Floating Rate Notes: Concepts and Buzzwords

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Debt Instruments and Markets Professor Carpenter

Floating Rate Notes

Concepts and Buzzwords

Floating Rate Notes floater, FRN, ARN,
Cash flows VRN, benchmark
Valuation interest rate, index
Interest Rate Sensitivity

Veronesi, Chapter 1
Tuckman, Chapter 18

Floating Rate Notes 1

Debt Instruments and Markets Professor Carpenter

Introduction to Floating-Rate Notes

A floating rate note is a bond with a coupon that is
indexed to a benchmark interest rate.
Possible benchmark rates include US Treasury rates,
LIBOR, prime rate, municipal and mortgage interest
rate indexes.
Examples of floating-rate notes
Corporate (especially financial institutions)
Adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs)
Governments (inflation-indexed notes)

Floating Rate Jargon

Other terms used for floating-rate notes include
Floaters and Inverse Floaters
Variable-rate notes (VRNs)
Adjustable-rate notes
FRN usually refers to an instrument whose coupon
is based on a short term rate (3-month T-bill, 6-
month LIBOR)
VRNs are based on longer-term rates
(1-year T-bill, 5-year T-bond)

Floating Rate Notes 2

Debt Instruments and Markets Professor Carpenter

Cash Flow Rule for Plain Vanilla Semi-

Annual Floater
The basic semi-annual coupon floating rate note has
the coupon indexed to the 6-month interest rate.
Each coupon date, the coupon is equal to the par
value of the note times one-half the 6-month rate
quoted 6 months earlier, at the beginning of the
coupon period. In other words, the time t coupon
payment as percent of par is t-0.5rt .
The note pays par value at maturity.

Floating Rate Note Cash Flows

Each coupon is based on the previous 0.5-year rate.
Only the next coupon is known at the current date. The
later ones are random.

0 0.5 1 ... t ... T

Floating Rate Notes 3

Debt Instruments and Markets Professor Carpenter

Example: Two-Year Semi-Annual Floater

What are the cash flows from $100 par of the note in this scenario?
The first coupon on the bond is 100 x 0.0554/2=2.77.
Later coupons set by the future 6-month interest rates.
For example, suppose the future 6-month interest rates turn out as
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
5.54% 6.00% 5.44% 6.18%
Floater Cash Flows:
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
2.77 3.00 2.72 103.09

100 x 0.06/2

Replicating a T-Year Floater with

0.5-Year Par Bonds
Consider the following trading strategy:
At time 0, buy a 0.5-year par bond: pay $1.
At time 0.5, buy another 0.5-year par bond:
collect $1+ r0.5/2, pay $1 = collect $r0.5/2
At time 1, buy another 0.5-year par bond:
collect $1+0.5r1/2, pay $1 = collect $0.5r1/2)
and so on, every six months until floater maturity date T
At time T: collect $1+T-0.5rT/2

Floating Rate Notes 4

Debt Instruments and Markets Professor Carpenter

0 0.5 1 1.5 ... T

A Semi-Annual-Coupon Floater is
Equivalent to a 0.5-Year Par Bond
A dynamic strategy of strategy of rolling six-month par
bonds until floater maturity, collecting the coupons along the
way, replicates the cash flows of a floater.
So as semi-annual coupon floater is equivalent to the six-
month par bond in its replicating trading strategy.
Like its replicating trading strategy, a floater is always worth
par on the next coupon date with certainty.
Its coupon is set to make it worth par today.
The duration of the floater is therefore equal to the duration
of a six-month par bond.
Their convexities are the same too.

Floating Rate Notes 5

Debt Instruments and Markets Professor Carpenter

Class Problems
Assume the 0.5-year rate is 5.54%.

1) What is the duration of a semi-annual paying

floating-rate note?

2) What is the dollar duration of $100 par of this note?

3) What is the convexity of this floater?

4) What is the dollar convexity?

Floating Rate Notes 6

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