them. Late in 1964, for instance, several friends in Paris sent me interesting data. It seems that somebody there was trying to spread
UFO stories through the French news media (the French word for such spreading of rumors is intoxication). A former member of the Intelligence Service
who was regarded as a reliable source made statements to the effect that the British military was carefully monitoring the UFO situation and was pooling
its information with the Russians! He went on to say that both countries had now come to the conclusion that the objects were real. Another story
circulated among Paris journalists came from an American who claimed that the FBI had compiled exhaustive studies of the U.S. cases, a rumor that

appears at least partially true, because some landing cases have had elements that brought the event within the jurisdiction
of the Bureau. In both of these stories, which originated from quasiofficial sources, there was the same reassuring theme: people should not worry
about UFOs and should leave the investigation in the hands of the competent authorities, who knew everything there was to know. We were well protected.
In the meantime, there was mounting uneasiness among the scientists who had been involved in the UFO debate. Observations

were not only coming from witnesses who have outdoor activities, like farmers and truck drivers, but from technically
trained observers like engineers, doctors, and professors. The U.S. government must not have known everything there was to know, because
in August 1965, Colonel Spaulding made inquiries among top scientists associated with his office at the Air Force. He asked them specifically what they
thought of submitting the UFO files to the Academy of Sciences, or to some such highly respected body, in a renewed effort to reassure the public and find
out the truth. As a result, early in November 1965, the Scientific Advisory Board of the Air Force met in Dallas and discussed the UFO question. The
idea of a so-called "independent" study was first considered at that meeting. A physicist, Dr. Brien O'Brien, headed a special study
group that came back with the recommendation that the Air Force spend $250,000 a year to obtain "high-grade data." The very fact that a new

study was recommended seems to show that any suppression of information or any leaking of wild rumors was not the
result of a secret military policy on the UFO subject but more likely a product of the confusion that is rampant at all levels
of federal bureaucracy. The military was reacting to the sightings in direct proportion to their impact on the press, which they were trying to
minimize, and these reactions were clumsy. The confusion that resulted was unbelievable. The best example of this was the Swamp Gas crisis.

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A/T Theyre Conspiracies

Aliens are not a conspiracy, its what the government wants you to believe.
Steven M. GREER, MD, ufologist, founder of the Disclosure Project, February 28th 2004, THE UNACKNOWLEDGED THREAT SECRET AND COVERT
OPERATIONS BY THE USA, World Affairs; The Journal of International Issues,
Today, this subject usually elicits laughter, embarrassment and dismissal . This is certainly understandable since at least 99 per cent of
everything said, written, filmed or otherwise placed in the public domain on the subject is outright deception. But in the corridors of power and
especially in the corridors of covert programmes the matter is of utmost importance. This is because at the core of this enigma lies a body of science
that eliminates in one generation the need for oil, fossil fuels and the related pollution and establishes a truly sustainable world civilisation exempt from
poverty as we know it. The relentless ridicule associated with the UFO subject matter is deliberate and staged:It hides a profound
body of knowledge dwarfing the changes that have transpired from the industrial revolution until today by several orders of magnitude. In a letter to
Congress, first CIA Director Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter had this to say: It is time for the truth to be brought out Behind the scenes, high-ranking
Air Force officers are soberly concerned about the UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to
believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense I urge immediate Congressional action to reduce the dangers from secrecy about
unidentified flying objects... We have identified nearly 500 military, corporate, intelligence and laboratory witnesses to events

and programmes connected to these matters. The body of evidence is overwhelming and definitive.

Overwhelming evidence shows UFOs and ETs exist.

Michael E. Salla, PhD in government from the University of Queensland, exopolitics specialist, July 20 08, Exopolitics Journal: 2;4, Exopolitics: Discipline of
Choice for Public Policy Issues Concerning Extraterrestrial Life
The existence of extraterrestrial life has long been a subject of intense speculation and fierce public debate. Speculation has focused on the more than

billion solar systems known to exist in the Milky Way, and similar figures for other galaxies, that might harbor advanced
extraterrestrial life. This is exemplified in estimates of extraterrestrial life in the galaxy provided by Project OZMA participants
(forerunner to Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence - SETI), who in a 1961 meeting agreed on the Drake equation. They came up with the initial
figure of 10,000 technological civilizations scattered throughout the galaxy. Such estimates have allowed futurists and science fiction
authors to speculate on what such life would be like, and how it may impact on human society at some future date. Scientific speculation has taken
the form of estimating the possibilities of advanced extraterrestrial life evolving in our galaxy, and the levels of scientific
advancement that these would have reached. The Russian Astronomer Nikolai Kardashev, for example, speculated that advanced extraterrestrial
civilizations could be distinguished by the quantity of energy they used. This could occur at a planetary level (Type I), stellar level (Type II) or galactic
level (Type III). If accurate, Ruppelts statement suggests that the extraterrestrial hypothesis was not a neutral scientific problem to be determined by
technical specialists, but an issue of utmost national security concerns. Clearly, the public policy implications of extraterrestrial life,

trumped any neutral scientific study of the phenomenon. It could not be assumed that the findings of any genuine
investigation of UFOs would be released to the general public . The subsequent official U.S. AirForce study of UFOs, Project Blue Book,
was dogged by criticisms by UFO researchers that important evidence was being overlooked. The most well-known critic was Major Donald Keyhoe who
wrote a number of books concerning flying saucers. He eventually became the head of the National Investigative Committee for Aerial Phenomenon
(NICAP) which was created in 1956 to initiate civilian investigations of UFOs and to pressure the USAF to conduct more thorough investigations.
Keyhoe and NICAP employed well-credentialed scientists, engineers and former officials to build impressive database confirming the reality of UFOs and
the support this gave to the extraterrestrial hypothesis. Regardless of Keyhoes and NICAPs efforts, USAF and official government

attitudes were dismissive, and even recommended debunking of UFO reports on national security grounds.

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A/T Earth Is Unique

Earths conditions are not unique
SETI, a Non Profit Scientific Organization Created by Scientists for Scientists, Is Our Planet So Special? 2005 J2J9MMIs
The bottom line is this: our solar system
occasionally in other star systems. But

and our Earth have personality they exhibit properties that might be found only
there are no show stoppers that mandate against the evolution of sophisticated life
elsewhere. Our solar system has no properties that are obviously essential to complex or intelligent life that other worlds
would never have. We may even have been cheated out of some helpful phenomena that could have sped evolution on
Earth. We might be less lucky than we recognize, and creatures on other worlds may regard with disappointment the nature
of our planet.

New planet recently discovered that supports life - probably billions more in the universe
Heidi Blake, reporter for The Daily Telegraph, 30 Sep 2010, Citing Prof Vogt and Paul Butler, of the Carnegie Institution in Washington Alien life certain to exist
on Earth-like planet, scientists say

Gliese 581g was discovered orbiting a nearby star at a distance that places it squarely in the "habitable zone" where liquid
could exist on its surface. Of around 500 planets that astronomers have found outside Earth's solar system, this is the first to be considered habitable.
The planet is a similar size to Earth and its mass indicates that it is probably rocky with a definite surface and has enough
gravity to hold an atmosphere, according to Prof Steven Vogt, who led the team that discovered it. It is as yet unknown whether water does exist on
the planet or what kind of atmosphere it has. But because conditions are ideal for liquid, which is always a precursor for life on Earth,
Prof Vogt believes that life will undoubtedly have begun there. "Personally, given the ubiquity and propensity of life to flourish wherever it can,
I would say, my own personal feeling is that the chances of life on this planet are 100 percent," he said during a press briefing. "I have almost no doubt
about it." The findings are based on 11 years of observations by ground-based telescopes at the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii. The close

proximity of Gliese 581g and the fact that it was found relatively early in the astronomers' search suggests that there may be
billions of other habitable planets like Earth in the universe. Prof Vogt estimates that as many as one in five to 10 stars in the
universe have planets that are Earth-sized and in the habitable zone.With an estimated 200 billion stars in the galaxy, that
means that around 40 billion planets could have the potential for life, he said.

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A/T No Tech
Tech doesnt preclude the existence of extra-terrestrials; many species thrive without the constant need to
create more.
Albert A. Harrison Ph.D in Social Psychology and Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology, University of California, Davis. 20 02 After Contact: The
Human Response to Extraterrestrial Life JL
What percentage of hospitable planets have life-forms that have evolved a suitable level of intelligence? For SETI's operational purposes,

a life-form is
intelligent if it can make itself known to us, in almost all probability through microwave transmissions . Since most radio
telescope searches involve passively listening for radio signals, ET must have radio technology that is at least the equal of
what ours was in the 1940s . One argument in favor of discarding many contenders at this juncture is that a high level of intelligence and
technological sophistication do not necessarily confer a survival advantage; hence, we should not expect intelligence to evolve. In some cases,
survival may depend on strong and relentless reproductive urges or a high level of aggressiveness. Many species on Earth,
for example, have remained basically unchanged for tens or even hundreds of millions of years. Insects, reptiles, and amphibians
(among others) have done just fine in the absence of poetry, medicine, organized welfare, high school diplomas, and TV talk shows. But in other cases, as
we shall see, survival depends on intelligence and investing tremendous care on a limited number of offspring. By our
operational definition, Earth has one intelligent species, humans . The crucial question is whether our evolution depended on a remarkable
series of coincidences, a series that could almost never be duplicated, or whether, in the course of evolution, there were many paths to the same result. If

an uncanny chain of coincidences was required to produce a species such as Homo sapiens, humans should not expect
many intellectual peers or superiors. If, however, there is some play in the system, if there are many routes to the same general destination, then
we might expect a widespread distribution of intelligence. It is here that the battle lines are the most clearly drawn, with
some scientists arguing that the evolution of intelligence is a rare and unlikely event and others finding many evolutionary

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A/T Biological Patterns

Biological patterns cannot be applied to predicting the existence of life; only through our discovery of
alien life can we compare biological patterns.
Albert A. Harrison Ph.D in Social Psychology and Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology, University of California, Davis.
2002 After Contact: The Human Response to Extraterrestrial Life JL
SETI enthusiasts
frequently envision biological systems as passing through a series of stages in which they gain intelligence, technology, and
radio communication. Raup does not find, within the paleontological record, evidence suggesting the predictability, never mind the inevitability, of
this sequence. The good news is that intelligence is not necessarily restricted to a limited range of life-forms. Despite his
skepticism that evolution inevitably leads to a technological civilization , Raup is a strong SETI supporter. "Only by discovering
biological systems elsewhere in space," he writes, " will we really have the means to know whether our own biological
system has predictable patterns not yet recognized."36
Paleontologist David Raup has both bad news and good news for those who hope that intelligence has evolved elsewhere.

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***Aliens Dont Exist***

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Probablility of life developing in the universe is extremely low- if it exists, it is not intelligent life.
Stephen Hawking, one of the smartest people alive, Director of Research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology in the Department of Applied Mathematics and
Theoretical Physics at the University of Cambridge, 1996, Life in the Universe,
What are the chances that we will encounter some alien form of life, as we explore the galaxy. If

the argument about the time scale for the

appearance of life on Earth is correct, there ought to be many other stars, whose planets have life on them . Some of these stellar
systems could have formed 5 billion years before the Earth. So why is the galaxy not crawling with self designing mechanical or
biological life forms? Why hasn't the Earth been visited, and even colonised. I discount suggestions that UFO's contain beings from
outer space. I think any visits by aliens, would be much more obvious, and probably also, much more unpleasant. What is the explanation of why we have
not been visited? One possibility is that the argument, about the appearance of life on Earth, is wrong. Maybe the probability of life

spontaneously appearing is so low, that Earth is the only planet in the galaxy, or in the observable universe, in which it
happened. Another possibility is that there was a reasonable probability of forming self reproducing systems, like cells, but
that most of these forms of life did not evolve intelligence. We are used to thinking of intelligent life, as an inevitable consequence of
evolution. But the Anthropic Principle should warn us to be wary of such arguments. It is more likely that evolution is a random process, with intelligence
as only one of a large number of possible outcomes. It is not clear that intelligence has any long-term survival value. Bacteria, and other single cell
organisms, will live on, if all other life on Earth is wiped out by our actions. There is support for the view that intelligence, was an unlikely development
for life on Earth, from the chronology of evolution. It took a very long time, two and a half billion years, to go from single cells to multi-cell beings, which
are a necessary precursor to intelligence. This is a good fraction of the total time available, before the Sun blows up. So it would be consistent with the
hypothesis, that the probability for life to develop intelligence, is low. In this case, we might expect to find many other life
forms in the galaxy, but we are unlikely to find intelligent life . Another way, in which life could fail to develop to an
intelligent stage, would be if an asteroid or comet were to collide with the planet. We have just observed the collision of a comet,
Schumacher-Levi, with Jupiter. It produced a series of enormous fireballs. It is thought the collision of a rather smaller body with the Earth, about 70
million years ago, was responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs. A few small early mammals survived, but anything as large as a human, would have
almost certainly been wiped out. It is difficult to say how often such collisions occur, but a reasonable guess might be every twenty million years, on
average. If this figure is correct, it would mean that intelligent life on Earth has developed only because of the lucky chance that

there have been no major collisions in the last 70 million years.Other planets in the galaxy, on which life has developed,
may not have had a long enough collision free period to evolve intelligent beings. A third possibility is that there is a reasonable
probability for life to form, and to evolve to intelligent beings, in the external transmission phase. But at that point, the system becomes unstable, and the
intelligent life destroys itself. This would be a very pessimistic conclusion. I very much hope it isn't true.

Dont buy their probability arguments The fact that there are billions of planets and that we havent
discovered one suitable for life proves that the probability is nonexistent for alien life to exist.
Nick Bostrom is the Director of the Future of Humanity Institute and professor of philosophy at the University of Oxford, June 20 08 WHERE ARE THEY?
WHY I HOPE THE SEARCH FOR EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE FINDS NOTHING Published in the MIT Technology Review, May/June issue (2008): pp. 7277 JL

How do I arrive at this conclusion? I begin by reflecting on a well known fact. UFOspotters, Raelian cultists, and self
certified alien abductees notwithstanding, humans have, to date, seen no sign of any extraterrestrial intelligent civilization.
We have not received any visitors from space, nor have our radio telescopes detected any signals transmitted by any
extraterrestrial civilization. The Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligent Life (SETI) has been going for nearly fifty years,
employing increasingly powerful telescopes and data mining techniques, and has so far consistently corroborated the null
hypothesis. As best we have been able to determine, the night sky is empty and silentthe question Where are they? thus
being at least as pertinent today as it was when Enrico Fermi first posed it during a lunch discussion with some of his
physicist colleagues back in 1950. Here is another fact: There are on the order of 100 billion stars in our galaxy alone, and
the observable universe contains on the order of 100 billion galaxies . In the last couple of decades, we have learnt that
many of these stars have planets circling around them. By now, several hundred exoplanets we have discovered. Most of
these are gigantic, but this is due to a selection effect: It is very difficult to detect smaller exoplanets with current
observation methods. (In most cases, the planets cannot be directly observed. Their existence is inferred from their
gravitational influence on their parent sun, which wobbles slightly when pulled towards a large orbiting planet; or
alternatively by a slight fluctuation in their suns perceived luminosity which occurs when it is partially eclipsed by the
exoplanet.) We have every reason to believe that the observable universe contains vast numbers of solar systems, including
many that have planets that are Earthlike at least in the sense of having a mass and temperature similar to those of our own
orb. We also know that many of these solar systems are much older than ours. From these two facts it follows that there
exists a Great Filter.1 The Great Filter can be thought of as a probability barrier. It consists of exist one of more highly
improbable evolutionary transitions or steps whose occurrence is required in order for an Earth like planet to produce an
intelligent civilization of a type that would be visible to us with our current observation technology . You start with billions
and billions of potential germination points for life, and you end up with a sum total of zero extraterrestrial civilizations that

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we can observe. The Great Filter must therefore be powerful enoughwhich is to say, the critical steps must be improbable
enoughthat even with many billions rolls of the dice, one ends up with nothing: no aliens, no spacecraft, no signals, at
least none that we can detect in our neck of the woods.

