SPE 15656 Pipeline Transportation of High Pour Point New Zeaiand Crude Using Pour Point Depressants

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SPE 15656

Pipeline Transportation of High Pour Point New Zeaiand Crude

Using Pour Point Depressants

by Grant Slater, Petroleum Corporation of New Zealand Limited, and

Ann Davis, NL Treating Chemicals/NL industries, Inc.

SPE Member

copyright 19S6, Society of Petroleum Enginwrs

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 61st Annual Technical Conference and Exhibitionof the society of Petroleum Engineers hold in New
Orlaana, LA October S-S, t 9SS.

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ABSTRACT sible to devise a management plan whkh minimizes diffi-

cultiesduring start-up.
The Petroleum Corporation of New zealand Limited dis-
covered New Zealands first major oil fieki in 1980. Ro- The paper discusses how the adoption of pour point
duction is currently 1590 m3/d (10,000 bpd), which depressant technology, in conjunction with pipeiine
represents about 14% of the countrys requirements. design, has resulted in an eesenthlly trouble-free system
which enables the crude to be successfullytransported by
The crude has a high pour point (32C) and a high wax pipeline.
level (35%). A major factor in development of the field
was the selection of appropriate technology to overcome INTRODUCTION
transportation problems via a 40 km pipeline from the
process plant to port storage with ground temperatures of The Petroleum Co~oration of New Zealand Ltd. (Petro-
11 C (52F). Technical and economic considerations corp) discovered New Zealands first major oil field during
resulted in the selection of a chemical pour point depres- 1980, The field is located onshore in high value farming
sant rather than thermal cracking, dilution with conden- Iand in the countrys North Island, near New Piymouth
sate, or maintaining the crude oil temperature above its (Fig, 1),
pour point,
Production of crude oil commenced in October 1984 with
Selection of a suitable pour point depressant was made 795 m3/d being produced from four wells. This has been
using laboratory studies done by various prospective sup- subsequently increased to 954 ins/d and beginning in
pliers, Product performance was based on pour point and November 1986, production will be 1590 m3/d from
yield value for the crude using a simple simulation of pipe- twelve wells.
iine cooling.
The marketing strategy was based on buik storage at New
The first year of pipeline operation was essentially trouble- Plymouth with dispatch to markets within New Zealand
free and the foliowing key points were noted. The actual and overseas by tanker. Transportation of crude from the
pipeline dosage rate was considerably lower than labora- production station to port storage was recognized as a
tory predicted rates. By careful experimentation during problem during initial pianning because of the high pour
pipeline shutdowns of varying duration, it has been pos- point of the crude,

The foilowing options were evaluated in detail:

