All I Need To Know. Step by Step

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The key takeaways are that this document discusses reclaiming one's birthright political status and estate by recording certain documents and renouncing corporate citizenship. It also discusses how to properly notarize documents and the differences between public and private jurisdictions.

A Public Notary invokes the land jurisdiction, while a Notary Public invokes the international jurisdiction of the sea. A Public Notary identifies the jurisdiction as a 'State' rather than 'STATE OF STATE'.

Lawful Persons exist in international jurisdiction as living people, while Legal Persons are fictional corporate entities with no living people. The documents discussed help establish one's status as a Lawful Person rather than a presumed Legal Person.

Instructions from Anna

This is the basic package everyone needs to fill out and record with the local land recording
office to reclaim their birthright political status and reclaim their Good Names and Estates.
Please note: do not register anything. Only record. If your local land recording district or county
land recording office won't record your paperwork, look for a county that will. Often it is only a
matter of traveling a few miles or sending it through the mail.

This process brings forward the Trade Name and "finds" it again, and then allows us to reclaim
our "reversionary trust interest" in all the derivative NAMES free and clear.

The Deed of Reconveyance seizes upon the Trade Name and brings it back to the land and soil
jurisdiction. The Certificate of Assumed Name seizes upon the derivative NAMES and returns
them to control of the living man. The Act of Expatriation explicitly renounces Territorial and
Municipal "citizenship" and returns the derivative NAMES and ACCOUNTS to the land and soil.

The Baby Deed of Land Recording is to help new parents and put an end to the "salvaging" of
American babies by these corporate vermin. Simply have a Third Party -- grandparent, uncle,
family friend--- do the notarization and record the Baby Deed as another Extension of the
Father's Deed of Re-Conveyance. If the Father refuses to claim his Trade Name and Estate, or
is dead or disabled, the Baby Deed can be attached to the Mother's Deed of Re-Conveyance.
(Please Note: This Deed is for any children that you have - not for you as a People.)

How to Notarize
1179. Public Notary or Notary Public?

The people now serving as Notaries are all commissioned by "State of State" franchises and so,
they normally function as Notary Publics in the international jurisdiction of the sea.

The jurisdiction invoked is indicated by the "Notary Block" the separate portion of the document
reserved for them. If it is Territorial United States jurisdiction being invoked, the Notary Block will
show that the paperwork is taking place --- for example, in the "State of Vermont" and "County
of Claybourne".
If it is Municipal United States jurisdiction, the Notary Block will show: "STATE OF VERMONT"

But if you want to invoke the land jurisdiction owed to your country, the Notary Block will show:
"Vermont State" and "Claybourne County". And, ideally, the Notary will be identified as a "Public

All the paperwork that I recommend (other than the Birth Certificate paperwork) will require a
Public Notary service, will be a recording not a registration process, will go to and through a
Recorder's Office, and the place will be a land jurisdiction state like: Wisconsin State, and a land
jurisdiction County like: Jackson County.

1644. Correction: Notaries Cannot Lose Their Bonds

Among the other Disinformation being spread is the idea that Notaries could "lose their bonds" if
they Witness our Acts of Expatriation.

Those making such comments are in true La-La-Land.

All your life, you have been signing for a fictional entity --- your Person.

In fact, no "State of State" Notary has ever Witnessed anything but people signing as Persons,
so you are not doing anything unusual or wrong or even questionable by signing our paperwork,
and neither is the Notary doing anything questionable by witnessing it.
Here's what you've got to know:

In international jurisdiction there are Lawful Persons and Legal Persons, but no living people at
all. So, Question One---- which one are you? Lawful Person or Legal Person?

We settle the first question --- Lawful Person or Legal Person? -- with the Act of Expatriation
and the Deed of Re-conveyance.

We record the fact and create the evidence that our Proper Name is a Lawful Person standing
on the land and soil of our State, so that it is no longer open to any interpretation and we are not
subject to being mistaken for Legal Persons and attacked as such.

In municipal jurisdiction there are also only commercial corporations functioning as LEGAL
PERSONS. Again, no living people at all.

Question Two: where those PERSONS domiciled on Earth and who do they belong to?

We settle the second question regarding LEGAL PERSONS with the Certificate of Assumed
Names and the Form 56, which re-flags the PERSON as an American PERSON (not Puerto
Rican) and then Form 56 makes the Secretary of the Treasury responsible for paying ITS debts.
Not us.

Everyone (including the Notaries) needs to realize that "State of State" Notaries, like State of
State Sheriffs, don't have any public bonds associated with what is in fact a private corporate
office providing a public service as a paid or unpaid contractor.
Instead, the State of State corporations "self-insure" and have risk management departments.
In reality what that means is that they carry private liability insurance like any big corporation.

You can't lose bonding you don't have.

How to Record
You can record your documents in any county, any where in America. Prices will vary greatly.
Typically, the county recording office will charge you the largest fee for the recording cover
sheet, and then it will be $1 per page after that.

Some County Recording Offices require you to use their recording sheet, others allow you to
use your own. You will want to call the Recorders Office ahead of time, or visit the website to
find out if you can use your own recording sheet, or if you are required to use theirs. You will
want to get a copy of their form before you record your documents so that you can prepare it

The most inexpensive way to record your documents is to do as many as possible together. If
you do the documents separately, you will pay the expensive cover sheet recording fee each
time and that can add up to hundreds of dollars.

If you are doing separate recordings, you want to be sure to link your documents together on
the recording sheet. Some Recording Offices have reference document linking, or you can set
up your own numbering system and record as an addendum to the original recording. Again,
you will want to ask the Recording Office what is the most efficient way to keep the documents
linked and tracked together.

If you are filing all of your documents together, you will need to put them in the following order:

Deed of Reconveyance

Certificate of Assumed Name

Act of Expatriation JOHN DOE

Act of Expatriation JOHN M. DOE

Act of Expatriation JOHN MARK DOE

Cancellation of All Prior Powers of Attorney

Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act

DNA Paramount Claim

Marriage Paperwork

Baby Deed of Land Recording

Diagram of the Fraud (Optional)

How to Autograph
For your Deed of Reconveyance you should autograph your name in red ink.

For your Deed of Conveyance, you should autograph in Blue Ink.

Here is the guidance from Anna:

"They --the new immigrants-- are starting out "at sea" in the international jurisdiction of the sea
and are conveying themselves to our land jurisdiction for the first time, therefore they use blue
ink. When we re-convey back to the land jurisdiction of our State we are giving Notice to the
sea jurisdiction authorities that we are back "home" on the land where we started out, which is
why we sign in red and record the paperwork. We are native to these shores, not foreigners.
We came from here and we are returning home--- coming back after being shanghaied. The
new immigrants are foreigners coming from overseas for the first time ever.

Does it make sense that a person who goes on a sea voyage and then returns home is in a
different position than a person who goes on a sea voyage and lands in a foreign country?
Okay, so we use red and new immigrants use blue because we are starting out from different
"places". We are native and they are naturalized. We come from this land and return to this
land. They come from over the sea and come ashore here. End of story."
For all other documents, you should autograph your name in blue ink. Be sure to include your
copyright symbol after your name. Don't forget your red thumbprint seal. When editing the
templates, be sure to remove the word Seal from the document.

The autograph should be:

by: First Middle Last© (red thumbprint should touch your autograph)

All Rights Reserved

Without Prejudice


Step 1 - Birth Certificate Authentication

791. Step By Step -- What You've All Been Screaming For -- Part One

Step 1: Sit down and look at your "Birth Certificate" and understand what it is and how it
functions. It has two basic functions.

First, it is an Insurance Indemnity Receipt which is required under the Lieber Code/Hague
Conventions. They have to give you an indemnity receipt for the property they are stealing from
you--- essentially an insurance policy guaranteeing that your property won't be harmed as a
result of their use of it.

This makes you the "Subrogee" --- the Insured Party and Priority Creditor of your own ESTATE
holdings. This process of "registration" (as opposed to "recording") creates a separate
PERSON named after your Given Trade Name, yet owned and operated by a franchise of the
MUNICIPAL UNITED STATES--- the separate government of Washington, DC, operated as an
international citystate by the members of Congress.

When you get your BC "Authenticated" by the United States of America State Department you
find out for sure which federal corporation is issuing the BIRTH CERTIFICATE you have been
issued. In most cases it will be a STATE OF STATE, like THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, but
in some cases will be a federal department, such as THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE.

Second, the Birth Certificate is a Bond---literally. It is a bond issued against the value of the
ESTATE (or more recently, Public Transmitting Utility) assets that belong to you. A bond is an
I.O.U. --- a promise to pay under stipulated conditions. You have the certificate proving that you
are the actual owner of the assets being bonded, but until and unless you claim your exemption
from their system of things, the benefit of the bond goes to the STATE OF STATE or
DEPARTMENT that is insuring your purloined property against loss or damage.

Now notice a couple other things about your Birth Certificate that prove that what I am telling
you is true.

A. There are two prominent dates displayed on the certificate. One is your actual birth day.
The other is the "File Date" when the PERSON (a corporate municipal franchise) was created
and replaced you as the beneficiary of your own assets. So you, the living man or woman, have
a birth day--- and the corporate franchise "PERSON" named after you has a birth date which is
always a few days or weeks after your birth day. In effect, the BIRTH CERTIFICATE records
the "death" of your claim to own your own estate and Trade Name, and the "birth" of the federal
PERSON's claim upon your assets. You are always the Holder-in-Due-Course, the Party
having the first claim (first in line, first in time) to the Trade Name and Estate, but if you don't
claim it, or know how to claim it, you are out of luck and disinherited.

B. The BIRTH CERTIFICATE is signed by the Registrar -- an Officer of the Probate Court, which
proves that your estate was probated. The living American state national, for example, the
named William Bales Jensen, was taken off the title of his natural estate and his natural
nationality and political status was changed to that of "WILLIAM BALES JENSEN" ---a federal
Municipal franchise corporation and "citizen of the United States"---- that is, a citizen under the
Diversity Clause of the old Federal Code which allows corporations to be citizens.

C. The BIRTH CERTIFICATE is issued on bond paper, giving you "silent Notice" that the assets
named on the face of the document --- your unlawfully converted estate assets including the
copyright to your Trade Name, your land, your labor--- everything that you could ever own, has
been seized upon and bonded by the organization issuing the certificate.

D. The process of false probate just described results in the unlawful conversion of your name
and estate assets, makes you a "US citizen" instead of an "American state national", removes
you from the jurisdiction of the land and deprives you of your constitutional protections, makes
you indebted and obligated to pay the bills of foreign corporations, and otherwise plays havoc
with you and your entire country.

E. This is done without your knowledge or consent, without your parent's knowledge or consent,
and the people doing this to you are on your payroll, supposed to be rendering you Good Faith
service the whole while. Because you don't know that this is being done to you and that these
false claims against you are being made, you have no opportunity to object to them, much less
delve through it to rebut all these lies and claim your exemption and exercise your indemnity.

Now a few further notes: For many years the vermin seized upon your Given Christian Trade
Name, just as you were taught to print it in First Grade with a first name, middle name, and last
name all written in Upper and Lower Case like this: John Michael Doe.

Their federal franchise was structured as a Cestui Que Vie ESTATE trust operated under the
same name written in all capital letters: JOHN MICHAEL DOE. Most recently, the vermin have
tried to change their stripes and instead of creating their fictional PERSONS as Cestui Que Vie
ESTATE trusts, they have been creating Public Transmitting Utility franchises named after you.
How can you tell the difference?
The ESTATE trusts are all named with the full first, middle, and last names appearing in all
capital letters: JOHN MICHAEL DOE. The PUBLIC TRANSMITTING UTILITIES all appear with
only a Middle Initial, but still in all capital letters: JOHN M. DOE.

Please note that any name in any style that uses only a Middle Initial is not a legal name. It is
meaningless and void for lack of specificity. Was that John Michael Doe or John Mark Doe or
John Marvin Doe or John Maxwell Doe or.....or....or....

You can always call the vermin on that, because lack of specificity destroys the existence of any
jurisdiction actual or fictional. A claim against such a named entity can only stand if you just
assume it is your name and accept the charges without objection.

This technicality is not the essence of the problem nor your strongest defense. This is just to
point out that what they are doing is blatantly, obviously, on-the-face-of-it illegal, and you don't
need any rocket science to prove that it is, nor any other cause to object. If you raise this
objection and they proceed against you, they are dead meat upon appeal --- a fact that may not
be known to you, but which is written in stone above their heads: If you don't properly identify
the parties, you have no claim.

Now that you know what the BIRTH CERTIFICATE is and what its functions are, it will make
more sense to you that you need to get it verified as a genuine document ---and this is where
the process of authentication comes in.

Why "authentication" and why not an "apostille" nor a "certification"?

Countries that are signers on the Hague Conventions use apostilles to verify genuine
documents passing between themselves. Countries that are not part of the Hague Conventions
use authentication for the same purpose. Certification is an "in-house" domestic equivalent of a
guarantee and isn't strong enough for international use.
The United States of America never signed the Hague Conventions. The United States did.

As a result, documents issued by or pertaining to The United States of America and its
international functions have to be "authenticated" while documents issued by or pertaining to the
United States have to "apostilled". Both processes serve the same purpose of verifying the
record and the paper.

When you act as an American state national you are acting under the auspices of The United
States of America, so when you are ready to reclaim your assets and exercise your exemptions,
you use documents that are authenticated.

If you were an actual federal employee or dependent and acting under the auspices of the
United States, Inc. as a franchise of the Municipal government or as a citizen of the Territorial
government (either one) you would use documents that are apostilled.

All that is the reason why you go through the turkey trot of getting your records officially verified
and why you need to do this correctly.

I recommend getting at least two if not three copies of your Birth Certificate ordered from the
Vital Statistics people. Keep one and send two to the State Secretary of State and ask for an
"authentication" to do business in Indonesia--- a non-Hague Convention country. They will add
a cover sheet, signature, and seal guaranteeing that the attached BC is genuine.

Next, take the state-authenticated documents and send them to the United States of America
Secretary of State's Office in DC and request the same service --- authentication of the BC for
use in Indonesia.
Each authentication requires a small fee. At the end of the day, you get back a three-page
document --- the original BC you got from Vital Statistics, the State Secretary of State's cover
page and, on top of that, a yellow, heavy-weight cover page from the USA Secretary of State's

That yellow page verifies the authenticity of the State Secretary of State's guarantee and it tells
you explicitly which federal entity--STATE OF STATE franchise or DEPARTMENT--- issued the
indemnity receipt and is responsible for guaranteeing your exemption from all this rot.

Now, finally, you have the proof in your hand of what has been done to you, who did it, and who
is liable for it. You have the lawn mower, and now all you need is the gas.

Step by Step Instructions for Authentication Process

1) Order your certified Birth Certificate through Vital Records online from your birth state. The
general link is Request several certified copies (I suggest minimum of 3 but
probably 5 is better). These will be printed on bond paper.

