6th Symposium On Naval Hydrodynamics

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Sixth Symposium




Sponsored by the




September 28 - October 4, 1966

Washington, D.C.

RALPH D. COOPER laboratory
Editors L . -^ARY
cf^'^T^. W. H. 0, I.

Washington, D.C.

"First Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics," National Academy of Sciences -

National Research Council, Publication 515, 1957, Washington, D.C.; $5.00

"Second Symposium on Naval Hydrodynannics: Hydrodynannic Noise and Cavity

Flow," Office of Naval Research, Department of the Navy,ACR-38, 1958; Super-
intendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.,
Catalog No. D210. 15:ACR-38; $4.00

"Third Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics: High-Perfornnance Ships," Office

of Naval Research, Department of the Navy, ACR-65, I960; Superintendent of
Docunnents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., Catalog No.
D210.15:ACR-65; $3.50

"Fourth Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics: Propulsion and Hydroelasticity,"

Office of Naval Research, Department of the Navy, ACR-92, 1962; Superintendent
of Documents, U.S. Governnaent Printing Office, Washington, D.C., Catalog No.
D210.15:ACR-92; $6.75

"The Collected Papers of Sir Thomas Havelock on Hydrodynamics," Office of

Naval Research, Department of the Navy, ACR-103, 1963; Superintendent of
Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., Catalog No.
D210.15:ACR-103; $4.50

"Fifth Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics: Ship Motions and Drag Reduction,"

Office of Naval Research, Department of the Navy, ACR-112, 1964; Superintend-
ent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., Catalog
No. D210.15:ACR-112; $7.25

Statements and opinions contained herein are those of the authors and are not
to be construed as official or reflecting the views of the Navy Department or
of the naval service at large.

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office

Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price $7

This Symposium is the sixth in a series each of which has been concerned
with various aspects of Naval Hydrodynamics The first (held in September

1956) presented critical surveys of Hydrodynamics that are of significance in

naval science. Subsequent meetings were to be devoted to one or more topics
selected on the basis of importance and need for research stimulation, or of
particular current interest.

In keeping with this objective, the second symposium (August 1958) had
for its subject the areas of hydrodynamic noise and cavity flow, the third
(September 1960) was concerned with the area of high performance ships, the
foxirth (August 1962) emphasized the topics of propulsion and hydroelasticity,
and the fifth (September 1964) addressed itself to coverage of the areas of
ship motions and drag reduction.

Still continuing with the original plan, a threefold theme was selected for
the present symposium, thus emphasizing, among other things, the interest in
the current problems and latest accomplishments associated with physics of
fluids ocean waves and maneuverability and ocean platforms. Important
, ,

progress has been made in various aspects of ship maneuverability, and this
meeting served to stimulate further effort and to emphasize a relatively little
documented field of endeavor. The broad field of waves covers many aspects
of ship waves and wave resistance and ocean or wind- generated waves. Physics
of fluids covers many fundamental aspects of ship problems: cavitation, visco-
elastic flows, turbulence, and turbulent boimdary layers.

The international flavor of these meetings continues to be an outstanding

feature and, in this case, has been enhanced by the large percentage of authors
and chairmen from foreign countries.

The address of welcome by Dr. Davis and the speech opening the sym-
posium by Captain Melson more than adequately describe the background and
objectives of this meeting, thus leaving little more to be said other than to
express our gratitude to all those who contributed so much to the success of
this symposium. However, taking the liberty of speaking both for the Office
of Naval Research, as well as the international scientific community of hydro-
dynamicists, I should like once again to express our deepest appreciation to
Dr. J. P. Breslin,Mr. D. Savitsky,and Mr. J. S. Welker of the Davidson Lab-
oratory, Stevens Institute of Technology, and to Mr. P. Granville of the Office
of Naval Research for their outstanding efficiency and care in managing the
many varied aspects of this symposium.

UA^ &
Head, Fluid Dynamics Branch
Office of Naval Research




Jess H. Davis, President, Stevens Institute of Technology

Opening Address
CAPT L.B.Melson, Assistant Chief for Research, Office of
Naval Research

Dinner Address
VADM R. Brard, Director, Bassin d'Essais des Carfenes
de la Marine

Marshall P. Tulin, Hydronautics, Inc.


F. A. Seyer and A. B. Metzner, University of Newark
Richard L. Hummel, University of Toronto
A, B. Metzner


A, G. Fabula, Naval Ordnance Test Station (after July 1967
renamed Naval Undersea Warfare Center, Pasadena)
G. E, Gadd, National Physical Laboratory
Richard L. Hummel, University of Toronto
A. G. Fabula


Leslie H. Bernd, General Electric Connpany
C.-A. Johns son, Swedish State Shipbuilding
Experinnental Tank
Richard L. Hummel, University of Toronto
Leslie H. Bernd
L. van Wijngaarden, Netherlands Ship Model Basin
T. Brooke Benjamin, University of California, San Diego
L, van Wijngaarden


A. T. Ellis, California Institute of Technology
Frederick G. Hammitt, The University of Michigan
R. Hickling, General Motors Research Laboratories
D. C. Gibson, University of Cambridge
A. T. Ellis


Virgil E. Johnson, Jr., and Tsuying Hsieh, Hydronautics, Inc.
C.-A. Johns son, Swedish State Shipbuilding
Experimental Tank
L. van Wijngaarden, Netherlands Ship Model Basin
Virgil E. Johnson, Jr., and Tsuying Hsieh


Avis Borden, David Taylor Model Basin (after March 31, 1967,
renamed the Naval Ship Research and Development Center)


J, N. Newman, David Taylor Model Basin
M. Gertler, David Taylor Model Basin
Roger Brard, Bassin d'Essais des Carenes
Nils H. Norrbin, Swedish State Shipbuilding
Experinnental Tank
J. N. Newnnan


J.D. van Manen, M. W. C. Oosterveld, and J. H. Witte,
Netherlands Ship Model Basin
H. Lackenby, British Ship Research Association
J. Str^m-Tejsen, David Taylor Model Basin


S. Bindel, Bassin d'Essais des Car^nes
Orvar Bjorheden, KaMeWa
J. D. van Manen, M. W. C, Oosterveld, and J. H. Witte


A. Strunnpf, Stevens Institute of Technology


F. R. Haselton, Office of Naval Material
A. Skolnick, Deep Subnnergence Systenns Project Office
Roy S. Rice, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory
F. R. Haselton


J.Str^m-Tejsen and M. S. Chislett, Hydro- and Aerodynamics


Seizo Motora and Takeo Koyama, University of Tokyo
Capt. William R. Porter, Institute for Defense Analyses
W. Frank, David Taylor Model Basin
Jeronne H. Milgram, Massachusetts Institute of
Seizo Motora and Takeo Koyama
A. C. McClure and A. S. Hove, Brown and Root, Inc.


Robert H. Macy, Naval Architect and Marine Engineer

Walter H. Munk, University of California, San Diego


L. A. Mysak, Harvard University
Bernard D. Zetler, Institute for Oceanography



T. Brooke Benjamin and J. E. Feir, University of Cannbridge


Willard Pierson, Jr., and Leo J. Tick, New York University,
and Ledolph Baer, Lockheed California Company
John W. Miles, University of California, San Diego
Klaus Hasselmann, University of California, San Diego
Willard J. Pierson, Jr., Leo J. Tick, and Ledolph Baer


O. M. Phillips, The Johns Hopkins University
T. Brooke Benjamin, University of California, San Diego
O. M. Phillips


T. Yao-Tsu Wu, California Institute of Technology


John W. Miles, University of California, San Diego


Klaus F. Hasselmann, University of California, San Diego


Nils Salvesen, University of Michigan
J. P. Giesling, Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc.
E. O. Tuck, David Taylor Model Basin
F. C. Michelsen, University of Michigan
L. van Wijngaarden, Netherlands Ship Model Basin
W. D. Kim, Stevens Institute of Technology
Nils Salvesen


W. P. A. Joosen, Netherlands Ship Model Basin
K. W. H. Eggers, Institut fur Schiffbau der Universitat Hamburg
John V. Wehausen, University of California, Berkeley


B. Yim, Hydronautics, Inc.
Lawrence W. Ward, Webb Institute of Naval Architecture
K. W. H. Eggers


B. Yim, Hydronautics, Inc.
K. W. H. Eggers, Institut fur Schiffbau der Universitat
B. Yim
G. E. Gadd, National Physical Laboratory


S. D. Sharma,Hamburgische Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt
Lawrence W. Ward, Webb Institute of Naval Architecture
K. W. H. Eggers, Institut fiir Schiffbau der Universitat
S. D. Sharma
Masatoshi Bessho, Defense Academy
G. P. Weinblum, Institut fiir Schiffbau der Universitat
Masatoshi Bessho




T, Brooke Benjamin and J. E. Fair, University of Cambridge


Willard J. Pierson, Jr., and Leo J. Tick, New York University,
and Ledolph Baer, Lockheed California Company
John W. Miles, University of California, San Diego
Klaus Hasselmann, University of California, San Diego
Willard J. Pierson, Jr., Leo J. Tick, and Ledolph Baer


O. M. Phillips, The Johns Hopkins University
T. Brooke Benjamin, University of California, San Diego
O. M. Phillips


T. Yao-Tsu Wu, California Institute of Technology


John W. Miles, University of California, San Diego


Klaus F. Hasselmann, University of California, San Diego


Nils Salvesen, University of Michigan
J. P. Giesling, Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc.
E. O. Tuck, David Taylor Model Basin
F. C. Michelsen, University of Michigan
L. van Wijngaarden, Netherlands Ship Model Basin
W. D, Kim, Stevens Institute of Technology
Nils Salvesen


W. P. A. Joosen, Netherlands Ship Model Basin
K. W. H. Eggers, Institut fur Schiffbau der Universitat Hamburg
John V. Wehausen, University of California, Berkeley


B. Yim, Hydronautics, Inc.
Lawrence W. Ward, Webb Institute of Naval Architecture
K. W. H. Eggers


B. Yim, Hydronautics, Inc.
K. W. H. Eggers, Institut fiir Schiffbau der Universitat
B. Yim
G. E. Gadd, National Physical Laboratory


S. Hamburgische Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt
D. Sharnna,
Lawrence W. Ward, Webb Institute of Naval Architecture
K. W, H. Eggers, Institut fiir Schiffbau der Universitat
S. D. Sharma
Masatoshi Bessho, Defense Academy
G. P. Weinblum, Institut fiir Schiffbau der Universitat
Masatoshi Bessho


Jess H. Davis
Stevens Institute of Technology
Hohoken, New Jersey

In behalf of the Stevens Institute of Technology it is a pleasure for me to be

here and to welcome you to the Sixth Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, We
at Stevens are happy to be the co-sponsor of these meetings, which have attracted
participants from throughout the world.

In looking over your program I noticed that many of the papers are con-
cerned with rather fundamental exploratory research. This was particularly
interesting to me because I am associated with an educational institution, and
colleges and universities have traditionally been the centers of what might be
termed basic research.

Naturally, your program will also emphasize applications or activities di-

rected toward the improvement and refinement of existing methods and tech-
niques; however, the attention which is given to basic research seems to me to
illustrate the broad range of opportunities for new developments and new appli-
cations which lie ahead in hydrodynamics.

During its 20-year existence, ONR has continually stressed the importance
of exploratory studies in the spirit of free investigation. It has been most grat-
ifying for Stevens to have had the understanding support of such an organization
in its own studies
in hydrodynamics. Such support to Stevens, as well as other
and organizations, has resulted in many advances in naval hydrody-
namics including increases in the effectiveness of both surface and subsurface

Man is reaching out into space in his search for new knowledge. He is also
exploring the oceans to uncover secrets which may someday become vital to his
continued existence. The late President Kennedy remarked that "knowledge of
the oceans is more than a matter of curiosity; our very survival may hinge upon
it." For centuries man has depended upon the oceans for travel and commerce.
Now he looks to the sea as a source of fresh water, as a source of increased
food supplies, and as a seeding area for the control of turbulent weather.

Inevitably man's new relationship with the oceans must depend on his knowl-
edge of hydrodynamics and engineering skills. Meetings, such as this, which
foster an exchange of information on fundamental research and its applications
provide a major step in amassing the knowledge man must gain to meet future
Stevens has a long history of contributions to maritime research dating
back to the last century when one of the members of the Stevens family per-
fected an early steamboat. Our Davidson Laboratory has been engaged in hy-
drodynamics research since 1935, and we take pride in the fact that many re-
sults of the work of the Laboratory have been reported in meetings of this kind
in previous years. Today it is with special pride that we share the sponsorship
of thissymposium during the ONR vicentennial year. Again, it is a pleasure to
be with you and to welcome you to this forum.
Captain L. B. Melson
Assistant Chief for Research
Office of Naval Research
Washington, D.C.

Brought together here are scientists and engineers from the far corners of
the earth to review the progress that has been made in the demanding and ex-
citing field of hydrodjmamics. This progress will provide clues as to the con-
cepts and technologies of the future. In the late 1870's the Superintendent of the
U.S. Patent Office resigned his position, explaining he had seen all the ideas
patented that could ever possibly be submitted and had no reason to continue his
work. Fortunately, his philosophy was not correct and the future at any point in
time will always be bright and challenging.

Rear Admiral Leydon has mentioned a few of the new areas that have opened
within the hydrodynamic field. These intriguing avenues, through collective
thought and research, will lead the way to newer and wider applications. The
United States of America, recognizing the importance of the oceans, has re-
cently created by law a Committee chaired by the Vice President of our country
and charged with the responsibility of insuring that our national efforts are
channeled into the support of oceanographic development. The United States
Navy, in meeting the requirements of the present, has reorganized its oceano-
graphic efforts to insure that its support maintains a proper balance with the
advancing technology. The Oceanographer of the Navy is now responsible for all
research and development in oceanography, assisted by the Chief of Naval Re-
search and the Chief of Naval Development as his principal deputies. Through
this organization, we know we will encourage the collection of knowledge and in-
formation needed to emphasize the sciences concerned with the oceans and

Progress in translating the truths of sciences into the practical applications

of technology always seems slow. All of us are impatient in seeing new con-
cepts tested, their feasibility ascertained, and improvements becoming the or-
der of the day. Yet, when we look back only a few years, we realize that many
concepts have proved feasible and have been placed into practice. The integra-
tion of the knowledge of any given scientific discipline, coupled with the advances
in others, have permitted the development of techniques and vehicles in a re-
markably short time. In my youthful days as a budding naval architect, I was
told any design that might be conceived had to meet three limitations. Any ship
to be built had to be low enough to pass under the Brooklyn Bridge, be narrow
enough for the Panama Canal, and be shallow enough to transit the Suez Canal.
These restrictions stagnated marine construction for more than forty years.

Since the removal of these restrictions, through the combined efforts of all per-
sons interested in advancing hydrodynamics and ship construction, remarkable
advances have been achieved. Twenty years ago any proposal for the construc-
tion of a 100,000-ton hull would have been greeted with skepticism. Today mag-
azines routinely report the plans for 300,000-ton ships on the back pages. Sub-
marine designs for years called for construction of boats that would barely
submerge below the lower limits of the continental shelves. Today the deep
submersible is capable of extended operations at 6000 feet or more.

The impetus of the petroleum industry's search for offshore oil fields has
brought home a realization that dynamics of the ocean must be understood be-
fore safe and suitable platforms and drill rigs may be constructed. When we
view the future, it is obvious hydrod5mamics is a vital and rapidly moving sci-
ence and the years to come will open new vistas for the benefits of humanity
through the efforts of those assembled here today.

In preparing for this symposium, we wish to express our thanks to the ef-
forts of the Davidson Laboratory of Stevens Institute in planning and managing
the many and varied aspects of the symposium. We also wish to acknowledge
the outstanding support given us by the Hydromechanics Laboratory of the David
Taylor Model Basin* for their participation in the initial planning of the tech-
nical program.

*The Naval Ship Research and Development Center as of March 1967.

Vice Admiral R. Brard
Bassin d'Essais des Car^nes de la Marine
Paris, France

Several participants in this Sixth Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics have

requested me to deliver an address to our hosts. That is a great honor and
privilege. Thus, I am speaking this evening on behalf of the foreign guests of
the Office of Naval Research and of the Davidson Laboratory. I speak also on
behalf of the ladies who have the good fortune to attend this symposium as is
the case of my wife.

Indeed, it is a pleasant duty to express to Admiral Leydon, President Davis,

Mr. Ralph Cooper, Dr. John Breslin, Mr. Daniel Savitsky, and their staffs how
grateful we are to them for their hospitality.

We very much appreciate all that they are doing for us during our stay in
Washington. I should like also to congratulate and thank all those who were in
charge of printing the papers before the start of the Symposium. We realize
that it was a feat of strength.

In 1960, Dr. Weyl, speaking at the Third Symposium banquet, said that naval
hydrodynamics knew, at the time, a new spring. That was and is still today
my own feeling. In initiating these symposia, ONR is, for an impressive part, at
the origin of the improvements made in naval hydrodynamics. The Office of
Naval Research has the merit to have understood, ten years ago, that new re-
quirements would appear very soon and that it was important to encourage and
promote the sciences and technologies on which the necessary progress would

The evolution of things has been so quick that it can be considered a revo-
lution. The so-called conventional ships, whose designs are presently in hand,
deeply differ from those which have been conceived less than ten years ago.
New types of ships, of propellers, of steering devices also appear. Simultane-
ously, new vehicles and machines are conceived, particularly for exploring the
oceans and the bottom of the seas.

symposium, Capt. Melson reminded us of the words of the

In opening this
late President Kennedy concerning this last purpose. In fact, many of the par-
ticipants of this symposium have read the memorable book entitled "Legacy of a
President." Many of us here had these words in remembrance. All of us, cer-
tainly,are proud to contribute more or less directly to the goals of this noble
book, which will lead to an improvement of the standards of life of humanity.

So is it possible to say that oceans, which separate the continents from one
another, may be a matter of concord between the nations? They are still today
the most practical way by which men can exchange goods and products. They
are also as a common weal of all the peoples because of the great treasures
lying hidden in the seas. Moreover, they are, in themselves, a thrilling subject
of scientific research.

Science has no mother country. Its mother country, if any, is the world as
a whole. Because of that, ONR's intention was and is always that its sym-
posia be of an international nature. The Office of Naval Research has reached
its goal, as is proved by the great number of nations represented here. But this
goal implies a generous and continuous support without which it would be unat-
tainable. All of the guests of ONR are perfectly conscious of this fact.

Therefore, we warmly congratulate and thank again the Office of Naval Re-
search for its action, and, on this day, which may be considered as the twentieth
anniversary of its birthday, we cordially formulate our best wishes for its pros-
perity. Identical wishes are also formulated for the Stevens Institute of Tech-
nology and the Davidson Laboratory.

Thursday, September 29, 1966

Morning Session


Chairman: G. B. Schubauer

National Bureau of Standards

Washington, D.C.


Hydrodynamic Aspects of Macromolecular Solutions 3

Marshall P. Tulin, Hydronautics, Inc., Laurel, Maryland

Turbulence in Viscoelastic Fluids 19

F. A. Seyer and A. B. Metzner, University of Delaware,
Newark, Delaware

An Experimental Study of Grid Turbulence in Dilute High-Polymer

Solutions 39
A. G. Fabula, Naval Ordnance Test Station (after July 1967
renamed the Naval Undersea Warfare Center), Pasadena,
Marshall P. Tulin
Hydronautics, Incorporated
Laurel, Md.


It is now common knowledge among us that tens or even several parts per
million of innocuous large molecules in liquid solution drastically alter some
turbulent flows (Refs. 1, 2, and 3, for example). This discovery was not only of
very great potential practical importance, but it also meant that hydrodynamics
and all of us with it have been brought to the end of a very long age of innocence.
We have now discovered for ourselves what those physical chemists, chemical
engineers, and mathematicians who call themselves rheologists, have been try-
ing to tell us all along: that fluids can store strain energy; that, as a result, the
normal pressure in even the simplest shear flow is not an isotropic quantity;
that accompanying both shear and extension, fluids in general possess both vis-
cosity and stiffness; and that these latter quantities as we would define them,
are not physical properties of the fluid, but depend in a rather complicated way
upon the flow.

Perhaps we should not be blamed too much for holding on so long to the
gilt-edge security of an old blue-chip like Navier -Stokes, in preference to the
frankly rather speculative and volatile issues that have been offered up to us.
Now, however, we clearly face the necessity to finance our adventures in
polymer land by selling out Navier -Stokes.

The present work attempts in very brief form to: review some important
concepts involving disperse systems (such as thermal forces, entropy, and
strain energy); discuss the dynamics of molecular response to the motion of the
solvent; introduce and discuss the idea of critical strain rates, which arises
naturally in the theory of molecular response; relate molecular strain to fluid
stresses through the use of Mohr's circle; and discuss in a speculative way the
role of fluid stiffness in turbulent flows, as for example in providing a mode for
the extraction of turbulent energy from an eddy through the generation of elastic
shear waves. Finally, it is speculated how radiation damping could result in a
twofold or threefold thickening of the viscous sublayer.

Rheological effects occur in all solutions containing a disperse phase such
as colloidal suspensions and polymer solutions. These include most fluids in

industry and biology (blood, for example). The role of the dispersed phase de-
pends upon the particulate size k and upon the time scales t within the flow.
Thermal, viscous, and inertial forces act upon microscopic particles and depend
linearly on particle displacement and its time derivatives:

thermal forces viscous forces inertial forces

where x. is the displacement in the ensemble in reference to the state of maxi-

mum entropy (x. = dx./dt, etc.), fi is the liquid viscosity, p' is the mass den-
sity of a particle relative to the volume x^, k is Botzmann's constant, and T is
the absolute temperature.

In accordance, the relative magnitudes of these forces depend upon k and t

in the following way:

viscous A.V
thermal kT t

inertial p'k^
thermal kx t^

inertial p'k^
viscous /it

Upon estimating the constants of proportionality implicit in relations such

as those above, the regimes of importance for the three forces acting on a dis-
persed phase may be depicted in a \- t diagram as illustrated in Fig. 1.

The inertia of sufficiently small particles (somewhat below the line /V ~ t^^^)
may be neglected in comparison to viscous and thermal forces; all large mole-
cules fall in this category. As the figure attempts to show, the ability of these
inertialess particles to store thermal energy in strain increases as the time
scale decreases, i.e., as the frequency of impressed motion increases; for suf-
ficiently long time scales the molecular motions result mainly in viscous dissi-
pation. In this connection, time scales must be compared with the so-called
first relaxation time of the molecule (which is 10"^ sec for the large molecule
indicated by the circle on the line \ - t'-"^).


What are these thermal forces ? They arise through the bombardment of
the dispersed particles by the agitated molecules within the solvent i.e.,

through Brownian motion. In the case of very large molecules or macromoie-

cules, the forces acting on them can be related to the entropy loss or to the
ordering of the molecular configuration in relation to its most disordered state,
which is ideally that of a spherical cloud (see Ref. 4, pages 399-494, for
Hydrodynamic Aspects of Macromolecular Solutions







- t

Fig. 1 - Effect of particle size (\) and

straining time (t) on flow processes

example). When strained relative to this state, free energy in an amount pro-
portional to entropy change is stored within the molecule in vibrations of its
links; we may properly call this the strain energy. It consists of a springlike
portion due to the coherence of the chain, which resists its expansion, and an-
other gaslike part which even a collection of separated particles possesses
and which resists compression. These ideas can be given a formal represen-

X, =

= T

-k -in [P(aj, a^, a^)]

(a^ + a^ + a^2 - 2^ + k -{n (a j a^ ttj ) ,

^ <-
springl ike gasl ike

where Xj are the thermal forces, is the Lagrangian or, in this case, the neg-
ative strain energy, s is the entropy, a. is the principal strain (x. /relaxed mo-
lecular radius), and p is the principal strain probability distribution.

Almost all rheological effects exhibited by dilute polymer solutions are due
to the existence of this strain energy. So is the elasticity of rubber, which is of
precisely the same fundamental nature as the elasticity of dilute polymer solu-
tions (5). Incidentally, the strain energy stored in stretched rubber, being
thermal in nature, may be felt by the hand.


Their own inertia being negligible, the thermal and viscous forces acting on
the molecules are in balance. The reaction of the viscous forces upon the fluid
transmit the molecular thermal forces to the bulk medium. Therefore, in reac-
tion to the internal thermal forces, boundary stresses must arise on an infini-
tesimal fluid element; both shear stresses and nonisotropic pressures result.
In order to calculate these boundary stresses (a tensor) in flow coordinates it
becomes useful to introduce that most ubiquitous construction from the mechan-
ics of deformable media Mohr's circle (for simplicity we take a two-
dimensional viewpoint here). Now quite clearly the boundary stresses in flow
coordinates depend upon the orientation of the particles' principal strain axes
relative to the flow as well as upon the magnitude of the principal strains them-
selves. As indicated at the top of Fig. 2, the orientation of the strain axes de-
pends upon the product of the molecular relaxation time and the strain rate (note
that the rotation time in shear is the inverse of the latter, i.e. Cdu/dyy 0-
Mohr's circle may easily be used to show how both normal and shearing
stresses arise due to the presence of strained molecules, and how their magni-
tudes depend in general upon the molecular strains and on the molecular orien-
tation. In the case of low shears (left side of Fig. 2), and therefore with |aj J
slightly greater than \cr^^\, the normal stresses a^^ and a^ are positive, al-
most equal (a^^ > cTyy), and, we may show, proportional to the square of the
strain rate all in accord with the contentions of Marcus Reiner (Ref. 6, page
42). For high enough shears, however, the normal stresses may become of dif-
ferent sign, with cr^^ positive and much larger than a^ in magnitude as has
sometimes been contended by others. Perhaps some of these old controversies
can be squared away within the confines of Mohr's circle.


It turns out to be somewhat easier to predict the effect upon the fluid
stresses of molecular strains and orientations than it is to predict these latter
quantities themselves as a generation of rheologists can testify. Here I must
particularly mention such physical chemists as Kirkwood and Riseman (7),
Rouse (8), Bueche (9), Peterlin (10), Sadron (11), and Hermanns (12). Although
they have endowed us with a great legacy, a really satisfactory treatment of
flexible molecules in even simple flows cannot be said to exist, that is, free
from restrictions on small strain, etc. Then, too, as hydrodynamicists we must
be concerned with rather complicated flows in comparison to simple shearing.
Hydrodynamic Aspects of Macromolecular Solutions


\ ^k'.ti'

-\ I*-"-

Fig. 2 - Mohr's circle and second order stresses

for instance. For both of these reasons we should be encouraged to consider

for ourselves the response of flexible molecules being convected within flows.

We can adopt for this purpose the simplest model of the flexible molecule,
according to which there exists no hydrodynamic interference between its dif-
ferent parts. This proves a limited but nevertheless highly fruitful model.

A la.rge flexible molecule possesses many, say IC* links, virtually free to
rotate at points of connection. Relative motion between the macromolecular
links and the solvent in their immediate neighborhood results in dissipation of
energy (because of the smallness of the Reynolds number, this dissipation, F, is
quadratic in the velocities of the relative motion). In the absence of inertia,

changes in the strain energy must occur in equilibrium with viscous forces
which may be described in terms of the dissipation:

_3C _ _BF
Bxj Bxj

We may think of the molecular response in terms of the sum of the re-
sponses of independent groups of equal number of links, i.e., in modal terms.
Accordingly, we may write dynamic equations, all based on the previous rela-
tion, for the molecular strains a. appropriate to each mode p:

(.-^) -. (ii-i^^l
These equations are nonlinear and of first order in the strain; notice the
presence of a term due to the viscous stresses imposed by the flow velocities
(u) which, itself, depends in part upon the stresses due to molecular strain.
For a small strain disturbance (Aa)^ imposed at time zero upon an equilibrium
state, the strain (Aa) decays exponentially in time:

- 2 t /T
Aa. = (Aa. ) e p .

We call the characteristic time of decay the relaxation time r^. Note its
relation, in theory, to molecular size ( r^), solvent viscosity (17), temperature
(t), molecular dissipation function (c^p), and the mode number (p):

^Ci, 1

3kT n2

We note how the higher modes have shorter relaxation times in analogy to
most mechanical systems.

The actualstate of strain experienced by molecules in flows depends very

much upon the relation between this molecular relaxation time and the charac-
teristic times of the flow ((3u/By)" in a shear flow); it is thus a quantity of

great importance.

Twelve years ago, Prince Rouse (8) and others applied theory based on the
same assumptions as we have indicated here to the prediction of viscosity and
stiffness in unsteady Couette shearing. Provided that the fluid's relaxation time
Tj is determined from the experiments themselves, the experimental data of
Rouse and Sittel (13) are in wonderful agreement with the Rouse theory, as
shown in Fig. 3. This gives us courage to pursue the theory utilizing the simple
noninterference model of the molecule. Let us take this opportunity to notice in
Fig. 3 how the energy storage (Gp is enhanced at high frequencies, while the
dissipation is depressed in accord with the k- t diagram presented as Fig. 1.
Hydrodynamic Aspects of Macromolecular Solutions

O 2220 ppm
experiment:^ a 1440 ppm
A 10 10 ppm





= A< : A >0

Fig. 4 - Schematic of molecular response

in regions of constant rate of extension

( l-Ar )2t/i (
1 - At e 2 1 + ATp e
1 - At, 1 + At,

The behavior of the solution for large times is seen to depend on the value
of thenondimensional strain rate (At^) relative to unity, and we see that this
simple theory predicts an unlimited strain a^ for values of At^ greater than

At < 1 (subcritical ); aj

1 - At, 1 + ATp

At > 1 (supercritical); a^ - unbounded.

Of course, the molecules cannot even in the case treated endure unlimited
supercritical strains as indicated by theory, for its assumptions become invali-
dated first. Nevertheless, we may expect molecules to become greatly extended
under certain flow conditions.


In a simple shear flow, the radial strain rate is a maximum at an angle of

45 to the flow direction and there equals one -half of the maximum strain rate,
say (3u/By)/2 We might thus expect the behavior of molecules in shear flows

to be qualitatively different depending on whether Tj(Bu/By) is greater than or

less than 2. Of course the molecule is rotating through the region of high shear,
so that even in the supercritical case the extension of the molecule will be lim-
ited due to the finite time during which the high shear rates act. A careful dis-
cussion must involve the effects of rotary dispersion due to Brownian motion,

Hydrodynamic Aspects of Macromolecular Solutions

for turns out that the characteristic angular dispersion time for a molecular

mode is about equal to its relaxation time. This fact is of great importance in
determining the strain for small shears. For supercritical shears, the elon-
gated molecule is convected rapidly through the high shear region, and spends
most of its lifetime within an angle to the horizontal which is of the order of
l/(Tj 9u/By), as we earlier indicated in Fig. 2, top right side. Under super-
critical conditions we find that the strain energy stored there is at first propor-
tional to (Tjau/By)^ and for higher shears to (r^ Bu/By)^/ ^ The change in
stored energy is particularly rapid at the onset of supercritical conditions,
where we estimate it increases by an order of magnitude as (Tj3u/3y) increases
from 2 to 4.

The kind of considerations and conclusions sketchily outlined here can lead
to an improved understanding and prediction of rheological effects. For exam-
ple, we are led to conclude that the unfolding and shearing over of molecules
under supercritical shear conditions is almost certainly responsible for the so-
called pseudoplastic behavior of polymer solutions in steady shearing. Beyond
that, it suggests that the flow of a macromolecular solution be considered in
terms of two separate but coupled flows of discrete fluids: the solvent and the
imbedded molecules. A theory involving dual dynamic equations requiring si-
multaneous solution would result.

Strain energy storage and release will effect turbulent flows. The magni-
tudes of elastic shear stresses associated with energy storage due to unsteady
straining in a turbulent flow are easily estimated:

elastic stresses ^ . /*"s^

2 strain
Reynolds stresses

normal (second-order) stresses strain

elastic stresses 2

In ratio to the inertial or Reynolds stresses, we see that the elastic

stresses depend upon the ratio of c^, the speed of propagation of elastic shear
waves, to the turbulent velocity v^ where I is the characteristic eddy size.

The effective strain in a turbulent flow may be estimated as the product of

the strain rate and the strain lifetime, where strain rate ~ v^/l and strain life-
time = -t/v^, so that strain = 0(1).

In accordance with this rough order of magnitude estimate, the normalized

elastic stresses (both shear and normal) are of the order of (c^/v^)^.

The strain and therefore strain energy stored in elongated molecules sub-
jected to a given imposed flow deformation is greater than for relazed mole-
cules. As a result, under certain conditions the bulk stiffness associated with
the strain of molecules subjected to supercritical shears on a small scale can


be several orders of magnitude greater than if the molecules are relaxed, and
as a result the potency of very small concentrations may become exaggerated.
Of course, this does not mean to say that molecular unfolding or shear stiffen-
ing is necessary in order that macromolecules in solution affect turbulent flows.
It does mean, however, that molecular unfolding may very well be responsible
for the onset of those effects which begin to occur in the most dilute polymer
solutions studied.

detailed considerations lead us to expect that this shear -stiffening
effect will occur in a turbulent flowwhen the local shears associated with the
dissipation scale are supercritical and when at the same time the local turbu-
lence Reynolds number for the energy containing scale is less than about 100.
The latter condition arises through the necessity that the characteristic time
for local reorientation of the shear pattern on the smallest (dissipation) scale
not be too much shorter than the duration of large scale strains due to shears
on the largest (energy containing) scale. These conditions begin to occur in the
turbulent shear flow closest to the wall itself when the rate of strain there be-
comes supercritical (t Bu/By > 2). The thickness of the viscous sublayer is, of
course, determined in this region. The effects of macromolecules may thus be
enhanced by unfolding in a region most sensitive from the point of view of wall

Table 1 are shown the theoretical dependencies (constants of proportion-

alityare omitted) of bulk fluid stiffness upon molecular concentration c, mo-
lecular relaxation time Tj and molecular weight m for the two cases involving

the straining of relaxed and of unfolded molecules and for strain durations t,
both greater and less than t the case of relaxed molecules (first column)

corresponds to that treated earlier by Rouse (8), etc.

Table 1
Dependencies ofBulk Fluid Stiffness
Hydrodynamic Aspects of Macromolecular Solutions

the upper left corner will tend to occur at the lowest flow speeds and largest
concentrations. In the hypercritical case it may be shown that for large flexible
molecules r^ oc m^^^; the stiffness therefore scales something like conc.xM'^^,
a result in good agreement with the results of experiments with disks rotating
at high speeds in polyethylene oxide (1).


What are the precise manifestations of the bulk fluid stiffness? There are
no doubt many. For one, I have earlier offered the suggestion (14) that stiffness
provides a mode for the extraction of turbulent energy from an eddy through the
radiation of elastic shear waves; these, removed from the scene, later decay
through the usual action of viscosity. In fact, this radiation may be calculated
along the lines of the theory of the generation of sound by turbulence, pioneered
by Lighthill (15). We are dealing with an incompressible fluid. The momentum
balance is

_d_ (0) ^_ ,( 1)



,(0) _
(UiU.) P ~^ 1


which is the stress tensor for a normal viscous fluid, including the Reynolds
stress (u.Uj), and where T^ M is the additional stress tensor due to the elastic
properties of the fluid. At its very simplest, the latter takes the form:

de. Be.
,( 1) 1
3X: BX:

where e ^ is a suitably defined displacement field.

Slow changes in displacement much less effectively generate elastic

stresses because of the reduction in stiffness with increasing frequency, and we
are not therefore concerned with the actual displacements, which become arbi-
trarily large with increasing time, but only those e ^ whose time scale is suffi-
ciently short. We thus make the short-time approximation


with the result that

2(1) 2(1) (0)

Bt BX: Bx:


(0) ( 1)

-.2 (0)
d u.
Bt2 3t Bx.

^ (0) ^ (0)
(0) _ ^i +
^i 3x Bx

The driven wave equation for the shear wave field u[ '^ may be interpreted
to show that propagating strain waves are generated by dipoles in the strain-
rate s[y associated with the turbulent field. This wave equation may be solved,
and the elastic strain field at any point in the flow calculated as an integral of
the turbulent rate -of- strain field. The energy associated with the elastic strain
field radiated from a turbulent eddy may thus be estimated. It turns out to be of
the form

radiated energy
usual turbulent dissipation
= f


where the function f has a maximum value of about 2 when c^/vg % tt, and

usual turbulent dissipation % (Cjj)/3

~ ,

in which Cp is the coefficient of turbulent dissipation and usually has a value of

about 0.8 (16).

These rather crude considerations thus lead us to the conclusion that the
total dissipation, including radiation associated with a turbulent flow of given
intensity in a suitably elastic fluid may be as much as tripled over the amount
normally associated with inertial interactions alone. That is, the coefficient of
turbulent dissipation c^, which has the approximate value 0.8 in the previous
formula, may take on values as large as 2.4 in the case of polymer solutions.
In that case, the usual inertial transfer of the total energy production down
through the eddy cascade to the dissipation range may become short-circuited,
as indicated in Fig. 5.

Let us go further and speculate how the thickness of the viscous sublayer of
a turbulent boundary may be affected by an increase in the coefficient of turbu-
lent dissipation c^. We may define (Fig. 6) the edge of the viscous sublayer as
the position y* where the total shear stress is equally compounded of laminar
and Reynolds stresses:

Hydrodynamic Aspects of Macromolecular Solutions


laminar turbulent' ' '


Bu .^ 1 u*2
By (y ) ^ 2 ^"TT '

where u* is the usual friction velocity (a = pu*^).

We may then argue that the local dissipation there due to the operation of
the laminar and turbulent stresses must also be about equal (this argument de-
pends upon the fact that turbulent production of energy there is approximately
equal to turbulent dissipation (Ref. 17, Fig. 9.13):

(dissipation )l ^ (dissipation )j , y = y ;

* 3

T- (y )

This specification leads to a requirement on the Reynolds number based on

the viscous sublayer thickness:

4K .

For Newtonian fluids,

u y
12 ,

but the important thing to notice is that a twofold or threefold increase in the
coefficient of turbulent dissipation, to which K is proportional, will result in a
proportionate increase in this Reynolds number and thus in the sublayer thick-

u y
% 24-36
'- V J
- max

in polymer solutions.

This maximum thickening will occur when c^/u* ^ 0(5), while larger and
smaller concentrations of polymers than correspond to this last condition will
result in a decrease in the polymer effectiveness. The sublayer thickening has
been observed (2) and so has the plateau in the drag reduction as a function of
polymer concentration (1-3).

Presented here is only a partial and, of course, hurried view of some of
our conclusions, the result of research supported by the Fluid Dynamics Branch

Hydrodynamic Aspects of Macromolecular Solutions

of theONR under Contract Nonr-4181(00); a detailed description will be forth-

coming. In the meantime let me reiterate in the following manner:

Sticky fluids should not be
treated with discourtesy.
Strain them easy and you'll see,
larger grows viscosity.
Strain them quicker than fast time,
relaxation shows no sign,
Greater grows the molecule,
which to shatter George Stokes' rule.

Small and quiet in the flow,

waiting for the sign to grow.
Now unfolding near the wall,
where the shortest flow times fall.
Greater grows the stiffness now,
shear waves must the flow allow.
Waves of size like eddies length,
rob those eddies, half their strength.
Viscous layer thickness gains,
look now how the friction wanes

Sticky fluids should not be

treated with discourtesy.
Flush them out from near the stem
save yourself some rpm.
Ship speeds' steady, oil it saves.
Ah those lovely 'lastic waves.

1. Hoyt, J.W., and Fabula, A.G., "The Effect of Additives on Fluid Friction,"
pp. 947-974 in "Fifth ONR Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics: Ship Mo-
tions and Drag Reduction," Office of Naval Research, Department of the
Navy, ACR-112, 1964; U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

2. Elata, C, Lehrer, J., and Kahanovitz, A., "Turbulent Shear Flow of Poly-
mer Solutions," Israel J. Technology (Jerusalem) 4(No. l):87-95 (1966)

3. Shin, H., "Reduction of Drag in Turbulence by Dilute Polymer Solutions,"

Doctoral Thesis, May 1965, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass.

4. Flory, P. J., "Principles of Polymer Chemistry," Cornell University Press,

Ithaca,New York, 1953


5. James, H.M., and Guth, E., "Theory of the Elastic Properties of Rubber,"
Chem. Phys. ll(No. 10):455-481 (Oct. 1943)

6. Reiner, M., "Phenomenological Macroheology," p. 42 in Vol. I, "Rheology-

Theory and Applications," F. Eirich, ed., Academic Press, New York, 1956

7. Riseman, J., and Kirkwood, J.G., "The Statistical Mechanical Theory of

Irreversible Processes in Solutions of Macromolecules," pp. 495-523 in
Vol. I, "Rheology- Theory and Applications," F. Eirich, ed., Academic
Press, New York, 1956

8. Rouse, P.E., Jr., "A Theory of the Linear Viscoelastic Properties of Di-
lute Solutions of Coiling Polymers," J. Chem, Phys. 21(No. 7):1272-1280
(July 1953)

9. Bueche, F., "The Viscoelastic Properties of Plastics," J. Chem. Phys.

22(No. 4):603-609 (Apr. 1954)

10. Peterlin, A., "Streaming and Stress Birefringence," pp. 615-651 in Vol. I,
"Rheology -Theory and Applications," F. Eirich, ed., Academic Press, New
York, 1956

11. Sadron, C.H., "Dilute Solutions of Inpenetrable Rigid Particles," Chapter 4

in "Flow Properties of Disperse Systems," J.J. Hermanns, ed., North-
Holland Publishing Company, 1953

12. Hermanns, J.J., "Dilute Solutions of Flexible Chain Molecules," Chapter 5

in "Flow Properties of Disperse Systems," J.J. Hermanns, ed., North-
Holland Publishing Company, 1953

13. Rouse, P.E., Jr., and Sittel, K., "Viscoelastic Properties of Dilute Polymer
Solutions," J. Chem. Phys. 24(No. 6):690-696 (June 1953)

14. Tulin, M.P., "Turbulence in Weakly Viscoelastic Fluids" (Abstract), Bulle-

tinAmer. Phys. Soc. Series II, 10(No. 2):267 (Feb. 1965)

15. Lighthill, M.J., "On Sound Generated Aerodynamically, I. General Theory,"

Proc. Roy. Soc. A211:564-587 (1952)

16. Townsend, A.A., "Turbulence," p. 10-8 in "Handbook of Fluid Dynamics,"

V. Streeter, ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1961

17. Townsend, A.A., "The Structure of Turbulent Shear Flow," Cambridge Uni-
versity Press, 1956

F. A. Seyer and A. B. Metzner
University of Delaware
Newark, Delaware

Recent analyses and experimental studies dealing with turbulence and with
unsteady flows of dilute polymeric solutions will be considered. Emphasis will
be placed on those contributions which lead to proper descriptions of the rele-
vant fluid properties and the interactions between these properties and the flow
field, to yield mechanistic interpretations of the turbulent characteristics of
these materials.

This paper will show that while the large-scale portion of the turbulent
spectrum appears to be similar to that of Newtonian systems, major decreases
in the energy levels are predicted at high wavenumbers. These predictions find
some experimental support, but a major obstacle to research in this area ap-
pears to be a rather general inapplicability of the experimental devices nor-
mally used to study turbulent velocity fields. As a result only a few detailed
measurements are available, and of these some are probably either in error or
of restricted generality. Methods for overcoming these deficiencies will be
considered, but no ready solutions of direct and easy applicability will be noted.

Interest in the area of turbulent flow of dilute polymeric solutions has been
motivated by the important observation that the drag coefficients of such sys-
tems in turbulent flow may be significantly lower than those of Newtonian or
other purely viscous fluids. Most available evidence suggests this effect to be
due to the viscoelastic properties of these systems, though, as will be seen, few
really definitive results are available with which to test this hypothesis rigor-
ously. Few results are available owing to the difficulty of studying both the de-
tailed turbulent motion in these systems and their physical properties; results
obtained using conventional experimental techniques may be subject to serious
error. Thus the hypothesis concerning the importance of viscoelasticity, while
tentatively accepted and used herein, remains in need of much more rigorous
tests than have been carried out to date. Comments concerning its limitations
are available elsewhere (Refs. 45 and 51).

The format of this paper is as follows:

1. Continuum properties of polymeric solutions, and the relationships of

these to the turbulent behavior of these systems.

Seyer and Metzner

2. Viscoelastic parameters, namely the Deborah and Weissenberg numbers,

which are of importance for ordering purposes and scale-up,

3. Macroscopic (drag coefficient) results, reviewed in light of the above,

and tentative analyses of the turbulent spectrum.

4. Experimental techniques for the more detailed study of viscoelastic


A large number
of experimental reports in which drag coefficients have
been reported but which no attempt to either estimate or measure the physi-
cal properties of the polymeric solutions used are available. These are of value
in distinguishing the systems and conditions to be used in maximizing the prag-
matic effects desired. As they do not, however, usually lead to any insight into
the mechanisms responsible for the observed results they will generally not be
considered in the present report. The authors wish to emphasize that this
omission is not intended to reflect a value judgment so much as a need for keep-
ing the present paper within prescribed bounds, and a recognition of the fact that
those directly involved in extensive test programs are more capable of survey-
ing those activities.


Five distinct mathematical approaches of some generality have been sug-
gested for portraying the properties of viscoelastic fluids. All incorporate the
intuitive notion that these systems possess a gradually fading memory for their
previous deformation history; in order of historical development they are as

1. The "convected Maxwellian" equations developed primarily by Oldroyd

(42,43,62), though empirical in nature, appear to incorporate all of the real ef-
fects which are exhibited by materials of interest. Thus they appear to be gen-
erally applicable to all flow fields of interest, including the unsteady flows of
importance in turbulence studies. While the complexity of these equations may
be extended so that all real effects may be portrayed precisely, what appears to
be more important is that even the simplest forms of the equations portray
those unsteady effects studied to date as correctly as the experiments reveal
them (20,27,32,58,60). For purposes of later application to turbulent processes
the two-parameter equation*

r' ^ e ^ = fj.d (1)

will be used. The relaxation time ff and the viscosity m are taken as arbitrary
variables dependent on the invariants of d

Equation (1), with but two exceptions, precisely describes all effects which
have been observed quantitatively. One exception is that real materials appear

*A list of symbols follows the text.

Turbulence in Viscoelastic Fluids

to possess a spectrum of relaxation times in the limit of infinitesimal deforma-

tions, not just a single value (24). The implications of this fact have been con-
sidered lucidly by Slattery (55). The second exception is that in steady laminar
shearing flows one of the two normal stress functions is incorrectly predicted
to be zero. It is not zero (27,28,30,35), but in fact appears to be only a small
fraction of the other stresses; hence it is properly negligible in many problems.

2. The simple fluid formulations of Coleman and Noll (10-12,15) possess

both a conceptual and mathematical elegance not found in empirical equations
such as Eq. (1). Unfortunately, this is lost almost immediately as one applies
them to problems of interest, as only simple approximations to the behavior of
these fluids have been worked out in detail. In the important case of steady
laminar shearing flows the Rivlin-Ericksen approximations are applicable and
give (10,11,15,39):

T^-pI + Zld+aijd^ + aJjdj, (2)

in which the three material property functions Jl, Wj, and co^ are all arbitrary
functions of the invariants of d and d^. It is possible to show that in the limit-
ing case of very low deformation rates these functions become constants (15,39).
The resulting "second-order-fluid" approximation, being conceptually attractive
and mathematically simple has been extensively employed (15,19,26,54,59,61).
However, if it is used, a good approximation to the behavior of real materials is
obtained only at such small deformation rates as to make even the experimental
determination of the coefficients very difficult (28,35). For the slow flows of
interest to a number of workers (26,59) it thus represents the logical choice;
for the rapid flows of interest in turbulent fields reference to experimental re-
sults (28,35,51,53)* shows that the second-order approximation is clearly in-
valid. However, Eq. (2) with the coefficients m^ and ^^ chosen as variables so
as to portray correctly the approximate linearity of the stresses, would appear
to be a sound choice, provided the flows are nearly steady.

In the case of unsteady flows integral expansions representing first- and

second-order approximations to the behavior of simple fluids have been devel-
oped and applied to several engineering problems (2,39,40,60). The complexity
of these suggests that full approximations, not limited to specific asymptotic
flow conditions, are not likely to be forthcoming. However, in rapidly acceler-
ating velocity fields such as those encountered in turbulent studies, asymptotic
approximations may be of value.

3. The theory of anisotropic fluids advanced and developed by Ericksen (21)

possesses a natural conceptual attractiveness not found in either of the earlier
approaches, as the mathematical basis appears to be the only one developed
which possesses a counterpart in the actual molecular structure of the fluid.
Unfortunately its applicability is at present restricted to flows in which the fluid
properties are described adequately and completely by Eq. (2); hence use of
such anistropic fluid theories in engineering analyses would appear to introduce
unnecessary analytic complications (16).

These have recently been extended by Oliver (44) into the range of concentra-
tions of interest in turbulent drag reduction.

Seyer and Metzner

4. Recent papers by Bernstein, Kearsley, and Zapas (8) and by Bogue (9)
develop promising constitutive relationships which, though yet largely unapplied
to problems of interest in the context of the present paper, may well serve to
extend the asymptotic validity of simple fluid analyses into ranges of greater
engineering interest, as well as having unique regions of applicability directly.

Although molecular theories have been used in several instances, their

deformation rates remains untested. Fluid
ability to portray effects at finite
relaxation times are portrayed as strong functions of concentration, which ap-
pears unrealistic (44), except possibly at very low concentrations. In the low
concentration range they may work, but as no data are yet available in that
range, it does not appear possible to draw useful conclusions at this time.

In summary Eq. (2) represents a valid approximation to the behavior of

simple fluids which also portrays correctly all effects noted experimentally un-
der the asymptotic steady flow conditions under which it applies. As such it
represents the logical choice for analyses of steady flows. The same is not
true, however, of the "second-order" approximation to Eq. (2).

In the case of unsteady flows Eq. (1) appears to be of better than first-
approximation utility and will be employed herein. This is the area of primary
interest in studies of turbulence, of course, but definitive comments concerning
the choice of applicable equations do not yet appear possible. As Eq. (1) also
portrays the major effects of interest in steady flows it appears to be of. rather
general utility.


As a further guide in formulating an understanding to problems of interest,

and to aid in choosing which constitutive approximation is most useful, it is of
interest to formalize our intuitive ideas of what a viscoelastic material is.
Generally a viscoelastic material may be viewed as a material possessing
properties that are partly those of a purely viscous material and partly those of
an elastic solid. Whether either or both of these characteristics are empha-
sized depends not only on the material but also on the flow process: if the de-
formation is an extremely sudden one, it is intuitively reasonable that the time
scale of the process may be such that the viscous modes of the material re-
sponse do not have time to be operative. Thus, for ordering purposes dimen-
sionless groups which consider the deformational processes in question (i.e.,
the velocity field) as well as the fluid properties, will evidently be necessary.

Considering the fluid properties first, application of the pi theorem to any

flow process in which Eqs. (1) or (2) are used in place of the Newtonian expres-
sion* to describe the fluid properties requires the inclusion of additional dimen-
sionless groups in view of the additional variables involved. Thus, if all the

*If Newtonian fluids are considered, then Eq. (1) with 0=0 and = constant

will describe the fluid properties. Alternately, Eq. (2) with = constant and

Wj = oJj = may be used.

Turbulence in Viscoelastic Fluids

physical property parameters are taken as constants, the one additional variable
appearing in Eq. (1) (o) requires one additional dimensionless group, and the
two additional variables of Eq. (2) (w, and w^) require two. Physically these
are necessary to consider the additional forces arising in deformation of visco-
elastic materials. They have been considered in some detail in laminar bound-
ary layer analyses (39,61), where it is shown that they may be expressed as


elastic forces
viscous forces

Nvr =

= ratio of several elastic forces (3b)

if Eq. (2) is employed." Correspondingly if Eq. (1) were used, the Weissenberg
number N^j,^ may be expressed as

N - ^ (3c)

and represents the only additional dimensionless group.

If the physical property terms co^ and co^, or 6, are chosen as variables,
then correspondingly additional dimensionless groups as required to consider
the parameters which govern the dependency of these variables on the deforma-
tion rates must be introduced.

In the case of laminar boundary layer in two-dimensional flows it may be

shown that the viscoelastic ratio term of Eq. (3b) does not appear and that while
the Weissenberg number (Eq. (3a) or (3c)) does, its influence on the flow field
will frequently be too small to be measured experimentally unless the ratio of
the physical property coefficients co^/ji or is greater than found experimen-
tally for most real fluids (61). This conclusion arises because of the high and
predominating level of the inertial effects, a factor which effectively introduces
consideration of the velocity field as well as the fluid properties. Conversely in
low Reynolds number flows the elastic effects are likely to exert greater influ-
ences and must be considered. This is brought out clearly in the case of slow
flows about rotating spheres as studied by Giesekus (26) and Walters and Savins
(59), for example.

Considering now those more sudden deformations in which the effects of

fluid elasticity may intuitively be expected to be more dramatic than in rapid

These same dimensionless groups were also employed by Elata and Poreh(19).

Seyer and Metzner

steady flows, the experiments recorded by Johnson (31) using high-speed pho-
tography are of interest. If a flat object is dropped, slowly, into a puddle of a
dilute polymeric solution it simply moves aside like a conventional fluid would.
If, on the other hand, the impact is intense and rapid the sheet of fluid created

does not "splash" but instead stretches and recoils just as a suddenly stretched
elastic solid would. On the time scale involved (a few milliseconds) only the
elastic response is felt. Quantitative analyses of this effect have been published
(39,40,60) in which it is shown that Eq. (1) as well as the correct asymptotic
forms from simple fluid theory (though not Eq. (2)) predict such purely elastic
responses for the short time scales involved.

These considerations suggest that the kind of material response observed,

and the correct choice of asymptotic approximations such as Eq. (2) which may
be used to describe the material properties, are dependent on an additional di-
mensionless parameter in which the time scales of the material and the defor-
mational process are considered. This dimensionless parameter, the Deborah
number, may be defined (40) by

characteristic time of fluid /.>

"Deb (4)
characteristic time of process

For flows that are steady in a Lagrangian sense, for example steady lami-
nar shearing flow in a tube, the Deborah number is identically zero. It is in
this limit (and only in this limit) that Eq. (2) may be used to portray the mate-
rial properties of simple fluids. In this asymptotic, limiting flow process it
may be shown that for ducted flows through round tubes neither the velocity
profile nor the viscous drag are influenced by the presence or absence of elastic
forces. That is, the fluid is behaving as a purely viscous material even though
one may have present large elastic forces as described by the Weissenberg
number in Eq. (3). (Experimental results discussed in the next section show the
elastic forces may be 10 to 40 times larger than viscous forces at the shear
rate levels of interest.)

On the otherextreme if we consider fluid elements subject to deformations

of a duration smaller than the relaxation time of the fluid, as in the case of the
Johnson experiments in which a puddle of fluid is suddenly deformed, the Debo-
rah number is large and only an elastic response is observed. Intermediate
cases, and typical magnitudes of the Deborah number in flows of pragmatic in-
terest, have been described elsewhere (40,48,51).

The intuitive notions embodied in Eq. (4) have been formalized mathemati-
cally by Astarita (2) as

N -,l/H^ (5)

Equation (5) represents a properly invariant definition of the Deborah number

and gives a process time scale that is a measure of how long an element of fluid
is subjected to a particular state of deformation.

Turbulence in Viscoelastic Fluids


Measurements of the physical properties of viscoelastic fluids more con-
centrated than those of general interest in drag reduction have appeared in the
rheological literature for some time, though the majority of these do not extend
into the high shear rate levels of interest. However, several such studies have
appeared (28,51,53), the data of Figs. 1 and 2 being typical. The Weissenberg
number (Eq. (3a)) representing a ratio of the elastic to viscous forces is given
by the ratio of the ordinates of Fig. 1; the fluid relaxation times (Eq. (1)) cal-
culated from similar measurements are shown in Fig. 2.




Seyer and Metzner


8, SEC
Turbulence in Viscoelastic Fluids

Seyer and Metzner
Turbulence in Viscoelastic Fluids

as noted in Fig. 3. Evidently the major effects of interest do not occur in this
low-wavenumber region.

At high wavenumbers, a much more difficult analysis is necessary in view

of themuch greater mathematical complexity of Eq. (1) as compared to Eq. (2)
or other expressions of this kind. However, a beginning may be made in the
following manner. It has been noted (7,47,56) that the predominant kinematic
process at large wavenumbers is the "stretching" of fluid elements. This proc-
ess may be characterized by defining, at a given wavenumber, a stretch rate as

, = X (6)

in which V denotes the relative elongational velocity and x the length of the fluid
element under consideration. Batchelor (7) has shown that the inverse of the
characteristic stretch rate may be identified with a time scale characteristic of
the dissipative eddies in a turbulent flow, so that one may define a Deborah
number characterizing the dissipative process as

Separately it has been shown analytically (2,13,34) and in part confirmed

experimentally (6) that the resistance offered to stretching by a fluid element of
viscoelastic material is much larger than that of a Newtonian fluid and is de-
pendent exponentially on the dimensionless grouping defined in Eq. (7). For ex-
ample, in the case of a deformation of a two-dimensional area element described
by Eq. (1) it may be shown readily that the ratio of stresses developed in a
viscoelastic fluid to those in a Newtonian fluid is of the form

(t -
'"' ) viscoelastic 1 /q\

Thus, it is noted viscoelastic materials possess a maximum stretch rate at

which the tensile stresses would increase without limit. This conclusion has
been shown to be independent of the form of the constitutive equation used to
portray the fluid properties (2).

K we now consider a given turbulent flow field, the energy levels available
todeform a fluid element are fixed at some finite value by inertial effects, from
which it follows, in view of Eq. (8), that the rates of stretching will be far lower
than in a Newtonian fluid. Equivalently, since the stretching processes for a
Newtonian fluid are primarily associated with the dissipative eddies, one may
predict the increased resistance to stretching to inhibit much of the small-scale
high-frequency turbulence. In view of the form of Eq. (8) it would appear that
the elastic effects would serve to cut off rather suddenly the high-wavenumber
end of the spectrum, starting at eddies with time scales of the order of the fluid
relaxation time. Several qualitative observations based on observing the spread
of a dye filament (25,50,52) have shown that the structure of the turbulent flow
is grossly altered in drag reducing systems in just this way: the dye filaments
spread as large discrete "lumps" of material, whereas in a Newtonian fluid the

Seyer and Metzner

spread appears continuous owing to the many small-scale high-frequency oscil-

lations which do not appear to be present in the viscoelastic systems. In agree-
ment with the above are some hot-wire data reported by Merrill (36), although,
as will be shown in the next section, it is not clear that these measurements are
correct quantitatively.

This section considers briefly the major tools or methods available for
studying the flow fields of interest and in so doing points to some of the signifi-
cant results, limitations of techniques, and areas in need of further work.

Heated Probes

Limitations, owing to viscoelastic properties, on the use of hot probes have

been recently discussed (38) and will not be considered in detail. Of interest is
the fact that for many cases of practical interest the flow near the probe tip is
characterized by large values of the Deborah number (Eq. (5)), which is pre-
dicted to result in "thick" boundary layers or even stagnant regions of fluid
near the leading edge of the probe. Practically, these results suggest that the
frequency response of the probe will be significantly reduced and that the probe
may become insensitive to velocity at sufficiently high values of the Deborah
number. These predictions find some support in the experimental results of
Acosta and James (1) and of Leathrum (33); as the cutoff velocities are fre-
quently of the order of 1 fps or even less, the restriction is a very serious one.

It is not clear at this point how the above problems can be alleviated, as
reductions in velocity or increases in probe size in order to circumvent the
Deborah number limitation increase the uncertainty of the measurements due to
natural convection effects, and take the measurements out of the ranges of pri-
mary interest.

Impact Probes

In the case of impact probes several effects arise which may, in principle,
serve to alter or limit the utility of the probe. First, the boundary -layer con-
siderations noted in the previous section suggest that here too the response of
the probe may be significantly reduced, and more importantly Metzner and
Astarita (38) have shown that a boundary layer of the same order of thickness
as the probe size may exist at the leading edge of the probe. This problem is
particularly acute in the case of small probes and imposes a severe restriction
on use of the probes for measurements near the wall.

Secondly, in laminar flows the impact reading is directly dependent on the

magnitude of the deviatoric normal stress terms, as well as on the fluid mo-
mentum (4,49). Consequently, unless the magnitudes of the deviatoric stresses
are negligible or known beforehand one cannot obtain velocity information.
Similar problems arise under turbulent conditions with an additional contribution

Turbulence in Viscoelastic Fluids

to theimpact reading due to time averaging of the fluctuating stresses. The

paper by Astarita and Nicodemo (4) includes a careful consideration of this

At this point it is appropriate to consider the recent velocity profile meas-

urements, reported by Elata et al. (18), Ernst (22,23), and Meyer (41), in terms
of these probe limitations. The data obtained by Ernst and analyzed by Meyer
in terms of an altered velocity profile equation appear to suffer from a 7% dis-
crepancy between the integrated flow rate as computed from Pitot tube meas-
urements and the recorder flow rate, the recorder flow rate being the lower of
the two. Data are analyzed by using a velocity correlation of the type

= A log y^
+ B (9)

The data suggest the non-Newtonian effect appears as a change in the numerical
value of B, while A remains the same. In Eq. (9) the minor term contributing
to the value of u/u* is b, and over most of the range of the data it seems that
the noted changes in b could possibly be attributed to the flow rate discrepancy.
Thus, it is not clear if the apparent shifts in the velocity curves are significant
or not.

Qualitative considerations of the curves predicted by the Meyer equation

(41) show that gross changes in the shape of the curves, as compared to those of
Newtonian fluids, must take place in the sublayer regions. At equal flow rates
the velocity profile in the turbulent core is predicted to be flatter in viscoelastic
fluids than in Newtonian, since u* is smaller. At the wall, since the shearing
stresses are lower, the drag-reducing fluid must also have the flatter profile.
The only way to join these two flatter curves is by means of a very sharp curve
in the outer sublayer or buffer zones, implying very sharp changes in the pro-
file in the buffer zone. This would appear to be unlikely on physical grounds, as
it implies very sudden changes in the radial momentum transport rates. As it
is doubtful whether useful probe measurements may be made in this region,
other measurements may be necessary to resolve these questions and to infer
the detailed shapes of the velocity profiles. One possibility would appear to be
the use of heat transfer measurements employing drag-reducing fluids of low
Prandtl number.

Notably the solutions used in the above studies were very dilute and exhib-
ited only slight drag reduction effects. Other data (4), using solutions showing
major drag reduction effects, indicate that if the impact readings are interpreted
directly as velocity, the apparent flowrate may be as much as 30% lower than
the true flowrate. As these results appear to have obtained using systems simi-
lar to those used by Elata et al. (18), the absence of similar effects in the latter
study is surprising. Clearly it would be premature to suppose any validity for
reported turbulent velocity profile measurements on systems which show sig-
nificant viscoelastic effects, as there is at present no rigorous method for dif-
ferentiating between the inertial velocity contributions desired and the effects
arising due to viscoelastic (normal stress) terms.

Seyer and Metzner

Tracer Studies

Studies using small particles or bubbles suspended in liquids, although rep-

resenting tedious experiments, may be of special merit owing to the restrictions
applicable to the use of conventional probes. A recent study by Uebler (57) has
shown that tracer particles closely follow the flow field for flows in which only
moderate accelerations are present (entry flow into a tube) and for very small
tracer particles (bubbles ~ 0.05 cm in diameter). However, for large bubbles
and high flow rates spurious effects were noted. A tentative analysis of this
phenomenon (37) shows these effects could also be significant in the high-
wavenumber region of a turbulent field; nevertheless the confidence level of
such data would clearly be superior to that of impact probe measurements at
the present time.

Heat Transfer

Recent heat transfer results (29), for drag reducing system, have shown
that in conjunction with the decrease in drag coefficient there is a corresponding
but much larger relative decrease in the heat transfer coefficient. The accom-
panying detailed analysis shows no matter what the change in the bulk velocity
profile might be, it alone is insufficient to explain the low heat transfer rates.
Therefore, one may conclude that the wall region is thicker or that the turbu-
lence levels near the wall (where the greatest resistance to heat transfer is)
are much weaker, or both. It is interesting to note that the same conclusion has
been drawn elsewhere (18) on the basis of velocity profile measurements which,
as noted earlier, could have been expected to be incorrect.

This work has been supported by the Office of Naval Research, U.S. Navy,
and reproduction of this work, in whole or in part, is permitted for any purpose
of the United States Government.

A Slope of universal velocity correlation, Eq. (9)

B Constant in universal velocity correlation, Eq. (9)

d Rate-of-strain tensor, having components d'J

dj Second Rivlin-Ericksen tensor (15)

D Tube diameter

f Observed friction factor = ry-zi pw^

Laminar friction factor = 16/N^g

Turbulence in Viscoelastic Fluids

Purely viscous friction factor (17)

F Friction factor ratio, Fig. 4

I Unit tensor

n' Flow behavior index (17)

^Deb Deborah number, Eq. (4)

N^g Generalized Reynolds number (17)

Ny^ Viscoelastic ratio number, Eq. (3b)

Nyj^ Weissenberg number, Eq. (3a) or (3c)

p Isotropic pressure

u Local velocity in pipe

u* Friction velocity /\/p

V Tube velocity, Eq. (3a); stretching velocity, Eq. (6)

X Length (or Cartesian coordinate direction in Eq. (8))

y Distance from pipe wall

S/St Convected time derivative (42)

D/Dt Material time derivative

II Second invariant of rate of strain tensor

Fluid relaxation time, Eq. (1)

/u Variable viscosity coefficient, Eq. (1)

jl Fluid viscosity coefficient, Eq. (2)

u Kinematic viscosity

^ Fluid stretch rate, defined by Eq. (6)

P Fluid density

0)^,0)2 Fluid material properties, Eq. (2)

r' Stress tensor, components r'^i, relative to arbitrary hydrostatic

pressure a (61): t = - ai + t'

Seyer and Metzner

r Total stress tensor

T^ Shear stress at tube wall

T^^ Normal stress component of stress tensor.

1. Acosta, A. J., and James, D.F., unpublished data, 1966

2. Astarita, G., private communication, 1966

3. Astarita, G., Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundamentals 4:354 (1965)

4. Astarita, G., and Nicodemo, L., A.I.Ch.E. J. 12:478 (1966)

5. Astarita, G., and Metzner, A.B., Proc. Accad. Lincei (in press)

6. Ballman, R.L., Rheologica Acta 4:137 (1965)

7. Batchelor, G.K., Proc. Royal Soc. A213:349 (1952) and Proc. Camb. Phil.
Soc. 51:361 (1955)

8. Bernstein, G., Kearsley, E.A., and Zapas, L.J., Trans. Soc. Rheology 7:391

9. Bogue, D.C., Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundamentals 5:253 (1966)

10. Coleman, B.D., and Noll, W., Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 3:289 (1959)

11. Coleman, B.D., and Noll, W., Anals. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 89:672 (1961)

12. Coleman, B.D., and Noll, W., Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 6:355 (1960)

13. Coleman, B.D., and Noll, W., Physics of Fluids 5:840 (1962)

14. Coleman, B.D., Duffin, R.J., and Mizel, V.J., Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 19:100

15. Coleman, B.D., Noll, W., and Markovitz, H., "Viscometric Flows of Non-
Newtonian Fluids," Springer, Berlin, 1966

16. Denn, M.M., and Metzner, A.B., Trans. Soc. Rheology (in press)

17. Dodge, D.W., and Metzner, A.B., A.I.Ch.E. J. 5:189 (1959)

18. Elata, C, Lehrer, J., and Kahanovitz, A., Israel J. Tech. 4:87 (1966)

19. Elata, C, and Poreh, M., Rheologica Acta 5:148 (1966)

Turbulence in Viscoelastic Fluids

20. Etter, I., and Schowalter, W.R., Trans. Soc. Rheology 9:351 (1965)

21. Ericksen, J.L., Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 4:231 (1960); 8:1 (1961)

22. Ernst, W.D., A.I.Ch.E. J. 12:581 (1966)

23. Ernst, W.D., LTV Research Center Report 0-71100/6R-7, 1966

24. Ferry, J.D., "Viscoelastic Properties of Polymers," Wiley, New York, 1961

25. Gadd, G.E., Nature 206:463 (1965)

26. Giesekus, H., Rheologica Acta 4:85 (1965) and Proc. 4th Int. Cong, on Rhe-
ology, p. 249, 1965

27. Ginn, R.F., Ph.D. thesis. University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, 1967

28. Ginn, R.F., and Metzner, A.B., Proc. 4th Int. Cong, on Rheology, p. 583,

29. Gupta, M.K., M.Ch.E. thesis. University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware,


30. Huppler, J.D., Trans. Soc. Rheology 9(No. 2):273 (1965)

31. Johnson, M., B.Ch.E. thesis. University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware,


32. Kapoor, N.W., Kalb, J.W., Brumm, E.A., and Fredrickson, A.G., Ind. Eng.
Chem. Fundamentals 4:186 (1965)

33. Leathrum, R.A., report prepared in Ch.E. 342 laboratory, University of

Delaware, Newark, Delaware, 1966

34. Lodge, A.S., "Elastic Liquids," Academic Press, Lon ion, 1964

35. Markovitz, H., and Brown, D.R., Trans. Soc. Rheology 7:137, 1963

36. Merrill, E.W., presentation at Office of Naval Research contracters confer-

ence, Washington, D.C., 1966

37. Metzner, A.B., in press (1966)

38. Metzner, A.B., and Astarita, G., in press (1966)

39. Metzner, A.B., and White, J.L., A.I.Ch.E. J. 11:989 (1965)

40. Metzner, A.B., White, J.L., and Denn, M.M., A.I.Ch.E. J. (in press)

41. Meyer, W.A., A.I.Ch.E. J. 12:522 (1966)

Seyer and Metzner

42. Oldroyd, J.G., Proc. Roy. Soc. A200:523 (1950); A295:278 (1958); A283:115

43. Oldroyd, J.G., Quart. J. Mech. App. Math. 4:271 (1951)

44. Oliver, D.R., Can. J. Chem. Eng. (in press)

45. Park, M.G., and Metzner, A.B,, J. Fluid Mech. 20:291 (1964)

46. Pruitt, G.T., and Crawford, H.R., Western Company Report DTMB-1 (1966)

47. Reid, W.H., Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 51:350 (1955)

48. Rodriguez, J.M., Zakin, J.L., and Patterson, G.K., in press (1966)

49. Savins, J.G., A.I.Ch.E. J. 11:673 (1965)

50. Seyer, F.A., current research

51. Seyer, F.A., and Metzner, A.B., submitted for publication

52. Shaver, R.G., and Merrill, E.W., A.I.Ch.E. J. 5:181 (1959)

53. Shertzer, C.R., and Metzner, A.B., Proc. 4th Int. Cong. Rheology, p. 603,

54. Singh, K., Ph.D. thesis, Pennsylvania State University, University Park,
Penn., 1966

55. Slattery, J.C, A.I.Ch.E. J. 11:831 (1965)

56. Townsend, A. A., in "Handbook of Fluid Dynamics," V.L. Streeter, ed.,

McGraw-Hill, New York, 1961

57. Uebler, E.A., Ph.D. thesis, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware,


58. Vela, S., Kalb, J.W., and Fredrickson, A.G., A.I.Ch.E. J. 11:288 (1965)

59. Walters, K., and Savins, J.G., Trans. Soc. Rheology 9(No. 1):407 (1965)

60. White, J.L., and Tokita, N., in press (1966)

61. White, J.L., and Metzner, A.B., A.I.Ch.E. J. 11:324 (1965)

62. White, J.L., and Metzner, A.B., J. App. Poly. Sci. 7:1867 (1963)

Turbulence in Viscoelastic Fluids


Richard L. Hummel
University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada

The authors imply that the drag reduction associated with these dilute poly-
meric solutions would be due to a suppression of the high-frequency or small
eddies. Is it not correct to believe that the majority of the energy is first
picked up by relatively larger eddies through interaction of the bulk stream and
the wall layer and then successfully transferred to smaller and smaller eddies
where it is more rapidly consumed? If this is so and the suppression of small
eddies is due to a more rapid absorption of the energy by these small eddies, I
do not see that this would result in any large change in the drag characteristics
per se.

