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X20 System

Perfection in Automation
www.br - automation.com
The X20 System offers the highest degree of flexibi-
lity and modularity for all industrial applications.
Anton Meindl
Business Manager
for PLCs, Fieldbusses and I/O Systems

The X20 System is the result of extensive research

and development activities based on the most
modern technologies.
Manfred Kcher
Technical Manager
for PLCs, Fieldbusses and I/O Systems
X20 System

X20 System 4
Safety 28
Configurator 323
Labeling and Coding 38
EMC Protection 44
CAD and ERP Support 46
X20 System - Characteristics 48
X20 System - Product Overview 52
X20 System - Module Overview 56
X20 System - Accessories 142
Dimensions 144
The New Standard for Automation

The new standard for automation

There are many different I/O slice systems. According to the motto Perfection in Automation, B&R is setting
new standards with the X20 System. Born from experience gained from applications all over the world, numerous
conversations with customers, and with the aim for more simple, economical and secure usage, the X20 System is
the new universal solution for any automation task in machine and system manufacturing.

More than I/O

With well thought-out details and a sophisticated ergonomic design, the X20 System is more than a remote I/O
system; it is a complete control solution. Depending on the users demands and individual application requirements,
the X20 System family makes it possible to combine the exact components necessary.

The X20 System is the ideal addition to a standard fieldbus and expands the possibilities of standard control systems.
Simply connect it, configure it and your finished.

Together with B&R components, the X20 System achieves its full potential and allows the implementation of
applications with unimagined performance and flexibility. Seamless integration is a major advantage.
X20 System

3 x 1 = One
Three basic elements result in one module: Terminal block Electronic module Bus module
This modularity results in a system that combines the advantages of rack and I/O slice systems:

Prewiring without the system

Hot pluggable electronics
Free bus slots for options

Unmatched component density

Component density versus granularity, a seemingly impossible conflict. The X20 System offers both:

12 channels on one module with 12.5 mm spacing, 99 mm height and 75 mm depth.

Granularity down to one channel per module.
Universal 1, 2 or 3 conductor connection technology extra terminals are not needed.

I/O slice system with characteristics of a rack system

Because of the sophisticated mechanics, an entire X20 System can be installed on the mounting rail in preassembled
form. And it can be removed just as easily. Premounted and preprogrammed systems are delivered to you just-in-
time. This is a well-rehearsed procedure used at B&R to maximize cost-effectiveness in the entire logistics chain.

Local or remote you decide!

The X20 System is an intelligent controller and I/O system locally or remote. The user determines characteristics,
architecture and topology.

The modules communicate using a uniform X2X Link backplane - right next to each other on the mounting rail,
in the same switching cabinet, over 100 m away or when directly connected with other B&R components.

The X20 System minimizes costs by providing maximum design freedom and allowing a mixture of local and remote
topologies without requiring expensive fieldbus modules.
Optimal Design

6-pin/12-pin terminal blocks: Push-in terminals

Two terminal types for efficient Tool-free handling, screwdriver
configurations, 12-pin terminal only needed for dismounting,
with high component density, clear terminal assignments,
6-pin terminal for fewer channels removal, labeling

Diagnostics Coding
LED block with all status Factory coding for system
displays, compact display without security, custom coding to
view blocked by wiring, extended prevent mix-ups, embedded
diagnostics using software parameter chip for software

Extensive product spectrum Electrically isolated

All modules with varying number Bus and I/O electronics
of channels, optimal configuration completely separated, for secure
according to the number of communication in adverse
channels needed, scalable conditions, diagnostics remains
performance possible

Simple mounting Stable in spite of three-part

Sophisticated mounting rail modularity
system, system handling like a Rack stability through bus module
rack system, module handling like connection, all cross-connections
an I/O slice system in the bus module, long and stable
X20 System

Concentration on the essentials

The complexity of automation should be limited to the application. The automation system is a means to a solution
and should not cause any additional complication to the project. The X20 System is a tool
for solving complex tasks. It is simple and intuitively built and can be used without special know-how.
The X20 System helps you to achieve your goals and provide fast and economical solutions.

Optimal design
X20 modules are divided into three parts to guarantee the simplest usability throughout their entire lifecycle.
The division into bus module, electronic module and terminal block provides many advantages.

Preconfigured for machine variations

The X20 System bus modules are the basic platform for many machine variations. The utilization of the machine
determines which electronic modules are used. The software recognizes the utilization automatically
and provides the necessary functions. Handling different variations couldnt be easier.

Industrial switching cabinet construction

The X20 System terminal blocks, which are separated from the electronic modules, make it possible to prewire
complete switching cabinets. Ideal for manufacturing series machines.

Easy service
X20 modules can be easily exchanged to simplify troubleshooting. The electronic modules
are exchanged during operation. The wiring stays the same thanks to the separate terminal blocks. Being able to
quickly exchange the automation components reduces down-time.

Easy wiring
Industrial switching cabinet construction streamlines production cycles. Prefabricated cable trees make assembly
easier and faster directly on the machine or system. The X20 System supports efficient prewiring of the entire
switching cabinet using separate terminal blocks. The finished X20 System configuration is mounted in the switching
cabinet and connected to the prewired cable trees.

The supply for the X20 modules, and if needed, the supply for sensors and actuators using three-wire technology do
not result in additional energy distribution requirements. The X20 System reduces
manual wiring to a minimum.

Install the wires, plug it in and its ready to go

Simple, tool-free wiring for fast installation. The X20 System terminal blocks use a fully-integrated and proven
push-in connector system.

The terminals can even accept double wire sleeves with a cross section of 2 x 0.75 mm. The user saves time
wiring the system and distributing the signals.

Each wire connection can be removed with a screwdriver. Each terminal also has an access point for
a measurement probe.

A great deal of thought was given to designing the X20 System. Right down to the wire connectors.

Technical data for terminals

Connection cross sections
AWG 28 14 / 0.08 1.5 mm for stranded wires or wires with wire sleeves
Up to 2.5 mm for solid wires
Up o 2 x 0.75 mm for double wire tip sleeves
Up to 10 A, 230 VAC
X20 System

Detached Tool-free
The terminals can be prewired without Simple, tool-free wiring for fast
requiring the actual I/O module. This installation. The X20 System terminals
provides many advantages for use a fully-integrated and proven
switching cabinet construction. push-in connector system. Available
Separate manufacturing, just-in- with 6-pin and extremely compact
time logistics and the installation of 12-pin terminals.
preassembled systems during start-up
become reality.

Coding on the system Ergonomic

Factory coding prevents dangerous Component density must not
mix-ups. The coding guarantees negatively effect ergonomics. With
that only parts which are permitted terminal spacing of more than
to be combined can be combined. 5 mm, this has been handled optimally
Intuitively and without additional work. on the X20 System. Experience gained
in the field can be used in the field.

Coded in the application Clarity

Incorrectly inserting terminals Distinct forms intuitively define
does not necessarily damage the various functions, such as clearly
electronics, but always causes assigned latching and unlatching
faulty functioning of the system. functions for terminals.
Application coding prevents this This prevents errors.

Labeling Easy servicing

Each terminal is clearly labeled, Attention to details provides
directly in the plastic. Additionally, advantages for a system: In addition
labels that can be mounted are to the terminal connector and
available as system accessories incl. unlocking mechanism, each terminal
printer with ECAD implementation. has an access point for a test probe.
You can simply measure the terminal
potential without disconnecting
the wire.
Hot Pluggable

Easy to use
3 am: Machine downtime every second counts! The X20 System supports high-speed error correction through
simple exchanging of electronic modules, without switching off the machine. Remove terminal, exchange module,
plug in terminal Thats it, and the rest of the system keeps running during this whole period.

Reduced number of components

Through the multi-functionality of electronic modules, the number of components needed is considerably reduced.
Fewer components, but still with a complete range of options, considerably reduce the costs for logistics and
component replacements.
Two concrete examples:

Configurable input filter for digital input modules: A module type can be used for various input situations and
different sensor technology. The digital input filter can be adapted optimally to every situation from hyper-fast input
signals to suppressing short disturbance pulses with standard sensor technology.

Analog modules for current and voltage measurement: It doesnt matter which signal needs to be measured,
the same module is always used. The selection of input values are made using various terminal assignments for
current and voltage, which improves clarity and therefore prevents errors.
The measurement signal is finally determined using the corresponding software configuration.

Reducing service costs

The X20 System can also be simply and quickly replaced as a complete system. Disconnect completely,
exchange and reconnect defects are corrected quickly without the need to disassemble into individual
components. This can even be done on the night shift, without any tools.
X20 System


Only with outstanding diagnostic options can errors be quickly found. The X20 System offers several levels
of diagnostics:

Direct on the module using visual LED displays. Bus status, I/O status and channel states are displayed in direct
assignment to the channels or the function. The different states are displayed in different ways, e.g. green for OK,
red for error.

In the cyclical data image for the software. With the X20 System, status data means no additional communication
expense. This is because a considerable difference results between theoretically possible bus speeds and the
necessities in practical operation. All necessary status data is always transferred cyclically, with no exceptions.

Expanded diagnostic data in non-cyclic data traffic without loss in performance. If a problem occurs, detailed
diagnostic data can be requested from the application by the respective module using an asynchronous channel.
There is no resulting additional communication load whatsoever, and cycle times remain unchanged.

Embedded parameter chip

Information such as module type, serial number, functionality and version number is contained in the embedded
parameter chip of the X20 module. This information is automatically evaluated by the programming environment,
Automation Studio, and by the application program. This allows errors to be avoided, both with commissioning
and with service. Additionally, the system configuration can be automated and makes flexible versions possible.

Worldwide defined serial numbers of modules are today gaining increasing significance in validated systems,
as demanded for example by the FDA.

Electrically isolated
Each individual electronic module has electrical isolation to the electronics in the bus module. This helps to avoid
possible negative influences from system-dependent I/O. Stable and robust electronics originate from a well thought-
out basic design.

Space for options

Depending on the users demands and individual application requirements, the X20 System family makes it possible
to combine the exact components necessary. This allows machine options to be easily implemented in different
ways. The basis is bus modules - more or less a rack replacement. Depending on the option, only the necessary
electronic modules are then inserted in the predefined slots. Address assignment is implicitly made using the slot.
Software that has been developed is valid for all versions and must not be changed. This is even possible for later
machine expansion. The I/O modules are simply inserted in the defined bus modules and assigned the corresponding
potential groups and E-stop groups.

To prevent unwanted expansion, each module can be identified and then freely enabled using the
application software.

Flexibility for options

The implementation of different machine variations using free bus modules is only one of the many features that
the X20 System offers. With the support of B&R Automation Studio, there is one optimized solution using
I/O configuration. What does this mean?

Each I/O configuration is created optimally according to the actual needs. However, the application software is
already designed for all options. Only the I/O channels that are actually available are configured for the application
program. If an expansion is required, then the additional necessary hardware is simply connected, and the
configuration of the I/Os is changed. This is done without having to compile the application software.

It doesnt matter how the I/O configuration list is created:

Manual creation in B&R Automation Studio
Tool supported creation e.g. using a database or a spreadsheet program
Direct from an ERP system, exactly like with the parts list for the machine.
Automatically in the application software, depending on the hardware used

One tool, many targets

B&R Automation Studio is more than just a programming tool for IEC programming of PLCs. It unites the
programming of PLCs, drives, and visualization projects into one comprehensive and universal tool. It also
includes extensive diagnostics and analysis services for cost-effective software creation and all service tasks.
X20 System


Machine variation A
The possibilities of the X20 System can be explained
using examples. This is a machine constellation with
two variations, A and B.
All of the necessary electronic modules for machine
variation A are shown in the picture to the left. The bus
modules needed for variation B are also present, but
electronic modules are not assembled.

Machine variation B
Variation B shows the necessary electronic modules but
the modules necessary for variation A are missing. The
distribution of the free bus modules for the variations is
also clear: The varying input and output modules can be
very easily connected to the necessary electrically isolated
groups and dont need to be hung up in the back. The
involved process needed to take apart the configuration
to expand existing electrically isolated groups is also
eliminated. Simply insert the electronic module and put
on the terminal block.

Machine variation A - optimized

The features included in Automation Studio can also
be used to achieve completely optimized hardware
configurations without losing the advantage of
comprehensive application software for all variations.
As described earlier, simply switching physical I/O
points to the application program makes it extremely
easy to optimize the hardware variations without even
needing compilation.
Unmatched Component Density

12 channels per module 75mm

For unequaled component density.

1 channel per module

For the highest granularity.



Studies have shown that an average I/O system consists of 15 modules divided into 9 digital input
modules and 6 digital output modules.

System comparison: System with a maximum of 8 channels per module and an X20 System with 12 channels per module:

8-channel system Channels X20 System

9 x DI modules 72 6 x DI modules
6 x DO modules 48 4 x DO modules
15 x modules 10 x modules

12 channels on 12.4 cm means 31% less space in the switching cabinet when compared to
systems with a maximum of 8 channels per module.
X20 System


Universal 1, 2, or 3-conductor technology

Extra terminals are not needed.

Universal 3-conductor
Integrated supply and ground
Sensor 1

Sensor 2
for sensors and actuators.

