Cat - 793C

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Mining Truck

Cat 3516B Electronic Unit Injection Engine

Gross power at 1750 rpm 1715 kW 2300 hp
Flywheel power at 1750 rpm 1615 kW 2166 hp
Body capacity (SAE 2:1) Customized Customized
Gross machine operat. weight 384 000 kg 846,000 lb
Payload weight
Standard configuration 218+ metric tons 240+ tons
793C Mining Truck
Engineered for performance, designed for comfort, built to last.

Mechanical Power Train Engine Power Train Integration Oil-cooled Disc Brakes
Starting with the high torque rise, The Caterpillar intelligent power train Caterpillar four-wheel forced oil-
Caterpillar 3516B Diesel Engine, combines engine, transmission and cooled, multiple disc brakes are
through the electronic, six-speed power brake information over the CAT Data continuously cooled for exceptional,
shift transmission, the mechanical power Link to optimize overall truck non-fade braking and retarding. The
train is designed and built by performance. The CAT Data Link Integrated Braking Control (IBC)
Caterpillar, assuring the highest allows the engine and transmission to system integrates the Automatic
standards for quality, performance, electronically exchange information so Retarder Control (ARC) on all wheels
efficiency and reduced operating costs. the components work together as a and Traction Control System (TCS) on
pg. 4-5 system for increased component life and the drive wheels into one system to
improved operator comfort. The enhance truck performance and
Electronic Technician (ET) software productivity, and improve operator
program can access stored diagnostic confidence. pg. 8
data to significantly reduce downtime
and improve troubleshooting.
pg. 6-7

Total performance.
The 793C is designed for high production,
assuring lowest cost-per-ton hauling in mining

Reliable, durable operation.

Rugged construction and easy maintenance
guarantee extended life with low operating

Structures Operators Station Vital Information Management System
Caterpillar truck frames are built to The 793C operators station has been (VIMS)
resist the most severe, twisting high significantly improved over previous VIMS monitors vital machine systems
impact applications. Mild steel provides models by ergonomically designing for and functions. It helps coach the
flexibility, durability, and resistance to total machine control in a comfortable operator in the operation of the machine
impact loads. The frame incorporates and productive environment. All and alerts him to out of specification
22 castings and two forgings in high controls, levers, switches and gauges conditions. Down time is reduced by
stress areas for increased strength and are positioned to maximize productivity allowing service personnel to access
extended life. pg. 10 and minimize operator fatigue. machine data for faster, more accurate
Electronic hoist control provides ease of diagnosis. VIMS provides information
operation. The integral ROPS structure to enhance equipment management,
provides superior operator protection. increase productivity and reduce cost-
pg. 12 per-ton. pg. 13-14

New feature

Both the 3516B engine and 3516B High Displacement engine deliver the power and
reliability necessary to perform in the worlds most demanding mining applications.

1 3516B High Displacement Diesel Engine 2 3516B Engine

1 The Caterpillar 3516B High Both 3516B engines provide unmatched The 23 percent torque rise provides
Displacement Diesel Engine, with a combustion efficiency: high lugging force during
longer piston stroke, new crankshaft, acceleration and less down shifting
Electronic Unit Injector (EUI) is a
rods, pistons, and single stage on grade or in soft underfooting for
proven high-pressure, direct injection
turbochargers, is available for faster cycle times. Torque rise
fuel system. New components of the
optimum performance in most effectively matches the transmission
fuel system provide 22 percent higher
applications. This new high shift points to maximize efficiency
injection pressures than the previous
displacement engine is designed for and yield higher performance.
generation of 3500 engines. The
extended hours of service between
higher pressures provide improved 500 hour service interval for engine
scheduled overhauls, reduced
response time and more efficient fuel oil, oil and fuel filter changes,
operating costs, and optimum
burn with lower emissions and less increasing mechanical availability
smoke. and production.
Compliant with U.S. Electronic Control Module (ECM) Engine replacement and installation
Environmental Protection Agency
utilizes advanced engine management times reduced by more than 40
Tier 1 emissions standards, this
software to monitor, control and percent compared to previous models
engine is designed for maximum
protect the engine utilizing self-diag- through redesign of engine and
operating efficiencies at altitudes
nosing electronic sensors. The module hydraulic systems.
under 2750 m (9,000 ft).
controls a wide spectrum of engine Additional electronic protection of the
2 The Caterpillar 3516B Engine (not functions, providing infinitely
engine during cold starts, high
available in North America) remains variable injection timing to maintain
altitude operations, air filter plugging
the natural choice for most high peak performance.
and high exhaust temperature
altitude applications above 2750 m Separate circuit aftercooler allows conditions.
(9,000 ft). It is designed for extended the aftercooler coolant to operate at
hours of service between scheduled
Quick diagnosis of engine conditions
lower temperatures than jacket water
overhauls and reduced operating enable effective maintenance and
for a denser air charge in the
costs. repairs utilizing the Electronic
combustion chamber.
Technician (ET) service tool.

Mechanical Power Train
Completely designed and manufactured by Caterpillar to assure maximum efficiency, high
quality, extended service life and low operating costs.

