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1. Was the promotion done by the management regarding the

training methods was effective or not?

a) Excellent
b) Good
c) Poor
d) Very poor

2. Whether the training conducted by the management was on

the job or off the job?

a) On the job
b) Off the job
c) Both
d) Not applicable

3. How well was the training program introduced by the


a) Excellent
b) Very Good
c) Good
d) Poor

4. Were you interested in undergoing the training program?

a) Very interested
b) Fairly interested
c) Not interested

5. Has the training program influence the motivation level or


a) Highly motivated
b) Somewhat motivated
c) Not at all motivated
6. Whether the training program has the increase the knowledge?

a) Yes
b) No

7. Did the training method really affect the sense of


a) Yes
b) No

8. Did the training program improve the personality development?

a) To a great extent
b) To a certain extent
c) Not at all

9. Whether the training methods has increase the skills and

talents towards assigned job?

a) Highly
b) Moderately
c) No increased

10. Whether the training program conducted improved the quality

and productivity of your work?

a) Excellent
b) Very Good
c) Good
d) Poor

11. Has the training methods improved the team work?

a) Excellent
b) Very Good
c) Good
d) Poor
12. Have you undergone any training methods recently?

a) Yes
b) No

13. How was the rapport between faculty and participants during
training program?

a) Excellent
b) Very Good
c) Good
d) Poor

14. Whether the training helpful to practical work?

a) Excellent
b) Very Good
c) Good
d) Poor

15. How were the facilities or equipment used in the training


a) Excellent
b) Very Good
c) Good
d) Poor

16. Was there a satisfaction towards method of training


a) Yes
b) No

17. Whether the feedback was taken after the training or not?

a) Yes
b) No
18. Whether the feedback was analyzed and interpreted properly
to improve the training?

a) Yes
b) No

19. How was the performance of your training division in

organizing relevant training program?

a) Excellent
b) Very Good
c) Good
d) Poor

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