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Course 9

Mental Alchemy
Student Manual

C.C. Zain



The material contained in this book

was originally published as a set
of serial lessons. They are part of
the 210 lessons written by C. C.
Zain and published under the auspices of the Brotherhood of Light.
Together they represent the complete spiritual and occult teachings
which comprise the Religion of the
Stars. The 210 lessons are currently
published as 21 volumes or courses
of study covering all three
branches of occultism; Astrology,
Alchemy and Magic.
See the back of this book for
more information on the 21 Brotherhood of Light courses by C. C.


Emblem of
The Religion of the Stars

he emblem on the facing page symbolizes the

philosophy and aspirations of all seekers of
Divine Inspiration. The two interlaced
trines signify the involution and evolution of the soul
through the Cycle of Necessity. The downward pointing trine, dark in color, indicates the descent of the
soul into material conditions for the purpose of gaining necessary experience. The upward pointing trine,
light in color, indicates the ascent, or evolution of
the soul, back to the realm of spirit after gaining experience in matter. Inside the interlaced trines is the
word of Deity, JodHeVauHe, written in square
formed Chaldean letters. Thus written, it signifies
the belief that there is a Super Intelligence Who interpenetrates and exercises a guiding power over the
whole universe. It sets forth the four universal principles through which this Super Intelligence always
operates. The joined sun and moon at the top of the
symbol indicate that spirituality may best be reached,
and still further evolution in spiritual realms accomplished, through the marriage of a male and a female soul. The seven stars and the astrological symbols around the outside of the interlaced trines indicate the belief that astrological energies powerfully
influence all life. Knowledge of these forces will enable the aspirant to avoid many misfortunes, as well
as guide the development of personal talents, thereby
successfully advancing spirituality while, at the same
time, enabling the individual to contribute his or her
utmost to universal welfare. See Course 12, Volume
2, Natural Alchemy: Evolution of Religion, by C. C. Zain,
for an explanation of the origin and historical development of this symbol.


Instructions for
Using This Manual
This course, Mental Alchemy is the 2nd of seven in The Brotherhood of Light
series on Alchemy. In it you will find the serial lessons originally referred to
as Serial Numbers 95-101.
Who Can Submit Final Exams:
All seekers may submit a final exam for this course. If you do not have the
final exam please request one from The Light of Egypt website.
This course consists of 7 lessons. At the back of the book beginning on page
109, are Study Questions which may be used as a guide in preparing for the
open book final exam.
We suggest that you carefully read the study questions so you can identify the most important topic areas. Next read the lesson, concentrating on
the study questions. Recording the answer to each study question is optional,
depending on each persons study techniques. Please do not submit the study
question answers for grading.

Taking the Final Exam:

The Final Exam consists of 25 essay questions. Each answer is worth 4 points.
Please limit your answers to 25 words or less.
Be sure to neatly print all the information requested on the first page of
your answer sheet(s). Include your name, and email address. After the final
exam is graded by a Hermetician your graded exam will be returned to you
along with your Award Manuscript. This is an open book examination.

Time Limits:
There are no time limits. The Light of Egypt suggests that you pass no more
than one exam per month.
Some of our students have brought to our attention that they like to 3 hole
punch their courses, along with the study questions and final exams, and
keep them in a notebook for easy reference.


Emblem of The Religion of the Stars
Instructions for Using This Manual

The Inner Nature of Poverty, Failure and Disease

Just How to Find the Thought Cause of Any Condition
Just How to Find a Mental Antidote
Just How to Apply a Mental Antidote
Just How to Heal Yourself
Just How to Attain Realization
Just How to Give an Absent Treatment

Study Questions
History of The Brotherhood of Light
Declaration of Principles
Home Study Program
Other Brotherhood of Light Books





ELIGION should give instructions in optimum living. Optimum living embraces more than a few hilarious days, a few enjoyable weeks,
or a few years of health and material prosperity which are followed
by a long period of illness and misery. Optimum living gets the best out of life
relative to its entire span. Considering the tremendous accumulation of scientific evidence that life persists after the dissolution of the physical, religion
must embrace both life on earth and life beyond the tomb.
For living to best advantage after life on earth is done, man must know as
much as possible about the innerplane realm, about its energies and properties. And, it is becoming increasingly evident that for him to live to best advantage while still in the physical form, he must know as much as possible
about these innerplane energies.
University scientists have demonstrated extrasensory perception. Mans
soul often acquires information, usually unknown to himself, upon which he
acts successfully to adapt himself to future conditions he could not have perceived through his reason and physical senses. This extrasensory perception,
through which all information must be acquired after he loses his physical
body, is equally valuable during and after physical life.
University scientists have also demonstrated psychokinesis. As man will
have no physical muscles, and as objects of the innerplane do not respond to
gravitation or physical pressure of any kind; after leaving the physical, to
move or build anything, or to go anywhere, man must exercise psychokinesis. While still on earth he often is able to bring psychokinesis into play to
heal the sick and amazingly demonstrate other desirable physical conditions.
Because of this, the use of psychokinesis on earth is equally as valuable as its
use after earthly life is done.
On the innerplane there is no air, no moisture and no molecular vibrations which constitute heat. Thus after he leaves the physical he is not influenced by physical weather. He is markedly influenced by astrological vibrations, which constitute the innerplane weather. Though he may not be aware
of it while on earth, the innerplane weather has as much or more influence
over his life as the outerplane weather. Therefore, knowledge of how to forecast these astrological conditions and what precautionary actions should be
taken relative to them, is equally important to man in the afterearth life as it is
while he still occupies a physical form.
It seems inevitable that the Religion of the Stars shall become the world
religion of the future because it includes all significant demonstrated facts of
both the outerplane and the innerplane, Not that these are as yet all known,
or that we expect a day to come when all of them will be known. But as fast as
they are discovered and properly verified, if they are sufficiently important
facts, they will be integrated into The Religion of the Stars.
Mankind is becoming too well educated to be guided either in religion or
in its political views by blind belief in propaganda. More and more it is demanding demonstrated facts from those who advocate some economic or
political system. And in due time it will demand demonstrated facts on which
to base its religion. In 210 Brotherhood of Light lessons the writer has striven
to set forth as many of such significant outerplane and innerplane facts, and

the logical inferences to be derived from them, as possible.

The writer believes The Religion of the Stars will be the world religion of
the future not merely from the facts and logical inferences presented in these
210 lessons, but because these facts will be supplemented by additional facts
as fast as they are discovered and verified. The Religion of the Stars is not a
static religion. It will progress as fast as there is progress in demonstrable
This writer is not so foolish to believe that what has already been published in the 210 Brotherhood of Light lessons is the last word, or that no
errors have been made in them, or that new demonstrated facts may not make
necessary some revision of the ideas there presented. He all too well remembers that when he went to college, the atom of each of the many chemical
elements was indivisible, unchangeable and indestructible. Einstein had not
yet published his Theory of Relativity. And four things, which since his youth
have so greatly changed civilization, as yet had no existence: automobiles,
airplanes, the cinema and the radio.
While he is still on this earth he will do all in his power to acquire new
significant facts and revise The Brotherhood of Light lessons to include them.
When he has passed to the next plane, undoubtedly new significant facts will
be discovered that should be included in The Religion of the Stars. However,
as orthodoxy will certainly try to get sufficient control to slant them into conformity with orthodox opinion, he believes the Brotherhood of Light lessons
as he leaves them should remain unchanged.
It would be unethical for someone to insert opinions or discoveries in
these lessons and not take both the credit and the blame for them. The writer
does not want the credit for the ideas or the errors of some other person. He
asks that the printed pages of each lesson be left as he has last revised it.
However, in reprinting, it is easy to increase any lesson to 36 or 40 or any
multiple of four pages. He suggests, therefore, that any errors he has made,
or new discoveries, or logical opinions derived from these discoveries, be set
forth and elaborated in an appendix following the 32 pages of the lesson which
it is thought should be thus amended. Before this is done, the writer of the
appendix should submit what he has thus written to Light of Egypt and secure their approval. And his name should appear in the appendix as the author of such commentary.
The author of the 210 Brotherhood of Light lessons desires that they be
permanently retained as the Stellarian Beliefs as he has written them up to
the date of his physical demise, and that subsequent amendments should be
credited to the persons who make them.
C.C. Zain (Elbert Benjamine)
August, 1951



October 27, 1858 10:58 a.m., L.M.T. 74W00 40N43.
Early physical inferiority (Sun opposition Pluto) and weak eyes (Moon
opposition Mars) developed an inferiority complex. His father (Pluto in 4th)
was his ideal, fighting for the people (Pluto sextile Moon) against predatory
interests (Mars opposition Moon). He compensated by learning to fight and
by dangerous exploits (Mars in 1st); and in realizing the father image became
an authority on natural history (Sagittarius Asc.), on naval (Mars) matters,
and rose to the top in literature (Mercury in 10th) and as U. S. president (Sun
in 10th).


November 30, 1835 4:45 a.m., L.M.T. (time largely speculative), 92W00
Early physical inferiority (Saturn conjunction Asc.?) developed an inferiority complex. Fear of an avenging deity so strongly impressed his young
mind that he ever shunned danger, even when he attacked convention (Uranus in 4th). As a boy he found superiority through his wit (Moon conjunction
Pluto, trine Mars; Mercury square Uranus) and he compensated by attaining
pre-eminence in humorous writing.


Course 9

Chapter 1

The Inner Nature of

Poverty, Failure and Disease

O WIDELY RECOGNIZED has become the power of the mental attitude markedly to alter the conditions of physical life that one can
find outstanding examples in almost any community. Few people are
unacquainted with someone who has been cured of a bodily complaint, who
has overcome a domestic trouble, or who has rapidly remedied a financial
deficiency through the application of right thinking. Dozens of books have
been written on the cure of poverty, on the triumph over failure, and on the
attainment of wealth through mental methods; and the enormous sale of these
books attests to the faith of a large section of the public in such doctrines.
Yet the careful investigator looking for unprejudiced evidence of the advantages to be derived from applying these doctrines can not help being struck
by the fact that there are quite a number who claim to have followed rigorously the prescribed method who have received no benefit whatsoever.
Nor when we stop to think of it, could we expect anything else. No two
people are the same, either in appearance, in the chemistry of their physical
bodies, or in the thought structure of their astral forms. Every individual,
being different from every other individual, presents a separate and individual problem. Yet in the popular methods of mental healing and spiritual
healingto mention but two of the names given to what is essentially the
same processthe identical prescription is given to all who suffer from the
same disease.
When it is considered how widely people vary one from the other, the
wonder is that those who treat themselves, and those who give others absent
treatment, have the amount of success they do from applying such happy-golucky methods. The undeniable fact that so many good results are obtained
from haphazard procedure suggests wonderful possibilities for correcting
human ills when right-thinking is applied in a truly scientific manner.
Physical foods, sunlight, rest from exertion, bathing and other material
remedies can be applied scientifically and with best results only when there
is detailed knowledge of the idiosyncrasies of the individual who is to be
treated. The Battle Creek Sanitarium, for instance, by experimental checking
has found that there is no single article of human diet which is not poisonous
to some individuals. The nerves of other persons can stand very little sunlight. Only a little bathing exhausts the vitality of others. And the matter of
assimilation the experimental biologist sums up thus:

Mental Alchemy
The chemical elements of the outer world act on each individual
in different ways, according to the specific constitution of his intestinal mucosa.
Now the mind is an organization of thought-cells and thought structures in
the astral body. It is nourished and built up by the experiences that it assimilates. Yet even as biologists find that the physical human body reacts according to the individuals special chemical composition and physiological adaptations; so we may be sure that the four-dimensional body, the organization
of which constitutes the soul, the character and the mind, will react to a given
thought or to a given thought treatment, not according to some rigid universally applicable standard, but according to its own special composition of
mental elements, their combination, and the conditioning processes to which
their past has subjected them.
If we are to attain to uniformly satisfactory results in the application of
mental treatment either to ourselves or to others, we must have a detailed
knowledge of the physiology of the unconscious mind, that is, of the astral
body. We must learn how the mental chemistry of one person differs from
that of another, and what effect will be produced by adding to it thought food
of a particular kind in the process of mental treatment.

All Thought-Elements
Are Built of
Reproductive Desires
and Nutritive Desires

As set forth in Course 5, Esoteric Psychology, the unconscious mind, character,

or soul, is the organization in the astral body. It is composed of psychoplasm,
even as the physical body is composed of protoplasm and its secretions.
This psychoplasm, even as is true of the physical protoplasm, is composed of elements combined in compounds. All the thought-elements comprised in the psychoplasm of the astral body are, in turn, built up of the two
primitive desires, the Nutritive Desire and the Reproductive Desire, which
in turn are the negative and the positive expression of the Desire for Significance. That is, even as all 92 chemical elements are built up of electrons and
protons, so are all the thought-elements built up of Nutritive Desires and
Reproductive Desires.
Experiences and the accompanying states of consciousness organize the
psychoplasm into cells four-dimensional stellar-cellswhich are analogous
to the cells of the physical body. And these stellar-cells, or thought-cells as
they also are called, are further grouped by the conditioning process of feeling into stellar structures. The cells and structures of the four-dimensional
body are called stellar because the four-dimensional substance of which
they are composed is readily acted upon by planetary energy, and the word
astral means pertaining to a star. But, as to become efficient in the use of thought
for healing purposes we must have detailed knowledge of the four-dimensional body, before we discuss these more complex mental factors we should
become familiar with the thought-elements.

Psychoplasm is Built
of Thought-Elements

The chemistry of today classifies matter into 92 distinct elements. Each of

these elements is given an atomic number, originally determined by its
weight and only recently discovered to correspond to the number of electrons revolving, planet-like, around the nucleus. The nucleus of an atom
consists of positive charges of electricity. The electrons are negative charges
of electricity. And when I say that the atomic number of a chemical element
represents the number of electrons, I mean that as Hydrogen is number 1 in

The Inner Nature of Poverty, Failure and Disease

the atomic table it has one electron revolving around its nucleus, as Helium
is number 2 in the atomic table it has two such revolving electrons, as Lithium
is number 3 it has three such revolving electrons, and so on up through the
known elements to Uranium, which has 92. It is this number of electrons
revolving like planets outside the nucleus which determines the chemical
properties of the element.
Now we know that all the thought-elements are composed of Nutritive
Desires and Reproductive Desires in a four-dimensional arrangement somewhat corresponding to the arrangement of the electrons and protons comprising the three-dimensional chemical elements. But we are not at present in
a position to say in terms of valance or number how many units of Negative
Desire are making their revolutions about the nucleus of Reproductive Desires in any of the mental elements.
The elements of chemistry are commonly arranged in a periodic table,
whicheven as once there were only seven planets knownwhen first formulated classified all the elements under seven groups; the elements of each
group, or family, having properties in common. Then the original table of
Mendelejeff was widened to embrace eight families, and finally, as the result
of new discoveries was brought up to nine families. Essentials of Chemistry, by
John C. Hessler, Ph.D., assistant director Mellon Inst., Pittsburgh, and Albert
L. Smith, Instructor in Chemistry, the Englewood High School, Chicago, published in 1920 gives 9 families. This also was the number of astrological planets then known. But the discovery of Pluto in 1930 now gives the Sun 9 known
planets, or ten astrological orbs.
In that text-book of chemistry, and in other late ones, the elements not
only group themselves into families, but there is a division of each family
into 12 series, or compartments, that show the properties of each family
when these are exhibited by an element at different heights in the scale of
atomic weights.
The time may come when it will be possible to say that a thought-element
belonging to a certain family and to a certain series corresponds to the element hydrogen, another thought-element corresponds to nitrogen, and so on
throughout the entire range of the 92 chemical elements. But such effort is as
yet premature. Yet we do know that the thought-elements arrange themselves
into 10 distinct families which correspond strictly in vibratory quality to the
vibrations of the 10 planets. And we know quite definitely from much experimental work in our Research Department, that a thought-element corresponding to any one of the 10 families can express with a resonance which relates it
definitely to one of the 12 zodiacal signs.
The feeling, I AM, gives any thought, whatever its family, a resonance
and therefore a trend of activity quite different from that given it by the feeling, I HAVE, the feeling, I THINK, the feeling, I ANALYZE, or any one of the
other 12 in the series. The type of activity of any thought family, its essential
vibratory rate, is retained no matter to which one of the series of 12 it belongs.
But the method employed in its activity is determined by the one of the series
to which its particular resonance relates it.
In Chapter 2, Course 1 Laws of Occultism, I have shown that all physical
substance is inter-penetrated by astral substance, and that there is a continuous interchange of energy between these two substances through the ability
of each to impart motion to the ether. In Chapter 4, Course 3 Spiritual Alchemy,
I have shown, further, that a thought is an organization of astral substance.

Mental Alchemy
And in Chapter 5, Course 3 Spiritual Alchemy, I have explained that intelligence in some degree inheres in all substances. In further corroboration of
this view I can cite the N-Ray researches of the eminent French scientist, M.
BeQueerl, and the scientific experiments of Jagadis Chunder Bose, Professor
Presidency College, Calcutta.
In his book, Response in the Living and the Non Living, Professor Bose shows
that a bar of metal is irritable and sensitive somewhat like the human body,
and that it may be poisoned or killed much as may a human being. His extensive experiments with plants are given in a volume entitled, Plant Response. In
regard to such response he says in his communication to the Royal Society,
May 7, 1901:
An interesting link, between the response given by inorganic
substances and the animal tissues, is that given by plant tissues.
By methods somewhat resembling that described above, I have
obtained from plants a strong electrical response to mechanical
stimulus. The response is not confined to sensitive plants like
Mimosa, but is universally present. I have, for example, obtained
such response from the roots, stems, and leaves of, among others, horse chestnut, vine, white lily, rhubarb, and horse-radish.
His later experiments, including those with animal tissue are described in his
volume, Comparative Electro-Physiology, from which I quote the following:
Experiments have been described showing that the response of
the isolated vegetal nerve is indistinguishable from that of animal nerve, throughout a long series of parallel variations of conditions. So completely, indeed, has that similarity between the
response of plants and animals, of which this is an instance, been
found, that the discovery of a given responsive characteristic in
one case has proved a sure guide to its observation in the other,
and the explanation of a phenomenon under the simpler conditions of the plant, has been found fully sufficient for its elucidation under the more complex circumstances of the animal.
The reason a living bar of metal, a living plant and a living animal or a living
man gives responses to stimuli that are similar, except in degree of complexity and degree of intensity, is that the reaction of any life-form to an environmental condition is determined by the manner in which the desire energy of
the thought-cells in its astral body has been conditioned.

Thought-Elements Are
the Only Food the
Astral Body Can

Every living thing possesses an astral body. This astral body has been built by
the states of consciousness the various life-forms have experienced, through
which the evolving soul, or unconscious mind, has passed thus far in its evolution. That is, as the experimental work just cited proves, all living things,
even rocks so long as they are alive, are capable of some degree of feeling. It is
this feeling acquired through past experiences that enables the form to respond in the manner it does, no matter how slight the degree, to changes in
its environment. The feeling is a state of consciousness. And it is built into the
stellar-cells of the astral body of the life-form as a tension, or desire, which
conditions, or gives direction to, responses to similar situations in the future.
The life-form of every living thing thus possesses an unconscious mind,

The Inner Nature of Poverty, Failure and Disease

or soul, which is the organization in the astral body of the total experiences
through which the soul has passed up to that stage. The astral body of any
life-form is a thought-built body; states of awareness being the only food that
can be assimilated by the four-dimensional form. Using the word thought in
its more general significance to include any feeling, or state of awareness,
each experience builds thought-elements thus into the astral body.
These thought-elements, as already indicated, belong to 10 different families which may have trends indicated by 12 different series. The series to which
a thought-element belongs determines, when it is assimilated, to which zone
of the astral body it will move. If it belongs to the I AM (1st) series it moves to
the zone represented by the head. If it belongs to the I HAVE (2nd) series it
moves to the zone represented by the throat. If it belongs to the I USE series
(10th) it moves to the zone represented by the knees. For although head, throat,
knees and feet are not actually present in the lower forms of life, nevertheless, their astral bodies have corresponding zones.
Now bear in mind that there is an additional dimension on the four-dimensional plane. Thus also, in addition to 12 zones in the astral body, which have
affinity with the 12 zodiacal signs, the astral body has 12 distinct compartments. Each compartment has an affinity with one department of lifethat
is, with health, with means of acquiring sustenance, with home and shelter,
with offspring with illness and work, etc. And the thought-elements of an
experience when they enter the astral body are added to the psychoplasm of
the particular compartment relating to their source of origin. If the experience relates to means of acquiring sustenance, such as money in a human
experience, the thought-elements thus acquired are built into the structure of
the 2nd compartment of the astral body. If the experience relates more directly to food, it is built into the structure of the 6th compartment of the astral
body. Or if it has to do with a secret enemy or sorrow, it is built into the 12th
compartment of the astral body.
Yet thought-elements when built into the astral body do not remain in
the state of simple elements, no more so than when food is assimilated by
the physical body do the chemical elements remain uncombined. In both
cases the elements combine with other elements in the formation of compounds; these compounds in one instance forming the protoplasm of the
physical body, and in the other forming the psychoplasm of the astral body.
And in both the formation of protoplasm and the formation of psychoplasm,
the manner in which the elements enter into such compounds as are formed
is very important.

Move to the Proper

All life-forms, from the simplest to the most complex, possess some ability to
learn through experience. The feeling coincident with one experience is retained and has an influence upon the conduct when the organism is again
brought into contact with a similar situation. This process through which all
life-forms learn, being attracted by pleasure and repelled by pain, the psychologists call CONDITIONING.
According to the family and the series to which it belongs, each thoughtelement has its own type energy. It may belong to the family of Aggressive
thoughts, in which case it possesses aggressive energy. It may belong to the
Religious thoughts, and thus possess genial expansive energy. Or it may belong to any other of the 10 families of thoughts and possess energy of that
characteristic type.

Harmonious and
Discordant Mental

Mental Alchemy
Yet the thought or sensation that gave rise to the mental element, whatever its type, also contained, in some degree, feeling energy. By means of the
cyclotron at the present time in the University of California at Berkeley, and
in other university laboratories, energy is actually converted into chemical
elements of matter. Likewise the processes of consciousness convert mental
energy into the thought-elements of which the astral bodies of all living things
are composed. Yet accompanying this process there is always present, in some
degree, the feeling of pleasure or pain, harmony or discord, which forms the
It is this Conditioning Energy which is present at the time a thought-element is formed that determines the manner in which the thought-element,
when it is assimilated by the astral form, combines with other thought-elements already there or which are assimilated at the same time.
There are 10 different manners in which almost any two of the thoughtelements can combine, each method of combination being wholly determined
by the quality of Conditioning Energy, or feeling, present when the thoughtelements meet. This Conditioning Energy thus entering into the thought compound gives a specific trend to its desire. Desire is energy in a potential state
straining to be released in a given activity; and a large part of the tension of a
thought compound that thus seeks release in some activity is due to the pleasure or pain that was present when the thought-elements combined. Thus
each of the 10 types of thought compounds, irrespective of the elements united
in it, is given a name which designates the direction in which its desire energy strives for release.
A Separation Compound, for instance, is a union of thought-elements
which has been so conditioned at the time they united in the astral body that
their desires strive to express, and do express to the extent they have or acquire energy, in the direction of shoving things apart. A Luck Compound, on
the other hand is a union of thought-elements which has been so conditioned
at the time they united in the astral body that their desires strive to express,
and do express to the extent they have or acquire energy, in the direction of
those events we call good luck.
These thought compounds form the psychoplasm, which thus varies in
different compartments of the astral body, and forms the substance of the
various kinds of stellar-cells. That is, even as in the physical body there are
nerve cells, cells that form the skin, cells that become the white blood corpuscles, reproductive cells, muscle cells, and so on, so are there cells of different kinds making up the astral body, their nature determined by the thought
compound forming the psychoplasm entering into their composition.

Both Physical Cells

and Stellar-Cells
Have Independent

Every mental state, as psychologists have been at much pains to prove, is

accompanied by an alteration of the physical body. Whether the objective
consciousness is, or is not, aware of the tensions of desire energy in the
thought-cells and in the thought structures of the astral body, these have an
influence on the physical cells and upon the performance of more complex
physical functions.
These stellar-cells of the astral body are not unintelligent. They retain
whatever intelligence has been imparted to them at the time of their thought
formation. In the association of the astral body with the lower forms of life
before it reached the human stage, these stellar-cells and the stellar structures
built of these stellar-cells, learned to perform certain activities. And as they

The Inner Nature of Poverty, Failure and Disease

now exist in the human astral body they continue to possess this ability acquired in the past. The physical human body commences with a single fertilized cell. This physical cell divides into two. Then each of the two again divides, and so on, until all the cells and humors making up the physical body
are present.
Now although each of the billions of physical cells is derived from a subdivision of the single cell with which the body elaboration commenced, each
type of cell as soon as it is thus formed through subdivision, knows exactly
the function it is to perform in the human structure. The cells know what they
are to do, and even if separated from the body, endeavor to carry out their
special work. That is, both physical cells and stellar-cells, once formed after
the pattern of a particular compound, have, and exercise, an intelligence that
is independent of the body of which they form a part.
That physical cells exercise such independent intelligence has been demonstrated in laboratory experiments. White blood corpuscles, called leukocytes, will devour microbes and red corpuscles when living in a flask with
the same energy they thus act to defend the organism against invading enemies while living in the human blood stream.
Epithelial cells are those that protect the organism from contacts with the
outside world, such as the skin and the lining walls of the intestines. These
cells have been cultivated for months, quite apart from the animal to which
they belonged. There was no surface to protect; yet they understood their
special job, and arranged themselves in a mosaic which would have protected
a delicate surface if such had been present.
A few red corpuscles permitted to flow from a drop of blood into a liquid plasma, quite outside the body or blood stream of any animal, form a
tiny stream which builds up banks either side of their flow. These banks
cover themselves with filaments of fibrin, thus forming a pipe, through which
the red cells move just as if in the blood vessel of an animal. Leukocytes
come to the pipe and surround it with their membrane. Quite isolated from
any living animal, red and white corpuscles thus know how to construct,
and do construct when conditions permit, a segment of circulatory apparatus. No tissues to be furnished with oxygen and nutriment are present, nor
is there a heart nor any real circulation. Yet the stellar-cells in association
with these physical cells release their desire energies in the direction of performing the kind of work they have learned in the past; and toward which
they have been conditioned.
Most organs of the body, also are capable of independent displays of intelligence. Our stomach, heart, liver, etc., are not subject to our voluntary control. By willing to do so we can not increase or decrease the caliber of our
arteries, make our pulse beat fast or slow, nor regulate the contractions of our
intestines. They are under the control of the unconscious mind. They obey its
orders to the extent they have been conditioned to do so. But the exercise of
the particular function they have learned to do is not dependent upon the
unconscious mind. They have intelligence of their own which makes them
capable, if wrongly conditioned, of rebelling against the orders of the unconscious mind, and which enables them, when severed from the body, yet given
proper conditions, of still performing the function which they have learned
correctly or incorrectly to do.
An intestinal loop, for instance, when removed from the body and provided with artificial circulation, performs its normal movements. A kidney

Mental Alchemy
the nerves of which are cut, grafted to permit it opportunity for its particular work of filtering the impurities from the body, still performs this essential function.
If we are to have the detailed knowledge for the practice of Mental Alchemy, by which through proper thinking, the various ills of human life can
be corrected, we must understand thoroughly that either a group of physical
cells or a group of stellar-cells has a certain dependence upon the physical
organism or astral organism of which it forms a part, yet at the same time also
has the power of exercising its own particular type of intelligence apart from
that organism. And we must understand that a physical organ, or a stellar
structure composed of thought-cells, likewise performs its function as a part
of the organic whole, yet is capable of doing the work for which it has been
conditioned quite apart from the organism, and even in defiance of the desires of the organism.
Thought-cells or physical cells which are conditioned in that direction do
work which is beneficial to the organism as a whole. Yet stellar-cells or physical cells which are conditioned to act in a manner derogatory to the organism
as a whole, work for its destruction quite as energetically as they would have
worked for its preservation had they been properly conditioned. The white
blood corpuscles called leukocytes, previously mentioned, are the policemen
of the body. They consume degenerating tissue and destroy foreign bodies in
the tissues such as bacteria. Yet when wrongly conditioned by the presence of
certain viruseswhich are hardly larger than a molecule of albumin, and
therefore make bacteria seem gigantic in comparisonthese same leukocytes
turn cannibal and devour the cells of muscles and organs and thus kill the
infected animal in a few days.

Stellar-Cells and
Stellar Sturctures
Work On Two Planes

Stellar-cells and stellar structures have a dual field of operation. As the thoughtcells and thought groups of which the unconscious mind is composed, they
control all the activities of the body, even the manner in which tissue is replaced through physical metabolism. Those activities which are volitional
engage the co-operation of the stellar structures in the astral body which have
charge of these movements. That is, these thought groups in the four-dimensional form have become conditioned to act upon commands received from
the region of objective consciousness. Through their exercise of complete control over all the physical activities the stellar - cells and stellar structures operate in the three-dimensional realm.
But in addition to this direct three-dimensional control, there is a less obvious, yet even more potent control of the life exercised by activities operating from the four-dimensional plane. Thought-cells and thought structures,
like physical cells and physical organs have independent intelligence and
capacities for independent action. And they work thus from the vantage point
of the four-dimensional plane to bring into the life such events and conditions as correspond to the way they have been conditioned.
Not only, therefore, are all mans physical activities determined by the
thought-cells and thought structures which make up his unconscious mind,
his soul, or his character; but every event and circumstance that comes into
his life not due to his physical actions likewise is due in large measure to the
four-dimensional activities of these stellar-cells and stellar structures. Thus is
the thought organization of his astral body responsible both for what a man
does and for the events that come into his life.
If, therefore, the habitual actions of any person are to be changed, or if his

The Inner Nature of Poverty, Failure and Disease

fortune in any respect health, finances, affections, honor, or what notis to

be changed, he must alter the thought composition or thought organization
of his astral body. To the extent the four-dimensional stellar-cells and stellar
structures are altered will they release their desire energies along new paths,
both on the four-dimensional plane and in prompting three - dimensional
activities. It is the province of Mental Alchemy to indicate what changes should
thus be made, and how best to make them, to correct the various ills that
hamper life.
If some condition of life is thus to be corrected through the application of the
proper thought remedy, the first step is to understand just what thought compound or thought structure in the astral body is responsible for the condition
to be changed. Without such knowledge, if, like much metaphysical practice,
we merely assume that a certain affirmation will alleviate the disorder, we
are quite likely, through adding more energy to the thought organization responsible without changing it, merely to aggravate the condition.
Those thought compounds into which at the time of their formation was
built the conditioning energy of pain, strive to release that energy in a similar
manner. Their desires are as strong as the energy imparted to them through
experiences coincident with their formation. But because they have been
formed in a given way, the Law of Association makes it easier, and thus more
pleasant for them, to release their energies in channels that are not in the
direction of the welfare of the organism as a whole.
As explained in Chapter 8, Course 5, Esoteric Psychology, desire energy
releases in the direction of whatever image is before the attention of the unconscious mind. Yet if the desire energy is discordant, it tends to attract the
attention of the unconscious mind, or of thought groups in the unconscious,
to images the opposite of those conducing to the welfare. It is easier to express discordant energy in the direction of discordant action, and to express
harmonious energy in the direction of harmonious action. And all the ills of
life are due, either to insufficient desire energy in the unconscious mind, or to
the desire energy that is in the unconscious mind expressing, either on the
four-dimensional plane or on the three-dimensional plane, toward mental
images that are discordant to the individual.
An unsatisfactory condition in the life, therefore, may be due to insufficient desire energy stored in the stellar-cells and stellar structures of the astral body. In this case there is simply not enough power to attract anything
important, either fortunate or unfortunate. Not enough experience has added
energy to the thought-cells. And thus the only way to attract more important
events is to acquire experiences that will build, with the thought-elements
added, more feeling into the astral body.
Disease, and all more active types of misfortune, however, are due to the
three-dimensional and the four- dimensional activities of thought - cells and
thought structures in the astral body which have been so conditioned that
they find it easier to release their energies in working for conditions that are
adverse to the individual. The thought-cause varies with the type of misfortune attracted. And, as will be set forth in chapter 2, we have quite definite
information as to the type of thinking that is responsible for each of the common diseases and misfortunes.
This is the place, therefore, instead of discussing specific diseases, to emphasize that thought-conditioned desires, whatever their nature, are so much
energy within the astral body, which if it can be Reconditioned, or directed

Thought Compounds
Conditioned By Pain
Are Responsible For
Disease and Misfortune


Mental Alchemy
toward mental images that conduce to the welfare of the individual, has determining power over the life.

Examples of

When one organ or member of the body is destroyed the thought-cells within
the astral body transfer their energy, in so far as they can, to some organ or
member. If a leg is removed, for instance, the remaining leg grows much stronger than normal, in the effort to compensate for the loss. Or if one kidney is
removed, the other one grows almost to twice the normal size, in the endeavor to perform the function of both.
Likewise, as explained in Chapters 7 & 8, Course 5, Esoteric Psychology,
when one of the three Hereditary Drives or any other highly energized desire
is blocked in its customary expression, it seeks and finds some substitute outlet. The desire energy of such an intense thought organization within the astral body is then said to COMPENSATE for its lack of opportunity to express
in the manner desired by its thought group.
One group of thought-cells may be set against another group of thoughtcells, causing an inner conflict. And when there is such inner strife, either, as
explained in Chapter 7, Course 5, Esoteric Psychology, the individual Resolves
the Conflict, perhaps through Sublimation, or as explained in Chapter 5,
Course 5, Esoteric Psychology, he builds into himself a Repression which, as
explained in Chapter 8, Course 5, Esoteric Psychology, forms a Complex. Such
a Complex, not being able to release its energies as it desires, is forced to
release them through some Compensating device.
Analyzing the manner in which Americans differ from other nationalities, Harvey O. Higgins and Edward H. Reede, M.D., have shown that American superiority in business and industry, and lack of superiority in literature
and art, is due to a Puritan civilization which forced the conviction into the
unconscious mind that any expression of emotion (which is essential in artistic production) is undignified, and that both idleness and pleasure are sin.
The Drive for Significance opposed such expressions so successfully that the
Reproductive Drive was forced to find a channel of Compensation that was
acceptable to this drastically imposed code of conduct.
When conflicts are not Reconciled the energies are not Sublimated, and
although they escape by a substitute channel, this furtive slipping past the
dominating group of ideas in disguise is accompanied by anxiety, fear and
irritation. To this is attributed the proneness of the American to bluff, and
his attitude of self-reliance and sensitiveness to foreign criticism. They are
the natural make-believe compensations of the unconscious mind to a fear of
inferiority induced by the teaching that he must conquer and suppress his
instinctive desires. Americans, there can be little doubt, are victimized by
haste, restlessness, anxiety and worry because of a psychic insecurity (expressing the Drive for Self-Preservation) developed through the religious
doctrines of sinfulness.
These writers, analyzing the life of Theodore Roosevelt, indicate how two
factors of his infancy so impressed themselves upon his unconscious mind as
to dominate his whole life. The first of these factors was his idealization of,
and love for, his father. He saw in his father a man of great might who stood
fearlessly against the whole world. This image became so strong and so associated with pleasure that it tended to keep the attention of his unconscious
mind riveted to it, with the result that whatever desire energies were released
were diverted into channels leading to a realization, on his part, of that ideal.