The Cat mechanical power train is 1 Lock-up Torque Converter combines The torque converter and
designed for optimum component the maximum rimpull and cushioned transmission utilize a common oil
match. A wide application range is shifting of torque converter drive circuit with fewer hoses and
available in each gear. A 35 percent with the efficiency and performance connections to provide a simpler
step between each gear allows the of direct drive. The lock-up clutch system, with cooler, cleaner oil
transmission to utilize the full torque engages at approximately 7.2 km/h and extended component life.
range of the 3516B engine, resulting in (4.5 mph). During shifts the lock-up
fewer shifts for extended power train clutch quickly releases and re- 3 Large, differential and double-
life. engages to reduce power train torque reduction final drives provide torque
loads. This action provides for multiplication of 28.8:1 to further
Overall power train efficiency of reduce stress on the drive train.
smoother shifting, extended
between 82 and 85 percent is
component life, and increased The hydraulic steering system provides
maintained up to 15 percent effective
operator comfort. precise, controllable steering:
Rimpull at stall is 1005 kN The steering system is a separate
Electric drive power train trucks
(225,900 lb) 28 percent circuit from the other hydraulic
produce their peak efficiency of 76 to
gradeability at maximum operating circuits to prevent cross
79 percent at approximately five to
weight. contamination and provide easier
seven percent effective grade.
Higher power train efficiency 2 Six-speed, planetary power shift
provides faster truck speeds with less transmission is designed for the high Supplemental steering is provided by
fuel consumption. horsepower of the 3516B engine. The accumulators for emergency use.
design makes the transmission more Designed to provide at least three 90
Transmission/Chassis Control (TCC) robust, with an extended life between degree turns after engine failure.
module communicates over the Cat overhauls. To accomplish this the
Cat center mounted rims and cast rear
Data Link with the engine ECM to transmission utilizes:
wheels are mounted using studs and
manage engine speed during shifts for Larger and additional clutch discs nuts to minimize maintenance and
increased clutch life and operator
and plates to transmit the provide outstanding durability.
comfort. When the transmission is in
sixth gear, the engine is allowed to run
out to 2000 rpm, so the truck can Increased piston size to lower
achieve speeds up to 55 km/h (34 mph). clutch unit pressure, increasing
The shifts points are set at the factory service life of clutch discs and
for optimal performance, efficiency and rotating seals.
component life. Additional gears in planetary sets
TCC monitors and records key to increase gear and bearing life.
operating conditions and parameters Spreads loads over more contact
for later downloading and diagnostic area.
troubleshooting by service personnel.

Engine/Power Train Integration
Information from the engine and transmission work together intelligently to maximize
production, efficiency and extend service life of the components.
The CAT Data Link electronically Anti-hunt function. The transmission Downshift inhibitor. The transmission
connects the engine and transmission will not allow an upshift or will not allow a downshift to occur
controls to optimize overall power train downshift for approximately 2.3 until engine speed reaches the
performance, reliability and component seconds after a shift has occurred. downshift point, preventing an engine
life for reduced power train operating This prevents gear hunting when overspeed condition.
costs. To lower operating cost-per-ton operating near a shift point and
the system incorporates: minimizes transmission shifts to
increase component life.
Controlled throttle shift. Engine rpm
is regulated during a shift to reduce
driveline torque stress for smoother
shifts, extended component life and
improved operator comfort.
Directional shift management
regulates engine speed during
directional shifts to prevent damage
caused by high speed directional
changes. This prevents shifts into
reverse when forward ground speeds
are in excess of 4.8 km/h (3 mph). 2
This protects the transmission from
high shock loads created by abusive 1
directional shifts.
Neutral coast inhibitor prevents the
transmission from shifting to neutral
at speeds above 6.5 km/h (4 mph). VIMS Main
This protects the transmission against
operating with insufficient Module
Body-up shift inhibitor prevents the
transmission from shifting above the
pre-programmed gear without the
body fully lowered.
Reverse neutralized with body-up.
If the hoist lever is activated and the
transmission is in reverse, the
transmission will automatically shift 9
to neutral.
Engine overspeed protection. The
transmission control senses possible
overspeed conditions and upshifts
one gear. If overspeed conditions
occur in top gear, the lock-up clutch
is disengaged.
Programmable top gear. The
transmission top gear may be
electronically set using ET. This
feature helps operators maintain
speed limits. Reprogramming of the
top gear can only be accomplished
with the ET service tool.

Improved diagnostics/serviceability. Electronic Technician (ET) allows Integrated Braking Control (IBC)
The electronic engine and transmission for easy access to service diagnostic combines braking control
controls provide enhanced diagnostic data through the use of a single enhancements into one system for
capability. The ability to store both service tool. efficiency and simplification. IBC
active and intermittent indicators will systems, Automatic Retarder Control
ET accesses data stored in the engine
simplify problem diagnosis and total (ARC), and Traction Control System
and transmission controls via the
repair time, resulting in improved (TCS) both utilize the standard oil
CAT Data Link. Information on
mechanical availability and lower cooled disc brakes in their operation.
transmission shift data, engine speed,
operating cost.
fuel consumption and other data can
be retrieved by ET.

1 Gauge Cluster Module

2 Message Center Module
3 Integrated Braking Control (IBC)
4 Transmission/Chassis Control (TCC)
5 Brakes
6 Wheel Sensor

3 7 Transmission
8 CAT Data Link
9 Engine Control Module (ECM)
8 10 Sensors

4 11 Electronic Unit Injector (EUI)

6 5

Oil-cooled Disc Brakes
Reliable braking gives operators the confidence to concentrate on truck operation and
maximize productivity.

