TM415TRE.491-EnG Programming Mapp Axis V2002

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Introduction to mapp Axis

Training modules TM210 - Working with Automation Studio
TM400 - Introduction to motion control
Software Automation Studio 4.9
Automation Runtime 4.91 and later
mapp Motion Technology Package
Hardware X20 controller
ACOPOS devices / X20 stepper motor module

2 TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis

Table of contents

1 Table of contents

1 Table of contents................................................................................................................................. 3

2 Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Learning objectives................................................................................................................. 4
2.2 Symbols and safety notices....................................................................................................4
2.3 B&R Tutorial Portal................................................................................................................. 5
3 The hardware....................................................................................................................................... 6

4 The software.........................................................................................................................................9
4.1 Drive parameters and drive communication......................................................................... 10
4.2 Software concept and software interfaces............................................................................11
5 My first project....................................................................................................................................13
5.1 Configuring the single axis................................................................................................... 13
5.2 Preparing a drive and performing movements..................................................................... 19
6 Components of the motion control system........................................................................................ 21
6.1 Configuration modules.......................................................................................................... 22
6.2 Configuration management...................................................................................................24
7 Commissioning and diagnostics.........................................................................................................28
7.1 Commands............................................................................................................................ 30
7.2 Drive parameters and homing.............................................................................................. 31
7.3 Diagnostics............................................................................................................................ 35
7.4 Determine the controller settings using autotuning.............................................................. 40
7.5 Commissioning checklist.......................................................................................................42
7.6 Speed-torque characteristic curve........................................................................................ 44
8 Further drive functions....................................................................................................................... 46

9 Simulation options.............................................................................................................................. 47
9.1 Simulation of controller and drive......................................................................................... 47
10 Summary.......................................................................................................................................... 50

TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis 3


2 Introduction

The B&R drive solution is fully integrated into Automation Studio. This enables consistent configura-
tion and commissioning of all drive components.
This training module describes the steps in Automation Studio to develop and implement a motion control

Figure 1: The integrated automation solution from B&R

During this training course, participants will take a closer look at the role played by the various elements
of a motion control solution. The diagnostic tools included in Automation Studio provide an ideal envi-
ronment for efficient testing and commissioning. The exercises in this training module are designed to
help participants become familiar with the fundamentals of working with integrated motion control. Au-
tomation Help provides support during configuration and detailed descriptions of all elements.

2.1 Learning objectives

• Participants will get an overview of B&R motion products.

• Participants will gain basic knowledge about wiring and troubleshooting drive hardware, dis-
played on the hardware.
• Participants will know where to find required information in Automation Help.
• Participants will be able to add and configure an axis in Automation Studio.
• Participants will be able to operate and diagnose an axis.
• Participants will know the necessary parameters required to operate a motor with a B&R drive.
• Participants will know the concept of regulation and understand how autotuning is carried out.
Participants will also be familiar with controller parameters that can be readjusted manually.
• Participants will be able to execute various options for simulations for drives in Automation Stu-
• Participants will categorize important information for a support request at B&R.
• Participants will know possibilities for displaying axis information without Automation Studio.

2.2 Symbols and safety notices

Unless otherwise specified, the symbol descriptions and safety notices listed in "TM210 - Working with
Automation Studio" apply.

4 TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis


2.3 B&R Tutorial Portal

The B&R Tutorial Portal provides tutorials on a wide range of subjects. Because
the tutorials are interactive, they allow content to be learned effectively. To make
it easier for you to find the tutorials you need, they are organized according to the
structure of our modular training content.

B&R Tutorial Portal (

Login required: Follow the link and you will be redirected to the B&R Tutorial Portal. Use the same
access data as for the B&R website to log in.

Figure 2: Navigating within the course in the B&R Tutorial Portal

TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis 5

The hardware

3 The hardware

At the beginning, it is important to deal with the hardware that is used. Which connections does the
device have? How should it be wired?

Hardware information sources

Product-related information are available in the user's manual and in Automation Help.
The user's manual is available on the B&R website in the product area. A device can be quickly found
by entering its serial number (see nameplate) in the search field on the website.
In Automation Help, product-related information is stored in chapter "Hardware".
Further information:

There is an overview for each B&R hardware that shows all connections and labels. The pinout of the
individual connectors are clearly displayed in a separate section.
The hardware includes labels and stickers with clear instructions for wiring the pins. This makes trou-
bleshooting easier.

Figure 3: The ACOPOS P3 user's manual, technical data, pinout

6 TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis

The hardware

If a motor is connected to an ACOPOS servo device, the order of the cable ends must be observed.
Motor phases U, V and W must be correctly connected to the ACOPOS terminal.
Failure to adhere to the motor cable pinout may result in incorrect direction of rotation or irreparable
damage to motor components.

An improperly connected motor may perform uncontrolled movements!

This behavior cannot be compensated by the software!
The wiring must be carried out properly according to the official B&R description!

Figure 4: The ACOPOS P3 user's manual, technical data, motor cable 0.75 mm²

Hardware \ Motion control \ <Device> \ Technical data \ <Device type> \ Wiring

Hardware \ Motion control \ <Device> \ Technical data \ Accessories \ Cables or motor cables

TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis 7

The hardware

Exercise: Obtaining information about the hardware

The aim of this exercise is to help participants to use Automation Help and the hardware section of the
user's manual.
Participants should find the cable diagram and the color coding of the motor cable and the pinout of the
device used. In addition, the hardware used should be checked for wiring errors.

1) Open the B&R website and search for the device used (e.g. ACOPOS P3 user's manual, serial
number for related information)

2) Open the hardware section of the device being used in Automation Help.

3) Find the cable diagram and color coding of the B&R motor cable.
4) Find the pinout of the device used.

8 TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis

The software

4 The software

This chapter describes the communication between controller and drive and the configuration of the
various drive parameters. It also explains which interface the motion control application and diagnostic
tools use to communicate with a drive axis.

Figure 5: A motion control system as seen in System Designer. Data exchange between the controller and ACOPOS servo drive
via POWERLINK. The ACOPOS servo drive is connected to the motor via a motor cable and an encoder cable.

The System Designer image shows the components required for a drive configuration.
The X20 controller is connected to the ACOPOS servo drive via POWERLINK. The ACOPOS servo drive
is connected to the motor using a motor cable and an encoder cable.
The motor cable transfers the power to the motor. The encoder cable is used for position feedback to
the ACOPOS servo drive.