The Inner Nature of Poverty, Failure and Disease

The other factor was his early physical inferiority. The Moon (thoughts)
opposition to Mars in his birth-chart gave him weak eyes, and Sun
(thoughts) opposition Pluto impaired the vitality (see birthchart on page
xiv). Thus he developed an inferiority complex, a fear of cowardice, of
weakness and of inefficiency.
A person with an inferiority complex always Compensates in some manner, because, as set forth in Chapter 8, Course 5, Esoteric Psychology, the unconscious mind will never relinquish the thought that in some respect it is
superior. Pluto, the planet of drastic action, of dictatorship, of the big stick
(an expression coined to express the drastic way in which Roosevelt enforced
his decisions) is in the house of his father (4th), making powerful aspects. It
rules the Universal Welfare thoughts, and thus did the ideal of his father,
working for the benefit of the people (Moon sextile Pluto) become the model
image through which his Compensating energy found expression.
To demonstrate that he was not the coward he feared to be, he learned to
fight, became a cowboy, a wild west sheriff, a rough rider, and went on perilous trips of exploration and in pursuit of dangerous game. Of course, he was
truly a brave man. But a complex, because of the emotional energy it contains, always tends to over-compensate. He was always seeking some opportunity to prove both his courage and his superiority, going far out of his way
in such quests. Yet the father image was powerful enough to determine the
line of Compensating outlet for the dammed-up energies. And the desire energies in the stellar-cells and stellar structures of his astral body thus released
were powerful enough that they carried him to the top in literature, as an
authority on navy matters, as a naturalist, and into the chair of President of
the United States.
Contrast this mode of Compensating for an inferiority complex with that
of Mark Twain. He also was a child of inferior powers, but with a very different environment. His early life, instead of having before it an ideal to worship, a father with whom there was sympathy and understanding, was strikingly lacking in these respects. The fear of an avenging deity was early implanted in the boys mind. Instead of an ideal of courage to stimulate emulation, he was confronted on every hand by examples of fear and failure.
Like Roosevelt, he sought to escape the restrictions placed upon him by
physical inferiority, but the method of Compensating was different because
of the images toward which his unconscious mind had been conditioned to
give attention. He had early found that cleverness of speech gave him an
advantage over his associates. Saturn (See his birth-chart on page xv) rising,
representing powerful Safety thoughts in his astral body did not impel him to
prove himself brave, as did Roosevelt, who had Mars, representing powerful
Aggressive thoughts, rising. On the other hand, they led him to seek superiority through less dangerous channels.
Later in life, when he sought to attack authorized conventions, which was
his method of Compensating in the release of energies stored up in his childhood through the tyranny exercised over him, he did not revolt openly as a
more courageous man might have done. On the other hand, still dominated
by the timidity forced into his unconscious through fear of everlasting punishment, he used his wit to flay such restrictions.
In his frantic effort to Compensate for his feeling of inferiority and the
imminent disaster which his early religious training had implanted, Mark
Twains mind had early found an outlet through wit. He never reconciled



Mental Alchemy
his conflicts; but the energy released in Compensations was directed into
images that led, not to utter futility, but to preeminence in the field of humorous writing.
Another man with repressions of a different sort was Billy Sunday. Four
planets rising in the sign of sex, Scorpio, indicate tremendous energy in the
Reproductive Drive. The Aggressive thoughts and the Religious thoughts (See
his chart on page 15) were amalgamated, as indicated by the close conjunction of Mars and Jupiter; and both were almost exactly in opposition to Pluto,
lord of the underworld, who in one aspect presides over heaven and in the
other dominates the realm of hell.
This opposition from the Universal Welfare thoughts, ruled by Pluto, to
Sundays Personality (Asc.); and to the thoughts indicating on the one hand
intense animal passions (Mars) and on the other intense religious devotion
(Jupiter) was a terrific conflict between two well organized groups of desires.
The Religious thoughts succeeded for the most part in preventing the Reproductive desires from expressing in the manner they craved. Yet throughout
life the conflict raged; a conflict which Sunday projected from himself to the
outward world. The sense of sin he felt within, as he sensed carnal impulses
which his desire for significance refused to admit belonged to him, seemed to
be the sinfulness of others.
He was able to repress his reproductive desires, and the desire to destroy,
mapped by Mars, from expressing in a recognizable way. But these same energies found a Compensating outlet through a lifelong struggle with the devil,
a very personal devil, with whom Sunday could fight and vanquish before
vast audiences. All the physical and mental violence stored in his thought
structures disguised as working for Universal Welfare, could thus get past
the dominating Religious-thought group, and find expression. On the rostrum these Religious thoughts applauded loudly when he coined unusual
phrases to tell the devil just how mean he was; and their approbation knew
no bounds when, wet with the perspiration of the tenth round, he flashed a
quick right to old Satans jaw, and knocked him out for the count.
Sunday gave a vast amount of attention to the devil; but his unconscious
mind had the image of victory even more persistently before its attention.
The release of desire energy, therefore, gave the devil image less power than
the victory image. He would say that a man could slip back into hell with one
hand on the door of heaven but in his own unconscious mind was the image
that, nevertheless, Billy Sunday would triumph.
The noted evangelist never Resolved his Conflict, but he Compensated in
a way that led the energies of his inner strife to perform a type of work in
which, although such work is demoralizing to the race, he gained renown.
The same tremendous energies, better understood as to their source and nature, could have as easily been diverted to a far, far more useful purpose.
Likewise those thought energies stored in the stellar structures of other
people which, because they have entered into discordant compounds, manifest as poverty, failure and disease, when better understood, can be led through
Reconditioning, to express not through some inferior Compensating device,
but through acceptable and constructive channels which will manifest as abundance, success and health. This is the task of Mental Alchemy.


Mental Alchemy

June 11, 1905, 8:51 a.m. L.M.T. T 88W00 42N00.
Born and reared in luxury (Venus and Jupiter in 10th), made unusual
progress in scientific studies (Mercury prominent and trine Moon) Venus
opposition Mars, and Sun conjunction Pluto gave an inversive twist The energies thus warped, on May 31, 1924, when Sun progressed to conjunction
Neptune r, caused him and Leopold to murder little Bobbie Franks for a thrill,
progressed Sun also being trine Mars and sextile Venus. In the penitentiary,
January 28, 1936, when Mercury progressed to square Venus r and Man r, he
was slain with a razor by a fellow convict.

The Inner Nature of Poverty, Failure and Disease

Nov. 19, 1863, 6:04 a.m. L.M.T. 93W30 42N00.
Cain and Abel (Mars and Jupiter) are with him (Asc.) on the Altar of salvation (picturing middle decanate of Scorpio). The Key-phrase of the sign, I
Desire, reveals the conflict which raged within. Abel (Jupiter) triumphed in
the struggle (Pluto, ruler of underworld, in Struggle decanate); and Cain found
Compensating expression in the knockdown-drag-out fight with the devil
(Pluto in opposition to planets on Asc.) which the great evangelist staged
(Mercury sesqui-square dramatizing Neptune in house of entertainment) from
the pulpit (constellation Ara).


Course 9

Chapter 2

Just How to Find the Thought

Cause of Any Condition

HATEVER conditions, fortunate or unfortunate, are in the life have

been attracted through three-dimensional activities prompted by,
or the four-dimensional work of, thought-cells of definite compounds
within the astral body. If we are ever to have a different type of fortune in any
department of lifehealth, finances, affection, honor, etc.the compound of
thought-elements within the stellar-cells affecting that department of life must
be changed. And if we are to proceed intelligently toward making such changes
in the psychoplasm and stellar structures of our astral bodies as will restore
health or attain some particular type of fortune, we must first have detailed
knowledge of the thought-cause of the condition to be remedied augmented.
We now possess, as the result of a vast amount of work accomplished by
the Brotherhood of Light Research Department, quite specific knowledge as
to the thought-cause of most diseases of the physical body, and a wide variety
of other conditions to be observed in human lives.
The planets by their house positions in a birthchart map the family of
thought elements that have been built into the astral body in association with
each of the twelve distinct departments of life. They thus show what thoughtelements up to the moment of birth have been built into the stellar-cells of the
astral body in such a manner as to determine the kind of events and conditions that will be attracted into the life in each domain of its activities.
The planets are not responsible for the events and conditions attracted. It
is easier for a child to be born when the streams of astral energy from the
planets are such, as indicated by their positions in the sky, that they flow
throughrather than crosswise ofthe stellar-cells and stellar structures of
the childs astral body. The child is born when the astral currents of his environment, as shown by the birthchart, correspond as closely as practicable, to
the thought compounds and thought structures of his astral body.
Each of the ten planets in the birth-chart maps the chief structure in the
astral body of one family of thought-elements. The aspects between the planets reveal which thought-elements have entered into combination, one with
the other, in the formation of compounds, and how these compounds have
been formed. The prominence of a planet in the birthchart shows the amount
of desire energy possessed by the thought-cells and thought structures it maps.
And the amount of desire energy thus shown indicates how much work, both
three-dimensional and four-dimensional, the thought group is capable of, and
consequently how important will be the events which it brings into the life.


Mental Alchemy
The planet Saturn, for instance, maps the Safety thought-elements. Whatever house of the birth-chart he occupies relates to poverty. If he is in the
house of money it indicates that the Safety thought-elements are chiefly centered in the 2nd compartment of the astral body, which has to do with personal possessions. But Saturn is not responsible for the tendency to poverty
thus mapped; for other persons familiar with such an individual will invariably be able to observe Safety thinking as a dominant habit of this individual
in matters pertaining to personal property. While its influence from the fourdimensional realm is more pronounced, nevertheless, even in his objective
thinking and habitual actions close acquaintances can not fail to note where
money is concerned, the Safety attitude.
Jupiter, on the other hand, maps the Religious thought-elements. Whatever house of the birth-chart he occupies relates to abundance. Thus if he is in
the house of money it indicates that the Religious thought-elements are chiefly
centered in the 2nd compartment of the astral body. But Jupiter is not responsible for the abundance. The Religious thought-elements in the compartment
of the astral body relating to personal property are responsible for it. And any
close acquaintance of an individual with this position in his chart can not
help but notice, even in his objective thinking and habitual attitude toward
money matters, the expansive, optimistic viewpoint characteristic of the Religious thought-elements.
To thus find, through observing the individuals habitual thinking, the
cause of his disease is a laborious process. It is far more convenient, especially
as the thought-cause of most conditions have already thus been worked out
in considerable detail, to consult his birth-chart.
The positions in a birth-chart which indicate a predisposition toward a
given condition or event are called the birth-chart constant. Each birth-chart
constant really maps the thought compounds and their relations in the astral
body at birth, which if later given additional thought-energy bring the condition or event into the life. A Birth-chart Constant is the thought organization
of the astral body at birth which gives a predisposition toward some particular disease or some particular fortunate event.
The events themselves, to the extent they are noticeably either more fortunate or less fortunate than the normal trend of the life, are attracted only at
such times as the thought-cells relating to the department of life affected receive new energy. This new energy gives the stellar-cells thus involved additional power to work from the four-dimensional plane, to stimulate objective
thoughts of a similar nature, and to influence the physical conduct.
The more common sources of such additional energy supplies are mapped
by the progressed aspects of the planets. Planetary energy picked up, radio
fashion, by the aerial developed across the astral body when a progressed
aspect is formed, is made available for the use of the thought-cells and stellar
structures at the terminals of the aerial. But the event is not attracted by the
new supply of planetary energy thus made available; it is attracted by the
thought activities then stimulated. The stellar-cells work with such intelligence as they possess, and with the energy supply thus made available, to
bring events of a certain nature into the life.
In addition to Birth-chart Constants, which reveal the predisposition
due to the thought compounds in the astral body at birthtoward certain
conditions, the Progressed Constants for a great number of events have been
worked out statistically. These represent the type of thinking which when

Just How to Find the Thought Cause of Any Condition


given additional energy brings the event into the life toward which the Birthchart Constant shows a predisposition.
Events, apart from the normal trend of the life, are attracted only at those
times when thoughts of a particular type become unusually active. During
the time when an important event is thus attracted through additional thoughtcell activity, a close acquaintance usually can notice the change in the
individuals habitual attitude. But, because these more than normal thought
activities have been worked out in close detail for many varieties of events, it
is more convenient to acquire this information from the Progressed Constant
in its relation to the birth-chart.
In Course 16, Stellar Healing, both the Birth-chart Constants and the Progressed Constants for 160 different diseases of the body are given. In the Brotherhood of Light Astrological Reports are set fortheach based upon careful
analysis of the charts of 100 individuals in whose lives the condition or event
has been present the Birth-chart Constants and Progressed Constants of
other physical diseases, and of a great many other events and conditions.
These Birth-chart Constants and Progressed Constants are really statements, using the astrological factors that map them instead of less concise
explanations, of the predisposing thought-cause, and the stimulating thoughtcause, of the condition encountered. In order, therefore, that we may understand the thought-cause of a given condition, and thus know how to remedy
or benefit it, we must give attention to the 10 different types of compounds
and how they are formed. But, as each thought-element, no matter what compound it has entered, exerts its own characteristic four-dimensional activity,
its tendency to promote objective thinking of a particular kind, and its prompting to certain methods of three-dimensional activity, we should first consider
the necessities that developed, and the general method of expression, of each
of the 10 thought-element families.
It was shown in Chapter 5, Course 5, Esoteric Psychology, in connection
with each of the 10 families of thought-elements, how it was built up, as chemical elements are built from electrons and protons, of Nutritive Desires and
Reproductive Desires. Each element embraces factors which work for Self
Preservation and other factors which work for Race Preservation. Instead of
repeating what was there stated in general terms therefore, I will here mention more specific instances of conditions such as were responsible for building into the astral body the thought-elements of each family.
To obtain food, the life-form often found it necessary to dominate certain territory. To secure the mate of his choice, and having secured her, to prevent
her being stolen by a rival, it came to be a decided advantage to possess authority. And often it was a great advantage to the herd to have authority vested
in a single powerful individual. Thus among wild horses in Western America
the herd is ruled with tyranny by some stallion which has vanquished all
rivals to leadership; and this stallion is brave to defend his remuda and cunning to lead it from the proximity of danger.
With community life established, this Drive for Significance became more
than the mere seeking food and reproduction. It became the desire to have
the respect of others. With man, it at first, no doubt, extended scarcely beyond the family circle. The power of authority exercised by the parents gave
both themselves and their children certain advantages. And we find among
the ancient Romans that power of the father extended to such proportions



Mental Alchemy
that he had the right to kill his own children and the children could own no
property during the life of the father.
Authority extending further in tribal rule brought still greater advantages;
and these advantages to the one in authority came to be a source of restlessness, discontent and ambition to others.
Power thoughts are the most deep-seated and persistent of all thoughtelements. Professor Lombroso found, for instance, that men and women under hypnosis can be made to accept the suggestion that their sex has been
changed; but will persistently resist the suggestion that their social status has
been lowered. In human life these Power thought-elements mapped in the
birth-chart by the Sun, are the source of pride, firmness, approbativeness,
conscientiousness and self-esteem.
As the positive, electric, etheric energy which gives vitality and recuperative power, the ability to govern and direct others, and the power to rise to a
position which gives authority over others, are expressions of thought-elements of the Power family they can not be too abundant for welfare. People
with weak power urges do not have long lives. All successful politicians have
these thought-elements prominent.
Thinking about ones Significance is responsible for the fortune or misfortune that comes through attaining positions of authority or failure to attain
them, and that comes through the good or bad influence of the male sex and
of those who are in positions of power. Discordant thoughts about ones Importance are chiefly responsible for high blood pressure, infantile paralysis,
pneumonia, and diseases of the spine; and heart trouble, from which more
people die than from any other disease, is entirely due to such thinking.


To provide sustenance and comfort for the young is one of the most commonly observed activities among most forms of life. The wings with which
the maple tree endows its seed vessels is an example of the parent providing
a food supply for its dependents, and enabling them to find a new and more
favorable environment. The barbs of wild oats and rye are efforts of the parent plants to protect their young from devouring enemies.
Birds build nests of intricately woven fabric, insects hoard food, animals
construct dens and lairs, to provide for their young; and all will endure labor,
hardship and peril, and will fight to the death, in their interest. Such experiences in housing and rearing the progeny built Domestic thought-elements,
mapped in the birth-chart by the Moon, into the stellar-cells of the astral body.
Mating and home conditions give rise to ideals and an appreciation of the
sublime in human life; and to expressions of the emotions, not merely in human life but also among many birds and some insects, through the avenue of
music. Birds more frequently sing not only while mating, but during the whole
nesting period. The domestic urges that give love for home and offspring then
overflow in song and vision of bliss. These thought-elements in the human
astral body are the source of time, tune, sublimity and philoprogenitiveness.
They are prominent in the astral forms of most successful musicians.
Domestic thought-elements express through the feminine, soothing etheric
energy which is commonly called the constitutional magnetism. They indicate the most receptive region of the astral body, the place where impressions
both from the external world and from the inner plane readily reach the unconscious mind, and thus influence the mentality.
Thinking about domestic conditions is responsible for the fortune or misfortune that comes through women and that comes through the influence of

Just How to Find the Thought Cause of Any Condition


the common people. Discordant thoughts about domestic life are chiefly responsible for dropsy, and often for stomach trouble and mental complaints.
They also are present and contribute to, eye and ear afflictions.
Insects, birds and mammals when they wander in search of food, find it
advantageous to remember the locality of their home and the locality of
previously found food and water. To recognize an enemy by sight or sound
conduces to their safety. Thus has been developed the perception of form.
And in the selection of material for home-building, perception of size and
weight was born.
Color enters into the perception both of enemies and of food; insects
and hummingbirds being attracted by bright flowers, and grazing animals
by verdant foliage. Color also assists in the recognition of their mates.
Memory of events conduces to securing food, as illustrated by domestic fowls
that come to the call of the person who habitually feeds them, but flee the
approach of a stranger. Eventuality also is exhibited by the horse which
shies at a point along the road where a week previous he had been frightened. It is a factor of safety.
Birds and mammals recognize the call of distress, the danger signal, the
food-supply call, and the mating song or noise. This is language in elemental
form. And along with perception of qualities, such expression aids in realizing various desires. In human life these Intellectual thought-elements that
have thus been built into the astral body, and mapped by Mercury in the
birth-chart, are the source of eventuality, language, calculation and the recognition of size, weight, form and color.
The Intellectual thought-elements determine the habitual method of objective thinking, and thus what other thought-elements are being added to
the compounds of the astral form. This thinking also tunes the etheric energies flowing over the nerves to corresponding rates of vibration so that they
pick up, radio fashion, planetary energies of like quality and feed them into
the astral body.
Thinking which is studious or expression which is ill-considered is responsible for the fortune or misfortune that comes through intellectual cleverness or its lack. Writers, lawyers and teachers who are successful have these
thought-elements prominent. Discordant thoughts of this type, in which there
is grinding concentration on some problem, is chiefly responsible for nervousness, neuralgia, neuritis, sciatica, hay fever, asthma, and some bowel complaints. Together with thinking about domestic conditions, they lead to mental diseases. And mental diseases are more numerous than all others combined. The hospitals in the U.S., for instance, contain nearly eight times more
lunatics or feeble-minded than they contain consumptives.


Some plants, such as the pepper tree (Schinus molle) so common as a California shade tree, bear staminate and pistillate blossoms on different individuals, and the male and female plants have nothing in common except at that
time of year when insects or wind carries pollen from the male plant to the
female blossoms. Yet other plants, such as those of the primrose family, have
male and female associated in a single flower; and the composite family, including the asters and sunflowers, have found it advantageous to dwell in
blossom colonies.
Among the scorpions and the spiders there is little social life; the Anna
hummingbird deserts the female before the eggs are hatched; and some male



Mental Alchemy
mammals, such as the grizzly bear, associate with the female only for the
purpose of reproduction, and they have no protracted companionship. Yet
among other creatures there is a long period of companionship between the
sexes which has survival values. Certain species of ants (among which as a
rule the life of the male is comparatively short), for instance, mate for life; as
does the eagle and the ostrich among birds, and the lion and beaver among
the mammals. Gulls and many other birds live in flocks, and antelopes and
big horn live in herds.
Through experience with companionship and mating in lower forms of
life the Social thought elements that now occupy the astral body of man were
built into his finer form. They are mapped in the birth-chart by the planet
Venus, and express as affection, friendship, mirthfulness, conjugality and
inhabitiveness. Those who successfully express artistic talents have the social
thought-elements prominent in their stellar bodies.
Thinking about mating, about companionship, about love and about affection in its various manifestations attracts into the life such fortune or misfortune as friendship and affection bring. Discordant thoughts energized by
such emotions are responsible for much disease of the kidneys, of the venous
blood stream, of the thyroid gland, of the internal or sex organs, and female
trouble and the so-called social diseases. Often, however, in these complaints,
aggressive thought-elements also play a part.


Every life-form, if it is to survive, must be able to meet and defeat those enemies from which it can not escape. Changing environment ever brings new
obstacles; and to triumph over them, rather than perish through lack of attempt, requires initiative. To acquire food there must be incessant activity;
and the demands of reproduction develop the quality of amativeness. Such
constructive and destructive experiences in lower forms of life built into the
astral body that now belongs to man the Aggressive thought-elements.
They caused the cacti to grow spines and the rose to bear thorns. They
gave to the bee its sting, and the venom behind pointed fangs in the rattlesnake and cobra. Hatred, anger, passion, and lust are their expression. Birds,
beasts and men face peril and enter into deadly combat in search of food or to
win a mate. The thought-elements so built into the astral body. mapped in the
birth-chart by the planet Mars, are the source of alimentiveness, destructiveness, combativeness and alimentiveness.
Thinking about lust, destruction, construction, combat and strife brings
into the life such fortune or misfortune as is brought by strife. Successful doctors, surgeons, soldiers, aviators, moving picture stars, mechanics, engineers,
and all whose calling requires daring, initiative, aggressiveness, and constructive or destructive ability, have the Aggressive thought-elements prominent
in their stellar bodies.
Discordant Aggressive thinking is responsible for more accidents than
is any other type of thought. It is responsible for cuts, surgical operations,
burns, infection, contagious diseases such as small-pox, measles scarlet fever and chicken pox, and is the most important factor in typhoid, blood
poison, malaria, rheumatism, urinary complaints and some kidney trouble.
Together with the Social thought elements it is responsible for the so-called
social diseases.


Even many lower forms of life place implicit faith in their parents. And among
gregarious animals the confidence in the ability of the leader to protect and

Just How to Find the Thought Cause of Any Condition


find ample for their need becomes the beginning of hope. Reverence and veneration develop through obedience to such ruling authority, and looking to
such higher power for guidance, protection and the satisfaction of wants. And
quite naturally the social emotions, diverted into seeking the favor of the higher
authority, take the form of devotion.
To acquire the favor of the leader, or higher authority, the spirit of tolerance toward other members of the group is cultivated, giving rise to good
fellowship. The dog expresses these desires sublimated into a highly religious channel when he is willing to perish to save his master.
Various experiences in lower forms of life, in which tolerance and good
will have taken part, and in which there was confidence in a higher authority,
built the Religious thought-elements, mapped by the planet Jupiter in the
birth-chart, into the human astral body. These thought-elements express as
benevolence, good-cheer, veneration, hope, reverence and devotion. All successful doctors, and most of those who succeed in professional work, or who,
like salesmen, depend upon the element of good will for patronage, have
Religious thought-elements prominent in their stellar bodies.
Thinking about religion, good cheer, benevolence, joviality, and faith and
confidence in Deity brings into the life such conditions as come through abundance, patronage, and the favors of those who have plenty of money and
worldly goods. Discordant thoughts of this type are responsible for extravagance, for paying too great a price for purchases and for diseases which arise
from an over abundance of something such as some acidosis, one type of
diabetes, biliousness, catarrh, auto-intoxication, carbuncles and fatty tumors.
One of the outstanding abilities of all life-forms which survive is that which
enables them to avoid harmful conditions and consequent destruction. Even
in the mineral kingdom we find that a metal gives a spasmodic flutter when
brought in contact with oxalic acid. Sensitive plants shrink when touched,
and the growing leaf moves so that its under surface is kept away from the
direct rays of the sun. Deer flee when pursued by wolves, and a child withdraws its hand when it comes too close to the fire. Squirrels and bees store
food for winter, and man hoards money. The Safety thought elements thus
expressed by him were built into his astral body through experiences such as
mentioned while his soul was associated with lower forms. They are mapped
in the birth-chart by the planet Saturn, and are the source of secrecy, acquisitiveness, covetousness, casualty and comparison. All successful lawyers, managers, and others who depend upon system, order, and persistence for successeven policemen and top-notch musicianshave these Safety thoughtelements prominent in their stellar forms.
Thinking about fear, caution, acquisition, greed, system, and selfish wants
brings into the life all those conditions which come through lack and poverty
or through systematic and careful planning and forethought. Discordant
thoughts of this type, especially fear, greed, envy, and se]f-centeredness, are
responsible for much loss and hardship, for privation and the necessity of
working diligently for every advantage, for restrictions of various kinds and
heavy burdens. Such discordant thinking always afflicts through deficiency,
and is responsible for cancer, fibrous tumor, pellagra, atrophy, and constipation, and is chiefly responsible for tuberculosis.
Fear and selfishness are the most unprofitable things in the world; for the
thought-cells so formed attract losses into the life and develop chronic diseases in the body.



Mental Alchemy


When the common food supply becomes exhausted through flood or drought,
ability radically to depart from old food habits may have enabled individuals
to survive. When the authority exercised by the flock leader restricted opportunity thought-elements, for reproduction, rebellion against that authority
may have proved advantageous. And, as environment is constantly changing, the ability to make marked new departures from previous customs often
conduced to survival.
Such experiences in lower forms of life built into the astral body of man
the Individualistic thought-elements, closely allied to the intellectual thoughtelements, but mapped in the birth-chart by the planet Uranus. These are the
source of independence, originality, inventiveness, and unconventionality.
Most successful lawyers, inventors, moving picture stars, astrologers, musical conductors, and others who must use originality in their work, have the
Individualistic thought-elements prominent in their stellar bodies.
Thinking about independence, inventions, astrology, new ideas and radical departures from established custom brings into the life both the advantages and the disadvantages that come, always either directly or indirectly
through human agency, suddenly, unexpectedly and often abruptly, taking
away an old, or bringing a new acquaintance, and a radical change either in
the physical or mental life.
Discordant thinking about such matters is responsible for some accidents,
and for much of the sudden separations, and unforeseen sudden changes of
fortune. It is responsible for appendicitis and paralysis, and is an important
contributing factor to arthritis, infantile paralysis and nervous complaints.


All creatures draw from their astral experiences certain impulses which cause
them to strive for a more satisfying type of life. Apparently we witness a
manifestation of this in the hunting dog which, lying before the fire after the
days chase, in his dreams pursues the quarry with quivering excitement, and
perhaps thus accomplishes in wish fulfillment what he failed to do in actual
life, Does the race horse dream of winning the race? Does the famished wolf
have visions of fresh meat? Perhaps. At least we know that men have dreams
by day, and others by night, in which they reach their hearts desire.
Such experiences, in which mental escape had been made from the harsh
restraining walls of reality to a realm devoid of hardship, have built the Utopian thought-elements into the astral body. Fanciful and visionary as they
seem, and often, as they are closely allied to the Social thought-elements, revolving around plans for the benefit of the whole of society, they nevertheless
sometimes lead to action. All successful aviators, most psychics, many occult
students and astrologers, and all who are successful in dramatic art, or in
dramatizing their abilities and acting as promoters, have the [utopian thoughtelements prominent in their stellar bodies.
Day dreaming, idealistic visions, living in the imagination and fantasy thinking in general attract into the life such fortune or misfortune as comes through
high expectations devoid of work, through promotion and get-rich-quick
schemes, through dramatic ability, much psychic experience, and ideals which
to most seem impractical. Discordant thinking of this kind is responsible for
much bondage of various kinds, for psychic experiences, for much disappointment in the conduct of those who have been placed on a high pedestal, for
poisoning and for a negativeness which encourages invasion by bacteria, and
to the formation of moist pockets of infection, which may be quite hidden or
may develop into ulcers. It often contributes to tuberculosis.

Just How to Find the Thought Cause of Any Condition


Specialization of parts and division of labor are to be encountered not only

among the cells and organs which work together for the common good of
the physical body, but also among the members of many plant and animal
communities. Flowers of the composite family, for instance, quite commonly
have ray-flowers ranged around the outside extending large banners to attract insect pollinators. Such ray-flowers often are sterile. They do their part
for the community, and depend upon the disc flowers to perform the duties
of reproduction.
The co-operation of bees and ants is so common knowledge as to need no
comment other than to point out that bees will forfeit their lives for the benefit of the hive, and ants for the welfare of the colony. Among mammals, beavers co-operate in dam building and in the storage of winter food, for the
good of the group.
Experiences in co-operation, either for the benefit of a small and selfish
group, or for the benefit of a wider membership, have in lower life-forms
built into the astral body the Universal Welfare thought-elements, mapped in
the birth-chart by the planet Pluto. These thought-elements, which may express either as spirituality or as inversion, are prominent in the stellar bodies
of dictators, gang leaders, and those who are importantly associated with
group movements of various kinds.
Thinking about the welfare of the group, or against the welfare of the
group, brings into the life events which are drastic, and which are in some
manner connected with the enforcement of the group will. Discordant thinking about the welfare of some group, or against such welfare, is responsible
for events brought about by racketeers and gangsters, by antagonistic
ganging up against the individual, and for the negativeness and degree of
sensitiveness which encourages invasion by other organisms and which
when the Intellectual thought-elements also are discordant, invites hives,
hay fever and asthma.

Universal Welfare

Thought-elements, like chemical elements, are capable of entering into a variety of different compounds, each expressing a characteristic activity toward
the environment. Hydrogen and oxygen, for instance, when brought together
under different conditions, unite in compounds having quite different chemical properties. Two atoms of hydrogen may combine with one atom of oxygen to form the life-sustaining fluid known as water. Or two atoms of hydrogen may combine with two atoms of oxygen to form hydrogen peroxide, which
is not life-sustaining, but a destroyer of bacteria and a bleaching agent.
Oxygen combines with nitrogen in five distinct ways: Nitrous oxide, nitric oxide, nitrogen trioxide, nitrogen peroxide, and nitrogen pentoxide. Each
of these compounds, formed of the same two chemical elements, exhibits distinct properties.
Nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas, when inhaled at first
produces a peculiar intoxication, followed by unconsciousness and insensibility to pain. But none of the other compounds of oxygen and nitrogen acts
in this manner. Each compound has its own qualities.
Likewise, each type of the ten possible compounds in which almost any
two of the thought-elements can unite, expresses properties which are quite
distinct from the other types.
Observation of the lives of individuals who habitually think in a particular manner enables us to ascertain the type of thought-compound that expresses in a given kind of fortune or misfortune. People who think in a par-

The Type of
Formed Depends Upon
Conditioning Energy


Mental Alchemy
ticular manner and have the kind of fortune or misfortune which goes with
that kind of thinking, also are found to have certain aspects in their birthcharts. Our Research Department has made a study not merely of the type of
thinking, and whether it was harmonious or discordant, but has investigated
thousands of lives and thousands of birth-charts in the effort to ascertain the
particular conditions of harmony or discord that accompanied the thinking,
which attracted into the life events having definite characteristics.
As a result of this extensive research, it seems quite conclusively proven
that, even as certain conditions determine what compound will be formed when
hydrogen and oxygen unite, or when oxygen combines with nitrogen, so there
are definite conditions under which the thought-elements unite to form compounds, which when they express through the activities of the stellar-cells and
stellar structures of the astral body, bring events into the life that, irrespective
of the thought-elements combined, are well defined in their characteristics.
States of consciousness arising from experiences either physical or mental build thought-elements into the unconscious mind strictly in obedience to
the Law of Association. Resemblance or Contiguity, or both, cause thoughtelements of one experience to unite with thought-elements of another experience, or cause two or more types of thought-elements entering at the same
time to be brought together in the formation of a compound. Many experiences embrace thoughts of more than one family; and these thought-elements
being Contiguousentering the astral body at about the same timeunite.
When thought-elements are thus brought into intimate association through
Resemblance or Contiguity the type of compound then formed depends entirely upon the CONDITIONING energy present. That is, it depends upon
the volume, persistence and intensity of the pleasure or pain accompanying
the experience. Conditioning energy thus stored in the compound becomes
the tension, desire, or URGE of the thought-cell then formed, to express
through a similar channel of pleasure or pain. Such is the most pleasant expression for the thought-cell because to express in a manner contrary to its
mode of formation would require a type of energy it does not possess. Yet
while it satisfies its own longing through such expression, if that expression
is discordant, it is inimical to the welfare of the individual.
The more intense the Conditioning energy with which the thought-elements are united, the more beneficial or detrimental becomes the action of
the thought-cells then formed in reference to the organism of which they form
a part. There are ten distinct types of compounds, each of which, because the
conditioning energy entered into the thought-element union in that manner,
expresses in thought-cell activities which are characteristic.


Due to the frequency with which experiences embracing two or more thoughtelements enter the life, these thought-elements may become present in the
stellar-cell structure of the astral body in large volume. Although added to
the stellar form under circumstances of Contiguityat nearly the same time
that cause them to form a compound, the Conditioning energy present in so
far as pleasure or pain is concerned may be very weak. Such a compound is
one of the most powerful that can be formed; but its activity as expressed
through stellar-cells and stellar structures, being due to volume rather than
to Conditioning energy, chiefly operates to bring into prominence the special
abilities indicated by the thought-elements and the department of life with
which associated. A dynamic stellar structure formed of such a compound is
mapped in the birth-chart by the Conjunction Aspect.