Illustrations at end of paper,


1, The formation of an oil-in-water emulsion or the injec- The pour point, when determined strictly in accordance
tion of a water layer to line the pipe wall, then piping to with ASTM D97-66, IS 30C (86F) for both the max-
port storage. imum and minimum values. The yield stress for crude
unclosed with pour point depressant has never been mea-
2, Thermal conditioning to reduce apparent viscosity of sured consistently; one measurement made was at 11C
the crude by giving it a specific thermal history prior to (52F) and with the crude cooled statically gave a yield
piping. value of 8250 Pa and 12 Pa if cooled under shear. The
rheologtcal behavior is dependent on both shear rate and
3, Trucking the crude oil horn production station to port temperature. Above the pour point the viscosity ranges
storage facilities. from 0.020 Pas at 33C (91F) down to 0.005 Pass at
43C (110F), Below the pour point the viscosity natu-
4. Piping the stabilized crude oil through an electrically rally increases substantially to 0.150 Pas at 28C (83F)
heat traced and thermally insulated pipeline to the port and 0.500 Pas at 13C (55F).
storage facility.
5, Thermal cracking of the oil to reduce its pour point PIPELINING METHODS
before piping to the port storage in an uninsulated line.
The Initial conceptual and feasibility studies for the field
6, Blending of the crude oil with low pour point conden- clearly identified the high wax content as presenting diffi-
sate from a nearby gas/condensate field. culties in both production and transportation. The investi-
gations covered all possible options for transporting crude
7. Tnating the oil with wax crystal modifiers and then from the production station to port storage, a distance of
piping to port storage. some 40 km. The various options considered, and their
eventual reasons for rejection, are discussed.
The use of wax crystal modifiers to reduce the crude pour
point was eventually adopted as it was expected to lower
1. WatorlCrudo $ystoms
the pour point to an acceptable level, minimize the yield Both emulsion and water layer systems were consid-
point to a level compatible with the pipehne design to assist
ered and rejected during the conceptual design phase.
in the management of pipeline shutdowns, and reduce the The limited availability of water at the production sta-
apparent viscosity. tion, the prevailing environmental climate which would
have required the water to be treated to a very high
This has proven to be an acceptable method with two
quality before discharge, and the potentta! difficulties in
years successful operation now complete. This paper
obtaining permission to discharge such high quantities
describes as a case study the reasons why the use of pour
of treated water were considered sufficient reasons to
point depressants was adopted. It also describes the pipe-
reject this OPtbil.
line design and the selection of a suitable pour point
depressant along with a comparison of the design predic-
2. Thermal Conditioning
tions with the resultsof two years of operation.
The use of thermal conditioning to reduce the apparent
viscosity by fliving the crude a specific thermal history
CRUDE CHARACTERISTICS was rejected cm the grounds of capital cost, process
complexity, and limited space at the production station
The crude oil has a moderate API gravity (38 to 40) and for installation of the aquipment,
a high pour point of 30C (86F) to 32C (90F). The
crude has a very low sulfur content (0.066% wt.), low 3, Trucking
conradson carbon residue (0.277% wt.), vanadium (less While having a relatively low capital cost, the annual
than 0.5 ppm) and nickel (less than 0.1 ppm) contents. operating costs made this uneconomical, and the
The crude ISa mixed base of paraffins and naphthenes, but potential plannlng applications associated with trucking
it also has a sizablearomatic content. The heavy cuts of the crude oil through the adjacent rural farming and urban
crude are waxy and have high pour points with the overall areas also made it undesirable as an option.
wax level about 35% wt. The crude h dmllar In composi-
tion to some of the Indonesian crudes. The crude oil char- 4. Insulated Plpallne
actertsttcsare summarised in Table 1. The options of a thermally insulated plpellne, together
with either conventional electric heat tracing, skin effect
The transport properties of t$e crude can be described in current tracing, or a preheated crude were all consid-
terms of (1) ASTM pour point, (2) viscosity at various ered. The costs for a system that maintained flowing
shear rates and temperatures, and, (3) yield point. temperatures were slgniflcani$ higher than for some

other options, without including the additional costs of The decision was made at this stage to use a chemical pour
a system to reheat the crude after a shutdown. point depressant as preliminary studies had indicated that
suitable products for this crude ex;sted and that the costs
At this stage in the investigations, it became evident from would be acceptable. At this stage detailed investigations
the marketing studies that a number of the potential buyers of suitable products commenced with the detailed pipeline
would insist on a permanent reduction in pour point to design undertaken simultaneously as suitable laboratory
about 15C (59F) due to refinery crude handling limita- results became available, The pipeline design was under-
tions, With this limitation now clearly identified, the fol- taken by the Ministry of Works and Development in New
lowing three options were studied in more detail, as all Zealand in conjunction with an independent pipeline
three resulted in a permanent reduction in pour point design firm. The laboratory evaluation of pour point
which suited both the market and engineering require- depressants was undertaken by a numbei of potential sup-
ments for tr.msporting crude in an uninsulated line. pliers as Petrocorp had neither suitable laboratory facilities
nor suitably experienced personnel.
5, Thermal Cracking
The use of thermal cracking to break down the long The costs of a thermally insulated pipeline, trucking
chain molecules was considered in detail and eventu- untreated crude, chemical dosing with pour point depres-
ally rejected for a combination of reasons that included: sant and thermal cracking were investigated in some detail.
a. Difficulties in determining the plant size as initial The costs are summarized in Table 2, with the costs given
production was 636 m3/d but expansion up to 1590 for 477 m/d of production and in New Zealand dollars,
m3/d was possible. first quarter 1983. The net result is that for a 10 percent
b. Effluent treatment and disposal in what is an envi- rate of return over a 10 year life, the present value of
ronmentally sensitivearea, and finally, chemical dosing ISthe lowest cost option.
c. The limited hydrotreating capacity at New Zealands
only refinery which was expected to process most of PIPELINE DESIGN
the crude.
In the design of the pipeline the following constraintswere
6. Dilutlonwith LowPour PointCondensate specified:
This would have involved diluting the crude with a
nearby condensate in the ratio of 60:40 crude/ 1. The required capacity was 1590 m3/d to allow for
condensate to obtain a product with an acceptable pour future (and at that time unknown) expansion from the
point. This method was rejected for cost, logistical and existing knc wn production of 636 to 795 m3/d.
marketing reasons:
a, The storage and pipeline for the condensate would 2. Intermediate pumping for normal operation was con-
have been substantial as the condensate was avail- sidered undesirable since the length was only 40 km.
able no closer than the pipeline discharge area (40
km), and, 3, The crude temperature at the inlet to the pipeline
b. The buyers indicated that they would prefer to would be about 60C (140F), which reflected proc-
receive New Zealands crudes and condensates as essingtemperatures.
separate materials,
4. The ground temperatures ra,~ged from a 20-year
This method was, however, reserved as a possible backup recorded low of 11C (52F) to a hig!~of about 18C
option. (64F), The pipeline passed under a number of small
rivers and one large river with a 20-year low of 5C
7, Uae of Chemical Pour Point Depressants (41F).
While having a relatively high annual operating cost,
this method was adopted as it achieved the following 5, The Taranaki region (and New Zealand in general) is
objectiveswhich no other option could offer: very sensitive to environmental concerns and reduction
a. The crude could be easily transported by pipeline in pollution risk was a significant concern both at the
and restarting after a shutdown would be relatively production station along the plpellne route and at the
easy. receiving tank farm.
b, The crude achieved the marketing pour point
requirement of 15C (59F) and the use of these 6, ANSI B 31,4 was to be the design code as required by
materials was acceptable to the crude oil buyers, Government legislation in New Zealand,
c. The system was very flexible in regard to capacity

