1-Cruz Vs Judge Areola

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Cruz vs Judge Areola

On November 26, 1998, the Office of the Ombudsman issued a Resolution recommending
the filing of an Information for Estafa against Marilyn Carreon, an employee of LTO. A case was
then filed and was raffled at Judge Pedro Areolas sala.
On January 19, 1999, accused Marilyn Carreon filed an Urgent Motion for Reinvestigation
which was considered by Judge Areola as a mere scrap for noncompliance of the Rules in Civil
Procedure. On the same day, a warrant of arrest was issued against Carreon.
On February 10, 1999, respondent Judge issued another Order deferring the
implementation of the Warrant of Arrest. On June 16, 1999, respondent Judge granted Carreons
Motion for Reconsideration and directed the Branch Trial Prosecutor to conduct a reinvestigation
of the case. On September 27, 1999, Judge Areola suspended further proceedings of the case.
Based on the ground of ignorance of the law, petitioners Severino Cruz and Francisco
Monedero filed and administrative complaint against Judge Areola. They believe is that there is
no longer any reason why the respondent Judge should withhold the issuance of a warrant of
arrest considering that the Office of the City Prosecutor already made a finding that there exists
probable cause to indict the accused.
In his comment, respondent Judge manifests that the issuance of a warrant of arrest is not
a ministerial function of a judge as he is mandated to determine the existence of probable cause
before issuing a warrant.

Issue: WON the orders of the Judge Areola constitute ignorance of the law
NO, the orders of Judge Areola do not constitute ignorance of the law. Section 2 Article III
of the Constitution requires the judge to determine probable cause personally, making it the
exclusive and personal responsibility of the issuing judge to satisfy himself of the existence of
probable cause.
The determination of probable cause by the prosecutor is for a purpose different from that
which is to be made by the judge. Whether there is reasonable ground to believe that the
accused is guilty of the offense charged and should be held for trial is what the prosecutor
passes upon. The judge, on the other hand, determines whether a warrant of arrest should be
issued against the accused, i.e., whether there is a necessity for placing him under immediate
custody in order not to frustrate the ends of justice. Since their objectives are different, the judge
cannot rely solely on the report of the prosecutor in finding probable cause to justify the issuance
of a warrant of arrest. The judge must decide independently, he must have supporting evidence,
other than the prosecutor's bare report, upon which to legally sustain his own findings on the
existence (or nonexistence) of probable cause to issue an arrest order.
In the case at bar, the fact that the respondent Judge ordered the re-investigation of the
case does not in any way make him liable for ignorance of the law. In the exercise of his
discretion, he believed that a re-investigation was called for.

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