Narasimham Committee Report I & II

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Narasimham Committee Report I - 1991

1. Reduction in the SLR and CRR : The committee recommended the

reduction of the higher proportion of the Statutory Liquidity Ratio 'SLR' and
the Cash Reserve Ratio 'CRR'. Both of these ratios were very high at that
time. The SLR then was 38.5% and CRR was 15%. This high amount of SLR
and CRR meant locking the bank resources for government uses. It was
hindrance in the productivity of the bank thus the committee
recommended their gradual reduction. SLR was recommended to reduce
from 38.5% to 25% and CRR from 15% to 3 to 5%.

2. Phasing out Directed Credit Programme : In India, since

nationalization, directed credit programmes were adopted by the
government. The committee recommended phasing out of this
programme. This programme compelled banks to earmark then financial
resources for the needy and poor sectors at confessional rates of interest.
It was reducing the profitability of banks and thus the committee
recommended the stopping of this programme.

3. Interest Rate Determination : The committee felt that the interest

rates in India are regulated and controlled by the authorities. The
determination of the interest rate should be on the grounds of market
forces such as the demand for and the supply of fund. Hence the
committee recommended eliminating government controls on interest rate
and phasing out the concessional interest rates for the priority sector.

4. Structural Reorganizations of the Banking sector : The committee

recommended that the actual numbers of public sector banks need to be
reduced. Three to four big banks including SBI should be developed as
international banks. Eight to Ten Banks having nationwide presence should
concentrate on the national and universal banking services. Local banks
should concentrate on region specific banking. Regarding the RRBs
(Regional Rural Banks), it recommended that they should focus on
agriculture and rural financing. They recommended that the government
should assure that henceforth there won't be any nationalization and
private and foreign banks should be allowed liberal entry in India.

5. Establishment of the ARF Tribunal : The proportion of bad debts and

Non-performing asset (NPA) of the public sector Banks and Development
Financial Institute was very alarming in those days. The committee
recommended the establishment of an Asset Reconstruction Fund (ARF).
This fund will take over the proportion of the bad and doubtful debts from
the banks and financial institutes. It would help banks to get rid of bad

6. Removal of Dual control : Those days banks were under the dual control
of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the Banking Division of the Ministry
of Finance (Government of India). The committee recommended the
stepping of this system. It considered and recommended that the RBI
should be the only main agency to regulate banking in India.

7. Banking Autonomy : The committee recommended that the public

sector banks should be free and autonomous. In order to pursue
competitiveness and efficiency, banks must enjoy autonomy so that they
can reform the work culture and banking technology upgradation will thus
be easy.

2. Abolition of Directed Credit Programmes:


The directed Credit programmes should be abolished gradually. The priority sector should be

3. Free Determination of Interest Rates:

The rate of interest should be determined freely without the intervention of the Reserve Bank
of India. Attempts should be made to achieve a minimum 4 per cent capital adequacy ratio in
relation to risk weighted assets by March 1993.

4. Improvements in Accounting Systems of the Banks:

The committee recommended for the adoption of uniform accounting practices particularly in
regard to income recognition and provisioning against doubtful debts. It also recommended
imparting for transparency to bank balance sheets and making full disclosures in them.

5. Establishment of Special Tribunals:


The special tribunals should be set up to speed up the process of the recovery of loans. An
Assets Reconstruction Fund (ARF) should be established to take over from banks and
financial institutions a portion of their bad and doubtful debts at a discount.

6. Reconstitution of Banking System:

(i) The banking system should be restructured so as to have 3 or 4 large banks which could
become international in character.
(ii) There should be 8 to 10 national banks with network of branches throughout the country
engaged in universal banking.

(iii) There should be local banks whose operation would be generally confined to specific


(iv) There should be rural banks whose operation would be confined to rural areas and
whose business would be to finance agriculture and allied activities It recommended setting
up of one of more rural banking subsidiary by each public sector bank to take over all its
rural branches.

(vi) The Regional Rural Banks should be permitted to engage in all types of banking

7. Abolition of Branch Licensing:

The committee recommended abolition of branch licensing and leaving the matter of
opening or closing of branches to the commercial judgment of individual banks.

8. Foreign Banking:

The committee recommended for liberalizing the policy with regard to allowing foreign banks
to open offices in India as branches or as subsidiaries. The foreign operations of Indian
banks should be rationalised.

9. More Freedom to Banks:

Banks is given freedom to recruit officers. The banks be inspected on the basis of internal
inspection report.

10. Ending of Dual Control:

The dual control over the banking system of the Finance Ministry and Reserve Banks should
be ended. The Reserve Bank should establish a separate quasi- autonomous body to take
over to supervisory function over the banks.

11. Financial Institutions:

The committee made the following recommendations regarding financial institutions:

(i) Transferring of direct lending function of IDBI to a separated institution while retaining to
IDBI apex and refinancing role.

(ii) The Reserve Bank should set up a new agency to supervise financial institutions such as
merchant banks, mutual funds, leasing companies, venture capital companies and factor

(iii) Capital market be liberalized.

Narasimham Committee Report II - 1998

1. Strengthening Banks in India : The committee considered the
stronger banking system in the context of the Current Account
Convertibility 'CAC'. It thought that Indian banks must be capable of
handling problems regarding domestic liquidity and exchange rate
management in the light of CAC. Thus, it recommended the merger
of strong banks which will have 'multiplier effect' on the industry.

2. Narrow Banking : Those days many public sector banks were facing
a problem of the Non-performing assets (NPAs). Some of them had
NPAs were as high as 20 percent of their assets. Thus for successful
rehabilitation of these banks it recommended 'Narrow Banking
Concept' where weak banks will be allowed to place their funds only
in short term and risk free assets.

3. Capital Adequacy Ratio : In order to improve the inherent strength of

the Indian banking system the committee recommended that the
Government should raise the prescribed capital adequacy norms.
This will further improve their absorption capacity also. Currently the
capital adequacy ration for Indian banks is at 9 percent.

4. Bank ownership : As it had earlier mentioned the freedom for banks

in its working and bank autonomy, it felt that the government
control over the banks in the form of management and ownership
and bank autonomy does not go hand in hand and thus it
recommended a review of functions of boards and enabled them to
adopt professional corporate strategy.

5. Review of banking laws : The committee considered that there was

an urgent need for reviewing and amending main laws governing
Indian Banking Industry like RBI Act, Banking Regulation Act, State
Bank of India Act, Bank Nationalisation Act, etc. This upgradation
will bring them in line with the present needs of the banking sector
in India.

Apart from these major recommendations, the committee has also

recommended faster computerization, technology upgradation,
training of staff, depoliticizing of banks, professionalism in banking,
reviewing bank recruitment, etc.

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