Chemical Thermodynamics

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1. THERMODYNAMICS 4.2 Intensive Properties

It is the study of flow of energy. It encompasses the study of flow Such properties of a system which depends on concentration
of heat as well as mass. and does not depend on the mass or the total number of particles
in the system are categorized as Intensive properties. eg. Pressure,
Density, Reractive Index.
2.1 System
Such thermodynamic functions which depend only on the initial
and final states of the system and not on the path followed are
The part of the Universe under observation is called system. called state functions eg. Internal energy, Enthalpy and the
functions which depend on the path followed while changing
2.2 Surrounding from one state to the other are called path functions. eg. work
The part of the Universe not under observation is called
System + Surrounding = Universe
A system is said to be under thermodynamic equilibrium when
2.3 Types of system none of the state variables are changing and it satisfies the three
2.3.1 Open System : A system in which both flow of mass and
heat is possible. 6.1 Mechanical Equilibrium
2.3.2 Closed System : A system in which flow of heat is possible
but flow of mass is not possible. There is no mechanical motion and the pressure and the volume
of the system is not changing.
2.3.3 Isolated System : A system in which neither heat nor mass
can flow in or out. 6.2 Thermal Equilibrium

3. STATE OF A SYSTEM There is no flow of heat and the temperature of the system does
not change with time.
The state variables (P, V, T, n) describes the condition of a system.
On changing any one or more of these variables the state of the 6.3 Chemical Equilibrium
system changes.
If any chemical reaction is taking place in the system then the rate
4. PROPERTIES OF SYSTEM of forward reaction is equal to the rate of backward reaction which
means that the overall moles of the system is constant.
All the properties of a system can be categorized into one of the
following two types : 7. INTERNAL ENERGY
4.1 Extensive Properties It is the sum total of the components of energy of the system due
to the internal factors. It is denoted by U (sometimes by E). Since
Such properties of a system which depends on the mass or the the system under observation is an ideal gas thus the internal
total number of particles in the system are categorized as Extensive energy of the system is dependent only on the kinetic energy of
Properties. eg. Total Energy, volume. the gas and therefore is only a function of temperature. U v T.
Since internal energy depends only on temperature thus, it is a
state function.

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It is the work done due to the volume changes of the gas. The
There are two methods to alter the internal energy of a system viz.
Heat and work. mathematical expression for the expansion work is w
 Pex dV.
8.1 Heat
Always remember, be it expansion or compression we always take
the external pressure as the driving force. For a reversible process,
Heat is the energy transferred due to temperature difference
between the system and the surrounding. On heating, the kinetic Pex | PGAS and w
energy of the molecules increases and therefore the internal energy
increases. If we draw a process curve between P and V then the work done
is represented by the area covered under the P-V graph as shown
8.2 Work in Fig.

Work is the energy spent to overcome an external force. When

the system does work against an external pressure (expansion) it
tends to reduce the internal energy and on the other hand when
the system contracts due to the external pressure it tends to
increase the internal energy.


The first law of Thermodynamics states that Energy can neither
be created nor destroyed.
'U = q + w
Conventions : In the above system if work is done by the system
then w is negative and if work is done on the system then w is NOTE
positive. Also, if heat flows into the system then q is positive and
Sign of w : If the volume of the system is increasing
if heat flows out of the system then q is negative.
then the sign of w is ve and if volume is decreasing
w is +ve
Sign of 'U : If the temperature of the system is
A process whose direction can be changed by an infinitesimal decreasing or the product pressure and volume (PV) is
change to the system or surroundings and which can be reversed reducing then the sign of 'U is ve else, the sign of
by retracing the original path and the system is restored to the 'U is +ve.
initial state. The driving force of a reversible process is very-very
Sign of q : The sign of q needs to be determined using
small and such a process is extremely slow. For a process to be
the first law of thermodynamics.
reversible there must not be any dissipative forces and also the
system should be in a Quasi Static State.
10.1 Quasi Static State
A cyclic process is one which comes back to its initial state. The
A quasi static state means that the system seems to be static at all graph of a cyclic process is always a closed graph. For a cyclic
intervals of time but actually is not. The motion is so slow that it process, 'Unet = 0 and qnet = wnet.
is almost impossible to detect the motion and the system seems
to be in equilibrium with the surroundings at all instants of time.

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13. ENTHALPY (H) 15.1 Isothermal Process

Enthalpy is another thermodynamic function (like internal energy, These processes are the ones in which the temperature is constant
work and heat) which we study in various thermodynamic throughout the process.
processes. It is also a state function like internal energy. It is
'U = 0; 'H = 0
defined as the sum of the energy stored in the system and the
energy used in doing work. Mathematically, H = U + PV. At constant w = 2.303 nRT log10(V2/V1) = 2.303 nRT log10 (P1/P2)
pressure 'H = qp and at constant volume 'U = qV. q = +2.303 nRT log10 (V2/V1) = + 2.303 nRT log10 (P1/P2)

14. HEAT CAPACITY (C) 15.2 Adiabatic Process

The heat capacity of the system is the amount of heat needed to These processes are the ones in which the heat exchanged with the
raise the temperature of the system by 1C or 1K. surroundings is zero. Such processes are defined by the equation

C = q/' TVJ1 = constant, TJP1JJ = constant, PVJ = constant.
q=0  w = 'U
14.1 Molar Heat Capacity
'U = nCV'T = (P2V2 P1V1)/(J1). = (nR'T)/(J 1)

The molar heat capacity of a system (CM) is the amount of heat 'H = nCP'T
needed to raise the temperature of one mole gas by 1C or K.
15.3 Isochoric Process
These processes are the ones in which the volume remains constant.
The molar heat capacity of a system at constant pressure (Cp) is Since the change in volume is zero therefore we can say that
the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of one mole w=0
gas the system by 1C at constant pressure.
'U = nCV'T = qV 'H = nCP'T
Cp = qp /n'
The molar heat capacity of a system at constant volume (CV) is 15.4 Isobaric Process
the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of one mole
gas by 1C at constant volume. These are the processes in which the pressure remains constant.
CV = qV /n' 'V = nR'
w = P' 'T
Thus, we can say that : 'H = nCP'T and 'U = nCV'T and 'U = nCV'T
CP = CV + R.
'H = nCP'T

All these processes are happening on a system containing an
ideal gas therefore we can apply PV = nRT at any stage that
we find suitable.


There are four important types of processes to be studied in this

chapter. The basic meanings and difference of these four
processes are :

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4. A cyclic process should remain cyclic whichever graph we

NOTE make.
Although the graph of isothermal and adiabatic processes are
similar in nature it should be noted that the P-V graph of an
adiabatic process is steeper than that of an isothermal process.


When a thermodynamic process is plotted in terms of two state

variable it can be transformed into a graph involving the other
state variable by doing the following :
Note : From the given PV graph.
1. Identify the type of curve given, whether it is P-V, V-T or P-T
graph. Process 1o2 is isothermal expansion; 2o3 adiabatic expansion;

2. Then, Identify every step of the process 3o4 isothermal compression & 4o1 adiabatic compression.

3. Then one by one convert every step into the required graph
bearing in mind critical points like, an expansion process will
remain an expansion process and so on.

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For an irreversible process the work done is given by
Matter has a natural tendency to get disordered or randomised
W= P EXT dV. We cannot take the external pressure to be
Energy has a tendency to become disordered or dispersed.
equal to the pressure of the gas in these processes.
It was concluded that any such process in which the total
18. FREE EXPANSION randomness of the universe (system + surrounding) increases is
a spontaneous process. Entropy is a measure of randomness or
If the external pressure of the gas is zero that is the gas is expanding disorder. It is a state function represented by S. We can safely
against vaccum then the work done is always zero, this is called say that in a spontaneous process there is a tendency for increase
the case of free expansion. In this process the gas does no work in entropy. Hence the statement of second law :
as there is no effort put in expansion process. If no heat is supplied
The entropy of an isolated system/Universe tends to increase
to the gas then there is no change in temperature too. That is why
OR In a spontaneous process the entropy of the Universe
such a process is both Isothermal and Adiabatic.

It is a generalized form of any thermodynamic process which has 'STOTAL 'SSYSTEM  'SSURROUNDING ! 0
a form PVn = constant where n is a real number. For an isothermal (for a sponataneous change)
process n = 1 and for an adiabatic process n = J. The heat capacity
Thus, In a reversible process the entropy of the Universe remains
of a polytropic process can be calculated using the first law of
thermodynamics and comes out to be : constant i.e. 'STotal = 0
C = CV R/(n 1).
22.1 Entropy changes in a Thermodynamic Process


The entropy changes in an thermodynamic process can be
mathematically calculated by the equation :
The first law talks about the conservation of energy in a process
but does not speak of the feasibility of a process. It does not tell 'S
' = nCV ln (T2/T1) + nR ln (V2/V1). This expression can be
whether a process will happen on its own i.e. whether the process simplified for the four processes studied earlier as :
is spontaneous or not. A spontaneous process is one which
Isothermal process : 'S = nR ln (V2/V1)
happens on its own. Example, heat always flows spontaneously
from higher temperature to lower temperature : Nothing in the first Isochoric process : 'S = nCV ln (T2/T1)
law mentions that the opposite process cannot happen. According
to first law any process where energy remains conserved is feasible. For isobaric process : 'S = nCP ln (T2/T1)
But we need some other basis for feasibility of a process. This is Adiabatic process : 'S = 0 (qrev = 0)
where the second law is important.
22.2 Important points to Remember
1. Entropy of a system remains constant in a reversible adiabatic
21.1 Spontaneous processes process. Therefore, it is also known as isentropic process.
2. Entropy of an ideal gas will always increase in isothermal
Spontaneous processes have a natural tendency to take place expansion.
and no external work is needed to carry out these processes. All 3. In a reversible adiabatic process the entropy of both system
natural processes are spontaneous.
and surroundings remains the same and there is no overall
21.2 Non-Spontaneous processes change in entropy as well.
They are driven by external work and cannot take place naturally.

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4. In a reversible isothermal expansion the entropy of

surroundings will always decrease to balance the increase in 25.1 Enthalpy of Formation 'Hf0
systems entropy to make the overall entropy constant.
5. In free expansion the entropy of the system always increases It is the heat absorbed or released when one mole of a compound
and that of surrounding remains constant. Free expansion is is formed from its constituent elements under their standard
elemental forms. The enthalpy for formation of the following
both isothermal and adiabatic and is irreversible.
substances is taken to be zero under 1 bar pressure and 298 K.
23. GIBBS FREE ENERGY 'Hf0 (O2, g) = 0 'Hf0 (S, Rhombic) = 0
'Hf0 (C, graphite) = 0 'Hf0 (P, white) = 0
Gibbs Free energy function gives us a very convenient parameter
'Hf0 (Br2, l) = 0 'Hf0 (H+, aq) = 0
to judge the spontaneity of a process from systems perspective.
At a constant temperature and pressure, 'G = T'STOTAL and for 25.2 Enthalpy of Combustion
a process to be spontaneous, 'G < 0. The change in Gibbs free
energy can also be represented in terms of the system parameters It is the heat released or absorbed when one mole of a substance
as : undergoes combustion in presence of oxygen.
'GSYS = 'H T'Ssys at a constant temperature. CH4 (g) + 2O2 (g) o CO2 (g) + 2H2O (g) 'H = 890 kJ/mol

24. THERMOCHEMICAL EQUATION 25.3 Enthalpy of Solution

A chemical equation which gives us all the information like energy It is the heat released or absorbed when 1 mole of a compound is
changes associated with a chemical reaction and phases of various dissolved in excess of a solvent (water).
reactants and products is called Thermochemical Equation. MgSO4 (s) + H2O (excess) oMg
o 2+ (aq) + SO42 (aq)
All reactions can be categorized into one of the following two
'H0Sol = 91.211 kJ/mol
categories :
25.4 Enthalpy of Hydration
24.1 Endothermic Reactions
It is the energy released or absorbed when 1 mole of anhydrous
Are those chemical reactions which absorb energy. or partially hydrated salt undergoes hydration by the addition of
('H = positive) water of crystallisation. e.g.
CuSO4(s) + 5H2O(l) o CuSO4. 5H2O(s)
24.2 Exothermic Reactions
'HHYD = 78.9 kJ/mol
Are those chemical reactions which release energy.
25.5 Enthalpy of Neutralization
'H = negative)
For a chemical reaction, 'HREACTION = HPRODUCTS HREACTANTS It is the heat released or absorbed when one equivalent of an acid
The change in enthalpy during a chemical reaction occurs due to undergoes neutralisation with one equivalent of a base. e.g.
breaking and making of bonds. H+ (aq) + OH (aq) o H2O (l )
Also, 'H = 'U + 'ngRT. 'HR = 57.3 kJ/mol


