The '3 Piece Shredder' Sextuplet Chop

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Nick Bukey 2016 |

The 3 Piece Shredder

Sextuplet Chop
Drum Lesson by Nick Bukey
Copyright Notice

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Video Lesson Summary

1. The 3 Piece Shredder Chop Demonstration

Nick Bukey Drums | The 3 Piece Shredder Chop | Drum Lesson 1

Copyright Nick Bukey 2016 |

Breaking It Down Sextuplet Phrases

I have broken the chop/fill down into four manageable two beat
sextuplet phrases. It is much easier to learn each phrase individually
rather than tackle the whole two bars as one exercise.

Practise Phrases 1-4 individually and gradually increase the tempo.
Phrase 1

Phrase 2

Phrase 3

Phrase 4

Tip: When practising the phrases, intentionally over-exaggerate the

dynamics. E.g. Play the accents at shoulder height and keep the ghost
notes under 5cm.

Nick Bukey Drums | The 3 Piece Shredder Chop | Drum Lesson 2

Copyright Nick Bukey 2016 |

Breaking It Down Triplet Phrases

I have further converted the two beat sextuplet phrases into one bar
triplet phrases. I have done this for convenience sake as many of my
students have expressed that they find these exercises easier to
count and practise as triplets.

Phrase 1

Phrase 2

Phrase 3

Phrases 4

Nick Bukey Drums | The 3 Piece Shredder Chop | Drum Lesson 3

Copyright Nick Bukey 2016 |

2. Breaking It Down - Phrasing Exercise

Phrases 1-4 have been placed into a phrasing exercise. I have

inserted a one bar rest in between phrases to make the transitions

Start @ 70 BPM and gradually speed it up!

When you are comfortable playing the phrasing exercise, move on to

the combination exercises.

Nick Bukey Drums | The 3 Piece Shredder Chop | Drum Lesson 4

Copyright Nick Bukey 2016 |

3. Putting It Together I Triplet Combination Exercise

Combine Phrases 1-4 into an exercise focusing on developing smooth

transitions between each phrase.

4. Putting It Together II Sextuplet Combination Exercise

Here is the chop/fill back in its original form as sextuplets. Get

comfortable linking the phrases together as sextuplets and move on
to the Fill Applications and the Finished Product.

Nick Bukey Drums | The 3 Piece Shredder Chop | Drum Lesson 5

Copyright Nick Bukey 2016 |

5. Fill Applications Phrases 1-4 (2 Beat Fills)

Play Phrases 1-4 as two beat fills taking care to create a smooth
transition back into the groove.

Phrase 1

Phrase 2

Phrase 3

Note: Finish the fill on tom 3 and the Crash Cymbal to avoid three consecutive bass drum strokes

Phrase 4

Nick Bukey Drums | The 3 Piece Shredder Chop | Drum Lesson 6

Copyright Nick Bukey 2016 |

6. Fill Applications II Phrases 1-4 (1 Bar Fills)

Combine Phrases 1 + 2 and 3 + 4 into one bar fills. Improvise a

groove and apply the phrases to a variety of musical contexts.

Phrases 1+2

Phrases 3+4

7. The Finished Product Demonstration

Put it all together and speed it up!

Nick Bukey Drums | The 3 Piece Shredder Chop | Drum Lesson 7

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