Sps Marano Vs Pryce Gases Inc Digest Property

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G.R. No.

196592, April 06, 2015




Spouses Juvy and Maria Luisa Marao filed a free patent application for a 9,074-
square meter parcel of land in Damulaan, Albuera, Leyte which thereafter, the
application was granted and they were given a OCT. An ejectment complaint was
filed by the petitioners against Pryce Gases, Incorporated for illegal entry and
construction of building in the lot. The MTC of Albuera, Leyte granted the
petitioners' complaint, but the RTC reversed the MTC decision. On further appeal,
the CA remanded the case to the MTC for trial as a reivindicatory action.

The petitioners filed an action to quiet title against the respondent with the RTC, 8th
Judicial Region, Branch 14, Baybay City, Leyte. A month later, the respondent filed a
complaint for reconveyance. The petitioners moved to dismiss the respondent's
complaint, but the RTC denied their motion. The respondent later moved to amend
its complaint from reconveyance to the cancellation of the petitioners' certificate of
title. The petitioners again moved to dismiss the respondent's amended complaint
on the ground of litis pendentia in view of the then pending reivindicatory action
with the MTC. The RTC dismissed the petitioners' motion. The petitioners moved for
reconsideration but their motion was likewise denied by the RTC. The petitioners
questioned the RTC's resolution in their petition for certiorari in CA

ISSUE: WON the respondent's complaint for cancellation of title should be dismissed
because the question of validity of the certificate of title issued in their names over
the subject lot is already being litigated in the reivindicatory action case that is
pending appeal before the RTC.


There are three kinds of actions to recover possession of real property, namely:

(1) actions for forcible entry or unlawful detainer, also denominated as accion
interdictal, which are summary in nature and seek to recover only physical
possession (possession de facto) of the property,

(2) an accion publiciana, which is a plenary action to recover the right to possess
the property, without claim of title, and

(3) an accion reivindicatoria (or accion de reivindicacion) or a reivindicatory action,

which is a plenary action to recover not only possession of, but also ownership of
the real property
Since a reivindicatory action includes a claim of title or ownership, the court must
necessarily inquire into the circumstances surrounding the plaintiffs acquisition of
his or her title to the real property sought to be recovered.

Consolidation of the reivindicatory action and the cancellation of certificate of title

case to be the appropriate remedy in the present situation, instead of ordering the
dismissal of the respondent's complaint for cancellation of certificate of title,.
Consolidation is proper when two or more actions pending, not necessarily, before
the same court involve a common question of law or fact. In such cases, the court
may: order a joint hearing or trial of any or all the matters in issue in the actions,
order all the actions consolidated, and make such orders concerning the
proceedings therein for the purpose of avoiding unnecessary costs and delay.

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