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The document discusses several methods for calculating pressure loss and sizing ducts for HVAC systems.

The document describes using the K factor method, Darcy's formula, and friction factor methods for calculating pressure loss in ducts and fittings.

Variables used include velocity, density of air, duct dimensions, roughness, friction factor, and Reynolds number.


Mass Flow Rate 5 kg/s

Pipe Diameter 100 mm

Velocity 0.64 m/s

Dynamic Pressure 203 pa
Reynolds Number 4.9E+04
Roughness 0.046 mm
FDash (Alsthul Approx) 0.0228
Friction Factor 0.0228
Pressure Drop / m 46 pa / m

Fitting K Factor 0.3

Fitting Pressure Drop 60.80912865 pa

Example 1 use of K Factor different Example 2 use of K Factor different

DUCT Sizing Calc DUCT Sizing Calc
Volume Flow Rate 0.77 m/s Volume Flow Rate 0.032 m/s

Hydraulic Diameter 500 mm Hydraulic Diameter 100 mm

Velocity 3.92 m/s Velocity 4.07 m/s

Dynamic Pressure 9.23 pa Dynamic Pressure 9.96 pa
Reynolds Number 1.1E+05 Reynolds Number 2.3E+04
Roughness 0.15 mm Roughness 0.15 mm
FDash (Alsthul Approx) 0.0192 FDash (Alsthul Approx) 0.0285
Friction Factor 0.0192 Friction Factor 0.0285
Pressure Drop 0.35 pa/m Pressure Drop 2.84 pa/m
Pressure loss Factor 0.75
Fitting K Factor 0.038359 Fitting K Factor 7.47

Fitting Pressure Drop 3.54 pa Fitting Pressure Drop 9.96 pa

K Factor K Factor


K Factor = P or alternative K Factor = PD for fittings

______________ X 10 K Factor = AS CIBSE / HVAC CALC GUIDELINES

BSRIA Guide 30/2007 page 107
0.6 * v squared or alternative K Factor = PD for fittings

K Factor =is the Pressure loss factor

Where P is the pressure drop
K X Pv where delta P is = to K x 0.5 X P X V squared
and V is the Velocity per metre, squared
where P is eqaul to 1.2 Kg/m density of air
Multiply by the Dynamic pressure and again by 10 is by a Factor of experience
This may be reduced or increased depending on Pv = 0.5 X P X V squared.,.
TM 23 air leakage requirements,..but as a general guide 10 is used Where V = velocity in m/s


but this may be considered
Example 1 use of K Factor different Example 2 use of K Factor different Exmple 3 - use of K Factor different
DUCT Sizing Calc DUCT Sizing Calc DUCT Sizing Calc
Volume Flow Rate 2 m/s Volume Flow Rate 1.6666666 m/s Volume Flow Rate 0.416667 m/s
Duct Width 450 mm Duct Width 450 mm Duct Width 300 mm
Duct Height 450 mm Duct Height 400 mm Duct Height 200 mm

Hydraulic Diameter 496 mm Hydraulic Diameter 467 mm Hydraulic Diameter 269 mm

Velocity 10.80 m/s Velocity 9.73 m/s Velocity 7.35 m/s

Dynamic Pressure 70.00 pa Dynamic Pressure 56.78 pa Dynamic Pressure 32.42 pa
Reynolds Number 3.0E+05 Reynolds Number 2.5E+05 Reynolds Number 1.1E+05
Roughness 0.15 mm Roughness 0.15 mm Roughness 0.15 mm
FDash (Alsthul Approx) 0.0167 FDash (Alsthul Approx) 0.0171 FDash (Alsthul Approx) 0.0204
Friction Factor 0.0170 Friction Factor 0.0174 Friction Factor 0.0204
Pressure Drop / m 2.40 pa/m Pressure Drop / m 2.11 pa/m Pressure Drop / m 2.46 pa/m
Pressure loss Factor 0.75
Fitting K Factor 0.0342959844 Fitting K Factor s/t 42.58 Fitting K Factor s/t 54.0317
2.75 mm WG
Fitting Pressure Drop 24.01 pa Fitting Pressure Drop 56.78 pa Fitting Pressure Drop 27.02 pa

