Optimization of Turning Process Parameters Through Doe For 'Surface Finish' and 'Tool Wear'

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Kondekar, et al, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies E-ISSN22498974

Review Article
Arvind Kondekar, 2S.S.Sarnobat, 3Swapnil S. Kulkarni

Address for Correspondence

ME- Mechanical- Production Engineering - pursuing, 2Asst Professor, Department of Production Engineering,
D.Y.Patil College of Engineering,Akurdi, Pune, 3Director-Able Technologies India Pvt. Ltd., Pune
INTRODUCTION: AISI D2 (three levels of hardness). Thus, the surface
Turning is the removal of metal from the outer roughness is planned to be measured and observed in
diameter of a rotating cylindrical work piece. Turning the experiment.
is used to reduce the diameter of the work piece, LITERATURE REVIEW
usually to a specified dimension, and to produce a R. Suresh[1], In the present study, performance of
smooth finish on the metal. Often the work piece will multilayer hard coatings (TiC/TiCN/Al2O3) on
be turned so that adjacent sections have different cemented carbide substrate using chemical vapor
diameters. Turning is the machining operation that deposition (CVD) for machining of hardened AISI
produces cylindrical parts. In its basic form, it can be 4340 steel was evaluated. An attempt has been made
defined as the machining of an external surface:- to analyze the effects of process parameters on
With the work piece rotating, machinability aspects using Taguchi technique.
With a single-point cutting tool, and Response surface plots are generated for the study of
With the cutting tool feeding parallel to the interaction effects of cutting conditions on
axis of the work piece and at a distance that machinability factors. The correlations were
will remove the outer surface of the work. established by multiple linear regression models. The
linear regression models were validated using
confirmation tests. The analysis of the result revealed
that, the optimal combination of low feed rate and
low depth of cut with high cutting speed is beneficial
for reducing machining force. Higher values of feed
rates are necessary to minimize the specific cutting
force. The machining power and cutting tool wear
increases almost linearly with increase in cutting
speed and feed rate. The combination of low feed rate
In this challenging world, industries around the world and high cutting speed is necessary for minimizing
constantly strive for lower cost solutions with the surface roughness. Abrasion was the principle
reduced lead time and better surface quality in order wear mechanism observed at all the cutting
to maintain their competitiveness. Automated and conditions.
flexible manufacturing systems are employed for that Zahia Hessainia[2], This research work concerns the
purpose along with computerized numerical control elaboration of a surface roughness model in the case
(CNC) machines that are capable of achieving high of hard turning by exploiting the response surface
accuracy and very low processing time. In the CNC methodology (RSM). The main input parameters of
machining, determining optimal cutting conditions or this model are the cutting parameters such as cutting
parameters under the given machining situation is speed, feed rate, depth of cut and tool vibration in
difficult in practice. Conventional way for selecting radial and in main cutting force directions. The
these conditions such as cutting speed and feed rate machined material tested is the 42CrMo4 hardened
has been based upon data from machining handbooks steel by Al2O3/TiC mixed ceramic cutting tool under
and/or on the experience and knowledge on the part different conditions. The model is able to predict
of programmer. As a result, the metal removal rate is surface roughness of Ra and Rt using an
low because of the use of such conservative experimental data when machining steels. The
machining parameters. combined effects of cutting parameters and tool
Turning is the first most common method for cutting vibration on surface roughness were investigated
and especially for the finishing machined parts. In a while employing the analysis of variance (ANOVA).
turning operation, it is important task to select cutting The quadratic model of RSM associated with
parameters for achieving high cutting performance. response optimization technique and composite
Cutting parameters are reflected on surface desirability was used to find optimum values of
roughness, surface texture and dimensional cutting parameters and tool vibration with respect to
deviations of the product. Surface finish obtained in announced objectives which are the prediction of
manufacturing processes mainly depends on the surface roughness.
combination of two aspects: the ideal surface finish Mustafa Gunay[3], This paper focused on optimizing
provided by marks that manufacturing process the cutting conditions for the average surface
produces on the surface and the actual surface finish roughness (Ra) obtained in machining of high-alloy
which is generated taking into account irregularities white cast iron (Ni-Hard) at two different hardness
and deficiencies that may appear in the process, levels (50 HRC and 62 HRC). Machining
changing manufacturing initial conditions. The experiments were performed at the CNC lathe using
purpose of this project work is to investigate the ceramic and cubic boron nitride (CBN) cutting tools
surface roughness on engineering components by on Ni-Hard materials. Cutting speed, feed rate and
turning process. To achieve the result of surface depth of cut were chosen as the cutting parameters.
roughness, the material used for the investigation is Taguchi L18 orthogonal array was used to design of
Int. J. Adv. Engg. Res. Studies/III/I/Oct.-Dec.,2013/14-16
Kondekar, et al, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies E-ISSN22498974
experiment. Optimal cutting conditions was variation in the coolant is suggested. As such, this
determined using the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio factor remains constant throughout the test. The
which was calculated for Ra according to the the- surface roughness would be tested by using surface
smaller-the-better approach. The effects of the roughness tester.
cutting parameters and tool materials on surface PROBLEM STATEMENT:
roughness were evaluated by the analysis of variance. Optimization of turning parameters is usually a
The statistical analysis indicated that the parameters difficult work where the following aspects are require
that have the biggest effect on Ra for Ni-Hard such as like knowledge of machining and the
materials with 50 HRC and 62 HRC are the cutting specification of machine tool capabilities.
speed and feed rate, respectively. Additionally, the The level of parameters is the main point because it
optimum cutting conditions for the materials with 50 will affect the surface of the work piece, it also to
HRC and 62 HRC was found at different levels. avoid from scratch marks or inaccuracies in the cut.
Halil C- als-kan[4], The influence of nano layer In a turning operation, it is important task to select a
AlTiN/TiN and multi layer nano composite TiAlSiN good combination of parameters level for achieving
/TiSiN /TiAlN hard coatings on the wear behavior high cutting performance.
and cutting performance of carbide cutting tools was METHODOLOGY:
investigated in face milling of hardened AISIO2 cold Design of Experimental set-up: Experimental set-up
work tool steel (58HRC) at dry conditions. is designed for evaluation and determination of
Characterization of the coatings was performed using optimum cutting parameters for workpiece material
nano indentation, scratch test, reciprocating multi- AISI D2 using a typical CNC Turning Centre like
pass wear test. The chips forming during cutting Ace as shown in Fig.1 below.
process were also analyzed. Results showed that
abrasive and oxidation wear are dominant tool
failures. Then nano layer AlTiN/TiN coating gives
the best adhesion to the substrate, the best wear
resistance in machining and thus provides the longest
lifetime with carbide inserts.
J. Kenda[5], The abrasive flow machining (AFM) is a
recent manufacturing technique that uses the flow of
a pressurized abrasive media for removing work
piece material. In comparison with hand polishing,
AFM is very efficient process, suitable for finishing
of complex surfaces. In this paper, the influence of
the process parameters on surface integrity, i.e.
surface roughness and induced residual stresses, is
investigated. The electrical discharge pre-machined
hardened tool steel AISI D2 samples have been used
to be processed with AFM. Results of the work show
that AFM is capable to remove EDM damaged
surface and significantly improve surface roughness.
Moreover, it is capable of inducing high compressive Experiment will be carried out by turning a test bar of
residual stresses to the machined surface, in a very D2 on a CNC turning centre at different cutting and
thin sub layer of ~10 m, and so proves that AFM depth of cut. For this experiment the whole work will
offers an alternative finishing process, beneficial be carried out by compact CNC turning centre
from the surface integrity and productivity point of following typical specifications.
view. Model:-Ace (CNC Turning Centre)
PROPOSED WORK: Capacity:-Maximum turning diameter 370 mm.
The objective of this research is to study the effect of
Cross travel: -X-205mm, Z-670 mm.
cutting speed, feed, depth of cut, machining time on
For this experiment the work piece and insert
surface roughness. Taylor showed that an optimum or
material used during turning on CNC are given
economic cutting speed exists which could maximize
material removal rate. Considerable efforts are still in
Work piece material used: AISIS D2
progress on the use of hand book based conservative
cutting conditions and cutting tool selection at the Tool material:- Cubic Boron Nitride (CBN)-
coated or Cermet (Ceramic).
process planning level. The need for selecting and
implementing optimal machining conditions and Environment: - Wet (coolant ON)
most suitable cutting tool has been felt over the last Instrumentation: Suitable Micrometer Screw
few decades. Despite Taylors early work on Gauge, Digital Vernier Caliper, Surface roughness
establishing optimum cutting speeds in machining, tester
progress has been slow since all the process Measurements: The surface roughness (Ra) values
parameters need to be optimized. of all experiments will be measured by using the
SCOPE: surface roughness tester.
The study was aimed on the spindle speed, feed rate, Expected outcome of work: The present work will
and depth of cut on the surface roughness of the work be helpful to predict the influence of cutting speed,
piece. The variants for AISI D2 with three variants of feed, depth of cut and various insert materials in dry
hardness as 40~45, 45~50, 50~55 HRC to be used as or wet condition on surface roughness (Ra) using
the work piece material and the cutting tool (insert) to Design of experiments (DOE) and statistical
be CBN(coated) and Cermet. For this test, no techniques for D2 Metal matrix composite on

