Embedded Controls Intro W09

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Embedded Control Systems

Lecture: MW 130-3PM 1311 EECS

Labs: 4342 EECS
Jeff Cook
[email protected]
Office: 4238 EECS
Zhaori Cong (Thursday 9:30)
[email protected]
Jeff Roder (Tuesday, Thursday 1:30)
[email protected]
John Schmotzer (Monday 3:30,Wednesday 10:00)
[email protected]
Embedded Control Systems
University of Michigan and Ford Motor
Company, 2004
Control theorists and computer scientists: why
do we have to hire one of each to develop
embedded controls?
Teach a little computer engineering to control
theorists, and a little signal processing and
control to computer engineers
Also taught at ETH (2008)
Important Points
No textbook
Lecture notes, microprocessor reference material, laboratory
exercises, homework problems and lots of other important
information will be posted
Syllabus lists some useful (but not required) books on embedded
systems programming
Ill mention during lecture what you should be reading
Homework will be Matlab, Simulink, Stateflow
Problem sets will be posted on the website
Typically have one week per problem set. Homework is due at the
beginning of class. Late homework will not be accepted. The
Homework Policy is posted on the course website, and included in
the syllabus.
Important Points
Laboratory exercises
8 laboratory exercises plus a project using the
Freescale MPC5553 microprocessor
Most labs are 1-day (1 lab per week)
First lab will be two weeks beginning Monday, 12
January BUT MLK day on 19 January means
Monday section has only one scheduled lab
Lab instructors will have open hours on Friday, 16
January and/or Friday 23 January for Monday
students. Check with your lab instructor for times
6 lab stations with 2 students (self organize)
Important Points
Special lecture on embedded system
Important information for lab #1
When to do this lecture?
Monday? but lab starts at 3:30
Special lecture on Friday?
Same time and place, if I can get the room
Important Points
Laboratory exercises have 3 parts:
Pre-lab: questions that require you to read the
microprocessor reference material and gather
the information required to complete the lab
In-lab: the experiment
Post-lab: questions that should reinforce what
you learned in the lab exercise
Read the lab policy in the syllabus
Other Useful Information
Homework: 25%
Laboratory Assignments: 25%
Quizzes (tentatively scheduled for February 18th and
April 1st): 30%
Project: 20%
Office Hours: 10:00 - Noon, Monday and
Wednesday, but feel free to stop by or email me to
set up an appointment
Email alias: [email protected]
See syllabus for instructions
Embedded systems and embedded control systems

Laboratory description
Freescale MPC5553 microcontroller
Software development environment
Haptic interface

Lecture Topics

Laboratory Exercises
What is an Embedded System?
Technology containing a microprocessor as a
cell phone
digital camera

Constraints not found in desktop applications


Embedded processor is often the performance and

cost limiting component!
What is an Embedded Control System?
Technology containing a microprocessor as a
component used for control:
Aircraft and UAV
Active control of civil structures
Manufacturing tools
Household appliances
Many others
Characteristics of Embedded Control
Interface with external environment
sensors and actuators
Real time critical
performance and safety
embedded software must execute in synchrony
with physical system
Distributed control
networks of embedded microprocessors
Skills Required for Embedded Controls
Algorithms (control, signal processing,
Computer software (real time, multitasking)
Computer hardware (interfacing, memory
Digital electronics
Sensors and actuators
Mechanical design

Industry Trends
Increasing complexity of embedded control systems and
Actuators, sensors, processors, networks
Typical small car contains ~70 microprocessors