Just How to Find the Thought Cause of Any Condition


Thought-elements united by the Conditioning energy of a steady feeling of

mild pleasure in the experiences from which they are derived enter into a slightly
harmonious compound, which in its expression through stellar-cell and stellar
structure activities, promotes growth. Stellar-cells so composed work both from
the four-dimensional, and the three-dimensional plane, to attract many small
advantages for development. A dynamic stellar structure formed of such a compound is mapped in the birth-chart by the Semi-sextile Aspect.


Experiences embracing two or more thought-elements in which these different types of thinking uniformly bring a feeling of pleasure, due to this strong
and harmonious Conditioning energy, cause the thought-elements to unite in
a compound which expressing through stellar-cells and stellar structures,
draws opportunities into the life. Thought-cells of such composition work to
bring favorable environmental conditions. Opportunity does not come by
chance, but through the work of such four-dimensional thought groups. A
dynamic stellar structure formed of such a compound is mapped in the birthchart by the Sextile Aspect.


Difficulties may be approached in an attitude of joy that there is a chance to

test ones strength, and of glory in triumphing over them. Or they may be
approached with distaste, and with acute pain due to the conflict. When the
Conditioning energy with which two or more thought-elements unite is that
of painful struggle, the expression of the compound through stellar-cells and
stellar structures invariably interferes with the adaptation to environment. It
works to attract hindrances. Every obstacle in life is attracted by such compounds. It may be poverty, it may be ill health, it may be lack of education or
opportunity, or it may be the antagonism of opponents; but whatever the obstacle is, it enters the life through the activities of compounds conditioned by
violent discord. A dynamic stellar structure formed of such a compound is
mapped in the birth-chart by the Square Aspect.


Thought-elements brought into mutual association through thinking of their

objects with prolonged and enthusiastic pleasure enter into a union such as
causes the stellar-cells and stellar structures embracing them to work diligently to bring the realization of desires in the departments of life with which
associated. A thought compound thus highly Conditioned with pleasure energy brings into the life fortunate conditions such as are commonly attributed to luck. They enter into the psychoplasm of the most harmonious of all
stellar-cells. A dynamic stellar structure formed of such a compound is mapped
in the birth-chart by the Trine Aspect.


The thought-elements built into the astral body when objects or endeavors
are brought together in the experiences along with ideas regarding development, yet at the same time with no pronounced feeling of pleasure or annoyance, unite in a compound which is neither markedly harmonious nor beneficial. The Conditioning energy is slight, and such as it is, instead of expressing in prominence, because it revolves about development, tends to expression through the stellar-cells and stellar structures embracing the compound,
in the direction of expansion. A dynamic stellar structure formed of such a
compound is mapped in the birth-chart by the Inconjunct Aspect.


Irritations, little anxieties. and the small abrasions of life furnish Condition-



Mental Alchemy
ing energy which unites the thought-elements of the experiences in association with them into compounds the stellar-cells and stellar structures of which,
because the energy has been built into them in that way, must express in the
direction of attracting chronically annoying events. Stellar-cells of such
psychoplasm work incessantly from the four-dimensional plane, and through
the three-dimensional plane, to cause friction with others, and to bring irritating circumstances. A dynamic stellar structure formed of such a compound
is mapped in the birthchart by the Semi-square Aspect.


When the desires simultaneously pull in opposite directions, causing a decided feeling of distress because if one desire is realized the other must be
relinquished, the thought-elements thus built into the astral body are united
by one of the most powerful types of Conditioning energy. This struggle for
supremacy between the thought-elements in expressing through the stellar-cells and stellar structures causes them to work persistently to force asunder the departments of life with which associated. A dynamic stellar structure formed of such a compound is mapped in the birth-chart by the Opposition Aspect.


Things are thought about pleasantly at one time which under other circumstances are thought about with a feeling of displeasure. The Conditioning
energy with which the thought-elements unite is thus harmonious at times
and at other times discordant. Because the Conditioning energy thus alternates, the compound in expressing through the thought-cells and thought
structures embracing it, tends to break up pre-existing conditions and conduces
to mental and physical agitation. A dynamic stellar structure formed of such
a compound is mapped in the birth-chart by the Sesqui-square Aspect.


Long, although rather indefinite, association of thoughts and conditions of

two or more types, builds thought-elements into the astral body in volume.
But because the Conditioning energy is so slight, there being neither pleasure
nor pain, the compound is rather loose in composition, but the stellar-cells
and stellar structures embracing it have intensity of energy, due to volume.
They thus rather powerfully attract the things of the departments of life with
which associated. A dynamic stellar structure formed of such a compound is
mapped in the birth-chart by the Parallel Aspect.


Mental Alchemy

January 2, 1873 12:00 midnight, L.M.T., 00E03, 48N27.
1876, determined to become nun: Sun sesqui-square Jupiter p.
1877, mother died: Mars square Saturn r, Uranus inconjunct Moon r.
1877, Christmas, saw her name in the sky: Venus opposition Jupiter p.
1887, carried fight to become Carmelite at fifteen over various superiors
who opposed, to the Pope; gained permission and had hard convent life: Sun
square Mars p, Venus sextile Sun r.
1894, wrote The History of a Soul, which circulated widely, and to which
miracles were attributed, leading to canonization as a saint: Mercury sesquisquare Jupiter r, Sun opposition Uranus r, semi-sextile Moon r.

Just How to Find the Thought Cause of Any Condition

July 24, 1897, 11:30 p.m., C.S.T., 95W00, 39N30.
1915, graduated from high school: Mercury conjunction Jupiter r. 1926-28,
charge of girls welfare work: Jupiter square Venus r. 1927-2S, teacher of extension course: Jupiter square Venus r.
1928, June 17-18, first woman to fly Atlantic: Mercury conjunction Mars p,
Venus semi-sextile Neptune r, Jupiter square Venus r.
1931, married: Venus trine Uranus, Venus trine Saturn.
1932, solo flight across Atlantic: Mars sextile Sun r, Jupiter square Venus r.
1937, March 17, took off on westward round-world flight: cracked up in
Honolulu, no one injured but plane wrecked: Sun conjunction Mars r and
Jupiter r, Venus conjunction Sun r, Moon conjunction Uranus and Saturn.


Course 9

Chapter 3

Just How to Find a

Mental Antidote

HEN the chemist possesses a compound which is unsuited to his

purposes, to change its composition so that it will have properties
more favorable to the ends he seeks, he proceeds to do one of two
things: Through the application of conditioning energy he rearranges the same
elements; as when he applies heat to Hydrogen Peroxide, driving off a portion of the oxygen, and obtaining Water. Both Hydrogen Peroxide and Water
are compounds of Hydrogen and Oxygen, but with distinctly different properties. Or, he adds one or more other element to the compound, which uniting with one or more element in the original, changes its character entirely.
For instance, if he wishes to obtain Nitric Acid which is widely used commercially, he can add Water to Nitrogen Pentoxide.
Likewise, when it is desirable to change the composition of a thought-compound in the astral body, so that the stellar-cells and stellar structures formed
of it will have an entirely different influence upon the events they attract into
the life, the same two methods are available: Either, through the application of
conditioning energy, the thought-elements of the compound are rearranged;
the process being termed Conversion; or new thought-elements, termed Mental Antidotes, are added to the compound, which uniting with one or more
thought-element in the original, changes its character completely.
Two thought-elements may have so pleasant an affinity for each other
that whenever they are associated, by being in the same compartment of the
astral body, they tend to unite in a compound. And because of this unusual
attraction, when they are permitted thus to join, they develop spontaneously
a certain amount of pleasant conditioning energy which thus enters the compound and influences the thought-cells and stellar structures formed of the
compound. Thought-elements which thus tend readily to unite, and if no special conditioning energy is present, in uniting combine in a more or less harmonious compound, are said to be Mental Antidotes, each of the other.
Mental Antipathies also exist among the thought-elements. When the
Aggressive thought-elements, for instance, occupy the same compartment of
the astral body with the Safety thought-elements, although they do not readily
combine, to the extent close association does cause them to enter into a compound, is there developed merely through this association, painful conditioning energy which enters the compound and influences the thought-cells
and stellar structures formed of the compound.

How Antidotes Act

Mental Alchemy
An increasing number of deaths are caused each year through the effect of
carbon monoxide gas, developed through faulty combustion of fuel in automobile engines. An engine started, or left running, in a closed garage is responsible for some such deaths. Others are caused by the gas from imperfect
connections, or from the exhaust, seeping up through the floor into the drivers
compartment, or by the gas from a car on the road just ahead blowing back
into the drivers face. As the gas is tasteless, odorless and colorless, the driver
does not recognize his danger, is rendered unconscious, and permits his car
to crash.
It can be shown, from ample statistical data, that the thought-cause which
attracted the driver to the carbon monoxide danger, resided in a compound
within his astral body in which the Utopian thought-elements were painfully
united to other thought-elements. But the purpose here of introducing this
quite modern danger, is to illustrate the effect of Antipathies and Antidotes
when applied to the human system.
Carbon monoxide is not poisonous in the sense that arsenic, strychnine,
and toxic compounds are. It is readily eliminated from the system when the
living person is removed from the presence of an additional supply. Yet it
requires a very diluted amount in the air we breathe to bring death.
The red blood corpuscles, although possessing consciousness, are quite
unlike the white leukocytes. They are tiny sacks full of hemoglobin. And hemoglobin has a marked affinity for oxygen. During the passage of the red
corpuscles through the lungs, they take on a load of oxygen, which a few
moments later they deliver to the tissue cells, picking up, for the return cargo
to the lungs, carbon dioxide and other waste products.
But hemoglobin has a much stronger affinity for carbon monoxide than it
has for oxygen. When, therefore, the air contains even small amounts of carbon monoxide, this unites with the hemoglobin instead of the oxygen. Without a fresh supply of oxygen the brain can retain consciousness only a few
minutes; and other organs of the body can function only a matter of hours.
That is, the carbon monoxide acts as an antipathy, when it combines with the
hemoglobin. The person suffocates just as surely as he would if for the same
length of time he were under water. And the treatment to relieve the condition is to use a pulmotor, or artificial respiration, just as in drowning. In fact,
he is drowning, and if revived before life ceases, he suffers no more ill after
effects than had he been immersed in water.
When, by means of the pulmotor, or natural breathing if it has not been
completely suspended, the red blood corpuscles are furnished again with a
supply of pure air, in their contact with the tissues they gradually relinquish
their carbon monoxide, and the hemoglobin again combines with oxygen,
carrying it from the lungs to the tissues. Pure air, even if it must be forced into
circulation through the lungs by means of a pulmotor, is thus the natural
Antidote for a dangerous carbon monoxide compound. Nothing else in the
way of a remedy is required. If the heart continues to beat, circulating the
blood, and plenty of pure air is furnished the hemoglobin of the blood, there
is such a pleasant affinity between hemoglobin and oxygen, that they combine in a compound wholly beneficial.
In a similar manner, each family of thought-elements has both its Antipathy and its Antidote in certain other families of thought-elements. But because the practice of Mental Alchemy is to relieve distress, and to form such
thought-compounds in the astral body as will attract, through the activities of
the stellar-cells and stellar structures composed of them, more fortunate events,

Just How to Find a Mental Antidote


our interest is more pronounced in determining the Mental Antidotes and

how to apply them. Just what these Mental Antidotes are has been handed
down to us through tradition from remote antiquity; but they have been amply verified through extensive modern research and experiment.
The state of consciousness accompanying any physical or mental experience
builds thought-elements of one or more family into the psychoplasm of the
astral body. The thought-elements thus added move to, and are assimilated
by, the compartment in the astral body related to the department of life with
which the experience is chiefly concerned. That is, if the experience has chiefly
to do with money, they move to the 2nd compartment; if it has to do with love
affairs, they move to the 5th compartment; or if it has to do with credit and
honor, they move to the 10th compartment.
This tends to bring them into proximity with other thought-elements already occupying the same compartment in the astral body. Such casual association alone does not of necessity compel them to combine; but in the case of
Mental Antidotes, the affinity is so strong that the slight additional association given by the purpose of applying a mental remedy is sufficient to enable
these incoming elements to enter into the psychoplasmic compound of the
stellar cells, thus changing their nature completely.
When the Mental Antidote for the particular affliction has been determined, it is then sound practice to cultivate harmonious experiences and harmonious thinking of its type in connection with the department of lifemoney,
health, honor, friendship, etc., for which the mental remedy is needed.
But in addition to this, the antidote should be applied directly to the Dynamic Stellar Structure chiefly responsible for the difficulty. If the discordant
Dynamic Stellar Structure attracting the misfortune is chiefly composed of
Safety thought-elements mapped in the birth-chart by the planet Saturn
whenever Safety thoughts, feelings or impulses enter objective consciousness,
it is good practice at once to think about and cultivate their antidote. That is,
when fear, caution, acquisition, greed, or cold selfishness, are recognized in
the thoughts or actions, other thoughts and actions should at once be cultivated relating to love, affection, art, beauty, and friendship, to take their place.
The fact that the new set of thoughts and experiences are purposely developed to take the place in consciousness of the troublesome ones, associates
them immediately with the thought-elements in the active thought-cells responsible for the difficulty.
Those very active groups of thought-cells forming a Dynamic Stellar Structure in the astral body, if they are the seat of a difficulty of any importance,
are quite certain to influence not merely the experiences attracted, but also
the objective thinking and feeling. And to whatever type they belong, whenever the experiences or thinking characteristic of them are present, if the experiences and thinking which constitute the Mental Antidote are then used
in the effort to displace or alter them, these new thought-elements enter into
combination with the ones causing the trouble.
The Dynamic Stellar Structure responsible for the difficulty to be remedied may be ascertained through a careful process of psychoanalysis: or
through a careful observation of the habitual thought of the individual. The
thought-cells of a stellar structure with energy enough to cause much difficulty in life, also are energetic enough to influence both unconscious trends
of thought and the habitual objective thinking. But the most convenient method
of determining the thought structure, the cells of which need a Mental Anti-

Antidotes Should Be
Applied to Both
Compartment and
Stellar Structure


Mental Alchemy
dote, is through using the known Birth-chart Constants in connection with
the birthchart.
But whatever method is used to discover the thought-cause of the condition to be treated, the Antidote should be applied to the thought-cells in the
compartment affected in the astral body, by associating the Antidote as harmoniously and as persistently as possible with that department of life; and it
should be applied directly to the Dynamic Stellar Structure through using it
on all those occasions, which will be numerous enough to start with, when
the thinking responsible for the difficulty gains recognition in consciousness.
Now let us consider, in the case of each family of thought-elements, just
what thoughts and experiences should be sought, when it is the chief element
in a discordant thought-compound, to afford the proper Mental Antidote:

Antidote for

When there is discord arising from a thought-compound in which the Power

elements predominate, this is due to the influence of the other thought-element, or thought-elements, in the compound, and to the conditioning energy
with which the elements combined. Therefore, the antidote for this other
thought-element should be added to the compartment containing the Power
thought-cells, and to the Power Dynamic Stellar Structure.
To add them thus to the Power Dynamic Stellar Structure, whenever
thoughts are present relating to pride, firmness, conscientiousness, self-approbation, self-disapproval or self-esteem, thoughts of the character of the
antidote of the other thought-element in the compound should be entertained.
Also, experiences should be cultivated of the nature of the antidote of this
other, and discordant, thought-element in the compound, with the purpose
in mind of adding harmony and strength to the feeling of importance and
There can not be too much of the Power thought-elements in the astral body;
and a great deal of failure in the lives of most people is due not so much to the
discord in association with the Power thought-cells as to their lack of energy.
That is, thoughts, efforts and other experiences relating to significance have
been too few, and lacking in intensity, in the souls past to build up these stellarcells and give them the activity necessary for high accomplishment.
Their prominence does not prevent difficulties, nor their characteristic
type of diseases, if they are composed of discordant compounds. But it does
give ability, to the extent these Power thought-cells have acquired energy,
to overcome difficulties. Statesmen and those who lead or govern others
often have gravely discordant Power thought-cells; but they always have
unusually energetic Power thought-cells. Those with such discords attract
one difficulty after another, but are able to dominate them, until the discord
attracts a physical disease resulting in death. Important men, because of the
prominent yet discordant Power Dynamic Stellar Structure, very frequently
die of heart failure.
To illustrate what I mean, consider the birthcharts and lives of three of
our presidents: Theodore Roosevelt (Birth-chart on page xiv) with Sun in 10th,
conjunction Mercury, opposition Pluto, and trine Moon, went out of his way
to find difficulties; but his Power stellar-cells were so energetic that he steadily
gained in authority; yet he died at a time in life when many men are in their
prime. Warren G. Harding (Birth-chart on page 92 of Chapter 6, Course 2,
Astrological Signatures), with Sun conjunction Mars and Saturn, opposition
Moon, and trine Uranus, was unsuccessful as candidate for Governor, and as
president died from ptomaine poisoning, typical of discordant Utopian

Just How to Find a Mental Antidote


thought-element compounds. Calvin Coolidge (Birth-chart on page 93 of Chapter 6, Course 2, Astrological Signatures), with Sun opposition Saturn, was frugal and accustomed to hardship, but the activity of his Power thought-cells
gave him one political position after another, until he died from heart failure,
typical of discordant Power compounds.
Almost any person who sets resolutely and intelligently about it can acquire some knowledge or ability that is outstanding in the community where
he lives. He can do something that will secure the esteem of others, or at least,
through benefiting the community, heighten his own opinion of himself.
Working to such an end, if the difficulties are met with joy in accomplishment, this builds Power thought-elements into the astral body, adding to the
vitality and to the importance of the life. Such effort is well worth while to
any person.
In the home, where women and dependents are concerned, and in relation to the
common people, the individual becomes more receptive to impressions than in
most other avenues of life. That is, he is more negative to such influences, and
whatever harmonies or discords are present find easier access to his astral body,
and build into it thought compounds possessing such conditioning energy.
It has been found through experiment and observation that the Aggressive thought-elements have a peculiarly harmonious and powerful affinity
for the Domestic thought-elements. Aggressive thought elements, ruled by
Mars, are the most positive and energetic of all; just as the Domestics, ruled
by the Moon, are the least positive. When the Aggressive thought-elements
are added to any compound containing the Domestic thought-elements, they
immediately enter into combination with the Domestic thought-elements;
and the resulting compound, unless at the time discordant conditioning
energy is added through some painful association, tends to be of a highly
beneficial character.
I believe no thought-compounds give greater courage and daring, or mental activity, than those formed by a union of the Aggressive thought-elements
with the Domestic thought-elements. Such a compound is mapped in the birthchart by an aspect between the Moon and Mars; and, while attracting strife
and a tendency to accidents, even a discordant compound of these two thoughtelements has great possibilities for accomplishment. In other words, they are
such perfect antidotes, each of the other, that in any compound they provide
activities that cause their stellar-cells to attract a certain type of good fortune.
As illustrating this peculiar quality even when in compounds that are
otherwise not harmonious, Theodore Roosevelt (Birth-chart on page xiv) had
Moon opposition Mars; Admiral Richard E. Byrd (Birth-chart on page 111 of
Chapter 7, Course 5, Esoteric Psychology), who was the first man to fly over
both the north pole and the south pole of the earth, has Moon opposition
Mars; Amelia Earhart (Birth-chart on page 31 of chapter 2), first woman to fly
the Atlantic, has Moon square Mars; Calvin Coolidge (Birth-chart on page 93
of Chapter 6, Course 2, Astrological Signatures) had Moon conjunction Mars;
Benito Mussolini, Italian dictator (Birth-chart on page xv, Course 2, Astrological Signatures), has Moon conjunction Mars; and Franklin Delano Roosevelt
(Birth-chart on page 79 of Chapter 5, Course 14, Occultism Applied to Daily
Life), has Moon conjunction Mars These individuals all are noted for courage
and daring as well as for high accomplishment.
To add these Aggressive thought-elements to the compartment of the astral body containing the Domestic thought-cells, this department of the life

Antidote for


Mental Alchemy
should be associated in the mind with activities which are deliberately undertaken for the protection of the weak and helpless and providing for those
unable to care for themselves; activities that call for initiative, courage, and
combat. Even taking the part of a mistreated dog is a step in the right direction.
To add these Aggressive thought-elements specifically to the Domestic
Dynamic Structure, whenever thoughts enter the consciousness that relate to
difficulties in the home, to difficulties with women, or to difficulties with the
common people; these should instantly and completely be displaced by thinking about some episode in the life in which initiative and courage were exercised. Or the thoughts may be turned to some contemplated activity which
requires initiative and courage.
Commonly the thoughts arising from activities of the Domestic Dynamic
Structure are of a quality that, even though tumultuous in their emotional
content, as soon as the emotion begins to subside, they leave the individual in
a state of passive acceptance of conditions. Such negativeness of attitude merely
increases the power of the Domestic thought-compound to influence the life.
And while it is poor technic to oppose any thoughts that are discordant to
this negativeness; it is essential in correcting a Domestic thought-element difficulty with a Mental Antidote, that positive and aggressive, even war-like,
thoughts should be substituted. When such Aggressive thoughts are thus
substituted, their purpose of displacing the discordant Domestic thoughts is
sufficient association to cause them to enter into combination with the thoughtelements of the Domestic Dynamic Structure.

Antidote for

The objective mind was evolved the better to adjust the organism to new situations through actions based upon examination and comparison. This process of examination and comparison when carried out by the objective consciousness, as well as the expression of the thoughts through speech or writing, is done at the expense of electrical energy generated in the brain-cells.
That is, such thinking as adds Intellectual thought-elements to the astral body,
is accompanied by vibrations of the physical brain cells, which in turn consume etheric energy.
The etheric energies thus set in motion flow from the brain as electric
discharges over the nervous system, thus tuning the nerves in on corresponding astral vibratory rates, enabling them to pick up, radio fashion, such energies from the planets, from other radiating brains, and from the minds of
those on the inner planes of life.
The more powerful the Intellectual thought-cells are in the astral body,
even though combined in discordant compounds as indicated by inharmonious aspects to Mercury in the birth-chart, the more activity are they able to
impart to the physical brain cells. Up to the capacity of the brain cells to stand
the strain thus imposed upon them, even discordant Intellectual thought-cells
are an asset to mental ability.
But because their activities imparted to the physical brain do thus so largely
determine the habitual type of thinking and the habitual tendency of the nervous system to pick up broadcasted vibrations of a particular type and harmony or discord, which in turn affect the life in various departments through
feeding energies into the thought-cells in various compartments, it is of utmost importance that the Intellectual thought-cells should be harmonious.
Faith, and the reliance on a higher power, relieve the Intellectual processes of their tendency to carry the whole burden of responsibility for what
happens in life. They enable them to relinquish activity about matters be-

Just How to Find a Mental Antidote


yond their power, and to concentrate the etheric energies of the brain toward
the solution of essential problems. Over activity of the brain uses up more
electrical energy than the braincells generate, and thus leads to depression.
But steady, directed attention given to some selected problem leads to such
exhaustion slowly in comparison to the irritation of numerous petty problems which come spontaneously, each one stimulating unregulated electric
discharges over the nerves.
A benevolent attitude toward others, and a calm and abiding faith that
things beyond personal control will work out for the best, or at least somefirm philosophy that may be thought about adds the Religious thought-elements to the astral body. These antidotes should be added to the compartment of the astral body containing the Intellectual thought-cells through cultivating such benevolence, faith and philosophy in reference to the department of life they influence. And they should be added to the Intellectual Dynamic Structure through substituting such an attitude for the too insistent, or
the discordant, thoughts that intrude in an effort to solve the problems which
life constantly presents.
Love, affection and friendship, while not antagonistic to safety and self-interest, yet possess a vibratory quality which softens their hardness. Observation
and experience show that excess of such emotional qualities, or their discords,
are quickly and beneficially modified by the application of caution, system
and forethought.
The Safety thought-elements are the mental antidote for the Social thought
compounds. But in their application, if the resulting compound is to be truly
harmonious, no element of selfishness, greed or fear should be allowed to
creep in; for these discordant Safety thought-elements are so powerfully conditioned with discordant energy that they impart a loss-attracting activity to
any thought compound into which they enter; even when combining with
Social thought-elements if these also are discordant. Proper caution and foresight should be used not to attain an undue advantage, but in the interest of
strict justice, in the use of the Safety thought-elements as an antidote.
Also, because the Social thought-elements, mapped in the birth-chart by
Venus, are so negative, in addition to the mental antidote they need, when
discordant, Power thought-elements harmoniously applied to the compound.
That is, pride, firmness and self-esteem should also be cultivated in association with them.
To apply the Safety thought-elements to the compartment of the astral
body containing the Social thought-cells, the things of this department of life
should be thought about with much care in the effort to discern how each
course of action will affect them; and how they will ultimately affect oneself.
Their influence upon the self-respect in particular should be noted, and courses
of action decided upon which will be just, but which will not detract from the
feeling of Significance.
To apply the Safety thought-elements to the Social Dynamic Structure;
whenever discordant thoughts arising from affectional matters enter the consciousness, these should be displaced by thinking intently about caution, system, order, and persistent effort in connection with some work or enterprise
that enables these thoughts to afford a feeling of pleasure.
The fact that emotional matters tend to intrude, and these cold and careful thoughts are used to displace them, even though the Safety thoughts are
about something else, is sufficient association to cause them to enter into the

Antidote for


Mental Alchemy
same compound. And if the thoughts dwell too persistently upon the emotional subject, while the thought-elements enter the proper thought-cells, they
tend to become too charged with discord to give them a harmonious composition. The feeling at the time enables one to judge to what extent, in adding
the thoughts of firmness and self-respect, as well as those of the Safety family
to the compound, it is advisable to permit thoughts of the affectional object to
be present.

Antidote for

If it is in harmonious compounds, so that it will express in constructive activities instead of in those destructive, it seems impossible to have too much of
the Aggressive thought-element in the astral body. Without it in ample quantity there is insufficient energy for worth while accomplishment.
But when as revealed by discordant aspects to Mars in the birth-chart, the
Aggressive thought-cells contain painful conditioning energy, their activities
are the source of strife, infection, accident and other misfortunes. Yet, as indicated already, they have a powerful and harmonious affinity for the Domestic
thought-elements, which are their natural antidote.
To apply the Domestic thought-elements successfully to the compartment
of the astral body containing the Aggressive thought-cells, thoughts of providing for the helpless, of making the domestic life more enjoyable for those
in the home, and of taking care of their wants, should be associated with the
department of life thus needing treatment. And to increase the potency of the
process, some actual work, having for object the caring for the helpless or
providing for their welfare, should be undertaken.
To add the Domestic thought-elements more specifically to the Aggressive Dynamic Structure, whenever thoughts relating to strife, or generated
by lust, anger or the feeling of antagonism enter the consciousness, a deliberate effort should be made to displace them with other thoughts relating to
helping the weak and providing for the unfortunate. In this work of substituting Domestic thoughts, it will be found that the Aggressive thought-cells
possess so much energy, once they are able to connect up strongly with the
brain cells, as when lust, anger or irritation is present, that it is unwise to
attempt to repress them.
Each individual should have some plan, project or work in which he finds
spontaneous delight, and which at the same time contributes to the comfort
of his family, or to the welfare of the old or young who are helpless. An active
interest in some branch of social welfare work serves the purpose admirably.
With such a Domestic thought interest already well developed, it is not
difficult, when lust, anger or irritation begin to be felt to switch the thoughts
to this interest; and to divert the Aggressive energies being released into channel of construction. That is, if the energy being liberated is used to build something, instead of to tear down, it performs a useful work. And when it is present
in volume, as is always the case when there is anger or lust, it is sure to express either destructively or constructively. If it is given some constructive
work, this diverts it from destructive activity. And if this work, either physical or mental, is undertaken for the benefit of children or others who are helpless, this adds the Domestic thought-elements to the Aggressive Dynamic
Structure in the manner most suited to provide a satisfactory antidote.

Antidote for

Placing too much reliance on faith, good luck and the protection of providence, instead of taking an adequate share of responsibility, is typical of the
manner in which discordant Religious thought compounds express in the

Just How to Find a Mental Antidote


habitual attitude toward life. The stellar-cells embracing such compounds are
mapped in the birth-chart by discordant aspects to the planet Jupiter.
While it unwise to ask the Intellectual processes to carry the whole burden of responsibility for what happens, it is equally in error to expect providence, or the good will of others, to shoulder the whole load. Yet there is so
strong an affinity between the Religious thought-elements and the Intellectual thought-elements that whenever they are in each others presence, unless they are associated painfully, they tend to combine in a pleasant and harmonious compound. Thus they are the natural antidotes, each of the other.
To apply the Intellectual thought-elements to the compartment of the astral body containing the Religious thought-cells, the things of the department
of life thus affected by the Religious stellar-cells should be made the subjects
of thorough study and careful analysis. The critical faculties should be brought
into play to determine the best course of action in every situation when these
things constitute a factor. Feeling should be made subordinate to reason based
upon careful examination. Snap judgments should be avoided.
The old astrological books hold that an afflicted Jupiter, more than any
other planet, destroys the judgment. This is not because Jupiter rules the judicial faculties, but because discordant Religious thought-cells are able to displace reason and the critical weighing of factors, one against the other, with
wish-inspired impulse.
To apply the Intellectual thought-elements to the Religious Dynamic Structure requires that overoptimism, the blind reliance on chance, and the tendency to permit things to take their own course in the hope that they will turn
out all right, should be replaced by a careful examination of every situation in
which impulse and enthusiasm urge either an action or inaction. Many situations will arise in which a critical analysis of all the factors will reveal that
impulse and enthusiasm were leading in the right direction. But aside from
preventing actions based on faulty judgment, such procedure associates the
Intellectual thought-elements with the elements in the Religious thought-cells
responsible for the impulse, faith, or optimism, and thus builds a new and
highly beneficial compound.
In applying the Intellectual thought-elements, care should be exercised
that no feeling of distaste for the labor involved arises; for their proper application requires concentration and, as electric forces generated by the brain
cells are involved in the process, this rapidly consumes energy.
In their expression the Safety thought-cells are heavy and laborious. If harmonious and constructive in trend they are among the most valuable assets
of life; but even when thus fortunate they are decidedly more beneficial when
brightened and given vivacity through adding to their compounds the cheery
Social thought-elements, which are the natural antidote. Furthermore, all
thought-cells to the extent they contain Safety thought-elements in their composition, are negative, and therefore can be benefited by adding to them Power
thought-elements. When the Safety thought-cells contain painful conditioning energy, as revealed by discordant aspects to Saturn in the birth-chart, they
in particular need both their antidote and the Power thought-elements added
to them.
To add the Social thought-elements successfully to the compartment of
the astral body containing the Safety thought-cells, pleasant social contacts,
musical entertainment, or artistic trends, should be cultivated in connection
with the various things relating to this department of life. The effort should

Antidote for


Mental Alchemy
be toward getting as much cheer, amusement and pleasant emotion as possible out of these associations. At the same time, to offset the tendency to
negativeness which is always a menace for when present it permits control
by thoughts, forces and environment other than of ones own choosingthere
should be maintained, along with the pleasant emotion, a feeling of firmness,
of energies slightly pressing outward, and of self-respect and significance.
To add the Social thought-elements more specifically to the Safety Dynamic Structure, a definite line of thought and action should be planned and
followed, to be brought into use whenever fear, greed or worry is present in
objective consciousness, and whenever there is a feeling of grief, disappointment or depression.
This plan of action requires the cultivation of some affectional interest
which is not disappointing, the establishment of pleasing social contacts, or
the development of an appreciation of music, art or poetry. If such associations are lively and merry, they are better than those that require reflection.
That is, they should be in the nature of amusements or recreations, which
have enough spontaneous attraction to banish the worry, disappointment, or
other Safety thoughts from the consciousness.
Safety thoughts in particular, and to an extent other thoughts of negative
quality, turn the interests of the mind upon the self. Hence it is requisite in
causing them to enter into more favorable compounds that there is an interest outside the self which induces the energies to flow outwardly. And to
insure that the energies do thus flow outwardly, instead of negatively permitting outside conditions to cause the flow to be reversed, it is good technic to
maintain a feeling that the energies are slightly pressing outward, and to hold
thoughts of power, vitality and self respect.
This negativeness which is common when Domestic thought-elements,
Social thought-elements, Utopian thought-elements, Universal Welfare
thought-elements, or Safety thought-elements are too prominent in the astral
body is not confined to the stellar-cells but affects the electrical potential of
the physical body markedly. The brain-cells generate electrical charges which
make it positive to the rest of the body; the liver being the opposite pole,
carrying the strongest negative charges. Fear, worry, grief, or other negative
thoughts decrease this electrical difference between brain and liver, which
means that they lower the vitality; for the vitality depends upon this electrical difference. It is quite possible to die of fear, worry or grief; for when the
difference in electrical potential is no longer present, the battery that runs the
body is dead, and the body can not function. Hence the necessity of applying
the vitalizing Power thought-elements to keep the thoughts and brain from
becoming too negative.