Math and statistics prove were alone in the universe.

BBC, 27 March, 2002, Humans 'alone' in universe,
mathematically and statistically the chances of complex life developing is extremely low."We have good
reason to believe that Earth is not a typical planet ."The sun's output has increased so much over time that we might expect life to have died
out."But the Earth has adapted by altering the atmosphere around it."I think we can conclude from this that we are probably effectively alone in
the universe.He said complex organisms took a long time to develop on Earth, not appearing until a good fraction "through the likely lifespan of the
planet"."This is consistent with the notion that structurally complex life, particularly sentient beings, are very rare - and most planets never
reach that stage of evolution," said Professor Watson."On the rare occasions when sentient life does arise, it will almost always
find itself awakening towards the end of the life of the biosphere in which it has arisen."
When you look at it

Earthlike conditions are rare even if they are common unique circumstances that make intelligent life
possible are unlikely to exist elsewhere
Ian Crawford, Professor of Astronomy and Physics at University College in London, Scientific American, Where Are They? Maybe We Are Alone In the Galaxy
After All, July 2000, Volume 283, Issue 1, p. 38-43
To my mind, the history of life on Earth suggests a more convincing explanation. Living things have existed here almost from the beginning, but
multicellular animal life did not appear until about 700 million years ago. For more than three billion years, Earth was inhabited solely by

single-celled microorganisms. This time lag seems to imply that the evolution of anything more complicated than a single
cell is unlikely. Thus, the transition to multicelled animals might occur on only a tiny fraction of the millions of planets that
are inhabited by single-celled organisms. It could be argued that the long solitude of the bacteria was simply a necessary
precursor to the eventual appearance of animal life on Earth . Perhaps it took this longand will take a comparable length
of time on other inhabited planetsfor bacterial photosynthesis to produce the quantities of atmospheric oxygen required by more complex forms
of life. But even if multicelled life-forms do eventually arise on all life bearing planets, it still does not follow that these will
inevitably lead to intelligent creatures, still less to technological civilizations . As pointed out by Stephen Jay Gould in his book
Wonderful Life, the evolution of intelligent life depends on a host of essentially random environmental influences. This
contingency is illustrated most clearly by the fate of the dinosaurs . They dominated this planet for 140 million years yet never developed a
technological civilization. Without their extinction, the result of a chance event, evolutionary history would have been very
different. The evolution of intelligent life on Earth has rested on a large number of chance events, at least some of which had a very low probability. In
1983 physicist Brandon Carter concluded that civilizations comparable with our own are likely to be exceedingly rare, even if
locations as favorable as our own are of common occurrence in the galaxy.

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Ext Bostrom
There are only two logical scenarios about life beyond Earth and both conclude that it doesnt exist. 1. Is
that we are the only civilization which explains why we have never made contact or 2. Even if there is
alien life it will never advance to the level of making contact with us, or vice versa.
Nick Bostrom is the Director of the Future of Humanity Institute and professor of philosophy at the University of Oxford, June 20 08 WHERE ARE THEY?
WHY I HOPE THE SEARCH FOR EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE FINDS NOTHING Published in the MIT Technology Review, May/June issue (2008): pp. 7277 JL
So one possibility is that the Great Filter is behind us . This would explain the absence of observable aliens. Why? Because if the rise of

intelligent life on any one planet is sufficiently improbable, then it follows that we are most likely the only such civilization
in our galaxy or even in the entire observable universe . (The observable universe contains approximately 1022 stars. The universe might
well extend infinitely far beyond part that is observable by us, and may contain infinitely many stars. If so, then it is
virtually certain that there exists an infinite number of intelligent extraterrestrial species, no matter how improbable their
evolution on any given planet. However, cosmological theory implies that, due to the expansion of the universe, any life outside the observable
universe is and will forever remain causally disconnected from us: it can never visit us, communicate with us, or be seen by us or our descendants.) The
other possibility is that the Great Filter is after us, in our future. This would mean that there is some great improbability that
prevents almost all technological civilizations at our current human stage of development from progressing to the point
where they engage in large scale spacecolonization and make their presence known to other technological civilizations . For
example, it might be that any sufficiently technologically advanced civilization discovers some technologyperhaps some very powerful weapons
technologythat causes its extinction.

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Ext Earth Is Unique

Earth is unique making conditions for aliens to live elsewhere impossible.
Robin McKie, Science Editor for The Observer, 7/16/2000 When it comes to intelligent life, were as good as it gets
WE ARE alone. Mankind may be the sole intelligent occupier of the entire galaxy, according to a growing number of scientists involved
in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (Seti). After decades of employing radio telescopes in vain bids to hear E.T. phoning
home, and after studying patterns of evolution on Earth, they believe that complex, brainy extraterrestrials must be rare, if
not non-existent. Life may be ubiquitous, they admit, but only on our planet did it evolve into beings capable of rational
thought, sophisticated behaviour and powerful civilisations . On other worlds, it has remained rooted at the level of amoebas, microbes, and
primitive pond life. All aliens are scum, in other words an observation with crucial implications. As UK astronomer Ian Crawford points out in the
latest issue of Scientific American, we may be 'the most advanced life-forms in the galaxy'. 'We used to think that once life emerged on a
planet, intelligent beings would inevitably appear ,' added Dr Ian Morison, director of Seti research at Britain's Jodrell Bank radio telescope.
'Now, it seems we only evolved thanks to an extraordinary series of fortuitous even ts.' The first and most important of these
lucky breaks concerns location, as astronomers Peter Ward and Donald Brownlee recently revealed in Rare Earth: Why Complex Life is
Uncommon in the Universe (Copernicus). Earth far from being an average world in an unimportant part of the cosmos turns out to be prime galactic real
estate. First, our sun is a highly stable star and is unaffected by wild fluctuations in output of its radiation. Such afflictions

emanate from many other stars and would destroy evolving advanced life-forms, allowing only bacteria-like entities to
flourish. In addition, ours is a safe suburban part of the galaxy , the astronomical equivalent of Cheltenham. By contrast, in more
crowded, 'down-town' galactic neighbourhoods , in stellar Sauchiehall Streets of the universe , jostling stars are likely to have
continually dislodged the swathes of comets believed to hover at the edges of most solar systems. These comets would then
have crashed into each star's family of planets with devastating consequences for their evolving life-forms . In addition, Earth
has a planetary big brother, Jupiter, which sweeps up those few dangerous comets that do make it through to the solar
system's inner regions, while our world is further blessed in having a relatively large moon which helped stabilise Earth's
rotation, preventing wild swings in our seasons and climate . All these improbable conditions, in combination, provided the
stability that allowed four-billion-year-old primitive slime to evolve about 250,000 years ago into the only intelligent
creatures known to science, ourselves. Humanity may therefore be viewed as the outcome of the biggest accumulator bet in
the universe. As Professor Brownlee, of Washington University, Seattle, puts it: 'Earth is a charmed place. We know of no other
body that is even remotely like it.'

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A/T Govt Knows

No real reason for the government to hide knowledge about aliens from us.
Benjamin Radford, discovery contributor, Nov 2, 2010, UFO CONSPIRACY THEORIES HAS HOLES,

Conspiracy theorists typically believe that governments around the world have operated in tight collusion to keep the truth
from the people. It would be a remarkable achievement indeed, given the changes in administrations and regimes over the
decades. Keeping state secrets is difficult enough, but a conspiracy of this magnitude would involve thousands, or perhaps tens of
thousands, of people in a dozen or more countries. There are plenty of (often contradictory) stories from both known and
anonymous "former officials," yet not a single person has come forth with hard evidence of extraterrestrials.Peckman and other
UFO conspiracy theorists have a difficult time explaining why, exactly, all the governments of the world are so concerned about the public
being aware of aliens, what the purpose of a cover-up would be.Often the claim is that the public "isn't ready to know," that
somehow knowledge that aliens have really been abducting people, inserting anal probes in them, and whatever other nefarious goings-on is too upsetting
and alarming for people to deal with. If the government revealed what they know about aliens, it would send the public into an alarmed panic,
perhaps evoking scenes from films such as "War of the Worlds" and "Independence Day." This widely-held claim is easily refuted when you

realize that many people are already convinced that aliens not only visit Earth on a regular basis, but may even be secretly
living among us. According to a CNN poll, "80 percent of Americans think the government is hiding knowledge of the existence of extraterrestrial life
forms. About 54 percent believe intelligent life exists outside Earth. Sixty-four percent of the respondents said that aliens have contacted humans, half said
they've abducted humans, and 37 percent said they have contacted the U.S. government." So whether or not aliens really exist and are visiting us, many -perhaps most -- people already think they do, and thus the claim that such knowledge is too world-changing to accept is invalidated. No
one is screaming or panicking. Why would the world's governments go to such lengths to avoid people having final proof of

something most of them already believe?

The government encourages the idea that aliens exist.

Benjamin Radford, discovery contributor, Nov 2, 2010, UFO CONSPIRACY THEORIES HAS HOLES,
Furthermore, the idea that life may exist elsewhere in the universe is actually promoted, not discouraged, by the U.S.
government. The discovery of an Earth-like planet, Gliese 581g, made international new s in September. Apparently the
journal Science also didn't get the conspiracy memo warning them to keep quiet, because just last week they published estimates from two
astronomers, Andrew Howard and Geoffrey Marcy, that found "that our galaxy, with its roughly 200 billion stars, has at least 46 billion
Earth-size planets, and that's not counting Earth-size planets that orbit farther away from their stars in the habitable zone." This finding was widely
reported around the world as well, in stories carrying such titles as "Tens of Billions of Earths." If UFO conspiracy theorists like Peckman are

correct, we would logically expect NASA and other branches of the government to discourage, not promote, the idea that
there might be life elsewhere in the universe . Surely if the government cover-up is so powerful that it can keep all the
evidence of crashed saucers and alien contact under wraps for decades, someone could send a memo to astronomers asking
them not to inform the public about all the Earth-like planets out there. Then again, that's what they want you to think!

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A/T Planets
Inhospitable conditions on most planets means no chance of finding aliens.
Heidi Blake, reporter for The Daily Telegraph, 23 Jan 2011,Alien life deemed impossible by analysis of 500 planets,

Howard Smith, a senior astrophysicist at Harvard, made the claim that we are alone in the universe after an analysis of the
500 planets discovered so far showed all were hostile to life. Dr Smith said the extreme conditions found so far on planets discovered outside
out Solar System are likely to be the norm , and that the hospitable conditions on Earth could be unique. We have found that most
other planets and solar systems are wildly different from our own. They are very hostile to life as we know it , he said. He
pointed to starssuch as HD10180, whichsparked great excitement when it was found to be orbited by a planet of similar size and appearance to Earth. But
the similarities turned out to be superficial. The planet lies less than two million miles from its sun, meaning it is roasting hot, stripped of its atmosphere
and blasted by radiation. Many of the other planets have highly elliptical orbits which cause huge variations in temperature

which prevent water remaining liquid, thus making it impossible for life to develop .

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A/T Probability Based Studies

Studies that assume the intelligent life exists in the universe due to probability are flawed in that they all
inevitably revolve around Earth as a case study for success this skews their accuracy.
Nick Bostrom is the Director of the Future of Humanity Institute and professor of philosophy at the University of Oxford, June 20 08 WHERE ARE THEY?
WHY I HOPE THE SEARCH FOR EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE FINDS NOTHING Published in the MIT Technology Review, May/June issue (2008): pp. 7277 JL
Now, it might be thought an amazing coincidence if Earth were the only planet in the galaxy on which intelligent life
evolved. If it happened herethe one planet we have studied closelysurely one would expect it to have happened on a lot of other planets in the
galaxy also, which we have not yet had the chance to examine? This objection, however, rests on a fallacy: It overlooks what is known as an
observation selection effect. Whether intelligent life is common or rare, every observer is guaranteed to find themselves
originating from a place where intelligent life did, indeed, arise . Since only the successes give rise to observers who can wonder about
their existence, it would be a mistake to regard our planet as a randomly selected sample from all planets . (It would be closer to the
mark to regard our planet as though it were a random sample from the subset of planets that did engender intelligent life: this being a crude formulation of
one of the sane elements extractable from the motley ore of ideas referred to as the anthropic principle.) Since this point confuses many, it is worth
expounding it slightly. Consider two different hypotheses. One says that the evolution of intelligent life is fairly easy and happens on a significant fraction
of all suitable planets. The other hypothesis says that the evolution of intelligent life is extremely difficult and happens perhaps only
on one out of a million billions planets. To evaluate their plausibility in light of your evidence, you must ask yourself, What do these hypotheses
predict that I should observe? If you think about it, it is clear that both hypotheses predict that you should observe that your
civilization originated in places where intelligent life evolved. All observers will observe precisely that, whether the evolution of intelligent
life happened on a large or a small fraction of all planets. An observation selection effect guarantees that whatever planet we call

ours was a success story. And as long as the total number of planets in the universe is large enough to compensate for the
low probability of any given one of them giving rise to intelligent life , it is not a surprise that a few success stories exist.

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A/T Self Replicators

The chances of conditions and the existence of planets where aliens can self replicate are nonexistent.
Nick Bostrom is the Director of the Future of Humanity Institute and professor of philosophy at the University of Oxford, June 20 08 WHERE ARE THEY?
WHY I HOPE THE SEARCH FOR EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE FINDS NOTHING Published in the MIT Technology Review, May/June issue (2008): pp. 7277 JL
Consider first the possibility that the filter is in our past. This would mean that there is some extremely improbable step in the

sequence of events whereby an Earth like planet gives rise to an intelligent life form comparable in its technological
sophistication to our contemporary human civilization. Some people seem to take it for granted that evolution of intelligent life on this planet
was straightforwardlengthy, yes, complex, sure, yet ultimately inevitable or nearly so. Carl Sagan appears to have held this view; he once wrote that
the origin of life must be a highly probable circumstance; as soon as conditions permit, up it pops! 2 But this view might well be
completely mistaken. There is at any rate hardly any evidence to support it. Evolutionary biology, at the moment, does not
enable us to calculate from first principles how probable or improbable the evolution of intelligent life on Earth was .
Moreover, if we look back at the history of life on this planet, we can identify a number of evolutionary transitions each one of which is a plausible
candidate Great Filter. For example, perhaps it is very, very improbable that even simple self replicators should emerge on any given Earthlike planet.

