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Ballet 1 Syllabus

(** Pre-ballet away from Barre)

Terms and movements to be learned and mastered before going into Ballet 2.

At the barre:
Positions 1st-5th **
Demi pli1st-5th **
Grande pli1st-5th
Battement tendue from 1st **
Dgag from 1st
Piqu **
Pass **
Elev in all positions **
Relev in all positions
Port de bras **
Rond de jambe terre (through 1st position)
Grande battement **
Arabesque **
En Croix (front, side, back, side)

Adagio (Pass into arabesque, ballet walks, etc)
Pass from 1st & 5th
Relev 1st, 2nd , 5th
Pas de bourre (back, side, front to 5th and to coup)
Saute 1st, 2nd 5th **
chapp saut (first into second) **
Changement **
Balanc (side, back, front) **
Rvrence **
Pirouette en dehores preps and single (tendue to 4th demi pli to pass)

Across the floor and from the corner of the room:

Chain (step turn)
Grande jet (straight leg leap) **
Piqu pass
Ballet walks (toe heel) **
Pas de chat **
Chass **
Ballet 2 Syllabus (** learned in 2+)
Terms and movements to be learned and mastered before going into Ballet 3.
Dancers will continue to execute movements learned in Ballet 1 and add the following
terms and movements in class.

At the barre:
Dtourne **
chapp relev **
Grande rond de jambe en lair
Rond de jambe en lair
Dvelopp **
Pass releve
Circular port de bras **
Dgag from 5th
Relev fouett **
Temps li

In the center and across the floor:

Singles and 1 pirouettes en dehores from 4th and 5th
chapp saut (Fifth into second)
Body positions
1. Crois devant
2. Crois derriere
3. A la quatrime devant **
4. A la quatrime derriere **
5. cart devant **
6. cart derrire **
7. Effac devant **
8. Effac derrire **
9. A la seconde
Sissonne ferme (landing closed in 5th on 2 feet)
Piqu tour en dedans
Piqu arabesque
Alternating chass
Jet **
B+ **
Ballet 3 Syllabus
Terms and movements to be learned and mastered before going into Ballet 4.
Dancers will continue to execute movements learned in Ballet 1 and 2 adding the following
terms and movements in class.

At the barre:
Frapp en demi pointe (foot pointed)
Sur le cou-de-pied
Head positions

In the center and across the floor:

Pas de basque
Fouett saut
chapp saut battue
Pirouette en dedans single and en dehores doubles from 4th and 5th
Promenade (arabesque, attitude)
Balanc en tournant
Pas de bourre en tournant
Waltz turns
Body positions
1. paul devant
2. paul derrire
Sissonne: Landing open on one foot (front, back)
Sissonne ferme (landing closed in 5th on 2 feet)
Saut de chat (flick leap)
Ballet 4 Syllabus
Terms and movements to be learned and mastered before going into Ballet 5.
Dancers will continue to execute movements learned in Ballet 1, 2, and 3 adding the
following terms and movements in class.

At the barre:
Fouett prep and tour
Frapp en demi pointe (foot flexed to pointed)
Arabesque relev
Attitude relev
Frapp battue

In the center and across the floor:

Double piqu tour en dedans
Saut de basque
Fouett saut
Temps lev
Piqu arabesque tour
Piqu attitude tour
Assembl battue (beaten)
Double pirouette en dedans and triple en dehores from 4th and 5th
Ballet 5 Syllabus
Terms and movements to be learned and mastered before going into Ballet 6.
Dancers will continue to execute movements learned in Ballet 1, 2, 3 and 4 adding the
following terms and movements in class.

At the barre:

In the center and across the floor:

Fouett tour
Lame duck
Entrechat cinq
Tour jet
Balance on one foot without the barr en demi pointe holding the opposite leg in different
positons (pass, arabesque, attitude front, side or back)
Ballet 6 Syllabus
Terms and movements to be learned in Ballet 6.
Dancers will continue to execute movements learned in Ballet 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 adding the
following terms and movements in class.