Antidote for

The thoughts of the Individualistic family are an upper octave expression of

the Intellectual thoughts, and have an equal capacity to tune the etheric energies flowing over the nervous system in on corresponding astral rates of vibration. And because they are upper-octave, and therefore have a shorter wave
length, to the extent the Individualistic thought-elements are present in the
thought-cell compounds of the astral body do they give the personal magnetismwhich is etheric radiationa quality and intensity which others
pronouncedly feel.
If the Individualistic thought-cells are powerful and harmonious, it causes
others to be strongly, even violently, attracted; and gives the ability to sway
others through magnetic power. Orators who influence public opinion mark-

Just How to Find a Mental Antidote


edly always have prominent Individualistic thought-cells. On the other hand,

if the Individualistic stellar-cells are powerful and discordant, as mapped in a
birth-chart by a prominent Uranus receiving inharmonious aspects, it attracts
others who exert an undue and unfortunate influence over the life. That is,
whatever fortune or misfortune is attracted through the activities of the Individualistic stellar-cells is associated directly or indirectly with a human agency.
Yet, even though the effect on the nervous system liberates shorter wave
lengths due to electrical oscillations, and these short wave lengths broadcast
more powerfully than those released from the nitrogen of the protein fraction
of the nerve cells by the action of the Intellectual thought-cells, the antidote is
the same. It consists of applying the Religious thought elements.
To apply these Religious thought-elements to the compartment of the astral body containing the Individualistic stellar-cells, the things of this department of life should be viewed with a greater spirit of give and take; of greater
tolerance for the views and shortcomings of others in reference to them, and
with a broad and optimistic philosophy which places much reliance on higher
powers to cause things to work out as they should.
To apply the Religious thought-elements more specifically to the Individualistic Dynamic Structure; whenever thoughts enter the consciousness
as to the desirability of destroying the old for something new and untried;
especially if the thought of existing conditions gives rise to a feeling of dissatisfaction; displace such thoughts by thinking about higher powers which all
in their proper time bring these changes necessary for progress. Turn the
thoughts from the dissatisfying condition to the highest type of religion that
has been contacted, whatever it may be.
The Utopian thoughts also are upper-octave expressions. They are shorter
wave lengths, but otherwise similar in characteristic, to the Social thoughts.
But because they are negative they do not radiate powerfully from the nerves
as do the Individualistic thoughts; but instead give the nervous system unusual sensitiveness to other vibrations. This magnified sensitiveness tends to
a like magnification of the importance of what is received. That is, the activity
of the Utopian thought-cells gives an undue reality to fleeting and evanescent impressions, and exaggerated expectations, whether these be beneficial
or detrimental.
In addition to applying the Safety thought-elements as an antidote, because they are so negative, an effort should also be made to add the Power
thought-elements to the Utopian thought-element compound.
To apply the Safety thought-elements to the compartment of the astral
body containing the Utopian thought-cells, the things of this department of
life should be thought about with much care in the effort to discern how each
course of action will affect them; a special effort being made not to magnify
the importance of these influences, and thus to avoid ultimate disappointment. Also, their influence upon self-respect and significance should be studied, and a more positive attitude toward them should be cultivated.
To apply the Safety thought-elements more specifically to the Utopian
Dynamic Structure; whenever ideas involving projects of great magnitude,
or whenever impressions which seem of much importance enter the consciousness, these should be displaced by thinking carefully about what is, and what
is not, practical in the light of past experience.
Discordant Utopian thought-cells, mapped in the birth chart by inharmonious aspects to the planet Neptune, in particular tend to a negative, dreamy

Antidote for


Mental Alchemy
state of consciousness to which should be applied both the hard, concrete,
practical facts of the Safety thought-elements; and, to give more vigor, the
vital, courageous, thoughts of application to detail as an aid to realizing a
practical significance instead of attaining that significance only in the wishfulfillment of imagination. Even the harmonious Utopian thought compounds will be benefited by applying to them both the Safety thought-elements and the Power thought-elements in painstaking concrete endeavor;
as always the Utopian thought-cells tend to gain satisfaction too largely
through imagination.

Antidote for
Universal Welfare

The thoughts of the Universal Welfare family are an upper-octave expression

of the Domestic thought-elements. They are those of the family expanded to
embrace a still larger group, which in its highest expression includes all living things, wherever found. The expression of the Universal Welfare thoughtcells releases the highest frequency short wavelengths which lightning, when
it tore asunder the pairs of nitrogen atoms of the atmosphere, stored in the
nitrogen which became the nucleus of the nerve cells. These shortest of wavelengths developed in the brain and nervous system, while they do not affect
the personal magnetism in the readily recognized way that those of the Individualistic thought-cells do, give the nerves both greater range in broadcasting and the most efficient type of receiving set to pick up broadcasts from
other minds, whether those minds are incarnate or discarnate.
The nervous system is specially adapted to broadcasting and clear reception of thoughts; and is not so sensitive to impressions as when the slightly
longer wavelengths of the Utopian thought-cells are the dominant influence.
Because the natural antidote, the Aggressive thought-elements, are so positive, even though the Universal Welfare thought compounds are quite negative, they do not require the application of the Power thought-elements.
To add the Aggressive thought-elements to the compartment of the astral
body containing the Universal Welfare thought-cells, some active]y requiring positive work and initiative should be undertaken in association with the
things of this department of the life, which will benefit a large and deserving
group. The Aggressive thought-elements are very easily applied to such discordant thought-cells, mapped in the birth-chart by inharmonious aspects to
the planet Pluto, merely by going into some active campaign for the benefit of
society as a whole, or some worthy part of it.
To add the Aggressive thought-elements more specifically to the Universal Welfare Dynamic Structure, whenever thoughts enter the consciousness relating to psychic difficulties, or to difficulties with some group, they
should be immediately displaced by thinking about some episode in the life
in which initiative and courage were exercised. Or the thoughts may be
turned to some contemplated activity requiring initiative and courage. The
difficulty, whatever it may be, should be completely banished from the consciousness by Aggressive thoughts that have for their object worthy attainment or construction of some kind. The circumstance that these thoughts
are deliberately cultivated to supplant the discordant Universal Welfare
thoughts is sufficient association to cause them to enter into the compound
where these are located.


Mental Alchemy

June 27, 1876, 7:47 a.m., L.M.T., 71 W05, 42N20.
Founder and owner of W. T. Grant and Co., Chain Department Stores,
operating on a 25 cent to one dollar plan: Moon (silver) in house of money
(2nd), acting as Conciliator between Pluto opposition Jupiter, and sextile Mars.
375 stores in the chain: Pluto, planet of mass activities, in house of business (10th).
1929, sold over 75 million dollars worth of goods: Venus, coruler of 10th,
semi-sextile Uranus r.
1930, earned over three million dollars profit and added 60 new stores to
chain: Venus making growth (semi-sextile) aspect to Uranus.
1931, trip to London: Sun parallel Neptune, ruler of 9th.

Just How to Find a Mental Antidote

February 1, 1901, 8:50 p.m., E.S.T., 81W00, 40N15.
1903, parents moved: Sun sextile Uranus r, trine Pluto r.
1918, traveled widely: Mercury square Uranus r, square Pluto r. 1922, stock
company in which he played failed, worked at various things, girl refused
him in marriage: Venus in 5th semi-square Jupiter r.
1933, now the most popular male movie star in America, he received
strange extortion letters: Sun square Uranus r, Sun square Pluto r.
1935, attempts at extortion became more vigorous: Mercury square Uranus r, square Pluto r.
1937, government convicted his extortionist of mail fraud: Mars sesquisquare Saturn r, sextile Neptune r.


Course 9

Chapter 4

Just How to Apply a

Mental Antidote

LL organic activity, whether that activity expresses chiefly on the

three-dimensional plane or chiefly from the four-dimensional plane,
is due to releases of desire energies by the thought-cells and thought
structures of the unconscious mind. Whether such releases bring events into
the life which are fortunate or events which are disastrous is wholly determined by the direction in which the desires of the thought-cells and thought
structures have been Conditioned to release their energies. The work of mental alchemy, therefore, is chiefly that of Conditioning and Reconditioning desires in such a manner that when they release energy it will be in a direction
to attract only fortunate events.
Experience stores in the stellar-cells and four-dimensional structures energies of specific kinds. Some, belong to the Aggressive family, seek strifeful
activity; some, belonging to the Religious family, strive for expansive activity;
some, belonging to the Power family, impel to actions that influence significance; and so with the other seven families. We call this desire energy derived from a certain type of experience an Urge. And the nature of the Urges
can not be changed. That is, we can not change a Power Urge into a Safety
Urge, nor a Social Urge into an Intellectual Urge. Each type of thought-element always expresses through its characteristic type of thought activity.
But by association with another thought-element its desire-energy can be
made to perform a quite different than usual type of work. Hydrogen, for
instance, always expresses as hydrogen, and never as oxygen. Both are highly
inflammable gases. When brought together under certain conditions they
explode. Yet when otherwise Conditioned they unite as water, a combination
which commonly is used to extinguish fire rather than to produce it. Thus
also can thought-elements be joined to do a work that neither can do alone;
and which both combined are not capable of performing except when they
are properly Conditioned.
The joining of thought-elements so that they combine as a thought compound within the astral body, and thus become added to the psychoplasm of
the thought-cells, is under the same law which governs all mental processes,
that is, the LAW OF ASSOCIATION. Thoughts or mental images are related
to each other only through Resemblance or Contiguity. And all thinking, either by the objective consciousness or by the unconscious mind, is due to the
affinity or antipathy of the desire energies of thought-cells and images re49


Mental Alchemy
leased through a chain of ASSOCIATIONS in which Resemblance or Contiguity play the important part.
Either because they are in the same proximity of space or time, or because they are similar or dissimilar, mental images, thought elements, and
other mental factors are united in the mind, and consequently when opportunity for energy releases occur, express their energies together. We thus
remember one event because, through Resemblances or Contiguity, it is
joined to another event or thought which has been before consciousness.
And because we know that experiences thus enter into union with other
experiences or with the thought factors already present in the unconscious
mind according to this universal mental law, we know just what to do to
cause a thought or experience to enter into a mental compound with another thought or mental factor.
Whenever we think about the likeness or unlikeness of something new
before the attention to some experience, mental image, or thought that has
entered consciousness on a previous occasion, we unite that which we are
now thinking about to the earlier mental factor through Resemblance; and
because now, in order to think about the resemblance both must be before
consciousness, we unite them also through Contiguity. Even if the thought of
similarity or contrast is absent, merely to think of the two experiences, images, or thoughts at the same time unites them by Contiguity.
As these are the only two ways by which thought factors are ever united,
or thought-elements joined in a mental compound, it is obvious that when
we desire to build a compound after a predetermined pattern we must employ one, or better still as giving a more powerful union both, of these two
methods, That is, to cause a thought or mental image to combine with another thought or mental image, both should be thought about at the same
time, and their similarity or dissimilarity considered in detail.
Whatever thoughts, therefore, have been built into the unconscious mind
in the past, and now form a portion of it, can be made to enter into combination with any other family of thoughts merely through thinking about them
at the same time, and comparing them as vividly and energetically as possible. In fact, whatever compounds now are present in the thought-cells and
thought structures of the unconscious mind, and which are entirely responsible for the events which come into the life, have been formed in precisely
this way. There is no other manner in which they can be formed.
But accompanying every experience, in addition to its family energy, that
is, which designates it as Aggressive, Utopian, Intellectual, etc., there is the
energy of feeling. And it is this Conditioning energy, this quality of pleasure
or pain, which determines the direction in which the energy will work when
it finds opportunity for release.
As explained in chapter 2, the type of compound formed when two
thoughts are united through the LAW OF ASSOCIATION depends entirely
upon, not the family energy of their thought-elements, but the quality and
volume of feeling which accompanies their union. It is this feeling energy
which Conditions their desires to strive to express in a certain manner. Each
thought-element has its own manner of expression. But when united with
other thought-elements it is the pain or pleasure, and its kind and intensity
which determines whether, when it has opportunity to express according to
its family, it desires, and consequently works for, those things which are detrimental, or for those which are beneficial.
There are ten different types of compounds into which it is possible for

Just How to Apply a Mental Antidote


almost any two of the families of thought-elements to enter. They are thus
different because the volume or quality of the pleasure or pain which accompanied their formation is different But broadly speaking, they are classed
either as harmonious compounds or as discordant compounds. Harmonious
compounds are formed when the Conditioning energy accompanying their
formation is that of pleasure. Thought-cells embracing such compounds work
from the four-dimensional plane to attract fortunate events into the life. Discordant compounds are formed when the Conditioning energy accompanying their formation is that of pain. The thought-cells embracing such compounds work from the four-dimensional plane to attract unfortunate events
into the life.
If, as readily can be demonstrated is the case, the power of thought-cells to
bring into the life events which are unfortunate is not due to the families to
which the thought-elements in the compound belong, but is entirely due to
the energy with which the thought-elements were joined, it is obvious that if
the Conditioning energy is changed the misfortune will be changed.
It is not the family energy which causes thoughts to join in a compound, it
is the Conditioning energy, the feeling of pleasure or pain which is coincident
with Resemblance or Contiguity. The LAW OF ASSOCIATION which governs all mental processes is the feeling which is present when mental factors
are Contiguous or are Similar or Dissimilar. That is, the LAW OF ASSOCIATION is an expression of pleasure-pain relations. In various shadings and
diverse degrees these are the only relations the mind can possibly recognize.
Thoughts are the reproduction in consciousness of sensations, as is fully explained in Chapter 2, Course 5, Esoteric Psychology.
Whatever the Conditioning energy which accompanied the formation of
a thought-compound, if that thought-compound is to be Converted into a
compound the thought- elements of which are united by a different type of
Conditioning energy, these elements must be treated with the feeling of pleasure or pain in volume and intensity sufficient to completely alter their relation one with another. Yet as their present form of union is determined exclusively by the feeling energy imparted to them at the time of formation, if
feeling energy in greater intensity and volume, but of another kind, can be
applied to them it will, of necessity, break down the old compound and rearrange the elements in a new compound such as this latest and strongest Conditioning energy indicates.
Thoughts are not isolated units, but when thoughts of one family are
present in consciousness, thoughts of some other family also commonly enter
the consciousness through the LAW OF ASSOCIATION. Nor have the events
of the past been isolated one from another. One kind of occurrence usually
has been coincident with events which relate to another family of thoughts.
Thus have the compounds within the unconscious mind been built. And because such compounds express in characteristic thoughts and actions, and
because the most powerful of them are mapped by the aspects in the birthchart, there are two methods by which the compound responsible for a condition in the life can be ascertained.
Careful observation reveals that the individual who customarily has one
kind of fortune relative to a certain department of life habitually thinks about
this department of life in a manner quite differently than does the individual
who has another kind of fortune relative to it. I mean that close association
with those who attain high honors shows that their usual manner of thinking

General Principles
to Be Followed


Mental Alchemy
about honor has been very different than those who merely desire high honors and never attain them. And that those who make a success of marriage,
have a different attitude toward marriage and the domestic partner than do
those who suffer severely through matrimonial relations.
Not only so, but at those particular times in the life when fortune or misfortune is attracted, those closely associated with the individual discern, even
before the event has transpired, that the thoughts and attitude of the individual have changed. Even those events which apparently come out of a clear
sky and with no warning, are immediately preceded by a change in the thought
processes; and people taken into the persons confidence note the mental
change that has taken place.
To illustrate by the disease which, next to heart trouble causes most deaths
and so far has offered the most stubborn resistance to physical remedies: People
who are subject to fear, envy, greed, grief, worry or extreme self-centeredness
in their thinking are the only ones who ever have cancer. This does not mean
that people who develop cancer are always selfish: for worry, grief, fear and
sorrow often arise from an intense interest in others.
We know that only people who habitually have such thoughts are predisposed to cancer because of intimate observations of a great many such persons; and because we have analyzed the birth-charts and progressed aspects
of 100 persons who developed cancer. We can not say that a person who has a
prominent and afflicted Saturn in his birth-chart will have the disease known
as cancer. But we can say quite definitely that a person in whose birth-chart
Saturn is not thus prominent will not have cancer; and that he will not become a slave to worry, grief, fear, envy, greed or self-centeredness. In all the
charts examined of those who have had this disease, there is not one without
this powerful influence of Saturn. And extensive observation has also indicated that only when Saturn is thus prominent does the person develop this
type of discordant thinking.
When this birth-chart position is present, we are warranted in saying that
the individual has a predisposition toward cancer, and that given certain conditions the disease will become a reality. Yet some persons who have a prominent and afflicted Saturn do not acquire the disease. That is, they never permit fear, grief, worry, or self-centeredness to dominate their thinking sufficiently that the disease gets a foothold.
We do know from ample observation that a prominent and afflicted Saturn indicates one who thinks about caution, safety and acquisition. The
thought-compounds in which the Safety thought-elements are dominant are
so active that there is almost a constant release of the desire energies of the
thought-cells containing them. Thus the thoughts and actions are constantly
colored by the desire for safety in its many forms. But these Safety Urges,
which are so powerful that they can not and should not be repressed, if wisely
directed can find an ample and satisfactory outlet through careful planning,
system, order, persistence, elimination of waste and hard work. Yet when
they are thus energetic, and no special training is imposed to divert them into
strictly constructive channels, they easily acquire the habit of expressing as
fear, worry, greed or self-centeredness. And if they do, the individual becomes
definitely predisposed into the direction of cancer.
At the time cancer develops, there is always a progressed aspect to Saturn, within one degree of perfect; very frequently a progressed aspect to
Saturn from the Sun. And from observation, we know when people come
under a progressed aspect to Saturn, especially if Saturn is prominent and

Just How to Apply a Mental Antidote

afflicted in the birth-chart, that responsibilities or losses are attracted which,
unless some other trend of thinking is deliberately cultivated, bring fear,
worry or grief.
In other words, we know quite positively that the planetary positions in
the birth-chart which give a predisposition to cancer, also give a predisposition toward discordant and contractive thoughts of fear, self-centeredness,
worry and acquisition. And at the time the-disease develops these same discordant thoughts and emotions are more than usually dominant in the persons
life. Clinical observers report that preceding cancer the patient almost always
has suffered a loss, often where the affections are concerned, to which he is
unable to become inwardly reconciled. He is unable to relinquish the desire
for that which has departed.
We are justified, therefore, especially as these thoughts are recognized to
have a profound effect upon the adrenaline secretions, and therefore upon
the chemical composition of the humors in which all the cells of the body are
bathed, in stating that fear, worry, greed, self-centeredness, and especially
acquisitiveness which inwardly holds to that which has been lost, and grieves
for it, are the thought-cause of cancer, and always are unusually dominant
just preceding the development of the disease.
Or to take another familiar and easily observable example: Blood poison
attacks only those who habitually have thoughts of anger, lust, irritation, or
strife; and immediately preceding such an attack those associated with the
individual note that he is unusually prone to anger, irritation, lust or combat.
Although the observational work, and statistical research, has not been
completed in reference to all the many types of happenings that are attracted
into peoples lives; the extensive work that has been done indicates that not
merely covering the 160 diseases, the birth-chart and progressed constants of
which are stated in Course 16, Stellar Healing, but that for all the more common events that people experience, both the habitual kind of thinking responsible for the event, and the thinking which became unusually active just
preceding the event, and which attracted it at that time, can be pointed out in
a similar manner.
Research work and statistical studies covering thousands of birth-charts,
and the progressions present at the time events occurred, make it certain that
whenever any event which is unusual enough to the individual to be considered important by him occurs in his life, there has been an increase in some
corresponding kind of thinking.
The normal thought-cell activities for each of the twelve departments of
life are different with each individual. These activities determine the normal,
or usual, prominence and fortune of the life in each department. The amount
of money earned, the honor attained, the health, or the success in love, normal to one individual may be far above that of another because his thoughtcells are capable of releasing desire energies in sufficient volume, intensity
and harmony to attract such fortune. They may even normally be above what
another individual attains at the most fortunate time in his life. It all depends
upon the thought-cell activity relative to the department of life.
But, whatever the normal fortune or misfortune, due to the habitual
thought-cell activity and the habitual method of thinking which accompanies
it, we now know that events which by the individual are considered important because they are somewhat better or worse than his normal, never come
into his life except at a time when his thoughts are stimulated in a particular
way, as mapped by a major progressed aspect leading into the house of the



Mental Alchemy
birth-chart ruling the department of life affected. And such a progressed aspect, as much observation demonstrates, is invariably accompanied by a definite change in the kind or intensity of the thinking, unless it is recognized
and an effort made to think in a more fortunate manner. But when a different
type of thinking is deliberately cultivated at the time, the event which otherwise would be attracted, does not come into the life.
To use cancer to illustrate, not merely the cause and prevention of that
disease, but the cause and prevention of any other misfortune: The habitual
worry, fear, anxiety, self-centeredness, or greed is the expression of thought
compounds in the astral body in which the Safety thought-elements combined with a smaller amount of other thought-elements under the influence
of distressing Conditioning energy. Because pain was built into the thoughtcompounds, whenever the desire-energy finds opportunity for release, either in thought or in action, it moves in the direction of discomfort.
As released in thought it expresses painfully as worry, fear, anxiety, greed
or self-centeredness; and the new energy acquired from such objective recognition is added to the thought-cells from which they gained their impetus.
Thus a vicious circle is formed, in which through the attention given their
thought-expression, discordantly compounded stellar cells acquire additional
energy with which to perform their type of work.
But if, whenever there is a tendency toward fear, anxiety, worry, greed or
self-centeredness, the individual thinks about the matters that give rise to
these thoughts harmoniously, developing a feeling of pleasure in using system, order, persistence and hard work to accomplish things which are beneficial to others, this feeling will gradually Recondition the Safety thought-elements within the compound. I hen their desire energies will cease seeking to
express in thought as fear, worry, and anxiety, and will seek to express through
ambitions which are pleasantly linked with the welfare of others, and which
are unassociated with discordant thoughts.
Furthermore, as the events attracted into the life are due to the work of
the thought-cells on the four-dimensional plane, these Safety thought-cells
will now, because of the harmonious desire energy they contain, work to attract into the life only conditions that are favorable to the individual, instead
of the losses which they attract when they feel distress.
A thought-compound, whether chiefly of the Safety thought-elements or
chiefly of some other thought-elements, commonly also contains the thoughtelements of some other family. That is, the Safety elements may be combined
with the Aggressive elements, the Power elements, or with any of the other
elements. They have been built into the unconscious mind together. Such combinations are clearly indicated in the birth-chart, and also can be clearly recognized in the thinking.
That is, if the fear, worry, anxiety, greed, or self-centeredness, when it
arises into conscious thought, relates to strife and combat, we may be sure the
Aggressive thought- elements are inharmoniously present with the Safety
thought-elements in the combination. If the fear, worry, anxiety, greed, or
self-centeredness, when it enters the conscious thoughts is related to religion
or philosophy, we may be sure the Religious thought-elements are part of the
compound. If when it enters the conscious thoughts it is related to intellectual attainments, the Intellectual thought-elements are involved. If it is related to women and domestic problems, the Domestic thought-elements are
present. If the thoughts of worry, fear, greed or self-centeredness have to do
with superiors, the male sex and the exercise of authority, the Power thought-

Just How to Apply a Mental Antidote


elements are part of the compound. If they relate to affectional matters, the
Social thought-elements are involved; if they relate to ideals and visionary
schemes, the Utopian thought-elements are involved; if they relate to independence of thought and action, the Individualistic thought-elements are
present; and if they relate to co-operation or coercion, the Universal Welfare
thought-elements are inharmoniously contained in the compound.
In the same way, if thoughts of anger, lust, irritation, or strife, when they
arise into the conscious thoughts, relate to religion or philosophy, it indicates
that the Aggressive thought-elements have combined with the Religious
thought-elements; if when they arise into conscious thought they relate to
women and the home, it indicates the Aggressive thought-elements are in a
compound with the Domestic thought-elements. And in this manner, by recognizing the family to which the thoughts that possess the most feeling energy, and therefore indicate the most important element in the compound,
belong, and about what they relate, as indicating the other family of thoughtelements in the compound, can be determined the thought-elements of any
compound through its expression in thought.
But these thought-compounds also are in definite compartments of the
astral body. This determines the department of life experiences with which
are responsible for the compounds formation, and the department of life affected by the release of their desire energies. Therefore, if the thought when it
arises into consciousness is associated with the welfare of the physical body,
this indicates it has its source in a compound in the first compartment; if the
thought when it arises into consciousness is associated with money or personal possessions, this indicates it has its source in a compound in the second
compartment; if it is associated with brethren or studies, it indicates it has its
source in a compound in the third compartment.
In order to apply the principles of Conversion or Antidotes it is not necessary to possess a birth-chart or to know the progressed aspects at the time,
although these are very helpful. The cause of difficulties in any department
of life can be ascertained from the discordant thoughts which come into the
mind when its affairs are before consciousness; the families of thoughts which
thus arise into objective consciousness indicating the thought-elements within
the compound causing the trouble.
To reach these thought compounds, therefore, it is only necessary to think
thoughts with the purpose of using them to displace, or add to, other definite
thoughts, such as to displace the fear of the Safety Urges, the antagonism of
the Aggressive Urges, or the disruptiveness of the Individualistic Urges. The
fact that the new thoughts and those of the old compound are in the consciousness simultaneously is sufficient, under the LAW OF ASSOCIATION,
to cause them to unite. Or they may be reached merely by thinking about the
department of life as affected by the thoughts held in consciousness. This
adds them to the same compartment of the astral body. And as this thinking is
done for the definite purpose of changing the thought compounds in this
compartment, the new thought-energy and the new thought-elements are
added to the proper compound.
Bearing in mind that Conditioning energy, that is, the feeling of pleasure or
pain, is entirely responsible for the type of compound formed; when it is desired merely to rearrange the thought-elements within a compound without
adding thought-elements to it of another family, it is apparent that the essential thing is to add pleasant feeling energy to the compound in as much inten-



Mental Alchemy
sity and volume as possible. The thought-cells work the way they do because
their compounds have been Conditioned by pain. Therefore, to get them to
work just as energetically to bring fortunate events into the life, they must be
thoroughly Reconditioned by pleasure.
While the characteristic trend of any family of thought-elements can not
be changed, each family can express this characteristic trend either constructively or destructively. Therefore, the first essential in Conversion is to recognize both the destructive and the constructive thoughts that belong to the
families of thought-elements within the compound to be converted. Then,
whenever the thoughts enter consciousness expressing the destructive, or
discordant trend, they should resolutely be converted, through as pleasant
associations as possible, into thoughts expressing the constructive, and therefore, harmonious trend.
This process of diverting strong desires to release their energies in a manner characteristic of their own urge, yet through a better channel of expression, the psychologists call Sublimation. As explained in Chapter 5, Course 5,
Esoteric Psychology, to sublimate a primitive desire so that it will find greater
satisfaction in a socially acceptable expression, as many pleasurable qualities
should be associated with the wished for expression as possible And the Conversion of a thought-compound, so that the stellar-cells embracing it will work
as desired, follows the same general principle. In either case there is a Reconditioning through making the new expression more highly pleasurable than
the old.
The technic of Conversion is more difficult than that of Mental Antidotes,
because whenever the department of life which is thus to be treated comes to
mind there is a tendency, due to the thought compounds in it, to feel and
think discordantly. And because whenever the thought families that need
conversion come into the consciousness, their painful releases of desire energy tend to stimulate the same kind of thoughts which are responsible for
their formation. That is, the thoughts and Conditioning energy which have
been built into the thought compound, tend to release their energies in similar thoughts and similar feelings.
To overcome this difficulty, a distinct and intensely pleasurable emotion
must be cultivated whenever one succeeds in substituting the harmonious
and constructive expression of the thought family for its detrimental expression; whenever one succeeds in thinking harmoniously about the things represented by the two thought families in their relation to each other; and whenever one succeeds in thinking harmoniously about the department of life over
which the thought compound has influence.
One, can not, however, just command oneself to feel a particular emotion
with any assurance it will then be felt. Enjoyment is a Conditioned response.
But each individual has various powerful desires straining for satisfaction,
the release of which, even through thinking about their fulfillment, is accompanied by a feeling of joy or intense pleasure.
It is also true that thinking about the realization of these insistent and
irrepressible desires, whatever they may be, builds thought-elements relating to their family, into the thought compounds with which they are mentally
associated. But as used in Conversion, their function is more artificially to
prime the more stable Conditioning energy which is to be permanently built
into the compound and rearrange its elements.
Everyone possesses ambitions or wishes the realization of which he believes would bring intense enjoyment. And it is no difficult matter to think

Just How to Apply a Mental Antidote

that the constructive and happy expression of any thoughts and actions belonging to any family of thought-elements can effectually be made to aid in
such realization. That is, recognizing that fear, greed, worry, anxiety and
self-centeredness detract from health, efficiency and success; it is not difficult to perceive, and think about it, how careful planning, system, order,
persistence, elimination of waste and hard work will assist to realize almost
any fond hope. Or recognizing that anger, lust, irritation and strife attract
enmity and opposition, it is not difficult to perceive, and think about, how
initiative, courage and constructive measures will aid in the realization of
almost any desires.
Nor is it difficult to perceive and think about, how the things relating to
two thought families, in their relation to each other, if properly harmonized
and blended to mutually aid each other, also can be made to assist in the
realization of almost any desire. And thus through thinking about their blending while also thinking about the pleasure to be derived from the realization
of the strong desire, this pleasurable Conditioning energy will be added to
their union.
Or take any department of life, such as is mapped in a birth-chart by a
definite house over which a certain planet has rule. It is not difficult to perceive and think about how a more pleasant and optimistic habit of thought in
relation to it will assist in the attainment of some fond desire. Thinking about
its affairs at the same time one thinks about the pleasure that could be derived from the realization of the fond desire, adds the Conditioning energy of
the fond desire to the thought-compounds within the section of the astral
body thus designated.
To apply the processes of Conversion, one must first determine the compound the thought-elements of which need to be Reconditioned. Next one
should determine the constructive expression of these thought-elements, the
manner in which they should be reunited harmoniously to give the desired
result, and the department of life chiefly affected by them. Then should be
formulated a plan by which through artificial association in the processes of
thinking, the constructive expression can be associated with the pleasant realization of various strong desires: by which the proper combination of thought
factors can be associated with the pleasant realization of these strong desires,
and by which the department of life chiefly affected by the thought compound can be associated with the pleasant realization of these strong desires.
These artificial associations, however, while adding both pleasant Conditioning energy and thought-elements to the compound, are not to be considered as the permanent habits of thought by which the Reconditioning is completed. They are just the priming.
After the habit has been artificially established of feeling pleasure in the
constructive expression of the thought-elements, they will be so strongly Conditioned to feel pleasure when thus expressing, that there will be no need to
continue to associate them with the realization of other desires. As explained
in Chapter 4, Course 5, Esoteric Psychology, Sir Isaac Newton had no spontaneous attachment to numbers; but their association with the pleasant realization of strong desires finally developed a pleasure in the exercise of mathematical ability. Nor was Abraham Lincoln, as explained in Chapter 4, Course
5, Esoteric Psychology, born with a sympathy for all men. He acquired it through
the artificial association of thoughts of other people with his love for one
woman. Yet, when the feelings were once established, he required no thought
of that early lost love to bring forth his kindliness. He had become so Condi-



Mental Alchemy
tioned that the exercise of kindness toward all creatures was a source of constant joy.

When the Discordant

Stellar Compound is
Composed of Mental
Antidotes It Can Be
Effectively Changed
For the Better Only
By Conversion

When the thought-compound to be changed is mapped in the birth-chart by

Mars discordantly aspecting the Moon or Pluto, Jupiter discordantly aspecting
Mercury or Uranus, or Saturn discordantly aspecting Venus or Neptune, as
the thought-elements within the compound already are antidotes, what they
need is to be changed in their mutual relations. Such change, even though in
the process further antidotes are added to the compound, is chiefly that of
Even without a birth-chart to afford guidance, the habitual trend of thought
in reference to certain factors in the life will indicate when such mental antidotes have combined, through the discordant Conditioning energy coincident with their formation, in a detrimental thought compound. But however
ascertained, due to the fact that the elements in the compound are mental
antidotes. such discordant compounds are the easiest of all to change into
harmonious compounds. Given a little encouragement, in the way of new
and pleasant Conditioning energy, and such elements will rearrange themselves as desired. They yield most readily to the process of Conversion.

Mental Antidotes

Mental antidotes are more easily applied effectively than the process of conversion, because the family of thoughts that are cultivated to overcome the
difficulty is different, and consequently not already associated with discordant Conditioning energy where the special compound to be treated is concerned. When thinking and experiences of the nature of the antidote are substituted for the old type of habitual thinking and feeling, there is no pronounced resistance to any pleasure effort is made to develop.
In the endeavor to rearrange the thought-elements within a Safety compound, if that compound has had built into it much distress, it is difficult to
think about the things to which it relates in terms of persistence, economy,
hard work and system without at the same time experiencing the distress
stored by past experiences in the compounds. By artificial association with
other pleasurable releases of desire energy it is possible to do so, and thus
alter the compound through Conversion. But this is less easy than to think
about love, entertainment, social matters and friendship as contributing
something highly pleasurable to the life, or even to the things related to the
Safety compound.
As explained in detail in chapter 3, each family of thought-elements can
express destructively, and thus attract misfortune, or it can express constructively, and thus attract good fortune. And in the application of mental antidotes, no less than in conversion, the thoughts and feelings should be exclusively those of the constructive side of the thought-elements expression. The
difference between the two methods is not in the manner in which the thoughts
are applied, so much as that the family of thoughts used to accomplish the
desired work is not the same.
From a consideration of the events that have been experienced, from a
consideration of the habitual thoughts. or from a consideration of the birthchart and progressed aspects. the antidote that will alter in the desired manner the compound to be changed is selected. This antidote belongs to one of
the ten families of thought-elements.
To do the work required of it, it must be applied along with a volume and
intensity of pleasure; and as essential in this. the thinking must express only

Just How to Apply a Mental Antidote


the constructive trend of the thought-families expression. That is, if the Social
thought-elements are applied as antidote, experiences and trains of thought
should be cultivated which relate to the joy and happiness of love or friendship, to feelings of elation in the contemplation of works of art, or rapture in
listening to good music. Social relations which result in unpleasant emotions,
or the contemplation of past experiences in which love has been unrequited
or friendships have been broken, or in which sorrow has arisen from affection, should not be employed as antidotes.
Thus in selecting any antidote, only thoughts and experiences relating to
the proper thought family should be used; and it is necessary through some
means to acquire an unusual volume of pleasure in employing them. Yet one
can learn to take a high degree of pleasure in any type of experience or trend
of thinking, by associating it as intimately as possible in the mind with thoughts
of experiences which habitually give much pleasure.
Whether the attempt is made to change a thought compound through merely
rearranging the elements it already contains, as in conversion; or through
adding to it another thought-element which, because of its natural and harmonious affinity for the element chiefly responsible for the discord, builds a
new type of compound, which is the method of mental antidotes; certain factors are essential to success.
First of all, after careful analysis of the nature of the compound within the
astral body responsible for the difficulty, or which for some reason it is desirable to alter, a definite kind of thinking must be decided upon which most
effectively will bring about the desired change. And some method must be
devised, by which this new line of thinking will become habitual, and it will
always be remembered to use it when the old type of thinking which it is
used to displace starts coursing through objective consciousness.
When muddy water is placed in a bottle, muddy water comes out in pouring, unless it is first changed. If disagreeable Conditioning energy is placed in
a thought-compound, when the compound finds opportunity to express, disagreeable energies come out; that is, energies which impel to four-dimensional and three-dimensional actions which are unfortunate. Therefore in either Conversion or applying Antidotes the most important factor of all is that
a high degree of pleasure accompany the experiences and thoughts which
have for object the changing of the thought-compound within the astral body.
As one can not force oneself to feel intense pleasure in a given line of
thought or given activity, to insure that the Conditioning energy which is
applied to the thought-compound is intensely pleasurable, with as high a
harmonious emotional content as possible, it is usually necessary at first artificially to associate the decided upon thinking and activity with the satisfaction of other desires which already are so conditioned that their release, even
through thinking intently about their expression, gives rise to intense and
pleasant emotions.
After a certain amount of practice of this kind, it will be found that the new
mental attitude, new trains of thought, and new activities will give rise to the
intense and pleasant emotions, without the necessity of thinking about the satisfaction of other desires. They will acquire a pleasure all their own; so that
their expression is habitually accompanied by pleasure such as builds harmonious Conditioning energy into the compound to which they are related.
This, therefore, either in Conversion or in applying Mental Antidotes, is
the most important thing to be sought; that the individual after a time shall be

Essentials In Applying
Either Conversion or
Mental Antidotes


Mental Alchemy
able to think, and without artificial association to act as priming, the kind of
thoughts he has selected to apply, and that they shall give rise to feelings well
charged with pleasure.
In order that the thought-elements thus cultivated and thus charged with
harmonious Conditioning energy shall reach and enter the compound within
the astral body selected for alteration, the Law of Association is employed in
three distinct ways.
1. When thoughts come into the objective thinking belonging to the family of thought-elements which are dominant in the compound to be changed;
the new and selected type of thinking is immediately substituted for them.
The selected thinking, substituted for the old, is thus added directly to the
dynamic stellar structure requiring change.
2. Whenever thoughts come into the mind relating to the department of
life chiefly affected by the compound to be changed, the new and selected
thinking should be used. And opportunity should from time to time be cultivated to think of this department of life in association with the new and selected kind of thinking. Thus will this new thinking be added to the same
compartment within the astral body in which the compound requiring change
3. When the attention is attracted to the relation existing between those
things in life signified by the two thought-elements of the compound, or between the departments of life which they chiefly influence, the selected kind
of thinking should be associated with these things. This will add the energy
and the thought-elements of the selected mental activity directly to the compounds the composition of which it is desired to alter.