Attempts to create life in the laboratory by mixing water and gases believed to have existed in the early atmosphere on
Earth have failed to get much beyond the synthesis of a few simple amino acids. No instance of abiogenesis has ever been

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A/T Aliens Arent Advanced as Us

Claiming that they are less advanced only proves our argument that it is improbable they exist due to the
fact that alien planets are much older than ours and thus have had more time to advance.
Nick Bostrom is the Director of the Future of Humanity Institute and professor of philosophy at the University of Oxford, June 20 08 WHERE ARE THEY?
WHY I HOPE THE SEARCH FOR EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE FINDS NOTHING Published in the MIT Technology Review, May/June issue (2008): pp. 7277 JL

A disconcerting hypothesis is that the Great Filter consists in some destructive tendency common to virtually all sufficiently
advanced technological civilizations. Throughout history, great civilizations on Earth have implodedthe Roman Empire, the Mayan civilization
that once flourished in Central America, and many others. However, the kind of societal collapse that merely delays the eventual
emergence of a spacecolonizing civilization by a few hundred or a few thousand years would not help explain why no such
civilization has visited us from another planet . A thousand years may seem a long time to an individual, but in this context its a sneeze.
There are planets that are billions of years older than Earth. Any intelligent species on those planets would have had ample time to recover
from repeated social or ecological collapses. Even if they failed a thousand times before they succeeded, they could still have arrived
here hundreds of millions of years ago.

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A/T Suns
Suns dont work Their conditions and ever changing state make stable life impossible.
Albert A. Harrison Ph.D in Social Psychology and Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology, University of California, Davis. 20 02 After Contact: The
Human Response to Extraterrestrial Life JL

Stars have been defined as "celestial bodies consisting of large, self-luminous masses of hot gas held together by their own
gravity."18 Stars gravitate into loose, symmetrical disk-shaped forms called galaxies. There are perhaps 100 billion galaxies in the universe, each
containing hundreds of billions of stars. Carl Sagan and losev Shklovskii suggest that there are at least 1020 stars in the universethat's 1 followed by 20
zeros.19 The NASA-SETI panel stated that, given 1974 population figures, "in the enormous emptiness of space we can now recognize so many stars that
we could count one hundred billion of them for each human being."20 New stars are forming all the time. Thus, we are off to a great start.

However, not all stars are promising hosts for life. Some are dual stars that orbit around each other, and it is unlikely that
their planets could achieve stable orbits. Stars can be too young, too old, too hot, too cold, too large, or too small to host life-sustaining planetary
systems. Very new stars lack potential because they have not been around long enough to support the evolution of life . Very
old stars may have already run their course, with the result that any life that once existed within their planetary systems is
now extinct. Thus, many stars are, for one reason or another, not congenial to life. Yet, the pool is by no means small, because G stars, K stars, and
perhaps M stars are suitable for life. Together, this group, which excludes very hot blue stars, comprises stars ranging from solar
yellow to cool red.

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A/T Drake Equation

Drake Equation is unsupported even if there is life it is unreachable
Barry Belmont, Researcher that studies biology and chemical engineering, Math proves alien life highly probable, contact unlikely January 31, 20 10

Several theorems and equations even exist to search for extraterrestrial intelligence . The most famous is known as the Drake
Equation, which attempts to calculate the possibility of the existence of intelligent life. Even if the origin of life is an incredibly rare event
(were talking winning-the-California-SuperLotto-two-times-in-a-row rare), due to the universes extraordinary vastness, each of these
equations points to tens of thousands of planets that should have life. Say the origin of life is an unlikely event, something in the order of
one in 1,000,000,000,000. Ridiculously unlikely, but not impossible. There are about 100,000,000,000 galaxies in the universe.
Theres also about 100,000,000,000 stars in each galaxy. Now, estimates for the number of planets in a galaxy vary, but well be absurdly
conservative (in order to prove the point) and say the chances of a planet around a star is only one in 1,000,000. Doing the math, you get an
interesting result. Even with our highly conservative estimates, we predict that life should have formed on 10,000 planets in
the universe. Whoa. Sure, these ideas are at the very fringe of science, but they present legitimate research rather than the flimsy evidence of I was
abducted by aliens or We all saw a UFO and the government is covering it up stories that UFOlogists generally present in favor of their position. The
problem with most evidence for aliens and UFOs is that it is completely reliant upon massive media and governmental
conspiracies and anecdotal evidence without a smidgen of physical or testable evidence . Granted, it would be great if an advanced
civilization came to Earth, but why should descriptions of beings that mastered intergalactic travels seem so reminiscent of the latest sci-fi blockbuster?

Maybe its part of the conspiracy. Ultimately, its the same vastness of space that almost guarantees the existence of life on
other worlds that precludes the possibility of human beings ever coming in contact with an alien race. The closest star to
our solar system is Alpha Centauri, about four light years away. That doesnt sound too bad until you realize thats about 24 trillion miles
away. Traveling at a million miles an hour, the trip to Alpha Centauri would take more than 2,500 years. And thats just one star out of the one
million billion billion that inhabit the universe.

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***X Program Contact***

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Link Exploration
Space exploration will lead to alien encounter
Daily Galaxy Weekend Feature: 'Endeavour' Astronauts on Extraterrestrial Life -- "We'll find something out there.", May 29th, 2011,
The human race will find life elsewhere in the Universe as it pushes ahead with space exploration , reported astronauts of the
space shuttle Endeavour. The US space shuttle Endeavour prepares today to undock from the International Space Station and jet back to Earth,
wrapping up its final journey before entering retirement, NASA said. " If we push back boundaries far enough, I' m sure eventually we'll
find something out there," said Mike Foreman, a mission specialist on the Endeavour , "Maybe not as evolved as we are, but it's hard to
believe that there is not life somewhere else in this great Universe," he added. I personally believe that we are going to find something that we can't
explain," said another astronaut, Gregory Johnson. "There is probably something out there but I've never seen it," he said. Dominic Gorie, the crew
commander and veteran of four space flights, points out that explorers in past eras did not know what they would find before setting off across the ocean.
"As we travel in the space, we don't know what we'll find. That's the beauty of what we do. I hope that someday we'll find what we don't understand."
Takao Doi, a Japanese astronaut on past Endeavour missions, agreed "life like us must exist" elsewhere in the Universe. The comments come after a
surprisingly high-level debate in Japan about UFOs. Japan's Foreign Minister, NobutakaMachimura said in 2007 that he personally believed aliens existed,
in an unusual rebuttal to a government statement that Japan had no knowledge of UFOs. Defence Minister Shigeru Ishiba went as far as to say that he was
studying the legal ramifications of responding to an alien attack in light of Japan's post-World War II pacifist constitution. At the celebration

marking the 50th anniversary of NASA, Stephen Hawking, Newton's heir as the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the
University of Cambridge, answered the question, Are we alone? His answer is short and simple; probably not !

Space exploration leads to alien encounter

Claire Moskowitz, Senior writer at Ignoring Stephen Hawking, NASA will search for extraterrestrial life, April 28,2010

Scientists haven't found E.T. just yet, but they may be pinning down the best places and ways to look for alien life during
future space missions, NASA researchers said Wednesday. Experts on the search for extraterrestrial life spoke to reporters from the
Astrobiology Science Conference near Houston to celebrate 50 years of astrobiology research. Scientists there said they are still eager to find
life elsewhere in the universe despite the firestorm this week kicked off by famed cosmologist Stephen Hawking, who suggested that
perhaps humans shouldn't be so eager to find aliens since there's a chance they would want to colonize Earth or strip it for
resources. "We're interested and prepared to discover any form of life," said Mary Voytek, astrobiology senior scientist at
NASA Headquarters, during the teleconference.

Continued space exploration will find alien life

The Guardian, Alien encounters 'within twenty years' 2011,
Russian scientists expect humanity to encounter alien civilisations within the next two decades , a top Russian astronomer said on
Monday. "The genesis of life is as inevitable as the formation of atoms ... Life exists on other planets and we will find it
within 20 years ," said Andrei Finkelstein, director of the Russian Academy of Sciences' Applied Astronomy Institute, according to the Interfax news
agency. Speaking at an international forum dedicated to the search for extraterrestrial life, Finkelstein said 10% of the known planets circling suns
in the galaxy resemble Earth. If water can be found there, then so can life , he said, adding that aliens would most likely resemble
humans with two arms, two legs and a head. "They may have different colour skin, but even we have that," he said. Finkelstein's institute runs
a programme launched in the 1960s at the height of the cold war space race to watch for and beam out radio signals to outer space. "The whole time we
have been searching for extraterrestrial civilisations, we have mainly been waiting for messages from space and not the other way," he said. In March a
Nasa scientist caused controversy after claiming to have found tiny fossils of alien bugs inside meteorites that landed on Earth .
Richard Hoover, an astrobiologist at the US space agency's Marshall space flight centre in Alabama, said filaments and other structures in
rare meteorites appear to be microscopic fossils of extraterrestrial beings that resemble algae known as cyanobacteria .
Writing in the Journal of Cosmology, Hoover claimed that the lack of nitrogen in the samples, which is essential for life on Earth, indicated they are "the
remains of extraterrestrial life forms that grew on the parent bodies of the meteorites when liquid water was present, long before the meteorites entered the
Earth's atmosphere."

Space exploration risks contact

Jonathan Wachtel, international broadcast journalist U.N. and Aliens, October 14th, 2010,
We Earthlings are poorly prepared to respond should there be contact from aliens, according to the director of the United Nations Office for Outer Space
Affairs (UNOOSA). Statistically, extraterrestrial life is a possibility , Malaysian astrophysicist, MazlanOthman, told journalists in
New York, where she is attending a General Assembly meeting on cooperation in the peaceful use of outer space. Othman says solar systems of

planets around stars are constantly being discovered and when considering the billions of stars in space, we could find
life, though when discussing extraterrestrial life, it is not always green aliens with large lovely eyes, but most likely bacteria. Othman concedes that
she is not an expert on extraterrestrial life, but points out that as space exploration improves, its detection becomes more likely . She

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believes that the world must come together to lay out a plan for how to cope with such a discovery. She says it makes sense for the U.N. and its member
states to determine who should represent humanity if aliens come to our planet.

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Link Colonization
Colonization will lead to alien contact
Tom Lombardo, Space Exploration and Cosmic Evolution, founder and Executive Director of
the Center for Future Consciousness 4/10/8
It is clear why traveling into outer space holds such great appeal and captures the imagination of humanity . It is the adventure of
humanity into the cosmos, the journey into the mysteries of the universe. It offers the possibility of exploring a myriad of other worlds.
Through space travel and colonization, humanity and life will spread through the universe and potentially diversify and multiply in
mind-spinning ways. The further growth of science, technology, and civilization to depths and heights that would dwarf our present
human reality are also part of the potential saga of space exploration. As we imagine the incredible expanse of the universe, there to be
explored and settled, the future and the time needed to accomplish this immense and variegated journey stretches outward into thousands, millions, and even
billions of years. Space travel also offers the possibility of contact with alien intelligent minds and strange and wondrous cultures. What
will we learn, what will we see within ourselves, as a consequence of meeting other sentient beings? Perhaps the single most important event of the coming
centuries, if not within the entire history of humanity, will be contact with our cosmic neighbors. With these hopes and dreams there are also great fears, for
space is a metaphor for mystery and uncertainty. There are the fears, beginning with H.G. Wells The War of the Worlds, and popularized so well in
contemporary science fiction, that aliens will destroy us or inflict some great cultural shock upon us. For every one of the fantastic and uplifting

dreams associated with the journey into outer space, there is a potential demon, nightmare, or unsettling reality lurking in the
darkness. All told, space travel has been seen as a central metaphor on the future and the ultimate adventure of tomorrow, filled with both great uncertainties
and promises, extending outward to the infinities of existence.

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Funding and sustaining SETI leads to contact.
Wired,, SETI: We'll Find 'Alien' by 2027 7/2002,
CANBERRA -- Scientists searching the stars for aliens are convinced an E.T.
detect such a being. But now technological advances have opened the

is out there -- it's just that they haven't had the know-how to
way for scientists to check millions of previously
unknown star systems, dramatically increasing the chances of finding intelligent life in outer space in the next 25 years , the
world's largest private extraterrestrial agency believes. "We're looking for needles in the haystack that is our galaxy, but there could be thousands of
needles out there," said Seth Shostak, the senior astronomer at SETI, California's nonprofit Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute. "If that's the
case, with the number of new star systems we now hope to check, we should find one of those in the next 25 years ." But Shostak, visiting
Australia to attend a conference on extraterrestrial research, said detecting alien life, like the big-eyed alien in the film E.T., was only the start. "Even if
we detect life out there, we'll still know nothing about what form of life we have detected and I doubt they'll be able -- or want -- to communicate with
us,"Shostak said. Since it was founded in 1984, the SETI Institute has monitored radio signals, hoping to pick up a transmission
from outer space. Its Project Phoenix conducts two annual three-week sessions on a radio telescope at Arecibo, Puerto Rico. Project Phoenix,
widely seen as the inspiration for the 1997 film Contact starring Jodie Foster, which depicted a search for life beyond Earth, is the privately funded
successor to an original NASA program that was cancelled in 1993 amid much skepticism by Congress. But the search has been slow.
About 500 of 1,000 targeted stars have been examined -- and no extraterrestrial transmissions have been detected. "We do get signals all the time but
when checked out they have all been human made ... and are not from E.T.," Shostak said. "More AT&T." He said the privately funded institute
was developing a $26 million telescope , scheduled to begin operating in 2005, that can search the stars for signals at least 100 times
faster. The Allen Telescope Array, named after sponsor and Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, is a network of more than 350, 20-foot
satellite dishes with a collecting area exceeding that of a 338-foot telescope. The Allen Array, to be built at the Hat Creek Observatory
about 290 miles northeast of San Francisco, will also expand SETI's stellar reconnaissance to 100,000 or even 1 million nearby stars,
searching 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Shostak said he is convinced there is intelligent life out there -- but don't expect to find a
lovable, boggle-eyed E.T. He said if any aliens share the same carbon-based organic chemistry as humans, they would probably
have a central processing system, eyes, a mouth or two, legs and some form of reproduction . But Shostak thinks any intelligent
extraterrestrial life will have gone light years beyond the intelligence of man. "What we are more likely to hear will be so far beyond our own level that it
might not be biological anymore but some artificial form of life," he said. "Don't expect a blobby, squishy alien to be on the end of the line."