1 Parking/Secondary Piston
2 Service/Retarding Piston
3 Friction Discs
1 4 Steel Plates
5 Actuating Springs
6 Cooling Oil In
7 Cooling Oil Out


5 6

Caterpillar four-wheel forced oil- Caterpillars patented, two-piston No fuel is used during retarding. The
cooled, multiple disc brakes are design combines the service, secondary, engine provides additional retarding by
continuously cooled for exceptional, parking brake and retarding functions in running against compression on
non-fade braking and retarding. The the same robust system. downhill hauls. During retarding
Integrated Braking Control (IBC) applications the engine ECM does not
The primary piston is hydraulically
combines control of ARC and TCS, inject fuel into the cylinders for
actuated and provides both service
utilizing standard oil-cooled brakes to exceptional fuel economy.
and retarding functions.
enhance truck performance and increase
Four corner retarding with 60/40
productivity. The secondary piston is spring-
percent split (rear/front) in braking
applied and is held in the disengaged
Oil-cooled disc brakes are designed effort provides superior control in
position by hydraulic pressure.
with large discs and plates for reliable, slippery conditions. Control at all four
adjustment-free operation, providing The brake system is designed so that, corners increases operator confidence
superior performance and service life in in the event hydraulic system when compared to only rear wheel
comparison to shoe-type and dry disc pressure drops below a specified dynamic retarding systems.
brake systems. level, the spring-applied secondary
piston automatically applies the
An oil film prevents direct contact
brakes. These brakes are designed to
between the discs. The film absorbs the
hold a fully loaded truck on a 15
braking forces by shearing the oil
percent grade.
molecules. The heat generated is
transferred to the oil and carried away
to oil coolers, extending brake life.

Integrated Braking Control (IBC)
Electronically combines Automatic Retarding Control (ARC) and the Traction Control
System (TCS) into one, integrated control system.
1 Service Brake Sensor
1 2 2 Engine Sensor
4 ARC Switch 6
5 Brakes
6 Service Brakes
7 Axle Speed Sensor 8
3 8 TCS
5 6

The Automatic Retarder Control (ARC) is Engine overspeed protection. ARC Utilizes normal differential action to
an integral part of the intelligent power will automatically activate when provide superior maneuvering in poor
train. It electronically controls engine speed exceeds factory preset underfoot conditions. Should the
retarding on grade to maintain optimum levels, regardless of other operator sensors fail, normal differential action
engine rpm and oil cooling. Settings are inputs, including when the system is is still available to maintain control
adjustable from 1850-1950 rpm in turned off, to help ensure that and steering.
increments of 10 rpm. While ARC engine overspeed conditions do not Operators feel more confident with
modulates the brakes, the operator may occur.
the anti-slip benefits provided by the
also apply additional braking force
ARC production advantages (versus TCS.
using either the manual retarder or the
brake pedal. When the operator applies manual retarder control) are illustrated
the throttle, ARC is deactivated. An in the chart below.
auto resume feature reactivates the ARC can increase vehicle speed by
control without additional operator as much as 15 percent over manual
input. retarder control.
ARC results in: The system allows trucks to operate
at maximum speeds with a
Increased production with faster
consistently high engine speed. ARC Production Advantages
downhill speeds. By maintaining
consistently higher engine speeds, Truck handling is significantly
overall truck speed will be higher enhanced through improved retarding
Engine Speed (rpm)

than a manually controlled truck. modulation.
Excellent controllability and reduced Traction Control System (TCS) improves 1500
operator effort. Automatic brake traction and truck performance in poor
modulation provides a smoother ride, underfoot conditions by electronically 1000
better control in slippery conditions monitoring and controlling wheel
and allows the operator to focus more slippage. 500
on driving.
Axle sensors monitor wheel speed. If
Faster troubleshooting and diagnosis slippage exceeds a set limit, the oil- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
with self-diagnostic capability and the cooled disc brakes engage to slow the Time (Seconds)
ability to communicate with ET spinning wheel. Torque is then With Automatic Retarder Control
through the CAT Data Link. automatically transferred to the wheel (average speed, 1950 rpm)
Reduced operator fatigue resulting with better traction. With Manual Retarder Control
(average speed, 1730 rpm)
from ease of operation.

The backbone of the Cat truck.

1 2


Box-section frame design and deep 1 Castings have large radii with Rear cylinders allow axle oscillation
penetrating, continuous welds resist internal reinforcing ribs to dissipate and absorb the bending and twisting
damage from heavy loads without stresses that can cause fatigue and stresses caused by uneven and rough
adding extra weight. Frame repairs can cracking: haul roads rather than transmit them
be made without preheating in ambient to the main frame.
Welds are placed in areas of lower
temperatures above 16 C (60 F),
stress to enhance frame life. Front cylinders are mounted to the
avoiding metallurgy degradation.
frame and serve as steering kingpins.
Caterpillar truck frames use mild 2 Rollover Protection Structure (ROPS) This provides for a tight turning
steel providing flexibility, durability is integral to the cab and frame. The radius, good maneuverability and
and resistance to impact loads even cab is resiliently mounted to the reduced truck maintenance. Front
in cold climates. frame to reduce vibration and noise spindles and wheels are rigidly
levels. mounted to the cylinder rod ends,
The frame incorporates two forgings
The suspension system is designed to eliminating caster and camber
and 22 castings in high stress areas,
dissipate haul road and loading adjustments.
providing two to three times the
strength of equivalent-sized impacts: Front wheel caster and camber are
fabricated structures. Four independent variable rebound set at the factory, no longer requiring
suspension cylinders absorb shocks field adjustments.
before forces get to the mainframe.
This extends frame life and provides
the operator a more comfortable ride.