Mental Alchemy

May 25, 1803, 8:00 a.m. L.M.T. 0E00 51N32
1822, entered Trinity College, Cambridge: Venus square Mars p.
1828, published Pelham, first successful novel: Venus trine Jupiter r.
1831, gained seat in Parliament: Mars sextile Mercury r.
1832, living apart from wife: Mars semi-square Uranus r.
1833, published Godolphin: Venus conjunction Sun r.
1836, legal separation from wife, produced a poetical play: Mars trine
Venus r, Mercury square Uranus p.
1841, lost seat in Parliament: Venus semi-square Venus r, Venus semisquare Moon r.
1873, January 18, died while at work writing: Mars conjunction Saturn p.

Just How to Apply a Mental Antidote


May 25, 1803, 1:16 pm. L.M.T. 71W00 42N20.
1821, graduated from Harvard: Venus square Mars p.
1829, elected assistant preacher: Venus trine Jupiter r.
1832, quarreled with deacons, resigned his position, his wife died: Mars
sextile Mercury r, Mars sextile Mercury r, Mars semi-square Uranus r.
1833, trip abroad, literary friends Venus conjunction Sun r.
1836, brother died, founded Transcendental School published first work,
Nature: Mars trine Venus r, Mercury square Uranus p.
1841, published first series of Essays: Venus semi-square Venus r.
1572, health failed, never to be recovered: Mars conjunction Saturn p, Mars
semi-square Moon r. Died ten years later: Mars square Mercury r.


Course 9

Chapter 5

Just How to Heal Yourself

ORE commonly those who speak of healing refer to correcting

merely the ailments of the physical body. But viewed from the
broader standpoint of Mental Alchemy there are twelve distinct
departments of each persons life, of which the health of the physical body is
only one. What happens in each of these departments is determined by the
volume of energy and the organization of the thought compounds, thoughtcells and mental structures within the one of the twelve compartments of the
unconscious mind relating to the affairs of this section of the total life. Health
and disease, from this broader viewpoint, are terms equally applicable to each
of mans outstanding relations with his environment.
If his relations with any section of his environment are unsatisfactory, this
is a certain indication of inharmony or lack of power on the part of thought
compounds within a definite compartment of his astral body. And the only
way he can permanently insure more favorable conditions in this department
of lifein physical vigor, in finances, in knowledge, in the home, in love, in
work, in marriage, in collecting debts, in public expression, in honor, in friendship or in secret undertakingsis through such an alteration of the thought
compounds within the compartment of his astral body relating to the department as will give them more energy or a more harmonious expression.
When the proper changes have been made in the compounds that form the
thought-cells embraced within a certain compartment of the astral body,
this Reconditioning of the desires of these thought-cells causes them to work
from the four-dimensional plane to attract into the life those physical things
most favorable to fortune in the corresponding department of life. Yet even
before such changes have been completed, the individual can assist by an
intelligent selection of the physical environment favoring a better fortune;
for the most of the events and conditions of physical life are dependent
upon physical things.
We can neither help or harm people unless in some manner we contact
them, nor can they help or harm us without such contact. We can not acquire
those possessions which give wealth unless we have access to material resources. We can acquire only a limited amount of information unless we are
able to get assistance from books or from intelligences possessing information. Fortune in the home is dependent upon a domicile and people in it.
Love affairs and children require human associations. Food is not manufac65

Manipulating the
Physical Environment


Mental Alchemy
tured from nothing; it grows and must be acquired. Marriage and partnership include human companions. Inheritance is usually considered in terms
of physical things. Public expression, to be successful, requires certain material facilities. Honor is measured in terms of human relations. Friendships
can prosper only if there are friends. And secret enemies are dependent upon
beings other than ourselves.
Each of the twelve departments of life, as thus shown, is dependent for its
health upon proper conditions in the physical environment. And if those most
favorable environmental conditions are provided through intelligent effort,
this takes a great burden from the task of the thought-cells within the unconscious mind.
These thought-cells, or stellar-cells, as they also are called, can move the
physical environment either in the direction of fortune or misfortune only to
the extent they possess or acquire energy. And with the same amount of energy at their command the degree in which they can move the physical environment depends upon the weakness of its resistance. The environment may
be such that no amount of energy the thought-cells can muster can overcome
its resistance and bring into the life some particular event. Or it may be such
that almost no effort must be spent by the thought-cells from the four-dimensional plane to bring the event to pass. What happens on the physical plane is
never dependent upon the four dimensional energies alone, nor upon physical environment alone; but upon the resistance, or its lack, of three dimensional factors to four-dimensional energies.
This means that in attaining health in any one of the twelve departments
of life the physical factors should not be ignored. While true that, if the thoughtcells governing the fortune in a department of life are given sufficient harmony they will attract, by their four-dimensional activities, the proper physical conditions to remedy the difficulty, yet they will require less energy to do
the same thing if the proper physical conditions are provided through the
exercise of objective intelligence.
Physical health, for instance, requires that certain physical elements be
taken into the body in the form of food. In spite of any thinking one can do, if
the food supply is deprived of calcium or vitamin D, or its equivalent in sunlight, nervous troubles will develop. The thought-cells can not manufacture
calcium out of air. Without calcium to counteract and stabilize the influence
of phosphorus and potassium the nerves become over tense, irritated, even
inflamed. Or if there is an excess of magnesium and not sufficient calcium
present to balance, the nerves become flaccid and the individual responds so
slowly to stimuli that he is considered dull and inert.
The stellar-cells of the astral body, as explained in chapter 1, have whatever intelligence has been imparted to them at the time of their formation.
And if the stellar-cells responsible for a bodily disease are properly Reconditioned and supplied with sufficient harmonious energy, they will impress the
individual who needs calcium and vitamin D to acquire these necessities. But
their four-dimensional work will be made vastly easier if the individual is
aware he needs these elements and consciously takes steps to get them. In
fact, if the individual exercising intelligence thus secures what he needs in
the way of physical ingredients in his food, the Reconditioned stellar cells
will require the expenditure of but a minimum of energy to be able to build a
healthful physical body.
Or to take another commonplace example: Physiological chemists tell
us that the human system requires four different protein compounds which

Just How to Heal Yourself

it seems unable to manufacture from other proteins. Very little of one of
these four, histadine, is contained in milk. Usually milk also contains less
iron than the system requires. Therefore, unless proteins and iron are obtained from some source other than milk the blood of an adult becomes
impoverished. An infant usually has sufficient iron stored in its liver to carry
through the first year.
In the case of an individual suffering from anemia, for instance, the thought
structures mapped in the birth-chart by Saturn, Neptune and Mars when properly Reconditioned would impress him to eat foods containing iron, a variety
of proteins, some copper, etc. If they were unsuccessful, through not possessing enough energy to overcome the resistance of environment to his acquiring these materials, in getting him to eat foods containing these things, he
would remain anemic in spite of all his thinking; for the hemoglobin of the
red blood corpuscles is not composed of air, but of definite chemical substances It is not the function of thought to manufacture iron which must be
present in the hemoglobin to carry oxygen; but it is a function of proper thought
to acquire the iron, with which to replace the daily loss through the wearing
out of red blood corpuscles, from foods containing iron.
What has been said in regard to the physical requirements of bodily health
is equally true in reference to the health of each of the other twelve departments of life. It is not the function of thought to manufacture wealth out of
thin air. Wealth is derived from raw materials and natural resources, from
processing these raw materials, or from services relating to these things or
rendered to members of society. The Reconditioned thought-cells within the
astral body that had their origin in experiences relative to wealth will work
with what intelligence they possess to attract sources of wealth into the life.
But if an individual should refuse such contacts, the resistance offered by
such an environment would be too great for the energy they possess to overcome. Yet on the other hand, if the individual intelligently associated with
those sources of wealth most harmonious to himself, the Reconditioned
thought-cells would require very little energy to bring him wealth.
Just what the physical environmental conditions are which, at a given
time most favor the attaining of desired results, or most hinder the development of an undesired event it is the function of the birthchart and the progressed aspects to inform us. Yet if already we are aware of the disease, in
whatever department of life it manifests, even without a birthchart we can
get a rather clear picture of the type of thinking which is responsible for it.
And this in turn will point not merely to the changes in thinking necessary
for its correction, but also indirectly to the physical requirements with which
the Reconditioned thought-cells must work to bring the better condition about.
In Course 16, Stellar Healing, the Birth-chart Constants and the Progressed
Constants of 160 bodily diseases are given. They are given, as determined
from statistical studies of the birth-charts and progressed aspects of people
thus afflicted in terms of the prominence and aspects of plants. But as a planet
prominent maps a thought structure in the astral body which gives rise to an
equal prominence in the kind of thinking denoted by the planet, and as an
aspect maps the harmony or discord of the compound in the thought-cells,
and thus the pleasure or pain of the thinking thus energized, both Birth-chart
Constants and Progressed Constants denote the specific family and kind of
thinking which is responsible for the condition, whatever it may be.
Furthermore, the Birth-chart Constants which make for success in many
vocations have been ascertained, and both the Birth-chart and the Progressed



Mental Alchemy
Constants which coincide with a wide variety of events; events which relate
favorably and events which relate disastrously, to each of the twelve departments of life. These in turn indicate the family, volume and harmony or discord of the thinking which is responsible for each of these various events.
And it is the function of the Church of Light Research Department to ascertain these Constants, and therefore the exact kind of thinking, which is responsible for each important condition and each important type of event which
enter peoples lives.
In connection with each condition and each event, whether it is beneficial
or detrimental, there are environmental factors which assist the kind of thinking which is responsible, to attract the condition or event, or which hinders it.
In Course 16, Stellar Healing, the type of foods which facilitate recovery from
each of the 160 bodily diseases is briefly set forth. More specific information
is given in Chapters 7-10, Course 21, Personal Alchemy.
When a particular family of thought-cells acquires an additional supply
of discordant energy, through a progressed aspect forming an aerial to pick
up the corresponding planetary energy with much static, the release of desire
energy by these thought-cells tends to cause the individual to neglect certain
substances in his diet that are especially necessary at this time, due to the
kind of thinking in which he indulges, to his bodily health. These special diet
requirements have been ascertained. One does not need to know about progressed aspects to avail oneself of this knowledge, although this gives one
greater precision in determining the need. If a person, for instance, indulges
in fear, greed or worry, one may be sure he needs the foods recommended
when Saturn is afflicted by progression.
The lessons on Stellar Dietetics in Chapters 7-10, Course 21, Personal Alchemy and Chapter 3, Course 14, Occultism Applied to Daily Life, give the environmental factors in so far as food requirements are concerned, which under
each type of bodily affliction is best calculated to assist the thought-cells to
recover health. And in Course 10-2, Progressing the Horoscope, especially in
Chapters 2-5, are set forth in sufficient detail the kind of environmental conditions which offer the greatest resistance to the efforts of discordant thoughtcells when they endeavor to attract various kinds of misfortune into the life,
and the factors of physical environment which most readily aid the efforts of
harmonious thought-cells to bring various kinds of good fortune into the life.
Instead, therefore, of expecting the thought-cells which hare been Reconditioned through the process of Mental Alchemy to do all the work required
to bring health to any of the twelve departments of life, their four dimensional labors should be facilitated by the conscious and intelligent selection
of those physical environmental factors which most readily can be used by
them in the attainment of the desired end. The Israelites are supposed to have
rebelled when called upon to make bricks without the straw necessary to
bind together the adobe. The easier you make the work required of the Reconditioned thought-cells, the more confidence you may have they will possess sufficient energy to accomplish it.

Using Rallying Forces

As Aids in

As the events attracted into the life, including health and disease, relative to
any one of its twelve departments, are determined by the resistance of the
external environment to the four-dimensional activities of the stellar-cells
in the corresponding compartment of the astral body, the more energy the
thought-cells of a given compartment acquire, the more influence they have
to attract events of importance. And at the time, as explained in detail in

Just How to Heal Yourself

Chapter 1, Course 10-2, Progressing the Horoscope, a temporary stellar aerial
is formed, as mapped by a progressed aspect, affecting this compartment,
the stellar-cells in it gain an additional energy supply with which thus to
work toward attracting some event.
Whether the event attracted, or the condition affecting the health of the
department of life, is to the benefit of the individual or to his detriment is
determined by the pleasure or pain felt at the time by the thought-cells doing this four-dimensional work. This pleasure or pain, in turn, is determined
by the manner in which the thought-compound within the stellar-cells was
Conditioned at the time of their formation, as modified by the harmony or
discord of the temporary energy reaching them. A discordant progressed
aspect adds energy loaded with painful static to them, and temporarily Conditions them to act more detrimental than is their usual habit; while a harmonious progressed aspect adds energy of pleasing harmony to them, and
temporarily Conditions them to act in a manner more beneficial than is their
common custom.
It will not here be necessary to explain in detail how the nervous system,
in response to the feelings which at the time are dominant, tunes in the electric energies flowing over it to pick up astral vibrations of a corresponding
rate; nor how these energies from the planets, from the character-vibrations
of objects and from the thoughts of people, because these nerve currents permeate every region of the body, reach all the permanent and temporary stellar aerials, such as are mapped by birth-chart aspects and progressed aspects,
and thus the thought-cells fed by these aerials.
These matters are fully explained in Chapter 2, Course 16, Stellar Healing,
Chapter 8, Course 10-1, Delineating the Horoscope and Chapter 6, Course 5,
Esoteric Psychology, where it is further pointed out that so long as an individual keeps his consciousness and feelings tuned to one type of vibration
these are the ones picked up and added as Rallying Forces to all the various
thought-cells reached by aerials. That is, 80 long as a certain feeling is dominant, the person is so completely tuned in on a specific wave-length that other
wave-lengths of energy are not strong enough to make their influence felt at
the receiving sets which transmit energy to the thought-cells. The only program received distinctly by any of the thought-cells within the astral body
during such a time, is the one tuned in on by the intense feeling.
So far, therefore, as new energy supplies reaching the thought-cells are
concerned, through inducing and maintaining the feelings he desires man
can determine, in spite of progressed aspects, what these shall be. Yet thoughtcells may, and often do, possess so much inharmony that any amount of temporary harmony reaching them as a Rallying Force is insufficient to cause
them to act in a beneficial manner; and other thought-cells may, and often do,
possess so much harmony that any amount of temporary discord reaching
them as a Rallying Force is unable to cause them to act in a manner wholly
detrimental. In fact, as determined by a vast amount of statistical work in
connection with birth-chart positions and progressed aspects, the energy with
which the compound was Conditioned at its formation is more important in
determining the harmony or discord of the work done by the thought-cells
when that energy is released than is the quality of such temporary energy as
may be added to them.
Permanently to correct a serious disease in any one of the twelve departments of life it becomes necessary, through some process, more harmoniously
to Recondition the thought compound in the stellar cells chiefly responsible for



Mental Alchemy
it. Yet the mere temporary adding of Rallying Forces, unless these are specifically directed to do that work, commonly does not sufficiently change the basic
desires of the thought-cells; but only for the time increases their activity.
Furthermore, a Rallying Force is of a definite planetary type; that is, it
belongs to the Aggressive quality, the Religious quality, the Power quality,
etc. Consequently the energy it adds to a thought-cell group or thought-compound is of that quality and temporarily similar in effect to the thought-elements belonging to the same family. It should be selected, therefore, just as
the thoughts are selected, with due reference to what specific type is required
as a Mental Antidote or to effect Conversion. Then by associating it with
thoughts and experiences definitely chosen for the purpose of altering the
thought-compound, it can effectively be employed to give the required energy to divert the desires of the thought-cells permanently toward activities
fortunate to the individual.
Each individual, because of the particular thought-cell composition of his
astral body and the stellar aerials connecting his most active dynamic stellar
structures, can acquire harmonious Rallying Forces belonging to certain
thought families much easier than he can acquire the harmonious Rallying
Forces belonging to other thought families. It may be that these most easily
acquired Rallying Forces are not those specifically required properly to alter
the thought-cells whose discordant compounds are responsible for his misfortune. In case they are not, he must cultivate the other sources of Conditioning Energy which are specifically required to make the alterations necessary
to overcome the disease. But as a rule, even when of a character not specifically required in the treatment of the disease, because they are acquired in
volume and in harmony with so little effort, and when thus tuned in on add
harmonious energy to all the thought-cells, they can be made of great value
in general to health and fortune.
Such Rallying Forces as are picked up, radio fashion, by the permanent
aerials mapped by birthchart aspects, or by temporary aerials mapped by
progressed aspects, are not well defined thoughts, nor are they thoughts relative to any particular department of life. Instead, they are energies which
give rise to intense feelings which are associated with whatever subject or
department of life the person at the time is thinking about. To the extent,
while a Rallying Force is present, whether induced volitionally or without
intent, an individual thinks clearly and definitely about some particular thing,
does the energy of the Rallying Force tend to Recondition in its direction the
thought-compound in the stellar-cells relating to the department of life thus
thought about. But such energy as is thus added to the compound is always of
a definite planetary type. That is when one feels Aggressive one is adding
Aggressive thought-elements along with the Aggressive Conditioning energy
to whatever thought-compound the definite thoughts relate, even if they relate also to Safety or to Power.
Chapter 4, Course 16, Stellar Healing, explains the details of tuning in on
any selected planetary energy it is desired to use, whether there is, or is not, a
strong aerial within the astral body of the proper length to pick it up. And
Chapter 5, Course 16, Stellar Healing, gives considerable information on using
the energies thus selected and tuned in on for healing purposes. The technic
of tuning in is that of inducing and maintaining the feeling of the constructive
energies of the selected planet. The technic of applying them is as vividly as
possible to think of the things of the department of life to be healed, while the

Just How to Heal Yourself


feeling is present. This will Recondition the compounds within the thoughtcells relating to them.
As is fully explained in Chapters 4-5, Course 5, Esoteric Pshchology, the
energy of desires can be diverted through properly selected ASSOCIATIONS
to flow in any channels decided upon. This applies equally to the desires of
the thought-cells to work in a given way from the four-dimensional plane, as
to the desires of which we are objectively conscious which relate to our threedimensional activities. To hold certain thoughts definitely in mind while feeling a certain emotion whether derived from a Rallying Force or from any
other source, is to charge those thoughts with the specific planetary type of
Conditioning energy of that emotion. The greater the intensity of the energy
imparted to them, the more powerful to accomplish work do the thoughts
associated with it become.
The Conversion of thought-elements within a thought-compound, or the
adding of Mental Antidotes to the compound, is effective to produce an alteration in the compound in proportion to the volume and intensity of the Conditioning Energy added to, or developed within, the thought-compound to
be changed. Mental Antidotes possess some spontaneous ability to generate
pleasant Conditioning energy when added to a compound. But their Power
to Recondition the thought-compound properly, and thus produce the healing result desired, is greatly increased if they are added along with a conscious feeling of intense pleasure. And the Conversion of a thought-compound
through the rearrangement of its thought-elements requires the conscious
use of pleasant Conditioning energy.
However, either in the application of Mental Antidotes or in the process
of Conversion, if the compound is to be changed in the manner decided upon,
this Conditioning energy can not be just any harmonious Rallying Force that
the individual has special facility to generate. Usually such a harmonious,
and easily acquired Rallying Force, will be found highly beneficial to the compound, because it is already Associated with the family of thought-elements
which is most beneficially Conditioned within the persons astral body. Adding these harmoniously to any other thought-compound within the astral body
thus is usually advantageous. But if the compound is to be altered in the most
beneficial way, the harmonious Conditioning energy must belong to the planetary type of the thought-elements added or changed.
While the most easily acquired Rallying Forces may not be the ones specifically required to heal some department of life which is diseased, they are,
neverthelessfor instance, when they belong to the same planetary family as
the mental antidote sometimes the ones most needed, and they can always
be made of great general value to the life. How they may be determined,
therefore, should be understood.
Each person, because of the stellar aerials stretching across his astral body,
picks up certain planetary energies in volume and with less static, than he
picks up other planetary energies. Because of these incoming energies, he
finds it easier to feel intensely harmonious when tuned in on them than when
tuned in on other planetary vibrations.
A planet in the birth-chart which is prominent and receives only good
aspects, maps a powerful group of thought-cells which commonly receive
over these aerials mapped by the aspects only harmonious energies. This group
of thought-cells, therefore, whenever they find opportunity to release energy

The Easiest Source

of Harmonious
Conditioning Energy


Mental Alchemy
through connecting up with the electric currents of the nervous system, tend
to tune the individual in, through the pleasant sensations felt, on the harmonious energies radiated by the planet. A well aspected planet in the birthchart, therefore, maps a harmonious Rallying Force which is easily tuned in
on, and can be used with less effort than can energies whose vibratory rates
are not already an integral part of the character.
In particular, there are two configurations which when they do appear in
a birth-chart indicate powerful sources of harmonious and easily acquired
Rallying Forces. One is a Grand Trine, in which two planets in the chart are in
trine aspect to each other, and both are in trine aspect to a third planet, making thus approximately an equilateral triangle of the stellar aerials stretching
across the astral body. In those things represented by the Grand Trine the
individual will be fortunate, because the thought-compounds in the dynamic
stellar structure mapped by each planet are both harmonious and possessed
of a high degree of energy.
Therefore, to the extent the person having such a Grand Trine devotes his
energies to the things of the departments of life indicated by the compartments where these harmonious thought-cells reside will in his life encounter
exceptionally good fortune. The stellar-cells will work energetically from the
four-dimensional plane to attract favors and success to him relative to the
matters associated with their formation. Our interest here in a Grand Trine,
however, is that its spontaneous harmony and strength enables it so readily
to be used as a source of beneficial Rallying Forces. It is easy to induce and
maintain the pleasant feeling which in quality corresponds to one or more of
its planets; and because there are stellar aerials in the astral body of proper
length to pick up this energy readily and in volume, this makes powerful and
beneficial Rallying Forces available with little effort.
The other planetary configuration which indicates a specially potent and
harmonious source of Rallying Forces is a planet which, as often occurs, breaks
up an opposition aspect between two other planets by making the sextile aspect to one and the trine aspect to the other. The opposition maps an aerial
which picks up planetary energy loaded with separative static. But such an
opposition also maps at each terminal thought-cells into which have been
built a tremendous amount of energy. This energy, from both groups of
thought-cells at the ends of the opposition, is tapped harmoniously by the
group of thought-cells mapped by the planet making the sextile and the trine.
To the extent, therefore, the individual devotes his energies to the things
of the department of life indicated by the compartment where reside the harmonious cells mapped by the Conciliating Planet, will his life encounter exceptionally good fortune. And as in the case of a Grand Trine, this Conciliating Planet which in this relation draws for power from the opposition, maps
a source of powerful harmonious energy which may readily be tapped, and
which tunes the whole nervous system in on the harmonious vibrations radiated by the Conciliating Planet. Because the stellar aerials present in the astral body that lead to the Conciliating Planet are of a length to pick up its
energy harmoniously and in volume, it is easy to maintain the feeling and
thus acquire a steady supply of powerful Rallying Forces.
Not everyone, however, has either a Grand Trine or a Conciliating Planet
in his birth-chart. But everyone has a Best Planet in his birth-chart, which
maps the most harmonious dynamic stellar structure with in his astral body,
and this is the receiving set which has the greatest facility for tuning his nervous system in on powerful harmonious planetary energy.

Just How to Heal Yourself


Furthermore, when progressed aspects form, each, to the extent it is powerful, builds a temporary stellar aerial across the astral body. If such an aerial
is of the length to pick up harmonious planetary energy, it also facilitates
developing and maintaining the pleasant feeling of its planetary terminals.
Of course, if these thought-cells at the terminals are of markedly discordant
compounds, tuning in on the planetary energies corresponding to them will
facilitate feeling discord and thus picking up, radio fashion, more discord.
But to the extent either the permanent aerials mapped by aspects in the birthchart, or the temporary aerials mapped by progressed aspects within one
degree of perfect, are present which tend to pick up only harmonious energy,
can they be utilized to assist in developing powerful Rallying Forces. That is,
it is easy to develop and maintain the feelings corresponding to the planet,
and thus persistently to tune in on its vibrations.
While as indicated, each individual has within himself stellar aerials which
make it easier for him to develop and maintain a particular type of pleasant
feeling, if some special thought-compound within his astral body needs Reconditioning in a definite way, in some manner harmonious feelings must be
developed of a type corresponding to the Conditioning energy required for
the alteration. That is, if it is pleasant Jupiter energy which is needed to Recondition the thought-compound, no other type of energy will do so well. Yet
even though there is no harmonious aerial to the planet Jupiter, either in the
birth-chart or by progression, nevertheless harmonious Jupiter energies can
be developed as Rallying Forces.
In that case the work will be more difficult. It will require greater effort to
keep the benevolent, jovial, Jupiterian mood. And the more the person really
needs these Rallying Forces, that is, the further removed temperamentally he
is from Jupiter, the more effort will be required for him to keep himself feeling strongly and harmoniously in the Jupiterian mood.
Yet irrespective of special stellar aerials, if an individual places himself in
a mood strongly characteristic of any planets vibrations, the electric energies
of his nervous system tune in on that planets vibrations, and these following
the nerves reach all the stellar aerials within his astral body and find some
access to all the thought-cells. Thus can an individual acquire, through effort,
whatever type of planetary energy he most needs.
But before any such attempt is made he should, as explained in chapter 2,
first determine the thought-compound and the type of thinking which is responsible for the condition he wishes to correct. From this information he
should, through the methods set forth in chapters 3&4, decide whether it is
better to use the method of Conversion, which is the only alternative if the
compound causing the difficulty is composed of Mental Antidotes, or to use a
Mental Antidote. If the latter seems to be the best method to follow, he should
then select, according to the principles set forth in chapter 3, the family of
thoughts that is the suitable antidote.
Having selected the antidote, or decided upon Conversion, he should next
outline specific plans for developing the required kind of thinking, and energizing it harmoniously with as powerful feelings as possible. Included in this
plan should be the determination to substitute selected constructive thoughts
for those which are responsible for the difficulty whenever these come into
the consciousness; and to think about the department of lifeabout the health
of the body if the bodily health is to be improvedonly in association with
the thoughts and feelings thus decided upon. And to make these selected



Mental Alchemy
thoughts effective in the accomplishment of the work contemplated, the plan
should also formulate means by which the selected planetary type of feeling
energy can be aroused and maintained while these thoughts are before consciousness; or if it seems desirable, can be developed as a permanent mood
by which the appropriate Rallying Forces may be added to all the thoughtcells within the unconscious mind.
As explained in chapter 4, deliberately to substitute one type of thinking
for the type which more spontaneously rises into objective consciousness is
to add these deliberately selected thought-elements and the Conditioning
energy at the time present to the compound of the dynamic stellar structure
responsible for the more spontaneous thoughts. The substitution associates
them, and the feeling energy Conditions the harmony or discord of the new
combination. To think about a department of life adds the thought-elements
and the Conditioning energy present at the time, to the thought-cells of the
compartment of the astral body relating to the department of life.
When Conversion is the method which seems advisable, the problem is
not that of substituting new families of thoughts, but that of substituting
the constructive expression of the same families for their more discordant
expression, along with feeling energy of sufficient intensity and volume to
Recondition the compound to be altered. That is, whenever the thoughts of
either family involved in the compound rise into the consciousness, their
constructive expression should deliberately be substituted for the expression which is more spontaneous. When thoughts relating to both families of
elements in the compound rise into consciousness, as will frequently be the
case because of their association in the compound, constructive thinking
about their relation each to the other should be substituted for the more
spontaneous type of thinking. And whenever thoughts enter the consciousness relating to either or both departments of life, the thought-cells of which
embrace these compounds, the constructive expression of the thought families embraced within these compounds should deliberately be substituted
for the more spontaneous kind of thinking about these things. Furthermore, in Conversion, because unless the compound is of Mental Antidotes
the pleasant affinity of the elements is lacking, it requires a far higher intensity and greater volume of pleasant feeling to effect the proper Reconditioning of the compound.

Sources of Mental
Antidotes and
Conditioning Energy

Every person, in the past, has had a variety of pleasant experiences. And it is
very easy to select the family of thought-elements to which the incidents
chiefly relate. If the source of pleasure arose mostly from the heightened
sense of significance, the incident was responsible for building Power thoughtelements into the astral body; and when it is recalled in memory and that
pleasure again pondered over, more Power thought-elements are added to
the astral form along with harmonious Conditioning Energy.
Perhaps there have been joyous experiences with strife and aggression in
the past. These experiences, recalled as vividly as possible, and with as great
intensity of feeling as can be engendered, not only build Aggressive thoughtelements into the stellar-cells of the unconscious mind, but they add with
them harmonious Conditioning Energy.
In thus recalling affectional experiences which have afforded high pleasure, for the purpose of adding social thought-elements to the astral body
along with harmonious Conditioning Energy, it is essential, if later experiences developing out of these have been less pleasant, to confine the atten-

Just How to Heal Yourself

tion as closely as may be to the briefer period of idyllic love. If disillusionment followed the happier period, one should live in reverie, and as intently
and joyously as possible, only in the time when affection was coming into
bloom and before its blossoms began to fade.
Living in the past may tend to divert energy from future accomplishment:
but when such is deliberately cultivated, with the past experience carefully
selected for its Conditioning Energy and as an agent for Conversion or for
use as a Mental Antidote, it not only is permissible, but can be made to afford
just the thought-elements required, along with the proper quantity and intensity of Conditioning Energy, to alter the thought composition of certain
stellar-cells in just the desired way.
At ones leisure it is advantageous to ponder on the various experiences
one has had so far in life, with the object in view of selecting those which
were at the time most highly pleasurable and at the same time of a character
which gained satisfaction for commendable desires. One can briefly analyze
them as to the family whose desires finding satisfaction chiefly gave rise to
the pleasure, and note them down under this thought-family classification
for use whenever the occasion seems to require the application of these
thought-elements along with happy Conditioning Energy.
Even aside from applying Conversion or Mental Antidotes, the most satisfactory method of preventing the mind from being occupied with discordant thoughts which arise in response to difficulties encountered, is to have
ready at hand some selected interest which has sufficient pleasure already
associated with it that it can displace the discordant thoughts which otherwise would build inimical thought compounds into the finer form. And with
a classified list of reminiscences of happy experiences, one is in a position not
only to recall something from the past to take the place of intruding mental
discord, but one can select the reminiscence thus to be used with the special
need in view for a Mental Antidote or Conversion. In this selection from the
list one may be sure that the substituted reminiscence will add both the
thought-elements and the Conditioning Energy thus engendered, to the mental
compound within the astral form which is responsible for the thinking which
it is used to displace. That is, the fact that it is used to displace a train of
thoughts, associates it with the thought-elements the release of whose energies are responsible for that train of thoughts.
In addition to such reminiscences, there are experiences one hopes to have,
and experiences of the imagination, which, to the extent they are vivid and
capable of arousing intense feelings of pleasure, can be used as sources of
Mental Antidotes and Conditioning Energy. Such trains of thinking can be
devised and tested out as to the amount of emotional energy they generate.
And they can be listed in the same manner as can reminiscences, for use according to the demand at special times.
It has been said that the joy of anticipation often is greater than that of
realization. Most people get a thrill of pleasure in planning the things they
like to do.
The planning of security for the future, in which system, forethought,
persistence and labor are involved can be made to yield both the Safety
thought-elements, and pleasant Conditioning Energy. Most people can acquire quite an intense feeling of satisfaction through contemplating the steps
and the results of such carefully thought out security plans. And as thinking
about such plans, once they have been formulated and the individual has
become accustomed to find joy in them, can be substituted for any other train



Mental Alchemy
of thought that enters the mind, the Safety thought-elements and the accompanying Conditioning energy can be added to any structure, or to any compartment, within the astral body.
Nor is it difficult to call up in the imagination hoped for experiences of a
religious nature. One can anticipate actions of good fellowship, deeds of benevolence, and the jovial kindness and helpfulness which characterizes the
Religious thought-elements. And one can think about the anticipated or imaginary experiences with the glow of kindly feeling that should accompany such
actions. Having formulated them once, one can then keep them on tap for
those occasions when there is special need of the Religious thought-elements
to afford the proper antidote along with proper Conditioning Energy.
If they are substituted for critical intellectual processes, we may be sure
that associates them with the Intellectual thought-elements which are responsible for those analytical thoughts. If they are substituted for distressing
thoughts about the home, we may be equally sure that they are then built into
the thought-cells of the astral body relating to the home. But if they are not
substituted for other thinking they tend to move within the astral body to
that section relating to the department of life or that type of activity about
which the thinking at the time chiefly revolves.
A still better source of thought-elements and Conditioning Energy than
any to be had from reminiscences or from contemplating something yet to
come, is that to be derived from actual life experience. To actually do something with the feeling of pleasure in the doing is the most satisfactory way to
add thought factors to the astral body. Intentions thus confirmed by action
acquire a power through those actions which is difficult to attain through
imagination only. Furthermore, the unconscious mind gains a powerful and
proper suggestion at the same time; for the action convinces it that actual
results should follow. It is better, therefore, to engage in some effort which
will concentrate the thoughts and feelings according to the thought-elements
and Conditioning Energy desired, than it is merely to call such activities up
in the imagination.
And in addition to the application of the proper thought-elements and
Conditioning Energy to affect the desired change within the thought-cells of
the astral body, which is the process of Mental Alchemy, the healing process
will be facilitated by talking to the organs and thought-cells and telling them
just what they are expected to do. They each have an intelligence of their
own, and tend to respond to suggestions thus given them. Talk to them just as
you would talk to an individual, kindly but firmly. And to aid all to co-operate in the desired end, keep the image of perfect health before the attention of
the mind.


