C.G. Naresh Chandra Committee Report

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- July 2002 Sarbans- Oxley Bill (SOX) was enacted

in U.S.
- DCA appointed a High Level Committee on
21Aug. 2002 under the chairmanship of Mr.
Naresh Chandra
- Term of reference of this committee are wide.


a) Prohibition of any direct financial interest
b) Prohibition of receiving any loan/guarantee
c) Prohibition of personal relationships
d) Prohibition of service or cooling off period
e) Prohibition of undue dependence on an audit client

a) Accounting and book-keeping services
b) Internal audit services
c) Financial information systems design and implementation
d) Actuarial services
e) Broker, dealer, investment advisor
f) Outsourced financial services
g) Management functions
h) Any form of staff requirement
I) Valuation services.

—- Independence standards for consulting and other Entitles

that are affiliated to Audit Firms
4- No statutory rotation of audit firms but compulsory
rotation of audit partners (as in SOX Act)
5- Auditors disclosure of Contingent Liabilities
6- Auditors disclosure of Qualifications & consequent action
7- Management certification in the event of Auditor¶s
8- Auditor¶s annual certification of independence

¬- Appointment of Auditors
10- CEO and CFO certification of annual audited accounts


11- Setting up of independent Quality Review Board (QRB)

12- Proposed disciplinary mechanism for Auditors

1—- Defining an independent director
14- Percentage of independent director
15- Minimum Board size of listed companies
16- Disclosure of duration of Board/Committee meetings
17- Tele-conferencing and video conferencing
18- Additional disclosures to directors
1¬- Independent directors on Audit committees of listed cos.
20- Audit committee charter

21- Remuneration of independent director

22- Exempting non executive directors from certain liabilities
2—- Training of independent directors

24- SEBI and subordinate legislation
25- Improving facilities in the DCA offices
26- Corporate Serious Fraud Office (CSFO)
27- Changes in Company Law


28- DCA¶s office

2¬- Miscellaneous
- Random scrutiny of audited accounts
- Internal code of ethics
- Research on corporate governance
—0- Audit firms


¬- Need based training programmes/seminars/workshops to
acquaint the directors with the emerging developments/
challenges facing the banking sector,
10- Separate the office of chairman and managing director,
11- Sufficiently long tenures of whole time directors,
12- Undertaking from every director for discharging their
responsibilities to the best of their abilities.

1—- Existing level of remuneration is inadequate, should be

increased and may include stock-options,

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14- Prohibition (Sec.20 of BR Act) on lending to

companies in which a director is interested, should go


15- Reviews dealing with various performance areas to be put
up to the Supervisory Committee of the Board and a
summary of each review to the Board for scrutiny &
16- Minutes to be recorded in uniform & formalised manner.

17- Qualified Company Secretary to be appointed in all
banks, and should also have a Compliance Officer
reporting to the Secretary


18- a) Supervisory Committee
b) Audit Committee
c) Nomination Committee
d) Shareholder¶s Redressal Committee
e) Risk Management Committee
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1¬- a) Progress made in putting in place a progressive risk
management system,
b) Exposure to related entities
c) Conformity with Corporate Governance standard


20- Banks to evolve a strategy for implementation of the

recommended standard of Corporate Governance. Reviews
after 12 months or 6 months as deemed appropriate.

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