Truck Body Systems
Caterpillar builds a variety of rugged, durable bodies to perform in the toughest mining
1 Dual-slope body design provides
excellent load retention,
a low center of gravity and clean
dumping characteristics.
Reinforced, rolled steel top rail
increases body strength and
protects the body from damage.
Eight degree V reduces shock
loading and helps center the load.
7.5 degree forward body slope and
16 degree ducktail slope helps
retain loads on steep grades.
Box-beams in floor, sidewalls, top
rail, corner and cab canopy areas
provide added impact resistance.
400 Brinell steel on interior

2 Flat floor body design provides

smooth, metered dumping and higher
dump clearances.
Flat floor design improves the
wear characteristics in the rear of
the body.
12 degree forward slope for good
load retention.
400 Brinell steel on interior
3 Mine Specific Design (MSD) bodies,
specifically designed for each
application, are available as a custom
configuration to minimize weight and
maximize productivity.
Caterpillar design engineers will
visit the mine site, study the Truck
Body Profile, and determine the
optimum body design.
Interior of body is constructed with
WearMaster 138 steel, exclusive to
Cat, for superior wear and impact
Miscellaneous products including Wear plates can be added where
All new MSD bodies will include wraparound tail extensions, sideboards, required, including the Caterpillar
a pair of external digital displays. rock shedders, tumblebars, rockboxes, Mechanically Attached Wear Protection
and liners are also available. System (MAWPS).
Custom truck body options are available
to match individual mine applications. A variety of steel grades and overlay
Your Caterpillar Dealer, through CMT coatings are available, including
Custom Products, can provide a body Brinell hardness 400, 450, and 500.
system that will help you obtain the
lowest cost-per-ton hauling solution.
Operators Station
Control the truck with ease and comfort to maximize productivity.

5 4

10 11


1 8


The 793C operating station is 2 Electric hoist control is mounted 10 Operator controls for turn signal,
ergonomically designed for excellent next to the operators seat for ease high beam, intermittent windshield
machine control in a comfortable, of operation. This is a low effort wiper, windshield washer and horn
productive and safe environment. control to minimize operator input. have been redesigned for operator
efficiency and comfort.
Exceptional all-around visibility 3 Secondary brake pedal is located
reduces strain and fatigue allowing on the floor to provide easy 11 Standard heater and air conditioner
confident maneuverings and increased operator control. have a more efficient design,
productivity. permitting increased flow,
4 VIMS displays and operator key
modulation, and serviceability.
Integral, sound-suppressed pad for precise machine status
These systems provide fresh,
ROPS/FOPS Cab is standard and meets information.
pressurized, temperature-controlled
ROPS criteria SAE J1040-MAY94.
5 Tilt and telescoping steering wheel air circulation.
The cab is resiliently mounted to the
improves operator access and
mainframe and isolates the operator Radio ready cab prewired with power
from sound and vibration. (Sound converter, speakers, wiring harness,
levels are less than 80 dB(A) in the 6 Transmission console has been and antenna. Provision for add-on
operator compartment as per SAE redesigned with backlit gear communication systems.
J1166-OCT98 work cycle rating indicators and ergonomic shift
specified in ISO 6394.) knob.
1 Ergonomically designed, air 7 Large storage compartment is 2
suspension seat is fully adjustable located under the trainer seat.
for operator comfort.
8 Trainer seat has wide hip and
Retractable 75 mm (3") wide shoulder room. A back rest and seat
seat belt provides positive, belt are standard. An optional air
comfortable restraint. suspended seat is available.
Integral adjustable armrest. 9 Powered operator window is
standard. Sliding trainer seat
window is standard.
Vital Information Management System (VIMS)
Provides operators, service technicians and managers with vital machine and production


(Optional) CONTROL




VIMS is an integrated Caterpillar- VIMS keypad allows the operator or Category I activates the alert
designed system that monitors machine service technician to access through the indicator lamp when a system
performance to provide critical message center, gauge values (real- condition has been identified. (No
information on a real-time basis. VIMS time) and stored information. The action is required at this time.)
monitors many of the machines keypad can also be used by service Usually all that is required is to
systems through a single simple system personnel to access diagnostic inform service personnel on the
that allows quick exchange of information. alerted condition as soon as
information for smooth, efficient possible.
Message center displays operator
operations. This helps keep the 793C
requested information and utilizes Category II, a warning lamp
performing at top production levels.
a three-category warning system to alert (located above the gauge cluster)
Gauge cluster in the cab maintains a the operator to an abnormal machine flashes in addition to the Category I
constant display of several, machine condition. alert indicator lamp in the display
functions: panel. Instructions are displayed on
The three-category alert system
how machine operation should be
Engine coolant temperature. provides advisory information on an
modified or which service should
exception basis to the operator via the
Brake oil temperature. be performed.
message center on abnormal machine
Air system pressure. conditions. The information is Category III, the highest alert,
displayed when conditions in a sounds an audio action alert in
Fuel level.
monitored system fall outside a addition to the Category II alarms.
Speedometer/Tachometer/Gear prescribed setting for ordinary The action lamp and alert remain
Indicator. operations. on until the system readings return
to normal or the machine is shut

Vital Information Management System (VIMS)
Enhances truck and loader effectiveness for improved fleet productivity and reduced
operating and maintenance costs.
VIMS simplifies trouble shooting,
reduces down time and lowers operating Payload Weight Distribution
costs by allowing minor problems to be
corrected before they cause extensive

