Modul 3 English 4 2016-2017

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English 4
Modul 3
Intermmediate Business
Universitas Mercu Buana
Program Tatap
Fakultas Kode MK Disusun Oleh
Studi Muka
Teknik Teknik MK10230 Dra. Harisa Mardiana Soehanadi
03 M. Pd

Abstract Competency
Modul 3 is about strategy. Students are able to learn about
In this modul we learn about one of the strategy of Nike and grammar in order
company Nike with the strategy, to understand about the future condition
grammar: future tense, suffixes, Also, the students learn about business
attitude to timing and presentation communication which they learn about
The vocabulary is about strategy, . how to do the presentation.
Dilemma & discussion: Harley
Modul Standardize

Standardize of Meeting 3 English 4

1. In Meeting 3 English 4, students learn about The Strategy. What it is and how to do
the strategy in management
2. In Meeting 3, students learn about The strategy vocabulary, reading and grammar.
With this kind of learning, students will understand and know about the future
3. There is PPT about The Project Management and students will do what the lecturer
asks to do.

Study systems

In Meeting 3, students will learn:

1. Standardize Meeting 3 English 4
1. All students are able to read and write properly
2. All students are able to answer the questions
3. All students should do all the exercises given,
4. Ask the lecturer if you dont understand

2. Warm-up
Warm-up is used to get you into the lesson. Just follow the instruction.
The content is the lesson. And it is about reading and writing, together with
the grammar and the discussion.
Discussion will be discussed between you and the lecturer.

3. Content: Strategy
The content of Strategy is about how you manage the strategy which has only one
goal. Usually the team in strategy has never worked together. They come from
different organizations, company or individual.
Students should learn about how to do the strategy and the vocabulary also the
grammar about strategy management.

1 Nama Mata Kuliah dari Modul

3 2 Pusat Bahan Ajar dan eLearning
Dra. Harisa Mardiana M. Pd
Jones, Leo, Alexander, Richard. New International Business English Teacher's Book.
Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Betty Schrampfer Azar, Basic English Grammar, 2nd edition, Longman & Pearson,
Tappe, Tonya and Tullis, Graham. Intermmediate Business English, 5th edition,
Longman & Pearson, 2009
Betty Schrampfer Azar, Understanding And Using English Grammar, 2nd edition,
Binarupa Aksara, 1993,
Lin, Lougheed, Business Essentials B1, Oxford University Press, 2013.

1 Nama Mata Kuliah dari Modul

3 3 Pusat Bahan Ajar dan eLearning
Dra. Harisa Mardiana M. Pd

Diisi Judul dari Mata Kuliah

Diisi Pokok Bahasan dari Modul

Diisi dengan Program StudiDiisi Kode Mata


Diisi dengan Fakultas Diisi dengan Tatap Muka Diisi Nama Penyusun

Diisi Abstract atau Deskripsi

dari modul
atau Kemampuan akhir yanhg diharapkan

1 Nama Mata Kuliah dari Modul

3 4 Pusat Bahan Ajar dan eLearning
Dra. Harisa Mardiana M. Pd
Unit 3 Strategy
Language focus: Future form such as will and be going to, suffixes (custom-customer).
Skills: Reading: Nikes Goddes
Cloze reading: Breaking into a new market
Career skills: Short Presentations
Dilemma: Harley Angels

Developing a successful strategy is a vital part of the planning process for all business
organizations. Analyzing where a business stands in relation to its markets and
competition enables it to identify potential opportunities for growth and potential threats.
Its then possible to set strategic objectives and to predict the human and financial
resources needed to achieve them.

Preview: Choosing a strategy

Which of the following factors do you think a company considers when it undergoes the
strategic planning process? Put them in order of importance.

product development economic forecasts competitors

technology humand and financial resources

fashions and trends current sales

Reading: The Nike Strategy

1. Read the text on the opposite page and complete the SWOT analysis with the
different elements of Nikes strategic position.

Strengths Weaknesses

Leader in sport marketing __________________________

____________________ __________________________

____________________ __________________________

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3 5 Pusat Bahan Ajar dan eLearning
Dra. Harisa Mardiana M. Pd
Opportunities Threats

____________________________ ________________________________

____________________________ ________________________________

____________________________ _______________________________

2. What three changes has Nike had to make in its effort to appeal to a female

Pitch: Sales argument
Turnoff: demotivating factor
Galvanize: Shock into finding a solution

In its 30-years history, Nike had become the undisputed leader in sports marketing. But
beneath the success was an Achilles heel. Nike is name after a woman the Greek
goddess of victory but for most of its history the company had been perceived as being
mostly about men.