Configuration in Automation Studio

Procedure Description
Configuration The hardware for the motion control system is configured in Automation Studio.
This involves, for example, adding an ACOPOS servo drive in the Physical View
or in System Designer.
Configuration The drive configuration must be adapted to match the actual components being
Diagnostic and System Diagnostics Manager and mapp Cockpit offer various diagnostic and
testing tools commissioning aids. They can be used to start positioning sequences, issue oth-
er commands and record data for detailed analysis, see 7 "Commissioning and
diagnostics" on page 28.
Simulation Automation Studio allows you to simulate motors and servo drives, see 9 "Simu-
lation options" on page 47.
Software develop- Drive solutions from B&R are implemented with mapp Motion. For more informa-
ment tion, see training modules "TM416 - Motion control: Basic functions" and "TM417
- Motion control: Multi-axis functions".
Table 1: Overview of configuration options in Automation Studio

TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis 9

The software

4.1 Drive parameters and drive communication

Drive parameters
Drive parameters can generally be divided into two general groups.
The first group includes all the parameters required for the hardware configuration. These are de-
vice-specific parameters required for real motion and real hardware operation.
The second group includes all the parameters required for the positioning sequences. These are gen-
erally adjusted to the movement and can be homed and processed on any device. The combined struc-
ture is referred to as the axis or axis group reference.

Parameters for the hardware configuration Parameters for positioning sequences

Motor characteristic values System of units
Encoder interfaces Motion parameters
Supply voltage Speed/acceleration values
Controller values Axis limit values
Table 2: Example listing of how drive parameters can be grouped

Drive communication
The controller communicates with the ACOPOS servo drive via POWERLINK. The data transmitted by
the controller controls the drive.
Module McAcpDrv, a software object called the ACOPOS driver, provides libraries (e.g. McAxis) with
function blocks. McAcpDrv is used to operate ACOPOS drive hardware and to provide services for cyclic
and acyclic communication with the ACOPOS hardware.
The ACOPOS servo drive provides the motor with setpoint values that are returned via an encoder
The data needed for drive communication can be divided into two general categories.

Drive parameters and commands Status data

The drive parameters are transferred from the Devices in the ACOPOS devices use status da-
controller to the devices in the ACOPOS devices. ta to report the state of the drive control and posi-
Positioning commands are transferred to the de- tioning procedures back to the controller.
vices in the ACOPOS devices.
Table 3: Differentiating between parameters, commands and status data

The operating system and the parameters needed to configure the drive are transferred to the drive
automatically. This also happens after the connection to a drive is lost or when a drive is replaced by a
new device. No other steps are required to update the drive.
mapp function blocks (MpAxis library) and PLCopen function blocks (McAxis library) serve as program-
ming interfaces in the drive application.

10 TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis

The software

4.2 Software concept and software interfaces

Regardless of which particular drive components are used, axes are all addressed in the same way in the
software. A component is used to manage each axis (later linked to a servo drive, frequency inverter,
stepper motor drive or hydraulic drive). Several configuration objects in addition to the component are
available for expansions. Since it is independent of the motion control technology used, the same motion
control application can always be used to control an axis.
The corresponding component is used by both the motion control application and the diagnostic envi-
ronment to address the corresponding drive axis. Real and virtual axes are available for single-axis ap-
plications, couplings via electronic gearbox and cams.
TM1111 describes path-controlled movements, i.e. when individual axes are interdependent or affect
each other (e.g. robots with linear kinematics, CNC machines).
We will take a closer look at the single-axis concept in the following pages.

Real axis
This component is used to operate a real servo drive with a motor
and position encoder, for example. The servo drive generates set-
points for the motor, and motor movement is monitored using the
position encoder.

Figure 6: Motor driving a winder drive

Virtual axis
In addition to real axes, ACOPOS also offers the option of operating
a virtual drive. This drive works solely as a type of "setpoint gener-
ator" that generates values for position and speed. It is operated in
the same way as a real axis. A real axis can be coupled to the po-
sition of a virtual axis.

Figure 7: Virtual axis e.g. in an ACOPOS

P3 device

Purely virtual axis

Purely virtual axes are axes without physical characteristics. The po-
sition, speed and acceleration values are calculated on the controller
using a setpoint generator (McProfGen).
A purely virtual axis can be integrated in an Automation Studio
project in the Configuration View using configuration file PureVAx.
Programming the purely virtual axis can be done using PLCopen
function blocks from the McAxis library.
Figure 8: Purely virtual axis on the PLC

A purely virtual axis must be switched on like a real axis. It does not have to be homed to start a movement
(the position value is initially set to 0 when the controller starts up).

TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis 11

The software

Purely virtual axes can, for example, be used as:

• Coupling master for one or more hardware axes
• Simulation on the controller without drive hardware
• Centralized setpoint generation on the controller for various hardware

Motion control \ mapp Motion \ Concept \

Motion control \ mapp Motion \ Libraries \ Core \ McPureVAx

12 TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis

My first project

5 My first project

This chapter will help participants create their projects step by step – from adding a drive to Automation
Studio to performing the first movements in mapp Cockpit. At the end, they will complete an exercise.
The following steps must be carried out:
1) Create an Automation Studio project with an X20 controller.
2) "Getting started" axis, see 5.1 "Configuring the single axis" on page 13
1) 5.1.1 "Adding configuration file" on page 13
2) 5.1.2 "Adjusting the axis object" on page 14
3) 5.1.3 "Adding ACOPOS servo drive" on page 15
4) 5.1.4 "Performing a hardware-specific configuration" on page 17
5) 5.1.5 "Performing an offline installation using CompactFlash" on page 18

3) "Getting started" mapp Cockpit

Diagnostics and service \ mapp Cockpit \ Getting started \
• Preparations for using mapp Cockpit
• Accessing the web-based mapp Cockpit HMI application
• Interacting with mapp components in the web-based mapp Cockpit
HMI application

5.1 Configuring the single axis

The following steps can also be performed together with "Getting started" in Automation Help or with
the "Getting started" tutorial.

Motion control / mapp Motion / Guides / Getting started / Axis

B&R tutorials:

Course \ mapp Technology \ mapp Motion \ TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis

\ "Getting started": Axis

5.1.1 Adding configuration file

The required configuration files for an axis can be added in the motion section of the Configuration View
in Automation Studio.
By setting the filters in the Toolbox, the required files can be located quickly and efficiently.

TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis 13

My first project

Figure 9: Adding an axis from the Toolbox by double-clicking (mapp Motion section must be selected beforehand)

5.1.2 Adjusting the axis object

When an axis object is added in the Configuration View, it is given a default name. Name "gAxis_1" can
be changed as needed.

Figure 10: Double-clicking on Config_1.axis (in the Configuration View) brings you to the configuration for an axis

Multiple axis objects with different names can be created here. A single axis is needed for this "Getting
started" section.