+24 VDC +24 VDC


Universal 2-conductor
technology Sensor 1

Sensor 2

Extra terminals are not needed. Sensor 3 Sensor 4

Sensor 5 Sensor 6

+24 VDC +24 VDC


Universal 1-conductor
technology Sensor 1

Sensor 2

12 channels - unequaled component Sensor 3 Sensor 4

density. Sensor 5 Sensor 6

Sensor 7 Sensor 8

Sensor 9 Sensor 10

Sensor 11 Sensor 12

+24 VDC +24 VDC

Experience from the Field for the Field

Sophisticated mechanics
The name B&R stands for many years of experience in developing and manufacturing industrial electronics.
But its also the mechanics of the X20 System that have been thought through to the last detail. Its robust design,
long guides, and strengthened housing guarantee the stability it needs in industrial environments. These are also
the features that allow the X20 System to be mounted on a rail with the same ease as a rack system. Or especially the
same ease when removing from the rail. Sophisticated mechanics are needed not just to meet this type of handling,
but also to be able to quickly and easily remove I/O slices from the entire system.

Components or complete system

Putting individual components together takes time and costs money. A lot more of both when dealing with
manufacturing series machines. If desired, the X20 System can also be delivered as a complete configuration.
Pre-configured, pre-mounted, and pre-programmed systems can be tailored to your needs and accessed with just
one model number. Just-in-time production at the factory with a fixed configuration.

The X20 System configuration is connected to the mounting rail in the switching cabinet and equipped with the
prewired terminal blocks. Plug and Play at the highest level. This avoids mistakes and unnecessary effort when
building the system while saving space, time, and money.
Of course, all parts of the X20 System can still be ordered individually, down to the smallest terminal block.
X20 System

DIN Rail Mounting 17

Unlocking lever with two positions

Closed for secure fit on the mounting rail.

Defined open position makes the difference

Open to remove a module or the entire system.

Removing an individual module from the system

Removed from the top or re-inserted.

Mounting the entire system in one step

Or just as easily removing the the entire system.

Delivery and handling

As a complete system or individual modules its your choice.
Local or Remote You Decide

Distributed backplane
All X20 modules are connected with a uniform and cost-effective backplane: X2X Link.
Modules right next to each other or up to 100 m beyond the switching cabinet. Without system division
or bus converters.

X2X Link guarantees the highest protection against disturbances as well as worldwide application
without special tools thanks to its twisted copper cables.

100 m 100 m

Distributed X2X Link backplane

The main idea behind X2X Link is the decentralization of the rack system backplane, or put another way:
The cable is the backplane. This not only provides a universal remote backplane which handles the
communication between bus modules and via the X2X Link cable, but makes it possible without converters
or any loss in performance.
X20 System


Structured systems
Local or remote, you decide the X20 System doesnt force the user to adhere to a particular controller philosophy.
The application determines the architecture. The possibilities of I/O data distribution using fieldbus technology are
thoroughly expanded with the remote X2X Link backplane, regardless whether CANopen, DeviceNet, or Profibus DP
is used. The entire performance, combined with the complete topology freedom, reveals the X20 System as a
2nd-generation fieldbus when using ETHERNET Powerlink: Complete synchronicity from I/O acquisition to the
data image in the controller, not to mention extreme scanning precision, distinguish this open, established
market standard.

X20, X67, XV, etc.

The X20 Systems X2X Link backplane is supported by all sorts of products. Valves, operating elements,
or visualization units can be connected anywhere directly on the X2X Link backplane.
When combined with the X67 System, automation projects enjoy a mixture of both IP20 and IP67 protection.
Depending on the environment, the right I/O module is always used.
Local or Remote You Decide

Integrated automation
The X20 System is distinguished by its flexibility and ability to be used for many different types of applications. Large
or compact controllers, machine manufacturing or process automation its use covers an extremely wide spectrum.
Central controller architectures with modular CPUs which allow for added interfaces can also be implemented with
the X20 System, much like a system with distributed intelligence.

+ +


Expanding existing systems

Bus controllers allow the X20 System to be connected to any existing products in the B&R world. Power Panel
devices, Automation PCs, Mobile Panel devices, System 2003, System 2005, and other product families even offer
direct interfaces to the remote X2X Link backplane.

Automation Runtime systems

Power Panel
System 2003, System 2005
PC Based Automation
Soft PLC with Windows
X20 System

One Tool for Every Task 21

B&R Automation Studio

This familiar programming environment does not have to change for the X20 System. A single tool for all automation
tasks also applies to the X20 System. Extensive applications for control, visualization and drive technology are also
created easily and intuitively for the X20 System using B&R Automation Studio.
Support for all IEC 61131-3 programming languages is a must. ANSI-C and Automation Basic offer an additional
degree of freedom.

With the concept configuring instead of programming, a large portion of applications do not require programming
code. Graphics editors and analysis tools provide the full overview needed for the quick creation of error-free

Automation Studio makes project configuration, program creation, and testing possible offline, without an
X20 System having to be connected. Economical use and flexible customization of the resources to meet the
project requirements is guaranteed.

Automation Studio is the first choice for the X20 System, especially when used together with all other
B&R product families.
Open for Everyone

For all fieldbuses, integrated through the standard

The X20 System is ideally suited for expanding existing control systems using standard fieldbus technology.
Using bus controllers, the X20 System can be used as a powerful I/O expansion unit. Standardized EDS or GSD
description files allow X20 System components to be integrated, configured, and programmed as usual in the
programming environment of a non-B&R system.
X20 System

The New Standard 23

ETHERNET Powerlink The next fieldbus generation

Since first applied to serial production in 2001, ETHERNET Powerlink has been the only real-time Ethernet
technology available on the market which is capable of precision down to the microsecond. The foundation
of ETHERNET Powerlink rests on standards such as IEEE 802.3, CANopen device profiles, IP protocols and
conventional Ethernet chips.

This protocol is distinguished by the following properties:

Optimized transfer of time-critical and non-time-critical data to the Ethernet medium
Seamless integration in office and factory networks
Additional usage of standard network components (e.g. fiber optic converters)
Different network topologies: The network is customized to the machine
Open without needing licenses or special ASICs
Conformity to international standards
Wide provider and user base
Available today and well-proven, over 40,000 nodes in the field

In addition to its real-time capabilities, ETHERNET Powerlink meets the demand of being able to easily use networks
in industrial environments. This is a substantial reason for the success of this protocol. Right now, its being used
around the world in serial production in more than 40,000 nodes on machines and systems. In addition, current areas
such as machine safety, availability, and engineering have allowed it to secure the path to the future.

ETHERNET Powerlink layer model

PC Based Automation

Powerful CPUs
Automation components from B&R have consistently been at the top of the performance scale for many years.
High-speed CPUs with very short configurable cycle times are an important factor in this. Fast Ethernet or USB are
part of the basic design. Systems can easily be expanded to include additional modular interfaces. This is the case
with the X20 System as well.

In the application, there is no difference from the existing CPUs. CNC, complex function blocks, real-time
communication, or data processing with floating point precision. All of this is possible with X20 System CPUs.
X20 System

Fieldbus Connection 25

X20 bus controllers

The X20 System is very open-minded. Several bus controllers for standard fieldbus technologies like ETHERNET
Powerlink, Device Net, Profibus or CANopen are available to connect X20 modules to existing control systems.
Fieldbus configurations transparently integrate the X20 System into the 3rd-party development environment.
X20 modules allow systems developed in the past to enter a higher performance class.
No Limits

X20, X67, XV, etc.

The X20 System is a part of a large product family that can be operated directly on the X2X Link backplane.
Valve connections, operating elements, visualization units or I/O with IP67 protection make the X20 System a
comprehensive and complete automation solution, far beyond the limits of the switching cabinet for all the needs
of machine and system manufacturing.





Compact I/O
X20 System


The remote X67 System opens up the world of automation outside the switching
cabinet. Equipped with the same communication mechanisms as the X20, it allows any
mixture of X67 and X20 components. X20 in the switching cabinet, X67 outside
the ideal combination of both system provides a wide array of excellent advantages.

Connecting valve islands takes place with conventional wiring or with fieldbus
connections. With the XV connection, B&R offers a complete X2X Link connection that
is integrated in a DSUB housing for valve islands with a multi-pin DSUB connection
independent of the valve island manufacturer.

Compact I/O
Compact units in extremely stable metal housings thats B&R compact I/O for
X2X Link. Various signals are grouped together in a box directly on the machine
for efficient use.

Small and mid-sized remote visualization units identify the Panelware series.
Equipped with various displays and operating elements, they can be easily integrated
into the remote backplane and programmed or configured using B&R
Automation Studio.
Integrated Safety

Integral system component

Nowadays, safety technology is a rigid technology completely separate from the flexible machine control.
Cost-intensive dedicated wiring, designed parallel to all established communication systems, separates safety
technology from the rest of the automation world.
There are a number of new approaches to secure fieldbus systems heavily influenced by proprietary standards
and limited cycle times. This is not the case with the X20 System. ETHERNET Powerlink safety is applied with
confidence in this system. This means that safety technology is fully integrated in the system.

The integration of an open solution based on the available real-time standard ETHERNET Powerlink allows B&R to
continue on a successful path of innovation at a high speed.

EPLsafety sets a technical standard

ETHERNET Powerlink Safety - abbreviated EPLsafety - is defined as an independent frame that can be used with
any bus. In principle EPLsafety can also be inserted in standard protocols other than Powerlink. For example it is fully
compatible with CANopen. The full performance ability of EPLsafety is brought out in combination with ETHERNET

The safety category SIL 3 in accordance with IEC 61508 is first achieved at cycle times of up to 100 microseconds.
The functionality of EPLsafety (encapsulated) allows the standard ETHERNET Powerlink transport mechanisms
to be fully used. The frame structure is highly flexible, which means that EPLsafety optimally adapts to different
applications such as machines, systems or transport systems.

EPSG working group safety

ETHERNET Powerlink is supported by the EPSG (ETHERNET Powerlink Standardization Group), an open
association of leading end users, manufacturers and research institutes for automation technology. The groups
goal is to provide an open standard for industrial Ethernet with precise real-time behavior in the microsecond


Complete system
Safety in the X20 System involves all of the required components. In addition to secure digital inputs and outputs,
there will also be secure supply modules, which securely shut off the I/O supply for normal, non-secure output
modules. As a result, the secure information is transferred via the distributed X2X Link backplane as securely as via
ETEHRNET Powerlink. Drives with integrated secure functions triggered via Powerlink are also integrated in the

The entire system is controlled using a secure CPU, the Safe Logic. This depends directly on ETHERNET Powerlink,
meaning that it has an optimal communication connection to the non-secure control for example.

PC control

Logic X20 System
ETHERNET Powerlink

X20 System

Integrated Safety

Secure configuration and programming

All secure connections run in the Safe Logic, which is where the logical relationships for the individual secure devices
are defined with each other. Function block-based programming is also possible, in addition to pure configuration.
The programmer is supported by a number of pre-defined safety function blocks.
Routing can be set up to the Safe Logic via the normal CPU and ETHERNET Powerlink for programming.

Automation Studio
Safe Components

PC control

X20 System
ETHERNET Powerlink

X20 System



Open standard
EPLsafety, like all ETHERNET Powerlink components, is an open standard. Various manufacturers from all fields of
automation technology specify the concepts and requirements. The balance of different demands means that useful
solutions which are then certified and implemented can be found for all areas of use.

The result is EPLsafety - the first fully independent real-time Ethernet-based safety bus, which meets the safety
category IEC 61508 SIL 3 even with short cycle times of 100 s.
Configurator System Modules

X20 System configuration

There are different possibilities for connecting an X20 System: Directly to the distributed X2X Link backplane,
to fieldbus systems via bus controllers or directly to an X20 CPU. The latter allows modular expansions using
interface modules.

Bus Receiver

Bus Power Bus Transmitter Bus Receiver

Controller Supply

+ +
Interface Interface CPU
Module Module

The right choice

A functioning system starts with the right choice of electronic module and bus
module. This also applies to system modules such as the X2X Link receiver or
X2X Link transmitter.


Select bus receiver

X20 BR 9300 X20 bus receiver

Bus module
Use BM 01
X20 BM 01 X20 bus module

Select bus controller

X20 BC xxxx X20 bus controller

Power supply
Use PS 3300
X20 PS 3300 X20 power supply

Bus module
Use BM 11
X20 BM 11 X20 bus module

Interface module
Select IF module
X20 IF xxxx X20 interface module

Select CPU
CPU system
X20 CP xxxx X20 CPU

Bus transmitter
Use BT optionally with expansion
X20 BT 9100 X20 bus transmitter

Bus module
Use BM 11
X20 BM 11 X20 bus module
The Power Supply Design

Bus module rack replacement

The bus module is the backbone of the X20 System regarding the bus supply and bus data as well as the I/O supply
for the electronic modules. Each bus module is an active bus station, even without an electronic module. There are
two variations of the bus module: I/O supply via connected device or as a supply module with separation of the I/O
supply to the left.

Bus power contacts

Bus data contacts

I/O power contacts

X20 BM 11 X20 BM 01

Supply modules are X2X Link stations just like any other electronic module. They transfer status data to the
controller which is important for the continuous diagnostics such as the status DC OK, which signalizes that
the I/O supply is in the permissible range.


X20 System infrastructure

Different potential groups can be implemented with the appropriate arrangement of supply bus modules, e.g. for
input groups or different E-stop circuits on the outputs. The I/O supply feed comes from power supply
electronic modules.

Input potential group Output 1 potential Output 2 potential

group group
Configurator Supply

Bus supply
The X2X Link supply must be connected in specific locations because the distributed X2X Link backplane and the
I/O electronics are completely electrically isolated. The first module usually handles this task (e.g. the bus receiver).
Another supply must be connected after approximately 20 modules. A supply module must be used for the X2X Link.
On the same module, a separate feed for the I/O supply can also be connected.