I would presume that for some non -Newtonian fluids, at least, relaxation of

stress in a current direction of flow or shear would change the fluids resistance
to flow in a new direction by a different amount and that the change might well
be of opposite sign. That is, while the resistance to flow for shear in the x di-
rection was decreased because of flow in the x direction, resistance to flow or
shear in the y or z direction could be increased relative to that of a stationary
randomly oriented fluid. Since common turbulence requires movements not only
in the primary direction of flow, but also in all other directions such behaviour
would suppress the conversion of energy into eddies of any size in the wall re-
gion where the flow is most predominantly unidirectional.

The possible behaviour for the polymeric solutions might be inferred from
microscopic physical models of the system. These will depend very much upon
the relative interactions between the low-molecular -weight liquid and the high-
molecular -weight polymer. If the interactions with the polymer unit were suffi-
ciently high, each polymer molecule could be dispersed through the liquid as
some sort of thread, possibly tangled. This form would be very strongly aligned
by flow shear to give a reduced drag in the direction of flow and considerably
increased drag in other directions. If the interaction between liquid and polymer
were less favourable, polymer would tend to be forced out of the liquid (or pull
itself out, it does not matter which) to form small globules, but in this case
there would be almost as strong a tendency to collect large numbers of these
molecules to produce fairly sizable micelles as in soap solutions. As noted in
the preceding paper these globules themselves tend to become deformed and
elongated in the direction of shear, which results in reduced resistance in this
direction and increased resistance in others, but to a lesser extent the fragmen-
tation of these globules could result in a reduced resistance in all directions.
Other possibilities exist depending on the liquid, the polymer units, and the
polymer end groups, including the setting up of local or extended gels which are
more or less fibrous networks through the liquid. To what extent are these ar-
rangements known and how do they affect drag reduction?

Seyer and Metzner

I am not very familiar with the equations of fluid dynamics, having recently

entered the field to apply a new measurement technique we have developed. With
this technique we have thus far measured, I believe for the first time, the instan-
taneous thickness and velocity profile for the laminar region at the wall in tur-
bulent pipe flow. I would judge that the equations presented in this and the pre-
ceding paper are largely either empirical or semiempirical (the form specified
by some theory, but the constants fitted to experiment) and that, therefore, ac-
curate time-continuous experimental data on the stress and rate of strain rela-
tionships for these fluids is required possibly to verify the theoretical form of
the equations and certainly to provide the constants which would determine the
detailed behaviour of the fluid. This paper indicates that the standard hot wire
or hot probe results for fluid velocity are highly questionable due to expected
but unknown effects of the non -Newtonian fluid on the probe. When one further
considers that in Newtonian flow corrections are frequently necessary which
were not originally expected, such as, for example, the effect of small-scale-
turbulence intensity on the heat transfer veiocity relationship. Furthermore all
probes tend to disturb the flow for measurements near a wall, which may be the
region where drag reduction occurs with these unique solutions. Our new tech-
nique involves the instantaneous introduction of a very fine dye tracer at any
angle to the flow, including perpendicular, without disturbing the flow. It will
permit continuous and accurate determinations of the liquid strain rate (velocity
profiles). I would welcome suggestions as to experimental conditions.


A. B. Metzner

Professor Hummel correctly emphasizes the inconsistencies between the

several approaches available at the present time for interpretation of the turbu-
lent drag reduction effects noted in viscoelastic fluids. The suggestion that
local strain rate measurements in such turbulent systems would be of much in-
terest is obviously a good one, and he is to be encouraged to both carry out such
studies, if he has an interest in them, or make the details of his experimental
technique available to others who may have an interest in it.

A. G. Fabula
Naval Ordnance Test Station
(after July 1967 renamed the Naval Undersea Warfare Center)
Pasadena, California

Longitudinal, one -dimensional turbulence energy spectra were meas-
ured behind a towed grid in a tank filled with dilute aqueous high-
polymer solutions. Several types of hot-film flowmeters with constant-
tennperature bridges were used, with emphasis on quartz-coated,
platinum-film sensors of conical shape. Spectral nneasurements in
water were consistent with wind-tunnel measurements. Cylindrical
sensors were found unsuitable because of evidence of coating of the
hot-film leading edge. The additives -were poly(ethylene oxides) (Polyox
WSR-301 and coagulant), polyacrylamides (Separan AP-30 and JlOO)
and guar gum. Concentrations of up to 137 ppm were used. The guar
gum produced temporary suspensions which were not suitable for tur-
bulence measurements because of high noise level. With the other
additives, the sensor signal near the grid included a high-frequency
connponent (called "raggedness") which was attributed to temporary (or
temporarily altered) inhomogeneity caused by the action of the grid
bars. With extreme raggedness, the interpretation of the signal as a
turbulent velocity fluctuation would have implied impossible viscous
dissipation rates.

The raggedness was insensitive to the range of solution preparation

techniques used, which included demineralization of the water and 40
hours of gentle stirring of concentrated "master" solutions. When
there was a decrease of raggedness (at a fixed distance from the towed
grid) with solution age, there was also a significant decrease of spe-
cific viscosity.

Three types of spectral effects were the spectral distortion due to rag-
gedness, a greater experimental scatter of spectral levels near the
grid in newly prepared solutions, and the predictable spectral shift due
to viscosity increase. No non-Newtonian spectral effects were detected
under conditions of nonragged signals or at frequencies below the spec-
tral distortion due to raggedness.

Note: This paper is based on a thesis listed as Ref. 1,


The absence of non-Newtonian, viscoelastic effects is attributed to the

largest viscoelastic relaxation times (according to molecular theory)
being necessarily much smaller than the smallest inertial spectral
transfer time scales of the turbulence. The raggedness phenonnenon
prevented operation under conditions for which a significant viscoelas-
tic effect on the energy spectrum would have been likely.


The mechanism of high-polymer-additive friction reduction in turbulent

pipe and boundary-layer liquid flows is currently of great research interest. It
is clear that turbulence measurements in the shear flows with friction reduction
are of interest. However, in such work it would be desirable to be able to re-
solve the smallest turbulence scales which are known to be important. This is
difficult to do in liquid-flow facilities of ordinary size with available turbulence
sensors. Thus other types of turbulent flow were also considered in planning
this investigation.

In choosing the type of flow for study, the following requirements were con-
sidered essential:

1. The experiment should contribute to eventual understanding of the

friction-reduction phenomenon in wall -turbulence shear flows.

2. The available turbulence sensors for use in liquids should have adequate
spatial resolution and frequency response for the flow to be studied.

3. The experiment should be free as far as possible from bias due to ef-
fects of degradation of solution properties by mechanical cleavage of polymer

With these considerations in mind, it was decided to study a turbulent flow

without meanshear, specifically a grid-turbulence flow, which offers a useful
approximation to isotropic turbulence. This hypothetical type of turbulence is
more amenable to theoretical treatment and still is of practical value in vinder-
standing actual turbulence, in which the fine -scale structure is known to be
nearly isotropic.

Requirements 2 and 3 led to the selection of a towing-tank experiment in

which the scale of the turbulence could be made large enough relative to the
available sensors, and in which the test fluid is sheared only by the moving test
grid. If the same experiment were performed in a water tunnel, the test fluid
would also be sheared by the pump and in the tunnel -wall boundary layers.

Many investigators of the friction-reduction phenomenon have suggested

that the mechanism of friction reduction involves the viscoelastic properties of
the dilute solutions. The specific aim of this work was to determine the differ-
ences, between solution and solvent, in the longitudinal one -dimensional grid-
turbulence energy spectra, and to relate the differences to the viscoelastic
properties of the solutions. A concurrent theoretical investigation was made by

Grid Turbulence in Dilute High-Polymer Solutions

Singh and the intention was to obtain a comparison of theory and experiment.
Due nature of the results, this comparison cannot be made yet, and no
to the
theoretical discussion is needed in this work beyond that given in the later dis-
cussion of the experimental results.

Several high-molecular-weight industrial polymers which are known to be

effective friction reducerswere used as additives:

Polymer Supplier

Poly(ethylene oxide) (Polyox WSR-301) Union Carbide Chem. Co.

Poly(ethylene oxide) (Polyox Coagulant) Union Carbide Chem. Co.
Guar gum (J2FP) Western Company
Polyacrylamide (Separan AP-30) Dow Chemical Company
Polyacrylamide (JlOO) Dowell Division,
Dow Chemical Company.

The polymers were used as received, without drying, screening, or frac-

tionation. Most of the work was done with a 50-pound barrel of Polyox WSR-301,
within several months of being shipped "from new stock." This polymer will be
indicated by P301B. The last three additives were used only briefly, since the
results indicated no advantage in their use. Because of the nature of the results
no detailed comparison of the additive molecular properties is needed in this
It is clear that the test solutions would have produced significant friction

reduction in turbulent pipe flow at typical wall shear stresses, say of the order
of 10^ dynes/cm^. In two cases, friction reduction tests with solutions made
from Polyox WSR-301 and from JlOO showed the expected high degree of effec-
tiveness (e.g., 70% pressure-drop reduction) at low concentrations (e.g., at 20
ppm parts per million by weight). Maximum concentrations in the towing-tank
tests were about 140 ppm. All the towing-tank solutions are "dilute" (3) in that
the dimensionless concentration c' [17] , where c' is the polymer concentration
in g/100 cc or g/dl and [r]] is the intrinsic viscosity in dl/g, is at most about
0.3. In general, local tap water was used as the solvent. As discussed later,
there was no evidence that the results were dependent on the solvent impurities.

A Turbulence Research Towing Tank, 48 feet long with a cross section of
about 4 by 4 feet, was constructed for this work. The tank is lined with a
smooth vinyl film which was hosed clean between tests. A grid-turbulence ex-
periment is shown in progress in Fig. 1. The grid carriage, carrying the verti-
cal grid, is pulled along by cables from constant-speed winches. The sensor
carriage, generally towed by a cable from the grid carriage, follows at a fixed
distance x from the grid (i.e., at a constant value of x m, where M is the grid
mesh width). The duration of useful run time is about 25 sec for the standard
towing speed of 36 cm/sec.


Fig. 1 - Towing tank during a grid-turbulence run

A better view of the sensor carriage with the sensor -carrying, surface-
piercing strut, is given in Fig. 2. The strut is faired to reduce vortex-shedding
excitation and is mounted on a simple vibration-isolation moimting of very low
natural frequency. The sensor is connected to its constant-temperature bridge
by the long cable seen in Fig. 1.

Two types of hot-film flowmeters were used with constant-temperature

bridges. The thermistor type developed by Lumley (4) was initially emphasized.
An advantage of thig type is its small size, with the diameter of the sensitive
area being about 0.006 in. In water, the sensor must have a coating to keep wa-
ter out of the thermistor film, but the glass coatings used for this purpose have
been tinreliable." Thus most of the work was done with quartz- coated platinum
film sensors manufactured by Thermo-Systems, Inc., of Minneapolis, Minne-
sota. Figure 3 shows the form and relative size of the sensor types used in this
work. Names were usually assigned to the various sensors as a convenient
means of identification.

Due to the low frequency range in this work, the frequency response of the
bridges used is flat, and only the frequency response of the sensors is of con-
cern. Their comparative frequency response in water was evaluated by meas-
urements of a standard grid-turbulence spectrum. Significant frequency re-
sponse drop-off was found for circular-cylindrical sensors and for a glass-coated
thermistor. For the circular cylinders, Lighthill's analysis (5) was used to

*Modifications made since the completion of this work have eliminated this

Grid Turbulence in Dilute High-Polymer Solutions

Fie. 2 - Sensor carriage


2 mil


FILM (P-ia-2)

I 1 I I

20 40 60 m II

Fig. 3 - Relative size and shape

of hot-film sensors


show that the drop-off was not a boundary layer effect, and the drop-off was at-
tributed to the separated flow which occurs at the Reynolds numbers in this
work. The circiilar-cylindrical sensors were also found to produce a false tur-
bulence signal in the form of "wake ripple" and "wake noise" starting at sensor
Reynolds number of 40 to 50. The drop-off for the thermistor-film sensor was
verified by "interface -penetration" tests and was attributed to an extra-thick
glass coating. It was found that the wedge sensor gave abnormal calibration
curves in Polyox solutions, presumably due to coating of the hot film by gela-
tinous material collecting on the leading edge. Thus most of the solution work
was done with conical sensors, which displayed only minor calibration- curve
shifts due to the additives. The improvement may be attributed to the better
shape and the film location. In other work (6), the frequency response of simi-
lar conical sensors was found to be essentially flat out to 200 cps for 50 cm/sec
which is close to the mean flow speed in this work. Because the upper frequency
of the useful spectral measurements in this work was usually about 200 cps, the
conical sensors were assumed to have flat response in both water and in the di-
lute solutions. The results do not deny this assumption, but when most concen-
trated solutions are used in future work, the frequency -response question should
be re-examined.

In order to provide for comparison of the towing-tank results for water with
measurements in air by Comte-Bellot and Corrsin (7), a square-bar, square-
mesh biplane type of grid was used with the ratio of mesh width to bar thickness
taken as 5.3. Thus the nominal grid solidity is 0.34. The grid Reynolds num-
ber, R^, = Uq ^/v, where u^ is the mean speed and v is the kinematic viscosity,
was about 40,000 in the towing-tank tests and from 17,000 to 135,000 in the wind-
tvinnel tests. The mesh width was chosen as 11.8 cm on the basis of several
considerations. It had to be sufficiently small compared to the test section di-
mensions to encourage lateral homogeneity of the turbulence. On the other hand
a large value was desirable so that the available sensors would accurately re-
solve the smallest turbulence scale of interest. This scale can be assigned as
follows. The characteristic dissipation wavenumber is k^ where i/k^ is the
Kolmogoroff microscale, {v^/e)^^*, with e the time rate of decay of turbulence
energy per unit mass. It is desirable to resolve eddies of the corresponding
scale, and so l^, the longest scale of the sensor hot film, should be less than
about the half wavelength corresponding to k^, i.e., ^r/kj. The corresponding
frequency seen by the sensor, \'.^\]^/2n, should be well below the sensor cut-off
frequency f^. k^ decreases with distance from the grid, and in this work a
typical high value (for x/M % lo) is 30 cm"^ Thus the sensor size condition is

-tg < 0.1 cm , (1)

and the cut -off -frequency condition is

f^ 170 cps . (2)

These conditions were satisfied in this work with the conical sensors and mar-
ginally satisfied with the wedge sensor, A large value of M was also desirable
to make the grid Reynolds number as high as possible.

Grid Turbulence in Dilute High-Polynner Solutions

The towing speed was chosen from considerations of sensor frequency re-
sponse, towing-tank length and test run duration, grid towing power, and pres-
sure drop across the grid. Sensor frequency response and test run duration
have been discussed already. The grid towing power is about 1/3 horsepower.
The hydrostatic head corresponding to the pressure drop through the grid is
about 1/4 in. There was no need to restrain the free surface in this work to re-
duce wave generation, since spectral measurements showed no wave components.
Waves moving relative to the grid were observed only ahead of the grid.

A common problem with water velocity measurements by hot-element sen-

sors is contamination. In this work the problem was unimportant, as illustrated
by the fact that one particular quartz-coated sensor was used at intervals over
periods of weeks without cleaning and with only minor calibration shift. The
most important step in obtaining this reliability was tank water conditioning by
filtering and deaeration. It was also found to be important to stir the tank by
several passes of the grid before beginning calibration tests, to eliminate any
temperature gradients.

The tank solution preparation problem was sizable, since the 6000 gallons
of solution had to be homogeneous but not appreciably degraded by the method of
preparation. Two methods were used. In the first method the polymer particles
were dispersed directly into the tank filled with conditioned tap water, using an
aspirator type of disperser. The towing-tank fluid was then mixed by towing the
grid back and forth, sometimes with an off-center board on the grid to produce
larger-scale mixing. The grid turbulence helped to dissolve the gelatinous
blobs which the polymer particles become after being wetted. The results with
the first Polyox solutions prepared by the "direct-dispersal" technique, led to
work with the polyacrylamides. Prolonged grid stirring or stirring by air bub-
bling did not dissolve the gelatinous blobs of Separan AP-30 and JIOO. Thus it
was necessary to prepare a master solution at a relatively high concentration
(e.g., 0,8%) and mix it for a long period of time to encourage homogeneity. This
solution was then diluted to the desired concentration with conditioned water and
fvirther mixing.

Sensor calibration was done by towing the sensor carriage along the tank
and measuring bridge output voltage as a function of speed for a fixed bridge
operating condition. The slope of the bridge voltage curve at the mean speed
behind the grid was taken as the sensor sensitivity. Each sensor was calibrated
before and after each series of grid-turbulence tests. Sensor deterioration was
detected as a significant loss of sensitivity and as an upward drift of cold re-
sistance. When the drift of sensitivity in 2 hours was as much as 4%, the sensor
was replaced.

Turbulence samples were obtained using the equipment indicated in Fig. 4.

Each set of grid-turbulence tests for various x/m and amplifier and filter set-
tings was paralleled by a corresponding set of noise tests. For these tests the
tank was allowed to become quiet, as for the regular tests, and only the sensor
carriage was run along the tank. All signal generation, conditioning, and re-
cording conditions were kept the same as in the grid-turbulence tests. Usually
for each test condition, one or more tests were made to record the unfiltered
signal, and one or more additional tests were made to record the filtered,



Grid Turbulence in Dilute High-Polymer Solutions

Figure 5 shows a typical family of signal waveforms in water, when the

sensor is towed at x/m = 10.7, 12.6, and 20.2. Also included is the case where
all conditions are the same except that the sensor is being towed without the
grid along the tank, which is completely quiet. This noise test case will be
labeled x/M ~ co.

The absence or very low level of fine -scale structure in the waveforms of
Fig. 5 is due to the dominant action of viscosity which begins at k/k^ % 0. 1.
For x/M =10.7 the wavelength corresponding to k^ is roughly 0.2 cm or half of
one major division of the time scale.

For all conditions the same except for tank fluid and a negligible change in
sensor sensitivity. Fig. 6 shows the character of the signal at x/M = 10.7, 20.2,
and CO in Solution F-5 (P301B; 137 ppm; prepared by the master-solution method)
on the third day after dispersal, and at x/M = 10.7, 11 hours later. This is a
typical case of significant raggedness near the grid, negligible raggedness far-
ther away, and (only for Polyox) a decrease of raggedness with solution age at a
given x/M. The lower group of sweeps in Fig. 6c is for the ordinary speed, but
the upper group of sweeps is for the sensor at rest. Since the noise with the
quartz-coated sensor at rest in quiet fluid was independent of the test fluid, the
upper group also applies to the case of Fig. 5d for water. Thus there was a
decrease in noise level when the sensor was set in motion in water but a slight
increase in the solution. With variation of the lateral, y and z coordinates,

there were no notable changes in signal character, but some further evidence for
a low degree of intermittency of the raggedness.

The decay of raggedness with solution age is illustrated for Solution F-10
in Figs. 7-9. At 71 hours of age, raggedness is seen at x/M - 20.2, but by 89
hours it is essentially gone at the same x/M but still evident at x/M = 12.6. By
six days of age, raggedness is still detectable at x/M = 6. The waveforms for
x/M = CO in Fig. 9c show distinctive blips (corresponding to depressed heat
transfer) which are not seen for x/M - co in Fig. 7d. This phenomenon was found
in several cases of the concentrated, older Polyox solutions, and visible blobs
could be detected when none had been found before.

With other additives used in this work, there was more intense and age-
independent signal raggedness (for Separan AP-30 and JlOO), and there was a
higher level of solution noise which interfered more with spectral measure-
ments (for guar gum, Separan AP-30, and JlOO). Some tj^ical waveforms for
JlOO are given in Fig. 10 for Solution F-6 with a concentration of 46 ppm, pre-
pared by the master-solution method. The waveforms in Fig. 10 can be com-
pared with waveforms in water for corresponding x/M values in Fig. 5, for the
same sensor and only a minor change in sensitivity. The more intense ragged-
ness in this case seems to be related to the higher solution noise. In Fig. lOd
the waveforms for x/M = co are for two sensor towing speeds of about 20 and 45
cm/sec for the upper and lower groups respectively. A reasonable hypothesis
is that the cause of the higher noise level is solution inhomogeneity, and it im-
plies that the main result of changing speed from Uj to Uj should be a distortion
of the characteristic times by the factor Ui'U2. The waveforms in Fig. lOd are
at least superficially consistent with this requirement.


(a) x/m = 10.7 (b) x/w = 12.6

(c) X/M s 20.2 (d) X/M : 00

Fig. 5 - Signal waveforms with sensor Constance

(see Fig. 3) in water

Grid Turbulence in Dilute High-Polymer Solutions

(a ) x/M : 10.7, AGE 72hrs (b) x/m = 20.2, AGE 72hrs

(c) X/M : 00, AGE 72hrs (d) X/M : 10.7, AGE 83 hrs

Fig. 6 - Signal waveforms with

sensor Constance in Solution F-5


(a) x/m = 10.7 (b) x/M = 12.6

(c) X/M = 20.2 (d) X/M = CD

Fig. 7 - Signal waveforms with sensor Constance

in Solution F-10; age 71 hours

Grid Turbulence in Dilute High-Polymer Solutions


(q) x/m = 6 (b) x/m = 10.7

(c) x/m = 00

Fig. 9 - Signal waveforms with sensor Constance

in Solution F-10; age 6 days

Grid Turbulence in Dilute High-Polymer Solutions

(a ) X/M = 10.7 ( b) X/M = 12.6


At the time of the photographs of Fig. 10, 22 hours had passed since the
dispersal of the JlOO into mixing barrels. The master solution had been gently
stirred for 15 hours. In the other 7 hours, the master solutions were mixed
with the towing-tank water by a continuous-flow technique giving a 50:1 dilution,
with grid stirring to make the tank fluid homogeneous. After the photographs,
the tank was stirred again for 4-1/2 hours by continuous back and forth towing
of the grid by automatic switching. No changes in raggedness and noise resulted
from this stirring. The solution was left in the tank over a 7-day period and
then checked. No changes were found. Thus there is an extreme difference of
behavior of Polyox and JlOO solutions with respect to dependence of the signal
raggedness upon solution age. This difference is similar to their difference
with respect to the dependence of viscosity upon solution age.

The variation of towing-tank solution viscosity with age was studied with a
Caraher, low -shear -rate viscometer (8). Figure 11 gives the relative viscosity
{t]^) measurements- of towing-tank solutions of P301B. The data are in three
groups, according to whether the total amount of polymer added is 2, 4, or 6

Grid Turbulence in Dilute High-Polymer Solutions

pounds. (Solution F-1 has a slightly lower concentration than normal due to
spillage loss.) The results for Solution F-5 at 19 and 25"C show that relative
viscosity is only slightly temperature dependent, so that the difference between
temperatures of 24 and 25C can be ignored. There is fair agreement between
the backward extrapolations of the towing-tank data to one day of age with the
predicted values (based on tests of solutions prepared in small quantities) given
by the horizontal dashed lines. Polymer chain cleavage has been indicated as
the cause of viscosity loss of Polyox solutions (9).

By comparing the data in Fig. 11 with the preparation methods for the vari-
ous solutions in Table 1, some notable relations are found. Comparing Solutions
F-8 and F-1, the change from the direct-dispersal technique to the master
solution technique apparently produced no major change in the loss of specific
viscosity Vs "^
~ ^- Comparing Solution F-5 and F-10, the major increase in
master -solution stirring time, from about 20 to 40 hours, produced no changes
in the decrease.

Table 1
Preparation Methods for Towing-Tank P301B
Solutions Tested with the Caraher Viscometer

Direct-Dispersal Technique

The time for raggedness of Polyox solutions to disappear was not noticeably
affected by the range of solution preparation technique. The time depended, of
course, upon the value of x/M of interest. Roughly speaking, the times for rag-
gedness to disappear at x/M = 10.7 were about the same as the times for a 50%
loss of specific viscosity, according to Fig. 11, independent of the solution
preparation technique.

With JlOO solutions prepared in the same way as the P301B solutions, no
significant decrease in -q^ was found over the longest period tested, viz., one
week, and as has been mentioned, there was no decrease of signal raggedness
for the same period.

An effort was made to eliminate the raggedness by purifying the solvent.

"Softened" and demineralized tap water were tried with P301B, with no detect-
able effects.

No dependence of raggedness upon sensor overheat or angle of attack could

be detected. Raggedness was only found when the moving sensor reached liquid
disturbed by the grid or by other obstacles moving at similar speeds, such as a
circular cylinder or the sensor strut itself.

Spectral Effects of Signal Raggedness and Solution Noise

The spectral effects of raggedness and solution noise are illustrated in

Figs. 12 to 16. Relative spectral levels are given for x/M = 20.2 in water and in
Solution P301-3 at various solution ages in Solution P301-3 (WSR-301; direct
dispersal; 18 ppm). The conversion from relative levels versus frequency to
absolute spectral levels versus wavenumber is not needed. There is a common
reference for the relative levels in all five figures, and the change in sensor
sensitivity corresponds to only a 0.7-db shift. This is less than the standard
error of the single-run spectral measurements of about 1 db. In each figure
the data of three runs are shown: (a) a grid-turbulence test with recording of
the unfiltered signal (e.g.. Run C6 in Fig, 12), (b) a grid-turbulence test with
recording of the filtered signal in order to determine the high-frequency end of
the spectrum (e.g.. Run C9), and (c) a noise test with recording for the same
filter setting as in (b) (e.g.. Run ClON). Noise tests without filter are not shown
because the resultant noise corrections are negligible. The plotted spectral-
level data points are always the values without noise correction, and the associ-
ated fairing curves (the solid lines) are with noise corrections. Thus the noise
correction produces the departure of the fairing curves from the data points. In
later figures only the points for the signal-plus-noise spectral levels and the
noise-corrected fairings will be shown. The latter are always ended when the
noise correction becomes about 4 db, which occurs when the noise level is 2 db
below the signal-plus-noise level.

In Figs. 13 to 16 the water noise level from Fig. 12 is shown by the curve
labeled W.N.L. The increase in noise in the solution is about 5 to 10 db at the
frequencies shown and is fairly independent of solution age. Figure 12 shows
that in water the noise correction would have reached 4 db at about 250 cps. In
the 4-hour-old solution, the noise correction is negligible up to above 250 cps

Grid Turbulence in Dilute High-Polymer Solutions

-J. 1
Grid Turbulence in Dilute High-Polymer Solutions

-30| 1 1
I 1 1 1




> -70

< -80 P30l-3,43hr

C74 V

-90 "v^.N.L.
C84N \


-llO J I I I I I I

10 100 500

Fig. 16 - Relative spectral levels in

Solution P301-3 at x/M = 20.2 and ;
age 43 hours

because of raggedness. As raggedness decreases with solution age, the fixed

noise levels become more important, and at 43 hours, the noise correction is
about 4 db at 200 cps. Raggedness can be said to have disappeared at x/m = 20.2
by 43 hours because the noise-corrected spectral level curve shows no depar-
ture from the behavior in water of a monotonic decrease of logarithmic slope.

All the solutions prepared in this work showed some degree of increased
noise level relative to water. The lowest increases were obtained with the
Polyox solutions. Only a limited amount of spectral analysis was done with
other additives than Polyox. With guar gum, there was a high level of noise, due
to visible particles in the suspensions, which greatly restricted the range of x M
in which accurate spectral data could be obtained for the standard sample lengths.
With Separan AP-30 and JlOO, no spectral analysis was done because the signal
raggedness near the grid did not decrease in time and because the higher noise
levels with these additives would have interfered with tests far from the grid.

The decay of raggedness with distance from the grid is seen in the higher
frequency portions of the curves of Fig. 17. In these tests, Solution PC -4,


-40 I r



Qj -70-

80 -
Grid Turbulence in Dilute High-Polymer Solutions

Spectral Shift Due to Viscosity Increase

The comparison of the 4j{k) spectrum for the solution with the correspond-
ing spectrum for water must be made with allowance for viscosity difference.
Non-Newtonian behavior is indicated only if the spectral changes cannot be cor-
related with the predictions of the Newtonian-fluid scaling laws for the effects
of a simple viscosity increase.

As shown in Ref. 1, the good agreement of the normalized dissipation spec-

tra measured in air and water, with R,^ varying from 40,000 to 68,000, indicates
that the effect upon 0(k) in the dissipation range of a change in v should be pre-
dicted by assuming invariance of the function* 0(k)/(ei/5)^'"' measured at a
particular x/m for water and considered as a function of k/k^. Thus the spec-
tral shift in 0(k) due to a change in v arises only from the changes in k^^ and
{ev^)^'"^ . Furthermore because the wind-tunnel data also imply that eM/Ug^ for
a given x/M is essentially independent of R^, then e will be assumed to be fixed
for a given x/m. This assumption should be valid as long as the energy
containing scales are largely separate from the dissipation scales, as discussed
in Ref. 1. With

5(k/kj) = 0(k, x/M, v)/{ev^)^'"^ ,

where 0(k, x/m, v) has been measured for a particular grid, x/M and v , the ef-
fect of changing v to v' in the dissipation range should be given by

0'(k, x/M, v') = ^Ck/k^Xev'S)^^" , (3)

where k^ = and where e remains constant. For conciseness, this

{e/v'^) ''

scaling law will be referred to as Kolmogoroff similarity with constant dissipa-

tion. If m is the logarithmic derivative of ^(k/kj) with respect to k/k^, it can
be shown that

4>'/4>^ {v'/v)^'''''^'\ (4)

Then the spectral level shift in db is approximately

(m log (.Vv). (5)

y +

Thus if there is an inertial subrange with m = -5/3, the spectral level shift due
to viscosity in that inertially dominated range is zero as expected. Of course,
viscosity increase would not affect the even lower wavenumber range which is
also inertially dominated. Thus Eq. (5) applies only where m < -5/3. The upper
wavenumber for which spectral measurements were made was typically of the
order of k^. Since m ~ -1 for k k^ = 1, the factor (m + 5/3) varies from to
roughly -16/3 over the applicable range in this work. Thus for a 10% increase
in V, the spectral shift will be about -1.6 db. Since the viscosity increases due

''Because of equipment limitations, e was not determined but was replaced by

the isotropic viscous dissipation rate calculated from 0(k).


to the additives were often 25%, nonnegligible spectral shifts just due to
Newtonian -fluid effects are to be expected.

In order to test the similarity law, spectral measurements were made in

water at temperatures of 20.7C and 11.7C, giving a viscosity increase of 30%.
The results for (p(k)/(ev^)^^'* versus k/k^ are shown in the log-log plot of Fig.
18 for x/M - 10.7. The magnitude of the maximum separation between the two
curves is about 0.1 in terms of log [0(k)/(ev^)''''] or in other words 1 db; ,

thus the expected similarity is found to within the typical measurement scatter.
Similar agreement was found for x/M =12.6 and 20.2.

The magnitudes of the spectral shifts are not evident in Fig. 18 but are seen
in Fig. 19where the spectral level ratio (cold water compared with warm water)
is shown for x/M = 10.7. Also included is the approximate prediction of Eq. (5)
(dashed curve), based on values of m determined graphically from Fig. 18, De-
spite the approximation made in deriving Eq. (5) it can be seen that Fig. 19 is
quite consistent with Fig. 18, so that the approximate relation can be used in
considering viscosity increase in the polymer solutions.

Spectral Shifts in Polymer Solutions

Some general characteristics of the spectral measurements in Polyox solu-

tions can be seen in the data already presented. For example in the P301-3
tests of Figs. 13 to 16 the distortion of the spectra due to signal raggedness de-
creased with solution age until finally any remaining signal raggedness effect

10^ n 1

I 1
I I r
1 I


"i I



_l I I 1 _I I I I I I I I
lO"' 1 I I I

Fig. 18 - Comparison of normalized spectra in water

for x/M = 10.7 for a 30% viscosity difference

Grid Turbulence in Dilute High-Polymer Solutions

2[ I I I I


Fig. 19 - Spectral level shift for x/M = 10.7

due to a 30% viscosity increase, compared
with the predicted shift (dashed curve) fronn
Eq. (5) using values of m determined from
Fig. 18

was lost in the noise. A detailed comparison shows that there are no significant
spectral changes other than those which can be attributed to raggedness. The
estimated viscosity increase was so small that the expected spectral shift due
to viscosity increase was insignificant.

For higher concentrations of Polyox, two other types of spectral shift were
observed. The first type was a greater scatter in spectral measurements near
the grid. A possible cause of such behavior could be temporary sensor sensi-
tivity loss, due to intermittent coating. However, no abrupt changes of signal
level were ever observed. Another possible cause is poorer mixing of the wakes
of the grid bars, since the diffusion of turbulent wakes has been shown to be re-
duced even by low Polyox concentrations (10). The grid-turbulence experiment
is not appropriate for a study of the wake mixing, for which a large increase in
the number of runs would be necessary. With older solutions or greater x/M the
scatter of spectral measurements was the same as the scatter in water.

The final type of spectral shift in the more concentrated Polyox solutions
was that due to the viscosity increase. An example of this type of shift can be
seen with Fig. 20, which gives the relative spectral curves for water and Solu-
tion F-5 at 66 hours, both for x/M = 39. Considering Fig. 6 which shows wave-
forms for x/M = 20.2 and 72 hours, and noting the similar effects of grid dis-
tance and solution age, we can assume that the waveforms in Fig. 6 for x m =
20.2 would have also applied, except in amplitude, to x m = 39 at 66 hours. Thus
no spectral effects due to raggedness are expected. In Fig. 20, the curve for
the solution departs from the data points due to the usual noise correction, and
the curve is stopped when the correction becomes 4 db. When correction of


T 1 1 1 1
1 I 1
1 1

-50 -

< -80
o D WATER , 18 3 "C

o ^ SOLUTION F5 , 66 hrs , 19 I 'C


_J I III I I I J I I I I I I I J I l_

10 100

Fig. 20 - Relative spectral levels in water

and in Solution F-5 for x/M = 39

S 4 "T
1 1
I I I -I

_l I L.

100 500

Fig. Zl - Spectral level shift in Solution F-5

compared with water for x M = 39

Grid Turbulence in Dilute High-Polymer Solutions

+3.6 db to the solution curve (due to sensor replacement by one of much lower
sensitivity) is made, the spectral level shift data in Fig. 21 are obtained.

The amount of the spectral shift can be compared with the predicted shift
due to simple viscosity increase according to Kolmogoroff similarity with con-
stant dissipation. Using the relative viscosity measurements on Solution F-5
discussed earlier, the viscosity ratio v' for 66 hours can be estimated as 1.27.

Thus the dashed curve in Fig. 21 results from the viscosity spectral shift rela-
tion of Eq. (5). The agreement is as good as in the case of the cold-water tests.
Thus there is no evidence of any non-Newtonian effects.

Spectral shift curves for solution F-5 for various solution ages and x/M =
10.7 are given in Fig. 22. The theoretical dashed curve is for 73 hours, but ap-
plies for all three solution ages, since the decrease of viscosity ratio from 1.27
to 1.23 for 66.5 to 85 hours produces only a 4% decrease in log (v' /v)

The changes in signal waveforms in Fig. 6 for x/M = 10.7 between 72 and 83
hours can be compared with the changes in spectral shift for the same x/M in
Fig. 22 for roughly the same period. It is clear that as the solution ages the
decrease of raggedness reveals more and more of the spectral shift due to the

Fig. 22Spectral level shift in Solution

F-5 compared with water for x/M = 10.7
and various solution ages


viscosity increase. Similar behavior was found for the lower P301B concentra-
tions, except that the viscosity spectral shifts was not so large. The theoretical
prediction for the absence of any non -Newtonian effects is given in the following


A theoretical estimate of the requirements for viscoelastic effects on the

grid-turbulence spectrum can be obtained as follows. With the molecular theo-
ries of viscoelasticity of dilute polymer solutions, a spectrum of relaxation
times is associated with the solvated macromolecular coils. When the theoreti-
cal results for infinitesimal oscillatory shear are generalized in order to obtain
materially objective forms, as in the work of Spriggs and Bird (11), the same
characteristic times appear, as long as one assumes that the coils are subject
only to small perturbations. We will use the molecular theory value of the ter-
minal (largest) molecular-coil relaxation time t^ as the best available estimate
for the largest viscoelastic time of the dilute solutions.

Avariety of characteristic times can be associated with turbulent flows.

With respect to the effects of viscoelasticity upon grid turbulence, the time
characteristic of the spectral transfer of energy from larger to smaller eddies
would seem to be appropriate. This is the Onsager time of inertial spectral
transfer, as used by Corrsin (12):

where E(/<) is the three-dimensional energy spectrum function and k is the

wavenumber vector magnitude, Nondimensionalizing with dissipation variables,
we obtain, for k^ = (e/v^)^""^

t^(e/v)^^^ ^ [k/kj)^ E(k)/( 1^5)1/4]- ^

where (e/V)^/^ is the rms vorticity in isotropic turbulence. Figure 23 gives

the plot of Eq. (7) using a Heisenberg spectrum for E(k), The curve is taken
from Corrsin's report (12), Also shown are points based on measurements of
E(/<) in grid turbulence by Uberoi (13), The Lagrangian integral time scale of
strain-rate fluctuations would seem to be necessarily of the same order or
larger than t^, which can be interpreted as the time for energy associated with
wavenumber k to be transferred to wavenumber 2k .

Corrsin also considers two other characteristic times: t^^ for energy ex-
change due to pressure-velocity correlations and t^ for viscous dissipation,
t^ has to be assumed to be approximately equal to t^, t^ becomes appreciably
smaller than t^ only for k/k^ > 1. In this region, we can expect that the effects
of viscoelasticity to be difficult to separate experimentally from purely viscous
non-Newtonian effects.

Thus as the viscoelastic relaxation time, t is increased from values far


smaller than the minimum characteristic times associated with the turbulence,

Grid Turbulence in Dilute High-Polymer Solutions

1 1

I I r


Fig. 23 - Inertial spectral transfer time, calculated (12)

from a Heisenberg spectrum. The points are from grid-
turbulence measurements by Uberoi (13).

we may expect experimentally significant viscoelastic effects upon the grid tur-
bulence to first appear at k/k^ ~ 1/2, and we presume the effect would become
significant when
t re/z.)i/V2 (8)

The molecular theories (14-16) which predict the value of t^ are for sufficiently
dilute solutions that the macromolecular coils are well separated. Thus

100 Voh^l^

,0 is the solvent viscosity; [t^] is the intrinsic viscosity for vanishing

steady shear rate or vanishing frequency of infinitesimal oscillatory shear; in is
the molecular weight; N^^ is the Avogadro constant; kg is the Boltzman constant;
and T is the absolute temperature. The numerical constant a varies somewhat
with the theory, but can be taken as 1/2 for this work. The factor of 100 ap-
pears when [t]] is given in the usual units of dl/g.

Comparison of the molecular theory predictions with experimental meas-

urements have only been made for solutions which are not "dilute" in the sense
c' [t]] 1. Reasonable agreement for well-characterized solutions, i.e., of
narrow or known molecular weight distributions, has been obtained by many


investigators using an empirical concentration correction to the t^ formula, in

which [rj] is replaced by (v- Vo)^^'Vq, so that


The concentration dependence is not very large for

reduced by the factor v-
c' [r;]
1, as in this work,
and its effect on Eq. (7) is

Wecan make only a crude prediction of t^ with Eqs. (9) and (10), because
of theunknown molecular weight distributions of the industrial Polyox polymers
used. Thus for P301B with Iv] ~ 20 dl/g and ==4x10^, we obtain t^ 0.002

sec from Eq. (9). With this value and v = 0.01 cm^/sec, Eq. (8) gives a required
e of about 10"* cm^/sec-^. This value is extremely high compared with values
in the present grid-turbulence flow. With m/Uq^ ~ 12/34 sec Vcm^, the required
value of eMAJg^ is about 3, while from data in Ref. 1 the extrapolated value for
x/M = 5 is about 0.01. Five mesh widths is as close to the grid as one might
hope to find some degree of turbulence homogeneity. Thus the dissipation rates
in the grid-turbulence experiment are too low by a factor of 300 to expect any
effect on the turbulence spectrum. If we assume that the ratio of times in Eq.
(8) needs to be only about 1/3 instead of 1, the dissipation rates are still too low
by a factor of about 30. Thus no viscoelastic effect upon the turbulence spec-
trum in this work is expected.

The need for matching the viscoelastic relaxation time to the minimum tur-
bulence characteristic time became clear early in this work. It was thought
that polymer concentration could be increased to produce the desired magnitude
of t_^. The task of solution preparation became formidable when the master
solution technique was introduced in an attempt to solve the raggedness prob-
lem. Nevertheless, much higher concentrations than 140 ppm could be used in
the towing tank. However, the present results indicate that this is not worth-
while until the signal raggedness can be eliminated or circumvented.

The raggedness problem also prevents a useful increase in (e/-u)^'^ which

might more nearly satisfy Eq. (8). This is seen when possible changes in the
grid-experiment parameters are considered. While energy decay rates can be
increased by going to higher grid solidity, problems of flow instability (17) limit
the increase in solidity. Thus eU/V^ versus x M for the present grid can be as-
sumed to apply. As discussed in Ref. 1, there is little dependence on u^u u.
Thus at a given x/M, e can be increased in proportion to the increase in Ug^/M
which is consistent with other requirements, namely avoidance of raggedness,
adequate sensor frequency response and spatial resolution, and a suitable tur-
bulence Reynolds number. The raggedness problem imposes the most severe
restriction, since the time from grid passage for a given x M is proportional to
MAJq. If the decay of raggedness is a process of disentanglement or relaxation
of clusters formed or changed in character by the bars of the grid, as discussed
next, then if Ug/M is increased, it may be presumed that even greater solution
aging will be required before signal raggedness disappears at a given x m.
Since major solution degradation was suggested by the loss of specific viscosity
when signal raggedness disappeared at x m = 10.7 in the present experiment,

Grid Turbulence in Dilute High-Polymer Solutions

and since concurrent degradation of elastic properties can be expected to occur

(18),an increase in Uq/M is undesirable. If Uq/M is kept fixed, an increase in e
by a factor of 30 requires increases in u^ and M by a factor of n/^. This is
completely impracticable in the present towing tank. Thus it is clear that Uq/M
must be increased to increase e and therefore the signal raggedness problem

must be solved before the desired near match of characteristic times can be
achieved in the grid-turbulence experiment.

Solution inhomogeneity, perhaps with polymer impurity as a contributing

factor, would seem to be the most likely cause of signal raggedness. For exam-
ple, if the solution ahead of the grid contains large clusters of macromolecules,
then a simple mechanism for the production of signal raggedness can be hypoth-
esized. During the short period of high shear rate which the fluid undergoes in
the grid-bar boundary layers, these clusters might be stretched out into long
"fibers." Such fibers may be expected to have a stiffness of form and a long
relaxation time, because a high degree of alignment has been given to the poly-
mer chains in the cluster and some solvent has been forced out of the interior
of the cluster. The difference between signal raggedness and solution noise
may be presumed to represent the greater disturbance to the shear flow over
the hot film by the passage of "fibers" as compared with the passage of soft

Another mechanism by which the bars of the grid might produce raggedness
is by accumulating smaller clusters on their stagnation lines. Presumably the
rate of accumulation would be balanced by a washoff of temporary agglomerates
of a much larger size than the constituent clusters, so that the sensor might de-
tect only the agglomerates.

None of these hypotheses could be tested in this work. By working with a

smaller volume of liquid in a small flow facility or in a miniature tank, solution
purification techniques such as filtering and centrifugation could be used to see
if signal raggedness could be eliminated in that way. Also solutions with con-
trolled inhomogeneity could be tested to determine the dependence of signal
raggedness on existing clusters, and optical means might be used to determine
if washoff of coating material is involved.

There is very little other work on hot-film flowmeter measurements with

which this work can be compared. However several concurrent investigations
should answer the natural question of whether or not there is any connection be-
tween the signal-raggedness phenomenon found in this grid-turbulence study and
the friction-reduction phenomenon in pipe and boundary -layer flows.

The author thanks his thesis advisor. Professor John L. Lumley, for com-
prehensive guidance during this work (1). This research was supported by the
Bureau of Naval Weapons as a part of a graduate study program in Hydrodynam-
ics of Submerged Bodies. The work of Professor Lumley was supported in part
by ONR.


1. Fabula, A.G., "An Experimental Study of Grid Turbulence in Dilute High-
Polymer Solutions," Ph.D. Thesis, Pennsylvania State University, 1966

2. Singh, K., "Non -Newtonian Effects on the Turbulent Energy Spectrum Func-
tion," Ph.D. Thesis, Pennsylvania State University, 1966

3. Weissberg, S.G., Simha, R., and Rothman, S., "Viscosity of Dilute and Mod-
erately Concentrated Polymer Solutions," J. Res. Natl. Bur. Stds. 47:298-
314 (1951)

4. Lumley, J.L., "The Constant Temperature Hot Thermistor Anemometer,"

A.S.M.E. Symposium Proceedings: Measurements in Unsteady Flow at
Worcester, 1962, A.S.M.E., New York, 1962

5. Lighthill, M.J., "The Response of Laminar Skin Friction and Heat Transfer
to Fluctuations in the Stream Velocity," Proc. Roy. Soc. 224A:l-23 (1954)

6. Evans, D.J., "An Instrument for the Measurement of Ocean Turbulence,"

Pacific Naval Laboratory Tech. Memo. 63-8, Defence Research Board,
Canada, 1963

7. Comte-Bellot, G., and Corrsin, S., "The Use of a Contraction to Improve

the Isotropy of Grid-Generated Turbulence," unpublished

8. Caraher, J.M., "An Ultra-Low Shear-Rate Viscosimeter," A.S.M.E. Applied

Mechanics and Fluids Engineering Conference: Symposium on Rheology at
Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., 1965, A.S.M.E., New
York, 1965, pp. 62-70

9. McGary, C.W., Jr., "Degradation of Poly(ethylene Oxide)," J. Polymer Sci.

46:51-57 (1960)

10. Wu, J., "Experiments on Free Turbulence in Visco-Elastic Fluids," Hydro-

nautics. Inc., Technical Report 353-1, Mar. 1965

11. Spriggs, T.W., and Bird, R.B., "Some Nonlinear Viscoelastic Models with
Inclusion of Results from Molecular Theory," Ind, Eng. Chem. Fund.
4:182-186 (1965)

12. Corrsin, S., "Local Isotropy in Turbulent Shear Flow," NACA Res. Mem.
RM 58B11, Washington, D.C., 1958

13. Uberoi, M.S., "Energy Transfer in Isotropic Turbulence," Phys. Fluids

6:1048-1056 (1965)

14. Rouse, P.E., Jr., "A Theory of the Linear Viscoelastic Properties of Dilute
Solutions of Coiling Polymers," J. Chem. Phys. 21:1272-1820 (1953)

Grid Turbulence in Dilute High-Polymer Solutions

15. Zimm, B.H., "Dynamics of Polymer Molecules in Dilute Solution Visco-

elasticity, Flow Birefringence and Dielectric Loss," J. Chem. Phys.
24:269-278 (1956)

16. Tschoegl, N.W., "Influence of Hydrodynamic Interaction on the Viscoelastic

Behavior of Dilute Polymer Solutions in Good Solvents," J. Chem. Phys.
40:473-479 (1964)

17. Corrsin, S., "Turbulence: Experimental Methods," Handbuch der Physik,

Vol. 8, edited by S. Flugge and C.A. Truesdell, Springer -Ver lag, Berlin,
1963, pp. 524-590

18. Patterson, G.K., Hershey, H.C., Green, CD., and Zakin, J.L., "Effect of
Degradation by Pumping on Normal Stresses in Polyisobutyline Solutions,"


G. E. Gadd
National Physical Laboratory
Felt ham, Middlesex, England

Dr. Fabula's suggested explanation of "raggedness," that it might be due to

molecular clusters stretched out into long fibers, could also perhaps be relevant
to the following phenomena:

1. experiments* on eddy shedding behind a small circular cylinder,

Polyox concentrations greater than 20 ppm had been found to halve the fre-
quency, whereas below 10 ppm it had no effect.

2. Similarly, when Polyox solutions of greater than 20 ppm were poured,

they showed "stringiness," the formation of long hairlike filaments, which did
not seem to occur for less than 10 ppm concentration.

3.Further, a laminar jet of coloured Polyox solution of greater than 20

ppm concentration emerging into uncoloured Polyox solution showed, when it
turned turbulent, a quite different kind of turbulence than for the similar flow of
water, with a complete suppression of the small eddies. No such eddy suppres-
sion occurred, however, below 10 ppm concentration, as White of Hendon had
showed, even though these weaker solutions are still very effective^ in reducing
turbulent drag.

*G.E. Gadd, Nature 211:169 (1966).

tj.W. Hoyt and A.G. Fabula, "The Effect of Additives on Fluid Friction," pp.
947-974 in "Fifth Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics: Ship Motions and Drag
Reduction," ONR Report ACR- 1 1 2, 1964.


Perhaps, therefore, small-eddy suppression is essentially irrelevant to

turbulent drag reduction but is due rather to Dr. Fabula's "raggedness," which
might be absent in very weak concentrations.


Richard L. Hummel
University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada

This work was well conceived and carefully conducted, and the "signal rag-
gedness" which seems to have frustrated the original aims of determing a fre-
quency distribution curve for comparison with that predicted theoretically by
certain models may suggest important aspects in the behaviour of these solutions
which had not been sufficiently expected. Ideally, possibly one -half of our ex-
perimental work should come out in the form we are prepared for, or possibly
expect, so that it may be tied up in a neat package for the scientific community,
and the remainder, which at first does not seem as satisfactory, may eventually
lead us to new experiments and insights.

The author's suggestion that clusters of macromolecules may exist and con-
tribute substantially to the raggedness is certainly justified from the high at-
traction of water molecules for each other relative to their interaction with
ether linkages as would be present in the Polyox WSR-301. Thus the water
molecules would squeeze the polymer molecules together into clusters. It is
well known that much smaller molecules, such as soaps and detergents will
cluster under similar conditions into relatively large micelles. The ratio of
polar bonds to hydrocarbon segment is high and, therefore, more favourable for
these macromolecules than for most soaps and detergents, and the larger mole-
cule considerably reduces the opposing entropy effect of molecular association.
Thus, larger molecules are statistically more likely to be associated with each

Whether or not raggedness is occasioned by the sensor meeting sufficially

large agglomerates or not, another effect should also be considered. We have
conducted tests with a fluidized bed where a Newtonian liquid flows vertically
upward, suspending to some degree of porosity hard spheres of uniform diam-
eter, and we have optically chosen planes of these spheres for study. == Far from
obtaining the random movement postulated for spheres not in contact, we have
found that to a large extent substantial numbers of these spheres move in con-
sort. For example, these spheres tend to move upward in planes and downward

*E,J. Ryan, J.W. Smith, and R.L. Hummel, "Dynamically Preferred Particle
Orientations in Liquid Fluidized Beds," submitted to International Symposium
on Fluidization, Eindhoven, 1967.

Grid Turbulence in Dilute High-Polymer Solutions

in vertical streamers, and the planes will tend to rotate first clockwise and then
counterclockwise in the tube. Another more unexpected observation, resulting
from the fact that our optical system was similar to that for a Tyndall beam
(which is very sensitive to small suspended material), was that very small col-
loidal suspended material was separated into regions of high and low concentra-
tion on passing through the fluidized bed. That is, as tracers they did not truly
follow the streamlines. This observation has led to the thought that inherent in
the absence of density differences larger particles of micron or submicron size
simply cannot follow the consorted movement of molecules precisely, and that
furthermore if such larger entities are present in appreciable concentration
they would tend to stabilize flow patterns such as eddies or vortices. Even in
the absence of elastic behaviour larger entities must move as a unit from, for
example, one eddy to a new eddy, while with eddies in collision, the fluid itself
can gradually be sheared off into, for example, a new smaller eddy. A macro-
molecule or larger entity would tend to be carried with the fluid unit in which
most of its mass resides, and any remnant in an opposing flow would be pulled
at least to the interface between the two. The shearing down of an eddy in size
would become more difficult, although loss of momentum would not necessarily
be prevented.

With regard to the raggedness. Prof. Metzner in the previous paper has al-
ready suggested that the probe will have a thickened stabilized boundary layer
at the leading edge as well as further along the probe due to the viscoelastic be-
haviour of the fluid and that this layer is sensitive to factors other than strictly
the fluid velocity. It is also known for Newtonian fluids that a towed grid such
as used in this study will create not only general turbulence but also pronounced
vortices near the grid bars and particularly the crossings. These normally lose
their identity or die out a short distance behind the grid, but in a solution of
macromolecules these vortices might retain their identity for a considerably
longer distance behind the grid. The periodic interaction of these vortices with
the probe boundary layer would contribute to the raggedness observed.


A. G. Fabula

Dr. Gadd's suggestion that the hypothesized macromolecular entanglements

might be absent in very weak concentrations seems reasonable in view of his
experimental evidence. In the grid turbulence tests of Polyox WSR-301 (pre-
sumably the same type as in the experiments reported by Dr. Gadd) the mini-
mum concentration was 18 ppm. Only much higher concentrations were of major
interest, so that the critical concentration range of about 10 and 20 ppm sug-
gested by Dr. Gadd's evidence was not checked in this work. It is not clear,
however, that only concentration determines whether or not entanglements occur.
It seems notable that 10 to 20 ppm is very much lower than the concentration for


incipient overlap of the macromolecular coils in the solution at rest, since ap-
proximate theoretical calculations give that value as roughly a few hundred ppm.
Thus, if entanglements are formed at much lower concentrations, the relative
motion of the coils and their deformation due to flow may also be involved.

In connection with Dr. Gadd's suggestion that small eddy suppression is

perhaps irrelevant to turbulent drag reduction, Tu and Willmarth remark* that
"small eddies near the wall may become larger when they distend into the more
central region." Thus, perhaps the small-eddy suppression phenomenon in free
jets discovered by Dr. Gadd is relevant but depends on flow parameters as well
as concentration.

Professor Hummel's note of the probable importance of the high polarity of

water molecules to entangliement is very important, and it may be desirable to
use other solvents for that or other reasons. In some work under Professor
J. L. Zakin at the University of Missouri, Rolla, wedge hot-film velocity sensors
in high-polymer organic solvent solutions have not shown the abnormal calibra-
tion behavior found in Polyox aqueous solutions in this work.

Professor Hummel's suggestion that macromolecules could act to stabilize

vortices is intriguing, since such a mechanism could be important to the turbu-
lent friction reduction effect by reducing turbulent energy production. t However,
his suggestion that such stabilized vortices could contribute to the signal rag-
gedness in the grid turbulence experiment does not seem to be supported by the
observations. One can predict from vortex shedding observations the order of
magnitude of the expected spacing for those vortices, and one can detect the
major vortices as individual dimples on the water surface behind the grid. In
both ways a spacing of the order of several centimeters is obtained for these
tests. If the signal raggedness were to be associated mainly with such vortices,
the raggedness would be expected to come in random bursts with an average
spacing corresponding to several centimeters of sensor travel. Since the sen-
sor travel during a typical sweep in the waveform photographs is about 3.6 cm,
only one or two bursts would be expected per sweep. In fact, however, the rag-
gedness is quite uniformly distributed over most sweeps. Thus, there seems to
be no discernible evidence of the suggested behavior in this work.

*B.-J. Tu and W.W. Willmarth, "An Experimental Study of the Structure of Tur-
bulence Near the Wall Through Correlation Measurements in a Thick Turbulent
Boundary Layer," University of Michigan, Dept. of Aerospace Eng. Tech. Rep.
02930-T, 1966.
'A.G. Fabula, J.L. Lumley, and W.D. Taylor, "Some Interpretations of the Toms
Effect," in "Modern Developments in the Mechanics of Continua," Acadennic
Press, New York, 1966.

Thursday, September 29, 1966

Afternoon Session


Chairman: A. Silverleaf

National Physical Laboratory

Feltham, Middlesex, England


Cavitation, Tensile Strength, and the Surface Films of Gas Nuclei 77

Leslie H. Bernd, General Electric Company, Schenectady, New York

Linear and Nonlinear Dispersion of Pressure Pulses in Liquid-Bubble

Mixtures 115
L. van Wijngaarden, Netherlands Ship Model Basin, Wageningen,
The Netherlands

On Jets and Shock Waves from Cavitation 137

A. T. Ellis, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California

The Influence of the Trajectories of Gas Nuclei on Cavitation Inception 163

Virgil E. Johnson, Jr., and Tsuying Hsieh, Hydronautics, Inc.,
Laurel, Maryland

Prediction of Cavitation Inception Speeds on Rough Hydrodynamic

Bodies 183
Avis Borden, Naval Ship Research and Development Center,
Washington, D.C.


Leslie H. Bernd
Research and Development Center
General Electric Company
Schenectady N. Y.

Surfaces were sought that did not promote cavitation when in contact with
water. These surfaces were used to encapsulate sonar transducers. With these
transducers, appreciable tensile strengths were found to exist in water; i.e.,
power levels higher than normal were obtained without cavitation.

The tensile strength of water is set by the gas nuclei present in the water.
Using encapsulated transducers, the behavior of gas nuclei was followed by
measuring tensile strength. Surface films were found to form about the nuclei,
retarding the acquisition of tensile strength. To acquire an understanding of
these surface films, various waters were tested. Also, surface films were
created about gas nuclei from solutions of hydrocarbons and proteins in water.

This paper summarizes some of the results of experimental investigations
into the basic factors that determine the tensile strength of water. The stress
range covered was 0-100 psi. These factors in effect determine the "cavitation
properties" of water, since they can set the level of inception of cavitation, and
to a certain extent affect its intensity and violence.

The underlying purpose was to learn how to achieve two opposite applica-
tions; the prevention of tensile strength where considered undesirable, and the
obtaining of tensile strength where useful. In addition, the action of gas nuclei
and other factors related to tensile strength are in many ways something of a
mystery. Knowledge of these factors should be important to our basic under-
standing of cavitation phenomena.

For instance tensile strength has occasionally been noted in water tunnels
(1,2). The inception of cavitation has occurred at higher stress levels than cus-
tomarily expected. Higher flow velociti'es or lower tunnel pressures than nor-
mal have been needed to produce cavitation about a body. The tensile strength
acts as if an additional static head were present. In this case, tensile strength
isundesirable in order to make for a uniformity of test results, and duplicate
"prototype" conditions.


Alternately, the creation or utilization of tensile strength is a desirable

goal in order to improve the performance of devices normally limited in maxi-
mum output by cavitation, such as ship sonar, pumps, turbines, and propellers.
The gains, the prevention of cavitation damage, obtaining a greater output from
a given size or weight of equipment, i.e., an increase in return for a given eco-
nomic investment, are tempting.

Hence, a specific objective was to learn how to operate sonar transducers

at power levels above the commonly accepted limit at which cavitation occurs,
but without cavitation.

In ordinary water, the maximum

tensile strength attainable should be lim-
ited by the strength of the in the system consisting of water, dis-
weakest link
solved materials, undissolved gas, solids, and possibly other liquids that may
comprise the water and its immediate environs. The weakest links found to be
important in the to 100 psi stress range were small gas bubbles (gas nuclei)
in the water, gas bubbles on the surface of a solid, gas nucleation sites in cracks
or pores in the surface of the solid, and the strength of the molecular bond be-
tween water and solid.

Various solid materials were therefore categorized and tested to determine

the minimum tensile strength at which cavitation would ensue as a consequence
of the conditions at the water/solid interface. "High strength" materials were
selected so that the water/solid interface would not be the weakest link in the
system. Sonar transducers covered with these high strength materials were
then used to stress water to the point of rupture, i.e., the inception of cavitation.

The tensile strength of the water once weak water/solid interfaces were
removed was limited by the presence of gas nuclei in the water. Gas nuclei
are small bubbles containing air. When cavitating, gas nuclei are the end prod-'
ucts of cavitation voids produced in a low pressure area. Waves and splashing
at the surface, of water ingest small air bubbles to produce nuclei.

In a body of water, the tensile strength should increase with depth. This is
due to several actions. Generally speaking, the tensile strength of the water is
inversely proportional to the maximum size of gas nuclei present. Large bubbles
that prevent tensile strength from occurring rise rapidly to the surface; small
bubbles rise slowly and so remain behind. However, small bubbles tend to dis-
solve. A high ratio of interface surface to gas volume, and internal pressure
created within the bubble by surface tension, favor the dissolving of small
bubbles. In addition, dissolving is promoted by increasing depth. Hence bubble
size decreases with increasing depth because of the relative rates of rise, and
because of dissolving.

Tensile strength tests were made to see if this picture were so. Figure 1
gives the tensile strength obtained versus depth in two fresh water lakes, using
the specially constructed sonar transducers to stress the water. The tensile
strength did indeed increase with depth. A 6.7-db increase in power level above
the "normal" inception of cavitation was obtained at a 39.4-foot depth before
cavitation took place. Thus a 36.1-psi tensile strength was obtained at a 39.4-
foot depth, and the transducer cavitated as if it were at a 123.0-foot depth

Cavitation, Tensile Strength, and the Surface Films of Gas Nuclei

faster or slower dissolving than the "prototype" norm, and largely duplicate the
action of various natural waters.

The body of this paper reports upon the basic investigations of surfaces,
water, and surface films of gas nuclei.


It was found that usable tensile strength can exist in water in nature; labo-

ratory conditions and extreme purity of water are not prerequisites. However,
this tensile strength may not be realized because of the nature of the solid ma-
terials in contact with the water. Also the maximum tensile strength obtainable
may be limited by surface films retarding or preventing the dissolving of gas
nuclei entrained in the water.

On the other hand, fast dissolving water with little film formation can also
exist,and should be a partial explanation of the occurrence of tensile strength
in water tunnels.

Surface films about gas nuclei are produced by trace organic materials
possessing solubilities in the order of 100 to 10 parts per million. These ma-
terials are surfactant; i.e., they are able to migrate to the surface of the nucleus
and form a monolayer. Thus a low concentration in solution is brought to a high
concentration at the surface. A monolayer is a layer one molecule thick. The
monolayer may be surrounded by additional structure -building materials.

Continued cavitation can remove film-forming materials from action. Un-

less they are replenished, a slow dissolving water will ultimately become a fast
dissolving water.

As a result of these investigations, it was found possible to achieve high or

negligible tensile strength at will in a small test system. This required the use
of suitable solid materials in contact with the water and control of the formation
of surface films about gas nuclei. One can therefore forsee the possibilities of
the use of such techniques in water tunnel operation or in obtaining higher out-
puts from devices normally limited by cavitation.

A container, pipe, or some form of solid surface is usually to be fovmd in
contact with water. Solids are often present as debris. Therefore the inception
of cavitation was measured for different solid materials immersed in "strong"
water possessing tensile strength. Thus, the water/solid interface was made
the weak link under test. Materials were cemented to the face of a glass-housed
acoustic transducer used to produce cavitation. Glass is a "high strength,"
noncavitating material. Rough screening tests were also performed, using
supersaturated carbon dioxide water solutions in contact with the material to
stress the water/solid bond.

Cavitation, Tensile Strength, and the Surface Films of Gas Nuclei

Gas on the surface of solid materials in contact with water was found to be
responsible for cavitation at very low stress levels. In fact, most solid mate-
rials were unable to achieve tensile strength with water unless air was first
removed from the surface of the material. Poor molecular bonding started to
be important in the 40 to 50 psi tensile stress range.


If only a few air bubbles were present on a surface in contact with the

water, cavitation was brief at high stress levels, ceasing as soon as the bubbles
were hurled away from the surface of the material by the violence of the cavita-
tion action. Operation at high stress levels thus provided a ready means of
removing gas from a surface to make it suitable for noncavitating duty.

On the other hand, numerous nucleation sites may exist on a surface, seed-
ing cavitation for extended periods of time. Nucleation sites are usually small
pores or surface imperfections a few microns in size containing gas (17). De-
pending upon the characteristics of the material at hand, prolonged soaking may
often (but not always) dissolve gas to remove sites from action.

Figure 2a shows the effect of a surface containing many nucleation sites on

the severity of cavitation. Both the water and water/solid interface were weak,
so that each could cause cavitation independently. The severity of the cavitation
was measured by the harmonics picked up in the water by a hydrophone. The
fundamental frequency of the signal fed the transducer was filtered out from the
hydrophone output. Increasingly violent cavitation increases the amplitude and
frequency range of the harmonics produced (25). As can be seen, the use of a
high strength surface that limited the source of cavitation to the water greatly
reduced the severity of the cavitation.

Certain types of nucleation sites were shown to be troublesome and so were

avoided in sonar transducer construction. These were:

1. Fine cracks and joints.

2. Pores created in metals by electric arc welding.

3. Pores in ceramics.

4. Nucleation sites in permeable materials such as rubberlike polymers.

Appreciable amounts of air may be contained within such materials. The air
diffuses through the material to reach the nucleation sites at the surface, keep-
ing them in action almost indefinitely.

It was found feasible to determine

the suitability of a polymer for non-
cavitating duty by counting the number
of nucleation sites and measuring the
amount of gas contained in the mate-
rial. If only a small amount of gas was
in the material, and if it possessed
only a few nucleation sites, the result-
ant cavitation was not severe. The air
feeding the sites was soon exhausted,
stopping the cavitation without notice-
able damage within a minute or less.
Figure 2b shows this process taking
place in a porous Teflon surface not
considered usable. Here the duration
of cavitation was several hours.
Fig. 2b - Cavitation caused by a

porous Teflon surface An annoying source of trouble was

the small bubbles that adhered tena-
ciously to the surface of materials that
were rough and possessed wetting
angles larger than 45. (The wetting angle is the angle of the gas/liquid inter-
face of the bubble to the surface of the solid, measured through the liquid as
shown in Fig. 3.) Many bubbles would adhere to the surface when first sub-
merged in water. These materials, even when wet, also picked up bubbles from
the water. Such bubbles may take hours to dissolve. Smooth, low wetting angle
materials were therefore found desirable in order to achieve high tensile
strengths without difficulty.

A rating of a few materials for noncavitating duty in the light of these ex-
periences is given in Table 1. Galvanic action is included as being undesirable;
low carbon steel was found unable to achieve high tensile strength because of it.

Glass in the form of Pyrex beakers was used to face the acoustic trans-
ducers used in the laboratory. The transducers (18 kc/s) were small, and so
could readily be encapsulated in a class beaker. Wet, clean glass was outstand-
ing in being nonporous, without nucleation sites, while possessing a wetting
angle approaching zero. Polyurethane was used for large prototype sonar
Cavitation, Tensile Strength, and the Surface Films of Gas Nuclei

e -^

Fit Bubble adherence to a surface

e = 45
7p ^-7 7^

77 OS.^
^ 7
7- 7 7-
e 90--


Table 1
Rating of Materials for Noncavitating Duty


transducers (3 to 4 kc/s) because it could be cast in large sizes, contained few

nucleations sites and little gas, and stood up well under cavitation. Stainless
steel, if smooth and degreased, was also satisfactory. All of these materials
have high bond strength to water.

Bond Strength Between Water and Solid

Solid materials were treated to remove gas from the surface. Physical
surface contaminants foreign to the material (oil, grease, dirt) were removed.
Thus the weak link under observation was the bond between water and solid.
Materials were selected over as wide a spectrum as possible. Correlations
were sought between known physical properties and bond strength so that entire
general categories of materials could be classified as being "cavitating" or
"noncavitating" on the basis of a reasonable number of tests.

It was assumed that the tensile strength of the bond between water and solid

was obtained when increasingly severe degassing treatments did not raise the
tensile strength any further. An initial treatment was soaking in ethyl alcohol
or water and then if necessary subjecting the solid immersed in these liquids to
higher and higher pressures. This forced gas to dissolve. Assuming adverse
conditions of geometry and wetting angle, the pore size filled in overcoming the
surface tension of water in this way is approximately as given in Table 2. Little
change was noticed above 100 psi, implying that pore sizes much less than a
micron were not present as a rule.

Table 2
Pore Size Filled in a Solid Immersed at Pressure

Cavitation, Tensile Strength, and the Surface Films of Gas Nuclei

The ability of a material to adhere to water should be determined by (a) the

strength of its molecular forces, (b) the fraction of these forces available at a
surface, and (c) the fraction of the surface forces that are actually able to pro-
vide a bond with the water. One might liken the situation to a riveted joint be-
tween metals. The strength of the joint is proportional to the basic strength of
the metal times a joint efficiency expressing the fraction of material that is
used effectively.

The relative strength of molecular forces can be obtained in various ways,

for instance by comparing boiling points, melting points, heat of evaporation,
modulus of elasticity, etc. A readily available measure of the forces available
at a surface is surface tension or surface energy.* In similar types of mate-
rials, one would expect an increasing adhesion to water as the numerical values
of these properties increase.

One can roughly categorize materials by their typeof atomic bond: co-
valent or ionic, Covalent materials do not bond as well as ionic materials.
Langmuir showed this by a comparison of the heat of evaporation of alcohols
possessing different ratios of covalent (hydrocarbon) groups to ionic (OH)
groups in the alcohol molecule (3). Many materials are not strictly covalent or
ionic but a simultaneous combination of the two. Water is highly ionic (polar),
and bonds to adjacent molecules via hydrogen bonds. Thus there should be an
increasing adhesion to water as a material contains more ionic groups, or if the
groups themselves are more highly ionic.

One would therefore expect the poorest adhesion to water to result with low-
surface -energy, covalent compounds. If the tensile strength of such a poor bond
were appreciable in magnitude, then tensile strength with water as a general
case should be readily obtainable, since all other materials would be likely to
exhibit higher tensile strengths.

Teflon is the lowest-surface-energy material known (6 ergs/cm-^). Com-

mon with otherlow-surf ace -energy materials, its surface is slippery and diffi-
cult to cement or bond to. A common group of low-surface-energy, covalent
materials are waxes, paraffins, and similar hydrocarbons. Table 3 shows that
the lowest tensile strength obtained with covalent, low-surface-energy materials
is about 40 psi. This is therefore the minimum tensile strength to he expected
irrespective of the materials used.

Tests on quite a few materials substantiated this. To give some examples.

Table 4 lists the tensile strengths obtained with metallic oxides. Higher tensile
strengths were generally obtained with increasing molecular forces. Table 5
lists tensile strengths obtained with various polymers. Increasing tensile
strength resulted as covalent compounds contained polar groups.

Surface energy (by definition) is the energy expended to create ideally a surface
where none existed before. For liquids, a related property is surface tension.
Water has a surface tension of 73 dynes /cm. This is numerically equal to the
surface energy of water. That is, 73 ergs would be expended to create a square
centimeter of water surface in contact with air, using water originating from
the interior of the liquid where no surface exists.


Table 3
Tensile Strength with Water of Low-Surface-Energy,
Covalent Materials

Cavitation, Tensile Strength, and the Surface Films of Gas Nuclei

Table 5
Tensile Strength Between Water and Polymers


in practice. Moreover, foreign materials in liquid form were found not to cause
cavitation where a similar material in solid form did. Thus a hydrocarbon oil
did not limit tensile strength, whereas a hydrocarbon solid surface did.

A few seaweed samples in sea water were tested. The weakest caused
cavitation at a 16.2-psi tensile stress; others were appreciably higher. The
cause of rupture appeared to be gas in pores on the surface of the seaweed.
Thus it may be necessary to prevent marine growths from accumulating in
order to maintain a "high- strength" surface.

