Processing and Characterization of Natural Fiber-Lycra Composite Reinforced With Epoxy Resin

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VOL. 9, NO.

5, MAY 2014 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
2006-2014 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


Gaurav S. Harane and K. Annamalai
School of Mechanical and Building Sciences, VIT University, Chennai, India
E-Mail: [email protected]

As the name suggests composite material are formed by combining two or more constituents at macroscopic level.
Fiber reinforced polymer composites have acquired a dominant place in variety of applications because of their high
specific strength and modulus. The fiber which serves as reinforcement may be synthetic or natural; while matrix material
binds the fibers together can be thermoset or thermoplastic resins. The use of synthetic fibers (glass, aramid, boron etc.) in
composites tends to affect environment, on the other hand natural fibers (Coir, jute, flax etc.) are environmentally superior
to synthetic fibers. The present work includes the processing and characterization of natural fibers with small percentage of
cotton-lycra and epoxy resin (thermoset resin). Cotton knitted fabric with 5% lycra was used along with natural fiber to
obtain certain elastic property. Compression molding technique was used for composite manufacturing. Natural composites
have wide variety of applications from automobile industry to sporting goods industry, production conveyer systems &
also in strong infrastructure for roads, airport etc. A comparison was carried out between the properties of jute, jute-lycra
and jute-coir-lycra composites.

Keywords: lycra fabric, polymer composite, coir fiber, jute fiber, compression molding.

INTRODUCTION were evaluated experimentally. The tensile and flexural

Lots of research was carried out on natural fiber properties of hybrid composites are markedly improved as
composites. Since the 1990s, natural fiber composites are compare to unhybrid composites [6]. Jute fibers were
emerging as realistic alternatives to glass-reinforced subjected to a small percentage of alkali (NaOH) solution
composites in many applications. Natural fiber composites showed improved mechanical properties. [7]. The study
are also claimed to offer environmental advantages such as was carried on the effect of moisture content on the
reduced dependence on non-renewable energy sources, properties of silanized Jute-Epoxy composites and it was
lower pollutant emissions, lower greenhouse gas found that application of y-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxy-
emissions, enhanced energy recovery, and end of life silane as coupling agent enhances the fiber matrix
biodegradability of components. Thus such superior adhesion because silanol bonds and hydrogen bonds are
environmental performance is an important driver of provided. The enhanced adhesion leads to distinctly
increased future use of natural fiber composites [1]. In improved mechanical properties [8]. Laminates were made
recent years; there has been growing environmental of alkalized fibers with unsaturated polyester resin, using
consciousness and understanding of the need for hand lay-up and compression molding. Alkalization of
sustainable development, which has raised interest in fibers at low concentrations of 1 and 5% resulted in
using natural fibers as reinforcements in polymer improvements in tensile and fatigue properties of
composites to replace synthetic fibers such as glass [2]. composites made from these fibers [9].
Jute fiber reinforced polyester composites were developed A Comparison between Compression Molding
and characterized for friction and sliding wear properties. and Resin Transfer Molding was done and the properties
Effect of fiber orientation and applied load on tribological were evaluated. Tensile and flexural properties are found
behavior of jute fiber reinforced polyester composites was to be higher in resin transfer molded composites whereas
determined. Maximum wear resistance was observed the impact strength of RTM composites are slightly lower
where fibers were normal to sliding direction [3]. than that of CM composites [10]. Mechanical properties of
A research has been carried out on preparation ukam, banana, sisal, coconut, hemp and E-glass fiber
and characterization of chemically modified jute-coir reinforced laminates were evaluated to assess the
hybrid fiber reinforced with epoxy resin. The maximum possibility of using it as new material in engineering
improvement on the properties was achieved for the applications. Samples were fabricated by the hand lay-up
hybrid composite containing the jute-coir content of 50: 50 process (30:70 fiber and matrix ratio by weight) and the
[4]. A research was carried out on a composite reinforced properties evaluated [11]. The authors carried out the
with silicon carbide (SiC) particulates derived from rice mechanical performance of short randomly oriented
husk. Incorporation of these fibers modifies the tensile, banana and sisal hybrid fiber reinforced with polyester
hardness, flexural, inter-laminar shear strength of jute resin and found out that the maximum tensile strength was
epoxy composite [5]. The effect of hybridization on obtained in composite for ratio of banana and sisal as 4:1.
mechanical properties on coir and sisal reinforced As the volume fraction of sisal increases the impact
polyester composite, coir and jute reinforced polyester strength of composite showed an improvement. [12].
composite, jute and sisal reinforced polyester composite Authors has done research on sisal (Agave sisalana),

VOL. 9, NO. 5, MAY 2014 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
2006-2014 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.

banana (Musa sepientum), and roselle (Hibiscus the jute fibers with 5% NaOH treatment for 8 hours.
sabdariffa) polymer composites, with an objective to
explore the potential of these fibers and to study
mechanical and material characterization of different
composites. In future, the final composite material coated
by calcium phosphate and hydroxyapatite (hybrid)
composite can be used for both internal and external
fixation on the human body for fractured bone. [13]. The
author reported the use of natural fiber such as sisal,
bamboo, coir, jute for structural upgradation as these
materials are do not pollute the environment and endanger
bio reserves.[14]
From the above literature it can be seen that not
much research has been done on the natural fiber with
small percentage of cotton-lycra fabric. The research
carried out in the past on coir composites is very limited;
much more information is available on composites with
the other natural fibers (flax, sisal, hemp). Coir fiber has
low density (1.2 gm. /cm3), high lignin content, durability Figure-1. Untreated jute fibers.
etc. Jute fiber is commonly and abundantly available in
India. Among different natural fibers, jute fibers are
prominent reinforcing material in fabrication of different
types of polymer based composites, due cost effectiveness,
high strength, etc. Jute fiber has good tensile strength
(393-773 MPa) compared with other natural fibers.
On the basis of above researches carried out in
this field, the present research work conveys the idea of
using natural fiber (coir and jute) to which synthetic fabric
(lycra-cotton blend 5/95) was incorporated and an attempt
was made to make this composite a little more elastic and
to develop a new class of natural fiber. Evaluation of
mechanical properties such as tension test and three point
bending test was carried out.