Further information
• 6.1 "Configuration modules" on page 22

14 TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis

My first project

5.1.3 Adding ACOPOS servo drive

After creating an Automation Studio project with an X20 controller, an ACOPOS servo drive is connected

An ACOPOS servo family device must be added to the POWERLINK interface (default interface) in order
to execute the axis object.
ACOPOSmicro is used as an example here.
However, thanks to the system's extensive scalability ("Scalability+"), this "Getting started" tutorial can
also be applied to ACOPOS drive, ACOPOSmulti, ACOPOS P3, ACOPOSmotor, etc.

Figure 11: View before hardware is added from the Toolbox

1 Other devices from the B&R motion control portfolio are also added to the Physical View via hardware access.

TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis 15

My first project

Figure 12: Hardware added to the POWERLINK interface by double-clicking (hardware name can vary)

After working through the Getting started documentation, the drive is visible in the Physical View and in
System Designer. It is possible to add or replace encoder interfaces by selecting the slots2 on the drive.
After adding the drive in the Physical View, Automation Studio automatically created all the necessary
libraries in the Logical View. For a description on this, see 6 "Components of the motion control system"
on page 21.

Embedded parameter chip

The EnDat encoder system includes nonvolatile, maintenance-free data memory to store all of the data
required to operate the drive motor. B&R stores motor data, among other things, so that the correct
motor parameters and limit values are always automatically available to the ACOPOS drive system. This
preprogrammed data is automatically transferred to the servo drive when the system is started.
In addition to assistance during commissioning, routine service work is also simplified, and motors can
be replaced without having to take extra time to set parameters.

Motion control \ mapp Motion \ Concept \ Motion control \ Components of a drive system \
Position encoder \ Absolute encoder EnDat

2 Additional encoder options and plug-in cards can be connected to available slots on ACOPOS and ACOPOS-
multi systems.

16 TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis

My first project

Setting the POWERLINK node number

The node number on the ACOPOS must match the node number in Automation Studio.

The devices connected via POWERLINK receive

node numbers from Automation Studio in ascend-
ing order. These node numbers can be changed in
the shortcut menu in the Physical View or in Sys-
tem Designer.

Figure 13: Changing the node number in the Physical View

5.1.4 Performing a hardware-specific configuration

This is where the previously created axis object is assigned to the hardware and the first necessary
configuration settings are made. These settings can be adjusted as needed (e.g. homing method, sim-
ulation, limit values, etc.).

Figure 14: Double-clicking the hardware in the Physical View brings you to the hardware-specific configuration. The axis is
assigned here.

If axes are connected to actual hardware, you must check the wiring ("Digital inputs"). If a
system such as ETAlight 410 is used, the quick stop function should be disabled on all channels
as the reference switch for homing would otherwise unintentionally trigger this emergency stop

TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis 17

My first project

The project is prepared and can be generated. After restarting the CPU, you can check in the Logger
whether the system was started correctly.

The program can be tested using the Watch window and 7 "Commissioning and diagnostics" on page

Further information:
• 6.1 "Configuration modules" on page 22

5.1.5 Performing an offline installation using CompactFlash

The modified hardware configuration can be loaded to the target sys-

tem using a CompactFlash card (offline installation) or via the online
connection. When the X20 controller is restarted, all parameters will
then be transferred to the drive. The "R/E" LED lights up solid green
on the drive once the transfer and a restart have taken place.
Further information:
• In the respective user's manual
• Under the "Hardware" section in Automation Help

Figure 15: ACOPOS micro servo drive

LED status indicators

Project management \ Hardware management \ Physical View \ Editing operations \ Changing

the node number
Getting started \ Creating programs in Automation Studio \ Example project for a target system
with CompactFlash

18 TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis

My first project

5.2 Preparing a drive and performing movements

The hardware for the X20 controller and drive was configured in Automation Studio and transferred to
the controller. Now the first motor movement can be started.

Open mapp Cockpit

mapp Cockpit can be used to put any drive axis or axis groups in Automation Studio.

Diagnostics and service \ mapp Cockpit \ Getting started \

• Preparing the project for use with mapp Cockpit
• Accessing the web-based mapp Cockpit HMI application

Switch on controller AutoTune and perform homing procedure

After opening mapp Cockpit, several commands are available. The corresponding command is selected
and executed.
The controller parameters for initial use can be determined using the autotuning procedure. If this step
is omitted, a lag error can occur when starting a movement at high loads or instability can occur at low
loads and with small motors.
The sequence should be observed, see see "Determine the controller settings using autotuning" on page
• Speed controller (possibly with filter for encoder feedback: "Filter time" or resonances: "Notch")
• Position controller
• Testing the controller
• Feed-forward control (optional)

Command "Power on" is used to enable the position control and the motor holds the current position.
Command "Home" is used to create a reference to the zero point and the system of units. This then
makes it possible to move to a position or move a certain distance.
Switching on and homing only have to take place once; it is then possible to perform any number of

Perform a movement
After preparation (Tune, Power, Home) has been completed, the drive is ready to perform movements.
For example, commands "Move Absolute", "-Additive" and "-Velocity" can be used to rotate the motor
clockwise and "Abort" can be used to stop a movement.

A detailed description of all options in mapp Cockpit is covered later in section, see 7 "Commissioning
and diagnostics" on page 28.

Motion control \ mapp Motion \ Guides \ Diagnostics

TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis 19

My first project

Exercise: First movement with "Getting started"

• Create a project.
• Configure the ACOPOS servo drive.
• Open mapp Cockpit.
• Move the axis.

The individual steps are listed at the beginning of this chapter. The exact procedure is described in the
subchapters. In addition, 2 "Getting started" chapters can be consulted.

Motion control / mapp Motion / Guides / Getting started / Axis

Diagnostics and service \ mapp Cockpit \ Getting started
• Preparations for using mapp Cockpit
• Accessing the web-based mapp Cockpit HMI application
• Interacting with mapp components in the web-based mapp Cockpit HMI application

20 TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis

Components of the motion control system

6 Components of the motion control system

Configuration objects are managed and accessed in the same way, regardless of the hardware being
used. As a result, it makes little difference what type of motion control technology is in use.
The image below illustrates where individual configuration modules are stored during runtime, as well
as where changes made to parameter values will have an effect.

Figure 16: Overview of drive configuration components

The part of the PLC with the application (in the image) stretches over not just the programs but also the
configuration objects in the Configuration View as well as the libraries used in the Logical View.
General device parameters are transferred to the ACOPOS product family devices as hardware config-
uration parameters (e.g. via the shortcut menu in System Designer). In addition, the movement config-
uration parameters from the motion function blocks for single-axis control, for example, are transferred
at runtime.

Motion control \ mapp Motion \ Concept \ mapp Motion \

• mapp Axis
• mapp Motion components

Motion control \ mapp Motion \ Configuration \ Basic components \ Axis

TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis 21

Components of the motion control system

6.1 Configuration modules

The modules added for the drive will be described in more detail in the following sections.

