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The passage discusses several theories of acids and bases including Arrhenius, Bronsted-Lowry, and Lewis definitions. It also discusses concepts such as conjugate acid-base pairs, acid-base properties of salts, and Lewis acids and bases.

The main theories discussed are the Arrhenius, Bronsted-Lowry, and Lewis definitions of acids and bases. The Bronsted-Lowry theory is presented as the main one used in the discussion.

A conjugate acid-base pair is a pair of compounds that differ by the presence of one H+ unit. The conjugate acid is the compound that gains an H+ ion, while the conjugate base is the compound that loses an H+ ion in an acid-base reaction.


The Chemistry of Acids and Bases

"ACID"--Latin word acidus, meaning sour. (lemon)

"ALKALI"--Arabic word for the ashes that come from burning certain plants;
water solutions feel slippery and taste bitter. (soap)

Acids and bases are extremely important in many everyday applications: our own bloodstream, our
environment, cleaning materials, and industry. (Sulfuric acid is an economic indicator!)

acid--donates a hydrogen ion (H+) in water
base--donates a hydroxide ion in water (OH)
This theory was limited to substances with those "parts"; ammonia is a MAJOR exception!

acid--donates a proton in water
base--accepts a proton in water
This theory is better; it explains ammonia as a base! This is the main theory that we will use for our
acid/base discussion.

acid--accepts an electron pair
base--donates an electron pair
This theory explains all traditional acids and bases plus a host of coordination compounds and is used
widely in organic chemistry. Uses coordinate covalent bonds.


Using this theory, you should be able to write weak acid/base dissociation equations and identify acid,
base, conjugate acid and conjugate base.
conjugate acid-base pair--A pair of compounds that differ by the presence of one H+ unit. This
idea is critical when it comes to understanding buffer systems. Pay close attention now and it
will pay off later!

HNO3 + H2 H3O+ + NO3 neutral compound as an acid

acid base CA CB

NH4+ + H2O R H3O+ + NH3 cation as an acid

acid base CA CB

H2PO4 + H2O R H3O+ + HPO42 anion as an acid

acid base CA CB

*AP is a registered trademark of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.
2008 by Ren McCormick. All rights reserved.
In each of the acid examples---notice the formation of H3O+ -- this species is named the hydronium ion.
It lets you know that the solution is acidic!
( hydronium, H3O+--H+ riding piggy-back on a water molecule; water is polar and the
+ charge of the naked proton is greatly attracted to Mickey's chin!)

NH3 + H2O R NH4+ + OH neutral compound

base acid CA CB

CO32 + H2O R HCO3 + OH anion

base acid CA CB

PO43 + H2O R HPO42 + OH anion

base acid CA CB

Notice the formation of OH in each of the alkaline examples. This species is named the hydroxide ion.
It lets you know that the resulting solution is basic!

You try!!

Exercise 1
a) In the following reaction, identify the acid on the left and its CB on the right. Similarly identify the
base on the left and its CA on the right.

HBr + NH3 NH4+ + Br

b) What is the conjugate base of H2S?

c) What is the conjugate acid of NO3-?


monoprotic--acids donating one H+ (ex. HC2H3O2)

diprotic--acids donating two H+'s (ex. H2C2O4)
polyprotic--acids donating many H+'s (ex. H3PO4)

polyprotic bases--accept more than one H+; anions with 2 and 3 charges (ex. PO43 ; HPO42)

The Chemistry of Acids & Bases 2

Amphiprotic or amphoteric --molecules or ions that can behave as EITHER acids or bases;
water, anions of weak acids (look at the examples abovesometimes water was an acid,
sometimes it acted as a base)

Exercise 2 Acid Dissociation (Ionization) Reactions

Write the simple dissociation (ionization) reaction (omitting water) for each of the following acids.