7. Pour point, viscosity and yield data would be available The use of regular (daily) pigging to remove wax
only from laboratory trials conducted by pour point caused either by dropout or by deposition on the pipe
suppliers. Because the McKee crude is a complex rheo- wall was included in the design.
logical system, it was anticipated that laboratory data
would vary based upon the instruments used to carry 7. The pour point depressant injection system provided
out the measurements. for substantial storage (117 m) which at the design
stage represented some 60 days use. The pour point
With these constraints, the pipeline designers considered depressant tank was heated with hot circulating water
both 4-inch and 6-inch diameter lines, with the latter being and insulated to allow for the use of pour point depres-
chosen to satisfactorily meet all design requirements and sant products which had above-ambient melting points
maintain a good level of flexibility, and which had to be added to the crude at elevated
temperatures. The pour point depressant injection
Following are the main features of the pipeline design: pump had 100% standby and the flow rate was mea-
sured. Injection was between the booster and shipping
1. The hydraulic calculations had to be based or. a range pumps to ensure the pour point depressant was well
of values which reflected the various laboratory predic- mixed into the crude, This limited use to pour point
tions as a preferred pour point depressant had yet to be depressants which were stable under high shear.
identified, This was further compounded by the shear
thinning nature of the crude. The variation in viscosity The addition of pour point depressant should be con-
measurements and the design viscosities adopted are trolled so that the crude pour point remains below that
given in Figure 2. Viscosity measurements ranged from of the ground temperature at all times, with the min-
0.004 to 0.020 Pas at 66C (150F), 0.007 to 0.030 imum ground temperature being 11 C.
Pas at 21C (70F) and 0.050 to 0.190 Pas at llC
(52F). 8. In addition to the mainline block valves at the start and
end of the pipeline, additional block valves, high preS-
2. The pipeline was designed for shear rates which corre- sure injection valves and check valves were installed at
sponded to throughputs from 477 m3/d to 1590 m3/d. spacings which ranged from 6.5 km to 10.5 km.

3. The pumping facilities for 795 m3/d consisted of a SUC. The design concept allowed the mainline pumps to be
tlon booster pump and a multistage centrifugal shipping able to restart the pipeline flow provided the crude yield
pump with 100% standby for each unit, Increases in value remained at or below 4 Pa. In the event that the
capacity were allowed for by adding additional booster crude yield increased above 4 Pa, then high pressure
and shipping pumps operating in parallel. The piping injection pumps (96.5 bar) with low capacities (1,3 to
arrangement allowed for series operation of the ship- 1.6 1/s) could be used to inject condensate at the block
ping pumps to provide higher pressures after extended valve stations, If the crude yield value did not exceed
pipeline shutdowns, 41.3 Pa, then the positive displacement pump would
be able to restart the flow without exceeding the allow-
The hydraulic design showed that the pumping pres- able pressuresfor the ANSI 600 pipe,
sure was not only sensitive to capacity, but also to the
assumed viscosity. For this reason, it was necessary to
use a pump with a sufficiently flexible design curve to
cope with a range of viscosities, THE POUR POINT DEPRESSANT