6.1.1 Axis configuration

The configuration file contains basic parameters for operation and defining the axis reference. The refer-
ence is later used by the software to access the axis component, e.g. for motion control and diagnostics.
The configuration file is accessed from the Configuration View. Double-clicking on the corresponding
file with extension ".axis" opens a window where the initialization parameters (e.g. speed/acceleration
values) of the axis components can be changed.

Figure 17: Configuration file of an axis component

The parameters of the axis component are arranged in clearly structured groups. These groups, the
configuration options and the associated elements are described in greater detail in Automation Help.

Motion control \ mapp Motion \ Configuration \ Basic components \ Axis

6.1.2 Hardware-specific configuration

The hardware-specific configuration contains parameters that are required for the respective device
used. Double-clicking on the device takes you to its configuration, as is the case with other B&R devices
(e.g. X20 module).
A few examples are listed below, for a complete list see Automation Help or the Automation Studio
• Axis reference of the axis to be operated (real axis, motor control)
• Controller settings
• Ratio of the gearbox
• Stop reactions
• Digital inputs
• Axis features

22 TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis

Components of the motion control system

Figure 18: Hardware-specific configuration of an ACOPOSmicro

Motion control \ mapp Motion \ Configuration \ Hardware \

TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis 23

Components of the motion control system

6.1.3 Overall configuration

The hardware-specific settings and the axis configuration together are a functioning unit. The parameters
for operation are divided into 2 clearly structured groups: Software object axis and hardware. Together
they enable motor movement.

An overview in Automation Help shows which con-

figuration options are available. An axis only needs
an axis configuration to be put into operation; this
configuration must be assigned to a hardware de-
vice later on.
Axes can also be combined to form an axis group
so they can be operated together.

Figure 19: Overview of the mapp Motion axis configuration


Motion control \ mapp Motion \ Configuration \ Basic components

Motion control \ mapp Motion \ Concept \ mapp Motion \ mapp Motion components \ Axis group

6.2 Configuration management

The required parameters are configured at the appropriate places in Automation Studio.
Axis component-relevant parameters are managed in the Configuration View.
Hardware-specific parameters are managed in the hardware configuration of the respective device.
When initializing mapp components after controller startup, all necessary parameters are written to the

6.2.1 Axis initialization and configuration

Initialization parameters
A mapp Axis configuration file already contains default values when added. These default values, which
configure the axis component, can be adjusted individually. All changes to the configuration are loaded
onto the drive after startup of the controller.

24 TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis

Components of the motion control system

Example rotary table application:

A pivoting carrier must move a product to different stations for processing (specific angular
positions within a full rotation of 360°).
Positioning accuracy must be within 0.1°. MpAxisBasic is used together with command "Move-
Absolute" to approach the positions.
To make this procedure a little easier, the position is specified in degrees (with one decimal
BasicParameters.Distance := 135.0;(* Target 135° *)
The carrier is driven by a gear (gear ratio= 5:1) using a servo motor.

Figure 20: Sketch of the mechanical structure

In the configuration of the axis and the device-specific configuration, the unit of measurement,
measurement resolution, gear ratio, axis period as well as a reference distance should be spec-
ified for a rotation on the gear output. The following configuration serves as a solution for the

Figure 21: mapp Motion configuration for the rotary table example (axis and device-specific configuration)

TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis 25

Components of the motion control system

Commissioning this configuration results in the following correlations:

Degrees [°] are defined as the unit of measurement. The accuracy of the resolution is 0.1°.
One period (rotation) equals 360°. The gear ratio was specified as 5:1. A rotation on the gear
output equals a rotation on the rotary table, which is the reason why the reference distance
is also 360°.

Exercise: Configure the unit system for a spindle drive

A gripper is positioned using a spindle drive connected to a motor via a gearbox. The gear ratio is 5:1
(i=5). For each motor rotation on the gearbox output, there is a feed rate of 0.6 mm. The positioning
should be exact to 0.1 mm. The position setpoint is entered in mm*.
Determine the settings for unit of measurement, measurement precision, gear ratio and reference dis-
tance in the mapp Motion configuration.

Figure 22: Schematic illustration of a spindle drive

1) Determine and configure suitable units of measurement.

2) Configure the measurement precision.

3) Configure the gear ratio.

4) Configure the reference distance.

5) Configure the limit values and pay attention to the maximum speed of the motor, for example.

6) Configure the software limits in a range from -5 mm to 205 mm.

7) Add MpAxisBasic.

8) Save and transfer the changes.

9) Execute movements and check results.

It should be taken into consideration that the parameters for maximum speed, lag error, accel-
eration and software limits should also be changed in the appropriate ratio when changing the
axis parameter units.

* Entries such as 0.1 mm or 240 mm traversing distance are permitted.

26 TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis

Components of the motion control system

Entry - Unit for traversing distance Number of motor revolutions

0.6 mm 5 revolutions
2.4 mm 20 revolutions
90.0 mm 750 revolutions
Table 4: Correlation between the input value of the traversing distance and the number of motor revolutions

• Base type = Linear bounded
• Measurement unit = Millimeters
• Measurement resolution = 0.1
• Lower limit = -5
• Upper limit = 205
• Gearbox input = 5
• Gearbox output = 1
• Reference distance = 0.6

Figure 23: mapp Motion configuration for the spindle drive (axis and device-specific configuration)

The following correlations result from the settings:

TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis 27

Commissioning and diagnostics

7 Commissioning and diagnostics

Automation Studio and web-based applications both offer several tools for diagnostics.

• SDM - System Diagnostics Manager

• mapp Cockpit
• B&R Scene Viewer
Standalone program that can be downloaded from the B&R
website, e.g. to view complex movements (such as those of
a robot system)
• 7.3.1 "Logger" on page 35
• 7.3.2 "Network command trace" on page 35
• 7.3.3 "Trace" on page 36
Figure 24: Commissioning and

B&R tutorials:

Course \ mapp Technology \ mapp Motion \ TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis

System Diagnostics Manager

System Diagnostics Manager is accessed via a web browser (preferably Google Chrome) and via the IP
address of the controller. The integrated web server must be enabled in Automation Runtime. In SDM,
for example, the Logger can be read out and the status of the hardware checked.
Possibilities of SDM:
• Read-only access to the controller
• Download network command trace.
• Download the Logger.
• Complete diagnostic image with System Dump.

Diagnostics and service \ Diagnostics tools \ System Diagnostics Manager

mapp Cockpit

mapp Cockpit is delivered as a Technology Package upgrade. The version of mapp Cockpit
must match the mapp Motion version. The version can be downloaded from the B&R website
or via dialog box "Upgrades" in Automation Studio.
A connection between Automation Studio, controller and drive is required in order to use mapp

mapp Cockpit offers a wide range of functions that are very helpful when commissioning or troubleshoot-
ing a drive axis or axis group.