Percentage of Total Loads

damage. Many sensors are incorporated
into machine systems to monitor
conditions. 2 1 2
Production management, a feature
component of VIMS, enhances truck
and loading tool effectiveness for 3
improved fleet productivity and reduced
operation and maintenance cost.
Maximizes truck production while
avoiding future costs and downtime
related to overloading.
External lights on both sides of the
Payload Weight (Tons)
truck signal loading tool operator
when to cease loading.
1 Recommended Payload Ranges
Stores 2400 cycles for a record of
payload weight, cycle segment times, 2 Inefficient Payload Ranges
cycle segment distances and actual 3 Loads using the Payload Measurement System
clock time and date of each cycle. 4 Loads with no Payload Measurement System
Data can be accessed through the
message center, transmitted via
optional radio or downloaded for
detailed analysis. The VIMS off-truck software program Well-managed mining operations focus
(VIMS-PC) allows service personnel to on maximizing production and reducing
Accurate to within 5 percent of the download a complete record of costs, which should result in lower cost-
actual weight over a normal operating production information, machine data per-ton. When used properly, VIMS can
shift. events and system diagnostics to a be used to increase productivity and
True Weight Production Management laptop computer. reduce costs.
System utilizes suspension strut The VIMS-PC program uses this
pressure differentials and a new information to generate usable reports
algorithm to weigh the truck after it for better machine management. The
has moved away from the loader and information can also be used to
has shifted into second gear. This establish a baseline for machine
new system filters out many performance in specific applications,
anomalies with loading that led to and to:
inconsistencies with previous
systems. Improve the effectiveness of
scheduled maintenance programs.
Road Analysis Control (RAC)
(optional attachment) utilizes Maximize component lives.
suspension strut pressure differentials Improve machine availability.
to monitor haulroad conditions for
operation and maintenance Lower cost-per-ton.

Total Customer Support and Serviceability
Caterpillar machines are designed to spend less time down for maintenance,
allowing more time on the job.
Parts availability. Most Cat parts are
immediately available off the shelf. Cat
Dealers rely on our worldwide
computer network to find parts instantly
and minimize your machine downtime.
Flexible financing. Your dealer can
arrange attractive financing on the
entire line of Cat equipment.
Machine management service. Cat
Dealers help manage your equipment
investments with:
Vehicle systems analysis to match the
right machine to your job conditions.
Effective preventive maintenance
Diagnostic programs like Scheduled
Oil Sampling Analysis and Technical
Exchange components for quick
Remanufactured products or rebuilt The maintenance platform provides Individual, interchangeable engine
components for maximum access to engine, air filters, steering cylinder heads can be removed easily
availability and lower costs. hydraulic tank and battery for visual inspection of internal parts.
Information to make the most cost- compartment.
In-frame access allows maintenance
effective repair option decisions. Automatic lubrication system provides and minor repairs without major
Training for operators and mechanics. grease to necessary components on a component removal. It also facilitates
regular basis to reduce maintenance and major component removal and
Literature support. Operation and improve machine availability. replacement, if necessary.
maintenance manuals are easy to use
Fast fill service center (Wiggins) Quick coupler pressure taps are located
helping you get the full value of your
features high speed fuel and oil in most hydraulic systems providing
equipment investment.
exchange. clear, quick pressure checks and
Remanufactured components are diagnostics.
SOSSM oil analysis speeds sampling
economically available for many
and analysis reliability. Radial seal air filters are easy to
Caterpillar components.
change, reducing time required for air
Oil Renewal System (ORS) is an option
Ground-level access provides filter maintenance.
available which extends oil change
convenient servicing to tanks, filters
intervals and reduces waste oil handling Sealed electrical connectors lockout
and compartment drains, as well as
by continuously burning oil from the dust and moisture. Wires are color
engine shutdown capability. VIMS has
sump through normal engine operation. coded for easy diagnosis and repair.
a ground-level access port for easier
Make-up oil must be added to Wiring harnesses are braided and have
downloading of information.
compensate for oil burned (CG-4 oil a protective sheath to prevent damage.
Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET) required).
accesses machine data easily. It quickly
runs tests, makes calibrations and
retrieves system data to help find and
correct problems before they become
costly failures.

Engine Brakes
3516B Series, 16 cylinder, four-stroke cycle, diesel engine. Meets the J-ISO 3450 JAN88,
ISO 3450-1996 standards up to
Ratings at 1750 rpm* kW hp used 35 API gravity fuel having an 384 000 kg (846,000 lb) gross machine
LHV of 42,780 kJ/kg (18,390 Btu/lb) operating weight.
Gross power 1715 2300
Net power 1615 2166 when used at 30 C (86 F) [ref. a fuel
density of 838.9 g/L (7.001 lb/ Braking surface 224 317 cm2 (34,769 in2)
The following ratings apply at 1750 rpm U.S. gal)] Features
when tested under the specified standard net power advertised is the power service brakes
conditions for the specified standard: available at the flywheel when the - forced oil-cooled
engine is equipped with fan, air - air-over-oil actuated
Net power kW hp
- front and rear disc brakes
cleaner, muffler and alternator
Caterpillar 1615 2166 automatic derate is included in the - sealed from dirt and water
ISO 9249 1615 2166 electronic controls - individually serviceable as units
SAE J1349 1599 2144 parking brakes
- spring-engaged, hydraulically
EEC 80/1269 1615 2166 full electric control released
high pressure unit injection - use same disc brakes as service
3516B Dimensions two hard faced intake and two exhaust system
Bore 170 mm 6.7 in valves per cylinder with valve rotators - toggle switch activated
Stroke 190 mm 7.5 in and hard, alloy-steel seats secondary braking
Displacement 69 liters 4,211 in3 self-aligning roller followers on cam - spring-engaged, hydraulically
no derating required up to 3600 m shaft released
(12,000 ft) altitude two-piece pistons have steel crowns, - use same disc brakes as service
thermally isolated aluminum skirts, system
3516B High Displacement Dimensions three rings each and are cooled by retarding system
Bore 170 mm 6.7 in dual oil spray - hand operated friction lever provides
Stroke 215 mm 8.5 in steel backed, copper-bonded modulated engagement of service
Displacement 78 liters 4,763 in3 crankshaft bearings brakes for retarding
no derating required up to 2750 m
hardened crankshaft journals - retarding applied to all wheels (40/60
dry-type air cleaners with primary and split, front rear)
(9,000 ft) altitude - Automatic Retarder Control standard
secondary elements and precleaner
- Denotes common to both 3516B 24-volt electric system with 105-amp traction system
and 3516B HD Engines alternator and two 93-amp-hour, low- - minimize wheel slip by transferring
maintenance, high-output, 12-volt torque to wheel with traction
*Power rating conditions
batteries - Traction Control System (TCS)
based on standard conditions of standard
25 C (77 F) and (29.32 in Hg)
dry barometer