4, Yield values were measured by the pour point depres- Laboratory studies for selecting the most suitable product
sant suppliers laboratories which resulted in the pipe- were undertaken by a number of supplier laboratories,
line being designed for a yield value of 4,0 Pa for the This section of the paper describes the studies for the
crude at llC (52F), product currently in use,

5. Storage tanks at the Inlet to the pipellne provided for Two types of pour point tests were used to evaluate potrm-
477 msof intermediate storage between the production tial pour point depressants. The first type followed the pre-
processplant and the pipeline to minimise the need for cedure descrtbed in ASTM D97-66. The oil samples were
frequent shutdowns, subjected to the preliminary treatment described for OIIS
having pour points above 32C (90 F). The oil was
6, Considerable attention was paid to the need for turbu- heated to 46C (115F) in a bath, without stirring. The
lent operation to mlnlmIse or prevent wax crystal depo- samples were treated with chemical, shaken 100 times and
shion in the pipeline. returned to 46C (115F) where they were allowed to sta-

bilize for 30 minutes, The temperature of the samples was reducing the effectiveness of the treatment. Since the
lowered and movement of the oil was noted at 3C (5F) modified test was dosed at 65C (149F) and the ASTM
intervals. D97-66 test was dosed at 46C (115F), this could have
accounted for some of the difference.
The second type of pour point test was a modified version
of ASTM D97-66 in an effort to duplicate predicted pjpe- Anothet determining factor in the performance of the pour
line coo!!ng rates. Prior to each test, the crude sample was point depressant is the cooling rate. When a waxy crude is
reheated to a bottom-hole temperature of 85C (185F) cooled slowly, the wax crystallizesat a slower, controllable
and held there for one hour. This was an attempt to return rate. If the cooling process is faster, the amount of wax
the crude to reservoir condition and is called the benefi- crystals increases rapidly in proportion to the pour point
ciation treatment. This thermal treatment should destroy depressant present, In this case, more pour point depres-
any thermal history and restore the crude oil to its original sant is needed to control the crystal formation. The ASTM
pour point condition. (Note that beneficiation was not D97-66 test has a faster cooling rate than the modiiied test;
done on the ASTMD97-66 test). The beneficiated sam- therefore, the pour point depressant requirements
pies were allowed to cool to 65C (149F) and stabilized increase.
for 30 minutes. The pour point depressant was added, fol-
lowed by 100 hand shakes. Untreated samples were also Based upon the results of the pour point screening, Addi-
agitated the same number of times. The samples were sta- tive A was chosen for theological studies.
bilized for 30 more miriutes at 65C (149F). Afterwards
they were cooled according to the predicted pipeline 1. ApparentVlscoslty
cooling rate shown in Table 3. A Brookfield Syncholectric LVT coaxial cylinder visco-
meter with a small sampler adaptor was used in the vis-
Several pour point depressants were tested and Additive A cosity evaluations. Temperatures werecontrolled with a
gave the most significant reduction in pour point. The Haake circulator and temperature programmer. The
results in Table 4 show that 2000 ppm of Additive A was viscosity/temperature studies were conducted under
required to reduce the pour point to 1 lC (52F) using dynamic test conditions using the predicted cooling
the modified cooling curve. The ASTM D97-66 test at curve shown in Table 3. Each sample was beneftciated
2000 ppm of Additive A only reduced the pour point to as described before. Several shear rates were used to
18C (64F) . show the shear-thinning (pseudoplastic) behavior of
the crude. The dose temperature was 60C (140F) at
In order to explain the difference in results between the several dose rates.
two tests, it is necessary to have a theory on the mecha-
nism of wax crystallization. Since crude oil is a complex Based upon the test results, a dose rate of 2000 ppm
mixture, there are many factors which affect its pour point, Additive A was chosen for the pipeline commissioning.
However, this simplistictheory is offered to give some idea This dosage rate would be reduced as the flow condi-
of how a pour point depressant affects the pour point. tions in the pipeline stabilized. Table 5 shows the vis-
cosity of the crude treated with 2000 ppm of Additive
Photomicrographic studies have shown that wax gradually A at shear rates of 8, 16 and 40 see at varying tem-
crystallizesin the form of needles. As more and more wax peratures. The viscosity/temperature relationships are
crystahzes, an organized network forms throughout the oil shown graphically in Figure 3.
resulting eventually in the solidification of the crude, A
pour point depressant retards the growth of these networks 2. Yield Valuo$
by modifying the natural wax crystal to a smaller crystal Yield values were determined using the Farm Model 35
which is more dense. It is not certain whether this occurs viscometer with the No. 1 spring and the standard rotor
by co-crystallization or by absorption. The modified crystal and bob (R1-B1).
is not as likely to form the organized network; therefore,
the pour point of the oil is reduced. With this in mind, the It was anticipated that the yield value would vary along
reason for the difference In results between the two pour the length of the p{pelfne with the two extremes being:
point testsISexplained below.
(a) The crude 011at the start of the pipellne which is
There are two main differences between the ASTM D97- cooled statically from 65C (149F) to 1 lC
66 test and the modified test: pour point depressant dosing (52F), and,
temperature and cooling rate, The temperature of the
crude oil when the pour point depressant IS added is an (b) The crude oll at the discharge end of the pipellne
Important factor determining its performance. If this tem- which has been cooled dynamically (under shear)
perature is too low, wax crystals will already be present, to llC (52F).

