Automatic Fire Fighting System

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Automatic Fire Fighting System

1 . Abstract

Automatic fire fighting systems recommended specially to prevent

the fire in the places which we need to protect until the arrival of
firefighters This system is fix behind the Ceiling by specialists in this
field , in which a set of pipes connected to the main source used in fire
Automatic fire fighting systems consists not only from pipes, but also
valves with special designs , sensors , sprinklers and alarms.

These devices are classified depending on the security method used,

the method of protection varies depending on the location and contents of
the place, and if it contain flammable materials or metal ..... Etc
Through this content we can estimated the seriousness of the place if
there is a fire inside, hence the variety of automatic fire fighting systems
as necessary.

Finally we can say that the purpose of automatic fire fighting system is to
keep the fire away from the people living in this place, and not to incur
losses , at least until the arrival of firefighters to extinguish the fire with
. the lowest possible losses

Automatic Fire Fighting System

Automatic of fire system classification

Automatic Fire Fighting System

Chapter (1)
1.Automatic fire fighting systems classification

1.1 . Wet Pipe System

In wet-pipe automatic sprinklers, water is provided throughout the
piping of the sprinkler system at all times. The heads on a wet-pipe
system are fusible devices that are operated by temperature. Once the
engineered temperature level is reached, the fusible element of the
sprinkler head melts and allows water to flow through the head . Each
sprinkler head on the system functions individually.

Wet-pipe sprinkler systems account for most of the

automatic sprinkler systems installed .Depending on local
climatic conditions, about 85-90% of all the sprinkler
systems installed are wet-pipe systems. This is mostly
because of the advantages offered by wet-pipe sprinkler
systems , including:

1.1.1. Advantages

(A) Simple design and operation

A wet-pipe sprinkler system is relatively simple to design and operate.

The only things required for a wet-pipe sprinkler system to operate are to
have the main control valve open and a fire hot enough to fuse a sprinkler
head. A wet-pipe sprinkler system has few moving parts and does not rely
on any outside source of power. When properly maintained, the systems
have a high degree of reliability

(B) Low installation costs

Wet-pipe automatic sprinkler systems are relatively inexpensive

compared to other fire suppression systems. Unlike other building systems

Automatic Fire Fighting System

heating, ventilation , air, conditioning , power distribution , etc.

The simple design of a wet-pipe sprinkler system requires only a network

of piping through which water can flow. Compared to overall building
costs, the cost of a sprinkler system is typically a fraction of the cost of
most building systems. In fact, the cost of carpeting, tile, and other floor
coverings often exceed the total installation cost of an automatic sprinkler

(C) Low life cycle costs

The simple design and operation of a wet-pipe automatic sprinkler

system requires few components and moving parts. This greatly simplifies
the inspection, testing, and maintenance required for each system. Lower
inspection, testing, and maintenance requirements translate into lower
system life cycle costs

Wet-pipe automatic sprinkler systems are so economical and so effective

that they should be used in all sprinkler applications unless there is some
compelling reason to use another type of system.

1.1.2. Disadvantages

(A) Require adequate building heat

The piping for a wet-pipe sprinkler system is filled with water at all
times, so all piping must be located in an area where the temperature is
always above freezing. Even when installed in heated buildings, some
piping may be located in areas with marginal protection from freezing.
Such areas might include spaces above suspended ceilings, loading docks,
and other areas that may be subject to freezing temperatures, particularly
during very cold weather. Loss of building heat can cause all piping in the
building to freeze. Low building temperature supervisory initiating
devices are often connected to the building fire alarm system to provide a
supervisory signal if the building temperature falls below 40F.

Automatic Fire Fighting System

(B) Must be designed for the hazard:

All sprinkler systems, not just wet-pipe systems, must be specifically

engineered to match the hazards they are intended to protect. Initially, a
sprinkler system may be designed for a particular class of hazard. Over the
life of the building the hazard may change. If the design of a sprinkler
system does not keep pace with the changing hazards, it may fail during a
fire. This is a limitation of not just wet-pipe sprinkler systems, but all
types of sprinkler systems.

1.1.3. System Components

The diagram shows the basic components of a wet-pipe automatic

sprinkler system

- Glass bulb sprinkler head.

- Wet alarm valve.

- Pressurized water pipe network.

- Pumping system.

- Zone control valve set.

Figure[1-1] Wet Pipe Systems.

(A) Main System Control Valve

(B) Alarm Check Valve

(C) Fire Department Connection

(D) Sprinkler Piping

(E) Sprinkler Heads

Automatic Fire Fighting System

(F) Test Connection Fig[1-2]

A - Main System Control Valve

Every sprinkler system must have a main system control valve to isolate
the system from the fire protection water supply. Preferably, this valve is
located outside as close to the connection
to the water supply as possible. This
minimizes the extent of any
impairments and is accessible during a
fire. In some cases the valve may be
located inside the building.


B - Alarm Check Valve

The main sprinkler riser should be equipped with an alarm check valve.
The alarm check valve serves as a check valve for the system as well as
being equipped with trim piping to actuate a local alarm bell when water
flows in the system. Unfortunately, for purposes of cost savings, wet-pipe
sprinkler systems are sometimes not provided with an alarm check valve.
While the system will still function, the lack of an alarm check valve
increases the potential for unwanted alarms from water pressure
fluctuations. The absence of an alarm check valve also limits the ability to
provide a temporary feed to the system during an impairment.

Automatic Fire Fighting System


C - Fire Department Connection

The fire department connection provide a means for the public fire
department or facility fire brigade to pump water into the system and
increase the system pressure Increasing system pressure results in greater
discharge from the operating sprinkler heads. The threads on the fire
department connection must match those of the public fire department.


D - Sprinkler Piping

Water is distributed throughout the sprinkler system via a network of

piping. The sprinkler piping may be designated as a feed main (larger
diameter piping feeding multiple pipes), a cross main (piping that runs
perpendicular to the feed mains), or a b

ranch line (pipes feeding individual sprinkler heads).