2) Once you receive the certified bond copies, you will go to the Secretary of State website for
most states, however in some states, for example Hawaii, you will need to locate the correct
department for authentication. You will fill out the form on the Secretary of State (or authorized
office) website to request each birth certificate to be authenticated. Fill out the form and with
the certified birth certificates and a check for the correct amount. At the very least, send them
certified mail return receipt, but it is recommended to send them Registered Mail because your
documents are s in possession of a Postal Service employee at all times.

Please Note: Some states will only provide an Apostille (for example California). You will need
to request travel to a Non-Hague Country such as Indonesia to have the Apostille correct.

3) Once you receive these authenticated and birth certificates back from your Secretary of
State, you will then send them the U.S. State Department to be authenticated. Here is a link to
the website, to the form, and the address to send it to. Send a check or money order for $8 for
each birth certificate to be authenticated.
Website Information:

Form to fill out:

Mailing Address:

Office of Authentications
U.S. Department of State
44132 Mercure CIR

PO BOX 1206

Sterling, VA 20166-1206

What if your birth certificate name is not in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS?

Some states are issuing birth certificates with Proper Case Name. In that case, you will use the
name assigned on the birth certificate and follow the other steps accordingly.

Hand Carry Option for U.S. State Department Authentication

This option below, will have Tony Azzouzi hand carry your birth certificates to Sterling, VA office
for U.S. State Department Authentication

Please note: They only open their office from 8 to 9am M - F. The fee for this service is $40
which includes the state department fee. Multiple copies are $30 each. 3 BC’s equals $90.
You must mail the documents in a large envelope using Fed Ex and must include an envelope
filled out with a return address postage prepaid so all Tony has to do once he gets the
document authenticated is put it in the envelope provided and mail it back. The authenticated
document will have a brass ring attached.

Allow up to 3 days turn around plus mailing time.

His address is

Tony Azzouzi

1400 K St. Northwest Suite 102

Washington, D.C. 20005

Phone: 202 658 1160

Step 2 - Assign U. S. Secretary of the Treasury as the STRAWMAN fiduciary

560. How to Correct Your Political Status and Why

(Please note: the information below is corrected and updated to apply to American State
Nationals. In the original article, it had instructions to create a Treasury Direct Account using the
Registered Mail Number. This is for US Citizens only - Not for American State Nationals. If you
accidentally requested this, simply send a Notice of Correction Letter to Secretary Mnuchin.
The template is located below. )

You have been mis-characterized and defrauded and you have prima facie evidence of that
readily available. You think of it as your Birth Certificate, but it isn't. It is a "certification" that a
federal MUNICIPAL "PERSON" was created and named after you and that at one point in your
life you were a real American. You were born on your birthday, but the MUNICIPAL PERSON
has a birth date which is several days or weeks later---the filing date shown on the certificate.

Please note that the "Birth Certificate" is printed on bond paper. It is a security instrument.
Please also note that it has been signed by the Registrar --- an officer of the probate court. This
is prima facie evidence that your earthly estate was probated when you were only a few days or
weeks old and that it was seized upon by the State of ___________ or STATE OF_________
and operated for its benefit from that time on.

So, Step Two---- ditch the federal MUNICIPAL PERSON and the responsibilities and obligations
associated with it.

You need to get the Birth Certificate certified, and then you need to endorse it and "surrender" it
to the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury (Please note the two dots between the "U" and the "S"-----
the U.S. Treasury.) and make Steven T. Mnuchin the Fiduciary responsible for IT.

The endorsement is simple but exact. The certified Birth Certificate that the birth State Secretary
of State sends back to you will have a cover page riveted or hard stapled and firmly attached to
the front of the BC (Please Note: In some cases the state may use just a certified seal, for
example Washington. Every state is different). You leave that cover page attached and on the
front of the BC itself in the upper left hand corner and in red ink you write: "Accepted by
Drawee" and sign it by: Your Upper Lower Case Signature, and date it.

Then turn the BC over and on the back anywhere write (in red ink): Pay to the Order of the
United States of America, U.S. Treasury. Without Recourse. And again, write -- by: Your Upper
and Lower Case Signature, and date it.

Next comes the Form 56, which is the IRS Form called "Notice of Fiduciary Relationship". This
is your Notice to Mr. Mnuchin that you are making him and his office responsible for the
PERSON named after you.

The Form 56 is very simple -- the name of the PERSON is the NAME on the BC which you are
returning to the Treasury. The name of the Fiduciary is Steven T. Mnuchin, Secretary of the
Treasury. You can look up the address online. I believe it is 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20220.
Section A (f) --- "Other" -- Public Commercial Trust Administration

Section B(4) -- Check (a) (b) and (h) "Other" and just say, "All forms that may be necessary".

On the back, Part II, 7 (C) "Other" --- Surrender of federal "PERSON" to U.S. Treasury

On the back, Part III "Court and Administrative Proceedings" --- enter the name and address of
the agency issuing the BC. The "date proceeding initiated" will be the File Date which is never
your birthday, but a few days or weeks later. The "docket number" will be the State File Number
on the BC. The time will be the time you were actually born, and the place of "other"
proceedings will be "usa".

On the back, Part IV, "Signature" ---- you write the word "by" like a by-line to a newspaper
story---- by: Your Name (Upper and Lower Case), Authorized Representative, and the date.

Underneath the Signature is a blank space. It is appropriate to say that you wish to be
indemnified against claims or losses under the sovereign usa Private Registered Indemnity
Bond AMRI00001 RA393427640US.

This is basically a bond posted in behalf of all the actual states of the Union and all the people
living in those states insuring them against any further claims related to the MUNICIPAL
PERSON(S) they have surrendered back to Mr. Mnuchin.

And that is that. You have now surrendered the MUNICIPAL "CITIZEN" back whence it came
and you have insured yourself against any further claims or losses or charges brought against
that PERSON.
Along with the Form 56 you should include a brief letter stating that it is your instruction to
operate exclusively under 100% commercial liability and without benefit of any limited liability or
other benefit of the Public Charitable Trust (PCT).

You are going to send this package of documents via Registered Mail to the Treasury. Each red
and white Registered Mail label (available with instructions at all Post Offices) is unique and has
an alpha-numeric identifier to track it.

Also ask him to settle all debts and charges related to YOUR NAME.

Thank him for his time and attention.

Well, that was a Royal Pain and you shouldn't have ever been entrapped and obligated by your
employees in the first place, but now you have taken action to sever the presumption that you
are volunteering to act as a federal MUNICIPAL CITIZEN, and nobody can say otherwise. From
now on, "IT" is Mr. Mnuchin's problem and you are indemnified against any further claims or
complaints related to "IT"

Step by Step Instructions for Assigning your STRAWMAN Fiduciary

1) Take one certified Birth Certificate that the birth State Secretary of State sends back to you.
It will have a cover page riveted or hard stapled and firmly attached to the front of the BC. You
leave that cover page attached and on the front of the BC itself in the upper left hand corner and
in red ink you write: "Accepted by Drawee" and sign it by: Your Upper Lower Case Signature© ,
and date it.

2) Turn the BC over and on the back anywhere write: Pay to the Order of the United States of
America, U.S. Treasury. Without Recourse. And again, write--- by: Your Upper and Lower Case
Signature©, and date it.
3) Next comes the Form 56, which is the IRS Form called "Notice of Fiduciary Relationship".
This is your Notice to Mr. Mnuchin that you are making him and his office responsible for the
PERSON named after you.

4) The Form 56 is very simple -- the name of the PERSON is the NAME on the BC which you
are returning to the Treasury. The name of the Fiduciary is Steven T. Mnuchin, Secretary of the
Treasury, 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20220.

Section A (f) --- "Other" -- Public Commercial Trust Administration

Section B(4) -- Check (a) (b) and (h) "Other" and just say, "All forms that may be necessary".

On the back, Part II, 6 (C) "Other" --- Surrender of federal "PERSON" to U.S. Treasury

On the back, Part III "Court and Administrative Proceedings" --- enter the name and address of
the agency issuing the BC. The "date proceeding initiated" will be the File Date which is never
your birthday, but a few days or weeks later. The "docket number" will be the State File Number
on the BC. The time will be the time you were actually born, and the place of "other"
proceedings will be "usa".

On the back, Part IV, "Signature" ---- you write the word "by" like a by-line to a newspaper
story---- by: Your Name (Upper and Lower Case), Authorized Representative, and the date.

Underneath the Signature is a blank space. Hand write "I wish to be indemnified against claims
or losses under the sovereign usa Private Registered Indemnity Bond AMRI00001
5) Create your cover letter to accompany your documents and provide instructions. (Please see
cover letter template below). Address your large manilla envelope ( 9" x 12").

6) Make copies of everything, including your Registered Mail Receipt and put them in a file in a
safe place.

7) Take your cover letter, your certified birth certificate and Form 56 and put everything in the
addressed manilla envelope.

8) Go to the Post Office and fill out the Registered Mail form to send your documents Registered
Mail. Be sure to make a copy of your registered mail form and keep the copy and the original in
your file in a safe place.

9) Celebrate one more step to correcting your political status!


Anatomy of a Birth Certificate

1690. Anatomy of a Birth Certificate - What It Means
(Corrected article below)

Take a look at the Birth Certificate issued in your NAME.

What's the first thing you notice?

It's on funny paper: hard surfaced, durable, heavy paper called "bond paper". This is your first
clue that your estate has been seized upon and that bonds--- that is, promissory notes--- have
been issued against your name.

The next thing that will probably catch your eye is that there are all sorts of seals and blazons
and watermarks on this piece of paper. It carries all sorts of emblems from a "State of State"
organization, depending on where and when you were born.

We know from our study of the history that these organizations are all foreign with respect to us,
as our own American State of State organizations have been moth-balled since the Civil War.

Look at the BC issued in your name. It will show either a Territorial State of State with its name
written in Upper and Lower Case like this: State of Washington, or a Municipal STATE OF
STATE written in All Capitals like this: STATE OF IOWA.

All these seals and watermarks and other gee-gaws serve to identify the "Issuer" of the Birth
Certificate, which is the foreign State of State Organization, not you. They are identifying your
NAME as property belonging to them, which they are issuing bonds against.

The next thing you will most likely notice is that your name is spelled out in All Capital Letters,
and that, most likely, other words appear in All Capital Letters.

According to the Bar Association Manual and the Government Printing Office and Federal
Bureau of Engraving and Black's Law Dictionary and the Chicago Manuel of Style, the only
things that can be named using All Capital Letters are: (1) Corporations or (2) Dead men's

The All Capitals names are a form of Latin called "Dog Latin".
So, look at your name as it appears in All Capitals on that Birth Certificate.

Are they issuing bonds against a Dead Man's Estate? Or against a corporation?

If your name appears like this: JOHN ALLEN DOE, the bonds have been issued against your
ESTATE on the presumption that you donated it to the State of State or STATE OF STATE

If your name appears like this: JOHN A. DOE, the bonds have been issued against a PUBLIC
TRANSMITTING UTILITY franchise on the presumption that you donated that to the State of
State or STATE OF STATE Organization.

In either case, obviously, so far as you know you didn't donate anything to any of these yahoos
and you are not aware of having given them permission to bond your estate or any public
transmitting utility, either. It all sounds bizzare, doesn't it?

But there is the evidence in your hand.

Now, who is the Birth Certificate Bond signed by? The Registrar. The Registrar is an Officer of
the Probate Court. The appearance of their signature on "your" Birth Certificate is absolute
proof that your property --- whether your ESTATE or your PUBLIC TRANSMITTING UTILITY ---
has been probated and seized upon as property belonging to the State of State or STATE OF
STATE that issued the Birth Certificate.

Now look at the dates on the face of the Birth Certificate. You will see your actual birthday and
also a file date ---- the "birthdate". These refer to the actual event of your birth, and then, some
days or weeks later, the "filing" of the paperwork to either (1) pronounce "you" dead and create
your ESTATE; or (2) to create "your" PUBLIC TRANSMITTING UTILITY.

Either way, you arrived first and have first right of recall and ownership, known as a reversionary
trust interest in your own Good Name and assets.

After all, you are being misrepresented as the "donor" of all these assets and the State of State
is claiming to be the beneficiary of your largesse. Having discovered this "mistake" made by
your Mother when you were just a baby in your cradle, you have a right to come forward and
correct it upon discovery.

What else does the Birth Certificate represent?

It is evidence of crime against you and fraud and non-disclosure against your mother.

It is evidence of attempting to contract with and establish "unconscionable contract" with an


An "unconscionable contract" is a contract that you literally are not aware of. And how could a
little baby be aware of a contract made "for" him when he was only a few days old, by a new
Mother who was never given full disclosure about those papers she was signing at the hospital?
She couldn't explain to you what she was never given to understand herself, could she?

The BC is potent evidence of crime.

Now, what are you going to do with it / about it?

The first thing you are going to do is secure two Witness Testimonies from people who have
"reasonable first hand knowledge" of you and your family, who can affirm that you are "the"
living man or woman whose birth occurred at such and such a time and place and to your
parents, etc.

This establishes the fact that you are the presumed "Donor" of the property referenced by the
BC and also establishes your standing to sue these criminals.

Next, if you follow our advice, you will complete the paperwork to return your Trade Name (also
known as your Good Name and Given Name -- "John Allen Doe" in Upper and Lower Case) to
the land and soil jurisdiction of your birth State.

This process explicitly demonstrates--- and recording of the action proves--- that you, the
presumed Donor, are acting as a Lawful Person, not a Legal Person.

This puts you outside their jurisdiction, so they can no longer "presume" anything about you.

Next, having secured your Trade Name and having permanently domiciled it on the land and
soil jurisdiction State, you will Expatriate from any presumed political status as a Territorial
Citizen (like someone born in Puerto Rico) or Municipal CITIZEN (created in the Municipality of
Washington, DC, for example).

And you will revoke all Prior Powers of Attorney and name your Lawful Person ---John Allen
Doe, in this example--- as the only Attorney-in-Fact authorized to do business for you and your
Finally, you will seize upon all the other Assumed Names and NAMES that are or could be
associated with you in any regard, and all their variations and permutations and orderings and
styles, and you

will use a recorded Certificate of Assumed Name(s) to claim them and permanently domicile all
of them on the land and soil of your State of the Union, too.

This last is a process like re-flagging a ship. Instead of "sailing" under the auspices of the
British Territorial Government or the Municipal Government of Washington, DC, you are now
demonstrably sailing under the auspices of Maine or California or whatever other actual land
and soil jurisdiction State.

This also puts your Good Name and all the "derivative" NAMES under the Pubic Law, so that
you are no longer subject to the codes and statutory laws and "public policies" of the foreign
State of State or STATE OF STATE Organizations.

In sum total, at the end of this process, you have: (1) damning conclusive evidence of their
wrongdoing against a baby; (2) proof of your ownership of your name and your standing; (3)
proof of your political status; (4) proof that you are the only authorized Power of Attorney; (5)
proof that any "vessels" related to you stand under the Public Law and are not subject to any
presumption or interpretation otherwise.