SETI will lead to finding aliens

Independent i.e. Online Magazine, We will find Aliens by 2025 12/10/2008 ,

A SENIOR astronomer has told a conference that we will make contact with aliens within two dozen years. The astronomer
Seth Shostak has shocked skeptics by his remarks, made at a Yahoo-organised conference in California." We'll find ET within two dozen years ,"
said Seth, adding that his theory was based on a mixture of equations under Moore's Law and equipment that is likely to become
available within the next few years. Shostak is part of the SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) project, based in California, which is primarily
focused on looking for life in space. Originally funded by NASA, the US space agency cut its support for the body when it failed to produce any concrete
results. Over the last decade, Shostaks SETI has been a non-profit organization, using innovative methods to secure its
future. It is currently asking computer users to aid its research into radio waves, by using ther equipment to search for ET life. Why let your home
computer waste millions of CPU cycles running a screen saver when it could be analyzing SETI data? it asks on its website.Computer users from around
the world are being asked to participate in this major scientific experiment through its SETI@home project. This experiment is tied in with
Shostaks belief that we will be able to reach as far out as 500 light years into space by 2025 to find evidence of life, possibly
through access to through radio broadcasts . Shostak will use the Allen Telescope Array , funded by Microsofts Paul Allen, in conjunction with
the university at Berkeley, California, to see if he can detect life in outer space.

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Link Space Debris

Tracking space debris increases chance of contact
Peter Mitchell, biochemist at Cambridge Space Garbage, New York Times, p. 18, December 9 1990
SETI's use of radio telescopes to search for extraterrestrial intelligence is a brave attempt in the face of enormous odds ("SETI, Phone Home," by Howard
Blum, Oct. 21). However, there may be another way to detect signs of extraterrestrial life. We know that all creatures , from viruses to Homo sapiens,
have the tendency to produce materials, generally referred to as garbage (the kinds of things that archelogists look for in seeking signs of
prior intelligence on earth). Life forms on other planets, similarly, might produce garbage that could escape into space via surface
storms, volcanic action or nuclear explosions. Thus, a part of the SETI program might be to make a careful study of space debris and to

study meteorites for the presence of any viral material. While the SETI program continues its radio search of the heavens, a
watch should be made for any unusual events. The sudden vaporization of a planet might indicate the prior presence of
intelligence capable of making nuclear devices.

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Link Astronomy
NASA astronomy program development leads to contact
Bill Steigerwald, NASA Goddard Space Flight CenterNASA Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA, EPOXI Team Develops New Method to Find Alien Oceans
Astronomers have found more than 300 alien (extrasolar) worlds so far. Most of these are gas giants like Jupiter, and are either too hot (too close
to their star) or too cold (too far away) to support life as we know it. Sometime in the near future, however, astronomers will probably find one
that's just right a planet with a solid surface that's the right distance for a temperature that allows liquid water -- an essential ingredient in the recipe for
life. NASA-sponsored scientists looking back at Earth with the Deep Impact/EPOXI mission have developed a method to indicate whether
Earth-like extrasolar worlds have oceans. "A 'pale blue dot' is the best picture we will get of an Earth-like extrasolar world using even the most
advanced telescopes planned for the next couple decades," said Nicolas B. Cowan, of the University of Washington. "So how do we find out if it is capable of
supporting life? If we can determine that the planet has oceans of liquid water, it greatly increases the likelihood that it supports life. We
used the High Resolution Imager telescope on Deep Impact to look at Earth from tens of millions of miles away -- an 'alien' point of view -and developed a method to indicate the presence of oceans by analyzing how Earth's light changes as the planet rotates. This
method can be used to identify extrasolar ocean-bearing Earths."Cowan is lead author of a paper on this research appearing in the August 2009 issue of the
Astrophysical Journal. Our planet looks blue all the time because of Rayleigh scattering of sunlight by the atmosphere, the same
reason that the sky appears blue to us down on the surface, points out Cowan . "What we studied in this paper was how that blue color
changes in time: oceans are bluer than continents, which appear red or orange because land is most reflective at red and near-infrared wavelengths of light.
Oceans only reflect much at blue (short) wavelengths," said Cowan. The maps that the team created are only sensitive to the longitudinal (East - West)
positions of oceans and continents. Furthermore, the observations only pick out what is going on near the equator of Earth: the equator
gets more sunlight than higher latitudes, and the EPOXI spacecraft was above the equator when the observations were taken. These limitations
of viewing geometry could plague observations of extrasolar planets as well: "We could erroneously see the planet as a desert world if it had
a nearly solid band of continents around its equator and oceans at its poles," said Cowan. Other things besides water can make a planet appear blue; for
example, in our solar system the planet Neptune is blue due in part to the presence of methane in its upper atmosphere. "However, a Neptune-like world would
appear as an unchanging blue using this technique, and again it's the changes in the blue color that reveal oceans to us," said Cowan. "There are some weird
scenarios you can dream up that don't involve oceans but would lead to varying patches of blue on a planet, but these are not very plausible." " A spectrum
of the planet's light that reveals the presence of water is necessary to confirm the existence of oceans ," said Drake Deming, a coauthor of the paper at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. Instruments that produce a spectrum are attached to telescopes and spread out
light into its component colors, like a prism separates white light into a rainbow. Every element and molecule emits and absorbs light at specific colors. These
colors can be used like a fingerprint to identify them. "Finding the water molecule in the spectrum of an extrasolar planet would indicate
that there is water vapor in its atmosphere, making it likely that the blue patches we were seeing as it rotates were indeed oceans of liquid water.
However, it will take future large space telescopes to get a precise spectrum of such distant planets, while our technique can be used now as an indication that
they could have oceans," said Deming. The technique only requires relatively crude spectra to get the intensity of light over broad color ranges, according to
the team. NASA's Deep Impact made history when the mission team directed an impactor from the spacecraft into comet Tempel 1 on July 4, 2005. NASA
recently extended the mission, redirecting the spacecraft for a flyby of comet Hartley 2 on Nov. 4, 2010. EPOXI is a combination of the names for the two
extended mission components: a search for extrasolar planets during the cruise to Hartley 2, called Extrasolar Planet Observations and

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Link Astrobiology
Focusing on NASAs astrobiology programs are the most likely route to contact
Tom Chivers, Strategic Events Editor, 11/4/09 Darwinian evolutionary theory will help find alien life,says Nasa scientist
In a talk marking the 150th anniversary of the publication of On the Origin of Species, a Nasa scientist said that Darwinian evolution will be
the driving force of life anywhere in the universe, and we should use its predictions to decide where to look. Dr John Baross, a researcher at the
Nasa Astrobiology Institute, said: "I really feel that Darwinian evolution is a defining feature of all life . "And so the limits of Darwinian
evolution will define the range of planets that can support life at least Earth-like life." Speaking at a public lecture at the Nasa Ames Research Center in
Mountain View, California, Dr Baross said that the Kepler Space Telescopes mission, looking for Earth-like planets around other stars, made
this an exciting time for astrobiology the search for alien life. He said: "I predict in the next five to ten years, we will make
discoveries that will lead to theories and ideas at least as profound as Darwin's ."

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Link Asteroid Mining

Asteroid mining risks competing with other advanced civilizations
Christopher Shea To Find Extraterrestrial Life, Follow the Asteroid Mines, April 12 2011,
As they train their telescopes on other solar systems, scientists should be on the lookout for signs of industrial-scale mining, two
astronomers argue in a new paper. The logic is quite straightforward, however outlandish-sounding: If other beings have developed advanced
civilizations, they, too, may face the problem of dwindling natural resources . And perhaps those beings will have the means to

venture off their home planet in search of valuable minerals, just as humans may eventually wind up harvesting material from
our asteroid belt.

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***Aliens Good***

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Defense Firstline
Zero risk of conflict based on a lack of understanding Like all foreign things, the only way to
understand them is through contact.
Mike Rozak, California Institute of Technology and Grad School at Princeton, Nov 19 2009 GEOPOLITICAL RAMIFICATIONS OF UFO/ALIEN
People (from other planets) do not necessarily act or perceive the world in the same way as people (from Earth) do. People
(from Earth) are too used to interacting with only other people (from Earth) and dont quite understand that people (from other planets) may approach life
from a different perspective. The best way to understand people from other planets is to interact with them. Failing that, someone (from Earth) could spend
several years volunteering or working at a zoo and interacting with various semi-intelligent species such as large parrots, dolphins, elephants, and
dinosaurs. 7 | P a g e Interacting with semi-intelligent placental mammals (such as dogs) does not provide sufficient understanding
of different personalities. You might try purchasing and interacting with a pet parrot (large macaw or cockatoo) to understand how differently
some people (from other planets) behave. As any parrot owner will tell you, large parrot personalities are significantly different
to placental mammal personalities. Parrot owners often have scars on their fingers to prove the point .

More than likely aliens believe in human ideals like democracy and universal peace.
Dr. Douglas Vakoch is the Director of Interstellar Message Composition at the SETI Institute, as well as the only social scientist employed by SETI (Search for
Extraterrestrial Intelligence) organization and a member of the International Institute of Space Law, 8/15/ 02 Would ET Vote? The Likelihood of Extraterrestrial
Democracy JL
Although its still two years until the next presidential election, were already seeing signs of politicians positioning themselves for the Oval Office.

extraterrestrials some day pick up our radio and television broadcasts, hearing the latest news of political jockeying, will
they be flabbergasted by our methods of choosing a leader ? Would the idea of one vote per person seem hopelessly quaint to an advanced
alien nation? Maybe not. If psychologist Albert Harrison is correct, ETs might feel very much at home with the notion of going
to the ballot box. Or at least they would be familiar with the process of having input into the control of their lives, even if it doesnt take the form of
presidential elections. According to Harrison, a Professor of Psychology at the University of California at Davis, if we detect a signal
from advanced extraterrestrials, theres a good chance that the basic principles of democracy play a role in their society.
"When we intercept a transmission from an ancient society," Harrison argues, " that society is likely to have achieved its great age not
through an autocratic, belligerent government, but through a democratic government whose emphasis on bargaining,
negotiation, and peaceful solutions to internal problems are brought to bear in dealing with other democracies ." In Harrisons
view its possible that "democracy involves a set of functional principles that will work for other intelligent species in other places and at other times."
Take Me to Your Dictator? By a similar line of reasoning, extraterrestrial dictators may be very rare. Autocratic governments on Earth face an

uphill battle, Harrison says, and the same challenges may limit the life expectancies of fascist regimes around distant stars.
For example, autocracies tend to ignore the desires of their citizens. The resulting disconnect between leader and followers can become increasingly
extreme, resulting in discontent of the masses. By contrast, democratic processes incorporate input from a wide range of individuals, yielding a more
responsive and thus stable form of government. Harrison suggests that this lesson would not be lost on extraterrestrials. " The greater the number of
democracies in a galaxy," he says, "the greater the zone of galactic peace ." Furthermore, he argues that if a federation of

extraterrestrial civilizations exists, as some astronomers have suggested, its policy toward newly emerging civilizations
such as ours might be guided by the values of democracy. "Members of the Galactic Club," says Harrison, "should do everything they can
to promote the evolution of stable democracies, because, by so doing, they increase their zone of peace."

Historical analogies to colonization are flawed contact will most likely be peaceful, small scale and
biologically uncontaminated with no risk of culture shock
Martin Dominik, University of St Andrews, School of Physics and Astronomy and John C. Zarnecki, Planetary and Space Sciences
Research Institute The detection of extra-terrestrial life and the consequences for science and society, 20 11 Philosophical Transaction of the Royal Society A,
Feb 13, vol. 369 no. 1936 499-507,

If data are absent or ambiguous, we tend to argue by retreating to analogies or theories about universalities. Historical
examples, however, need to be well understood before these can serve as a guide, which is demonstrated by the fact that history is full
of misinterpretations and misconceptions of itself (cf. [48,49]). Rather than aliens invading Earth, most likely detection scenarios
will involve microbial organisms and/or extra-terrestrial life at a safe distance that prevents physical contact . As far as exploring
other life forms is concerned, any strategy applied must exclude biological contaminationnot only to protect ourselves, but also to
preserve any alien life discovered as part of an overall commitment to enhancing the richness and the diversity of life in the
Universe [16]. For such scenarios with well-contained risks, the dominant human response is unlikely to be one of fear and pandemonium
[48]. Human perceptions and representations of alien life will not only derive from science, but, given that humanity is more than just a collection of logic and
facts, they will be highly influenced by cultural and psychological factors. Therefore, reactions will not necessarily be homogeneous, and reality
may defy common myths [49]. It is believed by some that establishing the presence of extra-terrestrial life as a fact will cause a crisis for certain

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religious faiths. A survey, however, shows

Aliens Master File


that followers of all the main religious denominations as well as atheists declare that it
will not be a problem for their own beliefs [50].

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Any alien civilization advanced enough to contact will be peaceful

David Tow, Director of The future of Life Research Centre, The Future of Life- SETI- Aliens and Ethics, 26 January, 2010

There has been a debate for many years within the general public and SETI communities as to whether aliens from other
worlds, if they exist, would be human-friendly or aggressively predatory towards our civilisation. The general consensus is that
the latter is more likely. This attitude is particularly relevant to the future planning of the SETI project, recently canvassed in the January 23rd issue of
New Scientist. The discussion centred on whether it would be advisable to signal our presence on planet Earth by actively broadcasting a message to our
intergalactic neighbours or to just continue passively scanning for their messages. This debate is now beginning to have practical consequences for SETI and
therefore deserves a closer and more sophisticated analysis. The pro-active alternative involves significantly greater investment and broader cooperation with
both the scientific community and public in general. Supporters of the negative side of the argument base their analysis primarily on our

own past behavioural patterns. Humans have aggressively waged war throughout our evolutionary history. The inference
therefore is that other intelligent species would do the same, reflecting this same aggressive archetype, which has been portrayed in numerous
sci-fi scenarios. However there are two fundamental oversimplifications, if not blatant non-sequiturs, supporting this argument.
Firstly, members of an animal genus may include both types of behaviour- in this case predatory and benign . Examples include meat
and plant eating dinosaurs and more recently sharks such as the predatory Great White and the mild bottom-feeders such as the Wobbegong. But the second
flaw is more pertinent. Behaviour in a species is not a static property - it can be modified over time. Our civilisation is moving
towards a phase change in its social awareness , following 10,000 years of evolution, since the end of the last ice age. Although humans have
waged war continuously over this period, with greater knowledge and hindsight we are beginning to comprehend more clearly
its appalling consequences for future as well as current generations and the urgent need to avoid or mitigate its debilitating outcomes at all costs. In the
20th century when the ferocity of conflict began to spiral out of control, threatening the very existence of our species, we began
to construct an institutional and legal architecture to better reflect this awareness and safeguard our survival. Evidence of this
accelerating trend includes- the creation of global institutions such as the UN including the World Health Organisation and UNESCO, major advances in
democracy, human rights and social justice, the creation of global Peace-keeping forces, implementation of critical treaties and protocols covering nuclear
disarmament, war crime resolution, conflict mediation and outlawing the use of chemical weapons and land mines. This new ethical framework will provide
the basis for managing our civilisation in the future and provide the glue to hold it together in times of extreme stress such as during global warming.
Democracy with all its shortcomings has spread from 20 countries a hundred yeas ago to more than 130 nations today. In addition, the 27 countries in the
European Union, which in the past waged relentless war on each other over hundreds of years, now live peacefully and productively in harmony. In other
words, as a civilisation becomes more knowledgeable and cogniscent of its history, a higher level of ethics and wisdom emerges .