a. Hydrochloric acid (HCl)

b. Acetic acid (HC2H3O2)

c. The ammonium ion (NH4+)

d. The anilinium ion (C6H5NH3+)

e. The hydrated aluminum(III) ion [Al(H2O)6]3+

A: HCl(aq) R H+(aq) + Cl-(aq)

B: HC2H3O2(aq) R H+(aq) + C2H3O2-(aq)
C: NH4+(aq) R H+(aq) + NH3(aq)
D: C6H5NH3+(aq) R H+(aq) + C6H5NH2(aq)
E: Al(H2O)63+(aq) R H+(aq) + [Al(H2O)5OH]2+(aq)

The Chemistry of Acids & Bases 3

Strength is determined by the position of the "dissociation" equilibrium.
Strong acids/strong bases
1. dissociates completely in water
2. have very large dissociation or K values


Weak acids/weak bases

1. dissociate only to a slight extent in water
2. dissociation constant is very small

Do Not confuse concentration with strength!

STRONG ACIDS: Memorize these SIX

Hydrohalic acids: HCl, HBr, HInote HF is missing!
Nitric: HNO3
Sulfuric: H2SO4
Perchloric: HClO4

The Chemistry of Acids & Bases 4

The more oxygen present in the polyatomic ion of an oxyacid, the stronger its acid WITHIN that group.
Thats a trend, but not an explanation. So, why? First, notice that the H of the acid is bound to an oxygen
and NOT any other nonmetal present. Oxygen is very electronegative and attracts the electrons of the OH
bonds toward itself. If you add more oxygens, then this effect is magnified and there is increasing electron
density in the region of the molecule that is opposite the H. The added electron density weakens the bond,
thus less energy is required to break the bond and the acid dissociates more readily which we describe as

Hydroxides OR oxides of IA and IIA metals (except Mg and Be)
o Solubility plays a role (those that are very soluble are strong!)

THE STRONGER THE ACID THE WEAKER ITS CB, the converse is also true.

The Chemistry of Acids & Bases 5


The vast majority of acid/bases are weak. Remember, this means they do not ionize much.

That means a equilibrium is established and it lies far to the left (reactant favored).
The equilibrium expression for acids is known as the Ka (the acid dissociation constant). It is set
up the same way as any other equilibrium expression. Many common weak acids are oxyacids, like
phosphoric acid and nitrous acid. Other common weak acids are organic acids
those that contain a carboxyl group, the COOH group, like acetic acid and
benzoic acid.

For weak acid reactions: HA + H2O R H3O+ + A

Ka = [H3O+][A] <<1

Write the Ka expression for acetic acid. (Note: Water is a pure liquid and is thus, left out of the
equilibrium expression.)

Weak bases (bases without OH) react with water to produce a hydroxide ion. Common examples
of weak bases are ammonia (NH3), methylamine (CH3NH2), and ethylamine (C2H5NH2). The lone
pair on N forms a bond with a H+. Most weak bases involve N.

The Chemistry of Acids & Bases 6

The equilibrium expression for bases is known as the Kb.

for weak base reactions: B + H2O R HB+ + OH

Kb = [HB+][OH] << 1

Write the Kb expression for ammonia.

Notice that Ka and Kb expressions look very similar. The difference is that a base
produces the hydroxide ion in solution, while the acid produces the hydronium ion in
Another note on this point: H+ and H3O+ are both equivalent terms here.
Often water is left completely out of the equation since it does not appear in the
equilibrium. This has become an accepted practice. (* However, water is very
important in causing the acid to dissociate.)

Exercise 3 Relative Base Strength

Using table 14.2, arrange the following species according to their strength as bases:

H2O, F, Cl, NO2, and CN.

Cl- < H2O < F- < NO2- < CN-

The Chemistry of Acids & Bases 7


Fredrich Kohlrausch, around 1900, found that no matter how pure water is, it still conducts a
minute amount of electric current. This proves that water self-ionizes.

Since the water molecule is amphoteric, it may dissociate with itself to a slight extent.
Only about 2 in a billion water molecules are ionized at any instant!