Automatic Fire Fighting System


E - Sprinkler Heads

Water is discharged from individually actuated sprinkler heads. In a

wet-pipe sprinkler system all the sprinkler heads are closed or sealed.
Each sprinkler head must be heated to its operating temperature (typically
between 135 F and 286 F).

before it fuses and discharges water. The actual temperature of the air
immediately around a sprinkler head when it fuses may actually be several
hundred degrees. This is because it takes time for the sprinkler head to
"absorb" sufficient heat to raise the fusible element to its operating
temperature. Contrary to what is often depicted on television and in the
movies, sprinkler heads do not just "pop off" by themselves.


F - Test Connection

Opening the test connection on a wet-pipe sprinkler system discharges

water from an orifice that is the same size as the smallest orifice sprinkler
in the system. This simulates the flow of a single sprinkler head. All the
alarms should actuate from the flow equal to the flow from a single
sprinkler head.

Automatic Fire Fighting System


System Operation

- Temperature rise of glass bulb. - Explosion of glass bulb.

- Water flow from sprinkler heads. - Wet alarm valves open.

- Pumps start to supply water

Fig[1-9] Wet-pipe sprinkler system. (Photo courtesy of Viking Corporation.)

Automatic Fire Fighting System

1.1.4.Alarm Check Valve Components

A-Check Valve Clapper

B-Pilot Valve

C-Main Drain

D-Alarm By-Pass Valve

E-Retard Chamber

F-Pressure Switch

G-Water Motor Alarm


Check Valve Clapper (A):

An alarm check valve functions as the check valve for the sprinkler
system preventing water from flowing out of the system and back into the water
supply. The check valve clapper serves the same purpose in an alarm check valve as
in a conventional check valve

Pilot Valve (B):

The pilot valve is attached to the check valve clapper and under normal conditions
covers the alarm line. When the check valve lifts, the pilot valve uncovers the alarm
line and allows water to flow through the alarm line piping to the retard chamber. In a
plain alarm check valve there is a small amount of "play" in the pilot valve that
permits the check valve to lift a small distance allowing the pressure from a slow
surge to equalize on both sides of the check valve without opening the alarm line.

Main Drain (C):

The main drain line is used to drain the water from the system when the main control
valve is closed. This drain is often referred to as the "2-inch Drain" because the drain
line piping is usually 2-inches in diameter. The main drain is also used to conduct one
of the routine tests performed on automatic sprinkler systems

Main Drain (C):

Automatic Fire Fighting System

The main drain line is used to drain the water from the system when the main control
valve is closed. This drain is often referred to as the "2-inch Drain" because the drain
line piping is usually 2-inches in diameter. The main drain is also used to conduct one
of the routine tests performed on automatic sprinkler systems

Retard Chamber (E):

The purpose of the retard chamber is to minimize the occurrence of unwanted alarm
due to pressure surges in the system. Think of the retard chamber as a bucket with a
hole in it. When the alarm check valve opens because of water flow in the system , the
pilot valve lifts allowing water to flow through the alarm line into the retard chamber.
If the water flow is sustained, as would be the case if a sprinkler were flowing, the
retard chamber fills up and water pressure actuates the pressure switch (F) and water
motor alarm (G). If the water flow is due to a momentary pressure surge, the flow is
not sustained long enough to fill the retard chamber and the water flows out the drain
at the bottom of the chamber.

Pressure Switch (F):

A pressure switch is often mounted on top of the retard chamber to actuate a local
electric bell when the sprinkler system actuates. When a sustained water flow fills the
retard chamber, water enters the pressure switch and actuates the alarm. The
pressure switch may also be used to initiate an alarm signal for the building fire alarm
system. If the pressure switch is used for this purpose any valves between the alarm
check valve and the pressure switch must be provided with a switch that will actuate a
supervisory signal anytime the valve is not fully open .

Water Motor Alarm (G):

The water motor alarm provides a means of initiating a local water flow alarm without
the need for any outside power sources. When a flowing sprinkler head(s) initiate a
sustained flow of water in the system, the retard chamber fills with water and water
enters the water motor alarm. Inside the water motor alarm there is a small water
powered turbine which turns a "clapper" to ring a bell on the outside of the building.

1.1.5.Alarm Check Valve Operation

When a sprinkler head on a wet-pipe sprinkler system fuses and begins to

flow water, the alarm check valve opens to admit more water into the
system. When the check valve clapper A lift s, the pilot valve B uncovers
the alarm line. Water flows through the alarm line and fills the retard
chamber E . When the retard chamber fills, the pressure switch F

Automatic Fire Fighting System

actuates sounding a local electric bell, and the water motor alarm G on
the outside of the building rings. After the fire is controlled, the system is
shutdown, the main drain C is opened to drain the system, and the
fused sprinkler heads are replaced. The system is then restored to


Anytime a sprinkler system is shutdown the fire safety

of the facility is seriously impaired. Every facility must

have an impairment handling program to handle any fire

protection system shutdowns. The procedures should

include special precautions that must be followed to

minimize the potential for a fire.. fug[1-11]

1.2. Pre-action Operation

fig[1-12] The diagram shows the basic components of a pre-action sprinkler system.

Automatic Fire Fighting System

A pre-action sprinkler is simply a deluge sprinkler system with closed

sprinkler heads. Actuation of a pre-action sprinkler system fills the piping
with water, but water is not discharged until a fire fuses the individual
sprinkler heads
1.2.1. Pre-action System Applications
Pre-action sprinkler systems are used where there is a concern of
accidental sprinkler discharge that could cause significant damage. The
most common application is in freezers where the pre-action system is
used in combination with a dry-pipe valve to limit the potential of
accidental trips that cause water to quickly freeze in the piping.

1.2.2. Pre-action Sprinkler System Components

A - System Shutoff Valve
B - Main Drain
C - Deluge Valve
D - Pressure Switch
E - Water Motor Alarm
F - Pre-
G - Closed Sprinkler Heads
H - Fire Detectors
I - Local Alarm
J -Control Panel
K - Bypass Line
A - System Shutoff Valve fig[1-13]]
Every sprinkler system must have a main system shutoff valve to isolate
the system from the fire protection water supply . Preferably , this valve
is located outside the building as close to the connection to the water
supply as possible.For a pre-action system, the valve is often located

Automatic Fire Fighting System

directly below the deluge pre -action valve.