At the barre:
Fondu releve
Hand and heel stretch

In the center and across the floor:

Fouett tour to other landing positions (4th, lunge, kneeetc)
Grande pirouette la seconde
Triple piqu tour en dedans
Pas faille
Tour jet landing to other positions (4th, lunge, kneeetc)
Lyrical 1 Syllabus
Terms and movements to be learned and mastered before going into Lyrical 2.
Student will do a variety of combinations in counts of 8 in the center and across the floor.

Positions 1st-5th
Demi pli1st-5th
Grande pli1st-5th (at the barre)
Tendue from 1st
Battement tendue from 1st (at the barre)
Elev in all positions
Relev in all positions
Port de bras
Rond de jambe terre (through 1st position)
En Croix (front, side, back, side)

Saute 1st, 2nd 5th
chapp saut (first into second)
Balanc (side, back, front)
Pirouette en dehores preps and single (tendue to 4th demi pli to pass)
Chass ball-change

Across the floor and from the corner of the room:

Grande battement (front, side, and back)
Triplet walks
Chain (step turn)
Pas de bourre (back, side, front and to coup)
Grande jet (straight leg leap)
Piqu Pass
Ballet walks (toe heel)
Lyrical 2 Syllabus (** learned in 2+)
Dancers MUST be enrolled in a ballet class at GPD.
Terms and movements to be learned and mastered before going into Lyrical 3.
Student will do a variety of combinations in counts of 8 in the center and across the floor.

At the barre:
Pass releve
Relev fouett
Fouett prep and tour **
Arabesque relev
Attitude relev

In the center and across the floor:

Coccyx balances **
Falls to the floor
Triplet turns
Battment tendue from 5th
chapp relev
Fouett saut **
Pirouette en dehores doubles
chapp saut (Fifth into second)
Piqu tour en dedans
Piqu tour en dedans double **
Piqu arabesque
Piqu arabesque tour **
Attitude relev **
Alternating chasse
Pas de bourre turns ( and whole)
Pas de bourre spiraling upper back **
Pil chain
Fan kicks **
Lay-outs **
Saut de chat **
Fish flop **
Lyrical 3 Syllabus
Dancers MUST also be enrolled in a ballet class at GPD.
Terms and movements to be learned and mastered in Lyrical 3.
Student will do a variety of combinations in counts of 16 and more in the center and across
the floor.

At the barre:
Dvelopp releve

In the center and across the floor:

Lateral and flat backs
Coccyx balance turns
Falls to the floor
Triplet turns with directional change
Pirouette en dehores triple
chapp saut (fifth into second)
Piqu tour en dedans double
Piqu arabesque tour 1 and a half
Attitude tour
Fan kick to releve
Lame duck
Hinge (en demi pointe and over the toes)
Turning C jumps
Jete back attitude
Tilted grande battement
Center leap
Jazz 1 Syllabus (** Jazz combo classes)
Terms and movements to be learned and mastered before going into Jazz 2.
Student will do a variety of combinations in counts of 8 in the center and across the floor.

Warm up:
Demi and grande pli (1st-5th)
Tendue (from 1st)
Flex and point**
Body isolations (head, shoulders, ribs, hips) **
Stretches **
Around the world

In the center and across the floor:

Grande battements (front, side, and back, pointed and flexed) **
Grapevine **
Jazz hands **
Jazz square (box)
Pivot turn
Paddle turn
Cross touch with arms ** (Jazz combo no arms)
Pas de bourre with arms
Kick ball change **
Chasse ball-change
Pirouette preps

From the corner of the room and across the floor:

Chass (front and side) **
Chain (step turn)
Grande jet (straight leg leap) **
Jazz 2 (** learned in 2+)
Terms and movements to be learned and mastered before going into Jazz 3.
Dancers will continue to execute movements learned in Jazz 1 and add the following terms
and movements in class. Student will do a variety of combinations in counts of 8 and 16 in
the center and across the floor.