Potential groups
The I/O supply is connected via the bus modules. The feed is connected via corresponding electronic feed modules.
This makes it possible to implement simple potential groups (e.g. for input groups or different output groups).
Additionally, the corresponding bus module necessary for the separation of the Power Bus is also required for this

Output modules with supply

Generally, a supply module is also necessary for current output modules with many channels such as the 8-channel
output module with 2 amp outputs. This is not the case with the X20 System. With this module, the supply feed is
directly on the module, thereby saving supply modules and construction width.


Power supply
PS 2100 only for I/O supply
X20 PS 2100 X20 power supply

Bus module
BM 01 bus module supply
X20 BM 01 X20 bus module

Power supply
PS 3300 for X2X Link and I/O supply
X20 PS 3300 X20 power supply

Bus module
BM 01 bus module supply
X20 BM 01 X20 bus module

Digital output module

DO 8332 with own supply
X20 DO 8332 X20 8 x DO, 2 A

Bus module
Select BM xx
X20 BM 01 X20 bus module
X20 BM 11 X20 bus module
Labeling, Identification

Each terminal is labeled with a unique terminal block name. Standard tags that have
different colors or are individually labeled can also be added. With the identification
system, a terminal label can be applied using a labeling clip.

A module label can be inserted above the LED block using standard tags.

Plain text labeling

In addition to the identification system, inserts are available for
X20 modules for plain text labeling.

Additional functions of the labeling clip

The labeling clip serves several functions:
Holder for terminal labels
Holder for plain text insert
Additional terminal locking clip
Labeling and Coding

Identification System 39

Standard identification labels in various colors, blank or pre-preprinted.
The identification labels correspond exactly to the labeling requirements of the

System printer for individual printing of the standard identification labels.
Special ink with the resistance to wear necessary in an industrial environment is used.

Software support
System printers and standard identification labels are supported by the appropriate
printer software. All procedures for manual labeling are supported, whether from table
calculation or directly from an ECAD software program.
Software and printer are compatible with the Weidmller system.
Distinct Coding

Preventing mix-ups
Mistakes happen. Especially when working under stress. When a machine has to meet a delivery deadline or
when working under the constant time crunch in the area of service, these are situations in which mistakes can
easily occur. The multiple possibilities in the X20 System for distinct coding prevent the chance for mistakes.

Factory coding

Custom coding

parameter chip
Labeling and Coding


Factory coding
The extensive range of X20 modules and individual components offers a great degree of freedom and
combination possibilities. However, it is important to ensure that the parts being used can indeed be combined
with each other.

All X20 System components are given a distinct mechanical code during production so that only components
with an identical voltage level, the same safety class or application environment can be combined.

Custom coding
Many applications require safety mechanisms to prevent individual terminals from being mistakenly connected
to the wrong modules.

The X20 System offers the possibility to uniquely assign terminals and electronic modules. The standard
labeling elements of the X20 System serve as mechanic coding elements. These can be placed on the terminal
blocks and electronic module in four positions. It is no longer possible to make a mistake when connecting a
terminal block.

Embedded parameter chip

Each X20 module is uniquely identified using a label on the outside and an embedded parameter chip.
This makes it possible to identify each module on distributed networks using software. Detailed comparisons
of the system configuration with the application program are also possible. Therefore, even incompatible
software versions can be recognized and displayed.

Future compatibility ensured with electronic parameter chip

The unique identification of the X20 modules via electronic parameter chip meets the necessary demands when
using systems in validated environments. It must be possible to identify each exchange of modules.

Applications with these demands (e.g. FDA, GAMP, 21CFR11) are becoming more and more common.
Multi-function in Detail

Terminal locking clip example

Label holder

Insert holder

Terminal locking clip

Protected against accidental release

Some specific areas require additional locking mechanisms to prevent accidental release of the mechanics
optimally implemented with the X20:

An additional clip locks the electronic

module to the bus module.

The terminal locking clip attaches

the terminal block securely to the
electronic module.
Labeling and Coding


Identification examples


Terminal block



1 part with 4 functions

The same part can be used for all of the functions listed above.
Reduces required stocks, makes work more efficient, X20!
Perfection in Automation

EMC protection
Optimal EMC protection is never an end in itself. It is always an obligation to the customer. EMC problems usually
arent detected until an automation device is in actual field operation. At that point, problems become expensive.

To prevent these problems, reliable EMC protection is a significant part of product development at B&R. All areas are
included in the EMC protection, ranging from effective electronic and electromechanical design to extensive tests that
exceed the requirements of the relevant guidelines.
The ESD test of the terminal contacts is mentioned here as an example. This specific test is not required by the
standard and is often therefore left out during design or not tested at all. This test belongs to the standard range
of tests at B&R. Tests such as the surge test are often not specified. B&R provides all of the specifications for the
extensive tests in the product documentation, including the surge test.

An example of outstanding EMC protection in B&R products: The input circuit

of the digital 12 channel input module is designed with three resistors in a row.
This means triple components and placement, but with that comes considerably higher
dielectric strength and optimal performance distribution. This lowers component temperatures
and significantly increases the lifespan.

Surge is the term for high-energy surge voltage. The surge test checks the immunity to these conducted
disturbances. Surge voltages of up to 2 kV are tested.
EMC Protection


Quality made by B&R

The name B&R stands for many years of experience in developing and manufacturing industrial electronics.
But its also the mechanics of the X20 System that have been thought through to the last detail. A robust
design, long guides, and strengthened housing guarantee the stability it needs in industrial environments.

The solid connection between the terminal block, electronic module and basis module guarantee the best
possible electric contact and mechanical stability. Many years of development experience go into the
mechanical design of the X20 System to enable the highest component density, greatest degree of flexibility
and easy handling.

The X20 System was developed entirely by B&R, where it is also produced. A requirement for usage in rough
industrial environments is to meet all of the main EMC standards. The high-grade input circuit in the I/O
channels with higher dielectric strength than conventional designs is just an example of the B&R experience put
into the development of the X20 System.

The close proximity between development and production has proven itself over the years. The X20 System is
not a combination of simple individual components by different manufacturers. There is just one contact person
behind the entire palette of hardware and software who carries sole responsibility.
Construction Support

Macros for ECAD systems

The electronics in a machine must be designed in a manner which optimally utilizes the materials and space available.
Graphic ECAD systems have established themselves as the right tool for the job.

Every module in the X20 System comes with pre-designed electronic descriptions of the mechanical dimensions,
electrical signals and module functions. These macros are loaded directly to the well-established ECAD systems.
The wiring plans are automatically applied by the configuration and programming system, Automation Studio.
Design and changes are immediately reflected at all levels of development. This saves time for the most important
tasks and prevents errors right from the start.

Accelerated development, programming, maintenance and documentation mean lower costs, enhanced quality
and increased sales by entering the market earlier.
CAD and ERP Support

ERP Systems for Software Configuration 47

ERP systems are integrated in the configuration process of machines

Streamlined production demands efficient use of the ERP and CAD systems. This also applies to the use
of control systems.

The configuration and programming of the X20 System is integrated with the ERP systems. Depending on the
structure, range and combination of the X20 components, I/O classification lists are created automatically.
These lists determine the exact position of the inputs and outputs and make optimal use of the existing number
of modules.
The application program always remains the same.

The principle of the automatic software generation in series machines:

Software on demand
Perfection in Automation

Remaining true to the guiding principle Perfection in Automation, the X20 System was developed using the most
modern technologies. The X20 System is the result of the uncompromising work of the development team, which
gave 100 percent and used their extensive automation experience to create an extremely versatile product for all
X20 System - Characteristics


Application Possibilities
Machine manufacturing 
System manufacturing 
Process automation 
As a controller system 
As an I/O system 
Connection of I/O, Sensors and Actuators
Terminal block inserts for pre-wiring 
Up to 12 I/O terminals for each module 
Double wire sleeves up to 2 x 0.75 mm on a terminal 
Single conductor technology supported 
Two-wire technology supported 
Three-wire technology supported 
Digital I/O modules 
Analog I/O modules 
Temperature measurement modules 
Modules with data preprocessing and filtering 
Grounding directly on the terminal block 
I/O electrically isolated 
Sequential design of input and output groups possible 
Tool-free wiring with push-in terminals 
Wiring simple to release using screwdriver 
Prefabricated cable tree supported 
Plain text description for each individual terminal 
Terminal blocks can be clearly coded by the user 
System Design
Base module, electronic module and terminal block separated 
Flexible module distances, 0 - 100 m possible 
Complete system configuration simple to mount and remove 
Mounting rail installation in the switching cabinet 
Power distribution without additional wiring 
Electrically isolated groups possible 
Uniform design of different versions 
Plain text description for modules 
Terminals and modules coded against erroneous combination 
Supports several E-stop circuits 
Complete identification for all components for FDA, GAMP conformity 
Additional security for particularly raw environments possible 
X20 System - Characteristics


System Performance
Synchronous process image 
Cycle time 100s 
I/O jitter < 2s 
Tool-free exchange of individual modules possible 
Exchange of complete configurations possible 
Hot plugging supported 
Terminals Completely Removable without Loosening Individual Wires
Extensive diagnostics via network 
Diagnostic LEDs on every module 
Documentation on-site through plain text description 
Control Architecture
Distributed architecture supported 
Central architecture supported 
Direct connection to B&R controllers, automation PCs and visualization 
Connection to 3rd-party controllers using a fieldbus 
Fieldbus Connections
Profibus DP 
ETHERNET Powerlink 
Development Support
Macros for ECAD systems 
Programming with Automation Studio 
Only one single software tool for all tasks 
IEC 61131-3, ANSI-C and Automation Basic 
Automatic hardware recognition 
Offline programming possible 
Automatically generated dynamic I/O classification lists for optimal module usage 
Direct coupling of ERP systems and development systems 
Automatic detection of removed versions 
Electronic identification plate for each module 
Continual checking of HW/SW conformity possible 
Delivery Form
All modules can be delivered separately 
Completely predefined system configurations can be delivered 
All individual components can be delivered separately 
Just-in-time delivery 
X20 Product Overview

Bus modules
Model Number Short Description
X20BM01 X20 supply bus module with power bus separated to the left  56
X20BM11 X20 standard bus module with power bus interconnected  58

Terminal blocks
Model Number Short Description
X20TB06 X20 standard 6-pin terminal  60
X20TB12 X20 standard 12-pin terminal  60

Bus receivers and bus transmitters

Model Number Short Description
X20BR9300 X20 bus receiver X2X Link with feed for power bus and X2X Link bus supply  62
X20BT9100 X20 bus transmitter X2X Link  64
X20 System - Product Overview


Supply modules
Model Number Short Description
X20PS2100 X20 supply module power bus  66
X20PS3300 X20 supply module power bus with X2X Link bus supply  68

Dummy modules
Model Number Short Description
X20ZF0000 X20 dummy module without function  140

Model Number Short Description
Terminal locking clip, plain text insert, locking plate, printer, etc.  142
X20 I/O Product Overview

Electronic modules















Digital Input
Digital Output
Analog Input 2 2 4 4
Analog Output 2 2 4 4
Temperature 2 4 2 6
Event Counter
ABR Incremental Encoder 5 V 1
AB Incremental Encoder 24 V
ABR Incremental Encoder 24 V 1 2
SSI Absolute Encoder 5 V 1
SSI Absolute Encoder 24 V 1
Gate Measurement
PWM Output
Page  100  102  104  106  108  110  112  114  116  118  120  122  124  126  128  130  132
X20 System - Product Overview



















Digital Input 2 (2) 4 6 6 12 12
Digital Output 2 4 4 6 6 8 12 12
Analog Input
Analog Output
Event Counter (4) (8) (2)
ABR Incremental Encoder 5 V
AB Incremental Encoder 24 V (2) (4)
ABR Incremental Encoder 24 V
SSI Absolute Encoder 5 V
SSI Absolute Encoder 24 V 2 (2) (4)
Gate Measurement (1)
PWM Output (2) (4)
Page  134  136  138  70  72  74  76  78  80  82  84  86  88  90  92  94  96  98

Numbers in parentheses represent multiple assignment. Check the specifications in the data sheet for configuration.
Bus Module BM01

Basis for all X20 supply modules

For creating electrical potential groups
The internal I/O supply is interrupted towards the left

Short Description X20BM01 Mechanical Characteristics X20BM01

Bus Module Supply bus module, Spacing 12.5 mm
internal I/O supply Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
is separated on the left
Protection IP20

General Information X20BM01 Operating Temperature

Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development), Derating with vertical installation
GOST-R (in development)
Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Power Input
Bus Typ. 0.13 W1 Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
I/O Internal -
Information based on pre-series.
X20 System - Module Overview


Image Potential Control

+24 VDC
Bus Module BM11

Standard bus module

The internal I/O supply is interconnected

Short Description X20BM11 Mechanical Characteristics X20BM11

Bus Module Standard bus module, the internal Spacing 12.5 mm
I/O supply is interconnected Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
Protection IP20
General Information X20BM11
Operating Temperature
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development), Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
GOST-R (in development) Derating with vertical installation
Power Input Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Bus Typ. 0.13 W1
I/O Internal - Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)

Information based on pre-series.
X20 System - Module Overview


Image Potential Control

+24 VDC +24 VDC

6/12-pin Terminal Blocks TB06 / TB12

Tool-free wiring through push-in technology

Simple wire release using lever
Identification option for each terminal
Plain text description possible
Test access for standard probes
Option for customer coding