H2O(l) + H2O(l) R H3O+(aq) + OH(aq)

The equilibrium expression used here is referred to as the autoionization constant for
water, Kw
In pure water or dilute aqueous solutions, the concentration of water can be considered to be
a constant (55.6 M), so we include that with the equilibrium constant and write the
expression as:

Kw = [H3O+][OH] = 1.008 1014 @ 25C = Ka Kb

Knowing this value allows us to calculate the OH and H+ concentration for various
[OH] = [H+] solution is neutral (in pure water, each of these is 1.0 107)
[OH] > [H+] solution is basic
[OH] < [H+] solution is acidic

Exercise 5 Autoionization of Water

At 60C, the value of Kw is 1 1013.

a. Using Le Chateliers principle, predict whether the reaction below is exothermic or endothermic.

2H2O(l) R H3O+(aq) + OH(aq)

b. Calculate [H+] and [OH] in a neutral solution at 60C.

A: endothermic

B: [H ] = [OH ] = 3 10-7 M

The Chemistry of Acids & Bases 8

The pH Scale
Used to designate the [H+] in most aqueous solutions where [H+] is small.
pH = log [H+]
pOH = log [OH]
pH + pOH = 14

If pH is between zero and 6.999, the solution is acidic, if pH is 7.000, the

solution is neutral and if the pH is above 7.000, the solution is basic.

Reporting the correct number of sig. figs on a pH is problematic since it is a

logarithmic scale. The rule is to report as many decimal places on a pH as
there are in the least accurate measurement you are given.

Example: The problem states a 1.15 M solution blah, blah, blah. That is your
cue to report a pH with 3 decimal places. If the problem had stated a 1.2 M
solution blah, blah, blah, then you would report your calculated pH to 2
decimal places. How did this ever get started? If you careread the next bulletotherwise go
directly to Exercise 6!

In the old days, before calculators (Can you imagine?), students used log tables to work problems
involving logarithms. If the logarithm was 7.45, then the 7 was the characteristic and the .45 part
was the mantissa. In fact, it is the mantissa that communicates the accuracy of the measurement.
The characteristic is simply a place holder.

Exercise 6 Calculating [H+] and [OH]

Calculate either the [H+] or [OH] from the information given for each of the following solutions at 25C,
and state whether the solution is neutral, acidic, or basic.

a. 1.0 105 M OH

b. 1.0 107 M OH

c. 10.0 M H+

A: [H+] = 1.0 10-9 M, basic

B: [H+] = 1.0 10-7 M, neutral
C: [OH] = 1.0 10-15 M, acidic

The Chemistry of Acids & Bases 9

Exercise 7 Calculating pH and pOH

Calculate pH and pOH for each of the following solutions at 25C.

a. 1.0 103 M OH

b. 1.0 M H+
A: pH = 11.00
pOH = 3.00
B: pH = 0.00
pOH = 14.00

Exercise 8 Calculating pH
The pH of a sample of human blood was measured to be 7.41 at 25C. Calculate pOH, [H+], and [OH] for
the sample.

pOH = 6.59
[H+] = 3.9 10-8 M

[OH ] = 2.6 10-7 M

Exercise 9 pH of Strong Acids

a. Calculate the pH of 0.10 M HNO3.

b. Calculate the pH of 1.0 1010 M HCl.

A: pH = 1.00
B: pH = 10.00

The Chemistry of Acids & Bases 10

Exercise 10 The pH of Strong Bases

Calculate the pH of a 5.0 102 M NaOH solution.

pH = 12.70

Calculating pH of Weak Acid Solutions

Calculating pH of weak acids involves setting up an equilibrium. Always start by writing the balanced
equation, setting up the acid equilibrium expression (Ka), defining initial concentrations, changes, and
final concentrations in terms of x, substituting values and variables into the Ka expression and solving
for x. Use the RICE TABLE method you learned in general equilibrium!

Calculate the pH of a 1.00 104 M solution of acetic acid. The Ka of acetic acid is 1.8 105.