In conclusion, high purity, or removal of organic or inorganic debris, were

found not to be necessary for high tensile strength.* It was found impossible to
cavitate a sea-water sample in a glass container. The sample had previously
stood long enough so that gas nuclei were not present to weaken the water.


Gas nuclei are generally invisible to the unaided eye. Because of this, their
existence is largely an abstraction. Their presence is inferred from acoustic
absorption measurements, or the increase in tensile strength obtained by apply-
ing pressure to dissolve the nuclei or by allowing water to stand so that nuclei
rise to the surface. Investigations associated with these approaches are Harvey
et al. (4), Knapp (5), Strassberg (6), and Iyengar and Richardson (7). In an in-
vestigation of nuclei action, one must be certain that nuclei are the sole variable
under observation.

Because of their small size, and the internal pressure created as a con-
sequence of surface tension, gas nuclei should dissolve within a few minutes in
still water (8), but paradoxically they do not appear to do so. It has been sug-
gested that this is due to organic surface films forming a shell about the gas
nuclei (9), creating a barrier that prevents diffusion of the gas from the high-
pressure area within the bubble into the surrounding water. To determine the
extent to which dissolving might thus be retarded, different waters were cavi-
tated to create gas nuclei; and the behavior of the nuclei was followed by meas-
uring the tensile strength of the water.

Tensile Strength

The tensile strength of water containing nuclei is

P =
D X 69,000
where o is the effective surface tension (dynes/cm), D is the diameter of the
nucleus (cm), and P is the tensile strength (psi). If no surface films are

The above tests were done at room temperature. No measurements were made
close to O'C, where Briggs found the inherent tensile strength of water to be
300 psi as contrasted to a maximum of about 4000 psi at 10C (27). Briggs'
measurements were made in a glass tube, presumably without nuclei present.

Cavitation, Tensile Strength, and the Surface Films of Gas Nuclei

present at the interface between gas and water, the surface tension acting is
that of water, 73 dynes/cm. The surface tension acts to pressurize the gas
within the nucleus and also to oppose the growth of the nucleus when a tensile
stress is applied to the water. When the tensile stress in the water is greater
than the pressure within the nucleus, the nucleus expands and the water is
ruptured to cause cavitation. The equilibrium stress for the incidence of rup-
ture (versus nucleus size) is calculated to be as follows:

Table 6
Limiting Tensile Strength of Water Due to Nuclei
(Surface Films Absent)

Nucleus Diameter
(jU, or 10""* cm)




/ / ^^""'^'' ACrSTl'^ANSDUCER






Fig. 4- Test for the effect of surface films

on gas nuclei dissolving (tensile strength)

The nuclei produced are sorted out as to size by rising toward the open top
of the test tank inaccordance with Stokes' law. The maximum diameter of nuclei
retained in the water is approximately 0.01 cm. Dissolving is produced essen-
tially by the surface tension of the water creating pressure within the nuclei.
The water is maintained at saturated equilibrium with dissolved air. The trans-
ducers are of such size and frequency (18 kc/s) that the acoustic intensity de-
creases rapidly with increasing distance from the active face of the transducer.
Thus nuclei and water are stressed at maximum intensity very close to the face
of the transducer at a given height in the water. This height is held constant.

If no surface films are present, the curve for "ideal dissolving" is followed,
making for a rapid acquisition of tensile strength, as shown in Fib. 4b. If no
dissolving takes place, the subsequent increase in tensile strength due to rising
of nuclei to the surface is slow, following the "no dissolving" curve shown in
Fig. 4b. Waters possessing different film effects fall between these two

Tests on Nuclei Dissolving in Different Waters

The first step in looking for surface film effects in water would be to
establish test results for nuclei when no films are present, and thus be able to

Cavitation, Tensile Strength, and the Surface Films of Gas Nuclei

conclude that surface films must be acting for all slower dissolving waters.
Concentrated nitric acid was therefore tested to provide a standard for ideal
dissolving, since it is inconceivable that the conditions required for surface
film formation can exist. Nitric acid is highly oxidizing and should break down
organic materials to simple molecules and ions, whereas relatively long, high-
molecular -weight surfactant molecules are necessary for film formation. Cor-
rections were made for differences in diffusion coefficients, viscosity, and sur-
face tension where necessary.

Some results are given (Fig. 5) to show the range of nuclei dissolving en-
countered. Three general categories of water were identified, covering
approximately a 100:1 variation in the time required to reach appreciable
tensile strength. They were:

Rapid tensile strength gain, typified by the artificial case of no surface

films obtained with nitric acid (5); approximating ideal dissolving by diffusion
through the water surrounding a nucleus, as solved by Epstein and Plesset (8).*
Distilled water dissolved almost as fast when care was taken not to contaminate
it. Waters of this type reached high tensile strengths (> 50 psi) in 6 to 7

A slower strength gain for natural, "prototype" waters, typified by pure

lake water (2). Distilled water contaminated by moderate exposure to air fell
on this curve (la). The sea water sample tested was somewhat similar. These
waters continued to dissolve for 5 to 6 hours after cavitation, slowing down


considerably after approximately a 1000:1 contraction in the surface area of the

nuclei, as measured by the change in tensile strength, ultimately reaching a
maximum tensile strength of about 45 to 60 psi, at which dissolving ceased.
This gives one an idea of the maximum tensile strength likely to be achieved by
these waters in practice, since the attendant tensile strength gain due to the
rise of nuclei to the surface is little.

No dissolving, typified by an extremely slow tensile strength gain. This

occurred as a consequence of natural films that had been produced by algae
allowed to grow in tap water (4).

These tests were done in still water; turbulent flow should considerably
increase the rate of dissolving.

Nuclei Dissolving in Water from a Water Tunnel

(David Taylor Model Basin*)

Now, having an appreciation of the effects of surface films, it was desirable

to determine the behavior of water taken from a cavitation test facility. This
was important to evaluate the first part of the following argument: if fast dis-
solving waters exist, and if in addition small nuclei are produced during cavi-
tation, then tensile strength might be likely to occur in the test section of a
water tunnel, provided sufficient time occurred during transit of the water in
the tunnel to appreciably dissolve nuclei.

Water Tunnels - The 36-in.-tunnelt water, the 24-in. -tunnel water, and
drinking water from the David Taylor Model Basin were tested, and were found
to be identical in surface film behavior (Fig. 6). There was a rapid, high gain
of tensile strength after cavitation, much higher in fact than any natural, "proto-
type" water that had been tested. This is directly opposite to what one would
prefer to see: little or no tensile strength gain. The rate of dissolving was
similar to distilled water (Fig. 7).
The water supply for the David Taylor Model Basin is principally Potomac
River water that has been treated. Chlorination is one of the treatments used.
The implication is that chlorination has destroyed the organic contaminants that
would normally be responsible for surface film formation. The tunnels are
closed systems using well water for makeup, so that there is little likelihood of
subsequent contamination.
A peculiarity of the test results is that the tensile strength versus time data
randomly fell on two curves. It was as if two types of surface films were capa-
ble of being formed, but the start of one a random event excluded the other. J
Both of the curves obtained represent rapid dissolving.

After March 31, 1967, renamed Naval Ship Research and Development Center.
tThroat size of nozzle in test section. See Ref. 10 for a description of the David
Taylor Model Basin tunnels and the towing basins.
tThis effect would not be noticeable at a low tensile strength since many nuclei
are present. Water possessing appreciable tensile strength generally has only
a few nuclei of a given strength in the volume of water (approximately 1 cc)
stressed to rupture.

Cavitation, Tensile Strength, and the Surface Films of Gas Nuclei

Cavitation, Tensile Strength, and the Surface Films of Gas Nuclei


Fig. 9 - Tensile strength of the Deep Towing

Basin water after extended cavitation



/ /





Fig. 10 - Effect of cavitation on

removing film-forming materials


Characteristics of Surface Films

One can conclude that certain types of hydrocarbons and proteins should be
suitable for forming effective surface films about gas nuclei, were it not for two
important uncertainties: Can a hydrocarbon dissolve and form an adequate film
from solution? Can a protein film prevent dissolving? These gaps in the pic-
ture were subsequently investigated experimentally.

It seems reasonable that a surface film about a nucleus can oppose dis-
solving in various ways, i.e., by:

1. Reducing surface tension. Surface tension is reduced as soon as cer-

tain materials reach the nuclei surface because of the lower inherent "surface
energy" of the material. Water has a high surface tension of 73 dynes/cm. An
oil, hydrocarbon, or protein film when completely formed reduces surface
tension to about 20 to 30 dynes/cm.

2. Acting as a harrier to gas diffusion. Certain hydrocarbon, monomolec-

ular films are known to be relatively impermeable and act as a barrier to dif-
fusion. Thus, cetyl alcohol has been used with success to retard evaporation
from water storage reservoirs.

3. Structurally opposing surface tension with a solidlike film. Certain

surface films when compressed acquire characteristics similar to solids. The
film possesses considerable strength in compression, is elastic, and progres-
sively opposes surface tension as the surface is contracted. Thus Fox and
Herzfeld put forth the premise that fatty acid films could form a rigid shell
about a nucleus, and that the life of the nucleus would end when the film was
crushed in compression (9).

In addition to these primary actions, certain secondary characteristics

should also be important. They are:

1. The material must dissolve in water in at least trace quan-

tities so that it form the surface film. Materials normally con-
is available to
sidered relatively insoluble can form surface films. For instance, egg albumin
(a protein) forms excellent surface films when coming out of solution; its solu-
bility is somewhat less than 1 part in 1000. For a given type of chain molecule,
solubility decreases with increasing molecular weight. One therefore expects
to find amaximum molecular weight beyond which a material cannot dissolve in
adequate quantities to supply a surface film.

2. Being Surfactant. The material must be "surfactant." That is, it must

be capable of migrating to the surface of the water and forming a film. By this
process, an extremely low concentration of material in solution is brought to a
high concentration at the surface; i.e., a little has a large effect. For a chain
hydrocarbon, this sets the requirement that the molecules comprising the film
be at least about 12 atoms long, and that each end of the molecule be different.
One end must be highly attractive to water, i.e., polar, such as an OH or car-
boxyl group (COOH). The other end must be less attractive, such as a hydro-
carbon group. Being surfactant thus sets the general type of molecule and

Cavitation, Tensile Strength, and the Surface Films of Gas Nuclei

specifies a minimum molecular weight. Here again, there should also be a limit
to the maximum molecular weight suitable. The ability of a molecule to diffuse
and be transported to the surface decreases as the molecule weight increases.
In addition, the molecule may become too cumbersome to align readily at the
surface. Thus, for a given type of molecule, there should be a maximum molec-
ular weight beyond which film formation cannot take place readily.

3. Mechanical Properties. It would seem desirable that a surface film be

strong and highly elastic, so that the film in its early stages can follow the mo-
tions of a cavitation void or bubble surface without being destroyed. Also,
strength would be desirable to prevent the crushing postulated by Fox and
Herzfeld as the end of the life of a nucleus. Thus, different mechanical prop-
erties should affect nuclei performance. One would expect a thicker hydrocar-
bon film (higher molecular weight) to be stronger in compression and more

4. Barrier to Gas Diffusion. A thicker film offers a greater resistance to

gas diffusion (16). Thus, for a given type of a hydrocarbon film, increasing the
molecular weight decreases the permeability of the film.

Ina hydrocarbon, most of the above properties are related to molecular

weight. Thus finding an effective film should simplify to determining the effects
of molecular weight on nuclei dissolving.

Hydrocarbons Hydrocarbon films, if they could be formed about nuclei,

appear suitable in many ways. That is, certain types of hydrocarbon materials
are used to form monomolecular films on the surface of water which act as bar-
riers to the diffusion of water vapor. They also reduce tension and produce
solidlike films upon compression. These hydrocarbons are long chain linear
alcohols, fatty acids, and amines (14,15). These materials are readily obtain-
able. Hence they would be of interest if found to be usable in a cavitation test.
They would also provide a standard of known molecular composition to compare
against a protein.

However, hydrocarbons are generally insoluble. As a consequence, hydro-

carbon films are not spread from a water solution; other techniques are used.
Nevertheless, nuclei can undergo a large surface contraction when dissolving.
This should markedly increase the concentration of hydrocarbons at the surface
even if ordinarily only present in nominal quantities.

Proteins The available evidence does point to proteins as being impor-

tant in the creation of surface films. That is, protein films meet the require-
ments of reducing surface tension and forming a solidlike film upon compres-
sion (12,13), Although the majority of proteins are insoluble in water, some
proteins (egg albumin for instance (18,19)) are slightly soluble and do form
monomolecular surface films by coming out of solution. These films form
fairly rapidly, and are strong, elastic, and durable to a greater degree than a
hydrocarbon film. Film possessing characteristics typical of proteins (as well
as hydrocarbons) have been noted in streams. That is, films are formed that,
upon compression, whiten, fold, and become insoluble (20). And, as previously
mentioned, water capable of producing surface films ceased to do so after


extensive cavitation, thus implying that an insoluble protein film was being pro-
duced that subsequently could not redissolve to continue the film forming action.
A hydrocarbon film upon compression behaves similarly, but should ultimately

Opposed to this is that little information is available about the resistance of

protein films to gas diffusion. It is in fact occasionally stated in the literature
that proteins do not offer a barrier to diffusion. This belief must be overcome
if one wishes to justify that protein films play a role in retarding dissolving.

A barrier to gas diffusion should be selected on the basis that it have few
holes in it, and/or be thick. The molecules comprising the film should be
tightly packed. If the surface film of a protein could be highly compressed, as
may occur when a nucleus dissolves, examination of the molecular structure
leads one to conclude that some proteins should have a resistance to diffusion of
about the same order of magnitude as a hydrocarbon. A few tests in the litera-
ture on compressed protein films (on gases other than air) do show appreciable
resistance to diffusion (21), tending to support this supposition.

Unfortunately, intimate details of molecular structure and composition are

not well known for many proteins. Furthermore, the change in protein struc-
ture as it becomes insoluble reorients the molecule (12,13). This lack of knowl-
edge poses a difficulty in understanding protein action about a nucleus, and
selecting suitable proteins for forming a film.

Structure of Surface Films

The general form of various linear, chain hydrocarbons capable of film for-
mation, and known to offer a barrier to gas diffusion, are given in Fig. 11a. The
molecules have no side branches, and so pack well together. The alcohol, fatv
acid, and amine shown each have different polar ends, i.e., OH, COOH, CH2NH2.
Otherwise the composition and form are similar. The length of the molecule is
varied by changing the number of repeating hydrocarbon units. To give an idea
of the length we are concerned
with, cetyl alcohol is 16 carbon
ALCOHOL units long. At a surface, these
molecules align side by side to
form a film as shown in Fig. lib.
In studies of the diffusion of water
Cavitation, Tensile Strength, and the Surface Films of Gas Nuclei

vapor through hydrocarbon surface films, has been found that a compressed

film is somewhat more resistant water vapor than un uncom-

to the diffusion of
pressed film (14). When the film is tightly packed by compression, the cross
sectional area occupied by each molecule is about 21 A^.*

The composition of a protein film is summarized by Adam (12). It is dia-

grammatically pictured in Fig. 12 as a plan view, looking down upon the sur-
face of the water. The linkages forming the backbone of the structure are
called peptide links. They bind in sequence the repeating CH, NH, CO, . . .

groups. Attached to this backbone are hydrocarbon chains from one to six
repeating units long, or chains with a COOH or NH2 group at the end. Each
chain is represented by the term R. The endless variety of proteins encoun-
tered in nature is due to the various different chains (R), and the different
sequences and patterns in which these chains are attached to the polypeptide
backbone (23). In an uncompressed form, the side chains R are stretched out
on the surface of the water. The R chains are identified by examining the
breakdown products of proteins. Several dozen of these amino acids are
known (24).

K considerable compression of the protein were to occur, then the peptide

links would tend to pack closely, as shown, with the R chains forced perpendic-
ularly out of the surface. The significance of this is that the reoccurring groups
in the backbone to which the R chains are attached would then be on as little as
3.5 X 4.5 A spacings. This gives an area allotted to each R chain of about 17 A^,
somewhat less than the spacing of the chains in a compressed hydrocarbon film.
However, the length of the R chains is less than the chain length for a hydro-


Fig. 12 - Plan view of the structure

of a protein film

*One angstrom unit (A) equals 10"^ centimeters.


Thus, a protein film is thinner than a hydrocarbon such as cetyl alcohol, but
under favorable circumstances could have smaller spacings between adjacent
molecular groups. Hence, because the basic dimensions of the two types of
films can be "roughly" the same given the proper R chains in the protein, the
resistance to diffusion under such conditions should be of approximately the
same order of magnitude. It is conceivable that various mechanical properties
might also be somewhat similar. The problem of course is to find proteins of
the proper structure.

Film Formation from Solution

The first experimental step was to see whether hydrocarbon films would
form unaided from solution, as would have to take place in nature. Some infor-
mation was available for proteins (19).

Saturated solutions were used to promote film formation. They were made
by stirring an excess of the material at length in water, after using a wetting
agent. Desired was the maximum molecular weight capable of forming a film
within a few seconds rather than, as can be the case, minutes or hours. This
would then ensure that a surface film is present (in the cavitation test) from the
inception of a nucleus.

Testing for the existence of a surface film was done by placing the solu-
tions in a Langmuir trough and highly compressing the surface to see if a film
had been formed. The film was then swept off the surface of the water and the
creation of a new film checked immediately thereafter. The Langmuir trough
is a device for restraining a film between barriers, compressing the film to
occupy a smaller surface area, and measuring the reaction of the film to

Hydrocarbons For the hydrocarbons, the molecular weights tested ranged

from about the minimum expected to be surfactant to the maximum readily avail-
able through commercial channels for the linear alcohols, fatty acids, and amines.
The test results are given in Table 7. The maximum molecular weights found
capable of rapid film formation were: cetyl alcohol (CH3(CH2)i50H), lauric
acid (CH3(CH2)i3CH2NH2), and pentadecylamine (CH3(CH2)i3CH2NH2). Each of
these materials plus a higher molecular weight in the same series was subse-
quently used in the cavitation test.

Proteins A similar procedure was followed for selecting proteins, four

of which were used in the cavitation test. Egg albumin was chosen because more
is known about its spreading than any other protein (18,19,22). Langmuir has
studied the film formation of the enzymes pepsin and trypsin, which are protein-
like in structure (19). Zein, a corn derivative, also formed films from solution.

Various gelatins and gelling agents were also tried with some success, as
listed in Table 8. Gelatins are obtained from animal proteins and are composed
mainly of amines and carboxyls, i.e., proteins or protein fragments. Polyhall
is a synthetic polyacrylamide (CH2CHCOHN2). Jaguar, a plant derivative, was
included even though it is primarily a carbohydrate containing only 5% protein.

Cavitation, Tensile Strength, and the Surface Films of Gas Nuclei

Table 7
Surface Film Formation* of Linear Hydrocarbons
from Saturated Water Solutions

No. of Carbon

make the solutions. The results are given in Table 9. Increasing tensile
strength means less retardation of dissolving.

Materials 1 through 7 were "good" film-formers. The data for hydrocar-

bons is plotted in Fig. 13 against the number of carbon atoms in the molecule in
order to show the effects of the length of the molecule. From the shape of the
curve, one can conclude that solubility and/or transport to a nucleus controls
and limits the behavior obtainable from a surface film. An optimum molecular
weight for the least dissolving exists.

Table 9
Effect of Monomolecular Films on Nuclei Dissolving
(Tensile Strength 30 Minutes After Cavitation)

Film- Forming Material

Cavitation, Tensile Strength, and the Surface Films of Gas Nuclei

The mixtures, although effective in preventing dissolving, had short life.

This is shown in Fig. 14a, where successive tests using the same samples show
increasingly higher tensile strengths. One might possibly attribute this increase
to attrition of the film forming materials, or to a protein film becoming insolu-
ble. However, just allowing the sample to stand had a similar effect (Fig. 14b).
Cavitation, Tensile Strength, and the Surface Films of Gas Nuclei

1. Monomolecular hydrocarbon and protein films were placed about nuclei

produced by cavitation. Most of the film-forming materials used were moderate
in price.

2. The thickest possible hydrocarbon films were used. Thus the resistance
of the film to gas diffusion and the strength of the film were the maximum pos-
sible, so as to obtain the greatest retardation in dissolving possible.

3. A few proteins from those chosen more or less at random as far as

knowledge of their structure was concerned were found to be equivalent to the
hydrocarbons in preventing nuclei dissolving. By comparison, this implied that
the structure of these proteins had to be of a certain general type. Hence it is
unlikely that thicker or "better" protein monomolecular films exist.

4. The "best" hydrocarbon and protein films reduced the rate of nuclei
dissolving from the ideal by almost an order of magnitude. This should be a
useful difference.

5. The lowest "effective" permeability coefficient for gas diffusion (least

dissolving) obtained for a monomolecular film placed about a nucleus was
1.8 X 10"^ cm/sec. This contrasts with the lowest values in the literature of
1 X 10"^ obtained under "ordinary" conditions, showing that a film in situ is
exceedingly effective in retarding dissolving.

6. Nevertheless, dissolving of the nuclei was not fully retarded. Tap water
in which algae were growing had negligible tensile strength gain due to dissolv-
ing. Thus nature had apparently done much better than we had. Since the mono-
molecular films used were the best possible, one had to conclude that the only
means by which dissolving could be further retarded would be that additional
materials must surround the monomolecular film. Therefore a "double" film
was devised that prevented virtually all dissolving.

In doing all this, one obtained a picture of what must take place in nature
when a heavy surface film prevents dissolving of gas nuclei. That is:

1. A monomolecular film must form from organic surfactant material.

2. The film must have a structure built upon it by gel-like materials which
are in themselves nonsurfactant.

3. The molecular bonds formed must be weak and shear readily, so that
each type of material retains its original characteristics as the water moves
and flows, so as to be able to act when a nucleus is encountered.

has been shown that surface films that retard the dissolving of nuclei

come from trace organic materials normally considered insoluble. The term
"trace materials" implies considerable variability in the ability of water to
form surface films, as has been found to be the case. It is reasonable to expect


wide variations in the amounts of trace materials carried in water, and differ-
ences in the characteristics of these materials.

Yet, the conclusion that a double film structure exists in nature implies
that almost any surfactant material is capable of forming monomolecular films
that are effective in retarding dissolving, provided that a second film forms
about the monomolecular film. The second film should be producible from a
wide variety of ionic/polar structural building materials such as gelatins,
starches, and sugars. Hence, the ability to form effective surface films about
nuclei could be widespread as also appears to be the case. By comparison,
the surfactant hydrocarbon materials used in this investigation for monomolec-
ular film formation were specially chosen to be capable of close packing a
category that may not necessarily be widely found in nature.

The testing of water from various water tunnel test facilities showed a
relative absence of film formation. As a consequence, when small nuclei are
produced by cavitation action, tensile strength probably can result in the water
approaching a test section. The characteristics of the body being cavitation
tested as well as the attendant flow conditions should markedly affect the
size of the nuclei produced. Testing for incipient cavitation should produce
small cavitation voids with small nuclei as the end product. Heavy cavitation
and long dwell times in a low pressure region should produce large nuclei.
Thus one is left with the conclusion that nuclei action in a tunnel must be cor-
related to the type of test at hand, as well as the film-forming tendencies of the

The preceding discussion points out the gross variability of surface film
effects,whereas one would like to be in a position to control or limit them.
Several approaches might be possible in a water tunnel, such as: (a) marking
off an undesirable region of operation to be avoided, (b) having uniform effects
that can be corrected for, (c) using film-forming additives to retard dissolving,
and (d) deliberately injecting suitable nuclei. Using film-forming materials
would require periodic replenishment of the materials. Depending upon the
materials chosen, one can probably expect some spoilage due to bacteria, some
breakdown of the molecules due to cavitation forces, and, for a protein, insolu-
bility causing withdrawal from action. Also, fatty acids, acting as a soap, can
combine with minerals in the water.

1. Olson, "Cavitation Testing in Water Tunnels," St. Anthony Falls Hydraulic
Lab Project Report 42, Dec. 1954

2. Crump, "Determination of Critical Pressures for the Inception of Cavitation

in Fresh and Sea Water as Influenced by the Air Content of the Water,"
DTMB Report 575, Oct. 1949

3. Langmuir, "Molecular Layers," Proc. Royal Soc. London A 170 (1939)

Cavitation, Tensile Strength, and the Surface Films of Gas Nuclei

4. Harvey, Barnes, McElroy, Whitely, and Pease, "Removal of Gas Nuclei

from Liquids and Surfaces," J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 67 (June 1945)

5. Knapp, "Cavitation and Nuclei," ASME Trans. (Aug. 1958)

6. Strasburg, "Influence of Air-Filled Nuclei on Cavitation Inception," DTMB

Report 1078, May 1957

7. Iyengar and Richardson, "Measurements on the Air-Nuclei in Natural Water

Which Give Rise to Cavitation," British J. Appl. Phys. II (Jan. 1960)

8. Epstein and Plesset, "On the Stability of Gas Bubbles in Liquid-Gas Solu-
tions," J.Chem. Phys. 18 (Nov. 1950)

9. Fox and Her zf eld, "Gas Bubbles with Organic Skin as Cavitation Nuclei," J.
Acoust. Soc. Amer. 26 (Nov. 1954)

10. Brownell and Miller, "Hydromechanics Cavitation Research Facilities and

Techniques in Use at the David Taylor Model Basin," Symposium on Cavi-
tation Research Facilities and Techniques, Philadelphia, May 1964, ASME,
p. 19

11. Ramsden, "Separation of Solids in the Surface of Solutions and Suspensions

(Observations on Surface- Membranes, Bubbles, Emulsions, and Mechanical
Coagulation)," Proc. Roy Soc. 72:156 (1903)

12. Adam, "The Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces," Oxford University Press,

13. Adamson, "Physical Chemistry of Surfaces," Interscience Publishers, 1960,

Chapter III

14. La Mer, "Retardation of Evaporation by Monolayers," Academic Press,


15. Blanc, "The Permeability of Monolayers to Several Gases," in Ref . 14

16. Archer and La Mer, "The Rate of Evaporation of Water Through Fatty Acid
Monolayers," J. Phys. Chem. 59 (1955)

17. Clark, Strenge, and Westwater, "Active Sites for Nucleate Boiling," Chem.
Engineering Progress Symposium Series, No. 29, Vol. 55, 1959

18. Devaux, "The Absorption of Egg Albumin at the Free Surface of its Solution
when the Concentration Varies from 10" ^ to 10"^," Comptes Rendus, 1935

19. Langmuir, "Protein Monolayers (1938)," The Collected Works of Irving

Langmuir, Vol. 7, Pergamon Press

20. Goldacre, "Surface Films, Their Collapse on Compression, the Shapes and
Sizes of Cells and the Origin of Life," in "Surface Phenomena in Chemistry
and Biology," Danielli, Pankhurst, and Riddeford, Pergamon Press, 1958


21. Hawke and Alexander, "The Influence of Surface- Active Compounds upon
the Diffusion of Gases across the Air-Water Interface," in Ref. 14

22. Gorter, Ormondt, and Dom, "The Spreading of Ovalbumin," Proc. K. Acad.
Wetensch, Amsterdam 35 (1932)

23. Stein and Moore, "The Chemical Structure of Proteins," The Scientific
American 204, Feb. 1961

24. 'International Encyclopedia of Chemical Science," Van Nostrand, 1964

25. Bohn, "Schalldruckverlauf und Spectrum bei der Schwingungskavitation,

Acustica 7 (1957)

26. Hsieh and Plesset, "Theory of Rectified Diffusion of Mass into Gas Bubbles,"
J.Acoust. Soc. Amer. 33(No. 2), 1961

27. Briggs, "Limiting Negative Pressure of Water," J. Appl. Phys. 21:721 (1950)


C.-A. Johnsson
Swedish State Shipbuilding Experimental Tank
Goteborg, Sweden

In connection with this extremely interesting paper I think it might be rele-

vant to summarizebriefly the results of some comparative tests which have
been performed as part of the work of the Cavitation Committee of the 11th In-
ternational Towing Tank Conference (ITTC). These tests studied primarily the
cavitation inception on a head of a body of revolution. Results were obtained
from 14 establishments including results from 13 different bodies tested in 17
different cavitation tunnels.

The results for gas content ratio a/a^ = 0.6, corrected for wall influence
on water speed and cavitation number, are shown in Fig. Dl. You can see that
there is a considerable dispersion around the value of the pressure minimum
for the body, which corresponds to a = 0.6. Most of the tunnels have inception
values below 0.6, indicating negative cavitation pressures, but there are two
tunnels having high positive values. The pressure minimum being known in this
case, an approximate calculation of the cavitation pressures can be made. The
resulting pressures are shown in Fig. D2 together with results of measurements
of cavitation pressures in nozzles, reported elsewhere.

Some of the differences in cavitation pressure, shown here, are probably

due to differences in technique, body size, height of the tunnels and so on,

Cavitation, Tensile Strength, and the Surface Films of Gas Nuclei

^O T!
U -^

C 4-.
o d

> ^

O ^-(

'^^TJT" ^


Cavitation, Tensile Strength, and the Surface Films of Gas Nuclei

things which have been discussed in the report to ITTC, but I suppose that part
of the dispersion can be attributed to differences in water quality according to
the mechanism we have seen outlined here. However, the range of pressure
values is small in comparison with what we have seen reported here.

Finally one question. What is the reason for the increase in negative pres-
sure with increasing water speed? Is it increased diffusion speed due to de-
struction of the film because of mechanical agitation ?


Richard L. Hummel
University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada

I am interested in the results obtained using Teflon to induce cavitation

upon an ultrasonic transducer which contrasts with our work using spots of
Teflon to induce similar bubbles for the boiling process (a procedure for which
I hold the U.S. patent). Excess energy is similarly required to form a bubble,
which in boiling comes from excess temperature, while with cavitation it comes
from an excessive pressure reduction. For boiling, the Teflon spots are used
to reduce this temperature excess for bubble formation to negligible proportions,
resulting in easily a tenfold increase in heat transfer coefficient. An important
difference between cavitation and boiling is that for boiling the bubbles do not

Our boiling work and I believe that of Dr. Richard Gaertner also of the
General Electric Company has been under conditions which should not only ef-
fectively remove gas from the site, but also degas the liquid; but, with suffi-
ciently fresh Teflon enamel as starting material and proper processing, the
activity of the sites do not change with time, whether or not (a) boiling is con-
tinuous or (b) is periodically stopped with or without subcooling of the liquid.
However, at a certain age which is generally considerably short of the six-
month expiration date given by duPont, the Teflon enamel (which appears to go
on properly, and which gives initial activity before degassing is complete) will
become inactive for producing and maintaining bubbles for boiling within a
period of an hour or so.

I wonder if the present deactivation of the Teflon surface might be due to

the use of Teflon after it has become relatively ineffective as occurs in boiling,
whether inactivation is due to the pounding of cavitation in changing the porosity
or surface of the Teflon then reducing the effectiveness for vapour generation
or retention, or whether this inactivation is in fact due to the difference between
cavitation and boiling.


With regard to the hypothesis that stabilized gas nuclei could be formed
with some protein-hydrocarbon shell, such nuclei can aid cavitation only to the
extent they provide an unrestrained gas bubble. K the shell were impervious,
then its efficacy in aiding bubble formation on the exterior would not differ
whether gas were held internally or not. On the other hand, if gas is readily
released by rupture or rapid penetration of the shell, it will be rapidly depleted.


Leslie H. Bernd


Mr. Johnson's data on the cavitation inception levels obtained in different
water tunnels are most interesting. It shows a difference in the cavitation lev-
els. It implies that up to a few psi of tensile strength may exist in the water
in these tunnels. If so, the trend is to increasing tensile strength with increas-

ing water speed. The implication of the data is that comparative tests are desir-
able and necessary. But, one expects that considerable research will be neces-
sary before the means of producing uniform test results become obvious and
before the role of gas nuclei is adequately delineated.

Assuming the tensile strength in the tunnels reported upon is controlled

by gas nuclei carried in the water, investigations we have made on the dissolv-
ing of gas nuclei in turbulently flowing water would lead one (as a possibility) to
attribute an increase in tensile strength with increasing water speed to a gen-
eral decrease in the size of the nuclei produced by the cavitation occurring dur-
ing the tests. One would be interested, as pertinent factors, in the sequence in
which water speed was varied, as well as the duration of the cavitation tests.
Also, for a small test body, one might wish to invoke as a cause of apparent
tensile strength the time required to expand a nucleus against the inertia of the
surrounding water, as a nucleus passes into the low pressure region at the body
to form a cavitation void.

As relevant information, our investigations on the dissolving of gas nuclei

in turbulently flowing water showed the following:

1. After the formation of gas nuclei by cavitation, rapid dissolving of these

nuclei takes place.

2. The resultant change in the diameter of a nucleus due to dissolving, for

a given distance traveled downstream, is generally a constant approximately
independent of water speed. The time rate of dissolving increases proportion-
ally as the water speed is increased.

Cavitation, Tensile Strength, and the Surface Films of Gas Nuclei

3. After a brief period of time, this rapid dissolving may be abruptly halted
(or greatly slowed down) by surface films. The size at which this change takes
place is highly dependent upon the initial size of nucleus. A small nucleus may
dissolve rapidly to obtain high tensile strength, whereas a large nucleus is
arrested from its rapid dissolving before high tensile strength can be developed.
The tensile strength obtained in the comparative tests are approximately in
accordance with the nuclei sizes obtained in our tests when surface films acted
to produce the above mentioned slow dissolving.

4. The subsequent slow dissolving of a nucleus surrounded by a surface

film remains as a task requiring investigation. If the surface film retards dis-
solving primarily by acting as a barrier to gas diffusion, then for a given set of
conditions the time rate of gas transport should be a value sensibly independent
of water speed. If the surface film prevents dissolving primarily because it is
stressed in compression as the surface area is reduced, and this compression
opposes the contraction of the gas nucleus, then the time rate of transport should
be proportional to the water speed.

Thus one expects tensile strength, as produced by the reduction in size of a

nucleus caused by dissolving, to be approximately independent of water speed,
or possibly to increase somewhat with decreasing water speed.


Dr. Hummel notes that the Teflon coatings he used to promote boiling
worked well for an indefinite period of time when fresh but stopped after an
hour when old. It was our experience that certain rubberlike, castable poly-
mers cavitated profusely when freshly cast, but did not do so after considerable
drying. The presence of volatile solvents was blamed for this action.

The rapid exhaustion of a Teflon coating in causing cavitation, as shown in

Fig. 2b, was obtained with an old Teflon coating (by Dr. Hummel's definition).
The ability to cavitate was lost after 2 hours of cavitation. I cannot comment on
the role of age as it may affect a Teflon surface, but I would suggest that the
gas content of the Teflon be measured and the surface nucleation sites be
counted. These had been found to be the primary factors causing cavitation
originating from polymers. As an example. Teflon sheet stock (virtually no
nucleation sites) did not cavitate, whereas a Teflon coating (many nucleation
sites) cavitated as mentioned above. Both Teflon samples had the same gas



Dr. Hummel questions the hypothesis of a stabilized, long-life gas nucleus

consisting of gas enclosed by a protective, relatively impervious organic
"shell." Reasonably he asks how a gas nucleus can be surrounded by a shell
and yet subsequently act to produce cavitation when a gas/water interface is


needed to initiate cavitation.I am sure that many, including myself, have asked

the same question. However, tests conducted by myself, as well as others,

force one to conclude that stabilized nuclei do exist. The problem is to obtain
a believable physical model.

It is reasonable to expect a nucleus to acquire a monomolecular surface

film. The characteristics of surface films observed away from a nucleus imply
that the necessary properties for a stabilized nucleus capable of initiating cavi-
tation are obtainable by a surface film at a nucleus. For example, investigations
on the behavior of surface films at a gas/water interface have shown that some
monomolecular films can be highly compressed (in the order of 50:1) as the
interface is contracted, and then subsequently re- expand to their original con-
dition as the interface is expanded. Some surface films may however change
their physical structure upon compression, possibly acquire a permanent set,
slowly redissolve in the water, or yield slowly in a viscous fashion. Thus hys-
teresis may be exhibited for various reasons. In some cases, a slight expan-
sion may reduce the compressive stress to zero and cause rupture in tension.
Langmuir was the original worker in this field.

Furthermore, because of the spherical shape of the nucleus, the surface

film should be stressed efficiently (good use of material) before failure in com-
pression can occur. Also, the spherical form is a stable shape; it prevents
failure due to buckling of the film.

It therefore reasonable to suppose that a film can be sufficiently com-

pressed decrease the transport of gas because of the reduced
to (a) greatly
spacing between molecules, as well as (b) exert a compressive stress that
prevents the internal gas pressure necessary for dissolving from being

If the stabilized nucleus enters a low-pressure area, the gas will attempt to

expand. The surface film may also elastically attempt to expand. The surface
film will then be expanded until essentially the surface tension of the water alone
acts to contract the nucleus. The protective "shell" no longer acts. It has
either been ruptured upon expansion, or it has expanded until it is ineffectual.
Thus the gas nucleus should be capable of expanding to form a cavitation void
or acquire additional gas in the form of water vapor or dissolved gas.


L. van Wijngaarden*
Netherlands Ship Model Basin
Wageningen, The Netherlands


Thirty years ago Minnaert (1) derived a formula for the oscillation fre-
quency Wg of an air bubble in water:

In (1.1) Rq is the bubble radius, p the density of water and Pq the ambient

When many small bubbles are present in a cubic meter of water, n say, it
is equally well known that the mixture can be considered as a homogeneous fluid
with mass density nearly equal to the water density and with compressibility
arising from the gas content. For a small gas volume in a unit of volume of the
mixture, the velocity with which infinitesimal disturbances of pressure propa-
gate through the mixture (the sound velocity) is given by

^ ^ (1.2)
TTnp Rq^

Equation (1.2) follows from considerations in which the bubble character of the
air content is not taken into account in other words for wavelengths which are
large with respect to the bubble radius. How do waves with shorter wavelengths
propagate? This question is considered here.
Furthermore, it is well known that for finite pressure variations, growth
and collapse of a bubble are highly nonlinear. High pressures occurring during

Present address: Technische Hogeschool Twente, Afdeling der Worktuigbouwk-

unde, Postbus 217, Enschede, The Netherlands.

Van Wijngaarden

the collapse of cavitation bubbles, filled with vapor and a small amount of air,
are in fact the cause of cavitation damage. For a bubble with initial pressure
Pq and collapsing under an outside pressure Pco the rate of change of the radius
R with time t , neglecting vapor content, will be seen from the next section to be
given by

The minimum radius appears to be about SpoRg/p^ and the associated pressure
in the bubblecan raise considerably above p^. The question arises how in a
mixture of collapsing bubbles the average pressure in the fluid behaves. This
question was considered in Van Wijngaarden (2) and is discussed here again in
connection with the results of linear theory.

The investigation presented here attempts to link single bubble theory with
homogeneous fluid theory both for linear and nonlinear oscillations of the indi-
vidual bubbles in the mixture.


To fix ideas we consider the two-dimensional problem of a bubble-water

mixture bounded at y' = by a solid wall and at y' = h by pure water. At times
t' < the pressure both in the pure water and in the bubble-water mixture is p^

At t' = 0* the pressure in the region y' >h is increased by an amount Ap.
This gives in the mixture rise to variation of average pressure p, and average
velocity v . The averaging is over a region small with respect to h but still
containing many bubbles, so that it is required that

,-1/3 h . (2.1)

The time history of the radius of an individual bubble, neglecting the effects of
viscosity and surface tension, is given by (see e.g., Lamb (3))

R (")
dt' |l-.-p.
in which Pg is the pressure of the gas in the bubble. Equation (2.2) has been
used by many authors in order to deal with the collapse of a single bubble under
influence of pressure p^, far from the bubble.

Writing p = p< and assuming a polytropic change of the bubble pressure with
bubble volume given by

PgR^=Pg^RoV (2.3)

the relation (1.3) can be easily derived from (2.2).

Pressure Pulses in Liquid- Bubble Mixtures

The essential point in the present theory (see also Van Wijngaarden (2)) is
that in (2.2) we insert for p the average pressure in the mixture at the location
of the bubble, so that for each bubble the "pressure at infinity" is the average
pressure in the volume element in which the bubble is one of the large number
of constituents.

Insertion of (2.3) in (2.2) and linearization about the equilibrium radius R^

results in

^^.P=P. (2.4)

Recognizing from (1.1) that the factor in the first term of this equation is l/<^
we may also write

1 ^'Pg
:ji^^PE=P- (2.5)

For the average quantities p and v we now write down the continuity and
momentum equations:

= 4TrnR2 H


P By' ^^''

In formulating themomentum equation, (2.7), convective acceleration terms are

neglected because for a small amount of gas (as is assumed to be the case) the
average velocity v will be small.

When small changes in the bubble radii are involved (resulting from a small
value of Ap) we may linearize (2.6). Then upon crossdifferentiation of (2.6) and
(2.7) we obtain

By'^ c^ Bt'

where c^ is given by (1.2).

For Rq - the bubble frequency ^g tends to infinity. In that case (2.5) re-
duces to p = Pg and (2.8) to the well-known acoustical wave equation. Hence the
mixture, as described in the present model, behaves in the limit of infinite
bubble frequency as a homogeneous fluid with sound velocity c

The boundary and initial conditions of the problem posed at the beginning of
this section are

Van Wijngaarden

0: p - n ^ (2.9)


y =0:-^=0; y' =h: p -

po + ApH(t') (2.10)

In (2.10) H(t ) is the unit step function.

In case of small values of Ap/p^ the
linearized equations (2.5) and (2.8) may be used. The boundary at y' = can be
removed, provided we extend the mixture till y' = -h and apply at y' = -h the
same boundary conditions as hold for y'= h. If Wg - oo^ we know from acoustic
theory that at y = the fluid is quiescent until t = h/c. At that moment the
' '

pulses emitted from y' = h and y' = -h arrive, and the pressure remains
= 3h/c a rarefaction wave of strength 2Ap arrives, etc.
Po + 2Ap until at t '

Therefore at y' = and ^g - oo

t t
Po + 2Ap [H( '
- h/c ) - H( '
- 3h/c ) + . .
. (2.11)

As long as t' < 3h/c the first two terms on the right side of (2.11) are nonzero,
which we can write as


4Ap r sin kh ( 1 - cos kct '

dk (2.12)
Pg - Po = ^r J k


00 00

1 f sin k (h + ct '
) If sin k (h - ct ')
P- Po = 2Ap < 1 dk

The expression (2.13) allows the interpretation for Pg- Pq as the integrated
result of a continuous progressing wave spectrum with wave number distribu-
tion 1/k, each wave traveling with the same velocity c .

In dealing with finite values of co^ it is convenient to introduce dimension-

less variables by

^ (2.14)



With help of these relations elimination of either p^ or p from (2.5) and (2.8)

il + - J .
3y2 3t23y2 BtV iPgJ

Pressure Pulses in Liquid -Bubble Mixtures

Seeking solutions in the form of progressive waves

exp i(ky - at

we obtain the dispersion equation

a - .

Waves are dispersed. The phase velocity is given by

a 1

k 1/ 2 '
(l + k2)

whereas the group velocity is

da; 1

dk 3/2 (2.19)
(l + k2)

Only for very long waves (k ^ 0) the propagation is nondispersive, but otherwise
the group velocity is smaller than the phase velocity, indicating a normal dis-
persion pattern.

For the present investigation it is convenient to apply a Laplace transform

to (2.16). Defining [f(t)] by


i:[f(t)] = e-^* f(t) dt (2.20)


we obtain from (2.16), using (2.9), (2.10), (2.14) and (2.15),

(8^+ 1)
Up- Po) = -^ (2.21)
L(S^+ 1)


Ap L(S2+ 1)
^(Pg- Po) (2.22)
S(S2+ 1) S\
L(S^+ 1)

The parameter x is the (dimensionless) thickness of the bubble- water mixture

\ (2.23)

Van Wijngaarden

The parameter ^ expresses the ratio between the period of free oscillations
of a bubble and the time for a disturbance to travel over a distance h with ve-
locity c With help of (1.1) and (1.2) k may be written as

^. ^ i^.n-R,')'"'. (2.24)

For a gas volume fraction 10"^ andh = io~^ m we obtain X ^ 10^^^ for Rq = 10"^ m
and X % for R,, - I0"''m. These figures pertain for example to a cloud of

cavitation bubbles, as considered in Van Wijngaarden (2). Here also we shall

consider values of \ of about 10^ or 10^.

The transforms (2.21) and (2.22) cannot be inverted as they stand, but suf-
ficient information for the present purpose can be derived from these expres-
sions. For small times, we obtain allowing s to tend to infinity

^ Apt^ cosh y (2.25)

Po ^ 2 cosh k


cosh y
'^-Po^^P^^iin"^*^- (2.26)

Pressure changes occur instantaneously, because in the present approximation

we have considered the fluid as incompressible. Form (2.17) we infer that
whereas for real k, a is real also, k is only real for cr< i. Frequencies higher
than cr= 1 are strongly absorbed, since from (2.17) it follows that

For cr 1, k = i, which explains the nature of the signal for small values of t.

For later reference we note that at y = (2.25) may be written as

Pg-Po %Apt2e-^(l-e-2^+...)- (2.27)

In order to investigate the development of p - Pg at y = further we write the

transform of this quantity (as given by (2.22)) as

S(l + S^)
/ .
(2m +
1 ) \S

The first term (m= 0), as is shown in the Appendix, can be inverted exactly,
which results in

Pressure Pulses in Liquid-Bubble Mixtures

4Ap r sin kk kt
1 - cos .dk (2.29)
Bl J k
L (l + k^)


(00 Kk +
/vk - kt
. dk
(l + k^)' (l + k^)


The integrands in (2.29) and (2.30) reduce for small k (long waves) to the cor-
responding expressions in (2.12) and (2.13).

By expansion of the terms in braces in (2.29) a series convergent for all t

can be obtained. The first term is


2Ap r kt^ sin Kk

dk = Ap t 2 e" (2.31)
X 1 + k'

in agreement with the first term in (2.27). Higher terms are of the type
^2k ^k- 1 e"'^. Although these higher terms
can be obtained relatively easy, the
result is not easy to derive conclusions from. For larger values of t we pro-
ceed therefore otherwise and use (2.30).

At t % \ the main contribution to the first integral in (2.30) stems from the
neighborhood of k = for the values of k considered here. The first integral in
(2.30) can therefore at t % \ be replaced by


1 r 1 1
sin (\k + kt) dk = 2"
-J i^

The second integral has a similar contribution from k = but also an important
one from the stationary phase point where K/t equals the group velocity or with
help of (2.19)

(l + k2)-

A stationary phase exists only for t > k. At t = \ the stationary phase coincides
with k = 0. Therefore at t = \ the second integral in (2.30) is approximately
given by

- r ^k sin ^kH dk = -J- .

77 J 2 6

The total signal at t = \ is

Van Wijngaarden

2 ^
Pgi-Pc 3AP

which signal can be considered as the "forerunner" (see e.g., Brillouin (4)).

For t > \ the contributions by k = to the integrals in (2.30) cancel just as

the integrals in (2.13) cancel for t' > h/c The total signal is, however, not 2Ap
for these values of t as in (2.13), but 2Ap minus the contribution of the sta-

tionary point in the integrand of the second integral in (2.30). The arrival of the
total signal 2Ap is therefore not determined by the "sound" velocity c but by the
group velocity as given by (2.32). Writing

exp it dk
kt (l + k^) (2.33)
\k dk = Im
J r"^" 1/ 2
(l + k^)

and evaluating the contribution of the point of stationary phase, we obtain for
t > k

(t/A.)- 3/2 7T
1- (\/t)2/3 (2.34)
Po = 2Ap 1
(67Tt)l''2 (tA)2/3- 1

The expressions (2.31), (2.33), and (2.34) show how the pressure Pg in the
bubbles increases with time at the plate y' ^ 0. This forms an adequate descrip-
tion as long as t < 3a, since at that moment the "forerunner" associated with
the second term in (2.28) arrives at y' = 0. Schematically Pg as a function of t
is shown in Fig. 1.

pit_y = X P g at y3 patp^ ot y0



Fig. 1 - Behavior of p and Pg as a function

of t and y = and y - k

Next we consider the behavior of the pressure in the bubbles at the outer
boundary of the mixture. From the boundary conditions at y' = h and from (2.5)
it follows that at y ' = h

Pg- Po = '^P (1 - COS OJg t') (2.35)

Pressure Pulses in Liquid -Bubble Mixtures

Because the ambient pressure is prescribed at y' h the bubbles oscillate as If


in an infinite fluid with pressure Pq + Ap The frequency of the oscillations is


ojg. The relevant part of the phase variation in (2.34) is given by


Comparison of the arguments of the cosines in (2.35) and (2.36) shows that in the
time interval between he and 3h/c the pressure pg in the gas bubbles varies
much slower at y' = than at y' = h. Then it follows from consideration of (2.5)
that, while at y' = h the difference Pg- p varies rapidly, this difference is small
at y' = 0, because the term (l/^g^) (32p^/3t 2>) jj^ (2. 5) is small at y' = 0.

The average pressure p in the fluid at the plate therefore rises at a slow
pace compared with wg^ to the value pg + 2Ap. In the nonlinear case the same
occurs qualitatively, but since the gas pressure reaches much higher values
(than the value p^ + 2Ap in the linear case), also the average pressure in the
fluid can assume high values, as will be made plausible in section 4.


With a view to the nonlinear case, with which we occupy ourselves in the
next section, we deal with the linear case in another way.

The nondimensional form of (2.4) is (cf . (2.14))

+ P = P (3.1)


3t (3.2)

we integrate (3.1) to obtain

2 (p-^) d^, (3.3)


while combination of (3.1) and the dimensionless form of (2.8) yields

p (3.4)
T = P-P,

We now consider u and p as dependent variables and Pg and y as independent

variables. In this case we should write (3.4) as

Van Wijngaarden

+ ^ V p = p-p (3.5)

In the linear case Ap p^ is a small quantity, c say. The pressure Pg is of order

Pq(1+ 6), 9pg/Bpg is of order 1, and ^g'^y is of order e.

We now assume that the operator working on p in the left side of (3.5) may
be approximated by 3^/By^. Then we may write instead of (3.5)

. (P-Pg) - (P-Pg) = 0- (3.6)

Solving this equation yields using the boundary conditions (2.10),

cosh y
P-Pg= (^P-Po-Pg)^^;^. (3.7)

Substituting (3.7) in the integrand in (3.3), we obtain

cosh y
Ap 1 (3.8)
cosh A

Inserting (3.7) and (3.8) in (3.5) shows that reducing the differential operator in
(3.4) to 3^ 'dy^ is a reasonable approximation for small values of t and inde-
pendently for small values of y

If we take t << i, it follows that at y = for small t

Pg-Po ;^ Apt^e-^ (3.9)

where from the hyperbolic function in (3.8) only the first term in the expansion
in terms of k has been taken into account. This expression is identical with
(2.31), confirming what is said above about the validity of the used approxima-
tion for small t.

For other values of t, (3.8) yields at y = (cosh X."' being replaced by 2e"'^)

p - p ^ Ap n - cos 1, 2^^-X 2
1 -'0

This expression shows just like the results of the foregoing section a slow vari-
ation of the gas pressure at y= 0. Comparison of (3.10) with (2.34) shows that
due to the approximation used in this section the variation of the gas pressure
as given by (3.10) is considerably too slow.

Qualitatively, however, the results of this section agree with those of sec-
tion 2. Equation (3.7) indicates that for ^^ 1, the difference between p andp

is small at y o, whereas Eq. (3.10) expresses that as time proceeds Pg in-

creases at y = slowly (compared with o-^^) from p^ at t = to the value
Po + 2Ap.

Pressure Pulses in Liquid-Bubble Mixtures


Starting with the Eqs. (2.2), (2.3), (2.6), and (2.7) for p, p^, R, and v and
rendering p dimensionless with p r dimensionless with Rq (x = R Rq), and y'

dimensionless with o^/c (cf. (2.15;), it may be shown (Van Wijngaarden (2)) that
with the approximation used in section 3 and consisting in reducing (^VBy^)^^^,^^^^^
to (^^/^y^)x=const *-^^ following equation holds for the difference between aver-
age pressure p in the fluid and pressure Pg Ro''/R^ or x" in dimensionless vari- "*

ables, in the gas bubbles:

(p-x-^) -x(p-x-^) = -i-

^\p-r')d^. (4.1)

The boundary conditions for (4.1) are (cf. (2.10))

,-_,: p.L^ (4.2)


y--^-- 1=0- (4.3)

In Van Wijngaarden (2) an approximate solution of (4.1) subjected to (4.2) and

(4.3) was given. An exact solution appears, however, to be possible. We define

G(x, y) = r ^'2(p-r') d^. (4.4)

Bearing in mind that x and y are independent variables, we can combine (4.1)
and (4.4) into

3y^3x Bx

Introducing the Laplace transform of G with

G e-Sy G(x, y) dy (4.6)


and denoting the pressure at y = in dimensionless form by n(x), transforma-

tion of (4.5) yields

(S^-x) ^-
G = Sx2 n(x)

Integration with respect to x results in

Van Wijngaarden

G =
-j: n(^) - r d^ (4.7)

Inversion then yields, using (4.4),

<f2(p-^-4)d^ cosh y(x)'' '-][ n(<f) - r' d^ (4.8)

For the unknown function n(x) we can now derive a relation, since (4.2) has not
been used yet. Doing this now, thereby writing

Ap + Po

we infer from (4.8), by differentiation and substitution,

p- X \ sinh
n(x)- X- (p-r')^"'d^ (4.10)
1/ 2 k(x)
cosh \(x) x^'' ^ cosh^

While (4.10) describes how the pressure in the mixture changes at the wall
with the pressure in the bubbles, an equation for the rate of change of the bubble
radii can be obtained in the following way. Inserting p instead of p^, in (1.3), we


Using the boundary condition at y = ^ we infer from (4.8)

j ^\p-r') d^
n(<f)-r' d^ =
r cosh \(x)-

Using this result, combination of (4.8) and (4.11) yields

_p_ /BR 2 cosh y(x) (4.13)

Po \Bt ^ cosh >V(X)'

The expressions (4.10) and (4.13) contain the information necessary for our
present purpose. First we note that for values of x near unity (4.10) reduces to
(3.7), if in the last expression we take y = 0. It can easily be shown that also for
X near unity (4.13) can be integrated to the relation (3.8). It is interesting to
note that while in the linear case cosh \ occurs in the expressions for the gas
pressure, in the nonlinear case k is multiplied with x^''^ which expresses the

Pressure Pulses in Liquid- Bubble Mixtures

physical fact that during collapse of the bubbles the volume of the gas content
decreases, which fact is ignored in the linear case.

Equation (4.13) shows that at y = the rate of change of R is much slower

than at y= \. The maximum gas pressure occurs when dR/dt = 0. From (4.13)
we infer that the value x^.^ at which this occurs is the same for all y. This
value is for p >> l approximately given by


According to the relation (4.10) we have therefore at y = o

- 4
'^ - X
- 4 mi n

- X = (4.15)
cosh Mx,iJ''

On account of (4.14) the maximum gas pressure is given by

- 4
10-2p4. (4.16)
mi n

Note for comparison that in the linear theory the maximum gas pressure is
1 + (2Ap/pq). Ifthe value of A.(x^.^)*/Ms not small, it follows from (4.15) that
the maximum pressure at the wall n^^^ can increase to a significant fraction of
the maximum pressure in the bubbles. High average pressures can therefore
be expected to occur.

Although the approximations of the present analysis do not permit accurate
quantitative results, the linear and nonlinear theories developed here make it
clear that water-bubble mixtures are strongly dispersive and that due to the
dispersion high average pressures in the mixture can occur during the non-
linear collapse of individual bubbles.

1. Minnaert, M., Phil. Mag. 16:235 (1933)

2. Van Wijngaarden, L., XI International Congress of Applied Mechanics,

Munchen, 1964

3. Lamb, Sir Horace, "Hydrodynamics," Cambridge: University Press, 1952

4. Brillouin, L., "Wave Propagation and Group Velocity," Academic Press,


Van Wijngaarden


To invert the first term in (2.28) we consider the integral

' ^
,St + AS/( 1 + S^)
dS (Al)
2^ J S(l + S^)

along a straight path a distance c to the right of the imaginary axis in the s
plane (Fig. Al). We deform this path to a closed contour as indicated in the fig-
ure. The contribution from the pole in
S = equals unity. To evaluate the con-
tribution from
the branch points S = t i
we have around the branch-
to integrate
cut indicated in the figure. We trans-
form now the s plane into a plane by* jj.

(l + S^)

Because of the branchcut we put the left

side of (A2) equal to +/i on the left side
of the branchcut and equal to -m on the
Fig. Al - Closed contour right side. The region between the
in the S plane branch points in the s plane maps on
the imaginary axis in the /u plane:

S 2\l/2
3 /x(1-m2)
Then (Al) becomes

[Mt/(l-/i^)'''2] ^^^ [Mt/(1-M2) 1
d/j, + d/x

Introducing /x = ik this can be written as

^^ kt
sin r\k +

(l + k^) (l + k2)
dk + dk

*For this transformation the author is indebted to R. Timman.

Pressure Pulses in Liquid-Bubble Mixtures


T. Brooke Benjamin*
Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics
University of California
La Jolla, California

Dr. van Wijngaarden's paper introduces several interesting new ideas, in

particular that a suspension of gas bubbles in liquid is a dispersive medium for
the propagation of pressure waves and that nonlinear effects may compete with
the effects of frequency dispersion. I noticed a fairly complete analogy between
this problem and the problem of nonlinear dispersion of long water waves, about
which an extensive body of theory is available, and I shall now outline an alter-
native treatment which brings out this helpful connection. The analysis applies
only to waves whose length is considerably greater than the characteristic
length hA = Cg/wg, where c^ is the sound velocity given by (1.2) in the paper
and tjg is the bubble resonance frequency given by (1.1). But within this limita-
tion a full account of essential wave behavior can be made quite easily.


Let X and t denote dimensional distance and time, and define correspond-
ing dimensionless variables

X = x/h ; T = Cgt/h .

Here h is merely understood to be some overall length typical of the physical

system, but the specific meaning given to h in the paper is of course included in
this more general definition. In terms of X and T, the linearized Eq. (2.16)

32p B2p J 34p

\2 Bx^BT^ (2)
BX^ 3t2


is a parameter representing the relative importance of dispersion. For long

waves, as now in question, we have \" ^ l. In Eq. (2), p is the local mean
pressure in the liquid-bubble mixture, but clearly in the linearized approxima-
tion every other dependent variable will satisfy the same equation.

*On leave from the University of Cambridge.

Van Wijngaarden

Regarding simple-harmonic solutions in the form

exp [i(aX - i^T)] ,

we obtain from (2) the dispersion relation

1/2 (4)

(cf (2.17) in the paper). This result shows that the phase velocity v/a and

group velocity dvMa. are a maximum for a - o, i.e., for very long waves; and we
note that this is a property in common with infinitesimal surface waves on water
of uniform undisturbed depth. According to a well-known principle which has
often been used in water-wave theory, the front of any wave propagating into the
undisturbed medium will eventually be composed only from Fourier components
with group velocities near the maximum. Hence a good asymptotic approxima-
tion to the properties of the wave front may be obtained by taking a first approx-
imation to (4) for small a^, thus

2\2 (5)

and using this in a Fourier -integral representation of the wave (see H. Jeffreys
and B. S. Jeffreys, "Methods of Mathematical Physics," Cambridge University
Press, 1946, 17.09).

For example, consider the solution p(X,T) of (2) that is initially a step func-
tion, such that

1, X < ,

= 0, X > .

This solution is

P(X (6)
277i J a

with the path of integration indented under the origin. Substituting (5) for v and
then writing

-'^^^"' 3

we obtain as the asymptotic approximation

CO ,-| CO
p ,


Pressure Pulses in Liquid-Bubble Mixtures


Ai(z) =
- I cos zi + \ l,^ d^

is theAiry function of the first kind. The result (7) represents a waveform ad-
vancing as a whole at unit velocity (note p keeps a constant value at XT, i.e.,
at X = Cgt), but with a length scale increasing with time like T''^^ (cf. T. B.
Benjamin and B. J. S. Barnard, "A Study of the Motion of a Cavity in a Rotating
Liquid," J. Fluid Mech. 19:193 (1964), p. 205).

If \~'' is negligible, the approximation (5) to the dispersion relation is reli-

able for any waves whose dimensionless length is 0(1); and for waves traveling
in the positive X direction, it is equivalent to p and the other dependent varia-
bles satisfying

3p dp 1 3^p
BT ^
BX ^ ^ 3^ (8)

We note, for example, that (7) is a solution of (8). Equation (8) may be regarded,
therefore, as the most general governing equation in the case of one-way propa-
gation by long waves of very small amplitude. The effects of dispersion are rep-
resented by the third term on the left side, which can be regarded as a first-
order correction to the "acoustic" wave equation. We go on to find a correspond-
ing correction for the effects of finite wave amplitude, and finally we combine
the two.


Anexact nonlinear theory can be formulated very readily if one assumes
0(>v' ^)can be neglected and hence ignores the mechanism that causes frequency
dispersion (i.e., the lag between local mean pressure p and the bubble pressure
Pg). Thus one takes p= Pg, implying that the local net density p of the mixture
(which of course is less than the liquid density, say p^) is a function of p only.
The mixture can then be treated as a continuum, by the same method as is famil-
iar in elementary gas dynamics.

The equation of motion and the equation of mass conservation are (in terms
of dimensional variables)

J^, ,^],^-_
Bt Bx /


If. c3t
ox ox
0. (10)

As is well known, these two equations may be transformed to yield two in char-
acteristic forms, thus

Van Wijngaarden

+ (c + v) (v+ f) = (11)


(c- v)
(V- f) = (12)




f =
f - dp

Equations (11) and (12) show that the "Riemann invariants" v + f propagate with
constant values along the respective characteristics


= V + c .

The net density of the mixture is given very closely by the expression

p = p^(l - nV) , (15)

inwhich nV = (4/3) nn'R^ is the volume fraction occupied by the bubbles. Hence,
assuming adiabatic compression or expansion of the gas in the bubbles, we have

p = p. 1 - nV (16)

where the zero suffix refers to the undisturbed state of the mixture. (Here an
arbitrary value y of the ratio of specific heats is represented, rather than the
value 4/3 assumed in the paper.) Upon substitution of this relationship between
P and p, (13) gives



-ypn 37P

(cf. (1.2) in the paper), and (14) gives

Pressure Pulses in Liquid-Bubble Mixtures

27 (7- i)/2r
(/- 1) ^w Co

(Note that the propagation velocity c increases much more rapidly with the
pressure ratio p/p^ than it does when the whole fluid is a gas, in which case
c = (7p/^)i/2-p(>-i)/2r.)

The preceding exact equations for very long waves may be helpfully simpli-
fied ifattention is restricted to fairly weak pressure pulses. Writing

= l + P

we assume P to be a fairly small fraction and hence obtain from (17) and (19)
the approximations

-'^'^ (20)


P . (21)
Pw Cf

Consider now a wave propagating in the x direction toward an undisturbed

region. After a time the frontal parts of the wave will be covered by backward-
going characteristics along which the invariant v - f has the value zero deter-
mined at the origin of these characteristics in the undisturbed region ahead of
the wave. Thus we have v+ f = 2f , and on substituting (20) and (21) we get from

y+ 1
1 + T- .
3t 27 Pw Cf

Writing, for the sake of neatness,

fy+l Po \

and reintroducing the dimensionless variables T and X, we then have

-^ + ^ + Q ^ .

The third term on the left side of (23) is the required simple representation of
the nonlinear effects.

Both Eqs. (8) and (23) have precise counterparts in water-wave theory, and
various schemes have been developed in that context for simultaneously obtain-
ing approximations to the effects of both frequency dispersion and nonlinearity.

Van Wijngaarden

By analogy, the outcome of such an investigation in the present instance is obvi-

ous: the "correction" terms in (8), rewritten as an equation for Q, and in (23)
are simply added. Thus we have

BQ 3Q BQ 1 B^Q

This third-order nonlinear equation is often called the Korteweg-de Vries equa-
tion (see G. B. Whitham, "Nonlinear Dispersive Waves," Proc. Roy. Soc. A283:
238 (1965), p. 252), and a great deal is now known about its solutions. Its occur-
rence here indicates the possibility of several interesting wave phenomena in a
liquid-bubble mixture that would be analogous to water-wave phenomena known
to be described approximately by the equation. In particular, there appears the
possibility of oscillatory shock waves (analogous to undular bores or hydraulic
jumps) and of solitary waves (i.e., nonper iodic waves of finite amplitude but
permanent form). Note that the solitary- wave solution of (24) is

a sech^ aj \(X-CT) (25)

Q = l|-


a = 3(C- 1) .

* * *


L. van Wijngaarden

I wish to thank Dr. Brooke Benjamin very much for his comments. His
suggestion, substantiated by his analysis, that there is an analogy between long
water waves and waves in a liquid-bubble mixture is most useful, both from a
theoretical and a practical point of view. Both types of waves display indeed
frequency dispersion and amplitude dispersion. However, upon looking deeper
in this matter, it appears that whereas in the theory of water waves there are
three characteristic lengths, viz., amplitude, wavelength and depth, there are
four lengths here, namely wavelength, amplitude, bubble size, and inter-bubble
distance. In the theory of water waves there are consequently tivo dimension-
less parameters, one giving the ratio between amplitude and wavelength, the
other the ratio between depth and wavelength. In the case of bubble -fluid mix-
tures there are three parameters. If e.g., bubble size plays the role of depth,
then the third parameter is the ratio between bubble size and bubble distance.
It appears that only when this ratio is of order 1, the analogy holds strictly.
The above mentioned ratio is essentially the cubic root of the volume fraction
nVg of the gas. Now in some of Dr. Benjamin's equations this fraction is as-
sumed to be of order 1 (Eqs. (9) and (10)), whereas in others it is assumed to be

Pressure Pulses in Liquid-Bubble Mixtures

small, for example in the derivation of Eqs. (19) and (21) from (16) and (17),
where p is taken equal to p^.

In fact (a) nVg = 0(1) and (b) nV^

l have to be considered separately.

Inspired by Dr. Benjamin's comments I will publish the theory for both of these
cases in the near future. Also other aspects of the comments, as for example
the reduction to the Korteweg-de Vries equation will be dealt with in this forth-
coming paper.

A. T. Ellis
California Institute of Technology
Division of Engineering and Applied Science
Pasadena, California

Historically, the type of cavitation which consists of relatively small, tran-

sient cavities in a liquid first received attention by Euler (1) in the eighteenth
century. Very likely he and others had it forcefully called to their attention be-
cause of its well demonstrated capability of causing extreme damage to solid
surfaces such as turbine blades. This brief review will also concern itself pri-
marily with those hydrodynamic aspects of cavitation which are believed to be of
importance in the theory of cavitation damage.

The early theoretical treatments by Besant in 1859 (2) and Rayleigh in

1917 (3) quite naturally adopted the simplest possible model, namely that of a
spherically symmetric cavity collapsing to very small or zero radius. It was
easily found theoretically that the bubble wall velocity approached infinity as the
radius approached zero. This result was readily seized upon as a firm explana-
tion of the amazingly high pressures which would be required to account for the
observed damage to solids. The pressure was, of course, expected to reach
enormous values as the inward motion was arrested either by gas in the cavity
or by wall to wall impact. The case of isothermal gas compression was in-
cluded in Rayleigh's work as well as the empty cavity.

Some investigators at first refused to believe that the damage was not of an
exclusively chemical nature, but their number has been steadily declining since
the early part of this century. However, quantitative estimates of the pressure
involved covered an extremely wide range varying from thousands (4) to mil-
lions (5) of pounds per square inch. For a while there was also a strong reti-
cence to admit that both corrosion and erosion might play prominent roles de-
pending upon cavitation intensity and length of exposure. This feeling has lately
been largely dispelled due to good experimental work which is aimed at sepa-
rating these effects (6). Of course no one ever really believed that pressures
actually became infinite, but the problem was neatly bypassed by the convenient
fact that something involving real fluid effects or thermodynamic behavior was
always neglected.

An undoubtedly better approximation for spherical collapse than the Rayleigh

theory was made by Gilmore (7) who included compressibility in his equations
and put in surface tension and viscosity through boundary conditions. The main


result was merely that collapse velocity became infinite at a lower rate (pro-
portional to the inverse one-haLE rather than the inverse first or three-halves
power for the acoustic or incompressible cases, respectively). The Kirkwood-
Bethe hypothesis (8) was used as a basis for Gilmore's theory, and this also has
not been proved or universally accepted (9) for the conditions involved in cavi-
tation. It should also be pointed out that the radiation condition (no incoming
waves) which is assumed in this approximation is obviously not applicable when
one considers the effects of nearby boundaries. If one is interested in the study
of cavitation damage, then boundaries must be considered.

There has, in the past, been an unjustified confidence in assuming that

cavitation damage was entirely caused by large-amplitude pressure waves in
the liquid due to an isolated, collapsing spherical bubble. It is true that the
possibility of instability of the spherical shape of a bubble has received a great
deal of attention in the last fifteen years or so (10,11) but true instability of an
initially spherical bubble isolated in an infinite medium was always the problem
considered. This theoretical work was a very important and basic step in the
progress of our understanding, but isolated bubbles by definition can hardly be
expected to damage anything. Of course, this isolation is relative and is as-
sumed only to make the theory more tractable under the assumption that the
radiated shock wave could travel the distance from the "isolated" bubble and
still be strong enough to do damage. A quantitative answer to this question is
therefore required before the validity of the assumption can be properly
assessed. Experimental answers are unfortunately still inadequate or depend-
ent on other assumptions, although some progress has been made (12). The
theoretical situation is somewhat better due to the efforts of many investigators
(13,14,15) as long as a spherical collapse is assumed.

One of the most recent and best treatments is that of Hickling and Plesset
(16). They make the assumption that the bubble contains a small amount of gas
(10" ^ or 10"^ atmosphere pressure at maximum radius). They include com-
pressibility and find numerical solutions including flow during rebound from a
Lagrangian formulation. They find the acoustic approximation to be valid at
high enough pressures that the peak intensity of the outgoing wave can be calcu-
lated. The results of these calculations are most informative and show that
peak pressures are very sensitive to gas content. Typical results are that at a
distance of the bubble maximum diameter from the collapse point the peak pres-
sure is 200 atmospheres for 10" atmosphere initial gas content and 1000 at-

mospheres for 10" atmospheres initial gas content when the collapsing pressure

at infinity is 1atmosphere. In the author's opinion, these values are quite rea-
sonable and should be expected to be confirmed by experiment if it proves pos-
sible to obtain a spherical collapse. They are sufficient to cause the typical
peening appearance or depressions of relatively large curvature observed in
soft materials and which cannot be reasonably explained by a jet impact mecha-
nism because of this large curvature (17). They are also capable of causing
"cold work" and ultimate fatigue damage in harder materials.

However, in view of the demonstrated violence of cavitation attack on some

very resistant materials it does not seem likely that the shock wave damage
mechanism is the only one. It might be argued that if the peak pressure has a
l/r dependence, then the bubble need only collapse closer to the surface to

Jets and Shock Waves from Cavitation

develop higher pressures. The trouble with this is that the assumption of
spherical collapse ceases to be valid due to proximity of the solid surface.
That this is true, at least for bubble collapse which is not flow generated, has
been demonstrated by Naude' and Ellis (12). Very little work has been done on
single bubble collapse in a flowing liquid with the notable exception of Maurice
Rattray (18). His perturbation analysis breaks down during the later stages of
collapse but does indicate that spherical symmetry is not maintained If the bubble
is closer than about one maximum diameter from a wall or if the bubble has a
relative velocity to the free stream such as one would expect in the presence of
pressure gradients, which usually exist in cases of practical interest.