Short Description X20TB06 / X20TB12

Terminal Block
6-pin X20TB06
12-pin X20TB12

Terminal Block X20TB06 / X20TB12

Type of Terminal Push-in terminal
Distance Between Contacts
Left - Right 4.2 mm
Above - Below 10.96 mm
Contact Resistance 5 m
Rated Voltage 230 VAC
Rated Current1 10 A / contact
Connection Cross Section 0.08 mm - 1.5 mm
AWG 26 -14
Cable Type Only copper wires
(no aluminum wires!)
Remark Nominal values according to UL
1 Please take the respective limit data for the I/O modules into
X20 System - Module Overview



X20TB06 X20TB12
Bus Receiver BR9300

X2X Link bus receiver

Supply for X2X Link and internal I/O supply
Electrical isolation of supply
and X2X Link supply
Redundancy possible by operating several
power supply modules simultaneously

Short Description X20BR9300 General Information X20BR9300

Bus Receiver X2X Link bus receiver with supply Status Display X2X bus function, overload,
for I/O and bus operating status, module status
Input X2X Bus Supply X20BR9300 X2X Bus Function Yes, with status LED
Input Voltage 24 VDC (-15% / +20%) Overload Yes, with status LED and software
Input Current Max. 0.7 A Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Reverse Polarity Protection Yes Module Status Yes, with status LED
Fuse Integrated, cannot be exchanged Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
GOST-R (in development)
Output X2X Bus Supply X20BR9300 Electrical Isolation
Nominal Output Power 7.0 W X2X Bus Supply Yes
I/O Supply No
Parallel Operation Yes
Redundant Operation Yes Mechanical Characteristics X20BR9300
In parallel operation, only a 75 % rated power can be assumed. Please Spacing 12.5 mm
ensure that all parallel operating power supplies are simultaneously Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
switched on or switched off.
Protection IP20
Input I/O Supply X20BR9300 Operating Temperature
Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Input Voltage 24 VDC (-15% / +20%) Derating with vertical installation
Fuse Recommended pre-fusing max. 10 A Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Output I/O Supply X20BR9300
Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
Output Rated Voltage 24 VDC X20TB12 separately.
Reliable Contact Load 10.0 A Order supply bus module 1 x
X20BM01 separately.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 BR 9300


X2X X2X\


+24 VDC
DI 1 BUS +24
2 + I/O-
_ Supply
1 24V+
BUS Geber

+24 VDC

The bus receiver simultaneously takes over the Required Accessories

function of the supply module for the distributed X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X2X Link backplane and for the I/O. X20BM01 X20 supply bus module
with power bus separated on the left
Bus Transmitter BT9100

X2X Link bus transmitter

For seamless expansion of the system
Up to 100 m segment lengths
Feed for I/O supply

Short Description X20BT9100 Mechanical Characteristics X20BT9100

Bus Transmitter X2X Link bus transmitter Spacing 12.5 mm
Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
General Information X20BT9100 Protection IP20
Status Display X2X bus function, operating status, Operating Temperature
module status Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Diagnosis Derating with vertical installation
X2X Bus Function Yes, with status LED Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Module Status Yes, with status LED Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)

Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development), Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
GOST-R (in development) X20TB06 or X20TB12 separately.
Order standard bus module
Power Input 1 x X20BM11 separately.
Bus Typ. 0.45 W
I/O Internal -
Information based on pre-series
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 BT 9100


X2X X2X\


2 + I/O-
_ Supply

+24 VDC +24 VDC


Required Accessories
X20TB06 X20 standard terminal 6x
X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM11 X20 standard bus module
with power bus interconnected
Supply Module PS2100

24 VDC supply module for internal I/O supply

Short Description X20PS2100 Mechanical Characteristics X20PS2100

Power Supply Module 24 VDC supply module Spacing 12.5 mm
for internal I/O supply Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
Protection IP20
Input I/O Supply X20PS2100
Operating Temperature
Input Voltage 24 VDC (-15% / +20%) Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Fuse Recommended pre-fusing max. 10 A Derating with vertical installation
Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Output I/O Supply X20PS2100 Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Output Rated Voltage 24 VDC Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
Reliable Contact Load 10.0 A X20TB12 separately.
Order supply bus module 1 x
General Information X20PS2100 X20BM01 separately.
Status Display Operating status, module status
Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Module Status Yes, with status LED
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
GOST-R (in development)
Electrical Isolation
I/O Supply No
Power Input
Bus Typ. 0.2 W
I/O Internal -
Information based on pre-series
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 PS 2100


2 + I/O-
_ Supply
2 24V+

+24 VDC

Required Accessories
X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM01 X20 supply bus module
with power bus separated on the left
Supply Module PS3300

Feed for X2X Link and I/O supply

Electrical isolation of supply
and X2X Link supply
Redundancy possible by using
several power supply modules at the same time

Short Description X20PS3300 General Information X20PS3300

Power Supply Module 24 VDC supply module Status Display Overload, operating status, module
for I/O and bus status
Input X2X Bus Supply X20PS3300 Overload Yes, with status LED and software
Input Voltage 24 VDC (-15% / +20%) status
Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Input Current Max. 0.7 A Module Status Yes, with status LED
Reverse Polarity Protection Yes Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
Fuse Integrated, cannot be exchanged GOST-R (in development)
Electrical Isolation
Output X2X Bus Supply X20PS3300 X2X Bus Supply Yes
Nominal Output Power 7.0 W I/O Supply No
Parallel Operation Yes1 Mechanical Characteristics X20PS3300
Redundant Operation Yes Spacing 12.5 mm
In parallel operation, only a 75% rated power can be assumed. Please Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
ensure that all parallel operating power supplies are simultaneously
switched on or switched off. Protection IP20
Operating Temperature
Input I/O Supply X20PS3300 Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Derating with vertical installation
Input Voltage 24 VDC (-15% / +20%)
Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Fuse Recommended pre-fusing max. 10 A
Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Output I/O Supply X20PS3300 Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
X20TB12 separately.
Output Rated Voltage 24 VDC Order supply bus module 1 x
Reliable Contact Load 10.0 A X20BM01 separately.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 PS 3300


+24 VDC
DI 1 BUS +24
2 Bus- + + I/O-
Supply _ _ Supply
1 24V+
BUS Geber
2 24V+

+24 VDC

Required Accessories
X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM01 X20 supply bus module
with power bus separated on the left
Digital Input Module DI2371

2 digital inputs
Sink connection
3-wire connection
24 VDC and GND for sensor supply
Software input filter can be configured for entire

Short Description X20DI2371 Mechanical Characteristics X20DI2371

I/O Module 2 digital inputs 24 VDC Spacing 12.5 mm
in 3 line connections Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
Protection IP20
Digital Inputs X20DI2371
Operating Temperature
Rated Voltage 24 VDC Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Input Filter Derating with vertical installation
Hardware 100 s Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Software Default 1 ms, can be configured
between 0 and 25 ms in 0.2 ms Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
intervals Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
Input Circuit Sink X20TB06 or X20TB12 separately.
Order standard bus module 1 x
Sensor Supply 0.5 A total current X20BM11 separately.

General Information X20DI2371

Status Display I/O function per channel, operating
state, module status
Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Module Status Yes, with status LED
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
GOST-R (in development)
Electrical Isolation
Channel - Bus Yes
Channel - Channel No
Power Input
Bus Typ. 0.12 W1
I/O Internal -
Information based on pre-series.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 DI 2371

1 2 DI
Sensor 1

DI 1 DI 2 Sensor 2

+24 VDC +24 VDC


+24 VDC +24 VDC


The module is designed for X20 standard terminal Required Accessories

blocks 6x. For logistical reasons, the 12x terminal X20TB06 X20 standard terminal 6x
block can also be used. X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM11 X20 standard bus module
with power bus interconnected
Digital Input Module DI2377

2 digital inputs
Sink connection
3-wire connection
2 counter inputs with 50 kHz counter frequency
Gate measurement
24 VDC and GND for sensor supply
Software input filter can be configured for entire

Short Description X20DI2377 Mechanical Characteristics X20DI2377

I/O Module 2 digital inputs 24 VDC Spacing 12.5 mm
in 3 line connections, special Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
Protection IP20

Digital Inputs X20DI2377 Operating Temperature

Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Rated Voltage 24 VDC Derating with vertical installation
Input Filter Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Hardware 10 s
Software Default 0 ms, can be configured Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
between 0 and 25 ms in 0.2 ms Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
intervals X20TB06 or X20TB12 separately.
Input Circuit Sink Order standard bus module 1 x
X20BM11 separately.
Additional Functionalities for Event counting, gate measurement
Sensor Supply 0.5 A total current

General Information X20DI2377

Status Display I/O function per channel, operating
state, module status
Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Module Status Yes, with status LED
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
GOST-R (in development)
Electrical Isolation
Channel - Bus Yes
Channel - Channel No
Power Input
Bus Typ. 0.2 W1
I/O Internal -

Information based on pre-series.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 DI 2377

1 2 DI


DI 1 DI 2

+24 VDC +24 VDC


+24 VDC +24 VDC


The module is designed for X20 standard terminal Required Accessories

blocks 6x. For logistical reasons, the 12x terminal X20TB06 X20 standard terminal 6x
block can also be used. X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM11 X20 standard bus module
with power bus interconnected
Digital Input Module DI4371

4 digital inputs
Sink connection
3-wire connection
24 VDC and GND for sensor supply
Software input filter can be configured
for entire module

Short Description X20DI4371 Mechanical Characteristics X20DI4371

I/O Module 4 digital inputs 24 VDC Spacing 12.5 mm
in 3 line connections Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
Protection IP20
Digital Inputs X20DI4371
Operating Temperature
Rated Voltage 24 VDC Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Input Filter Derating with vertical installation
Hardware 100 s Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Software Default 1 ms, can be configured
between 0 and 25 ms in 0.2 ms Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
intervals Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
Input Circuit Sink X20TB12 separately.
Order standard bus module 1 x
Sensor Supply 0.5 A total current X20BM11 separately.

General Information X20DI4371

Status Display I/O function per channel, operating
state, module status
Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Module Status Yes, with status LED
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
GOST-R (in development)
Electrical Isolation
Channel - Bus Yes
Channel - Channel No
Power Input
Bus Typ. 0.15 W1
I/O Internal -
Information based on pre-series.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 DI 4371

1 2 DI
3 4
Sensor 1

DI 1 DI 2 Sensor 2

+24 VDC +24 VDC

Sensor 3

Sensor 4

DI 3 DI 4

+24 VDC +24 VDC

+24 VDC +24 VDC


Required Accessories
X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM11 X20 standard bus module
with power bus interconnected
Digital Input Module DI6371

6 digital inputs
Sink connection
2-wire connection
24 VDC for sensor supply
Software input filter can be configured for entire module
1-line connection version with 6x terminal block

Short Description X20DI6371 Mechanical Characteristics X20DI6371

I/O Module 6 digital inputs 24 VDC Spacing 12.5 mm
in 1 or 2 line connections Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
Protection IP20
Digital Inputs X20DI6371
Operating Temperature
Rated Voltage 24 VDC Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Input Filter Derating with vertical installation
Hardware 100 s Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Software Default 1 ms, can be configured
between 0 and 25 ms in 0.2 ms Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
intervals Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
Input Circuit Sink X20TB06 or X20TB12 separately.
Order standard bus module 1 x
X20BM11 separately.
General Information X20DI6371
Status Display I/O function per channel, operating
state, module status
Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Module Status Yes, with status LED
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
GOST-R (in development)
Electrical Isolation
Channel - Bus Yes
Channel - Channel No
Power Input
Bus Typ. 0.16 W1
I/O Internal -
Information based on pre-series.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 DI 6371

1 2 DI
3 4
5 6
Sensor 1 Sensor 2

Sensor 3 Sensor 4
DI 1 DI 2
Sensor 5 Sensor 6
DI 3 DI 4

DI 5 DI 6

+24 VDC +24 VDC

+24 VDC +24 VDC

+24 VDC +24 VDC

+24 VDC +24 VDC

The X20 standard terminal block 6x can be used Required Accessories

for uniform one-line wiring. A two-line wiring can X20TB06 X20 standard terminal 6x
be implemented using the 12x terminal block. X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM11 X20 standard bus module
with power bus interconnected
Digital Input Module DI6372

6 digital inputs
Source connection
2 line connection
24 VDC for sensor supply
Software input filter can be configured for entire module
1-line connection version with 6x terminal block

Short Description X20DI6372 Mechanical Characteristics X20DI6372

I/O Module 6 digital inputs 24 VDC Spacing 12.5 mm
in 1 or 2 line connections Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
Protection IP20
Digital Inputs X20DI6372
Operating Temperature
Rated Voltage 24 VDC Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Input Filter Derating with vertical installation
Hardware 100 s Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Software Default 1 ms, can be configured
between 0 and 25 ms in 0.2 ms Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
intervals Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
Input Circuit Source X20TB06 or X20TB12 separately.
Order standard bus module 1 x
X20BM11 separately.
General Information X20DI6372
Status Display I/O function per channel, operating
state, module status
Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Module Status Yes, with status LED
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
GOST-R (in development)
Electrical Isolation
Channel - Bus Yes
Channel - Channel No
Power Input
Bus Typ. 0.16 W1
I/O Internal -

Information based on pre-series.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 DI 6372

1 2 DI
3 4
5 6
Sensor 1 Sensor 2

Sensor 3 Sensor 4
DI 1 DI 2
Sensor 5 Sensor 6
DI 3 DI 4

DI 5 DI 6



+24 VDC +24 VDC


The X20 standard terminal block 6x can be used

Required Accessories
for uniform one-line wiring. A two-line wiring can
X20TB06 X20 standard terminal 6x
be implemented using the 12x terminal block.
X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM11 X20 standard bus module
with power bus interconnected
Digital Input Module DI9371

12 digital inputs
Sink connection
1-wire connection
Software input filter can be configured
for entire module