Caterpillar six-speed, electronically controlled, automatic power shift transmission.

Maximum travel speeds (40.00R57 tires) each shift is individually modulated

Radial for maximum smoothness
km/h mph engine rpm shared oil circuit with torque
Forward 1 11.8 7.3 @1960 converter
2 15.9 9.9 @1960 Controlled Throttle Shift and
3 21.5 13.4 @1960 Directional Shift Management
4 29.0 18.1 @1960 maximize shift smoothness and
minimize shift driveline stress
5 39.4 24.5 @1960
electric control has built-in
6 54.3 33.7 @2000
diagnostics and fault code memory,
Reverse 10.9 6.8 @1960 event memory and programmable
Features features
six speeds forward and one reverse single-lever shift control provides
reverse and first gear are both torque automatic shifting in all gears up to
converter driven with lock-up in first the one selected by the control lever
through sixth gears

16 793C Mining Truck specifications

Frame Body Hoists Steering
Full box-section with torque tube Twin, two-stage hydraulic cylinders Separate hydraulic system.
crossmember. mounted outside the main frame.
Features Features Features
integral front bumper pump capacity is 739 L/min the steering hydraulic system is
front box beams for suspension (195 gpm) @ 1750 rpm separate from the main hydraulic
cylinder and ROPS support relief valve setting is 203.3 bar/20 326 system to prevent cross-contamination
box-section upper crossmember for kPa (2950 psi) secondary steering is provided by a
body and ROPS support with body raise time (1960 engine rpm) is bladder-type accumulator
attachment points for maintenance 20.25 sec. twin, double-acting cylinders
platform and rear engine hood hinge body lower time: front suspension cylinders serve as
support @ 700 rpm, low idle kingpins
castings are used to provide additional - power down 19.25 sec. normal and secondary steering
strength in critical stress areas - float down 19.26 sec. systems meet SAE J1511 OCT90 and
mild-steel plates (310 mPa/42,000 psi @ 1960 rpm, high idle ISO 5010-1984 standards up to gross
minimum yield strength) and castings - power down 17.51 sec. machine operating weight
(241 mPa/35,000 psi minimum yield - float down 19.26 sec. 384 000 kg (846,000 lb.)
strength) provide: power raise in both stages and power turning diameter on front wheel track
- flexibility down in first stage 28.4 m (93' 3")
- durability pump flow at high idle is 826 L/min machine clearance turning circle
- good resistance to impact loads (218 gpm) 32.4 m (106' 4")
automatic body-lower modulation to steering angle (left or right) 36
reduce impact on frame

Dual slope, flat floor and Mine Specific
Suspension ROPS Design (MSD) bodies are available.
Independent, self-contained, oil-pneumatic Integral ROPS cab is standard.
suspension cylinder on each wheel.
high tensile, heat-treated steel plates
Features Features are utilized in the sidewalls, front
variable rebound rate reduces impact ROPS offered by Caterpillar for the wall, and floor of all bodies
and smooths ride machine meets ROPS criteria: exhaust heating is available
front suspension cylinders are bolted SAE J1040 APR88, SAE J231 body size is determined by the
to upper and lower frame members for JAN81, ISO 3471-1994, ISO 3449- material being hauled
maximum support 1992 LEVEL II
NOTE: A variety of bodies specifically
rear sway bar attaches to frame and when correctly installed and designed for each unique applica-
differential housing, minimizes lateral maintained, the cab offered with doors tion are available. Consult your Cat
sway, improves machine handling and and windows closed as per work cycle dealer to determine the most cost-
operator comfort procedures specified in ANSI/SAE effective body for your application.
J1166 MAY90, results in an operator
Effective cylinder stroke: sound exposure Leq (equivalent sound
Front 318 mm 12.5"

level) of less than 80 dB(A)
this operator weighted sound exposure
Rear 165 mm 6.5" Standard: 40.00R57.
Rear axle oscillation 4.9 meets OSHA and MSHA Optional: 44/80R57*, 44/95R57*,
occupational noise exposure criteria 46/90R57.
productive capabilities of the 793C
Truck are such that, under certain job
Exterior Sound Rating Final Drives conditions, TKPH (Tmph) limits of
Double-reduction, planetary, with full- the tires could be exceeded and,
floating axles. therefore, affect production
The machine in a standard Ratios: Caterpillar recommends the user
configuration, when measured and Bevel Gear (differential) 1.8:1 evaluate all job conditions and consult
operated as per the prescribed modes the tire manufacturer to make proper
Planetary (final drive) 16:1
in ANSI/SAE J88 JUN86, has a 15 m tire selection
sound pressure level of 89 dB(A) for Total reduction 28.8:1
* - Requires rear axle wide tire kit
the mode that gives the highest level (no additional weight)