It appears, then, that the case of hemispherical collapse on a solid, which

for ideal fluids is theoretically equivalent to spherical collapse in an infinite
fluid, is the only case where spherical symmetry might be preserved and yet
keep the collapse point near or on the solid. Some experimental work has been
done by Jones and Ellis (19) using a quartz force gage and simultaneous high-
speed photography. The big objection to their work was that the bubbles were
spark generated and thus contained relatively large and unknown amounts of
permanent gas from electrolysis. Despite this, a lower bound of about 10,000
atmospheres pressure was obtained. This was in agreement with work done by
Jones and Edwards (20) without benefit of high-speed photography.

Although the hemispherical mode of collapse is undoubtedly very damaging,

such experimental observations as are available indicate it is not a very likely
occurrence either in flow (21) or acoustically generated (22) cavitation. It ap-
pears much more common, at least for pressure distributions on ogival bodies
such as were used by Knapp and Hollander (23) and Plesset (24) and Ellis (21),
that when the cavity is in actual contact with the solid it may be of roughly
spherical shape but it is likely to be either less or more than a hemisphere (i.e.,
the center of curvature is within or without the solid surface). Such examples
are shown in Fig. 1 from the work of Ellis (21). A theoretical and experimental
study of the latter type but in the absence of flow was made by Naude' and Ellis
(12). The method of bubble generation used was a spark, but as was indicated
theoretically, high-speed photography showed that a jet developed and struck the
solid before there was enough cavity volume reduction to increase the internal
pressure significantly. It was thus felt that spark generation with resultant per-
manent gas was not objectionable for this mode of collapse, whereas it would be
for the spherically symmetric mode. Figure 2 shows the collapsing jet. Al-
though the photographs in this figure had been taken at the time of the original
paper, they were not published until later (25). If one takes a conservative esti-
mate of the jet velocity by assuming that it has just reached the solid in the next
frame, a value of about 600 feet per second is obtained. The impact pressure
would then be about 3000 atmospheres. This is about a third of the experimental
estimate for the hemispherical bubble of Ref 19, but it is quite adequate to pit

aluminum, and indeed this was done, as shown in Fig. 3.

It should be mentioned that in similar subsequent work by others (26) no jet

damage was observed but instead cavitation damage due to vortex generated
cavitation was evident. In the author's opinion this did nothing to disprove the
jet mechanism because of a simple difference in the spark generator. The dis-
charge was from a 0.02 -microfarad capacitor in the case of Naude and Ellis and


{a)o- = 0.266 (b)o- = 0.279 (C)<T 0.239

V = 39,4fl/sec V = 39.6 ft/sec 85.34 tt/sec

Fig. 1 - Cavitation on 1.5-caliber ogive

(10,000 frames/sec; 0.75X)

was 1.0 microfarad in the case of Shutler and Mesler. Other things assumed
similar, this means that the period of the electrical discharge was fifty times
longer and therefore the hot arc was maintained during most of the bubble his-
tory. This conclusion is born out by the photographs which show the arc. It
does not seem reasonable to expect the jet to pass through the hot gas with any
vigor, and in fact it might try to move out to some radial distance and do peri-
pheral damage. However, a maintained arc should also be an excellent vortex
generator, and it is probably quite true that much damage producing cavitation,
especially in turbomachinery, has been vortex generated.

One should be very careful not to assume that all damage is done by jets
and none by shock waves, however. It is a natural tendency to associate shock
waves with spherically symmetric collapse and then to discard the idea of dam-
age from shock waves when one finds that such collapse near a boundary is an
extremely unlikely event. The point to be emphasized is that shock waves can
arise from nonsymmetric impact of portions of the walls of a cavity with other
portions or with solid boundaries. In the former case the shock wave may still

Jets and Shock Waves from Cavitation


Fig. 2 Spark bubble with a collapsing


jet within it. The thin line above the

bubble is the path of two tungsten
wires which carried the spark current
(100,000 frames/sec; 2.5X)


Fig. 3 - Pit left by single bubble

collapse (1 division is 0.004 inch)

travel to the boundary and do damage. In the latter the damage would be done
by the impacting wall which may or may not be in the shape of a jet. Figure 4
shows a spark- generated bubble from unpublished work of Naude and Ellis which
collapses unsymmetrically and yet generates a shock wave. The origin of the
shock wave is obviously not at the solid surface and hence must be at a colliding
liquid-liquid interface. The lack of sharpness of the shock is due to the rela-
tively long exposure time of about 0.1 microsecond in this case. It should be
emphasized that the behavior of spark- generated bubbles in the absence of a
flow was not necessarily expected to duplicate conditions of flow- generated
cavitation. They were studied mainly because theoretical treatment was more
tractable than the general case of collapse in a flow field, but it was felt that


such general features as jets might well exist in

the latter case as well.

The brief damage re-

outline of cavitation
search given here is to show mo-
merely intended
tivation for work presently under way. Very com-
plete and excellent summaries are available
elsewhere, notably those of Flynn (27) and Eisen-
berg and Tulin (28).

It was felt by the author that a logical attack

on the complete problem should first consider
those situations where comparison of theory and
experiment might be possible though difficult. To-
ward this end, experimental methods of generating
and observing collapsing cavities both in flow and
in stationary liquid were studied. The first step
was to duplicate the Naude'- Ellis work but in a
flowing system. Accordingly a glass-lined blow-
down type of water tunnel was constructed which
has been described elsewhere (29). This tunnel
was designed to provide velocities of over 100 feet
per second through a 2-3/4-inch-square working
section. Very-low-speed flows can also be gen-
erated covering a Reynolds number range from
zero to over two million. Initial cavitation experi-
ments included an initially hemispherical spark-
generated bubble at the low pressure point of a
circular-arc hydrofoil. The radius of curvature
and chord length was chosen such that the ideal
fluid pressure distribution would correspond to
that of the 1.5 -caliber ogive of Fig. 1, since this
distribution had yielded large well-defined bubbles
in the axially symmetric case.

Figure 5 shows the resultant behavior. It can

be seen that even though the initial shape is hemi-
spherical the shape near collapse is not. The
center figure shows a shape very much like a
theoretical shape calculated by Naude' and Ellis for
an initially nonhemispherical bubble without flow.
The situation 10 microseconds later (bottom fig-
ure) is seen to consist of a smaller and more asym-
Fig. 4 - Bubble show- metrical bubble remnant and a radiated shock wave.
ing asymmetrical col-
Although rather speculative, it seems likely that
lapse and shock wave
centered off the sur- the presence of flow caused a perturbation from
face (200,000 frames/ the hemispherical shape to develop in later stages
sec) and that a jet occurred, hitting the solid at an

Jets and Shock Waves from Cavitation

angle pointing downstream. At least in the no-flow case, theory indicates that if

a bubble is shaped like in the center figure, then a jet will develop.

The theory for the flow situation is not yet complete, but it was felt that ob-
servations on an initially greater than hemispherical bubble in a flow would also
be helpful. Tungsten wires were extended into the stream from the minimum
pressure point of the circular foil, and the resultant sequence is shown in Fig. 6,
where the center and lower frames occur just before and just after collapse. In
this case, the shape in the center frame differs mainly from the no flow theory
in the development of an upturned tail on the downstream side. No explanation
has yet been advanced for this effect, although it seems to occur rather

Fig. 5 - Initially hemispher- Fig. 6 - A

spark bubble
ical spark bubble generated initially greater than
at the minimum pressure hemispherical (approx-
point of a circular-arc hy- imately the same condi-
drofoil (a = 0.3; V = 30 ft/ tions as in Fig. 5)
sec; 2.5X)


consistently for this type of bubble generation. Figure 6 also indicates that
shock waves from liquid- solid impact occur, since the collapse could hardly be
called spherically symmetric enough to cause appreciable gas compression.

The preliminary work just described on single bubble collapse in flow was
done by the author and Dr. B. J. S. Barnard just before both left for a year at
the University of Cambridge. Subsequent work done there in collaboration with
Dr. T. Brooke- Benjamin was on the collapse of single bubbles in the absence of
flow but with a new technique for bubble generation (30). In the author's opinion
this new method is much superior to spark generation for most experiments.
The basic idea was quite simple, but much time was spent in mastering the
technique required. The method was to generate a single hydrogen bubble by
electrolysis to act as a nucleus for the desired relatively large spherical cavity.
The hydrogen bubble, which is usually chosen to be about 10 -^ cm in radius, at
1/20 atmosphere pressure, is subjected to a tension wave in the liquid which
causes it to grow to typically 2 cm in radius, if desired. Thus, the volume dilu-
tion of the gas is of the order of 1 part in 10 ^. Since the growth occurs in a
few milliseconds and the water must have been deaerated previously to remove
extraneous air nuclei, there is little chance for additional gas to diffuse into the
cavity. Under these conditions the bubble should contain less gas than the usual
flow- generated cavitation bubble in nondeaerated water. The gas content can be
increased, of course, and the amount present is known from the observed size of
the nucleus bubble at known pressure and temperature. Figure 7 shows a typical
bubble of about 1.5 inches diameter. A scale in the background with large divi-
sions of one inch may be seen.

With such large controlled cavities available it became possible to conduct

experiments that shed new light on the modes of bubble collapse. Time was not
available for study of any but the no-flow behavior. However, the effects of
pressure gradient and solid wall proximity were observed. It was found that in
a gravity hydrostatic pressure gradient the collapse was nearly symmetric ex-
cept for a flat on the bottom (high-pressure side) forming very nearly at mini-
mum volume. Evidently this was the beginning of a vertical jet, since pictures
taken after collapse and during rebound exhibited the rather surprising behavior
evident in Fig. 8, which also appears in Ref 30. A very thin jet has apparently

Fig. 7 - An example of a spher-

ical bubble generated by the
tension technique

Jets and Shock Waves from Cavitation

Fig. 8 - Rebound of a bubble in

a pressure gradient showing the

resultant jet {4X)


formed and impacted the opposite side of the growing rebounding cavity. This
behavior leads to speculation that rebounding cavities previously thought harm-
less might indeed be capable of damage if conditions were just right. Some evi-
dence for damage during rebound has been cited by Shutler and Mesler (26), but
they ascribed it to other causes than a jet.

To confirm that the jet was due to a pressure gradient pictures were taken
by Dr. T. Brooke -Benjamin and the author when the entire liquid and container
was in free fall. No jet was observed in this case.

The effect of a plane solid boundary at various distances was also investi-
gated and yielded results as shown in Figs. 9, 10, and 11. In Fig. 9 the cavity
has developed an elongated shape as predicted theoretically by Rattray (18), but
in addition a jet is seen to develop at the end farthest away from the rigid wall
and to travel toward the wall. Obviously the wall was too far away to be dam-
aged. Figure 10 shows a bubble closer to the boundary. The jet is seen to de-
velop at an angle both to the wall and to the vertical as should be expected since
both effects were present. (The container was not in free fall in this case.)
Figure 11 shows a bubble still nearer the boundary, which is of interest because
of the relatively thin and rapid jet which has formed and impacted the wall be-
tween the two consecutive photographs at the left in the bottom sequence. A
lower bound on the impact pressure in this case is about 8000 psi, but if the
collapsing pressure had been as high as one atmosphere, which is conservative
in practice, then pressures of at least 40,000 psi should be expected. This is of
the same order as the pressures estimated from the previously mentioned ex-
perimental piezoelectric data of Jones and Ellis for hemispherical collapse of a
spark generated bubble.

The experimental work of Benjamin and Ellis at Cambridge thus revealed

some new modes of bubble collapse, notably that jets could occur in rebounding


Fig. 9 - Bubble collapsing at approximately one maximum

diameter from the wall showing initial elongation normal
to. wall and subsequent jet formation (5000 frames/sec;
actual size)

Fig. 10 Collapse of a bubble touching a wall (to the left)


and in a verticalhydrostatic pressure gradient. The jet

axis angle is about midway between vertical and the normal
to the wall (5000 frames/sec; 2X).

bubbles in a pressure gradient and that jets occurring during collapse due to
solid wall proximity were sometimes much thinner than could be treated by the
perturbation theory of Naude' and Ellis. In addition, theoretical considerations
showed that for many deformable shapes such as may be assumed by bubbles,
the kinetic energy of the liquid may advantageously be written in terms of bubble
deformation rates and speed of the centroid. In this way the importance of mo-
mentum conservation and the Kelvin impulse in considering cavitation damage
mechanisms become more apparent. It appears that there are many more fac-
tors to be considered in studying the hydrodynamics of actual cavitation damage
than have been considered in the spherically symmetric case. One oversimpli-
fied but intuitively satisfying point of view is to regard a bubble moving toward

Jets and Shock Waves from Cavitation

Fig. 11 - Sequences taken at beginning, middle, and

end of a film at 5000 framies per second showing a
thin, high-velocity jet which has formed and hit be-
tween the first two frames of the last sequence
(actual size)

a wall much as a massive but deformable missile ready to deliver a definite

impulse by virtue of its translational velocity. Concentration of this impulse
over a small area of the wall through the jet mechanism will depend critically
on a large number of factors, especially the location of stagnation points in the
flow and the flow velocity. Such dependence might well explain the observations
by Knapp (17) that cavitation damage in the vicinity of a re-entrant flow stagna-
tion point was extremely sensitive to flow velocity (he stated it varied as the
sixth power of the velocity). He and other investigators have also found that an
extremely small fraction of the bubbles present actually did damage. This
would fit in well with the ideas presented here. Of course it should be noted
that the possibility of damage by shock waves has not been ruled out, and the
mechanism considered here is offered in addition to and not in place of the
shock-wave hypothesis. However, shock wave generation is probably an infre-
quent event itself; and if only spherical collapses were effective, it would be
more infrequent still.

In view of the many new qualitative observations and ideas it seemed most
desirable to construct new equipment at the California Institute of Technology in
which single bubbles could be generated and subjected to a known and repeatable


Fig. 12 - Cavitation on the end of a 15-

kilocycle magnetostriction transducer.
Note that shock waves radiate from
centers on the interface (300,000 frames
per second; 1 5-nanosecond exposure
time; taken with repetitively pulsed ruby
laser using back illumination; 3,6X).

pressure field. In addition, it was de-

sired to use several atmospheres
pressure to collapse the cavity and
thus be able to actually damage mate-
rials. At Cambridge the objective was
to use low pressures to slow down the
collapse and permit easier observa-
tion. This, of course, also limited the
damage producing capabilities of the
collapsing bubble. At Caltech high-
speed photographic equipment has been
especially developed (31) to facilitate
observation of more rapid events. Fig-
ure 12 shows one of the first high-
speed movie sequences taken with
ruby laser illumination. The subject
is the specimen end of a magnetostric-
tion type cavitation apparatus operating
at about 15 kilocycles. The quality is
poor mainly due to excessive scatter-
ing of the beam by scratches, etc., on
the Lucite window. However, the rela-
tive sharpness of the cavitation-
generated shock waves are of interest.
This is due to the shortness of the ex-
posure time, which in this case is about
15 nanoseconds. The interval between
pictures is about 3 microseconds, and
resulting measurements of the shock
velocities indicate they are not much
greater than sonic. Since this was
merely a test sequence, quantitative
data was not taken, but it is of some
interest because all of the shock waves
appear to originate on the surface and
what can be seen of the surface cavita-
tion appears very unsymmetrical.
However, other pulsed laser photo-
graphs such as Fig. 13 have been taken of cavitation generated by a barium
titanate ring apparatus (22), and some of these cavities do appear to collapse to
small volume and radiate shock waves. It may be of significance that damage
by the barium titanate ring apparatus is less severe than by the magnetostriction
apparatus (32,33).
Jets and Shock Waves from Cavitation

Fig. 13 - Acoustic cavitation at 18 kilocycles

generated by a ceramic ring method. Note the
shock waves from small collapsed bubbles away
from any interface. (Photographic details are
the same as in Fig. 12.)

The equipment recently set up at Caltech to continue single -bubble -collapse

studies at higher and more completely controlled pressures is shown in Fig. 14.
It consists of a 4-inch-diameter Lucite cylinder about 5 feet long mounted on an
electromagnetic shaker of 5 -kilowatt power rating. The relatively high rating
permits easy degassing of the water by vertical sinusoidal motion of the entire
column without the necessity of operating at discrete resonant frequencies of the
apparatus. To grow larger cavities from small gas nuclei a large downward ac-
celeration of the tube (about 30 g) is obtained by discharging a capacitor through
the energizing coil of the shaker by firing an ignitron rectifier. Since the igni-
tron passes current in one direction only, a half sine wave of current results,

Fig. 14 - Electromagnetic shaker and

vertical liquid column. The bubble
nucleus generator is close to the bot-
tom of the tube.


and the accelerometer record is much the same except that over a relatively
long period the time integral of the acceleration must be zero. A typical record
is shown in Fig. 15. The sweep rate is 2 milliseconds per large division, and
the spike on the upper oscilloscope trace indicates when a photograph was taken
of the cavity under observation.


Fig. 15 - Oscilloscope record of vertical

acceleration of the tube in Fig. 14. The
grid calibration is 25 g/cm and Z msec/
cm horizontally.

Typical cavities are shown in Fig. 16. The magnification is about four
times, but since flat windows had not yet been installed in the tube, there was
an apparent flattening in the horizontal direction. The cavity at the top is ac-
tually quite spherical. The second and third photographs show flattening of the
bottom, and after collapse the vertical jet and later the vortex ring may be
seen. This is in accord with the observations made at Cambridge.

it may only be said that the quantitative aspects of the work

In conclusion
are being performed and that it is hoped that they will be presented at
some later time. The generalities which have been discussed should then
appear in sharper perspective.

1. Euler, L., Hist, Acad. Roy. Science et Belles Lettres, Vol. 10, No. 227,

2. Besant, W., "Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics," Cambridge University

Press, 1859

3. Rayleigh, "The Pressure Developed in a Liquid During the Collapse of a

Spherical Cavity," Philosophical Magazine 34:94 (1917)

Jets and Shock Waves from Cavitation

Fig. 16 - Typical bubble photographs.

Note the jet and vortex ring cavitation
in the last two frames. Distortion is
present due to photography through the
cylindrical tube.

4. Ackeret, J., "Experimental and Theoretical Investigations on Cavitation in

Water," Technische Mechanik und Thermodynamik, Forschung Vol. 1, No.
1, 1930

5. Sutton, G. W., "A Photoelastic Study of Strain Waves Caused by Cavitation,"

J. Appl. Mech. 24(No. 3):340-348 (1957)

6. Plesset, M. S., "The Pulsation Method for Generating Cavitation Damage,"

Trans, of the ASME, J. of Basic Engineering, 85D(No. 3): 360-364 (Sept. 1963)
7. Gilmore, F. R., "The Growth or Collapse of a Spherical Bubble in a Viscous
Compressible Liquid," California Institute of Technology, Hydrodynamics
Laboratory Report 26-4, Apr. 1952


8. Kirkwood, J. G., and Bethe, H. A., OSRD Report 588, 1942

9. Benjamin, T. B., "Pressure Waves from Collapsing Cavities," pp. 207-229

in "Second Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics: Hydrodynamic Noise and
Cavity Flow," Office of Naval Research, Department of the Navy, ACR-38,

10. Plesset, M. S., and Mitchell, T. P., "On the Stability of the Spherical Shape
of a Vapor Cavity in a Liquid," Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 13:419-
430 (1956)

11. Benjamin, T. B., "Cavitation in Liquids," Doctoral Dissertation, Univer-

sity ofCambridge, 1954

12. "On the Mechanism of Cavitation Damage by

Naude', C. F., and Ellis, A. T.,
Nonhemispherical Cavities Collapsing in Contact with a Solid Boundary,"
Trans, of the ASME, J. of Basic Engineering, 83D(No. 4):648-656 (Dec.

13. Schneider, A. J. R., "Some Compressibility Effects in Cavitation Bubble

Dynamics," Ph.D. Thesis, California Institute of Technology, 1949

14. Hunter,C, "On the Collapse of an Empty Cavity in Water," J. of Fluid

Mechanics 8:241-263 (1960)

15. Ivany, R., "Collapse of a Cavitation Bubble in Viscous, Compressible

Liquid," Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, University of Michigan, Technical
Report 15, 1965

16. Hickling, R., and Plesset, M. S., "Collapse and Rebound of a Spherical
Bubble in Water," The Physics of Fluids 7(No. 1):7-14 (Jan. 1964)

17. Knapp, R. T., "Recent Investigations of the Mechanics of Cavitation and

Cavitation Damage," Trans, of the ASME 77:1045-1054 (Oct. 1955)

18. Rattray, M., "Perturbation Effects in Bubble Dynamics," Ph.D. Thesis,

California Institute of Technology, June 1951

19. Jones, I. R., "An Experimental Investigation of the Collapse of Transient

Cavities in Liquids," California Institute of Technology, Hydrodynamics
Laboratory Report E-88, July 1960

20. Jones, I. R., and Edwards, D. H., J. Fluid Mech. 7(No. 596) (1960)

21. Ellis, A. T., "Observations on Cavitation Bubble Collapse," California In-

stitute of Technology, Hydrodynamics Laboratory Report 21-12, Dec. 1952

22. Ellis, A. T., "Techniques for Pressure Pulse Measurements and High-
Speed Photography in Ultrasonic Cavitation," Paper No. 8 in Symposium on
Cavitation in Hydrodynamics, London, 1956

Jets and Shock Waves from Cavitation

23. Knapp, R. T., and Hollander, A., "Laboratory Investigations of the Mechanism
of Cavitation,"Trans. ASME 70:419 (1948)

24. Plesset, M. S., "Dynamics of Cavitation Bubbles," Journal of Applied Me-

chanics 16:277 (1949)

25. Ellis, A. T., Slater, M. E., and Fourney, M. E., "Some New Approaches to
the Study of Cavitation," Proc. of International Association for Hydraulic
Research Symposium, Sendai, Japan, 1962

26. Shutler, N. D., and Mesler, R. B., "A Photographic Study of the Dynamics
and Damage Capabilities of Bubbles Collapsing Near Solid Boundaries,"
Trans, of the ASME, J. of Basic Engineering, 87D(No. 2):511-517 (June

27. Flynn, H. G., "Physics of Acoustic Cavitation in Liquids," in Chapter 9, Vol.

1, Part B of "Physical Acoustics," Academic Press, 1964

28. Eisenberg, P., and Tulin, M. P., "Cavitation," in Section 12, "Handbook of
Fluid Mechanics," Streeter, McGraw-Hill, 1961

29. Barnard, B. S., Ellis, A. T., and Slater, M. E., "The Unsteady Flow Cavita-
tionTunnel at the California Institute of Technology," ASME Symposium on
Cavitation Research Facilities and Techniques, May 1964

30. Benjamin, T. B., and Ellis, A. T., "The Collapse of Cavitation Bubbles and
the Pressures Thereby Produced Against Solid Boundaries," Philos. Trans.
Roy. Soc. London (in press)

31. Ellis, A. T., and Fourney, M. E., "Application of a Ruby Laser to High
Speed Photography," Proc. of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, 51(No. 6): 942-943 (June 1963)

32. Ellis, A. T., "The Production of Accelerated Cavitation Damage by an

Acoustical Field in a Cylindrical Cavity," J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 27(No. 5):
913-921 (Sept. 1955)

33. Thiruvengadam, A., "Intensity of Cavitation Damage Encountered in Field

Installations," Technical Report 233-7, Hydronautics, Inc., Feb. 1965



Frederick T. Hammitt
Department of Nuclear Engineering
The University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan

The author is to be congratulated on his very perceptive review of the

present situation regarding cavitation damage mechanisms as well as upon his
excellent photographs of bubbles in various stages and modes of collapse. Dr.
Ellis's extensive contribution to this area of research over the years is too well
known to require elaboration here.

However, I do question his implication that large curvature, i.e., shallow

craters as observed by Knapp (Ellis, Ref 17) in soft aluminum cannot be caused

by jets rather than shock waves. Figure Dl of this discussion shows profiles of
shallow craters produced in austenitic stainless steel by a water jet with a ve-
locity of about 4000 ft/sec (reproduced from Robinson and Hammitt* for conven-
ience) compared with profiles of cavitation craters produced on the same type of
material in a cavitating venturi using in one case water and in the other mer-
cury. The impact profiles are due to DeCorso.t For all these pits the diameter-
to-depth ratio is of the order of 100. Thus the pits are indeed relatively very
shallow, although this fact is obscured by the magnified depth scale used in the
figure. According to DeCorso the jet diameter is about 1/4 that of the resulting
pit, an approximate value also confirmed by Bruntont using lead as a target and
a somewhat higher water impact velocity (~5000 ft/sec). We estimate from
DeCorso's data as well as that of Engel that the jet velocity necessary to cre-
ate the cavitation pits shown is about 4000 ft/sec for water and 600 ft/sec for
mercury. This is not inconsistent with our experiment,* since the venturi
throat velocity used for the water tests was typically about 6 times that for the
mercury tests due to equipment limitations.

As shown by Dr. Ellis's Fig. 11 especially, jets of a diameter very small

compared to that of the bubble from which they form are observed and may well
be an important damaging mechanism. This formation of a "microjet" from an
accelerating concave liquid surface is very reminiscent of the Monroe jets ob-
served by Bowden* in his jet impact experiments, and also recently observed in

*M.J. Robinson and F.G. Hammitt, "Detailed Damage Characteristics in a Cavi-

tating Venturi," ASME Paper 66-WA/FE- 39, to be published Trans. ASME,
J. Basic Engr.
tS.M. DeCorso, "Erosion Tests of Steam Turbine Blade Materials," ASTM Proc,
ASTM, Vol. 64, pp. 78Z-796.
Jj.H. Brunton, "The Physics of Impact and Deformation: Single Impact," Phil.
Trans. Roy. Soc. A260(No. 1110):79-85 (July 28, 1966).
O.G. Engel, "Pits in Metals Caused by Collision with Liquid Drops and Soft Me-
tal Spheres," Research Paper Z985, J. Res. Natl. Bur. Stds. 62 (No. 6):229-246
(June 1959).
*F.P. Bowden, "The Formation of Microjets in Liquids Under the Influence of
Impact or Shock," Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. A260(No. 1110):94-95 (July 28, 1966).

Jets and Shock Waves from Cavitation

SPEC 202
,2mm y 3780 fps


Fig. Dl - Comparison of water jet im-

pact damage with cavitation pit profiles

(a) water impact profiles from DeCorso,
(b) cavitation pit profiles from Robinson

our own laboratory from a somewhat similar experiment (Fig. D2).* Since the
cavitation microjets also emanate from an accelerating concave liquid surface,
is not the similarity perhaps more than coincidental?

Finally, as shown by Dr. Ellis's Fig. 9 and also in various pictures of non-
symmetrical collapses which we have obtained! there is an indication of a pro-
tuberance both on the side of the presumed jet penetration and on the opposite
side. We have interpreted these to be local cavitation generated by the passage
of a high- velocity jet through a relatively quiescent liquid. Thus there is an in-
dication of local high liquid velocities both on the side toward which the jet is
traveling as well as that from which it has come. From simple considerations
of continuity this does not appear to be necessarily unreasonable.

*F.G. Hammitt, J.F. Lafferty, M. Pitek, P. Drucker, H.G. Olson, and M.J.
Robinson, "A Facility for the Study of High Velocity Jet Impact," ORA Techni-
cal Report 08153-2-T, Nuclear Engineering Departmient, University of Michigan.
tH.G. Olson, "High-Speed Photographic Studies of Ultrasonically-Induced Cavi-
tation and Detailed Examination of Damage to Selected Materials," Ph.D. Thesis,
Nuclear Engineering Department, University of Michigan, Aug. 1966. (Also
available as ORA Technical Report 07738-2-T, University of Michigan, Aug.



Fig. D2 - Monroe-type jet from an air-gun

momentum exchange device


R. Hickling
General Motors Research Laboratories
Warren, Michigan

Professor Ellis's work over the past few years has clearly Indicated the
essentially asymmetric nature of cavity collapse and the undoubted role that
liquid impact plays in the cavitation damage process. The lack of symmetry in
the collapse of a cavitation bubble, however, does not necessarily imply that
centers of high compression cannot occur within the collapse. One can easily
imagine an irregular nonspherical collapse that may involve several centers of
high compression as well as the liquid impact effects discussed in Professor

Jets and Shock Waves from Cavitation

Ellis's paper. It is necessary, of course, to have such centers of high com-

pression in order to generate strong shock waves.

Centers of high compression are also required to explain another well-

known phenomenon associated with cavitation, namely, the faint luminescence
that is emitted from cavitation, otherwise known as sonoluminescence. Cur-
rently it is believed that this emission is thermal in origin and is caused by the
rapid compression of small traces of permanent gas in the collapsing bubbles.
Temperatures as high as 10,000 K are considered likely. If the effects of heat
conduction and vapor condensation are considered, very high compressions in-
deed would be required to reach such temperatures. Observations have been
made of the luminescence from the cavitation cloud at the end of a magneto-
strictive transducer.

I am indebted once more to Professor Flynn for Fig. D3 that he took of

such a cloud through a light intensifier. The intensification factor is of the

order of j-O"* and the exposure time is 1/5 sec. The transducer surface is

Fig. D3 - Intensified view of luminescence

emitted from cavitation


oscillating in water at 25 kHz. This is, of course, a rather familiar photograph

to some of you but it gives, I believe, a possible indication of the density of cen-
ters of high compression that may exist within a cavitation cloud.

If we accept that such centers of high compression exist, do they occur close
enough to damage an adjacent solid surface with shock waves emanating from the
rebound? Could a highly compressive collapse occur on a surface? It would be
interesting, I believe, to look at the emission from a collapse on or near a solid
surface, of single bubbles that contain a sufficient proportion of monatomic or
diatomic gas.

In the calculation of the intensities of shock waves emanating from a spher-

ical collapse center, by Professor Plesset and myself, a fairly elaborate proce-
dure had to be followed for each example. We were satisfied, therefore, to es-
tablish order -of -magnitude results for an adiabatic gas inside the bubble without
considering more realistic models that would allow for heat conduction and vapor
condensation. It was pointed out in our paper, however, that these effects would
induce a much more violent collapse than was shown in the calculated examples,
and that the resulting shock waves under these more realistic conditions should
certainly be strong enough to account for any known type of cavitation damage.

These results coupled with the apparently high density of centers of high
compression in a cavitation cloud would make it appear reasonable to believe
that the shock-wave mechanism of cavitation damage is not a negligible possi-
bility. I believe that the centers of high compression and the liquid impact ef-
fects discussed by Professor Ellis both have a role to play in the cavitation dam-
age process. Other mechanisms have also been discussed. It seems clear that
cavity collapse is a rather complicated process. I believe that it would be an
error at this time to single out any one hydrodynamic effect as the principal
cause of cavitation damage.


D. C. Gibson
Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
University of Cambridge
(presented at the symposium by T. B. Benjamin)

During recent experiments with spark- generated cavities in water, a curi-

ous phenomenon was observed which apparently has not before been put on
record. The phenomenon can be seen in the accompanying sequence of frames
from a high-speed cine film, showing a cavity at four instants during the re-
bound that followed its first collapse (Fig. D4). To generate this cavity, a
0.725-/if capacitor at 4.5 kV was discharged through a spark between the aligned
thin electrodes that appear in the photographs. The cavity was formed about

Jets and Shock Waves from Cavitation

Fig. D4 - Cavity during rebound

20 cmbelow the free surface of the water, and the walls and bottom of the con-
tainer were at comparable distances away. The ambient pressure and the
vapour pressure of the water were respectively 82.5 and 14.5 mm Hg absolute.
Earlier frames from the film show that the cavity initially expanded to a radius
of 1.76 cm and then collapsed in the familiar manner, with enormous rapidity in
the final stages of contraction. Frame A was taken about 0.15 msec after the
instant when the collapse was arrested, and the others were taken later at suc-
cessive intervals of 0.125 msec (i.e., the framing rate was 8000 per second).
The mean radius of the cavity when recorded in frame D is estimated to have
been 0.55 cm.

The feature to which attention is drawn is that whereas in frame A the

water surrounding the cavity appears transparent, in frame B it appears
speckled by a multitude of minute bubbles. These have grown to much greater


prominence in frame C, but frame D shows them finally waning. It seems most
likely that thisphenomenon was an effect of the shock wave arising from the
first collapse of the main cavity. Presumably, after arriving at the free surface
as a compression wave, this was reflected as a wave of tension, which subse-
quently exploded an array of microscopic nuclei somehow accumulated in the
vicinity of the main cavity. The main evidence in favour of this explanation is
that the time from the end of the collapse to the first appearance of the effer-
vescence was approximately the same as the time of transit at the speed of
sound from the cavity to the free surface and back. The evident abundance of
nuclei near the rebounding cavity is not yet understood; but possible sources
may have been, first, electrolysis accompanying the spark discharge and, sec-
ond, the remains of needlelike protuberances of the cavity surface formed dur-
ing its initial, explosive expansion around the spark track.


A. T. Ellis


Professor Hammitt's view that the craters shown by Knapp (17) could be
caused by jets rather than shock waves is well taken. Reexamination of the
pit-to-bubble diameter ratios quoted in that paper confirm this. However, from
personal observations made at the time I would not like to exclude the possi-
bility of depressions caused by shock waves. This point is now being inves-

The author has believed for a long time that Monroe jets are very closely
akin to the jets which occur during bubble collapse. The details are different
from the usual shaped- charge theory because inertial forces more complicated
than those of a thin liner are involved and because one does not rely on a pass-
ing detonation shock front to determine initial speed of the interface. Current
work does show that the concave liquid surface and the sign of the acceleration
are important. Dr. Hammitt is certainly correct in suggesting that the simi-
larity is more than coincidental.

It should be pointed out that there is a thin jet in Fig. 11 but not, for ex-
ample, in Fig. 2. The jet is thicker in Fig. 2 and moves toward the solid as the
Naude'- Ellis theory predicts, but there is no present theory which would describe
the thin jet in Fig. 11.

During cavity collapse there are likely to be tensions generated locally by

high flow velocities and accelerations. Professor Hammitt's suggestion that
additional cavitation is generated by local flows appears quite reasonable.

Jets and Shock Waves from Cavitation


It was not meant to imply that centers of high gas compression could not
occur inan asymmetric collapse. However, it seems reasonable that a given
cavity would not be as effective in this regard after being broken up into a num-
ber of smaller ones.

Figure 4 was introduced to illustrate the fact that there can be shock waves
generated from more than one center during a bubble collapse. This is evident
from the two shock fronts in Fig. 4. These shocks were assumed to be formed
from liquid-liquid impact because of the evident failure of the bubble to collapse
completely. It should also be pointed out that light flashes are produced by a

liquid jet striking a solid surface.* The source of this light is still in question,
but even if it does come from gas compression, it is compression caused by an
impacting jet.

agree with Dr. Hickling that cavity collapse is a complicated process and
that there are several hydrodynamic effects involved in cavitation damage. I do
believe that sufficient evidence has been accumulated to show that jet impact is
a major cause of damage even if it is not the only one.


I particularly want to thank Mr. Gibson and Dr. Benjamin for their illus-
tration of the effectiveness of shock waves from bubble collapse in generating
new cavities. I have long felt that this might be an important mechanism in
cavitation hysteresis. My experience, especially in acoustically generated cavi-
tation, is that the presence of one cavitation cloud is very effective in starting
another, even at some distance away. I have also noticed secondary bubble for-
mation both from spark generated bubbles and bubbles originating from gas
nuclei in a varying pressure field. I agree completely with the explanation
given, especially since the effect also seems to exist with other than spark gen-
erated bubbles.

*S.M. DeCorso and R.E. Kothmann, "Erosion by Liquid Impact," Symposium on

Erosion and Cavitation, ASTM STP 307, Am. Soc. Testing Materials, 1962; S.M.
DeCorso and R.E. Kothmann, "Characteristics of the Light Flash Produced
Upon Impact of a Liquid vv^ith a Surface," Materials Research and Standards,
Oct. 1965, pp. 525-528; J.H. Brunton, "High Speed Liquid Impact," Phil. Trans,
of the Royal Soc. of London, Ser. A, Vol. 260, pp. 79-85, July 1966.


Virgil E. Johnson, Jr., and Tsuying Hsieh

Hydronautics, Incorporated
Laurel, Maryland

As discussed in Ref 1, it is understood that cavitation is the result of the

unstable growth of gas volumes caused by the reduction of the pressure sur-
rounding these "nuclei." The nuclei may be of three types: (a) quasi- spherical
entrained gas bubbles, (b) gas volumes stabilized in the crevices of entrained
solid particles, or (c) gas volumes stabilized in the crevices of the boundary
material. This report is directed to the first of these nuclei the entrained gas
bubble. As pointed out in Ref. 2, this type of nucleus is probably the important
one in most practical cases.

As pointed out in Ref. 1 spherical gas nuclei may be characterized by defi-

nite conditions of instability.For a given ambient radius a pressure exists be-
low vapor pressure for which a bubble will grow in an unstable manner. In most
practical cases, the times to which such nuclei are subjected to the critical
pressure are adequately long (greater than a few microseconds) so that condi-
tions for instability are adequately defined by the results of simple static equi-
librium theory. Consequently, for this type of nucleus, the critical cavitation
inception pressure may be readily determined. If the minimum pressure in the
flow field is also prescribed, the conditions for cavitation inception should also
be prescribed.

In flow where the boundary layer is not separated the minimum pressure can
be determined, and thus if the nuclei sizes present in the flow are known, the
condition for inception should be determinable. However, experience has indi-
cated that scale effects exist even in water tunnels where nuclei are of such a
size that critical pressure variations should not be expected. It is speculated
that in such cases the forces acting on bubbles entrained in the free stream may
tend to move the larger bubbles away from the body and thus leave only smaller
bubbles with more negative critical pressures to be active in the inception proc-
ess. The forces acting in this screening process are such that the screen will
be graded according to the relative size of the body, the speed of the flow, and
the oncoming nuclei sizes present in the flow.

Johnson and Hsieh

To achieve at least an approximate quantitative understanding of the screen-

ing process in which the body and its pressure gradients influence the nuclei
distribution in the flow field, we have set up and solved the following problem.
We assume a size distribution of spherical gas bubbles in the oncoming free
stream. It is assumed that the bubbles remain spherical throughout their tra-
jectory. It is assumed that the flow field is potential; that is, no boundary layer
exists on the body, and the velocities and pressures surrounding the body are
given by potential theory and are not influenced by the presence of the entrained,
small gas bubbles. It is not, however, assumed that the liquid is inviscid insofar
as the bubbles are concerned; that is, it is assumed that one of the forces acting
on the bubble is the drag created by the relative velocity between the bubble and
the liquid and the drag coefficient which determines this force is assumed to be
that which would exist for a solid sphere at the Reynolds number based on the
bubble diameter, the relative speed, and the viscosity of the liquid. The other
forces which act on the spherical bubble are, of course, the pressure forces
established by the potential field of the body and the inertial forces associated
with the acceleration and virtual mass of the spherical bubble. Using this
model, trajectories of various bubble sizes are determined and the stability of
each bubble is examined during its passage, for various body sizes and flow
conditions. Computations have been made only for a two-dimensional half body;
but the results reveal important scale effects on the inception of cavitation
which are caused by the screening process that the pressure gradient field im-
poses on the oncoming entrained gas nuclei.


The conditions for the static stability of a spherical gas volume surrounded
by a liquid has been analyzed in Ref. 1. The equation relating the bubble size
and the surrounding pressure is given by

KV (1)
Gas Nuclei Trajectories and Cavitation Inception

y = surface tension of liquid

= vapor cavitation number.

Figure 1 shows the relation between the bubble size and the pressure given by
Eq. (1).


Fig. 1 - The quasi-steady growth of spherical

gas bubbles in a liquid

Consider a bubble which is moving in a flow field; its size will vary due to
the pressure variation from place to place along its path. In order to find the
bubble size at a specific point P(x,y) in the flow field, Eq. (1) can be rewritten

8/W CT.. + C



K_ P - Pq

Johnson and Hsieh

Itshould be noted that p is now the pressure at point P(x,y) in the flow field, and
Rq is the initial bubble size at p^, which is the free stream pressure. Using
Eq. (2), the size of bubble can be calculated for the following physically possible

I. Cp + cr^ > .

(a) When Q^ >

^ p\

K' = Ro;
H'^ 27 M^O


(b) When Q^ < P\

Gas Nuclei Trajectories and Cavitation Inception

c* + cV = ^-^ . (4)
P / a X 1 / 2 '

3V3 1 +

where C* is the critical pressure coefficient.

The calculation of water droplet trajectories in air as they approach a body
has been carried out in Ref. 3, However, the trajectories of bubbles in a liquid
are entirely different from those of water droplets in air because (a) the bubble
is lighter than water, so that the pressure gradient produced by any obstacle in
the flow field may significantly affect its trajectory, and (b) the bubble size is
changing along its path as its surrounding pressure varies. By considering all
the forces acting upon a spherical bubble in a two-dimensional flow, the equation
of motion of the bubble is

1 4 "^^b 1
X ^77R'
""' V
^ -JT
' TP(*-*h)
Iw-w.| CnTTR' ^

- |77R'3Vp+ 277pR'2(w-w^) ^ , (5)


Wj^ = iu^+ jv^ = bubble velocity vector

v - iu' + jv' = fluid particle velocity vector

Cj3 = drag coefficient of bubble in liquid

P = liquid density

R' = radius of bubble

p = pressure surrounding the bubble

t = time.

In Eq. (5) the mass of the gas inside the bubble has been neglected, since it is
small compared to that of the added mass of the fluid. Since the spherical
bubble under consideration is in an accelerating field, Taylor (5) showed that
the pressure force acting on the bubble is 3/2 of its volume times the pressure
gradient. The last term in the right side of Eq. (5) was estimated to be negli-
gible throughout the entire path of the bubble except immediately prior to the
occurrence of instability and therefore was not included in subsequent trajec-
tory computations.

The drag of small, spherical gas bubbles in a liquid was found by Haberman
(4) tocoincide with those of corresponding rigid spheres. Thus, the experimen-
tal drag coefficient curve for a rigid sphere can be used, or

Johnson and Hsieh

^D '^b ^ , ,,
63 , _ 4 1 3f
1 + 0.197 H. + 2.6 X 10-^ ,

H. (6)

Equation (6) is an empirical equation which fits the experimental data very well

By nondimensionalizing the velocity components and linear dimensions by

the free stream velocity u and the body size h respectively, the equations gov-
erning the bubble trajectory become

du^ 3 ^^v
(u-u,)--^;^- (7a)

^^"^b)-"-r^. (7b)
Gas Nuclei Trajectories and Cavitation Inception

the X and y direction at any point in the flow field can be expressed by

1 X
u = 1 + (9a)
x" + y

X - y (9c)
3x (x2 + y2)'

3C, y 2x +
_P _ 3 (9d)
(x^ + y2)2

From Eq. (7), the bubble motion in the x and y direction are expressed by

dx ^b ^D
"x2-y2 +

1.1 (10)
R2 Rj X' + y

dy _ 18
dr r2 R 24
W + y
Johnson and Hsieh

direction. To determine a starting point for the calculation of the bubble trajec-
tories, an initial bubble size of R = 0.02 in a flow field with u = 50 fps, cr^ =0.4,
h = 0.6 in., A = 1.94 slug/ft^, v = 1.05 x 10" ^ ftVsec, and / = 0.00497 lb/ft was
examined. Figure 2 shows the bubble trajectories when x^ = -20, -10, and -6 at
a fixed Yq = 0.01. It is seen that the difference in trajectories is negligibly
small. Thus, x^ = -10 is considered to be far enough upstream to avoid any
significant error and is thus used in later calculations. The star in Fig. 2 indi-
cates the location at which a given bubble becomes statically unstable.

The trajectories of the same bubble size were also calculated for different
Yo values, while the remaining parameters were unchanged. The results are
shown in Fig. 3 for yg = 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.10, and 0.20. As expected, the
trajectories are quite different for different values of y^.

a practical situation, various bubble sizes can be located in any position

in the free stream. However, in the problem of determining the conditions for
incipient cavitation, we are interested only in the initial bubble position which
will lead the bubble in its trajectory, to a pressure point lower than any other
point which the bubble could reach from another initial position. From the ex-
amples of bubble trajectories given in Fig. 3, it is noted that the closer the ini-
tial position of the bubble to the dividing streamline, the sooner the bubble will


Gas Nuclei Trajectories and Cavitation Inception

Johnson and Hsieh

Gas Nuclei Trajectories and Cavitation Inception

1 .4
Johnson and Hsieh
Gas Nuclei Trajectories and Cavitation Inception

Johnson and Hsieh

intersection of the R*^ and R*p curves, therefore, gives the value of vapor
cavitation number, for which there is only one size of bubble which can possibly
become unstable in the flow field for the specific body size, speed, and entrained
bubble population which includes all sizes, < r; < * .Let this bubble size be
defined as Rq j
That is, for a slight increase of the vapor cavitation number (an

increase of the free stream pressure) all bubble sizes will remain stable. On
the other hand, for a slight decrease of the vapor cavitation number, additional
sizes of bubbles will become unstable. Thus, the value of the vapor cavitation
number at the intersection of the R*^ and R*^ curves is the incipient cavitation
number 7^. Consequently, a curve of incipient cavitation number versus body
size can be deduced from the results presented in Fig. 7 and this curve (labeled
5 Rq < ) is shown in Fig. 8. In Fig. 8 the dashed curves present the com-
puted values of y.^ obtained when the bubble population in the oncoming stream
is void of bubbles below a specified size. It is interesting to note that the body
size effect becomes more and more significant as the value of the minimum
bubble radii in the bubble population is increased.

Another interesting point to note is that in Fig. 8 for each specific body
size, the R^^^ and Rg^ form an envelope of an unstable bubble zone. It is seen
that to have "minimum scale effect, we need the bubble with radii Rqj to be
present in the entrained bubble population. Furthermore, for a range of en-
trained bubble population of radius greater than Rq , it is always the smallest

Gas Nuclei Trajectories and Cavitation Inception

size which controls cavitation inception; and for a range of entrained bubble
population of radius smaller than r^ .
it is always the largest bubble size which

fixes the point of cavitation inception.

Calculations, similar to those shown in Figs. 7 and 8, were also carried out
for u = 25 fps. These results are presented in Figs. 9 and 10.

The results of the analysis of the trajectories of gas nuclei entrained in a
fluid flowing past a two-dimensional half -body may be summarized as follows:







Johnson and Hsieh

Gas Nuclei Trajectories and Cavitation Inception

The results presented are, of course, limited because of the simplifying

assumptions which were made. The bubble trajectories will be modified by the
influence of the boundary layer. Furthermore, the trajectories will be influ-
enced by the distortions from a spherical shape caused by the forces acting on
the bubbles. Also, for very small bodies and high speeds, the dynamic effects
which were neglected in the analysis presented may become important. Never-
theless, the screening mechanism of the body pressure gradients will persist
and this phenomenon must eventually contribute to a final imderstanding of cavi-
tation inception.

1. Johnson, V.E., Jr., "Report to the Fourteenth American Towing Tank Con-
ference on Cavitation," Hydronautics, Inc., Sept. 1965

2. Ripken, J.F., and Killen, J.M., "Gas Bubbles: Their Occurrence, Meas-
urement, and Influence in Cavitation Testing," Proc. lAHR Symposium on
"Cavitation in Hydraulic Machinery," ed. Numachi, N.F., Sendai, Japan,
pp. 37-57, Sept. 1962

3. Langmuir, I., and Blodgett, K.B., "A Mathematical Investigation of Water

Droplet Trajectories," Army Air Forces Technical Report 5418, Feb.

4. Haberman, W.L., and Morton, R.K., "An Experimental Investigation of the

Drag and Shape of Air Bubbles Rising in Various Liquids," DTMB Report
802, Sept. 1953

5. Taylor, G.I., "The Force Acting on a Body Placed in a Curved and Con-
verging Stream of Fluid," Reports and Memoranda 1166 (Ae 330), Apr. 1928


C.-A. Johnsson
Swedish State Shipbuilding Experimental Tank
Goteborg, Sweden

We have seen outlined here a very elegant mechanism for explaining the
scale effect at cavitation tests. In this mechanism the minimum diameter of the
bubbles present in the tunnel is an important parameter. I would like to men-
tion that another measure of this diameter can be obtained by calculating the
resorption capacity of the tunnel circuit. This will give you the largest diame-
ter for complete resorption and thereby the diameter of the smallest bubble
present. Equations for such calculations have been given by, for instance,

Johnson and Hsieh

The results from such calculations together with curves like those in Figs.
8 and 10 would give the inception cavitation number of the body for a certain
body-tunnel combination (with reservation for the assumptions made in the

In connection with the analysis for the ITTC comparative head form tests
which mentioned in connection with Mr. Bernd's paper, we calculated the

maximum bubble diameter for complete resorption for some of the participating
tunnels using Mr. Silverleaf 's equations. From these results, which are shown
in Fig. Dl, it appears that for most of the tunnels the value of the largest diam-
eter for complete resorption falls below the lowest Rg value (0.002 inch) given
by the authors, indicating that no serious scale effect can be expected in these
tunnels if reasonable body diameters are used. For the resorber tunnels the
values of this diameter is appreciably larger. Thus large models have to be
used in these tunnels if scale effects should be avoided.

Cx/a 2. C^O.ej. V = 7.5 mis

0.6, 0.62, II mis

ff. 0002"

Fig. Dl Largest bubble diameter for complete resorption

for different cavitation tunnels

Gas Nuclei Trajectories and Cavitation Inception


L. van Wijngaarden
Netherlands Ship Model Basin
Wageningen, The Netherlands

The paper shows very clearly the effects of body size and bubble population
on cavitation inception.

At the Netherlands Ship Model Basin, experiments have been conducted with
cylindrical bodies with a hemispherical head. The value of Cp ^.^ is equal to
-0.74 for these bodies.

The results of the cavitation inception measurements show a bubble radius

at incipient cavitation of about 10"^ m. Very roughly speaking this is an order
of magnitude smaller than those occurring in the report (Figs. 7 and 9) under
discussion for comparable sizes.

Can the authors tell us in what direction r^^ varies if, other conditions
held constant, Ic p mi n is increased.
' '

Secondly, can the authors give on the basis of the present work any sugges-
tion as tohow cavitation inception results from different water tunnels may be
compared ?


Virgil E. Johnson, Jr., and Tsuying Hsieh

With regard to Mr. Johnsson's remarks concerning the necessity for larger
models to minimize scale effects when only very small nuclei are present (as in
tunnels with resorbers), our study certainly indicates this to be true. A similar
conclusion is that higher speeds are also necessary to minimize scale effects
when only very small nuclei are present.

Concerning Professor van Wijngaarden's comments relative to the effect of

the magnitude of C ^ on the phenomena discussed in our paper, we submit the
Cp ^. .

following information.

The nuclei screening process described is most pronounced for bodies with
strong -stagnation regions followed by a short axial extent of low-pressure
region. The effect is probably negligible for bodies with small-stagnation
regions followed by low-pressure regions of long-axial extent, such as thin

Johnson and Hsieh

elliptic cylinders. For bodies having similar stagnation regions, we would

expect the screening effect to be less pronounced as c is made more nega-
tive (for similar axial extent of the low-pressure region), because the larger
bubbles which are initially pushed out by the stagnation region are acted on by
the stronger negative pressure regions to return them. Clearly, Cp^^^ alone
is not adequate to define the magnitude of the screening effect; the entire pres-
sure distribution is necessary.

Relative to suggestions as to how cavitation inception results from differ-

ent water tunnels may be compared, it is suggested that emphasis be given to
the development of instrumentation to determine the nuclei size spectrum in the
tunnel free-stream flow. Such information will contribute in a major way to the
definition of the true critical pressure for cavitation inception in a particular
facility and thus to corrections of the observed values of a-^ incipient to a value
based on some standardized critical pressure.


Avis Borden
Naval Ship Research and Development Center
Washington, B.C.

Experimental studies of cavitation inception over two- and three-
dimensional roughness elements in a boundary layer (made at the Ord-
nance Research Laboratory (ORL) of Pennsylvania State University and
at the David Taylor Model Basin, respectively), have been used to derive
scaling laws for predicting cavitation on these elements under arbitrary
boundary layer conditions. It has already been shown that the cavitation
number of three-dimensional elements, computed in terms of the veloc-
ity of the oncoming flow in the boundary layer at the height of a rough-
ness element, is a function of the local Reynolds number, based on
roughness height and local velocity. In the present study, the ORL data
have been analyzed in the same way, and analytical curves have been
fitted to both sets of data. Methods are derived for computing cavitation
inception speeds on rough hydrodynamic bodies. Sample calculations
show the degrading effect of the various types of roughnesses on the
cavitation inception speed of a typical sonar dome.

The prediction of cavitation inception on hydrodynamic bodies, such as ship
hulls, appendages, sonar domes, and propellers is one of the important unsolved
problems in naval architecture. The cavitation inception speeds predicted by
model tests and theoretical analyses are never attained under full-scale oper-
ating conditions. This disparity is partly due to the physical size of the body and
its surface finish. Recent experiments have shown that cavitation inception on
bluff bodies and those having sharp pressure minima is primarily a function of
Reynolds number. Reference 1 describes experiments on families of ogive and
disk models at several water temperatures in which Reynolds number trends
were definitely established. Reynolds number effects have also been observed
in the scaling of tip vortices from propellers (2).

In a series of experiments recently completed at the David Taylor Model

Basin (3), what appeared to be a Reynolds number scaling was found for


cavitation inception over three-dimensional roughness elements embedded in the

boundary layer of a flat plate. This relationship became apparent when the cavi-
tation number and Reynolds number were computed in terms of the local veloc-
ity in the oncoming flow at the point of cavitation and the roughness height. The
Reynolds number dependency was further confirmed when similar two-dimensional
data were analyzed in the same way. These data were obtained in two water tun-
nels, in four different boundary layers, and at temperatures ranging from 76 to
86 F. Although the temperature range was not large enough to establish a true
viscous effect in the two sets of boundary layer experiments, it is reasonable to
assume that viscosity would play the same role in a shear flow as in a uniform
flow. Specifically, when cavitation originates in a vortex resulting from flow
separation on a blxoff roughness, viscosity of the fluid will affect the cavitation
inception speed. There will be no viscous effects on gently curving protuber-
ances on which there is no flow separation. The results discussed here tend to
support these hypotheses.

The cavitation inception data obtained at the Model Basin and at ORL have
been reduced to local velocity conditions. Analytical curves have been fitted to
the data for each roughness geometry. Using Holl's formulas for computing
cavitation inception on a rough parent body, sets of curves and tables have been
compiled for use in computing cavitation speeds for a cavitating rough body of
known pressure distribution and boundary layer characteristics operating at dif-
ferent depths in the ocean.


Two sets of experiments have been performed to measure cavitation incep-
tion over two- and three-dimensional roughness elements embedded in the
boundary layer on a flat plate (3,4). The cavitation number measured in terms
of the velocity at the outher edge of the boundary layer has been defined as

-0 = "-^. (1)

where p is the static pressure in the water tunnel at the location of the rough-
ness element, p^ is the vapor pressure of the liquid, p is the density of the
liquid, and u is the velocity at the outer edge of the boundary layer. For a par-
ticular roughness element, (^^ is a function of h, the height of the roughness; ^,
the boundary layer thickness; H, the shape parameter of the boundary layer pro-
file; and the velocity of flow. In order to develop scaling laws for predicting
cavitation inception, it is necessary to determine the flow in the immediate
vicinity of the roughness.

In turbulent flow, the velocity profile of a boundary layer is well approxi-

mated by a power law of the form

y (2)

Cavitation Inception on Rough Bodies

where y is the distance normal to the surface, and u^ is the velocity at y. The
shape parameter H is the following function of the exponent m:

m+ 2

If and m are known, it is easy to find the velocity in the oncoming flow at the

tip of theroughness where cavitation inception occurs. Similarly, average ve-

locities over the roughness can be obtained by simple integrations of Eq. (2).

Benson used the velocity at the tip of the roughness element u^ in defining
a local cavitation number and local Reynolds number. Thus

2 'm
local cavitation number 'y.

local Reynolds number R,^ = huj^/i^ , (5)

where is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid. When <y^^ for Benson's three-

dimensional roughness elements is plotted as a function of Rj^ on log-log paper,

straight lines can be fitted through the points for each roughness geometry. The
curves in Fig. 1 are reproduced from his report (3).

If the ORL data

for two-dimensional circular arc and triangle roughness
elements are recomputed in the same way, these data also show a linear
variation with Reynolds number (Fig. 2). Despite the fact that these data were
obtained in two water tunnels and four boundary layers, the points are well dis-
tributed about the mean line. Straight lines of the form

Fig. 1 - Local cavitation number as a function of the local Reynolds number

(DTMB three-dimensional data based on Uj^)


8 103

48 Inch Tunnel 12 Inch Tunnel

O Ciicular Arc 1 Ciicular Arc

5 = 0.U9
ti Triangle ) k Triangle i

Ciiculai Ate ^ Circular Arc

8 = 0.453
Triangle A Triangle '

Fig. 2 - Local cavitation number as a function of the local Reynolds

number (ORL two-dimensional data based on u, )

log aj^ = A + B log Fj. (6)

were fitted to the data in Figs. 1and 2 by the method of least squares. Values
of the parameters A and b for the different roughness geometries are listed in
Table 1.

Table 1
Values and B For Two- and Three-
of A
Dimensional Roughness Elements

Cavitation Inception on Rough Bodies

good results by assuming that the pressure minimum of the element is propor-
tional to the average of the square of the velocity in the boundary layer out to the
height of the roughness (5). If a power law boundary layer profile is assumed
for the oncoming flow,

s^ifir- '"

For h <

1 /h\2/'"
H \h


For h > s

" (9)
^ m+ 2 h

Ifthese expressions are used for the velocity at the tip of two-dimensional
roughness elements, the local cavitation number and Reynolds number become

^ =
= (10)

RI = u.h/i., (11)


[T?]''\ (12)

Figure 3 shows the ORL two-dimensional data plotted in terms of cr^^ and R^-
The constants A and B of the straight lines fitted through the points are listed in
Table 2.

A comparison of Figs. 2 and 3 shows that the points are shifted somewhat
but that there is not much difference in the amount of scatter in the two sets of
curves. In both figures, the triangular roughnesses show an increase in local
cavitation number with Reynolds number, which is characteristic of cavitation in
a separated flow region.

On both figures, cavitation inception on the circular-arc roughness elements

shows very little dependence on Reynolds number. A least- square fit to the data
shows a small positive slope to the line in Fig. 2 and a small negative slope in
Fig. 3. A different method of computing the local velocity might have produced
a horizontal line. Since there was considerable scatter in the data, no further
analysis was warranted. An average value of all the circular arc cavitation
numbers on Fig. 3 is 1.11. The pressure coefficient, computed by potential flow,
has the value 1.083 (5). Although this remarkable agreement may be fortuitous,
it appears that the computation of the local flow parameters on the basis of u^ is
justified for two-dimensional flows. The constancy of the local cavitation number





h _
Cavitation Inception on Rough Bodies

element appeared to be a reasonable value for computing the local flow parame-
ters. With this choice of local flow velocity, u^^ becomes equal to u, the veloc-
ity at the edge of the boundary layer, as soon as the roughness protrudes through
the boundary layer. Unfortunately no data were obtained for roughness elements
with heights of the same magnitude as the boundary layer thickness.


Holl (4) has postulated that the cavitation inception data obtained in the
boundary layer on a flat plate can be used to predict cavitation inception on an
isolated roughness element embedded in the boundary layer of a smooth hydro-
dynamic body having an arbitrary pressure distribution. Although he recog-
nized the importance of matching boundary layer profiles and roughness height
to boundary layer thickness ratios, he failed to recognize the importance of
Reynolds number scaling. With the use of local cavitation number and local
Reynolds number scaling, the data can be used in a great variety of boundary
layer conditions. In order to use the roughness data quantitatively for a given
hydrodynamic body, it is necessary to know the pressure distribution, boundary
layer thickness, and velocity profile on the parent body. On the other hand, an
estimate of the effect of isolated roughness on a parent body can be obtained
from a reasonable estimate of the pressure distribution and boundary layer

If a roughness element is placed on a smooth parent body at a point where

the pressure coefficient is Cp, the cavitation inception number at the roughness

^R= -Cp+ (1-Cp)cx, (13)

where o-^ number of the roughness computed in terms

is the cavitation inception
of the velocity u at the edge of the flat plate boundary layer which has the same
velocity profile as the parent body. Inasmuch as the boundary layer profiles are
the same, u may also be interpreted as the velocity at the edge of the boundary
layer of the parent body. Therefore, the factor

l-Cp=uVu^2 (14)

converts cr^ to free- stream flow conditions. If the isolated roughness is at a

water depth H^ on the parent body.

_ Pc-Py _ 2g (H^+H^-H^)

where Hg is the pressure head of the atmosphere and H^ is the pressure head of
the vapor pressure.

Thus o-Q in Eq. (13) is determined as a function of the free -stream velocity
u, the pressure coefficient Cp, the water depth H^, the atmospheric pressure


head H^, and the temperature or vapor pressure H^. It now remains to examine
the local flow conditions in the boundary layer and to determine the roughness
height which is compatible with the Reynolds number condition. This can be
done by a method of trial and error. For example, select a value of u^^ (or uj^ ).
Then obtain a^ from Eq. (4) or (10). Find the local Reynolds number from Eq.
(6), compute h, and compare h
b with y/S of the velocity profile. When the two
are equal, the problem is solved.


A computer program was written for calculating the minimum or critical
roughness heights which would produce cavitation inception on a particular
roughness geometry as functions of flow -elocity, submergence depth, water
temperature, boundary layer thickness ^^id profile, and the pressure distribution
of the parent body. Calculations have been made for each of the roughness
geometries investigated. The trends of these calculations are shown in Figs. 4
through 12. The pressure coefficients and boundary parameters selected for

Cavitation Inception on Rough Bodies

" 0.1

15 20


Fig. 5 - Effect of geometry of isolated roughness elements

on cavitation inception (C = -0.5, S = 0.4 in., m = 7, T = 54F)

these curves might very well apply to large sonar domes on destroyer leaders
or frigates. A temperature of 54 F was used as a representative temperature
of the ocean.

Figures 4 and 5 compare the cavitation inception properties of the five dif-
ferent roughness geometries. The critical roughness heights for cavitation
inception are plotted as functions of the flow velocity for two submergence
depths in Fig. 4 and as functions of submergence depth for three flow velocities
in Fig. 5. It is evident from these figures that two-dimensional triangular
roughness elements are most critical for cavitation inception. The cylinders
and cones, which also present sharp discontinutities to the flow, are the next


most critical. At flow velocities above 28 knots, all types of roughness must be
kept extremely small to avoid cavitation.

Figures 6, 7, and 8 show the effect of the shape of the boundary layer profile
on cavitation inception over three of the roughness geometries: triangles, cir-
cular arcs, and cylinders. Cavitation inception over the triangle and circular-arc
roughnesses is particularly critical to changes in velocity profile because of the
averaging process needed to represent the local flow velocity u^ over the two-
dimensional roughness elements.

An increase in water temperature from 35 to 75 F increases the vapor

pressure head from 0.23 to 0.86 ft of water and decreases the kinematic viscosity
from 1.87 to 1.04 x 10"^ ftVsec. The change in vapor pressure is equivalent to
a decrease in submergence depth of 0,63 ft, which makes the body only slightly
Cavitation Inception on Rough Bodies
Cavitation Inception on Rough Bodies













^ 0.1



Cavitation Inception on Rough Bodies











- 0.20
^^ ^^ ^ ^^^

f 0.10

g 0.08



0.02 0.04 0.08 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0


Fig. 12 - Effect of the pressure coefficient and the boundary layer

thickness on a three-dimensional cylindrical roughness (U, = 26
knots, H^ = 15 ft, m = 7, T = 54 F)

The foregoing analysis has not discussed such physical properties of the
fluidas dissolved air content, air nuclei, surface tension, and various chemical
and thermodynamic properties of the water. This paper is merely an analysis
of two sets of experiments performed in different laboratories. In both sets of
experiments, the data from cavitation inception on bluff bodies show a definite
dependence on Reynolds number. The Reynolds number effect was particularly
large on the cylinders and cones but was smaller on the hemispheres. The two-
dimensional triangular roughness elements showed less dependence on Reynolds
number than the bluff three-dimensional elements. The circular-arc rough-
nesses had a small height-to-length ratio and were not bluff enough to cause
separation. Cavitation inception on these roughnesses was essentially inde-
pendent of Reynolds number.

Although both studies indicate that small changes in air content did not af-
fect cavitation inception speeds significantly, these physical parameters should
be investigated further. The experiments should be repeated in other flow fa-
cilities, in other types of water, and at different air contents and temperatures.

Despite the limitations of the roughness data disclosed here, the results
point up the need for considering viscous effects in the scaling of cavitation on
bluff bodies or on roughness elements where flow separation may occur. Dis-
continuities from peeling paint or lapping seams can be likened to the

Cavitation Inception on Rough Bodies

two-dimensional triangular roughness elements. Weld spatterings and barnacles

are similar to the three-dimensional cylinders and cones. Plate buckling or
poor forming of a hydrofoil or propeller blade would tend to change the pres-
sure distribution and degrade the cavitation parameters of the hydrodynamic
body. Small scratches and nicks on hydrofoil propeller blades can be very
critical because these bodies operate at high speed and the boundary layers
are thin.

1. Holl, J.W., and Wislicenus, G.F., "Scale Effects on Cavitation," Transac-
tions of the ASME, Journal of Basic Engineering D83:386-398 (Sept. 1961)

2. McCormick, B.W., Jr., "On Cavitation Produced by a Vortex Trailing

From a Lifting Surface," Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Basic
Engineering D84:369-379 (Sept. 1962)

3. Benson, B.W., "Cavitation Inception on Three-Dimensional Roughness Ele-

ments," David Taylor Model Basin Report 2104, May 1966

4. Holl, J.W., "The Inception of Cavitation on Isolated Surface Irregularities,"

Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Basic Engineering D82:169-183 (Mar.

5. Holl, J.W., "The Estimation of the Effect of Surface Irregularities on the

Inception of Cavitation," paper presented at the ASME Annual Meeting,
Chicago, 111., Nov. 7-11, 1965

Friday, September 30, 1966

Morning Session

Chairman: R. Brard

Bassin d'Essais des Carenes

Paris, France


Some Hydrodynamic Aspects of Ship Maneuverability 203

J. N. Newman, David Taylor Model Basin, Washington, D.C.

Research on the Manoeuvrability and Propulsion of Very Large Tankers 239

J. D. van Manen, M. W. C. Oosterveld, and J. H. Witte, Nether-
lands Ship Model Basin, Wageningen, The Netherlands

Cruising and Hovering Response of a Tail-Stabilizer Submersible 277

A. Strumpf, Davidson Laboratory, Stevens Institute of Technology,
Hoboken, New Jersey

Adept at Depth 305

F. R. Haselton, Office of Naval Material, Washington, D.C.


J. N. Newman
David Taylor Model Basin
Washington, D.C.

Recent developments are discussed which further the understanding of
the hydrodynamic force and moment acting on surface vessels during
maneuvers. Photographs are shown of the flow past a model of a Mar-
iner class hull with several drift angles, to support the validity of sim-
plified mathematical models for the hydrodynamic force and nnoment
analyses. It is shown that memory effects due to separation and free-
surface wave motions, together with the non-analytic dependence of the
nonlinear viscous forces on drift angle, require a more complicated
mathematical model for the force and moment than the usual Taylor
series expansion in powers of the velocity and acceleration. Methods
for analyzing the added mass, circulation, free surface, viscous, and
propeller influences are reviewed and discussed. Experimental and
theoretical evidence of the existence of memory or frequency effects is
noted. Several recommendations are made for detailed problems which
could profit fronn further investigation.

The study of maneuverability and control of surface ships had its genesis
when man first set forth with raft and paddle. In the ensuing millennium this
field has become progressively more refined and scientific. Nevertheless much
work remains to be done in order to advance our understanding of the hydrody-
namic phenomena which are involved when a ship undergoes a maneuver. The
purpose of this paper is to review recent accomplishments and also to indicate
possible directions for future research and progress.

The history of ship maneuverability and control can be traced back at least
as far as Euler (1749). Two centuries later, the paper of Davidson and Schiff
(1946) organized the subject of ship dynamics within a modern engineering
framework and served as a stimulus and basis for most of the subsequent re-
search in this field. Six years ago the David Taylor Model Basin was host to a
Symposium on Ship Maneuverability which included a broad survey of the field
by Norrbin (1960).


Subsequently the International Towing Tank Conference has organized a

large concerted experimental program in which several model basins have par-
ticipated to compare experimental model and full-scale maneuvering data for a
Mariner hull. This activity has led to extensive progress in experimental meth-
ods, particularly in the widespread employment of mechanical oscillators or
"planar motion mechanisms" capable of exciting forced sinusoidal motions of
ship models and measuring the associated force response. There is evidence to
suggest that the results of this type of test can be applied in the prediction of
non-oscillatory motions, such as the steady turning of ships, with the same de-
gree of confidence as the prediction by a direct small-scale time-domain mod-
eling of the maneuver and with substantially more generality.

In recent years there have also been a few investigators who dared to attack
with more fundamental techniques the hydrodynamic aspects of the motions of
ship hulls in the horizontal plane. Low aspect-ratio wing theory has been ap-
plied to yield predictions of the side force and moment on a yawed ship. Similar
analytical methods have been used to estimate the free surface effects associ-
ated with wave motion at the air-water interface. And a parallel experimental
investigation has been carried out to compare the side force on a yawed surface
ship model with that of an immersed geosim double-body. As a result of these
studies and of closely related developments in the field of aerodynamics, one
can claim to understand qualitatively most of the separate mechanisms which
contribute to the hydrodynamic force and moment acting on the hull. However,
as in the field of speed and powering, we are less certain of the interactions be-
tween the separate aspects of the problem.

Reduced to its bare essentials, the analysis of ship maneuverability deals

with the motion of a rigid body on the free surface of a real fluid, subject to the
influence of the body's control surfaces and propellers. The dynamics of the
rigid body itself (i.e., the inertial characteristics of the ship) can be readily
treated with Newton's laws, but the dynamics of the surrounding fluid cannot be
described quantitatively unless severe idealizations are made. The difficulty
rests primarily with the complications of viscous and free surface effects.
Thus the classical description of a rigid body in an ideal unbounded fluid, which
is so elegantly developed in Lamb's "Hydrodynamics," is not applicable except
as a guide in setting up the equations of motion. And in principle not even this
is permissible since the generation both of vorticity and of surface waves will
give rise to "memory" effects of the fluid motion which will fundamentally affect
the form of the equations of motion.

In view of the complexity of the flow phenomena involved, it is not surpris-

ing that most of the work in this field is semi-empirical. Nevertheless, avail-
able analytic methods can be relied upon for qualitative predictions and these
can serve the important role of supplementing and guiding the process of ex-
perimental investigation. It is hoped that this paper will help to advance that
role by surveying and collating some of the fundamental studies in the field. We
shall restrict ourselves to conventional ship hulls whose motion is primarily in
the horizontal plane and in otherwise calm water of infinite depth and horizontal
extent. Thus we will not discuss such topics as maneuverability in restricted
waters or in a seaway (including broaching!) or the behavior of high-performance
vessels such as planing boats, hydrofoils, or ground-effect-machines.

Some Hydrodynamic Aspects of Ship Maneuverability

The remaining portion of this paper will be devoted to a detailed discussion

of the relevanthydrodynamic force and moment which act on a ship hull during
a maneuver, including analytical methods of description and those experimental
results which help to further our understanding of the mechanisms involved.
The Appendix includes a brief statement of the nomenclature and equations of
motion which are the basis for most work in this field.