Simple Calculation of K Factor

Note BSRIA Guide 30/2007 page 107 K = V squared
or alternative K Factor = PD for fittings divided by
K Factor = P so E18 2g
K Factor = is the Pressure loss factor
______________ X 10 divided by where 2 g is
K X Pv where delta P is = to K x 0.5 X P X V squared
0.6 * v squared 0.6 X E12 X E12 2 times Gravity at
where P is eqaul to 1.2 Kg/m density of air 9.81 mm WG

then multiplied by Dynamic pressure X factor of 10 Pv = 0.5 X P X V squared.,. Times 9.81 to

Where V = velocity in m/s convert to pa
Where P is the pressure drop

and V is the Velocity per metre, squared USE OF THIS K FACTOR ALLOWS NO AIR LEAKAGE,
but this may be considered
Multiply by the Dynamic pressure and again by 10 is by a Factor of experience
This may be reduced or increased depending on TM 23 air leakage requirements,..but as a general guide 10 is used

Then air velocities ,..may be increassed by a factor of 10% to allow for any subsequent air leakage
Pipe Surface Roughness (CIBSE C4.7)

Material Roughness (mm)

Non-ferrous drawn piping 0.0015 Doosan Babcock Reference Sheet

Plastic piping 0.003
Asbestos cement piping 0.013 = DATA to ,..INPUT OUTPUT / ANSWER

Black steel piping (new) 0.046 DUCT SIZING Calculation Sheet

Black steel piping (rusted) 2.5 EXAMPLE Type 1


DUCT Sizing
density (kg/m) 999.73 Prepared: Date:
dynamic viscosity (Pa/m) 0.00131 CDB 2/4/2010 Volume Flow Rate 0.064 m/s
kinematic viscosity (m/s) 1.306E-06 Duct Width 150 mm
3. Assumptions Duct Height 150 mm

Duct Surface Roughness (CIBSE C4.7) a) Assumed data Hydraulic Diameter 165 mm

Material Roughness (mm)

steel 0.15 Velocity 2.99 m/s

neat cement/plaster 0.25 Dynamic Pressure 5.35 pa
spiral wound galvanised 0.075 The flow rate into the rooms are a combination of mechanical ventilation and cascaded air. Reynolds Number 2.7E+04
sheet aluminium 0.05 Roughness 0.15 mm
plastic 0.005 Given the room volumes (m3/s) we can calculate the required duct size , air flow rates (m/s) and FDash (Alsthul Approx) 0.0265
brickwork/concrete 1.3 pressure drops (pa) Friction Factor 0.0265
rough brickwork 5 Pressure Drop / m 0.86 pa/m
Minimum and maximum criteria have been based on CIBSE guide B
Properties of Air (STP) Fitting K Factor 0.160673
Temperature (C) 20 Duct sizing and general design criteria have been based on CIBSE guides B and C
Barometric Pressure (kPa) 101.325 Fitting Pressure Drop 8.60 pa
density (kg/m) 1.20 Pressure loss criteria has been limited in final ducts to each room to 1.00 pa per metre, duct in branches
dynamic viscosity (Pa/m) 0.000018 may slightly be in excess of this requirement to optimise the size of the duct and due to physical
kinematic viscosity (m/s) 0.0000150 constraints of the actula size of the plant room may have dictated smaller duct with increase in rsistance
but the limiting factors of using the duct velocities as detailed in CIBSE guides have .
had an overiding influence on this duct sizing calculation Note

K Factor = P so E18

______________ X 10 divided by
4. Method
0.6 * v squared 0.6 X E12 X E12
There are 5 different types of calculation to complete.

1. Each room has an assigned a volume flow ( M/s ) calculated from the room volume then multiplied by Dynamic pressure X factor of 10

A) Firstly to Calculate the duct size based on the Volume Flow rate (M/s) Where P is the pressure drop

B) The Duct Size gives the required Duct area M and V is the Velocity per metre, squared
For rectangular duct, width "a" X width "b" = cross sectional area Multiply by the Dynamic pressure and again by 10 is by a Factor of experienc
This may be reduced or increased depending on TM 23 air leakage requirements,..but
For circular duct = r (pye r squared)
Then air velocities ,..may be increassed by a factor of 10% to allow for any su
C) From the area of the duct the simpliest formula we can use to calculate the flow rate
we can calculate the flow rate in M/sec by the following formula

