English Reviewer

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2b or not to 2b The use of intial letters for

Author: David Crystal whole words (n for no, gf
This text argues that texting is the for girlfriend, cmb call me
latest manifestation of the human back) is not at all new.
ability to be linguistically creative People have been initializing
and to adapt to language to suit common phrases for ages.
the demands of diverse settings. Eric Partridge published his
There is no disaster pending in dictionary of abbreviations in
texting. We will not see a new 1942
generation of adults growing up SMS poetry; SMS novel
unable to write proper English. The
According to a research,
language as a whole will not
children who were better in
writing and spelling used the
Texting is language in most textisms. The younger
evolution they received their first
Finding UKs first Txt phone, the higher their
laureate scores.
Abbreviations existed even
before texting Navigating the Maze of
Texting has been condemned Hypertext
textese, slanguage, a Author: Mary Mcnabb
digital virus. Hypertexts include
The idea of a point-to-point interactive media and are
short message service (SMS) characterized by multi-
began to be discussed as sequential text patterns,
part of the development of which present readers with
the Global System for Mobile an array of information
Communications network in resource options online,
the mid-1980s, but it wasnt Hypertexts are highly
until the EARLY 90s that interactive, allowing readers
phone companies started to to make choices on the basis
develop its commercial of personal interest or
possibilities. purpose.
People think that the written The readers purpose and
language seen on mobile choices determine the
phone screens is new and reading sequence.
alien, but all the popular Conventional reading
beliefs about texting are strategies (lexia), do not
wrong. Its graphic necessarily apply to reading
distinctiveness is not a new hypertexts.
phenomenon, nor it is Reading hypertext requires
restricted to the young. that students develop
There is evidence that sophisticated
texting helps rather that comprehension-monitoring
hinders literacy. And only a abilities that involve
very tiny part of it uses reviewing, evaluating, and
DISTINCTIVE ORTHOGRAPHY. synthesizing various lexia.
REBUSES be to b; to to The interactivity of
2; see you to c u hypertexts draws out

students natural curiosity, She did not get good
as they forge their own grades for the first time
reading paths on the She was rewarded with
Internet. the editorship of the
school paper.
A History of Geek Civilization In her senior year, she
Author: Jessica Zafra met the lit geeks and
What is her definition of geek? they ran the school paper
She could be as geeky as
Learned to read at an early she wanted to
age She forgot to eat due to
Childhood was spent on DC so much reading and lost
Comics 50 pounds
Loathed physical exercise Being popular is not bad
Grade School and that the people who
Lunch hours were spent make fun of those who
prowling in the library read are doomed to be
Already got labeled as the illiterate.
resident geek as she got Zita
sent to spelling bee and to Author: Arturo B. Rotor
all categories of the quiz Turong brought Mr. Reteche
bee. from Paumbang in his small
Principal gave her a copy of sail boat
Edith Hamiltons Mythology Don Eliodoro owned almost
Kept her moms copy of all the coconuts
Cyrano de Bergerac under An exile has come to Anayat
her mattress (Mr. Reteche)
Molded by books in Mr. Reteche chose Turongs
ENGLISH; Little brown home, a shaky hut near the
American sea.
In 6th grade she was reading Mr. Reteche was seen as the
the John Carter of Mars scion of a powerful family, a
series by Edgar Allan poet and artist, a prince.
Burroughs Zita Don Eliodoros
Beauty is useless, character daughter
is best but she realized this Zita had private lessons with
was wrong in her HS Mr. Reteche according to her
freshman year fathers liking.
High School
Every month there was a
The universe is not so blue letter with gold design
kind to fat, pimply kids in the upper left hand corner
and that it was a school that came for Mr. Reteche
exclusively for geeks did addressed in broad, angular,
not make a difference. sweeping handwriting.
Geeks at her school were Mr. Reteche was seen at
into the scientific sort church in the most unsual
while she was into hours