You still have to learn how to use these documents in your defense and be able to describe this
whole circumstance, but taken together they form a competent rebuttal and evidence trail
removing you from any "US citizenship" status, and returning you to your rightful status as an
American State National.

And again --- why is all this necessary? Because your identity has been stolen. The Birth
Certificate you hold in your hand is irrefutable evidence of the facts.
You were deliberately misidentified as a baby as either a "United States Citizen" [Territorial] or
"Citizen of the United States" [Municipal] and unless you rebut the evidence, you will be claimed
as chattel belonging as a property asset to one of these foreign commercial crime syndicates.

For additional insight, I recommend the YouTube videos of Jordan Maxwell and any and all
lectures regarding the "Justinian Deception" --- the use of Dog Latin--- by Romley Stewart.

Time is of the essence and numbers count, as these crime syndicates know that they have
been discovered and that their system has been deconstructed, so that they either make
amends or are destroyed by liquidation or worse.

Please join the effort, correct your records, [for Do It Yourself Help go to or see Article 928 on my website, (Once you have fully corrected your political status) go to our new sign
in service: .

SignInAmerica is an organizational tool to help us identify and as much as possible pre-qualify

Americans who have corrected their political status to receive Credit Vouchers to offset debts of
the STRAWMAN entities that have been created "in their names".


Witness Testimony in the form of an Affidavit

1687. BC Witnesses

I am getting a lot of questions, especially from older readers whose parents have died and who
have fewer and fewer direct witnesses to their birth and identity. It gets harder as you get older
to be able to find such witnesses, but if we scratch our heads a bit there are usually plenty of
people who have cause to know who we are and where we come from and know our family ties.
Anyone who has known you a significant (7 years or more) period of time and who knows your
family and background may serve as a Witness.
That may include:

1. Family members;

2. Friends, including friends from school;

3. Religious officials;

4. Co-workers;

5. Employers;

6. Public officials -- sheriffs, librarians, etc.

Because today's world works on photo identifications, you will need a small color or black and
white photo of yourself copied onto the paper that your Witnesses will sign. I am providing a
fictitious example of the verbiage for a typical BC Witness Testimony below.

Remember that living people cannot give Affidavits ---- only Testimony in the Form of an
Affidavit. So if you are not acting as a corporation or a corporate officer, never label anything
you submit for any court or public record an "Affidavit".

Witness Testimony in the Form of an Affidavit

1. "I, Joanne Felicity Adams, a living woman now living at 345 Howe Street, Lampasas, Texas,

2. have first-hand knowledge that Joseph Allen Bates whose photograph appears hereon and
who now lives in Akron, Ohio,
3. is the man who was born on July 1, 1949 in Coopertown, Michigan,

4. and from without the United States and under the penalties of perjury under the public law of
The United States of America,

5. I do affirm this to be the truth.

6. This Witness Testimony is granted freely, without coercion or payment of any kind,

7. and so say I to all facts above this ____ day of _________ in the year ___________

8. and I have affixed my signature in affirmation of these facts before these Witnesses:

By: __________________________________ (c) Joanne Felicity Adams, LS Witness of Public

Notary to Signature Lampasas County Texas Today I was visited by Joanne Felicity Adams and
she did present appropriate identification and she did provide this Testimony in the Form of an
Affidavit freely and without coercion before me and she did also freely sign this Testimony
without coercion in my presence this _____ day of __________ in Witness whereof my hand
and seal appear:

By: _____________________________________Public Notary; my commission expires on:


****Obviously, in the case of women who have married and changed their names you will need
to add reference to the birth name---- something to the effect: "I have first-hand knowledge that
Betty Jo Boop now living in Santa Monica, California, was born Betty Jo Melankamp in
Cooperstown, Michigan, on July 1, 1950....."
***** Please also note that it is okay for Witnesses to come from other places than where you
now live. An old High School pal may live in West Virginia and you may live in Los Angeles.
The only difficulty is that when you talk to them and ask you to do you this favor, you will need to
ask the name of the county where they will get the Notary done so that you can complete the
Notary information correctly.

1693. New Helpful Forms and Examples

There are basically two kinds of records people need to have to prove and enforce their identity
and standing --- public and private.

Birth Certificates and BC Witness Statements are private documents. The BC for most people
should never be recorded, though the Witness Statements can and should be so long as the
Witnesses don't object.

Whether you record the Witness Statements or not is more or less a personal choice, but bear
in mind that once they are recorded they can't be "lost" as easily as they can be lost in a house
fire, flood, or other happenstance.

I recently made up an example of a BC Witness Testimony in the Form of an Affidavit that can
be "motorized" as an online form and red-lined as the others have been for people to add their
own information. Or simply posted as an example for people to follow in constructing their own

Please see attached: ​


Correct Your Political Status
Instructions from Anna
This is the basic package everyone needs to fill out and record with the local land recording
office to reclaim their birthright political status and reclaim their Good Names and Estates.
Please note: do not register anything. Only record. If your local land recording district or county
land recording office won't record your paperwork, look for a county that will. Often it is only a
matter of traveling a few miles or sending it through the mail.

This process brings forward the Trade Name and "finds" it again, and then allows us to reclaim
our "reversionary trust interest" in all the derivative NAMES free and clear.

The Deed of Reconveyance seizes upon the Trade Name and brings it back to the land and soil
jurisdiction. The Certificate of Assumed Name seizes upon the derivative NAMES and returns
them to control of the living man. The Act of Expatriation explicitly renounces Territorial and
Municipal "citizenship" and returns the derivative NAMES and ACCOUNTS to the land and soil.

The Baby Deed of Land Recording is to help new parents and put an end to the "salvaging" of
American babies by these corporate vermin. Simply have a Third Party -- grandparent, uncle,
family friend--- do the notarization and record the Baby Deed as another Extension of the
Father's Deed of Re-Conveyance. If the Father refuses to claim his Trade Name and Estate, or
is dead or disabled, the Baby Deed can be attached to the Mother's Deed of Re-Conveyance.
(Please Note: This Deed is for any children that you have - not for you as a People.)

How to Notarize
1179. Public Notary or Notary Public?

The people now serving as Notaries are all commissioned by "State of State" franchises and so,
they normally function as Notary Publics in the international jurisdiction of the sea.

The jurisdiction invoked is indicated by the "Notary Block" the separate portion of the document
reserved for them. If it is Territorial United States jurisdiction being invoked, the Notary Block will
show that the paperwork is taking place --- for example, in the "State of Vermont" and "County
of Claybourne".
If it is Municipal United States jurisdiction, the Notary Block will show: "STATE OF VERMONT"

But if you want to invoke the land jurisdiction owed to your country, the Notary Block will show:
"Vermont State" and "Claybourne County". And, ideally, the Notary will be identified as a "Public

All the paperwork that I recommend (other than the Birth Certificate paperwork) will require a
Public Notary service, will be a recording not a registration process, will go to and through a
Recorder's Office, and the place will be a land jurisdiction state like: Wisconsin State, and a land
jurisdiction County like: Jackson County.

1644. Correction: Notaries Cannot Lose Their Bonds

Among the other Disinformation being spread is the idea that Notaries could "lose their bonds" if
they Witness our Acts of Expatriation.

Those making such comments are in true La-La-Land.

All your life, you have been signing for a fictional entity --- your Person.

In fact, no "State of State" Notary has ever Witnessed anything but people signing as Persons,
so you are not doing anything unusual or wrong or even questionable by signing our paperwork,
and neither is the Notary doing anything questionable by witnessing it.
Here's what you've got to know:

In international jurisdiction there are Lawful Persons and Legal Persons, but no living people at
all. So, Question One---- which one are you? Lawful Person or Legal Person?

We settle the first question --- Lawful Person or Legal Person? -- with the Act of Expatriation
and the Deed of Re-conveyance.

We record the fact and create the evidence that our Proper Name is a Lawful Person standing
on the land and soil of our State, so that it is no longer open to any interpretation and we are not
subject to being mistaken for Legal Persons and attacked as such.

In municipal jurisdiction there are also only commercial corporations functioning as LEGAL
PERSONS. Again, no living people at all.

Question Two: where those PERSONS domiciled on Earth and who do they belong to?

We settle the second question regarding LEGAL PERSONS with the Certificate of Assumed
Names and the Form 56, which re-flags the PERSON as an American PERSON (not Puerto
Rican) and then Form 56 makes the Secretary of the Treasury responsible for paying ITS debts.
Not us.

Everyone (including the Notaries) needs to realize that "State of State" Notaries, like State of
State Sheriffs, don't have any public bonds associated with what is in fact a private corporate
office providing a public service as a paid or unpaid contractor.
Instead, the State of State corporations "self-insure" and have risk management departments.
In reality what that means is that they carry private liability insurance like any big corporation.

You can't lose bonding you don't have.

How to Record
You can record your documents in any county, any where in America. Prices will vary greatly.
Typically, the county recording office will charge you the largest fee for the recording cover
sheet, and then it will be $1 per page after that.

Some County Recording Offices require you to use their recording sheet, others allow you to
use your own. You will want to call the Recorders Office ahead of time, or visit the website to
find out if you can use your own recording sheet, or if you are required to use theirs. You will
want to get a copy of their form before you record your documents so that you can prepare it

The most inexpensive way to record your documents is to do as many as possible together. If
you do the documents separately, you will pay the expensive cover sheet recording fee each
time and that can add up to hundreds of dollars.

If you are doing separate recordings, you want to be sure to link your documents together on
the recording sheet. Some Recording Offices have reference document linking, or you can set
up your own numbering system and record as an addendum to the original recording. Again,
you will want to ask the Recording Office what is the most efficient way to keep the documents
linked and tracked together.

If you are filing all of your documents together, you will need to put them in the following order:

Deed of Reconveyance

Certificate of Assumed Name

Act of Expatriation JOHN DOE

Act of Expatriation JOHN M. DOE

Act of Expatriation JOHN MARK DOE

Cancellation of All Prior Powers of Attorney

Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act

DNA Paramount Claim

Marriage Paperwork

Baby Deed of Land Recording

Diagram of the Fraud (Optional)

How to Autograph
For your Deed of Reconveyance you should autograph your name in red ink.

For your Deed of Conveyance, you should autograph in Blue Ink.

Here is the guidance from Anna:

"They --the new immigrants-- are starting out "at sea" in the international jurisdiction of the sea
and are conveying themselves to our land jurisdiction for the first time, therefore they use blue
ink. When we re-convey back to the land jurisdiction of our State we are giving Notice to the
sea jurisdiction authorities that we are back "home" on the land where we started out, which is
why we sign in red and record the paperwork. We are native to these shores, not foreigners.
We came from here and we are returning home--- coming back after being shanghaied. The
new immigrants are foreigners coming from overseas for the first time ever.

Does it make sense that a person who goes on a sea voyage and then returns home is in a
different position than a person who goes on a sea voyage and lands in a foreign country?
Okay, so we use red and new immigrants use blue because we are starting out from different
"places". We are native and they are naturalized. We come from this land and return to this
land. They come from over the sea and come ashore here. End of story."
For all other documents, you should autograph your name in blue ink. Be sure to include your
copyright symbol after your name. Don't forget your red thumbprint seal. When editing the
templates, be sure to remove the word Seal from the document.

The autograph should be:

by: First Middle Last© (red thumbprint should touch your autograph)

All Rights Reserved

Without Prejudice

#928 Basic Package of Editable Forms

Example Deed of Reconveyance (doc)
Example Deed of Conveyance (doc)
Example Certificate of Assumed Name (doc)
Example Act of Expatriation JOHN MARK DOE (doc)
cancellation_of_all_prior_powers_of_attorney_article_928_example (doc)
fsia (doc)
paramount_claim_of_the_life_and_the_estate_of_evelyn_jane_carter_editable_v3 (doc)
Marriage Paperwork (doc)
Baby Deed of Land Recording (doc)
Example Recording Cover Sheet (doc)
New Diagram of Fraud 2019 (pdf)
Birth Certificate
Step 1 - Birth Certificate Authentication
791. Step By Step -- What You've All Been Screaming For -- Part One

Step 1: Sit down and look at your "Birth Certificate" and understand what it is and how it
functions. It has two basic functions.

First, it is an Insurance Indemnity Receipt which is required under the Lieber Code/Hague
Conventions. They have to give you an indemnity receipt for the property they are stealing from
you--- essentially an insurance policy guaranteeing that your property won't be harmed as a
result of their use of it.

This makes you the "Subrogee" --- the Insured Party and Priority Creditor of your own ESTATE
holdings. This process of "registration" (as opposed to "recording") creates a separate
PERSON named after your Given Trade Name, yet owned and operated by a franchise of the
MUNICIPAL UNITED STATES--- the separate government of Washington, DC, operated as an
international citystate by the members of Congress.

When you get your BC "Authenticated" by the United States of America State Department you
find out for sure which federal corporation is issuing the BIRTH CERTIFICATE you have been
issued. In most cases it will be a STATE OF STATE, like THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, but
in some cases will be a federal department, such as THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE.

Second, the Birth Certificate is a Bond---literally. It is a bond issued against the value of the
ESTATE (or more recently, Public Transmitting Utility) assets that belong to you. A bond is an
I.O.U. --- a promise to pay under stipulated conditions. You have the certificate proving that you
are the actual owner of the assets being bonded, but until and unless you claim your exemption
from their system of things, the benefit of the bond goes to the STATE OF STATE or
DEPARTMENT that is insuring your purloined property against loss or damage.
Now notice a couple other things about your Birth Certificate that prove that what I am telling
you is true.

A. There are two prominent dates displayed on the certificate. One is your actual birth day.
The other is the "File Date" when the PERSON (a corporate municipal franchise) was created
and replaced you as the beneficiary of your own assets. So you, the living man or woman, have
a birth day--- and the corporate franchise "PERSON" named after you has a birth date which is
always a few days or weeks after your birth day. In effect, the BIRTH CERTIFICATE records
the "death" of your claim to own your own estate and Trade Name, and the "birth" of the federal
PERSON's claim upon your assets. You are always the Holder-in-Due-Course, the Party
having the first claim (first in line, first in time) to the Trade Name and Estate, but if you don't
claim it, or know how to claim it, you are out of luck and disinherited.

B. The BIRTH CERTIFICATE is signed by the Registrar -- an Officer of the Probate Court, which
proves that your estate was probated. The living American state national, for example, the

named William Bales Jensen, was taken off the title of his natural estate and his natural
nationality and political status was changed to that of "WILLIAM BALES JENSEN" ---a federal
Municipal franchise corporation and "citizen of the United States"---- that is, a citizen under the
Diversity Clause of the old Federal Code which allows corporations to be citizens.