793C Mining Truck specifications 17

All dimensions are approximate

7570 mm
(24' 10")

793C 793C

13 211 mm
12 756 mm (43' 4")
(41' 10") empty
8943 mm
1197 mm
(29' 4")
2614 mm (3' 11")
(8' 7") 1209 mm
(4' 0")
empty 5610 mm
793C (18' 5")

5499 mm 7570 mm
(18' 0") 5687 mm (24' 10")
empty (18' 8") 6940 mm
loaded (22' 9")
6500 mm
5865 mm (21' 4")
1405 mm (19' 3")
923 mm (4' 7") empty
(3' 0") empty

5900 mm 3781 mm
(19' 4") (12' 5")
6426 mm
12 866 mm
(21' 1")
(42' 3")

NOTE: Standard, dual-slope body shown. 1066 mm 4963 mm

(3' 6") (16' 3")
loaded 7406 mm
(24' 4")

Service Refill Capacities Weights

U.S. (approximate)
L Gallons
Fuel tank 3790 1000
Standard vehicle: kg lb
Cooling system 684 181
Chassis with hoist,
Crankcase 291 77 body mounting
Differential 662 175 group and tires 114 300 252,000
Front Wheels, each 21 5.5
Body weight * *
Final Drives, each 114 30
Steering Tank 130 34 * - body weight varies from 21,795 to
Steering System (includes tank) 189 50 54,431 kg (48,050 to 120,000 lbs)
Brakes and Hoist Tank 580 153 depending on how body is equipped

Brakes and Hoist System (includes tank) 1137 300 Gross machine
Torque Converter Sump 87 23 operating weight 384,000 846,000
Torque Converter and Transmission System Weight distribution:
(includes sump) 227 60 Empty Loaded
Front Axle 46.9% 33.3%
Rear Axle 53.1% 66.7%
NOTE: Refer to page 23 for weight / payload
calculation example.

18 793C Mining Truck specifications

To determine gradeability performance:
Read from gross weight down to the
percent of total resistance. Total
resistance equals actual percent grade
plus one percent for each 10 kg/t
(20 lb/U.S. ton) of rolling resistance.
From this weight-resistance point, read
horizontally to the curve with the
highest obtainable gear, then down to
maximum speed. Usable rimpull will
depend upon traction available and
weight on drive wheels.

Typical Field Empty Weight

Gross Machine Operating Weight
384 000 kg / 846,000 lb

40.00R57 Tires 1707 mm (67.2") Radius

Gross Weight
100 150 200 250 300 350 400 500 590 kg x 1000

180 200 250 300 350 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1200 lb x 1000
kg x lb x
1000 1000
110 250
30% 25% 20%
90 200
1st Gear 15%
70 12%
1st Gear 10%
100 2nd Gear 8%

(Grade plus Rolling Resistance)

30 3rd Gear
4th Gear 4%
5th Gear Total Resistance

6th Gear



Torque Converter Drive

1 Direct Drive
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 mph

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 km/h

793C Mining Truck specifications 19
Retarding Performance
Use of Brake Performance Curves 2. Read from the appropriate gross weight down to percent
favorable effective grade. (For these retarding charts,
The brake performance retarding curves shown in this effective grade equals the maximum grade of all downhill
section are for general guidance only, and assumes that the haul segments minus rolling resistance Do not use an
Automatic Retarder Control (ARC) feature is applied at all average grade value.)
times. As each site has many unique environmental and
operating conditions that will impact retarding performance, 3. From the intersection of the gross weight and effective grade
actual site performance could vary considerably from predicted line point, read horizontally to the appropriate gear curve.
performance. Users should use the retarding speed (gear) If the horizontal line intersects two gear curves, choose the
recommendations from these tables as a starting point for first gear curve that the horizontal line intersects (reading
determining retarding performance, and then adjust retarding from right to left) and read the retarding speed performance
speeds to their site specific conditions. In adjusting retarding immediately below this point. If the intersection point falls
performance to continuously changing environmental and site on a vertical line between two gears, choose the lowest of
specific conditions, users need to exercise care to maintain the two gears to allow for higher engine RPM thus
brake cooling and machine controllability at all times. maximizing brake cooling capacity.

To determine brake retarding performance from performance 4. Adjust recommended retarding speeds to site specific
tables: (environmental and operational) conditions. If the brake
system overheats (as indicated by various overheat event
1. Determine the total distance of all downhill grades combined indicators reported through VIMS) or specific site
for a given haul profile. This total distance determines the conditions dictate (tight turns, short steep grades, manual
appropriate retarding table (continuous or one of the grade braking, etc.), reduce ground speed to allow the transmission
distance tables) applicable to your haul profile. to shift to the next lower speed range.

Typical Field Empty Weight

Gross Machine Operating Weight
384 000 kg / 846,000 lb

Gross Weight
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 lb x 1000

0 70 140 210 280 350 420 490 kg x 1000

30% 25% 20%

Effective Grade

1st Gear

2nd Gear

3rd Gear

4th Gear 5%
5th Gear
6th Gear

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 km/h

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 mph

Continuous Grade Length
20 793C Mining Truck specifications
Gross Weight Gross Weight
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 lb x 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 lb x 1000

0 70 140 210 280 350 420 490 kg x 1000 0 70 140 210 280 350 420 490 kg x 1000

30% 25% 20% 30% 25% 20%

1st Gear 15% 15%

1st Gear

Effective Grade
Effective Grade

2nd Gear
2nd Gear

10% 10%
3rd Gear
3rd Gear
4th Gear 4th Gear
5th Gear 5th Gear
6th Gear 6th Gear
5% 5%

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 km/h 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 km/h

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 mph 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 mph

Speed Speed
Grade Distance 450 m (1500 ft.) Grade Distance 600 m (2000 ft.)