28 TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis

Commissioning and diagnostics

Functions of mapp Cockpit:

• Preparing a drive and issuing commands
• Accessing and managing drive parameters
• Viewing drive status values
• Recording drive parameters and process variables
• Viewing the command sequence to and status information from the drive

Figure 25: mapp Cockpit start page.

Start page
The start page is the entrance area of mapp Cockpit. The version used is shown in the
lower left corner with the mapp Cockpit in the background.
Area "Components" provides an overview of the components available on the target sys-
tem. It is possible to access the various available views of the components.
The trace area provides options for configuring and analyzing traces. Existing traces are
listed in the trace overview.
The Tools area provides access to additional functions that cannot be directly assigned to
any component.
Login and logout
The Login/Logout area is accessible from any point in the web-based mapp Cockpit HMI
application via its icon. In this area, you can log in and out with the users configured in the
user role system. To be granted write access, your user must be assigned the role with
write permission.

TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis 29

Commissioning and diagnostics

Diagnostics and service \ mapp Cockpit

7.1 Commands

An axis is controlled via commands.

Commands for different applications:
• Autotuning
• Preparation
• Movements and coupling
• Read and write parameters

The controller parameters are determined via integrated autotuning. This means that the ACOPOS servo
family device and the motor are adjusted to the load. Higher load also means higher controller values,
which are necessary to be able to perform a proper movement and to prevent lag errors (difference
between setpoint and actual value of the position) when starting the movement.

Preparation and movement

Before you can move an axis, you must first activate the drive's controller using command "Power On".
The axis is homed using command "Home". Movements (single axis) or couplings (one axis depending
on others) can then be performed.

Read and write parameters

Command "Process ParID" can be used to read individual parameters from the drive or write them to it.
However, it is recommend to always change the configurations within the Configuration View.

Exercise: Read ParIDs

Determine the following drive parameters:
• Motor ambient temperature (ParID: 668, TEMP_MOTOR_AMB)
• DC bus voltage (ParID: 390; UDC_NOMINAL)
• Actual position (ParID: 111, PCTRL_S_ACT)
• Current torque (ParID: 277; TORQUE_ACT)
• Lag error (ParID: 112; PCTRL_LAG_ERROR)

1) Search for ParIDs in Automation Help

Motion control \ ACP10/ARNC0 \ Reference manual \ ACP10 \ ACOPOS parameter IDs \


2) Enter and confirm the ParID in "Read ParID" in mapp Cockpit

30 TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis

Commissioning and diagnostics

The value of the parameters is calculated directly by the drive and displayed in the message
area of mapp Cockpit.

Figure 26: Reading lag errors in mapp Cockpit

Exercise: Work out movement types

The goal of this exercise is to move an axis and independently work out the differences.

1) Open mapp Cockpit

2) Prepare axis (switch on and perform homing)

3) Identify commands for movement types and perform testing

4) Use Automation Help to work out differences for discussion

Exercise: Change speed during movement

The goal of this exercise is to have an axis rotate at different speeds without stopping the active move-

1) Open mapp Cockpit

2) Prepare axis (switch on and perform homing)

3) Start the movement

4) Change speed using commands and parameters

° Which parameters?
° What is the override function and how should it be used?

7.2 Drive parameters and homing

7.2.1 Drive parameters

The drive parameters are grouped by individual drive functions. If parameters were changed, then they
can be applied and stored in the drive configuration.
See Automation Help for detailed descriptions of the grouped parameters and elements of the data
The drive parameters can be managed both in mapp Cockpit and Automation Studio.

mapp Cockpit • Configuration area

Table 5: Management of drive parameters

TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis 31

Commissioning and diagnostics

Automation Studio • Hardware-specific drive configuration

• Configuration file (.axis)
Table 5: Management of drive parameters

Diagnostics and service \ mapp Cockpit \ HMI application \ Components \ Common view
Motion control \ mapp Motion \ Guides \ Diagnostics
Motion control \ mapp Motion \ Configuration \ Hardware

Exercise: Configure the axis

The goal of this exercise is to define suitable values for operation.
24 V are available in most training situations, which results in performance restrictions. The limits are
higher in a real environment. It is important to adjust the preset default values to the application.
The limit values should be defined in such a way that the lag error is not aborted when the movement
• Open testing environment
• Increase limit values and execute controlled movement
• Optional: Check using a speed-torque characteristic curve based on the applied voltage of the
inverter and motor components.
• Save values in the project and transfer them again

7.2.2 Homing

The homing mode for the motor can be configured based on the encoder system (e.g. multi-turn/sin-
gle-turn) or connected sensors (e.g. inductive switch for homing procedure). The corresponding para-
meters and different homing mode options are described in Automation Help.
The homing mode can be managed both in mapp Cockpit and in Automation Studio.

mapp Cockpit • Command area

Automation Studio • Hardware-specific drive configuration
Table 6: Management of homing modes

Motion control \ mapp Motion \ Concept \ Controller \ Homing

32 TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis

Commissioning and diagnostics

Homing methods
The goal of this exercise is to become familiar with the most common homing variants. The homing
variants that execute a movement are used to start a movement via "Start velocity" to search for the
switch. After the switch has been found, the axis moves more slowly and precisely to the configured
switching edge via "Homing velocity".

Exercise: Homing with a movement

1) Open mapp Cockpit.

2) Prepare axis (switch on and perform homing)

3) Set required parameters for switch search (either in mapp Cockpit under "InitHome" or in Automa-
tion Studio \ ACOPOS configuration \ Drive configuration \ Channel \ Homing)

4) Start homing

5) Training situation: Manually trigger the reference switch (since the torque may not be sufficient with
24 VDC power supply)
ETA light: Wait until the axis has found the sensor

6) Observe behavior based on help description

7) Complete homing

Example - Switch gate homing:

1) Edit the hardware-specific drive configuration.

° Drive configuration \ Channel 2 \ Real axis \ Homing \ Mode = Switch gate
° Drive configuration \ Channel 2 \ Real axis \ Digital inputs \ Homing switch \
Source = Digital in X2.Trigger 1

2) Edit the mapp Cockpit parameters.

° Under "Init home", edit the parameters and execute Init home.
° Under "Home", edit the parameters and execute Home.

Exercise: Homing without a movement

1) Open mapp Cockpit.

2) Set the required parameters for the switch search

3) Follow the circuit diagram described in Automation Help

4) After completion of the homing procedure, set the homing mode

5) Switch off hardware

6) Turn the axis by hand by a quarter turn (if the motor does not have a holding brake)

7) Switch on hardware

TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis 33

Commissioning and diagnostics

8) Perform homing and check whether the position is set correctly.