Model based embedded control software design

Autocode generation
Rapid prototyping
Hardware in the loop (HIL) testing

Separation between control design and controller

implementation is not sustainable in embedded market*

* Industry Needs for Embedded Control Education, Tutorial Session 2005 ACC
J. Freudenberg (UM), B. Krogh (CMU), J. Cook (Ford), K. Butts (Toyota), J. Ward (Eaton)
An Embedded Design Team
May consist of:
Applications engineers
Model the systems to be controlled, design control
Hardware specialists
Low-lever drivers and other hardware specific design
Software engineers
Write C code from specifications given to them by
applications engineers
Applications engineers, hardware engineers
and software engineers have to communicate!
Some assembly language
device drivers, highly optimized code
Most coding done in C
interest in C++ and Java, but too much overhead for
highly constrained applications
Automatic code generation
automatically generate C code from a Matlab/Simulink
model used to design and test control algorithm
currently useful for rapid prototyping on non-production
also used for high end applications (NASA)
MPC5553/5554 Examples: Automotive
Fuel and ignition control
Aftertreatment control for diesels
Valve control, turbocharger control, transmission control
including CVT
Control of hybrid-electric powertrains
ABS, traction control, electronic stability control, rollover
Lots of I/O: sensors & actuators
Real time critical: performance & safety
Harsh environment (EMI, noise, vibration, temperature)
Automotive Distributed Systems:
Mobile Networking
High-speed CAN
Low-speed CAN
Local Interconnect Network
Media Oriented Systems
Transport (MOST)
Intelligent Transportation
System Data Bus (IDB 1394)
FlexRay, Time-triggered
Application of the MPC555 (predecessor of
the MPC5553)
SeaScan transoceanic pilotless aircraft
ScanEagle Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance support;
USS Oscar Austin (DDG 79) Guided Missle Destroyer
The Insitu Group: www.insitu.com
Laboratory Overview
MPC5553 Microcontroller (Freescale)
Originally automotive control, now used in many
Development Environment
Debugger (P&E Micro)
Codewarrior C compiler (Freescale)
Haptic Interface
Force feedback system for human/computer interaction
Rapid Prototyping Tools
Matlab/Simulink/Stateflow, Real Time Workshop (The
RAppID Toolbox (Freescale)
Real Time Operating System
OSEKturbo RTOS (Freescale)
Freescale MPC5553 Microcontroller
32 bit PPC core
floating point
132 MHz
-40 to +125 HC temperature range
Programmable Time Processing Unit (eTPU)
Additional, special purpose processor handles I/O that would otherwise
require CPU interrupt service (or separate chip)
Quadrature decoding
Pulse Width Modulation
Control Area Networking (CAN) modules
2nd member of the MPC55xx family
real time control requiring computationally complex algorithms
MPC5554 replaces MPC555 for powertrain control
MPC5553 has on-chip Ethernet for manufacturing applications

Evaluation board (Freescale)

-32 bit PPC core
-floating point
-128 MHz

Interface board (UofM)

sliding potentiometer
Nexus Compliant Debugger (P&E Micro)
Haptic Interface
Enables human/computer interaction through
sense of touch
force feedback joystick
virtual reality simulators (flight, driving)
training (surgery*, assembly)
teleoperation (manufacturing, surgery**)
X-by-wire cars
Human visual sensor: 30 Hz
Human haptic sensor: 500Hz-1kH

* D. Sordid and S. K. Moore, The Virtual Surgeon, IEEE Spectrum, July 2000.
** J. Rosen and B. Hannaford, Doc at a Distance, IEEE Spectrum, October 2006.
Force Feedback
Haptic Wheel
Prof. Brent Gillespie, Mech Eng Dept, UofM
DC motor
PWM amplifier w/ current controller
optical encoder
128/18 gear ratio
Haptic Wheel
(New and Improved for 2009)
Virtual Environments
Virtual wall
Virtual spring-mass
Steer-by-wire Automobiles

R. Iserman, R. Schwarz, S. Stolzl, Fault Tolerant Steer-by-Wire Systems

IEEE Control Systems Magazine, October 2002.
Lab Station
Lectures (I)
Linear filtering
Quadrature decoding
DC motors
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) amplifiers
Motor control: current (torque) vs. speed
MPC5553 architecture. Peripherals: eTPUs, eMIOS, eDMA,
Haptic interfaces.
virtual wall
virtual spring/mass/damper
Simulink/Stateflow modeling of hybrid dynamical systems
Numerical integration.
Lectures (II)
Control Area Network (CAN) protocol.
Distributed control
Interrupt routines: timing and shared data
Software architecture
Round robin
Round robin with interrupts
Real time operating systems (RTOS)
Shared data: semaphores, priority inheritance, priority ceiling
Real time computation. Rate monotonic scheduling.
Rapid prototyping. Autocode generation.
Model based embedded control software development
PID control design
Laboratory Exercises
Each teaches
a peripheral on the MPC5553
a signals and systems concept
Each uses concepts (and code!) from the previous labs