Enthalpy change can be calculated for all reactions and is Since enthalpy is a state function thus for a reaction which takes
sometimes called the Heat of Reaction. Lets take a look at various place in steps the net change in enthalpy can be calculated by
types of reactions and enthalpy changes associated with them : adding the enthalpy changes of each step. This is called the Hess

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The entire thermodynamics process of formation of an ionic crystal It is defined as the energy required to convert any substance to
lattice is called Born Haber cycle. An ionic compound is formed gaseous atoms. This is defined per mol of the gaseous atoms. For
from its constituents through a series of steps involving example Heat of atomisation of H will be 218 kJ/mol atoms.
conversion of atoms/molecules into gaseous phase for ion
formation, ionisation and electron gain to form ions and then the 30. RESONANCE ENERGY
reaction of gaseous ions to form solid lattice.
Many compounds exhibit resonance. Due to resonance they exist
in a structure which is different from the expected one and more
The energy needed to break the bonds of one mole molecules is
called the Bond Dissociation Enthalpy of the substance. It is Resonance energy = 'H0f (actual) 'H0f (calculated)
defined per mol of molecule. eg. Bond dissociation enthalpy of
H2 is 436 kJ/mol

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Example : 1 4754 = 2.303 n 8.314 300 log .
Calculate the internal energy change in each of the This given n = 2.75 moles.
following cases :
(i) A system absorbs 15 kJ of heat and does 5 kJ of work. Example : 4
(ii) 5 kJ of work is done on the system and 15 kJ of heat A 5-litre cylinder contained 10 moles of oxygen gas at
is given out by the system. 27oC. Due to sudden leakage through the hole, all the gas
escaped into the atmosphere and the cylinder got empty. If
Sol. (i) Here, q = +15 kJ the atmospheric pressure is 1.0 atmosphere, calculate
w = 5 kJ the work done by the gas. (1 L atm = 101.3 J)
? According to first law of thermodynamics,
'U = q + w = 15 + (5) = 10 kJ Sol. Vinitial = 5L, T = 27oC = 27 + 273 K = 300 K
Thus, internal energy of the system increases by 10 kJ.
nRT 10 u 0.0821 u 300
(ii) Here, w = + 5 kJ Vfinal = 246.3L
P 1.0
q = 5 kJ
'V = 'final Vinitial = 246.3 5 = 241.3 L
? According to first law of thermodynamics,
'U = q + w = 15 + (+ 5) = 10 kJ wexp = P'V = 1 241.3 L atm = 241.3 101.3 J
Thus, the internal energy of the system decreases by 10 kJ. = 24443.7 J.
Example : 2 Example : 5

Calculate w, q and 'U when 0.75 mol of an ideal gas Two moles of an ideal gas initially at 27oC and one
expands isothermally and reversibly at 27oC from a volume atmospheric pressure are compressed isothermally and
of 15 L to 25 L. reversibly till the final pressure of the gas is 10 atm.
Calculate q, w and 'U for the process.
Sol. For isothermal reversible expansion of an ideal gas,
V2 Sol. Here, n = 2 moles T = 27oC = 300 K, P1 = 1 atm, P2 = 10 atm
w = 2.303 nRT log V Putting n = 0.75 mol, V1 = 15 L,
1 P1
V2 = 25 L, T = 27 + 273 = 300 K and R = 8.314 J K1 mol1, w = 2.303 n RT log 2.303 u 2 u 8.314 JK 1 mol1
we get
25 1
w = 2.303 0.75 8.314 300 log 955.5 J
15 300 K log = 11488 J
(ve sign represents work of expansion)
For isothermal expansion of an ideal gas, 'U = 0 For isothermal compression of ideal gas, 'U = 0
?'U = q + w gives q = w = + 955.5 J. Further, 'U = q + w ? q = w = 11488 J.

Example : 3 Example : 6
Carbon monoxide is allowed to expand isothermally and
10g of argon gas is compressed isothermally and
reversibly from 10 m3 to 20 m3 at 300 K and work obtained
reversibly at a temperature of 27C from 10L to 5L.
is 4.754 kJ. Calculate the number of moles of carbon
Calculate q, W, ' U and ' H for this process.
R = 2.0 cal K1 mol1. log10 2 = 0.30 Atomic wt. of Ar = 40
Sol. w = 2.303 n RT log V V2
1 Sol. W = 2.303 nRT log10

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'U = 'H = 0 (temperature is constant)

10 5
= 2.303 2 300 log10 w = nRT ln (V2/V1)
40 10
= 5 8.314 300 ln 5
W = 103.991 cal
= 20071.3 J
'U = 0 ; 'H = 0 (Constant temperature)
q = + 20071.3 J
' q = 'U W ?q = W = 103.991 cal

Example : 7 Example : 9
The state of a mole of an ideal gas changed from state A
A gas present in a cylinder fitted with a frictionless piston (2p, v) through four different processes and finally returns
expands against a constant pressure of 1 atm from a volume to initial State A reversibly as shown below.
of 2 litre to a volume of 6 litre. In doing so, it absorbs
800 J heat from surroundings. Determine increase in
internal energy of process.

Sol. Since, work is done against constant pressure and thus,

Given, 'V = (6 2) = 4 litre; P = 1 atm
? W = 1 4 litre-atm = 4 1.01325 102 J
= 405.3 J
Now from first law of thermodynamics
q = 'U W
800 = 'U + 405.3 ? 'U = 394.7 Joule Calculate the total work done by the system and heat
absorbed by the system in the cyclic process.
Example : 8
5 moles of an ideal gas at 300 K are expanded isothermally Sol. State A to State B (Isobaric expansion)
from an initial pressure of 500 Pa to a final pressure of Pressure is held constant at 2p and the gas is heated
100 Pa against a constant external pressure of 100 Pa. until the volume v becomes 2v.
Calculate w, q, 'U and 'H for the process. What will be the
difference if the same process is carried out irreversibly ? ? W1 = p'V = 2p (2v v) = 2pv
What are the values of w, q, 'U, 'H for the irreversible
process ? State B to State C (Isochoric process)

Volume is held constant at 2v and the gas is coolled

Sol. For an isothermal irreversible expansion : until the pressure 2P reaches p.
' U = 'H = 0 ?W2 = 0 (' 'V = 0)
w = PEXT (V2V1)
State C to State D (Isobaric compression)
V2 and V1 can be calculated from ideal gas equation.
Pressure is held constant at p and the gas is further
V1 = nRT/P1 = 5 8.314 300/500 = 24.9 m3 cooled until the volume 2v becomes v.

V2 = nRT/P2 = 124.7 m3 ?W3 = p (v 2v) = pv

Therefore, w = 100 (124.5 24.9) State D to State A (Isochoric process)

= 9980 J Volume is held constant at v and the gas is heated
until the pressure p reaches 2p.
q = + 9980 J
?W4 = 0 (' 'V = 0)
If this process is done reversibly then the internal and
external pressure should be same throughout.

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Total work done by the gas = W = W1 + W2 + W3 + W4 n = 2 mol.

or W = 2pv + 0 + pv + 0 = pv (= area ABCD) At point C : P = 0.5 atm, V = 40L

As the process is cyclic 'E = 0 PV = nRT

?q = w q = + pv 0.5 u 40
T = (0.0821) (2) = 121.8 K.
where q is the heat absorbed in the cylic process.
Example : 10 WCA = 2.303 (2) (8.314) (121.8) log10
Two mole of a perfect gas undergo the following processes: = 1404.07 J
(a) a reversible isobaric expansion from
Total work, W = 2026.5 + 0 + 1404.07
(1.0 atm, 20.0L) to (1.0 atm, 40.0L).
(b) a reversible isochoric change of state from = 622.43 J
(1.0 atm, 40.0L) to (0.5 atm, 40.0L) For cyclic process : 'U = 0
(c) a reversible isothermal compression from q=w
(0.5 atm, 40.0L) to (1.0 atm, 20.0L).
q = + 622.43 J
(i) sketch with labels each of the processes on the same
P-V diagram. Example : 11
(ii) Calculate the total work (w) and the total heat change
Calculate the amount of work done in each of the following
(q) involved in the above processes.
cases :
(iii) What will be the value of 'U, 'H and 'S for the
overall process ? (i) One mole of an ideal gas contained in a bulb of 10
litre capacity at 1 bar is allowed to enter into an
Sol. The overall is cyclic one, i.e., initial state is regained, thus evacuated bulb of 100 litre capacity.
'U = 0; 'H = 0 and 'S = 0.
(ii) One mole of a gas is allowed to expand from a volume
of 1 litre to a volume of 5 litres against the constant
external pressure of 1 atm (1 litres atm = 101.3 J)
Calculate the internal energy change (' 'U) in each
case if the process were carried out adiabatically.

Sol. (i) w = Pext 'V

As expansion taks place into the evacuated bulb, i.e.,
against vacuum, Pext = 0. Henc, w = 0.
For adiabatic process, q = 0 ?'
'U = q + w = 0 + 0 = 0.

Now, total work W = WAoB + WBoC + WCoA (ii) 'V = V2 V1 = 5 1 = 4 litres

WAB = P (VB VA) P = 1 atm ? w = P'V
= 1 (40 20) = 20L atm = 1 4 litre atm = 4 litres atm
= 20 1.01325 10 J = 4 101.3 J = 405.2 J (1 L atm = 101.3J)
= 2026.5 J The negative sign implies that the work is done by the
WBC = O (Isochoric) system.

VA For adiabatic process, 'U = q + w = 0 405.2 J = 405.2 J.

WCA = 2.303 nRT log10 V

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Example : 12 Example : 14
An ideal gas is originally confined to a volume V1 in an
5.6 dm3 of an unknown gas at S.T.P. required 52.25 J of
insulated container of volume V1 + V2. The remainder of
heat to raise its temperature by 10oC at constant volume.
the container is evacuated. The portion is then removed
Calculate Cv, Cp and J of the gas
and the gas expands to fill the entire container. If the
initial temperature of the gas was T, what is the final
Sol. The 22.4 dm3 of a gas at S.T.P. = 1 mol temperature. Also predict qualitatively, the entropy change
of system, surroundings and the universe.
? 5.6 dm3 of the gas at S.T.P. = u 5.6 0.25 mol
Thus, for 10o rise, 0.25 mol of the gas at constant volume
require heat = 52.25 J
? For 1o rise, 1 mol of the gas at constant volume will
require heat = 20.9
10 u 0.25 Sol. This is a process of adiabatic free expansion of an ideal
? Cv = 20.9 J K mol 1 1 gas. The internal energy does not change thus the
temperature also stays the same, i.e., the final temperature
Now, Cp = Cv + R = 20.9 J K1 mol1 + 8.314 J K1 mol1 = is still T.
29.214 J K1 mol1
V1  V2
Cp 29.214 'Ssystem = nR ln V1 > 0 ' V 1 + V 2 > V1
? J = 1.4
Cv 20.9
'Ssurr = 0 ' qsurr. = 0
Example : 13 '
'Suniv > 0

A heated copper block at 130oC loses 340 J of heat to the

Example : 15
surroundings which are at room temperature of 32oC.
Calculate 1.0 mol of an ideal gas, initially present in a 2.00 L insulated
cylinder at 300 K is allowed to expand against vacuum to
(i) the entropy change of the system (copper block) 8.00 L. Determine W, 'E, 'H, 'Suniv and 'G .
(ii) the entropy change in the surroundings

(iii) the total entropy change in the universe due to this

Assume that the temperature of the block and the
surroundings remains constant.
W = pext 'V = 0, q = 0, 'E = 0 = 'H
Sol. Tsystem = 130o C = 130 + 273 K = 403 K, Tsurr = 32oC = 32 +
273 K = 305 K qsystem = 340 J, qsurr = + 340 J Tf = 300 K

q system 340J V2
(i) 'Ssystem Tsystem 403K
-0.84 JK -1 'Ssys = R ln V = R ln 4 = 11.52 JK1

'Ssurr = 0 ' qsys = qsurr = 0

q surr 340 J
(ii) 'Ssurr
+1.11 J K
Tsurr 305K
'Suniv = 11.52 JK1
(iii) 'Stotal or 'Suniverse = 'Ssystem + 'Ssurr = 0.84 + (+1.11)
'G = T'Suniv = 300 11.52 = 3456 J/mol.
J K1 = 0.27 J K1

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Thus, 0.04 mole of H+ ions will combine with 0.04 mole

Example : 16
of OH ions to from 0.04 mole of H2O and 0.01 mole of
The heat of combustion of benzene in a bomb calorimeter H+ ions will remain unreacted.
(i.e., constant volume) was found to be 3263.9 kJ mol1 at
? Heat evolved when 1 mole of H+ ions combine with
25oC. Calculate the heat of combustion of benzene at
constant pressure. 1 mole of OH ions = 57.1 kJ.
? Heat evolved when 0.04 mole of H+ ions combine
Sol. The reaction is: with 0.04 mole of OH ions = 57.1 0.04 = 2.284 kJ