Int. J. Adv. Engg. Res. Studies/III/I/Oct.-Dec.,2013/14-16

Kondekar, et al, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies E-ISSN22498974
specified compact CNC turning centre. Since, this is
a material in a special class i.e. MMC, not much
research have been done on the same and this would
be helpful in improving productivity at a reasonable
level of quality.
1. Some studies on hard turning of AISI 4340 steel using
multilayer coated carbide tool R. Suresh, S. Basavarajappa,
G.L. Samuel.
2. On the prediction of surface roughness in the hard
turning based on cutting parameters and tool vibrations
Zahia Hessainia , Ahmed Belbah , Mohamed Athmane
Yallese, Tarek Mabrouki, Jean-Franois Rigal a Mechanics
and Structures Research Laboratory (LMS), May 8th 1945
University, PO Box 401, Guelma 24000, Algeria
b LaMCos, CNRS, INSA-Lyon, UMR5259, Lyon University,
F69621 Lyon, France
3. Application of Taguchi method for determining
optimum surface roughness in turning of high-alloy white
cast iron
Mustafa Gunay, Emre Yucel ,a Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Karabk University,
78050 Karabk, Turkey Department of Mechanical Education,
Faculty of Technical Education, Dzce University, 81620
Dzce, Turkey.
4.Wear behavior and cutting performance of nano
structured hard coating son cemented carbide cutting tools
in hard milling Halil C- als-kan, CahitKurbanoglu,
PeterPanjan , Miha Cekada, DavorinKramar, a Department
y b Department of Mechanical Engineering, Istanbul
Medeniyet University,34730,Slovenia.
5. Surface Integrity in Abrasive Flow Machining of
Hardened Tool Steel AISI D2
J. Kenda*, F. Pusavec, G. Kermouche, J. Kopac, a University
of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Askerceva 6,
Ljubljana 1000, Slovenia University of Lyon, ENISE, rue Jean
Parot 58, Saint-Etienne 42023, France.

Int. J. Adv. Engg. Res. Studies/III/I/Oct.-Dec.,2013/14-16

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