In the center and across the floor:

Relev in all positions
Jazz splits
Knee turns
Single pirouettes en dehores
Relev pass
Relev fouett **

Across the floor:

Pas de bourre turns ( and whole) **
Pli chain **
Triplet walks
Piqu pass
Cross ball-change with arms
Saut de chat (flick leap) **
Tuck jumps
Chass step Grande jet **
Stag leaps
Alternating chasse
Shoulder rolls **
Soutine **
Jazz 3 Syllabus
Dancers MUST also be enrolled in a ballet class at GPD.
Terms and movements to be learned and mastered before going into Jazz 4.
Dancers will continue to execute movements learned in Jazz 1 and 2, and add the following
terms and movements in class.

In center and across the floor:

Pencil turns
Fouett saut
Piqu arabesque
Falls to the floor
Toe touches
la seconde leaps
Saut de chat
Double pirouettes en dehores
Leaps to the floor
Fouett prep and tour at the barre
Piqu pass tour
Pas de bourre spiraling upper back
Triplet turns
Saut de chat (flick leap)
One and a half turns (a type of pas de bourre turn)
Jazz 4 Syllabus
Dancers MUST also be enrolled in a ballet class at GPD.
Terms and movements to be learned and mastered before going into Jazz 5.
Dancers will continue to execute movements learned in Jazz 1, 2 and 3, and add the
following terms and movements in class.

In center and across the floor:

Axel turns
Piqu arabesque tour
Piqu attitude tour
Triple pirouettes en dehores
Fouett tour
Grande pirouettes
Tour jet
Leaps out of turns
Lame duck
Hitch kick
Switch leap
Fish flop
Tilted grande battment
Lateral and flat backs
Piqu tour en dedans double
Center leap
Jazz 5 Syllabus
Dancers MUST also be enrolled in a ballet class at GPD.
Terms and movements to be learned and mastered in Jazz 5. Dancers will continue to
execute movements learned in Jazz 1, 2, 3, and 4, add the following terms and movements
in class.

In center and across the floor:

Axel turn lay out to the floor
1 and a half piqu arabesque tour
1 and a half piqu attitude tour
Grande pirouettes
Grande pirouette la seconde
Pitch kick
Turning Disk (Chain that leads into a toe touch)
Switch-center leap
Directional change leaps
Toe touch
Piqu tour en dedans triple
Jete back attitude
Tap 1 Syllabus (** Tap combo classes)
Terms and steps to be learned and mastered before going into Tap 2.

Warm up:
Ankle rolls
Toe tap combination **

Center Floor:
Shuffle **
Shuffle ball-change **
Flap (slap) **
Paradiddles (dig, spank, toe, heel) **
Hustle (toe, heel, toe, heel, toe, heel, dig or toe tap) **
Single military time step
Lindy (flap with chasse ball change)
Dig **
Tip (point) **

Across the floor and from the corner:

Traveling flaps
Cramp rolls (forward and backward)
Drawbacks (toe, spank, heel)
Shuffle stomp **
Irish (forward and backward) **
Double irish (shuffle ball-change, irish) (forward and backward)
Tap 2 Syllabus
Terms and steps to be learned and mastered before going into Tap 3.
Students will continue to execute steps learned in Tap 1 and use them with the following
terms steps in combinations in counts of 8 or 16 in the center and across the floor.

Center floor:
Single maxi-ford
Single buck time step
Double buck time step
Double-toe buck time step
Three-point riff
Four-point riff
Pirouette preps and single pirouettes en dehores
Shirley temple

Across the floor and from the corner:

Buffalo combination (3 buffalos, flap, stomp, stomp)
Double buffalo step
Flap ball-change
Flap-heel ball-change
Flap-heel turns
Flap-heel-heel turns
Flap ball-change turns
Crossover drawbacks
Drawbacks to the side
Double cramp roll

At the barre and center floor:

Toe stands
Tap 3 Syllabus
Terms and steps to be learned and mastered before going into Tap 4.
Students will continue to execute steps learned in Tap 1 and 2, and use them with the
following terms steps in combinations in counts of 8 or 16 in the center and across the floor.