B- Main Drain
The main drain is used to drain the system piping after the deluge (pre-
action) valve has tripped and the main water supply valve has been
closed.The main drain is also used to conduct one of the routine tests
required for any type of automatic sprinkler system.
C - Deluge Valve
A deluge (pre-action) valve is used in place of the alarm check valve
found in a wet-pipe system or the dry-pipe valve found in a dry-pipe
system. The deluge pre-action valve serves as the interface between the
fire protection water supply and the system piping.A clapper inside the
deluge valve is mechanically latched in the closed position preventing
water from entering the system piping until the deluge ) pre-action)
valve actuates.

D - Pressure Switch
The pressure switch is usually used to actuate the building fire alarm
system ,but may be used to actuate a local bellor alarm when the deluge
(pre-action) valve trips. When the deluge (pre-action) valve trips ,the
clapper lifts ,and water travels through the piping leading to the pressure

E - Water Motor Alarm

When the deluge pre-action valve rips water travels through the alarm
line to the pressure switch and to a water motor alarm outside the
building.A small water powered turbine inside the water motor alarm
spins a "clapper" or"striker"inside the gong causing a local alarm to
sound..Not every system is equipped with a water motor alarm.

Automatic Fire Fighting System

F - Pre-action System Piping

The system piping for a pre-action system normally contains a very
small amount of air or nitrogen pressure to supervise the integrity of the
piping.The piping does not fill with water until the deluge (pre-
action( valve trips.

G - Closed Sprinkler Heads

A pre-action sprinkler system uses all closed or sealed sprinkler
heads.Once the pre-action Valve trips ,the piping fills with
water.However ,water is not discharged from the system until a fire
fuses a sprinkler head.
H - Fire Detectors
The pre-action valve is actuated by a supplemental fire detection
system.Any fire detector suitable for the application may be used to
actuate the deluge valve.This include a smoke detectors ,heat
detectors ,or flame detectors.

I - Local Alarm
This local alarm may or may not be provided depending on whether a
separate control panel is provided. This local alarm may take the place
of an electric bell actuated by the pressure switch D or the water motor

J - Control Panel
Most pre-action systems use some type of control panel to receive
signals from the fire detection system and to send a signal to release the
deluge)pre-action ( valve. The control panel is usually a fire alarm
control panel listed specifically for releasing service.
K - Bypass Line
Automatic Fire Fighting System

The bypass line is used to provide water pressure from below the
system shut off valve to the plunger chamber. This water pressure
provides the force on the plunger necessary to latch the deluge pre-
action valve clapper closed.A restricted orifice in the bypass line limits
the flow of water into the chamber so that it can not be filled as quickly
as the water drains when the valve actuates.
1.2.3. Pre-action Valve Component And Actuation

Fig[1-14] X - Fig[1-15] - Y -
1.2.4 Operation X

When the fire detection system for a pre-action sprinkler system

actuates, the solenoid valve I opens draining the pressure from the plunger
chamber G. System water pressure then opens the deluge valve and the
system piping fills with water. At this point, the system functions the same
as a wet-pipe sprinkler system. No water is discharged until the fire grows
to a size capable of fusing a sprinkler head. The system may also be
actuated manually by operating the manual release H.Opening this valve
also drains the water pressure from the plunger chamber. The valve is
reset by shutting off the water supply, draining the water from the piping,
opening the valve, and manually resetting the clapper.

1.2.5 Operation Y

Automatic Fire Fighting System

The diagram shows a typical latched clapper deluge valve used in a

pre-action system . The valve is designed to hold back the water supply
until the valve is opened by a supplemental Fire detection system

1.2.6 Advantages
* It provides some measure of protection against accidental sprinkler
discharge .
* It can be provided in areas subject to freezing without the inherent delay
of a dry-pipe system .

1.2.7. Disadvantages
* It requires a supplemental fire detection system to actuate the system .
* It costs more to install and maintain than a wet-pipe sprinkler system .
* It is more complex, and therefore, less reliable than an ordinary wet-pipe
sprinkler system .

1.3. Deluge System


A deluge system uses open sprinkler heads connected to a piping

system that is not charged. with water until a supplemental fire detection
Automatic Fire Fighting System

system actuates. When the system actuates ,water is discharged from all
the open sprinkler heads simultaneously.

1.3.1. Applications Deluge System

Fig[1-17] Effective for High Hazard Areas

Deluge sprinkler systems are used where very fast developing fires
are expected.The most common application is for areas storing using ,or
processing flammable or combustible liquids. Like any other fire
protection system .
1.3.2. Deluge Operation

Automatic Fire Fighting System


A-System Shutoff Valve

B-Main Drain
C-Deluge Valve
D-Pressure Switch
E-Water Motor Alarm
F-Deluge System Piping
G-Open Sprinkler Heads
H-Fire Detectors
I-Local Alarm
J-Control Panel
K-Bypass Line

Fig[1-19] The diagram shows the basic

components of a deluge sprinkler system .

A - System Shutoff Valve

Every sprinkler system must have a main system shutoff valve to isolate
the system from the fire protection water supply. Preferably, this valve is
located outside the building as close to the connection to the water supply

Automatic Fire Fighting System

as possible .
B - Main Drain
The main drain is used to drain the system piping after the deluge valve
has tripped and the main water supply valve has been closed. The main
drain is also used to conduct one of the routine tests required for any type
of automatic sprinkler system .
C - Deluge Valve
The deluge valve serves as the interface between the fire protection water
supply and the system piping. A clapper inside the deluge valve is
mechanically latched in the closed position preventing water from
entering the system piping until the deluge valve actuates.
D - Pressure Switch
The pressure switch is usually used to actuate the building fire alarm
system, but may be used to actuate a local bell or alarm when the deluge
valve trips. When the deluge valve trips, the clapper raises, and water
travels through the piping leading to the pressure switch .

E - Water Motor Alarm

When the deluge valve trips, water travels through the alarm line to the
pressure switch and to a water motor alarm outside the building. A small
water powered turbine inside the water motor alarm spins a "clapper" or
"striker" inside the gong causing a local alarm to sound. This alarm
functions even if there is no other power source available. Not all systems
are equipped with water motor alarms .

F -Deluge System Piping

The system piping for a deluge system normally contains only air at
atmospheric pressure. The piping does not fill with water until the deluge
valve trips.