9) Repeat procedure starting at point 5

34 TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis

Commissioning and diagnostics

7.3 Diagnostics

7.3.1 Logger

In Automation Studio, the drive configuration can be diagnosed via the Logger. The Logger is the central
point of contact for information and sorts error messages and status entries chronologically.
Information from mapp Motion is entered in the "Motion" logbook. This contains information about the
system, function blocks, libraries and errors that have occurred.
The Logger can be saved with an online connection to the controller. It can then be sent by email, for
example, to provide further information about the current application in the event of support requests.

Diagnostics and service \ Diagnostic tools \ Logger

Motion control \ mapp Motion \ Guides \ Diagnostics

7.3.2 Network command trace

The NC trace logs commands sent to and from the drive at the network level. Since purely formal com-
mands are recorded, the recording is practically independent of the actual protocol. The status of the
ACOPOS product is also recorded.

Figure 27: Cutout of a network command trace

An instantaneous recording of the network command trace can be created and loaded from the target
system under "Motion \ "NW command trace" in SDM. The evaluation is performed with Automation
In mapp Cockpit, the network command trace can be exported in the Tools area. This can then be
analyzed in Automation Studio.

TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis 35

Commissioning and diagnostics

Motion control \ ACP10/ARNC0 \ NC Diagnosis \ NC Trace

Diagnostics and Service \ Diagnostics tools \ System Diagnostics Manager (SDM) \ Accessing
System Diagnostics Manager \ SDM - SVG pages \ SDM page - Motion / NW Command trace

7.3.3 Trace

mapp Cockpit contains the trace and live value sections for data acquisition.
With the Trace function, drive parameters on the drive and variables on the PLC can be recorded and
displayed simultaneously.
The live value area contains a selection of relevant variables of the component. The current values of
these variables are displayed along with their units and trends.

Drive parameters are recorded in real time directly on the drive. The data collected from the ACOPOS
servo drive is loaded into mapp Cockpit via the controller and displayed graphically. A number of different
tools such as reference cursors and measurement cursors can be used for detailed analysis of this data.
The Trace function offers the following options:
• Records speed, acceleration and current values
• Checks the motor load
• Checks the thermal load on the ACOPOS
• Checking the positioning processes
• Synchronous recording of parameters from multiple axes

Configuring a trace
The Trace settings are adjusted in the Trace Configuration View. Data points to be recorded, recording
duration and triggering behavior are configured.

Exporting trace data

The trace data obtained can be exported in the trace analysis view. The data is stored as ".csv" on the
terminal device.

Diagnostics and service \ mapp Cockpit \ HMI application \ Trace

Motion control \ ACP10/ARNC0 \ Reference manual \ ACP10 \ ACOPOS parameter IDs \

Exercise: Trace recording

The goal of this exercise is to become familiar with working with Trace. Some parameters are included
and can be viewed in the mapp Cockpit Trace.

1) Open mapp Cockpit.

2) Configure trace (data points, timing and trigger)

36 TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis

Commissioning and diagnostics

Data points:
° Actual position
° Actual speed
° Current motor torque
° Lag error

3) Start movement, e.g. additive movement

4) Evaluate trace

The figure shows that an additive movement was carried out with 4 revolutions. The speed slowly
increases to 500 deg/s because the user has set acceleration to 500 deg/s². The lag error occurs
between -0.004 and 0.093.

Figure 28: Orange: current torque; green: current lag error; red: current position; blue: current speed

Exercise: Record lag error using Trace function

The aim of this exercise is to abort a motion by exceeding the maximum lag error. The lag error should
be recorded via the Trace function. In addition to the Trace function, other B&R diagnostic devices will
also be discussed in detail.
There are several ways to generate a lag error in a training situation. The axis can be blocked by holding
it in place, for example. Furthermore, if the speed or acceleration is too high, this can result in a lag error4.

1) Prepare axis (switch on and perform homing)

2) Configure the Trace function

3 Measurement resolution = 0.01

4 Example: The speed is increased gradually so that the maximum lag error is exceeded. Right before move-
ment stops, the speed can be measured and saved as the maximum speed in the Automation Studio project.

TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis 37

Commissioning and diagnostics

Data points:
° Actual speed
° Speed setpoint
° Lag error

3) Enable trace recording.

4) Perform positive movement

5) Block axis by hand

6) Check for errors:
° Trace in mapp Cockpit
° EventLog

7) Acknowledge axis errors

The figure shows that the axis was blocked approx. 2 seconds after the movement was started.
The lag error increases up to the "maximum position error" configured. The movement is aborted
and the drive enters an error state.

Figure 29: Red: lag error; green: speed setpoint; yellow: actual speed

Exercise: Configure the jerk time, record the movement, calculate acceleration
A jerk filter is configured in the hardware configuration to protect the drive mechanics during acceleration
and braking processes.
The objective of this exercise is to compare the results with and without the jerk filter configured.
For Axis 1, a jerk filter is configured; for Axis 2, no jerk filter is configured. The same movement is executed
and recorded on the two axes one after the other. The acceleration is calculated from the recorded speed.
Finally, the graphs are arranged into charts and analyzed.

38 TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis

Commissioning and diagnostics

1) Configuring a jerk filter

For example, Channel 1: Jerk filter - used, Jerk time - e.g. 0.02 seconds
Channel 2: Jerk filter - not used

2) Switching on and homing both axes

3) Configure and enable the Trace function in Automation Studio or mapp Cockpit, e.g.
for the data points *ACP:IF3.ST1_Axis1:114 and *ACP:IF3.ST1_Axis2:114.

4) Perform additive movement for both axes in succession.

5) Calculate acceleration with "Algorithm - Differentiate dy/dt".

6) Arrange diagrams in mapp Cockpit.

Chart 1 with gAxis_1:PCTRL_V_SET and gAxis_2:PCTRL_V_SET, for example
Chart 2, gradient 1 and gradient 2

7) Analyze the recording results.

Here you can see the difference in results when a configured jerk filter is used and when no
jerk filter is used.
Green = Jerk filter for Axis 1, 0.024 seconds - Speed
Red = Jerk filter "not used" for Axis 2 - Speed
Blue = Jerk filter for Axis 1, 0.024 seconds - Acceleration
Pink = Jerk filter "not used" for Axis 2 - Acceleration

Figure 30: Comparison of the braking process of a movement with and without a configured jerk filter.

TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis 39

Commissioning and diagnostics

Optional exercise: Troubleshooting a communication error

The goal of this exercise is to compare it to the previous exercise that deals with lag error abort.
As previously, a movement is started and the effects investigated in an error scenario.

1) Start a slow movement.