C. The BIRTH CERTIFICATE is issued on bond paper, giving you "silent Notice" that the assets
named on the face of the document --- your unlawfully converted estate assets including the
copyright to your Trade Name, your land, your labor--- everything that you could ever own, has
been seized upon and bonded by the organization issuing the certificate.

D. The process of false probate just described results in the unlawful conversion of your name
and estate assets, makes you a "US citizen" instead of an "American state national", removes
you from the jurisdiction of the land and deprives you of your constitutional protections, makes
you indebted and obligated to pay the bills of foreign corporations, and otherwise plays havoc
with you and your entire country.
E. This is done without your knowledge or consent, without your parent's knowledge or consent,
and the people doing this to you are on your payroll, supposed to be rendering you Good Faith
service the whole while. Because you don't know that this is being done to you and that these
false claims against you are being made, you have no opportunity to object to them, much less
delve through it to rebut all these lies and claim your exemption and exercise your indemnity.

Now a few further notes: For many years the vermin seized upon your Given Christian Trade
Name, just as you were taught to print it in First Grade with a first name, middle name, and last
name all written in Upper and Lower Case like this: John Michael Doe.

Their federal franchise was structured as a Cestui Que Vie ESTATE trust operated under the
same name written in all capital letters: JOHN MICHAEL DOE. Most recently, the vermin have
tried to change their stripes and instead of creating their fictional PERSONS as Cestui Que Vie
ESTATE trusts, they have been creating Public Transmitting Utility franchises named after you.
How can you tell the difference?

The ESTATE trusts are all named with the full first, middle, and last names appearing in all
capital letters: JOHN MICHAEL DOE. The PUBLIC TRANSMITTING UTILITIES all appear with
only a Middle Initial, but still in all capital letters: JOHN M. DOE.

Please note that any name in any style that uses only a Middle Initial is not a legal name. It is
meaningless and void for lack of specificity. Was that John Michael Doe or John Mark Doe or
John Marvin Doe or John Maxwell Doe or.....or....or....

You can always call the vermin on that, because lack of specificity destroys the existence of any
jurisdiction actual or fictional. A claim against such a named entity can only stand if you just
assume it is your name and accept the charges without objection.
This technicality is not the essence of the problem nor your strongest defense. This is just to
point out that what they are doing is blatantly, obviously, on-the-face-of-it illegal, and you don't
need any rocket science to prove that it is, nor any other cause to object. If you raise this
objection and they proceed against you, they are dead meat upon appeal --- a fact that may not
be known to you, but which is written in stone above their heads: If you don't properly identify
the parties, you have no claim.

Now that you know what the BIRTH CERTIFICATE is and what its functions are, it will make
more sense to you that you need to get it verified as a genuine document ---and this is where
the process of authentication comes in.

Why "authentication" and why not an "apostille" nor a "certification"?

Countries that are signers on the Hague Conventions use apostilles to verify genuine
documents passing between themselves. Countries that are not part of the Hague Conventions
use authentication for the same purpose. Certification is an "in-house" domestic equivalent of a
guarantee and isn't strong enough for international use.

The United States of America never signed the Hague Conventions. The United States did.

As a result, documents issued by or pertaining to The United States of America and its
international functions have to be "authenticated" while documents issued by or pertaining to the
United States have to "apostilled". Both processes serve the same purpose of verifying the
record and the paper.

When you act as an American state national you are acting under the auspices of The United
States of America, so when you are ready to reclaim your assets and exercise your exemptions,
you use documents that are authenticated.
If you were an actual federal employee or dependent and acting under the auspices of the
United States, Inc. as a franchise of the Municipal government or as a citizen of the Territorial
government (either one) you would use documents that are apostilled.

All that is the reason why you go through the turkey trot of getting your records officially verified
and why you need to do this correctly.

I recommend getting at least two if not three copies of your Birth Certificate ordered from the
Vital Statistics people. Keep one and send two to the State Secretary of State and ask for an
"authentication" to do business in Indonesia--- a non-Hague Convention country. They will add
a cover sheet, signature, and seal guaranteeing that the attached BC is genuine.

Next, take the state-authenticated documents and send them to the United States of America
Secretary of State's Office in DC and request the same service --- authentication of the BC for
use in Indonesia.

Each authentication requires a small fee. At the end of the day, you get back a three-page
document --- the original BC you got from Vital Statistics, the State Secretary of State's cover
page and, on top of that, a yellow, heavy-weight cover page from the USA Secretary of State's

That yellow page verifies the authenticity of the State Secretary of State's guarantee and it tells
you explicitly which federal entity--STATE OF STATE franchise or DEPARTMENT--- issued the
indemnity receipt and is responsible for guaranteeing your exemption from all this rot.

Now, finally, you have the proof in your hand of what has been done to you, who did it, and who
is liable for it. You have the lawn mower, and now all you need is the gas.

Step by Step Instructions for Authentication Process

1) Order your certified Birth Certificate through Vital Records online from your birth state. The
general link is Request several certified copies (I suggest minimum of 3 but
probably 5 is better). These will be printed on bond paper.

2) Once you receive the certified bond copies, you will go to the Secretary of State website for
most states, however in some states, for example Hawaii, you will need to locate the correct
department for authentication. You will fill out the form on the Secretary of State (or authorized
office) website to request each birth certificate to be authenticated. Fill out the form and with
the certified birth certificates and a check for the correct amount. At the very least, send them
certified mail return receipt, but it is recommended to send them Registered Mail because your
documents are s in possession of a Postal Service employee at all times.

Please Note: Some states will only provide an Apostille (for example California). You will need
to request travel to a Non-Hague Country such as Indonesia to have the Apostille correct.

3) Once you receive these authenticated and birth certificates back from your Secretary of
State, you will then send them the U.S. State Department to be authenticated. Here is a link to
the website, to the form, and the address to send it to. Send a check or money order for $8 for
each birth certificate to be authenticated.

Website Information:

Form to fill out:

Mailing Address:

Office of Authentications
U.S. Department of State
44132 Mercure CIR

PO BOX 1206

Sterling, VA 20166-1206

What if your birth certificate name is not in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS?

Some states are issuing birth certificates with Proper Case Name. In that case, you will use the
name assigned on the birth certificate and follow the other steps accordingly.

Hand Carry Option for U.S. State Department Authentication

This option below, will have Tony Azzouzi hand carry your birth certificates to Sterling, VA office
for U.S. State Department Authentication

Please note: They only open their office from 8 to 9am M - F. The fee for this service is $40
which includes the state department fee. Multiple copies are $30 each. 3 BC’s equals $90.

You must mail the documents in a large envelope using Fed Ex and must include an envelope
filled out with a return address postage prepaid so all Tony has to do once he gets the
document authenticated is put it in the envelope provided and mail it back. The authenticated
document will have a brass ring attached.

Allow up to 3 days turn around plus mailing time.

His address is

Tony Azzouzi

1400 K St. Northwest Suite 102

Washington, D.C. 20005

Phone: 202 658 1160

Step 2 - Assign U. S. Secretary of the Treasury as the STRAWMAN fiduciary
560. How to Correct Your Political Status and Why

(Please note: the information below is corrected and updated to apply to American State
Nationals. In the original article, it had instructions to create a Treasury Direct Account using the
Registered Mail Number. This is for US Citizens only - Not for American State Nationals. If you
accidentally requested this, simply send a Notice of Correction Letter to Secretary Mnuchin.
The template is located below. )

You have been mis-characterized and defrauded and you have prima facie evidence of that
readily available. You think of it as your Birth Certificate, but it isn't. It is a "certification" that a
federal MUNICIPAL "PERSON" was created and named after you and that at one point in your
life you were a real American. You were born on your birthday, but the MUNICIPAL PERSON
has a birth date which is several days or weeks later---the filing date shown on the certificate.

Please note that the "Birth Certificate" is printed on bond paper. It is a security instrument.
Please also note that it has been signed by the Registrar --- an officer of the probate court. This
is prima facie evidence that your earthly estate was probated when you were only a few days or
weeks old and that it was seized upon by the State of ___________ or STATE OF_________
and operated for its benefit from that time on.

So, Step Two---- ditch the federal MUNICIPAL PERSON and the responsibilities and obligations
associated with it.

You need to get the Birth Certificate certified, and then you need to endorse it and "surrender" it
to the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury (Please note the two dots between the "U" and the "S"-----
the U.S. Treasury.) and make Steven T. Mnuchin the Fiduciary responsible for IT.
The endorsement is simple but exact. The certified Birth Certificate that the birth State Secretary
of State sends back to you will have a cover page riveted or hard stapled and firmly attached to
the front of the BC (Please Note: In some cases the state may use just a certified seal, for
example Washington. Every state is different). You leave that cover page attached and on the
front of the BC itself in the upper left hand corner and in red ink you write: "Accepted by
Drawee" and sign it by: Your Upper Lower Case Signature, and date it.

Then turn the BC over and on the back anywhere write (in red ink): Pay to the Order of the
United States of America, U.S. Treasury. Without Recourse. And again, write -- by: Your Upper
and Lower Case Signature, and date it.

Next comes the Form 56, which is the IRS Form called "Notice of Fiduciary Relationship". This
is your Notice to Mr. Mnuchin that you are making him and his office responsible for the
PERSON named after you.

The Form 56 is very simple -- the name of the PERSON is the NAME on the BC which you are
returning to the Treasury. The name of the Fiduciary is Steven T. Mnuchin, Secretary of the
Treasury. You can look up the address online. I believe it is 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20220.

Section A (f) --- "Other" -- Public Commercial Trust Administration

Section B(4) -- Check (a) (b) and (h) "Other" and just say, "All forms that may be necessary".

On the back, Part II, 7 (C) "Other" --- Surrender of federal "PERSON" to U.S. Treasury

On the back, Part III "Court and Administrative Proceedings" --- enter the name and address of
the agency issuing the BC. The "date proceeding initiated" will be the File Date which is never
your birthday, but a few days or weeks later. The "docket number" will be the State File Number
on the BC. The time will be the time you were actually born, and the place of "other"
proceedings will be "usa".
On the back, Part IV, "Signature" ---- you write the word "by" like a by-line to a newspaper
story---- by: Your Name (Upper and Lower Case), Authorized Representative, and the date.

Underneath the Signature is a blank space. It is appropriate to say that you wish to be
indemnified against claims or losses under the sovereign usa Private Registered Indemnity
Bond AMRI00001 RA393427640US.

This is basically a bond posted in behalf of all the actual states of the Union and all the people
living in those states insuring them against any further claims related to the MUNICIPAL
PERSON(S) they have surrendered back to Mr. Mnuchin.

And that is that. You have now surrendered the MUNICIPAL "CITIZEN" back whence it came
and you have insured yourself against any further claims or losses or charges brought against
that PERSON.

Along with the Form 56 you should include a brief letter stating that it is your instruction to
operate exclusively under 100% commercial liability and without benefit of any limited liability or
other benefit of the Public Charitable Trust (PCT).

You are going to send this package of documents via Registered Mail to the Treasury. Each red
and white Registered Mail label (available with instructions at all Post Offices) is unique and has
an alpha-numeric identifier to track it.

Also ask him to settle all debts and charges related to YOUR NAME.

Thank him for his time and attention.

Well, that was a Royal Pain and you shouldn't have ever been entrapped and obligated by your
employees in the first place, but now you have taken action to sever the presumption that you
are volunteering to act as a federal MUNICIPAL CITIZEN, and nobody can say otherwise. From
now on, "IT" is Mr. Mnuchin's problem and you are indemnified against any further claims or
complaints related to "IT"

Step by Step Instructions for Assigning your STRAWMAN Fiduciary

1) Take one certified Birth Certificate that the birth State Secretary of State sends back to you.
It will have a cover page riveted or hard stapled and firmly attached to the front of the BC. You
leave that cover page attached and on the front of the BC itself in the upper left hand corner and
in red ink you write: "Accepted by Drawee" and sign it by: Your Upper Lower Case Signature© ,
and date it.

2) Turn the BC over and on the back anywhere write: Pay to the Order of the United States of
America, U.S. Treasury. Without Recourse. And again, write--- by: Your Upper and Lower Case
Signature©, and date it.

3) Next comes the Form 56, which is the IRS Form called "Notice of Fiduciary Relationship".
This is your Notice to Mr. Mnuchin that you are making him and his office responsible for the
PERSON named after you.

4) The Form 56 is very simple -- the name of the PERSON is the NAME on the BC which you
are returning to the Treasury. The name of the Fiduciary is Steven T. Mnuchin, Secretary of the
Treasury, 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20220.

Section A (f) --- "Other" -- Public Commercial Trust Administration

Section B(4) -- Check (a) (b) and (h) "Other" and just say, "All forms that may be necessary".
On the back, Part II, 6 (C) "Other" --- Surrender of federal "PERSON" to U.S. Treasury

On the back, Part III "Court and Administrative Proceedings" --- enter the name and address of
the agency issuing the BC. The "date proceeding initiated" will be the File Date which is never
your birthday, but a few days or weeks later. The "docket number" will be the State File Number
on the BC. The time will be the time you were actually born, and the place of "other"
proceedings will be "usa".

On the back, Part IV, "Signature" ---- you write the word "by" like a by-line to a newspaper
story---- by: Your Name (Upper and Lower Case), Authorized Representative, and the date.

Underneath the Signature is a blank space. Hand write "I wish to be indemnified against claims
or losses under the sovereign usa Private Registered Indemnity Bond AMRI00001

5) Create your cover letter to accompany your documents and provide instructions. (Please see
cover letter template below). Address your large manilla envelope ( 9" x 12").

6) Make copies of everything, including your Registered Mail Receipt and put them in a file in a
safe place.

7) Take your cover letter, your certified birth certificate and Form 56 and put everything in the
addressed manilla envelope.
8) Go to the Post Office and fill out the Registered Mail form to send your documents Registered
Mail. Be sure to make a copy of your registered mail form and keep the copy and the original in
your file in a safe place.

9) Celebrate one more step to correcting your political status!

Birth Certificate Documents and Templates

Cover Letter for Form 56 (doc)
Form 56 Example 2019 (pdf)
Treasury Dept 56 Notice of Correction (doc)
More Birth Certificate Information
Anatomy of a Birth Certificate
1690. Anatomy of a Birth Certificate - What It Means
(Corrected article below)

Take a look at the Birth Certificate issued in your NAME.

What's the first thing you notice?

It's on funny paper: hard surfaced, durable, heavy paper called "bond paper". This is your first
clue that your estate has been seized upon and that bonds--- that is, promissory notes--- have
been issued against your name.

The next thing that will probably catch your eye is that there are all sorts of seals and blazons
and watermarks on this piece of paper. It carries all sorts of emblems from a "State of State"
organization, depending on where and when you were born.
We know from our study of the history that these organizations are all foreign with respect to us,
as our own American State of State organizations have been moth-balled since the Civil War.

Look at the BC issued in your name. It will show either a Territorial State of State with its name
written in Upper and Lower Case like this: State of Washington, or a Municipal STATE OF
STATE written in All Capitals like this: STATE OF IOWA.