Automatic Fire Fighting System

G- Open Sprinkler Heads

A deluge system uses all open sprinkler heads. When the system actuates,
water is discharged through all the sprinklers simultaneously .

H - Fire Detectors
The deluge valve is actuated by a supplemental fire detection system.
Most deluge sprinkler systems use some type of heat detector to actuate
the deluge valve. Any fire detector suitable for the application may be
used to actuate the deluge valve .This includes smoke detectors, heat
detectors, flame detectors, and dry- and wet-pilot systems. Dry pilot
systems use small diameter piping pressurized with compressed air or
nitrogen connected to strategically located sealed sprinkler heads.Wet
pilot systems use small diameter piping pressurized with water connected
to strategically located sealed sprinkler heads. In either case, heat from the
fire will fuse the sprinkler head which, in turn, releases the compressed
gas or water and actuates the deluge valve

I - Local Alarm
This local alarm may or may not be provided depending on whether a
separate control panel is provided. This local alarm may take the place of
an electric bell actuated by the pressure switch Dor the water motor alarm.
J - Control Panel
Most modern deluge systems use some type of control panel to receive
signals from the fire detection system and to send a signal to release the
deluge valve. The control panel is usually a fire alarm control panel listed
specifically for releasing service .

K - Bypass Line

Automatic Fire Fighting System

The bypass line is used to provide water pressure from below the system
shutoff valve to the plunger chamber. This water pressure provides the
force on the plunger necessary to latch the deluge valve clapper closed. A
restrictive orifice in the bypass line limits the flow of water into the
chamber so that it cannot be filled as quickly as the water drains when the
valve actuates .

1.3.3. Advantages:
Rapid operation :The fire detectors used to actuate a deluge system
are often more sensitive than a typical sprinkler head. Additionally,
when the system actuates, water is discharged from all the open
sprinklers simultaneously. There is no delay while each individual
sprinkler head opens from the heat of a fire.

Effective for High Hazard Areas:The rapid operation of a deluge

sprinkler system makes it a good choice for a high hazard area
where a fire could spread faster than normal automatic sprinkler
heads could open.

1.3.4. Disadvantages
* Complexity: A deluge sprinkler valve is more complex than an
alarm check valve typically found in a wet-pipe sprinkler system. Thus,
there are more things to go wrong.

Automatic Fire Fighting System

Detection System:A deluge system requires the installation of a fire

detection system to actuate the deluge valve. This increases the cost
and complexity of the system .

Life Cycle Costs:The increased complexity results in higher life

cycle costs. A deluge system requires more inspections,
maintenance, and testing than a simple wet-pipe sprinkler system.
In addition to the deluge valve and associated devices, the fire
detection system must be inspected, tested, and maintained .

Water Damage:Because all the sprinklers in a deluge system are

open, everything in the area protected by the deluge system gets
wet when the system actuates. Accidental operation, or operation
from a small fire, can cause significant damage .

Requires Heat:The deluge valve has water up to the underside of

the clapper, so the deluge valve and associated trim piping must be
located in a heated area. The valve is usually installed inside
heated building or in a heated enclosure.

1.3.5. Deluge Valve Tripped and Component

Automatic Fire Fighting System

Fig[1-20]Open system Fig[1-21]Closed system

A-Main Drain B-Deluge Valve Clapper

C-System Piping D-Pressure Switch
E-System Pressure Gauge F-Water Pressure Gauge
G-Plunger and Latch H-Manual Release
I-Solenoid Valve J-Drip Valve
K-By-pass Line L-Waste Drain

1.3.6. Deluge Valve Operation

When the fire detection system for a deluge sprinkler system actuates,
the solenoid valve I opens permitting the water pressure in the plunger
chamber G to be released. With the pressure released, the force on the
latch holding the deluge valve clapper B closed is released. Water
pressure opens the deluge valve clapper filling the system piping with
water and discharging water from all the open sprinkler heads. Water also
pressurizes the pressure switch actuating any local alarms or the building
fire alarm system. The system may also be actuated manually by operating
the manual release H .This opens a valve that also drains the water
pressure from the plunger chamber G .To reset the valve, the water
supply must be shutoff. The system must then be drained, the deluge valve
opened, and the clapper manually reset .
1.4. Dry Pipe System

Automatic Fire Fighting System

Fig[1-22]Dry Pipe systems

Dry-pipe systems are sprinkler systems with the piping normally dry.
This type of system would typically be used in an unheated area. The
heads and piping are basically the same as in a wet-pipe system ,
however air pressure is used to fill the portion of the system piping above
the control valve of the sprinkler system. When a fire occurs, the heat
opens the sprinkler head, allowing air to exhaust from the system and
water to fill the piping.

1.4.1. Components of Dry Pipe System

The diagram shows the basic components of a dry-pipe sprinkler system

(A)Main System Control Valve

(B)Fire Department Connection
(C)Dry-Pipe Valve
(D)Sprinkler Piping
(E)Sprinkler Heads
(F)Test Connection Fig[1-23]

A - Main System Control Valve

Every sprinkler system must have a main system control valve to isolate
the system from the fire protection water supply. Preferably, this valve is
located outside as close to the connection to the water supply as possible,
so it minimizes the extent of any impairment, and is accessible during a
fire. In some cases the valve may be located. Inside the building

B - Fire Department Connection

The fire department connection provides a means for the public fire
department or facility fire brigade to pump water into the system and

Automatic Fire Fighting System

increase the system pressure. Increasing system pressure results in greater

discharge from the operating sprinkler heads. The threads on the fire
department connection must match those of the public fire department


C- Dry-Pipe Valve

A dry-pipe valve is provided in the system riser. The dry-pipe valve

serves as a check valve for the system, as well as being designed to
maintain the compressed air or nitrogen in the dry-pipe system piping.
The dry-pipe valve is designed with trim piping that permits the
installation of alarm initiating devices.