C6 H 6 A  7 O 2 g 
o 6CO 2 g  3H 2 O A 0.2
2 (ii) 200 cm3 of 0.2 M H2SO4 u 200 mole of H2SO4
In this reaction, O2 is the only gaseous reactant and CO2 = 0.04 mole of H2SO4 = 0.08 mole of H+ ions
is the only gaseous product.
400 cm3 of 0.5 M KOH u 400 mole of KOH =
1 1 3 1000
? 'n g np  nr 67 1 
2 2 2 0.2 mole of KOH = 0.2 mole of OH ions
Also, we are given 'U (or qv) = 3263.9 kJ mol1 Thus, 0.08 mole of H+ ions will neutralize 0.08 mole of
T = 25oC = 298K OH ions. (out of 0.2 mole of OH ions) to form 0.08
mole of H2O.
R = 8.314 J K1 mol = kJ K 1 mol 1 Hence, heat evolved = 57.1 0.08 = 4.568 kJ
In case (i), heat produced = 2.284 kJ = 2284 J
'H (or qp) = 'U + 'ng RT = 3263.9 kJ mol1 +
Total volume of the solution = 500 + 200 = 700 mL

3 8.314 Assuming density of solution = 1g/mL

 mol kJ K 1 mol 1 298K
2 1000 So mass of solution = 700g
Specific heat = 4.18 J K1 g1
= 3263.9 3.7 kJ mol1 = 3267.6 kJ mol1.
Q 2284
Q m u C u ' T ? 'T = 0.78C
muC 700 u 4.18
Example : 17
In case (ii), heat produced = 4.568 kJ = 4568 J
Calculate the amount of heat evolved when
Total mass of the solution = 200 + 400 = 600 g
(i) 500 cm3 of 0.1 M hydrochloric acid is mixed with 200
cm3 of 0.2 M sodium hydroxide solution Q 4568
? 'T = 1.82C
(ii) 200 cm of 0.2 M sulphuric acid is mixed with 400 mu C 600 u 4.18
cm3 of 0.5 M potassium hydroxide solution.
Example : 18
Assuming that the specific heat of water is 4.18 J K1 g1
and ignoring the heat absorbed by the container, Calculate the enthalpy change accompanying the
thermometer, stirrer etc., what would be the rise in transformation of C (graphite) to C(diamond). Given that
temperature in each of the above cases ? the enthalpies of combustion of graphite and diamond are
393.5 and 395.4 kJ mol1 respectively.
Sol. (i) moles of HCl = u 500 = 0.05 = 0.05 mole of H+ ions
Sol. Remember, enthalpy of combustion is always negative
0.2 we are given
200 cm3 of 0.2 M NaOH u 200
(i) C (graphite) + O2 (g) 
o CO2(g) ; 'c Ho = 393.5 kJ mol1
mole of NaOH = 0.04 mole = 0.04 mole of OH ions
(ii) C (diamond) + O2 (g) 
o CO2(g) ; 'c Ho = 395.4 kJ mol1

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In order to get this thermochemical equation, multiply

We aim at C(graphite) 
o C(diamond), 'trans Ho = ? eqn. (iii) by 2 and add it to eqn. (ii) and then subtract
Subtracting eqn. (ii) from eqn. (i), we get eqn. (i) from their sum. We get :

C + 2 H2 
o CH4,
C(graphite C(diamond) 
o 0;
'H = 393.4 + 2 (285.7)
'r Ho = 393.5 (395.4) = + 1.9 kJ
(890.2) kJ mol1 = 74.6 kJ mol1
or C(graphite) 
o (diamond) ; 'trans H = + 1.9 kJ Hence, the heat of formation of methane is :
'f H = 74.6 kJ mol1
Example : 19
Example : 21
Calculate the enthalpy of hydration of anhydrous copper
sulphate (CuSO 4) into hydrated copper sulphate Calculate the heat of formation of KCl from the following
(CuSO4.5H2O). Given that the enthalpies of solutions of data :
anhydrous copper sulphate and hydrated copper sulphate
are 66.5 and + 11.7 kJ mol1 respectively (i) KOH (aq) + HCl (aq) 
o KCl (aq) + H2O
A , 'H = 57.3 kJ mol1
Sol. We are given
(i) CuSO4 (s) + aq  (ii) H2 (g) + O 2 g 
o H 2O A ,
o CuSO4 (aq) ; 2
'sol H1 = 66.5 kJ mol1 'H = 286.2 kJ mol
1 1
(ii) CuSO4.5H2O (s) + aq 
o CuSO4 (aq) ; (iii) H 2 g  Cl 2 g  aq 
o HCl aq ,
2 2
'sol H2 = + 11.7 kJ mol1 'H = 164.4 kJ mol1
1 1
We aim at CuSO4 (s) + 5H2O (l) 
o CuSO4.5H2O(s) ;
(iv) K (s)  O 2 g  H 2 g  aq o
2 2
'hyd H = ? KOH (aq), 'H = 487.4 kJ mol1

'H = 'H1 'H2 = 66.5 (+11.7) = 78.2 kJ/mol o KCl (aq), 'H = + 18.4 kJ mol1
(v) KCl (s) + aq 

Example : 20 Sol. We aim at : K(s) + Cl 2 g  o KCl s , ' f H ?
Calculate the enthalpy of formation of methane, given that In order to get this thermochemical equation, we follow
the enthalpies of combustion of methane, graphite and the following two steps :
hydrogen are 890.2 kJ, 393.4 kJ and 285.7 kJ mol1 Step 1. Adding Eqns. (iii) and (iv) and subtacting Eq. (v).
respectively. we have
1 1
Sol. Remember : Enthalpy of combustion is always negative. K (s) + Cl2 g  H 2 g  O2 g  o KCl s 
2 2
We are given : HCl (aq) + KOH (aq) KCl (aq)
'H = 487.4 + (164.4) (18.4) = 670.2 kJ mol1 ... (vii)
o CO2 + 2 H2O, 'H = 890.2 kJ mol1
(i) CH4 + 2O2  Step 2. To cancel out the terms of this equation which do
not appear in the required equation (vi), add eqn. (i) to eqn.
o CO2, 'H = 393.4 kJ mol1
(ii) C + O2  (vii) and subtract eqn. (ii) from their sum. This gives
1 1
(iii) H 2  O2 
o H 2 O, 'H 285.7 kJ mol1 K s  Cl 2 g 
o KCl s ;
2 2

o CH4, 'H = ?
We aim at : C + 2H2  'fH = 670.2  57.3  286.2 = 441.3 kJ

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Example : 22 We aim at : C2H4 (g) + 3O2 (g) 

o 2CO2 (g) + 2H2O(g)
The combustion of 1 mole of benzene takes place at 298 K 'H = 'H3 + 2'H1 + 2'H2
and 1 atm. After combustion, CO2 (g) and H2O (l) are
produced and 3267.0 kJ of heat is liberated. Calculate = 1322.9 kJ mol1
the standard enthalpy of formation, 'f Ho of benzene.
Standard enthalpies of formation of CO2 (g) and H2O (l) Example : 24
are 393.5 kJ mol1 and 285.83 kJ mol1 respectively.
Given the following thermochemical equations:
Sol. o C6H6 A , 'H = ?
Aim : 6 C (s) + 3 H2 (g)  o SO2 (g), 'H
(i) S (rhombic) + O2 (g)  ' = 297.5 kJ mol1
Given : o SO2 (g), 'H = 300.0 kJ mol1
(ii) S(monoclinic) + O2 

15 Calculate 'H for the transformation of one gram atom of

(i) C6H6 (l) + o 6 CO2 (g) + 3 H2O (l), 'H
O (g)  rhombic sulphur into monoclinic sulphur.
2 2

= 3267.0 kJ mol1 Sol. We aim at

S (rhombic) o S (monoclinic), 'H = ?
o CO2 (g), 'H = 393.5 kJ mol1
(ii) C (s) + O2 (g) 
Equation (i) o Equation (ii) gives
1 S(rhombic) S(monoclinic) 
o 0,
(iii) H2 (g) + o H2O (l), 'H = 285.83 kJ mol1
O 2 g 
'H = 297.5 (300.0) = 2.5 kJ mol1
or o S(monoclinic), 'H = + 2.5 kJ mol1
In order to get the required thermochemical equation,
Thus, for the transformation of one gram atom of rhombic
multiply Eq. (ii) by 6 and Eq. (iii) by 3 and subtract Eq.
sulphur into monoclinic sulphur, 2.5 kJ mol1 of heat is
(i) from their sum, i.e. operating 6 Eqn. (ii) + 3 Eqn. absorbed.
(iii) Eqn. (i), we get
Example : 25
6C (s) + 3H2 (g) 
o C6H6 (l) ;
'H) for BaCl2.2H2O and BaCl2 are
Enthalpy of solution ('
'H = 6 (393.5) + 3 (285.83) (3267.0) 8.8 and 20.6 kJ mol1 respectively. Calculate the heat of
= 2361 857.49 + 3267.0 = 48.51 kJ mol1 hydration of BaCl2 to BaCl2.2H2O.
Thus, the enthalpy of formation of benzene is
Sol. We are given
'f H = 48.51 kJ mol1
o BaCl2(aq),'sol 'H1o = 8.8 kJ mol1
(i) BaCl2.2H2O (s) + aq 
Example : 23
o BaCl2(aq), 'sol 'H o2 = 20.6 kJ mol1
(ii) BaCl2 (s) + aq 
Calculate the enthalpy of combustion of ethylene (gas) to
We aim at
form CO2 (gas) and H2O (gas) at 298 K and 1 atmospheric
pressure. The enthalpies of formation of CO2, H2O and C2H4 o BaCl2.2H2O (s), 'hyd Ho = ?
BaCl2 (s) + 2H2O 
are 393.5, 241.8, + 52.3 kJ per mole respectively.
'H = 'H2 'H1 = 29.4 kJ mol1
Sol. We are given :
Example : 26
(i) C (s) + O2 (g) 
o CO2 (g), 'H1o = 393.5 kJ mol1
Calculate the enthalpy of hydrogenation of ethylene, given
that the enthalpy of combustion of enthylene, hydrogen
1 and ethane are 1410.0, 286.2 and 1560.6 kJ mol1
(ii) H 2 g  O 2 g 
o H2O (g), 'H o2 = 241.8kJ mol1
2 respectively at 298 K.

Sol. We are given (i) C2H4 (g) + 3O2 (g) 

o 2CO2(g) + 2H2O
(iii) 2C (s) + 2H2 (g) 
o C2H4(g), 'H 3o = + 52.3 kJ mol1 (l) , 'H = 1410 kJ mol1

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890.3 kJ of heat is produced from 1 mole of CH4, i.e.,

1 12 + 4 = 16 g of CH4
o H2O (l), 'H = 286.2 kJ mol1
(ii) H2 (g)  O 2 g 
2 ? 445.15 kJ of heat is produced from 8 g of CH4
1 (b) From the given equation, when 890.3 kJ of heat is
(iii) C2H6 (g) + 3 O2 g 
o 2CO 2 g + 3H2O (l), 'H evolved, CO2 formed = 1 mole = 44 g
= 1560.6 kJ mol1 ? When 445.15 kJ of heat is evolved, CO2 formed = 22 g
(c) From the equation, O2 used in the production of
We aim at: o C2H6 (g), 'H = ?
C2H4 + H2(g)  890.3 kJ of heat = 2 moles = 2 22.4 litres at STP
Equation (i) + Equation (ii) Equation (iii) gives = 44.8 litres at STP
Hence, O2 used in the production of 445.15 kJ of heat =
C2H4 (g) + H2 (g) 
o C2H6 (g),
22.4 litres at STP.
'H = 1410.0 + (286.2) (1560.6) = 135.6 kJ mol1
Example : 29
Example : 27
From the thermochemical equation,
The thermite reaction used for welding of metals involves
the reaction 1
C6 H 6 A  7 O 2 g 
o 3H 2 O A  6CO 2 (g),
2 Al (s) + Fe2O3 (s) 
o Al2O3 (s) + 2Fe (s)
'cH = 3264.64 kJ mol1,
What is 'Ho at 25oC for this reaction ? Given that the calculate the energy evolved when 39 g of C6H6 are burnt
standard heats of formation of Al2O3 and Fe2O3 are in an open container.
1675.7 kJ and 828.4 kJ mol1 respectively.
Sol. From the given equation,
Sol. We aim at 2Al (s) + Fe2O3(s) 
o Al2O3 (s) + 2Fe
When 1 mole of C6H6 (78 g of C6H6) is burnt, heat evolved
(s), 'r Ho = ? = 3264.64 kJ
'r H = Sum of 'f Ho of products Sum of ? When 39 g of C 6H 6 is burnt, heat evolved =