Using the predicted cooling curve in Table 3, one 2. A slight increase in foaming was noted in the pre-flash
sample was cooled statically (no shear) to 11C (52F) vessel. However, this higher foaming level was main-
and held for 12 hours at that temperature. Another tained in the vessel on completion of the trial when
sample was cooled dynamically at 8 see-l to 1lC unclosed Kapuni condensate was being charged,
(52F) and held for 12 hours at that temperature.
Yield values were obtained after 12 hours according to 3. The pour point depressant had no residual effect on the
Farm operating instructions. Yield values obtained pour points of the rundown products. Temperatures in
using 2000 ppm of Additive A after static and dynamic the pre-heat train and the CDU ensured complete dis-
cooling conditions were 3.5 Pa and 2,5 Pa, respec- sociation of the polymer product.
As a result of the plant trial the New Zealand Refinery
Applicationof LaboratoryData Company concluded that treated crude would cause no
process upsets in the refinery and would have no detri-
This laboratory data, together with that from the other lab- mental effects on refined products.
oratories, was used in the design of the pipeline, The yield
data resulted in the pipeline being designed for the crude PIPELINE COMMISSIONING
having a maximum yield value of 10 Pa under normal con-
ditions. The apparent viscosity data adopted for design, On November 5, 1984, crude began flowing into the pro-
shown in Figure 3, is a compilation of all such data duction station storage tank. At this stage, the pour point
obtained during the laboratory studies. depressant was being injected into the crude tank inlet line
at approximately 2000 ppm, When the McKee storage
REFINERY TRIAL tank was nearly filled, the pour point depressant injection
was shifted to Its permanent position, between the booster
Crude produced from the plant was initially refined by the and shipping pumps.
New Zealand Refining Company at Marsden Point, Prior
to accepting the crude, the refinery operators requested Shipping commenced on November 7, 1984. Pour point
that the selected pour point depressant be processed. This depressant was injected at approximately 2000 ppm into
was to determine (1) if the pour point depressant would the crude, As the pipeline was filled with hydrotest water, a
cause foaming or foullng in the pre-heat train of the Crude pig train was run ahead of the crude to minim&e admixing.
Distillation Unit (CDU), (2) if breakdown of the pour point
depressant adversely effected the crude distillation unit The pour point and rheology of the pipelined crude was
rundown prochds, or, (3) if residual pour point depressant monitored on a 24-hour basis for the next 7 days. A Farm
had any beneficial effects on the pour/cloud points of the Model 35 viscometer was used to monitor the rheology. By
rundown streams. calculating arrival times, it was possible to obtain samples
of the initial crude as it reached each block valve station.
As the crude was not available for the refinery trial, the When the first crude arrived at the Omata tank farm on
selected pour point depressant was doeed to Kapuni con- November 8, 1984, testing showed it to have excelient
densate, This waxy condensate is produced from onshore theological properties and a pour point of below -5C
wells In Taranaki, approximately 60 km from the crude (23F) .
plant, The pour point depressant was injected into the con-
densate at 800 ppm, 1600 ppm and 3200 ppm using a Results obtained during the commissioning period showed
positive displacement metering pump. The product was that the pour point depressant performed significantly
dosed for 3 hours at each rate. better in actual pipeline conditions than in laboratory
testing, In the following two months a concerted effort was
During the trial, foaming tendencies were monitored using made to optimize the dose rate of the product, By closely
a foam level recorder in the pre-flash vessel, Pressure monitoring pipeline pressures, crude rheology and pour
levels in the CDU were closely monitored to determine if points, it was possible to reduce the pour point depressant
foaming or foullng was occutrlng. At the end of each test dose rate to 960 ppm by December 25, 1984 (summer in
period samples of residue, heavy gas oil, and automotive New Zealand).
gas 011were taken. These were tested in the laboratory for
pour point and total acid number. REVIEW OF DESIQN