D - Sprinkler Piping

Water is distributed throughout the sprinkler system via a network of

piping. The Sprinkler piping may be designated as a feed main (larger
diameter piping feeding multiple pipes), a cross main (piping that runs
perpendicular to the feed mains), or a branch lines (pipe feeding
individual sprinkler heads). Sprinkler piping for a dry-pipe sprinkler
system must be pitched to assure that all water can be drained from the

E - Sprinkler Heads

Automatic Fire Fighting System

Water is discharged from individually actuated sprinkler heads. In a dry-

pipe sprinkler system all the sprinkler heads are closed or sealed. Each
sprinkler head must be heated to its operating temperature (typically
between 135 F and 286 F) before it fuses and discharges water. The
actual temperature around a sprinkler head when it fuses may be several
hundred degrees. This is because it takes time for the sprinkler head to
"absorb" sufficient heat to raise the fusible element to its operating

Contrary to what is often depicted on television and in the movies,

sprinkler heads do not just "pop off" by themselves. There are some types
of special sprinkler heads that are permitted to be used in dry-pipe
sprinkler systems


F - Test Connection

Opening the test connection on a dry-pipe sprinkler system initially

discharges air from an orifice that is the same size as the smallest orifice
sprinkler in the system. This simulates the operation of a single sprinkler
head. As the air pressure in the system drops to the trip point of the dry-
pipe valve, the dry-pipe valve trips, fills the piping with water, and
actuates the alarms

Automatic Fire Fighting System

1.4.2. Dry-Pipe Valve Components

The diagram shows a typical dry-pipe valve. The valve is designed to

act as an interface between the compressed gas in the system and the
water supply, as well as to provide a local alarm signal when the system
actuates. The major components of a dry-pipe valve are

(A) Dry-pipe valve clapper

(B) Priming Water

(C) Compressed Air

or Nitrogen
(D) Main Drain
(E) Drip Valve
(F) Alarm Test Line
(G) Check Valve
(H) Pressure Switch
(I) Water Motor
(J) Priming Water Fill Chamber
(K) Air or Nitrogen Supply Fig[1-26]

A- Dry-pipe valve clapper:

The dry-pipe valve clapper serves to separate the water in the system
from the compressed air or nitrogen used to fill the system piping. The
clapper is equipped with a rubber gasket on the underside. This rubber
gasket forms a seal between the system water supply and the compressed

Automatic Fire Fighting System

gas in the system. The clapper is also equipped with a latch of some type
that latches the clapper in the open position once the dry-pipe valve trips
B- Priming Water:

A small volume of water is maintained inside the dry-pipe valve on top of

the clapper this "priming water" is used to form an air tight seal around
the clapper. The water also keeps the gasket on the bottom of the clapper
moist and pliable.

C- Compressed Air or Nitrogen:

The dry-pipe system piping contains compressed air or nitrogen. Most

systems use compressed air, but some applications use nitrogen to
provide a more chemically neutral environment to minimize corrosion
inside the piping. The compressed air source must be reliable and capable
of filling the system to normal pressure in less. Than 30 minutes
D- Main Drain:

The main drain line drains the water from the system when the dry-pipe
valve is tripped and the main control valve is closed. This drain is often
referred to as the "2- inch Drain" because the drain line piping is usually
2-inches in diameter. The main drain is also used to conduct one of the
routine tests performed on automatic sprinkler systems
E- Drip Valve:

The drip valve allows any water that leaks past the seal formed below the
clapper to be collected and drained out of the dry-pipe valve. An annular
chamber beneath the clapper is maintained at atmospheric pressure. This

Automatic Fire Fighting System

chamber called the "intermediate" chamber, permits the creation of a

force differential between the top and bottom sides of the clapper.
F- Alarm Test Line:

The alarm by-pass valve is normally closed. It is used to test the water
flow alarms without tripping the dry-pipe valve. Opening the alarm by-
pass valve allows water to flow around the dry-pipe valve to the pressure
switch and water motor alarm

G- Check Valve:

The small check valve in the alarm line permits testing of the water flow
alarms without pressurizing the intermediate chamber and tripping the
dry-pipe valve. When the alarm test valve F is opened, the check valve G
prevents water from entering the intermediate chamber.
H- Pressure Switch:

The pressure switch functions as the water flow alarm to actuate a local
electric bell and/or the building fire alarm system. If the pressure switch
will actuate the building fire alarm system, any valves between the dry-
pipe valve and the pressure switch must be provided with a supervisory
switch that provides a signal anytime the valve must be provided with a
supervisory switch that provides a signal anytime the valve is not fully
1.4.3. Dry-Pipe Valve operation

Automatic Fire Fighting System

When a fire fuses a sprinkler head in a dry-pipe sprinkler system, the

compressed air (or nitrogen) in the piping is released. As the gas pressure
in the piping drops, the water pressure pushing up on the bottom of the
dry-pipe valve clapper overcomes the force of the air pushing up on the
bottom of the dry-pipe valve clapper overcomes the force of the air
pressure and the valve opens, or "trips." This permits the piping to
Fill with water pressure switch H , actuating the building fire alarm
system, and to the water motor alarm I on the exterior of the building.
Once the fire is extinguished, the water supply must be shutoff and the
dry-pipe valve must be opened and manually reset.


Automatic Fire Fighting System

Fill with water:

Water does not immediately discharge from a dry-pipe valve. The

incoming water must push the air out of the system and fill the piping.
The time to accomplish this may range from a few seconds to a minute or
more. This is precious time when a fire is rapidly growing.

Water supply must be shutoff:

Proper impairment handling procedures must be observed anytime a fire

protection system is shutdown.

Higher life cycle costs:

A dry-pipe sprinkler system requires more inspection, testing, and

maintenance than a wet-pipe sprinkler system. This results in higher life
cycle costs for a dry-pipe sprinkler system.

Must be designed for the hazard:

All sprinkler systems, not just dry-pipe systems, must be specifically

engineered to match the hazards they are intended to protect. Initially, a
sprinkler system may be designed for a particular class of hazard. Over
the life of the building, the hazard may change. If the design of a
sprinkler system does not keep pace with the changing hazards, it may
fail during a fire. This is a limitation of not just dry-pipe sprinkler
systems, but all types of sprinkler systems.