Mental Alchemy


April 6, 1892, 6:00 a.m. E.S.T. 73W58. 40N45.
1912, model airplane he flew from second story of dormitory hit an admiral in the head
and he resigned from U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis: Mercury square
Mars p.
1915, job as chief engineer building planes: Venus square Saturn p.
1918 with Glenn L. Martin, produced the famous Martin bomber, first allAmerican design
to be built during war: Venus inconjunct Mars p.
1920, started building his own aircraft: Sun trine Mars r.
1921, non-stop flight of his plane failed: Sun semi-square Venus p.
1922, won competition for navy torpedo plane design, and contract to
build 21 such planes: Venus semi-sextile Venus r, Mars trine Venus r.
1932, started building commercial transport planes: Sun trine Saturn r.

Just How to Heal Yourself


October 27, 1866, 6:00 p.m. L.M.T. 74W00. 40N43.
1889, started professionally as M.D.: Sun sextile Jupiter p.
1894, married: Mars semi-sextile Moon r.
1899, given degree of Ph.D.: Sun inconjunct Uranus p.
1900, given A.M. degree: Sun inconjunct Uranus r.
1907, called as alienist in the trial of Harry K. Thaw, and his testimony
that Thaw shot and killed Stanford White while suffering from a brain storm,
released the young millionaire and set a legal precedent regarding temporary insanity: Mars semi-sextile Moon r, Mercury conjunction Sun r, Sun and
Mercury sesqui-square Mars p, inconjunct Pluto r. Later became outstanding


Course 9

Chapter 6

Just How to Attain Realization

HEN we recognize that not only our thoughts and physical behavior, but also every event which comes to us, even such events as
apparently are due to chance, but which, nevertheless, are herded
into our lives through the activities of our thought-cells operating from the
plane of four dimensions, is due to the release of desire energies from the
thought-compounds within the unconscious mind, the ancient occult proverb, REALIZE THE TRUTH WITHIN AND THE WITHOUT WILL TAKE
CARE OF ITSELF, is illuminated by a more convincing significance. By the
light of this scientific conception, we then perceive that, to the extent we can
alter our characters, the cell composition and cell arrangement within our
unconscious minds will be changed, the intensity and direction of their desire releases will be different, and our whole fortunes will be correspondingly modified.
Furthermore, we now possess instruments, such as astrological Birth-chart
Constants, Progressed Constants, and psychoanalysis, by which we can determine quite precisely both the composition of the thought-cells, and their
organization, along with the type of energy they are likely to receive at any
given time, which will enable them to work more vigorously from the fourdimensional plane than usual. That is, the implements are at hand which enable us to measure all the important factors that comprise the character, to
gauge the energy of each, and closely to estimate the direction in which their
desire energies will be released at any selected time, and thus what conditions and events at that time will probably affect the life.
And this perception of the thought composition of the astral body which
is responsible for each trend of objective thinking, each type of physical behavior, and each event which enters the life, leads immediately to the knowledge of exactly what changes must be made in the thought-composition of
the unconscious mind to realize any specific condition, to manifest any given
talent, or to experience any type of fortune that may be desired.
In the preceding lessons I have given the method by which, through the
use of Conversion, Mental Antidotes and Rallying Forces, each particular
trouble or disease toward which Stellar Diagnosis shows there is a predisposition, can be avoided. When the thought-composition of the cells or group of
cells within the unconscious mind whose release of desire energies are responsible for the affliction, is changed so that the energy releases are more
harmonious, the difficulty, whatever it may be, no longer is attracted. But the


Mental Alchemy
individual who aspires to live life at its highest is not content merely to thwart
some disease, or merely to make a success in business or matrimony. Instead,
he desires to get the utmost out of living, to make of his life as complete a
success, physically, mentally and spiritually, as possible.
To do this, it is not enough to apply a Mental Antidote to some one or two
groups of thought-cells which have been attracting trouble. What is required
is a thorough overhauling of the character, in which all the weak parts are
properly strengthened and, where new parts are necessary to attract the desired conditions and events, these are added. This means, of course, a complete rebuilding of the character; for only as the character is thus completely
rebuilt is it possible for the conditions and fortune attracted to be of a correspondingly better grade.
Most people have traits, not conducing to the greatest effectiveness in
living, which require nothing more than a little reflection to discern. Whenever there is a tendency, for instance, to over-emphasize the importance of
anything, as revealed by an abnormally sensitive or violent emotional reaction to certain thoughts or situations, this points to the existence of a complex.
It may express as fear, as self-consciousness, as bashfulness with the opposite
sex, as a conscious feeling of inferiority or of superiority, as an ungovernable
temper, as hysteria, or as touchiness regarding some special subject. And as
soon as these are recognized, the methods explained in Chapters 8 & 10, Course
5, Esoteric Pshchology, should be applied until there is an adjustment in the
manner in which the desire energies express; the complex being relieved
through the habit of diverting its energies so that they flow through constructive channels.
But in addition to these easily recognized trends which block the way to
the highest type of living, most of us, as the result of experiences which we
have completely forgotten, possess repressions and conflicts within our unconscious minds, which can be uncovered only by the use of a special technic;
repressions and conflicts which quite unknown to ourselves, are hampering
influences. Therefore, in the task of reorganizing the character, to the end of
attracting the best type of fortune, before attempting to build into the astral
body new energies or applying Conversion and Mental Antidotes to other
discordant thought-compounds, it is well first to handle these desire energies, and put them to some useful work. And in accomplishing this the discoveries of psychoanalysis will prove a singularly happy aid.
Psychoanalysis first was used as a means of relieving the stress of repressed
desires through analyzing the dreams. It was found, and later experience fully
verified these findings, that many serious diseases are caused by strong desires which are given no opportunity to express themselves in other ways in
the life. That is, the activity being blocked that would permit them the expression they desire, they find a subterfuge expression in some disease. Yet in
sleep there is less resistance to their being expressed in fantasy, and they find
some satisfaction through draining a portion of their energy into a dream in
which the desire is gratified.
Yet owing to the censorship exercised by the waking mind, more often
than not the dream, as it is remembered, is pictured in such terms as to conceal its true import; for the waking mind having previously prohibited the
realization of the desire in waking life, it will permit even such imaginary
realization, as fully explained in Chapter 10, Course 5, Esoteric Pshchology,
only when thoroughly camouflaged in symbolism.
Yet by tracing the thoughts that are suggested by a dream, it is found

Just How to Attain Realization


possible to uncover the true meaning and thus discover just what repressed
emotions caused it. When the repression is once recognized by the dreamer
as the cause of his dream, and also as the cause of his illness, or the other
trouble he has been experiencing, it is then revealed in its true light. Such
recognition relieves the pressure from the repression, and the energy it contains finds some outlet for its expression through thinking about it. To the
extent thinking about the desire in the normal way, without the magnification which repression induces, drains it of the repressed energy, it is relieved
and the disease cured.
Later investigations revealed that it is also possible to discern the strong repressed desires by having the patient sit listlessly and tell whatever fleeting
thoughts come spontaneously into his mind. Those strong desires of the
thought groups within the astral body which have found expression in action
will have drained, temporarily, their energy. But the powerful desires which
have been blocked will have accumulated, under this pressure, sufficient force
straining for release, that they deliver a strong impact upon the attention, and
thus, as soon as the mind is not deliberately directed to some other subject,
they take control of the thoughts.
Thoughts that thus come spontaneously when the attention is relaxed are
apt to be those actuated by repressed energies straining for release. Thus by
tracing the thoughts which, even though they express the desire in symbolism
are nevertheless instigated by it, though more often than not there is no objective recognition of the desire, it becomes possible to discern what desire is chiefly
causing the discord. This is called the method of FREE ASSOCIATION.
When repressions are recognized by the patient as having an existence,
and are accepted by him as having a meaning in his life; as forces which should
find expression; rather than thoughts and impulses which are denied; that
they are part of his biological heritage of which he need not be ashamed; that
such desires are natural and normal to human beings, although they require
directing into proper channels; such thinking about them shows them not to
be so painful as was supposed, and not so terrible and serious as had been
imagined. And this gives them pleasant Conditioning Energy that works
through the process of Conversion to give the whole complex a harmony
which it did not have before, in addition to affording some energy release
through thinking about the subject of the desires.
The peculiarly discordant compounds, often mapped in a birth-chart by a
retrograde planet, Conditioned by the pain of forcing the desires from rising
into the consciousness, is replaced by rearranging the thought-elements
through pleasant Conditioning energy, by an equally energetic harmonious
compound. The new Conditioning Energy which is responsible for the Conversion is furnished by repeatedly viewing the repressed desires as nothing
to be ashamed of, but as energies which when given correct expression are
quite normal and healthful. If they are of such a nature that their more gross
expression is against the interests of the individual or society, they nevertheless should be recognized for just what they are, and then the effort made to
sublimate them so that they will find complete and pleasurable expression on
a higher level. It is through such processes that diseases are cured by psychoanalysis.

Free Association

Up to about 1920, this was as far as the most advanced psychoanalyst thought
of proceeding. He felt that he could cure the majority of nervous, and some

Self Psychoanalysis


Mental Alchemy
mental, diseases by these methods, and possibly a number of other diseases
that were not deep-seated organic troubles; but he saw no particular advantages to the ordinary fairly healthy person in the discoveries of psychoanalysis, astounding though they were.
But about the time mentioned, a number of the most eminent psychologists extended their experiments into the lives of what are considered to be
quite normal people. And they attained the most astonishing results. For they
found that in every persons life there have been innumerable painful experiences, which have been entirely forgotten by the objective mind, yet which
continue to be responsible for much misery, inefficiency and failure. In fact, it
was discovered that almost every experience of life, that at the time of its
occurrence was accompanied by strong painful emotions, continues to hamper and restrict the individual, and to influence him in a derogatory manner.
As a result of this discovery, they came to advocate Self Psychoanalysis by
every person.
In the years since then, more and more the process they advocated has
justified their faith in it. And because it thus has stood the test of time warrants the quotation of a paragraph showing what was claimed for it then. It is
from an article on the subject by William MacHarg and Wilfred Lay, Ph.D.,
which appeared in the Cosmopolitan Magazine for September, 1921.
Self Psychoanalysis takes, ordinarily, half an hour a day for about
four months. You will not, however, have to wait so long before
you feel the effect of it. Within a few weeks you will begin to feel
an increase in your self-confidence, a drawing together of your
mental powers and a satisfaction in your contact with the world.
At the end of six weeks you will be amazed at the strengthening
of your memory, and the incidents of your early childhood that
you can recall. When your self psychoanalysis has been completed, you will find so many roads to success and happiness
open to you that you will be able to choose what sort of life you
want to live.
After thus choosing the sort of life you wish to live, if it be of the type we have
been considering, which requires a high physical, mental and spiritual success, in order to live it fully it is probable the character must be still further
changed through Conversion and the application of Mental Antidotes; but at
least the self psychoanalysis indicated will place your feet firmly on the road
leading to such high success.
It will be noticed that special mention is made of childhood memories.
Biological changes, as had been demonstrated by laboratory experiments, are
very rapid in infancy. At that period one ages greatly in a short space of time;
but these changes, and the aging process, progressively slow down with the
passing of the years. The biological changes, such as those which exhibit the
aging of the individual, may be almost imperceptible during the course of a
year in a man of eighty, while during the first year of life they always are vast.
And in a similar way the astral form seems to be more plastic and easily
molded by impressions received during the earliest years of life than at subsequent periods. The child seems to feel more intensely, and therefore, through
this feeling, to build more powerful desires into his astral form. Furthermore,
his lack of experience with the ways of the world permits him often to place
an exaggerated importance upon trifles. To the extent he is sensitive, and thus

Just How to Attain Realization

unable to appraise events at their true value, he suffers great mental pain
from rather insignificant events. And each time he thus suffers, regardless of
the real triviality or magnitude of the sufferings cause, he adds thought-elements to his astral body along with painful Conditioning Energy which causes
them to enter into discordant compounds, or if the Conditioning Energy is
sufficiently exaggerated, to form a complex.
The fact that, as he grows older, he forgets most of these painful experiences, in no way alters their power to attract him to unfortunate conditions.
For just as an organism is repelled by pain, and endeavors to escape from it,
so the objective mind also endeavors to escape pain; it being one of the laws
of objective consciousness that it ever strives to inhibit the memory of all disagreeable events and emotions.
That is why, looking back upon childhood, we remember it as the time of
the Happy Days. This is also the reason that a year after a vacation in the
mountains, the wet, the cold, the grinding toil of climbing, the mosquitoes,
and the blinding smoke of the camp-fire, are completely forgotten. Only the
joyous camaraderie of camp, the wide-spread vistas, the noble trees, the singing waters, and the glorious sunsets, are remembered. The disagreeable part
remains, but it is held submerged in the unconscious mind, and only the pleasant experiences commonly are recalled.
But there is this difference between the hardships of a vacation and the
hardships of childhood: the former are viewed as incidental accompaniments
of an effort resulting in pleasure, as all a part of the days work and play;
while the latter are viewed as serious troubles, as important menaces to life
and happiness. It is the mental element, rather than the physical pain, which
because of the intensity of its distress in the disagreeable thoughts and emotions of childhood, then contributes Conditioning Energy which is particularly potent to form virulent complexes.
One who is a failure in life, who continually experiences hard luck, may
be amazed to learn that the cause of his failure is the fear inculcated into him
as a child by the religious teachings of eternal damnation; that it is caused by
the inward frustration arising from constantly hearing the word Dont I
from his parents; that it is the result of a feeling of inferiority produced by
associating with an older brother or sister; or that it is the outcome of the
repressed rage felt against members of his own family in childhood. Yet such
frequently is the case.
A child is, of necessity, denied so many of its desires, is forced not to do
this, and not to do that, and coerced into doing so many things against its
inclination, that in the astral body of all ordinary adult human beings there
are discordant complexes which have had their origin in the experiences of
early life, in addition to thought-cells containing discordant thought compounds. And there may also very well be others originating later in life, which
have arisen from circumstances of a far more serious kind.
In the complete reorganization of the character, therefore, to the end of
making it highly competent and fortunate, it is well to begin with the Reconditioning of the various discordant complexes and repressions within the astral body that have been built by experiences earlier in the life- so that their
energies shall be diverted into expressing through some harmonious and beneficial activity. And to facilitate the Reconditioning of each of these complexes
and repressions, it is advantageous to remember the experiences which gave
them the Conditioning energy which is thus to be changed.
Most of these experiences when they are remembered, and viewed by the



Mental Alchemy
light of later knowledge, which enables them to be arranged according to a
broader philosophy, will be seen to have been either quite insignificant, merely
as the incidents necessary in lifes struggle, or as the avenue through which
some important lesson, essential to progress, could be learned. And it has
been found in psychoanalytic practice, that whenever a disagreeable experience is thus recalled in memory, and seen to be, after all, a benefit, that the
new and pleasurable emotion then imparted to it tends to Recondition the
thought-elements within the compound, or the arrangement within the complex, so that it expresses more harmoniously.
When one can honestly laugh at his own past misfortunes, the thoughtelements within the astral form derived from them are subjected to the process of Conversion, and are rearranged to form a constructive compound.
And in like manner, in recalling the various annoyances of childhood, if they
can be seen as mere trifles, the virulent compounds they have formed will be
Reconditioned into those which are beneficial, and their repressed energy
diverted into useful work. Thus it becomes an advantage, as an early step in
attaining Realization, in the fullest sense of the word, to recall in memory all
the disagreeable experiences of the past, and to view them either as events
whose importance at the time was ridiculously over estimated, or as a necessary and truly beneficial stepping stone on the pathway to higher things.
It should be understood, however, that any disagreeable event is to be
called up in memory only for the transitory purpose of giving it more pleasant Conditioning Energy. For, if recalled in memory to again experience the
disagreeable emotions, it will be given new thought-elements along with additional Conditioning Energy of the type which will increase the power of its
discord. A painful image held in the mind strengthens the compound which
it gave form, and tends to attract other similar painful events. But an experience that was once deemed painful, recalled in memory as an experience from
which in reality benefit was derived, tends to rearrange the thought-elements
in the compound associated with it.
At the same time, it is always well to associate every such painful picture
with a stronger picture in which there is pleasure; to associate the picture
from childhood with a later experience in which there were more agreeable
happenings. The end sought should be merely to remember the painful incident long enough to reorganize it by giving it a new polarity; and not to dwell
on the image of the experience, for that tends to attract other experiences of a
like nature. The experience is to be recalled only to view its pleasurable side,
and then having Converted it, to let the matter drop. For the rule is, in all
visualizing, that the picture of the desired condition should receive the major
portion of the energy and attention.

The Record Which

Reveals Repressions
and Complexes

To recall the events which were responsible for repressions and complexes
which now exist within the astral form, in addition to other methods, Free
Association may be used. Under ordinary circumstances the most convenient
and effective way of doing this is to set apart a half hour each day. Then, with
a notebook and pencil ready at hand, recline in an easy position with the
muscles completely relaxed and the mind as much of a blank as possible.
Thus, as near to the sleeping state as can be maintained without loss of objective consciousness, permit whatever thoughts may come, to pass freely through
the mind. From time to time, arouse sufficiently to make notes of these thoughts
and mental pictures; notes that are for no one else to read but yourself. And,
as if the psychoanalysis proves successful, before it is finished all the sordid

Just How to Attain Realization

side of the inner nature, the unsublimated primitive desires and impulses,
will have contributed their share to the record, these notes should be kept
under lock and key.
In addition to what passes through the mind in Free Association, the record
also should include an account of all dreams, and all blunders and mistakes
made during the day.
For awhile it will be quite enough to keep this record without trying to
understand it. But after a week or two some of the notes may be read over in
the attempt to discern just what repressions and complexes and thought
compounds they express. From the Free Associations, one thought suggesting another, gradually there will come remembrances of humiliating experiences and of shameful thoughts and desires. When these are remembered,
they can be Reconditioned pleasantly through viewing them in proper perspective; as trivial, as experiences necessary and valuable for the fuller understanding of life, or as primitive propensities not yet sublimated, but which
when properly diverted furnish energies that can be used for high purposes
of construction.
The cause of little forgetfulnesses, the misplacing of this article, the failure to remember that engagement, the tipping over of the water glass, the
various other blunders, may be traced, in each instance, to some disagreeable
experience or thought with which the matter is in some way mentally associated. And by tracing the line of thought, by the method of Free Association,
which spontaneously passes through the mind, with the blunder as a starting
point, the disagreeable event which caused the complex, and through it the
error, can be located. When once it is located, it can then be viewed in the
light of a broad and optimistic philosophy, laughed at perhaps, and thus Converted into a source of energy which will prove beneficent and constructive.
The dreams will be a little more difficult to unravel. Some of them, and
possibly some of the scenes viewed while practicing Free Association, may
be actual astral conditions. But commonly more of them will symbolize some
strong desire that has been repressed. And by taking each factor of the dream
and finding just what other thoughts and images naturally follow it in Free
Association, it is possible to learn what is symbolized by each.
In this connection it is well to bear in mind that the parts of the dream
soonest forgotten are apt to be the most important from the standpoint of
psychoanalysis; for the objective consciousness tends to thrust the portion
that arises from a disagreeable complex out of the memory. Thus by writing
down the dream immediately upon waking, and then writing it down again
later in the day, or on the following day, it will be found considerably altered.
And the portion changed or omitted, because there is always a tendency to
forget that which is most painful, frequently is the part- of greatest symbolic
value. It is the part which directly symbolizes the discordant complex.
When the meaning of the dream is made plain: that there is such and such
a desire within the astral form which, perhaps, the objective mind would not
even recognize as a possible desire; a mental acknowledgment that the desire
exists, and as explained in detail in Chapter 5, Course 5, Esoteric Pshchology,
the sublimation of its energies so that they will find an acceptable and adequate expression of their basic nature, will convert a source of hindrance
and discord into constructive energies which can be used to advance the life
along the path selected.
For the best results this process of self psychoanalysis should continue
over a period of several months. It is the general training that should precede



Mental Alchemy
the more specific application of Conversion and Mental Antidotes to the discordant thought-compounds mapped by discordantly aspected planets in the
birth-chart. Before a gymnast is given drastic exercises to make him especially strong and skillful for some particular feat, it is common to give him a
period of general training in which the objects are to build up the entire body
to a point of vigorous health, and to remedy any little weaknesses here and
there that may, if not strengthened, in time cause trouble.
Proceeding along a very similar line toward full Realization, physically,
mentally, and spiritually, before attempting the reorganization of the thoughtcompounds and groups of thought-cells which already had been built into
the astral body before the moment of birth, and which are specifically
mapped by the birth-chart planets, and before starting on the work of building into the astral body such compounds and dynamic stellar structures as
would be mapped by the birth-chart if it could be given the planetary strength
and the aspects desired, it seems wise first to prepare for this more arduous
work by self psychoanalysis. This will release pernicious repressions and
Recondition complexes and compounds of the type that have been acquired
since human birth.

Reconditioning the
Compounds Mapped by
Birth-Chart Constants

After the Reconditioning of the desires of compounds and complexes which

can be reached through the methods of psychoanalysis has been completed,
the next step is to bring about the Reconditioning of the thought-compounds and Stellar-cells in the unconscious mind which are mapped by
birth-chart Constants which show a predisposition toward specific diseases and difficulties.
As the method of doing this through Conversion and Mental Antidotes
has been fully explained in the earlier lessons of this course, it only remains
to emphasize that in applying the appropriate kind of thoughts and Conditioning Energy, it is essential to have the precise mental images or thoughttrain ever ready at hand and easy to use, and that steps be taken to insure that
they always are used on the occasions selected for applying them to the discordant thought-compounds. Just a hazy general notion will not do. If a discordant compound is to be Reconditioned into one harmonious, a definite
and effective system of applying the proper thoughts to it must be formulated and strictly observed.

Building Into the

Character Such
Qualities As Might
be Mapped By Any
Birth-Chart Desire

So far, we have been chiefly considering altering energies that already have
been built into the unconscious mind so that they will express, not as discords and conflicts, but in the most harmonious and effective manner. But
when it is remembered that all that is within the unconscious mind, whether
mapped by the birth-chart or acquired since birth, has been added to it through
experience, we perceive that merely Reconditioning what already resides
within the character is only a portion of the work to be accomplished in gaining complete Realization. It is only repair work, so to speak. And in addition
to it, many new parts can be added which will enable the character to function on a level otherwise it could never hope to reach.
Just what these new parts, which are well organized groups of thoughtcells added to the astral body through appropriate mental processes, are, which
a given individual should acquire for his character, depends upon what he
already has, and upon the specific cosmic work he feels he should accomplish. In the limited space here at disposal, it will be possible to indicate only

Just How to Attain Realization


a few of the beneficial character factors, and how they can be built into the
unconscious mind, so that they will have all the force of such a dynamic stellar structure as is mapped by a certain planet when it is prominent and harmoniously aspected in the birth-chart. But this will indicate the method used.
And it will be understood that qualities, through the use of such methods,
can be added to the character, if enough energy can be applied in the process,
such as are represented by any selected planetary position and aspect in a
chart at birth.
Upon the energy and harmony of the Power thought-cells within the astral
body depends the vitality and the ability to resist the mental influence of
others. Especially people who have the negative planets prominent in their
birth-charts need an additional supply of the Power thought-cells to enable
them to keep from being swayed from their purpose and to prevent their
domination. They represent the specific mental factors most needed by those
who are troubled by psychic forces, more about which will be explained in
the next lesson. Self-esteem and self-confidence are expressions of these Power
urges. Self-esteem is essential to anyone who would gain the esteem of others, and self-confidence is necessary to the efficient performance of any worthwhile task.
Self depreciation and lack of pride and firmness all too often are responsible for failure. But to preserve significance it is not necessary to be arrogant
nor condescending. Yet it is imperative that one recognize ones own importance and value. And, as a matter of fact, each human is being fitted to occupy
a function in life that he can fill better than any other. Each person is really an
important cog in the cosmic scheme; and the proper turning of the mill of the
gods depends upon each cog in the universal wheel performing its special
function. Thus is each of us being shaped and polished to be able to perform
his work in the universal scheme of things with ever greater nicety.
Therefore, each day when the aspirant for Realization retires for his half
hour or so, let him spend a portion of the time meditating deeply on these
facts. Let him withdraw his attention from the cares of the day, and thinking
of these matters, learn to Feel his oneness with the whole universe. Let him
feel and know that he is a part of the Universal Life, and that he is in harmony
with this All Of Life; and being conscious of it, that he is working daily and
doing his part to carry out the cosmic program.
He will then feel and Realize that he is working under Divine guidance,
and that he has responsibilities to the Master Mind which none but himself
can fulfill. And he should permit this Realization of his oneness with all life,
and the Realization that he is assisting in the universal work, to fill him with
great joy and thanksgiving. Let it inspire him to be conscientious, firm, and
self-confident in the performance of lifes work, and let it induce in him a
great pleasure through the exercise of these qualities. Then let him go forth
and manifest these attributes in action. By so doing he will build into himself
those thought-cells which give length of life, vitality, and power.

and Vitality

These Power thought-cells attract success through their strength and virile
energy. They lead to positions of authority, and give the ability to command
others. But there is still another group of thought-cells which has a special
facility to attract abundance and exceptional good fortune. These are the Religious thought-cells. And the most powerfully harmonious compound that

Acquiring Abundance


Mental Alchemy
can be formed is one in which the Power thought-elements combine pleasantly with the Religious thought-elements. Therefore, after it becomes possible to Enter The Silenceto turn the thoughts from the external environment to an apprehension of the inner feelings and thoughtsand to realize
that you are an eternal spark of Deity, possessing an immortal soul that is working in harmony with all other souls for universal progression; then learn to Feel
intensely Devotion, Hope, Cheerfulness, Veneration, Faith and Optimism.
Realizing that you are a part of Deific Life, and working under the direction of the Master Architect it will be easy to bring thoughts of benevolence,
hope and faith into association with thoughts of conscientiousness, self-esteem and pride; for you then will inwardly know that one who serves God so
faithfully will only reap that which is good. And after the period of Going
Into The Silence and feeling this Realization within, then go forth into the
world and confirm your Realization by Acts; for when a change has really
been made in the astral body, it will manifest in the outward form, and by the
act is this inward change then demonstrated.
In this building these new and harmonious compounds into the astral
form by the power of thought, the strength of the compound is determined
by the volume and intensity of the feeling imparted to it. But the kind of a
compound that is organized depends upon the quality of the emotions that
accompany its formation.
In the formation of the religious-power-compound, for instance, which I
have just explained how to construct, if the thoughts accompanying its formation, during the period of meditation and when carried out by appropriate
acts, are persistent and mildly pleasant, a Growth-compound will be formed.
If the thoughts are mildly pleasant, but rather intermittent, and interspersed
with some slightly discordant feelings, the compound formed will be of the
Expansion variety. If, however, the feelings accompanying the thoughts and
deeds of a power and religious nature are of the buoyant and joyous quality,
the result will be an Opportunity-compound. But if the emotion is more than
joyous, being also enthusiastically happy and intensely blissful, then will a
Luck-compound be constructed. Such a combination is then called a PowerReligious-Luck-Compound; and no more powerful influence exists on earth
for the purpose of attracting Good Fortune.
The same principles hold also for the formation of harmonious mental
compounds from the other thought-elements: the intensity of the pleasure
accompanying their formation determines whether they will enter into the
construction of a Growth, an Expansion, an Opportunity, or a Luck, compound.

Acquiring Good
Fortune With the
Populace and the
Opposite Sex

The next most powerful compound that can be incorporated into the character for the purpose of attaining the highest Realization of success is a harmonious Domestic-Power-Compound, particularly if it is also a Luck-Compound.
It is not so potent to bring blind good fortune as a harmonious ReligiousPower-Compound; but it gives greater ability, and is even more beneficial to
the health. It causes the vital processes and physical functions to co-operate
perfectly, endowing the person both with vitality and a strong constitution. It
attracts favors from the opposite sex and from people in power, and gives
popularity with the general populace. It thus aids in the accumulation of
wealth, in gaining favorable publicity, and in the rapid advancement of the
social and business position.
To build such a compound into the astral body, a justifiable joy should be
felt in ones own importance, and a particular pleasure should be felt in using

Just How to Attain Realization


whatever station, income, and advantages that are gained to make the home
and family more attractive. Few things build up those mental conditions which
lead to general unpopularity so rapidly as does a discordant home life. And
few things tend so quickly to attract popularity as does the compounds built
into the unconscious mind by a happy home. When such a happy home life
can be made to inspire a feeling of importance, dignity, and conscientiousness, so that these feelings can be carried strongly into the business world, we
have one of the most potent influences extant, not merely for business success, but for honesty, morality, and integrity of character.
Yet in building such a compound, it is important to remember that it is not
the actual events which happen in the home, the people in it, or the beauty of
its surroundings, that tend to form integrative or disintegrative thought-compounds; but the mental attitude toward these things.
Life in a hovel, while surrounded by unsympathetic people, can be made
a potent factor in organizing harmonious compounds if one will but search
minutely for causes of joy. And, on the other hand, a palace and servants may
be made a potent source of discord, if only the disagreeable side of conditions
is perceived. It is not the nature of the events which happen that cause the
fortunate Conditioning of compounds, but the amount of happiness felt due
to the event.
The compounds coming third in the order of their potency for good, are the
Social-compounds. In the astral body of a man, a Domestic-Social-compound
is more fortunate, because women have so much to do with making or marring the life of a man, and this is the most fortunate of all compounds for
Realizing affectional success, and for attracting good fortune through women.
In the astral body of a woman, the Social Power-compound is more fortunate;
for it insures her happiness where affectional matters are concerned, and also
gives her great success in all her dealings with men.
For a man deliberately to set about building a Domestic-Social-compound
into his astral form, he should grasp every opportunity to associate an interest in providing for, and looking after, his own family, with taking an active
part in promoting social activities. He should take a special interest in going
out among people accompanied by his family, or is he has no family of his
own, with children or people who are helpless and need care. He should
learn greatly to enjoy mixing with people, and the mixing of his family with
others in social affairs. The custom of whole families paying visits upon other
families is good practice, provided, of course, it can be arranged so that all
concerned will have a happy time. The man who loves to entertain in his own
home will benefit by it both in popularity and in health.
For a woman to build a Social-Power-compound into her astral body, she
should not confine her interests entirely to domestic duties, but should take a
pride in her personal appearance, and in being agreeable company. The cultivation of a feeling of kindness and friendliness toward all persons she meets,
will tend to combine the Social and the Power thought-elements properly;
and if along with this there also is felt a joy in being rather queenly and dignified, this will tend to the Conditioning of a harmonious Social-Power-compound. Mirth is as important in this life as it work; and dignity and self-esteem also have their important function.


It will be found quite profitable systematically to build any two families of

thought-elements into the astral body as a harmonious compound. But be-

Acquiring Other
Good Fortunes


Mental Alchemy
cause of their greater importance in human life, the time and energy may be
spent more profitably in adding to the thought-cells, compounds in which
one of three families of thought-elements always are present. The most important family, that should be harmoniously combined with as many other
families as possible, it that of the Power thought-elements. Next in importance to the Power group are the elements belonging to the Domestic thoughtelement family. And third in importance are the thought-elements of the Intellectual family.
The etheric energies of the body, that is, the nerve currents and their magnetic field, in their positive phase are governed by the releases of desire energies by the Power thought-cells; and the four-dimensional activities of these
thought-cells, as mapped by the progressed aspects of the Sun in a birth-chart,
are responsible for attracting many of the events of major importance into the
life. In their negative phase the nerve currents and their magnetic field are
governed by the release of desire energies by the Domestic thought-cells; and
the four dimensional activities of these thought-cells, as mapped by the progressed aspects of the Moon in a birth-chart, are responsible for attracting
many events into the life of sub-major importance.
The electric currents, generated through the release of desire energies by
the Power thought-cells and Domestic thought-cells, in the wave-length of
their radiations, are commonly governed by the release of desire energies by
the Intellectual though-cells. These thought-cells powerfully influence the
trend of objective thinking, and the thoughts thus gaining objective attention
raise or lower the vibratory rates of the energy radiated; and through this
control of the comparative shortness of the wavelengths emitted, the individual tunes in on planetary and other broadcasts of a similar frequency. The
energy thus tuned in on, radio fashion, through the thoughts and feelings
that at the time are before the objective attention, finds its way over the etheric
energies of the nervous system, which are ready conductors of astral broadcasts, to the thought-cells in various regions of the astral body. Furthermore,
the thoughts and feelings, as this whole course has constantly emphasized,
determine what elements are added to the thought-cells and how they are
Conditioned to act.
It is to the Intellectual thought-cells that we must look for the ability to
keep the thoughts Directed into the specific channels which will provide
Mental Antidotes or produce Conversion, and which will add elements to the
astral body only in a manner which will prove constructive and assist in attaining Realization. Therefore, no pains and effort should be spared to insure
that these Intellectual thought-cells have abundant and harmonious desire
energies which with facility can be released.