Obsewations are summarised below: Following commissioning, It has been possible to review
the performance of the pipeline using a pour point depres-
1, No problems were experienced In the CDU during the sent In the crude to determine the extent to which the !abo-
trial pertod. ratory Mals and pipeline design were applicable to this

situation. The following design and performance parame- actual pour points of less than 5C (41 F) being
ters have been reviewed and are further described below: easily obtained at acceptable dosage rates (refer to sec-
tion 8 below),
1. Pour point of the crude at the pipeline discharge point
2, Hydraulic Design
2. Pumping pressure which reflectsthe hydraulic design in The pumping pressuresrequired to transport the crude
general and the design viscositiesin particular in the pipeline have been substantially less than those
predicted, with pressures of 17 bar being required to
3. Temperature profile h the pipeline under operating transfer 795 m3/d whereas vaiues of 24 bar had been
conditions predicted. The only dgn{f(cant variable likely to have
changed is the apparent viscosity with the reduction in
4, Pipeline restart after short shutdowns in the pipefine pumping pressure representing a reduction in average
4 apparent viscosityof around 50%.
5. General mechanical design
3. TomperaturaProfile
6. The logistical implications of using pour point depres- The design was based on a calculated temperature pro-
sant file along the pipeline which was used in both the labo-
ratory simulations for viscosity determinations and in
7. Wax buildup the pipeline design. Figure 4 shows this temperature
profile compared with that which has been estimated
8. Pour point depressant dose rate based on temperature measurements at sampling
points. The major difference is in the suddencodng
The only major design factor which has not been reviewed caused by a rivercrossing which has had a far greater
is the restart of the pipeline after an extended shutdown effect than that predkted. This has probably had an
which would reflect the reliability of yield value predictions. effect on the wax crystal growth and thus may explain
This k simply because there have been no extended shut- some of the variances in viscosityand pour point.
downs and, quite obviously, it is hoped that this parameter
will never be tested. In addition, it has only been possible 4. Restart After Short Shutdowns
to fully review the performance at low rates of 795 to 954 Following shutdowns ranging from a few hours to days,
m3/d, as higher and lower rates have only been used for it has been possible to restart the pipellne using only the
short periods. shipping pumps with restart pressures no higher than
normally encountered,
1. PourPoint
The pour point of the crude is measured both to meet 5. Mechanical Daslgn
sales specifications and as an aid in the pipeline dis- The mechanical des{gn of the pipeline has been excel-
charge, as part of the pipeline management plan, in lent with the following features having been noted:
order to determine the pour point depressant dose a, The installation of sampling points is essential for
rate, The pour point is measured in the storage tanks to monitoring of performance so that actual pour
ensure that the crude meets its sales specifications. points and temperatures can be measured.
During initial operation of the pipeline, the pour point b, Pressure monitoring h essential for estimating vls-
was measured strictly in accordance with ASTM D97- cosity and detecting the passage of unclosed slugs
66. h rapidly became evident that this was not the most of crude.
suitable method of measuring pour point as the results c, The use of stub welded valves ISnot recommended
of this test were giving pour points greater than the since a waxy crude is more Ilkely to interfere with
actual pour point cf the crude both at pipeline dis- the sealing of valves, necessitating their replace-
charge and In the bulk tank. From both a pipeline man- ment which is obviously easier with flanged connec-
agement viewpoirlt and salesrequirement, the actual tions.
pour point is of more interest since in both cases the
true requirement ISfor a crude that can be transported 6. Logl$tlcal lmpllcatIon8
by pipeline from a bulk tank at 15C (59F) without The use of a chemical pour point depressant requires
going solid, After negotiations with the crude oil buyer, that adequate stocks of a high value product be main-
the ASTM D97-66 test was amended for our use by tained, With a lengthy supply route, as in this case, this
deleting the requirement to reheat the crude as this was can mean that substantial working capital is tied up In
obviously destroying the previous temperature and the product. in addition, the operation is totally depen-
shear history of the crude, The use of pour point dent on the avallablllty of the pour point depressant
depressant has exceeded laboratory predictions with and it is impossible to continue production without It.
-. ---- RPF 1
W, - 0

Provided careful stock control is practiced this is not a various parameters described in this paper. The main fea-
Iarge problem. tures of this plan areas follows:

7, Doposltlonor $ettllng 1. The pipeline is continuously pigged to remove wax

The design of the pipeline and seiection of a pour point buildup. Inspection of the pig determines the degree
depressant had not included detailed consideration to of wax deposition on the pipe wall which becomes
wax deposition on the pipeline walls or to wax settling one major factor in determining the dosage rate.
under Iaminar flow. The experience of the pour point Because of varying ground temperatures (12 to
depressant suppliers combined with some laboratory 21C), the degree of wax deposition varies for a con-
work indicated this was not a major problem. Provision stant dosage rate,
for continuous pigging was, however, included in the
management plan for the pipeline. 2, The temperature of the crude is measured on an inter-
mittent basis at the various sampie points aiong the
Examination of pigs has shown that wax buildup is not line. This is being done both to improve the knowl-
a major probiem, provided sufficient pour point edge of the actual pipeline cooling rate and as a minor
depressant is injected with the dose rate being a func- input to determining the pour point depressant dose
tion of ground temperature. As the ground tempera- rate.
ture falls, the rate of wax deposition increases and
additional pour point depressant must be added to 3, The pour point of the crude is measured on a daily
overcome this. The pipeline operation has seldom basis at the pipeline discharge to provide a direct feed-
been in laminar flow, other thbn for short durations, back on pour point depressant performance whkh is
and it has not been possible to evaluate the effects of used as a major input in determining the pour point
wax settling duting Iaminar flow. depressant dosage rate. The method used to deter-
mine the pour point is based on ASTMD97-66butis
8. PourPoint D8p~$S@nt008. Rat. modified by deleting the requirement to reheat the
The laboratory simulations had indicated that a dose sample so that an actual pour point is obtained.
rate of 1200 ppm would be required to achieve a pour
point of 15C (59F) (sales specification) and 2000 4. The pour point of the crude is measured on a daily
ppm to achieve 1 lC (52F), this being the winter basis in the stock tanks to ensure compliance with
ground temperature. At these dose rates the yield sales specifkations and to provide an indication of any
values and viscositieshad also been measured. The fol- Iongterm trends in pour point which can be used in
lowing observations can be made about the dose rate of assessingthe dose rate.
pour point depressant:
a, Overall a substantially lower dose rate, 720 to 1280 5. The pipeline pressures at the start of the line and at
ppm, is required to achieve an actual pour point of various intermediate points are measured and
11C (52F). The pour point is usually 5C (41F) recorded on a chart recorder. Alarms are installed to
at these dose rates. This was, however, anticipated alert operators of any sudden problems. The pres-
based on other pipeline experiences. sures are used as an indication of viscosity or restric-
b, The dose rate has to be varied from summer to tions in the line.
winter which reflects the changing ground tempera-
ture and thus the cool-down rate and pipe wall tem- 6. For normal operations, the pour point depressant
perature. Summer dose rates where the ground dose rate is determined by considering the following
temperature is 16C (61F) to 21C (70F) are as factors:
low as 720 ppm and the winter rates as high as a, Sufficient pour point depressant must be added to
1120 to 1280 ppm when ground temperatures fall maintain the actual pour point in the bulk tanks at
to 12C (54F) to 16C (61F), 15C (59F) .
c, The controlling factors in determining the dose rate b, Sufficient pour point depressant must be added to
are wax deposition on the pipe wali, which maintain the actual pour point at the pipeline dis-
increases as temperature drops, and actual pour charge just above the ground temperature which is
point at the pipeline discharge, taken as 15C (59F) during the summer and
1 lC (52F) in the winter.
PIPELINE MANAGEMENT PLAN c. Sufficient pour point depressant must be added to
keep wax deposition within acceptable limits. The
As a result of one years successful operation, a plan for aim is to have minimal wax buildup on the pigs.
operating the pipeline has been developed to reflect the