Automatic Fire Fighting System

Foam system .1.5

Portable foam extinguishers are modified pressurized water

extinguishers and are also available in two types. The premix foam
extinguisher contains a mixture of water and foam concentrate within the
extinguisher. An aerating nozzle is typically used to make foam from the
foam solution as it is discharged. The cartridge-ype foam extinguisher
contains water only in the body of the extinguisher. A the time of
discharge, the water flows through a cartridge containing pellets the take
foam when mixed with the water. The other construction features of the
extinguish here similar to a water extinguisher
1.5.1. Foam System Components
- Foam discharge nozzle - Foam monitor.

- Bladder tank - Foam concentrate controller.

- Water supply - Alarm system.

Fig[1-28]Foam System

1.5.2. Foam System Operation

- Temperature rise of glass bulb.

Automatic Fire Fighting System

- Explosion of glass bulb.

- Alarm signal to water & foam concentrate valves.

- Pumps start to supply water.

- Water mix with chemical forming foam water mixture.

- Foam discharge from different type discharge components.

1.6 . Carbon dioxide System

Carbon dioxide systems are available in two primary types local-
application systems and total-flooding systems. They are also available in
two primary types of agent supply set ups high-pressure and low-
pressure. Carbon dioxide systems are typically used on equipment and
devices that would have flammable or combustible liquids in use but
which would be severely damaged by the use of dry chemicals.Examples
would be printing presses or metal rolling equipment. Carbon dioxide is
considerably less expensive than halon. Carbon dioxide systems include
the following components: storage, activation, and distribution. The use
of carbon dioxide systems should be avoided in any areas that cannot be
quickly evacuated, are as where prophetic materials are used, and areas
where reactive metals are used .

Fig[1-29] Carbon Dioxide systems

Automatic Fire Fighting System

1.6.1. Component of Carbon dioxide System

- Gas containers or cylinder - Pilot cylinder.

- Main manifold - Discharge nozzles.

- Alarm system.

1.6.2. Operation of Carbon dioxide System

- Alarm detectors detect fire.

- Alarm start with 30 seconds delay.

- Second alarm signal to pilot cylinder valve.

- All cylinders supply gas to manifold.

-Gas discharge from manifold to the enclosure through discharge nozzles

Automatic Fire Fighting System

Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems

2. Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems.
This section does not apply to buildings to which the Building
Code does not apply. Words and phrases in this section that are not
defined in this by law but are defined in the Building Code have the
meaning set out in the Building Code. The following buildings must
be equipped with an automatic fire sprinkler system that complies
with the most current edition of document NFPA13 entitled."
Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems": Owner proposes
to repair or reconstruct the building. All residential buildings must be
equipped with an automatic fire sprinkler system that complies with

Automatic Fire Fighting System

the most of current edition document N.F.P.A. 13 or N.F.P.A. 13R,

entitled Standard for the installation of sprinkler systems in
residential Occupancies up to and including four storey's in height,
excluding single family and two family dwellings. The following
buildings must be equipped with an automatic fire sprinkler system
that complies with the most current edition of document NFPA13,
NFPA13R or NFPA13D entitled Standard for the Installation of
Sprinkler Systems in One or Two Family Dwellings and Mobile
Homes .
2.1. Automatic fire sprinkler Types
1- Sprinkler head, pendent. 8- Side-wall sprinkler
2- Sprinkler head, upright 9- ESFR sprinkler
3- Air aspirating foam sprinkler head.
4- Sprinkler head in cage.
5- Sprinkler head with heat retainer.
6- Spray sprinklers
7- Conventional sprinkler
Sprinklers are specially developed spray nozzles: they are
sealed by a glass bulb, and they react automatically to the heat of a
fire. Sprinklers go into action when the glass bulb bursts and the
nozzle closure is released. Water immediately emerges from the
nozzle, it over the entire seat of the fire in the form of a fine shower
of water droplets. Depending on the particular risk, the area protected
by each sprinkler varies between 9, 12 and 21m2. The choice of spray
plate depends on the type and position of the sprinkler installation.
The experts at TOTAL WALTHER GmbH attach particular
importance to the optimal
ratio of drop sizes for effective
extinguishing and uniform

Automatic Fire Fighting System

moistening of the ground. Thanks to its wide range of sprinklers,

TOTAL WALTHER can offer the correct sprinkler for every location.

Fig[2-1]Sprinkler head, pendent .

Fig[2-2]Sprinkler head components .

Automatic sprinklers shall be installed and

maintained In full operating condition, as specified for the
occupancy involved in the codes or standards listed in
Chapter 43. Installations. Shall be in accordance with NFPA
13, Standard for the. Installation of Sprinkler Systems;
NFPA 13R, Standard for the Installation. of Sprinkler
Systems in Residential Occupancies up to and Including
Four Stories in Height; or NFPA 13D, Standard for the
Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One- and Two-Family
Dwellings. And Manufactured Homes, as appropriate.
Basement areas of new occupancies exceeding 2500 ft2

Automatic Fire Fighting System

(232.3 m2) shall be protected throughout by an approved

automatic sprinkler system.

Fig[2-3] Sprinkler head, upright .

2.1.1 Spray sprinklers

Can be mounted" upright or pendent. For in
industry normal risks and commerce, one sprinkler is used
for every 12 m2. In warehouses, 9 m2 are protected by
one sprinkler. Low hazard spray sprinklers can protect a
maximum area of 21m2.

2.1.2. Conventional sprinkler

Are fitted with a deflector which can be installed
both" upright and pendent. Since they spray as much
as 40% of the extinguishing water upwards, they are
especially suitable for installation under combustible
ceilings. When the actuation temperature of the sprinkler
is reached, the bulb bursts, the sealing element is pushed

Automatic Fire Fighting System

out by the water pressure, and the water flow onto the
deflector and is distributed over the seat of the fire.

2. 1.3 Side-wall sprinkler

This type of sprinkler is especially for applications
where for example overhead clearance needs to be
ensured for vehicles. It can be installed upright or
pendent, with different deflectors. For installation
purposes, the maximum permitted room width (both walls)
is 7.5 m. -Horizontal extended coverage side-wall sprinkler
A sprinkler which has been specifically developed to
protect people in hotels, hospitals, senior citizens homes
and nursing establishments. The sprinklers special design
enables it to be installed at a later Stage, while keeping
the building costs down. This life safety sprinklers fitted
with a fast response element.

