Ballet Vocab Lesson Plan

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Dance Lesson Plan

Existing Lesson Plan Modifications:
Add a warm up that introduces ballet movements to introduce unofficially to class before the lesson.
Add more depth to the bullet points to specify more.
I chose this lesson because it is clear simple and direct and is a necessary lesson for Beginning Dance.
You can choose to show more youtube videos of ballet combinations.

Applying Ballet Terminology to Movement

Note: Delete text in italics after you have read it and entered your information.
Course/Subject: Dance Grade/Level: Beginning/ Dance 1
Teacher: Ms. White Clinical Teacher: N/A
Date Submitted: 10/17/17 Date to Be Taught: Week 5 day 1;1 hour in length
Unit/Lesson Concept
Teach your students the basic terminology and moves in ballet dance using this lesson plan. Students will watch a video to
guide learning, then practice simple ballet moves. Finish up with a fun activity to check for understanding.



Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; trace the text's explanation or depiction of a complex process, phenomenon, or
concept; provide an accurate summary of the text.


Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks,
attending to special cases or exceptions defined in the text.


Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or
technical context relevant to grades 9-10 texts and topics.

After this lesson, students will be able to:

apply ballet terminology in an activity, including movements

demonstrate the ability to do common ballet movements
Dance Lesson Plan

How will you know students have met the learning objectives you have established for this lesson?
Formative assessments

Now you're ready to start the video lesson Ballet Dance Terminology and Key Concepts.
Pause at 2:37 and review the terminology used thus far. Ask students to repeat a few times and show images of the
poses by rewinding.
Now ask students to stand and spread out along a wall so they can balance with one hand if necessary.
Rewind again, pausing after each move, allowing students time to practice a few times.
Remind students to focus on their own dance practice and keep their eyes on themselves.
After students have demonstrated basic understanding of these moves, have them take a seat and restart the lesson.

Summative assessments

Students will then lead a short demonstration, teaching the movement to the rest of the class and practicing a few
times. Will be assessed by the clarity of teaching, if they used correct vocabulary, and understood the execution of the

Skills/Vocabulary 21st Century Skills

List and define discipline-specific skills and knowledge See
that will be taught and assessed in this lesson. pager.pdf
For an overview of 21stC skills. Check only those that are clearly
Barre demonstrated by students in your assessments of this lesson.
Plies Creating & Innovation
Grand plies Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
Tendu jete x Communication & Collaboration
Battements x Information Literacy
Chasse x Media Literacy
x Information, Communications, Technology (ITC)
Fouttes en tournant
En avent Literacy
la quatrime devant Flexibility & Adaptability
la seconde Initiative & Self-Direction
En arriere or la quatrime derrire
Social & Cross Cultural Skills
Port de bras
Pas de deux Productivity & Accountability
Rond de jambe
Dance Lesson Plan

Prior knowledge and skills

Describe any prior knowledge that you expect students to have before beginning this lesson.

What ballet is, what is different about ballet from other styles.
Blooms Levels
Check the Blooms levels that are used in this lesson.
x Remembering
x Understanding
x Applying
x Evaluating
x Creating

Universal Design for Learning

Describe how students with diverse learning needs will be supported in this lesson through the application of UDL principles.
Visual: watching video
Auditory: listening to video and my own pronunciation of the vocabulary
Kinesthetic: Performing the movements along with the video
Reading: Using notecards

Include a detailed, step by step listing of the activities that will form this lesson.
Include enough detail that a reader can clearly picture this sequence of events in a classroom.

Warm up
Using our basic choreographed warm up to warm muscles and stretch for preparation for class.
Follow along with plies, tonues and degage combinations without introducing the vocabulary.

Development and Practice

Connect students to learning by showing them a few of the key vocabulary terms and asking them to brainstorm the
common element. After a few tries, tell them they will be learning ballet. Ask students to share prior knowledge on the
topic and discuss where students have seen or participated in this dance form in the past.
If you haven't already done so, preview the list of vocabulary words. Practice saying each term using the French
Now you're ready to start the video lesson Ballet Dance Terminology and Key Concepts.
Pause at 2:37 and review the terminology used thus far. Ask students to repeat a few times and show images of the
poses by rewinding.
Now ask students to stand and spread out along a wall so they can balance with one hand if necessary.
Divide students into partners or small groups. Give each group a set of vocabulary words and instruct them to become
familiar with the term and accompanying movement.
Dance Lesson Plan

Students will then lead a short demonstration, teaching the movement to the rest of the class and practicing a few
Give students time to perfect their movements; as they work, walk around to support and guide. Allow them to
practice teaching.

Reflection and Cool Down

Include a sequence of activities that will provide students with a physical cool down as well as cognitive and emotional
opportunities for summarizing and reflecting on what was accomplished in the lesson.

Rewind again, pausing after each move, allowing students time to practice a few times.
Remind students to focus on their own dance practice and keep their eyes on themselves.
After students have demonstrated basic understanding of these moves, have them take a seat and restart the lesson.
Pause again at 4:30 and ask:
o What is the term for 'to the front?'
o What is the term for 'to the front quarter?'
o What does it mean that these and other words are added to the different battements?
o Who participates in a port de duex?
o Demonstrate how to perform a rond de jemme.
Now play the lesson summary and answer any questions.
As students present, participate by doing the dance moves along with the students.
After all students have taught a mini-lesson, review a few moves.
As an exit slip, have students write their favorite new ballet move on an index card. Keep for the next class.

What materials (music, handouts, instruments, props, etc) are needed to carry out the instruction in this lesson?

Terms written on slips of paper or index cards

Chart paper
Index cards
Dance Lesson Plan

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