'f Ho of reactants 3264.64

u 39 = 1632.32 kJ
=['f Ho (Al2O3) + 2 'f Ho (Fe)]
[2 'f Ho (Al) + 'f Ho (Fe2O3)] Example : 30
= [1675.7 + 0] [0 + (828.4)] = 847.3 kJ mol1 The thermochemical equation for solid and liquid rocket
fuel are given below :
Example : 28
The heat evolved in the combustion of methane is given by 2Al s  1 O 2 g 
o Al2 O3 s ;
the equation :
'H 1667.8 kJ mol1
o CO2 (g) + 2H2O (l), 'H = 890.3 kJ mol
CH4 (g) + 2O2 (g)  1
H 2 g  O 2 g 
o H 2O 1 ;
(a) How many grams of methane would be required to 2
produce 445.15 kJ of heat of combustion ?
'H 285.9 kJ mol1
(b) How many grams of carbon dioxide would be formed (a) If equal masses of aluminium and hydrogen are used,
when 445.15 kJ of heat is evolved ? which is a better rocket fuel ?
(c) What volume of oxygen at STP would be used in the (b) Determine 'H for the reaction :
combustion process (a) or (b) ?
o 2Al (s) + 1 O2 g .
Sol. (a) From the given equation.
Sol. (a) From the first given equation,

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2 moles of Al (i.e., 2 27 g = 54 g) on combustion give Writing the reverse reaction, we have

heat = 1667.8 kJ
1667.8 6CO2 (g) + 6H2O(g) 
o C6H12O6 (s) + 6O2(g) ;
? 1 g of Al on combustion gives heat 30.9 kJ
'r H = + 2840 kJ mol1
From the second given equation, 1 mole of H2 (= 2 g) on
combsution gives heat = 285.9 kJ Thus, for production of 1 mole of C6H12O6 (= 72 + 12 + 96
285.9 = 180 g), heat required (absorbed) = 2840 kJ.
?1 g of H2 on combustion gives heat 142.95 kJ

Thus, H2 is a better rocket fuel. ? For production of 0.36 g of glucose, heat absorbed
(b) Writing the reverse of the first reaction, we have 2840
= u 0.36 5.68 kJ
Al2 O3 s 
o 2Al s  1 O 2 g ; 'H 1667.8 kJ mol1
Example : 33
Thus, for the reaction given in part (b) of the problem,
'H = + 1667.8 kJ mol1 Calculate the bond energy of CH bond, given that the
heat of formation of CH4, heat of sublimation of carbon
and heat of dissociation of H2 are 74.8, + 719.6 and
Example : 31
435.4 kJ mol1 respectively.
When 1 g liquid naphthalene (C10H8) solidifies. 149 joules
of heat is evolved. Calculate the enthalpy of fusion of Sol. Here, we are given

o CH4(g), 'r Ho = 74.8 kJ

C (s) + 2H2 (g) 
Sol. Molar mass of naphthalene (C10H8) = 128 g mol1
When 1 g of liquid naphthalene solidified, heat evolved
= 149 joules. 'H = esub(C) + 2eHH 4eCH

When 1 mole, i.e., 128 g of naphthalene solidifies, heat

evolved = 149 joules. 74.8 = 719.6 + 2 (435.4) 4eCH

When 1 mole, i.e., 128 g of naphthalene solidifies, heat

evolved = 149 128 joules = 19072 joules eCH = 416.3 kJ/mol

Since fusion is reverse of solidification, therefore, heat

absorbed for fusion of one mole of naphthalene = 19072 Example : 34
i.e., Enthalpy of fusion ('fus H) = + 19072 joules/mole Calculate the enthalpy change for the reaction

H2 (g) + Br2 (g) 2HBr (g)

Example : 32
Given that the bond enthalpies of HH, BrBr, HBr are
The heat evolved in the combustion of glucose is shown in
435, 192 and 364 kJ mol1 respectively.
the equation :

o 6CO2 (g) + 6 H2O (g), 'c H

C6H12O6 + 6O2 (g)  Sol. 'r H = 6B.E. (Reactants) 6B.E. (Products)

= 2840 kJ mol1 = [B.E. (H2) + B.E. (Br2)] 2 B.E. (HBr) =

What is the energy requirement for production of 0.36 g
of glucose by the reverse reaction ? 435 + 192 2 364 = 101 kJ

Sol. The given equation is :

C6H12O6 + 6O2(g) 
o 6CO2(g) + 6H2O (g) ;
'r H = 2840 kJ mol1

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Example : 35 40.626 kJ mol 1

? ' vap S = 0.1089 kJ K 1
373 K
Propane has the structure H3CCH2 CH3. Calculate the
change in enthalpy for the reaction: mol1 = 108.9 J K1 mol1.

C3H8 (g) + 5 O2 (g) 

o 3 CO2 (g) + 4 H2O (g) Example : 38

Given that average bond enthalpies are: At 0oC, ice and water are in equilibrium and 'H = 6.00 kJ
mol1 for the process H2O (s) o H2O (l). What will be 'S
CC CH C = O O = O OH and 'G for the conversion of ice to liquid water ?
347 414 741 498 464 kJ mol1
Sol. Since the given process is in equilibrium, 'G = 0
Putting this value in the relationship, 'G = 'H T'S, we
Sol. +5 O=Oo3O=C=O+4HOH
0 = 'H T'S or T'S = 'H or 'S =
'H = (2eCC + 8eCH + 5eO=O) (6eC=O + 8eOH) We are given 'H = 6.0 kj mol = 6000 J mol and T = 0oC
1 1

= 2 (347) + 8 (414) + 5 (498) 6 (741) 8 (464) = 273 K

= 1662 kJ mol1 6000 J mol 1

? 21.98 J K 1 mol 1
Example : 36

Calculate the entropy change involved in conversion of Example : 39

one mole (18 g) of solid ice at 273 K to liquid water at the
A + B 
o C + D ; 'H = 10,000 J mol1,
same temperature (latent heat of fusion = 6025 J mol1).
' = 33.3 J mol1 K1
'f H
Sol. Entropy change for ice o water is given by ' f S
Tf (i) At what temperature the reaction will occur
spontaneously from left to right ?
Here, 'f H = 6025 J mol, Tf = 273 K ?
(ii) At what temperature, the reaction will reverse?
6025 J K 1 mol1
'f S 22.1 J K -1 mol -1. Sol. 'G = 'H T'S
At equilibriu, 'G = 0 so that 'H = T'S or
Example : 37
'H 10000 J mol1
Calculate the entropy change involved in the conversion of T 300.03 K
'S 33.3JK 1 mol 1
one mole of liquid water at 373 K to vapour at the same
temperature (latent heat of vaporization of water
(i) For spontaneity from left to right. 'G should be ve
'vap H = 2.257 kJ/g)
for the given reaction. This will be so if T < 300.3 K
Sol. For the conversion of water o vapour, the entropy (ii) For reverse reaction to occur, 'G should be +ve
forward reaction. This will be so if T > 300.3 K.
' vap H
change is given by 'vap S =

Here, 'vap H = 2.257 kJ/g = 2.257 18 kJ/mol =

40.626 kJ/mol, Tb = 373 K

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= 1648000 + 163721 J K1 mol1 =

Example : 40 1484279 J K1 mol1
Calculate the standard free energy change for the As 'Go is ve, the reaction is spontaneous.
4NH3 (g) + 5O2 (g) 
o 4NO (g) + 6H2O (l)
Example : 42
'f Go)
Given that the standard free energies of formation ('
for NH3 (g), NO (g) and H2O (l) are 16.8, + 86.7 Calculate the standard enthalpy of formation of CH3OH
and 237.2 kJ mol1 respectively. Predict the feasibility (l) from the following data :
of the above reaction at the standard state.
(i) CH 3OH A  O 2 g 
o CO 2 g 
Sol. Here, we are given 2

'f Go (NH3) = 16.8 kJ mol1 2 H 2 O A ; ' r Ho 726 kJ mol1

'f Go (NO) = + 86.7 kJ mol1 (ii) C s  O 2 g 
o CO 2 g ; ' c H o
'f Go (H2O) = 237.2 kJ mol1 393 kJ moll
? 'r Go = 6 'f Go (Products) 6 'f Go (Reactants) = 1
o H 2 O A ; 'f Ho
(iii) H 2 g  O 2 g 
[14 'f Go (NO) + 6 'f Go (H2O)] [4 'f Go (NH3) 2
+ 5 'f Go (O2)] 286 kJ mol1.
= [4 (86.7) + 6 (237.2)] [4 ( 16.8) + 5 Sol. Aim : C (s) + 2H2 (g)  O 2 g 
o CH 3OH A ,
0] = 1009.2 kJ 2

Since 'r Go is negative, the process is feasible. ' f Ho ?

Eqn. (ii) + 2 Eqn. (iii) Eqn. (i) gives the required eqn.
Example : 41
with 'H= 393 + 2 (286) ( 726) kJ mol1 =
Calculate the entropy change for the rusting of iron 239 kJ mol1.
according to the reaction :
Example : 43
o 2 Fe2O3 (s), 'Ho = 1648 kJ mol1
4 Fe (s) + 3 O2 (g) 
Calculate enthalpy of formation of methane (CH4) from
Given that the standard entropies of Fe, O2 and Fe2O3 are the following data :
27.3, 205.0 and 87.4 J K1 mol1 respectively. Will the
reaction be spontaneous at room temperature (25oC) ? o CO2(g), 'r Ho = 393.5 kJ mol1
(i) C (s) + O2 (g) 
Justify your answer with appropriate calculations.
(ii) H 2 g  O2 g 
o H2 O A ,
Sol. 'r So = 6 So (Products) 6 So (Reactants) =
'r Ho = 285.8 kJ mol1
o o o
2 S (Fe2O3) [4 S (Fe) + 3 S (O2)]
(iii) CH4 (g) + 2O2 (g) 
o CO2 (g) + 2 H2O ( A ),
= 2 87.4 [4 27.3 + 3 205.0] J K1 mol1 = 'r Ho = 890.3 kJ mol1
549.4 J K1 mol1
Sol. o CH4 (g) ; 'f Ho = ?
We aim at : C (s) + 2 H2 (g) 
This is the entropy change of the reaction, i.e., system
('Ssystem) Multiplying eqn. (ii) with 2, adding to eqn. (i) and then
subtracting eqn. (iii) from the sum, i.e., operating eqn.
Now, 'rGo = 'r Ho T'r So
(i) + 2 eqn. (ii) eqn. (iii), we get
= 1648000 J mol1 298 K
(549.4 J K1 mol1)
C (s) + 2 H2 (g) CH4 (g)  o 0; 'r Ho = 393.5 + 2
(285.8) (890.3) 74.8 kJ mol1

Mahesh Tutorials Science


or C (s) + 2 H2 (g) CH4 (g); 'f Ho = 74.8 kJ mol1

Example : 46
Hence, enthalpy of formation of methane is : The heat librerated on complete combustion of 7.8g
benzene is 327 kJ. This heat has been measured at
'f Ho = 74.8 kJ mol1
constant volume and at 27C. Calculate heat of
Example : 44 combustion of benzene at constant pressure at 27C.

Calculate the enthalpy of formation of carbon monoxide (R = 8.3 J mol1 K1).