2) Disconnect the POWERLINK communication connection.

3) Analysis of status LEDs on the device

4) Reconnect POWERLINK communication

5) Analysis of status LEDs on the device

6) Stop movement

7) Check for errors:

° mapp Cockpit
° EventLog

Hardware \ Motion control \ <ACOPOS device> \ Technical data \ (<Servo drive>) \ Status in-

7.4 Determine the controller settings using autotuning

B&R drive software is based on a cascaded control concept. A position setpoint is provided to the position
controller by a setpoint generator that calculates a path profile upon receiving a positioning command.
To achieve this position setpoint, the position controller specifies a speed profile. The task of the speed
controller is to maintain the speed setpoint as closely as possible.

Figure 31: Simplified illustration of the cascaded control concept

The integrated autotuning procedure makes it possible to calculate the control parameters automatically.
When calculating the parameters for closed-loop control, it is recommended to start with the speed
controller before the position controller. The control settings must then be tested before determining the
parameters for feed-forward control.

40 TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis

Commissioning and diagnostics

Further information about cascaded control loops:

• TM260 - The basics of closed-loop control

Motion control \ mapp Motion \ Guides \ Autotuning

Motion control \ mapp Motion \ Concept \ Motion control \ Closed-loop control concepts
Motion control \ mapp Motion \ Libraries \ Core \ McAcpAx \ Function blocks

Preparing autotuning
The drive must be operational before autotuning can be carried out. The functionality of the holding brake
must then be checked. It is also required to check the measured direction of rotation and distance of
the encoder. If any deviations are observed, or if another malfunction of the encoder is detected, the
encoder must be checked both mechanically and electrically. The encoder should then be phased5. The
tuning parameters can now be entered:

Tuning the speed controller

The speed controller's job is to determine the difference between the manipulated variable of the position
controller (to which it is subordinate) and the measured speed. This calculates a manipulated variable
for the subordinate current controller that works against a deviation in the speed by accelerating.
Selecting autotuning mode "Speed controller"6 and restarting the tuning procedure using the correspond-
ing command will determine the parameters for the speed controller.

Tuning the position controller

The purpose of the position controller is to compare the position provided by the setpoint generator to the
actual position and to generate a manipulated variable for the subordinate speed controller that works
against a position change by changing the speed.
Selecting autotuning mode "Position controller" and restarting the tuning procedure from the command
interface will determine the parameters for the position controller.

This requires that the underlying speed controller is stable.

Testing the controller settings

Before a movement is executed with the new controller parameters, the control loop should be checked
for stability. For this purpose, the system has the option of applying a short disturbance signal to the
control loop ("Auto Tune Test"). If the controller parameters are correct, this disturbance disappears and
the drive does not report an error.

Feed-forward components
The purpose of the feed-forward component is to reduce the load on the controller when the speed
changes. The values used by the feed-forward component take the system's moment of inertia into
consideration and are determined during autotuning.

5 Phasing is not normally required for B&R motors. It is required, however, if the encoder has been installed
at a later time.
6 Various filters (e.g. notch filters) are available when tuning the speed controller to stabilize the system.

TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis 41

Commissioning and diagnostics

This requires that the underlying speed and position controllers are stable. To do so, the axis
is put into motion and must be homed.

Exercise: Determine the controller parameters using autotuning

Use the autotuning procedure to determine the controller parameters for an axis. To do so, proceed as

1) Open mapp Cockpit

2) Check the holding brake and encoder signal

3) Perform autotuning for the speed controller

4) Perform autotuning for the position controller

5) Perform autotuning for feed-forward control

6) Test controller parameters

7) Save new controller parameters

7.5 Commissioning checklist

This section provides step-by-step instructions for commissioning a motion control system. The following
points must be observed:

It is particularly important to test the safety features. This includes the emergency stop and the limit
switches installed on the machine.

Figure 32: Emergency stop

Figure 33: Limit switch

The ACOPOS user's manual and Automation Help show how to correctly wire the emergency
stop and limit switch inputs.

Hardware \ Motion control \

• ACOPOS P3 \ Safety technology
• ACOPOS \ Safety technology
• ACOPOSmulti \ Safety technology
• SafeMOTION \ Safety technology
• ACOPOSmicro \ Safety technology

42 TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis

Commissioning and diagnostics

Digital inputs
It is important to check whether the servo drive's digital inputs have
been wired according to the configured parameters. mapp Cockpit
can also be used to enter states for the inputs on the ACOPOS servo

Figure 34: Physical location of inputs for

the ACOPOS product family

Units and movement parameters

The following configured units and settings must be checked:
• Encoder resolution and units per motor revolution
• Maximum lag error
• Software limits
• Maximum acceleration / speed values
• Stop functions
• Direction of motor rotation

Jerk filter
Using a jerk filter is recommended to prevent plac-
ing an unnecessary load on the mechanical com-
ponents. This is set up using device-specific para-
meter "Jerk filter".
It is implemented using a moving average filter
over multiple position setpoints and configured in

Figure 35: Effect of a configured jerk filter (green line in graph)

To ensure that positioning is accurate, a homing procedure must first be performed on the drive. There
are a few different ways to do this.

Motion control \ mapp Motion \ Concept \ Controller \ Homing

Controller settings and autotuning

Controller parameters must be fine-tuned in order to adjust the control loop settings to the exact mechan-
ical requirements. Automation Studio offers an integrated autotuning process for determining closed-
loop control parameters.

TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis 43

Commissioning and diagnostics

Further information about control loops:

• TM260 - The basics of closed-loop control

Exercise: The effects of commissioning parameters

Change the following parameters and check their functionality.
• Jerk filter
• Lag error (position error)
• Direction of rotation of motor (count direction)
• Homing variant (homing mode)

1) Find and change the parameters in the parameter window

2) Save and transfer the changed values

3) Switch on the controller and perform a homing procedure

4) Start the movement and Trace

5) Evaluate the trace data

6) Perform autotuning

7) Start the movement and Trace

8) Evaluate the trace data

9) Work with the different homing modes

Explore the homing modes using Automation Help as a guide. Conclude by performing a homing
procedure to a limit switch.

7.6 Speed-torque characteristic curve

It is helpful to take a closer look at information regarding the current requirements under which the
machine is being operated.
This includes the current voltage on the ACOPOS device's DC bus since this affects the speed-torque
characteristic curve of the motor. This can be viewed either on the B&R website, in Automation Help or
in Automation Studio with dynamic content.

Access in Automation Studio

• This requires a motor added to a device in the ACOPOS servo family.
• Right-click on the motor and select "Speed Torque Chart".
• Enter the voltage and taking reading using the mouse pointer in the calculated diagram.