All these seals and watermarks and other gee-gaws serve to identify the "Issuer" of the Birth
Certificate, which is the foreign State of State Organization, not you. They are identifying your
NAME as property belonging to them, which they are issuing bonds against.

The next thing you will most likely notice is that your name is spelled out in All Capital Letters,
and that, most likely, other words appear in All Capital Letters.

According to the Bar Association Manual and the Government Printing Office and Federal
Bureau of Engraving and Black's Law Dictionary and the Chicago Manuel of Style, the only
things that can be named using All Capital Letters are: (1) Corporations or (2) Dead men's

The All Capitals names are a form of Latin called "Dog Latin".

So, look at your name as it appears in All Capitals on that Birth Certificate.

Are they issuing bonds against a Dead Man's Estate? Or against a corporation?
If your name appears like this: JOHN ALLEN DOE, the bonds have been issued against your
ESTATE on the presumption that you donated it to the State of State or STATE OF STATE

If your name appears like this: JOHN A. DOE, the bonds have been issued against a PUBLIC
TRANSMITTING UTILITY franchise on the presumption that you donated that to the State of
State or STATE OF STATE Organization.

In either case, obviously, so far as you know you didn't donate anything to any of these yahoos
and you are not aware of having given them permission to bond your estate or any public
transmitting utility, either. It all sounds bizzare, doesn't it?

But there is the evidence in your hand.

Now, who is the Birth Certificate Bond signed by? The Registrar. The Registrar is an Officer of
the Probate Court. The appearance of their signature on "your" Birth Certificate is absolute
proof that your property --- whether your ESTATE or your PUBLIC TRANSMITTING UTILITY ---
has been probated and seized upon as property belonging to the State of State or STATE OF
STATE that issued the Birth Certificate.

Now look at the dates on the face of the Birth Certificate. You will see your actual birthday and
also a file date ---- the "birthdate". These refer to the actual event of your birth, and then, some
days or weeks later, the "filing" of the paperwork to either (1) pronounce "you" dead and create
your ESTATE; or (2) to create "your" PUBLIC TRANSMITTING UTILITY.

Either way, you arrived first and have first right of recall and ownership, known as a reversionary
trust interest in your own Good Name and assets.
After all, you are being misrepresented as the "donor" of all these assets and the State of State
is claiming to be the beneficiary of your largesse. Having discovered this "mistake" made by
your Mother when you were just a baby in your cradle, you have a right to come forward and
correct it upon discovery.

What else does the Birth Certificate represent?

It is evidence of crime against you and fraud and non-disclosure against your mother.

It is evidence of attempting to contract with and establish "unconscionable contract" with an


An "unconscionable contract" is a contract that you literally are not aware of. And how could a
little baby be aware of a contract made "for" him when he was only a few days old, by a new
Mother who was never given full disclosure about those papers she was signing at the hospital?
She couldn't explain to you what she was never given to understand herself, could she?

The BC is potent evidence of crime.

Now, what are you going to do with it / about it?

The first thing you are going to do is secure two Witness Testimonies from people who have
"reasonable first hand knowledge" of you and your family, who can affirm that you are "the"
living man or woman whose birth occurred at such and such a time and place and to your
parents, etc.
This establishes the fact that you are the presumed "Donor" of the property referenced by the
BC and also establishes your standing to sue these criminals.

Next, if you follow our advice, you will complete the paperwork to return your Trade Name (also
known as your Good Name and Given Name -- "John Allen Doe" in Upper and Lower Case) to
the land and soil jurisdiction of your birth State.

This process explicitly demonstrates--- and recording of the action proves--- that you, the
presumed Donor, are acting as a Lawful Person, not a Legal Person.

This puts you outside their jurisdiction, so they can no longer "presume" anything about you.

Next, having secured your Trade Name and having permanently domiciled it on the land and
soil jurisdiction State, you will Expatriate from any presumed political status as a Territorial
Citizen (like someone born in Puerto Rico) or Municipal CITIZEN (created in the Municipality of
Washington, DC, for example).

And you will revoke all Prior Powers of Attorney and name your Lawful Person ---John Allen
Doe, in this example--- as the only Attorney-in-Fact authorized to do business for you and your

Finally, you will seize upon all the other Assumed Names and NAMES that are or could be
associated with you in any regard, and all their variations and permutations and orderings and
styles, and you

will use a recorded Certificate of Assumed Name(s) to claim them and permanently domicile all
of them on the land and soil of your State of the Union, too.
This last is a process like re-flagging a ship. Instead of "sailing" under the auspices of the
British Territorial Government or the Municipal Government of Washington, DC, you are now
demonstrably sailing under the auspices of Maine or California or whatever other actual land
and soil jurisdiction State.

This also puts your Good Name and all the "derivative" NAMES under the Pubic Law, so that
you are no longer subject to the codes and statutory laws and "public policies" of the foreign
State of State or STATE OF STATE Organizations.

In sum total, at the end of this process, you have: (1) damning conclusive evidence of their
wrongdoing against a baby; (2) proof of your ownership of your name and your standing; (3)
proof of your political status; (4) proof that you are the only authorized Power of Attorney; (5)
proof that any "vessels" related to you stand under the Public Law and are not subject to any
presumption or interpretation otherwise.

You still have to learn how to use these documents in your defense and be able to describe this
whole circumstance, but taken together they form a competent rebuttal and evidence trail
removing you from any "US citizenship" status, and returning you to your rightful status as an
American State National.

And again --- why is all this necessary? Because your identity has been stolen. The Birth
Certificate you hold in your hand is irrefutable evidence of the facts.

You were deliberately misidentified as a baby as either a "United States Citizen" [Territorial] or
"Citizen of the United States" [Municipal] and unless you rebut the evidence, you will be claimed
as chattel belonging as a property asset to one of these foreign commercial crime syndicates.

For additional insight, I recommend the YouTube videos of Jordan Maxwell and any and all
lectures regarding the "Justinian Deception" --- the use of Dog Latin--- by Romley Stewart.
Time is of the essence and numbers count, as these crime syndicates know that they have
been discovered and that their system has been deconstructed, so that they either make
amends or are destroyed by liquidation or worse.

Please join the effort, correct your records, [for Do It Yourself Help go to or see Article 928 on my website, (Once you have fully corrected your political status) go to our new sign
in service: .

SignInAmerica is an organizational tool to help us identify and as much as possible pre-qualify

Americans who have corrected their political status to receive Credit Vouchers to offset debts of
the STRAWMAN entities that have been created "in their names".

Birth Certificate Witness Testimony

Witness Testimony in the form of an Affidavit
1687. BC Witnesses

I am getting a lot of questions, especially from older readers whose parents have died and who
have fewer and fewer direct witnesses to their birth and identity. It gets harder as you get older
to be able to find such witnesses, but if we scratch our heads a bit there are usually plenty of
people who have cause to know who we are and where we come from and know our family ties.
Anyone who has known you a significant (7 years or more) period of time and who knows your
family and background may serve as a Witness.

That may include:

1. Family members;

2. Friends, including friends from school;

3. Religious officials;

4. Co-workers;
5. Employers;

6. Public officials -- sheriffs, librarians, etc.

Because today's world works on photo identifications, you will need a small color or black and
white photo of yourself copied onto the paper that your Witnesses will sign. I am providing a
fictitious example of the verbiage for a typical BC Witness Testimony below.

Remember that living people cannot give Affidavits ---- only Testimony in the Form of an
Affidavit. So if you are not acting as a corporation or a corporate officer, never label anything
you submit for any court or public record an "Affidavit".

Witness Testimony in the Form of an Affidavit

1. "I, Joanne Felicity Adams, a living woman now living at 345 Howe Street, Lampasas, Texas,

2. have first-hand knowledge that Joseph Allen Bates whose photograph appears hereon and
who now lives in Akron, Ohio,

3. is the man who was born on July 1, 1949 in Coopertown, Michigan,

4. and from without the United States and under the penalties of perjury under the public law of
The United States of America,

5. I do affirm this to be the truth.

6. This Witness Testimony is granted freely, without coercion or payment of any kind,

7. and so say I to all facts above this ____ day of _________ in the year ___________

8. and I have affixed my signature in affirmation of these facts before these Witnesses:

By: __________________________________ (c) Joanne Felicity Adams, LS Witness of Public

Notary to Signature Lampasas County Texas Today I was visited by Joanne Felicity Adams and
she did present appropriate identification and she did provide this Testimony in the Form of an
Affidavit freely and without coercion before me and she did also freely sign this Testimony
without coercion in my presence this _____ day of __________ in Witness whereof my hand
and seal appear:

By: _____________________________________Public Notary; my commission expires on:


****Obviously, in the case of women who have married and changed their names you will need
to add reference to the birth name---- something to the effect: "I have first-hand knowledge that
Betty Jo Boop now living in Santa Monica, California, was born Betty Jo Melankamp in
Cooperstown, Michigan, on July 1, 1950....."

***** Please also note that it is okay for Witnesses to come from other places than where you
now live. An old High School pal may live in West Virginia and you may live in Los Angeles.
The only difficulty is that when you talk to them and ask you to do you this favor, you will need to
ask the name of the county where they will get the Notary done so that you can complete the
Notary information correctly.

1693. New Helpful Forms and Examples

There are basically two kinds of records people need to have to prove and enforce their identity
and standing --- public and private.

Birth Certificates and BC Witness Statements are private documents. The BC for most people
should never be recorded, though the Witness Statements can and should be so long as the
Witnesses don't object.

Whether you record the Witness Statements or not is more or less a personal choice, but bear
in mind that once they are recorded they can't be "lost" as easily as they can be lost in a house
fire, flood, or other happenstance.

I recently made up an example of a BC Witness Testimony in the Form of an Affidavit that can
be "motorized" as an online form and red-lined as the others have been for people to add their
own information. Or simply posted as an example for people to follow in constructing their own

Please see attached:

Witness Testimony Templates

Witness Testimony in the Form of an Affidavit - Man or Single Woman (doc)
Witness Testimony in the Form of an Affidavit - Married Woman (doc)
Lineage Treaty
Claim for the Life
1176. Example of My "Claim for the Life - Lineage Treaty"

The scanned copy of the actual record will be posted on my website,
(see links at the bottom), which shows the stamps, etc. -- but here is the text showing the kind of
detail and verbiage needed to establish your claim to your inheritance as a Natural Person aka
Living-Man or Living-Woman:

For the Notice of the Claim for the Life: Lineage-Treaty

Date: November 16, 2017

Place: Big Lake, Alaska

Action: Claim and Conveyance

Presentment: To All Parties

:From the Living-Soul: Anna Maria Riezinger: Anna Maria Riezinger:Woman, Principal, Vessel
with Manifest: Anna Maria Riezinger-Living-Soul, Priority Creditor, Paramount Security Interest
Holder as of June 6, 1956 holds this Testament-Claim for the Life of Anna Maria Riezinger for
the Public Record with this claim of the Fourth Article of the 1666 Cestui Que Vie Act as and
with this claim of the writ of Habeas Corpus &: does form this Testament upon the Public
Record of the states of the Union of these United States and the Alaska State:

:From the Living-Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger manifest this day alive and well, the living
daughter of the Emmett Anthony Riezinger:Father of the Living-Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger.
The Emmett Anthony Riezinger:Father from the Peoria-City, of the Illinois-Land-State, born
August 14, 1921 with the Chicago-City-Birthplace of the Illinois-Land-State, is the son of the
John George Riezinger:Grandfather of the Living-Woman:Anna Maria Riezinger:

:From the Paternal-Grandfather: John George Riezinger of the Living-Woman: Anna Maria
Riezinger born June 1, 1879, from the Salzburg-City of the nation of Austria and from the
Paternal-Grandmother: Emma Elizabeth Helmich, born 1879, of the Spring Lake-City of the
Illinois-Land-State: :From the John George Riezinger, the Paternal-Grandfather of the
Living-Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger, the son of the John George Riezinger:Great-Grandfather
of the Living-Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger, the son of the Mother-Wife:Caroline (Rothaus)
Riezinger, born November 2, 1840 from the Salzburg-City, from the nation of Austria, and the
Father-Husband:Frank Heinrich Riezinger, born the year of 1855 &: from the nation of Austria:

:From the Emma Elizabeth Helmich, the Paternal-Grandmother of the Living-Woman: Anna
Maria Riezinger, the daughter of the William Helmich, born July 4, 1850, from the Tete Des
Morts-City, of the Iowa-Land-State, and the Mary Jane Zimmerman, born February 28, 1859
from the St. Clair-City, of the Pennsylvania-Land-State:
:The Living-Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger is Manifest from the Paternal-Grandparents: John
George Riezinger and Emma Elizabeth Helmich: Marriage Covenant from the Public Record,
November 25, 1911, of the Chicago-City, Illinois-Land-State:

:From the Living-Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger manifest this day alive and well, the living
daughter of the LaVera Myrtle Schnur of the Black River Falls-City, of the
Wisconsin-Land-State, born March 9, 1920, from the Albion Township, of the Jackson County,
of the Wisconsin-Land-State: :From the Julius Alfred Schnur, the Maternal-Grandfather of the
Living Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger, born November 20, 1867, of the Black River Falls-City, of
the Jackson County, of the Wisconsin-Land

State, the son of the Julius Alfred Schnur, born December 31, 1832, from the Brunswick-City, of
the nation of Germany and the Julius Alfred Schnur:Father’s Marriage Covenant with the
Wilhelmina Sitchfield:Mother, from the Public Record of the Beloit-City of the

:From the Anna Wilhelmina Nielson, the Maternal-Grandmother of the Living-Woman: Anna
Maria Riezinger born October 2, 1881, in South Dakota-Territory, the daughter of the
Augustinus Frederik Nielson:Father born May 10, 1852, from the nation of Denmark &: the Mary
Ann Alexander:Mother born January 13, 1850, from the Watertown-City of the

:From the Maternal-Grandparents: Julius Alfred Schnur’s Marriage Covenant with the Anna
Wilhelmina Nielson from the Public Record: June 1, 1905 of the Rochester-City, of the

:By the Living-Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger-Manifest from the Marriage Covenant of Emmett
Anthony Riezinger – LaVera Myrtle Schnur, from the Public Record, of the Day 6 June 1942,
from the Kohoka-City, Missouri-Land-State, by and with the Provenance proven as an
American-state-vessel with the Sacred-Cargo: Anna Maria Riezinger-Living-Soul.

:With Claim for the Vessel & for the Cargo & for the Manifest of the Estate of the Living-Woman:
Anna Maria Riezinger: &: with the Estate from this Lineage-Treaty free from encumbrance, free
from alien-title, free from charge, free from duty, the Living-Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger is
with this Lineage-Treaty-Conveyance home from the sea:

By: ___________________________ :Living-Woman Right-thumb-print Seal: Stamp-Seal:

_________________________________________________ This record demonstrates my
lineage claim to the land and soil of this country through numerous ancestors who were here
before the Civil War and even before the Revolution.