Mental Alchemy

January 1, 1895, 7:00 a.m. E.S.T. 77W00 39N00.
1924, was given charge of Federal Bureau of Investigation: Venus and
Mercury trine Jupiter r.
1932, March, search for Lindbergh baby: Sun square Uranus r.
1933, July 30, appointed Director of War on Crime: Mars opposition Uranus r, Venus trine Saturn p, Mars trine Venus r.
1934, August 19, hurt in airplane crash: Mars opposition Uranus r.
1935, April 23, campaign against jewelry robbers: Venus conjunction
Moon r.
1936, spring, caught remaining kidnappers of the 62 since Lindbergh case,
clearing the board: Mars still opposition Uranus p, Mercury conjunction Venus p, Mercury and Venus sextile Sun r.

Just How to Attain Realization

December 5, 1901, 7:30 a.m. E.S.T. 87W39 41N52.
1917, made cartoons for farm papers: Venus sesqui-square Neptune r.
1918, drove ambulance in France: Sun opposition Neptune p.
1919, started company, but firm to whom cartoons were sold failed, and
caused his failure: Venus sextile Uranus r, Sun opposition Neptune r.
1923, started studio in Hollywood: Venus semi-sextile Mars p.
1927, many tribulations, but made the first three Mickey Mouse films:
Sun conjunction Mars, r, Mercury conjunction Mars r, Mars inconjunct Neptune p, Venus semi-square Mars r.
1928, Mickey Mouse a great success: Mars conjunction Venus r.
1933, Three Little Pigs animated cartoon a great success: Sun conjunction
Saturn r and Jupiter r.


Course 9

Chapter 7

Just How to
Give Absent Treatments

OW that the principles underlying radio broadcasting and reception are so well understood, it is not so difficult as once it was, to
perceive that any thought process which the individual might himself inaugurate, can, with equal force, and effectiveness of change within his
astral form be imparted to his astral body by some other person at a distance.
Thought-elements of any kind, and Conditioning Energy of any quality, when
the tuning-in is adequate, can be conveyed from one individual to another.
Thus in giving absent treatments, because the thoughts used for a specific
difficulty are the same in Family and in Conditioning Energy as the individual would use if he had the ability mentally to treat himself, that which
specially needs to be understood and used, is the tuning-in process, which
when completed commonly is called rapport.
Two objects or two persons are said to be in rapport when their vibrations
are synchronous and of similar frequencies; that is, when they both impart to
a common medium vibrations that have the same rate of motion in such a
manner that the crest of a wave-motion in one corresponds, in point of time,
to the crest of a similar wave-motion in the other. In the transmission of thought
over short spaces, the common medium may be the ether, but in giving absent treatments at a distance. the medium which carries the energies from the
healer to the patient usually is astral substance.
This condition of rapport between people may be only partial, or it may
be very complete. When the same tones are sounded on two musical instruments, the rapport between them is very complete. But when an orchestra is
playing, the same tones are sounded simultaneously only on some of the various instruments, and other tones that do not have the same frequencies are
sounded on different instruments. Therefore, the rapports between instruments is complete only in so far as the tones sounded are the same; and between other instruments and tones the rapport may be partial, or not at all.
Thus also, the rapport between the healer and the patient may, be confined to
a very limited section of the patients astral body, or it may be so complete that
the two personalities, for the time, seem identical.
When two objects are in rapport they may impart energies from one to
another, even at a great distance, with facility. The general principle can be
demonstrated by striking a tone on a musical instrument in the same room
with a piano. The tone will be responded to by a similar tone from the piano,
showing that energy has been imparted to it. In radio, the electric frequencies


Mental Alchemy
set up in one aerial impart motions to the ether which sets up similar motions
in any other terminal which is within the radius of its vibratory waves. But
only a receiving set which is in rapport with the sending set, which is tuned
to about the same number of kilocycles, can receive the message.
And in a similar way, in order that the person to whom the absent treatment is sent shall intercept it, and through this means have energies applied
to the thought-cell structure of his astral body, it is necessary that more or less
rapport be establish between the healer and the patient. As a rule this rapport
is only partial; but the more complete it is, the greater will be the facility for
the thoughts sent by the healer to reach and influence the patient.

the Rapport

Therefore, in giving absent treatments, the first essential is, in so far as possible, to establish a condition of complete rapport between the healer and
the patient. To do this it becomes necessary for the healer to contact the
patient astrally, that is, through the medium of astral substance, and then to
raise or lower his own vibrations until they vibrate in unison with the patient he is to treat.
To contact the patient, if he has previously seen him, or has his picture, he
may visualize him; that is, make a picture of the patient in his imagination.
But if he has never seen the patient or his picture, he then should hold some
object in his hand that the patient at some time has touched, such as a handkerchief, or a letter he has written. And even more potent as a means of focusing the attention on the patient than his picture or an object he has carried, is
his astrological birth-chart; for it is an accurate map, not merely of his physical body, but also of his character, including those very thought-groups which
the healer wishes to manipulate in the process of healing.
Looking at the picture of the patient, or his horoscope, or touching some
article he has had in his possession, the healer then should relax physically, as
much as possible, but at the same time keep his attention alert and keen. His
nervous system should be passive, for the time being, to pick up, radio fashion, the vibrations it intercepts coming from the patient; but the brain should
retain tension enough to be able to recognize when the rapport has been effected, and also to direct the thoughts afterwards.
In this state of receptivity, the healer should endeavor to FEEL his patient; permitting the article he holds, or the chart or picture, to give him the
vibratory rate which he is to tune in on. When he FEELS this vibratory rate,
and that he thus has made astral contact with the patient, he then should
raise or lower his own vibrations, and adjust them as completely as possible
to the FEEL of his patient, until he senses that there is a complete sympathy
with him.
Not everyone is sensitive enough to recognize when they have inwardly
made contact with another person, or even when they are in rapport with
him. But those in whose birth-charts either Neptune or Pluto is prominent,
with practice, can acquire this ability.

Maintaining Control

When rapport is established, which is felt as an inward identity between the

healer and the patient, while maintaining an attitude of sympathy which may
be permitted to go so far as to enable the healer to FEEL the discords within
the patient, and from them to diagnose the difficulty to be treated, the healer,
nevertheless, through alertness of brain, should keep the situation well in
hand. He must not permit himself to be swayed by the thoughts and feelings
of the patient whom now he has inwardly contacted. Instead, he must have a

Just How to Give Absent Treatments


reserve of power, of the kind especially given by a prominent birth-chart Uranus or Sun, with which he can vitalize the healing thoughts he now should
send the patient.
Electrical Potential, or voltage, is something different from the wave length of
electromagnetic energies radiated. Some radio stations, for instance, are powerful enough to drown out other broadcasts which are operating on nearly
the same kilocycles. Yet for long distance transmission, the high-frequency,
short waves commonly are used.
Chapter 9, Course 5, Esoteric Psychology, explains in detail how the electrical energies which become nerve currents and are used in objective thinking
are generated by the protoplasmic cells of organic life, each of which is a
miniature electric battery. And there is explained also how man, through his
thoughts and feelings, has the ability to increase or decrease his mental and
nervous tension, which means the rapidity with which the nitrogen compounds release radiant energy, and so control the comparative shortness of
the wave lengths emitted, and thus tune in on various levels. And that as the
etheric energies of the nervous system are ready conductors and transformers of corresponding astral broadcasts, he can tune in not merely on broadcasts through the ether, but on astral broadcasts from the planets and from
minds that no longer are of earth.
And in that lesson also is explained that the lately discovered electrical
properties of protein, prove that the nervous system is not merely a radio
receiving set, but that its phenomena are reversible, so that it can be made, at
will, either a receiving or a broadcasting set. During use as a receiving set, if
through properly Directed Thinking, or even through the process of more
spontaneous thinking and feeling, the brain-cells are given considerable activity, they generate high electrical charges which reverses the process, and
the nervous system then becomes a broadcasting instrument.
Electrical processes are both positive and negative. Laboratory experiments
prove that the brain is the most positive region of the body and the liver is the
most negative region. But in sleep, as explained in Chapter 9, Course 5, Esoteric Psychology, the most effective electric batteries of the body, the cells of the
gray matter of the brain, become recharged. And even while retaining consciousness they may be permitted to lose so much tension, to so relax, that
they no longer generate electrical charges of much potential.
The rapidity with which the protein fraction of the cells of the brain and
nervous system release the short wave-lengths which lightning or nitrifying bacteria have stored in their molecules is largely governed by the hormones secreted by the endocrine glands. And those individuals in whose
birth-charts the planet Uranus is prominent, probably through its influence
upon the parathyroid glands, develop a higher, even though often unstable
and not persistent, electrical potential than do any other people. That is,
temporarily, at least, they have at their command more electrical power. But
while greater in voltage, it seems that the wave-lengths radiated are not so
short, nor have they long distance carrying power, of those developed in
the brains and nervous systems of people in whose charts either Neptune
or Pluto is prominent.
The high nervous tension of those with Uranus prominent in their birthcharts is coincident with the development of electrical charges which radiate,
especially through the ether, with great force. Orators and those who sway
people through the spoken word or personal influence, to be successful, as

The Etheric Radiations

Given by Each of the
Three Upper-Octave


Mental Alchemy

ascertained from a statistical study of their charts, must have Uranus prominent in their birth-charts.
Personal magnetism is the etheric radiations of an individual; and nothing gives the compelling force to the personal magnetism that Uranus does.
Others, with a lower electrical potential, are unable to resist its power because, after all, we must depend upon electrical currents, or nerve impulses,
to control our behavior. At all times there is competition between various
nerve currents, which are electrical discharges, for control of the actions; and
the one which, at the time, is strongest, that is, has the highest potential, overcomes its rivals, and determines what is done.
The brain is able to exercise such control as it has over the thoughts and
actions due to its cells generating higher electrical potentials than those generated by the nerves of the organs, or by stimuli coming in over the nerves
from the outside world. Each person has an electromagnetic field of force, or
aura, which when it contacts the nerves and brain of another person tends to
generate electrical conditions there, through a process of electromagnetic induction, which are in all respects similar.
Thus if at the time there is a marked difference in potential between the
two individuals, the nerve currents, and thus the feelings, and for the time
being even the thoughts, of the person of lower potential will be established
by the person of higher potential; because in the competition between nerve
currents, the currents induced by the electromagnetic, or etheric, radiations
of the person of higher potential, have a higher voltage than those generated
by the person thus influenced.
Volume of electrical energy generated also has a bearing upon the ability
of the individual to control himself and to control others. This volume, and
the persistence with which it is generated, determine the vitality and the ability to recuperate from disease; for the vital force of all physical life now has
been proved to be electricity generated by the miniature batteries which are
the protoplasmic cells.
It is the Sun, operating chiefly through a secretion of the front pituitary
gland, whose vibrations rule electricity of the vital sort. To the extent the Sun
is prominent in the birth-chart are the Power thought-cells active and such
vital energies generated. And these, in turn, give the power to exercise authority over others who, not having the Sun so prominent in their charts of
birth, do not generate vital electricity in the same volume. Thus we find in the
statistical analysis of the charts of those who occupy positions where they
direct the activities of others, that such individuals invariably have the Sun
prominent in their charts of birth.
This, however, is a less intense, a far more stable, and a much less erratic,
influence than that exercised by Uranus. The Sun type of personal magnetism holds steady to a purpose, and gives a feeling of reliability and solid
strength; while the temporarily more powerful magnetic influence of Uranus, with its shorter wave-length radiations, sweeps others off their feet and
carries them into actions which, perhaps, they would not dream of doing if
not thus influenced by electrical forces of a potential sufficiently high that
they can not be resisted.
Electricity, however, is both positive and negative; and the wave-lengths
radiated by the nervous systems of those with planet Neptune prominent
seem to be shorter and of higher frequency than those ruled by Uranus, but
they seem to operate on the negative phase. The Neptune nervous system is
far more sensitive than the Uranus nervous system, but the potential gener-

Just How to Give Absent Treatments


ated is much less, and instead of being a positive, controlling force, it is a

negative and receptive one.
It is specifically adapted to bringing up into objective consciousness,
through the electrical charges generated, whatever is seen, heard, tasted,
smelled or felt, by the senses of the astral body, or unconscious mind. That is,
the wave-lengths ruled by Neptune, when its influence is strongly imparted
to the individual, seem specifically adapted to sensing happenings from the
four-dimensional plane. They are of the frequency that most readily permits
that which the unconscious mind records to float up, through using them to
impart vibrations to the nerves and brain, into objective recognition. And they
seem to be of the frequency also which enables the nervous system most readily
to get in rapport with things most diverse in their vibratory rates.
Pluto, the other upper-octave planet, operating through the UniversalWelfare thought-cells upon the endocrine glands, generates electrical charges
which have a higher potential than those of Neptune, but which are of shorter
wave-length and greater carrying power. Apparently they can operate upon
either the positive or the negative phase, but more commonly do so on the
negative. They are less potent than those generated by Uranus to influence
through the spoken word or personal contact, but are the most potent of all to
influence through the method of thought transmission.
Through collecting the birth-charts of those in some manner closely associated with radio, and observing the aspects in the cycle charts when news
relating to the radio came prominently before the notice of the public, we
have demonstrated that radio is ruled by the planet Pluto. We find also that
when people most readily get telepathic messages, and especially when they
recognize thoughts sent to influence them, getting the thoughts clearly and
becoming aware of the sender, is when there is a progressed aspect to Pluto
operative in their charts of birth.
All the evidence points to the conclusion that for establishing rapport between two individuals, whether one has left the physical plane or both are
still in physical bodies, and exchanging thoughts, that the wave-lengths generated when Pluto is prominent in the birth-chart are the most effective. Apparently they are not so conducive to tuning in on objects, or to perceiving
astral scenes, as are the wave-lengths of Neptune; but as the means by which
one intelligence, whether of the three-dimensional plane or the four-dimensional plane, can impress its thoughts upon another at a distance, they rank
first. And people with Pluto prominent in their birth-charts are specially
adapted to giving or receiving absent treatments.
When the healer is as sensitive as he should be for the highest efficiency in
such work, as soon as the rapport is established he begins to feel in his own
body the same discords from which the patient suffers. But he must not permit these sensations to become pronounced enough to cause him much discomfort, or to be more than distinctly perceived. This he can prevent by holding a positive and assertive attitude of mind, provided of course, his brain
generates electrical charges of sufficient volume and potential to maintain
control of his thoughts and feelings. If one has the habit of being negative, or
if one is exhausted, the potential that can be developed may be lower than
that generated in the nervous system by the astral energies received from the
patient, in which case one acquires the aches and pains of the patient, and
retains them so long as the rapport lasts. For this reason one should never
treat when tired or ill. To treat successfully, and without ill results to oneself,

Psychic Diagnosis


Mental Alchemy

one should be rested and have a surplus of vital, which means electrical, energy on hand.
When he has sufficient electrical potential at his command, he can permit
himself to FEEL his patient to the extent desirable, and yet have the ability
instantly to reverse the process, and to any extent he desires, and instead of
being a receiving set, to broadcast over the rapport thus established, to his
patient. This enables him to make a quite complete psychic diagnosis of the
patient without difficulty to himself.
If the patients heart is affected, the healer will feel distress in the region
of the heart. If the feet are the region of the trouble, then the healers feet will
cause him discomfort. And likewise with any other afflicted region of the
patients body. Even when the distress is financial, social, or domestic, the
sensitive healer will FEEL the nature of the discord And by noting the thoughts
that come into his mind while he is thus in rapport with his patient, he can
trace the trouble to its Thought Cause.
When he becomes sensitive enough, by following the thoughts that come
into his mind while he is relaxed and in complete rapport with the patient, he
can apply the method of FREE ASSOCIATION to determine what repressions
and complexes are present in the unconscious mind of the patient, and the
nature of the disagreeable experiences in the patients past which have been
responsible for their formation. He will feel these conditions within himself
though he must not, for a moment, let them dominate himand thus will he
recognize the inner cause of the patients trouble, even though the latter be on
the further side of the globe.
Basic Inharmonies
Between Healer
and Patient

The astral constitution, that is, the thought-cells and thought structures of the
unconscious mind, of some people belong largely to one polarity while that
of other people belong largely to the opposite polarity. It is this polarity of the
thought-cells which determines whether a person is electric, magnetic, or electromagnetic in temperament. Although these terms more commonly are used
to designate the polarity, and thus the type of radiations from, the etheric
body, its polarity and thus the temperament, is determined by that of the
astral body, to which in this particular it most closely corresponds. And the
polarities of peoples astral bodies are such as to cause them to radiate astral
vibrations that are either wholly positive, commanding and assertive; wholly
negative, receptive and yielding; or a combination of the two extremes.
If a healer is electric in temperament, it is easy for him to raise or lower his
vibrations the slight degree that becomes necessary to give them the same
frequencies, and synchronous with, the vibrations of any other person who
likewise is of the electric temperament. But it may be quite impossible for
him to change the whole polarity of his vibratory rate to such an extent that
he will vibrate at the same rate, and in synchronism with, the vibrations of
another person whose temperament is entirely magnetic. As a consequence,
he will find it easy to come in rapport with electrical patients and difficult, or
at times quite impossible, to come in rapport with magnetic patients. Or if the
healer is entirely of the magnetic quality of vibration, he will find it easy to
come in rapport with magnetic patients, and difficult, or impossible, to get in
rapport with those entirely electric.
As a matter of experience, however, only the very extreme types of people
are exclusively electric in temperament, or exclusively magnetic. But in most
people, one of the two temperaments predominates, and when such is the
case they will find it easier to get in rapport with those of the same predomi-

Just How to Give Absent Treatments


nant vibration. Also, there are some very evenly balanced between the two
extremes. They are electromagnetic, and thus will find it more difficult to
come in rapport with either of the extreme temperaments, and much easier to
form the sympathetic contact with those in whom neither electric nor magnetic qualities are too pronounced.
The relations between birth-charts that show sufficient similarity of vibratory rates to make rapport easy, as well as those which tend to prohibit a
satisfactory exchange of energies, are set forth in Chapter 7, Course 10-1,
Delineating the Horoscope, under the heading, PHYSICAL HARMONY. But
the healer who has developed any degree of sensitiveness to vibration will
need no other index to a persons temperament than his own feelings. Furthermore, some healers, especially those with Neptune prominent in their
birth-charts, have the ability to alter their own vibratory rate to a remarkable degree, so that hard and fast rules based on birth-chart positions should
not be attempted.
If, however, when the healer attempts to form the rapport between himself and the patient, he feels a Sinking Sensation in his Solar Plexus, or if,
when attempting to treat he feels a sickening or faint condition which remains during the treatment, he may know that the proper rapport has not
been established. This inward realization that all is not right, and that he is
not blending with the patient will, with a little practice, be very easy to distinguish from any feeling caused by the patients diseased condition. It is a peculiar sensation that arises when the etheric or astral emanations of two people,
between whom there is no similarity of vibrations, meet.
This peculiar sinking sensation is due to the recoil of the healers vibrations
and thoughts from the astral body of the patient. This is the special Devil
which Christian Science has brought to notice, and which it calls Malicious
Animal Magnetism. In some cases, to be sure, it is actuated by malicious forethought; for any inimical thought sent against one may be felt as this peculiar
sinking sensation, as a peculiar confusing vibration in the head, or as a discomforting vibration of the nerves elsewhere in the body. Commonly, however, the solar plexus is more sensitive than the brain, and thus the condition
is more frequently felt in that region. But either a recoil from an unsuccessful
treatment, or the presence of an inimical thought may affect the head instead,
or even nerves elsewhere in the body; which once experienced is easy again
to recognize.
Animal magnetism may be inimical, whether so intended or not. And its
elevation to the prominence of a super-power for Evil by the founder of Christian Science was not the outcome of mere speculation, but the result of actual
experience. For when two persons come into close contact astrally, as they
must do when a treatment is to prove successful, they either form a condition
of more or less complete rapport, or else the emanations from one fails to
vibrate in synchronism with the vibrations of the other. And as a consequence
they form an astral discord. Neither may be evilly inclined, and neither may
send malicious thoughts toward the other, but both will feel discord, and
both suffer from the contact.
Two musical instruments may both be very perfect, each in its own way;
but if they are playing the same piece of music in different keys, or if they
have the same key and are playing different selections of music, there results
a terrible turmoil. Thus also, two people may both be very good, each in his
own way; but if one is keyed to an electric polarity, and the other is keyed to a

Animal Magnitism


Mental Alchemy

magnetic polarity, no matter how much one may endeavor to benefit the other
by mental treatment, there will be only adverse results. In fact, to give a
successful treatment in such a case the vibratory key of one or the other
must be, for the time being, changed so completely that they will vibrate to
similar frequencies.
Furthermore, if both are of the same temperament, and one is vibrating at
the time entirely to one set of thoughts and the other entirely to another set of
thoughts, the result will be unsatisfactory; for they are not in rapport. And
whenever this lack of rapport is present, whatever its cause, the healer will
feel internally the lack of the conditions which are essential to his success.
Whenever he feels this, he should not attempt treatment. And if on repeated
trials he gets only such conditions, he should refuse to treat the patient at all,
for no good will result. In such cases it is better to turn the patient over to
some other healer of as near the opposite polarity to himself as possible. Where
he has failed, due to his peculiar temperament, another healer of opposite
qualities should have little difficulty in securing a quick cure.
It will now be seen that malicious animal magnetism far more frequently
is unintentionally malicious. It is merely the natural discord produced by the
meeting vibrations of two persons who are not harmoniously keyed to each
other. Thus a healer in attempting to treat a patient visualizes or thinks strongly
about him. And because his astral emanations, and the thoughts he sends the
patient, recoil upon himself, he is apt to think someone is sending him inimical thoughts.
There is but one way to cure such malicious animal magnetism, and that
is mentally and physically to keep away from such persons as temporarily or
intentionally are discordant to ones own nature. Yet while malicious animal
magnetism is quite as much of a bugbear as witchcraft, also of New England
fame, that at one time was considered so serious, and afterwards was thought
not even worthy of recognition; in another light it has great significance. For
the thoughts and other astral vibrations we contact, through our physical and
mental associates, can not but have a powerful influence upon our lives.
Unconsciously, and subtlely, those with whom we associate are giving us
thought and vibratory treatments, either to produce sickness and sorrow, or
to promote health and success. And often there come those into our lives,
attracted by the discords within ourselves, who, though good people, nevertheless, due to their temperaments and habits of thought, feed us astral poison. But whenever this is the case, if we will but heed our feelings we will
recognize the fact, and we will then no longer associate physically with, or
think about, such persons.
Psychic Persecution

Having mentioned deliberately used malicious animal magnetism, it may be

well to relegate this new bugaboo, along with witchcraft, voodooism, black
magic, and sorcery, to the position of insignificance each rightfully should
occupy. Not one of these instruments for evil, when recognized for what it
truly is, has any power worthy of important consideration in the life of the
average normal person. They only have important power over those who
fear them, or over those who, either naturally, or through deliberate cultivation, have little power to control their own thoughts and physical forms.
If one systematically cultivates the condition of being negative to unseen influences and intelligences, if one develops irresponsible mediumship,
so as to permit any strong thought-force that comes along to control the
actions; then there is serious danger from these sources. But if one culti-

Just How to Give Absent Treatments


vates the ability at all times to dominate and control his own thoughts and
actions, to permit only such thoughts and perceptions as are desired to be
held before the consciousness, then there is no danger from any one of these
things. In fact, their power chiefly is derived from the circumstance that
people give them energy and vitality and force by picturing them in their
minds as things to be dreaded.
The Brethren of the Shadow, Voodooism, and Malicious Animal Magnetism, all have a very real existence. So do thugs, robbers, and murderers. And
if you go into some low dive where you know criminals of the worst kind
abound, and go unarmed and in fear and trembling, the chances are in favor
of harm coming to you. But if you stay away from such places, or if you must
go there, you go adequately armed for the occasion, then there is little chance
of damage.
Therefore, just remember that whenever you think about Inversive
Brethern strongly, that astrally you are coming in contact with them. You are
entering into mental association with them, just as much so as when you go
among wolves on the physical plane you are associating yourself with dangerous animals. And if, when you think of inversive forces, you are negative
and weak and have fear, they will attack you just as quickly as will wolves
when you run from them and exhibit cowardice. But there is little necessity
for coming in contact either with wolves or with unseen intelligences of evil.
And should such contact seem advisable, or unavoidable, firearms in the case
of wolves, and a calm, confident positive mental attitude in the case of inversive forces, will cause the danger to be insignificant.
And where some person on the physical plane succeeds in using mental
power to injure another, whether called by witchcraft, voodooism, agi, black
magic, or any other name, it is due to the fact that the person influenced,
through his ignorance of psychic phenomena, has failed entirely to recognize
the source of his trouble; or, recognizing its source, has, through fear and
natural negativeness, been specially receptive to it. Those who cultivate the
disintegrative forms of mediumship, and those who naturally are negative to
everything and everybody, and who have little mental or physical vigor, those
who are swayed by every wind that blows; these are subject to injury by magic
under any one of its various names.
But any person who has cultivated a reasonable control of his physical
body and of his thoughts need not be injured by any form of inimical mental
influence. He can recognize it when it is present by the sinking in the solar
plexus, or the peculiar vibrations in his head or other part of his body. And
when he recognizes such a condition he should turn his attention resolutely
to some active employment of mind and body, keeping a firm, unbending,
cold and positive frame of mind, and a serene confidence that he is master of
himself and director of his own destiny. To think about and attempt to fight
any such inimical force is to give it additional energy. But anyone who can
resolutely turn his attention to some active work, and keep his mind positive
and interested in the work he is doing, is quite immune from injury from any
magical source.
As already indicated, volume and potential of the electric energy generated
have a bearing upon the ability of the individual to control himself and to
control others. If an individual develops a lower potential than that which is
developed in some section of his nervous system, either through the impact
of a thought sent to him, or through the impact of a sensory stimulus, such as

Psychic Forces


Mental Alchemy

hearing a sound, or feeling the jab of a needle; in the competition of electric

currents, that developed under the impact, being the stronger, will gain attention from the brain, and if powerful enough also will exercise local control.
Furthermore, when an individual places himself in the mood, or state, to
feel, either an external sound, or a thought-wave, he reduces the competition
of electric currents,-and tunes his nervous system, or some special section of
it, to pick up the anticipated vibration. That is, mentally, he reverses the direction of electrical flow, giving predominance to the charges flowing to his
brain from the sensory nerves or sympathetic nervous system. If his brain is
alert and vigorous, and he retains the ability at any time to take control through
generating a still higher electrical potential than those coming in, he is then
said to be sensitive. But if his brain is not active enough to generate an electrical potential which enables him to prevent the electrical charges coming to it
from registering, he is said to be negative to the external condition. And if
this negativeness is sufficient, he loses the power to control his own thoughts
and actions.
The organism of man is a bundle of habit system; and an individual,
through practice, can greatly increase either his sensitiveness or his negativeness. And having established the habit of being sensitive or negative in a
particular way, it requires but a thought, or slight impact from without, to
induce the state again.
It will be seen, however, that if the brain, and sympathetic nervous system and efferent nerves under its influence, develop electrical currents of
sufficient volume and potential successfully to compete with those generated
by impacts against the afferent nerves and sympathetic nervous system, that
the thoughts of the individual then will be the only thoughts or impressions
recognized by the brain, and he will retain complete control of his actions.
Such is the normal state of affairs, in which most people, because the electric
energies moving outward from the brain are more powerful than those that
their nervous systems generate due to the thoughts of others which reach
them, are unconscious of thoughts other than their own.
Whether the thought thus reaching him comes from some person on the
three-dimensional plane, or from some entity on the four-dimensional plane,
the principle is the same: If the individual is broadcasting, that is, if the brain
and nerves it can reach, carry a higher potential than that generated in the
nerves by the impact of thoughts coming from without, he is unaware of these
thoughts. We then say the individual is too positive to perceive such thoughts.
To keep such a positive attitude, not only must the brain be in a somewhat
forceful state, in which it is active enough to generate the required electrical
potential, but the whole nervous system will be placed under a just perceptible tension, in which there is a slight feeling as of pushing outward of the
individuals forces, as if, which he is, he were radiating energy.
But in addition to being able to become positive at will, which is a great
asset, both the healer and the person who is troubled with psychic forces, will
find it of paramount importance to be able to select some line of thinking and
hold it resolutely before the attention. The healer, while in the positive attitude, after establishing rapport with his patient, must be able to think the
thoughts he wishes to send his patient, and thus because his potential is higher,
convey them to the astral body of the one he treats. And the one troubled
with psychic forces, must be able to hold in his consciousness, lines of thought
of his own selection, and keep thinking about them with sufficient intensity
that the electrical potential thus generated enables him to keep tuned to them,

Just How to Give Absent Treatments


and thus automatically shuts away those generated by the impact of thoughts
from without. So long as he generates electrical potentials that are higher, his
own thoughts, in the competition between electrical currents, will be the only
ones acquiring any influence. And if he is absorbed by his own thoughts, no
thought force coming from the outside can even gain recognition.
To keep the thoughts tuned to some dry subject requires the overcoming of various resistances, which consumes electricity rapidly and leads to
exhaustion. But if there is some recreation or other interest which easily
arouses enthusiasm and pleasure, it will be easy to hold the thoughts to it
with a small expenditure of electrical energy. This whole matter of How To
Direct The Thoughts is explained in Chapter 9, Course 5, Esoteric Psychology; so that here it only remains to point out that so long as the thoughts are
rather completely occupied with one subject, this tunes the nervous system
in on vibratory rates of a similar frequency, and, just as when one dials one
station on a radio it cuts off the programs from other stations operating
over a quite different frequency, so when one thoroughly tunes in on one
train of thoughts, this effectually cuts off the reception of unrelated psychic
forces and the thoughts of others, and they then have no influence. Therefore, to be free from any type of psychic persecution merely requires the
development of the ability, as explained in Chapter 9, Course 5, Esoteric Psychology, positively to Direct ones thoughts.
This, it will be seen, is exactly the opposite training from that to become a
disintegrative medium; for such a medium cultivates so low a brain potential
that not only is he controlled by the electrical currents generated through the
impact of the thought-forces of others against his nervous system, but under
such training the brain potential becomes temporarily so low that it does not
register what is happening upon objective consciousness.
When the healer feels that the condition of rapport has satisfactorily been
established between himself and his patient, he may then, after himself becoming positive while holding to the vibratory rate of his patient, start sending him whatever thoughts he has decided upon as required for a cure. During this time he should visualize the patient in a perfect state of health.
It may be that he will decide what the patient most needs is not Mental
Antidotes or Conversion, but the release of some Repression or the diversion
of the energy of some Complex. He does not command, or coerce, or force the
patient to any action or course of thinking. He merely talks to him in a positive manner, talks to the visualized image of the patient in perfect health,
which means talking to him astrally, as if he were physically before him.
He explains to him, perhaps, that the events and conditions which built
complexes into the astral body, have been exaggerated as to their importance,
and that in reality they are rather insignificant. Or he talks to him about some
repression, explaining it to the patient in precisely the same manner he would
if he were physically present, telling him exactly through what channel to
divert its energy so that it will no longer cause discord but will do some constructive work. The patient may not, and probably will not, be objectively
aware of any part of this conversation, yet he will gradually begin consciously,
as well as unconsciously, to view his past in a different way, and make the
mental adjustments suggested by the healer.
As explained in chapter 1, both the physical cells and organs, and the
thought-cells and thought structures, have an intelligence of their own. And
the healer, in giving an absent treatment, can talk to any of them which are

Giving the
Absent Treatment


Mental Alchemy

not performing in the best manner, and tell them what they must do. If, for
instance, through his diagnosis, he finds the stomach not behaving as it should,
while in rapport with his patient he may visualize his stomach, and give it
strong suggestion what results are desired from it.
But in thus interfering with the work of any organ, it is better to confine
the suggestions given it, which may take the form of forcefully asking it to do
certain things, to the result expected. The heart, or intestines, or spleen, or
other organ thus appealed to, knows far more about how to get the asked for
result than the healer does; and if the healer tries to give it detail instructions,
these are apt to be such that when followed by the organ give results different
from those required.
Whatever the patient could do in the way of giving himself mental treatment, had he the skill and energy, can be done by another at a distance, providing the condition of rapport can be established, and the patient is willing
thus to receive the treatment.
The healer can use the method of Conversion to alter the manner in which
some group of thought-cells perform by taking a keen delight as possible in
the appropriate thoughts, while in rapport with the patient, and visualizing
the result desired. Or he can use the method of Mental Antidotes, by selecting
the appropriate train of thoughts and, while in rapport with the patient, thinking them vividly and harmoniously in association with the department of life
to be affected. But in such work he must be conscious not merely of the
thoughts and feelings, but also that he is imparting them to a certain region of
the patients astral body.
In such a manner, through changing the thought composition and thought
structure of his patients astral body, the healer can bring about a change also
in the habitual thinking of his patient; for the condition of the physical health,
the events which come into the life, and the type of thinking, all are expressions of the release of the desire energies of the thought-compounds which
he has changed. And it is upon the changed habit of thinking the patient must
depend to prevent a recurrence of the old affliction.
Such an absent treatment should last not less than five minutes after the
condition of rapport has been attained. Usually twenty minutes will be long
enough; and it is seldom advisable to continue the treatment over half an
hour; for such work consumes much electric energy. One should never treat
after beginning to feel exhausted. At the close of every treatment the mind
should be polarized to an attitude of lofty, imperious, positive calm, breaking completely the rapport which during the whole time of treatment has
been maintained with the patient. Then the healer, permitting no further
thought of his patient, should immediately turn his attention positively to
something else.

Course 9


Study Questions

Mental Alchemy The Inner Nature Of Poverty,

Failure And Disease (Serial No. 95)
1. Why does each individual present a different problem to the healer?
2. What determines how the mind will react to a given thought treatment?
3. How are thought-elements, of which psychoplasm is composed, built?
4. What is meant when it is stated that the atomic number of a chemical
element represents the number of revolving electrons?
5. Illustrate how both chemical elements and thought-elements are
grouped in families.
6. What determines the series to which a thought-element belonging to
any family corresponds?
7. What are the only foods the astral body can assimilate?
8. Do all life-forms possess a soul?
9. What determines to which compartment of the astral body assimilated thought-elements will move?
10. Do thought-elements when assimilated commonly remain uncombined
with other thought-elements?
11. What is meant by conditioning?
12. What determines the kind of harmony or discord of a compound formed
from the union of thought-elements?
13. Indicate examples by which it has been proved that physical cells and
physical organs have an intelligence of their own apart from that of the
body they occupy.
14. What type of intelligence do the thought-cells and thought structures
of the astral body possess?
15. What happens when the white blood corpuscles, called leucocytes,
become wrongly conditioned by the presence of certain viruses?
16. What happens when thought-cells become wrongly conditioned by
discordant energy?
17. Indicate how stellar-cells and stellar structures operate on the threedimensional plane through control of physical behavior.
18. Indicate how stellar-cells and stellar structures operate from the fourdimensional plane to attract events into the life.
19. What must happen to the thought-cells if either a persons habitual actions, or his fortune as affecting any department of life, are to be altered?