Access via the B&R website

• Open the B&R website,
• Products → Motion control → <Type> synchronous motors → Cooling type <A, B> → Size <#>
→ 8LSA... (motor type)
• Select the drive with a suitable DC bus voltage and make readings using the mouse pointer in
the static diagram.

44 TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis

Commissioning and diagnostics

Access via Automation Help

• Open Automation Help
• Examples are located in the hardware section under the motors (accessed similar to the B&R

Hardware \ Motion control \ <Motor> \ Technical data \ <Cooling type> \ Technical data <motor
ID> \ Speed-torque characteristic curve

Exercise: Speed-torque characteristic curve of a motor

The goal of this exercise is to view a live speed-torque characteristic curve. This clearly demonstrates
the limits of the 24 V used in training situations.
• A motor added to a device in the ACOPOS servo devices is important.
• Right-click on the motor and select "Speed Torque Chart".
• In Automation Studio, the notional voltage value 17 V (24 VDC in the DC bus divided by the
root (2) in order to specify the notional, not-yet-rectified current value for the calculation) can be
• Analyze the motor's torque curve and determine the reasons for the lag error (deviation be-
tween actual position and position setpoint) starting from a certain speed.

• For information regarding real-world applications with proscribed nominal voltage, see the B&R
website or Automation Help.

TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis 45

Further drive functions

8 Further drive functions

There are a large number of auxiliary functions provided by the operating system used by the ACOPOS
servo devices. A few of them are listed here. For more information, see Automation Help.

Motion control \ mapp Motion \ Modules \ McAcpSys \

2-encoder control
2-encoder control if position control should be performed on an external position encoder in an applica-

reACTION Technology
Predefined function blocks can be configured remotely on the ACOPOS drive to ensure very fast reaction
times or the collection of high-speed signals at very high processing speeds (400 µs).
This includes logical operations (AND, OR, etc.) as well as arithmetic calculations, comparisons, profile
generators, the use of cams in switching networks and much more.

Encoder phasing
If B&R does not deliver the motor and encoder in a housing, phasing (measuring the encoder zero point
in relation to the generated current phasor in the stator) is required to ensure optimal commutation.

Suppression of periodic disturbances

If impacts or resistance occurs on an axis within a motor revolution or within an interval, it is possible to
compensate for these periodically occurring disturbances.
The goal is higher positioning precision and control quality with respect to the setpoint.

Controlling a B&R stepper motor axis

Motion control \ mapp Motion \ Libraries \ Core \ McStpAx

B&R tutorials:

Course \ Automation Studio \ Motion control \ mapp Motion \ Getting started

with stepper motors

46 TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis

Simulation options

9 Simulation options

Automation Studio provides extensive simulation options for the

controller, HMI application, drive controller, motors and even
loads on the motor. In essence, all components of an integrated
automation solution from B&R can be simulated.
If it is not possible or desirable to operate the actual motor on the
machine, it can be simulated instead. Movement profiles can be
carried out on the controller or PC, even if the entire drive system
is not available. The load within defined parameters can also be
The platform-independent Automation Runtime system allows
control programs to be created and tested directly on the PC. This
function is also available for the safety application. Control appli-
cations can be executed in slow motion or time lapse in order to
hone in on different phases of the machine's lifecycle.
Integrated VNC and web server functionality makes it possible to
operate HMI applications not just remotely, but also directly on
Figure 36: Complete simulation at every
level the PC.
The integrated WinIO interface makes it possible to fully simulate
I/O points.

9.1 Simulation of controller and drive

Controller simulation
Simulation of a controller can be started by selecting the simulation icon in Automation Studio. All control
programs run directly on the PC. This means that all of the software functions in the control application
can be configured and tested independently of the hardware. When you switch to simulation mode,
the project is rebuilt, the simulation environment is automatically started and an online connection to
Automation Runtime Simulation is established.

Figure 37: Activating CPU simulation from the Automation Studio toolbar

The active CPU simulation is displayed in the Automation Studio status bar with the same icon as during

Figure 38: Automation Studio status bar - Simulation running

Project management \ Simulation \

TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis 47

Simulation options

Drive simulation
If the drive is simulated on the actual controller CPU, this enables the drive simulation. The simulation
mode can be selected in the drive's hardware configuration.
Depending on the mode, either a complete simulation is performed or only setpoint generation without
controller cascading. After changing the simulation mode, the project must be built and sent to the con-

Figure 39: Enabling simulation in the device's hardware configuration

Motion control \ mapp Motion \ Configuration \ Hardware

Motion control \ mapp Motion \ Concept \ Controller \ Simulation

Simulation of the load or motor

To simulate the motor when only the PLC and ACOPOS drive are available, the appropriate settings
must be made in the device-specific configuration.
Various settings are possible. If a load is not specified, only the motor is simulated.
The load can also be simulated and enabled on devices in the ACOPOS servo family.

48 TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis

Simulation options

Figure 40: Load simulation configuration in the device-specific settings

Exercise: Simulation
The goal of this exercise is to work with the different simulation options.
As a result, the different possibilities should be tried out in this exercise.
• Switch motor simulation on/off in the hardware configuration
• Switch on/off device simulation in the hardware configuration
• Locate the settings for configuring the load simulation (device-specific parameter)
• Simulate the controller and the drives in Automation Studio using "Online / Enable simulation".

TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis 49


10 Summary

Drives are added in Automation Studio in the Physical View or in System Designer. The drive configu-
ration can be added easily to the Configuration View from the Toolbox.
The axis component can be put into operation quickly using mapp Cockpit.

Figure 41: The integrated drive concept in Automation Studio

The Logger makes it possible to monitor drive communication and provides information about called
function blocks. The integrated autotuning function allows controller settings to be determined very quick-
ly. System Diagnostics Manager is used to read basic information about the control system even without
Automation Studio. Automation Help provides extensive support for drive configuration, diagnostics and
installing drive components.
The powerful simulation environment provided by Automation Studio allows the implementation and
testing of drive applications right at the workstation, further helping to reduce the amount of time needed
for commissioning.

50 TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis

Automation Academy

Automation Academy

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petitive edge by allowing you and your company to react faster to constantly changing market demands.

B&R offers standard seminars at all B&R locations. Services include: sem-
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The B&R Tutorial Portal provides tutorials on a range of subjects and in a

variety of languages. Because the tutorials are interactive, they allow content
to be learned effectively.

The abbreviation ETA stands for "Evaluation and Training for Automation".
B&R components are partially pre-wired with sensors and actuators in order
to use them as training hardware for seminars and in the lab.

Training modules provide the basis for both in-person seminars and self-
study. These compact modules follow a clear, uniform structure, where the
topics build on one another.

Would you like additional training? Are you interested in finding out what the B&R
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Enjoy your next training course!

TM415 - Introduction to mapp Axis 51

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