Once past a threshold of societal awareness, it is capable of transforming itself from an aggressive into a more peaceful entity.
Our civilisation is now on the cusp of such a threshold . The rate of acquisition of knowledge by groups is largely independent of local social
turmoil such as wars and internal conflict. It is instead dependent on the rate of exchange of information between a system- in this case human society and its
broader cultural and economic environment. It is also dependent on the capacity of the system to process that information and generate an appropriate
response. History is replete with instances of 'barbaric hordes' overrunning more socially 'advanced' states, or of 'civilised' nations dominating more 'primitive'
peoples. In both cases, the result is a transfer of information through the merging and adaptation of cultures, technologies and social structures. In many cases,
the adjustment is unequal and painful, particularly for indigenous cultures, with valuable knowledge destroyed or suppressed in the process. However the
morality of the evolutionary process itself is neutral. Information and knowledge continues to be accumulated at faster and faster rates regardless of temporary
blocks and losses; dependent only on the unstoppable need of society to expand its well-being and potential. Over the past century, advances in computing and
communications such as radio, television and now the Web have facilitated this generation and transfer of knowledge at a breathtaking rate; resulting in the
phenomenon of global knowledge convergence. This occurs when most nations are able to access, share and make decisions based the same core knowledge
base. And while information is being propagated at a massive rate, another meta-process is at work; sifting and winnowing out the useful outcomes required to
ensure the most beneficial directions for life. This meta-knowledge comprises the essence of todays ethics, morality and wisdom. This is a constraining
influence, ensuring the survival of life in the face of potentially extraneous, misleading or lethal data. The implications for society of this evolutionary
juggernaut are enormous, as we enter this next and most significant phase towards a more peaceful civilisation. This evolutionary process operates at a
fundamental level. All forms of life categorise events and relationships broadly as either useful- capable of adding to the quality of life or irrelevant or
wasteful- potentially reducing its value. Relationships and knowledge are represented by a web of associative neural connections or patterns, which become
firmly embedded not only in the individuals memory, but in the groups social consciousness. Such knowledge categories also require continuous feedback
and adaptation to remain relevant to the process of winnowing value. A framework of democratic and human rights provides the basis for good patterns in a
society, in which all individuals have an equal opportunity to decide the type of government and society they need; in other words, the social, legal and
economic framework for a civil society. In times of war and during periods of economic hardship, there is a major potential for a reduction in social value and
pressure for disintegration of a civil society framework. Transactions between individuals and sub-groups, related to work, health care or food distribution, all
need to be mediated by ethical protocols and meta-rules such as do unto others as you would have them do unto you. These are closely linked to the core
protocols of human rights and are based on the benefits of reciprocity and cooperation. In all instances the aim of such overriding rules is to ensure that life's
potential is provided with the maximum opportunity to develop and avoid social implosion. This is the essence of the 'good' pattern. It allows life, human or
otherwise, the opportunity to ratchet forward on its evolutionary path. Wisdom is therefore a distillation or form of meta-knowledge essential to survival;
feedback derived from outcomes of evolution. Ethics and morals are codified wisdom critical to lifes survival. It provides constraints on the destructive
impacts of knowledge and extends beyond the taboos and moral codes enshrined in religious models. Ancient tribal wisdom evolved over tens of thousands of
years, using the natural evolutionary process of trial and error; learning from those processes that enhance the potential of life and discarding those that dont.
Current wisdom derives from the same process but in a globally advanced age has the potential to be vastly accelerated. In war, killing is still accepted by both
aggressors and defenders as necessary. Overall however, killing is extremely negative, resulting in great loss of human potential not only for a society, but for
the world as a whole . In the future, preventative action will be taken to ensure conflict resolution by the world community, before it

escalates out of control, resulting in overall convergence to the elimination of wars. As evolution is a generic process, driving
life in whatever form across the universe, it is reasonable to infer that a similar evolutionary process selecting for peace as
outlined above, will also be the norm in other worlds. Any civilisation that responds to our greeting and has the capacity to visit

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us in the near future would be infinitely further down the evolutionary knowledge path than us and have advanced through this
wisdom threshold long ago. Therefore despite all the Star Wars and intergalactic alien warfare mythologies, there is a very high
probability that such a society would function at an advanced level of ethics and morality . It is therefore time to put aside the
same inherent biases that we have applied to other races on this planet in the past and peacefully welcome our intergalactic
neighbours in the future.

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Aliens Good Impact Turn 1NC

After contact aliens will share technology to not only stabilize society They dont want to deal with our
dirty laundry.
Dr. Douglas Vakoch is the Director of Interstellar Message Composition at the SETI Institute, as well as the only social scientist employed by a SETI (Search for
Extraterrestrial Intelligence) organization and a member of the International Institute of Space Law, 8/15/ 02 Would ET Vote? The Likelihood of Extraterrestrial
Democracy JL
Is it realistic to expect the bartering of information between stars? Could the potential benefits of interstellar commerce justify the long-term commitment
that interstellar communication requires? In Harrisons view, there might be yet another motive for extraterrestrials to look out for the best

interests of humankind: their own self-interest . By providing primitive civilizations such as ours with some guidance at a
distance, ET might help stabilize our society. In return, our interstellar interlocutors might benefit by having more cooperative neighbors. "In a
sense," Harrison notes in his book After Contact: The Human Response to Extraterrestrial Life, " they could provide us with just enough aid to
keep the lid on our garbage can." Harrison has no doubt that the powerful survive, even on other worlds. But he suggests that
we need to expand beyond our usual conceptions of power, which often focus on destructive power. Instead, he suggests that the concept of "integrative
power" may be more applicable to understanding extraterrestrial civilizations. When viewed in terms of integrative power, Harrison says,

"The powerful person, organization, or society is one that can communicate, persuade, create loyalties, and build social
bonds." And this is exactly what he expects to find among extraterrestrial civilizations that have lasted long enough for us to detect them: "the odds are
stacked in favor of finding an old civilization whose cooperative views have contributed to its longevity ." Perhaps the most important question
we need to ask ourselves if we detect a signal from extraterrestrial intelligence is whether we should reply. "The risk of
responding is vanishingly small," Harrison says. "The least productive response may be no response at all."

The search for contact solves the risks of contact It creates a sense of self understanding and evolution
of knowledge.
Albert A. Harrison Ph.D in Social Psychology and Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology, University of California, Davis. 20 02 After Contact: The
Human Response to Extraterrestrial Life JL

Improved self-understanding is a common theme in defending the search . We expect insight to flow from disciplined
speculation on the range of conditions and creatures that might be encountered as we explore the universe with radio
telescopes and by other means . As Michael Ruse points out, "Exploring the possibility of life elsewhere in the universe... puts a bright light on our
own powers and limitations [and] forces us to think about ourselves from a novel perspective."64 Frank White believes that both space
exploration and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence sometimes produce almost transcendental, self-actualizing
experiences that radically change people's perceptions of the universe and their own roles within it .65 SETI, notes Allen Tough,
enlarges our views of ourselves and enhances our sense of meaning and purpose. As we learn about cosmic evolution and SETI activities we gain a deeper
sense of ourselves as citizens of the universe.66

Contact creates a peaceful world view which solves all war impacts
Seth D. Baum, Jacob D. Haqq-Misra & Shawn D. Domagal-Goldman, Department of Geography, Pennsylvania State University, Department of
Meteorology, Pennsylvania State University, NASA Planetary Science Division, 22 April 20 11,Would Contact with Extraterrestrials Benefit or Harm Humanity? A
Scenario Analysis,

Some people might consider mere detection to be harmful to humanity. These people include those with religious
perspectives and other worldviews that depend on the idea of humanity (and Earth-life more generally) playing a unique and privileged
role in the universe (e.g., [42-43]).The detection of ETI could challenge these worldviews and therefore be perceived as harmful by
those who hold such beliefs. However, this perception of harm depends on a philosophical mistake . The existence of ETI in the
universe is independent of whether or not they have been detected by humanity. It is the existence of ETI that challenges such worldviews
and not the act of detection. If ETI do in fact exist, then the harm has already been done in the sense that such worldviews are already invalid.
Detection simply alerts us to this invalidity . This alert itself might be classified as a benefit or harm, because of its affects on the wellbeing of
those whose worldviews are challenged with the discovery of ETI, but this is seemingly a lesser matter than the broader benefits of mere detection.

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Impact Energy/Resources/Planetary Destruction

ET energy sources and tech solves fossil fuel dependency, emissions and the destruction of the planet.
Steven M. Greer, emergency physician and former chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Caldwell Memorial Hospital and member of The Institute
FUTURE UFO Casebook, April 7th 2002
We have identified insiders and scientists who can prove, in open Congressional

hearings, that we do in fact possess classified

energy generation and anti-gravity propulsion systems capable of completely and permanently replacing all forms of
currently used energy generation and transportation systems . These devices access the ambient electromagnetic and socalled zero point energy state to produce vast amounts of energy without any pollution . Such systems essentially generate
energy by tapping into the ever-present quantum vacuum energy state the baseline energy from which all energy and matter
is fluxing. All matter and energy is supported by this baseline energy state and it can be tapped through unique electromagnetic circuits and
configurations to generate huge amounts of energy from space/time all around us. These are NOT perpetual motion machines nor do they violate the laws
of thermodynamics they merely tap an ambient energy field all around us to generate energy. This means that such systems do not require fuel to burn or
atoms to split or fuse. They do no require central power plants, transmission lines and the related multi-trillion dollar infrastructure required to electrify
and power remote areas of India, China, Africa and Latin America. These systems are site-specific: they can be set up at any place and
generate needed energy. Essentially, this constitutes the definitive solution to the vast majority of environmental problems facing our world. The
environmental benefits of such a discovery can hardly be overstated , but a brief list include: The elimination of oil, coal and gas as
sources of energy generation, thus the elimination of air and water pollution related to the transport and use of these fuels . Oil
spills, global warming, illnesses from air pollution, acid rain etc can and must be ended within 10-20 years ; Resource depletion and
geo-political tensions arising from competition for fossil fuel resources will end ; Technologies already exist to scrub manufacturing
effluent to zero or near zero emissions for both air and water-but they use a great deal of energy and thus are considered too costly to fully utilize.
Moreover, since they are energy intensive, and our energy systems today create most of the air pollution in the world, a point of diminishing return for the
environment is reached quickly. That equation is dramatically changed when industries are able to tap vast amounts of free energy (there is no fuel to pay
for only the device, which is no more costly than other generators) and those systems create no pollution. Energy-intensive recycling efforts
will be able to reach full application since the energy needed to process solid waste will, again, be free and abundant .
Agriculture, which is currently very energy dependent and polluting, can be transformed to use clean, non-polluting sources of energy .
Desertification can be reversed and world agriculture empowered by utilizing desalinization plants , which are now very energy
intensive and expensive, but will become cost-efficient once able to use these new, non-polluting energy systems. Air travel, trucking and inter-city
transportation systems will be replaced with new energy and propulsion technologies (anti-gravity systems allow for silent above surface movement). No
pollution will be generated and costs will decrease substantially since the energy expenses will be negligible. Additionally, mass transportation in urban
areas can utilize these systems to provide silent, efficient intra-city movement. Noise pollution from jets, trucks and other modes of transportation will be
eliminated by the use of these silent devices. Public utilities will not be needed since each home, office and factory will have a device to generate
whatever energy is needed. This means ugly transmission lines that are subject to storm damage and power interruption will be a
thing of the past. Underground gas pipelines, which not infrequently rupture or leak and damage Earth and water resources, will not be needed at all.
Nuclear power plants will be decommissioned and the technologies needed to clean such sites will be available . Classified
technologies do exist to neutralize nuclear waste. Utopia? No, because human society will always be imperfect but perhaps not as
dysfunctional as it is today. These technologies are real I have seen them. Anti-gravity is a reality and so is free energy generation .
This is not a fantasy or a hoax. Do not believe those who say that this is not possible: they are the intellectual descendants of those who said the Wright
brothers would never fly. Current human civilization has reached the point of being able to commit planeticide: the killing of an
entire world. We can and we must do better. These technologies exist and every single person who is concerned about the

environment and the human future should call for urgent hearings to allow these technologies to be disclosed, declassified
and safely applied.

Alien Tech is the only solution in time to solve our energy and planetary extinction problems
Steven M. Greer, emergency physician and former chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Caldwell Memorial Hospital and member of The Institute
of Noetic Sciences Board of Directors, Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, March 26th 2004
Indeed, such thinking, driven by fear, greed and a myopic world and cosmological view, is bringing human civilization to the brink of collapse. The
suppression of these earth-saving and life-saving technologies has gone too far, for too long - so much so that those responsible are on the
verge of consciously committing planeticide - the killing of an entire planet. At this point, Space Energy Access Systems, Inc. (SEAS) has
identified scientists capable of developing technologies to completely replace fossil fuels . We estimate that a generation one
version of such an energy generating system can be ready for widespread application in 12 -36 months. But such an undertaking,
requiring millions of dollars in basic research and development funds, remains unsupported by either the government or financial community. Why? The
public must demand that our representatives at every level investigate seriously these technologies and begin an environmental Marshall
Plan to get see that new energy solutions are fast-tracked into widespread application .. To date, inventors have funded their
own efforts, and have created proof-of-principle systems. But they are immature technologies so far not supported by the private

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financial community and the government granting process has been unresponsive . Would the public support such an undertaking bypassing the corruption and inertia of government and large financial players? We may soon find out. But one thing is certain: Unless we change
directions, we are likely to end up where we are going No national or international leader has presented anything remotely close to a real strategy to
address the nexus of intertwined problems related to terrorism, oil dependency, geopolitical tensions, environmental destruction and global warming. They
GO TACTICAL and mistake this for a strategy. It is not. It is a sham and a poor excuse for decisive strategic planning and action. This action has been
needed for half a century, but out of fear, greed, corruption and power politics has been tragically deferred. Now we are paying the price. Even if we
tactically succeed in temporarily delaying the progress of terrorists, we will yet be left with the core of the problem: Our desperate need for oil and lots of
it. The zero sum game of energy supplies based on oil, coal and gas necessitates a disparity that places at least two thirds of the world's population in a
state of perpetual poverty. Within this crucible, a thousands hells will be born, and it will not be ameliorated one iota by the current tactical response to
9/11, or the invasion of Iraq or even by establishing democracy in the Mid-east, laudable as that may be. The hard reality is that our civilization is on a
terminal trajectory. We are at the crossroads of history at which we either crash or fly into the future intact. Real leadership is required, and a meaningful
strategy to phase in these new technologies in an orderly and rational manner is needed now. I challenge every concerned citizen to bring this matter to the
attention of his representatives and to those aspiring to lead us -whether at the presidential or congressional level. Do not let them off the hook. They have
the solemn responsibility of leading if they aspire to be leaders. At every campaign stop, at every rally, at every town meeting, citizens should be present to
present the facts and demand action. We have abdicated our sacred obligation to provide for a good and sustainable future and allowed rogue and selfish
interests to hijack our destiny. Will we persist in this madness? The solutions to these problems exist. But the 'special interests' that would
deceive the public and our leaders are enormously powerful and ruthless. Shills in the media ignore, censor or ridicule the

subject. And an army of paid disinformation hacks, pretending to be scientists, 'experts' and the like stand ready to hammer
down any meaningful solution presented to the world. The task is, therefore, daunting. But the consequences of inaction are so dire, so potentially
catastrophic, that every effort must be expended to correct the situation. In discussing this problem with a large coalition of scientists, inventors and energy
researchers, we have concluded that progress requires a serious research and development effort of some tens of millions of
dollars. But this is a rounding error in light of the tens of billions of dollars spent by the US alone for bogus energy research
and the so-called energy bill of 2003. The public should demand that at least seed funding be provided for such promising new energy research.