(CO) from the following data :
Sol. C6H6 (l ) + O (g) o6CO2(g) + 3H2O (l )
o CO2 (g); 'r H = 393.5 kJ mol
(i) C (s) + O2 (g)  o l 2 2

1 15 3
(ii) CO (g) + O 2 g 
o (g); 'r Ho = 283.0 kJ moll 'n = 6 
2 2 2
327 u 78
Also, 'U per mol = = 3270 kJ
Sol. We aim at : C (s) + o CO g ; ' f Ho
O 2 g  ? Now, 'H = 'U + 'nRT
Subtracting eqn. (ii) from eqn. (i), we get = 3270 +  8.3 300 103

1 'H = 3273.735 kJ
C (s) + O 2 g  CO g 
o 0;
2 Example : 47

'r Ho = 393.5 ( 283.0) = 110.5 kJ mol1 Calculate standard heat of formation of CS2. Given that
standard heat of combustion of C, S and CS2 are 393.3,
1 293.72 and 1108.76 kJ mol1.
or o CO g ; ' r H o
C s  O 2 g  110.5 kJ.
2 Sol. We have to find 'H for
? Heat of formation of CO is : 'f Ho = 110.5 kJ mol1 C + 2S oCS2; 'H = ?
Given, C + O2 oCO2; 'H = 393.3 kJ ......... (1)
Example : 45 S + O2 oSO2; 'H = 293.72 kJ ........ (2)
Determine whether or not, it is possible for sodium to CS2 + 3O2 oCO2 + 2SO2 ; 'H = 1108.76 kJ ......... (3)
reduce aluminium oxide to aluminium at 298 K. Given
Multiply Eq. (2) by 2 and add in Eq. (1)
that G 0f of Al2O3 at 298 K = 1582 kJ mol1; G 0f of
Na 2O(s) at 298 K = 377 kJ mol1. C + 2S + 3O2 oCO2 + 2SO2; 'H = 980.74 kJ .......... (4)
Subtract Eq. (3) from Eq. (4)
Sol. The given reaction is :
C + 2S oCS2; 'H = + 128.02 kJ
Al2O3 (s) + 6Na(s) o3Na2O (s) + 2Al(s)
'Hf of CS2 = + 128.02 kJ
Hence, 'G = 3 G 0f (Na2O) G 0f (Al2O3)
Example : 48
(G for Na and Al = 0) Estimate the average SF bond energy in SF6. The standard
= 3 ( 377) ( 1582) = 451 kJ mol 1 heat of formation value of SF6(g), S (g) and F (g) are : 1100,
275 and 80 kJ mol1 respectively.
The reaction cannot occur since 'G (298 K) is positive.
Sol. 'H = esub(s) + 6eF 6eSF
1100 = 275 + 6 (80) 6eSF
eSF = 309.17 kJ/mol

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Example : 49 Example : 50
From the following themochemical equations, calculate The standard molar enthalpies of formation of
the enthalpy of formation of cane sugar (C12H22O11) : cyclohexane (l) and benzene (l ) at 25C are 156 and +
(i) C12H22O11 (s) + 12 O2(g) o12 CO2(g) + 11 H2O (l) 49 kJ mol1 respectively. The standard enthalpy of
hydrogenation of cyclohexene (l ) at 25C is 119 kJ
' rH1 = 5644 kJ mol1 mol1. Use these data to estimate the magnitude of the
resonance energy of benzene.
(ii) C (s) + O2 (g) oCO
o 2(g) ' rH2 = 393 kJ mol1
(iii) H2(g) + 1/2 O2(g) oH
o 2O (l) ' rH3 = 286 kJ mol1 Sol. Enthalpy of formation of 3 carbon-carbon double bonds

Sol. AIM : 12C (s) + 11 H2 (g) o C12 H22 O11 (s) 'H = ? 'Hf ( ) 'Hf ( )

'H = 12'H2 + 11 'H3 'H1 = 156 (+49) kJ

= 12 (393) + 11 (286) (5644)
= 205 kJ.
= 2218 kJ/mol
Given, that,

+ H2 o ' ; H = 119 kJ

Theoretical enthalpy of formation of 3 double bonds in

benzene ring

= 3 ( 119) kJ = 357 kJ.

? resonance energy of benzene = 357 ( 205) kJ

= 152 kJ mol1.

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State Functions & Path Functions, Intensive & Extensive Types of processes
Properties 9. Two moles of Helium gas undergo a reversible cyclic
1. Which of the following is not a state function ? process as shown in figure. Assuming gas to be ideal.
(a) Heat (b) Internal energy What is the work for the process C to D ?
(c) Enthalpy (d) Entropy
2. Which of the following quantities is not a state
function ?
(a) Temperature (b) Entropy
(c) Enthalpy (d) Work
3. Which of the following is not an intensive property ? (a) 800 RAn2 (b) zero
(a) Entropy (b) Pressure
(c) +200 RAn2 (d) 600 RAn2
(c) Temperature (d) Molar volume
4. Which of the following is a state function and also an 10. In an isothermal expansion of an ideal gas
extensive property? (a) q = 0 (b) 'V = 0
(a) Internal energy (b) Pressure (c) 'U = 0 (d) w = 0
(c) Molar heat capacity (d) Temperature 11. The maximum work obtained by an isothermal
First Law of Thermodynamics & Cyclic Process reversible expansion of 1 mole of an ideal gas at
5. A system absorb 10 kJ of heat at constant volume 27C from 2.24 to 22.4 L is (R = 2 cal)
and its temperature rises from 27C to 37C. The (a) 1381.8 cal (b) 600 cal
value of 'U is (c) 138.18 cal (d) 690.9 cal
(a) 100 kJ (b) 10 kJ 12. 1 mole of NH3 gas at 27C is expanded in reversible
(c) 0 (d) 1 kJ adiabatic condition to make volume 8 times (J =
6. A sample of liquid in a thermally insulated container 1.33). Final temperature and work done by the gas
(a calorimeter) is stirred by a motor. Taking liquid as respectively are :
a system for this process choose the appropriate (a) 150 K, 900 cal (b) 150 K, 400 cal
option : (c) 250 K, 1000 cal (d) 200 K, 800 cal
(a) w < 0; q = 0; 'U = 0 (b) w > 0; q > 0; 'U > 0 13. One mole of an ideal gas expands reversibly and
(c) w < 0; q > 0; 'U = 0 (d) w > 0; q = 0; 'U > 0 adiabatically from a temperature of 27oC. If the work
7. An ideal gas is taken around the cycle ABCA as done during the process is 3 kJ, then final
shown in P-V diagram temperature of the gas is:(CV = 20 J/K )
The net work done by the gas during the cycle is (a) 100 K (b) 150 K
equal to : (c) 195 K (d) 255 K
14. Molar heat capacity of water in equilibrium with ice
at constant pressure is
(a) zero (b) f
(c) 40.45 kJ K1 mol1 (d) 75.48 J K1 mol1
15. The pressure of a gas is 100 kPa. If it is compressed
3 3
form 1m to 10 dm , find the work done.
(a) 12 P1V1 (b) 6P1V1
(a) 990 J (b) 9990 J
(c) 5P1V1 (d) P1V1 (c) 9900 J (d) 99000J
8. An ideal gas receives 10 J of heat in a reversible 3
16. An ideal gas expands in volume from 1 10 to
isothermal expansion. Then the work done by the 2 3
gas: 1 10 m at 300 K against a constant pressure
(a) would be more than 10 J 5 2
1 10 Nm . The work done is
(b) 10 J (a) 900 J (b) 900 kJ
(c) would be less than 10 J (c) 270 kJ (d) 900 kJ
(d) cannot be determined

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17. Calculate the work done when 1 mol of an ideal gas 573 3 573
(c) 3R An (d) R An
is compressed reversibly from 1 bar to 4 bar at a 473 2 473
constant temperature of 300 K 26. When one mole of an ideal gas is compressed to half
(a) 4.01 kJ (b) 8.02 kJ of its initial volume and simultaneously heated to
(c) 18.02 kJ (d) None of these twice its initial temperature, the change in entropy of
18. 16g of oxygen gas expands isothermally and gas ('S) is :
3 3
reversibly at 300 K from 10 dm to 100 dm . The (a) Cp,m ln2 (b) Cv,m ln2
work done is (in J) (c) R ln2 (d) (Cv,m R) ln2
(a) zero (b) 2875 J
27. One mole of an ideal diatomic gas (Cv = 5 cal) was
(c) + 2875 J (d) infinite
transformed from initial 25C and 1 L to the state
19. The work done during the expansion of a gas from a
3 3 when temperature is 100C and volume 10 L. The
volume of 4dm to 6 dm against a constant external entropy change of the process can be expressed as (R
pressure of 3 atm is = 2 calories/mol/K)
(a) 6J (b) 608 J 298 373
(c) + 304 J (d) 304 J (a) 3An  2 An10 (b) 5An  2 An10
373 298
Entropy & Gibbs Free Energy
373 1 373 1
20. Entropy is a measure of (c) 7 An  2 An (d) 5An  2 An
298 10 298 10
(a) disorder (b) internal energy
28. Which of the following conditions is not favourable
(c) efficiency
(d) useful work done by the system for the feasibility of a process ?
21. The enthalpy of vaporisation of a substance is 8400 J (a) 'H = ve, T'S = ve and T'S <'H
mol and its boiling point is 173C. The entropy
(b) 'H = +ve, T'S = +ve and T'S >'H
change for vaporisation is :
1 1 1 1 (c) 'H = ve, T'S = +ve and 'H > T'S
(a) 84 J mol K (b) 21 J mol K
(c) 49 J mol K
(d) 12 J mol K
1 1 (d) 'H = +ve, T'S = +ve and 'H > T'S
22. The enthalpy of vaporisation of a compound AB at 29. In which of the following cases, the reaction is
1 spontaneous at all temperatures ?
its boiling point (127C) is 6.4 kJ mol . Its entropy
(a) 'H > 0, 'S > 0 (b) 'H < 0, 'S > 0
of vaporisation is :
1 1 (c) 'H < 0, 'S < 0 (d) 'H > 0, 'S < 0
(a) 2.56 kJ mol (b) 16 J mol
3 1 3 1
30. Which of the following is true for the reaction ?
(c) 16 10 J mol (d) 1.6 10 kJ mol ZZX H2O(g) at 100C and 1 atm pressure
23. The entropy change for the conversion of 1 mol
of Dtin (at 13C, 1 atm) to 1 mol of Etin (13C, (a) 'S = 0 (b) 'H = T'S
1 (c) 'H = 'U (d) 'H = 0
1 atm), if enthalpy of transition is 2.095 kJ mol
31. A reaction has 'H = 33 kJ and 'S = +58 J/K. This
is :
1 1 1 1 reaction would be :
(a) 7.32 J mol K (b) 14.62 J K mol
1 1
(a) spontaneous below a certain temperature
(c) 56.3 J mol K (d) 0 (b) non-spontaneous at all temperature
24. The following data is known about the melting of a (c) spontaneous above a certain temperature
1 1
compound AB. 'H = 9.2 kJ mol . 'S = 0.008 kJ K (d) spontaneous at all temperature
mol . Its melting point is : Thermochemistry
(a) 736 K (b) 1050 K 32. For the reaction :
(c) 1150 K (d) 1150C C s  O2 g 
o CO2 g
25. The entropy change when two moles of ideal (a) 'H <'U (b) 'H >'U
monoatomic gas is heated from 200C to 300C (c) 'H = 'U (d) 'H = 0
reversibly and isochorically ? 33. For which of the following reactions, 'H is greater
3 300 5 573 than 'U ?
(a) R An (b) R An
2 200 2 273 (a) N2(g) + 3H2(g)  o 2NH3(g)
(b) CH2(g) + 2O2(g) 
o CO2(g) + 2H2O(l)