Short Description X20DI9371 Mechanical Characteristics X20DI9371

I/O Module 12 digital inputs 24 VDC Spacing 12.5 mm
in 1 line connections Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
Protection IP20
Digital Inputs X20DI9371
Operating Temperature
Rated Voltage 24 VDC Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Input Filter Derating with vertical installation
Hardware 100 s Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Software Default 1 ms, can be configured
between 0 and 25 ms in 0.2 ms Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
intervals Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
Input Circuit Sink X20TB12 separately.
Order standard bus module 1 x
X20BM11 separately.
General Information X20DI9371
Status Display I/O function per channel, operating
state, module status
Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Module Status Yes, with status LED
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
GOST-R (in development)
Electrical Isolation
Channel - Bus Yes
Channel - Channel No
Power Input
Bus Typ. 0.2 W1
I/O Internal -
Information based on pre-series.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 DI 9371

1 2 DI
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10 Sensor 1 Sensor 2
11 12

Sensor 3 Sensor 4
DI 1 DI 2
Sensor 5 Sensor 6
DI 3 DI 4
Sensor 7 Sensor 8
DI 5 DI 6
Sensor 9 Sensor 10

DI 7 DI 8 Sensor 11 Sensor 12

DI 9 DI 10

+24 VDC +24 VDC

DI 11 DI 12

+24 VDC +24 VDC

Required Accessories
X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM11 X20 standard bus module
with power bus interconnected
Digital Input Module DI9372

12 digital inputs
Source connection
1-wire connection
Software input filter can be configured
for entire module

Short Description X20DI9372 Mechanical Characteristics X20DI9372

I/O Module 12 digital inputs 24 VDC Spacing 12.5 mm
in 1 line connections Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
Protection IP20
Digital Inputs X20DI9372
Operating Temperature
Rated Voltage 24 VDC Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Input Filter Derating with vertical installation
Hardware 100 s Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Software Default 1 ms, can be configured
between 0 and 25 ms in 0.2 ms Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
intervals Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
Input Circuit Source X20TB12 separately.
Order standard bus module 1 x
X20BM11 separately.
General Information X20DI9372
Status Display I/O function per channel, operating
state, module status
Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Module Status Yes, with status LED
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
GOST-R (in development)
Electrical Isolation
Channel - Bus Yes
Channel - Channel No
Power Input
Bus Typ. 0.2 W1
I/O Internal -
Information based on pre-series.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 DI 9372

1 2 DI
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10 Sensor 1 Sensor 2
11 12

Sensor 3 Sensor 4
DI 1 DI 2
Sensor 5 Sensor 6
DI 3 DI 4
Sensor 7 Sensor 8
DI 5 DI 6
Sensor 9 Sensor 10

DI 7 DI 8 Sensor 11 Sensor 12

DI 9 DI 10

+24 VDC +24 VDC

DI 11 DI 12


Required Accessories
X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM11 X20 standard bus module
with power bus interconnected
Digital Output Module DO2322

2 digital outputs
Source connection
3-wire connection
24 VDC and GND for actuator supply
Integrated output protection

Short Description X20DO2322 Mechanical Characteristics X20DO2322

I/O Module 2 digital outputs 24 VDC Spacing 12.5 mm
in 3-wire connections Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
Protection IP20
Digital Outputs X20DO2322
Operating Temperature
Rated Voltage 24 VDC Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Nom. Output Current 0.5 A Derating with vertical installation
Total Current 1.0 A Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Output Circuit Source Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Output Protection Thermal cutoff for over-current and Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
short circuit, integrated protection X20TB06 or X20TB12 separately.
for switching inductances Order standard bus module 1 x
X20BM11 separately.
Actuator Supply 0.5 A in total for output-independent
actuator supply

General Information X20DO2322

Status Display I/O function per channel, operating
state, module status
Outputs Yes, with status LED and software
status (output error status)
Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Module Status Yes, with status LED
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
GOST-R (in development)
Electrical Isolation
Channel - Bus Yes
Channel - Channel No
Power Input
Bus Typ. 0.14 W1
I/O Internal Typ. 0.2 W1

Information based on pre-series.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 DO 2322

1 2 DO
Actuator 1

DO 1 DO 2 Actuator 2

+24 VDC +24 VDC


+24 VDC +24 VDC


The module is designed for X20 standard terminal

Required Accessories
blocks 6x. For logistical reasons, the 12x terminal
X20TB06 X20 standard terminal 6x
block can also be used. X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM11 X20 standard bus module
with power bus interconnected
Digital Output Module DO4322

4 digital outputs
Source connection
3-wire connection
24 VDC and GND for actuator supply
Integrated Output Protection

Short Description X20DO4322 Mechanical Characteristics X20DO4322

I/O Module 4 digital outputs 24 VDC Spacing 12.5 mm
in 3-wire connections Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
Protection IP20
Digital Outputs X20DO4322
Operating Temperature
Rated Voltage 24 VDC Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Nom. Output Current 0.5 A Derating with vertical installation
Total Current 2.0 A Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Output Circuit Source Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Output Protection Thermal cutoff for over-current or Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
short circuit, integrated protection X20TB12 separately.
for switching inductances Order standard bus module 1 x
Actuator Supply 0.5 A in total for output-independent X20BM11 separately.
actuator supply

General Information X20DO4322

Status Display I/O function per channel, operating
state, module status
Outputs Yes, with status LED and software
status (output error status)
Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Module Status Yes, with status LED
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
GOST-R (in development)
Electrical Isolation
Channel - Bus Yes
Channel - Channel No
Power Input
Bus Typ. 0.15 W1
I/O Internal Typ. 0.31 W1
Information based on pre-series.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 DO 4322

1 2 DO
3 4
Actuator 1

DO 1 DO 2 Actuator 2

+24 VDC +24 VDC

Actuator 4
Actuator 3

DI 13 DO
DI 24

24V+ Geber

+24 VDC +24 VDC


Required Accessories
X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM11 X20 standard bus module with
power bus interconnected
Digital Output Module DO4332

4 digital outputs with 2 A

Source connection
3-wire connection
24 VDC and GND for actuator supply
Integrated Output Protection

Short Description X20DO4332 Mechanical Characteristics X20DO4332

I/O Module 4 digital outputs 24 VDC Spacing 12.5 mm
in 3-wire connections Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
Protection IP20
Digital Outputs X20DO4332
Operating Temperature
Rated Voltage 24 VDC Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Nom. Output Current 2.0 A Derating with vertical installation
Total Current 4.0 A Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Output Circuit Source Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Output Protection Thermal cutoff for over-current or Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
short circuit, integrated protection X20TB12 separately.
for switching inductances Order standard bus module 1 x
Actuator Supply 0.5 A in total for output-independent X20BM11 separately.
actuator supply

General Information X20DO4332

Status Display I/O function per channel, operating
state, module status
Outputs Yes, with status LED and software
status (output error status)
Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Module Status Yes, with status LED
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
GOST-R (in development)
Electrical Isolation
Channel - Bus Yes
Channel - Channel No
Power Input
Bus Typ. 0.15 W1
I/O Internal Typ. 0.31 W1
Information based on pre-series.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 DO 4332

1 2 DO
3 4
Actuator 1

DO 1 DO 2 Actuator 2

+24 VDC +24 VDC

Actuator 4
Actuator 3

DI 13 DO
DI 24

24V+ Geber

+24 VDC +24 VDC


Required Accessories
X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM11 X20 standard bus module with
power bus interconnected
Digital Output Module DO6321

6 digital outputs
Sink connection
2-wire connection
24 VDC for signal supply
Integrated output protection
1-wire connection version with 6x terminal block

Short Description X20DO6321 Mechanical Characteristics X20DO6321

I/O Module 6 digital outputs 24 VDC Spacing 12.5 mm
in 1 or 2 wire connections Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
Protection IP20
Digital Outputs X20DO6321
Operating Temperature
Rated Voltage 24 VDC Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Nom. Output Current 0.5 A Derating with vertical installation
Total Current 3.0 A Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Output Circuit Sink Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Output Protection Thermal cutoff for over-current or Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
short circuit, integrated protection X20TB06 or X20TB12 separately.
for switching inductances Order standard bus module 1 x
X20BM11 separately.
General Information X20DO6321
Status Display I/O function per channel, operating
state, module status
Outputs Yes, with status LED and software
status (output error status)
Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Module Status Yes, with status LED
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
GOST-R (in development)
Electrical Isolation
Channel - Bus Yes
Channel - Channel No
Power Input
Bus Typ. 0.16 W1
I/O Internal Typ. 0.5 W1
Information based on pre-series.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 DO 6321

1 2 DO
3 4
5 6

Actuator 1 Actuator 2

Actuator 3 Actuator 4
DO 1 DO 2
Actuator 5 Actuator 6
DO 3 DO 4

DO 5 DO 6

1 +24

24V+ Geber

+24 VDC +24 VDC


The X20 standard terminal block 6x can be used Required Accessories

for uniform one-line wiring. A two-line wiring can X20TB06 X20 standard terminal 6x
be implemented using the 12x terminal block. X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM11 X20 standard bus module with
power bus interconnected
Digital Output Module DO6322

6 digital outputs
Source connection
2-wire connection
GND for signal supply
Integrated output protection
1-line connection version with 6x terminal block

Short Description X20DO6322 Mechanical Characteristics X20DO6322

I/O Module 6 digital outputs 24 VDC Spacing 12.5 mm
in 1 or 2 line connections Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
Protection IP20
Digital Outputs X20DO6322
Operating Temperature
Rated Voltage 24 VDC Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Nom. Output Current 0.5 A Derating with vertical installation
Total Current 3.0 A Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Output Circuit Source Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Output Protection Thermal cutoff for over-current and Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
short circuit, integrated protection X20TB06 or X20TB12 separately.
for switching inductances Order standard bus module 1 x
X20BM11 separately.

General Information X20DO6322

Status Display I/O function per channel, operating
state, module status
Outputs Yes, with status LED and software
status (output error status)
Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Module Status Yes, with status LED
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
GOST-R (in development)
Electrical Isolation
Channel - Bus Yes
Channel - Channel No
Power Input
Bus Typ. 0.16 W1
I/O Internal Typ. 0.5 W1
Information based on pre-series.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 DO 6322

1 2 DO
3 4
5 6

Actuator 1 Actuator 2

Actuator 3 Actuator 4
DO 1 DO 2
Actuator 5 Actuator 6
DO 3 DO 4

DO 5 DO 6

DI 2

GND1 24V+ Geber
GND2 24V+

+24 VDC +24 VDC


The X20 standard terminal block 6x can be used Required Accessories

for uniform one-line wiring. X20TB06 X20 standard terminal 6x
A two-line wiring can be implemented using the X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
12x terminal block. X20BM11 X20 standard bus module with
power bus interconnected
Digital Output Module DO8332

8 digital outputs with 2 A

Source connection
1-wire connection
Power feed integrated in the module
Integrated output protection

Short Description X20DO8332 Mechanical Characteristics X20DO8332

I/O Module 8 digital outputs 24 VDC Spacing 12.5 mm
in 1-wire connections Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
Protection IP20
Digital Outputs X20DO8332
Operating Temperature
Rated Voltage 24 VDC Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Nom. Output Current 2.0 A Derating with vertical installation
Total Current 8.0 A Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Output Circuit Source Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Output Protection Thermal cutoff for over-current and Remark Order standard terminal block
short circuit, integrated protection 1 x X20TB12 separately. Order
for switching inductances, reverse standard bus module 1 x X20BM11
polarity protection of the supply separately.

General Information X20DO8332

Status Display I/O function per channel, operating
state, module status
Outputs Yes, with status LED and software
status (output error status)
Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Module Status Yes, with status LED
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
GOST-R (in development)
Electrical Isolation
Channel - Bus Yes
Channel - Channel No
Power Input
Bus Typ. 0.21 W1
I/O Internal -
Information based on pre-series.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 DO 8332

1 2 DO
3 4
5 6
7 8
Actuator 1 Actuator 2

Actuator 3 Actuator 4
DO 1 DO 2
Actuator 5 Actuator 6
DO 3 DO 4
Actuator 7 Actuator 8
DO 5 DO 6

DI 17 DO
DI 28

24V+ Geber


+24V ext. GND

The output supply is fed directly on the module. Required Accessories

An additional supply module is not needed. X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
There is no connection between the module and X20BM11 X20 standard bus module with
the I/O supply potential on the bus module. power bus interconnected
Digital Output Module DO9321

12 digital outputs
Sink connection
1-wire connection
Integrated output protection

Short Description X20DO9321 Mechanical Characteristics X20DO9321

I/O Module 12 digital outputs 24 VDC Spacing 12.5 mm
in 1-wire connections Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
Protection IP20
Digital Outputs X20DO9321
Operating Temperature
Rated Voltage 24 VDC Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Nom. Output Current 0.5 A Derating with vertical installation
Total Current 6.0 A Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Output Circuit Sink Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Output Protection Thermal cutoff for over-current or Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
short circuit, integrated protection X20TB12 separately.
for switching inductances Order standard bus module 1 x
X20BM11 separately.
General Information X20DO9321
Status Display I/O function per channel, operating
state, module status
Outputs Yes, with status LED and software
status (output error status)
Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Module Status Yes, with status LED
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
GOST-R (in development)
Electrical Isolation
Channel - Bus Yes
Channel - Channel No
Power Input
Bus Typ. 0.21 W1
I/O Internal Typ. 0.99 W1
Information based on pre-series.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 DO 9321

1 2 DO
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10 Actuator 1 Actuator 2
11 12

Actuator 3 Actuator 4
DO 1 DO 2
Actuator 5 Actuator 6
DO 3 DO 4
Actuator 7 Actuator 8
DO 5 DO 6
Actuator 9 Actuator 10
DI 17 DO
DI 28
Actuator 11 Actuator 12
DO1 924V+ Geber