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A/T Hostile Races

Even if aggression exists in alien civilizations, distance between stars and the logical flaws in interstellar
aggressive foreign policy prevent conflict with Earth.
Dr. Douglas Vakoch is the Director of Interstellar Message Composition at the SETI Institute, as well as the only social scientist employed by a SETI (Search for
Extraterrestrial Intelligence) organization and a member of the International Institute of Space Law, 8/15/ 02 Would ET Vote? The Likelihood of Extraterrestrial
Democracy JL

Ideals of universal peace, however, may come no more naturally to extraterrestrials than they do to humans. Harrison
acknowledges that aggression can be found across a range of terrestrial species , and it may well evolve on other worlds too. But he
points out that Darwins notions of "survival of the fittest" dont directly translate from biology to culture : "belligerent posturing
and aggressive behaviors that make an animal fit do not necessarily make a society fit." Those extraterrestrial societies that find themselves perpetually at
war may not last long enough to make contact with other civilizations. But suppose they do manage to survive. Could they maintain an
intergenerational dialogue with another civilization that might require centuries or millennia for each exchange ? "If paranoid,
berserk, or thoroughly selfish societies last long enough to make contact with other civilizations," Harrison says, " their foreign policies would put
them out of business." However slight the chance, what if extraterrestrials really are as malevolent as Hollywood often portrays them? Would we be
opening ourselves up to interstellar war if we respond to a signal? In all likelihood, Harrison says, "Our response to their signal will not be a
beacon encouraging them to exterminate us." Hostility at interstellar distances, he maintains, is hard to imagine: "The immense distances

that separate stars and galaxies make hostile action unlikely. Immense distance also interferes with the trade of material
goods and services, but it leaves open the possibility of trading information."

Dont assume all aliens are hostile

Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD WWIII, a war between hostile ETs and humanity has started , 6/5/ 11
Mr. Prince states that the U.S. government knows of the existence of at least 118 extraterrestrial races that are involved with the affairs of Earth. He states,
There have also been Human/ET treaties with these compassionate races, and their motivations and actions in these areas seem to prove their intentions.
Mr. Prince writes, This situation is so bizarre and gets even more so as we go deeper into highly classified areas. I have been
told by my NSA contact, X3, there are at least 118 different extra-terrestrial races, that the NSA knows about, involved in the affairs of
this planet. The NSA refers to this ET grouping under such titles as The Link and others . There are the benevolent ETs visiting this planet
from star sectors such as the Pleiades, Andromeda, Lyra, Tau Ceti, Sirius A, and Ummo, which have been referred to by contactees and secret service
personnel as The Galactic Confederation of Worlds. Here we are going into complicated Star Wars-type Exo-politics. However, there are benevolent
factions of Orion Greys and Draco Reptilians and evil factions of Pleiadians, for example. This is obvious, as in any race there are good and evil elements.

I wanted to just make this distinction clear because in the so-called New Age movement, there is almost a religious type of
obsession with New Age advocates claiming all reptilians are negative and all Pleiadians are here to save us from them.
There have also been Human/ET treaties with these compassionate races, and their motivations and actions in these areas
seem to prove their intentions.

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A/T Resource Conflict

Transporting resources off of Earth is too expensive for the aliens to risk.
Dennis Bodzash writer for the Cleveland Astronomy Examiner and serves on the Board of Directors for the Black River Astronomical Society, 8/19/20 10 Are
aliens out to kill humans, strip the planet for resources? Experts divided JL
On the other side of the coin is a more hopeful argument proposed by Douglas Vakoch and Seth Shostak. Vakoch points out that, at interstellar
distances, aliens would have a hard time doing us any harm in the first place . Shostak goes on to explain that, even if aliens

considered invading Earth to steal our resources, they would be faced with the enormous logistical problems of transporting
their spoils back to their home planet , wherever that may be. Shostak compared this to the scenario of "ordering a book from Amazon and then
paying $60,000 in shipping." In the end, the debate over whether to contact aliens is, in the eyes of some, a moot point anyway. Shostak. a proponent of

SETI, pointed out that, should we wish to stop sending potential signals to hostile aliens, it would involve ceasing all
wireless transmissions on Earth. Why? Every single radio and TV broadcast ever made is flying out into space, in all directions, at the speed of
light. So, the first radio transmission made by Guglielmo Marconi in 1895 is now 115 light years away and has passed by a lot of stars already. However,

for people taking a pessimistic stance on alien contact, in light of some of the assorted garbage on TV and radio, any aliens
listening may be put-off from coming to check us out, anyway .

No motive to take our resources or destroy us-rapid expansion unsustainable.

Seth D. Baum, Jacob D. Haqq-Misra & Shawn D. Domagal-Goldman, Department of Geography, Pennsylvania State University, Department of
Meteorology, Pennsylvania State University, NASA Planetary Science Division, 22 April 20 11,Would Contact with Extraterrestrials Benefit or Harm Humanity? A
Scenario Analysis,
Another reason to suspect that ETI would be cooperative follows from the Sustainability Solution to the Fermi paradox.

A corollary of the
Sustainability Solution is that extant ETI civilizations in the galaxy may be less prone to violence and destruction in the
event of contact. This corollary follows from the tendencies of sustainable human populations. On Earth, sustainable human populations
tend to be more protective of their ecosystems . This protectiveness can be for either of two reasons. First, humans can protect
ecosystems for their own benefit. This protection is known as conservationism and involves humans placing intrinsic value on themselves. Second,
humans can protect ecosystems for the ecosystems benefit . This12protection is known as preservationism and involves humans placing
intrinsic value on the ecosystems. (See [49] for a similar approach to environmental ethics in the context of terraforming Mars.) In either case, human

populations that follow a sustainable mode of development are less likely to expand for lack of resources, although they
may choose to explore out of sheer curiosity . ETI populations may be similar in this regard [50]. Thus, if exponential growth is in fact
unsustainable on the galactic scale as Haqq-Misra and Baum [19] suggest, then we are much more likely to encounter a long-lived ETI civilization that
follows a sustainable development pattern. Such a civilization may have no need to consume Earth systems (or humans) because they
will have already found a way to effectively manage their resources over long timescales. Therefore, the possible unsustainability of
long-term rapid expansion decrease the probability that ETI will destroy us.

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A/T First Contact = War

ET wont go to war at first contact expansion would be devastating for their civilization.
Seth D. Baum, Jacob D. Haqq-Misra & Shawn D. Domagal-Goldman, Department of Geography, Pennsylvania State University, Department of
Meteorology, Pennsylvania State University, NASA Planetary Science Division, 22 April 20 11,Would Contact with Extraterrestrials Benefit or Harm Humanity? A
Scenario Analysis,
A second possible resolution to the Fermi paradox derives from the challenges of expanding rapidly throughout the galaxy. Perhaps rapid expansion is
unsustainable at the galactic scale, just as rapid expansion is often unsustainable here on Earth . This suggests that the absence of
extraterrestrials might be explained by the fact that exponential growth is an unsustainable development pattern for intelligent civilizations [18], a response
to the Fermi paradox known as the Sustainability Solution [19]. According to the Sustainability Solution, rapidly expanding civilizations may
face ecological collapse after colonizing the galaxy , analogous to the fate of Easter Island [20]. On the other hand, the galaxy could be
teeming with ETI that expand too slowly to have reached Earth ye t [21]. These slowly expanding ETI civilizations could still
be detected by us or send us messages, and their nature as slow expanders has some implications for contact scenario.

Peaceful contact with humans is the only option aliens take with humans.
Dr. John Billingham, NASA/ Ames Research Center, Project Cyclops, STANFORD /NASA /AMES RESEARCH CENTER, 19 71, Project Cyclops: A Design
Study of a System for Detecting Extraterrestrial Life,
By revealing our existence, we advertise Earth as a habitable planet. Shortly thereafter we are invaded by hordes of superior beings bent
on colonizing the Galaxy. Mankind is annihilated or enslaved. Although this is a recurrent theme of science fiction, the facts do not
appear to justify it as a real danger. If, as we suspect, interstellar travel is enormously expensive even for an advanced culture
(see Chap. 4), then only the most extreme crisis would justify mass interstellar travel. We feel we can dismiss the quest for additional living

space as a motive since any race capable of interstellar emigration would have already solved its population problems long
ago by internal means. It is not inconceivable that a race might seek to avert extinction by mass exodus before its primary star
leaves the main sequence, if so, we would conjecture that they would not wish to add the problems of combat to those of the
journey itself and would seek habitable but uninhabited worlds . Such planets might have been located long in advance by the galactic
community or by probes sent by the race in question. If so, If, on the other hand, interstellar travel is much easier than we predict, we would argue that to
maintain radio silence is no real protection, for in this case a galactic survey would not need to depend on beacons. The question to be answered in this
case is Enrico Fermi's: Where are they? Exploitation The possibility has been voiced that to a very advanced race we might appear such a primitive life
form as to represent delightful pets, interesting experimental animals, or a gourmet delicacy.1 The arguments against invasion as a threat apply with even
more force to these fears, for the motivations are less compelling. In addition, we might argue, albeit anthropocentrically, that compassion, empathy,
and respect for life correlate positively with intelligence, though counterexamples are not hard to find. Subversion A more subtle and
plausible risk is that an alien culture, under the guise of teaching or helping us might cause us to build devices that would enable the alien culture to gain
control over us. A computer-controlled experiment in biochemistry, for example, might be used to create their life form here. There is no limit to the
kinds of threats one can imagine given treachery on their part and gullibility on ours . Appropriate security measures and a healthy
degree of suspicion are the only weapons. Cultural Shock Finally, there is the possibility that mere contact with an obviously superior race could be so
damaging to our psyches as to produce retrogression rather than cultural advancement even with the best intentions on the part of the alien culture.
Although many scientists might accept with equanimity positive proof of superior life on other worlds, is mankind as a whole prepared for this? The
concept is certainly anathematic to most religions. Sociologists point out that historically contact between two terrestrial cultures has usually, if not
always, resulted in the domination of the weaker by the stronger. We would argue that there is no example where such domination has occurred by radio
only. The domination has always involved physical contact and usually territorial expansion by the stronger culture . Where such
aggression has been absent the lesser culture has often survived and prospered . The natives of certain South Sea Islands have greatly
improved their well-being as a result of improved skillsand medical knowledge gained through contact.

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***Aliens Bad***

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Defense Firstline
No benefit to contact all other alien life forms will be unintelligent and un-evolved.
Fred Heeren a science journalist published in Smithsonian, The Boston Globe, Scientific American and The Wall Street Journal, 3/1/20 02 First Things JL
* Biological Contingency. Even if we assume that there are plenty of planets in our galaxy that meet the right conditions, and that life develops routinely
on them, the most important question remains: How many of them will develop intelligent life? The majority of biologists and paleontologists
say that evolution works without direction or a "ladder of progress ." Instead, the history of life on Earth shows that the path of evolution
depends upon a series of unpredictable events. What were the odds that dinosaurs would be wiped out by an asteroid impact sixtyfive million years ago, paving the way for us ? What are the odds that the Cambrian explosion, when all the modern body plans appeared on our
planet within a short interval, will happen on other planets? Rare Earth's Ward and Brownlee conclude that, though microbial life may
be common in the universe, complex life (even as complex as a flatworm) is not. The Cambrian explosion of forty new, widely
separated complex animal groups, they believe, didn't have to happen. Darwinism doesn't predict such an event . And the fact
that no new major animal groups (called phyla) have evolved in the 530 million years since should give us pause.

No risk of benefit from contact, aliens withhold information and science to control us.
Mike Rozak, California Institute of Technology and Grad School at Princeton, Nov 19 2009 GEOPOLITICAL RAMIFICATIONS OF UFO/ALIEN

People from other planets often provide misinformation, because of miscommunication and/or the intentional control of
information. Misinformation is also provided as a way of testing intelligence/character, as a game, and as a lesson. It also encourages people to think for
themselves, and learn how to weed out lies. Misinformation is used to obscure the information in case anyone else is listening
in on the conversation. Dont assume human emotions. People (from other planets) dont use the same facial expressions and body motions
to convey emotions as humans. For example, the Anasazi greys will tilt their eyes down when theyre happy and tilt them level when theyre angry.
People (from Earth) often misread the eyes tilted down as anger instead of happiness, and vice versa.