But even if you are not lucky enough to have a similar recitation, if you were born in this country
or born to parents who were born in this country or even to parents claiming to be American
state nationals through their parents or who are legal immigrants who finished the Naturalization
process to become a "US citizen" and then went on to adopt a permanent domicile in one of the
States-- you can do the same thing.

Why? Because anyone born or naturalized into these Land-States is heir to their kingdom, free
and clear. Your Claim for the Life doesn't have to be long or ornate. It doesn't have to involve
ancestors who lived in this country, so long as your were born here or naturalized and then
expatriated to an adopted State of the Union. To those who are misleading everyone and telling
them that they don't have to go through all this effort to rebut lies being told about them and
record their counter-claims ----- there are a lot of crooks that hope you don't, lots of corporations
that don't want to pay back what they've stolen, lots of politicians who don't want to own up to
the facts, lots of insurance underwriters and banks, too.

And if you don't record your claims because you were lazy or thought you didn't have to --- the
rats win. It's up to you.

Here are the actual documents filed.


Taxes are Voluntary - Revoke Your Election to Pay Taxes

253. Revocation of Election to Pay Income Tax -- Unanswered Letters 12 -- For "Princess"

Your revocation of election takes effect normally with the beginning of the current Federal tax
year, which in this case (assuming revocation today) would be July 1 of 2015 (Please note: this
has been corrected to October 1 since this article was published and is reflected as such in later
articles). You are still responsible for paying prior years unless you stipulate an earlier
revocation date, for example, if they were claiming that you owed taxes from 2009 that you
objected to then and ever since, you could make revocation effective July 1 of 2008. (Please
Note: You can set your revocation as far back as 10 years).
Whether you knew it or not, this “pledge” of your service as a Withholding Agent was always
voluntary so long as you are not a federal employee (military or civilian), willingly operating as a
federal corporation, of African American descent, a political asylum seeker, or welfare seeker.

The vast majority of American working people are not “eligible” for Social Security and are not
naturally “eligible” to pay federal income tax, but during the Second World War a voluntary
Victory Tax program was established by which patriotic Americans were asked to “donate” a
portion of their wages equal to the federal income tax to the war effort. Millions upon millions of
working class Americans did so.

The sunset clause of this Act makes it clear that any such election to pay federal taxes was
supposed to automatically end with the cessation of armed conflict—- at the latest, August of
1945. Rats being what they are, the members of Congress made no provision for a general
cancellation of such “taxpayer accounts”, and no instructions were given to people as to how
they could revoke their election to pay—- which has given rise to the monstrous abuses of the
Internal Revenue Service today.

You have created a file in their system and an account number. They will continue to “fish” for
money from you. Keep a copy of your revocation documents and mailing receipts and
whenever they contact you, send them a new copy.

In whatever you do, firmly maintain your status as an American State National (Article IV,
Section 2) who is “retired” from any presumption of United States citizenship.

Notify both the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service at Department of the Treasury,
Internal Revenue Service, P.O. Box 480, Holtsville, New York, 11742-0480 and the Internal
Revenue Office of the Commissioner, Room 3000, 1111 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington,
DC 20204-0002, that you have retired from all presumed federal service and you are revoking
your election to pay federal income taxes effective October 1 of 2016. Send these Notices via
Registered Mail, too. Save a copy and the mailing receipts and the Green Card Return Receipt
Requested for your Eternally Done and Over File.

560. How to Correct Your Political Status and Why
607. Dear Lucretia --- Mortgage Relief -- and The Rest of the Story

If you actually worked for the federal government the portion of your pension that is based on
federal employment is taxable, but if like so many of us, you never actually worked for the
federal government or only served in the military for a couple years, etc., so that the amount of
pension money from actual federal employment is negligible, you are eligible to claim your
exemption from federal income taxes.

You send a Letter of Revocation of Election to the Commissioners of both the IRS and the
Internal Revenue Service and tell them that you revoke your election to pay federal

income taxes beginning with October the first of last year or any prior year you choose.

Internal Revenue Office of the Commissioner

Room 3000 1111 Constitution Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20204

Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service

Department of the Treasury

P.O. Box 480 Holtsville, New York 11742

Send these Notices via Registered Mail or Certified Mail. Make a copy (of the documents) and
the mailing receipts and/or the Green Card Return Receipt Requested for your Eternally Done
and Over File.

Will I get a response from the IRS?
Maybe. Some people don't get a response. Some people do. Usually the first response is a
general acknowledgement that they have received your letter.

Frivolous Return Prog., Stop 4450

What typically follows after the general response is a Frivolous Return letter. This is a
multi-page FEAR letter talking about fees and fines and penalties. Pay no attention to the
information in the letter. Instead, look for the Payment Voucher. After you send the payment
coupon along with the cover letter, you will probably not hear from them again. If by any chance
that you do, find the payment coupon, fill it out as instructed below, and send it back.

634. IRS Claims of "Frivolous Return"

This [sending out "frivolous return" responses] is standard practice with the IRS, which is just a
private bill collection agency.

Anything that you send back to them can be considered a "return" in a sense, and it is in that
sense that they are using the word. You have not sent them a "Tax Return" at all and cannot be
accused of having done so.

Your right to revoke your election to pay is tightly bound to your citizenship or lack thereof. It is
also tied to your new found awareness of what a "Withholding Agent" is---- and that is, a
Warrant Officer on a Merchant Marine vessel.

If this was the typical "IRS package"--- the cover letter came with a Voucher printed at the
bottom. This little piece of paper is their "Cover Our Butts" token. If you will note, it appears to
be a payment slip---something you would send back with a check, etc., to pay their tax demand.
But look closer! Look above where your name and address are printed and you will see a very
strange thing: your Social Security Number enclosed by asterisks and without dashes like this:
*123456789*. This is the credit side of your account that these yahoos have to access if you
properly instruct them to do so.
A Payment Voucher works like a Coupon or other similar instrument that allows you to claim or
do something. In this case, it allows you to claim your exemption from federal taxation.

If you were paying attention to the instructions given in "How to Change Your Political Status
and Why" and in the article (number 607? 609?) titled "Dear Lucretia....." you will have a good
idea of what is going on and you will also have an exact description of the "ACCEPTED FOR
VALUE. EXEMPT FROM LEVY." red ink stamp.

Red ink is always used to cancel stamps at the post office--- why? Because it is private
international land jurisdiction. Not sea jurisdiction. That's why you use red ink. Land is red.
Sea is blue.

If you followed instructions and "surrendered" the federal PERSON on your Birth Certificate
back to the Secretary of the Treasury there can be no further charges against you, and you will
have all the information to complete your stamp and apply it to the back of the Voucher the IRS
has so obligingly sent you.

Just write: "For payment and settlement of the ACCOUNT." like you would on the memo line of
a check, apply the red stamp with all the numbers and proper verbiage as described for
Lucretia, sign it Last Name, First Middle in Upper and Lower Case, and return it to the same
snooty wannabe and say this:

"Contrary to your desires and presumptions, I am claiming my exemption and revoking any
election to pay federal income taxes. Having done so, and having notified the Commissioner(s)
of my decision, I am prohibited by law from ever filing again.

Also contrary to your suppositions, I am the paramount security interest holder in all assets
registered and unregistered and held in this NAME and I am not a municipal CITIZEN of the
UNITED STATES nor am I a territorial U.S. Citizen. More importantly, I am not a "Withholding
Agent" which is a Warrant Officer aboard a Merchant Marine vessel, volunteer or otherwise.
Any attempt to coerce me into making any such false admissions or assumptions of debt under
penalty of perjury would be suborning a crime and you would be an accomplice to that crime
and more, should you continue to suggest that I am not free to relinquish any "voluntary" job or
status or to suggest that I am a "Taypayer" or that I have any such obligation or made any
"frivolous return" to you, as you implied with your most recent correspondence.

I have returned and surrendered the federal "PERSON" to the Treasury and have named Mr.
Steven T. Mnuchin the Fiduciary responsible. You will need to return the enclosed Voucher to
the Treasury for payment/adjustment of the account. That said, I suggest that you put my NAME
on a "Do Not Contact" list as technically, any further contact from your office is mail fraud."

As always, when you receive mail from the IRS, you must reply to forestall any claim that you
are "evading" anything. And as always, send the mail certified, return receipt requested, so that
you can prove that you did reply.

You may from time to time hear from them again. Like all Bill Collectors they go on fishing
expeditions and try to wedge in a claim anywhere they can. Always reply and tell them in no
uncertain terms who you are, who they are, and where the b.s. ends. If you have any trouble
with them at all, turn them into the Commissioner and/or to IRS CID, and watch the fur fly.

At least, for a change, it won't be your fur.....


Lawful Marriage vs. Legal Marriage

1833. Lawful Marriage

It's "Marriage Season" --- or so I am told. More marriages take place in June than in any other
month of the year. I've been thumping on everyone about the word "Lawful" this week, as
opposed to "Legal" so now we have the topic of "Lawful Marriage".
What is a "Lawful Marriage" as opposed to a "Legal Marriage"?

A Lawful Marriage is one that takes place on the land and soil of an actual, factual country. It
takes place according to the Law of Scripture and the Public Law of the country and
internationally it is recognized as a Simple Treaty under the Law of Nations.

It's both a private agreement and a public agreement between two people to live together and
enter into all the rights and responsibilities of married life.

A "Legal Marriage" is a Joint Venture between two Legal Persons chartered by a State of State,
subject to the Statutory Laws of that State of State. The State of State, like the State of
Washington, issuing the new franchise charter is an undisclosed Third Party having an "interest"
in the JV and the "products thereof"---- your children.

Obviously, you want to have your ducks in order and be making a deliberate choice about which
kind of "marriage" you are entering into.

I've had distraught parents contact me seeking help to protect their children who are now
planning to get married and not knowing the difference between these two kinds of marriage.
They don't want their children and grandchildren to be reduced to mere businesses operating a
JV under the thumb of State of State subcontractors.

The basic situation is the same as what we encountered with the Baby Deed. If we don't record
our baby's true identity as an American State National, the freebooters sneak in and register our
baby's name as a Legal Person and Ward of their State of State organization, leaving him or her
--- and their parents --- at the mercy of the Territorial State of State.

To counteract, we record the Baby Deed at the land recording office and seize ownership to our
own children on the Public Record. If the State of State then registers our baby's name, it is
clearly and demonstrably a secondary claim and is not owed any enforcement against the

Straightening out your own political status records and recording that little Baby Deed on the
land jurisdiction puts you back in control of your lives and the lives of your children. It's the
same way with marriages.

You need to record your Lawful Marriage with the Land Recording Office, prior to or in concert
with any "registration" of the new "vessel" with the State of State organization.

To that end, our team has constructed a new recording instrument that does for marriages what
the Baby Deed does for babies ---- establishes your marriage as a Lawful Marriage on the
Public Record.

This document is called a "Solemn Record and Proclamation of Lawful Marriage" and will be
found --together with instructions-- with the Article 928 documents at my website, and hopefully will soon also be available on website.

Those receiving this as an email will also receive a "red-line" copy of the form and instructions.

Recording this "Solemn Record and Proclamation of Lawful Marriage" protects your marriage
from being treated as a commercial contract and prevents you and your children from being
subjected to the unilateral demands of Territorial and Municipal Agencies.

For your own safety and sanity and for the well-being of your children, be sure to fill out the
"Solemn Record and Proclamation of Lawful Marriage" and record it with the Land Recording
Office nearest you. This is evidence that you are acting as living people getting married and not
functioning as business entities engaged in a Joint Venture merger---- which is how your
marriage will otherwise be "interpreted" by the existing court systems.

I will also point out that doing this prevents a lot of the other heartaches that can be associated
with marriages --- CPS, forced vaccinations, denial of home school rights, inequitable divorces,
and a whole lot more can be settled privately and should be settled privately by arbitration. Just
make sure to get your "Solemn Record and Proclamation of Lawful Marriage" properly
witnessed and recorded and forestall any ability of the pirates to exercise their "discretion" with
regard to what kind of marriage you have entered into.

Instructions for the Solemn Record and Proclamation of Marriage

1. You must remove all brackets from this document and fill in your specific information
wherever you see red print.

2. If identity of a parent is truly unknown, just delete the space where their name would normally

3. All names should appear in First Middle Last form, except in the last section where only the
Bride’s and Groom’s First and Middle Names are used.

4. Days should be described as First, Second, 23rd, etc. Only the final “Date” should be in the
“May 23, 2019” format.

5. The final section that the Justice of the Peace acting for the State or the Clergy Members use
to affirm the marriage is an Official Witness added to the Lawful Witnesses.
6. Several original copies should be prepared all at once. The Witnesses sign in red ink with red
right thumbprint seals, while the Officiant/Clergy sign in blue. Typically you will want at least six
(6) copies --- one for recording, two (one each) for the parents, two (one each) for the Bride and
Groom, one for the Officiant.

7. If a Justice of the Peace officiates, the Marriage is under the Law of California, Law of
Nevada, etc. If a member of the clergy officiates, the Marriage is under the Law of Scripture ---
whichever scripture applies. For all purposes international, the Marriage is under the Law of
Nations as a Simple Treaty.

8. The Solemn Record and Proclamation of Marriage should be recorded in the local land
recording office where it serves as permanent public notice; some people who can afford to do
so take out ads in the local papers giving Notice of the Parties being married, time, place, day,

9. It should be recorded under both the Bride’s Name and the Groom’s Name as a Joint

10. A Recording Cover Sheet should be added to provide space for the Recorder’s Office
labels. The Grantors are the Parents. The Grantees are the Bride and Groom. The Recorded
Copy should be returned to the newlyweds at their home address.

11. If an Annulment or Divorce occurs later in life, a Public Proclamation of Annulment or Public
Proclamation of Divorce will need to be recorded as an “Extension” to the original recording of
the Marriage.


Many people have been successful following the process from
1180. Passports

I have lately been assailed by people concerned because they could not get a passport, were
issued an incorrect passport, or were being penalized for things like child support debts or IRS
liens with not being able to use a passport issued by "the US".

Passports are issued by the Post Office, not the "government".

You, as a Post Master (Think about it, you handle the mail --- buy, sell, trade, carry, and deliver
mail all the time) have the right and ability to send "yourself" anywhere the mail goes.

Technically, your Birth Certificate is sufficient to cross most international borders, so long as you
provide reasonable proof of the other elements of a Passport --- current picture, nationality
(Ohioan, Californian, Wisconsinite, etc.), a current postal address, two Witnesses (or their
signed and notarized testimony identifying a photo of you as "the" man or woman whose birth
event was registered on the BC and certifying your good character.

There you go. Make your own. The "authorities" will scream, but it is their own darn fault for
messing around and not doing their job---and they really have no authority to restrict your travel.
You put all this information on a 5" X 8.5" postcard and send it to yourself at your normal
address with your normal postal address as the Return Address, too, using a $1.00 "Global"
Stamp, which will of course be cancelled to pay the postage.