The practical description of the flow of water past a ship hull during a ma-
neuver poses one of the most complex problems encountered in the field of ship
hydrodynamics. Included to a significant extent are most of the phenomena
which can be associated with an incompressible Newtonian fluid. Under the cir-
cumstances it is not surprising that literature on the subject of ship maneuver-
ability is devoted primarily to experimental investigations and techniques.
Fortunately at least a qualitative description of the flow and associated force
and moment can be provided if the disturbance of the free surface is sufficiently
small, the boundary layer is thin, and there is no large-scale separation or

In order to evaluate some of the above assumptions, flow observations and

photographs were made in the Circulating Water Channel of the David Taylor
Model Basin. A model of the Mariner Class ship USS Compass Island was used.
The results of this investigation are illustrated in Figs. 1-6. The model is 12.6
feet long and the flow velocity is 3.1 knots, corresponding to a full-scale speed
of 20 knots. Steady drift angles of 0, 3, and 10 degrees are shown. Bilge keels
and a rudder were installed on the model, but the propeller was not in place.
The flow can be visualized by means of the wool tufts fastened on the port side
of the model and also by means of dye streams, which were injected through the
hull at stations nine and fifteen and through two external tubes at the bow. The
wool tufts located on integer stations were fastened directly to the hull, whereas
those located on half-stations were fastened to pins and separated from the hull
surface by a distance of about one inch.

Over the forebody the perturbation of the basic flow by the drift angle is in
agreement qualitatively with the expected cross-flow; that is the streamlines
are curved down on the upstream side of the hull and up on the downstream side.
However on the afterbody the situation is reversed, to an increasing extent with
distance downstream, and the downward flow on the downstream side is espe-
cially pronounced immediately ahead of the propeller aperture. It should be
noted that this downward flow on the downstream side (Fig. 1, bottom photograph)
occurs first in the vicinity of stations 12 and 13, where it is confined to the im-
mediate hull surface, whereas further aft the downward flow has thickened so as
to be indicated on the outer (half-station) tufts as well. Thus it appears that
this reversal of the perturbation crossflow is confined to a boundary layer which
becomes increasingly thicker with distance downstream. A similar effect near
the bow can be noted in the bottom views of the downstream side of the hull
(Fig. 6) where there is a noticeable "phase difference" between the inner and
outer tufts which disappears with increasing distance downstream. However
this secondary flow occurs only close to the surface and at the bow, whereas






Fig, 1 - Side view of MARINER hull in the

circulating water channel showing the flow
pattern at various drift angles (model length
12.6 ft, nnodel speed 3,1 knots)

further downstream the entire cross -flow perturbation is in the expected direc-
growth in thickness with distance downstream does not occur,
tion, so that the

A pronounced asymmetry of the free surface can be detected in the vicinity

of station 16 (Fig, 1). In the straight condition (zero drift angle) there is a wave
trough centered between stations 15 and 16, In the yawed condition this wave
disappears on the downstream side of the hull (bottom photograph) but increases
slightly and moves aft to station 17 on the upstream side.

Some Hydrodynamic Aspects of Ship Maneuverability

Fig. 2 - Bottom view of MARINER hull

in the circulating water channel show-
ing the flow pattern at a 10 drift angle


Fig. 3 - Bottom view of MARINER hull

in the circulating water channel show-
ing the flow pattern at a 3 drift angle

Some Hydrodynamic Aspects of Ship Maneuverability

Fig. 4 - Bottom view of MARINER hull

in the circulating water channel show-
ing the flow pattern at zero drift angle


i,,:^^~^r _
Some Hydrodynamic Aspects of Ship Maneuverability

Fig. 6 - Bottom view of MARINER hull

in the circulating water channel show-
ing the flow pattern at a -10 drift angle

idealized analytical solutions for the hydrodynamic force and moment, in spite
of the complexity of the real physical flow.


As in the case of ship motions in waves, there are two common methods for
obtaining in analytical form the hydrodynamic force and moment which act on a
ship hull during a maneuver. We can use our physical understanding or empiri-
cal knowledge to formulate equations in which the force and moment have an as-
sumed dependence on the motions of the ship, generally in the form of Taylor
series expansions in powers of the displacements, velocities and accelerations


with undetermined coefficients of damping, added mass, etc. Alternatively we

may formulate beforehand a physically realistic but mathematically tractable
idealized model for the ship and fluid, and proceed in a systematic manner
through the analysis thereof. In general the first approach is expedient but dan-
gerous, while the second is elegant but less productive.

In the first approach, following Abkowitz (1964), one assumes that the hy-
drodynamic force and moment at any instant of time are analytic functions of
the linear and angular acceleration, velocity and displacement of the hull at that
same instant and that they are independent of any other details of the motion ex-
cept for the geometrical properties of the ship and the physical properties of
the water. It follows that the six components of the force and moment can be
expanded as Taylor series in powers of the above variables, and this leads di-
rectly to a set of linear and nonlinear terms in the equations of motion. Of
course this does not furnish immediately the desired solution, since the coeffi-
cients of these terms remain to be determined either through analytical or ex-
perimental techniques; usually the latter are employed at this point, so that the
approach serves only as a method of curve-fitting. However it does offer the
very practical advantage of a basis for generalizing captive model experimental
results to free maneuvering problems.

In principle there are fundamental objections to the assumption that the

forces and moments are analytical functions of the above mentioned variables.
In recent years Cummins (1962) and Brard (1964) have called attention to the
"memory" associated with the effects of the free surface and of vorticity, re-
spectively, and the resulting necessity to represent the hydrodynamic forces
arising from a transient ship motion in terms of a convolution integral over the
entire time history of the motion. This situation has been recognized for many
years in the field of unsteady aerodynamics and in fact it was also pointed out
by earlier workers in ship hydrodynamics, e.g., Haskind (1946). Thus we should
properly consider the six components of the hydrodynamic force and moment to
be of the form

F.(t) = K.[Uj(T), t-T]dT (i =: 1,2, . . . , 6) ,


where Kj is a kernel function which depends in general on all six velocity com-
ponents Uj and on the retarded time t - r. In the linearized case we have the

more familiar and simple form

6 ^t

Fi(t) = 2^ U.(T) Ki.(t-T)dT,

= 1 J_

where the kernel Kj depends only on the retarded time and on the geometrical
properties of the ship and the physical properties of the fluid. As an example of
the necessity for this representation, we note that in the case of a captive model
which is given a short "pulse" disturbance and then returned to its original
steady restrained condition, an unsteady fluid motion (visible especially in the
free surface disturbance) and associated force and moment will persist there-
after, in principle ad infinitum.

Some Hydrodynamic Aspects of Ship Maneuverability

An altogether different objection to the Taylor series approach arises from

the existence of nonlinear effects associated with separation drag. This can be
illustrated in the simplest case of steady motion at a drift angle /?, where there
is both theoretical and experimental evidence (Thwaites, 1960) that the side
force is of the form*

Y = A sin 2/3 + B sin /3 |sin/3|

= 2 A/3 + B/5 |/3| + Oi/3^)

for a slender body with transverse symmetry. (Here A and B are constants
which depend on the body shape and Reynolds number.) In the Taylor series
approach, on the other hand, second-order effects would of necessity be even
functions of the drift angle and are ruled out by the transverse symmetry con-
dition, so that the nonlinear effects are by assumption of third order in the drift
angle. This particular point has led to some controversy regarding the correct
mathematical model for curve -fitting of experimental data. Martin (1961) and
Norrbin (1965b) lump all of the nonlinearities in a second-order term, whereas
most other workers assume that the third-order correction is valid, unless
second-order (even) terms are present as a result of the asymmetry introduced
by the ship's propeller (Suarez, 1963).

It should be emphasized that those components of the hydrodynamic force

and moment which can be regarded as inviscid in their origin can in fact be
represented by finite Taylor series in powers of the drift angle, so that the non-
linearities of these forces will be more amenable to the Taylor series approach.
These will include the higher order effects associated with both circulation (in
the idealized lifting-surface sense) and with the free surface. In summary, both
second- and third-order terms should be included in a nonlinear model, and it
may be expected that these will not always scale simultaneously since the sepa-
ration drag will generally depend on the Reynolds number.


As stated in the Introduction, progress with theoretical predictions of ship
maneuvers requires that the various hydrodynamic processes be treated sepa-
rately, or at most in pairs, since the complete problem is intractable. Thus it
isnecessary to restrict ourselves successively to individual details of the hy-
drodynamics in order to discuss specific theoretical techniques for prediction.
The present section will be devoted to the discussion of some of these, with em-
phasis on those aspects wherein theoretical predictions appear to be most

Classical Added Mass

The oldest and simplest mathematical model is formulated by assuming
and ignoring the wave effects of the free surface. The
that the fluid is ideal

*The subsequent notation is as given in the Appendix.


effects of the free surface are approximated by reflection of the underwater

portion of the hull above the surface, either with a positive (in phase) image
corresponding to very slow motions or a negative (opposite phase) image corre-
sponding to very rapid motions. It follows that there will exist a hydrodynamic
force and moment which are strictly linear functions of the acceleration of the
body or ship, and which can be lumped with the inertia terms in Euler's rigid-
body equations of motion, equivalent to an added mass and added moment of in-
ertia of the body itself. Rough estimates of the added mass and added moment
of inertia for specific hull forms can be inferred from the extensive data avail-
able for ellipsoids. For elongated bodies such as ship hulls quantitative calcu-
lations can be based upon slender body theory which for lateral motions is
equivalent to the simple strip theory. The sway added mass and yaw added
moment of inertia are given respectively by the integrals

(::> IW- ) dx

where m(x) is the added mass of the two-dimensional transverse section at x,

and the integral is over the length of the ship hull. The corresponding cross-
coupling force and moment are

Y" = N. = I
xm(x) dx .

This last symmetry relation is confirmed by experiments only in the low-

frequency domain (van Leeuwen, 1964). At higher frequencies the inequality of
the cross-coupling coefficients is probably due to the shedding of unsteady vor-
ticity in the wake.


The next degree of complexity is introduced because the classical added

mass concept cannot account for the side force and yaw moment associated with
a steady drift angle. These are analogous to the lift force and pitching moment
on a wing or hydrofoil and can be analyzed by regarding the hull and its image
above the free surface as a symmetrical (uncambered) lifting surface, with the
drift angle taking the role of the conventional angle of attack. In view of the
small draft-length ratio of ships, we confine ourselves to the theory of wings of
small aspect-ratio, rather than considering lifting-surface theory in its full
generality. Here we can choose to treat the simplest case of a flat plate, appro-
priate to the case of small beam -draft ratio, or account for the fullness of the
ship's sections within the framework of slender-body theory.

The applicability of these theories, at least to the total force and moment,
rests on the validity of a Kutta condition at the ship's stern, as opposed to the
more physical boundary layer growth and separation which may be expected to
occur. In this context it is important to recall that the low aspect-ratio wing
theory is somewhat unreliable in the case of a wing with rectangular planform
and especially in the case of a wing whose span is decreasing towards the

Some Hydrodynamic Aspects of Ship Maneuverability

trailing edge. Thus its applicability to a conventional ship hull with a long hori-
zontal keel profile is open to question, and it certainly would not be applicable
to ships with cut-away stern profiles.

The principal feature of the slender-body theory and low aspect-ratio wing
theory, in the context of the lateral force and moment, is that the differential
side force acting on each transverse section of the body depends only on the
geometrical characteristics of that section. This (steady) side force can be ex-
pressed in terms of the added mass of the same two-dimensional section for
horizontal motions, in accordance with the formula

Y2D= -V'^ m(x)

which has been derived by Lighthill (1960). Here V is the forward velocity, /S is
the drift angle, and m(x) is the two-dimensional added mass of the section. In-
tegration of this differential force over the length of the hull gives the total side
force and moment in the form

Y = -V2/3
^ m(x) dx = v2/3m (-
^ |]

N= -V2/3 r' x^dx dx

J-L/ 2

= V2 /? m(x) dx - V2^|m (-

= \^fi V 2 \ 2

Note that we have allowed for the possibility of a non-zero added mass at the
stern, as would be the case for a finite trailing edge or vertical deadwood on the
hull, whereas we have assumed that the bow is sufficiently pointed that the added
mass vanishes at the forward end of the hull.

If the body is pointed at the stern, m(-L/2) = and the classical potential-
flow results are obtained:

Y =

N = V^/SY.


On the other hand for a flat low aspect-ratio wing of rectangular planform and
span 2T we obtain the well known results*

Y = 7rpV2/3T2

N = -j-rrpV^ /3T^L .

The practical application of these simple formulae is somewhat limited by

the occurrence of separation. However if attention is focused upon the side
force acting only upon the forebody, these results will be expected to furnish
more realistic predictions. This situation is illustrated by the experiments and
theoretical calculations of Norrbin (1965a), which are summarized in Table 1.
Measurements were made on both the total force and the force on the forebody
of a double -body model of a cargo ship. Experimental data are shown for the
side force acting on the forebody alone, on the total hull without rudder, and on
the total hull with rudder. Theoretical predictions are given for the forebody
based upon slender -body theory as well as upon the low aspect -ratio flat plate
theory which, since the draft is constant along the length, is applicable either to
the forebody or to the entire hull. For the forebody alone both theories are in
fair agreement with the experiments, the slender-body theory being within 5%
and the low aspect-ratio wing theory within 10% of the measured force. As
might be expected the comparison is less satisfactory for the entire hull. In
this case the low aspect-ratio wing result is very close to the measured value
for the bare hull but differs substantially from the measured value with the rud-
der fitted. Since the presence of the rudder may be expected to improve the
validity of the theory, in the sense of providing a more substantial trailing edge,
the good agreement in the case of the bare hull should be regarded with caution.

Table 1
Comparison of Theoretical and Experimental
Side Force Coefficients Y/QApV^ fiLT) Obtained
by Norrbin (1965a)

Low aspect -ratio theory 0.184

Slender -body theory, forebody 0.193

Forebody, experiment 0.203

Total hull, experiment (no rudder) 0.172

Total hull, experiment (with rudder) 0.232

Unsteady effects associated with non-zero yaw velocity also can be analyzed
within the framework of low aspect-ratio wing theory or slender-body theory.
Lighthill (1960) has shown that the two-dimensional unsteady side force is sim-
ply given by the expression

*The formal extension of the slender-body theory results to this case is per-
nnissible for the lateral force and monnent in spite of the fact that the leading
edge violates the pointed-bow requirement (Ward, 1955).

Some Hydrodynamic Aspects of Ship Maneuverability

' Vi-)jm(x) vi-)h(x,t)|

rit Bx /
V3t 3

where h(x,t) denotes the transverse displacement of the ship's centerline from
the original straight -ahead position. However, this approach does not produce
different results from the usual pseudo-steady state added mass, damping, and
restoring terms; its principal value is in showing that the pseudo-steady state
approach can be rationalized if the hull is sufficiently slender and if there is no
separation or shedding of vorticity along the length of the hull.

Free-Surface Effects

Ship hydrodynamicists need no reminder that the motion of a ship on the

surface of the water generates waves. Indeed the classical Kelvin wave system
generated by the steady motion of a ship is one of the most beautiful and intrigu-
ing phenomena of our field. Nor do we need to be reminded that the hydrody-
namic forces acting on the ship are influenced by the wave motion since wave
resistance is an obvious example of this fact.

Michell's integral for the wave resistance of an idealized ship hull is so old
and well studied that it is surprising to find, with only two exceptions, no paral-
lel work in the case of the side force and moment on a yawed ship, even in the
simplest case of a steady drift angle. The force and moment on a yawed thin
ship or surface-piercing flat plate can be formulated in terms of a lifting-
surface integral equation, but the resulting kernel is complicated and no calcu-
lations have been attempted. However the following important qualitative con-
clusions can be established by this means:

1. In the limit of low Froude numbers the kernel of the integral equation
tends to that associated with the ship plus its simple mirror image above the
free surface, corresponding to the lifting-surface problem of a flat wing of span
equal to twice the draft of the ship and chord equal to the length of the ship.

2. In the limit of high Froude numbers the kernel of the integral equation
tends to that associated with the reversed image (negative angle of attack) of the
hull above the free surface, corresponding to the problem of a wing with a dis-
continuous asymmetrical twist.

3. For sufficiently small aspect-ratio (i.e., small draft-length ratio) the

solution for finite Froude numbers tends to that associated with the low aspect-
ratio wing and its simple mirror image in an infinite fluid. Thus wave effects
should be small if the draft-length ratio is sufficiently small.

This problem has been treated in some detail by Hu (1961). He expanded

the kernel of the integral equation in even powers of the Froude number thus
obtaining a sequence of iterative equations with the relatively simple kernel
corresponding to the zero Froude number limit. Subsequently he assumed that
the aspect ratio is small so that the integral equations can be inverted in closed
form. Computations on this basis show the side force and moment due to a
steady drift angle to be increasing functions of the Froude number.


- NORRBIN (L/T = 17.5)

THEORY (HU) L/T = 20

- MOTORA AND FUJINO u)' ~ 15 (L/T 18 7)

-4 (J=
-A ai'= 0,10 V LEEUWEN (L T = 17 5)

- ai'= lO"

0.2 3 4

Fig. 7 - Comparison of theoretical side
force with various experiments (an as-
terisk denotes experinaents with bare
hull; in all other cases the data is for
base hull with rudder)

Figures 7 and 8 show a comparison of Hu's results with experiments. The

theoretical curves in these figures are as computed by Hu for a rectangular flat
plate of length-draft ratio L/T = 20. The experimental results are for some-
what different values of the length-draft ratio, and to account for this discrep-
ancy the force and moment have been non-dimensionalized in terms of the square
of the draft, so that according to the classical low aspect-ratio theory the re-
sults should then be independent of the length-draft ratio at zero Froude num-
ber. The side force is shown in Fig. 7, and it is seen that there is relatively
poor agreement between the various results, both with respect to a comparison
of the theory and experiments and with respect to a comparison of the experi-
ments themselves. The corresponding situation for the moment, as shown in
Fig. 8, is much better and here the agreement not only between the various ex-
periments but also between the experiments and the theory is quite striking. It
is remarkable that the moment, rather than the force, should be in a satisfactory
state unless there is a substantial amount of separation confined to the midship
area of the hull which influences the force but not the moment. With regard to
the experimental results, both van Leeuwen and Motora and Fujino used a Series

Some Hydrodynamic Aspects of Ship Maneuverability

NORRBIN (L T = 17.5)

THEORY (HU) L, T = 20

MOTORA AND FUJINO oj'~ 0.15 (L/T = 18 7)

- cj=
-A tj'= 10 1.. EEUWEN (L T = 17 5)

2 0.3

Fig. 8 - Comparison
of theoretical drift
moment with various experiments (an
asterisk denotes experiments with bare
hull; in all other cases the data is for
base hull with rudder)

60 (Block .60) hull of length approximately 2 meters; Norrbin tested a cargo

liner model of length 5.5 meters, and at zero Froude number his results were
obtained with a geosim double -body model of length 2.7 meters. One set of the
results of van Leeuwen (denoted by *) are for the bare hull alone, while the re-
maining experiments are for the bare hull with rudder. The experiments of
Norrbin, and one set of van Leeuwen 's data, were obtained from steady towing
tests with a static drift angle; the remaining tests of van Leeuwen and the re-
sults of Motora and Fujino are based upon the analysis of slow oscillatory drift-
ing motions at the values of the nondimensional frequency parameter co' = oj(L/g)^''^

It should be noted that the free surface can give rise to a steady side force
without the existence of circulation, so that thickness effects as well as the an-
gle of attack must be considered, in contrast to the analogous aerodynamic situ-
ation. These can be analyzed in much the same manner as the wave resistance.
A cOHvenient starting place for such a study is with Kochin's equations for the


longitudinal and transverse forces acting on an arbitrary floating body in steady

translational motion (Wehausen and Laitone, 1960; Eq. 20.37):

n/ 2 /COS
H(0)|22 sec''^ d0 ,

Vsin e I


t'sec^6'(ixQCOs6 +iyQsin0+ Zg) dS .

Here v - g/v^ where v is the forward velocity, p is the fluid density, i> is the
velocity potential, and the surface integral may be taken over any closed surface
surrounding the body. We note that, as is customary in ship-wave theory, the
reference frame is with respect to the forward velocity so that a rotation of the
coordinates is required to obtain the following formula for the side force due to
a drift angle /3:

Y = ^L-B. |H(?)I2 sec^^ (tan /S - tan 6) d0 .

J-v / 2

For bodies with circulation this equation also can be applied provided the sur-
face integral defining the Kochin function v^^d) is taken over the body plus its
vortex wake.

Apparently no equally general formula for the yaw moment has been de-
rived; such an extension would appear to require the analysis of nonlinear free-
surface effects.

The above equation is of limited value since generally the Kochin function
is unknown, and it is more difficult to obtain rational approximations for ideal-
ized body shapes than in the parallel situation of wave-resistance theory, due to
the fact that the body is yawed. For example, the Kochin function for a yawed
thin ship will involve both source and dipole distributions, and it must be ob-
tained from the solution of an integral equation analogous to lifting surface
theory.However if the ship hull is assumed to be slender rather than thin,
some progress can be made.

Restricting ourselves to the simplest case of a body of revolution, whose

axis lies in the plane of the undisturbed free surface, the following results can
be derived:

H(0) = -V/S'(x) exp(-ivx sec (9) dx

+ /3V tan ^/[3S'(x) + xS"(x)] exp(-ii^x sec 0) dx

+ 0(/32, 5^/2) ,

Some Hydrodynamic Aspects of Ship Maneuverability

and thus the linearized side-force derivative, per unit drift angle, is given by
the integral

- 5)
Y^ =
^ pgi. f sec^ |(6 sec^ 6 (P|- + Q|,)

+ 2(sec2^ - l)(Ps'PxS" + Qs'QxS")! d^.


Pg' + iQs' = JS'(x) exp(-ii^x sec 0) dx

P^g" + iQxs" - /''S"(x) exp(-ii^x sec 6*) dx .

The integrals with respect to x are taken over the body length and

S(x) = ^nr\x)

is the sectional-area function of the submerged portion of the hull, with r(x) the
local radius. S'(x) and S"(x) denote the first and second derivatives respec-
tively. The practical value of these equations is limited by the fact that the
side-force integral diverges unless the ends of the body are cusped, i.e., both
the first and second derivatives of the sectional-area curve must vanish at the
ends. However it seems likely that this non -uniformity can be accounted for
(Tuck, 1964, Handelsman and Keller, 1966) and it would then be worthwhile to
generalize the side-force integral to more general and realistic hull forms with
full midbodies and a sharp trailing edge, to account analytically for the free-
surface effects which have been observed in experiments.

Kochin's formulas have also been applied, but within the framework of thin-
ship theory, by Reinov and Shen Tszy-In (1964). They decompose the potential
into two terms, one due to thickness and one due to vorticity, and assume that
the vorticity can be approximated locally by the corresponding value for a wing
of low aspect-ratio in an infinite fluid. Integrals of the vortex distribution are
carried out only over the surface of the hull, with no account taken of the vortic-
ity in the wake. Unfortunately the results are presented graphically without suf-
ficient identification to permit comparison with other theoretical or experimen-
tal data.

Viscous Effects
In order to discuss the effects of viscosity we shall ignore the free surface,
or, more precisely, consider the simple image of the hull above the free surface

*We note that the term with the factor 5 in this side -force integral may be iden-
tified with the wave resistance as determined from Michell's integral, and in-
deed there is a similarity in fornn between the complete side -force integral
and Michell's integral.


SO that the problem reduces to that of an elongated yawed body in an infinite real
fluid. This is of course one of the fundamental unsolved problems of subsonic
aerodynamics; if the body is basically flat a lifting-surface theory is appropri-
ate and the circulation is prescribed by the Kutta condition at the trailing edge,
but for a bluff body such as a body of revolution or ship hull there is no conven-
ient way of prescribing either the location or strength of the shed vorticity. It
is known that the vorticity and lift force arise from separation of the cross flow,
with regions of large vorticity at the boundaries of the separated region which
can be idealized in terms of vortex sheets. A detailed mathematical model
based upon this idealization has been constructed by Brard (1964) for application
to ship maneuvering problems, and in that work unsteady effects are included,
but the final analytical results are limited to rather elaborate convolution inte-
gral representations for the forces, whose principal utility lies in indicating the
proper form for the mathematical modeling and interpretation of experimental
data. (Brard's experimental results will be discussed in a subsequent section.)

The lift on an oscillating body of revolution has been analyzed in consider-

able detail by Sevik (1965a, b). General momentum relations are derived for the
lift in terms of the far-field circulation, which is determined by means of an
unsteady laminar boundary -layer theory. The results are compared with ex-
periments in the case of a slender spheroid and show substantial qualitative
agreement, although the magnitude of the lift force is overpredicted in the theory
by a factor of two. The moment is dominated by the inviscid potential flow re-
sult, and is reduced by only 16% due to viscous effects. A comparison is made
between the pseudo- steady flow and that for high frequency oscillations, with
substantial differences noted both in magnitude and phase. Comparison of the
experimental pressure distribution with potential theory shows good agreement
except over the after 20% of the spheroid. The unsteady results are limited to
one value of the reduced frequency, L v = 9.68.

The steady and associated boundary -layer flow on a body of revolution

at constant drift angle have been studied by Nonweiler (see Thwaites, 1960).
Rather complicated flow patterns are described particularly in the case of large
angles of incidence, but the form of the side-force coefficient is given very sim-
ply by the equation

Y^ = (a^ cos /3 + Cj i
sin /3| ) sin /3 ,

where a^ is the lift-curve slope appropriate to small angles of incidence andc^

is the cross-flow drag coefficient. In practice these two coefficients must be
determined experimentally, but the results appear to be valid with engineering
accuracy throughout the range of angles up to and including normal incidence.
It is pertinent to the correlation of model and full-scale data to note that there
is a substantial Reynolds number dependence for the drag coefficient but not for
the coefficient a^, so that strictly the results from small-scale models should
be used only within the linear regime.

Propeller Influence
It has long been known that the action of a screw propeller or propellers
during a maneuver was stabilizing or, in effect, that of a skeg (Davidson and

Some Hydrodynamic Aspects of Ship Maneuverability

Schiff, 1946). Recent experimental confirmation of this has been given by van
Leeuwen (1964) who performed oscillator tests both with and without the propel-
ler. This stabilizing influence can be explained in terms of the velocity field in-
cident upon a yawed propeller in an open stream; if the propeller and stern are
swung, e.g., to port, then a stabilizing (positive to starboard) force reaction will
be exerted by the propeller blades when they are in that part of their revolution
moving to port, and vice versa. But the angle of attack of the blade will be in-
creased by the drift angle when the blade is moving to port, and decreased when
it is moving to starboard (if the propeller is operating in normal ahead condi-

tions). Thus the net reaction on each blade over a complete cycle is a stabiliz-
ing force tending to return the stern to the original centerline. If the ship is
backing or the propeller is located so as to pull at the bow, the opposite conclu-
sion would result.

Quantitative data on the performance of a propeller in an oblique flow are

available from the investigation of Gutsche (1964). The results show that for
moderate values of the advance ratio J the force vector due to the resultant of
the longitudinal and lateral propeller forces is rotated by approximately 50% of
the drift angle beyond the ship's instantaneous x axis (in other words about 50%
more than the rotation of the ship itself). However it is difficult to apply these
results directly to normal ships, and especially to single screw vessels with
large deadwood area, due to the interaction between the deadwood and the pro-
peller. The deadwood may be expected to straighten the flow into the propeller,
and thus the stabilizing side force due to the propeller will be reduced by a sig-
nificant amount.

Similar interference phenomena must be considered in evaluating the im-

portant effects of the propeller slipstream on the rudder. This particular sub-
ject would be well suited to theoretical analysis.


Most of the discussion of the previous sections pertains to steady-state hy-
drodynamic forces and moments acting on a yawed ship, and these can only be
useful if a pseudo-steady-state analysis is valid. Likewise the experimental
results of captive model tests generally are analyzed on the assumption that the
hydrodynamic force and moment depend only on the instantaneous velocity and
acceleration of the ship, as stated earlier, whereas strictly speaking it is nec-
essary to represent the force and moment as convolution integrals over the
previous time history of the motion. These "memory" effects of the fluid appear
in captive model tests as dependence of the force coefficients on the frequency
of oscillation. They stem both from the vorticity which is shed from the oscil-
lating hull and from the wave effects associated with the unsteady motion of the
hull at the free surface. The characteristic nondimensional frequency parameter
associated with the vortex wake is the reduced frequency l v, while for surface

wave effects the corresponding parameter is v g. Here is the radian fre-


quency of the oscillations, L is the ship length, V is the forward velocity and g
is the gravitational acceleration. For sufficiently small frequencies these two
parameters tend to zero and the pseudo- steady -state analysis is valid.


It is therefore important to determine the values of these parameters at

which frequency effects become important and the characteristic frequencies
which are significant in practical ship maneuvers. Here the assumption of calm
water is important since it is well known from the field of seakeeping that sig-
nificant frequency dependence exists in the practical range of ship speeds and
frequencies of wave encounter, corresponding to values of the parameter c^v/g
of order one-half to one. But it is also known that conventional ships are rela-
tively slow in their maneuvers, so that in this case frequency effects may be
relatively unimportant.

In discussing this question we shall lump together both of the sources of

frequency effects, viz., viscosity and the free surface, and examine the experi-
mental and theoretical evidence available. This includes the oscillator tests at
various establishments, both with surface ships and submerged bodies, the the-
oretical predictions which exist for unsteady forces as functions of the frequency,
and full-scale data from ships' maneuvers which delineates the practical range
of frequencies which are involved.

First we note that the two frequency parameters differ by the ratio of the
square of the Froude number, or

V Ul
so that for fast ships

and for slow ships

^ 0.03 (

Thus a tentative conclusion is that the reduced frequency will be the controlling
factor, or that unsteady viscous effects will become significant before those as-
sociated with the free surface, especially for slower vessels. The experimental
results which have been obtained with oscillator techniques have been limited
primarily to one Froude number in each case, or at best to a narrow range of
Froude numbers; it would be of interest to vary the Froude number sufficiently
in a given experiment to determine whether the frequency effects which are in
fact noted therein will collapse with respect to one or the other of the two non-
dimensional frequency parameters, thus giving a direct measure of the relative
importance of the two physical mechanisms involved. To a limited extent this
comparison can be made from the data of van Leeuwen (1964) which includes
results for the Froude numbers 0.2 and 0,3, and from Motora and Fujino (1965)
which includes results for 0.1 and 0.2. The preliminary conclusion is that such
a collapse of the data takes place, if at all, only in the initial stages of frequency
dependence. This is consistent with the conclusions that initially the viscous
effects come into play rather than the free surface effects.

Some Hydrodynamic Aspects of Ship Maneuverability

The maximum frequency at which these effects are unimportant can be in-
ferred quantitatively from the above referenced oscillator tests, as well as from
those of Paulling and Wood (1962), Brard (1964), and others. Such results are
outlined in Table 2.

Table 2
Limiting Values of the Frequency Parameters Below
Which Frequency Effects are of Secondary Importance


coL _ IrrL

where B is the distance run in one cycle. Typical values of this distance are six
to ten ship lengths* and it follows that the reduced frequency parameter is
roughly in the range of from one-half to one. Thus a 20 -20" zig-zag maneuver
is marginal from the viewpoint of frequency effects. Ship maneuvers which take
place more rapidly than this can be expected to involve significant frequency ef-
fects, which can only be accounted for by Laplace transform techniques or the
equivalent thereof, as outlined by Brard (1964). It remains to be determined,
however, what magnitude of error is incurred by neglecting this complication,
and it would seem desirable to carry out a numerical comparison of the two
predictions for realistic maneuvers.

The items
listed herein are restricted primarily to those cited in the text
and A bibliography of the period prior to 1960 is in-
to the period 1960-1966.
cluded in the survey of Norrbin (1960) and a current, but as yet unpublished,
broad account of the field is given by Mandel (1966).

Abkowitz, M. A., 1964. Lectures on ship hydrodynamics steering and maneu-

verability. Hydro- and Aerodynamics Laboratory, Lyngby, Denmark, Re-
port No. Hy-5.

anon., 1950. Nomenclature for treating the motion of a submerged body through
a Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Technical and
Research Bulletin No. 1-5.

Brard, R., 1964. A vortex theory for the maneuvering ship with respect to the
history of her motion. Fifth Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Bergen.
(Revised March 1965.)

Casal, Pierre, 1962. Theorie tourbillonnaire de I'aile portante de tres faible

envergure (vortex theory of low aspect-ratio lifting surfaces). Publ. Scien-
tifiques et Techniques du Ministere de I'Air, No. 384.

Chislett, M. S., and Strj^m-Tejsen, J., 1965. Planar motion mechanism tests
and full-scale steering and maneuvering predictions for a Mariner class
vessel. Hydro- and Aerodynamics Laboratory, Lyngby, Denmark, Report
No. Hy-6.

Cummins, W. E., 1962. The impulse response function and ship motions.
Schiffstechnik, Band 9, Heft 47, pp. 101-109. Reprinted as Report

'''Cf. Motora and Couch (1961).

Some Hydrodynamic Aspects of Ship Maneuverability

Davidson, K. S. M., and Schiff, L., 1946. Turning and course-keeping qualities.
Transactions of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Vol.
54, pp. 152-200.

Euler, L., 1749. Scientia Navalis. 2 Vols., Academy of Sciences, St. Peters-

Fedyaevskii, K. K., and Sobolev, G. V., 1963. Upravylaemost' Korablya (Ship

Maneuverability). State Union Shipbuilding Industry Publishing House,
Leningrad. (English translation entitled "Control and stability in ship de-
sign," U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Office of Technical Services, Joint Publi-
cations Research Service, 1964, JPRS: 24,547, OTS: 64-31239.)

Goodrich, G. J., ed., 1963. Report of Maneuverability Committee, Proceedings

of the Tenth I.T.T.C, Volume I, Teddington, pp. 227-248.

Gutsche, F., 1964. Untersuchung von Schiff sschrauben in schrager Anstromung

(Investigations of marine propellers in oblique flow). Schiffbauforschung,
Heft Nr. 3/4, pp. 97-122.

Handelsman, R. A., and Keller, J. B., 1966. Axially symmetric potential flow
around a slender body. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, in press.

Haskind, M. D., 1946. Oscillation of a ship on a calm sea (in Russian). Izvestia
Akad. Nauk SSSR, No. 1, pp. 23-34. English translation: Technical and Re-
search Bulletin No. 1-12, S.N.A.M.E.

Hu, P., 1961.Forward speed effect on lateral stability derivatives of a ship,

Davidson Laboratory, Report 829.

van Leeuwen, G., 1964, The lateral damping and added mass of an oscillating
shipmodel. Shipbuilding Laboratory, Delft, Publication No. 23.

Lighthill, M. J., 1960. Note on the swimming of slender fish. Journal of Fluid
Mechanics, Vol. 9, pp. 305-317.

Mandel, P., 1966. Ship Maneuvering and Control. Unpublished manuscript,

prepared as Chapter VIII of "Principles of Naval Architecture" (revised
edition), S.N.A.M.E.

Martin, M., 1961. Analysis of lateral force and moment caused by yaw during
ship turning. Davidson Laboratory, Report 792.

Motora, S., and Couch, R. B., 1961. Maneuverability of full bodied ships in re-
stricted waters. Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering,
University of Michigan.

Motora, S., and Fujino, M., 1965. On the measurement of the stability deriva-
tives by means of forced yawing technique. Journal of the Zosen Kiokai,
Vol. 118, pp. 48-56.


Norrbin, N. H., 1960. A study of course keeping and maneuvering performance.

Publ. Swedish State Shipbuilding Experimental Tank, No. 45. Reprinted in
Proc. First Symposium on Ship Maneuverability, David Taylor Model Basin,
May 1960, DTMB Report 1461, pp. 359-423.

Norrbin, N. H., 1963. Circle tests with a radio-controlled model of a cargo

liner. Publ. Swedish State Shipbuilding Experimental Tank, No. 53.

Norrbin, N. H., 1965a. Forces in oblique towing of a model of a cargo liner and
a divided double -body geosim. Publ. Swedish State Shipbuilding Experimental
Tank, No. 57.,

Norrbin, N. H., 1965b. Zig-zag-provets teknik och analys (the technique and
analysis of the zig-zag test). Swedish State Shipbuilding Experimental Tank,
Report No. 12.

Paulling, J. R., and Wood, Lloyd W., 1962. The dynamic problem of two ships
operating on parallel courses in close proximity. University of California,
Institute of Engineering Research, Berkeley, Series No. 189, Issue No. 1.

Reinov, M. N., and Shen Tszy-In, 1964. Application of wave integrals to certain
problems of resistance and course stability of ships (in Russian). Trudy
Leningradskogo Korablestroitel'nogo Instituta, No. 45, pp. 57-66.

Sevik, M., 1964a. Lift on an oscillating body of revolution. Journal of the

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp.

Sevik, M., 1964b. Lift on an oscillating ellipsoid of revolution. Journal of the

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp.

Strj^m-Tejsen, J., 1966. Digital computer technique for prediction of standard

maneuvers of surface ships. DTMB Report 2130.

Suarez, A., 1963.Rotating arm experimental study of a Mariner class vessel.

Davidson Laboratory Note No. 696.

Thwaites, B., ed., 1960. Incompressible Aerodynamics. Oxford University


Tuck, E. O., 1964. Some methods for flows past blunt slender bodies. Journal
of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 18, pp. 619-635.

Ward, G. N., 1955. Linearized Theory of Steady High-Speed Flow. Cambridge

University Press.

Wehausen, J. V., and Laitone, E. V., 1960. Surface Waves. Encyclopedia of

Physics, Volume 9, Springer -Ver lag.

Some Hydrodynamic Aspects of Ship Maneuverability



A common notation has become almost universal in the field of maneuvering

and control. The principal elements are given below, and further details are
given in S.N.A.M.E. Bulletin 1-5 (anon., 1950) and in the Proceedings of the 10th
I.T.T.C. Conference (Goodrich, ed., 1963).

Cartesian coordinates (xq.Yq, z^) are taken to be fixed in space or, nomi-
nally, with respect to the earth, such that coincides with the general direc-
tion of the "initial" motion of the ship and Zg is vertically downward. The as-
sociated coordinates fixed with respect to the ship are denoted (x,y,z), the
right-hand convention is applied so that y is positive to starboard, and y = o is
taken to be the plane of symmetry of the ship. The three components of force
(x,Y,z), moment (k,m,n), linear velocity (u,v,w), and angular velocity (p,q,r)
are all defined in relation to the ship coordinates (x,y, z). Angular orientation
of the ship is defined by the symbols ^ (roll), e (trim), and (yaw), in accord- si-

ance with the following coordinate transformation:

Xq = X COS 6 cos + y (sin 6 sin cp cos - cos sin \p)

+ z (cos 4> sin 6 cos + sin (p sin i/^)

yg = X cos 6 sin + y (cos (p cos + sin 6 sin sin 0)

+ z (cos 4> sin 6 sin - sin <p cos 0)

Zq = - X sin (9 + y cos 9 sin <p + z cos 6 cos .

Alternatively, these (finite) angles can be defined by prescribing their order: if

the (x,y,z) coordinates coincide initially with the fixed (x^.y^.z^) system, then
the final orientation is obtained by first a yaw angular displacement, secondly a
trim, and lastly a roll, all with respect to the (x,y, z) axis and in the right-
handed sense.

It will be noted that the above systems are not sufficiently general to de-
scribe translations as well as rotations between the fixed and moving coordinate
systems. In fact, it is customary to consider that the spatially "fixed" coordi-
nates (xg.yg.zo) are in fact translating with the origin of the ship's (x.y,z)
system but that the first system is fixed in space at each point in time to allow
the application of Newton's laws in this system. Such a shortcut is expedient if
free surface and viscous effects are ignored, but for a complete physical de-
scription it is necessary to consider the effects of translations as well as rota-
tions between the two coordinate systems.

Since the translational velocity components (u.v.w) are defined in reference

to the ship-fixed (x,y,z) coordinates it follows that a steady "yawed" motion

must be associated not with the yaw angle 4> but with a constant value of the
"drift" or "sideslip" angle /3 = tan" (v u). The drift angle is used frequently


as a substitute for the dependent variable v and plays a particularly important


role in describing motions in the horizontal plane.

If the origin coincides with the ship's center of gravity the six equations of
motion of the ship are as follows:

X = m(u - rv + q\v) + mg sin 6

Y = m(v-pw+ru) - mg cos 9 sin 4>

Z = m(w - qu + pv) - mg cos 6 cos <p

K = IxxP + (Izz-Iyy) ^' + Ixy^ + ^^z^

M = lyyq + (I^^-I,,) pr + ly^r + I^yP

N=I zz r+(I yy -I )pq+I

^^ ^
p+I y z^q.
xzt^ x.-x.'

Here a dot denotes time differentiation, m is the mass of the ship, g is the grav-
itational acceleration, ^yy ^zz) ^i"6 the moments of inertia of the ship's
mass, and (ixy Ixz- ^yz) ^^^ ^^e corresponding products of inertia. If the mass
distribution is symmetrical with respect to the plane y = (i.e., port and star-
board) the products of inertia I^^y and ly^ will vanish, and in practice for con-
ventional ships the fore-and-aft symmetry is sufficiently dominant that the re-
maining product I,^^ can probably be ignored. However, this assumption does
not appear to have been verified, and it should be emphasized that, in general,
the coordinates cannot be taken to coincide with the principal axes of inertia un-
less the usual assumptions that x is horizontal and z is vertical are sacrificed.

Various manipulations can be performed with the above system of equations.

Coordinate transformations can be made to a more convenient origin than the
center of gravity, several additional terms thus being introduced to the above
equations; these transformed equations can be found, for example, in Bulletin
1-5 (anon., 1950). The degrees of freedom can be limited to the horizontal plane,
so that the number of terms in the equations of motion is substantially reduced.
Also, these equations may be linearized, on the assumption that the unsteady
motions are small perturbations of an initial steady longitudinal velocity; this
step is justifiable in many instances, particularly in performing a dynamic sta-
bility analysis, but not necessarily in predicting maneuvering characteristics
which may be inherently nonlinear, and certainly not in studying the motions of
unstable ships.

The left sides of the equations of motion, the external force and moment
applied to the ship, include all of the hydrodynamic effects which act on the hull.
For a conventional self-propelled ship there are no other components of the ex-
ternal force and moment if we assume that aerodynamic effects on the above-
water portion of the ship can be neglected and that there exist no internal
changes of the mass or its distribution. On the other hand, towed or towing
bodies such as barges or tugs and captive ship models will have additional

Some Hydrodynamic Aspects of Ship Maneuverability

external force and moment contributions to the left side of the equations arising
from their associated towing constraints, and in special cases, e.g., ships
equipped with a flume stabilizer system, significant internal changes of the mass
distribution will exist.


M. Gertler
David Taylor Model Basin
Washington, B.C.

Although I have not had time to study this paper in any great detail, I would
like to make a few comments with respect to the problem of "frequency effects."

The author divides the frequency effects into two categories: those that
stem from vorticity shed from the oscillating hull and those that stem from the
unsteady motion of the hull at the free surface. The characteristic nondimen-
sional frequencies governing these two phenomena are given as L/V and V/g, -

respectively. By comparing the two frequency parameters, he concludes that

the unsteady viscous effects will become significant before the unsteady free-
surface effects, especially for slower ships. This interesting finding suggests
that if we examine the case of a deeply submerged submarine where frequency
effects, if any, can only be of viscous origin, then we can determine whether
such frequency effects are apt to be important in the surface ship case.

Since 1958, the David Taylor Model Basin has carried out carefully con-
ducted planar-motion-mechanism tests on well over a hundred models of sub-
marines and other types of submerged bodies. In general, the experiments
were carried out over a range of .^jL/v values at least up to about 4, which is
well beyond the realm of practical interest for most submarine and submerged
body applications. Except for a few isolated cases involving forms which were
extremely poor from a hydrodynamic standpoint, the data from the oscillation
tests showed no significant evidence which could be interpreted as a variation of
the pertinent hydrodynamic force or moment coefficients with frequency within
the range mentioned. This was true of both the out-of-phase quantities (rotary
derivatives) and in-phase quantities (acceleration derivatives). Furthermore,
the coefficients derived from planar-motion-mechanism tests have been used in
conjunction with quasi steady-state equations of motion to make predictions of
the trajectories of submarines in various types of maneuvers such as spirals,
zigzags, and turns. These predictions, in a number of cases, have been com-
pared with the results of free-running model tests and full-scale trials and the
correlation has usually been excellent. Thus, we are firmly convinced that, in
the case of deeply submerged submarines, frequency effects can be neglected
both in predicting motions and in stability and control analyses.


On the other hand, the Model Basin has moved cautiously in applying the
planar-motion-mechanism technique to the case of surface (displacement) ships.
This was primarily due to concern over frequency effects which it was believed
would be caused by the waves generated by the oscillating hull. However, in
view of our experience with submarine forms and the authors assurances that
the viscous effects are more to be feared than the free-surface effects, plus the
recent experiences of other investigators, we should be able to proceed with
planar-motion-mechanism tests on surface ship models with full confidence.


Roger Brard
Bassin d'Essais des Carenes
Paris, France

The two main purposes of Dr. Newman's paper can be summarized as


1. He wants to show that, in spite of the complexity of the flow surrounding

a maneuvering ship, it is possible to construct mathematical models taking into
account some of the principal characteristics of the flow; these mathematical
models lead to a better understanding of the phenomena involved in the maneu-
vering of ships.

2. He discusses the analytical methods corresponding to the mathematical

models and he points out where further investigations are needed.

In order to support his first point, Dr. Newman describes the flow over the
model Mariner class ship in yawed conditions. The observations were car-
of a
ried out in the circulating water channel of the David Taylor Model Basin. They
show that the flow inside and outside the boundary layer differs substantially
according as the model is in straight or in yawed conditions. However, in yawed
condition, the areas of separation are of a limited extent. From that Dr. New-
man concludes that a theoretical inviscid fluid model based on the low aspect
ratio wing theory or on the slender body theory, should lead to an acceptable
description of the flow over the entire hull for angles of attack less than about
10 degrees.

I personally believe that any application of theoretical views to the maneu-

vering of a surface ship or of a submarine requires preliminary observation of

the flow over the model. So I think that it is not sufficient to watch only the dis-
tribution of the flow over the hull surface in yawed condition. It is also neces-
sary to watch the flow in turning condition. For this reason, at the Bassin
d'Essais des Carenes, we closely examine the flow pattern around ship models
in yawed and in turning conditions. In Casal's thesis, which was prepared under

Some Hydrodynamic Aspects of Ship Maneuverability

my Tank in 1949-50, is included a photograph of a paint

direction at the Paris
test. This photograph shows that in turning condition, a concentrated bound
vortex may exist near the bow and that a free vortex originates as a conse-
quence. The same phenomenon may occur in yawed condition but the field of
velocities induced would be different.

Moreover, when a ship is turning, the local angle of attack varies along the
length of the ship. The transverse flow, when the ship is turning to port comes
from port on the forebody and from starboard amidship and on the aft body.
When the radius of gyration is small, there are string eddies on the port side
near the stern.

In spite of the above considerations, I wish to state that I am in agreement

with Dr. Newman's opinion. But the reasons why I agree with him may be more

The phenomena being very intricate, we have to test various mathematical

models to examine the predictions to which they lead, and to choose accordingly
the model that we will finally adopt for the class of ships that we have under
consideration. In particular, the structure of the expressions of the force and
moment acting on the ship is likely to vary from one class of ship to another; in
addition, the order of magnitude of the numerical values of the coefficients are
bound to change substantially. Generally speaking, the flow can be idealized,
but in a manner specific of each type of ship.

The ship herself must not be too much idealized if we want to obtain suffi-
ciently accurate predictions for practical purposes. It is well known, for in-
stance that the behavior of a ship is very sensitive to differences in the block
coefficient, the angle of entrance, the extent of the deadwood, and so on.

The controversy that Dr. Newman mentions in page 213 of his paper is fa-
miliar to me. This controversy originates in the fact that, if the force and mo-
ment are considered as nonanalytic, the use of Taylor series expansions is not
permissible. But limited expansions are polynomial, and it is always possible
to use polynomial expressions provided the functions, which are to be approxi-
mated, are continuous. Another controversy concerns the low aspect ratio wing
theory. This theory is useful, but it is necessary that it take into account the
effect of the angular velocity.

In my opinion the real problem is to represent the force and moment by ex-
pressions which contain as few terms as possible, while ensuring the smallest
discrepancy with respect to the results of the experiments, and which lead to
the best understanding of the effects of the shape of the hull and of the appendages
on the behavior of the maneuvering ship. For instance, Casal's thesis seems
particularly interesting because it helps to understand why, in yawed condition,
the force is acting near the bow and even ahead of the bow while, in turning con-
dition, it is acting behind the middle transverse section. For analogous reasons,
the dimensionless expressions of the force and moment must be able to account
for their rapid variation when l 2R, that is the reduced angular velocity, is in
the vicinity of the zero value.


So I think that it is necessary to study carefully the various components of

the force and moment due respectively to: added mass, circulation, free-
surface effect, separation, propeller. As for the personal views of the author
about the free-surface effect, I think that emphasis must be put on them, since
they are of very great interest.

The last part of Dr. Newman's paper is devoted to a discussion of the fre-
quency effects, or to the "memory" effects. He explains why initially the vis-
cous effects rather than the free-surface effects come into play.

My own paper read in Bergen in 1964 was aimed at drawing the attention to
these viscous effects. The experiments which were carried out at the Bassin
d'Essais des Carenes at the time, using a planar motion mechanism, showed
that these effects could be of importance in certain cases. Since then, new ex-
periments have been undertaken. They have shown that it is necessary to en-
sure a very accurate angular setting of the sine-cosine potentiometer used for
the integration, with respect to the driving shaft of the struts, or else significant
errors would affect the calculation of the out-and-in force and moment. This
has been a problem for sometime, but it is now solved. And now when experi-
ments are repeated with identical conditions, the results obtained are quite con-
sistent. This was not the case before. The curves given as examples in my
1964 paper must be considered as erroneous. Now, as is correct, the curves
giving the coefficients of the so-called quasi steady motion versus the reduced
frequency always show a horizontal asymptotic line. For instance in the case of
motions parallel to the horizontal plane, we have found that the asymptotic value
of the derivative dCy/3/3 may be 50% greater than the value corresponding to the
steady motion. For ^iy/^ the variations are insignificant and this is in agree-
ment with the fact that 3^y/Bi/^ is very small in steady conditions. The variations
of ^Cn/^/S are small but B^j^/30 decreases when the reduced frequency increases.

The techniques to be used in experiments whose purpose is to study the ef-

fect of the frequency in the case of a submerged body are rather critical because
the small values of the reduced frequency are obtained for high speed values.
The effects of the free surface may interfere with those of the viscosity. How-
ever, the experiments indicate that the influence of the free surface is small
even for wL/u less than unity, the submergence of the model being about 2 me-
ters and the greatest period being 5.69 sec.

The asymptotic values of the coefficients which are sensitive to the reduced
frequency are reached for practical purposes at a reduced frequency of about
ten. That leads to the feeling that the history of the motion may be of impor-
tance in the case of rapid transient motions. However the problem of determin-
ing the magnitude of the error when the effect of the history of the motion is
neglected is not yet solved in a satisfactory manner. In any case, it is to be
noted that, when a planar motion mechanism is used for obtaining the added
mass, the exact values of the corresponding coefficients are the asymptotic val-
ues and not the limit values for f^L u - 0.

Concluding my comments on Dr. Newman's paper, I should like to express

the opinion that the author has reached his goal.Not only has he made a very

Some Hydrodynamic Aspects of Ship Maneuverability

brilliant synthesis of the work already done, but concerning the work which is
now to be undertaken, he has formulated numerous pertinent personal views
which, in my opinion, will be very fruitful. For those reasons, I think that Dr.
Newman fully deserves to be very warmly congratulated.


Nils H. Norrbin
Swedish State Shipbuilding Experimental Tank
Goteborg, Sweden

This paper offers interesting reading still, I suppose, that will apply even
more to the next paper by Dr. Newman on this subject.

should be somewhat embarrassing to many of us that the mathematician

was the one to bring with him so many instructive photographs illustrating basic
events around a hull in oblique flow. These flow studies will help to judge the
merits of the two simple analogies usually applied to explain the viscous lift on
the submerged body, or the surface ship at low speeds where hull and image
move together, i.e., the slender body of revolution and the low-aspect-ratio flat

We remember the concepts of Nonweiler for the viscous flow around a body
of revolution, touched upon by the author: the crossflow is decelerated in the
boundary layer along the body, and at some distance aft of the bow the up-wash
is reversed, on the leeward side of the afterbody the radial displacement flow
will change into an in-flow, and only more near to the stern the roUing-up of
two trailing vortices will be completed. This physical picture suggests that
viscous ring vortices at the after part of the hull should be added to the ideal
flow model, characterized by a double-vortex line along the axis in the parallel
middle-body connecting ring vortices bound at bow and stern. These added ring
vortices are shed away in trailing line vortices from positions rather far aft;
there effect is to reduce the negative lift on the afterbody by say 50 or 60 per-
cent. In our experiments with the divided double-body ship model, referred to
by the author, this reduction amounts to about 85 percent, bringing the result
quite close to that of the wing analogy.

The double-vortex line along the axis of the body of revolution induces an
up-wash angle, which close to the hull is equal to the angle of attack. If we now
look back to Fig. 2 or 3 of Dr. Newman's paper we do not find the additional up-
wash associated with the ideal flow around the slender body, but we might note a
local separation along the bilges.

If the low-aspect-ratio wing analogy does apply, then I think the normal
force on the forebody will be very close to the force on the total hull, as indicated


by our experiments quoted on page 216 of the paper. The form of the tail is of
minor importance in this case, and the addition of a rudder does not improve
the trailing edge condition but means the addition of an isolated lift force, which
in turn may give an unstable moment on the low side (Cf. Fig. 8).

As normal force results displayed in Fig. 7, it must be realized

for the total
that the experimental accuracy was less in case of the ship model because of
the relatively shorter length of the balance beam and that the dip at the highest
speed may partly be due to a local effect of the stern wave on the force on the

Finally will make a brief comment on the formal higher order approxima-

tions. From
physical considerations the cross -flow -drag lift suggests a square
term, which we have found to agree with experimental results. Due to the finite
time required for the development of the cross-flow boundary layer, however,
the contribution from sections with small fullness might be of a higher order,
and this contribution might in turn be reflected in the small nonlinear moment


J. N. Newman

In reply to Mr. Gertler I must first emphasize that my "conclusion" regard-

ing the relative importance of viscous and free -surface effects should be re-
garded for the present time as a hypothesis. Mr. Gertler's summary of the ex-
tensive experiments carried out on submarines at the David Taylor Model Basin
is a valuable supplement to the data in Table 2. Taken in conjunction with the
revised data which Admiral Brard reports in his discussion, it suggests that
submerged bodies of good hydrodynamic form will have a limiting reduced fre-
quency, below which their motion can be regarded essentially as pseudo-steady-
state, of between four and ten. This range of reduced frequency is substantially
higher than the corresponding values for surface ship models as reported in
Table 2, thus suggesting that frequency effects come into play sooner for surface
ships than for submarines. At first glance this conclusion implies that, contrary
to our hypothesis, the free surface-effects are dominant, but a likely alternative
is that the hull form of surface ships is inferior to that of submarines. This
situation could be clarified by performing planar -motion -type experiments with
a submerged double-body, analogous to the steady-state experiments of Norrbin

I am very grateful to Admiral Brard for amplifying upon the results of

Casal's thesis and for bringing the results of his own research up to date. The
observation by Casal of a horseshoe vortex system generated near the bow dur-
ing a turn, as opposed to a steady yawed condition, is another indication of un-
steady viscous effects which in this case is associated with the vertical stem of

Some Hydrodynamic Aspects of Ship Maneuverability

a surface ship and would not be expected for a submarine. Thus, I would cer-
tainly agree with Admiral Brard's statement that "generally speaking, the flow
can be idealized, but in a manner specific to each type of ship." As regards the
approximation of the lift force and moment by Taylor series or polynomials, I
feel that the important distinction from the mathematical viewpoint is that the
resulting expansions must be one-sided, with discontinuities in the even-order
derivatives, in order to account properly for the cross-flow drag effects. The
recent experimental results quoted by Admiral Brard, in modification of his
paper at the last Naval Hydrodynamics Symposium, are extremely interesting
and I look forward to the opportunity to study them in more detail when they are

J. D. van Manen, M. W. C. Oosterveld, and J. H. Witte
Netherlands Ship Model Basin
Wageningen, The Netherlands

This paper deals with the results of investigations into the manoeuvra-
bilityand propulsion of large tankers, equipped with an advanced stern
arrangement for propulsion and ship-control. Authors suggest to
eliminate partly or completely the rudder, provide the ship with an ex-
tremely cigar- shaped afterbody having a shrouded propeller with a
large hub-to-diameter ratio and fit both bow and stern thrusters to the
ship. The application of cargo-pump-driven lateral thrusters working
on the ejector principle is discussed.

The requirements for the manoeuvrability and propulsion of very large
tankers, to be built in the near future, open the question whether conventional
solutions for the stern arrangement still have to be maintained.

The increasing displacement of tankers results in an increase of the re-

quired shaft horsepower. The nonuniformity of the flow at the propeller and the
high required shaft horsepower may lead in many cases to vibration troubles
and cavitation-erosion damage on the propeller blades. The increasing size of
tankers and the difficulty of developing port areas large enough to accommodate
them will lead to higher requirements with respect to the effectiveness of the
ship-control devices. The effectiveness of a rudder strongly depends on the
ship speed. As speed decreases, the effectiveness of the rudder becomes less
and less.

In an attempt to provide large tankers with propulsion devices with superior

cavitation and propeller -induced vibration characteristics in addition to a high
propulsive efficiency and to provide tankers with a greater degree of manoeuvra-
bility, the authors suggest to eliminate the rudder, provide the afterbody of an
extremely cigar-shaped stern with a shrouded propeller having a large hub-to-
diameter ratio and fit both bow and stern thrusters to the ship. In Fig. 1, the
installation of the propeller in a clear plastic nozzle on the afterbody of a tanker

van Manen, Oosterveld and Witte

Fig. 1 - Arrangement of propeller

in nozzle for a tanker model

model as suggested by the authors is shown. Figure 2, shows the bow and stern
thruster fitted to the model.

The draft, propeller diameter, efficiency, propeller cavitation, propeller-

induced vibration, construction of the rudder and so on, are all design factors,
influenced favourably by the solution indicated by Figs. 1 and 2. To obtain a
comparison between the propulsive performance and the manoeuvrability of a
tanker with a conventional stern arrangement and the one according to Figs. 1
and 2, tests were carried out with models representing a 90,000-ton deadweight
tanker. The results of these experiments are presented and discussed in this


Tf i\ n

Fig. 2 - Bow and stern thruster arrangements fitted to the model

Manoeuvrability and Propulsion of Very Large Tankers

Fixed and controllable -pitch impellers are the most common prime moving
devices located in transverse thrusters. In recent literature the use of cargo-
oil pirnips of tankers as bow thruster devices has been suggested. Such a sys-
tem has the drawback that the efficiency is low due to the large kinetic energy
losses in the slipstream. These losses can be diminished by using an ejector in
which a high-velocity jet with a low mass flow rate can be converted into a
lower velocity jet with a higher mass flow. Therefore, the authors suggest to
use bow and stern thrusters working according to this ejector principle. Figure
3 shows schematically an ejector bow thruster.

Fig. 3 - Arrangement of ejector bow thruster


The trend in the design of tankers has been toward large dimensions at
nearly constant speed and therefore high-powered ships. The high required
shaft horsepower and the nonuniformity of the flow at the propeller disk may
lead to vibration troubles and cavitation-erosion damage on the propeller blades.

In order to minimize the chance of propeller-induced vibration and cavita-

tion damage, the inequality of the flow at the propeller disk must be reduced.
Investigations performed by van Manen and Kamps (1), Nitzki (2) and Hadler and
Cheng (3) have shown that extreme shapes of afterbody for obtaining a vmiform
circumferential velocity field in way of the propeller offer favourable prospects.

As a consequence of the decreasing propulsive efficiency with increasing

shaft horsepower of tankers with conventional screws in addition to propeller
cavitation and vibration problems, the application of ducted propellers (1,4)
tandem propellers, contrarotating propellers (5) and twin-screw devices (1,5,6)
has been suggested. From these propulsion devices, the ducted propeller and
the tandem propellers will be less expensive and complicated than contrarotating

van Manen, Oosterveld and Witte

and twin-screw installations. In this case of high-powered tankers, the ducted

propeller is, according to the experience of the N.S.M.B., superior in propul-
sive efficiency compared to all other propellers.

First, the considerations will be given which have led to the choice of the
shape of afterbody and propulsor of the tanker discussed in this paper. Then,
the results of resistance and self -propulsion model tests will be presented for
each of the conventional and the suggested versions of the tanker.

Effect of Afterbody on Propulsion

Investigations into the effect of the afterbody shape on propulsion of a

39,000-ton deadweight tanker model carried out at the N.S.M.B. were reported
in Refs. 1 and 4. The following variations in afterbody were studied (Fig. 4).


20 FPP



Fig. 4 - Body plan and propeller arrangement

of afterbodies I, II, III and IV

Model I, having an afterbody with moderately U-shaped sections and a

rudder shoe.

Manoeuvrability and Propulsion of Very Large Tankers

Model n, having an afterbody with extremely V-shaped sections and a

rudder shoe.

Model ni, having an afterbody with extremely U-shaped sections and a

rudder shoe.

Model rv, having a cigar-shaped stern (Hogner-type of afterbody) and a

Mariner rudder arrangement (clear-water stern).

From the experimental investigations, it was concluded that model n, hav-

ing an afterbody with extremely V-shaped sections is to be recommended from
a viewpoint of resistance. The improvement in resistance qualities, however,
did not include a reduction of the required shaft horsepower. The reduction in
resistance is counterbalanced by a change in interaction effects between hull
and propeller. Investigations performed by Nichols et al. (6) have led to the
same result. Model I which is optimum according to the statistical data of the
N.S.M.B. is still optimum with respect to the delivered shaft horsepower at the
design speed of 16 knots.

The cigar-shaped stern of model IV is bad from a viewpoint of resistance.

However, the interaction effects between hull and propeller are such that in the
loaded condition as well as in the light condition, model IV requires 2-3 percent
more power than the optimum hull form (model I).

Measurements of the longitudinal component of the velocity in the plane of

the propeller were made with the four models. From these measurements it
was concluded that the circumferential inequalities behind model II is worse
than that behind the models I and in. Model IV shows the most homogeneous
wake pattern of all afterbody variations.

Recently, the results of wake measurements made on a large number of

ship models at the David Taylor Model Basin have been published by Hadler and
Cheng (3). Both the longitudinal and the tangential velocity components of the
wake were measured. From experiments with a series of tanker models with
systematically varied stern shapes it was concluded that the models with the
more U-shaped stern tended to generate a more uniform longitudinal velocity
and a large downward velocity in the propeller plane near the propeller hub.
The more V-shaped stern tended to give a large fluctuation in the longitudinal
velocity, while the tangential velocity is relatively smaller in magnitude as is
the downward flow near the hub. From an analysis of the effect of the nonuni-
form velocity field on propeller cavitation and propeller-induced vibration, it
was concluded that the moderate U-shaped stern would provide best vibration
and cavitation characteristics.

Wake measurements on a ship model with a Hogner-type stern have also

been presented by Hadler and Cheng (3). From a comparison of the results of
the Hogner-shape stern design and the conventional stern design from the
standpoint of minimizing vibration and cavitation problems in terms of uniform-
ity in flow, the superiority of the Hogner-type stern was evident. This conclu-
sion is in accordance with the results of observations of the cavitation patterns

van Manen, Oosterveld and Witte

and measurements of thrust and torque variations of the screws, performed at

the N.S.M.B. with the Models I and IV.

Choice of Propulsion System

Among the special types of propulsors which have as their object an im-
provement in the propulsive quality of the ship, the ducted propeller takes an
important place. The ducted propeller is now extensively used in those cases
where the ship screw is heavily loaded or where the screw is limited in diame-
ter. The possibility of using the ducted propeller for the propulsion of tugs,
towboats, and trawlers has been adequately demonstrated in practice in the
course of the last thirty years.

In previous publications of the N.S.M.B. (7-10), the results of systematic

experiments with screw series in nozzles were given. These experiments sup-
plied design data for propeller-nozzle systems with optimum efficiency. The
standard nozzle profile applied by the N.S.M.B. from the viewpoint of efficiency
is nozzle No. 19a, having an angle between nose-tail line of nozzle profile and
propeller shaft axis a.^ = 9.2, a camber ratio f/e = 0.069, a maximum thick-
ness ratio s/l = 0.15 and a nozzle length-diameter ratio -i/B = 0.5. The ordi-
nates of this profile are given in Fig. 5.


Fig. 5 - Profile and ordinates

of nozzle No. 19A

Manoeuvrability and Propulsion of Very large Tankers

A method used frequently for expressing the characteristics of a propeller

type is the relationship between Bp, 8, and Vp for optimum propeller diameter.
The design coefficient B^ and the speed ratio ^ are defined as


s =

where n is the number of revolutions per minute, the power P is in horsepower,

the speed of advance v^ is in knots and the screw diameter D is in feet. The
optimum relationship between B , S, and r]^ is given in Fig. 6 for the Ka 3-65,
Ka 4-70, and Ka 5-75 screw series in nozzle No. 19a and for the B 4-70 screw
series. At the top of the figure the ranges of Bp -values typical for different
ship types are indicated. The lightly -loaded screws of fast ships are at the
left-hand side, while the heavily loaded propellers of towing vessels are at the

Ka4-70 N0|9<
B 4-70

60 70 80 90 100 120 140 160

Fig. 6 - Comparison of the Ka-screw series

in nozzle No. 19A and B4-70 screw series

van Manen, Oosterveld and Witte

Figure 6 shows clearly the reasons why ducted propellers are used at heavy
propeller-loadings occurring in tugs, trawlers, and large tankers. As tanker
sizes continue to grow, the advantage of ducted propellers, higher efficiency,
and reduced optimum diameter, will become greater.

Analysis of the reduction in SHP due to the use of a nozzlehas been made
for tankers with an installed power of 30,000 SHP and different deadweight. The
rotative speed of the impeller has been fixed at 100 RPM. The result is given
in Fig. 7 which clearly shows the great reduction in SHP which can be obtained.
For a tanker of 100,000 tons deadweight, a reduction of 8 percent in SHP is

Manoeuvrability and Propulsion of Very Large Tankers

48,500-TDW tanker: conventional stern (clearwater stern with moderately

U-shaped sections)
Hogner-type stern with rudder shoe and nozzle

Details of the stern arrangements are presented in Figs. 8 and 9. Resistance

and self -propulsion tests were run for the light and loaded condition. Table 1
compares the results of the EHP and SHP tests of the 32,500-TDW tanker model.
The results for the 48,500-TDW tanker are shown in Table 2.

Table 1
EHP and SHP Tests 32,500-TDW Tanker
(design speed 17 knots at 16,000 SHP)

van Manen, Oosterveld and Witte

Fig. 9 - Details of stern arrangennents for 48,500-TDW tanker model

Table 2
EHP and SHP Tests with 48,500-TDW Tanker
(design speed 16 knots at 16,000 SHP)

Manoeuvrability and Propulsion of Very Large Tankers

Advanced Propulsion for a High-Powered Tanker with Bow

and Stern Thruster Control

In the introduction the elimination of the rudder was suggested by providing

large tankers with bow and stern thrusters for transverse control. The elimi-
nation of the rudder opens the possibility of extremely cigar -shaped sterns. A
complete nozzle ring can be fitted then, attached with four brackets to this

The presence a rudder on a single-screw ship tends to improve the pro-

pulsive efficiency. may be attractive from a viewpoint
In addition, the tailpiece
of course stability. Therefore, a fixed tailpiece must be fitted to the nozzle
ring. In Fig. 1, such an afterbody arrangement is shown.

Model tests have been carried out to obtain a comparison between the pro-
pulsive quality of tankers with a conventional stern arrangement and with the
stern arrangement indicated in Fig. 1. The different stern designs have been
made for a 90,000-ton deadweight tanker, having an engine power of 18,000 SHP
and a speed of 15.75 knots. The principal particulars of the tanker are given in
Table 3.

Table 3
Principal Particulars of Tanker

Loaded Condition

Length between perpendiculars

van Manen, Oosterveld and Witte

Fig. 10 - Body plans and propeller arrangements

for the 90,000-TDW tanker model

The model with Hogner-type stern has been tested with three different noz-
zles. Nozzle No. 1 is derived from nozzle No. 19a by taking into account the ef-
fect of the hub shape of the flow. The taper of the hub is accounted for by locat-
ing the nozzle profile with reference to the direction of the undisturbed flow.
The direction can be determined if one assumes frictional effects and static
pressure variations to be negligible over the axial distance of the nozzle. It is
then a matter of satisfying the law of continuity. This method is only permitted
ifthe shape and the diameter of the hub are not too extreme. The design calcu-
lations for the ducted screw propeller were based on the method given in Refs.
9 and 10. The nozzles No. 2 and No. 3 have in comparison with nozzle No. 1, a
more pronounced converging part before the screw. This may be attractive
from a viewpoint of a more homogeneous flow in the nozzle. The particulars of
the nozzle profiles Nos. 1, 2, and 3 are given in Fig. 12.

Model resistance and self-propulsion tests were conducted in the deep-

water basin in accordance with established procedures. All model data were
extrapolated to the full-scale ship values using Schoenherr's friction coefficients
with an addition of 0.00035 for correlation allowances. A trip wire of 1 mm
diameter, was fitted around each model at station 5 percent LBP for turbulence
stimulation. The results of the resistance and self-propulsion tests in the
loaded and in the light condition are given in Tables 4 and 5.

Manoeuvrability and Propulsion of Very Large Tankers


D =6700mm
van Manen, Oosterveld and Witte


No. X

Fig. 12 - Profiles for nozzles No. 1, 2, and 3

Manoeuvrability and Propulsion of Very Large Tankers

Table 4
Results of Resistance and Self-Propulsion Tests in Loaded Condition
van Manen, Oosterveld and Witte

Table 5
Results of Resistance and Self-Propulsion Tests in Light Condition
Manoeuvrability and Propulsion of Very Large Tankers

Table 7
Hogner-Type Stern Better (+) or Worse (-) Than Conventional
Stern Arrangement at Light Condition

van Manen, Oosterveld and Witte

effect was also measured by the authors of Ref. 13; they went to higher v u val-
ues than English and established that the total side force and effective moment
acting on their model both had a minimum for V u at about 0.4 to 0.5.

This peculiar behaviour can be understood from the work of Keffer and
Baines (14). They found that for V U values higher than 0.2, a jet which was
initially blown through a hole in a wall perpendicular to the mainstream turns
90 and tends to cling to the wall creating a region of low pressure downstream
of the nozzle. This low pressure region creates a suction force which tends to
diminish the effect of the thrust unit. For ships with jet steering this is an im-
portant effect since the center of action of the suction force moves aft for higher
V/u values, hence the turning effect on the ship is no longer proportional to the
side force on the ship and must be assessed in terms of both side force and
turning moment.

A qualitative view of the effect of the forces and moments involved is given
by Fig. 13.