Reaction HC2H3O2 R H+ + C2H3O2

Initial 1.00 10 0 0
Change x +x +x
Equilibrium (1.00 104 ) x x x

H + C2 H 3O 2 5 x2
Ka = = 1.8 10 =
HC2 H 3O 2 1104 x

See that x term in the denominator? That is your invitation to cross multiply and distribute the Ka value
across the term so that you get x2 = 1.8 109 1.8 105x ; collect like terms and use either the solver on
your graphing calculator or a quadratic formula solving program youve loaded on your calculator (all of
this to avoid arithmetic mistakes!) to solve for x. You should determine that x = [H+] = 3.44 104 and
that the pH = log (3.44 104) = 3.46 (2 SF).

Often, the x term in a Ka expression can be neglected. That simplifies the math tremendously since you
are now spared the tedium of having to use the quadratic formula.

How do you know when to neglect x? Easy. Look at the original concentration and compare it to 100 Ka
(or 100 Kb). IF the initial concentration is large by comparison, you can neglect subtracting the x term.
We could not neglect x in the example we just worked since 100 Ka for acetic acid would equal 1.8 103
or 0.0018 which is too close to our initial acid concentration of 0.0001.

The Chemistry of Acids & Bases 11

Need proof?

Suppose our initial concentration had been 0.10 M for the acetic acid in the example problem we just
worked. For acetic acid, 100Ka = 1.8 103 or 0.0018. Thats essentially subtracting zero from 0.10 M.
Aside from that if you did subtract it, youd still follow the least decimal place subtraction sig. fig. rule
and report 0.10 M as your answer to the subtraction.

OK, Ill humor you and apply the quadratic formula to the example we just worked changing the initial
concentration to 0.10 M. First Ill do the quadratic formula and then Ill work it by neglecting x.

Calculate the pH of a 10.10 M solution of acetic acid. The Ka of acetic acid is 1.8 105.

Reaction HC2H3O2 R H+ + C2H3O2

Initial 0.10 0 0
Change x +x +x
Equilibrium 0.10 x x x

H + C2 H 3O 2 x2
Ka = = 1.8 105 =
HC2 H 3O 2 0.10 x

By cross multiplying and NOT neglecting x, you get x2 = 1.8 106 1.8 105x ; collect like terms and
use either the solver on your graphing calculator or a quadratic formula solving program youve loaded on
your calculator (all of this to avoid arithmetic mistakes!) to solve for x. You should determine that
x = [H+] = 0.0013327 (way too many sig. figs, I know!)

and that the pH = log (0.0013327) = 2.88 (2 SF)

Had we neglected x, the math simplifies to

H + C2 H 3O 2 x2
Ka = = 1.8 105 = and x2 = 1.8 106
HC2 H 3O 2 0.10 x

x2 = 1.8 106
So, take the square root of each side to get
x = 0.00134 = H +
pH = log (.001341) = 2.87 (2 SF) which is mighty, mighty close, so it is a really good approximation.

So, whats the good news? The AP exam does not have equilibrium problems that require the quadratic
formula. Feel better? No promises about your homework, though!

The Chemistry of Acids & Bases 12

Exercise 11 The pH of Weak Acids

The hypochlorite ion (OCl) is a strong oxidizing agent often found in household bleaches and
disinfectants. It is also the active ingredient that forms when swimming pool water is treated with chlorine.
In addition to its oxidizing abilities, the hypochlorite ion has a relatively high affinity for protons (it is a
much stronger base than Cl-, for example) and forms the weakly acidic hypochlorous acid
(HOCl, Ka = 3.5 10-8). Calculate the pH of a 0.100 M aqueous solution of hypochlorous acid.

pH = 4.23
Determination of the pH of a Mixture of Weak Acids

The Chemistry of Acids & Bases 13

Only the acid with the largest Ka value will contribute an appreciable [H+]. Determine the pH based
on this acid and ignore any others.