Flow Rate = Flow Rate ( M/s )

M/sec area of duct ( M )

Once that we have the flow rate (M/sec), we can determin whether the duct size
is as required, whilst keeping the velocities within minimum and maximum
criteria as detailed within the CIBSE Guides

D) Once that we have settled on the duct size and duct velocity we can determine the
Pressure loss through each of the duct fittings bythe following formula and criteria

K Factor = PD for fittings AS CIBSE / HVAC CALC GUIDELINES

K Factor = K X Pv where K is = to 0.5 X P X V squared

where P is eqaul to 1.2 Kg/m density of air

Pv = 0.5 X P X V squared.,. Where V = velocity in m/s

USE OF THIS K FACTOR ALLOWS NO AIR LEAKAGE, but this may be considered

There are several alternatives to working out the Pressure loss and pressure loss factors
of fittings but the CIBSE Guides give detailed explanation to this criteria and formula's

E) Once that we have settled on the duct size and duct velocity we can also determ
Pressure loss through the duct itself bythe following formula and criteria

use of D'Arcy Formula

h = 2 ( a + b ) f L V X Pa
2gab Pw

h is the Head Loss due to friction in WG mm
a is the width of the duct (M)
b is the other width/side of duct (M)
L is the length, of 1 metre of duct
V is the Velocity of Duct Flow (Squared)
Pa is the Density of Air 1.2 Kg/m
Pw is the Density of Water 998 Kg/m
f being the frictional coeffitiant 0.45

= DATA to ,..INPUT
Note that 1 mm WG = 9.81 pa resistance

mm mm
Example Volume flo 3.99 m / sec Duct size 0.300 0.200

Sum of 2 (a+b) f 0.45 value 1 0.500

sum of V 15.9201 value 2

Sum of Value 1 * 2 7.164045

Sum of 2 g a b 1.1772

Sum of Pa 0.001202

Sum of of D'Arcy Formula 6.085665 ### M WG

h = 7.317433 mm WG

or ### pa / metre OUTPUT / ANSWER

We have a program in excell which calculates the duct size, given the volume flow rate
and calculates the pressure loss per metre run and pressure loss per fitting
(Screen shots of this ductalator, program have been included at the end of this document
for information and examples)

The calculations in this document will determine the required Velocity through the duct
the specified size of duct and the required pressure drop through each section of duct and fitting
associated with the duct installation, however there may be slight variations between
the computor calculation and the manual calculation method.


AS CIBSE ,..K Factors for fittings

DUCT Sizing
Volume Flow Rate 0.064 m/s
Duct Width 150 mm
Duct Height 150 mm

Hydraulic Diameter 165 mm

Velocity 2.99 m/s

Dynamic Pressure 5.35 pa
Reynolds Number 2.7E+04
Roughness 0.15 mm
FDash (Alsthul Approx) 0.0265
Friction Factor 0.0265
Pressure Drop / m 0.86 pa/m
Pressure loss Factor 0.75
Fitting K Factor s/t 4.01

Fitting Pressure Drop 5.35 pa


BSRIA Guide 30/2007 page 107
or alternative K Factor = PD for fittings

K Factor =is the Pressure loss factor

K X Pv
where delta P is = to K x 0.5 X P X V
.6 X E12 X E12 where P is eqaul to 1.2 Kg/m density of air

Pv = 0.5 X P X V (squared)
Where V = velocity in m/s


but this may be considered
by 10 is by a Factor of experience
M 23 air leakage requirements,..but as a general guide 10 is used

a factor of 10% to allow for any subsequent air leakage


DUCT Sizing
Volume Flow Rate 0.064 m/s
Duct Width 150 mm
Duct Height 150 mm

Hydraulic Diameter 165 mm

Velocity 2.99 m/s

Dynamic Pressure 5.35 pa
Reynolds Number 2.7E+04
Roughness 0.15 mm
FDash (Alsthul Approx) 0.0265
Friction Factor 0.0265
Pressure Drop / m 0.86 pa/m

Fitting K Factor s/t 8.918197

0.45 mm WG
Fitting Pressure Drop 4.46 pa

Simple Calculation of K Factor

K = V squared
divided by

where 2 g is

2 times Gravity at
9.81 mm WG

Times 9.81 to
convert to pa

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