+24 VDC +24 VDC


+24 VDC +24 VDC

Required Accessories
X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM11 X20 standard bus module with
power bus interconnected
Digital Output Module DO9322

12 digital outputs
Source connection
1-wire connection
Integrated output protection

Short Description X20DO9322 Mechanical Characteristics X20DO9322

I/O Module 12 digital outputs 24 VDC Spacing 12.5 mm
in 1-wire connections Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
Protection IP20
Digital Outputs X20DO9322
Operating Temperature
Rated Voltage 24 VDC Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Nom. Output Current 0.5 A Derating with vertical installation
Total Current 6.0 A Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Output Circuit Source Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Output Protection Thermal cutoff for over-current or Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
short circuit, integrated protection X20TB12 separately.
for switching inductances Order standard bus module 1 x
X20BM11 separately.
General Information X20DO9322
Status Display I/O function per channel, operating
state, module status
Outputs Yes, with status LED and software
status (output error status)
Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Module Status Yes, with status LED
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
GOST-R (in development)
Electrical Isolation
Channel - Bus Yes
Channel - Channel No
Power Input
Bus Typ. 0.21 W1
I/O Internal Typ. 0.99 W1
Information based on pre-series.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 DO 9322

1 2 DO
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10 Actuator 1 Actuator 2
11 12

Actuator 3 Actuator 4
DO 1 DO 2
Actuator 5 Actuator 6
DO 3 DO 4
Actuator 7 Actuator 8
DO 5 DO 6
Actuator 9 Actuator 10
DI 17 DO
DI 28
Actuator 11 Actuator 12
DO1 924V+ Geber

+24 VDC +24 VDC



Required Accessories
X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM11 X20 standard bus module with
power bus interconnected
Analog Input Module AI2622

2 analog inputs
Both current or voltage signals are possible
12-bit digital converter resolution

Short Description X20AI2622 General Information X20AI2622

I/O Module 2 analog inputs 10 V Status Display Channel status, operating status,
or 0 to 20 mA module status
Analog Inputs X20AI2622 Channel Status Yes, with status LED and software
Input 10 V or 0 to 20 mA, optional, using status
different connection terminals Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Module Status Yes, with status LED
Digital Converter Resolution 12-bit
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
Conversion Time 200 s for all inputs GOST-R (in development)
Output Format INT Electrical Isolation
Input Impedance Channel - Bus Yes
in Signal Range Channel - Channel No
Voltage 1 M Power Input
Current (load) 200 Bus Typ. 0.01 W1
Basic Accuracy I/O Internal Typ. 0.5 W1
Voltage 0.1% at 25C, based on the
measurement range
Current 0.1% at 25C, based on the
Mechanical Characteristics X20AI2622
measurement range
Spacing 12.5 mm
Input Protection Protection against wiring with supply
voltage Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
Protection IP20
Information based on pre-series.
Operating Temperature
Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Derating with vertical installation
Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
X20TB06 or X20TB12 separately.
Order standard bus module 1 x
X20BM11 separately.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 AI 2622

1 2 Voltage- AI Current-
measurement measurement

AI + 1 I AI + 2 I +

AI + 1 U AI + 2 U

AI - 1 U/I AI - 2 U/I

+24 VDC +24 VDC


The module is designed for X20 standard terminal Required Accessories

blocks 6x. For logistical reasons, the 12x terminal X20TB06 X20 standard terminal 6x
block can also be used. X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM11 X20 standard bus module with
power bus interconnected
Analog Input Module AI2632

2 analog inputs
Both current or voltage signals are possible
16-bit digital converter resolution
Integrated oscilloscope function

Short Description X20AI2632 General Information X20AI2632

I/O Module 2 analog outputs, 10 V or Status Display Channel status, operating status,
0 to 20 mA module status
Analog Inputs X20AI2632 Channel Status Yes, with status LED and software
Input 10 V or 0 to 20 mA, optional, using status
different connection terminals Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Module Status Yes, with status LED
Digital Converter Resolution 16-bit
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
Conversion Time 50 s for all inputs GOST-R (in development)
Output Format INT Electrical Isolation
Input Impedance Channel - Bus Yes
in Signal Range Channel - Channel No
Voltage 1 M Power Input
Current (load) 200 Bus Typ. 0.01 W1
Basic Accuracy I/O Internal Typ. 1.0 W1
Voltage 0.08% at 25C, based on the
measurement range
Current 0.08% at 25C, based on the
Mechanical Characteristics X20AI2632
measurement range
Spacing 12.5 mm
Input Protection Protection against wiring with supply
voltage Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
Protection IP20
Information based on pre-series.
Operating Temperature
Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Derating with vertical installation
Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
X20TB06 or X20TB12 separately.
Order standard bus module 1 x
X20BM11 separately.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 AI 2632

1 2 Voltage- AI Current-
measurement measurement

AI + 1 I AI + 2 I +

AI + 1 U AI + 2 U

AI - 1 U/I AI - 2 U/I

+24 VDC +24 VDC


The module is designed for X20 standard terminal Required Accessories

blocks 6x. For logistical reasons, the 12x terminal X20TB06 X20 standard terminal 6x
block can also be used. X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM11 X20 standard bus module with
power bus interconnected
Analog Input Module AI4622

4 analog inputs
Both current or voltage signals are possible
12-bit digital converter resolution

Short Description X20AI4622 General Information X20AI4622

I/O Module 4 analog outputs, 10 V or Status Display Channel status, operating status,
0 to 20 mA module status
Analog Inputs X20AI4622 Channel Status Yes, with status LED and software
Input 10 V or 0 to 20 mA, optional, using status
different connection terminals Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Module Status Yes, with status LED
Digital Converter Resolution 12-bit
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
Conversion Time 400 s for all inputs GOST-R (in development)
Output Format INT Electrical Isolation
Input Impedance Channel - Bus Yes
in Signal Range Channel - Channel No
Voltage 1 M Power Input
Current (load) 200 Bus Typ. 0.01 W1
Basic Accuracy I/O Internal Typ. 0.8 W1
Voltage 0.1% at 25C, based on the
measurement range
Current 0.1% at 25C, based on the
Mechanical Characteristics X20AI4622
measurement range
Spacing 12.5 mm
Input Protection Protection against wiring with supply
voltage Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
Protection IP20
Information based on pre-series.
Operating Temperature
Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Derating with vertical installation
Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
X20TB12 separately.
Order standard bus module 1 x
X20BM11 separately.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 AI 4622

1 2 Voltage- AI Current-
3 4
measurement measurement

AI + 1 I AI + 2 I +

AI + 1 U AI + 2 U

AI - 1 U/I AI - 2 U/I +

AI + 3 I AI + 4 I +

AI + 3 U AI + 4 U

+24 VDC +24 VDC

AI - 3 U/I AI - 4 U/I

Required Accessories
X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM11 X20 standard bus module with
power bus interconnected
Analog Input Module AI4632

4 analog inputs
Both current or voltage signals are possible
16-bit digital converter resolution
Integrated oscilloscope function

Short Description X20AI4632 General Information X20AI4632

I/O Module 4 analog outputs, 10 V or Status Display Channel status, operating status,
0 to 20 mA module status
Analog Inputs X20AI4632 Channel Status Yes, with status LED and software
Input 10 V or 0 to 20 mA, optional, using status
different connection terminals Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Module Status Yes, with status LED
Digital Converter Resolution 16-bit
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
Conversion Time 50 s for all inputs GOST-R (in development)
Output Format INT Electrical Isolation
Input Impedance Channel - Bus Yes
in Signal Range Channel - Channel No
Voltage 1 M Power Input
Current (load) 200 Bus Typ. 0.01 W1
Basic Accuracy I/O Internal Typ. 1.1 W1
Voltage 0.08% at 25C, based on the
measurement range Information based on pre-series.
Current 0.08% at 25C, based on the
measurement range Mechanical Characteristics X20AI4632
Input Protection Protection against wiring with supply Spacing 12.5 mm
voltage Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
Protection IP20
Operating Temperature
Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Derating with vertical installation
Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
X20TB12 separately.
Order standard bus module 1 x
X20BM11 separately.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 AI 4632

1 2 Voltage- AI Current-
3 4
measurement measurement

AI + 1 I AI + 2 I +

AI + 1 U AI + 2 U

AI - 1 U/I AI - 2 U/I +

AI + 3 I AI + 4 I +

AI + 3 U AI + 4 U

+24 VDC +24 VDC

AI - 3 U/I AI - 4 U/I

Required Accessories
X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM11 X20 standard bus module with
power bus interconnected
Analog Output Module AO2622

2 analog outputs
Both current or voltage signals are possible
12-bit digital converter resolution

Short Description X20AO2622 General Information X20AO2622

I/O Module 2 analog outputs, 10 V Status Display Channel status, operating status,
or 0 to 20 mA module status
Analog Outputs X20AO2622 Channel Status Yes, with status LED and software
Output 10 V or 0 to 20 mA, optional, using status
different connection terminals Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Module Status Yes, with status LED
Digital Converter Resolution 12-bit
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
Conversion Time 200 s for all outputs GOST-R (in development)
Power On/Off Behavior Internal enable relay for boot Electrical Isolation
procedure and error Channel - Bus Yes
Basic Accuracy Channel - Channel No
Voltage 0.15% at 25C, based on the Power Input
output range Bus Typ. 0.01 W1
Current 0.15% at 25C, based on the I/O Internal TBD
output range
Output Protection Protected from short circuit Information based on pre-series.

Mechanical Characteristics X20AO2622

Spacing 12.5 mm
Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
Protection IP20
Operating Temperature
Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Derating with vertical installation
Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
X20TB06 or X20TB12 separately.
Order standard bus module 1 x
X20BM11 separately.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 AO 2622

1 2 AO

Voltage Current

AO + 1 I AO + 2 I

AO + 1 U AO + 2 U

AO - 1 U/I AO - 2 U/I

+24 VDC +24 VDC


The module is designed for X20 standard terminal Required Accessories

blocks 6x. For logistical reasons, the 12x terminal X20TB06 X20 standard terminal 6x
block can also be used. X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM11 X20 standard bus module with
power bus interconnected
Analog Output Module AO2632

2 analog outputs
Both current or voltage signals are possible
16-bit digital converter resolution

Short Description X20AO2632 General Information X20AO2632

I/O Module 2 analog outputs, 10 V Status Display Channel status, operating status,
or 0 to 20 mA module status
Analog Outputs X20AO2632 Channel Status Yes, with status LED and software
Output 10 V or 0 to 20 mA, optional, using status
different connection terminals Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Module Status Yes, with status LED
Digital Converter Resolution 16-bit
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
Conversion Time 50 s for all outputs GOST-R (in development)
Power On/Off Behavior Internal enable relay for boot Electrical Isolation
procedure and error Channel - Bus Yes
Basic Accuracy Channel - Channel No
Voltage 0.1% at 25C, based on the output Power Input
range Bus Typ. 0.01 W1
Current 0.1% at 25C, based on the output I/O Internal TBD
Output Protection Protected from short circuit Information based on pre-series.

Mechanical Characteristics X20AO2632

Spacing 12.5 mm
Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
Protection IP20
Operating Temperature
Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Derating with vertical installation
Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
X20TB06 or X20TB12 separately.
Order standard bus module 1 x
X20BM11 separately.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 AO 2632

1 2 AO

Voltage Current

AO + 1 I AO + 2 I

AO + 1 U AO + 2 U

AO - 1 U/I AO - 2 U/I

+24 VDC +24 VDC


The module is designed for X20 standard terminal Required Accessories

blocks 6x. For logistical reasons, the 12x terminal X20TB06 X20 standard terminal 6x
block can also be used. X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM11 X20 standard bus module with
power bus interconnected
Analog Output Module AO4622

4 analog outputs
Both current or voltage signals are possible
12-bit digital converter resolution

Short Description X20AO4622 Mechanical Characteristics X20AO4622

I/O Module 4 analog outputs, 10 V Spacing 12.5 mm
or 0 to 20 mA Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
Protection IP20
Analog Outputs X20AO4622
Operating Temperature
Output 10 V or 0 to 20 mA, optional, using Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
different connection terminals Derating with vertical installation
Digital Converter Resolution 12-bit Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Conversion Time 400 s for all outputs Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Power On/Off Behavior Internal enable relay for boot Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
procedure and error X20TB12 separately.
Basic Accuracy Order standard bus module 1 x
Voltage 0.15% at 25C, based on the X20BM11 separately.
output range
Current 0.15% at 25C, based on the
output range
Output Protection Protected from short circuit

General Information X20AO4622

Status Display Channel status, operating status,
module status
Channel Status Yes, with status LED and software
Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Module Status Yes, with status LED
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
GOST-R (in development)
Electrical Isolation
Channel - Bus Yes
Channel - Channel No
Power Input
Bus Typ. 0.01 W1
I/O Internal TBD
Information based on pre-series.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 AO 4622

1 2 AO
3 4

Voltage Current

AO + 1 I AO + 2 I

AO + 1 U AO + 2 U

AO - 1 U/I AO - 2 U/I

AO + 3 I AO + 4 I +

AO + 3 U AO + 4 U

+24 VDC +24 VDC

AO - 3 U/I AO - 4 U/I

Required Accessories
X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM11 X20 standard bus module
with power bus interconnected
Analog Output Module AO4632

4 analog outputs
Both current or voltage signals are possible
16-bit digital converter resolution