2.1.4 ESFR sprinkler

A special sprinkler to protect high bay warehouses
where only the ceiling can be equipped with sprinklers. Its
distinguishing feature is a particularly high extinguishing
performance. ESFR stands for Early Suppression Fast
Response. Optimal protection on your side the
effectiveness of sprinkler systems has been analyses over
a period of more than 100 years. Regular investigations by
the Federal German Association for Fire Extinguishing
Equipment and Systems (known as the BVFA) confirm that

Automatic Fire Fighting System

in most cases, only a few sprinklers are needed to fight a

fir effect.

Fig[2-4] Piping planning

2.2 Cross Mains & Feed Mains

At the top of the system riser, a cross main supplies water to
the sprinkler branch lines. A given system may have multiple cross
mains at various locations depending on the piping layout. A feed
main, sometimes called a bulk main, supplies the cross mains.

Automatic Fire Fighting System

Fig[2-5] show the feed main in piping planning

Fig[2-6] Sprinkler shape through working

2.3 Coverage Area per Sprinkler

is the coverage area by one sprinkler only show in the


Automatic Fire Fighting System


d Standar
Pendent and Upright Sprinklers we can calculation the
.coverage area for it by the following

As = L * S


As= coverage area (f2)

S= the distance between two sprinklers on the branched

line (f)

L= the distance between one sprinkler and anther on the

branched line

Automatic Fire Fighting System

Can be obtain the coverage area by one sprinkler from the

table (2-1 )

Where the coverage area not more than 21M2

Table [2-1]

Design area AD 2.3.1

Is the area can be determine according to the degree of

hazard which contains all sprinkler which are working in
the same time which estimate from the following figure 2-

Automatic Fire Fighting System

Chart [2-1]

2.3.2Method of area design Selection

first evaluate the length of the area design through the

following equation



LAD = length of design position (f)

AD=area of design position (f2)

And can be calculate width of design position by dividing

.design area on the length

Number of sprinkler in design position 2.3.3

Can be calculate the number of sprinkler in the position

area according to the following equation

Automatic Fire Fighting System

Number of sprinkler=[AD/As]

.The result approximately to the integer number


Pumps and pipe selection

Automatic Fire Fighting System


3.Pumps and pipe selection: pump

Fire pumps are needed when the local municipal water system cannot
provide sufficient pressure to meet the hydraulic design requirements of
the fire sprinkler system .

A fire pump is a part of a fire sprinkler system's water supply and can be
powered by electric, diesel or steam. The pump intake is either connected
to the public underground water supply piping, or a static water source
(e.g., tank, reservoir, lake). The pump provides water flow at a higher
pressure to the sprinkler system risers and hose standpipes

3.1.1 Operating Principle

The fire pump starts when the pressure in the fire sprinkler system
drops below a threshold. The sprinkler system pressure drops
significantly when one or more fire sprinklers are exposed to heat above
their design temperature, and opens, releasing water. Alternately, other

Automatic Fire Fighting System

fire hoses reels or other firefighting connections are opened, causing a

pressure drop in the fire fighting main .

3.1.2. Types of Fire Pumps

Positive displacement pumps have been used in fire protection for

many years. In fact, they were the first pump type to be utilized for
mobile fire truck applications, long before centrifugal pump designs were
used for pumping fire water .

Automatic Fire Fighting System

Advantages Disadvantages
Positive displacement - Can pump air - offer lower flow rate
higher discharge
- Has a small amount of pressure capabilities
slippage than centrifugal pum
- operate at rpm below -
centrifugal pumps.

Centrifugal Pumps - produce operating efficiencies - Can not pump air

that often exceed 70%
efficiency - Capable of 100%

- poor suction power

relatively to the posit
displacement pump .

- develop CAVITATIO
due to increasing in
velocity relatively to
positive displacemen
pump .

Table [3-1] comparing between centrifugal and positive displacement pumps .

Fig [3-1] Centrifugal Pump Fig [3-2] Positive Displacement Pump

3.1.3. Pump Selection

- The selection of a pump typically includes the following : -

Automatic Fire Fighting System

1 Selection system pressure .

2 Determine the required flow rate which is required to drive the

actuator .

3 Determine the pump speed and determine the pup size .

4 Selection the pump type based on the application .

5 Determination the total power delivered by the pump .

- Pump are selected for a particular application in hydraulic system

based on a number of factor , this factors includes :-

3.1.4 Flow rate

Rated flow is the flow rate that the pump is designed for.

Normal flow is the flow that the pump will operate at under normal
The datasheet mentions both of these flow rates , recognizes from the
manufacturers side that the customer needs a pump for a normal flow
rate. The manufacturer states here that he knows the pump will operate
under the normal conditions and he also implicitly agrees that his pump is
suitable to operate under these normal conditions.

3.1.5 Head Pressure

"Head pressure" may be simply defined as any resistance to the flow of a

pump. When pump manufacturers list the head pressure, they are
referring to the vertical discharge

In very simple terms, "pressure-head" is the vertical height (usually

measured in feet of water) at which a pump can no longer exert enough
pressure to move water. At this point, the pump may be said to have

Automatic Fire Fighting System

reached its "shut-off" head pressure. When you look at a flow curve chart
for a pump, the "shut-off head" is the point on the graph where the curved
line becomes horizontal as the flow rate at that point is zero.

The higher a pump's head pressure, the more powerful the pump.

Chart [3-1] Flow Curve Chart

3.1.6 Operating Speed

- If the operating pump speed 1400 rpm and we give it 1600 rpm ,
The flow rate will not increase and leakage may occur due to the
overpressure at the pump outlet .

3.2Pipe Selection

3.2.1. How To Select Water Pipes ?

Automatic Fire Fighting System

Flexible pipe or tubing is better than rigid and much easier to

Always use the largest possible diameter pipe to reduce friction
losses in the pipe work system.

Use the shortest possible length of piping to reduce pressure drop

and therefore flow reduction due to pressure drop.

Use opaque piping since this prevents algae growth in pipe ..

Do not use any pipe fittings that you can do without since every
fitting will create pressure drop and reduce flow from your selected
pump. This is especially true of sharp bends, and "T" pieces.