The effect of this is that the dose rate varfes from [fan unplanned shutdown of a duration longer than 1
about 720 ppm in summer to 1280 ppm in winter day was to occur In the future, the approach will be to
with the controlling factor being wax deposition in apply this same procedure as closely as possiide, Pour
summer and autumn but with actual pour point point depressant would bc injected at about 2400
becoming more important during the winter, ppm and the pipeline would be kicked at high veloci-
ties for a short period of time as often as possible,
7, For long-term monitoring of performance, the actual
pour points in the bulk tank and at sampling locations, 9, The dosage of pour point depressant must be continu-
as well as pumping pressures, can be used to modify ously monitored to ensure that pipeline operation
the normally accepted dose rates. without pour point depressant does not occur. Despite
motor interlocks, a flow switch and flow meter, there
8, The approach to pipeline shutdowns depends on has been one instance of a zero injection rate for a few
whether the shutdown is planned, For planned shut- hours, This occurred because the flow meter was out
downs, the dose rate is increased to 2000 to 2400 of service for repair, the flow switch failed and the
ppm for about 8 hours to lower the pour point as pump relief valve failed to shut causing pour point
much as possible, and flow rates are held to a max- depressant to be recycled around the pump,
imum to ensure that wax deposition is minimized. The
bulk storage tank at the pipellne inlet is maintained as 10, The stocks of pour point depressant must be closely
full aspossible and sufficient space is held at the dis- monitored to ensure that adequate product is avail-
charge end of the line to accommodate this volume, able considering stock en route, the production pro-
This provides about 12 hours of crude supply at gram and the need to minimize working capital.
normal pumping rates. Depending on the duration of
the shutdown if known, the line ISthen pumped inter-
mittently at high rates (1431 m3/d) for between 20
minutes and 1 hour, Under this regime, the restart
The permission of the Petroleum Corporation of New
pressures do not change significantly from the normal
Zealand Limited and NL Treating Chemicals/NL lndus-
operating pressures.
tries, Inc., to publish this paper isgreatly appreciated,


Nature Paraffinic

Gravity, API 38 to 40

Sulfur Content, % wt, 0,066

Wax Content, % wt, 35

ASTM pour point, C 30-32

Shear Stress, Pa 0,2 at 43C (llOF)

0,7 at 33C (91F)
4,8 at 28C (83F)
19,5 at 13C (55F)
= 15656

Tmcedl Trucking Chomlcals

Insulated Untreated Dosing Thermal
Pipeiine MCKSSCrude 100/OMcKeeCrude Cracking

Capitai Costs
Buried 6-inch Line 6,500,000 6,500,000 6,500,000
Pipe insulation/Tracing 7,900,000
Power Line Interconnects Unknown
Loading Stations 1,000,000
Heavy Duty Site Paving 300,000
Dispatchers OffIce 50,000
Upgrading Public 8km Road 2,000,000
Additional Crude Storage 250,000
Chemical Warehouse 650,000
Forklift Truck 50,000
Thermal Cracker 8,900,000
Support infrastructure For Thermal Cracker 4,000,000

TOTALS 14,400,000 3,600,000 7,200,000 19,400,000

Annuai Opmting Costs

(Bassdon 477 mld)
Trucking Costs 3,400,000
Utilities 190,000 Negligible Negligible 300,000
Publlc Road Maintenance 250,000
Labor 480,000 120,000 360,000
Chemicals 1,770,000
Plant Maintenance/Overhead Unknown Negligible Negligible 300,000

TOTALS 190,000 4,130,000 1,890,000 gljo,oo(j

Oc PourPoint, C
Time, hr F
AdditiveA, mm ASTM D9746 Modified
o 65 149
1 44 111 30 30
2 32 90 40: 28 20
3 25 77 800 24 18
4 20 68 1200 22 14
5 17 63 1600 20 13
6 15 59 2000 18 11
7 14 57
8 13 55
9 12 54
10 11 52
11 9 48

Shear Rate, ses 8 18 40 ISLAND
43 0,004 0.002 0.003 New Plymouth
38 0,004 0,002 0.004
33 0.004 0!003 0.004
28 0.004 0.004 0.005
23 0,007 0+007 0.006
18 0,026 0.012 0.013
13 0,056 0.034 0,025
11 0086 0,046 0,035

Flguro 1 - Now Zealands flrot maJor 011flold

Iooatodonshorenear Now Plymouth




*. 0.030
E 0.020

! 0.016


65 66 46 3s 30 26 20 16 11
TCmpar@ura, C

Figura2- Aotualvlscosltlosvorausdaslgnviscooltlosat flow rat. of 888mld

#E 15656

Shear Rat., sot-
0.0? -8
9 0.08 0-40






10 16 20 2s 30 36 40 46
~mporatura, C

Flgura 9- LaboratoryVlseoalty~mparatura Studios

\ \,
60 \ \,
- \ \ 1,

\ \\
30- ;\\
I \-..\
\ \ -----
\ _Summor
1 \ -----
20- 1 Jk
1 %..
1 ...%Pradietod
1 %
Wlntor ------

0 2 4 8 8 10 12

Flgura4- Tbmparatumprofllo, otual vorauapradldad

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