Exercise 12 The pH of Weak Acid Mixtures

Calculate the pH of a solution that contains 1.00 M HCN (Ka = 6.2 1010) and 5.00 M HNO2
(Ka = 4.0 104). Also calculate the concentration of cyanide ion (CN) in this solution at equilibrium.

pH = 1.35
[CN] = 1.4 108 M

Exercise 13 Calculating Percent Dissociation

Calculate the percent dissociation of acetic acid (Ka = 1.8 105) in each of the following solutions.

a. 1.00 M HC2H3O2

b. 0.100 M HC2H3O2

A: = 0.42 %
B: = 1.3 %

The Chemistry of Acids & Bases 14

Exercise 14 Calculating Ka from Percent Dissociation

Lactic acid (HC3H5O3) is a waste product that accumulates in muscle tissue during exertion, leading to pain
and a feeling of fatigue. In a 0.100 M aqueous solution, lactic acid is 3.7% dissociated. Calculate the
value of Ka for this acid.

Ka= 1.4 104

Determination of the pH of a weak base is very similar to the determination of the pH of a weak acid.
Follow the same steps. Remember, however, that x is the [OH] and taking the negative log of x will
give you the pOH and not the pH!

Exercise 15 The pH of Weak Bases I

Calculate the pH for a 15.0 M solution of NH3 (Kb = 1.8 105).

pH = 12.20

Exercise 16 The pH of Weak Bases II

The Chemistry of Acids & Bases 15

Calculate the pH of a 1.0 M solution of methylamine (Kb = 4.38 104).

pH = 12.32

Calculating pH of polyprotic acids

Acids with more than one ionizable hydrogen will ionize in steps. Each dissociation has its own
Ka value.
The first dissociation will be the greatest and subsequent dissociations will have much smaller
equilibrium constants. As each H+ is removed, the remaining acid gets weaker and therefore has a
smaller Ka. As the negative charge on the acid increases it becomes more difficult to remove the
positively charged proton.

Example: Consider the dissociation of phosphoric acid.

H3PO4(aq) + H2O(l) R H3O+(aq) + H2PO4 (aq) Ka1 = 7.5 10-3
H2PO4-(aq) + H2O(l)R H3O+(aq) + HPO42(aq) Ka2 = 6.2 10-8
HPO42-(aq) + H2O(l) R H3O+(aq) + PO43(aq) Ka3 = 4.8 10-13

Looking at the Ka values, it is obvious that only the first dissociation will be
important in determining the pH of the solution.

The Chemistry of Acids & Bases 16

Except for H2SO4, polyprotic acids have Ka2 and Ka3 values so much weaker than their Ka1 value
that the 2nd and 3rd (if applicable) dissociation can be ignored. The [H+] obtained from this 2nd
and 3rd dissociation is negligible compared to the [H+] from the 1st dissociation. Because H2SO4
is a strong acid in its first dissociation and a weak acid in its second, we need to consider both if the
concentration is more dilute than 1.0 M. The quadratic equation is needed to work this type of

Exercise 17 The pH of a Polyprotic Acid

Calculate the pH of a 5.0 M H3PO4 solution and the equilibrium concentrations of the species H3PO4,
H2PO4-, HPO42-, and PO43-.

pH = 0.72
[H3PO4] = 4.8 M
[H2PO4-] = 0.19 M
[HPO42-] = 6.2 108 M
[PO43-] = 1.6 1019 M

Exercise 18 The pH of a Sulfuric Acid

Calculate the pH of a 1.0 M H2SO4 solution.

pH = 0.00

The Chemistry of Acids & Bases 17

Exercise 19 The pH of a Sulfuric Acid

Calculate the pH of a 1.0 102 M H2SO4 solution.

pH = 1.84


Salts are produced when an acid and base react. Salts are not always neutral. Some hydrolyze with water
to produce aqueous solutions with pHs other than 7.00.