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(c) PCl5(g) 
o PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) (c) 493.7 kJ (d) 297.1 kJ
(d) HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq) 
o NaCl(aq) + H2O(aq) 42. When 0.5 g of sulphur is burnt to SO2 4.6 kJ of heat
is liberated. What is the enthalpy of formation of
34. ('U 'H) for the formation of NH3 from N2 and H2 is :
sulphur dioxide ?
(a) 2 RT (b) 2 RT (a) 147.2 kJ (b) +147.2 kJ
1 (c) +294.4 kJ (d) 294.4 kJ
(c) RT (d) RT
2 1
43. The heat of formation of Fe2O3(s) is 824.2 kJ mol .
35. The difference between heats of reaction at constant
pressure and constant volume for the reaction. 'H for the reaction.
2C2H6(l) + 15O2(g)  o 12CO2(g) + 6H2O(l) at 2Fe2 O3 s 
o 4Fe s  3O2 g is :
25C is (a) 412.1 kJ (b) 1648.4 kJ
(a) 7.43 kJ (b) +3.72 kJ (c) 3296.8 kJ (d) 1648.4 kJ
(c) 3.72 kJ (d) 7.43 kJ 44. The 'H for the reaction,
36. Consider the reaction at 300 K 4S(s) + 6O2 (g) 
o 4 SO3(g)
H2(g) + Cl2 (g) 
o 2HCl(g); 'H = 185 kJ is 1583.2 kJ. Standard enthalpy of formation of
If 2 mole of H2 completely react with 2 mole of Cl2 sulphur trioxide is :
to form HCl. What is 'U for this reaction ? (a) 3166.4 kJ (b) 3166.4 kJ
(a) 0 (b) 185 kJ (c) 395.8 kJ (d) 395.8 kJ
(c) 370 kJ (d) 370 kJ 45. Calculate the heat of formation of PCl5(s) from the
37. The enthalpies of formation of N2 O and NO at 298 K following data :
1 o 2PCl3(l) 'H = 151.8 kcal
2P(s) + 3Cl2(g) 
are 82 and 90 kJ mol . The enthalpy of the reaction :
N 2 O g  O 2 g  o 2NO g PCl3(l) + Cl2(g) 
o PCl5(s) 'H = 32.8 kcal
(a) 8 kJ (b) 98 kJ (a) 108.7 kcal (b) 108.7 kcal
(c) 74 kJ (d) 8 kJ (c) 184.6 kcal (d) 184.6 kcal
38. The enthalpies of solution of anhydrous CuSO4 and 46. If S + O2  o SO2 'H = 298.2 kJ
1 1
CuSO4.5H2O are 15.89 and 2.80 k cal mol SO 2  O 2 
o SO 3 'H = 98.2 kJ
respectively. The enthalpy of hydration of CuSO4 to 2
CuSO4.5H2O is : SO3  H2 O 
o H2SO4 'H = 130.2 kJ
(a) 18.69 kcal (b) 13.09 kcal 1
H 2  O 2  o H2O 'H = 287.3 kJ
(c) 13.09 kcal (d) 18.69 kcal 2
the enthalpy of formation of H2SO4 at 298 K will be
39. If CH3 COOH + OH 
o CH3COO + H2O + x kJ
(a) 433.7 kJ (b) 650.3 kJ
H + OH 
o H2O + y kJ (c) +320.5 kJ (d) 813.9 kJ
The enthalpy change for the reaction : 47. The enthalpies of combustion of carbon and carbon
+ monoxide are 393.5 and 283.0 kJ mol
o CH3COO + H is
respectively. The enthalpy of formation of carbon
(a) x + y (b) x y monoxide is :
(c) y x (d) x y/2 (a) 676.5 kJ (b) 110.5 kJ
40. For the reaction, (c) 110.5 kJ (d) 676.5 kJ
o 2H 2 g  O 2 g 'H = 571.6 KJ
2H 2 O g  48. Which of the following pairs has heat of
neutralisation equal to 57.1 kJ ?
'f HT of water is : (a) HNO3,KOH (b)HCl, NH4OH
(a) 285.8 kJ (b) 285.8 kJ (c) H2SO4,NH4OH (d) CH3COOH,NaOH
(c) 1143.2 kJ (d) 1143.2 kJ 49. Which of the following neutralisation reactions is
41. 'H for the reaction, most exothermic ?
1 (a) HCl and NaOH (b) HCN and NaOH
SO 2 g  O 2 g YZZ ZZX SO3 g 'H = 98.3 kJ
2 (c) HCl and NH4OH (d) CH3COOH and NH4OH
If the enthalpy of formation of SO3(g) is 395.4 kJ 50. The enthalpy of neutralisation of HCl by NaOH is
then the enthalpy of formation of SO2(g) is : 57.1 kJ and that of HCN by NaOH is 12.1 kJ mol .
(a) 297.1 kJ (b) 493.7 kJ The enthalpy of ionization of HCN is :
(a) 69.2 kJ (b) 45.0 kJ

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(c) 69.2 kJ (d) 45.0 kJ (a) 260 k cal/mole (b) 180 k cal/mole
51. For the reaction at 300 K (c) 130 k cal/mole (d) 80 k cal/mole
A(g) + B(g)  o C(g) 59. For the reaction of one mole of zinc dust with one
'U = 3.0 kcal 'S = 10.0 cal/K mole of sulphuric acid in a bomb calorimeter, 'E and
1 1 W corresponds to
(R | 2 cal mol K )
'G is : (a) 'E < 0, W = 0 (b) 'E = 0, W < 0
(a) 600 cal (b) 3600 cal (c) 'E > 0, W = 0 (d) 'E = 0, W > 0
(c) 2400 cal (d) 3000 cal 60. The bond energies C C, C = C, H H and C H
52. The standard enthalpies of formation of HCl(g), H(g) linkages are 350, 600, 400 and 410 kJ/mol
1 respectively. The heat of hydrogenation of ethylene
and Cl(g) are 92.2, 217.7 and 121.4 kJ mol is
respectively. The bond dissociation energy of HCl is: 1 1
(a) 170 kJ mol (b) 260 kJ mol
(a) +431.3 kJ (b) 236.9 kJ 1 1
(c) 431.3 kJ (d) 339.1 kJ (c) 400 kJ mol (d) 450 kJ mol
53. The enthalpy changes at 25C in successive breaking 61. The standard heats of formation of CH4, H2O and
of OH bonds of water are :
CH3OH are 76, 242 and 266 kJ/mol respectively.
o H(g) + OH(g) 'H = 498 kJ mol The enthalpy change for the following reaction is
o H(g) + O(g) 'H = 428 kJ mol
OH(g)  CH3OH (l) + H2(g)  o CH4(g) + H2O (l)
the bond enthalpy of the OH bond is : (a) 4 kJ/mol (b) 556 kJ/mol
1 1
(a) 498 kJ mol (b) 463 kJ mol (c) 318 kJ/mol (d) 52 kJ/mol
(c) 428 kJ mol
(d) 70 kJ mol
1 62. Which of the following reaction defines 'H of ?
54. Calculate the heat of the reaction (a) C (diamond)  O 2 (g) 
o CO 2 (g)
CH2 = CH2(g) + H2(g) 
o CH3CH3(g) 1 1
(b) H 2 (g)  F2 (g) o HF(g)
given that bond energy of C C, C = C, C H and 2 2
H H is 80, 145, 98 and 103 kcal. (c) N 2 (g)  3H 2 (g) 
o 2NH 3 (g)
1 1 1
(a) 28 kcal mol (b) 5.6 kcal mol (d) CO(g)  O2 (g) o CO 2 (g)
1 1 2
(c) 2.8 kcal mol (d) 56 kcal mol
63. The heat of combustion of solid benzoic acid at
55. The enthalpy change for the following reaction is 368
constant volume is 321.30 kJ at 27C. The heat of
kJ. Calculate the average OF bond energy.
combustion at constant pressure is
OF2 (g) o O(g)  2F(g) (a) 321.30 300 R (b) 321.30 + 300 R
(a) 184 kJ/mol (b) 368 kJ/mol (c) 321.30 150 R (d) 321.30 + 900 R
(c) 536 kJ/mol (d) 736 kJ/mol 64. ' H for the reaction,
56. The enthalpy change for the reaction, C(graphite)  2H 2 (g) 
o CH 4 (g) at 298 K
C2H6(g) o 2C(g) + 6H(g) is X kJ. The bond energy
and 1 atm is 17900 cal. The 'E for the above
of CH bond is: conversion would be
X X (a) 17900 cal (b) 17900 cal
(a) (b)
2 3 (c) 17308 cal (d) 17308 cal
X 65. If 150 kJ of energy is needed for muscular work to
(c) (d) data insufficient
6 walk a distance of one km, then how much of glucose
57. Based on the values of B.E. given, 'fH of N2H4(g) is: one has to consume to walk a distance of 5 km,
1 1 provided only 30% of energy is available for
Given: NN = 159 kJ mol ; HH = 436 kJ mol muscular work. (The enthalpy of combustion of
1 1
NN = 941 kJ mol , NH = 398 kJ mol 1
1 1
glucose is 3000 kJ mol is)
(a) 711 kJ mol (b) 62 kJ mol (a) 75 g (b) 30 g
1 1
(c) 98 kJ mol (d) 711 kJ mol (c) 180 g (d) 150 g
58. The dissociation energy of CH4 and C2H6 are 66. For the reaction,
respectively 360 and 620 kcal/mole. The bond 2H 2 (g)  O 2 (g) 
o 2H 2 O(g); 'H 573.2 kJ
energy of CC is The heat of decomposition of water per mole is

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(a) 286.6 kJ (b) 573.2 kJ

(c) 28.66 kJ (d) zero

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First Law & Reversible and Irreversible Processes (c) H = E PV (d) H = E + P + V.
10. One mole of an ideal gas at 300 K is expanded
1. Which of the following units represents largest
isothermally from an initial volume of 1 litre to 10
amount of energy ? (CPMT 1980)
litres. The 'E for this process is
(a) Calorie (b) Joule
(R = 2 cal mol1 K1) (PMT 1998)
(c) Erg (d) Electron volt.
(a) 163.7 cal (b) zero
2. During isothermal expansion of an ideal gas, its
(c) 1381.1 cal (d) 9 lit atom.
(PMT 1991,94)
11. If 1 mole of an ideal gas expands isothermally at
(a) internal energy increases
37oC from 15 L to 25 L, the maximum work
(b) enthalpy decreases
obtained is (AFMC 2010)
(c) enthalpy remains unaffected (a) -13 L-atm (b) -6.43 L-atm
(d) enthalpy reduces to zero. (c) -8.57 L-atm (d) -2.92 L-atm
3. A well stoppered thermos flask contains some ice Entropy & Gibbs Free Energy
cubes. This is an example of a (AIIMS 1992,94) 12. For a spontaneous chemical process, the free energy
(a) closed system change is (BHU 1981)
(b) open system (a) positive
(c) isolated system (b) negative
(d) non-thermodynamic system. (c) either positive or negative
4. In a closed insulated container a liquid is stirred with (d) zero.
a paddle to increase the temperature. Which of the 13. For which reaction from the following, 'S will be
following is true ? (PMT 2002)
maximum ? (AIIMS 1982,83)
(a) 'E = W z0, q = 0 (b) 'E = W = q z 0
(c) 'E = 0, W = q z0 (d) W = 0, 'E = q z 0 (a) Ca (s) + O (g) o CaO (s)
2 2
5. An adiabatic expansion of an ideal gas always has (b) CaCO3 (s) o CaO (s) + CO2 (g)
(PMT 2002)
(c) C (s) + O2 (g) o CO2(g)
(a) increase in temperature (b) q = 0
(d) N2(g) + O2(g) o 2NO (g).
(c) w = 0 (d) 'H = 0
6. For an adiabatic process, which of the following is 14. All the naturally occurring processes proceed
correct ? (CPMT 1990) spontaneously in a direction which leads to
(a) P'V = 0 (b) q = + w (PMT 1985)
(a) decrease of entropy
(c) 'E = q (d) q = 0.
(b) increase of enthalpy
7. In a reversible isothermal process, the change in
internal energy is (PMT 1993) (c) increase of free energy
(d) decrease of free energy
(a) zero (b) positive
15. The occurrence of reaction is impossible if
(c) negative (d) none of the above.
(AIIMS 1994)
8. Heat capacity is (PMT 1996) (a) 'H is +ve ; 'S is also +ve
dQ (b) 'H is ve ; 'S is also ve
(a) (b) dQ dT
dT (c) 'H is ve ; 'S is +ve
1 (d) 'H is +ve ; 'S is ve
(c) 6Q. (d) None of these.
dT 16. In which of the following, the entropy decreases ?
9. The relation between enthalpy (H), pressure (P), (CPMT 1988)
volume (V) and internal energy (E) is given by (a) Crystallisation of sucrose from solution
(PMT 1998) (b) Rusting of iron
(a) E = H + PV (b) H = E + PV (c) Melting of ice

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(d) Vaporization of camphor.

17. Which of the following statements is true ? The 25. Identify the correct statement regarding entropy.
entropy of the universe (PMT 1993) (BHU 1998)
(a) increases and tends towards maximum value (a) At absolute zero of temperature, entropy of a
(b) decreases and tends to zero perfectly crystalline substance is taken to be zero
(b) At absolute zero of temperature, the entropy of a
(c) remains constant
perfectly crystalline substance is positive
(d) decreases and increases with a periodic rate.
(c) Absolute entropy of a substance cannot be
18. The total entropy change for a system and its determined
surroundings increases, if the process is (PMT 1993)
(d) At 0C, the entropy of a perfectly crystalline
(a) reversible (b) irreversible substance is taken to be zero.
(c) exothermic (d) endothermic. 26. One mole of an ideal gas is allowed to expand freely
19. A chemical reaction will be spontaneous if it is and adiabatically into vacuum until its volume has
accompanied by a decrease of (PMT 1994) doubled. The expression which is not true concerning
statement is (PMT 1998)
(a) entropy of the system
(a) 'H = 0 (b) 'S = 0
(b) enthalpy of the system
(c) 'E = 0 (d) W = 0
(c) internal energy of the system
27. For which of the process, 'S is negative ?
(d) free energy of the system.
(PMT 1998)
20. Gibbs free energy G, enthalpy H and entropy S are
(a) H2 (g) o2 H (g)
related to one another by (BUU 1994)
(b) N2 (g 1 atm) o N2 (g 8 atm)
(a) G = H + TS (b) G = H TS
(c) G TS = H (d) S = H G. (c) 2 SO3 (g) o2 SO2 (g) + O2(g)

21. 'S will be highest for the reaction (AIIMS 1994) (d) C(diamond)o C(graphite).