Lab 1: Familiarization and digital I/O

Lab 2: Quadrature decoding using the eTPU
Lab 3: Queued A-D conversion
Lab 4: Pulse Width Modulation and virtual worlds without time
Lab 5: Interrupt timing and frequency analysis of PWM signals
Lab 6: Virtual worlds with time.
Lab 7: Controller Area Network (CAN)
Lab 8: Rapid Prototyping
Lab 1: Familiarization and Digital I/O
Use General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) on MPC5553
Read two 4-bit numbers set by dipswitches, add the
values and display the results on LEDS
Lab 2: Fast Quadrature Decoding
Position measurement using an optical encoder
Optical encoder attached to motor generates two 90H out
of phase square waves:

QD function on MPC5553 eTPU:

decodes quadrature signal into counter
CPU must read counter before overflow
Issue: How fast can wheel turn before counter overflows?
Lab 4: Virtual Wall

Software loop Wall chatter

read position from encoder
large k required to make stiff
compute force F = 0 or F = kx
set PWM duty cycle wall
Rotary motion limit cycle due to
* sampling
degrees encoder count
torque PWM duty cycle * computation delay
1 degree into wall 400 N-mm * quantization
torque * synchronization
Lab 6: Virtual Spring-Mass System
Virtual spring-mass system: reaction force F = k(w-z)
Measure z, must obtain w by numerical integration
Use interrupt timer to generate a time step

&& + mk w =
w k
m z


&&w + Jk z =
Jw z

haptic wheel virtual wheel

Lab 6: Design Specifications
Choose k and Jw so that
virtual wheel oscillates at 1Hz
maximum torque in response to 45 degree step in wheel
position is < 800Nmm

Verify design in Simulink before testing on hardware

Lab 7: Controller Area Networking (CAN)
Networking protocol used in time-critical applications
Messages have unique identifiers: priorities
Allows computation of worst case response time
Lab exercises:
a wall that is chatter free when wall implemented locally can
chatter due to delay when implemented remotely
connect each wheel to its virtual neighbors with virtual
springs to create a virtual chain of 6 labstations.
estimate network utilization.
Rapid Prototyping (I)
Lab 8 involves automatic code generation from
Simulink models:
Derive a mathematical model of system to be controlled
Develop a Simulink/Stateflow model of the system.
Design and test a control algorithm using this model.
Use Real Time Workshop (RTW) to generate C-code.
Eliminates coding errors.
Speeds product development: generated code can be tested
in many design cycles
Hand coding still required for production
Model Based Embedded Control Software Development
Rapid Prototyping (II)
Need Simulink blocks:
device drivers
processor and peripheral initialization
efficiency of generated code
structure of code
with RTOS, task states
without RTOS, nested interrupts
OSEKturbo RTOS (Freescale)

OSEK/VDX compliant
Task scheduler
Priority ceiling protocol
priority inversion
RAppID Toolbox (Freescale)
Processor and peripheral initialization blocks
Device driver blocks
Enables multitasking with OSEKturbo RTOS
or nested interrupts

RAppID MPC5554 Target Setup

System Clock : 128 MHz

Target : MPC5554
Compiler : metrowerks
Target Type : IntRAM
Operating System : simpletarget

Lab 8: Two virtual wheels

Two subsystems:
High priority fast subsystem
Low priority slow subsystem
Model the multi-rate system in Simulink
Demonstrate real-time operating system
Project (at UM):
Adaptive Cruise
Distance Control
Follows target at timed
headway in ACC mode by use
of throttle and brakes
Speed Control
Automatically returns to cruise
set speed when target clears

Headway Path
Adaptive Cruise
Sensor determination
Control Algorithm
Project: Adaptive Cruise Control

Driving simulator
Bicycle model of vehicle
6 vehicles interacting
over CAN network
ACC algorithm: 3 states
manual (sliding pot)
constant speed
constant distance
Takes 3+ weeks, all done
with Simulink, Stateflow, and
autocode generation

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