Ms=Tx-Sy Tc-

Ts = T-S


Fig. 13 - Forces and moments on a

moving ship with a bow thruster

When V is increased, the center of the suction force S moves downstream

decreasing the effective turning moment M^ on the ship. This turning moment
passes a minimum and then increases again. When S passes the center of the
ship, M^ has the same value as when v - 0. In Fig. 14, taken from Ref, 13, the
dimensionless moment M^ pAU^x is plotted against the velocity ratio V U, and
the curve clearly displays the effect. The line T^ AU^ against V U is also

Manoeuvrability and Propulsion of Very Large Tankers

van Manen, Oosterveld and Witte

or the starboard nozzles in such a manner that always a left- or right-hand

torque acted on the ship. The time lag of the valve action was very small com-
pared with the swinging period of the ship (Fig. 2).

During the z manoeuvring experiments the relevant quantities were meas-

ured using the following methods:

Water mass flow from two mercury filled U-tubes connected with the ven-
turi nozzles.

Rudder angle h was adjusted on the servo motor moving the rudder.

Yaw angle / and the drift angle /3 were measured with a gyroscope mounted
on the model.

Yaw angle rate = di///dt was derived by electronic differentiation of the

gyroscope yaw angle signal with respect to the time t

The nozzle exhaust velocity u was calculated with the aid of the continuity
equation from the measured water mass flow rate and the known nozzle exhaust
diameter. During the experiments the following quantities were changed: the
draft H, the ship velocity v, the nozzle diameter D^, the nozzle exhaust veloc-
ity u for the jet steering model, and the rudder angle for the conventional'


The following experimental program was started:

Jet Steering

H = 8.13, 14.3 m
V = 5, 9, 13, 17 knots
D^ = 1.10, 0.357 m
U = 8.95, 12.1, 15, 17.9, 20.8 m/sec for D = 1.10 m
U = 18.6, 38.4, 58.5, 77, 97 m/sec for D^ = 0.357 m
Rudder Steering

H = 8.13 m, 14.3 m
V = 5, 9, 13, 17 knots
S = 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 degrees

For the adjustment of the nozzle exhaust velocity at model scale, Froude
scalingwas used. Thus the velocity ratio V/U for model scale and true scale
remained the same.

The experiments were done in such a way that the model propelled itself
with a certain desired model speed before rudder or jet action was initiated,
after which the response of the model to alternating rudder movement or jet

Manoeuvrability and Propulsion of Very Large Tankers

action was measured as a function of time. A qualitative diagram of the differ-

ent quantities such as 0, /', U, o and the lateral displacement of the ship is
shown in Fig. 15 whilst Fig. 16 defines the quantities used.

The Results of the Comparative Z Manoeuvring Tests

One of the main reasons for this investigation was to devise criteria and
the possible regions of application for conventional rudder steering and jet
steering. It was clear that at service speed it would be difficult to improve on
the conventional system since the power requirements for jet steering might
become excessive.
A common yardstick for both steering systems was considered to be the
maximum value of the yaw angle rate 4'^^^. Figure 16 shows the behaviour of
as a function of time during the z manoeuvring tests. During the experiments





Fig. 15 - Path of some innportant steering

quantities as a function of time

van Manen, Oosterveld and Witte


<^ r l// z 0.

Fig. 16 - Definition sketch of some quantities given in Fig. 15

with the model with rudder steering, p^^^ could be measured as a function of
the rudder angle for a given ship speed v. When the model with jet steering

was used, the dependence of ^^^^ on the jet velocity u was measured for a cer-
tain ship speed. For a known u, the cross flow parameter v u and the jet
power given by the expression N- = '^(pAU^) 75 HP, could be computed. The
experimental data are shown in Figs. 17-20 and Tables 9-11. The diagrams
illustrate the fact that the v^^gx "^^ ^ relation has a positive gradient and the /'^g,
vs v/u line a negative gradient.

The steering moment acting on the rudder of a ship decreases with v

squared when the speed of the ship is lowered. For jet steering, U and hence Nj
can be kept constant when the speed of the ship is lowered. This results in an
increase of the turning moment on the ship since decreasing speed results in a
lowering of the detrimental interaction effect between jet and hull as described
in the preceding pages. So it can be said that when jet steering generates the
same ^^^^ as rudder steering with maximum rudder deflection, in the range of

Manoeuvrability and Propulsion of Very Large Tankers

STtt-RINC,' H ^ 6 ll T)

oo^ Nj,(hP)-

Fig. 17 - Yaw rate against rudder angle h and

velocity ratio V 'U ; V = 5 knots, D^ = 0.357 m

Ob ,

van Manen, Oosterveld and Witte

Manoeuvrability and Propulsion of Very Large Tankers

ship speeds between zero and v, jet steering will produce larger turning mo-
ments than the rudder system. This will result in better manoeuvring capabil-

From the preceding discussion we conclude that for an evaluation of the jet
steering system it is necessary to compare (//^^^ at maximum rudder deflection
of 35 with the same 0^3^ generated by a certain nozzle with nozzle exit velocity
u. Table 8 shows the results which are obtained from Figs. 17, 18, 19, and 20.

Table 8
Points where ^^^^ for Rudder Steering with a Rudder
Deflection S = 35 is Equal to i'^^^ for Jet Steering

D^ = 1.10 m
van Manen, Oosterveld and Witte

Table 9
Jet Steering (h = 8.13 m)
V = 5 Knots, p^
Manoeuvrability and Propulsion of Very Large Tankers

Table 11
Rudder Steering

H = 8.13 m
van Manen, Oosterveld and Witte

Recently the idea of using the main cargo pumps of tankers for steering
purposes has been put forward. It is intended to deliver sea water with these
pumps to nozzles situated at stern and bow, the efflux of these nozzles creating
a lateral force and a turning moment on the ship. The economic incentives for
using this system are that expensive machinery which is otherwise idle is put to
work for manoeuvring the ship without any additional rotating machinery. The
possible elimination of tugboat assistance is also an important consideration.

A typical simple thrust generating system is illustrated in Fig. 21. The

main cargo pumps deliver a certain volume flow rate with a certain head. The
pressure increase across the pumps is needed to cancel the pressure drop in
the system caused by friction in the pipelines and appendages, the height differ-
ence between sea chest and nozzle exhaust, and the pressure drop in the nozzle.
Generally the last pressure decrease is the largest, the friction losses in the
pipeline can become prohibitive only when the pipe diameter is chosen too small.
The thrusters can be modulated with a throttle -valve in the pipeline. The pres-
sure drop in the various pipes, valves, bends, etc., can be computed from data
given in engineering textbooks. In a smoothly rounded exhaust nozzle (Fig. 22),
the friction losses are very low compared with the friction losses in the pipeline
system; these losses can be neglected when designing these systems. In that
case Bernoulli's law results in

~ 2 ^ ''^ '

or using the law of continuity,

8pQ2 / 1
AP,no z z 1 2
77^ VD"no zzle D".

Fig. 21 - Arrangement of simple nozzle system

Manoeuvrability and Propulsion of Very Large Tankers


Fig. 22 - Exhaust nozzle

Q being the volume flow rate through the nozzle. The generated thrust at zero
speed amounts to

For the manoeuvring experiments described in the preceding section, the capa-
an installation supplied with a nozzle exit diameter of D^ = 0.357 m
bilities of
must be seen as representative.

The plain nozzle system has the drawback that cargo pumps have an unfav-
orable head-capacity relationship (high head, low volume flow rate) which re-
sults in a large kinetic energy loss in the jet leaving the nozzle. This is the
reason why the plain nozzle system has a low thrust per installed pump horse-
power of the order of 2-3 kg/hp at zero ship speed compared to 10 kg/hp for a
typical tugboat at zero speed.

The Ejector System

By placing the exhaust nozzle described above in a tunnel with open ends at
both sides of the ship, an ejector system is obtained (Fig, 3). The jet leaving
the nozzle mixes with the surrounding water and creates a flow in the tunnel.
Since this installation increases the water mass flow rate and reduces the ex-
haust velocity a better thrust-horsepower ratio compared with the plain nozzle
installation is obtained. From experiments carried out on a special 100-hp
ejector test bench at the N.S.M.B., it was found that a thrust increase factor of
two over the plain exhaust nozzle can be achieved corresponding to a thrust of
4-6 kg/hp for a practical installation at zero ship speed. The main advantage
of this system is that a more favorable thrust -horsepower ratio is obtained
without sacrificing the basic simplicity and absence of moving parts of the plain
nozzle installation. The results of the manoeuvring tests with a nozzle diame-
ter D^ = 1.10 m should be seen as typical for the behaviour of such an ejector-
driven steering system.

van Manen, Oosterveld and Witte

A further increase of thruster efficiency is to be expected from a two-stage

ejector design (Fig. 23). By using the exhaust of a small primary ejector as the
nozzle for a big secondary ejector, the mass flow is increased further. It is ex-
pected that a thrust of 6-8 kb/hp can be attained at zero ship speed with a cargo-
pump-driven system of this configuration. Since the exhaust velocity of the pri-
mary nozzle is of the order of 30-40 m/sec, cavitation in the primary ejector
may create problems.

vy//////////jfZLl.J_S^, V////////T7

-7ZZZZZZZZ7L ^^ r//////////


Fig. 23 - Arrangement of two-stage ejector system


The main conclusions of this feasibility study are:

The extremely cigar -shaped afterbody is favourable from a viewpoint of

resistance. This is contrary to cigar-shaped sterns investigated up till now.
The EHP of the tanker with the extremely cigar-shaped afterbody is about 1
percent less in the loaded condition and 5 percent less in the light condition,
compared to the conventionally shaped tanker.

The extremely cigar-shaped stern with shrouded propeller having a large

hub-to-diameter ratio, as suggested in the introduction, offers a means of im-
proving the propulsive efficiency for large tankers in addition to minimizing
vibration and cavitation problems. The Hogner-type stern with nozzle No. 1
requires about 6 percent less SHP in the loaded condition and 9 percent less
SHP in the light condition than the conventionally shaped stern. This improve-
ment is of the same magnitude of an extreme bulbous bow, which leads to a 15
percent SHP reduction in the light condition.

The experiments show a definite advantage of the lateral thrust arrange-

ment over the conventional rudder for ship speeds up to 5 knots. Tests using

Manoeuvrability and Propulsion of Very Large Tankers

jetnozzles with larger diameters than 1.10 m may lead to an extension of the
speed range where this type of ship control has a superior manoeuvrability,
lowering at the same time the required pump power.

Comparing the two types of cargo-pump-driven lateral thrust units, it is

found that at zero forward speed the ejector type doubles the specific thrust of
2-3 kg per installed pump horsepower of the simple nozzle system. At 5 knots
ship speed, the nozzle with an exit diameter of 1.10 m, which is representative
for the ejector system, requires about half the power of the plain nozzle system
with a manoeuvrability which, when expressed in maximum yaw angle rate, is
the same.

Since it was found that at speeds above 5 knots the jet steering system can
only assist the rudder but not make it superfluous, the tail piece just behind the
propeller nozzle should be used as a rudder. Therefore it should be made mov-

1. van Manen, J.D. and Kamps, J., "The Effect of Shape of Afterbody on Pro-
pulsion," Trans. SNAME, 1959

2. Nitzki, L., "Einige Weitere Untersuchungen im Zusammenhang mit der

Anwendung der A.G. "Weser"-Hinterschiffsform," Schiff und Hafen, 1962

3. Hadler, J.B. and Cheng, H.M., "Analysis of Experimental Wake Data in Way
of Propeller Plane of Single and Twin-Screw Models," Trans. SNAME, 1965

4. van Manen, J.D., "Size, Type and Speed of Ships in the Future," Third
Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, 1960

5. Hadler, J.B., Morgan, W.B., and Meyers, K.A., "Advanced Propeller Pro-
pulsion for High-Powered Single-Screw Ship," Trans. SNAME, 1964

6. Nichols, W.O., Rubin, M.L., and Danielson, R.V., "Some Aspects of Large
Tanker -Design," Trans. SNAME, 1960

7. van Manen, J.D., "Open Water Test Series with Propellers in Nozzles,"
1, No. 2 (1954)
International Shipbuilding Progress, Vol.

8. van Manen, J.D., "Recent Research on Propellers in Nozzles," International

Shipbuilding Progress, Vol. 4, No. 36 (1957)

9. van Manen, J.D. and Superina, A., "The Design of Screw Propellers in
Nozzles," International Shipbuilding Progress, Vol. 6, No. 55 (1959)

10. van Manen, J.D., "Effect of Radial Load Distribution on the Performance of
Shrouded Propellers," Paper No. 7, The Royal Institute of Naval Architects,
March 29, 1962

van Manen, Oosterveld and Witte

11. English, J.W., "The Design and Performance of Lateral Thrust Units for
Ships," Trans. R.I.N.A., July 1963, Vol. 105, No. 3

12. Jastram, H., "Bugstrahlruder," Jahrbuch der Schiffbautechnischen Gesell-

schaft 52, Band 1958

13. and Bjorheden, O., "Influence on the Effectiveness of a

Chislett, M.S.
Lateral-Thrust Unit," 11th International Towing Tank Conference 1966 and
HyA Report No. Hy-8

14. Keffer, J.F. and Baines, W.D., "The Round Turbulent Jet in a Cross-
Wind," J. Fluid. Mech. 15, 1963, 481-496

15. Stuntz, G.R. and Taylor, R.J,, "Some Aspects of Bow Thruster Design,"
Trans. SNAME, 1964


H. Lackenby
British Ship Research Association
London, England

I was very interested to see the statement iii the conclusions that the 9 per-

cent improvement in SHP with the Hogner-type stern was of the same magnitude
as an extreme bulbous bow which leads to a 15 percent reduction in SHP in the
light condition.

In the first place, I would be glad to have some clarification on this matter,
that is, whether the 15 percent is the figure for the bulbous bow alone or
whether it refers to the bulbous bow and Hogner- stern together.

In this connection, I should like to mention an experience we had in carrying

out bow and stern variations to a tanker model. First we did the bow variations
in conjunction with a conventional stern and obtained a small improvement of
the order of 3 percent (this was not a ram bow, by the way). We then tried a
cigar-shaped stern in conjunction with a conventional bow and obtained an im-
provement, here of about 3 percent also. We then tried the bulbous bow and
bulbous stern together, hoping of course that the two improvements would be
additive, but this did not turn out to be the case. In fact the improvement was
barely significant. In other words, the effect of either the bow or stern bulb
alone was slightly better than both together.

I should like to underline here that the bulbs I am talking about were very
much less pronounced than those dealt with by the authors, and to some extent
we were probably flapping around in the experimental scatter band.

Manoeuvrability and Propulsion of Very Large Tankers

In some analysis work we have been carrying out recently, however, involv-
ing more pronounced ram bows, there is a fairly clear indication that the bow
modification is affecting the propulsive efficiency, and one has to be very care-
ful about considering the two ends of the ship separately and then assuming the
effects to be additive.

Perhaps the authors would comment on this question of bow and stern inter-


J. Strom-Tejsen
David Taylor Model Basin
(after March 31, 1967 renamed the Naval
Ship Research and Development Center)
Washington, D.C.

It is certainly refreshing to read a paper like this in which the authors have

studied the application of an unconventional control system to very large tank-

ers. It would have been more interesting had the proposed jet control system
shown definite merits as an alternative to the traditional rudder configuration.
Unfortunately the jet system alone according to the paper would require exces-
sive power in order to produce forces comparable to those obtained by a con-
ventional rudder. Also the authors' alternate proposal, combining the jet system
and the small tail piece as a movable rudder, is questionable in its present con-
figuration as it is unlikely that the small tail piece tested would suffice in area
to produce the desired maneuvering forces. It would be of interest to know if
the authors actually have explored this alternative further.

The extreme cigar -shaped afterbody having a shrouded propeller is appar-

ently an attractive solution from a resistance and propulsion point of view since
critical problems due to vibration and cavitation are reduced. But let us for a
moment consider the merits of this form with respect to some of the problems
encountered in the field of controllability of very large tankers. These ships,
for instance, are known to have very poor inherent course stability qualities.
As deadwood has been reduced and a big conventional rudder eliminated in the
proposed stern arrangement, it is possible that the dynamic stability problem
would become more critical in this case, and the proposal thus would be unreal-
istic unless additional fin area is added. I think many of us would appreciate
the authors commenting on this problem and possibly adding to the paper the
results from a course stability study.

The stopping and backing are other examples of maneuvers which by many
are considered critical for the very large tankers. As shrouded propellers are
known to be inferior to conventional propellers with respect to the retarding
and backing force which can be produced in a stopping maneuver, it is necessary

van Manen, Oosterveld and Witte

in the case of the nozzle propeller propulsion to pay attention to this problem,
and it might be necessary to introduce special braking arrangements in order to
reduce the stopping length.

Finally, a short question. Has the comparison between the Hogner-type and
conventional stern given in Tables 5 through 8 been based on experiments with
jet tunnels installed in the model, thus actually taking into account the small in-
crease of resistance due to the tunnel opening?


S. Bindel
Bassin d'Essais des Carehes
Paris, France

I am a skeptical of the elimination of the rudder from such full ships

as tankers. In rudder has two separate functions the first one is, of
fact, the
course, to make the ship turn but it also constitutes, when amidship, a stabiliz-
ing fin to maintain the ship on a straight line. I would like to ask the authors if
they have measured the course stability of the tanker without rudder.

Besides, it may be added that the rudder has a beneficial influence on the
propulsive efficiency, in reducing the energy loss due to the rotation of the flow
behind the propeller. Have the authors compared the supplementary resistance
due to the hull openings of the stern lateral thruster with the effective resist-
ance of the rudder ?


Orvar Bjorheden
KMW Maine Laboratory
Kristinehamn, Sweden

Let me first compliment the authors for bringing up a most interesting

paper within this very important field. Indisputably, a cigar -shaped stern as
once suggested by the late Professor Hogner will, to a considerable degree,
reduce the problems involved in cavitation erosion and propeller -induced ship
hull vibrations. Among the most interesting results from the present N.S.M.B.
tests is that such a stern arrangement also seems to give a considerable

Manoeuvrability and Propulsion of Very Large Tankers

reduction in propeller horsepower compared with a conventional stern arrange-

ment. From the basic concepts it appears that a reduction in propeller horse-
power is possible either by reducing ship resistance or by improving the pro-
pulsive efficiency. The present tests with a 90,000-TDW tanker model show
both these improvements, the resistance being reduced by 1 and 5 and the effi-
ciency improved by 5 and 4 percent at the loaded and light condition, respec-
tively. According to another well-known equation, the propulsive efficiency may
be expressed as the product of the propeller, hull, and relative rotative effi-
ciencies. Unfortunately the paper does not give any information as to the way in
which these propulsive coefficients are affected by the proposed nozzle propeller
arrangement, and I would like to ask the authors if any such information is avail-
able. It would also have been interesting to know what efficiency one may obtain
by using an unducted propeller in combination with the Hogner stern. From the
related work on a 39,000-TDW tanker model (Section 2 of the authors' paper),
one gets the impression that the Hogner stern permits the propulsive efficiency
to be improved also with a normal free propeller.

The idea of using an ejector type of thruster is interesting as it seems to

offer a solution to the problem of combining a high-pressure cargo pump with
an effective low-speed transverse jet. However, I would like to draw your at-
tention to the fact that it might occasionally be desirable to have the possibility
of using the thrusters and the cargo pumps simultaneously, for instance when
loading or unloading at mooring, for trimming purposes when getting out of har-
bors, etc. Obviously there are several other aspects, mainly of a practical na-
ture, which should be regarded when considering a cargo-pump-driven thruster.
With respect to the human factor, one might expect for instance an increased
risk of accidental discharge of cargo oil. In my opinion, a cargo-pump thruster
should not be considered unless it shows marked economical benefits over con-
ventional thrusters. The present paper does not give any clear indication of
this point. The power figures given represent only the jet power. I would like
to know if the authors have made any estimates of frictional and bend losses in
the rather extensive pipeline they are proposing, and if a normally sized pump
equipment is capable of producing a sufficient thrust. It would also be interest-
ing to see a comparison between the costs of a cargo-pump thruster including
valves, nozzles, pipes, governors, etc., and a corresponding conventional

Among the possible merits of a thruster steering system that the authors
mention are the reduced tug assistance costs. To illustrate the rate of these
savings I would like to submit some statistical data given to us by a well-known
shipping company in Europe. The figures apply to two 12,000-TDW sister cargo
liners which have been in service between Europe and the Far East for about
two years. One of them is equipped with a 600 -hp bow thruster plus a
controllable -pitch main propeller; the other has a conventional fixed-pitch
propeller. It appears that for the ship with bow thruster, tug costs are reduced
by about 80 percent compared with her sister ship without bow thruster. For
some of the ports along the trade the following numbers of tugs are needed in-
cluding both arrival and departure:

van Manen, Oosterveld and Witte
Manoeuvrability and Propulsion of Very Large Tankers

requires about 6 percent less SHP in the loaded and 9 percent less SHP in the
light condition. The application an extreme bulbous bow for this type of ship
will possibly lead to a 15-percent SHP reduction in the light and no reduction in
the loaded condition. The time this type of ship will sail loaded and in ballast,
will be about equal, so the improvements in SHP with the Hogner stern and noz-
zle fitted and with an extreme bulbous bow are of the same magnitude. At this
moment we do not have experience with respect to the resistance and the re-
quired shaft horsepower of ships with both an extreme bulbous bow and a Hogner
stern with nozzle fitted.

We agree with Mr. Strom-Tejsen that the jet system according to the paper
would require excessive power in order to produce at service speed forces
comparable to those obtained by a conventional rudder, due to the relatively
small nozzle diameters. The comparison between the EHP of the model with
the Hogner-type and the conventional stern has been based on experiments with-
out jet tunnels installed in the model. The increase in resistance due to the
tunnel openings (for these small tunnel diameters less than 0.5-1.0 percent) was
not taken into account.

We agree with Mr. Bindel that special attention must be paid to the problem
of course stability. Some remarks can be made already. Firstly, we are aware
that the Hogner stern will not affect favorably the course stability. On the other
hand we expect that the nozzle itself will form a positive element with respect
to course stability. Finally the tail piece will be an addition and forms a means
for further affecting (by increasing the lateral area) the course stability of the

In regard to Mr. Bjorheden's questions, it must be remarked that for the

determination of the propeller, hull, and relative rotative efficiencies, the thrust
of both screw and nozzle must be measured. Only the thrust of the screw was
measured here.

The data given by Mr. Bjorheden with respect to the reduction in tug assist-
ance costs due to the application of bow thrusters and his remarks with respect
to the stopping characteristics of large vessels are very interesting. Recently,
investigations were performed at the N.S.M.B. with respect to the stopping
abilities of a 100,000-TDW single-screw turbine tanker with an output of 28,000
HP at 85 RPM and equipped with different propeller types. The stopping abili-
ties have been derived from model test results by means of a qua si -stationary
method. Stopping times of about 32, 28, 23, and 18 min from full speed of 16
knots were found for, respectively, a conventional screw, a screw and nozzle
system, a contra-rotating propeller system, and a controllable -pitch propeller.
The head reaches were, respectively, 5100, 4800, 4450, and 2900 meters. For
an extensive discussion of this matter, we refer to the original paper of Hooft
and van Manen, to be read at the Spring Meeting 1967 of the RINA. From these
results it can be seen that the stopping characteristics of the ducted propeller
are better than those of the conventional screw.


A. Strumpf
Davidson Laboratory
Stevens Institute of Technology
Hoboken, New Jersey

Equations of motion are used as a basis for analyzing the inherent dy-
namic stability and limit maneuver response of a tail-stabilized sub-
mersible in cruising and hovering vertical plane motions. It is shown
that this type of vessel can perform adequately in cruising, but is sub-
ject to highly coupled, unstable hovering motion, especially in stern-to-
bow ocean currents. The stability of a submersible with both bow and
stern stabilizers, having fore-aft symmetry, also is treated. This lat-
ter type of design has inherent hovering stability, and its symnnetry
would have a salutory effect on the coupled motions of the vessel.

The basic nomenclature is adapted from SNAME Technical and Research
Bulletin No. 1-5. Three different right-handed rectangular coordinate frames
are used:

1. Body axes (x,y, z) with origin at the center of buoyancy (CB)

2. An inertial frame (xo.yg.Zo) fixed in the earth

3. Fluid axes (x^yp Zf ) which move with a constant velocity U^ relative to


A sketch of the axes systems and the positive directions of the various angles,
velocities, and forces is shown.

Hydrodynamic forces in the x, y, and z directions are designated by X, Y, Z

and moments by K, M, and N. Velocity components u, v, and w of the CB are
measured relative to the fluid axes in directions of the x, y, and z axes, re-
spectively. Angular velocity components of body axes are designated by p, q,
and r. Velocity components upv^.w^ of the fluid current relative to earth are
measured in the directions of the x^.y^z^ axes, respectively, which are always
parallel to the x^.y^.z,, axes.





The weight w of the submersible is positive and includes internal water.

The buoyancy B, also positive, is the weight of water displaced by the volume
enclosed in the external boundary of the submersible. The coordinates x^.y^,, z^
of the center of gravity (CG) are measured in the body axes frame. The pitch
moment of inertia of the body is lyy and is referred to the y axis, and the mass
m is W/g.

Derivatives with respect to time are denoted by a dot over the symbol,

e.g., u is the x -component Hydrodynamic force and moment

of acceleration.
derivatives are evaluated at zero angular velocity, zero acceleration, and zero
angles of attack a, sideslip /3, and elevator s These are denoted by the force .

or moment with a velocity, acceleration, or angle symbol as subscript, e.g.,

BZ/3w = z^ and BM/BS = Mg, Second derivatives are denoted in a similar man-
ner, e.g., B^x/BwBq = X^.

Stability indices are given by a^ subscript , being an integer. denotes

the angular velocity of the longitudinal propeller.

Subscripts used include a for the change in a value due to addition of an

appendage, b and s for bow and stern, respectively, c for thruster control
forces and moments, e for the equilibrium value of a quantity, h for bare hull
value, and m for maximum value of a quantity.

The length -^ and the frontal area A of the hull are used in forming dimen-
sionless coefficients, which are denoted by the prime of a symbol. Some exam-
ples of these are

x^ = Z' = Z/I AU2 M' M/f A^U2 m' m/f A-C q' =
J , , = , = ,
y '

= zy4
w/ 2 Au , z; = z /| a^u , h' -
^ ^ i', -
i.Vf A-e^

where p is the mass density of water and U is the magnitude of U.

Cruising and Hovering Response of a Tail-Stabilized Submersible

In the present paper, motion equations are utilized to investigate some of
the stability and control problems that may be encountered in the operation of a
tail-stabilized submersible which must cruise and hover in an ocean current
environment. Most of the examples given to illustrate the behavior of the ves-
sel were obtained from a variation of parameter, digital computer study of the
vertical plane cruising and hovering limit maneuvers of a 43-ft-long, 8-ft-
diameter rescue submersible. The latter work was sponsored by the Special
Projects Office of the U.S. Navy, and the results were presented recently in a
Davidson Laboratory report (1).


The basic hull form is a streamlined body of revolution with a screw pro-
peller for forward thrust, bow and stern thrusters for hovering pitch, heave,
yaw, and sway control, a mercury flow system for roll control, and either a
movable ring tail or fixed tail fins with movable rudders and elevators for sta-
bilization and control in cruising operations. In the case of the rescue submers-
ible (2), a mating bell is near the center and on the bottom of the vessel. This
is to attach to the access hatch of a disabled submarine to permit the transfer
of twelve survivors at a time to the rescue submersible, and then to another
operational submarine. Thus, the need for both precise hovering control during
mating operations and the cruising maneuver capabilities.


Although a mathematical model representing the dynamic behavior of the
submersible in six-degrees-of -freedom was developed, this is simplified for
treatment of the three-degree-of-freedom motions in the vertical plane, and the
automatic control system is replaced by a series of simple control rules which
describe the limit overshoot maneuvers in cruising and hovering flight. This
simplified model is complete enough to show the underlying factors which can
cause difficulties with the motions of the submersible.

During any given maneuver, it is assumed that the mass m, the pitch mo-
ment of inertia lyy, and the fluid current velocity Lf are constant. It also is
assumed that the submersible has geometric symmetry relative to its vertical
xz -plane and that the main hull is a body of revolution with fore -aft symmetry.
The latter assumption permits a relatively simple representation of the hydro-
dynamic forces and moments in hovering conditions where the angle of attack
can vary from to 2
tt. Extensive experimental data are lacking for these

The equations of motion in the vertical plane are written using the body
axes (x,y,z) and an inertial frame (xpy^zj) which is fixed in the fluid. The
fluid axes form an inertial frame because U= (Uf,0,wj)is constant relative to
an inertial frame (x^.y^,, z^) fixed in the earth.


The longitudinal propulsive force x^ is used in both cruising and hovering

operations, and the vertical bow and stern thrust forces ^^^ and z^ with longitu-
dinal coordinates x^ and -xj,, respectively, are used in hovering operations.
The movable elevators are used for control in cruising flight.

Under the above assumptions, the motion equations are as follows:

(a) AjU + A2W + A3(9+ k^ub \ k^\\x\'d "f AgWi9 + A^uU + AgwU + AgWu + k^^O'^

+ Aii|(9|0 + Aj2 sin + A^j cos d + Aj^S|u|u = X^.

(b) BjU + B2W + B^'S + B4U^+ B5|u|6'+ BgW(9 + B^uU + BgwU + Bgwu + B^^'O^
+ Bii\'6\d + B12 sin 9 + Bjj cos 6 + Bj^Slulu = Z^,

(c) CiU + C2W + C^6 + C^u'e + Cslul^H- CgW(9 + C^uU + CgwU + CgWu + Cjo^^

+ Cii|i9|(9 + Cj2 sin d + C^j cos d + Ci^SJulu = M^,


Xc = axl"xl"x + b^ln^lu (a)

Zc = Zs + Zb (b) (2)

Mc = ''b(Zs-Zb) (c)

Xq = u COS (9 + w sin 6 + Uf (a)

z^ = -u sin 6 + vj cos (9 + Wj (b)

- dr + x^(0) (c)
''o dr
'0 (3)

^o - f ^dr
dr + z(0) (d)

U = (u^+ w^) (e)


A, = m - ^klX: B, = m - 4 A-tZ! C. = C. = oiZq

A3 = mzQ B3 = -mXQ Cj - -C4 - -mxQ

A, = m -
I A^X;^ B, = - (m +
I A-^Z' ) C3 = I^y - 4 A^'M.'

Cruising and Hovering Response of a Tail-Stabilized Submersible

k-j - - -^ k\


Ao A^

An A.

The appendage moment must be zero when a = tk-n, and the product
Uw = u^ sin a has this property of symmetry, so it is suitable for estimating the
contribution of the appendage to the pitch moment in hovering flight.

The only experimental results which are available to check the validity of
this representation are those obtained at the Davidson Laboratory under spon-
sorship of the Lockheed Missile and Space Company (3). The hull was elliptical
in cross-section, and the hydrodynamic yaw moment coefficient N' was obtained
experimentally as a function of sideslip angle /3 in the range -15 ^ /3 < 90 for
the fully appendaged condition. Analogously to Eqs. (5a, b) the yaw moment N
due to sideslip velocity v is represented as

A-t N.. uv + N,, Uv (6)


u = U cos /3 and v = -U sin /3 (7)

in Eq. (6) gives

= - N; sin 2/3 + N' sin /3 (8)
"i h a

and division by (p/2)A'Cu^ gives the dimensionless equation

N' = - -^N^ sin 2/3 + N' sin /3

2 h a

The yaw moment coefficients tabulated in Ref. 3 are based upon ^:^ These are .

converted here to the M

basis by multiplying the Ref, 3 coefficients by i^'k
where A = ttH^ 4 and h is the maximum height of the main hull. The n' data for
the full appendage case (3) are curve-fitted to Eq. (9) by a least square analysis
and the coefficients are found to be Nv,^ = -0.72 and N(,^ = +0.36. Figure 1 shows
the comparison of the curve-fitted theoretical representation

N' 0.36 sin 2/3 - 0.36 sin (10)

with the experimental data. The standard deviation of the test data from the
theoretical curve is 0.01, which is statistically equal to the standard deviation
of the test data among themselves. These results indicate that the theoretical
representation of the pitch moment in the equations of motion is accurate over
the whole range of angle of attack.

The hydrodynamic vertical force arising from w is not separated because

symmetry conditions dictate that both the hull and appendage forces vanish when
a = k7T. The representation

Z = -B wU = 4 AU^ Z', sin a (11)

Cruising and Hovering Response of a Tail-Stabilized Submersible


FROt^ EQ. { 9>

Fig. 1 - Comparison with test results to determine

validity of theoretical representation of pitch mo-
ment in motion equations

given in Eq. (lb) has this property. The turning test results (3) are used for
comparison with the representation given by Eq. (11). The expression for the
side force which is analogous to Eq. (11) is

- au^y; sin /S
f ,

or in dimensionless form

Y' (12)

As before, the coefficient data (3) are converted to the A basis and least square
fitted to Eq. (12), giving the result

Y' = 4.53 sin /? . (13)

Figure 2 shows the comparison of Eq. (13) with the experimental data. Although
the standard deviation of the test data from the theoretical curve is greater than
the standard deviation of the data among themselves (i.e., 0.25 vs 0.091), part of
this discrepancy arises because the tests were made at subcritical Reynolds
numbers (Re) at the high sideslip angles (i.e., 45 < /3 < 90). This causes the
cross flow drag coefficient (which is equal to Y' at /? = 90) to be larger than
would be the case if Re were higher than the critical value. If the data at /3 = 90
had been obtained at Re ~ 1.0 xlO^ rather than at Re ~ 4,4x10^, it is expected
that much better correlation would have resulted. This conjecture plus the rea-
sonably good representation by Eq. (12) of the Y-force data in the range
-15 ^ /3 < 90 (even in the case of large variations in Reynolds number)
accounts for the retention of the simple expression for the Z-force in the mo-
tion equations. Additional test data over the whole range of attack angle and a
series of Reynolds numbers are needed for clarification.





Fig. 2 - Comparison with test results to

determine validity of theoretical repre-
sentation of normal force in motion


(A) Cruising

When acceptable cruising conditions are possible, the vessel has inherent
dynamic stability relative to a level, straight course equilibrium state (u^.^^.s^),
where < u < u and |s| < s, u and s being the maximum attainable speed
and elevator angle, respectively. An inherently stable vessel can recover from
very high degrees of control saturation, whereas the inherently unstable vessel
cannot (4). In a proportional control, the degree of control saturation may be
defined as the ratio of the elevator angle s (or elevator angular velocity i> ) that
would be attained if there were no limit, to its limiting value s^ (or bJ).

Using small perturbation theory and Eqs. (1), it can be shown (5) that under
constant X^, and zero z^ and M^, conditions, a submersible is dynamically stable
in cruising flight if

z;m' - (m' + z;)M; > o (14a)


X' z;w'(^6-''G^e) - m;(w'-b')^, + (w'-B')(ZsM;-z;M5)Se > o. (I4b)


W ^ 7- Au
and B'

Inequality (14a) is the hydrodynamic stability criterion, and (14b) reduces to

Cruising and Hovering Response of a Tail-Stabilized Submersible

Zg -''G^e > (15)

in the case where w = B (neutral buoyancy), the main operating condition of the
submersible. The expressions for e^ and s^ are obtained from Eqs. (1) under
the conditions that wj = 0, e^ is small, w = B, and Mg = (1/2)25. This gives

[(M;-|z;)f A^u/-w. Z',

Use of Eq. (16) in Eq. (15) results in

(M;-|z;)f a^u.^-wzg

as a necessary condition for dynamic stability. For a body with tail fins, the
coefficients z^, z^, m^, and M^ can be represented by the relations (Ref. 6)

z'W = z'W + z' Mw - ^w (19a)

T ^w

m;:.m;^.1z; (19b)
Since the quantity

M ',
- 77 Zw
' - Mw. Z' > , (20)
2 *h

Eq. (18) shows that

zo > (21)

is a necessary condition for dynamic stability of the neutrally buoyant submers-


The other basis for defining acceptable cruising conditions is that 1

8^1 < S^^

or, from Eq. (17)

< s .

m; -
^ z;) A-eu.^ - wz^ z;


The criterion given by Eq. (14a) now is applied to the case of a tapered body
of revolution with

-^=43.25 ft; A=49.3sqft; B= 95,500 lb; ly^ = 2. 94 x 10^ slug- f t ^ (23a)

The bare hull coefficients are

Z; = -0.71; M; = 0.98; Z' = -0.14; and M' = -0.07; (23b)

and the mass coefficient m' for the neutrally buoyant case is 1.40. By substitut-
ing Eqs. (19) into (14a) and using the given numerical constants in the resulting
expression, it is found that the submersible has neutral hydrodynamic stability
when the tail appendage has a normal force rate coefficient z^^ = -0.86. Thus,
-z^ > 0.86 defines one of the limit curves for acceptable cruising performance.

Similarly, the criteria given by Eqs. (18) and (22) are applied to the hydro-
dynamically stable conditions defined by

Z; = Z5 = -1.5 and 5 = 0.35 rad (24)


and Eqs. (23). The cross-hatched areas u^ vs x^ with z^ as parameter shown

in Fig. 3 define the region where acceptable cruising performance is possible.
The acceptable cruising regions in the u^.x^ plane are characterized by two
roughly triangular areas with the same vertex on the x^ = axis and a u^ value
there which is always greater than the critical speed* (but approximately equal
to it when z^ > 0.03 ft). The upper area is always much larger than the lower,
but both angles at the vertex increase with Zq. The base of the upper area is
the maximum speed (assumed here to be u^ = 8.0 ft/sec), and the base of the
lower area is u^ = 0. For the hydrodynamically stable submersible, acceptable
cruising conditions are limited by dynamic instability when z^ is small and by
the excessively large elevator angles required for equilibrium when z^ is large.
In either case, it is necessary to keep x^ small in order to permit cruising at
low speeds.
The existence of the cruising regions near u^ - x^ = should not be inter-
preted as being acceptable hovering conditions. The reason for this is that
cruising and hovering conditions refer to two completely different equilibrium
states. In the cruising condition no attempt is made to keep the submersible
motionless relative to the x^,y^,z^ frame (i.e., x^^ = z^ = 0), whereas this is
precisely the situation in hovering. For example, the case where the submers-
ible drifts with a current u^ = 1.69 ft/sec (1 knot), so that its longitudinal speed
Up = relative to the fluid, is a permissible and acceptable equilibrium cruising
condition if z^ = 0,05 ft and x^ = 0.005 ft (see Fig. 3); however, it is not an ad-
missible hovering condition because x 0. :j:

*The critical speed for a given Zq is that for which the denominator of Eq. (16)

Cruising and Hovering Response of a Tail-Stabilized Submersible


(B) Hovering

When acceptable hovering conditions are possible, the vessel has inherent
dynamic stability relative to an equilibrium state with ^o^ - '^o^ = 0, e - 0^,
and where lu^l < u^, Iz^J < z^ and IZb^l < z^, z^ being the maximum vertical
force obtainable with either the bow or stern thruster.

The inherent dynamic stability of the submersible in the hovering equilib-

rium state

K c
= '^r.
= 61^ = (9^ = w^ = and u = -u, (25)

has been investigated (1) under the conditions that

5 = 0, Z3 = Zj , Zb = Zb , n^ = n^ . and W - B = .


u=Ug + u, w=w, 6-6, etc., (27)

and substituting Eqs. (25), (26), and (27) into the equations of motion give

[-(Sign Ug) (a)


2s = 2^ = -Zb (b)

for the equilibrium equations, and

AjU + Aj^ + A,gU = (a)

62^ + 63^ + Bj5^ + Bj^w = (b)

CiG + Cj^ + C^ + Ci5^ + Cj2^ + C17W = (c) (29)

^o = ^ (*)

for the linearized perturbation equations, where

A16 = 2|uJ - b^ln^J

Bis = B^u^ + BjluJ; B,^ = BgluJ (30)

C,5 = C,u^ + CjluJ; Ci, = CjuJ + C,u^.

and the other constants are defined in Eq. (4).

Cruising and Hovering Response of a Tail-Stabilized Subnnersible

The solution of Eq. (29) is of the form

cr.t o-.t cr.t , (31)

u- = XujC ' , w - Zw.e ^ , 9 - 2i9.e ' with a. 4 cr. ,

and the Ui,w^,(9j are constants depending upon the initial conditions. This sys-
tem yields an indicial equation of the form

d^cr." + dicr.3 + dja.^ + djcr. + d^ - . (32)


do = Ai(B2C3-B3C2) - CiAjBj

di = AiCBjCis-BijCj- 83017 + 3,703) - CiA3B,7-Aig(B3C2-B2C3)

dj - Ai6(B,7C3-B3C,7-B,5C2+B2Ci5) - Aj(Bi5Ci7-BC,s-B2C,2) <33)

- AjgCBjCij - B15C17 + BJ7C15) + Bj7A,Ci2


^4 ~ A 16^ 17^ 12

The submersible is dynamically stable under the prescribed hovering conditions

ifthe real parts of all four a. are negative. The Routh stability criteria give
the necessary and sufficient conditions for this to be true. These are that

d, d,d
(a) d. > and (b) d^ < -^ K

The other bases for defining acceptable hovering conditions are that lu^l <u
(or |nx^ I
< Hx^), and that each equilibrium vertical thrust force be less in mag-
nitude than z , or from Eq. (28)

'-bjuj + [(b,2 + 4a,A7)u,2]'''-


and (35)

< Z. (b)

These hovering criteria now are applied to the submersible with the con-
stants given by Eq. (23) and

Z^ = 300 lb; x^ ^ 16.0 ft; a^ = 2.46 slug-ft; b^ = -6.40 slugs. (36)

The hydrodynamic data include


Z; =-1.5; Z;=-2.21; Z'

=m; =-0.75; M' = -0.38,
a a a

X.' = -0.07; X' = Z! = -1.273; M.' = -0.054, X' = -0.15. (b)

The values of Z^ and x^ were given by SP, a^ and b^ were determined using
propeller design charts (Ref. 7) for a three-bladed propeller with diameter of
4.0 ft and pitch-to-diameter ratio of 0.50, the coeffecients of Eq. (37) were ob-
tained using Eq. (19) and the previously given data (23b), the "added mass and
inertia" coefficients were estimated on the basis of Lamb's "accession to iner-
tia" coefficients for prolate spheroids, and the estimate of x^ is an average
value based on the fact that the submersible will operate over a range of speed
from to approximately 5 knots. The Schoenherr friction drag coefficients as
well as estimates of form drag were made for the main hull, tail appendages,
rescue skirt, thruster ducts and gear, and other exposed equipment to obtain the
given value of x^. However, a rough estimate of x^ is justified because it has
been found (1) that reasonably large changes in its value have little influence on
the measures of performance treated herein.

The cross-hatched area of Fig, 4 shows the region in the u^.Zq plane of
acceptable hovering performance defined by the criteria of stability, maximum
propeller speed, and maximum vertical thrust forces. The region is closed at
the top by the criterion u^ < 6.95 ft/sec which was obtained by arbitrarily as-
suming a maximum propeller speed n^^ of 20 rad/sec in Eq. (35a). The notation
in Fig. 4 that |xq| < 0.10 ft for Iz^ and Iz^, < 300 lb is the result of using
| |

the given data in Eq. (35b).

The other hovering

limit curves in Fig. 4 are the result of applying the
stability criteria. found that d^ and dj are positive for all u^ but d^ >
It is ,

only if Zq > 0. This latter condition accounts for the z^ = limit line in Fig. 4.
When Up > 0, Zq > 0, and |xq| < 0.10 ft, d^ and d^ are positive and condition
(34b) is satisfied if

Z;(M;-m'x^) - (m' + Z;) M; > 0, for Up>0
or equivalently, if

Z;(M;-m'x^) - [m' + (Z' +Z; (M; +M; > 0, for u^ > ^^Sb)
)] ) ,

n ^ a h a

where the sign of each quantity is shown above its symbol. For the hydrodynam-
ically stable submersible considered, the first product of Eq. (38) is positive
(Stabilizing) and, although the second product gives a negative contribution (de-
stabilizing), its effect is diminished by the stabilizing influence of the tail ap-
pendage contributions Zq^ and M^^. Hence, Eq. (38) is satisfied, and the neu-
trally buoyant, tail stabilized submersible with a small margin of hydrodynamic
stability can hover acceptably in large negative (bow-to-stern) ocean currents if
z^. > and |x| is smaller than 0.10 ft.

Cruising and Hovering Response of a Tail-Stabilized Submersible



ii, > o


L t/2 4-. l/z
Uc < o
Hur. >0 86
Cruising and Hovering Response of a Tail-Stabilized Subnnersible

which means that the appendages have the following net effects on the rate

K^ -- 2z;^; z;_^ = m;^ = o; and M^^ =

\ z;^ (44)

Use of these relations in Eqs. (38) and (39) with Xq = shows that the stability
criteria for u^ > and u^ < reduce identically to the same one, namely

"^'^'^ - ("^' +
2;,) m;^ > 0- (45)


K\ -
(y z;, ^ 2m;Jz;^ . [z;^m;^ - (m' .z;j] m;^ > o .

Substitution of the bare hull hydrodynamic coefficients given by Eq. (23b) and
the mass coefficient m' = 1.40 into Eq. (46) and solving for z' shows that if

-Z;^ > 0.86

the bow- and stern-finned vessel will be hydrodynamically stable in both posi-
tive and negative ocean currents. It is noted that the value of zi for neutral
hydrodynamic stability of the submersible with only a stern appendage also is
-0.86. This type of result occurs generally because a stern appendage alone,
regardless of size, cannot stabilize the vessel when u^ is negative, and the bow
appendage alone, regardless of size, cannot stabilize it when u^ is positive (6).


The adequacy of stern stabilization alone in a submersible which must both
cruise and hover in ocean currents is investigated further by resort to limit
maneuver response calculations for the tail-stabilized submersible. Although
Eqs. (1) through (4) were used in digital machine computations of one cruising
maneuver and three hovering maneuvers (1), for brevity only one type of the
latter class is considered herein. Similarly, the parametric studies covered in
Ref. 1 were extensive, but the present discussions deal only with those aspects
relating to the use of tail stabilization.

(A) Cruising Limit Maneuvers

Figure 6 an example of computed response in a cruising pitch overshoot

maneuver (Run The vessel is initially in straight, level, equilibrium flight
with Up = 5.07 ft/sec. The water current velocity components u^ = w^ = o,
Z^ = 2M8 = -0.50, Z4^ = -1.5, and Xq = Zq = 0.01 ft. The other data (where ap-
plicable) are the same as given previously in Eqs. (23), (36), and (37). The ele-
vator then is deflected at the maximum rate '^^ = 0.20 rad/sec until it reaches
the maximum angle S^ = 0.35 rad and held there until the time tj when the





ur, FT/SEC





too t SEC


Fig. 6 - Example of computed response in cruising

pitch overshoot maneuver, Run No. 102

Cruising and Hovering Response of a Tail-Stabilized Submersible

vessel reaches the prescribed execute pitch angle e^ = -0.80 radian. At time
tj, the elevator is deflected at the rate -o^ until it reaches the angle -b^ and
held there until the time t2 when the depth velocity z is zero. The run is
stopped when t tj. The run also is stopped at any time when > 1.57 rad

or t > 100 sec. Some of the measures of performance are

z , 6_, and t,

Figure 7 shows how the maximum depth z^^ and the time t^ vary with Z^
for the previously given values of the other parameters. There exists a value
z' ~ -1.3 for minimum z om and nearly minimum t ,. The submersible with
"a ' -i

0.86 < \z^J < 1.3 may also respond rapidly but because of its marginal stabil-
ity, requires larger depths than in the optimum case to complete the maneuver.
A submersible with |z^^| < 0.86 cannot complete the maneuver because the
pitch angle 6 exceeds the limit of 1.57 radians. For example, when z^ = -0.70,
exceeds 1.57 radians after only 26.0 seconds and while the depth velocity is
still increasing. This confirms the result of the previous stability analysis.
Lastly, when \z^J > 1.3, the vessel has an excessive amount of hydrodynamic
stability and requires greater depth and longer time to complete the maneuver
than in the optimum case. Since an automatic control with elevator deflected in
proportion to an error in would (in effect) add hydrodynamic stability to the

system, it would be preferable to choose a tail fin with 0.86 < |z^ | < 1.3 than
one with |z' > 1.3.




OZ 0.3 O.H 0.5

Fig. 8 - Effect of the product Z'^h^ on cruising pitch

overshoot nnaneuver for otherwise standard run

Figure 8 shows the effect of maximum elevator force coefficient Iz^l s^

on cruising maneuver response. The standard condition with Z^^- = -1.5 was
used to obtain the fairly good collapse of the z^^ and tj data. These results
show that both the depth and time required to complete the maneuver decrease
as the maximum elevator force coefficient increases.
Figure 9 shows how tj, t^, and z^^ vary with metacentric height z^ for
conditions with s
= 0.175 rad, and zl7
= Zw
= -1.5. The total depth z and

WHEN 3g> O.I57 PT.,

0,- 0.80 RfNO. \S NEVCR

0.04 0.06 O.tfe o.zo


Fig. 9 - Effect of vertical CG position on cruising pitch

maneuver response for otherwise standard run conditions

Cruising and Hovering Response of a Tail-Stabilized Subnnersible

time tj are minimized when z^ =0.065 ft. The submersible with < z^, < 0.065
ftalso responds rapidly but its marginal stability causes larger depth excursions
than in the optimum case. All three measures of performance increase from
the values at Zq = 0.065 ft to infinite values at z^ = 0.137 ft. It can be shown
analytically (1) that the submersible with z\ = -1.50 and h fixed at o = 0.175
radians attains a steady, downward, straight course condition with It'T < 0.80
radians for z^ > 0.137 ft. It is for this reason that the execute angle of f = j

-0.80 radian is never attained in the cruising maneuver computations when

Zq > 0.137 ft. Hence z^ = 0.137 ft is a limiting value for the standard maneuver

However, values of z^ which are excessive for cruising operations might

be desirable for hovering maneuvers. Therefore, the variation of the limiting
values of z^ with both d and Z5S was investigated (1) using the otherwise

standard conditions given previously. Figure 10 shows this variation with 6 ^,

and indicates that the limiting value of z^ decreases with increasing \By\, ap-
proximately like -0.1/sin e ^. If a value of z^ < 0.09 ft is chosen for cruising
operations, all pitch angles will be attainable for the submersible with standard

Figure 11 shows how this limiting value of Zq can be increased by increas-

ing the maximum elevator force coefficient \2.\\ s^. It is a plot of the limiting

value of Zq vs iZjl s^ for 6^ = -0.80 radian and otherwise standard conditions.

The limit value of Zq increases linearly with \z'^\ &^, and has a value of about

0.30 ft when \zlh = 0.60. If Iz^s

= 0.60, it can be shown (1) that all values of

e^ are attainable when z^ < 0.209 ft.

Therefore, it has been shown that for a given value of Z^ s^, there exists

a tail appendage force rate coefficient z^^ and a metacentric height z^ which
yields optimum cruising overshoot maneuver response. However, the optimum


^r.-> FT.

O.H -

0.2 -

o.z O.fe OB .0 \.Z

2%h. . RADIANS

Fig. 11 - Limit values of Zq for 6^

= -0.8 radian as a
function of maximum
elevator force coefficient for
otherwise standard cruising pitch maneuver conditions

value of Zq for cruising is small, and it may be desirable to increase Zq for

hovering operations. This can be done, without restricting the attainable pitch
angles of the submersible in cruising, by increasing the value of the maximum
elevator force coefficient \zl\ S.

(B) Hovering Limit Maneuvers

Figure 12an example of computed response in a hovering heave over-

shoot maneuver (Run 237). The tail-stabilized submersible is well behaved in
this example because it is operating in a negative (bow-to-stern) current u^ =
-1.69 ft/sec under otherwise standard run conditions of

Z; = -1.5, S = 0, Mqq = -0.42,* Z^ = 300, Z^ = 100 lb/sec,

W = B = 95,500 lb, Xq = z^ = 0.01 ft, Wj = 0, and z^ = 20 ft.

With the vessel initially motionless with zero pitch angle relative to the x^,y^,z^
inertial frame, the bow and stern vertical thrust forces z^ and Z^ are increased
from their respective equilibrium values Zb^ = -29.84 lb and Z^^ = 29.84 lb at
the maximum rate z^ = 100 lb/sec until the stern vertical thrust force reaches
the maximum value z^ = 300 lb and the bow vertical thrust force reaches the
value of 240.32 lb. These forces are maintained until time tj when the pre-
scribed execute depth z^^ = 20 ft is reached. At time t,, the z^ and z^ forces
begin to reverse at the rate -z^ until z^ reaches the maximum negative value
of -300 lb and z^ = -240.32 lb. These vertical thrust forces are maintained until

''^M' was determined analytically (1) using strip theory. The resulting expres-
sion is M' (1/16) z' + (1/4) z; .

Cruising and Hovering Response of a Tail-Stabilized Submersible

X^, ft.

H., f^T.

U FT/lEC 2 t

ur, FT/sec

e, RAO.

7 FT/sec

the time tj when the depth Zqj of 20 ft again is attained, and the run is stopped.
A run also is stopped if |z^| > 100 ft, \e\ > 1.57 rad, or t > 200 sec. In a com-
pleted hovering heave maneuver, there is a time in the interval (tj, tj) where
z^ - 0. It is noted that the control moment M^ and the longitudinal propeller
speed n^ have the equilibrium values M^^ = x^CZ^ - z^,^) and n^ for all time
(o, tj) in a hovering heave maneuver. Hence, any net unbalanced pitch moments
or longitudinal forces are due entirely to transient inertial and hydrodynamic
effects. Some of the measures of performance are Z^ z^ , tj, i9j, x^
, ^_^,

"On,' ^m' ^"^ ^2-

Figure 13 shows the effect of Z^^ on six measures of performance in the

hovering maneuver for otherwise standard conditions with u^ = (i.e., u^ = 0).
Although the vessel is marginally stable for all Z^^ when u^ = 0, the asymmetry
of the submersible due to the presence of the tail appendage is manifested in the
increasingly large heave-to-surge and heave-to-pitch coupling effects that are
obtained as \l'.^J\ is increased. For example, when Z^^ = -1.5, the vessel at-
tains a pitch angle of almost -33 deg and moves forward a distance of 80 ft be-
fore the heave maneuver is completed. This occurs without applying any unbal-
anced pitch moments M^ or longitudinal forces x^ to the system. The source of
this behavior is the nosedown hydrodynamic pitch moment due to the tail append-
age (-CgwU) which acts when a pure downward force Z^ is applied to the vessel.
The tail-stabilized submersible also is characterized by its slow response and
large depth overshoot in hovering heave maneuvers with u^ = 0.

Figure 14 demonstrates the strongly adverse effects that positive longitudi-

nal current velocities u^ have on the hovering heave maneuver response of the
tail-stabilized submersible for otherwise standard conditions. These results
confirm the trends predicted by the analysis of dynamic stability. For a positive

lOO r


eo I-


o.e 2.0

O.XtO*, RAO.

z --o
e~0 , RAD.


Fig. 13 - Effect of tail fin force rate coefficient

on hovering heave overshoot maneuver for oth-
erwise standard run conditions

Cruising and Hovering Response of a Tail-Stabilized Subnnersible


Fig. 14- Effect of longitudinal current velocity on hovering

heave maneuver for otherwise standard run conditions

current velocity of 1 knot, the vessel attains a pitch angle 6 and longitudinal
displacement of almost 80 degrees and 4 hull lengths, respectively, before the
maneuver is completed. At slightly higher positive currents than 1 knot the
maneuver cannot be completed at all because the pitch angle exceeds the limit
value. On the other hand, for a negative current velocity of 1 knot, both the re-
sponse time 1 2 and the heave overshoot are significantly reduced and the cou-
pling effects are negligible in comparison with those obtained for the positive
1 knot current.

It is noted that attempts to improve hovering response in positive longitudi-

nal currents by large reductions in tail appendage size were unsuccessful.
These reductions did not improve heave response significantly for u^ > 0, and
also had large detrimental effects on performance for u^ < 0.

Because the pitch and surge motions of the tail-stabilized submersible are
so sensitive to the action of a pure vertical force z^ some amelioration of

these coupled motions can be obtained by reducing the magnitude of z^. Figure
15 shows this effect for otherwise standard conditions with u^ = 0. Decreasing
Z^ also reduces the heave overshoot and causes large increases in response
time. Therefore, if the slower response can be accepted, small vertical control
forces (50 or 100 lb) could be used to move the vessel vertically. This will per-
mit the hydrodynamic pitch moments arising from the vertical motion to be
counteracted by a pure control moment M .

Cruising and Hovering Response of a Tail-Stabilized Submersible

because of the extreme sensitivity of the

hovering control and motions of the ve-
hicle to small positive or negative buoy-
ancy forces and vertical currents. It
also will be difficult to apply in the hor-
izontal plane where large lateral cur-
rents can act. In these cases, control
saturation can cause loss of hovering
control of the inherently unstable sub-
The second method is to increase O.IO 0.30
the inherent vertical plane hovering sta-
bility of the vessel by increasing its
metacentric height. The larger meta-
centric pitch moment acts as an inher-
ent pitch angle control, and a reduction
in cruising capability can be avoided by
increasing the maximum elevator force
coefficient \z'A b
However, in hori-

zontal plane motions where metacentric Fig. 17 - Effect of metacentric

yaw moments are absent, large sway- height on hovering heave ma-
to-yaw coupling effects cannot be avoided neuver response for otherwise
standard run conditions
with the tail-stabilized vessel.
Another approach to the design of
a submersible which must cruise and
hover also has been considered. If all appendages are confined to lie within the
maximum hull radius, this is to use bow and stern stabilizers which are hydro-
dynamically equivalent. A design of this type is inherently stable with respect
to all equilibrium hovering conditions, and its fore -aft symmetry eliminates one
source of hydrodynamic coupling that is present in the tail-stabilized submers-
ible. The elevators can be part of the stern stabilizers for better turning and
diving effectiveness in cruising. The bow stabilizers are not expected to have
any detrimental influence on cruising performance. In particular, they do not
affect cruising stability, and may have a beneficial effect on turning ability.

The author wishes to thank Mrs. Kae Wilkens, Mr. Conrad Sedlak, and Mr.
Herant Deroian for their assistance in preparing this manuscript.

1. Strumpf, A. and Eda, H., "Vertical Plane Cruising and Hovering Limit Ma-
neuvers of a Tail-Stabilized Submersible," Davidson Laboratory Report No.
1132, July 1966

2, Feldman, S. and Cathers, L., "Design of the Deep Submergence Rescue Ve-
hicle," prepared by U.S. Navy Special Projects Office


3. Suarez, A., "Surfaced Towing and Submerged Rotating-Arm Study of 1/16-

Scale Model Deep Quest," Davidson Laboratory Letter Report 1073, May

4. Strumpf, A., "A Simplified Analysis of the Direction Stability and Turning
Characteristics of a Finless Torpedo," DL Report 1051, January 1965

5. Strumpf, A. and Anguil, G., "A Study of Longitudinal Dynamic Stability Cri-
teria for Torpedoes," DL Report 1001, December 1963

6. Strumpf, A., DL Report 765, March 1960

7. Schoenherr, K.E., "Propulsion and Propellers," Principles of Naval Archi-

tecture, Vol.II, H.E. Rossell and L.B. Chapman, Editors, published by
SNAME, 1939


F. R. Haselton
Office of Naval Material
Washington, D.C.

There is only one recorded instance when an individual maintained complete

control of all his faculties while in the depths of the sea. Today we are gingerly
exploring this capability in our Man-in-the-Sea experiments, but it is not likely
that man will venture much beyond 1000 feet while exposed to the environment.
The alternative is to encase himself in a pressure vessel and, thus, permit vis-
its to the greatest depths. This very act of encasement, however, presently de-
nies to him the ability to perform all but the most primitive functions. How
frustrating it is for man, who can thread a needle or write the Ten Command-
ments on the head of a pin in his normal environment, not to be able to perform
but the most elemental, dexterous task in the deep oceans. Need this be so?

It is the aim of this paper to bring into focus those technologies which may
be brought to bear in order to permit man to, indeed, be adept at depth. Of
course, for one to be adept, he must be adept at something. The less complex
the task assigned, the easier the design of a tool with which a man is adept. It
is not economically or technologically feasible to permit man to extend his full
dexterity through the pressure vessel. On the other hand, he will not be content
to merely observe. We must then decide which general tasks are worth perform-
ing and the most effective means toward those ends. In order that the scope of
this paper be bounded, let us postulate such a task to be performed and present
the means by which successful accomplishment could be attained.

The task is to perform a rescue mission from a disabled submarine. It has

been determined that this mission requires a manned submersible vehicle faced
with the following constraints: (a) air transportability, (b) operation in variable
water currents, (c) operation in various visibility states, (d) distressed subma-
rine at angles to 45, (e) under-ice operation, (f) not sea state limited, (g) trans-
portable by mother submarine, (h) endurance to complete rescue mission, (i)
adequate depth capability, and (j) maximum secondary mission capability.

The vehicle possessing these attributes must be nimble, indeed, to perform

hatchmating and carry at least one prosthetic device for accomplishing such
tasks as hatch clearance of debris.

What are the necessary elements which will permit success? The answer
is obviously a highly responsive vehicle and arm, but consider those elements
which contribute to responsiveness. For man to impose his will effectively,
there are three areas of concern. These may be classed as sensory informa-
tion,command translators, and the vehicle and arm dynamics.

The closest attention to these elements is mandatory, for the entire system
performance is limited by the weakest link. Sensory information is not limited
to vision alone, but embraces acoustic as well as position and rate data and may
include feel in the form of feelback controls. The sensed information must be
displayed to the operator in meaningful formats and utilized effectively as inputs
to control systems. If this task is done well, the operator will know what is
happening and what needs to happen. The next concern is to permit the man to
impose his will upon the machine through manipulation of controls, Thest must
be meaningful controls embodying the best practices of good human factors ex-
perience. The allocation of all dynamic control tasks to a single operator is
mandatory. Last and most important, at least to hydrodynamicists, is the
method of generating and controlling reaction forces in the water medium. It is
to this element that the bulk of this paper is devoted.

The generally accepted criteria of excellence for propulsive devices is

propulsion efficiency. The history of submersibles leads one ever upward in
the quest for higher speed. Maneuvering capability has been solely for the high-
speed region with little or no willingness to sacrifice higher speeds for low-
speed maneuverability. When one considers the military requirements of sub-
marines, it is clear that this emphasis is correct. There has been little interest
in performing such tasks as rendezvousing submerged or bottom contour follow-
ing at slow speeds for oceanographic or search missions except the recent
Palomares effort.

Recent years have seen a growing interest in the general field of ocean en-
gineering, generating a need for maneuvering capability in the zero and near
zero speed range. Costeau's Saucer Vehicle is, of course, the best known ex-
ample of this new breed of craft. Other later examples are the Alvin, a craft
for oceanographic research, constructed for the U.S. Navy, and several com-
mercial vehicles which may be typified by the Deepstar, Deepquest, and Alumi-
naut. In each of these vehicles, the best-known proven state-of-the-art propul-
sion and control schemes were used.

For the task now at hand, the U.S. Navy carried out an exhaustive search of
maneuvering and control devices conducting many tests on those thought to be
the most promising, which could perform within the constraints enumerated
earlier. The two surviving schemes (Figs. 1 and 2) are generally referred to
as the ducted thruster with ring tail and the tandem propeller. The first needs
little or no explanation to this audience, being a combination of the well-known
bow thruster principle and steerable shroud. The tandem propeller is, perhaps,
a new concept to many of you, but is an extension of principles presented four
years ago at this symposium.

The departures from this design are the result of redirection of the per-
formance emphasis from high speed to low speed. The two principal changes
are (a) the tilting of the blade axis, resulting in swept conical surfaces, and (b)
increase in blade area. The first change permits the direction of the large lift
forces in the cross body axis without greatly reducing axial capability. The
large blade areas provide better force-to-power ratios by moving greater mass
through smaller accelerations and at lower rotational speeds. It is apparent
that very large force-to-power ratios are possible if blade size or thruster duct

Adept at Depth

Fig. 1 - Ducted thruster with ring tail

diameter are unlimited. The two designs shown represent reasonable optimiza-
tions within the constraints imposed.

We will show some of the hydrodynamic test results which, when considered
along with such other criteria as mission power consumption, permitted a clear
choice to be made. Figure 3 compares large-scale-model test data, extrapo-
lated to full scale, in the sway or heave mode. The measure of excellence, or
performance factor, is chosen as developed pounds of thrust per horsepower
plotted against velocity in the applied direction. Performance in pitch or yaw is
easily derived from these data. Surge performance is derived in quite a differ-
ent way and posed, perhaps, the most difficult decision criteria. On the one
hand, an independent system is provided for surge, and, therefore, it and the
body shape may be optimized for this mode without undue penalty to the other
degrees of freedom. On the other hand, in the tandem propeller, surge is pro-
vided by the same system which provides the other degrees of freedom. While
it enjoys a redundancy factor in that either propeller can provide surge motions,

it suffers from not providing the ultimate in cruising efficiency. A comparison

of the two systems' energy consumption per mile over a range of to 5 knots is
shown in Fig. 4. This imposes no penalty for power which may be required for
thruster control below 1-1/2 knots, where shroud control force reversals occur.
The sixth degree of freedom, roll, is hydrodynamically possible only with the
tandem propeller system.


Fig. 2 - Tandem propeller


Fig. 3 - Comparison of the per-

fornnance factor of the tandem pro-
peller and of the ducted thruster
(pounds of thrust per horsepower
vs velocity in the applied direction)

Adept at Depth

Special modes of operation are

possible such as the antimud mode
shown in Fig. 5 wherein the cyclic
pitch is augmented with a counter
thrusting collective pitch to provide a
relatively undisturbed field below the
rescue vehicle. The final criteria for
choice might well be the necessary
number of main propulsion motors re-
quired for the two systems. It is ob-
vious that a given horsepower will be
obtainable for less weight in two mo- SPEED

tors than in five.

Fig. 4 - Comparison of the
Being agile or adept at depth is energy consumption of the
not merely a result of providing direc- tandem propeller and of the
tionality to force. One must consider ducted thruster
force magnitude and response times
as well as damping and stability fac-
tors. It is clear, for instance, that if
a designer chooses to provide stability in pitch and roll through the use of meta-
centric height rather than through the control system, he imposes burdens upon
the control systems engineer. Likewise, if he attains arrow stability in the

Fig. 5 - Antimud mode of operation


surge mode through large fixed control surfaces rather than with the control
system, he reduces not only the maximum control rates attainable, because of
the added drag, and the time to attain these rates, but introduces also motion

The most important factor contributing to vehicle agility is the ability to

rapidly develop large control forces in the desired orientation. Not only does it
permit coping with fluctuating forces imposed by currents flowing about bottom
obstructions, but it greatly simplifies the control system designers' task and
that of the operator. From a control system consideration, it is desirable that
vehicle orientation changes be under the command of the human operator and
that vehicle stability be under the command of the control system. A good con-
trol system, for example, will make the operator oblivious to changing current
conditions and will depend on high-grade sensory inputs. This last requirement
places severe demands on the sensor designer, particularly those to sense sway,
heave, and surge components. Roll, pitch, and yaw data impose trivial demands
on the state-of-the-art. The operator's input device must be so orientated that
its motions are directly relatable in the most straightforward way to those of
the vehicle. That is to say, a pitch command, for instance, must be a pitch mo-
tion or force on the control input device. A good input device has zero reference
detents with sufficient breakout force to prevent undesirable control crosscou-
pling inputs by the operator, and damping. An example of such a device is
shown in Fig. 6.

We have concentrated on adept vehicles. What if controlling the vehicle in

a precision manner is not the task but that accomplishing useful work is. This
implies that a prosthetic device of some description is to be operated from the
vehicle and will be used to extend man's desires to perform useful work func-
tions. There are two basic approaches to this problem; the first is to bottom or
otherwise anchor the vehicle physically with respect to the work area and then
proceed to concentrate on the operation of the prosthetic arm to accomplish the
task at hand. The second is to assume an untethered vehicle as the reference
platform. The first has the advantage of placing the operator in a situation
wherein he may leisurely go about his task, wherein the second places much
tighter requirements upon vehicle control and upon the prosthetic arm response
characteristics. There are, of course, situations wherein each can perform
where the other approach will not. For the vehicle at hand, it would appear that
the free flight approach would be most appropriate because the vehicle already
has imposed upon it requirements of control and stability nearly equivalent to
anchoring itself to the bottom. Once this decision has been made, it is possible
to design a control system which is prosthetic-arm-or-hand oriented. A first
requirement is that the dynamic response characteristics of the hand be signifi-
cantly faster than the vehicle. It has been demonstrated that the operator of an
arm is able to ignore vehicle stability in all six degrees of freedom and arm
response. In consonance with the principle of assigning all dynamic tasks to a
single operator, wherein possible, this arm control task presents an excellent
example. In the fulfilling of a specific task with the arm, such as picking up an
object resting on the ocean floor while performing a search mission, the oper-
ator should not have to make motion assignments between the vehicle and the
arm. His concern should be that of grasping the object with the hand. His or-
ders should be in terms of hand positioning control with no conscious concern

Adept at Depth


Fig. 6 - Control input device used

for a model tandenn propeller

as to whether supporting motions are provided by vehicle motions or arm mo-

tions. This mode of operation could well be another special mode like the anti-
mud mode described previously and in which the apportionment of motions is
assigned in a logical sequence by the control computer.

In summary, the features which go to make up a high-performance vehicle

are: (a) six degrees of uncoupled freedom, (b) as much installed power as pos-
sible within imposed constraints, (c) neutral stability, (d) a precision sensor
suit with meaningful displays to the operator and inputs to the control computer,
(e) an automatic orientation holding control system, (f) a vehicle-oriented con-
trol input device, (g) a high-response prosthetic arm, and (h) a hand-positioning
control mode.

There have been discussed the many functions which, when properly inte-
grated, will enable the production of a vehicle which is indeed adept at depth.



LCdr A. Skolnick
Deep Submergence Systems Project Office
Chevy Chase, Maryland

The author has stated privately that the historical event to which his first
sentence refers is Moses in the Red Sea. One can think of at least one other
biblical instance, i.e., Jonah, where the doubly aggravating circumstance of be-
ing in the depths of a whale in the depths of the sea was the case. The prospect
of mating a deep-diving manned submersible on the hatch of a distressed sub-
marine is in a sense an aggravation of the third power. The rendezvous and
docking of two vehicles in outer space is less difficult; the visibility is good
there, but this is hardly the case for the submersible; the space docking occurs
unbuffeted by winds, whereas underseas chaotic flow conditions can take place
as a result of water currents and the effect of local protuberances; finally,
space vehicles are smartly responsive, whereas submersibles are well noted
for their sluggishness. The requirement of mating upon an underway or hover-
ing mother submarine (present in support of the operation) portends no lesser
task than the requirement of mating upon the distressed ship.

The author is correct in underscoring the necessity for developing large

control forces rapidly; no amount of control system sophistication or human op-
erator unburdening can compensate for a lack of performance upon demand.
Without proper power available, control augmentation devices merely become
additional "cargo" and their purpose is severely compromised. Members of the
audience familiar with the effects of transportation lag (pure time delay) upon
automatic control systems can well imagine the situation when a human pilot is
introduced into the loop. Any action taken to alleviate long response times is
sure to contribute to success in operation. Finally, one wonders about the whole
business of analytical description and electronic analog simulations vis-a-vis
the accuracy of the hydrodynamics model for near -zero velocity operation. The
controls engineer has made great strides in the last 15 years and stands at the
ready it is past time for the hydrodynamicist to develop valid zero-velocity-
regime -describing functions so steady team progress can be made in this rap-
idly developing field.

Adept at Depth


Roy S. Rice
Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory Inc. ,

Buffalo, New York

The author has described several of the important considerations involved

in the development perform the many functions required for
of vehicles able to
true agility in the depths of the sea. Each of these considerations is worthy of
extended discussion, but two of them are especially significant to this sympo-
sium because of the need for an understanding of low-speed hydrodynamics in
order to realize suitable vehicle configurations.