Neutral Salts--Salts that are formed from the cation of a strong base reacting with the anion of a
strong acid are neutral. Beware of solubility issues! One salt such is NaNO3. Think about which
acid reacted with which base to form the saltif both the acid and base are strong, then the salt is

Basic Salts--Salts that are formed from the cation of a strong base reacting with the anion of a weak
acid are basic. Again, beware of solubility issues! The anion hydrolyzes the water molecule to
produce hydroxide ions and thus a basic solution. K2C2H3O2 should be basic since C2H3O2 is the
CB of the weak acid HC2H3O2, while K+ does not hydrolyze appreciably.
C2H3O2 + H2O R OH + HC2H3O2
strong base weak acid

Acidic Salts- Salts that are formed from the cation of a weak base reacting with the anion of a
strong acid are acidic. The cation hydrolyzes the water molecule to produce hydronium ions and
thus an acidic solution. NH4Cl should be weakly acidic, since NH4+ hydrolyzes to give an acidic
solution, while Cl does not hydrolyze.
NH4+ + H2O R H3O+ + NH3
strong acid weak base

If both the cation and the anion contribute to the pH

situation, compare Ka to Kb.
If Kb is larger, basic! The converse is also true.

The Chemistry of Acids & Bases 18

Heres how to think this through:

1. Look at the salt and ask yourself which acid and which base reacted to form it?

2. Ask yourself strong or weak? for each.

3. Embrace the fact that strong wins and predict whether the salt is acidic or basic based
on that victory.

a. If you predict basic, write OH

b. If you predict acidic, write

4. Relish in the fact that strong is a spectator. Which means the remaining ion of the salt
is the reactant along with water.

5. Write water as HOH to make it easier to see how the hydroxide or hydrogen ion was

Question: What is the qualitative pH of Fe(NO3)3?

1. Which acid reacted? Nitric

2. Strong or weak? Strong
3. Which base reacted? Iron(III) hydroxide
4. Strong or weak? Weak

Strong wins! acidic so we write:

+ HOH H+ to get started

Strong is also a spectator so, cross out the spectator and the remaining ion is the other
reactant; Fe(NO3)3
Complete hydrolysis reaction: Fe3+ + 3 HOH 3 H+ + Fe(OH)3

Exercise 20 The Acid-Base Properties of Salts

Predict whether an aqueous solution of each of the following salts will be acidic, basic, or neutral. Prove
with appropriate equations.

a. NaC2H3O2

b. NH4NO3

c. Al2(SO4)3

The Chemistry of Acids & Bases 19

Exercise 21 Salts as Weak Bases

Calculate the pH of a 0.30 M NaF solution. The Ka value for HF is 7.2 104.

pH = 8.31

Exercise 22 Salts as Weak Acids I

Calculate the pH of a 0.10 M NH4Cl solution. The Kb value for NH3 is 1.8 105.

pH = 5.13

Exercise 23 Salts as Weak Acids II

Calculate the pH of a 0.010 M AlCl3 solution. The Ka value for Al(H2O)63+ is 1.4 105.

pH = 3.43

The Chemistry of Acids & Bases 20


acid--can accept a pair of electrons to form a coordinate covalent bond

base--can donate a pair of electrons to form a coordinate covalent bond

Yes, this is the dot guy and the structures guy--he was extremely busy making your life difficult!

BF3--most famous of all!!

Exercise 24
Tell whether each of the following is a Lewis acid or base: Draw structures as proof.
a) PH3
b) BCl3
c) H2S
d) SF4

The Chemistry of Acids & Bases 21

Exercise 25 Lewis Acids and Basis

For each reaction, identify the Lewis acid and base.

a. Ni2+(aq) + 6NH3(aq) Ni(NH3)62+(aq)

b. H+(aq) + H2O(aq) R H3O+(aq)

A: Lewis acid = nickel(II) ion

Lewis base = ammonia
B: Lewis acid = proton
Lewis base = water molecule

The Chemistry of Acids & Bases 22

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