Short Description X20AO4632 Mechanical Characteristics X20AO4632

I/O Module 4 analog outputs, 10 V Spacing 12.5 mm
or 0 to 20 mA Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
Protection IP20
Analog Outputs X20AO4632
Operating Temperature
Output 10 V or 0 to 20 mA, optional, using
Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
different connection terminals
Derating with vertical installation
Digital Converter Resolution 16-bit
Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Conversion Time 50 s for all outputs
Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Power On/Off Behavior Internal enable relay for boot
Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
procedure and error
X20TB12 separately.
Basic Accuracy Order standard bus module 1 x
Voltage 0.1% at 25C, based on the output X20BM11 separately.
Current 0.1% at 25C, based on the output
Output Protection Protected from short circuit

General Information X20AO4632

Status Display Channel status, operating status,
module status
Channel Status Yes, with status LED and software
Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Module Status Yes, with status LED
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
GOST-R (in development)
Electrical Isolation
Channel - Bus Yes
Channel - Channel No
Power Input
Bus Typ. 0.01 W1
I/O Internal TBD
Information based on pre-series.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 AO 4632

1 2 AO
3 4

Voltage Current

AO + 1 I AO + 2 I

AO + 1 U AO + 2 U

AO - 1 U/I AO - 2 U/I

AO + 3 I AO + 4 I +

AO + 3 U AO + 4 U

+24 VDC +24 VDC

AO - 3 U/I AO - 4 U/I

Required Accessories
X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM11 X20 standard bus module with
power bus interconnected
Temperature Module AT2222

2 inputs for resistance temperature measurement

For PT100 and PT1000
Sensor type can be set for each channel
Direct resistance measurement as well
2 or 3 wire connection can be configured for each module
Filter time can be configured

Short Description X20AT2222 General Information X20AT2222

I/O Module 2 inputs for PT100 or PT1000 Status Display Channel status, operating status,
resistance temperature module status
measurement Diagnosis
Channel status Yes, with status LED and software
Temperature Inputs status
Resistance Measurement X20AT2222 Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Input Resistance measurement with Module Status Yes, with status LED
constant current supply Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
for 2 or 3 wire connection GOST-R (in development)
Digital Converter Resolution 16-bit Electrical Isolation
Filter Time Configurable between 1 ms and Channel - Bus Yes
66.7 ms Channel - Channel No
Conversion Time Power Input
1 Channel 20 ms at 50 Hz filter Bus Typ. 0.01 W1
2 Channel 60 ms with same sensor type I/O Internal Typ. 1.1 W1
and 50 Hz filter 1
Information based on pre-series.
100 ms with different sensor type
and 50 Hz filter
Mechanical Characteristics X20AT2222
Output Format INT or UINT for resistance
measurement Spacing 12.5 mm
Basic Accuracy 0.1% at 25C, Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
based on the measurement range Protection IP20
Sensor Can be set per channel Operating Temperature
PT100 -200C to +850C Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
PT1000 -200C to +850C Derating with vertical installation
Resistance Measurement Range 0.1 to 4500 or Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
0.05 to 2250 Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
or X20TB12 separately.
Order standard bus module 1 x
X20BM11 separately.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 AT 2222

1 2 AT
3-Wire 2-Wire
Connection Connection

Sensor 2
+ +
Sensor 1

Sensor+ 1 Sensor+ 2 _

Sense- 1 Sense- 2 _

Sensor- 1 Sensor- 2

+24 VDC +24 VDC


The module is designed for X20 standard terminal Required Accessories

blocks 6x. For logistical reasons, the 12x terminal X20TB06 X20 standard terminal 6x
block can also be used. X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM11 X20 standard bus module
with power bus interconnected
Temperature Module AT4222

4 inputs for resistance temperature measurement

For PT100 and PT1000
Sensor type can be be set for each channel
Direct resistance measurement as well
2 or 3 wire connection can be configured for each module
Filter time can be configured

Short Description X20AT4222 General Information X20AT4222

I/O Module 4 inputs for PT100 or PT1000 Status Display Channel status, operating status,
resistance temperature module status
measurement Diagnosis
Channel status Yes, with status LED and software
Temperature Inputs status
Resistance Measurement X20AT4222 Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Input Resistance measurement with Module Status Yes, with status LED
constant current supply Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
for 2 or 3 line connection GOST-R (in development)
Digital Converter Resolution 16-bit Electrical Isolation
Filter Time Configurable between 1 ms and Channel - Bus Yes
66.7 ms Channel - Channel No
Conversion Time Power Input
1 channel 20 ms at 50 Hz filter Bus Typ. 0.01 W1
Same Sensor Types 30 ms for each channel with 50 Hz I/O Internal Typ. 1.3 W1
filter 1
Information based on pre-series.
Different sensor types 50 ms for each channel with 50 Hz
filter (maximum time)
Mechanical Characteristics X20AT4222
Output Format INT or UINT for resistance
measurement Spacing 12.5 mm
Basic Accuracy 0.1% at 25C, Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
based on the measurement range Protection IP20
Sensor Can be set per channel Operating Temperature
PT100 -200C to +850C Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
PT1000 -200C to +850C Derating with vertical installation
Resistance Measurement Range 0.1 to 4500 or Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
0.05 to 2250 Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
X20TB12 separately.
Order standard bus module 1 x
X20BM11 separately.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 AT 4222

1 2 AT
3 4 3-Wire 2-Wire
Connection Connection

Sensor 2
+ +
Sensor 1

Sensor+ 1 Sensor+ 2 _

Sense- 1 Sense- 2 _
Sensor 4

Sensor- 1 Sensor- 2 + +
Sensor 3

DI 1 3 Sensor+
DI 2 4
1 24V+
3 Geber
2 24V+

+24 VDC +24 VDC

GND 3 Sensor-

Required Accessories
X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM11 X20 standard bus module
with power bus interconnected
Temperature Module AT2402

2 inputs for thermocouples

For sensor types J, K, S
Additional direct raw value measurement
Integrated terminal temperature compensation
Filter time can be configured

Short Description X20AT2402 General Information X20AT2402

I/O Module 2 inputs for thermocouples Status Display Channel status, operating status,
module status
Temperature Inputs Diagnosis
Thermocouples X20AT2402 Channel Status Yes, with status LED and software
Input Thermocouple status
Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Digital Converter Resolution 16-bit Module Status Yes, with status LED
Filter Time Configurable between 1 ms and Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
66.7 ms GOST-R (in development)
Conversion Time Electrical Isolation
1 channel 40.4 ms at 50 Hz filter Channel - Bus Yes
2 channels 60.6 ms at 50 Hz filter Channel - Channel No
Output Format INT Power Input
Basic Accuracy Bus Typ. 0.01 W1
Type J 0.1% at 25C1 I/O Internal Typ. 0.5 W1
Type K 0.1% at 25C1
Type S 0,14% at 25C1 Information based on pre-series.
Measurement Range
Sensor Temperature Mechanical Characteristics X20AT2402
FeCuNi: Type J -210C to +1200C Spacing 12.5 mm
NiCrNi: Type K -270C to +1372C Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
PtRhPt: Type S -50C to +1768C
Terminal Temperature 0C to +85C Protection IP20
Raw Value 65,534 V Operating Temperature
Terminal Temperature Internal Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Compensation Derating with vertical installation
Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Refers to the measurement range, without consideration
of the reference junction measurement error. Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
or X20TB12 separately.
Order standard bus module 1 x
X20BM11 separately.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 AT 2402

1 2 AT

+ +
TC 1

TC 2
_ _
TC+ 1 TC+ 2

TC- 1 TC- 2

+24 VDC +24 VDC


The module is designed for X20 standard terminal Required Accessories

blocks 6x. For logistical reasons, the 12x terminal X20TB06 X20 standard terminal 6x
block can also be used. X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM11 X20 standard bus module
with power bus interconnected
Temperature Module AT6402

6 inputs for thermocouples

For sensor types J, K, S
Additional direct raw value measurement
Integrated terminal temperature compensation
Filter time can be configured

Short Description X20AT6402 General Information X20AT6402

I/O Module 6 inputs for thermocouples Status Display Channel status, operating status,
module status
Temperature Inputs X20AT6402 Diagnosis
Thermocouples Channel Status Yes, with status LED and software
Input Thermocouple status
Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Digital Converter Resolution 16-bit Module Status Yes, with status LED
Filter Time Configurable between 1 ms and Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
66.7 ms GOST-R (in development)
Conversion Time Electrical Isolation
1 channel 40.4 ms at 50 Hz filter Channel - Bus Yes
n channels (n+1) x 20.2 ms for 50 Hz filter Channel - Channel No
Output Format INT Power Input
Basic Accuracy Bus Typ. 0.01 W1
Type J 0.1% at 25C1 I/O Internal Typ. 0.8 W1
Type K 0.1% at 25C1
Type S 0.14% at 25C1 Information based on pre-series.
Measurement Range
Sensor Temperature Mechanical Characteristics X20AT6402
FeCuNi: Type J -210C to +1200C Spacing 12.5 mm
NiCrNi: Type K -270C to +1372C Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
PtRhPt: Type S -50C to +1768C
Terminal Temperature 0C to +85C Protection IP20
Raw Value 65,534 V Operating Temperature
Terminal Temperature Internal Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Compensation Derating with vertical installation
Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Refers to the measurement range, without consideration Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
of the reference junction measurement error.
Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
X20TB12 separately.
Order standard bus module 1 x
X20BM11 separately.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 AT 6402

1 2 AT
3 4
5 6

+ +
TC 1

TC 2
_ _
TC+ 1 TC+ 2

TC- 1 TC- 2 + +
TC 3

TC 4

_ _
TC+ 3 TC+ 4

+ +
DI 13 TC-
DI 24
TC 5

TC 6

_ _
TC+1 24V+
5 Geber
TC+2 24V+

+24 VDC +24 VDC


Required Accessories
X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM11 X20 standard bus module
with power bus interconnected
Counter Module DC1196

1 ABR Incremental Encoder 5 V

2 additional inputs e.g. for reference enable switch
5 VDC, 24 VDC and GND for encoder supply

Short Description X20DC1196 General Information X20DC1196

I/O Module 1 ABR Incremental Encoder 5 V Status Display I/O function per channel, operating
state, module status
Incremental Encoders X20DC1196 Diagnosis
Encoder Inputs 5 V, symmetrical Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Module Status Yes, with status LED
Counter Size 16-bit
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
Input Frequency (max.) 250 kHz GOST-R (in development)
Evaluation 4-fold Electrical Isolation
Encoder Supply Encoder - Bus Yes
5V Module-internal, max. 300 mA Channel - Bus Yes
24 V Module-internal, max. 300 mA Channel - Encoder No
Channel - Channel No
Digital Inputs X20DC1196 Power Input
Amount 2 Bus Typ. 0.01 W1
I/O Internal Typ. 1.1 W1
Rated Voltage 24 VDC
Input Filter Information based on pre-series.
Hardware 2 s
Software -
Mechanical Characteristics X20DC1196
Input Circuit Sink
Spacing 12.5 mm
Additional Functionalities Reference Enable Switch
Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
Protection IP20
Operating Temperature
Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Derating with vertical installation
Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
X20TB12 separately.
Order standard bus module 1 x
X20BM11 separately.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 DC 1196

1 2

Counter 1
A A\ B\
B B\ R\

R R\
Sensor 1

DI 1 DI 2

Encoder 24V+ Encoder 5V+

+24 VDC +24 VDC


Required Accessories
X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM11 X20 standard bus module
with power bus interconnected
Counter Module DC1198

1 SSI absolute encoder 5 V

2 additional inputs
5 VDC, 24 VDC and GND for encoder supply

Short Description X20DC1198 General Information X20DC1198

I/O Module 1 SSI absolute encoder 5 V Status Display I/O function per channel, operating
state, module status
SSI Absolute Encoder X20DC1198 Diagnosis
Encoder Inputs 5 V, symmetrical Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Module Status Yes, with status LED
Counter Size 32-bit
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
Maximum Transfer Rate 1 MBit/s GOST-R (in development)
Encoder Supply Electrical Isolation
5V Module-internal, max. 300 mA Encoder - Bus Yes
24 V Module-internal, max. 300 mA Channel - Bus Yes
Channel - Encoder No
Digital Inputs X20DC1198 Channel - Channel No
Amount 2 Power Input
Rated Voltage 24 VDC Bus Typ. 0.01 W1
I/O Internal Typ. 1.1 W1
Input Filter
Hardware 2 s 1
Information based on pre-series.
Software -
Input Circuit Sink
Mechanical Characteristics X20DC1198
Additional Functionalities Reference enable switch
Spacing 12.5 mm
Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
Protection IP20
Operating Temperature
Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Derating with vertical installation
Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
X20TB12 separately.
Order standard bus module 1 x
X20BM11 separately.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

X20 DC 1198

D1 D2 DC
1 2


Counter 1
Data \

Data Data \ Clock \

Clock Clock \
Sensor 1

DI 1 DI 2

Encoder 24V+ Encoder 5V+

+24 VDC +24 VDC


Required Accessories
X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM11 X20 standard bus module
with power bus interconnected
Counter Module DC1396

1 ABR incremental encoder 24 V

1 additional input e.g. for reference enable switch
24 VDC and GND for encoder supply

Short Description X20DC1396 Mechanical Characteristics X20DC1396

I/O Module 1 ABR incremental encoder 24 V Spacing 12.5 mm
Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
Incremental Encoders X20DC1396 Protection IP20
Encoder Inputs 24 V, asymmetrical Operating Temperature
Counter Size 16-bit Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Input Frequency (max.) 100 kHz Derating with vertical installation
Evaluation 4-fold Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Encoder Supply Module-internal, max. 600 mA Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
Reference Enable Switch X20DC1396 X20TB12 separately.
Order standard bus module 1 x
Amount 1 X20BM11 separately.
Rated Voltage 24 VDC
Input Filter
Hardware 2 s
Software -
Input Circuit Sink