Gross Weight Gross Weight

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 lb x 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 lb x 1000

0 70 140 210 280 350 420 490 kg x 1000 0 70 140 210 280 350 420 490 kg x 1000

30% 25% 20% 30% 25% 20%

15% 15%
1st Gear
Effective Grade

Effective Grade
1st Gear

2nd Gear
10% 2nd Gear 10%

3rd Gear
3rd Gear
4th Gear
4th Gear
5th Gear
6th Gear 5% 5th Gear 5%
6th Gear

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 km/h 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 km/h

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 mph 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 mph

Speed Speed
Grade Distance 900 m (3000 ft.) Grade Distance 1500 m (5000 ft.)

793C Mining Truck specifications 21

Standard Equipment
Standard equipment may vary. Consult your Caterpillar Dealer for specifics.

Air cleaner (4) Seat, passenger, with storage area Oil change system, quick service
Air cleaner access platform Speedometer SOS Sampling Valves
Air conditioner Steering, automatic supplemental Reservoirs (separate):
Air line dryer Steering wheel, tilt and telescoping, Brake/hoist
Alarm, backup padded Steering
Alternator (105-amp) Storage compartment Transmission/torque converter
Automatic Retarder Control Sun visor Rims, center mounted for
Batteries, 93-amp-hour, low- Tachometer 40.00R57 tires
maintenance, 12-volt (2) Transmission gear indicator Rock ejectors
Body mounting group VIMS dataport (2) Starting aid, ether, automatic
Body prop cable VIMS keypad Steering, auxiliary quick connect
Brake release motor for towing VIMS message center with for towing
Brakes system: Universal Gauge Tie down eyes
Oil-cooled, multiple-disc, front Windshield wiper and washer Tow hooks, front
and rear Crankcase protection Tow pin, rear
Parking Driveline operator safety guard Traction Control System
Secondary, emergency Dumping, auxiliary quick connect for Transmission, six-speed, automatic
Cab, ROPS: buddy dumping power shift, electronic control
Ashtray Electrical system, 24-volt to 12-volt provides Directional Shift
Cigarette lighter Engine Caterpillar 3516B with Management, Controlled Throttle
Coat hook Electronic Injection and Multi Point Shifting, downshift inhibitor, reverse
Diagnostic connector Oil Pressure Sensing neutralizer during dumping, neutral
Electric window (operator only) Fast-fill fuel system, Wiggins start switch, reverse shift inhibitor,
Glass, tinted Ground level: neutral coast inhibitor and body-up
Heater/defroster: Battery disconnect shift inhibitor
11 070 kCal (43,930 Btu) Engine shutdown Vandalism protection locks
Horn VIMS Dataport Vital Information Management System
Insulated and sound suppressed Lighting system: with True Weight Production
Light, dome and courtesy Backup lights, halogen Management
Mirrors, right and left Direction signals/hazard warning
Quad-Gauge Panel: (rear halogen)
Air pressure Headlights, halogen, with dimmer
Brake oil temperature LH ladder light and service deck
Coolant temperature lights
Fuel level Under-hood light
Seat belts, 75 mm/3" wide Stop and tail lights (LED)

22 793C Mining Truck specifications

Optional Equipment
With approximate changes in operating weights.
Optional equipment may vary. Consult your Caterpillar Dealer for specifics.

kg lb kg lb
External payload display 55 121 Retractable visor 1 2
Fuel tank (4731 L/1250 gal.) 360 791 Rim, spare for 40.00R57 tire 1512 3,334
Heater, fuel recirculation Starting systems:
type, non-electric 4 9 Air (TDI Turbine) -22 -49
Heater, engine coolant and oil Air (IR Turbine) -14 -31
240-volt external power 60 132 Electric 358 789
Hub odometer 5 11 Variable pitch fan, Flexxaire 273 600
Oil Renewal System 11 25 Variable speed fan, Rockford 182 400
Prelubrication system 24 53 Wheel chocks 44 97
Raycor fuel filters 14 30 Wiggins service center 109 240

Truck Body Weight / Payload Calculation

kg lb

The truck body is available in a Empty Chassis Weight 114 420 252,252
variety of configurations and can be Fuel Correction (90% x 1,200 gal.) 3478 7,668
custom designed for the specific Optional Attachments Weight 0 0
application. Your Caterpillar dealer Debris Allowance (4% of chassis) + 4577 + 10,090
can contact a CMT Truck Body Chassis Weight 122 475 270,010
application engineer for details.
Body Weight 24 948 55,000
The Caterpillar Truck Body is part of
an integrated design that includes the Body Attachments Weight + 0 + 0
chassis and body interface. A non-Cat Total Empty Operating Weight 147 423 325,010
designed body could have negative
effects on frame and power train life. Target Payload + 236 577 + 520,990

Gross Machine Operating Weight 384 000 846,000

NOTE: Refer to Caterpillars 10/10/20 Payload Policy for calculating maximum gross machine
weight allowable for this target payload.

793C Mining Truck specifications 23

793C Mining Truck
2000 Caterpillar
Printed in U.S.A.

Featured machines may include additional equipment only for special applications.
AEHQ5186-03 (07-00) See your authorized Caterpillar Dealer for available options.
Replaces AEHQ5186-01 Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice.


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