When this document returns to you, it has been stamped and sealed and is in fact a "Passport"
proving your current address and presenting your identity.

They can argue it all day long, but they can't restrict the movements of a State national. You
have your own Post Office and your own Seat of Government and they can go blow.
As for the Passports they do issue that are quasi-correct and issued under color of law, you can
correct them and nail down their interpretation by the way you sign them.

Always sign everything with a by-line. By: John Peter Doe©.

That claims your copyright. All rights reserved.

Take one of those $1.00 Global stamps and stick it above your signature, and cancel it by
writing your name and the place you are "leaving from" across the stamp in red ink.

The Post Master has now cancelled the Global Stamp and the "cargo"--- the Name you have
copyrighted and affixed -- is ready to be mailed to whatever destination your little heart desires.
The out of control bureau-rats from Washington, DC, can sniff and snort all they like, but it isn't
their business and not in their control.

They say theirs is a passport issued by The United States of America; well, that's us. And if they
mean some Scottish wannabe commercial fraud organization infringing on our copyright and
abusing our Name instead, they need to be grilled about that copyright infringement and be put
on the record as attempting to interfere with our ability to contract and our ability to conduct
international trade. Both.

$250,000 fine and ten years in jail, international sanctions in 172 countries. See how they like
that. Don't let these cretins poke their noses into areas where their noses don't belong. Give
them the "Bad dog!" response and if enough of us do this consistently enough, they will get the
message even if it has to be reduced to Tarzan-like speech:

Me, Employer.
You, Employee.

And issue your own Passport.

How to Autograph your Passport

You need to autograph your passport in red ink and use your red ink thumbprint as your seal.
Always use your by: line autograph, for example:

by: John Mark Doe©

All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice

Take one of those $1.00 Global stamps and stick it above your signature, and cancel it by
writing your name and the place you are "leaving from" across the stamp in red ink


News for Vets

1229. News for All U.S. Vets -----

You have not been discharged from military service. A DD 214 is not what it appears to be and
is not sufficient to do the job.

To get completely out and away and to receive the money and credit you are actually owed
requires you to "discharge yourself"---- like discharging yourself from the hospital. The form
needed to do this is the DD 2168 which is readily available on the internet as an interactive form
you can fill out and then print off and sign.
The instructions about where to send it are with the online form and includes Coast Guard.

For those of you who served in more than one branch of the service, it is necessary to add a
brief "itinerary" of service, for example, "I was inducted into the Coast Guard on May 3, 1989 at
Long Beach, California and served four years prior to discharge on June 5, 1993. I then joined
the U.S. Marine Corps......."

This blow-by-blow is necessary because the bureaucrats need to sequentially process the
paperwork releasing you from each branch of service.

The latest information I have from the military is that you should send in DD 2168's to each
branch you served in and include a copy of your service itinerary with each one, so that they
can coordinate your final discharge.

Upon final discharge you are free to return to private life and to your birthright political status
and to receive all service-related perks that you are owed.

Obviously, until you are fully, finally, and absolutely released from all presumptions and
obligations of military service, you cannot return to your natural and original political status as an
American state national, so for all of those who have followed my instructions to recoup your
birthright standing, this is one more hoop for those who have served in the US military.

Satanic Reasoning Again: DD2168

1231. Satanic Reasoning --- Again: DD 2168

You are not applying to receive benefits by filling out the DD 2168. You are applying so that you
are officially disqualified from receiving benefits under PL 95-202.
And that means that your discharge from the actual service is complete.

It's backwards and upside down. Anti-intuitive. Satanic.

Think about this string of words: "federally connected civilian military service".

How can you be a civilian AND military at the same time? It's a lie. It's an impossibility. It's an

They are using a form of conscription that carries on into your civilian life if you don't object to it,
which is why you send a letter along with the DD 2168 clearly stating your intent and your
"wish"--- as in "the royal wishes of Her Majesty"--- to be completely discharged from all military
service obligations including federal citizenship. Period.

Otherwise, they assume that you are now a civilian volunteer doing military service connected
work for one or more of the branches of the military. And you never get discharged.

Remember that I told you that a "Withholding Agent" is a Warrant Officer in the British Merchant
Marine Service? That's "federally connected civilian military service".

Remember that I told you that a "Medical Doctor" (unlike a Private Physician) has to be licensed
and pay federal taxes? That's "federally connected civilian military service".

Ever think about organizations like National Guard and Civil Air Patrol? That's "federally
connected civilian military service", too.
Nurses, flight attendants, people who work for government subcontractors --- all presumed to be
in "federally connected civilian military service".

The only way you get officially discharged from all those other, additional "civilian military" duties
is by having your actual military record examined and lodging your official request to get all the
way out, out, out.

I already told you that you had to send a letter to the head cheese in charge of your former
branch of service, informing them that you have returned to your birthright political status. Turns
out that this is the official form and protocol to accomplish what needs to be done.

Also turns out that this whole scheme is a lot more premeditated and harmful than just checking
the wrong box on a form.

In addition to keeping you working for them for free, and under their thumb politically so that you
can't access your Constitutional guarantees, this allows the rats to collect "federal income taxes"
on earnings that aren't "federally connected" at all and to withhold the actual veteran's benefits
that you are owed upon severance from military duty. Why? Because you are never really
separated from duty, never completely discharged. They keep you in this limbo status,
still-in-the-military-but-not, forever. And they profit from it at your expense.

When Trapper and Hawkeye got back from Korea they walked into a civilian hospital and were
told that they needed to update their license as "Medical Doctors", so they did. They spent the
rest of their lives living in the Territorial "State of California" instead of "California" and the
"Commonwealth of Massachusetts" instead of "Massachusetts" -- respectively. They were
charged up to 60% of their earnings as "federal income taxes" that they didn't owe. And they
never made it home.

And they made all these sacrifices for "freedom".

If that doesn't get you on your hind feet, what will?

File the form DD 2168 along with your version of the example letter clearly stating your intent to
be totally discharged from military service obligations including presumptions of federal

It's fast, it's easy, it gives you a DD 214 proving that you are discharged from the actual military
and it gives you a "Discharge Certificate" proving that you are also discharged from "civilian
military service".

At that point you are finally free of entanglement and set to receive all benefits owed to
"returning American Servicemen and Servicewomen"--- including your Constitutionally
guaranteed rights and all perks that the rats have been welching on.


After Political Status Correction

For American State Nationals and American State Citizens, you need to ensure that you notify
employers correctly regarding your rights regarding not having to pay FEDERAL CORPORATE
GIFT TAXES. You do this with a W4V Form.

Other than that, there is really no other notification that is required.

Depending on the job and the situation, some people find that their employer is trying to contract
them through various adhesion contracts such as training programs. You, as an American
State National or American State Citizen, will need to be awake and aware to these offers to
contract. You will need to notice or refuse to contract as needed and necessary.
Please remember that most of these PERSONS are heavily indoctrinated and
compartmentalized, so please be kind but firm in your approach. You can also think of it as an
opportunity to educate and inform.

Instructions for W4V Form

The IRS forms are just the means to direct your employer's actions -- either enabling them to
take taxes out of your earnings or giving them and the IRS other instructions.

The normal W4 is an instruction to Withhold (American State Nationals do not use this).

The W4V offers the option not to Withhold (American State Nationals use this form).

If you are not in receipt of Federal Income, you don't need to withhold such taxes from your
paycheck and should use a W4V.

The W8BEN pertains only to the ESTATE [FIRST MIDDLE LAST] and because the ESTATE is
being bankrupted, we are not working much with the ESTATE anymore. They stopped using
the ESTATE NAME in 2015 and though we may see it again, it isn't being used much right now.

People need to look at the NAME that is being used to determine whether it is addressed to the

The W4V pertains to the PUBLIC TRANSMITTING UTILITY [FIRST M.I. LAST] which is the
current PERSON being used by the Federal Government for tax purposes. This is, therefore,
the form that people will need going forward.


The Indemnity Bond and Court Process

1105. The Indemnity Bond and Court Process -- Step by Step

In order to conduct business across "state" borders--- which we all do --- we have to either
function in private or public capacity.

If you are a public corporation and functioning in the realm of international commerce, you are
insured by your parent corporation as a franchisee.

If you are a private "person" functioning in the realm of international trade, you are indemnified
by your country and its assets.

Notice the words: "Commerce" versus "International Trade". "Insurance" versus "Indemnity
bond". Two different jurisdictions. Two different political statuses. Two different forms of
business transactions. Two different forms of insurance.

Commerce is business between incorporated entities.

Trade is business involving unincorporated businesses.

When you engage in Trade you use your Trade Name --- "John Michael Doe".

Trade is internationally protected.

Commerce is not.
We claimed back your country and your assets for you and issued a state-by-state indemnity
bond. This allows you to operate as a "private person" engaged in international trade and
nobody can say otherwise.

It is part of the rebuttal "proof" that you are not operating in any public capacity and not subject
to statutory or municipal law.

When you walk into a court and present certified copies of your Deed Re-conveying your Trade
Name to the land and soil jurisdiction and your Certificate of Assumed Name(s) and your
Indemnity Bond Number, for example, RA 393427640 US - California, and your Revocation of
all Powers of Attorney --you have delivered a crushing series of evidences and pre-recorded

A "deed" is a motion in the public court record.

You walk in and while standing outside the Bar that separates the Judge, etc., from the gallery,
wait for your name to be called and when it is, make sure that the court recorder is recording,
then stand up and say, "I am here in the matter of YOUR NAME and I invoke trial by record and
Public Law."

Then you lay down the Birth Certificate and say, "Your Honor, this Birth Certificate was issued in
my name in error. I have reached the age of majority and I do not elect to be franchised."

And you lay down your Deed of Re-conveyance and the Diagram of the Fraud, showing that
your "missing Trade Name" is at the center of this issue and you say, "As this diagram and this
public Deed of Re-Conveyance shows, I was presumed to be lost but now am found alive and
standing on the land and soil of my birthright. I am the original Possessor and Entitlement
Holder of the missing Trade Name and I am owed all beneficial reversionary trust interest in it
and in any derivatives thereof." (Boom, Boom.)
Then you lay down your Certificate of Assumed Name(s) and you say, " As this recorded
Certificate of Assumed Name shows, I have seized control of all Assumed Names related to my
Trade Name and corrected their domicile, too, as of the dates shown." (Boom, Boom, Boom.)

Then you lay down your Private Registered Indemnity Bond number and you say, "I and my
vessels are all private persons engaged in peaceful international trade and any other
presumption is made in error. Here is the indemnity bond on file with the United States
Treasury, demonstrating our private capacity." (Boom, Boom, Boom. Boom.)

Then you lay down your Revocation of all Powers of Attorney and you say, "This is my
revocation of all Powers of Attorney. I am the only attorney-in-fact and I object to any and all
other presumptions of this court and its officers." (Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom. Boom.)

Then you say: "Does the Court Administrator wish to examine the records?" If the judge says
yes or nods, hand the paperwork over the Bar to the Bailiff to carry to the judge.

While they are shuffling around or if they decline seeing the paperwork, say: "I serve Notice on
this court that I am tax exempt and that all vessels related to my name are tax pre-paid.

I serve Notice on this court that I am owed The Law of Peace in all military venues.

I serve Notice on this court that my Vessels are all permanently domiciled on the land and soil of
______________. (California, Nevada, etc.)

I serve Notice on this court that my Vessels are owed the General Session Law and Public Law
and are not subject to any private statutory or municipal law administered by this court.
Pause a moment, then say:

I wish for the complete elimination of all claims and dismissal of all charges related to this matter
---with prejudice.

I wish to be compensated by the prosecutor in the amount of five thousand dollars for this
trespass upon my person. (Can be more, if you have been severely bothered or incurred more
expense than just the trip to court.)

I wish for the Court Administrator to properly discipline court personnel to prohibit the bringing
of such false claims in the future."

And now, I am leaving this foreign vessel in dry dock and I do not expect to be further

Give the judge a good long stare and look around.

Then turn on your heel and exit without stopping to answer any further questions, without
looking back, and certainly without paying any attention to anything or anyone short of a direct
physical attempt to stop you ---- which would result in a constitutional level complaint against the
court under Article IV, Sections 1 and 2.

It's time that you all learned how to stand up for yourselves against these bullies and also how
to help defend each other.
Anyone can appear as a Counselor at Law to assist you. In fact, the more Witnesses you can
bring with you, the better. There is no need to stand up when the Judge enters the courtroom,
because they are acting as a court administrator and they are not carrying a copy of the Bible,
which is the whole reason that people ever stood up when judges entered courtrooms in this

I hope, pray and trust that giving you all a blow-by-blow example of how to use the indemnity
bond in a court case you can all finally see its function and the reason it is important as
evidence that you are functioning properly in a private capacity.

How to Use Your Paperwork

1632. How To Use Your Paperwork

The best paperwork in the world won't help you if you don't know how to use it, so yes, you need
to think about it beyond just recording it.

Reason and Logic:

The reason you create and develop the paperwork in the first place, is to use it as superior
evidence of who you are (a Lawful Person) and the capacity in which you are acting (peaceful
American State civilian).

The British Territorial Army (aka United States Raj) has deemed it expedient to misidentify
everyone as enemy combatants until proven otherwise.
The two sides in this ugly 150 year-old fantasy "war" are the British Territorial Government
operating a Territorial State of State, like the State of Wisconsin, and the Municipal United
States Government operating a Municipal State of State like the STATE OF WISCONSIN.

So the Army has their Undeclared Foreign Agents (doctors and nurses illegally conscripted
under the old Federal Title 37 as "Uniformed Officers") at the hospitals identify all newborn
babies as "lost on the battlefield" and then "presumes" the newborns are wards of their
Territorial States of States, and then the cretins ship your data off to have you arbitrarily defined
and registered as a Municipal "Enemy Combatant" so that the Army can come back in and
pillage your ESTATE, etc., under the guise of you being an "Enemy" and all this absolute crap is
being promoted from both sides of this farce.

So, they have "evidence" that you are both a Territorial Pauper, a Ward of the State of State,
and more "evidence" that you are a Municipal Citizen, a "US CITIZEN", which makes you a
"presumed" Enemy Combatant, already a criminal under their unauthorized 14th Amendment
and a slave because you are a criminal.

Oh, my, haven't they all been busy making up lies and processes to defraud and rob the people
they are supposed to be protecting and serving?

So now that you know what these vermin have been perpetuating against innocent people, and
how they have been doing it, isn't it time to answer back?

Yes, so, they have issued a "Birth Certificate" in your NAME, and this serves as evidence for
them, but it can also serve as evidence for you. It's a two-edged sword.

You are going to get a few Certified Copies of the BC and put them in a file. Along with that, you
are going to obtain two affirmed and Notarized Witness Testimonies from people having first
hand knowledge of who you are (friends, family, classmates, long time employers, co-workers,
etc.) and
where and when you were born, clearly identifying a picture of you as "the" one who was born at
such and such a time and place to such parents.