1 28. Heat exchanged in a chemical reaction at constant

(a) Ca (s) + O (g) o CaO (s) temperature and pressure is called (PMT 2001)
2 2
(a) entropy
(b) CaCO3 (g) o CaO (s) + CO2 (g)
(b) enthalpy
(c)C (g) + O2 (g) o CO2 (g) (c) internal energy
(d) N2 (g) + O2 (g) o 2 NO (g). (d) free energy
22. For a reaction to occur spontaneously (PMT 1995) 29. Which one of the following has 'S greater than
zero? (AIIMS 2003)
(a) 'S must be negative
(a) CaO (s) + CO2 (g) U CaCO3 (s)
(b) ('H T'S) must be negative
(b) NaCl (aq) U NaCl (s)
(c) ('H + T'S) must be negative
(c) NaNO3 (s) U Na+ (aq) + NO3 (aq)
(d) 'H must be negative.
(d) N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g) U 2 NH3 (g)
23. According to third law of thermodynamics, which
one of the following quantities for a perfectly 30. If the enthalpy of vaporisation of water is 186.5J
crystalline solid is zero at sbsolute zero? (PMT 1996) mol1, the entropy of its vaporisation will be
(a) Entropy (b) Free energy (CPMT 1988)
(c) Internal energy (d) Enthalpy. (a) 0.5 JK1 mol1 (b) 1.0 JK1 mol1
24. The enthalpy and entropy change for a chemical (c)1.5 JK1 mol1 (d) 2.0 JK1mol1.
reaction are 2.5 103 cal and 7.4 cal deg1 31. If 900 J/g of heat is exchanged at boiling point of
respectively. The reaction at 298 K will be water, then what is increase in entropy? (BHU 1998)
(AFMC 1998) (a) 43.4 J/mole (b) 87.2 mole
(a) spontaneous (b) reversible
(c) 900 J/mole (d) zero.
(c) irreversible (d) non-spontaneous.

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32. 1 mole of ice is converted to liquid at 273 K ; H2O (s) 40. Heat of neutralisation of a strong acid and a strong
and H2O (l ) have entropies 38.20 and 60.03 J mol1 base is nearly equal to (AIIMS 1988)
deg1. Enthalpy change in the conversion will be (a) 10 kJ/mole (b) 10 Cal/mole

(DPMT 1994) (c) 57 kJ/mole (d) 57 Cal/mole.

41. The mutual heat of neutralisation of 40 g NaOH and
(a) 59.59 J/mol (b) 595.95 J/mol
60 g CH3COOH will be (AIIMS 1988)
(c) 5959.5 J/mol (d) 595959.0 J/mol.
33. 2 mole of an ideal gas at 27C temperature is (a) 57.1 kJ (b) less than 57.1 kJ
expanded reversibly from 2 lit to 20 lit. Find entropy (c) more than 57.1 kJ (d) 13.7 kJ.
change (R = 2 cal/mol K) (PMT 2002) 42. For the transition (PMT 2002)
(a) 92.1 (b) 0 C (diamond) o C (graphite); 'H = 1.5 kJ.
(c) 4 (d) 9.2 It follows that
34. What is the entropy change (in JK1 mol1) when one (a) diamond is exothermic
mole of ice is converted into water at 0C ? (b) graphite is endothermic
(The enthalpy change for the conversion of ice to (c) graphite is stabler than diamond
liquid water is 6.0 kJ mol1 at 0C) (d) diamond is stabler than graphite.
(CBSE Med. 2003) 43. Which of the following reaction can be used to define
(a) 20.13 (b) 2.013 the heat of formation of CO2(g) ? (PMT 1989)
(c) 2.198 (d) 21.98 (a) C (graphite) + O2 (g) o CO2(g)
35. What is the free energy change, 'G, when 1.0 mole (b) CH4(g) + O2(g) o CO2(g) + 2 H2O (l )
of water at 100C and 1 atm pressure is converted
into steam at 100C and 1 atm pressure ? 1
(c) CO (g) + O (g) o CO2 (g)
(PMT 1998) 2 2
(a) 540 cal (b) 9800 cal 1
(d) C6H6 (l )+ 7 O (g) o 6 CO2(g) + 3 H2O (l )
(c) 9800 cal (d) 0 cal. 2 2
36. The densities of graphite and diamond at 298 K are 44. The molar neutralisation heat for KOH and HNO3 as
2.25 and 3.31g cm3 respectively. If the standard free compared to molar neutralisation heat of NaOH and
energy difference ('G0) is equal to 1895 J mol1, the HCl is (PMT 1989)
pressure at which graphite will be transformed into (a) less (b) more
diamond at 298 K is (CBSE 2003) (c) equal (d)depends on pressuree
(a) 9.92 108 Pa (b) 9.92 107 Pa 45. If 'H is the change in enthalpy and 'E, the change in
(c) 9.92 10 Pa (d) None of these internal energy accompanying a gaseous reaction,
Thermochemistry then (CBSE PMT 1990)
37. The compound with negative heat of formation is (a) 'H is always greater than 'E
known as (DPMT 1981) (b) 'H <'E only if the number of moles of the
(a) endothermic compound products is greater than the number of moles of
(b) exothermic compound the reactants
(c) endoergonic compound (d) none of the above. (c) 'H is always less than 'E
38. 'Hcombustion of a compound is (PMT 1985) (d) 'H <'E only if the number of moles of products
is less than the number of moles of the reactants.
(a) positive (b) negative
46. Heat of neutralisation is least when
(c) zero (d) positive or negative
(PMT 1990)
39. Heat of neutralization of NH4OH and HCl is
(a) NaOH is neutralised by CH3COOH
(PMT 1985)
(b) NaOH is neutralised by HCl
(a) 13.7 kcal/mole (b) < 13.7 kcal/mole
(c) NH4OH is neutralised by CH3COOH
(c) > 13.7 kcal/mol (d) zero
(d) NH4OH is neutralised by HNO3.

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47. H2 (g) + I2 (g) o2 HI (g) ; 'H = 12.40 kcal. 55. At constant T and P which one of the following
According to this reaction heat of formation of HI statements is correct for the reaction ?
will be (PMT 1990) S8(s) + 8 O2 (g) o 8 SO2 (g) (PMT 1993)
(a) 12.4 kcal (b) 12.4 kcal
(a) 'H <'E (b) 'H = 'E
(c) 6.20 kcal (d) 6.20 kcal.
(c) 'H >'E (d) 'H is independent
48. Equal volumes of molar hydrochloric acid and
of the physical state of the reactants.
sulphuric acid are neutralized by dil. NaOH solution
and x kcal and y kcal of heat are liberated 56. Consider the following reaction occurring in an
respectively. Which of the following is true ? automobile 2 C8H18 (g) + 25 O2 (g) o 16 CO2 + 18
(PMT 1994) H2O (g) the sign of 'H, 'S and 'G would be
1 (PMT 1994)
(a) x = y (b) x = y
2 (a) +, , + (b) , +,
(c) x = 2 y (d) None of these.
(c) , +, + (d) +, +, .
49. Which of the following values of heat of formation
57. Heat of neutralisation of strong acid against strong
indicates that the product is least stable ?
base is constant and is equal to (PMT 1993)
(PMT 1991)
(a) 13.7 kcal (b) 57 kJ
(a) 94 kcal (b) 231.6 kcal
(c) 5.7 10 J (d) All of the above.
(c) + 21.4 kcal (d) + 64.8 kcal.
50. In which of the following neutralization reaction, the 58. When water is added to quick lime, the reaction is
heat of neutralisation will be highest? (PMT 1989,91) (PMT 1995)
(a) NH4OH and H2SO4 (a) explosive (b) endothermic

(b) HCl and NaOH (c) exothermic (d) photochemical

(c) CH3COOH and KOH 59. The heat of formation of the compound in the
following reaction is
(d) CH3COOH and NH4OH.
H2(g) + Cl2 (g) o 2 HCl (g) + 44 kcal
51. For the reaction (PMT 1991)
N2 + 3 H2 U 2 NH3, 'H = ? (PMT 1995)
(a) 44 kcal mol (b) 22 kcal mol1
(a) 'E + 2 RT (b) 'E 2 RT
(c) 11 kcal mol1 (d) 88 kcal mol1.
(c) 'E + RT (d) 'E RT.
52. An exothermic reaction is one in which the reacting 60. For the reaction C + O2oCO2 (BHU 1995)
substances (CPMT 1974) (a) 'H >'E (b) 'H <'E
(a) Have more energy than the products
(c) 'H = 'E (d) None of these.
(b) Have less energy than the products
61. Enthalpy of a reaction 'H is expressed as
(c) Have the same energy as the products
(AIIMS 1996)
(d) Are at a higher temperature than the products.
(a) 'H = 6'HP 6'HR (b) 'H = dHP + dHR
53. The enthalpy change ('H) for the neutralisation of 1
M HCl by caustic potash in dilute solution at 298 K is dHP 6H P
(c) 'H = (d) 'H .
(BHU 1993) dHR dH R
(a) 68 kJ (b) 65 kJ 62. The enthalpy change of a reaction does not depend on
(c) 57.3 kJ (d) 50 kJ. (AIIMS 1997)
54. Evaporation of water is (PMT 1993) (a) the state of reactants and products
(a) An exothermic change (b) nature of reactants and products
(b) An endothermic change (c) different intermediate reactions
(c) A process where no heat changes occur (d) initial and final enthalpy change of a reaction.
(d) A process accompanied by chemical reaction.

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63. Given that C + O2o CO2'H0 = x kJ 70. The enthalpy of formation for C2H4(g), CO2(g) and
2 CO + O2o 2 CO2'H = y kJ0 H2O (l ) at 25C and 1 atm pressure are 52, 394 and
the enthalpy of formation of carbon monoxide will be 286 kJ mol1 respectively. The enthalpy of
(PMT 1997) combustion of C2H4 (g) will be (PMT 1995)
2x  y y  2x (a) + 1412 kJ mol1 (b) 1412 kJ mol1
(a) (b)
2 2 (c) + 141.2 kJ mol1 (d) 141.2 kJ mol1.
(c) 2x y (d) y = 2x. 71. The heat of combustion of benzene at 27C found by
64. The neutralisation of a strong acid by a strong base bomb calorimeter i.e. for the reaction
liberates and amount of energy per mole of H+
C6H6(l ) + 7 1 O2(g) o 6 CO2 (g) + 3 H2O (l ) is 780
(BHU 1998) 2
(a) depends upon which acid and base are involved kcal mol1. The heat evolved on burning 39 g of
benzene in an open vessel will be (PMT 2001)
(b) depends upon the temperature at which the
(a) 390 kcal (b) 780.9 kcal
reaction takes place
(c) 390.45 kcal (d) 780 kcal.
(c) depends upon which catalyst is used
72. If S + O2o SO2, 'H = 298.2 kJ
(d) is always the same.
65. Equal volumes of methanoic acid and sodium SO 2  O 2 o SO3 , 'H = 98.7 kJ
hydroxide are mixed. If x is the heat of formation of
SO3 + H2O o H2SO4, 'H = 130.2 kJ
water, then heat evolved on neutralisation is
(BHU 1998) H2  O2 o H2O, 'H = 287.3 kJ.
(a) more than x (b) equal to x
Then the enthalpy of formation of H2SO4 at 298K
(c) less than x (d) twice x.
will be (DPMT 1994)
66. S + O 2 o SO3 + 2x kcal (a) 814.4 kJ (b) + 320.5 kJ
(c) 650.3 kJ (d) 933.7 kJ
SO 2  O 2 o SO 3  y kcal 73. H2 + 1/2 O2o H2O ; 'H = 68 kcal (CPMT 1988)
K + H2O + aq o KOH (aq) + 1/2 H2; 'H = 48 kcal
Find out the heat of formation of SO2 (PMT 1999)
KOH + aq o KOH (aq);   'H = 14 kcal
(a) (y 2x) (b) (2x + y)
From the above data, the standard heat of formation
(c) (x + y) (d) 2x/y.
of KOH in kcal is :
67. For the reaction
(a) 68 + 48 14 (b) 68 48 + 14
C3H8 (g) + 5 O2(g) o3 CO2 (g) + 4 H2O (l ) at (c) 68 48 + 14 (d) 68 + 48 + 14.
constant temperature, 'H 'E is 74. The enthalpies of combustion of carbon and carbon
(CBSE Med. 2003) monoxide are 390 kJ mol1 and 278 kJ mol1
(a) + RT (b) 3 RT respectively. The enthalpy of formation of carbon
(c) + 3 RT (d) RT monoxide is (BHU 1994)
68. For which one of the following equations is 'Hreaction (a) 668 kJ mol1 (b) 112 kJ mol1
(c) 112 kJ mol1 (d) 668 kJ mol1
equal to 'Hf for the product ? (CBSE Med. 2003)
75. C + O2o CO2, 'H = x
(a) N2 (g) + O3(g) o N2O3(g) 1
CO  O 2 o CO 2 , 'H y
(b) CH4(g) + 2 Cl2 (g) o CH2Cl2 (l ) + 2 HCl (g) 2
then 'Hf for CO will be (DPMT 2002)
(c) Xe (g) + 2 F2 (g) o XeF4(g)
(a) 2x + y (b) x y
(d) 2 CO (g) + O2 (g) o 2 CO2 (g) (c) y 2x (d) y x
69. In which of the following process of neutralisation 76. The amount of energy released when 20 ml of 0.5 M
magnitude of 'Hneutralisation is less than that of 'Hionization NaOH are mixed with 100 mL of 0.1 M HCl is x kJ.
of water ? (BHU 2003) The heat of neutralisation (in kJ mol1) is
(a) HCl + NaOH (b) H2SO4 + NaOH (PMT 2002)
(c) CH3COOH + NaOH (d) HClO4 + KOH (a) 100 x (b) 50x
(c) + 100 x (d) + 50x