Jute, coir and cotton knitted fabric with 5% lycra Figure-2. Treated jute fibers.
are used in this study. Hardener used is polyamide
hardener. The epoxy resin and hardener are mixed in the The compression molding process was used for
ratio of 2:1 and stirred thoroughly. Release agent used was manufacturing of composites. The fibers were cut in an
mansion polish. equal length of 30 cm. The epoxy resin and hardener were
mixed in the ratio of 2:1 and stirred thoroughly before
Experimental methods applying to fibers. Release agent was applied on both the
Most mentioned method to clean fibers found in surface of mold for easy removal of composite. Then
literature is distilled water cleaning and then alkaline fibers were laid down on mold parallel to each other. For
treatment (NaOH). The concentration of NaOH used is manufacturing of jute-lycra composite, jute was placed in
5%. The fibers (jute and coir) are washed with fresh water between lycra fabrics and then the material was reinforced
thoroughly. The fibers are then soaked in NaOH solution with resin. For manufacturing jute-coir-lycra composite,
for 8 hours. The fibres were then washed several times first jute was placed over which lycra and then coir was
with fresh water to remove the residual NaOH sticking to placed and then reinforced with epoxy resin. Finally the
the fibre surface and neutralized by Acetic acid finally composites were cured for 48 hours at room temperature.
washed again with water. The fibers were then dried at Table-1 shows the combination of fibers used to
room temperature for 10 hours. Removal of lignin, manufacture the composite.
hemicellulose, silica and pith from the fiber to have better
impregnation between fiber and matrix and improving
fiber surface roughness to have a better interaction are the
main objectives of fiber chemical treatment [15]. Figure-1
shows the jute fibers before treatment and Figure-2 shows

VOL. 9, NO. 5, MAY 2014 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
2006-2014 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.

Table-1. Combination of fibers.

S. No. Fibers/fabric Resin
1 Jute Epoxy
2 Jute+Lycra Epoxy
3 Jute+Coir+Lycra Epoxy

The tension test was carried on Universal testing
machine (UTM) to measure the tensile strength of
Composite material, while bending strength was measured
on 3-point bending test machine. Figure-3 shows the
universal testing machine and 3-point bending machine is
shown in Figure-4. During tension test a uniaxial load was Figure-4. Three point bending machine.
applied from both the ends of specimen. The gauge length
of 150mm was taken while testing. For bending test the RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
distance between the supports was 100mm. The speed of
stroke was 5mm/min. Tension test
The results of tension test were plotted in graph
of stress vs. strain as shown in following Figures. Figure-5
shows the graph of only jute composite; Figure-6 shows
graph of jute-lycra composite and Figure-7 shows the
graph of jute-coir-lycra composite.

Figure-5. Test analysis of Jute composite.

Figure-3. Universal Testing Machine.

Figure-6. Test analysis of Jute-Lycra composite.

VOL. 9, NO. 5, MAY 2014 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
2006-2014 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.

Figure-10. Test analysis of Jute-Coir-Lycra composite.

Figure-7. Treated Jute-Lycra-Coir composite.
The tension test shows that the peak load carrying
Bending test capacity of jute composite was 4.860 kN, which increased
The bending test was carried on 3-point bending to 7.520 kN for jute-lycra composite and for jute-coir-lycra
machine. The results are as shown in following figures. composite it was found to be 5.200 kN. The tensile
strengths of jute, jute-lycra and jute-coir-lycra composites
were found to be 23.143N/mm2, 35.810N/mm2and
24.762N/mm2 respectively. The results of 3-point bending
tests are as shown in Table-2.

Table-2. Results of three point bending tests.

Composite Max force Max stress
material (N) (N/mm2)
Jute 306.948 43.8497
Jute+lycra 649.881 92.8402
Jute+coir+lycra 399.319 57.0456

Figure-8. Test analysis of Jute composite. The experimental study of jute, jute-jycra, and
jute-coir-lycra composites leads to following conclusions.
This work shows successful fabrication of jute,
jute-lycra, and jute-coir-lycra composites. It is seen that
jute-lycra composite has the maximum load carrying
capacity as compared to other counterparts. Also the tensile
strength of jute-lycra composite is greater than other
composites. It is also clear from bending test that jute-lycra
composite has maximum stress of 92.8402 N/mm2 with
maximum force of 649.881 N/mm2 as compared to other
composites. Hence, considering the entire properties jute-
lycra composite is better than rest of composites.
Thus, by adding cotton-lycra fabric to natural
fibers the tensile strength and load carrying capacity of
composite increased while adding cotton-lycra to coir and
jute decreased the properties to a little extent. These fibers
Figure-9. Test analysis of Jute-Lycra composite. can be used in automobile industry for manufacturing
various components like door panels, dashboards, mobile
Figure-8 shows the bending test of analysis of cases, laptop cases etc.
jute composite, Figure-9 shows the bending test analysis
of jute+lycra composite and Figure-10 shows the bending ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
test analysis of jute+coir+lycra composite. I would like to thank National Jute Board,
Chennai for providing Jute fibers and Somany Evergreen
Knits Ltd., Solapur for supplying coir fibers and cotton

VOL. 9, NO. 5, MAY 2014 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
2006-2014 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.

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