Midterm Solutions Phys 255 Sfu Simon Fraser University
Midterm Solutions Phys 255 Sfu Simon Fraser University
Midterm Solutions Phys 255 Sfu Simon Fraser University
Raghuveer Parthasarathy
University of Oregon; Fall 2007
For the steady state response of a damped oscillator driven at angular frequency :
( )
+ ( )
2 2 2 0
2 2
F 2
The power absorbed (averaged over one cycle): P ( ) = 0 0 + 2
2kQ 0 Q
As usual:
m is the mass; k is the spring constant.; is the damping factor (=b/m)
0 is the angular frequency of the undamped system.
F0 is the amplitude of the driving force
(1, 7 pts. total) A driven oscillator. The
power-absorption versus angular
frequency, P ( ) , for a driven oscillator is
measured and plotted (see graph, right).
Answer: Narrower.
(b, 5 pts.) The driving is turned off and the oscillations freely decay from an initial value x0. Ive
plotted x(t) see below but due to an accident with scissors I chopped the numbers off the time
scale of the graph. Which of the time scales (A, B, C) shown below the plot is the correct one
for this system? Very briefly explain your answer.
Answer: The equilibrium positions are the minima of U(x), which occur at x0 =
, 3 , 5 , ... If this isnt obvious, note that
2 2 2
2 2
dU x d 2U x
= U 0 sin 2 = 0 at x=integer* , and = U 0 cos 2 > 0
dx 2 dx 2
only at the odd-integer multiples.
1 2
As we are well aware, having done similar exercises before, this looks
just like the potential energy function for a spring: U ( x) = " k " x 2 , with x
being deviation from equilibrium (i.e. like (x-x0) above) and spring constant
(a) The forces acting on the mass are the spring force, kx and the drag
force C rx ; these equal mx
(Newton). The mass of the sphere is
4 3 4
times its volume, r . Therefore r 3
x = kx Crx , which we
3 3
can rewrite for later convenience as
3C 3k
x + x=0.
4 r 2
4 r 3
(b) Ill write two ways of solving this. Both make use of the fact that the
above differential equation is that of our usual damped oscillator, with
3C 3k
= and 0 = .
4 r 2 4 r 3
(Method 1) The damping regime (over-, under-, critical) depends on the ratio
. How does this depend on r , if all other factors are constant? From
the above relations r 2 and 0 r 3/2 , so r 1/2 . Therefore if we
start off being critically damped and increase r , r will decrease and
will decrease; therefore we will have an underdamped system.
3C 3k 3C 2
= 20 = 2 k = . Changing r , what is ? The
4 r0 2
4 r0 3
16 r0 20
3C 4 r 3 3C 4 r 316 r0 r
ratio = = (substituting k ) = 0 .
20 4 r 22
3k 4 r 2
3 3C 2
Therefore if r > r0 , < 1 and the new system is underdamped.
(4, 9 pts.) Two monkeys. If bent, a tree branch acts like a spring, i.e. pulling back with a force
kx in response to a vertical deflection x . (See the figure.). Friction within the wood is the
dominant damping and is independent of whatever mass is hung from it. (I.e. b in F = bx
is always the same.) One monkey (of mass m1 ) grabs the branch and hangs from it. Hiding in
the bushes (after installing energy sensors in the tree) we observe that
(i) The monkey oscillates many times up and down before being appreciably damped.
Then, a second monkey (of mass m2 ) grabs onto the first monkey (see figure). We observe that:
(ii) The two monkeys together also oscillate many times before being appreciably damped.
(iii) The equilibrium branch deflection to which the system settles is three times greater
than the deflection of the branch with just one monkey.
(iv) The energy of the oscillations relative to the initial energy after one cycle of oscillation
(i.e. E (T ) , where T is the period) is half as large for the one-monkey system as for the pair of
Based on these observations, determine m1 and m2 in terms of k and b. (Hint:
Observation (iii) alone is sufficient to reveal 1 .) If you dont have time to simplify the math,
put your answer into a form from which one could solve for the masses in terms of other, known,
parameters by simple algebra; youll lose at most a point.
2 b 1 1
= ln(2) . From above, m2 = 2m1 , so:
k m1 + m2 m1
1 1 k
1 = ln(2) 2 b , from which:
m1 3
2 b 1 , and m2 = 2m1 .
m1 =
1 k
ln(2) 1
Overall: I was expecting a mean score around 24; the actual values of the mean and median were both 17 (out of 31).
As mentioned in class, I am disappointed. The most worrying aspect is the poor performance on Problem 2 involving
oscillations in an arbitrary potential, which weve seen before and whose importance I have stressed.
Ive had good conversations with several of you, and based on earlier impressions think that most of you are
bright enough and hard-working enough to do considerably better than this exam would indicate. (And, of course,
several people did do very well on the exam.) I hope youll study the solutions, and see me about any difficulties. Also,
you may wish to think about your test taking philosophies. In many cases, I want to see that you can distill a setup or
concept into its physical & mathematical essence I care only slightly about the algebra of the solution, since Im fairly
sure that if you have time you can work through algebra properly. If you understand whats going on, this distillation
should not be a long or painful process, and you should not let worries that you wont have time to work out algebra
somehow derail you from thinking clearly about the physics! This is especially relevant to Problem 4 many people
have said they only had 5 minutes to work on it, but 5 minutes is more than enough time to set up the solution.
You may find the comments on particular problems below useful.
Problem 1.
We derived P ( ) in class and in the text, and I stressed repeatedly (at least
3 times) that the most important (and the most interesting) thing about it is
that the width of the curve equals , the damping factor in other words,
the resonant response and the free decay of an oscillator are intimately
connected. From this fact alone, you can simply read off that the width
0.2 rad/sec, so decay time is roughly the reciprocal of this, indicating
timescale A rather than B or C.
Perhaps the weakest answer is to simply state that decay must be fast,
without a number. What does this mean?! If one of the answer choices had
been a scale from 0 to 10 microseconds, should we choose it?
Problem 2.
Problem 3.
Problem 4.