Mental Alchemy
20. Thought compounds conditioned by what are responsible for disease
-and misfortune.
21. Indicate how an unsatisfactory condition in life, as distinct from the
active types of misfortune, may be due to insufficient desire energy
relating to the department affected.
22. Show how when one organ or member of the body is destroyed the
thought-cells compensate by transferring their energy, so far as they
can, to some other organ or member.
23. How do the energies of the three Hereditary Drives compensate when
they are blocked from normal expression?
24. In what manner did Theodore Roosevelt compensate for his early physical inferiority?
25. Why did Mark Twain compensate for an early feeling of inferiority in
a markedly different way than did Roosevelt?
Just How To Find The Thought
Cause Of Any Condition (Serial No. 96)
1. What is responsible for whatever conditions exist in the life?
2. What do the house positions of the planets in a birth-chart show in
relation to the thought-elements which have been built into the astral
3. Are the planets responsible for the events and conditions attracted?
4. Why is it easier for a child to be born just when streams of astral energy from the planets are such that they flow through the stellar cells
and stellar structures of his astral body?
5. What structure in the astral body is mapped by each of the ten planets?
6. What do the aspects in the birth-chart reveal in reference to how
thought-element compounds have been formed within the astral body?
7. In reference to a desire, what does the prominence or lack of prominence of a planet in the birth-chart indicate?
8. What relation to the amount of desire energy has the amount of work
a thought group within the astral body is capable of accomplishing?
9. How, through observing the habitual type of thinking in reference to
certain things, is it possible to estimate the discordant thought-elements within the astral body responsible for a given condition?
10. Why is it more convenient to use the birth-chart Constants and the
Progressed Constants to determine the thought cause of any condition?
11. Only at what times are events apart from the normal trend of life attracted?
12. Indicate how the Power thought-elements were built into the astral
body in forms of life lower in the scale than man.
13. Indicate how the Domestic thought-elements were built into the astral
body in forms of life lower in the scale than man.
14. Indicate how the Intellectual thought-elements were built into the astral body in forms of life lower in the scale than man.
15. Indicate how the Social thought-elements were built into the astral
body in forms of life lower in the scale than man.
16. Indicate how the Aggressive thought-elements were built into the astral body in forms of life lower in the scale than man.

17. Indicate how the Religious thought-elements were built into the astral
body in forms of life lower in the scale than man.
18. Indicate how the Safety thought-elements were built into the astral
body in forms of life lower in the scale than man.
19. Indicate how the Individualistic thought-elements were built into the
astral body in forms of life lower in the scale than man.
20. Indicate how the Utopian thought-elements were built into the astral
body in forms of life lower in the scale than man.
21. Indicate how the Universal Welfare thought-elements were built into
the astral body in forms of life lower in the scale than man.
22. Indicate by chemical combinations, how the type of thought compound formed depends upon the conditioning energy which is then
23. Upon what depends the severity of the affliction or the beneficience of
the harmony resulting when thought-elements are united into a compound?
24. Briefly state the conditions present when a Growth compound, an
Opportunity compound, and a Luck compound each are formed.
25. Briefly state the conditions present when an Obstacle compound, a
Separation compound, a Friction compound, and an Agitation compound each are formed.
Just How To Find A Mental Antidote (Serial No. 97)
1. What two methods does the chemist use to get a compound more
suited to his purpose?
2. What are the same two methods called when used to acquire a more
suitable thought-element compound within the astral body?
3. What is the nature of mental antidotes as contrasted with mental antipathies?
4. Indicate in the case of monoxide poisoning how carbon monoxide acts
as an antipathy when it combines with hemoglobin, and how oxygen
acts as an antidote.
5. How can a mental antidote be applied to a selected compartment in
the astral body?
6. How can a mental antidote be applied to a selected Dynamic Stellar
Structure within the astral body?
7. Which of the three ways by which the Dynamic Stellar Structure responsible for a difficulty can be determined is the most convenient?
8. When the discord arises from the thought-compound in which the
Power elements predominate, what antidote should be used?
9. Why is it always an advantage to have more of the Power thoughtelements in the astral body?
10. Which thought-elements are the most positive and energetic of all?
11. Which thought-elements are the most negative?
12. What thought-compounds give the greatest courage and daring?
13. How should aggressive thought-elements be used as an antidote for
discordant Domestic thought-element compounds?
14. Why is it so unusually important that the Intellectual thought-cells
should be harmonious?
15. Cultivating what thoughts tends to give the proper antidote to discordant Intellectual thought-element compounds?



Mental Alchemy
16. In addition to the Safety thought-elements, what other thought-elements should be applied to a discordant Social thought-element compound?
17. How should the antidote be added to the discordant Aggressive thoughtelement compounds?
18. In what way do discordant Religious thought-compounds affect the
19. What interests should be cultivated when the difficulty to be corrected
arises from a discordant Safety thought-element compound?
20. What electrical condition makes it possible to die of fear, worry or
21. What thought-elements within the astral body most powerfully affect
the personal magnetism?
22. Through what agency is the life always affected when the Individualistic thought-cells are responsible?
23. In addition to Safety thought-elements, what other thought-elements
are specially required when treating a discordant Utopian thoughtcompound?
24. Which thought-cells give the nerves greatest range in broadcasting
and the most efficient type of receiving sets to pick up broadcasts from
other minds?
25. What type of activities add the proper mental antidote to discordant
Universal Welfare compounds?
Just How To Apply A Mental Antidote (Serial No. 98)
1. To releases of what kind of energies are all organic activities due?
2. What relation to desires has the chief work of mental alchemy?
3. Indicate, using hydrogen and oxygen as the example, how two elements can express quite different attributes when united in a compound, than they exhibit independent of such union.
4. Under what law do thought-elements combine to form compounds
within the astral body?
5. How can any thoughts that have been built into the unconscious mind
be made to enter into combination with any other family of thoughts?
6. Exclusively Upon what, when two thought-elements are united, depends the type of thought compound formed?
7. How many types of thought compounds are there; and what energy
always is present when the compound formed is harmonious, and
therefore tends to attract fortunate events into the life?
8. What must be changed in a thought compound if it is to attract more
fortunate conditions into the life?
9. Does the individual who has misfortune relative to a department of
life, habitually think about that department of life in the same manner
an individual does who has marked good fortune in reference to it?
10. Planetary position in the birth-chart which give a predisposition toward discordant and contractive thoughts of fear, self-centeredness,
worry and acquisition, also give a predisposition toward what disease?
11. Whenever any event of unusual importance to the individual is attracted into his life, what thought activity has always preceded it?
12. How can a discordant Safety thought-element compound be reconditioned so that its future releases of energy are harmonious?
13. How can it be determined, from the things thought about, in what

compartment of the astral body the compound responsible for the
thoughts is located?
14. To reach a thought compound with other thoughts, it is only necessary
to think thoughts with what object in view?
15. To think about the department of life affected by certain thoughtelements is to add new thought-elements to what compartment of the
astral body?
16. Just what is implied in the process of Conversion?
17. What relation has Conversion to that which psychologists call Sublimation?
18. Why must the new expression be made more highly pleasurable than
the old?
19. How can one, through artificial association, cultivate a higher degree
of pleasure in the new expression?
20. What expression of the thought-elements always should be used in
either Conversion or as a Mental Antidote?
21. What kind of compounds can be beneficially changed only through
22. Why are Mental Antidotes more easily applied than Conversion?
23. What has volume and intensity of pleasure to do with the successful
application of Mental Antidotes?
24. If disagreeable energy is placed in a thought compound, what kind of
energy must that compound release when it finds opportunity for expression?
25. What is the most important thing to be sought in either Conversion or
in the application of Mental Antidotes?
Just How To Heal Yourself (Serial No. 99)
1. For the purposes of Mental Alchemy, what is meant by manipulating
the physical environment?
2. Indicate that we can not improve the fortune of any department of life
unless we contact the proper things.
3. When thought-cells have been reconditioned, what do they endeavor
to do in reference to the physical environment?
4. In what way can the work of the reconditioned thought-cells be facilitated by using objective intelligence and effort?
5. Is it the function of reconditioned thought-cells to manufacture chemical elements out of thin air.
6. How can one learn just what kind of thinking is responsible for a given
disease or misfortune?
7. How can one learn what environmental factors will facilitate the work
of the reconditioned thought-cells in overcoming a given disease or
8. If a person habitually indulges in fear, greed or worry what kind of
foods in particular does he then need?
9. What is meant by a Rallying Force?
10. What determines the benefit or detriment of an event attracted at any
given time?
11. How many aerials and thought-cells are reached by any vibration picked
up, radio fashion, through completely tuning the nervous system in
on that vibration?
12. What effect has such thorough tuning in on a selected vibration upon
other vibratory energies picked up at the time?



Mental Alchemy
13. How can this principle be utilized to change, in the direction desired,
the effect produced by progressed aspects?
14. How can an individual utilize the best planet in his birth-chart as a
source of beneficial Rallying Forces?
15. When present in the birth-chart, what are two most powerful sources
of harmonious Rallying Forces?
16. How can the aerials mapped by progressed aspects be utilized as sources
of beneficial Rallying Forces?
17. When there is nothing mapped in his birth-chart or by progression to
show an easy supply of planetary energy of the family desired, how
can the individual nevertheless, acquire that specific energy as a harmonious Rallying Force?
18. To deliberately substitute one kind of thinking for another relates the
two kinds of thoughts in what way?
19. To think about a department of life, adds the thought-elements and
Conditioning energy present at the time to what thought-cells?
20. What is the chief problem when Conversion seems to be the method
best to employ?
21. In selecting some experience from the past as a source of pleasant
Conditioning energy, how can it be determined what thought-elements
it will chiefly add to the astral body?
22. In thus recalling affectional experiences, to what period should the
reverie be confined?
23. Why is it good practice to have a classified list of reminiscences of
happy experiences ready at hand?
24. What is the best of all sources of pleasant Conditioning energy?
25. In what manner should one talk to the thought-cells?
Just How To Attain Realization (Serial No. 100)
1. To get the utmost out of living, in addition to applying a Mental Antidote to some one or two groups of thought-cells, what is required?
2. To what does a tendency to over-emphasize the importance of anything point?
3. What should be done when such a tendency to over-emphasize is recognized?
4. Why are the stronger repressions usually revealed in the dreams?
5. When some repression is revealed through analyzing the dreams, how
is it to be handled?
6. What is meant by the method of Free Association?
7. How are the repressions revealed by Free Association reconditioned?
8. Why is Self Psychoanalysis usually beneficial to normal people?
9. Why are early childhood impressions so important?
10. Why, looking back upon childhood, do people usually remember them
as the Happy Days?
11. What effect upon a child may constantly hearing the word Dont!
12. When one can honestly laugh at ones past misfortunes, what happens
to the thought-elements derived from them within the astral form?
13. Should a disagreeable experience be recalled in a manner to again feel
the painful emotion associated with it?
14. What is the technic of applying Free Association to oneself?
15. Why should the notes one takes when applying Free Association to
oneself be kept under lock and key?

16. What parts of a dream are most important and soonest forgotten?
17. Why, in using Conversion and Mental Alchemy, is it so important to
have the precise mental images or thought-train to be employed ever
ready at hand and easy to use?
18. Why may Reconditioning what already resides within the character be
considered mere repair work?
19. In addition to such repair work, what can the individual do to benefit
his character and fortune?
20. How, through Mental Alchemy, should an individual go about it to
acquire positiveness and vitality?
21. How, through Mental Alchemy, should an individual go about it to
acquire abundance?
22. In building new and harmonious compounds into the astral form by
the power of thought, what determines the strength of the compound?
23. In building new and harmonious compounds into the astral form by
the power of thought, what determines the kind of compound thus
24. How, through Mental Alchemy, should an individual go about it to
acquire good fortune with the populace and the opposite sex?
25. Why is it so important that the Intellectual thought-cells have abundant and harmonious desire energies?
Just How To Give Absent Treatments (Serial No. 101)
1. When are two persons said to be in rapport?
2. Illustrate by musical instruments how rapports may be partial, or quite
3. Illustrate by musical instruments how things in rapport can transmit
energy from one to the other at a distance.
4. How does the healer proceed to establish rapport with his distant patient?
5. How does the healer know when rapport has been established?
6. How does the healer at a distance diagnose the difficulty to be treated?
7. What is meant by electrical potential?
8. Which is the most positive region of the body and which the most
9. What has the competition between various nerve currents, which are
electrical discharges, to do with our behavior?
10. When two persons are near each other, especially if in rapport, and one
has a much higher electrical potential, how do his thoughts and feelings influence the person of lower potential?
11. What is the difference between the Sun type of personal magnetism
and that conferred by Uranus?
12. What particular ability is given to the individual when Neptunes wavelengths are freely generated?
13. The wave-lengths generated when what planet is prominent in the
birth-chart radiate through the ether with greatest force?
14. The wave-lengths generated when what planet is prominent in the
birth-chart have the greatest carrying power?
15. Why is it easier for people of electrical temperament successfully to
treat other people of electrical temperament?
16. What is an indication to the healer that he has not made the proper
rapport with his patient?



Mental Alchemy
17. Using musical instruments as an illustration, show how animal magnetism may be inimical whether so intended or not.
18. What is the only way to cure unintended malicious animal magnetism?
19. What happens when one thinks about Inversive Brethren, especially
while filled with fear?
20. How can a psychic force trying to gain control, or trying to injure, be
21. Why, usually, is it poor technic to attempt to fight any inimical psychic
22. Instead of fighting it, or permitting thought of it to enter the mind,
what should be done?
23. When the brain is not active enough to generate an electrical potential
sufficient to prevent electrical charges coming to it from registering, or
even taking control, what is this state called?
24. What kind of brain potential does the disintegrative medium strive to
25. In addition to becoming positive at will, ability for what type of thinking should be cultivated both by the healer and by the person who is
troubled with psychic forces?

Course 9


History of
The Brotherhood of Light

o trace the origin of The Religion of the Stars, recourse must be made
to tradition. Pseudo occultists and charlatans are only too ready to
appropriate a name and use it to deceive the unwary. Hence a name
and boasted lineage mean nothing in such matters. When genuine they rest
upon secret tradition. And such documentary evidence as can be submitted
for the genuine may easily be imitated by the spurious.
The only safe criterion of the genuineness of any esoteric teaching is the
amount and accuracy of the information contained therein. The Brotherhood of Light lessons are now accessible to all. We welcome investigation
with a view to proving their value. The lineage here given is not to claim
infallibility or to prove authority, but to disclaim any originality in the ideas
set forth beyond their method of presentation. Upon the prima facie evidence these lessons contain as expositors of THE RELIGION OF THE STARS,
The Church of Light is well content to rest all its claims.
According to tradition, in the year 2,440 B.C., a group separated from
the theocracy of Egypt, and through subsequent times, as a secret order,
the name of which translated into English means The Brotherhood of Light,
has been perpetuated, and has exerted a beneficial influence upon western
During only one period of Egyptian history did the teachings of The Religion of the Stars have a great influence on Egyptian civilization. This was
during the reign of Akhenaten. This king was influenced by The Brotherhood of Light and broke completely with the corrupt priesthood of Amen.
He moved to his City of the Horizon and spread stellar art and wisdom
throughout Egypt. He died before the establishing of a new civilization could
be completed; so the priests of Amen did the best they could to destroy his
city and philosophy.
With the ascension of the Greek civilization, the influence of The Brotherhood of Light is seen in the astrology and mythology of Greece. Many of
the Greek Mysteries take their basic rites from the ancient Egyptians.
The Greek philosophers, Thales, Pythagoras, Plato, Euxodus, and a score
of others famed for learning that might be mentioned, received initiation
directly at the hands of the Egyptian members of the fraternity.
At a later date this venerable order gave the impetus to learning in Alexandria, which made the city so justly famous. One of The Brotherhood of
Light, the noble Hypatia, who, after the decline of the colleges in that city,


Mental Alchemy

was the last to withstand the onslaughts of superstitious ignorance, and died
endeavoring to spread the light of ancient wisdom.
It was The Brotherhood of Light that preserved the taper of learning from
complete extinction during the dark ages, and that was responsible for kindling with it the fires of science and philosophy in Europe, even in the face of
ruthless persecution.
The Brotherhood of Light not only has persisted as such on the innerplanes,
but the line of succession has been kept alive, although at times it became
exceedingly thin, also on the physical plane.
Much of our written history is lost in the mist of time. The thread of
modern day existence on the physical plane picks up with the following.
M. Theon, for years, was the head of The Brotherhood of Light in Europe. The teachings came to America and were published in two books translated and edited by Emma Harding Britten, Art Magic and Ghost Land. The
original edition of Art Magic bears this legend at the bottom of the title page,
Published by the author, at New York, America, 1876.
T.H. Burgoyne was the son of a physician in Scotland. He roamed the
moors during his boyhood and became conversant with the birds and flowers. He was an amateur naturalist. He was also a natural seer. Through his
seership he contacted The Brotherhood of Light on the innerplane, and later
contacted M. Theon in person. Still later he came to America, where he taught
and wrote on occult subjects. We find articles on the tarot, written by him,
for instance, during 1887 and 1888, in The Platonist, published by Thomas
M. Johnson at Osceola, Missouri. This was more than a dozen years before
Genevieve Stebbins translated the work of P. Christian.
Captain Norman Astley, an officer in the British Army, had traveled extensively. In the performance of his duties he had lived in India and there
had pursued occult studies. He also resided a short time in Australia. Later
he returned to England to meet M. Theon, having previously contacted The
Brotherhood of Light in his travels.
Astley was also a surveyor. Retired from the British Army he surveyed,
among other places, what is now Carmel, California. It was such a beautiful
region that when he married Genevieve Stebbins, a member of The Brotherhood of Light and a Delsarte teacher in New York, they decided to build
their home in Carmel. That was in the 1860s.
As T.H. Burgoyne was a member of the same organization, it was natural
he should pay them a visit. Captain and Mrs. Astley, who had contacted a
number of earnest students suggested to Burgoyne that he write the basic
Brotherhood of Light teachings as a series of lessons. This he agreed to do
provided the students would enable him to live while he did this work. The
Astleys made contact with students he knew and 12 were found who were
willing to donate $5 per month to this purpose.
Burgoyne lived in the home of the Astleys while he wrote Light of Egypt,
Volume I. He wrote and issued as a manuscript lesson, which the 12 students were permitted to copy, one chapter each month. He had a white pony
which would come at his whistle and follow him as if it were a dog. Each
morning the weather was clement, he and his pony would leave the Astley
domicile and go to a certain wild spot on Point Lobos to commune with the
Monterey pines, to listen to the birds, to caress the flowers, and to hear the
noisy surf boil into a little rocky cove above which in spring wild asters grew
in profusion. Overlooking the charging and retreating waters, always sitting
at the same spot, he wrote the whole of Light of Egypt, Volume I.

For reasons set forth in the preface to Light of Egypt, Volume I, it was later
decided to publish these private lessons in book form. That this might be
done it became necessary to finance the venture, and to have some kind of
an organization which would resist the attacks it was anticipated would be
made by those opposed to the purpose of the book.
Dr. Henry Wagner and Mrs. Belle M. Wagner (both with Jupiter in the
tenth house of their birthcharts) agreed to finance the venture, and did so
to the extent of $100,000. And a branch of The Brotherhood of Light called
the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, was formed for the express purpose
of seeing to it that the Light of Egypt and its teachings should receive wide
The Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor was governed in all its affairs by a
council of three members consisting of a scribe, or secretary, an astrologer
and a seer. Burgoyne was the original secretary. He passed to the next plane
in March 1894, while residing in Humboldt County, California. Belle Wagner,
Sun in Pisces, Aquarius rising and the Moon in the first house in Aquarius,
was elected to take his place on the council. Minnie Higgins, Sun in Gemini,
was the astrologer. Mrs. Anderson, Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Cancer, Libra rising, was the seer. Meetings to decide issues were held on the second
floor of Mrs. Andersons large home in Denver, Colorado.
The bylaws of The Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor made it impossible
for any person under 21 years of age to join; made it impossible for a married
person to join unless the spouse also joined, and made membership possible
only after the individuals record had been thoroughly investigated.
Early in 1909 Minnie Higgins passed to the next plane, and in the spring
of that year Elbert Benjamine was called to Denver and elected to take her
place on the Council as the astrologer. At this meeting on the second floor of
Mrs. Andersons home, the other two members of the Council did their utmost, as the official minutes of the meeting show, to convince Elbert
Benjamine that he should undertake the job of preparing a complete system
of education that would enable a wide public to become conversant with
The Religion of the Stars. But it was not until April of the following year that
he consented to do this work.
Meanwhile he had contacted personally and through correspondence
not only members of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, but members of
The Brotherhood of Light who had remained aloof from the organization
with headquarters at Denver. But it was chiefly by his becoming more closely
associated with The Brotherhood of Light on the innerplane that he overcame his reluctance to take over so imposing a task.
In 1913 the three members of the Council of The Hermetic Brotherhood
of Luxor, after due deliberation, voted unanimously to close The Hermetic
Brotherhood of Luxor, and since then no members have been accepted.
During the period, 1914 to 1934 that The Brotherhood of Light lessons
were being written, there was never any spirit other than that of helpfulness
shown toward this work by any member of The Brotherhood of Light or by
any person who had been a member of The Brotherhood of Luxor. And, in
particular, Captain and Mrs. Astley were helpful. Elbert Benjamine visited
them in their home on various occasions, and some of the extensive and
encouraging correspondence he received from them helped him in this work.
In 1918 classes were first opened to the public. In order to carry out its
objective of reestablishing The Religion of the Stars on earth, The Brotherhood of Light was incorporated as The Church of Light, on November 2,



Mental Alchemy

1932, 9:55 a.m. PST at Los Angeles. The three founders of The Church of
Light were Elbert Benjamine (C.C. Zain), who served as President until his
demise November 18, 1951; Elizabeth Benjamine, who served as Secretary
Treasurer until her passing in 1942; and Fred Skinner, who served as Vice
President until his demise in 1940. From the 1920s through the 1940s much
astrological research was carried on which has become standard reference
for many astrologers.
Much of the history of The Church of Light in years between 1915 and
1951 involve the history of Mr. Benjamines efforts. His mission on earth
being completed through the writing, rewriting and printing of The Brotherhood of Light lessons, he felt that his physical form was worn beyond
repair and that he could better serve the cause of Universal Welfare by leaving that body behind and moving to the next phase of his work in Gods
Great Plan.
In accordance with Mr. Benjamines instructions, there was no public
funeral, and his body was cremated. Because of his desire to be free from
thoughts and emotions of grief so he might make a speedy adjustment in his
new life, the announcement of his passing was withheld until the Response
Day dinner in Los Angeles on December 18, 1951.
He left a priceless heritage in The Brotherhood of Light lessons, which
must be preserved and passed on unchanged to succeeding generations.
The Light of Egypt is a consortium of advanced students and Hermiticians
who seek to carry on the high traditions of the Brotherhood of Light by
contributing our utmost to Universal Welfare without thought of personal
gain or recompense.
It continues to work toward fulfilling these purpose by meeting the needs
of a new world order with its progressive philosophy of soul development.
As always there is a determination that each individual should have the opportunity to Contribute his or her Utmost to Universal Welfare to the end
that all people may live with freedom from fear; freedom from want; freedom of speech; freedom of religion, and to be enlightened to the extent they
wish by the soul uplifting teachings of The Religion of the Stars.

Course 9


Declaration of Principles

e are a Religious altruistic association. We consider all humanity as

equal in the higher sense, and utilize our resources for the purpose of assisting each individual to fulfill their part in the Divine
Plan. Our Hermetic Philosophy indicates that each soul is responsible for its
spiritual progress; and our lessons provide the best information possible for
the attainment of true spirituality and happiness on the physical plane and
on each higher plane of progress.
There cannot be Two Orders of Truth in the Universe. Therefore, we
deny that there is any antagonism between true Science and true Religion.
We accept but one book as infallible in interpreting the Will of Deity. That is
the Book of Nature. We worship but one Religion, which is also a Science:
Natures laws.
Students are under no obligation to accept our teachings. We encourage
them to investigate all existing religious and occult organizations, and our
course on Evolution of Religion gives details on how our philosophy relates to
many of the religions of the world today.
We teach that the family and the marriage relationship are the most powerful aid in building the spiritual body. It is through the sacrifices of the
parents for the children that they give up selfishness and then transfer that
love to higher planes of work. Our course, Ancient Masonry, gives more detail about this process, as well as the course on Spiritual Alchemy and the
one on Occultism Applied to Daily Life.
Our view of the reason for existence upon the earth is discussed in the
book, Astrological Signatures, and the book Organic Alchemy. We know from
tradition and scientific experiments that the soul and personality survive the
transition called death and live on higher planes of existence. This is outlined
in the book The Next Life. We also have lessons on healing and alchemy (psychology) both from the spiritual and physical plane.
Our philosophy is grounded in two basic studies: The Golden Key of
Astrology and the Silver Key of the Sacred Tarot. Only with a thorough knowledge of these two keys may the sanctuary of Natures Temple be opened.
Astrology is the science of finding and utilizing the natural potentialities as
indicated by the planetary chart of birth. It becomes a religion when it shows
the individual how these natural tendencies can be utilized for the benefit of
all humanity and furtherance of the purposes of Deity. This is why we are
called The Religion of the Stars.


Mental Alchemy

The Sacred Tarot is the pictorial form of the spiritual ideas of our world as
viewed by the spiritual giants of the past and checked by subsequent illuminated ones as to accuracy. Initiates of all ages have added their contributions.
It is the esoteric presentation of the Hermetic Philosophy, and provides each
Neophyte with many sources of meditations and inspiration. Our courses on
The Sacred Tarot and Spiritual Astrology give much insight on these two foundations of Knowledge.
The Religion of the Stars is dedicated to the unfoldment of the Universal
Plan for this Aquarian Age. A Nine Point Plan provides the framework for
this work. The Nine Point Plan is:
That everyone should have:
Freedom from Want
Freedom of Expression
Freedom from Fear
Freedom of Religion
That to obtain these in proper measure, people must have the freedom to
become familiar with:
Facts of Astrology
Facts of Induced Emotion
Facts of Extrasensory Perception
Facts of Directed Thinking
And, that instead of working to take all that he can for himself, each must
learn to find pleasure in
Contributing His or Her Utmost to Universal Welfare
The Brotherhood of Light teachings are presented in 21 courses covering
21 Branches of Occult Science. The courses have study questions in the
back of each book for every lesson. If you you request them, you will receive a final exam for each course. Upon passing the final exam, the Award
Manuscript will be sent to you. These give information on the safest method
of developing higher states of consciousness and other information of value
to the neophyte.

Course 9


Home Study Program

About The Home Study Program...

The Brotherhood of Light lessons offer the safest and most reliable information concerning occult studies found anywhere! Many are interested in
investigating the occult sciences but cannot find a suitable teacher or are unable to find a practical approach to such matters. To meet this challenge the
Home Study Program was designed.
Much information about the outerplane environment can be had in public schools and universities. Of equal importance is knowledge of the
innerplane. Since this information is not yet available in our public institutions, The Brotherhood of Light lessons are published.
With the dawning Aquarian Age, our planet is undergoing a new dispensation of knowledge. Manifestations of this knowledge are evident in the scientific and technological growth experienced since 1881. So that development
may be along the most constructive channels, it is important that we work to
align personal and community intention to the Will of Deity. It is the role of
religion to facilitate this alignment.
The Religion of the Stars teaches that the most reliable evidence of Gods
intention is obtained by observing Nature. To do this requires not only effort,
but the process of trial and error. Sometimes standing on the shoulders of
those who precede us can be helpful. May we suggest that you will find The
Brotherhood of Light lessons to be a reliable guide, as well as some of the
most uplifting material you will ever encounter.
Who can enroll in the Home Study Program...
Anyone can study the 21 Courses by reading the material contained
therein, and may submit examinations for correction. Upon receiving a passing grade, members will receive the NotSold Manuscripts. They contain
information which we believe to be safest and most reliable methods for psychic unfoldment.
While the reason for each persons study is highly personal, there can also
be an organization goal. That is, to become a Hermetician. A Hermetician is a
person who has passed final exams on all 21 Courses and thereby demonstrated physical knowledge of all branches of the Hermetic Sciences (Astrology, Alchemy and Magic). As a Hermetician one is eligible to participate more
fully in the religious and educational aspects of the organization.


Mental Alchemy

How does the program work...

Recognizing that each person begins his/her course of study with a particular area of interest we have structured the program so you may pass courses
in any order you wish. We strongly encourage you to undertake the passing
of examinations in sequence from Course 1 to 21.
You can request that we send you an a Course 1 (Laws of Occultism) examination.
After receiving a passing score (exams are open book) we will send you
the Not Sold Manuscript. This process is repeated until you reach the
Hermetician level by passing exams for all 21 courses.

Course 9


Other Brotherhood of Light

Other Brotherhood of Light Courses in the Alchemy Branch
Course 3, Spiritual Alchemy
Every person, as well as every object, has an astral body-but a truly 4, spiritual body is only built through living a spiritual life. The spiritual body is not
attained vicariously; each must earn it for himself. Every event of life affords
the opportunity for the creation of spiritual values, for building up the spiritual body. Making use of the opportunity requires the proper attitude toward the event. Spiritual Alchemy differs from material alchemy in that the
metals used by the spiritual alchemist are the experiences of his life; in light
of this, the Seven Spiritual Metals are explained so the reader may recognize his opportunities for spiritual growth. Also explained from the spiritual
alchemists standpoint: Transmutation, the Philosophers Stone, the Great
Work and the Elixer of Life.
Course 12-1, Natural Alchemy, Evolution of Life
Though many orthodox religions are at odds with scientific discoveries concerning the Creation and evolution, the Religion of the Stars has ample room
to incorporate the observations of biology, archaeology, et al., being fundamentally based on observable, proven laws of Nature. For those unfamiliar
with the scientific history of evolution, a highly interesting and readable account of each important evolutionary step is included with an explanation of
the important part played by inner-plane (astrological) influence, ESP and
psychokinesis in adaptation and natural selection.
Course 12-2, Natural Alchemy, Evolution of Religion
This second part of Natural Alchemy provides an account of the evolution of
those ideas which constitute mans many religions and the processes by which
both primitive and modern religions have developed. A very logical and enlightening, step-by-step portrayal of the evolution from simple Naturism to
Hero Worship is the basis of The Foundations of Religion. In this course
will also be found information concerning all significant religions throughout history, including the Religion of the Stars; an excellent groundwork for
further study. This book provides a comparative thesis of information on the
present-day Stellar Religion and is invaluable for those who desire to disseminate todays Religion of the Stars.


Mental Alchemy

Course 14, Occultism Applied

This book is a distillation of the most practical aspects of the Religion of the
Stars. All that physical science can contribute, that psychology can aid, and
everything of an occult nature that may be used to make your practical endeavors more successful are here explained. All the knowledge you can acquire, including occult knowledge and even the information contained in
the Religion of the Stars, wont help you nor anyone else if you dont apply it.
This course doesnt require that the reader already possess any occult knowledge; it is a straightforward, common sense approach to overcoming lifes
practical, day-to-day problems, based on the authors intimate knowledge of
Natural Law.
Course 17, Cosmic Alchemy
In the complex, ever-changing world in which we live, its often difficult to
discern right from wrong, true from false and what may be spiritual from
what is not, especially in terms of national policy and world events. Cosmic
Alchemy differs from other branches of alchemy in that it seeks to transform the energies of society as a whole into channels most beneficial for alland, as such, is an absolutely tremendous aid to anyone desiring to get
involved and be of service to the community and the world. As timely today in this era of high technology and the danger of nuclear war as it was
when first published in 1946 because it is not merely a treatise on being a
citizen of a nation, but on being a citizen of the Cosmos.
Course 19, Organic Alchemy
The author, recognized as a naturalist, having led Nature-study field trips for
nearly twenty years, is in a unique position to describe the laws of Nature by
which all souls progress. Humans are not unique in that they are set apart
from other intelligences, be they animal, vegetable or mineral. All souls
progress by the same general process and each is being fitted for a higher
function in more active realms through the operation of cosmic forces that
direct its special training. This course amply illustrates these laws through
examples of their action in lower realms of nature and their correspondence
in Human affairs.
Course 21, Personal Alchemy
Personal Alchemy embraces the various changes which the devotee of the
Religion of the Stars must make in his manner of living as he ascends in his
effort to become an adept. Just what steps to take, and in what order, are set
forth in this final course to assist the adherent in developing his own powers
and possibilities in the quickest and most effective manner, to the end that
he can be of greatest benefit to others. The last five Lessons of this course are
often of special concern to healers, health-seekers and astrologers, being devoted to a most effective method of illness prevention: Stellar Dietetics.


21 volume Brotherhood of Light series
on the occult sciences by C.C. Zain includes:
3 Branches of Study


Serial Number



Astrological Signatures
Spiritual Astrology
Horary Astrology
Natal Astrology
Mundane Astrology
Weather Predicting
Stellar Healing

15, 20, 21, 46 & 47

36, 8692
19, 103117



Spiritual Alchemy
Mental Alchemy
Natural Alchemy
Occultism Applied
Cosmic Alchemy
Organic Alchemy
Personal Alchemy




Cs. 18
Cs. 20

Laws of Occultism
Ancient Masonry
Esoteric Psychology
The Sacred Tarot
Divination &
Character Reading
Imponderable Forces
The Next Life

2233, & 48

Award Manuscripts

The Safest and Most Effective Method

of Psychic Development
How to Become Conscious
on the Inner Plane
How to Contact Desired Information
on the Inner Plane
How to Hold the Consciousness on
the Selected Level of the Inner Plane
Breathing to Acquire Proper Electrification
How to Become Objectively Aware
of Information Acquired from the Inner Plane



Mental Alchemy


Serial Number

How to Use the Transition Technique of ESP

How to Control Inner Plane Activities
How to Develop Soul Activity
How to Direct Soul Activity
How to Travel in the Astral
Soul Mates
How to Use Personal Cycles For Soul Unfoldment 93
How to Use Talismans For Special Purposes
Customs and Habits of Elementals
Value of Totems
Contacting the Masters
Great Pyramid Interpreted
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