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77. Heat of neutralisation for the reaction 84. If 'H0f for H2O2 and H2O are 188 kJ/mole and
NaOH + HCl o NaCl + H2O 286 kJ/mole, what will be the enthalpy change of
is 57.1 kJ mol1. What will be the heat released when the reaction 2 H2O2 (l ) o 2 H2O (l ) + O2 (g) ?
0.25 mole of NaOH reacts with 0.25 mole of HCl ?
(PMT 1992)
(PMT 1990)
(a) 196 kJ/mole (b) 146 kJ/mole
(a) 22.5 kJ mol1 (b) 57.1 kJ mol1
(c) 494 kJ/mole (d) 98 kJ/mole.
(c) 14.3 kJ mol (d) 28.6 kJ mol1.
85. Considering the following reactions,
78. Enthalpy of neutralisation of HCl with NaOH is x.
The heat evolved when 500 mL of 2 NHCl are mixed C  O 2 o CO 'H  26.4 K.
with 250 ml of 4 N NaOH will be (AFMC 2002) 2
(a) 500x (b) 100x H 2  O 2 o H 2 O (l ) 'H = 57.8 kcal,
(c) x (d) 10x 'H for the reaction
79. The enthalpy of dissolution of BaCl2 (s) and H2O + C o H2 + CO is (PMT 1994)
BaCl2.2H2O (s) are 20.6 and 8.8 kJ mol1 (a) 62.8 kcal (b) 31.4 kcal
respectively. The enthalpy of hydration for (c) 31.4 kcal (d) 84.2 kcal.
BaCl2(s) + 2 H2O o BaCl2.2H2O (s) is (PMT 1994) 86. Given :
(a) 29.4 kJ (b) 29.4 kJ C (graphite)  O 2 (g) o CO (g); 'H = 110.5 kJ
(c) 11.8 kJ (d) 38.2 kJ. 1
CO (g)  O2 (g) o CO 2 (g); 'H = 283.2 kJ
80. The heats of combustion of rhombic and monoclinic 2
sulphur are respectively 70960 and 71030 calories. The heat of reaction for
What will be the heat of conversion of rhombic C (graphite) + O2 (g) o CO2 (g) will be
sulphur to monoclinic ? (PMT 1988) (PMT 1989)
(a) 70960 calories (b) 71030 calories (a) 393.7 kJ (b) + 393.7 kJ
(c) 70 calories (d) + 70 calories. (c) 172.2 kJ (d) + 172.2 kJ
81. 'Hf of graphite is 0.23 kJ/mole and 'Hf of diamond 87. Heat of combustion 'H for C (s), H2(g) and
is 1.896 kJ/mol. 'Htransition from graphite to diamond CH4 (g) are 94, 68 and 213 kcal/mol. Then 'H
is (BHU 2003) for C(s) + 2H2(g) o CH4(g) is (PMT 2002)
(a) 1.66 kJ/mol (b) 2.1 kJ/mole (a) 17 kcal (b) 111 kcal
(c) 2.33 kJ/mole (d) 1.5 kJ/mole (c) 170 kcal (d) 85 kcal
82. The enthalpies of formation of N2O and NO are 82 88. The enthalpy changes at 298 K in successive breaking
and 90 kJ/mole respectively. The enthalpy of the of OH bonds of HOH are
H2O (g) o H (g) + OH (g), 'H = 498 kJ mol1
2 N2O (g) + O2 (g) o 4 NO (g) is equal to
OH (g) o H (g) + O (g), 'H = 428 kJ mol1
(PMT 1991)
The bond enthalpy of the OH bond is (PMT 1994)
(a) 8 kJ (b) 88 kJ
(a) 498 kJ mol1 (b) 463 kJ mol1
(c) 16 kJ (d) 196 kJ.
83. Based on the following thermochemical equations (c) 428 kJ mol1 (d) 70 kJ mol1

H2O (g) + C (s) o CO (g) + H2(g); 'H = 131 kJ 89. The bond energy of an OH bond is 109 kcal mol1.
When a mole of water is formed (PMT 1994)
CO (g)  O 2 (g) o CO 2 (g); 'H = 282 kJ (a) 218 kcal is released (b) 109 kcal is released
1 (c) 218 kcal is absorbed (d) 109 kcal is absorbed.
H 2 (g)  O 2 (g) o H 2 O (g); 'H = 242 kJ
2 90. Energy required to dissociate 4 g of gaseous
C (s) + O2 (g) o CO2(g); 'H = X kJ, hydrogen into free gaseous atoms is 208 kcal at 25C.
the value of X will be (PMT 1992) The bond energy of HH bond will be (CPMT 1989)
(a) 393 kJ (b) 655 kJ (a) 104 kcal (b) 10.4 kcal
(c) + 393 kJ (d) + 655 kJ. (c) 1040 kcal (d) 104 kcal.

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91. Given the reaction at 1240 K and 1 atm.CaCO3 (s) o (b) C(s)  2H 2 O(g) o 2H 2 (g)  CO 2 (g)
CaO (s) + CO2 (g) (c) PCl5 (g) o PCl3 (g)  Cl2 (g)
(d) 2CO(g)  O 2 (g) o 2CO 2 (g)
'H = 176 kJ/mol, the 'E equals (BHU 1993)
98. The enthalpy change ('H) for the reaction,
(a) 160.0 kJ (b) 165.6 kJ
N 2 (g)  3H 2 (g) o 2NH 3 (g)
(c) 186.4 kJ (d) 180.0 kJ. is 92.38 kJ at 298 K. The internal energy change
92. The latent heat of vaporisation of a liquid at 500 K ' U at 298 K is (AIIMS 2007)
and 1 atm. pressure is 10.0 kcal/mol. What will be the (a) 92.38 kJ (b) 87.42 kJ
change in internal energy of 3 moles of the liquid at
(c) 97.34 kJ (d) 89.9 kJ
the same temperature and pressure ? (PMT 1994)
99. The enthalpy of hydrogenation of cyclohexene is
(a) 27.0 kcal (b) 13.0 kcal
119.5 kJ mol1. If resonance energy of benzene is
(c) 27.0 kcal (d) 13.0 kcal. 150.4 kJ mol1, its enthalpy of hydrogenation would
93. Given the following entropy values (in JK1 mol1) at be (AIIMS 2007)
298 K and 1 atm : H2(g) : 130.6, Cl2 (g) : 223.0 and (a) 208.1 kJ mol1 (b) 269.9 kJ mol1
HCl (g) : 186.7. The entropy change (in JK mol1) for (c) 358.5 kJ mol1 (d) 508.9 kJ mol1
the reaction
100. One mole of methanol when burnt in O2, gives out
H2 (g) + Cl2 (g) o 2 HCl (g) is (PMT 1996)
723 kJ mol1 heat. If one mole of O2 is used, what
(a) + 540.3 (b) + 727.0 will be the amount of heat evolved? (AIIMS 2007)
(c) 166.9 (d) 19.8. (a) 723 kJ (b) 924 kJ
94. One gram sample of NH4NO3 is decomposed in a (c) 482 kJ (d) 241 kJ
bomb calorimeter. The temperature of the calorimeter 101. What will be the heat of formation of methane, if
increases by 6.12 K. The heat capacity of the system the heat of combustion of carbon is -x kJ, heat of
is 1.23 kJ/g/deg. What is the molar heat of formation of water is y kJ and heat of
decomposition for NH4NO3 ? (AIIMS 2003) combustion of methane is -z kJ? (AIIMS 2008)
(a) 7.53 kJ/mol (b) 398.1 kJ/mol (a) (xy+z) kJ (b) (zx+y) kJ
(c) 16.1 kJ/mol (d) 602 kJ/mol (c) (x2yz) kJ (d) (x2y+z) kJ
95. How much energy is released when 6 moles of 102. Enthalpy of combustion of methane and ethane are
octane is burnt in air? Given 'Hof for CO2(g), 210 kcal/mol and 368 kcal/mol respectively. The
H2O(g) and C8H18 (A ) respectively are 490, 240 enthalpy of combustion of decane is (AIIMS 2009)
and +160 J/mol (AIIMS 2004) (a) 158 kcal (b) 1632 kcal
(a) 6.2 kJ (b) 37.4 kJ (c) 1700 kcal (d) Data is incomplete
(c) 35.5 kJ (d) 20.0 kJ 103. The heat liberated when 1.89 g of benzoic acid is
96. 'H (298 K) of methanol is given by the chemical
o burnt in a bomb calorimeter at 25oC increases the
temperature of 18.94 kg of water by 0.632oC. If the
equation, (AIIMS 2005)
specific heat of water at 25oC is 0.998 cal/g-deg,
1 the value of the heat of combustion of benzoic acid
(a) CH 4 (g)  O 2 (g) o CH 3OH(g)
2 is (AFMC 2010)
(b) C(graphite)  O 2 (g)  2H 2 (g) o CH 3 OH(A) (a) 881.1 kcal (b) 771.4 kcal
(c) 981.1 kcal (d) 871.2 kcal
(c) C(diamond)  O 2 (g)  2H 2 (g) o CH 3 OH(A ) 104. Enthalpy change for the reaction, 4H(g) o 2H 2 (g)
(d) CO(g)  2H 2 (g) o CH 3 OH(A ) is 869.5 kJ. The dissociation energy of HH
97. Assume each reaction is carried out in an open bond is (CBSE AIPMT 2011)
container. For which reaction will ' H = 'E ? (a) +217.4 kJ (b) 434.8 kJ
(CBSE AIPMT 2006) (c) 869.6 kJ (d) +434.8 kJ
(a) H 2 (g)  Br2 (g) o 2HBr(g)

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1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6. (d) 7. (c) 8. (b) 9. (a) 10. (c)
11. (a) 12. (a) 13. (b) 14. (b) 15. (d) 16. (a) 17. (d) 18. (b) 19. (b) 20. (a)
21. (a) 22. (b) 23. (a) 24. (c) 25. (c) 26. (d) 27. (b) 28. (d) 29. (b) 30. (b)
31. (d) 32. (c) 33. (c) 34. (c) 35. (a) 36. (d) 37. (b) 38. (a) 39. (c) 40. (b)
41. (a) 42. (d) 43. (d) 44. (c) 45. (a) 46. (d) 47. (c) 48. (a) 49. (a) 50. (d)
51. (a) 52. (a) 53. (b) 54. (a) 55. (a) 56. (d) 57. (b) 58. (d) 59. (a) 60. (a)
61. (d) 62. (b) 63. (c) 64. (d) 65. (d) 66. (a)


1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6. (d) 7. (a) 8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (b)
11. (a) 12. (b) 13. (b) 14. (d) 15. (d) 16. (a) 17. (a) 18. (b) 19. (d) 20. (b)
21. (b) 22. (b) 23. (a) 24. (a) 25. (a) 26. (b) 27. (b) 28. (b) 29. (c) 30. (a)
31. (a) 32. (c) 33. (d) 34. (d) 35. (d) 36. (d) 37. (b) 38. (b) 39. (b) 40. (c)
41. (b) 42. (c) 43. (a) 44. (c) 45. (d) 46. (c) 47. (d) 48. (b) 49. (d) 50. (b)
51. (b) 52. (a) 53. (c) 54. (b) 55. (b) 56. (b) 57. (d) 58. (c) 59. (b) 60. (c)
61. (a) 62. (c) 63. (b) 64. (d) 65. (c) 66. (a) 67. (b) 68. (c) 69. (c) 70. (b)
71. (c) 72. (a) 73. (b) 74. (c) 75. (d) 76. (a) 77. (c) 78. (c) 79. (b) 80. (c)
81. (a) 82. (d) 83. (a) 84. (a) 85. (b) 86. (a) 87. (a) 88. (b) 89. (a) 90. (a)
91. (b) 92. (a) 93. (d) 94. (d) 95. (b) 96. (b) 97. (a) 98. (b) 99. (a) 100. (c)
101. (d) 102. (b) 103. (b) 104. (d)

Dream on !!

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