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3 6 Pusat Bahan Ajar dan eLearning
Dra. Harisa Mardiana M. Pd
Could Nike do more to realize the full potential of female
customers? And how could it afford not to, given the threats to
its future with Air Jordan running out of air and brands like
Sketchers digging into the teen market with shoes inspired by
skateboarding not basketball. That was the huge question at
Nike HQ. The launch of Nike Goddess was the making of an

For much of its history, Nikes destiny was controlled by its

founders, Phil Knight and his running buddies who signed up
athletes in locker rooms and made the executive decisions. But
by throwing together a diverse team of people with different
backgrounds and different levels of security. Nike has found that
it can keep many of its core attributes while adding new sources
of inspiration.

Take the combination of star designer John Hoke and newcomer

Mindy Grossman, vice president of global apparel. Hoke
designed the look and feel of the first Nike Goddess store. Then
Grossman whose career has included helping make Ralph
Lauren into a retail icon, pitched the design ideas to Nikes top
retailers as store within store. Now it looks like Nike has a
chance to reach a crucial objective double its sales to women by
the end of the decade.

Nike Goddess began as a concept for a women-only store, and theres a reason why. Many
of the retail setting in which the companys products were found were a turnoff to female
customers; dark, loud, and harsh in a words, male. In sharp contrast, the Nike Goddess
stores have the comforting feel of a womans own home.

Designing a new approach to retail was only element in Nikes campaign. Another was
redesigning the shoes and clothes themselves. Nikes footwear designers worked on 18-
month production cycles-which made it hard to stay in step with the new styles and colour for
women. The apparel group, which worked around 12-month cycles, was better at keeping up
with fashion trends. But that meant the clothes werent co-ordinated with the shoes a big
turnoff for women.

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3 7 Pusat Bahan Ajar dan eLearning
Dra. Harisa Mardiana M. Pd
When Jackie Thomas, Nikes US brand marketing director for women, first heard the phrase
Nike goddess, she wasnt impressed. I dont like talking to women through gender, she
says. Nike Goddess had to mean something to women and it was her job to make that
happen. Women dont need anybodys permission. We are at our best when we are showing
women a place where they didnt think they could be. For John Hoke, the real power of Nike
Goddess is not about traffic at stores. Its about changing minds inside the company. I knew
that Goddess could galvanize us, he says. It was an opportunity to redefine and re-energize
our entire brand around a market that was taking off.

3. Read the text again. Who was responsible for the following?
1. Nike being seen as a male brand
2. Taking market share away from Nike
3. Creating a new style of Nike retail outlet
4. Persuading Nike retailers to accept the Nike Goddess concept
5. Putting sports celebrities under contract.
6. Communicating more effectively with women

1. Replace the italicized words with one that has a similar meaning.
1. Nikes destiny was controlled by its founders
a. designers b. sponsors c. creators
2. The company had and Achilles heel
a. Strongpoint b. secret weapon c. hidden weakness
3. .. a collection of people with different levels of seniority.
a. knowledge b. rank c. performance
4. Nike has found that it can keep many of its core attributes..
a. origins b. qualities c. aspects
5. . Vice president of global apparel.
a. clothing b. equipment c. designs
6. Footwear designers worked on 18-month production cycles.
a. shifts b. delays c. periods
7. I knew that Goddess could galvanize us.
a. motivate b. surprise c. renew

Reading Cloze

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3 8 Pusat Bahan Ajar dan eLearning
Dra. Harisa Mardiana M. Pd
2. Complete the text with the following words.

leaders trends threat founder opportunity concept

Mario Moretti Polegato is the (1) founder of Geox footwear. In the early 1990s he created a
new footwear (2) ___________________: a special membrane that could be used in shoes
to prevent perspiration. He approached Nike, Adidas, Timberland, the (3) ______________
of the footwear market.

But nobody was interested. So he decided to go it alone and set up his company with five
employees. Today the company has 2,800 employees and sales of $350m. Mario thinks the
companys next (4) _______________ will come from the clothing market and he plans to
produce a range of clothes incorporating the same patented material. The only (5) _______
that Geox faces is the same for all fashion businesses: a sudden shift in consumer (6)

Vocabulary 2: Suffixes
Look at the words from the text on page 7, and how they are formed. How do the suffixes
change the form of the words?