Center floor:
Double maxi-ford
Triple buck time step
Double-triple buck time step
Five-point riff
Double pirouettes en dehores
Back essence
Bell jump
Double maxi-ford
Paddle turn

Across the floor and from the corner:

Triple buffalo
Maxi-ford turns (tip in back)
Double-toe buffalo
Click buffalo
Irish turn
Triple cramp roll (shuffle cramp roll)

At the barre and center floor:

Syncopated toe stands
Single toe turns
Tap 4 Syllabus
Terms and steps to be learned and mastered before going into Tap 5.
Students will continue to execute steps learned in Tap 1, 2 and 3, and use them with the
following terms steps in combinations in the center and across the floor.

In the center and across the floor:

Nick step
Syncopated wings
Synocpated pullbacks
Triple pirouettes en dehores
Double toe turns
Single leg toe stands
Single leg pullbacks
Single leg wings
Traveling time steps
Crossover pullbacks
Maxi-ford turns (tip in front)
Double back essence
Backward traveling flaps
Over the top
Tap 5 Syllabus
Students will continue to execute steps learned in Tap 1, 2, 3, and 4, and use them with the
following terms steps in combinations in the center and across the floor.

In the center and across the floor:

Single pullback tip
Irish pullback tip
Switching wings
Switching pullbacks
Reverse cramp roll
Wing tip
Crossover wing
Shuffle pullback
Toe-tip dig bombershay
Hip Hop 1 Syllabus
Terms and movements to be learned and mastered before going into Hip Hop 2
Student will do a variety of combinations in counts of 8 in the center and across the floor.

Warm up:
Body isolations (head, shoulders, hips, ribs)
Grand pli (2nd)
Stationary slides (scoop arms)

Across the floor:

Flexed foot grande battement
Walks with swagger (or attitude)
Pas de bourre (end in lunge)
Slide touch
Cross touch
Kick, cross, touch (forward and backward)
Heel-toe, step
Grande jet (straight leg leap)

In the center and across the floor:

Tuck jump
Pivot turns

Center floor:
Donkey kicks
Knee slides
Paddle turns
Knee turns
Jazz square (emphasize bent knees and the bounce)
Pirouette preps
Hip Hop 2 Syllabus
Dancers MUST also take a jazz class at GPD.
Terms and movements to be learned and mastered before going into Hip-Hop 3.
Dancers will continue to execute movements learned in Hip-Hop 1 and add the following
terms and movements in class. Student will do a variety of combinations in counts of 8 and
16 in the center and across the floor.

Warm up:
Stationary slides (using upper body and shoulders, switching heels)
Throw back
Around the world

Across the floor:

Kick ball-change (emphasize level changes, flex foot on the kick)
Kick step out
Pas de bourre turn (end in lunge, level changes)

Center floor:
Donkey flips
Body rolls
Tuck jump (landing down, leg out)
Coffee grinders
Single pirouettes en dehores (landing in grand pli 2nd & lunge forward)
Shoulder rolls
Jazz splits
Hip Hop 3 Syllabus
Dancers MUST also take a jazz class at GPD.
Dancers will continue to execute movements learned in Hip-Hop 1 and 2, and add the
following terms and movements in class. Student will do a variety of combinations in 16 or
more in the center and across the floor.

Warm Up:
Stationary slides (using upper body and shoulders, switching heels)
Lean back

Across Floor:
Catch & throw
Pas de bourre turn (end in lunge, level changes)
Kick, step, out (add arms)

Center Floor:
Body rolls using heels in all directions
Rotating coffee grinders (both legs)
Double pirouettes en dehores (landing in grand pli 2nd & lunge forward)
Kip-up to back bend

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