The author has pointed out that emphasis on improving maneuverability in

submersible vehicles has been mainly concerned with the high-speed or cruise
regime. Indeed, until the formation of the Deep Submergence Systems Project,
very little work, either experimental or theoretical, had been done toward de-
termining the hydrodynamic coefficients and stability derivatives of underwater
vehicles operating at low speed. Now, with the extreme importance of estab-
lishing fundamental understanding of the stability and control characteristics of
the DSSP craft in order to assure ability to meet rescue, search, and recovery
mission requirements, the absence of an adequate body of knowledge of vehicle
dynamics in the near -zero speed range is creating substantial design problems.

Most of you are familiar with the techniques developed at the Davidson Lab-
oratory and the David Taylor Model Basin for evaluating the hydrodynamic
characteristics of submarines when a dominant forward velocity exists. These
methods permit analysis of the nondimensionalized stability derivatives of the
vehicle in a convenient form and computation of the dynamic response charac-
teristics. Extrapolation of data to reasonably similar hulls may be made with
confidence, and preliminary design studies can result in obtaining substantial
insight into vehicle performance.

The absence of a dominant speed in hovering operation means, of course,

that no established flow field exists from which perturbations for maneuvering
may be examined, and therefore the hydrodynamic characteristics must be
treated with respect to the motion of interest. This introduces many nonlinear
ities which, coupled with the fact that the flow conditions range from laminar
through turbulent (with much of the operation in the transition region), pose se-
vere problems in theoretical studies.

A second point of special interest brought out by the author has to do with
the generation of control forces. For the precision of location and attitude
needed for certain missions to be achieved, decoupled control of motion is in-
deed a necessity. Yet this capability must be attained within the constraints of
a design which is both energy and power limited on a vehicle having character-
istic response times severely mismatched with dynamic responses that the pilot
is well qualified to handle. Here, again, an understanding of the hydrodynamics
the distortion of the flow field due to motions of the hull resulting in disorientation


of the control forces; degradation in force-generating capability due to motion

in other degrees of freedom; the increased importance of unsteady flow effects
in the short term application of control forces
is generally lacking.

In effect, the whole range of problems that have concerned the aerodynami-
cist in helicopter and VTOL designs is now facing the hydrodynamicist in the
development of the high-maneuverability deep-submergence vehicle.


F. R. Haselton

I wish to thank Dr. Skolnick and Mr. Rice for their comments, with which I

am fully in accord.

The time has arrived to open our eyes, roll up our sleeves, and go about
the business of producing a work boat capable of effective use in ocean exploi-

Friday, September 30, 1966

Afternoon Session

Chairman: W. P. A. van Lammeren

Netherlands Ship Model Basin

Wageningen, The Netherlands


A Model Testing Technique and Method of Analysis for the Prediction

of Steering and Manoeuvring Qualities of Surface Ships 317
J. Strjzim-Tejsen and M. S. Chislett, Hydro- and Aerodynamics
Laboratory, Lyngby, Denmark

Wave Excitationless Ship Forms 383

Seizo Motora and Takeo Koyama, University of Tokyo,
Tokyo, Japan

Project Mohole Drilling Platform: Maneuvering, Propulsion, and

Station -Keeping 415
A. C. McClure and A. S. Hove, Brown and Root, Inc.,
Houston, Texas

Towing, Motions, and Stability Characteristics of Ocean Platforms 447

Robert H. Macy, Naval Architect and Marine Engineer,
Pascagoula, Mississippi

J. Strf^m-Tejsen and M. S. Chislett
Hydro- and Aerodynamics Laboratory
-Lyngby, Denmark

A semitheoretical method of investigating steering and manoeuvring
qualities of surface vessels is described. A general mathematical
model, consisting of nonlinear equations of motion for a body free to
move in the horizontal plane, is used as a basis. The hydrodynamic
coefficients of the equations are obtained by carrying out captive -model
experiments for each particular vessel, after which any desired ma-
noeuvre can be predicted with the aid of a computer.

The hydrodynamic coefficients are determined using a planar-motion

mechanism system to test 6-m (20-ft) wax models in a conventional
towing tank. Details of the design, construction, and use of this mech-
anism are given, together with a description of the methods used to
analyse the measured forces. The convenient manner in which non-
linear and cros scoupling coefficients, necessary for the accurate pre-
diction of radical manoeuvres, can be obtained with a planar-motion
mechanism technique is described.

Short mention is made of the influence of frequency and tank-

interference effects on the measured hydrodynamic forces, and it is
shown that troublesome resonant standing-wave conditions can be


There is no completely analytical method available at this time for predict-

ing the steering and manoeuvring characteristics of ships. Due to this lack of
theoretical methods, experimental techniques using free-running models have
been employed by model basins for many years. Of more recent development is

Str^m-Tejsen and Chislett

a semitheoretical technique which utilizes the experimental results of captive-

model tests in conjunction with the equations of motion expanded to include sig-
nificant nonlinear terms. The captive model tests may be experiments using
either a rotating arm or a planar -motion mechanism, and the predictions of
manoeuvring characteristics are obtained from a solution of the equations of
motion by means of either a digital or an analog computer.

A semitheoretical technique of this kind has been adopted at the Hydro- and
Aerodynamics Laboratory (HyA) for investigating steering and manoeuvring
qualities of ships and is dealt with in this paper. The HyA- method utilizes a
planar-motion mechanism system for experimental measurement of the hydro-
dynamic coefficients in the equations of motion, and uses the HyA-GIER digital
computer for the numerical solution of the equations. Before launching into
technical details, however, it is relevant to consider briefly the reasons which
make such an approach desirable.

Free-running model tests constitute the simplest and most direct means
of assessing the behaviour of a given ship design during the execution of a par-
ticular manoeuvre. The tests are made by simulating full-scale conditions as
closely as possible. The disadvantages of free-running model tests are firstly
that they can only be conducted with difficulty in a conventional long narrow
towing tank and preferably require a large manoeuvring basin. Secondly,
whereas free -running tests provide information enabling engineering decisions
to be made as to the suitability or otherwise of a given design, the reasons for
the observed performance are not apparent from the test results. The tests are
unsatisfactory in that little insight is gained into the hydrodynamic phenomena
involved, and a rational basis for improvements in design is difficult to estab-
lish. Finally, even when large facilities are available for making free -running
model tests, certain scaling problems are difficult to avoid. It is, for instance,
difficult to obtain the correct conditions of propeller loading corresponding to
the ship propulsion point. When making captive-model tests this is very simply
achieved by applying a towing force via the rigid connection to the carriage.

The semitheoretical technique employing captive-model tests in combina-

tion with amathematical model is a more analytical and potentially more power-
ful approach which overcomes these disadvantages. If a planar -motion mecha-
nism is employed for the execution of the captive model tests, the disadvantages
of the free-running tests mentioned above are eliminated and scale effects in
general are reduced because of the large models which can conveniently be used.
If a rotating arm is used for the captive model experiments, the disadvantage

that a special manoeuvring basin is necessary is not eliminated. Furthermore,

because of the small size of most rotating arm facilities, scale effects are
likely to be troublesome.

The equations of motion, which constitute the mathematical model of the

situation under investigation, must closely represent the real physical occur-
rences and be capable of yielding results with an accuracy at least as good as
those obtainable from free -running model tests. The ease with which this can
be done depends largely on the degree of complexity of the situation considered.
Course stability characteristics involving motions only deviating infinite simally
from zero are thus more amenable to simulation by these means than are for

Prediction of Steering and Manoeuvring of Ships

example the interaction effects between two ships passing in a shallow canal.
The difficulty in handling the more complex situations arises not, however, as a
result of the mathematical model, which even in a very general case is almost
ideally suited to computer solution, but rather in the determination of the hydro-
dynamic coefficients of the equations of motion.

Although some of the hydrodynamic coefficients can be approximated the-

oretically, the only reliable way at this time of obtaining values with the accu-
racy needed for quantitative simulation is to conduct captive model tests. This
state of affairs has the merit of great flexibility. As theory progresses, more
and more coefficients will be obtainable by calculation and fewer experiments
will be necessary. In the meantime, the orderly experimental approach neces-
sitated by the structure of the mathematical model is conducive to systematic
and progressive collation of data, itself tending to make testing redundant and
to stimulate the creation of useful theoretical concepts.

The mathematical model at present in use at HyA for simulation of steering
and manoeuvring characteristics of surface ships is based on the general equa-
tions of motion of a rigid body moving in the horizontal plane. The detailed
derivation of these equations in terms of the now commonly accepted notation
(1,2) employed in steering and manoeuvrability work is given by Abkowitz (3).
For a body having freedom in surge, sway, and yaw but restricted in heave, pitch,
and roll* the equations, developed for a coordinate system fixed in the symmetry
plane of the body, are

X = m(u - rv - XqT ^)

Y = m(v+ ru + x^r) (1)

N = ^ z^ ^ mX(-,(v+ ru) ,

where terms on the right side describe mass and inertial responses, and the left
side expresses the external hydrodynamic forces and moments acting on the
body (see Fig. 1).

The hydrodynamic forces and moments are functions of body geometry,

motions, and orientation. For a given body with a single control surface, mov-
ing in unrestricted water, they may be expressed as the general functions

f (u, V, r u, V, r
, ,
S) ,

*Rolling and heel have been neglected in the present model, since they are felt
to have little influence on the prediction of steering and manoeuvring charac-
teristics, with the possible exception of fast warships, which heel appreciably
in turns.

Str^m-Tejsen and Chislett

Direction of Motion of which must be defined before simulation studies

Origin of Axis System.
Velocity ,U. can be carried out.

The functions describing the hydrodynamic

forces and moments have been developed into a
useful form for analysis purposes with the aid of
a Taylor expansion of the functions. If the Taylor
expansion is limited to the first-order terms, the
linearized equations are obtained (3,4). The
present stage of development, which enables
realistic simulations of ship manoeuvres to be
made, is based largely on a third -order Taylor
expansion of the functions. Introducing the as-
sumptions that (a) forces and moments have ap-
propriate port and starboard symmetry except
for a constant force and moment caused by the
propeller, and (b) there are no second- or higher
order acceleration terms, and that crosscoupling
Fig. 1 - Diagrammatic
between acceleration and velocity parameters is
definition of motion,
negligible, the validity of which assumptions has
orientation, and force
parameters in terms been verified, for instance, by the measurements
of body-axis coordi- reported in Ref. 5, the third-order Taylor expan-
nates sion reduces to the expressions

X = X.G + X, + X Au + 42 X...
Au^ + -i X uuu Au^

+ \ X^y +
X,,r2 +
I X,,b' + -| X,,^v^Au +
I X^^^r^Au + | X^^^S^Au

+ X,vr + X.,svS + X,srS + X,_,,vrAu + X.,!;.,vSAu + X^j.rSAu (3)

+ Y..V + 4g Y V vv v^ + 42 Y.._r
V r
vr^ + 42 Y.^cvS^
^v? 8' + Y.. vAu + 42 vuu vAu^
Y.. .

+ Yr r
+ -Y
g rrr r^ + -Y
2 rvv tv^ + -2 Y rSS'
..rh^ + Y' ru rAu + ^Y
2 ruu mu'

+ Y3S + i YgggS^ + i Y,^^Sv2 + i Y.^^Sr^ + Y.^SAu + Y^^^iAu^


+ Y...vrl (4)

The corresponding expression for N is obtained by replacing Y by N in Eq. (4).

Equating the hydrodynamic forces and moments based on Eqs, (3) and (4)
with mass and inertial responses, Eqs. (1), then the nonlinear mathematical
model finally becomes (4)

Prediction of Steering and Manoeuvring of Ships

X equation: (m-X.)u = fj(u,v,r,S)

Y equation: (m-Y.)v + (mxQ-Y.)f = fjCu.v.r.S) (5)

N equation: (mxg -N.)v+ (I2-N.)r= f3(u,v,r,S),


f,(u,v,r,8) = X, + X> + X^>2 + X^uu^"' + \y

+ (X^^ + mXc)r2 + X,,h' + >^vvuv'^" + ^rru^-'Au + X^s^S^Au

+ (X,v + m)vr + X^jvS + X^.rS + X^^^vrAu + X^j^vbAu + X^j^rSAu

f2(u,v,r,S) 3 Y* + Y,> + Y,^>2 ^ y^^^vrS

+ Y,v + Y^^^v^ + Y,,,vr2 , y.^^vS^ + Y^^vAu + Y^^^vAu^

+ (Y,-mu)r + Y^^^r^ + Y^^^rv^ + Y^,,rS' + Y^^rAu + Y^^^rAu^

+ YgS + YssgS^ + Yg^^Sv^ + Yg^^Sr^ + Y^^SAu + Y^.^SAu^ + Ygg^^S^Au

f3(u,v,r,^) = N* + N*^Au + N^^^^Au^ + N^.^gvrS

+ N^v + N^^^v^ + N^rrvr' +N^g5vS2 + N^^vAu + N^^^vAu^

+ (N,-mxGu)r + N^^^r^ + N.^^rv^ + N^.^rb^ + N^^rAu + N^^^rAu^

+ NgS + NsssS^ + Ng^^Sv^ + N.^^&r^ + N,^5Au + N.^^SAu^ + Nsj^^S^Au

The factorials, 1/2 and 1/6, have been dropped as they unnecessarily com-
plicate the bookkeeping, and the fourth-order terms Y^j,^ and N^^^^^ have been
introduced to obtain sufficient flexibility of expression for the influence of speed
on rudder action.

Experience has shown that several of the hydrodynamic coefficients or

derivatives contained in the above mathematical model are negligibly small. In
particular the coefficients which give the changes of the nondimensional coeffi-
cients Y,, Y^, Y^, N,, N^, N,, x^^, x^^, x^^, x^s,and X^g with speed are
small, as will be discussed later.

It is not suggested that the above mathematical model represents the ulti-
mate in sophistication.It is felt, however, that further significant elaboration

will not be justified before advances are made in theoretical or experimental

methods of defining the pertinent hydrodynamic coefficients. The next logical
step is perhaps to include freedom in roll, which might be necessary for simu-
lation of radical manoeuvres of fast warships, which heel appreciably in high-
speed turns. Additional terms would of course also be necessary, if it was
desired to simulate more complex situations.
The solution of the mathematical model using a digital computer is de-
scribed in detail in Ref. 4.

Str^m-Tejsen and Chislett


It is seen that the mathematical model, Eqs. (5), is comprised of numerous

coefficients such as Y^^^, n^, and Xf,,. These coefficients in general depend on
the particular geometry and design of a ship, and they must be known with rea-
sonable accuracy before manoeuvres can be simulated by solving the mathemati-
cal model with the aid of a computer.

Ideally, numerical values for the coefficients would be evaluated by theo-

retical means, but although some of the hydrodynamic coefficients can be cal-
culated approximately, the only reliable way at this time of obtaining values with
the accuracy needed for simulations is to conduct captive model tests.

In a captive model test, the model is forced to perform precisely controlled

movements, one or two of the different motion and rudder parameters being
assigned values simultaneously. The resulting hydrodynamic forces and mo-
ments acting on the model are measured as functions of the parameters, and the
coefficients are subsequently obtained from these measurements. The expres-
sions for the hydrodynamic forces and moments, Eqs. (5), may be considered
having been developed on the basis of a superposition process, the accuracy of
which is progressively improved by successive inclusion of "crosscoupling"
terms expressing deviations from simple superposition. Similarly, in the exe-
cution of the captive model tests, parameters are first explored one at a time,
all other parameters being zero. The resulting forces and moments can then
be expressed by coefficients which are functions of the single parameter. The
next step in the captive model tests is to vary two parameters simultaneously,
and if the resulting forces and moments differ from the superimposed results
of the individually measured values, then the difference is expressed as a two-
variable function of the parameters, and the coefficient representing the "cross-
coupling" effect can be determined. Whereas, it is possible to generate three
or more parameters simultaneously and so obtain crosscoupling terms in more
than two variables, such terms have been found to be less than the accuracy of
measurement. It is perhaps interesting in this connection to consider a free-
sailing ship as a special case of captive model testing in which the ultimate
stage of superposition has been reached. The totals of forces and moments
acting can be inferred from the accelerations, and compared with model data
expressed as one- and two-variable functions. This is done in effect when full-
scale trajectories are compared with simulations based on model results.

The range of motion and rudder parameters explored during testing should,
in principle,cover the range of subsequent simulation. Surge, sway- and yaw-
accelerations, speed loss, drift angle, yaw velocity, and rudder angle should
therefore be varied systematically up to the values corresponding to maximum-
rudder manoeuvres for the free-sailing ship.

Captive model tests in which measurements are made of hydrodynamic

forces and moments resulting from drift angle, from rudder angle, and from
combinations of drift and rudder angles, can be conducted with relatively sim-
ple equipment in a conventional towing tank.

Many methods have been used to measure forces and moments due to angu-
among them being such devices as curved models, curve-flow
lar velocity,

Prediction of Steering and Manoeuvring of Ships

channels, and freely decaying oscillators. All of these systems have major dis-
advantages, being either inaccurate or unwieldy or both. The use of a rotating
arm in a circular tank is at present by far the most widely used approach and is
furthermore a most satisfactory means of obtaining crosscoupling terms in an-
gular velocity and drift angle, and angular velocity and rudder angle. The dis-
advantages of a rotating arm, apart from its high capital costs, are that it is not
practicably possible to measure acceleration derivatives and that it is not well
suited to the generation of small angular velocities.

The planar-motion mechanism system conceived and developed by Gertler

(6) and Goodman (7) provides a means of conducting captive model tests in which
angular and straight-line motion can be imposed on a model in a conventional
towing tank. Developed as a technique for submerged body research, the orig-
inal mechanism generated motions of the body in the vertical plane. For appli-
cation to surface ships, a planar-motion mechanism must operate in the hori-
zontal plane, and the following description of the HyA planar -motion mechanism
system is consequently given in terms of sway and yaw motions.

planar-motion mechanism can be used in two different modes of opera-
tion, designated static and dynamic. In the static mode the model is constrained
to travel along a straight path at constant velocity, and the mechanism is used
to set discrete drift angles. Figure 2 schematically represents the three main
types of tests made in the static mode. Forces and moments resulting from
drift angle, rudder angle, and combinations of drift and rudder angles are
measured in these tests.

SUtk DriH Angl Test

Fig. 2 - Various examples of suiic Rudder Angle Ttei

tests executed in the static
mode of planar-motion mech- -^^^^
anism operation

sialic Drift and Rudder Angle lest

The unique feature of the planar-motion mechanism is its ability to gener-

ate oscillatory motions which are produced in the dynamic mode of its opera-
tion. Sinusoidal motions are imposed on the model with sway and yaw phased
in such a way as to produce conditions of "pure sway" and "pure yaw." In the
"pure-sway test," the bow and stern are oscillated in phase, and pure side-
velocity and acceleration result, as shown schematically in Fig. 3.
In the "pure-yaw test" bow and stern are oscillated with phase-angle chosen
such that pure angular velocity and acceleration result. Various examples of

Str^m-Tejsen and Chislett

Pure Sway TesI

y^ y
^^v y^
jr>g t~:sr X

Fig. 3 - Pure sway test executed in the

dynamic mode of planar-motion mech-
anism operation

this type of test are shown in Fig. 4, the two developments of the "pure -yaw
test," i.e., the "yaw and drift angle test," and the "yaw and rudder angle test,"
constitute a means of measuring crosscoupling terms in the equations of motion.

As a means of experimentally measuring acceleration as well as angular

velocity, drift angle, and rudder angle derivatives, the planar-motion mechanism
system constitutes an almost ideal method of obtaining all the linear terms
needed for course stability studies (6,7). The same basic approach can be ex-
tended to measurement of nonlinear and crosscoupling terms in angular velocity,

Yaw and Drift Angle Test

YSwv and Rudder Angle >st

Fig. 4 - Various examples of yaw tests

executed in the dynamic mode of planar-
motion mechanism operation

Prediction of Steering and Manoeuvring of Ships

thus enabling all of the terms in the above nonlinear mathematical model, Eqs.
(5), to be measured.


The difficulty of generating a yaw velocity in a conventional tank is due to
the fact that if a constant angular velocity is maintained for more than a short
length of time, while traveling at the necessary speed, a collision with one of
the side walls will result. Use of a planar-motion mechanism overcomes this
problem by forcing the model to travel with alternately port and starboard yaw
velocities. This results in an S-shaped path which in rough terms may be con-
sidered as being built up of segments of the circular path traveled by a model
under a rotating arm (Fig. 5). To be more precise, a planar-motion mechanism
generates a sinusoidal trajectory and the angular velocity is thus constantly
varying, but the rotating arm comparison is nonetheless valid, because the
variation is so slow that quasi-steady conditions are obtained.

Fig. 5 - Comparison of pure

yawing motion generated with
a planar-motion mechanism
and a rotating arm


A continuously varying yaw velocity is necessarily accompanied by a con-

tinuously varying yaw acceleration to which the same quasi-steady conditions

Reference to Fig. 5 shows that if the model is to move with a "pure yaw"
motion, i.e., with zero drift angle, then it must at all times move along the tan-
gent to its path. In terms of the body-axis system fixed in the model (Fig. 1),
this means that the side velocity v must be zero, or the total velocity vector u
of the origin of the axis system must lie along the model centre line. It can
be seen that for a model moving down the tank with carriage speed u,^ this is
achieved by moving the model perpendicularly to the carriage centre line with a
relative velocity Up. The magnitude of this velocity is given by

Str^m-Tejsen and Chislett

tan = (6)

where yp is the angular displacement from the tank centre line. Thus the gen-
eration of an angular motion and linear motion relative to the carriage results
in a pure angular motion of the model relative to the ivater.

A practical realization of this requirement as adopted in the HyA planar-

motion mechanism is diagrammatic ally illustrated in Fig. 6. The arrangement
consists of two scotch-yokes connected by a rigid shaft. Rotation of the shaft
results in periodic movement perpendicular to the carriage centre line of two
points F and A fixed in the model. By variation of the phase angle between the

forward and aft scotch-yokes, various combinations of angular velocity and

movement perpendicular to the carriage centre line are obtained. The phase
angle, resulting in the fulfilment of the conditions for pure angular motion of the
model relative to the water, is found as follows. Let

^F'^A ~ lateral displacements relative to the carriage centre line of points

F and A fixed in the model,

d = distance of points F and A from origin of the body-axis system

fixed in the model,

a = amplitude of the scotch-yokes and of the lateral displacement of

points F and A,

Fig. 6 - Motions generated by a

planar-motion mechanism

Prediction of Steering and Manoeuvring of Ships

= phase angle by which the forward scotch-yoke leads the aft,

CO = rate of rotation of the shaft connecting the scotch-yokes,

= angular displacement of the model centre line relative to the tank

centre line, and

t = time.


77p = a sin (wt + 4>)

- 3 sin ait

"r "
dt \
" ^"^ "^"^

T """^
, ,

sin \p -
2^ - 'J sin cos I oJt + -T )
^ '

Substituting for sin ^ and u^ in Eq. (6),

1 a / \ aw

sin cos
^^-^ [cot + 77= t; cos -;r cos I Oit +
cos d 2 \ ^ 2/ Up 2 \ 2
" cos
2 U,

Since i/' is small, we make the approximation cos ^ = l, giving

tan| = -.
cod ,


Thus the phase-angle is not a cyclic quantity, since it only depends on

frequency of oscillation and carriage speed, the distance d being fixed in the

The present HyA planar -motion mechanism has maximum amplitude a at

the scotch-yokes of 100 mm, and the distance d is 1050 mm, giving a maximum
possible value of 5.46 degrees for when the error in the approximation
cos = 1 is less than 0.5 percent. This value is obtained only at zero speed

when the phase-angle between the scotch-yokes is 180 degrees. In a normal

operating condition, the maximum value of is reduced by the factor sin (0/2)
to approximately half this value when the error is 0.1 percent. While these
considerations give a good indication that the error involved is negligible, the
only rigorous way of checking this is to analyze the "contaminating" cyclic mo-
tions and corresponding impure forces by carrying through the exact calcula-
tion. This has been done in another connection and has shown that the error is
indeed negligible.

Str^m-Tejsen and Chislett

Accepting that a phase angle between the forward and aft scotch-yokes given
by Eq. (9) results in pure angular motion of the model relative to the water, the
expressions for the model's angular velocity and angular acceleration are ob-
tained by differentiating Eq. (7) with respect to time:

a / <^\
angular displacement, = ~T

sin cos I ojt + ] (7)

angular velocity, r = - r sin -x sin Ic^t + -^ \


aoj^ (p I (p\ /1 1 \
angular acceleration, r = - ~~r- sin -z cos Iwt + -z

It is seen that angular velocity and angular acceleration are out of phase
with each other.

Similarly, when the scotch-yokes are in-phase (0 = 0), the model centre line
is always parallel to that of the tank and carriage, and the model experiences
pure swaying motions. In terms of body-axis parameters, lateral displacement,
velocity, and acceleration are then given by:

sway displacement, y = a sin cot (12)

sway velocity, v = aoj cos cot (13)

sway acceleration, v = - aco^ sin cot .


To summarize, hydrodynamically pure yawing or swaying motions can be

generated by setting the phase angle between forward and aft scotch-yokes to an
appropriate value. In both cases, the velocity and acceleration are 90 degrees
out of phase with each other.

A constant drift angle or rudder angle can easily be superimposed on the

pure yaw motion as shown in Fig. 4. Nonzero drift angle is obtained by changing
the lengths of the arms shown symbolically in Fig. 6 as SjF and S2A. This has
the effect of adding a sizable constant component /3 to the small cyclic value of
^P resulting from yawing motion. The phase-angle is then found from Eq. (9) by
substituting d cos yS for d, and similarly d is replaced by d cos ,3 in Eqs. (7),
(10), and (11).


Mechanical Structure

The HyA planar-motion mechanism is in many ways similar to instruments

previously reported (6,7,9,10). Hence the following description is limited to a
general outline of the main structural arrangement and of some novel features.
The HyA towing tank facility measures 240 x 12 x 6 metres in length, width,
and depth respectively (8), enabling resistance and propulsion experiments to be

Prediction of Steering and Manoeuvring of Ships

performed with metre models without encountering serious blockage ef-

6 or 7
fects. When designingthe planar-motion mechanism it was considered impor-
tant that the large, accurate, wax models used for resistance and propulsion
work should also be used for planar-motion mechanism tests. This enabled the
wide experience available regarding these models to be utilized and was also
advantageous from an economic point of view. The conventional wax models
have been found to be sufficiently robust when reinforced by two transverse
wooden bulkheads and one or two laminates of glass-fibre on the inside surface
(see Fig. 7).

Fig. 7 - The HyA planar-motion mechanism shown

suspended over a 6-m (ZO-ft) wax model for pho-

tographic purposes

In order to obtain acceleration and damping of the same order of magnitude,

and to reduce the likelihood of frequency problems while still enabling sizeable
yaw velocities to be generated, the HyA planar-motion mechanism was designed
for lower frequencies and larger amplitudes of oscillation than the mechanism of
Gertler (6) and Goodman (7). This proved to be a fortunate decision, as frequency
problems caused by reflection of surface waves from the tank walls arose at
lower frequencies than expected.

A general impression of the layout of the mechanism is given in Figs. 7 and

8. It a flat frame of welded angle sections which is in itself flex-
is contained in
ible in torsion but very stiff when in use, by virtue of being solidly clamped to
the strong working-section of the carriage.

The solid main shaft is driven via a 1:50 Moss worm-and- wheel reduction
gearbox and a 1:2 Power-Grip "timing" belt drive by a 2-1/2-hp Thrige syn-
chronous electric motor.

Str^m-Tejsen and Chislett

Fig. 8 - The HyA planar-motion

mechanism mounted on the tow-
ing carriage during testing

Both worm-and-wheel reduction gearbox and belt drive are designed and
manufactured to allow a chatter -free and vibration-free angular motion even
under the most rapidly changing load conditions. Current is supplied to the
motor by a Ward Leonard system installed on the carriage, enabling revolutions
to be continuously varied from 2 to 40 rpm. By these means a predetermined
revolution value can be maintained within fine limits, independent of loading.

The uniform rotary motion of the main shaft is converted to periodic trans-
latory motion in the horizontal plane by a scotch yoke attached to each end (Fig.
9). The amplitudes of the scotch yokes can be continuously varied from to 100
mm, and the settings are indicated with an accuracy of 0.1 mm by small built-in
mechanical digital counters. No appreciable wear has occurred in the brass-to-
steel block and slider systems after several hundred hours of operation.

Prediction of Steering and Manoeuvring of Ships

Fig. 9 - Variable amplitude scotch yoke

The translatory motion at each scotch yoke is transmitted to the model by a

rectangular crossframe and two links. The upper arm of each crossframe is
supported by four axial bearings which also permit the frames to swing forward
and aft. Constant drift angles can be introduced by sliding the short link on each
lower arm and clamping it (see Fig. 8), when it effectively becomes part of the
crossframe. The links are connected to axial and rotary bearings at each end
of a longitudinal beam on the model centre line. The beam is restrained at its
centre point to prevent cyclic longitudinal movements of the model, and it main-
tains the links at a constant distance from the centre of the mechanism during
all types of oscillatory motions. The beam together with the force gauges is
mounted in the model in the workshop prior to being transported to the carriage
and connected with the rest of the mechanism. This facilitates accurate posi-
tioning of the beam symmetrically around the origin of the model's body axes
as well as permitting model and mechanism to be transported and attached to
the c arriage in a simple and convenient manner.

A Stromag electromagnetic tooth coupling in the main shaft permits the

phase angle between forward and aft scotch yokes to be precisely set in discrete
intervals of 1.5 degrees (Fig. 10). Also mounted on the coupling is the synchro-
nous switch that controls the integrator circuits used in conjunction with the
force -measurement system. The switch consists of a perspex ring having four
black lines spaced at 90 degree intervals. As the shaft rotates, the black lines
interrupt light beams shining on two photocells, giving rise to two trains of
electrical impulses. The perspex ring can be rotated relative to the main shaft
and locked so as to give impulses at positions of zero and maximum yaw or sway
displacement. This is accomplished by rotating the ring through half of the
phase angle between the scotch yokes.

A mechanical microswitch, giving one impulse per revolution of the main

shaft, is used for identification purposes.

Str0m-Tejsen and Chislett

Fig. 10 - Electromagnetic phase-angle cou-

pling and synchronous switch arrangement

Dynamometry and Recording Instrumentation

Two modular force-gauges are attached to each end of the centre beam
(Fig. 11). The physical proportions of the gauges are such that they are flexible
in only one direction and they are orientated to pick up either the side force Y
or the longitudinal force X. Gimbals, also seen in Fig. 11, bolted to wooden
bulkheads ensure that the model behaves as a "simply supported" beam. The
model hull, force gauges, and centre beam form a closed loop, eliminating any
errors due to friction. Total x and Y forces and N moment acting on the model
are obtained from the gauge forces as follows:

X = Xp + x^

Y . Yp + Y^ (15)

N --

where the subscripts F and A denote forces measured at forward and aft gauges,
and I is the distance from the origin to the gimbal axis (1150 mm).

The electrical signals from the two X gauges pass through Disa control
summed, and then are recorded on a 10-inch-span Philips
units, are electrically
pen-recorder. The control units are used to adjust sensitivity and zero position
and also contain accurate reference (span-check) signals, which can conveniently
be regarded as equivalent to known forces at the gauges. When calibrated to-
gether with the gauges, these reference signals enable widely differing sensitivi-
ties to be used.

The signals from the Y gauges are processed in one of two alternative ways
dependent on the nature of the test. If the planar -motion mechanism is being

Prediction of Steering and Manoeuvring of Ships

Fig. 11 - X and Y force gauges and a

two-degree-of-freedom gimbal at-
tached to the bulkhead in the model

used in the static mode, i.e., if only constant forces resulting from drift and/or
rudder angles are to be measured, then the gauge signals are passed via control
units to pen recorders in exactly the same manner as the X forces, except that
the signals from forward and aft gauges are recorded individually and not
summed. When the mechanism is used in its "dynamic" mode, and periodic
forces are acting at the gauges, the signals are integrated before being recorded
on the pen recorders.


Basic Principles

The periodic forces acting at the Y gauges in "pure sway" and "pure yaw"
tests are composed of velocity -dependent and acceleration-dependent compo-
nents. Assuming in the following, in order to simplify the discussion, that the
periodic forces are directly proportional to the motions and that there is no

Str^m-Tejsen and Chislett

interaction between velocity -dependent and acceleration-dependent forces, then

the cyclic forces, like the generated velocities and accelerations, will be of sine
and cosine form. Each Y gauge thus simultaneously senses a sine -wave force
and a cosine -wave force, almost certainly of different amplitude but necessarily
of the same frequency, having the form

gauge force = aj sin cot + a^ cos wt ,

where a^ and a^ are constants in time.

If such a gauge force is recorded directly on a pen recorder, the record

will be a sinusoidal curve of amplitude a^ given by

a J
sin '-^t + 82 cos ojt = a -^
sin {oA + e) ,

where a^ = 83 cos e and 82 = 83 sin e.

possible to measure 83 and e from a paper record and so obtain 8j

It is
and 82, but theauthors can say from experience that this is not a practicable
solution, if only because of the difficulty of coping with the great quantities of
paper records involved.

In the method chosen for the HyA planar -motion mechanism the force
signal is integrated electrically, with periodic reversals of polarity as illus-
trated in Fig. 12. It is seen that if polarity is reversed after half a period, then
the sine component is measured and the cosine component eliminated. If polar-
ity is reversed after one quarter and three quarters of a period, then the sine
component is eliminated and the cosine component measured. Figure 12 also
shows that if a constant force component is included to give the more general

gauge force = a^ + aj sin ojt + aj cos ojt ,

then either a^, a^, or a^ may be obtained by suitable polarity reversal. A

constant force signal will, for example, result from a constant rudder or drift
angle superimposed on pure yaw motion or from imperfect gauge zero-

These simple concepts form the basis used in the HyA planar-motion
mechanism system for the measurement of periodic forces.

Integration Programs

The integration of the force signals is, in practice, controlled by program-

ming circuits contained in a processing unit (Fig. 13) designed for this particular
purpose. The same programming circuits simultaneously control two parallel
and identical measuring channels, used in conjunction with the forward and aft
Y gauges.

The circuits are built up from flip-flops, pulse shapers, relays, etc., shown
in the circuit diagram, Fig. 14. The operations controlled by the programs

Prediction of Steering and Manoeuvring of Ships


? 1
4 Ih

o -a



W Li
* * -r*
a u ui

5^ 1

& *

PI h 'H rH
U ^ h
n M
O O iHo *"^
a a

o a M
^ Vi o 9
4 o o

a o a
C -C O -H
Str^m-Tejsen and Chislett

Fig. 13 - Processing unit

consist of reversing the polarity of the signals fed to integrator-condensers,

controlling the limits of integration, activating the output and recording mecha-
nisms, and resetting the condensers after each integration period.

The operations are activated by electrical impulses fed alternately to Input

1 and Input 2 of the processing unit. The trains of impulses are generated by
the two photocells of the synchronous switch mounted on the shaft coupling.
Four impulses are generated by each photocell during each revolution of the
mechanism. Impulses can also be generated by a miniature synchronous motor
in conjunction with an analogous photocell arrangement or by means of manually
operated pushbuttons. The mini -synchronous motor is positioned inside the
processing unit and is used for integration of span-check signals after each
measuring run and for calibration. The pushbuttons are mainly used for check-
ing and adjusting but are also useful for special tests needing long integration-

Integration can be made using either of two different programs, designated

Oscil. and Const., the sequence of events of which is shown in Table 1 and Fig.
15. The only difference between the two programs is that the polarity of a sig-
nal integrated by means of the Oscil. program is negative for the first half and
positive for the second half of an integration period, whereas the polarity of a
signal integrated by means of the Const, program is the same during a whole in-
tegration period. In both cases, the integration period corresponds to one com-
plete revolution of the mechanism and hence to one period of the force signal.
The complete programs, however, use 1-1/4 periods, resulting in the start of
each integration period occurring n 2 later than the one preceding it. This
facilitates alternate elimination of sine and cosine force-components, when

Prediction of Steering and Manoeuvring of Ships




Str^m-Tejsen and Chislett

Table 1
Sequence of Events Controlled by Programming Circuits

Number of
Prediction of Steering and Manoeuvring of Ships

Input 1 J I I 1
1 7

Input 2

Polaritj f OSCIL.
ohangea \ COIST.

Integration period

Hold Condition

Condensers resetting

Pens swltohed OPP

Sxample of a
constant signal
Integrated using
the COHST.
Str^m-Tejsen and Chislett
Prediction of Steering and Manoeuvring of Ships

the top of the forward scotch yoke. It is seen, for example, that an IN record
is characterized by margin-pen marks 90 - (0/2) after the start and stop of the

integration period.

The forward and aft IN @ and IN forces are of the same order of mag-
nitude but of opposite sign. This is natural, as mass and submerged lateral-
area are distributed nearly symmetrical about the origin, and because yaw ac-
celeration causes the forebody to swing the port while the afterbody swings to
starboard, and vice versa.

The forward and aft OUT (and OUT

) forces are of the same order of

magnitude but of opposite sign, the aft force being positive. The centrifugal ef-
fect of the ship's mass acts in the same direction at both forward and aft gauges,
adding to the hydrodynamic force at the forward gauge and reducing the effect
of the hydrodynamic force at the aft gauge. The forward gauge-force is there-
fore usually of greater absolute magnitude than the aft. For ships with pro-
nounced rake of keel, however, the hydrodynamic force aft is greater than that
forward and the measured forces become of almost equal absolute magnitude.

Forces dependent on acceleration are usually of greater absolute magnitude

than those dependent on velocity. The relative proportions of the two change
with frequency of oscillation and model speed, however, and, for low frequencies
or high speeds, the velocity -dependent forces can be the largest.

By adding and subtracting the forward and aft IN and OUT components ac-
cording to Eqs. (15), side forces and turning moments are obtained as functions
of yaw acceleration and yaw velocity. When these values are faired, the slopes
of the fairing lines at the origin give the terms Yj. - mx^, N^ - i^, Y^ - mu, and
Nj. - itixqu. These terms contain the effects of known model mass and inertia,
which may be eliminated, leaving the hydrodynamic terms Y|^, N. Y^, and N^..

Ship mass and inertia values can then be reintroduced. This ability to account
for differences in mass and inertia between model and ship is convenient, as it
permits the model to be constructed without paying any regard to its inertia.
Model displacement is usually kept to the scaled ship value, and ballast is ad-
justed until the correct trim is obtained.

Integration of Forces in Pure-Sway Tests

The forces measured in "pure-sway" tests are treated in a manner exactly

analogous to the "pure yaw" tests described above. As seen in Fig. 17, the
forces are integrated with sign reversals related to lateral instead of angular
displacement. The synchronous switch is thus adjusted to give impulses to
Input 1 at positions of zero, maximum, and minimum sway displacement. The
measured forces are again designated IN and OUT to indicate in phase or out-
of-phase relationships with sway displacement.

Typical records of forces measured at the forward and aft gauges, shown
in the bottom right of Fig. 17, are explained in similar manner to the results
of "pure yaw" tests. Forward and aft IN
forces are, in this case, of the
same sign because forebody and afterbody accelerate simultaneously to port or

Str^m-Tejsen and Chislett


Prediction of Steering and Manoeuvring of Ships

to starboard. Forward and aft OUT @

forces, resulting from positive sway-
velocity (or negative drift-angle) are largely functions of lift, due to circulation
built up around the hull, which acts at approximately the quarter-chord point,
i.e., close to the forward Y gauge for a 6-m model.

Addition and subtraction of the in-phase force components according to

Eqs. (15) give the side force and turning moment due to sway-acceleration. The
slopes of straight lines used to fair these data give the terms Y^ - m and N;, - mx^,
again including the effects of the model mass, the elimination of which results in
the hydrodynamic derivatives Y^ and N^

Out-of -phase force components resulting from sway velocity or drift angle
are generally to some extent frequency and/or amplitude dependent and are dis-
carded in favor of results obtained from tests made with steady drift angles in
the static mode.

Integration and Interpretation of Nonlinear Forces

It has been assumed in the foregoing that the periodic forces measured in

"pure yaw" and "pure &way" tests are proportional to the motions. This is,
however, not a necessary condition for the use of the integration technique de-
scribed but was introduced to simplify the discussion. When the forces are
related to the motions in a nonlinear fashion, the same principles can be used
to obtain the nonlinear hydrodynamic coefficients.

Suppose, for instance, that for a particular hull the hydrodynamic force or
moment resulting from yaw velocity is of the character shown in the top of Fig. 18.

Fig. 18 - Nonlinear force

response to steady- state

yawing motion (top) and to
sinusoidal yawing motion

Str^m-Tejsen and Chislett

When an oscillator technique is used to generate the yaw velocity, the force-
response at a particular instant is basically the same as in the steady state
provided frequency of oscillation is sufficiently low. If the sinusoidal angular
velocity is of small amplitude, the forces are proportional to the motion and are
also sinusoidal. This is the case within the range of linear force -response A-A.
Tests made within this area provide the linear terms Y^^ and N^ as discussed
above. It is, however, desirable to explore the full range of yaw velocities that
a vessel can experience, and this will probably extend into the nonlinear area
indicated by B-B. If an oscillatory test is made in which a sinusoidal angular
velocity of this amplitude is impressed on the model, the force -response will
be of sinusoidal character within the region of lesser yaw velocities, A-A, but
progressively deviate from sinusoidal in the regions A-B resulting in a gauge
force of the character illustrated in the bottom of Fig. 18.

A curve of the character shown at the top in Fig. 18 can be expressed with
good accuracy by a linear and a cubic term:

Y(r) = Y,r + Y^^^r^ .

Since the yaw velocity impressed on the model is sinusoidal, described by

= '"max sin wt ,

it follows that the cyclic forces experienced by the force gauges (Fig. 18, bot-
tom) are expressed by

Y(r) = Y, r^3, sin a,t + Y, r^^^ sin^ ct


Y(r) = a sin wt + b sin"' wt ,

where a and b are constants in time. Integration over one period with a change
of polarity after half a period then gives

Y(r) - (Yr) = 4a + | b ,


integrated value 2
4 = ^ " 3^

= Yr r
max + 3 Y r r r

The true cubic term Y^^^ corresponding to the steady-state condition is

thus 1-1/2 times greater than the cubic term obtained by fairing force -values
which have been integrated over one period of sinusoidal yaw-velocity.

Prediction of Steering and Manoeuvring of Ships

Figure 19 shows an example of nonlinear forces obtained in this manner by

means of the HyA planar-motion mechanism. The integrated forces have been
obtained as a result of pure yawing motion forced on a 20-ft model of the Mariner
hull-form. The model, the condition tested, and the nomenclature are identical
to that described in Ref. 5, except that the tests were made at a ship speed of 10
knots instead of 15 knots in order to facilitate the generation of large yaw veloc-
ities. The measured forces have been faired with linear and cubic terms, the
coefficients of the fairing polynomials being included in the figure. Steady-state

0-30 o^s
Oimensionlcss Yaw Velocity, r:

Fig. 19 - Pure yaw results measured with the HyA planar-motion

mechanism: transverse (Y) gauge forces as functions of yaw

Str^m-Tejsen and Chislett

Side forces and turning moments can be obtained from the gauge-forces accord-
ing to Eqs, (15), the cubic terms having been multiplied by 3/2 as described above.

Integration and Interpretation of Crosscoupling

Terms in Yaw and Drift-Angle Tests

Crosscoupling effects due to simultaneous yaw velocity and drift angle are
expressed in the mathematical model by the terms Y^,.^, N^^^, Y^^^, and N^^^.
Similarly the crosscoupling due to yaw velocity and rudder angle is expressed
t>y Ygrr> ^stt) YrS85 ^jid N ^ Thcse two sets of coefficients can be obtained
;, - .

from the "yaw and drift-angle" and the "yaw and rudder-angle" tests respec-
tively, outlined in Fig. 4. As the same principles are used for measurement of
both sets of terms, only the derivation of the crosscoupling between yaw velocity
and drift angle is described in the following.

The terms vrr and iw, shown diagrammatic ally in Fig. 20, constitute a
flexiblemeans of expressing the experimental data, while conforming to the
port and starboard symmetry condition f(r,v) = - f(-r. v). The two terms
have essentially the same character, as can be seen by replotting on a base of v
instead of r.

Fig. 20 - Crosscoupling terms Y^^^,

The side force acting on a model in a "yaw and drift-angle" test can be ex-
pressed on a time basis by

Y(t) = Y.f(t) + Y^r(t) + Y^v + Y^^^r(t)v2 ^ Y^,^^vr(t)2 .


where v corresponds to drift angle, held constant during each measuring run,
and r(t) and f(t) are the sinusoidally varying yaw velocity and acceleration.
Again, the corresponding expression for N( t is exactly analogous. )

The first three terms in Eq. (16) are known from the "pure yaw" and "static
drift angle" tests. The manner in which the last two terms can be derived from
the "yaw and drift-angle" test is shown schematically in Fig. 21.

Prediction of Steering and Manoeuvring of Ships


Fig. 21- Generation, interpretation, and measurement of

crosscoupling effects in yaw and drift-angle tests

Str^m-Tejsen and Chislett

The top of Fig. 21 illustrates two characteristic situations, one for positive
(P) and the other for negative (N) yaw velocity. It is again helpful to relate the
periodic forces, resulting from periodic motions generated by the planar-motion
mechanism, to the corresponding steady-state measurements shown at the cen-
ter in Fig. 21. Each of the two center diagrams in Fig. 21 illustrates one of the
two terms rw and vrr, assuming the other to be zero. The corresponding
forces acting at the Y gauges during one revolution of the mechanism are shown
at the bottom in Fig. 21.

It is seen that using the Oscil. program, the in-phase measurements ob-
tained from a "yaw and drift-angle" test correspond to Y|.r(t), and the out-of-
phase measurements correspond to Y^r(t) + Y^^^r(t)v^, whereas the forces cor-
responding to the remaining two terms are eliminated. The component Y^^yr(t)v^
is then obtained by subtracting the known value corresponding to Y^r(t).

Similarly, use of the Const, program gives measurements corresponding

to Y^v+ Y^^j.vr(t)^, and the component Y^j.^vr(t)^ is obtained by subtracting the

known value corresponding to Y^v.

In practice, the rw term has been found to be of significant magnitude and

the vrr term to be small. The rw term is linear with r and thus independent
of the range of yaw velocity, whereas the vrr term is second order in r and
can only be measured if an adequate range is covered.



The complete experimental program, which should be carried out in order

to determine the hydrodynamic coefficients, would, in addition to the various
planar-motion mechanism tests illustrated in Figs. 2, 3, and 4, consist of con-
ventional open-water, resistance, and self -propulsion tests and an experiment
for the determination of the model polar moment of inertia.

Two of the coefficients are furthermore obtained from numerical calcula-

tions instead of experimentally. The added mass of the ship in surge accelera-
tion x^ is, for instance, normally assigned a value of -0.05 m based on theoret-
ical considerations. Similarly, the ship moment of inertia l^ is computed on
the basis of the longitudinal weight distribution of the full-scale ship.

Design of the Experimental Program

The range of motion and rudder parameters explored during testing should
in principle cover the range of subsequent simulation. Sway and yaw accelera-
tion, speed loss, drift angle, yaw velocity, and rudder angle should therefore
be varied systematically up to the values corresponding to maximum-rudder
manoeuvres for the free-sailing ship. Typical values for the range of motion
parameters experienced by a cargo ship during the execution of a 35-degree
rudder-angle turning circle and a 20-20-degree zig-zag manoeuvre are given in
Table 2. Corresponding maximum values obtained with naval ships are often
1.5 to 2 times greater.

Prediction of Steering and Manoeuvring of Ships

Table 2
Typical Range of Dimensionless Motion Parameters for a Cargo Ship

Str^m-Tejsen and Chislett


= 06

9 0-5

I 0.4

z 03
I 02
Prediction of Steering and Manoeuvring of Ships

the particular ship in question and can be used without reservation within the
performance envelope corresponding to the ship's rudder action, instead of only
being valid within a limited area.

In designing theexperimental program, emphasis should be placed on the

more important terms. In general, the six linear velocity-dependent terms, Y^,
Nv> ^T> "^Sf 3iid Ng are predominant, while acceleration-dependent, higher-order,

and crosscoupling terms are of lesser influence (though many are far from negli-
gible) in the accurate prediction of manoeuvres.

The larger hydrodynamic acceleration-dependent terms, Y^ and N;., are of

the same order of magnitude as their related mass m and inertia l^ values,
which effectively doubles their accuracy. Acceleration terms are, furthermore,
influential only in transitional manoeuvres, having no influence during steady
turning states.

Sufficient experimental measurements should be made to justify the use of

least-squares fairing procedures. If too few points are used, the fairing ex-
pression may give a good fit without truly representing the trend of the actual

It is generally recognized that the propeller slipstream has a considerable

influence on the characteristics of the rudder coefficients. In carrying out the
model tests, it is consequently important to scale the slipstream as accurately
as possible, for instance by executing the tests for a propeller rpm correspond-
ing to the ship propulsion-point as opposed to that of the model. When a ship
enters a manoeuvre, its speed will reduce and the propeller rpm will conse-
quently vary somewhat, the variation being dependent on the type of engine and
the engine control settings maintained during the manoeuvre. If it is simply
assumed that a constant propeller rpm is maintained during the entire ship
manoeuvre, the model tests carried out to measure the speed-dependent coeffi-
cients such as Yj^j and Y.^^^ can simply be made with the model propeller rpm
maintained at the value corresponding to the initial speed of the ship. It is also
possible, however, as will be discussed later, to compute the variations of pro-
peller rpm which occur as a ship reduces speed and to obtain speed-dependent
coefficients which correspond to specified machinery types and control settings.

Analysis of Force Measurements

In the last stage of the testing procedure, the forces and moments meas-
ured in the course of the various planar-motion mechanism tests, are analyzed
to yield the different hydrodynamic coefficients. The analysis consists, in prin-
ciple, of fairing the experimental data, using the mathematical model as the
approximating function, and obtaining the hydrodynamic coefficients as those
coefficients which give the best fit to the measured values.

The results from a "static drift angle" test would, for example, consist of
measurements of X and Y forces and the N moment as functions of drift angle
and rudder angle. According to the mathematical model, these forces and mo-
ments are described by the expressions

Str^m-Tejsen and Chislett


Hence, the hydrodynamic coefficients

X*, X^^, X^s, Xg5

Y*. Y^, Yy^^, Y^5g, Yg, Yggg, Yg^^

N*, N,, N,,,, N^gg. Ng, Nggg, Ng,,

are simply the coefficients of these expressions, when they are used as approx-
imating functions in fairing the experimental measurements.

Figure 23 and Table 3 further illustrate the principle of the analysis. The
figure shows results from a "static drift-angle" test carried out for the Mariner
hull-form. The test was executed at 15 knots, and forces and moments were
measured over the complete range of drift angles (/3 = -9.5, -7.5, -4.5, -2.0, -1.0,
-0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.5, 7.0, 9.5 degrees) and of rudder angles (s = to 40
degrees in steps of 10 degrees). The experimental points are plotted in the fig-
ure as circles, whereas the solid curves show the expressions obtained from
fairing the data.

Table 3 presents the corresponding output from the computer program used
in the analysis. The experimental and faired values are indicated bye and f,
and the fairing polynomials are given at the bottom of the table.

Similar principles are applied in the analysis of results from tests made
in thedynamic mode of operation. Figure 24 and Table 4 show, for example, the
analysis of forces measured in the "pure yaw" test.

The out-of -phase forces are in this case faired by the expressions

X = (Xrr-mxQ) r^

Y. (Y,-mu) r + |Y,r^

N = (N^-mx^u) r + fw^^^r^

and the in-phase forces by expressions of the form

Y = (Y._.-mxQ)f

N = (N- -I,) r .

The hydrodynamic coefficients are determined after corrections for differences

inmass and moment of inertia for model and ship.

Prediction of Steering and Manoeuvring of Ships

Str^m-Tejsen and Chislett

Table 3
Example Analysis of a Static Drift-Angle Test: Fairing
of Measured Side Force and Turning Moment

Prediction of Steering and Manoeuvring of Ships

Table 3 (Cont'd)

Nondimensional Moment, NX 10
Angle* Rudder Angle in deg:
(deg) rms
-40.0 -30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0

9.5e 0.983 1.013 0.846 0.614 0.363 0.125 -0.099 -0.1290.164

f 0.976 0.984 0.860 0.647 0.390 0.131 -0.086 0.216 0.217 0.041

7.0e 0.842 0.852 0.744 0.532 0.298 0.064 -0.137 -0.201 -0.217
f 0.867 0.884 0.770 0.567 0.320 0.072 -0.134 -0.253 -0.242 0.030

4.5e 0.751 0.715 0.649 0.452 0.233 0.006 -0.200 -0.314 -0.274
f 0.747 0.771 0.663 0.467 0.227 -0.013 -0.211 -0.322 -0.302 0.025

2.0e 0.654 0.609 0.539 0.348 0.146 -0.076 -0.289 -0.409 -0.395
f 0.625 0.652 0.547 0.355 0.120 -0.117 -0.309 -0.415 -0.390 0.026

l.Oe 0.605 0.586 0.497 0.311 0.103 -0.124 -0.335 -0.463 -0.414
f 0.578 0.605 0.501 0.309 0.074 -0.161 -0.353 -0.458 -0.432 0.022

0.5e 0.581 0.553 0.485 0.273 0.073 -0.140 -0.363 -0.506 -0.444
f 0.555 0.582 0.478 0.286 0.051 -0.184 -0.375 -0.480 -0.453 0.025

O.Oe 0.541 0.515 0.443 0.249 0.037 -0.177 -0.398 -0.543 -0.465
f 0.532 0.559 0.455 0.263 0.028 -0.207 -0.398 -0.502 -0.475 0.025

-0.5e 0.525 0.505 0.432 0.235 0.029 -0.199 -0.426 -0.579 -0.512
f 0.510 0.536 0.432 0.240 0.005 -0.230 -0.421 -0.525 -0.498 0.027

-l.Oe 0.483 0.489 0.396 0.198 -0.004 -0.231 -0.449 -0.593 -0.519
f 0.488 0.514 0.409 0.218 -0.018 -0.253 -0.444 -0.548 -0.521 0.022

-2.0e 0.453 0.449 0.345 0.134 -0.074 -0.299 -0.528 -0.651 -0.586
f 0.447 0.472 0.366 0.173 -0.063 -0.299 -0.491 -0.595 -0.569 0.030

-4.5e 0.379 0.407 0.306 0.059 -0.170 -0.415 -0.637 -0.757 -0.667
f 0.359 0.378 0.267 0.070 -0.171 -0.411 -0.606 -0.714 -0.691 0.028

-7.0e 0.344 0.353 0.268 -0.011 -0.268 -0.524 -0.749 -0.864 -0.773
f 0.299 0.309 0.190 -0.015 -0.263 -0.510 -0.713 -0.828 -0.810 0.042

-9.5e 0.303 0.288 0.215 -0.088 -0.345 -0.620 -0.859 -0.979 -0.871
f 0.274 0.273 0.142 -0.074 -0.333 -0.591 -0.803 -0.928 -0.920 0.044

rms 0.024 0.035 0.035 0.021 0.019 0.027 0.026 0.047 0.028 0.029

Fairing Polynomial t
NxlO^ = -t- 2.83 - 263. 5Xv + 1636X v'3 - 489.0xv'2s -i- 12.54X v'h^ + 136. 7x h^

- 138. 8xs

'e - experimental points tv' = nondimensional sway velocity

f - faired points S = rudder angle in radians.
rms = root mean square of differences.

Str^m-Tejsen and Chislett


nJ IT)

to JJ

ST 3 3 3
Prediction of Steering and Manoeuvring of Ships

Table 4
Example of Analysis of a Pure Yaw Test
Hydro- and Aerodynamics Laboratory PMM Reduced Experimental Data
Str^m-Tejsen and Chislett
Prediction of Steering and Manoeuvring of Ships

Calculation of Coefficients in the X Equation

When the ship is sailing straight ahead with constant velocity Uj, the propel-
ler thrust, modified by the thrust-deduction effect, exactly equals the resistance
of the ship:

X = T( 1 - t ) - R^. = .

This equilibrium condition defines the initial propeller thrust and the cor-
responding propeller torque and revolutions.

As soon as a manoeuvre is initiated, the equilibrium condition is disturbed

and the x force, which represents the difference between the propeller thrust
and the ship resistance, will then vary as a function of speed u and propeller
revolutions. Approximating the x force by a third-order polynomial,

X(u) = 80+ ajAu + ajAu^ + a ^/ki^ ,

where Au = (u - Uj)U, the dimensionless hydrodynamic coefficients X*, X^^,

x^^j,and x^^^ can be obtained directly as the coefficients of the approximating

polynomial, as follows:

X* = Bg - 0; X^ = aj; X^^ = a^; X^^^ = a^ .

It has been found that the X force and corresponding coefficients are com-
puted most accurately on the basis of the results from the open-water, resist-
ance, and self-propulsion tests. Table 5 shows examples of such calculations.
The thrust deduction coefficient t = 0.136 and wake coefficient w = 0.160 used in
the computation but not indicated in the table are taken from the self -propulsion
test. These values are assumed to be constant for all speeds. The correspond-
ing propeller thrust values are computed from the open-water propeller curves
assuming constant wake, and taking the type of engine and engine setting to be
maintained during the manoeuvre into account. As shown in the example, the
propeller thrust can be calculated assuming constant propeller revolutions, or
assuming the propeller torque to vary proportionally to the revolutions to a
certain power. If torque is assumed to vary inversely proportionally to pro-
peller revolutions, the thrust corresponding to a turbine powerplant capable of
maintaining constant power output would be obtained. If torque is assumed to
be constant during the manoeuvre, the corresponding condition for a diesel en-
gine would be obtained. Figure 25 illustrates the relationship between propeller
revolutions, torque and speed for these various conditions.

The variation of propeller revolutions with speed as derived from this

computation can conveniently be used to obtain the correct propeller revolu-
tions, which have to be used when tests are executed at reduced speeds to obtain
the Au - and revolution-dependent coefficients ("rudder angle and speed" tests).

The three coefficients, x^, x^^, and X^^^, can also be obtained experimen-
tally by fairing x-force measurements made for zero rudder angle in a "rudder
angle and speed" test. Such experimentally derived values have agreed well with
the calculated coefficients.

Str^m-Tejsen and Chislett

Table 5
Derivation of Nondimensional Coefficients X^ X^^, and X^^^^j: Calculation
Examples for Constant Power, Constant Propeller Revolutions per Minute,
and Equilibrium Speed (Approach Speed) of 15.00 knots

Prediction of Steering and Manoeuvring of Ships

Table 5 (Cont'd)

Str^m-Tejsen and Chislett

65 70 75
FVopcUer Revolutions /Minute

Fig. 25 - Relationship between propeller

revolutions and propeller torque as a

function of speed reduction encountered
while manoeuvring

Measurement of Model Polar Moment of Inertia

The term N^ - l^ measured in the "pure yaw" test contains the effect of
model moment of inertia l^. For prediction of ship-scale manoeuvres, it is
necessary, as mentioned above, to correct for the difference between model and
ship inertias.

The inertia of the model, including instrumentation and equipment, is found

by oscillating the model in air on a torsional pendulum. The torsion rod is of
6-mm piano wire, 2 m long, clamped at the top to a stiff beam and at the bottom
to a fitting which can be rigidly fastened to the yoke normally used for lifting
models. Four wooden struts are used to prevent movement of the model rela-
tive to the yoke (Fig. 26).

The torsion rod is enclosed, as a safety precaution, by a brass tube which

will restrain the rod if it should break. A steadying support is used to prevent
the model from swinging.

Prediction of Steering and Manoeuvring of Ships

Fig. 26 - Model suspended on a torsional

pendulum for measurement of the polar
moment of inertia

The inertia of the model is found by first measuring the period of oscillation
of the model and yoke, and then the period of the yoke without the model. The
period of oscillation can be measured with sufficient accuracy using a stopwatch,
as the time for one complete oscillation is of the order of 2 minutes. The very
slow movement of the model precludes the possibility of significant aerodynamic

The inertia of the full-scale ship is normally computed on the basis of the
longitudinal weight distribution and the main dimensions.

The between the model and the

ability to account for differences in inertia
ship is convenient, as it permits the model to be constructed without paying any
regard to its inertia. Model testing can be executed for any value of model
inertia, and the appropriate ship value introduced in the analysis of the force

Scale Effects

of the hydrodynamic coefficients are obtained from model tests; hence
it reasonable to give some consideration to correlation between model and
full-scale results before applying the coefficients to the prediction of full-scale

The model tests are conducted according to Froude's law; consequently

Reynolds' number is not satisfied, and the possibility of scale effects due to dif-
ferences in Reynolds' number must be considered.
Results from airfoil testing are relevant in a discussion of scale effects.
Such tests, covering a wide range of Reynolds' numbers, indicate that change of

Str^m-Tejsen and Chislett

Reynolds' number has no systematic effect on the lift-curve slope, whereas the
variation of maximum lift might be appreciable because separation or flow break-
down occurs earlier for the relatively thicker boundary layer around a model
body. As most of the hydrodynamic coefficients are due to related circulation
and viscous drag effects, scale effects should not be expected for any of the
first-order coefficients, Y^, Y,., Y^, N^, N^, N5 etc. In the case of the non-

linear coefficients, however, scale effects could be more serious, as these

coefficients are more likely to be influenced by separation or flow breakdown.
Normally, nonlinear coefficients of the motion parameters v and r, for instance
Y^^^ and Y^j.^, are determined for relatively small values of v and r corre-
sponding to angles of attack below that at which separation takes place. For this
reason, scale effects are probably also negligible for these coefficients. This
is not true for the rudder, as rudder deflection for which rudder characteris-
tics are measured will generally cover the range of rudder-lift breakdown. For
the coefficients Yggj and Ng^j in particular, it has sometimes been found desir-
able to make corrections for this scale effect.

Re'sume'of Experimental Program

A summary of a typical experimental program is given in Table 6. This

program used as a standard when testing cargo ships for which complete
predictions of extreme manoeuvres are required.

The table refers to the series of planar-motion mechanism experiments

which are necessary for the prediction of manoeuvres made for one given ini-
tial, or approach, speed. If other approach speeds are wanted, additional tests
are necessary.

Short descriptions of each test are given in the table, together with suggested
settings of the planar-motion mechanism, and the hydrodynamic coefficients ob-
tained from each of the tests are also indicated.

Typical values for the different coefficients and examples of predicted full-
scale turning circles, zigzag, and spiral manoeuvres are to be found in Refs.
4 and 5.


The mathematical model (Eqs. (5)) is composed of coefficients expressing
relationships between orientations, velocities, and accelerations and the result-
ing inertial and hydrodynamic forces and moments which act on a given hull-
rudder -propeller combination. These coefficients are nondimensionalized, ac-
cording to the consistent system described in Ref. 2, by dividing mass by pL^p/2,
length by Lpp and time by L /u, where u is the instantaneous velocity of the
origin of the body-axes relative to the fluid. The resulting nondimensionalizing
factors used are given in Table 7.

Forces and moments resulting from surge, sway, and yaw accelerations u,
V, and r have been found, in general, to be independent of the velocity of the

Prediction of Steering and Manoeuvring of Ships

n 5 -H M

Q> - All VII


Str^m-Tejsen andChislett

Table 7
Nondimensionalizing Factors

Prediction of Steering and Manoeuvring of Ships






Str^m-Tejsen and Chislett

Table 8
Experimental Results of Static Drift Angle and Speed Tests

Prediction of- Steering and Manoeuvring of Ships



- 5000
Str^m-Tejsen and Chislett

X) 20 30 AO -30 -20 - 10


Fig. 29 - Results of static-rudder-angle tests made at different speeds

(a) dimensional plot of side force Y (b) dimensional plot of turning

moment N'

Prediction of Steering and Manoeuvring of Ships

W 20 30 o
RUDDER ANGLE, degrees. RUDDER ANGLE, degrees.

Fig. 30 - Results of static-rudder-angle tests made at different speeds

(a) dimensionless plot of side force Y', (b) dimensionless plot of turning
moment N'

Str^m-Tejsen and Chislett

n 20 40 - -W n 20 30 40

Fig. 31 - Results of static-rudder-angle tests made at different speeds

(a) dimensional plot of longitudinal force X, (b) dimensionless plot of

longitudinal force X

the forces generated by a rudder situated within it, it can be seen that these
crosscoupling terms will vary with engine characteristics and control settings.
Values corresponding to a particular type of engine or control arrangement can
conveniently be obtained, however, by carrying out model tests at predeter-
mined revolution and speed values which have been obtained from calculations
of the type described in the foregoing section.

The experimental results presented in Figs. 27 to 32 were measured with

the model free to sink and trim but restrained in roll.

A distinction should be drawn between "speed -reduction" tests of the type

described above and tests at different speeds in which the propeller revolutions
correspond to the propulsion point for the speed in question. The nondimen-
sional results of such tests vary very little with speed, which may be explained
in a rough way by considering the flow geometry at different speeds to be simi-
lar in such tests, as the revolutions increase uniformly with ship speed.

Prediction of Steering and Manoeuvring of Ships
Str0m-Tejsen and Chislett
Prediction of Steering and Manoeuvring of Ships





U. 15
Ship Speed , kn.

Fig. 32 - Variation of dimensionless

rudder-angle coefficients with speed


Resonant Standing Waves

The following consists of a brief description of some aspects of the influ-

ence of frequency-dependent surface waves on force measurements made with
the HyA planar-motion mechanism used in the dynamic mode. Not much infor-
mation is available, as the policy adopted has been that of avoiding these effects,
but in order to be able to do this, two series of exploratory tests were made
soon after the mechanism was completed, and it is felt that the results of these
tests are of sufficient interest to warrant description.

It is not unnatural that oscillation of a body in a free surface should give

rise to waves which are dependent on frequency and amplitude of oscillation as

well as on the speed of the body through the water. When the frequency of such
waves corresponds to the natural frequency of the water in the towing tank, then
tank resonance may be expected. Such resonance can result in the buildup of

Str^m-Tejsen and Chislett

significant standing waves which completely preclude the possibility of making

useful measurements.

The frequencies at which tank resonance occurs are solely dependent on

tank dimensions (12) and governed by the relation

period =


o-^ = gk tanh kh

277/k = wavelength = 2b, b, (2/3)b, (2/4)b, etc.

h * depth of tank water

b = breadth of tank

g = acceleration due to gravity.

For the HyA towing tank, when b= 2h, the first four resonant standing-wave
systems, according to these relationships, have periods of 4.07, 2.78, 2.26, and
1.98 seconds. The corresponding revolutions of the HyA planar-motion mecha-
nism at which tank resonance may be expected are then 14,8, 20.5, 26.5, and 30.3
revolutions per minute.

"Pure sway" tests and "pure yaw" tests were made with a 6-m model of
the Mariner class of vessels, for revolution of the planar-motion mechanism
covering the range from to 35 rpm. The object of the tests was to find the
low-frequency area in which the measured forces ceased to be frequency de-
pendent. The model used in the tests was the same as that described in Ref. 5,
and the tests were made predominantly at 15 knots ship speed and with 65 mm
amplitude at the scotch yokes. The raw forces measured at the Y gauges in the
"pure sway" tests are shown plotted in Fig. 33. Above about 12 rpm the forces
measured during a run down the tank varied in a manner akin to the "beating"
phenomenon resulting from the interference of two wave trains having nearly
equal frequencies. The ranges of variation of forces measured during a run
down the tank are shown by heavy lines, and when the forces were repeatable,
the values are indicated by single points in the usual manner.

It isevident that resonant standing waves occurred at about 15, 20, and 30
rpm exactly as predicted by theory.

At the higher frequencies, standing waves were clearly visible, and in an

additional test at zero speed, they built up to alarming proportions, the whole
water surface in the portion of the tank adjacent to the model being set into
violent motion.

Below rpm, however, no standing waves were observable, and it can be

said that they did exist, then the wave height was less than 1 mm. This was
ascertained by close examination of the water level on the tank side when the
model was oscillating.

Prediction of Steering and Manoeuvring of Ships

Str^m-Tejsen and Chislett

airfoil having an oscillatory angle of attack. Waves generated as a result of the

oscillatory motions of the model (independent of the tank boundaries) and reflec-
tions of such waves from the tank walls are two other sources of differences.

Since such effects, while repeatable, are frequency dependent, they can be
assessed by comparing force measurements made at different frequencies, the
agreement of which may safely be assumed to preclude the possibility of sig-
nificant unsteady-flow effects.

The results of "pure sway" tests and "pure yaw" tests previously reported
(Figs. 4 and 5 and Tables 7 and 8 of Ref. 5), showed that forces resulting from
yaw velocity, yaw acceleration, and sway acceleration are quite independent of
frequency of oscillation, within the low-frequency range used during the tests.
Forces resulting from sway velocity, i.e., drift angle, were found to vary with
frequency but to approach the steady-state results of the "static -drift-angle"
test as frequency tended to zero.

Higher Order Frequencies

The periodic motions generated by the HyA planar -motion mechanism are
of almost perfect sine and cosine character, and so during a given run the re-
sulting hydrodynamic forces at the Y gauges must necessarily be of the same
frequency as the motions. There are no grounds to expect periodic forces hav-
ing frequencies which are integer multiples of the frequency of oscillation, as
opposed, for example, to analyses of fluctuating thrust and torque in a propeller
shaft, when integer multiples of the basic shaft frequency would depend on num-
ber of blades, deadwood, etc. It is not therefore considered a disadvantage of
the synchronous -switch technique for integration of periodic forces, that the
Oscil. program is sensitive to uneven integer multiples of the frequency of the
motion and insensitive to even multiples, and vice versa for the Const, program.
Neither is it thought helpful to consider an alternative method of integration, in
which the force signals are multiplied by sin cot and cos ^t, as yielding the first
harmonics of a Fourier analysis (13).

No difficulties have been encountered due to vibration of the HyA towing

carriage and planar-motion mechanism, presumably because of their stiff con-
struction, which ensures that any small vibrations are of such low amplitude and
high frequency that the resulting high-frequency forces acting at the Y gauges
are negligible in comparison with the forces under investigation.


The method adopted at HyA for investigating steering and manoeuvring

qualities of surface ships has been described. A planar-motion mechanism sys-
tem is used for the experimental measurement of hydrodynamic coefficients, and
predictions of manoeuvres are obtained from solutions of the equations of motion
using a digital computer.

The mathematical model at present in use at HyA for simulation of steering

and manoeuvring of surface ships is based on a third -order Taylor expansion of

Prediction of Steering and Manoeuvring of Ships

forces and moments in the equations of motion. The mathematical model has
been reduced to a manageable form by retaining only those hydrodynamic coef-
ficients which experimental experience has shown not to be negligible. Roll and
heel have also been neglected in the mathematical model, since they are felt to
have little influence on prediction of manoeuvres, with the possible exception of
fast warships.

The planar -motion mechanism system designed and built at HyA is used in
a conventional towing tank and designed to oscillate the same large 6-to-7-
metre wax models also used for resistance and propulsion tests. The mechanism
is designed as a low-frequency, high -amplitude oscillator in order to reduce
possible frequency problems and to cover adequately the various velocity and
acceleration parameters encountered in ship manoeuvres.

The various tests which can be executed by the mechanism in its static and
dynamic modes of operation (outlined in Figs. 2 to 4) make the planar-motion
mechanism a versatile instrument for measurement of all of the hydrodynamic
coefficients, both linear and nonlinear, which appear in the mathematical model.