Pipe Length

Pipe 100 200 350 500 750 1000 1500 2000 3500 5280

4 3 - 2 - - 1 - - -

8 8 6 5 4 3 - 2 - 1

1 13 13 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2

1 23 23 21 19 15 12 9 8 6 4

1 30 30 30 26 22 19 15 12 9 7

2 50 50 50 50 43 37 29 25 18 15

Table [3-2] Flow rates for given lengths & diameter are in gallons per minute

Automatic Fire Fighting System

3.2.2 Different Types of Pipes Used in Fire Fighting System

We have several types of pipes, the copper , plastic (PVC) and

galvanized . Every type has advantages and disadvantages for using in the
firefighting system .

Automatic Fire Fighting System

Advantages Disadvantages
Galvanized Pipe - The zinc coating helps - Corrode quickly
prevent corrosion and
mineral deposits within the
line .
Plastic pipe ( PVC) - The most lightweight and - It is less fla
the least expensive . resistant .

- It can withstand higher water - The pipes is v

pressure. inflexible as it come
inch to 2 inch sizes
- If a fire ever occurs, toxic
gases will be released . - Do not fit as well
tight places as it's jo
are very bulky
Copper Pipe - Small in diameter and can be - The more expens
used in tight places. material .

- Inhibits bacteria growth .

- don't have much mineral

buildup as galvanized pipes .

- Resists temperatures changes

Table [3-3]

Automatic Fire Fighting System

Automatic Fire Alarm System

4. Automatic Fire Alarm System:
Automatic System is an alarm system which initialized Automatically
without human interaction

Automatic Fire Fighting System

Governing Codes

NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code

NFPA 70 National Electric Code

NFPA 110 Standard for Emergency

Fire Alarm System components .4.1

Detectors 1

Manual Call Station 2

Audible Alarm Horn or Serine 3

Fire Retardant Cables 4

Light Alarm Flashers 5

Alarm Control Panel 6

4.1.1.type of Detectors

1 Heat Detector

2 Smoke Detector

3 Light Detector

4 Leaser Detector

5 Flame Detector

Protection .4.1.2

Automatic Fire Fighting System

Fig [4-1] Heat detector 1 Fig [4-2] Decorative Smoke Detector

Fig [4-3] Heat detector 2 Fig [4-4] Smoke Detector

Manual Call Station .4.1.3

Fig [4-5] Sound Horn Fig [4-6] Light Flasher

Audible Alarm Horn or Serine .4.1.4

Fig [4-7] Siren Fig [4-8] Fire bells

Alarm Control Panel .4.1.5

Automatic Fire Fighting System

Fig [4-9] Different configuration of alarm panel

4.2Automatic Initializing Devices

Fig [4-10] Water Flow Detector Fig [4-11] Pressure Switch

Fig [4-12] Tamper Switch

Fire safety regulations can have a major impact on many aspects of
the overall design of a building, including layout, aesthetics, function,
and cost. Rapid developments in modern building technology in the last
decades often have resulted in unconventional structures and design
solutions. This report will provide background and a basic understanding

Automatic Fire Fighting System

of fire protection systems that effect on the buildings design. This report
will give us conclusion about the automatic firefighting system , it's
component and who does it work .

1- NFPA 13
2- NFPA 20

Automatic Fire Fighting System

6- Automatic Sprinkler System 4th Edition 2002

1 . Abstract 1

Chapter (1) Automatic System Classification 2

1. Automatic System Classification 3

Automatic Fire Fighting System

1 . 1.Wet Pipe System 3

1.1.1. Advantages 3

1.1.2. Disadvantages 4

1.1.3. System Components 5

1.1.4.Alarm Check Valve Components 10
1.1.5.Alarm Check Valve Operation 11

1.2. Pre-action Operation 12

1.2.1. Pre-action System Applications 13

1.2.2. Pre-action Sprinkler System Components 13

1.2.3. Pre-action Valve Component And Actuation 16

1.2.4. Operation X 16

1.2.5. Operation Y 16

1.2.6. Advantages 17

1.2.7. Disadvantages 17

1. 3.Deluge System 17

1.3.1. Applications Deluge System 18

1.3.2. Deluge Operation 18

1. 3.3. Advantages 22

1. 3 .4. Disadvantages 22

1.3.5. Deluge Valve Tripped and Component 23

1.3.6. Deluge Valve Operation 24

1. 4.Dry Pipe System 24

1.4.1. Components of Dry Pipe System 25

1.4.2. Dry-Pipe Valve Components 27

Automatic Fire Fighting System

1.4.3. Dry-Pipe Valve Operation 30

1.5. Foam system 32

1.5.1. Foam System Components 32

1.5.2. Foam System Operation 33

1 .6. Carbon dioxide System 33

1.6.1. Component of Carbon dioxide System 34

1.6.2. Operation of Carbon dioxide System 34

Chapter(2) Automatic Sprinkler System 35

2. Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems 36

2.1.Automatic fire sprinkler Types 36

2.1.1. Spray sprinklers 38

2.1.2. Conventional sprinkler 39

2.1.3 .Side-wall sprinkler 39

2.1.4. ESFR sprinkler 39

2.2 Cross Mains & Feed Mains 40

2.3 Coverage Area per Sprinkler 42

2.3.1.Design area AD 43

2.3.2.Method Of Area Design Selection 44

2.3.3 Number of sprinkler in design position 44

Chapter(3)Pump and Pipe Selection 45

3. Pump and Pipe Selection 46

3.1. Fire Pumps 46

3.1.1. Operating Principle 46

3.1.2. Types of Fire Pumps 46

Automatic Fire Fighting System

3.1.3. Pump Selection 48

3.1.4. Flow rate 48

3.1.5. Head Pressure 48

3.1.6. Operating Speed 49

3.2. Pipe Selection 50

3.2.1. How To Select Water Pipes 50

3.2.2. Different Types of Pipes Used in Fire Fighting System 51

Chapter(4)Automatic Fire Alarm System 52

4. Automatic Fire Alarm System 53

4.1. Fire Alarm System components 53

4.1.1.Type Of Detectors 53

4.1.2. Protection 54

4.1.3. Manual Call Station 54

4.1.4. Audible Alarm Horn or Serine 54

4.1.5. Alarm Control Panel 55

4.2.Automatic Initializing Device 55

Summary 56

References 57


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