The sky hangs over Anayat, Zita (from the city) the one
in the middle of the Anayat who gives the letters to Mr.
Sea, like an inverted Reteche, her own idea of
wineglass happiness, I never realized
Francisco B. Reteche full what she meant to me until I
name began trying to seek from
Pintakasi others what she would not
Zita admires Mr. Reteche so give me.
much that she came to the
point were she dreamt about Youthful Exuberance
him being her lover Author: Conrado de Quiros
Zita assumes that Mr.
Reteche also likes her
Never knew where wed end
because she is giving
up for the night or come
meanings to every action
done by Mr. Reteche.
Youthful exuberance
Mr. Reteche was teaching
Revolution (age)
Zita a Spanish dance, saw Rebellion
the beauty of Zita and she
Martial Law
was admired for that
Took normal jobs, married
Thus, Zita felt how wildly Mr. normal spouses, had normal
Reteches heart was beating, kids
but noticed that Mr. Reteche Generation gap
is unconcerned about it Effect
Mr. Reteche taught Zita how Always bringing toothbrush
to be a lady Protest
Mr. Reteches past lover is Bunch of kids playing war
also named Zita Spewed fire like a volcano
Turong handed a letter to Mr. Lost their lives, limb, arm,
Reteche- a large and blue and a piece of memory
with a gold design in one Began sounding like the
corner having a broad, father, grew up and lost their
angular and sweeping youthful exuberance
handwriting and tore it up Confusion, misunderstanding
without reading it Youthful Exuberance Definitions:
Mr. Reteche left Anayat and Gets lost once they become
did not show up to Zita adults
Zita experienced unrequited Awesomely creative and
love destructive force
Zita tore the letter from Mr. Something you need to cling
Reteche at the end of the to and to cherish
story and put it back to The joy, energy, and
pieces again optimism associated with
being young. Not jaded.
a. Zita (from the city) and Mr. Lacking bitterness or world
Reteche weariness.
b. Mr. Reteche and Zita (from Father vs. Son
Anayat) Two personas talking to each

Father convert their actions from the folly
Counsels the son to live a of youth into a more wisened
less stressful life approach as they begin to further
Discourages youthful understand. The revolutions were
exuberance brought upon by the son and now
Includes biological parents that the sons have become fathers
as well as authority they are able to fight not just for
themselves but for others as well,
Belief of youthful
and recognize the exuberance and
exuberance as a phase
suffering of others and not just
With youthful impatience has
to go away, sometimes Preserving the Past
literally Photograph Preservation and
Filled with youthful Care
exuberance, a natural Author: Pamela Wiggins
occurrence Start with Identification
Contained a certain level of Identifying the subject of a
self destruction which photograph
accompanied the ability of o Use a proper
the youth to push limits permanent marker to
Eventually lose their youthful gently write on the
exuberance as they become back of the print
fathers (adults) o Write as many details
Both sides are wrong. as possible on the
The father is wrong because back of the photo,
it is not that the actions including who is in the
taken by the youth is picture, where was it
singularly propelled by taken, date and ages
youthful exuberance, yet the of the people taken in
passion and energy for their the photo, any info
actions come with it, it is not such as special
something to dismiss as occasions
youth but a sign to try to Handle with Care
listen and understand. Avoid touching the image
The son is wrong because side of a photograph with
youthful exuberance is not your fingers
as perfect as it seems, with o Oils can attract dirt
all its pitfalls and that lead to the
inexperience there is a growth of damaging
legitimate reason why the mold spores
father is seemingly absent o Wear light cotton
and uninterested for they gloves
already possess the capacity o All photos suffer
to understand the wrongs structurally over time
within youthful exuberance. with uneven support
Tackling the Storage Issue
The most interesting thing about Never store photos in
the transcendence of the son into magnetic photo albums-
the father is the capacity of one to

cardboard covered with Humidity must not be too
adhesive and a plastic cover. wet or dry
1. The cardboard used to Light
fabricate magnetic Keep photos out of attics,
albums is acidic, which garages and basements
causes deterioration in where theyll be subject to
the photo paper extreme temperature
2. Adhesive on the pages is fluctuations and excessive
also acidic; Causes the humidity
back to stick permanently Claire Maxwell
as time passes, which not o President of the Taylor
only ruins the Conservation and
photographs when they Heritage Society
are removed, but any info o Talks about
written on them is lost as
3. The plastic cover
contains polyvinyl
chloride (PVC) which
releases gases causing
photographs to fade,
wrinkle, and stick to the
o Invest in archival
photo boxes and acid
free papers to store
large quantities of
Enemies to Avoid
Temperature must not be
too hot or cold

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