General Information X20DC1396

Status Display I/O function per channel, operating
state, module status
Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Module Status Yes, with status LED
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
GOST-R (in development)
Electrical Isolation
Encoder - Bus Yes
Reference Enable Switch - Bus Yes
Reference Enable Switch - No
Power Input
Bus Typ. 0.01 W1
I/O Internal Typ. 1.0 W1
Information based on pre-series.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 DC 1396


Counter 1

A B1

B R1

DI 1

Encoder 24V+

+24 VDC +24 VDC


Required Accessories
X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM11 X20 standard bus module
with power bus interconnected
Counter Module DC1398

1 SSI absolute encoder 24 V

1 additional input
24 VDC and GND for encoder supply

Short Description X20DC1398 Mechanical Characteristics X20DC1398

I/O Module 1 SSI absolute encoder 24 V Spacing 12.5 mm
Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
SSI Absolute Encoder X20DC1398 Protection IP20
Encoder Inputs 24 V, asymmetrical Operating Temperature
Counter Size 32-bit Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Maximum Transfer Rate 200 kBit/s Derating with vertical installation
Encoder Supply Module-internal, max. 600 mA Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Digital Inputs X20DC1398 Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
Amount 1 X20TB12 separately.
Order standard bus module 1 x
Rated Voltage 24 VDC X20BM11 separately.
Input Filter
Hardware 2 s
Software -
Input Circuit Sink

General Information X20DC1398

Status Display I/O function per channel, operating
state, module status
Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Module Status Yes, with status LED
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
GOST-R (in development)
Electrical Isolation
Encoder - Bus Yes
Channel - Bus Yes
Channel - Encoder No
Power Input
Bus Typ. 0.01 W1
I/O Internal Typ. 1.1 W1
Information based on pre-series.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

X20 DC 1398


Counter 1



DI 1

Encoder 24V+

+24 VDC +24 VDC


Required Accessories
X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM11 X20 standard bus module
with power bus interconnected
Counter Module DC2396

2 ABR incremental encoder 24 V

2 additional inputs e.g. for reference enable switch
24 VDC and GND for encoder supply

Short Description X20DC2396 General Information X20DC2396

I/O Module 2 ABR incremental encoder 24 V Status Display I/O function per channel, operating
state, module status
Incremental Encoders X20DC2396 Diagnosis
Encoder Inputs 24 V, asymmetrical Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Module Status Yes, with status LED
Counter Size 16-bit
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
Input Frequency (max.) 100 kHz GOST-R (in development)
Evaluation 4-fold Electrical Isolation
Encoder Supply Module-internal, max. 600 mA Encoder - Bus Yes
Ref. Enable Switch - Bus Yes
Reference Enable Switch X20DC2396 Ref. Enable Switch - Encoder No
Encoder - Encoder No
Amount 2
Ref. Switch - Ref. Switch No
Rated Voltage 24 VDC
Power Input
Input Filter Bus Typ. 0.01 W1
Hardware 2 s I/O Internal Typ. 1.1 W1
Software -
Input Circuit Sink Information based on pre-series.

Mechanical Characteristics X20DC2396

Spacing 12.5 mm
Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
Protection IP20
Operating Temperature
Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Derating with vertical installation
Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
X20TB12 separately.
Order standard bus module 1 x
X20BM11 separately.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 DC 2396

B1 B2
R1 R2
1 2

A1 A2
Counter 1

Counter 2
A1 A2 B1 B2

B1 B2 R1 R2

R1 R2

DI 1 DI 2

Encoder 1 24V+ Encoder 2 24V+

+24 VDC +24 VDC


Required Accessories
X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM11 X20 standard bus module
with power bus interconnected
Counter Module DC2398

2 SSI absolute encoder 24 V

2 additional inputs
24 VDC and GND for encoder supply

Short Description X20DC2398 Mechanical Characteristics X20DC2398

I/O Module 2 SSI absolute encoder 24 V Spacing 12.5 mm
Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
SSI Absolute Encoder X20DC2398 Protection IP20
Encoder Inputs 24 V, asymmetrical Operating Temperature
Counter Size 32-bit Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Maximum Transfer Rate 200 kBit/s Derating with vertical installation
Encoder Supply Module-internal, max. 600 mA Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Digital Inputs X20DC2398 Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
Amount 2 X20TB12 separately.
Order standard bus module 1 x
Rated Voltage 24 VDC
X20BM11 separately.
Input Filter
Hardware 2 s
Software -
Input Circuit Sink

General Information X20DC2398

Status Display I/O function per channel, operating
state, module status
Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Module Status Yes, with status LED
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
GOST-R (in development)
Electrical Isolation
Encoder - Bus Yes
Channel - Bus Yes
Channel - Encoder No
Encoder - Encoder No
Channel - Channel No
Power Input
Bus Typ. 0.01 W1
I/O Internal Typ. 1.2 W1
Information based on pre-series.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

X20 DC 2398

D1 D2 DC
1 2

Data 1 Data 2
Counter 1

Counter 2
Clock 1 Clock 2
Data 1 Data 2

Clock 1 Clock 2

DI 1 DI 2

Encoder 1 24V+ Encoder 2 24V+

+24 VDC +24 VDC


Required Accessories
X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
X20BM11 X20 standard bus module
with power bus interconnected
Counter Module DC2395

24 VDC encoder inputs

SSI, AB or event counters for inputs
Pulse width modulation for outputs
24 VDC and GND for encoder supply

Short Description X20DC2395 Digital Outputs X20DC2395

I/O Module 2 SSI absolute encoders 24 V, Amount 2
2 AB incremental encoders 24 V, Rated Voltage 24 VDC
4 x event counters or
Nom. Output Current 0.1 A
2 x pulse width modulation
Total Current 0.4 A
SSI Absolute Encoder X20DC2395 Output Circuit Sink or source
Amount 2 Output Protection Thermal cutoff for over-current and
short circuit, integrated protection
Encoder Inputs 24 V, asymmetrical for switching inductances.
Counter Size 32-bit Pulse Width Modulation
Maximum Transfer Rate 200 kBit/s Period Duration 500 s ... 500 ms
Encoder Supply Module-internal, max. 600 mA Pulse Length 0.0% to 0.1%
Resolution 0.1%
Incremental Encoders X20DC2395 Actuator Supply Module-internal, max. 600 mA
Amount 2
General Information X20DC2395
Encoder Inputs 24 V, asymmetrical
Status Display I/O function per channel, operating
Counter Size 16-bit state, module status
Input Frequency (max.) 100 kHz Diagnosis
Evaluation 4-fold Outputs Yes, with status LED and software
Encoder Supply Module-internal, max. 600 mA status (output status)
Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Module Status Yes, with status LED
Event Counter X20DC2395
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
Amount 4 GOST-R (in development)
Rated Voltage 24 VDC Electrical Isolation
Counter Size 16-bit Encoder - Bus Yes
Evaluation Each edge, cyclic counter Output - Bus Yes
Output - Encoder No
Signal Form Square wave pulse Encoder - Encoder No
Output - Output No
Power Input
Bus Typ. 0.01 W1
I/O Internal Typ. 1.2 W1
Iinformation based on pre-series.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 DC 2395

1 2 DC
3 4


Counter 1

Channel 1 A
Channel 2 R
Channel 3

Channel 4

Encoder 1 24V+

+24 VDC +24 VDC


Mechanical Characteristics X20DC4395

Spacing 12.5 mm
Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
Protection IP20
Operating Temperature
Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Derating with vertical installation Required Accessories
Storage Temperature -20C to +70C X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing) X20BM11 X20 standard bus module
with power bus interconnected
Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
X20TB12 separately.
Order standard bus module 1 x
X20BM11 separately.
Counter Module DC4395

24 VDC encoder inputs

SSI, AB or event counters for inputs
Pulse width modulation for outputs
24 VDC and GND for encoder supply

Short Description X20DC4395 Digital Outputs X20DC4395

I/O Module 4 SSI absolute encoders 24 V, Amount 4
4 AB incremental encoders 24 V, Rated Voltage 24 VDC
8 x event counters or
Nom. Output Current 0.1 A
4 x pulse width modulation
Total Current 0.4 A
SSI Absolute Encoder X20DC4395 Output Circuit Sink or source
Amount 4 Output Protection Thermal cutoff for over-current and
short circuit, integrated protection
Encoder Inputs 24 V, asymmetrical for switching inductances.
Counter Size 32-bit Pulse Width Modulation
Maximum Transfer Rate 200 kBit/s Period Duration 500 s ... 500 ms
Encoder Supply Module-internal, max. 600 mA Pulse Length 0.0% to 0.1%
Resolution 0.1%
Incremental Encoders X20DC4395 Actuator Supply Module-internal, max. 600 mA
Amount 4
General Information X20DC4395
Encoder Inputs 24 V, asymmetrical
Status Display I/O function per channel, operating
Counter Size 16-bit state, module status
Input Frequency (max.) 100 kHz Diagnosis
Evaluation 4-fold Outputs Yes, with status LED and software
Encoder Supply Module-internal, max. 600 mA status (output status)
Operating Status Yes, with status LED
Module Status Yes, with status LED
Event Counter X20DC4395
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development),
Amount 8 GOST-R (in development)
Rated Voltage 24 VDC Electrical Isolation
Counter Size 16-bit Encoder - Bus Yes
Evaluation Each edge, cyclic counter Output - Bus Yes
Output - Encoder No
Signal Form Square wave pulse Encoder - Encoder No
Output - Output No
Power Input
Bus Typ. 0.01 W1
I/O Internal Typ. 1.4 W1
Iinformation based on pre-series.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

rn er
X20 DC 4395

1 2 DC
3 4
5 6
7 8 Data Data

Clock Clock
Counter 1

Counter 2
Channel 1 Channel 5 A A
Channel 2 Channel 6 R R
Channel 3 Channel 7

Channel 4 Channel 8

Encoder 1 24V+ Encoder 2 24V+

+24 VDC +24 VDC


Mechanical Characteristics X20DC4395

Spacing 12.5 mm
Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
Protection IP20
Operating Temperature
Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Derating with vertical installation Required Accessories
Storage Temperature -20C to +70C X20TB12 X20 standard terminal 12x
Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing) X20BM11 X20 standard bus module
with power bus interconnected
Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
X20TB12 separately.
Order standard bus module 1 x
X20BM11 separately.
Dummy Module ZF0000

Place holder for later system expansion

Used as a terminal holder
Module without electrical function

Short Description X20ZF0000 Mechanical Characteristics X20ZF0000

Accessories Dummy module without function Spacing 12.5 mm
Mounting Orientation Horizontal or vertical
General Information X20ZF0000 Protection IP20
Certification CE, C-UL-US (in development), Operating Temperature
GOST-R (in development) Horizontal Installation 0C to +55C
Derating with vertical installation
Storage Temperature -20C to +70C
Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Remark Order standard terminal block 1 x
or X20TB12 separately.
Order standard terminal block 1 x
X20BM11 or supply bus module
1 x X20BM01 separately.
X20 System - Module Overview


Pin Assignments Connection Example

X20 ZF 0000

+24 VDC +24 VDC


Accessories Model Number

Insert holder, terminal locking clip X20AC0SC1
Plain text insert X20AC0SH1
Additional locking clip X20AC0AX1

Insert holder, terminal locking clip - Pack of 100 X20AC0SC1.0100

Plain text insert - Pack of 100 X20AC0SH1.0100
Additional locking clip - Pack of 100 X20AC0AX1.0100
X20 AC 0SC1

Locking plate left X20AC0SL1

Locking plate right X20AC0SR1

Locking plate left - Pack of 10 X20AC0SL1.0010

Locking plate right- Pack of 10 X20AC0SR1.0010

X20 AC 0SH1 X20 AC 0AX1

X20 AC 0SC1

X20 AC 0AX1
X20 AC 0SH1
X20 System - Accessories


Accessories Model Number

Printer X20AC0PR1

Identification label, blank, white, for 16 modules X20AC0M01

Identification label, blank, red, for 16 modules X20AC0M02
Identification label, blank, blue, for 16 modules X20AC0M03
Identification label, blank, orange, for 16 modules X20AC0M04

X20 AC 0PR1 Identification label, printed, white, for 16 modules X20AC0M11

Identification label, printed, red, for 16 modules X20AC0M12
Identification label, printed, blue, for 16 modules X20AC0M13
Identification label, printed, orange, for 16 modules X20AC0M14

Identification label, blank, white, for 16 modules, pack of 10 X20AC0M01.0010

Identification label, blank, red, for 16 modules, pack of 10 X20AC0M02.0010
Identification label, blank, blue, for 16 modules, pack of 10 X20AC0M03.0010
Identification label, blank, orange, for 16 modules, pack of 10 X20AC0M04.0010

Identification label, printed, white, for 16 modules, pack of 10 X20AC0M11.0010

X20 AC 0Mxx
Identification label, printed, red, for 16 modules, pack of 10 X20AC0M12.0010
Identification label, printed, blue, for 16 modules, pack of 10 X20AC0M13.0010
Identification label, printed, orange, for 16 modules, pack of 10 X20AC0M14.0010
Dimensions, Mounting Guidelines

The dimensions are in 2D with the ECAD macros for CAD support. IGES data is provided for 3D representation.





Mounting guidelines

All measurement values are given in mm.

Your notes
X20 System

All trademarks presented are the property of their respective company. We reserve the right to make technical changes.
Bernecker + Rainer Industrie-Elektronik Ges.m.b.H.
B &R Strae 1
A - 5142 Eggelsberg

2004 by B&R. All rights reserved.

Tel.: +43 (0) 77 48 / 65 86 - 0
Fax: +43 (0) 77 48 / 65 86 - 26

[email protected]

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