Class B Complementary Symmetry

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A Class-B complementary symmetry amplifier is used to drive AC power to loads. It has a voltage gain of 1 and a large current gain provided by the BJTs. The amplifier works by having one transistor conducting during the positive half cycle and the other during the negative half cycle.

A Class-B complementary symmetry amplifier is used where AC power is driving the load. It usually has a voltage gain of one and a large current gain.

During the positive half cycle, the npn BJT conducts like an emitter follower to source current from the positive supply. During the negative half cycle, the pnp BJT conducts like an emitter follower to sink current into the negative supply.


Aim:- To study the operation of Class-b complementary

symmetry amplifier and to observe the cross over distortion.

1. Class-B complementary symmetry power amplifier unit
2. Dual trace oscilloscope
3. Power meter
4. DC Ammeter0-200mA - 2Nos

Circuit Diagram:-

Class-B complementary symmetry amplifiers are used

where ac power is driving the load. This amplifier usually has
a voltage gain of one, and a large current gain.

In the circuit, BJTs provide a current gain of , and a low

output resistance. When the input is positive and greater
than 0.7V, the npn BJT is on and the pnp is off. Under these
conditions, the npn acts like an emitter follower, taking the
input current from the base., to provide current and a low
source resistance to drive the load. When the input voltage
is less than -0.7V, the npn is off and the pnp is on. Under
these conditions, the pnp acts like an emitter follower, taking
the input current from the base to sink current and provide a
low source resistance to sink the load. The output resistance
Rout is given by the parallel output resistance of the npn and

For the positive half cycle, the ouput resistance of pnp is .

1 R
Rout Ron s v in 0.7
g mm n

Similarly during the negative half cycle, the output

resistance of npn is .
1 R
Hence Rout Rop s vin - 0.7
g mp p

In the circuit, each power supply provides current during

only half cycle. During the positive half cycle, positive DC
supply is sourcing current, while during negative half cycle,
the negative supply is sinking current.

The average current provided by the positive supply is

1 Vo
I sup ply
T0 I c (t ) dt

The average current provided by the negative supply is

1 Vo
I sup ply
T0 I c (t ) dt
The average power is

Psup ply Vcc I supply Vee I -supply
The power conversion efficiency is given by


Psup ply 4Vcc

When Vo = Vcc, the efficiency is maximum and is equal to


When -.7V<Vs<.7V, both the transistors are off and the

signal will not propagate. This region is called as cross over
distortion region and the distortion is cross over distortion.

1. Connect the circuit as per circuit diagram.
2. Feed the ac signal at input and keep the frequency at
1 KHz.
3. Connect the power meter to the output of the
amplifier along with Oscilloscope. And select the load
impedance of the power meter to 50 ohms.
4. Slowly increase the input signal amplitude till you
read 30ma in both the ammeters.
5. Note down the power meter reading and record it as
ac output power Pac.
6. Calculate the dc input power
Dc input power (Pdc)=Vcc X I+suppy +Vee I_supply
Where Vcc=12V, Vee=12V
7. % Efficiency = ((Pac)/(pdc) )x100


The output wave form Class B commentary symmetry

amplifier is observed and efficiency is calculated.

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