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Alien DA 1NC
Aliens have to exist in the universe and humans havent made contact.
Hillary Mayell, National Geographic, November 14, 2003, Alien Life? Astronomers Predict Contact by 2025,

Earthlings could make contact with extraterrestrial beings by the year 2025 , two astronomers predict in a new book. The authors say it's
unlikely space aliens look like Hollywood's ETlittle, green, and hairlessand that while aliens are highly unlikely to pay Earth a visit, they may be
sending radio signals across space to let us know they exist. The book, Cosmic Company, "is an explication of why we think they're out there, how we're
looking for them, what they must be like, and a little bit of what it might mean" to find life on other planets, said co-author Seth Shostak, a senior
astronomer at the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute (SETI) in Mountain View, California.The institute conducts research in astronomy, the
planetary sciences, and evolution. Past research projects have been funded by NASA, the National Science Foundation, and numerous universities and
foundations. Shostak and co-author Alexandra Barnett, an astronomer and executive director of the Chabot Space and Science Center in Oakland,
California, base their predictions on a number of factors. They include the billions of years in which extraterrestrial life could have
evolved and the abundance of planets and stars elsewhere in the universe that are likely to mimic environmental conditions found
on Earth. "It's a matter of statistics , really," said Barnett. "Depending on who you talk to, the universe is 12 to 15 billion years old.
Humans have only been around for 40,000 years. We really are the new kids on the block. It would just be too tough a pill to
swallow to believe that nothing else has evolved in all that time and space ." The universe is indeed vast. In 1924 astronomer Edwin
Hubble showed that there are galaxies beyond our own. "More than a half century later, the Hubble telescope has shown that there are at least 100
billion such galaxies," said Shostak. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is home to at least 100 billion stars. Planets are also plentiful

Further space exploration beyond efforts in the status quo lead to alien encounter
Claire Moskowitz, Senior writer at Ignoring Stephen Hawking, NASA will search for extraterrestrial life, April 28,2010

Scientists haven't found E.T. just yet, but they may be pinning down the best places and ways to look for alien life during
future space missions, NASA researchers said Wednesday. Experts on the search for extraterrestrial life spoke to reporters from the
Astrobiology Science Conference near Houston to celebrate 50 years of astrobiology research. Scientists there said they are still eager to find
life elsewhere in the universe despite the firestorm this week kicked off by famed cosmologist Stephen Hawking, who suggested that
perhaps humans shouldn't be so eager to find aliens since there's a chance they would want to colonize Earth or strip it for
resources. "We're interested and prepared to discover any form of life," said Mary Voytek, astrobiology senior scientist at
NASA Headquarters, during the teleconference.

First contact breeds conflict Ignorant to assume alien civilizations are benign.
David Brin Ph.D in Physics from UCSD, accomplished astrophysics novelist and member in the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology and Future Review
recipient of Obeler Freedom of Speech Award, McGannon Communication Policy Research Award for Transparent Society The Dangers of First Contact Vol 15 Num
3 2009 JL

Contrary to popular impression, that background of uncollimated radio and television has been shown to fade into noise
beyond about one light year . In contrast, METI signals, and a few planetary radar surveys, have been coherent, narrow and vastly brighter at-target.
Those who promote METI endeavorsmany of them commercials or public relations stuntsroutinely dismiss all
concerns or pleas for discussion. In rejecting any need for pre-consultation, they cite untested assumptions such as the belief that all
advanced extraterrestrial civilizations will inherently be altruistic, or that interstellar distances are so great that any thought
of dangerous consequences can be dismissed as lurid sci-fi paranoia. The Nature editors noted that although the risks of bad outcomes
may appear slim, These small risks should nonetheless be taken seriously. When technologies offer radical new possibilities, the people
who have the privilege of playing with them also have a duty to consult widely about what those possibilities might mean .
The reason for caution cuts to the heart of moral nature, and the fact that It is not obvious that all extraterrestrial civilizations will be benign, or that
contact with even a benign one would not have serious repercussions. 1 In a more general sense, this is yet another example of the
modern quandarya plethora of low probability risks with potentially major outcomes . Any progress toward dealing with this class
of risk must begin with a mature readiness to discuss and re-examine assumptions. We shall cover a few of these under-examined assumptions, here.

ET is way more advanced extinction would be almost immediate

Shawn D. Goldman et al NASA Planetary Science Division, Seth D. Baum Department of geography at Penn State, Jacob D. Haqq-Misra, Department of
meteorology at Penn State, Would contact with extraterrestrials benefit or harm humanity? A scenario analysis, Acta Astronautica, Science Direct, 20 10

If contact between humans and ETI is possible, then it is important to consider the capability of ETI to cause us benefit or
harm. This information is important across nearly the full breadth of contact scenarios. Although we cannot know the level of technological
sophistication achieved by ETI, we do have a compelling reason to believe that ETI would be significantly stronger than us
and therefore highly capable of causing our total destruction . This point has been raised repeatedly throughout the literature [1,4,1416,31

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33]. The reason to believe that ETI would be more advanced is because humans and human technology are relatively recent phenomena in the history of
Earth. We have only had radio communication for about a century, or just a few generations, which suggests that advanced
technology can develop quickly compared to evolutionary time scales. Following this reasoning, it is likely that any extant ETI has been
around much longer than us and would have developed far greater technological abilities than we could imagine for ourselves. Even if an ETI is
younger than us, the very ability to contact us would likely imply progress beyond that which our society has obtained . We
have not yet figured out how to achieve interstellar communication or travel; a society that has these capabilities is almost certainly more technologically
advanced than we are. If their communications are directed toward a general audience and not only intended for humans or
Earth, then they may also be more advanced in their ability to communicate across cultural barriers. This is reminiscent of Arthur
C. Clarkes insight that any sufficiently advanced technology is in distinguishable from magic. If ETI are indeed more advanced, then any

form of contact will likely proceed according to the ETIs desires, whatever those might be [34]. For example, we

are almost
guaranteed to lose in a fight between us and them, and there is a strong likelihood that such a loss
would be so severe that we would cease to survive as a civilization . On the other hand, if ETI decide to use their superior
abilities to help us, then they may be able to help solve many of our problems.

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Aliens Bad Impact Turn 1NC

First contact breeds conflict Ignorant to assume alien civilizations are benign.
David Brin Ph.D in Physics from UCSD, accomplished astrophysics novelist and member in the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology and Future Review
recipient of Obeler Freedom of Speech Award, McGannon Communication Policy Research Award for Transparent Society The Dangers of First Contact Vol 15 Num
3 2009 JL
Contrary to popular impression, that background of uncollimated radio and television has been shown to fade into noise beyond about one light year. In
contrast, METI signals, and a few planetary radar surveys, have been coherent, narrow and vastly brighter at-target. Those who promote METI
endeavorsmany of them commercials or public relations stuntsroutinely dismiss all concerns or pleas for discussion . In
rejecting any need for pre-consultation , they cite untested assumptions such as the belief that all advanced extraterrestrial

civilizations will inherently be altruistic, or that interstellar distances are so great that any thought of dangerous
consequences can be dismissed as lurid sci-fi paranoia . The Nature editors noted that although the risks of bad outcomes may appear slim,
These small risks should nonetheless be taken seriously. When technologies offer radical new possibilities, the people who have the
privilege of playing with them also have a duty to consult widely about what those possibilities might mean. The reason for
caution cuts to the heart of moral nature, and the fact that It is not obvious that all extraterrestrial civilizations will be benign, or that contact with even a
benign one would not have serious repercussions. 1 In a more general sense, this is yet another example of the modern quandary a plethora of low

probability risks with potentially major outcomes. Any progress toward dealing with this class of risk must begin with a
mature readiness to discuss and re-examine assumptions. We shall cover a few of these under-examined assumptions, here.

Even if we dont win that contact pisses them off, contact means they get their opportunity to conqueror
Earth for resources.
Jonathan Leake Science and Environment Editor for The Sunday Times, April 25 2010 Dont talk to aliens, warns Stephen
Hawking JL
Such scenes are speculative, but Hawking uses them to lead on to a serious point : that a few life forms could be intelligent and pose
a threat. Hawking believes that contact with such a species could be devastating for humanity . He suggests that aliens might
simply raid Earth for its resources and then move on: We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might
develop into something we wouldnt want to meet . I imagine they might exist in massive ships , having used up all the
resources from their home planet. Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonise whatever
planets they can reach . He concludes that trying to make contact with alien races is a little too risky . He said: If aliens ever
visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didnt turn out
very well for the Native Americans. The completion of the documentary marks a triumph for Hawking, now 68, who is paralysed by motor
neurone disease and has very limited powers of communication. The project took him and his producers three years, during which he insisted on rewriting
large chunks of the script and checking the filming. John Smithson, executive producer for Discovery, said: He wanted to make a programme that was
entertaining for a general audience as well as scientific and thats a tough job, given the complexity of the ideas involved. Hawking has suggested

the possibility of alien life before but his views have been clarified by a series of scientific breakthroughs, such as the
discovery, since 1995, of more than 450 planets orbiting distant stars, showing that planets are a common phenomenon.

Aliens have some pretty bad ass weapons that we cant counter - most likely scenario for extinction.
Dennis Bodzash writer for the Cleveland Astronomy Examiner and serves on the Board of Directors for the Black River Astronomical Society, 8/19/20 10 Are
aliens out to kill humans, strip the planet for resources? Experts divided JL
This past weekend, the there was a Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) convention that was held to honor the 50th anniversary of astronomer
Frank Drake's first attempt to search for alien civilizations via radio waves. While the big headline with the 50th anniversary, Drake's 80th birthday, and
the state of SETI, the question of whether we should even bother trying to contact aliens arose . Needless to say, there are some pretty
big names in science taking sides. Stephen Hawking, perhaps the greatest physicist since Einstein, does not look hopefully upon the

idea of contacting alien life. In recent years, Hawking has warned that, to survive as a species, we must take to space and
that humans should immediately stop trying to contact aliens . Hawking's reasoning: we humans have not been a space-faring species for
even 50 years and, chances are, that an alien species capable of space travel would be far ahead of us in terms of technology. With high technology
comes the potential for devastating weapons for which humans would have no counter for. Hawking also points out to the
history of human interaction where, when advanced and primitive cultures meet, the primitive is often conquered or even
subjected to genocide. Contrary to what may be expected, former SETI director John Billingham agrees with Hawking in that sending transmissions
out into space could be unwise.

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Ext Contact Creates Conflict

Current tech and expansion rates ensures first contact would ensure conflict.
Seth D. Baum, Jacob D. Haqq-Misra & Shawn D. Domagal-Goldman, Department of Geography, Pennsylvania State University, Department of
Meteorology, Pennsylvania State University, NASA Planetary Science Division, 22 April 20 11,Would Contact with Extraterrestrials Benefit or Harm Humanity? A
Scenario Analysis,
An interesting and important case of universalist ethics in this context is when civilization itself holds intrinsic value. ETI that support this ethical
framework would seek to maximize the total number of civilizations, the diversity of civilizations, or some other property of
civilizations. All else equal, such ETI would specifically wish for our civilization to remain intact. But all else may not be equal. It is plausible that
such ETI might try to harm or even destroy us in order to maximize the number/diversity/etc. of civilizations . This could occur
if our resources could be used to more efficiently to generate or retain other civilizations, though this possibility seems highly remote given how efficiently
tuned humanity is to its environment. Alternatively, such ETI could seek our harm if they believe that we are a threat to other
civilizations. The thought of humanity being a threat to other civilizations may seem implausible given the likelihood of our technological inferiority
relative to other civilizations. However, this inferiority may be a temporary phenomenon. Perhaps ETI observe our rapid and destructive
expansion on Earth and become concerned of our civilizational trajectory . In light of the Sustainability Solution to the Fermi paradox,

perhaps ETI believe that rapid expansion is threatening on a galactic scale. Rapidly (maximally) expansive civilizations
may have a tendency to destroy other civilizations in the process, just as humanity has already destroyed many species on
Earth. ETI that place intrinsic value on civilizations may ideally wish that our civilization changes its ways, so we can survive along with all the other
civilizations. But if ETI doubt that our course can be changed, then they may seek to preemptively destroy our civilization in order to
protect other civilizations from us. A preemptive strike would be particularly likely in the early phases of our expansion because a
civilization may become increasingly difficult to destroy as it continues to expand .

Humans would get defensive of resources causes conflict

Seth D. Baum, Jacob D. Haqq-Misra & Shawn D. Domagal-Goldman, Department of Geography, Pennsylvania State University, Department of
Meteorology, Pennsylvania State University, NASA Planetary Science Division, 22 April 20 11,Would Contact with Extraterrestrials Benefit or Harm Humanity? A
Scenario Analysis,
This is fortunate for humanity, since exponentially expansive ETI would likely be quite harmful, just as exponentially expansive
populations on Earth (including at least some portions of humanity) can be harmful for other members of their ecosystems. An exception to this is a
civilization that has exponentially grown and collapsed in the past but did not succumb to complete ecological collapse. Such a society may recover and
choose once again to embark upon a development pattern of exponential expansion. If such an ETI civilization exists today, then they could
be extremely harmful, even if they are only moderately more advanced than we are, because if they continue upon their
developmental trajectory to rapidly colonize the galaxy, then they will likely consume our resources before their collapse occurs. As discussed above, we
have reason to believe that a sustainable ETI is less likely to be harmful than an unsustainable, exponentially expansive ETI. However, it remains entirely
possible for an ETI to be both sustainable and harmful. Such an ETI could be expanding as fast as happens to be sustainably possible ,
along a colonization wavefront as in the simulations by Newman and Sagan [21]. Unlike the sustainable civilization described above , this maximally

expansive civilization would be sustainable but still eager to consume whatever resources it could. This type of ETI
civilization would likely consume all the resources of Earth and destroy humanity if we got in its way

Human expansionism in space would cause an aggressive alien invasion.

Ian O'Neill, space science news writer specializing reports on extreme astrophysics Mon Apr 26, 2010, DO ALIENS EXIST? IF SO, WILL THEY KILL US?
Mankind is all about resources; imagine if a more advanced

civilization sees Earth as a bountiful supply of sustenance and sees our

civilization as nothing more than ants crawling over a big juicy apple . Wouldn't they just wash us off? And so this is where
Hawking leaves us, pondering our fascination with broadcasting our presence into space. Wouldn't it just be better for us to stay as quiet as we can,
listening rather than shouting from the rooftops? Personally, I think Hawking has a point. Although it might take hundreds, thousands or even millions of
years for our signal to reach an intelligent ear, if that ear isn't a friendly one, we've basically decided our future-Earth's fate. If there are any human

decedents beginning to spread beyond our planet, it would be a real downer for an aggressive alien invasion to suddenly
appear in response to our ancient transmissions. I'm sure we'd look back at our idiotic past-selves with anger when we realize we are living in the
backyard of a vastly superior alien race intent on eradicating the human infestation that's spreading down their garden path. On the
other hand, we might contact a race of "huggy" aliens who genuinely want to be our friends. But on the off chance that we might get eaten, I'm with
Stephen Hawking. Let's be careful about how we advertise ourselves, shall we?

Any activity our in space would lead to war with aliens.

Alfred Lambremont Webre, exopolitics specialist with a BA in science and JD in I-law from Yale, June 19, 2009, NASA moon bombing violates space law &
may cause conflict with lunar ET/UFO civilizations,

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The planned October 9, 2009 bombing of the moon by a NASA orbiter that will bomb the moon with a 2-ton kinetic weapon to create a 5
mile wide deep crater as an alleged water-seeking and lunar colonization experiment , is contrary to space law prohibiting environmental
modification of celestial bodies. The NASA moon bombing, a component of the LCROSS mission, may also trigger conflict with known
extraterrestrial civilizations on the moon as reported on the moon in witnessed statements by U.S. astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong, and
in witnessed statements to NSA (National Security Agency) photos and documents regarding an extraterrestrial base on the dark side of the moon.