This establishes who you are and connects your physical body to the name, so that your living
Lawful Personhood can be established. Notice that you have a birthday, but the THING they
created when they registered you as property belonging to their corporation has a birth date,
which is the file date when this bogus PERSON was created. Two separate days, two separate

The additional pieces of paper --- the Deed of Re-Conveyance officially removing your Trade
Name from the international jurisdiction of the sea and placing it back on the Land, the
revocation of all prior Powers of Attorney, the Expatriation from Territorial and Municipal
Citizenship, the Certificate of Assumed Name(s) -- all serve to transport you back to Lawful
Person status and put you firmly back on the land and soil of an American State and seize
control of your identity and your assets.

All this recorded evidence now stands against their evidence and is superior, because yours is
more recent, more credible, and more complete.

So now you've got a problem. Your neighbor is suing you for an easement. The inquisitors are
harassing you over "federal" income taxes and you don't have any federal income. Your wife
wants a divorce. Some goon from social services is trying to steal your kids for the sex market.

What do you do?

All of these courts--- absolutely all of them--- are nothing but For Hire entities having no official
office or capacity related to American State Citizens.
As American State Citizens and Lawful Persons you are outside their jurisdiction by about a
thousand miles 90% of the time--- but you have to know that and you have to bring that forward.


First, you can often avoid the conventional court schtick altogether. Go to court, stand up
without entering the Bar, (the railing between the onlookers and the court per se) when your
name is called and say, "I am visiting the Court as a Lawful Person to request arbitration." If this
provokes a response from the Judge, simply shrug and say, "I have been misaddressed by the
Prosecuting Attorney, your Honor, and request arbitration."

Your chances of presenting your ownership interests according to a normal course of business
are much better in arbitration and if you have done your homework, your chances of getting a
private arbitration service to agree with your position --- if you can explain it adequately (which is
covered below) --- are also much better. But be aware that arbitration is not for criminal matters
and that results are generally speaking binding and non-appealable for both parties.

The words "Lawful Person" "visiting" and "misaddressed" are all red flags for the Judge, who is
most likely going to expedite your speedy exit from his courtroom.

Second line of defense, when faced with criminal charges or unavoidable confrontation in their

1. The Judge is not your enemy. The Judge is the Referee. He makes his money off of
judgements so he will be delighted if he can nail someone and he really doesn't care who.

2. The ones you want to torpedo and/or discourage are the Prosecuting Attorney and the District
Attorney who is responsible for the Prosecuting Attorney.
3. All these guys are racketeering on our shores and really don't have a leg to stand on, so they
are probably more afraid of you than you are of them.

4. You can prepare your demonstration in advance and have your evidence ready to go, so get
yourself several copies of everything, keep one Master File Copy, put one additional copy of
your Master File somewhere else safe, and the rest of your copies are then available for

5. You don't need to present an Authenticated Birth Certificate and you never need to record a
Birth Certificate. You just need a Certified BC to present to the District Attorney. Along with that,
you bring either original or recorded copies of a set of two Witness Testimonies done before a
Public Notary under penalty of perjury and from without the United States affirming that you
(photo embedded in the page) are to their first-hand knowledge "the" man or woman whose
actual physical birth event occurred in Flat Rump, Texas, July 4, 1946-- or whatever your details
are, of course.

6. These three documents establish who you are, where and when you were born, and your
physical presence leaves no doubt that you are alive.

7. You set the DA or Assistant DA down and look them in the eye and you plunk that BC down
on the desk and you say, "I am not presenting this for any purpose of identification." That is
lawyer-speak for "I am here for payment and exemption." On top of the BC, you lay down the
Witness Testimonies.

8. Then you say, "I am a Lawful Person, an American State Citizen, and I have been
misaddressed by Peter K. Lipsalot, Esquire, an attorney in your Territorial State of State District.
He has sent unsolicited mail misaddressed to a foreign PERSON to me." You plunk down
whatever summons or other paperwork has been sent to you or delivered to your door.
9. Then you say, "I want this clearly understood. I am a Lawful Person standing on the land and
soil jurisdiction of this State. I am not a resident of any State of State. I also want it understood
that I have not volunteered for any Territorial or Municipal citizenship or duty and that I claim my
exemption from such duty effective with my actual birthday. I have placed Notice in your Public
Record and I fail to see why Peter K. Lipsalot, Esquire, is being allowed to misaddress me in
this manner."

10. "Any unauthorized Municipal PERSON represented by this NAME has been returned to the
Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary and his Successors have been named the
Fiduciaries responsible for this ACCOUNT. Now, I have not made any charges against this
ACCOUNT and I have not authorized Mr. Peter K. Lipsalot, Esquire, to make any charges,
either. Now, surely, this is all a Big Mistake and Misunderstanding." Plunk down a black and
white copy of your Form 56 and mailing receipts.

11. "Because as there is light in the day, I am not dead in any sense of the word. Now, I know,
that you are operating under the 1934 Amendment to the Trading With the Enemy Act and I
know all about the Lieber Code and I know and can prove for a fact that I am a peaceful Third
Party noncombatant who is owed the Law of Peace and I refer you, Sir, to AR27-1-161 so that
you can see in military terms exactly what kind of law and exemptions and reparations I am
owed. And I see no evidence of any valid contract, no authority to address me, and no
jurisdiction of the court related to me.

I want this whole matter cleared up and cleaned out, and I wish for my Lawful Person and all my
assets to be fully exonerated and exempted -- with prejudice foreclosing any further contact or
court action presuming against me and my material interests. If Peter K. Lipsalot wishes to
continue his attack after you have explained that I am a Lawful Person, not a Legal Person, he
can take it up with the Secretary of the Treasury. "

12. Be just as nice as the flowers in May, folks. You can afford to be. Put a business card with
an "in care of" address for the return of the paperwork, and just walk out. They have a
performance obligation to you six miles wide. Make them perform. Now all this takes chutzpah,
initiative, pre-planning, and practice. You can't just sit around and think that, oh, I know who I
am.... and think that everyone else is just going to know who you are.
That DA's job is to fleece any and all "enemy combatants" in a non-existent 150 year-old "war"
clean. He's going to see you as an "enemy combatant" if you leave him an inch and a phooftee
in the wind.

Once you really start thinking about this, you will realize that there isn't much out there proving
that you even exist, much less any record of your political status and capacity--- and what there
is, is wrong. That makes you a sitting duck for these racketeers.

Our own dear Generals and Admirals of the US Navy set it up this way with malice aforethought
while they were playing with their toys and drawing their pay.

That factoid along with a clear view of what these renegade employees have been doing,
should jerk you awake and get you up on your feet. The sooner the better.

Once you have your own records established and polished and you have your Superior
Evidence nailed down, join your State Assembly.

I thought that starting with the State Jural Assemblies would be a good idea and it still is, but
only if you are setting up an actual State Jural Assembly, not a "State of State" Jural Assembly
nor any kind of incorporated "STATE" Jural Assembly, which doesn't get the job done and
doesn't put an end to this mischief.

Been there, done that, and too many times. This time, we are going to settle this hash and if the
Brits or the Popes or anyone does anything at all to impede us or harm us, they are going to be
fully liable and exposed for all the world to see.

A Very Powerful Tool and Warning

1748. A Very Powerful Tool and a Warning:
Until you learn to walk, you can't run.

Many of you are just now completing the collection of your documents, securing your
Witnesses, and are recording the paperwork to effectively evidence your return to your birthright
political status as an American.

This is heady enough stuff for people to wrap their heads around. It takes time to internalize
what this all means and more importantly, how it works.

One thing that should be obvious, but isn't for many people, is that this process is not automatic
nor is it retroactive. If you are already engaged in a court suit, the only part of the paperwork
that is going to help you is the BC and Witness Testimonies.

Why? Because the rest of it can only be proven to start with whenever you record the
paperwork. Up until that time, you are "on the record" as a "US Citizen" and there is no credible
evidence that you objected to this political status or claimed any other political status prior to
recording your claims.

So you have been living under one system of law and one "presumption" of political status most
of your life, and then, suddenly in midstream, in the middle of a court case, you want to change

You can see why judges and prosecutors dismiss such actions as self-interested attempts to
avoid prosecution.

You can still go to the DA with the Birth Certificate issued in your NAME and your Witness's
Testimony as proof of unconscionable contract, and you can still give him or her the Pep Talk
related to the 1934 Trading With the Enemy Act, etc., but this has to do with the basic initial
fraud that began when you were just a baby---- their deliberate misidentification of you as a
Territorial US Citizen.

Claims of this sort can save YOU from prosecution in a wide variety of circumstances, but come
at it from a whole different angle than the other paperwork. You are basically saying, look, I was
born on the land and soil of this American State, but I was misidentified as a US Citizen and
never told anything about this. It's an unconscionable contract.

And because it is unconscionable (literally not a contract that you are aware of since it was
created when you were a baby) it cannot be enforced. Once you have discovered the fraud and
the identity theft, and you have taken formal action to correct it via recording your "return" to the
land, etc., the evidence that you are an American and operating as a "Lawful Person" is greatly

Now you not only have proof of unconscionable contracting processes leading to constructive
fraud and false legal presumptions, you also have evidence of your actual choice of political
status and your capacity as a Lawful Person.

This kicks things up a notch. Not only do you have proof of your identity and of unconscionable
contracts being exercised without your knowledge, but you have evidence of your actual, lawful
status on the record. These are two separate issues.

One is proof of a "mistake" leading to identity theft and fraud and false claims in commerce---
the other is proof of the capacity in which you choose to act, that is, as an American State
National (or American State Citizen) and as a Lawful Person, not a Legal Person.

As both of these fundamentals are established, your position strengthens, and any excuse for
misaddressing you as a "US Citizen" vanishes --- any excuse, that is, but lack of awareness of
the foregoing. To cure that, you must give proper Notice, secure proof that you gave such
Notice, and your Notice must be enforceable.
Now we come to the Very Powerful Tool which can next be employed to enforce personal
accountability on the part of bureaucrats with respect to you--- "Notice Regarding Named
Entities/Notice of Liability and Demand to Show Cause".

We also come to the Warning.

This tool, which is about to be distributed through the State Assemblies for the use of people
who have already collected their records and recorded their paperwork, should not be used in
two specific instances. 1. It should never be sent to anyone acting as a Judge or federal elected

2. It should not be used if you do not yet thoroughly understand your own position so as to be
able to defend it.

The reason you should not use it on a Judge or federal elected official is that they are officials of
a foreign government, not merely paid employees thereof. They have a certain form of immunity
as a result and it is far too dangerous and complex in terms of issues and jurisdictions for a
novice to open up that can of worms.

The reason that you should be cautious otherwise is that power tools can be dangerous until
you learn how to use them. Used improperly or addressed improperly, such powerful
informational Notice and Demand Processes can break you off at the elbow.

You must be prepared and able to competently respond to any responses you receive back
from such Notices. In most cases, you will hear nothing but silence and you will then be able to
call your shots, but if you do receive a reply, you need to be able to reply on your own two feet.

u have to feel secure in your own knowledge before you go forward. For all these reasons and
because only those who have completed their paperwork are fully qualified to use them, the
Notices, other than the Mandatory FSIA Notice, will only be available through the State

This is a step-by-step process and there is a significant learning curve. Form up and join your
State Assembly so that you have access to ongoing training and resources that can only be
applied by Lawful Persons and for Lawful Persons: of, for, and by The People.

Court Action versus Private Arbitration

1834. Court Action versus Private Arbitration

Most of what passes for "court action" in our present morass of ignorance is instead the private
processing of corporate tribunal decisions that are not the actions of any Public Court at all.

Any time you see a docket sheet where the style of the name of the Court and the Plaintiffs and
the Defendants all match, you are looking at an action in a private corporate tribunal designed to
administratively settle disputes among the officials and employees and shareholders of the

If the court is captioned (named and described) in an Upper and Lower Case name and the
Plaintiffs and Defendants are too, you are looking at a Territorial Administrative Tribunal case.

If the court is captioned in all capital letters and the Plaintiffs and Defendants are also, you are

These Administrative Court Tribunals conduct about 90% of all court actions in this country.
They all function by presuming that you are either an officer or an employee or a shareholder or
a dependent of a corporation, and assume that whatever is being brought forward for
adjudication is an internal dispute to be settled according to the internal statutory laws of the
corporation (Administrative Code) and State Statutes and Public Policies of that corporation.

So, once again, it is up to you to "declare your law" and to choose which court you do business
with, and also up to you to decide whether you address a court at all----- unless of course,
someone else is trying to choose your law and your court "for" you. That's another whole

For the moment, let's just concentrate on the fact that when you bring forward something for
settlement, it is your choice of law and your decision to address either a court or seek private
arbitration that largely determines the outcome.

Most people in this country approve of land jurisdiction courts where the Ten Commandments
form the basis for the Law being administered, but those courts were taken out of action
surreptitiously by our "Public Servants" in order to better serve themselves.

So now what? A corporate administrative tribunal doesn't fit who you are or what you need in
terms of services, and the gazillion codes and statutes and policies of these corporations don't
meet your needs as a living man or woman.

hances are you are just waking up to the fact that you are being "impersonated" as a corporate
entity and a legal fiction entity, and not being recognized as a living man or a Lawful Person,
either one.

Chances are you don't know the variations of laws and codes and statutes and all the corporate
legalese, all the court procedures, all the court rules.....
So that leaves you a stranger in a strange land and makes you easy pickings for these
predators. You really are unprepared to interact with these courts, and they know it. They set it
up that way, the better to profit themselves and to keep rigid control of you and your assets.

But when you are bringing the action, you do have an option. You can seek private arbitration
instead. Arbitration has many advantages over court actions, not the least of which is simplicity.
In arbitration all you have to do is establish the form of law, the identities of the parties, and the
nature of the conflict.

You can sit down together like rational people and speak plain English and be heard. The
Arbiter is free to render a judgment based on the principles of justice apart from any corporate
policies--- and they often do so with great prejudice against those perpetuating injustice. You
just don't hear about these cases because they are private---- truly private, as opposed to the
quasi-private corporate tribunal actions that are so common.

An arbitration action does not establish any precedent for anyone but you and whoever else is
party to the arbitration. It does not establish any res judicata. But what it can and often does
manage to deliver is justice.

So when you are standing there feeling utterly bewildered by the plethora of undisclosed courts
and court operations that have nothing to do with you as a living man or woman, remember the
option you do have --- private arbitration.

As a result of the corruption of the corporate court systems and the basic fact that the courts are
obliged to make insupportable presumptions against you to even bring a case into their
jurisdiction --- a very lively business has sprung up for Private Arbitration Services and you will
find them under that heading in many metropolitan areas.
Make haste to make peace with your brother on your way to court.... and take a detour via
private arbitration services instead. Until we have our own courts set up and functioning again,
this is the best option for people searching for justice.

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