1. active [adj] activist noun/person 4. custom [n] - customer

2. misery [n] miserable 5. resident [n] - residential
3. senior [adj] seniority 6. energy [n] - energize

What affixes can you attach to the following words? How do they change the form of the
words? Use a dictionary to help you.

diverseinspire opportune design public

commerce revolution repute comfort retail

Speaking: Look at the MP3 player that has been specifically designed to appeal to
women. What features make it appeal to women?

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3 9 Pusat Bahan Ajar dan eLearning
Dra. Harisa Mardiana M. Pd
Language Check: Future Forms
We use different verb forms to talk about the future.
a. The marketing department is going to launch the new campaign this spring
b. The will start the visit with a tour of the Indonesian factory.
c. I will forward the report to you by email.
d. There is no doubt in my mind. We will succeed.
e. We are going to target a new customer profile.

Which future forms are used to:

1. Make a prediction
2. Describe a timetabled event
3. Talk about an event arranged for a certain time
4. Talk about a personal intention
5. Make a spontaneous decision or offer

Career Skills: Short Presentations

The ability to make a short presentation of your ides is a key business skill that enables you
to communicate statistical information, present ideas and persuade people of the strengths
of your argument.To do this effectively you need to prepare.

1. Make a plan of your talk. This should include at least three sections:

2. Write detailed notes of what you will say, showing

key points and keywords
transitions between the different sections
visual aids you will refer to
the action points you will stress

3. Practise your presentation to make sure that

- you use simple and clear language
- you talk doe not go over the time available

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3 10 Pusat Bahan Ajar dan eLearning
Dra. Harisa Mardiana M. Pd
- you will not need to read from your notes.

Look at these expressions. In which part of a presentation would you expect them to be used?
1. Finally, Id like to remind you that we..
2. If you have any questions, Ill be happy to answer them at the end.
3. O n this next slide you can see how our results have improved.
4. Before I start my talk Id just like to thank.
5. This brings me to the next point
6. Ill discuss each point briefly and then give you my recommendations.
7. I hope you have found my comments useful and
8. This chart gives a comparison of potential returns on investment

Culture at work: Attitudes to timing

Some cultures place a lot of importance on events starting and finishing on time. Others
believe things should take as long as they need and are flexible with itineraries and
schedules. What effect could this have on meetings, presentations and appointments? What
is normal in your country?


Jeffrey Bleustein, CEO of Harley Davidson, was thinking about the future. He had already
pulled the motorcycle manufacturer back from the brink of bankruptcy, but now he was
thinking of the serious problems that lay ahead. And top of the list was the fact that Harley
Davidson customers were definitely ageing. The black leather Angels wer getting greyer
everyday. From an average age of 36 ten years ago the customer was now edging closer to
46. But what to do? Bleustein decided that he would put the question to his team of advisors
at the next meeting of the strategic leadership council. In fact, maybe hed better tell them
what he wanted them to do right now that way at the meeting they could present their
ideas directly. Bluestein reached for the phone.

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3 11 Pusat Bahan Ajar dan eLearning
Dra. Harisa Mardiana M. Pd
Task 1

Work in groups. Prepare a proposal for

the leadership council. Decide whether
your approach should be marketing
product, acquisition or distribution

Task 2

Prepare a three-minute presentation to the

council. Write a structure for your
presentation and make notes under key
headings. Then write an introduction and
conclusion. Remember to include any
helpful visual aids and stress your action


Jones, Leo, Alexander, Richard. New International Business English Teacher's Book.
Cambridge University Press, 1996.

Betty Schrampfer Azar, Basic English Grammar, 2nd edition, Longman & Pearson, 2001.

Tappe, Tonya and Tullis, Graham. Intermmediate Business English, 5th edition, Longman &
Pearson, 2009

Betty Schrampfer Azar, Understanding And Using English Grammar, 2nd edition, 1993,
Binarupa Aksara.

Lin, Lougheed, Business Essentials B1, 2013, Oxford University Press.

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3 12 Pusat Bahan Ajar dan eLearning
Dra. Harisa Mardiana M. Pd
1 Nama Mata Kuliah dari Modul
3 13 Pusat Bahan Ajar dan eLearning
Dra. Harisa Mardiana M. Pd

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