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Aliens Master File


Ext Space War Inevitable

Space conflict inevitable with aliens Contact just means we get sucked into their cycle of violence
Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris a professional consultant and expert witness on legal investigations and has prior military and government service in the USA
trained in JAG investigations in US. Navy Civil Service, 03/19/2011 Alien ET TJ Intel Report on 2012 Arrivals JL
This is also how I have been trained to think with one portion of my mind we will say the left-brain side with the military
training. The right side of my brain for the spiritual public relations side of my training in academic and diplomatic protocols. Being on the inside

loop of the awareness and education training with aliens as extraterrestrials be they called Ebens or Humanoids on this
planet is a part of the awareness training program. The words Ascension Center Enlightenment are for education and acknowledgement. It was
told to me to call this the ACE also known as Ascension Center Enlightenment. War in space is part of life for all inhabitants in this
universe and others apparently. Not something that we want to address but something that we cannot control. The old stories of
Gods in heaven who rule are a matter of fact. While we prepare for our full on engagement of war in space to save the planet and all
humanoid inhabitants and all living animals, plants, and creeping creatures that exist here on the planet we refer to as Gaia and
Earth, there are various levels of thoughts that occur.

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Pre-Season Jacob

Aliens Master File


Impact Calc Aliens First

No matter if aliens exist or not policy makers have to put the threat of existence as apriori.
Alok Jha, science and environment correspondent at the Guardian Earth must prepare for close encounter with aliens, say scientists, Jan 10, 20 11
The Guardian, JL
According to Simon Conway Morris, a professor of evolutionary palaeobiology at Cambridge University, anyone planning for alien
contact should prepare for the worst. Evolution on alien worlds, he said, is likely to be Darwinian in nature. Morris argues that life
anywhere else in the universe will therefore probably have important similarities with life on Earth especially if it comes from
Earth-like worlds that have similar biological molecules to ours. That means ET might resemble us, warts and all, with our tendencies
towards violence and exploitation. "Why should we 'prepare for the worst'? First, if intelligent aliens exist, they will look just like us,
and given our far from glorious history, this should give us pause for thought ," wrote Morris in the journal's special issue.

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Aliens Master File


Impact Culture Shock

Contact causes culture shock and US war
Lawrence Squeri, professor of history at East Stroudsburg University, When ET Calls: SETI Is Ready, 2004

Journal of Popular Culture, 37:3, p. 478, February

SETI activists assume that extraterrestrials have the best of human traits, especially altruism, and have outgrown the
negatives. The reality may not be so sanguine. Creatures that have evolved in different physical contexts may have different body chemistries
and modes of thinking. Contact with these creatures may not be pleasant. How will humanity react if extraterrestrials inform us
that their religion mandates the eating of first-born children ? Even a gentle extraterrestrial culture may cause problems . Earth's history
shows that technologically superior people can inflict enormous culture shock on backward societies . Contact between the West
and non-Western peoples have resulted in loss of confidence, enervation, and cultural despair. Will the knowledge that human science and medical
knowledge are clearly inferior to ET's make us feel that our culture is also inferior? Will humans split between those who wish to adopt

"alien" ways and those who believe in traditional culture? The different forms of stress that contact can precipitate are

Panic causes human violence

Allen Tough PhD Professor at the University of Toronto: When SETI Succeeds: The Impact of High-Information Contact The Role of the Social Sciences in SETI
2000 p.74
Social scientists can help us forecast, understand, and guide human reaction to contact. As Mary Connors was the first to point out,
very different issues are likely to come to the fore right after detection and then later on (Connors, 1976). Short-term impact
begins as soon as news is released. It is measured in minutes, hours, and days. Short-term impact includes initial reactions to the
news, first impressions of the extraterrestrials, attitude perseverance and change, rumor, and collective behavior, including
possible panic. Here, expertise on demographic and cultural differences, human information processing, social influence processes, and collective
behavior will help.

Westwood Debate 2011-2012

Pre-Season Jacob

Aliens Master File


Impact Disease
First contact ensures the spread of alien disease.
David Brin Ph.D in Physics from UCSD, accomplished astrophysics novelist and member in the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology and Future Review
recipient of Obeler Freedom of Speech Award, McGannon Communication Policy Research Award for Transparent Society The Dangers of First Contact Vol 15 Num
3 2009 JL
To start with, I would like to narrow the focus of discussion onto First Contact itselfthe day we learn we are not alone. What dangers should we
consider during the following days and months? What possibilities should we keep in mind while seeking neighbors among the stars? The
initial question has to be, will First Contact be made in person, or will it be a mere exchange of greetings and information by radio? It is the latter

scenario most SETI scholars predict, partly because of the vast distances of interstellar space, but also, naturally, because
even the possibility of direct travel puts into question their radioonly premise . Nevertheless, lets begin by briefly considering
dangers that might arise if we ever met alien beings face to face. Conquest and plunderthe grist of lurid moviesmight be set aside to
the rather unlikely shelf. But perhaps more plausible and fearsome might be disease . Until our recent AIDS epidemic, the
concept of plague had grown strange to modern Westerners. Yet, history shows that infection was a major element in
countless first-contacts between human cultures. Often, it played a crucial role. Anthropologist Alfred W. Crosby points out that the European
conquest of the Americas and Oceanea was facilitated by such Eurasian diseases as measles and smallpox sometimes introduced intentionally,
but more often quite inadvertently and, ironically, quite soon after both sides shook hands over treaties of friendship .

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Pre-Season Jacob

Aliens Master File


A/T Incompatible Biologies

Simply put diseases mutate Some historys worst epidemics originate in other species.
David Brin Ph.D in Physics from UCSD, accomplished astrophysics novelist and member in the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology and Future Review
recipient of Obeler Freedom of Speech Award, McGannon Communication Policy Research Award for Transparent Society The Dangers of First Contact Vol 15 Num
3 2009 JL

Some claim alien physiologies would be too incompatible that extraterrestrial parasites would be unable to prey upon
human organisms and our pathogens would certainly fail against our guests. But there is wide disagreement about this among
biologists. Stanley Miller, one of the premier experts on the origins of life, offered a different opinion. Miller held that biological chemistry
throughout the universe must involve the same small set of amino acids and nucleic bases that Earth life forms use . Those
chemicals happen to be the most stable, the best at accumulating in rich reservoirs and forming the complex structures of enzymes and proteins. On the
other hand, arguing from earthly experience, it seems that cross-infection follows a curve not too dissimilar to that of interspecies
altruism! The more genetically remote a given species is from us, the less likely it is to transmit a disease to us. A lot of the most lethal agents
(e.g., HIV, monkey B virus) seem to have started off in other primates, albeit in modified form. But as you move away on the
genetic continuum, these events are fewer. Once you leave mammals, you have parrot fever and various flu viruses from birds, and little or
nothing from amphibians, reptiles or fish. Insects, which make up most of the eukaryotic biomass of the planet, serve as carriers for a few things like
malaria, but these are more vectors than fellow hosts. If you assume that ET is very far from us genetically, the likelihood of cross-

infection seems low and yet, a concern worth keeping in mind.

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Pre-Season Jacob

Aliens Master File


Impact Economy
Alien energy sources collapse the economy cant advance without oil industry
Enigma magazine, 1999 UFOs History, Crop Circle Research,
Of course, governments may fear mass panic by the population, similar to that witnessed in 1938 after the famous broadcast of H.G.Wells "War of the
Worlds", which made people flee their houses in panic, believing the Earth really was under threat of invasion from Martians. On the other hand, what is
far more likely to make a government keep secret about superior technology is the fact that if the secret of free energy or some new kind of power is
derived from UFO technology becomes public knowledge , then every Western economy will collapse overnight . Imagine being
able to power your car or house on an abundant supply of free energy? Multinational oil companies and banking conglomerates would no

longer be able to manipulate the public into spending more and more money and getting more and more in debt - and thus
under the control of 'the system' . If people didn't have to slave away just to earn enough money to pay for the essentials of living, then people
would be free to control their own lives, free of the burdens society artificially creates around us, free to step outside the hassle-free zone and become the
unique, spiritual beings that we all are deep inside anyway.

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Pre-Season Jacob

Aliens Master File


Impact Extinction
Aliens will destroy or enslave us end of civilization
Shawn D. Goldman et al NASA Planetary Science Division, Seth D. Baum Department of geography at Penn State, Jacob D. Haqq-Misra, Department of
meteorology at Penn State, Would contact with extraterrestrials benefit or harm humanity? A scenario analysis, Acta Astronautica, Science Direct, 20 10

A selfish ETI is one that places intrinsic value only on properties of itself: its lives, its welfare, etc . The idea of a selfish ETI is
quite prominent in discussions of ETI. For example, geographer Jared Diamond [73], drawing from his expertise in encounters between different
intelligent populations on Earth, argues that astronomers are often overly optimistic about ETI encounters: The astronomers and
others hope that the extraterrestrials, delighted to discover fellow intelligent beings, will sit down for a friendly chat . Perhaps
the astronomers are right; that is the best-case scenario. A less pleasant prospect is that the extraterrestrials might behave the way we

intelligent beings have behaved whenever we have discovered other previously unknown intelligent beings on earth, like
unfamiliar humans or chimpanzees and gorillas . Just as we did to those beings, the extraterrestrials might proceed to kill, infect,
dissect, conquer, displace or enslave us, stuff us as specimens for their museums or pickle our skulls and use us for medical
research. My own view is that those astronomers now preparing again to beam radio signals out to hoped-for extraterrestrials are naive, even dangerous.
While Diamond is correct in noting that many astronomers neglect the potential perils of an ETI encounter, it would beam is take to assume that
astronomers are uniformly naive in this regard . For example, Nobel Laureate astronomer Sir Martin Ryle opposes active efforts to
communicate with ETI due to concern that humans would be attacked [36,74,75]. Similar concerns have been raised by several others [26,43,76,77].
Even Carl Sagan, who is usually quite optimistic about ETI encounters, has expressed concern regarding ETI risks [14]. A
common theme underlying the pessimism of these various commentators is the likelihood that ETI would be more advanced than humanity. A core

concern is that ETI will learn of our presence and quickly travel to Earth to eat or enslave us. Predation is common among
life forms on Earth because it can be more efficient to prey upon other biota than it is to independently utilize autotrophy
for energy, carbon fixation, and other nutrients for cellular material [78]. This may be less of a concern if the chirality of organics on
Earth is poorly suited as a universal food source [78]. Additionally, an advanced society capable of interstellar travel maybe less likely to turn to humans
as a source of food or labor because they should have already solved these problems through some combination of machine labor, artificial synthesis, and
conservation [14]. Nevertheless, other selfish motives may cause ETI to harm us, such as their drive to spread their beliefs through evangelism (akin to the
spread of Christianity or Islam) or their desire to use humans for entertainment purposes. As Shklovskii and Sagan [14] discuss: Or perhaps human beings
have some relatively uncommon talent, of which they are themselves entirely unaware. J.B.S. Haldane once pointed out to me that sea lions and seals have
a remarkable ability to balance a rubber ball on their noses, which is part of the reason we maintain them in captivity. Thus in one ETI contact
scenario, the ETI use humanity for entertainment purposes just as we use sea lions and seals for this . Shklovskii and Sagan [14]
continue to point out that ETI may desire to be the sole galactic power and will eliminate other life forms when they start to get in the way. Similarly,

an ETI may simply be interested in using us as a means for growth of their economy. On an individual level they may not
be interested in killing us, but maybe interested in incorporating us in to their civilizations they can sell us their products,
keep us as pets, or have us mine raw materials for them . Such a scenario could be harmful or beneficial to us, depending on the methods they
use to bring us into their society. Under what conditions might ETI be self-interested? Here it is again useful to consider possible resolutions to the Fermi
paradox, in particular the Sustainability Solution. It is unlikely that humanity will encounter an exponentially expansive civilization [18,19] because we
likely would have already detected ETI if exponential expansion could be maintained on galactic scales. Thus exponentially expanding ETI
probably do not exist or otherwise do not have the capacity to expand throughout the galaxy. This is fortunate for humanity, since
exponentially expansive ETI would likely be quite harmful, just as exponentially expansive populations on Earth (including at least some portions of
humanity) can be harmful for other members of their ecosystems. An exception to this is a civilization that has exponentially grown and

collapsed in the past but did not succumb to complete ecological collapse. Such a society may recover and choose once
again to embark upon a development pattern of exponential expansion . If such an ETI civilization exists today, then they could be
extremely harmful, even if they are only moderately more advanced than we are, because if they continue upon their developmental trajectory to rapidly
colonize the galaxy, then they will likely consume our resources before their collapse occurs. As discussed above, we have reason to believe that a
sustainable ETI is less likely to be harmful than an unsustainable, exponentially expansive ETI. However, it remains entirely possible for an

ETI to be both sustainable and harmful. Such an ETI could be expanding as fast as happens to be sustainably possible,
along a colonization wave front as in the simulations by Newman and Sagan [21]. Unlike the sustainable civilization described above,
this maximally expansive civilization would be sustainable but still eager to consume whatever resources it could. This type of ETI civilization
would likely consume all the resources of Earth and destroy humanity if we got in its way. In the analysis of ETI expansion,
a key question is thus whether or not the expansion is occurring at or near the maximal possible rate.

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Pre-Season Jacob

Aliens Master File


Impact Sexism/Racism/Stereotyping
Our misconceptions of alien life ensure that first contact forces our worst forms of sexism, racism and
stereotyping upon their civilizations.
David Brin Ph.D in Physics from UCSD, accomplished astrophysics novelist and member in the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology and Future Review
recipient of Obeler Freedom of Speech Award, McGannon Communication Policy Research Award for Transparent Society The Dangers of First Contact Vol 15 Num
3 2009 JL
Suppose our extraterrestrial guests pass successfully through quarantine . There are still reasons to be nervous. For example, how are we to
guarantee their safety? Would you risk letting alien tourists walk unguarded down our city streets? Ninety nine percent of the population might
welcome them gladly. But most people also liked John Lennon. Human diversity is one of our treasures. Alas, it also means our mad
fringe will be a persistent danger to visitors from space . This may be hard for guests to understand if they come from a homogeneous,
uniform society. And what about diversity among the extraterrestrials themselves? In both SETI and science fiction, we tend to envision

each type as uniform in characteristics with little variationa bad habit that is related to the evils of racism, sexism and
stereotyping others by class. It is, in fact, quite possible that the first exemplars of communicating aliens that we meet will
be atypical. Moreover, they may have reasons not to convey this fact to us. How do you know whether youre dealing with a council of
elders that have high tolerance and a low fear level, or an alienated alien teenager, or an ET dictator ? In the past, several human
societies found themselves plunged into calamitous wars against European powers, precipitated by the actions of a few local hot-heads acting against the
wishes of wise and cautious local chiefs, or else by the malevolent schemes of an unscrupulous occidental trader. Tension between individual and

group interest will likely complicate any future contact situation, as well.

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