The periodic acceleration-dependent and velocity -dependent forces meas-

ured by the force gauges in the dynamic mode of operation of the planar -motion
mechanism are separated and recorded by integration using a synchronous -switch
technique. The integration is controlled by programming circuits in a processing
unit, and the principles of the measuring technique have been described in detail.

Considerations in the design of the different planar-motion mechanism tests

and the analysis of force measurements to determine the hydrodynamic coeffi-
cients have been discussed. Results from resistance, self-propulsion, and open-
water tests are used to compute coefficients in the X equation and to obtain the
important relationship between propeller rpm and speed reduction encountered
in manoeuvres, for different types of engines and engine settings. An experi-
mental program used as standard at HyA for testing cargo ships is shown in
Table 6.

The influence of speed on the nondimensional coefficients has been dis-

cussed, and the results which supplement those previously reported by HyA for
the Mariner form (Ref. 5) have been presented as examples. It is found that the
nondimensional coefficients y;, y;, n;, and n; are almost independent of speed
over the speed range covered by normal merchant ships, and measurement of
the coefficients Y^^, y;^,, n^^, and N^^, has not been recommended as standard
in the experimental program. The coefficients Yj, Y';,., N', andN',, are
shown to vary considerably with speed, forces on the rudder being strongly
influenced by the propeller slip stream. The crosscoupling terms Y'^, Y,:,,^,
Nj^, and N^sg^ are consequently of importance in prediction of radical manoeu-
vres where speed loss is appreciable, and they should be measured as standard.

It has been found that resonance with a system of standing waves built up in
the towing tank precludes the possibility of oscillating models above a certain
critical frequency. The resonance is easily avoided, however, at the low fre-
quency of oscillation recommended for experiments, but the range of yaw veloc-
ities which can be generated by the present HyA planar-motion mechanism is

Str^m-Tejsen and Chislett

consequently limited. Whereas an acceptable coverage can be obtained for the

6-to-7-metre cargo ship models, the range of yaw velocities which can be ob-
tained for the smaller naval ship models is more limited than desirable, except
at lower speed values.

Forces measured in the low-frequency range have been found either inde-
pendent of frequency or to vary with frequency but approach steady-state re-
sults as frequency tends to zero.

It is finally concluded that the semitheoretical technique combining planar-

motion mechanism model-testing and computer-prediction of manoeuvres allows
scaling problems to be treated satisfactorily. Large models can be used in the
testing, whereby scale effects in general are reduced. Tests can be carried out
at the ship propulsion point by applying a towing force via the rigid connection
to the mechanism, the correct propeller rpm being obtained by taking the partic-
ular engine type and control arrangement into account. The individual meas-
urement of the various coefficients gives an insight into the hydrodynamic phe-
nomena involved and consequently allows corrections to coefficients for difference
in Reynolds' number for model and ship to be considered.

The HyA planar-motion mechanism system was designed and developed
Hydro- and Aerodynamics Laboratory in 1962-1964.
jointly by the authors at the
The authors gratefully acknowledge the inspiration provided by Professor
Martin A. Abkowitz during his stay at HyA in 1962-1963; the support of Profes-
sor C. W. Prohaska, director of the laboratory; and their deep indebtedness to
Hr. Erik Wolstrup Pedersen, who in building and testing the electronic instru-
mentation sacrificed so many evenings with unfailing cheerfulness. Thanks are
also due to the staff of the laboratory workshops, especially Hr. Allan Boll, who
made much of the mechanical structure of the mechanism; and to Fru Gerda
Boetius for her fast and accurate typewriting and painstaking proofreading.

1. "Nomenclature for Treating the Motion of a Submerged Body through a
Fluid," The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Technical
and Research Bulletin 1-5, Apr. 1952

2. Imlay, F.H., "A Nomenclature for Stability and Control," David Taylor
Model Basin Report 1319, May 1959

3. Abkowitz, M.A., "Lectures on Ship Hydrodynamics - Steering and Manoeu-

vrability,"Hydro- and Aerodynamics Laboratory Report Hy-5, May 1964

4. "A Digital Computer Technique for Prediction of Stand-

Strjz^m-Tejsen, J.,
ard Maneuvers of Surface Ships," David Taylor Model Basin Report 2130,

Prediction of Steering and Manoeuvring of Ships

5. Chislett, M.S., and Strjzim-Tejsen, J., "Planar Motion Mechanism Tests and
Full-Scale Steering and Manoeuvring Predictions for a Mariner Class Ves-
sel," Hydro- and Aerodynamics Laboratory Report Hy-6, Apr. 1965

6. Gertler, M., "The DTMB Planar -Motion -Mechanism System," Symposium

on the Towing Tank Facilities, Zagreb, Sept. 1959

7. Goodman, A., "Experimental Techniques and Methods of Analysis used in

Submerged Body Research," in "Third Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics:
High Performance Ships," Office of Naval Research, Department of the
Navy, ACR-65, 1960

8. Prohaska, C.W., "Preliminary Description of the Lay-out and Instrumenta-

tion of the Danish Towing Tank," Paper presented at the Symposium on the
Towing Tank Facilities and Measuring Technique, Zagreb, Sept. 1959

9. Paulling, J.R., and Wood, L.W., "The Dynamic Problem of Two Ships Op-
erating on Parallel Courses in Close Proximity," University of California,
Series 189, Issue 1, July 18, 1962

10. Zunderdorp, H.J., and Buitenhek, M., "Oscillatory Technique at the Ship-
building Laboratory," Report 111 of the Shipbuilding Laboratory of the
Technological University, Delft, 1963

11. Bardarson, H.R., Wagner -Smitt, L., and Chislett, M.S., "Conversion of
Trawlers to Purse-Seiners - A Turning Ability Study including Full-Scale
Trials and Captive Model Tests with Alternative Rudder Arrangements,"
Hydro- and Aerodynamics Laboratory Report Hy-9, 1966

12. Lamb, H., "Hydrodynamics," New York:Dover, p. 364

13. Van Leeuwen, G., "The Lateral Damping and Added Mass of a Horizontally
Oscillating Shipmodel," Netherlands Research Centre T.N.O. for Shipbuild-
ing and Navigation Report 65S, Dec. 1964

Seizo Motora and Takeo Koyama
University of Tokyo
Tokyo, Japan


Ithas been deduced theoretically by Ursell (1) and Hishida (2) that prisms
of certain sectionalshapes create no waves when they roll in a still water sur-
face, and experimental check has also been made by McLeod and Hsieh (3).
Bessho has extended this theme into motions of six degree of freedom and de-
veloped the theory of 'Wave-free distributions" (4).

In addition, Newman (5) has shown, on the basis of Haskind relation, that
the amplitude of radiated wave by an oscillating body in a free surface is di-
rectly related to the exciting force acting on the same body in waves.

These results indicate that there must be bodies which are free from ex-
citing forces in waves.

The authors, being interested in the possible existence of such wave-

excitationless bodies, have been carrying out experimental research for such
bodies, and have found that there were a group of bodies which are free from
wave- induced heaving force in waves of specified frequencies.


Froude-Krylov hypothesis has long been used in estimating wave-induced
heaving force until body- wave interaction was clarified in recent years. Ac-
cording to the Froude-Krylov hypothesis, heaving force becomes nil only when
the waterplane area is zero. However, the authors were aware that the body-
wave interaction is reverse in sign of that of Froude-Krylov force and that
there must be a possibility that a body could be designed to have greater body-
wave interaction in relation to the Froude-Krylov force so that they will cancel
each other.

As Motora has shown (6), the heaving force is expressed approximately as

a summation of an inertia term, a damping term, and a buoyancy term as shown
in Eq. (1).

Zw 7ik^p VZw + 72NZ Zw + 73/:'gAZw , (1)

Motora and Koyama


k^ = added mass coefficient,

p = density of surrounding fluid,

V = volume of a body,

Zw = wave elevation,

Nz = damping coefficient,

g = acceleration of gravity,

A = waterplane area, and

y ^y i^y a^^* correction factors for the orbital motion of the wave.

The first two terms correspond to the body-wave interaction, and the third term
corresponds to the Froude-Krylov buoyancy. The first term is also an inertia
term due to added mass effect. Factor 73 has been known as Smith Correction

If the wave elevation is of the form

Zw = Zw e ^ '^ '^

where oj is the circular frequency, then

Zw - - o;"^ Zw .

Therefore, Eq. (1) is rewritten as

^zw " -rik^/oVw^Zw + yjNzZw + y^p^KbK . (2)

The inertia term is reverse in sign in relation to the buoyancy term and will in-
crease rapidly as the frequency increases. In case of ordinary ship form how-

ever, the first term is not large enough to cancel the buoyancy term in a fre-
quency range of ordinary wave encounter. However, if the form of a body is
chosen so that the inertia term is large enough compared to the buoyancy term,
it will be possible to eliminate the heaving force in a relatively low frequency


According to Newman (5), heaving force is related to the damping coefficient

by the following formulas:

Nz =
(two-dimensional case)

F, (0) de (three-dimensional case)

Wave Excitationless Ships Forms


K = wave number,

= encounter angle of an incident wave, and

h = the wave height.

Substituting Eq. (3) into (2), we can get approximate value of the amplitude of the
heaving force F^^ as follows:

(-7ik,pVa.2 + 73pgA)Zw-,/l + (-7ik^/^Va>2 + y^pgk)^ ^"^^

Fzw 7 (-^Tt)

Therefore, heaving force will vanish when the frequency co takes the following

73 gA


Let us call -Jq ^-S "excitationless frequency" for convenience. To bring this ex-
citationless frequency toward low-frequency range of probable wave encounter,
it will be necessary to make A/v smaller than usual proportion. It will be noted
that results of measured external force to oscillate different bow section models
by Paulling (7) indicate the similar tendency, though in his case the inertia force
includes the mass of a model itself.

2.1 Submerged Circular Cylinder with a Strut

1) Theoretical consideration

In seeking a body which has relatively greater inertia force, one may be
aware that an extreme case of such a body is a completely submerged body.
The main part of the heaving force acting to a submerged body is an inertia
force which is reverse in sign of the wave elevation. Therefore, if a vertical
strut of narrower width is attached to a submerged body so that it gives small
amount of buoyancy, it will be possible to eliminate the heaving force at a speci-
fied frequency of waves.

Therefore, let us choose a combination of a circular cylinder of radius a,

depth f and a vertical strut of breadth B as shown in Fig. 1.

Motora and Koyama

Though the heaving force acting on a circular

cylinder has been calculated by Cummins (8), it is
necessary for us to calculate the inertia term and
buoyancy term separately. An approximate calcula-
tion was done making use of the Eq. (4), i.e., it was
assumed approximately that a summation of the
inertia term for a cylinder and for a strut would
give the inertia term of the total body. The same
assumption was applied for the buoyancy term.

For the inertia coefficient k^ of a circular cyl-

inder, values given by Yamamoto (9) were used, and
for that of a strut, values given by Tasai (10) for
full section were employed.

Fig. 1 - Geometry
of circular cylinder Calculated inertia force and buoyancy for dif-
type models ferent breadth of the strut are as shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2 - Calculated inertia force and buoyancy

for different breadths of the strut

Wave Excitationless Ships Forms

The approximate values of the heaving force is obtained by Eq. (4) as shown
in Fig. 3.

At relatively low frequency range, the buoyancy is greater than the inertia
force (or under cancel), and the heaving force will be inphase with the wave ele-
vation. At oJq given by Eq. (5), heaving force is zero, and at higher frequency
than ojp, the inertia force exceeds (over cancels) the buoyancy, i.e., the heaving
force at this frequency range will be 180 degrees out-of-phase with the wave

It is also shown in Fig. 3 that shifts toward lower frequency when the
breadth of the strut decreases.

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 f-7

Fig. 3 - Calculated heaving force of circular cylinder type models

2) To check the above described results, experiments were conducted on a

model of the following size:

Diameter - 2a = 20 cm
Breadth of the strut - B = 15 cm (1.5a), 10 cm (a), and 5 cm (0.5a)

Length = 50 cm (with end plates).

To prevent the sway and pitch of the model a guide is attached to the model
as shown in Fig. 4. The heaving force was measured by a rigid spring attached
by a linear transformer as a pick-up.

Motora and Koyama

A t3rpical result for B= a and depth f = 2a is shown in Fig. 5 together with

the computed one. The base non-dimensionalized wave frequency
of Fig. 5 is a
and the ordinate is the non-dimensionalized heaving force. The thick solid line
shows the heaving force of a semisubmerged circular cylinder of radius a/2.

A remarkable decrease of the heaving force at a frequency approximately

equal to the theoretical ^^o will be recognized.

Figure 6 is a typical oscillogram of the heaving force and the wave eleva-
tion as (^Vg)a = 0.124, 0.238, and 0.402. At (ajVg)a = 0.124, where the buoy-
ancy is greater than the inertia force, the heaving force is in phase with the

Fig. 4 - Set-up of heaving force measurement




1.0 1.5 2.0 25 -jj^. 3.0

Fig. 5 - A typical result

Wave Excitationless Ships Forms

o O.
> LO


I 4





M-1 sec -J

Fig. 6 - Typical oscillogram of the heaving

force and wave elevation

Motora and Koyama

wave elevation (under cancel). At (^Vg)a = 0.238, the heaving force almost
vanishes. At (oj^/g)a = 0.402, where the buoyancy is less than the inertia force,
the heaving force is 180 degrees out of phase with the wave elevation (over can-
cel). These oscillograms gave valuable information in determining a suitable
breadth of the strut.

To examine the effect of the breadth of the strut as well as the depth of the
cylinder, results are shown in Fig. 7. As predicted by theory, c.^o shifts to
lower frequency as the breadth of the strut decreases. However, change of
depth does not affect oj^. Frequency w^ for a = 10 cm, T = 30 cm is 5.03, which
corresponds to ^o = 0-873 for a full-scale ship of length 140 m and draft 10 m.
This frequency corresponds to wavelength 61 m for beam seas. However, in
case of longitudinal waves, this frequency corresponds to wavelength 200 m at
ship speed 18 kts.

2.2 Elliptic Cylinder with Strut

To make the draft relatively small, an elliptic cylinder was chosen as the
main body. The ratio of major axis and minor axis was varied from 2 to 4,
where the breadth of the strut was kept to be a half of the major axis (Fig. 8).

Results are as shown in Fig. 9. Different from the result of the former
case, Wq seems to shift toward lower frequency as the depth increases. Abso-
lute value of the heaving force is about the same as the former case.

2.3 Fins with Strut

To make the inertia term greater, it is necessary to increase the added

mass k^/oV. The virtual mass for a thin plate of breadth 2a is p^a^ per unit
length. Therefore, it will be possible to replace ellipse by adequate size of fins
as shown in Fig. 10.
A model in which 2a = 25 cm, B = 15 cm, f = 7 cm was tested in the same
technique. Results are as shown in Fig. 11. In general, it can be said that ef-
fectiveness of fins are almost equivalent to a thin ellipse.

As shown in Section 2, there are several variations of bodies which are not
acted on by wave-induced heaving force at specified frequency. However, it will
be premature to conclude that these bodies do not heave at the specified

As shown damping factor is proportional to the square of the

in Eq. (3),
heaving force. This means that a wave-excitationless body is also a damping-
less body.

case of the circular cyclinder as described in 2) of Section 2.1,

In fact, in the
measured heaving amplitude is quite large as shown in Fig. 12. There appears
a high peak at resonant frequency and a minimum point at a frequency about u}^.

Wave Excitationless Ships Forms


Fig. 7 - Heaving force of the circular cylinder type models

Motora and Koyama

=^- t 1
Fig. 8 - Geometry of ellip-
tic cylinder type models


ELLIPSE a = 10 cm , b5cm . B lOcm

0.4 0.6

(a) a/b=2

ELLIPSE Q = IOcm D=2.5cm B = IOcm

0.4 0.6 iPoLQ

(b). a/b=4

Fig. 9 - Heaving force of elliptic cylinder types

Wave Excitationless Ships Forms

Fig. 10 - Geometry of fin

type models

= 12.5 cm b = B 15 cm

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 f'o'Or

Fig. 11 - Heaving force of fin type models

It will be interesting to bring the resonant frequency equal to o.^. However, this
is proved not to be practicable for the following reason:

resonant frequency of heaving = oj^
y m + m^ (7)

where m is the mass of a body.

excitationless frequency = a;. =

As the ratio 73/71 is almost equal to unity, a;^ cannot be equal to a)^ unless the
mass of the body is zero.

Motora and Koyama

02 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 16 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 <%i.

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 06 as T<

Fig. 12 - Heaving magnification factor
of circular cylinder type models

As far as the wave damping is concerned, it seems hopeless to decrease the

heaving amplitude. However, it should be noted that eddy damping or artificial
damping are not included in Haskind-Newman relation.

Therefore, eddy-making damping or artificial damping such as by a passive

tank are given to a wave-excitationless body, it will be possible to minimize the

Heaving of an ellipse (a/b= 2) with a strut is measured as shown in Fig. 13(a)

in which less heaving amplitude will be recognized than the case of a circular
cylinder due to eddy damping. Thinner ellipse (a/b= 4) with a strut is also tested
as shown in Fig. 13(b). Remarkable decrease of heaving due to eddy damping will
be noted.

Heaving of a body with fins as described in Section 2.3 is also tested. Re-
sults are as shown in Fig. 14. Though the magnification factor diagram looks
like that of critical damping, actual damping is about one-third the critical
damping. Apparent critical damping of the magnification factor diagram is due
to rapid decrease of the exciting force as the frequency approaches co^.


According to the above described method, the exciting force is eliminated at
only one specified frequency. The following is a trial to eliminate the exciting
force at two or more frequencies.

Wave Excitationless Ships Forms



0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 %
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 ^'a
(a) a/b=2


+ -'

10 u
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2

0.1 0 0.3 0.4 0 0.6 0.7 OB 0.9

(b) a/b=4

Fig. 13 - Heaving magnification factor

of elliptic cylinder type models

As shown in Fig. 15, an inner solid strut of breadth Bj is covered by a tank

of breadth B^. The tank is provided by small holes of total area s, depth H.

K we denote the excitationless frequency for Bj as -o > the heaving force i

will vanish at frequency Wq provided the area s is chosen adequately so that


the water level in the tank is always equal to that of outer surface at this

On the other hand, according to a theory of antipitching tank (12,13), the

movement of water in the tank, as the outer water level changes periodically,

Motora and Koyama
Wave Excitationless Ships Forms

Strut breadth Bi
Strut breadth B^

X Combined 7" = 2

^ Combined "^ = ^


az 0.4 OJS

Fig, 16 - Heaving force of a double caisson type model

Fig. 17 - Geometry of
sphere type models

three-dimensional case provided adequate values for 7 are chosen, the amplitude
of heaving force of such a body is calculated by Eq. (2) as shown in Fig. 18.

Heaving-force measurements have been made of models with the following

sizes: a =14.3cm, D =a and \fJa, T = 1.5a and 2a. A typical record obtained
is shown in Fig. 19 which shows almost the same tendency as the two-
dimensional case shown in Fig. 6.

In Fig. 20, heaving forces for different depths are shown. Reasonable
agreement with theoretical calculations will be noticed.

Motora and Koyama

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Fig. 18 - Calculated heaving force of sphere type models

5.2 A Prism in Longitudinal Wave

In relation to the possibility of applying the strip method for three-

dimensional cases, it is important to know how a wave acts to a section of unit

length of a prism fixed in longitudinal wave train.

This problem was treated by Okumura and Sugiura (11) for a prism of a
section shown in Fig. 13(b). A unit length of prism was cut off and kept free
from the main body and was supported by a rigid spring attached with linear
transformer as shown in Fig. 21, so that heaving force acting on this segment
was measured.

Results are as shown in Fig. 22. In Fig. 23, heaving forces in beam seas
as well as longitudinal waves are compared with calculated values. Reasonable
agreement between them will suggest that the strip method will be applicable
for obtaining heaving force as well as pitching moment of ships in longitudinal
waves. Therefore, there will be a possibility to eliminate pitching moment of
ships by the same technique.



Bessho has given in his paper "wave-free distribution" (4), a group of two-
dimensional bodies which are wave-free as they heave in a free surface. They
are derived by the following procedure:

Supposing m( t ) is a function which is regular at infinity and is vertically

skew-symmetry. Then a function

f(t) = Km(t) + i -j^mCt) (10)

Wave Excitationless Ships Forms

Motora and Koyama

Fig. 20 - Heaving force of sphere type models



Fig. 21 - Set-up of heaving

force measurement

Wave Excitationless Ships Forms

I. Or



.T-2.0 a
-T-2.5 a
^*"-^t:r:-- T:i;g
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0J& 0.7 0.8 -^a

Fig. 22 - Heaving force per unit length of a

elliptic-type prism in longitudinal waves




0.1 02. 0.3 0.4 05 OJB 0.7 0.8 fa

6 4 3 1.5 X(m)

Fig. 23 -Comparison of heaving force in longitudinal

waves with that in transverse waves

will give a velocity potential which satisfies the free surface condition and should
not associate surface waves. Therefore, f(t) is a velocity potential around a
body which is free from surface wave as it heaves in a free surface.

If a singular point at depth h is taken to be m(t), viz,

't + ih (11)
m(t) = log ^j_-j-^

Motora and Koyama

W.L 1.0 then

t + ih
f(t) + K lof (12)
t + ih

Stream lines given by this function are as shown

in Fig. 24. As seen in Fig. 24, one of them is
similar to the circular cylinder type model of the
present paper. It is quite interesting to see that
two different approaches reached similar results.

An experiment was conducted to measure the

heaving force for such a body. Results are as
shown in Fig. 25 where heaving force for a circu-
lar cylinder type is also shown for comparison.
From Fig. 25 it will be noticed that the wave-free
body shows quite similar heaving force vs fre-
Fig. 24 - Typical quency curve compared with the circular cylinder
stream lines of two-
type model.
dimensional wave-
free distributions
1. The Froude-Krylov buoyancy and the
inertia force which is induced by the added
mass effect are reverse in sign. Therefore, it is possible to make them
cancel each other so that wave excitation is reduced.
2. At a frequency at which the absolute value of the inertia force is equal to
that of buoyancy, the heaving force becomes exactly zero theoretically, and is
proved experimentally to be almost zero.

Fig. 25- Comparison between the heaving force of a wave-free body

obtained by Bessho and that of the circular cylinder type model

Wave Excitationless Ships Forms
3. To bring the excitationless frequency into low-frequency range such as
ordinary wave encounter frequency, it will be necessary to make the underwa-
ter volume large enough in relation to the water plane area. The underwater
volume can be replaced by a flat plate which has the same amount of added mass
as the underwater body.

4. Wave-damping also vanishes as the heaving force vanishes. Therefore,

it will be necessary to givedamping other than wave-damping to a body to re-
duce heaving or pitching motion.

5. In the case of a two-dimensional body, for a segment of unit length,

heaving force due to beam seas is almost equal to that due to longitudinal waves.
Therefore, strip method can be applied for three-dimensional bodies. It will
also be possible to apply the present technique to the pitching motion.

6. It is also possible to extend this technique to the three-dimensional


1. F.Ursell, "On the Rolling Motion of Cylinders in the Surface of a Fluid,"
Quart. Journal of Mech. and Applied Math., Vol. II (1949)

2. T. Hishida, "A Study on the Wave-Making Resistance for the Rolling of

Ships II," Journal of Zosen Kokai, Vol. 85 (1952)

3. W. McLeod and T. Hsieh, "Experimental Investigation of Ursells Theory of

Wave Making by a Rolling Cylinder," Schiffstechnik Bd. 10 (1963)

4. M. Bessho, "On the Wave-Free Distribution in the Oscillation Problem of

the Ship," Journal of Zosen Kiokai, Vol. 117 (1965)

5. J. N. Newman, "The Exciting Force on Fixed Bodies in Waves," Journal of

Ship Research, Vol. 6 (1962)

6. S. Motora, "Stripwise Calculation of Hydrodynamic Forces Due to Beam

Seas," Davidson Lab. Note No. 656 (1962), Journal of Ship Research, Vol. 8

7. J. R. Paulling and R. K. Richardson, "Measurement of Pressure, Forces,

and Radiating Waves for Cylinders Oscillating in a Free Surface," Report of
Institute of Eng. Research, Univ. Calif. (1962)

8. W. Cummins, Trans, of Symposium on Ships and Waves Council on Wave

Research, SNAME (1954)

9. Y. Yamamoto, "On the Oscillating Body under the Water Surface," Journal
of Zosen Kiokai, Vol. 77 (1955)
10. F. Tasai, "On the Damping Force and Added Mass of Ship's Heaving and
Pitching," Journal of Zosen Kiokai, Vol. 105 (1959)

Motora and Koyama

11. Y. Okumura and M. Sugiura, "On Wave Excitationless Ship Forms, Special
Reference to Three Dimensional Cases," Graduation Thesis, Tokyo Univ.

12. E. Tasaka, S. Motora, M. Kengaku, T. Ida, and M. Koyanagi, "An Experi-

mental Study of the Effectiveness of Anti- Pitching Tanks," Journal of Zosen
Kiokai, Vol. 177 (1965)

13. S. Motora, 'T)iscussion to Gidding's paper," in "Fifth Symposium on Naval

Hydrodynamics," published by Office of Naval Research, ACR-112, p. 803,
available from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Of-
fice, $7.25, 1964


Capt. William R. Porter, USN

Institute for Defense Analyses
Arlington, Virginia

I want to congratulate the authors for presenting a paper which includes not
only theoretical observations of interest, but also includes experimental evidence
that the observations in theory are reasonably valid in reality. I will confine my
technical remarks now to the case of two-dimensional bodies only. The points
on which I will comment are:

1. Shiplike sections which do not generate waves when forced in vertical

oscillation at critical frequencies.

2. Shiplike sections which are free of vertical excitation in waves at criti-

cal frequencies.

3. Calculation of the hydrodynamic coefficients by exact, in lieu of approx-

imate, analysis.

In their paper the authors report approximate techniques to calculate the

results for sections synthesized from simple shapes and which are free of ver-
tical excitation in waves. The same sections do not generate waves when forced
at critical vertical frequencies. In order to study such forms with shiplike sec-
tions, I have generated a number of sections within those mapped by the trans-

Z= ^ + E ^2i.l/^^

Wave Excitationless Ships Forms
This transform has been used by myself and others for other purposes, and with
the proper choices of the coefficients a. and the number of coefficients, this can
also generate more or less smooth bulbous sections which display the particular
hydrodynamic behavior of interest here. The hydrodynamic coefficients for these
transform sections in forced vertical, horizontal, or rolling motion in fluid of
arbitrary depth can be calculated exactly (in the numerical technique sense) by
the methods I have previously used. The point is that exact procedures of anal-
ysis of continuous shiplike forms tend to confirm the results of the authors' ap-
proximate calculations for their forms.

As an example, I have results for a family

of forms illustrated in Fig. Dl. The family
varies strut length and strut width. The geo-
6 5 4 3 2 1 LONG
metric coefficients a. were found by a proce- STRUT
dure numerically mapping the offsets of bulbuous
shapes selected as a family. The form with
the widest strut, section 1, with the beam of the
strut equal to the beam of the bulb, that is, the
form with vertical sides and without reverse
curvature, does not show zero vertical force
in the finite frequency range. The other forms
show the desired phenomena and the critical
frequencies; and, as a family, the trend of be-
havior is smooth. For clarity of the figures,
I have illustrated the wave amplitude ratio A

(Fig. D2) and the free surface correction coef-

ficient k^ (Fig. D3) for only three of the forms.
The zeroes of generated wave amplitude are
easily seen. The approximate zero wave-
excitation according to the estimate by the
authors is not obvious in my figures, but it is
clearly dependent on the added mass coeffi-
cient, and its variation with frequency is dis-
played by the free-surface correction coef-

Unfortunately, I can only report these the-

oretical observations without further experi-
mental results such as the authors have re-
ported. On this note, I will close with repeated
congratulations to the authors for both the the- Fig. Dl - Family of ship-
oretical estimate and experimental report. like forms

Motora and Koyama

Wave Excitationless Ships Forms


W. Frank
David Taylor Model Basin
Washington, D.C.

After hearing of the authors' remarkable and extensive investigations on the

heaving force of bulbous bodies in regular waves, we at the David Taylor Model
Basin were in a position to compare some of their results with results obtained
by a computer program which calculates the added mass and damping of two-
dimensional bodies.

The added mass and damping coefficient are evaluated by distributing wave
sources over the cross section of the submerged body, the source strengths
being determined from an integral equation obtained from the kinematic bound-
ary condition on the body. The amplitude of the heaving force in the authors'
normalized form was evaluated by the Newman- Haskind relation between the
damping coefficient of a sinusoidally oscillating two-dimensional body and the
exciting force on the Sa^ie body restrained in regular waves, as expressed by
Eq. (3) in the paper.

We have considered some of the geometries investigated by the authors.

Figure D4 shows our results for three circular cylinders with strut as com-
pared with the authors' experimental data in their Fig. 7(b). The circles repre-
sent the experimental data for B= 1.5a, the squares give the measured results
for the case B= a, and the triangles designate the authors' measurements for
B= 0. 5a We see that our theory predicts the occurrence of minimum force am-

plitudes fairly well, and we notice good agreement between our theory and the
experimental data in the lower end of the frequency range.

Figure D5 compares our calculations for an elliptic cylinder with strut

with Motora and Koyama's measurements taken from their Fig. 9(a). Again we
notice good agreement between the curve and the measurements for the lower
frequencies, and we see that the zero of the curve occurs at the frequency of
lowest measurement.

We have calculated the damping of circular cylinders with various strut

lengths and we have found, just as Motora and Koyama have, that, for fixed
beam-to-diameter ratio, zero damping occurs at nearly the same frequency for
all draft-to-diameter ratios considered. This result holds also for the limiting
case of ogival cylinders that is, circular cylinders without strut but more
than half submerged.

Fig. D4 - Circular cylinder with strut, T = 3a

Fig, D5 - Elliptic cylinder with strut, T= 2a, B = a, a/b = 2

Wave Excitationless Ships Forms


Jerome H. Milgram
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts

During the oral discussion of this paper at the Sixth Symposium on Naval
Hydrodynamics, one person mentioned the possibility that wave-excitationless
forms might be used for a stable base from which waves could be measured in
the open sea. This possibility has been extensively explored with successful
results by a number of researchers; see e.g. Kerr (1) or Milgram (2). Both
Kerr and Milgram calculated the heaving force on their buoys by neglecting the
scattered waves and approximately the force caused by the incident wave alone.
A modified form of this calculation is given here.

Consider a body formed by two cylinders, one of which pierces the free
surface (Sketch 1).

This made from

cylinders (1)
and (2)


Sketch 1

The vertical force on cylinder (1) is called Fj and the vertical force on cyl-
inder (2) is called Fj.

The pressure in an incident sinusoidal wave of amplitude h in deep water is

P = pghe'^y cos (kx -cot) (1)

kF -k2/2 k/2
Fj = pghAje' ; - e cos (kx - wt ) (2)


k << 1 , Fi = -/Oghe" kV cos (kx - cot) ,


where v = k^l is the volume of cylinder (1).

Motora and Koyama

Fj = pghAj e' cos (kx - wt (4)

The total force is Fj + F

Fj + Fj = pgh cos (kx - ojt A^e kT ,, -kF

^-Ve (5)

Note that if e"'^'^ % e'*"^, the wave-excitationless circular wave number is

which is just Motora and Koyama' s result without all their "correction coeffi-

When the body is not made of cylinders, it can be analyzed by subdividing

it into "elemental cylinders" and Eq. (5) is still correct.

The results from the simple, straightforward theory I have given above
should be accurate when the scattered wave is small. With fixed, surface-
piercing two-dimensional bodies like those of Motora and Koyama, the scattered
wave will not be small so the simple theory would be inaccurate for them. How-
ever, when a two-dimensional body is totally submerged with only small append-
ages piercing the surface, the simplified theory may be accurate. Ogilvie (3)
has considered a submerged two-dimensional horizontal circular cylinder in
waves with the top of the cylinder more than one cylinder diameter below the
free surface, and he has shown that the forces when considering the scattered
wave agree within 10 percent error with the forces found when neglecting the
scattered wave. His results for no scattered wave reduce to Eq. (5) when ka is
small, a being the cylinder diameter.

The above facts as well as the very good agreement between the simple the-
ory and experiments with the FLIP buoy shown by Kerr (4) have prompted me to
calculate by the simple theory the heaving force on the sphere with vertical cylin-
der used by Motora and Koyama. The results are shown in Fig. D6. The simple
theory does not fit the experimental results of Motora and Koyama as well as
their theory, but their theory is "adjustable" by means of their four arbitrary
constants y^, y^^ ^zj 3-^^^ K^*

The disagreement of the simple theory with the experimental result is prob-
ably not due to the scattered wave alone. The diameter of the thinnest vertical
strut considered here is hali the diameter of the sphere so there is a large as-
sy metry about a horizontal plane through the center of the sphere. Therefore,
the body can develop vertical lift associated with circulation, in the presence of
horizontal currents, and the horizontal fluid velocity in the wave is in phase with
the pressure forces thereby maximizing the possible discrepancy due to lift.
There are many structures in use today where the bulk of the buoyancy is wholly
submerged and the surface-piercing elements are relatively small. For struc-
tures of this type the simple theory should give predictions suitable for use in
the engineering office.

Wai'?. Excitationless Ships Forms

1. Kerr, K.P., "Stability Characteristics of Various Buoy Configurations," in
"Transactions of the 1964 Buoy Technology Symposium," Marine Technol-
ogy Society

2. Milgram, J.H., "Studies on Making Wave Measurements in the Open Sea,"

Block Associates Report, Block Associates, Cambridge, Massachusetts
(March 1964)

3. Ogilvie, T.F., "First and Second Order Forces on a Cylinder Submerged

Under a Free Surface," Jour, of Fluid Mech., 16:451-472 (1963)

4. Kerr, K.P., "Stability Characteristics of Various Buoy Configurations,"

in "Transactions of the 1964 Buoy Technology Symposium," Marine Tech-
nology Society


2 0.3 4 5 6

Fig. D6 - Heaving force

for sphere type models,
T= 3.5a


Seizo Motora and Takeo Koyama


The authors would like to express their warmest thanks for Capt. Porter's
kind remarks. It is very interesting and encouraging to see that Capt. Porter's
exact solution for bulbous bodies showed quite similar tendency as the authors'
rather intuitive observation.

The authors are most interested in measuring heaving forces of those ship-
like forms and in treating three-dimensional problem by strip method using
these sections.
Motora and Koyama


The authors appreciate Mr. Frank's discussion showing results of his fine
calculation at DTMB. It is quite encouraging to see the agreement between his
results and the authors' measurements. There are some discrepancies between
the theory and the measurement at higher frequencies, and the authors are in-
terested in checking their measurement at those points.

In comparing Fig. 3 of the paper to Mr. Frank's Fig. D4, there are some
discrepancies between the authors' approximation and the exact solution given
by Mr. Frank for greater strut width. The authors hope that those results will
give valuable information to refine their approximation.


Mr. Milgram showed that heaving excitationless phenomena can be ex-
plained by a simple theory neglecting the wave diffraction.

It is very interesting to know that the Froude-Krylov force itself has nega-
tive sign to thewave elevation when a body is entirely submerged. This means
that the correction factor 73 in the authors' theory is less than they have esti-
mated, and therefore the excitationless frequency will shift toward a lower fre-

For example, let us take a body shown by Mr. Milgram (Sketch 2).

The Froude-Krylov force is

Wave Excitationless Ships Forms

k; = (5)

and the authors' theory:


we know Kg is less than Kg and Kg

Mr. Milgram has shown that Eq. (5) agreed very

well with measured one. In fact, in case of three di-
mensional problem where V is sufficiently large, and
the inertia coefficient is not so large, Eq. (5) will give
considerably reasonable value. However, if -l (the
height of the submerged cylinder) becomes zero (thin
collar piece), Eq. (5) will give K - oo with V - 0. On the
other hand, since k^v does not become zero when V
tends to zero, Eq. (4) and Eq. (6) will give finite K

Therefore simplified Eq. (5) will result in consid-

erably higher value of excitationless frequency when
the underwater bulb is flattened. Sketch 3

A. C. McClure and A. S. Hove
Project Mohole - Brown and Root, Inc.
Houston, Texas


Project Mohole is this nation's contribution to the International Upper Man-
tleStudy and is the most ambitious part of this program. The major scientific
objective of Project Mohole is to obtain a core record of the layers of the
earth's crust and the upper part of the underlying mantle. In addition to core
samples, valuable information will be acquired from measurements made in the
hole both during drilling and after completion.

The boundary between the crust of the earth and the mantle is defined in
terms of seismic measurements, indicated by a sharp increase in acoustic ve-
locity at the interface known as the Mohorovicic Discontinuity. This phenome-
non occurs at much shallower depths under the oceans than under the continents;
hence, the decision was made for the drilling to be carried out at sea. At the
selected drilling site, northeast of the island of Maui, Hawaii, the water is
14,700 ft deep and the mantle is another 16,000 to 18,000 ft beneath the ocean

The drilling operation at the selected site requires an accurately positioned

stable platform. The steadiness of the working vessel is of critical importance
in every phase of activity. The most critical items regarding steadiness are
the riser system and the drill pipe which connect the vessel to the ocean floor.
The manipulations for reentry demand minimum surface motions and precise
maneuvering capabilities.

Positioning of the vessel must be accomplished by propulsive means rather

than by anchoring because of the great depth of water at the proposed drilling
site. The platform cannot be allowed to drift out of the prescribed area with the
riser pipe attached or the drill pipe in the hole. Precise and dependable posi-
tioning control is required in the performance of all drilling and reentry

A high degree of steadiness is designed into the platform by developing a

configuration which has very weak coupling with surface waves, and consequently
minimal response to the sea. Low response to wave action is inherent in the

McClure and Hove

Fig. 1 - Drilling platform model

design of the vessel with small water plane area and deeply submerged main
hulls. These characteristics make it difficult to obtain low resistance which is
a desirable characteristic for station -keeping. The photograph, Fig. 1, shows
that the configuration chosen will yield relatively low drag for the hulls without
sacrificing desirable wave transparency (1).

It is mandatory to the life of the drill string and riser that the platform be
kept within a prescribed distance of the hole, dependent upon water depth. At
the Mohole site, in 14,700 ft of water, the maximum safe distance off the hole is
400 ft. A circle of this radius is clearly too small for conventional ship-type
maneuvering. The platform is equipped with propulsion equipment which enables
it to turn at any radius, or to move in a straight line in any direction. While on
station it is intended that the vessel will be headed into the current if the cur-
rent is one knot or more, or into the wind if wind predominates. If both wind
and current are strong, a heading between the two forces will be chosen to min-
imize propulsive power. At times it will be necessary to move the platform
transversely through the water or at some large angle to the centerline in order
to hold station in a weak current from one direction while a strong wind is blow-
ing from another direction. As conditions change, a new heading will be se-
lected where propulsive power and resistance can be most favorably matched.
The platform will not automatically change heading but rather will maintain a
predetermined gyrocompass heading. Environmental conditions for design of
the positioning system were of necessity selected before the Mohole site was
chosen. Wind and current conditions were established which would permit oper-
ation in any of the potentially suitable areas. The design conditions do not

Project Mohole Drilling Platform

necessarily represent expected sea conditions in the Hawaiian area. Design

limiting conditions are simultaneous winds of 33 knots and current of 3 knots
with commensurate seas. This results in enough power so that squalls of much
greater intensity can be withstood in combination with nominal ocean current.

Two propulsion systems are provided: The main propulsion system con-
sists of a propeller at the stern of each lower hull powered by a 7500-HP DC
motor. The positioning propulsion system consists of six right-angle drive
units, one in each of the six main columns. These units each consist of a 5 ft
9 in. shrouded propeller driven through right-angle gearing by a 1000-HP DC
motor. The propellers are trainable and can be continuously rotated in either
direction to provide thrust at any desired angle. Both the main propulsion and
the positioning propulsion systems are controlled automatically in the station-
keeping mode.

The positioning system includes a position reference system which deter-

mines location relative to the hole by sonar ranging to bottom -mounted trans-
ponders. A positioning computer calculates the relative platform position, de-
termines the thrust required to correct position errors, and directs the
propellers accordingly. Two identical computers are installed to insure a high
degree of reliability. These systems are explained in more detail in Appendix
D. A semiautomatic mode is also provided in which the positioning units are
coupled to a joy-stick.

In moving from one site to another the platform will be operated at light
draft, with the lower hulls on the surface. Since ample propulsive power is
available as a result of positioning requirements, the platform will be operated
self-propelled in transit. In this mode it will operate very much like a ship in
straight and curved maneuvers. No rudders are provided, only the main pro-
pellers will be used, controlled manually from a console on the bridge either at
the same speed for straight line travel or at different speeds to develop turning

It can be seen that propulsive power, rotation, and resistance in all direc-
tions are of interest. As an essential step in design of propulsion and control
systems, it was necessary to determine characteristics of the platform in
straight-line motion fore and aft, athwartships, and obliquely to the center line
and in curved maneuvers varying from turning about its own vertical center line
to turns at normal turning radius. These characteristics were required at the
normal drilling draft of 65 ft, and at the light or transit draft of about 29 ft.
Since the analysis and test procedures differ between the deep draft and light
draft conditions, these are treated separately. The most vital criterion of the
drilling platform is that it must remain on station within the prescribed limits.
This facet of operation received the most attention and is discussed first and in
most detail.


In order to verify the platform's ability to hold station, the resistance and
moment data were combined with the propulsion data in a comprehensive math-
ematical model for single plane performance. The mathematical route was

McClure and Hove

chosen over the experimental route due to the multiplicity of possible environ-
mental conditions, practical difficulties and expense in equipping a model with
the six right-angle drive units and automatic controls. The analysis served an-
other vital purpose; besides verifying design expectations, it has contributed to
design of the control system by providing time constants and values of system
constants to be set into the on-board positioning computer.

Drag and moment coefficients and other platform characteristics were de-
termined with the aid of model tests. Four types of tests were conducted:

1. Resistance and moments in straight-line motion

2. Resistance and moments in curved maneuvers
3. Aerodynamic resistance and moments
4. Propeller performance.

Resistance and Moments in Straight-Line Motion

Platform propulsion systems are capable of providing thrust in whatever

direction is required to move the platform toward the drill hole. Also combina-
tions of propulsive power and wind may move the platform through the water at
any angle to the center line. In positioning maneuvers (station-keeping maneu-
vers) it is as important to know the moment and side force developed by oblique
motion as to know the resistance in the direction of the motion. Principal reli-
ance in obtaining these data was placed on model tests which were conducted at
two model scales in two different facilities: 1:45 in the David Taylor Model
Basin main towing tank and 1:27-1/2 at the University of Michigan Naval Tank
(2,3) (Appendix A).

The model was towed over a range of speeds at headings from zero to 180
degrees measured from the fore and aft center line. Figures 2, 3, and 4 give
drag force in the direction of motion, side force perpendicular to the direction
of motion, and yaw moment about the vertical axis as functions of speed and
drift angle measured from the bow.

These data are scaled directly from the model basin tests and are not cor-
rected for roughness and minor appendages. These tests were conducted early
in the program and the model incorporated elliptical cross-section diagonal
bracing in place of the present circular bracing. The effects of all of these
items are incorporated in the equations for the positioning system analysis.

In addition to the towing tests a composite test was used to estimate plat-
form resistance. To eliminate Reynolds number effect, tests were conducted at
high Reynolds number in a wind tunnel to determine the resistance of the fully
immersed body to which was added the wave-making component of drag meas-
ured by towing a cylinder in a water basin. Although a rigorous comparison is
not possible, agreement between the two methods is well within the limits of
required accuracy and the towing tests which yield the more extensive data are
considered entirely satisfactory for design purposes.

Project Mohole Drilling Platform


bu .2

o .1-
McClure and Hove


Fig. 4 - Yaw moment vs sp.eed for

various drift angles (deep draft)

Extrapolation of the data to full scale has been done by the simple lambda-
cubed relationship. Extrapolation by the customary ATTC friction line resulted
in negligible differences, indicating that friction is a minor part of the total, as
one would expect.

Resistance and Moments in Curved Maneuvers

During positioning maneuvers within the 400-ft-radius circle the platform

will be obliged to turn with very short radii. When the turning radius is in the
same order as, or smaller than, the dimensions of the platform, resistance and
moment cannot be accurately determined by applying straight-line resistance
data to the instantaneous direction of motion of the center of gravity. In such
maneuvers the two hulls see quite different relative flow angles. Rotating arm
tests were conducted in an effort to shed some light on this problem. Unfortu-
nately the facilities were limited to a minimum radius several times the model
dimension. Therefore, data in the critical range of very small radii could not
be obtained. Instead of mapping the moment and forces as functions of heading
angle and radius of turn, it was found expedient to consider the six columns and
two hulls separately, computing the forces on each part according to local rela-
tive velocities, then adding up the contributions to obtain total forces and mo-
ments. The manner in which this was done is explained in detail in Appendix C.

Project Mohole Drilling Platform



a 800
McClure and Hove

propellers with both ahead and astern rotation and ahead and astern velocity.
Self-propelled tests were conducted to determine propeller-hull interaction.
Aside from the greater than usual importance of knowledge of propeller thrust
at negative speeds, there is nothing particularly unusual in selection of the main
propeller characteristics.

The shrouded steering propellers can be directed at any angle to the ves-
sel's center line. When
correcting an adverse heading, the positioning unit will
frequently be directed at a large angle to the direction of motion. Performance
data for these conditions were not available in the literature, so it was neces-
sary to conduct tests with varying inflow angles. The propeller is a modified
Kaplan type with four blades similar to the van Manen K 4-55 series. The noz-
zle is a van Manen No. 18 modified by opening up the inlet to compensate for the
hub nacelle. The positioning unit propeller and nozzle are described more fully
in Appendix B.

Tests in both open water and in the presence of a hull segment were con-
ducted at the University of Michigan Naval Tank using a 1:7.5 scale model.
Equations were fitted to the data (6) to complete the performance map and to
facilitate positioning analysis.

Kj. = (0.50+ 0.45 Jg) COS 9 -


Kg = (0.50+ 0.45 Jg) sin 6


Ja = advance coefficient

6 = angle of propeller shaft to the flow.

As defined here k^ is in the direction of flow and Kg is at right angles to it.

Figures and 9 are plots
7, 8, of the longitudinal force, side force, and torque
coefficients in open water.

An additional factor affecting positioning unit performance is the proximity

of the hull. When the platform is moving ahead, only a slight frictional boundary
layer influences the propeller. An athwartship's velocity component around the
hull creates an accelerated region in the vicinity of the propeller. The effect of
the hull is equivalent to an increase in transverse velocity component of about
25 percent.

For general application, Taggart (7) gave the following equations for
propeller-nozzle performance in open water as a function of pitch ratio. These
are based on the Mohole test data and tests by van Manen with the assumption
that pitch ratio effects measured in axial flow hold proportionately at other

Project Mohole Drilling Platform

McClure and Hove


Project Mohole Drilling Platform

Station -Keeping Analysis

Behavior of the platform acted upon by wind, current, and propulsive forces
was simulated mathematically with the aid of a digital computer program.
Written in Fortran IV the program has sufficient flexibility that any foreseeable
combination of wind and current can be imposed including time variations of ve-
locity and direction. Resistance, propulsion, and mass acceleration terms are
added vectorially to obtain equilibrium in the horizontal plane. In addition, any
desired propulsive thrust control formulation can be inserted. Movement of the
platform is calculated at frequent intervals affording a close approximation to
dynamic equilibrium. The equations and treatment of platform parameters are
stated in Appendix C.

Platform parameters such as mass moments of inertia, resistance, side

force, and yaw moment are built into the program based on the best available
information from model test analysis. Some flexibility is available for varying
thrust programming and environmental forces from run to run. Two examples
requiring the following definitive information are presented to illustrate the ca-
pability of the positioning maneuvers program:

1. Translational Thrust Thrust is calculated as a linear function of dis-

tance from the hole. It has been found desirable to specify a dead band within
which no thrust is applied in order to minimize "hunting." In the example this
is specified as a 50-ft radius from the hole. At this distance any desired
amount of thrust may be called for, increasing linearly to a maximum at some
specified distance. For the example we have chosen, thrust equals 1070 D minus
37,500 pounds where D is the distance from the hole. This results in 16,000
pounds thrust at 50 ft and 390,000 pounds at 400 ft which is approximately the
maximum available thrust. Positioning unit thrust is built into the program and
depends upon orientation and velocity. Main propeller thrust is a variable and
this example is limited to a maximum of 240,000 pounds.

Another variable in the thrust program is the instruction for the integrator
circuit. This device notes the distance off the hole and biases the range infor-
mation so that the platform can be moved toward the hole while maintaining the
thrust required for equilibrium with the environment. For the examples, we
have chosen a 60-second sampling interval and a correction of 1 percent of the
distance off hole.

2. Turning Thrust In order to correct errors in heading, power is sup-

plied to the positioning units in amounts and directions needed to apply torque to
the platform. A dead band of 3 degrees is specified, beyond which thrust is ap-
plied varying as the sine of the heading error angle up to a maximum moment at
30 degrees. The maximum thrust for turning moment is specified in the pro-
gram as 40,000 pounds ahead on one side and astern on the other which results
in a maximum torque of 40,000 times the 215 ft transverse spacing of the units
or 8,600,000 ft-pounds.

3. Wind Wind may be specified at any desired velocity and direction,

either as a constant value or as a ramp function approximated by a series of
small step increases. For the examples, we have chosen wind blowing in the

McClure and Hove

direction of the negative y axis increasing in a step function from zero to 33


Current Current may also be specified in terms of direction and ve-

locityand may be either a steady value or ramp function approximated by small
increments. In the first example, we have chosen zero current. In the second
example current is 3 knots in the same direction as the wind.

5. Initial Conditions Initial conditions for the problem may be specified in

terms of platform position, velocity, and heading. In this way a previous prob-
lem can be utilized as input for a succeeding problem. In the two examples, we
have chosen to start with the vessel at rest. In the first case the initial head-
ing is in the x axis direction and a 90-degree change of heading is ordered. In
the second case the heading is in the y axis direction and is to be maintained.

The first example is a simple case of a step increase in wind. The vessel
is assumed to be holding position on-station and the wind arises from abeam.
At the start of the problem a command is given to change the heading of the
vessel by 90 degrees so that it will head into the wind. The vessel, therefore,
starts with zero velocity and with a 33 -knot wind from abeam. As the problem
proceeds, the platform is turned into the direction of the wind and is moved back
toward the hole after being forced off by the wind. The equilibrium point is a
function of wind force versus thrust. The integrating circuit gradually shifts
the x-y coordinate of the equilibrium point from an off -hole position to a posi-
tion over the hole.

Figure 10 is an x-y plot of the maneuvering path of the platform as it re-

gains position. The heavy line is the path of the center of the vessel. The short
arrows along the line indicate the heading of the platform at each moment of
time. The number at each arrow is the time in minutes from the start of the
problem. This is a plausible situation which the vessel might encounter in the
event of a sudden squall. Often the exact wind direction is not known until the
wind actually strikes.

The second example involves both wind and current. The initial conditions
for the platform are again zero velocity and zero position error. In this case
the vessel is assumed to be heading at 90 degrees, that is, in the direction of
the y axis. The wind is 33 knots and the current 3 knots, both in the direction
of the negative y axis. Since the vessel is headed into the wind and current no
heading change is called for. It is assumed that the integrator circuit has been
operating and that the thrust is nearly in equilibrium over the hole. It will be
noted in Fig. 11 that the vessel initially drifts only a short distance from the
hole, since the integrator has previously displaced the 50-ft-radius dead band
away from the hole. The integrator circuit is working and gradually displaces
the equilibrium point so that the vessel returns slowly to the hole.

These two examples are not sufficient to demonstrate satisfactory maneu-

vering performance of the platform. A great many cases have been investigated
with variations in thrust programming, integrator circuit, environmental condi-
tions, and other variables. It is concluded that the platform can maintain sta-
tion in the design conditions under automatic control. It can, of course, main-
tain equilibrium at stronger wind with presence of less current and vice versa.

Project Mohole Drilling Platform


-2 -10 FEET

10 9 8 76 5

Fig. 10 - Positioning Fig. 11 Positioning

maneuvers to 33
in maneuvers in 3-knot
knot step increase in current and 33-knot
wind from abeann wind, both from ahead

In the event that conditions are more severe than the design conditions, it is in-
tended that the vessel would be under manual control. Under manual control the
main shafts can be rotated at different speeds or in different directions to apply
thrust and torque as required. Additional power may be obtained by reassigning
generator capacity from drilling functions to the main propulsion motors. The
power plant is designed so the entire 13,000-kw generating capacity of the DC
electric power system can be applied to the positioning units and main propel-


Self-propelled transit from site to site was not initially a basic requirement
for the platform. A large main propulsion system was found to be needed to in-
sure that the platform could remain on -station through storm conditions which
might occur frequently and with little warning. It was advantageous to design
for utilization of this propulsion system for moving to and from drill sites
rather than having to rely upon auxiliary vessels. More important is the added
freedom and safety afforded the platform. In the event of a severe storm forc-
ing it can be moved into sheltered waters, into the open sea,
to leave the site, it

or possibly out of the storm track entirely. It is desirable to know the speed-
power characteristics of the platform at shallow draft although precise deter-
mination is not necessary.

It is most essential to insure that sufficient directional stability is built

into the design so it can be steered with ease and precision. Principal reliance

McClure and Hove

to establish these facts was placed on model testing. Towing tests were con-
ducted to determine resistance, turning moment, and lateral force in straight-
line maneuvers. Also, steering tests were conducted with a self-propelled
model. From a qualitative standpoint it was found that the model could easily
be steered in a straight path down the model basin using manual remote control.
Spiral and zig-zag maneuvers were conducted to determine quantitative direc-
tional stability and control as illustrated in Fig. 12. In the zig-zag tests the
model was run in a straight path before a predetermined RPM
variation was ap-
plied causing the vessel to turn. After a specified angle was reached, the RPM
variation was reversed. The turns were repeated in both directions and the
overshoot and time to complete the cycle were noted. Results show that the
platform is about as controllable as a conventional ship hull of the same size.

One of the measures of controllability is the overshoot angle or the amount

the vessel continues to swing in a certain direction after the turning force has
changed to the opposite direction. A small overshoot angle signifies good con-
trollability. To investigate the sensitivity of the vessel to control changes,
small fins or trim tabs were fitted aft of the vertical stern fins. The overshoot
angles were 2.5 degrees and slightly greater with the adjustable trim tabs. This
does not necessarily mean that the platform is more controllable without the


30 20 10 10 20 20 10 10 20 30

Fig. 12 - Time histories of zig-zag

maneuvers at 8.0 knots

Project Mohole Drilling Platform

trim tabs since in respect to other criteria they result in a slight improvement.
In any event, the overshoot angles are somewhat less than those usually encoun-
tered in conventional ships and it may be concluded that controllability of the
platform as designed is good. Other measures of controllability are the reach
(time required for the vessel to return to its original base course at the end of
the first half cycle), and the period (time to complete a full cycle). Small values
of these parameters are usually associated with good controllability. Results of
the tests show that reach is 335 seconds and the period 660 seconds. These val-
ues are in the same order as those encountered in ship hulls and are considered
indicative of satisfactory maneuvering performance. Speed during these tests
was nine to ten knots which is the range of speeds expected during transit from
one site to another.

In addition to the self-propelled maneuvering tests, towing tests and wind

tunnel tests at the University of Michigan Naval Tank and the David Taylor
Model Basin provided information on resistance, side force, and moment due to
wind, current and drift angle which must be resisted to maintain course. The
installed main propulsion power of 7500 HP per shaft provides ample margin
for headway and steering control during transit. Figure 13 is a curve of resist-
ance versus speed at the 29-ft draft. It incorporates a 25 percent allowance
over model test extrapolations for appendages and roughness. Superimposed on
this is an approximate propeller thrust curve showing the speed which can be
attained at full power, or 7500 HP per shaft. It will be noted that the positioning
units will be retracted during long transit periods to reduce drag. Positioning
unit propeller characteristics are such that they cannot be used effectively at
the higher speeds required during transit conditions.
McClure and Hove

The effect of wind on the platform may be expected to be greater than in the
case of conventional ship forms. The large superstructure does result in ap-
preciable wind force. Wind tunnel data have been utilized to develop the curve
in Fig. 14 which indicates the effect on transit speed of a head wind. These
were developed by adding the wind resistance at the relative wind speed to the
water resistance and balancing that against the propeller thrust. It will be noted
that under trade wind conditions the platform can still maintain a respectable 8
to 10 knots directly against the wind. Downwind, of course, the effect is re-
versed, but is of a smaller magnitude since the relative velocity is reduced.

The curve shows headway can be maintained in winds up to 70 knots.

This since the platform would not normally operate at shallow
is not significant
draft in winds of this intensity. Using positioning units to augment the main
propellers the platform can maintain headway under stronger winds.

The authors wish to express their appreciation to the many persons who
participated in the hydrodynamic studies of the Mohole platform. Of special
note are the contributions of Dr. H. K. Beckmann of Rice University in planning,
analysis, and interpretation of tests, and Dr. E.G. Holt of Flice University in
analysis and programming, including preparation of Appendix D.

Permission to publish this paper was granted by Brown and Root, Incorpo-
rated, and by the National Science Foundation, funding and administering agency
for Project Mohole.

1. McGlure, A.G., "Development of the Project Mohole Drilling Platform,"
Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, November 1965

2. Kopko, William, "Resistance and Yaw Moments of the Underwater Portion

of the Mohole Drilling Platform as Predicted from Model Tests," David
Taylor Model Basin Report 1890, August 1964

3. Michelsen, F.G., and Rabe, N., "Model Tests of Project Mohole Drilling
Platform," University of Michigan, Final Report, August 1964

4. Matthews, J.T., "Low Speed Wind Tunnel Tests of a 1:60-Scale Mohole

Drilling Platform Model," David TaylorModel Basin Report, Aero Tests
A551, June 1964

5. Nordstrom, H.F., "Screw Propeller Characteristics," Publications of the

Swedish State Shipbuilding Experimental Tank, October 1948

6. Taggart, Robert, "Analysis of Model Tests," Project Mohole Propeller

Design Studies, November 1964
7. Taggart, Robert, discussion of Reference 1

Project Mohole Drilling Platform

Appendix A

The platform model in the final configuration for towing and self-propulsion
tests is shown in Fig. Al. The positioning units were not installed since the
performance tests of these units determined the net thrust, that is the propeller-
nozzle thrust less drag due to struts, housing, etc. Different model scales were
used for different portions of the testing program. The largest model used was
built to a scale of 1:27-1/2 and was used for towing and self-propulsion tests at
the University of Michigan. Self-propulsion, maneuvering, towing and rotating
arm tests were conducted at the David-Taylor Model Basin with a 1:45 scale
model. Wind tunnel tests were conducted with above water and below water
portions of the platform built to a scale of 1:60.

Tests were performed at various times during the period of development of

the platform.Consequently, model configuration differed from the earlier to



Fig. Al - Mohole drilling platform

propulsion test model

McClure and Hove

the later tests.For the resistance and moment tests the model was fitted with
elliptical cross-sectionbraces instead of circular members. Also damping
tanks were not present. The data given in Figs. 2, 3, and 4 of the basic paper
are not corrected for these additions, but the data used in the positioning ma-
neuvers analysis have been appropriately increased. The shallow draft maneu-
vering tests were conducted earlier and in addition to the above changes the
lower hulls were 20 feet shorter or 370 feet long and were 10 feet closer together.

Appendix B


The drilling platform has six positioning units, one located in each of the
platform's stability columns. Each unit consists of a 1000-HP DC motor in-
stalled in the lower hull gland, and an external assembly consisting of double
right-angle gears, training assembly, housing, propeller, nozzle, and supporting
struts (Fig, Bl). The external assembly can be withdrawn or installed while the
platform is in operation through the positioning unit trunk extending from the
upper deck of the platform through the lower hulls. The flange of the position-
ing unit assembly rests on a mating flange and the trunk and inflatable seals en-
able the trunk to be kept dry during normal operation. The unit is steered by a
reversible AC motor and worm gear drive. It can be rotated continuously in
either direction at 2 rpm. The external assembly contains its own built-in
lubricating system and is pressurized to minimize risk of leakage.

Installation of the units is accomplished by lowering the external unit into

the trunk using one of the platform's deck cranes or a portable positioning unit
handling fixture. The unit is seated on the seating flange in the trunk and the six
hold-down latches are set. The inflatable seals are then actuated and de-
watering begun, utilizing the platform's ballasting pumping system. With de-
watering complete, a mechanic enters the trunk, removes the watertight covers
over the drive shaft and the electric lead couplings and makes these up using
short connecting pieces. The unit is then ready for check out and operation.
Removal follows the same procedure in reverse.

The propellers and nozzles were designed in accordance with procedures

given by van Manen.* The propeller was based on van Manen's K 4-55 series.
With the deep submergence of the propellers while operating, it has been possi-
ble to reduce the blade width without danger of cavitation. The nozzle is a mod-
ified van Manen No. 18 profile. The incidence angle was increased from 10.2 to
11.7 degrees to compensate for the tapered nacelle and propeller hub.

J. D. van Manen and A. Superina, "The Design of Screw Propellers in Nozzles,"

International Shipbuilding Progress No. 55, March 1959.

Project Mohole Drilling Platform

Propeller Characteristics

Number of blades 4
Diameter 5'-9"
Design speed of advance
Design shaft horsepower 720
Design rpm 300
Pitch ratio at 0.7 R 0.92
Expanded area ratio 0.412
Design submergence to centerline 64.5'


-^ ' ^
- L -'

Fig. Bl - Positioning unit

McClure and Hove

Appendix C


(Computer Program Description)


This appendix presents the mathematical representation of the motion of

the drilling platform moving over the surface of the sea under the control of the
automatic positioning system. Starting with prescribed initial position and ve-
locity and specified wind and current conditions, the equations of motion of the
vessel are integrated to determine the position and heading of the vessel as a
function of time.


The equations of motion of the vessel are as follows:

MU = F^CX.Y.^P.U.V.R.U)

MV = Fy(X,Y,>I',U,V,R,V,R)

I3R = M^(X,Y,>P,U,V,R,V,R)


M = the mass of the vessel

I ^ = the mass moment of inertia of the vessel

u = the forward velocity of the vessel

V = the lateral velocity of the vessel, positive to port

R = the angular velocity of yaw, positive to port

X = the eastward displacement of the vessel from the hole

Y = the northward displacement of the vessel from the hole

^ = the heading of the vessel, measured counterclockwise from east

F^ = the total longitudinal force on the vessel, positive forward

Fy = the total lateral force on the vessel, positive to port

M^ = the total yaw moment acting on the vessel, positive when producing
yaw to port.

Project Mohole Drilling Platform

The total forces in these equations are made up of the hydrodynamic forces, the
aerodynamic forces, and the propulsive forces.

Forces Due to Acceleration

The forces that the water exerts on the platform due to its acceleration are
given by the formulas that follow:

^x = "Anil + A22RV + AjgR^

Fy = -A22V - AiiRU - A^^R

M, = -AgeR- A26(V+RU)


F^ = longitudinal force, positive forward

Fy = lateral force, positive to port

M^ = yaw moment, positive when producing yaw to port

U = longitudinal velocity of vessel relative to water, positive forward

V = lateral velocity of vessel relative to water, positive to port

R = angular velocity of yaw, positive to port

All = added mass for longitudinal acceleration

A22 = added mass for lateral acceleration

Agg = added mass moment of inertia for yaw acceleration

A26 = moment of added mass producing yaw moment due to lateral


Forces Due to Velocity


These forces are produced by a combination of inertia and viscous effects.

It is assumed at the outset that all forces vary as the square of velocity. In
order to represent the total force and moment adequately for arbitrary motion
of the vessel, it is necessary to consider separately the forces on the various
parts of the platform. Where no formula for moment is given, it is calculated
by multiplying the forces by the appropriate moment arms.

McClure and Hove

Force on One Column

Fx = -Ceol IVtIU

Fy = -Ccol IVtI V


C^^j = the projected area of the column times a drag coefficient

Vj = the velocity of the column through the water

u,v = components of v^.

Longitudinal Force on One Hull


^long ~ ^^^ cross-sectional area of the hull times a drag coefficient

U = the longitudinal velocity of the hull through the water.

Lateral Force on One Hull

It is assumed that the hull is a segment of an infinitely long cylinder mov-

ing through the water and that the force intensity at a point depends only on the
local cross velocity at that point. The resulting formulas are as follows:

Let Xq = -V/R

(1) For-Lj < Xo < Li

Fy = - 3 Ciat IRIP- (Li.-Xo)3 - (L2+X0)-

Mz = - 12 *^lat |Pl R [(3Li+Xo)(Li-Xo)3 + (3L2-X,)(L2+X,)-

(2) For Xq outside above range

2_ I 2 T 3_, . 3

Fy = -C,.
-lat IVI V L1 + L2 -
X 2

M, = -C,3, |V| V


Project Mohole Drilling Platform

Cjgj = diameter of hull times a drag coefficient

v,R = lateral and angular velocities of the vessel through the water

Lj = length of hull from vessel e.g. forward

Lj = length of hull from vessel e.g. aft.

Inertia Moment on Both Hulls


^inert ~ ^^^ded mass for steady velocity inertia moment

u = longitudinal velocity of the vessel through the water

v^ = lateral velocity of the "nose" of the vessel through the water; the
"nose" being a point a distance L3 upstream from the vessel e.g.

Drag Force on One Fin

Fy = -CdraglVflVf


Cjrag = area of fin times a drag coefficient

Vf = lateral velocity of fin through the water.

Lift Force on One Fin

Fy = -Ciift lulVf


^lift = area of fin times a lift coefficient

U.Vf = components of velocity of fin through the water.

Keulegan Force on One Hull

This force due to wake formation drag is uniformly distributed over a part
of the length of the hull from Xj to Xj.

(1) For u >

X, = L.

McClure and Hove

X - Xi U or -L4 ,

whichever is algebraically greater.

(2) For U <

X, = L

X, = X, - I

U or L, ,

whichever is algebraically less.

Fy = -q |V| V(Xi-X2)


C^ = diameter of hull times a drag coefficient

u = longitudinal velocity of hull through the water

V = lateral velocity of vessel through the water

Xj = coordinate of forward end of force

X2 = coordinate of after end of force.

The forces that the wind exerts on the vessel are given by the formulas

F^ = 1/2 p\Yj\ (-CqSU+CcSV)

Fy = 1/2 p\\j\ (-CdSV-CcSU)

M^ - 1/2 pC^ SWj^

C^,S = 300,000 sin [2(a- 5)]


F^ = longitudinal force, positive forward

Fy = lateral force, positive to port

Project Mohole Drilling Platform

M^ = yaw moment, positive when producing yaw to port

P = 0.00238 slugs/cu ft

u = forward velocity of vessel relative to air

V = lateral velocity of vessel relative to air, positive to port

v^ = total velocity of vessel relative to air

a = arctan VAJ

CpS = drag coefficient times reference area in square feet

C^S = cross-force coefficient times reference area

C^jS = moment coefficient times reference area.

Values of c^s and Cj^s are tabulated in the program as a function of a. The
tabulated values were based on a DTMB Wind Tunnel Report.* The formula for
Cj^S was also derived from the DTMB data for this item.


The propulsive forces produced by the main propellers and positioning units
under the control of the positioning system computer are determined as de-
scribed in the steps which follow. Where numerical values are given, these are
the values typically used; they may be varied as desired from problem to prob-

Apparent Vessel Position

The apparent position of the vessel with respect to the hole is determined
as follows:

Ifthe integrator is on, AX and ay are incremented by a specified fraction

of X and Y respectively, at each sampling interval. If the integrator is off,

AX = AY = 0.

Xg = X + AX

Y = Y + AY

*J. T.Matthews, "Low Speed Wind Tunnel Tests of a 1:60-Scale Mohole Drilling
Platform Model," David Taylor Model Basin Report, Aero Tests A551, June

McClure and Hove


X = the eastward displacement of the vessel from the hole

Y = the northward displacement of the vessel from the hole

Xg = the apparent eastward displacement

Yg = the apparent northward displacement.

The apparent bearing of the hole with respect to the vessel is given by

6 = arctan (Y^/Xg) - "V + 180

where w = the heading of the vessel, measured counterclockwise from east.

Required Translational Thrust

The required translational thrust is computed as follows: If d > 50 feet,

Freqd = l^^O D - 37,500 ;

otherwise, F^^^ = 0. D is the apparent distance to the hole.

The longitudinal and lateral components are

^xreqd"^reqd ^^ ^ ' longltudinal thrust, positive forward,

^yreqd =
^reqd ^^^ ^ = lateral thrust, positive to port.

There is no upper limit on F^.^ . as such.

Required Turning Thrust

The heading error is given by Aw = "Pq - l*, where ^^ is the ordered heading.
Heading is controlled by thrusting ahead with the positioning units on one hull
while thrusting astern the same amount with the positioning units on the other
hull. The main propellers are not used to control heading. The required thrust
per hull is computed as follows:

If |aw| > 3, M^g

= 40,000 sin (A>i')/sin (30), but not more than 40,000

Assignment of Thrust to Various Units

" freqd > 0.6F,,,qd and F^ = 0.4F^^^^^; otherwise,

36,000 pounds, F, =

F^ = and Fp = F^^p .; assigned to the main propellers

where F^ is the thrust
and Fp is the total longitudinal thrust assigned to the six positioning units.

Project Mohole Drilling Platform

Each positioning unit is now assigned a longitudinal component of thrust

^x- ^p/^ - '^reqd/'^j Where the plus sign applies to the starboard hull and the mi-
nus sign to the port hull. Each unit is assigned a lateral component of thrust
F = F y redq
J /6. The total thrust assigned
for each unit is the vector sum of the
components and the angle of train is determined from the components.

Thrust Produced

The main propellers produce the thrust F^ up to the limit of 240,000 pounds
forward or 120,000 pounds astern.

The thrust produced by each positioning unit is calculated separately as

described below. The positioning computer actually controls rpm rather than
thrust, whereas the thrust obtained depends not only on the rpm, but also on the
local velocity of the water relative to the unit.

First the total thrust required from the unit is limited to 25,400 pounds.
Then the thrust obtained is calculated as

f"obt = ^ask " 1-075 (1+ 0.0313 V -0.0696 V cos 6)


F^^^ = thrust obtained

^ask - thrust required

V = absolute value of relative water velocity

6 = angle between water velocity vector and thrust vector.

Numerical values of the constants can be varied as program input data.
Typical values as derived from analysis of test data are given below. It will be
noted that the dimensions Lj through Lj do not correspond to actual hull dimen-
sions but to an idealized equivalent cylinder.

Lateral spacing of hulls, feet

Longitudinal spacing of columns, feet
Lower hull diameter, feet
Column diameter, feet
Displacement at 65 ft draft, L tons
Vessel mass, slugs
All, slugs
A22, slugs
A26, slug-feet
Age. slug-feet

Project Mohole Drilling Platform

These manual modes also provide smooth handling of the vessel for hole reentry.
Further descriptive material on this dynamic positioning system has been pub-
lished by H. W. Ragland.*


The Long-Baseline Sonar Subsystem is an acoustic ranging system that

provides accurate ranges to each of four sea-floor mounted transponders posi-
tioned on a radius from the drill hole location approximately equal to the water

The Interrogator generates an acoustic pulse which is transmitted to the

water from the Transducer suspended below the drill vessel. This signal is re-
ceived by each of the four Transponders and a signal returned. Each Trans-
ponder operates on a different frequency to permit positive identification. The
return signals are received at the transducer at some later time. The interval
between the original signal and the return signal is a function of the slant range
between the vessel and the transponder.

The received signals are amplified and filtered and then passed to the
Range -Measurement and Display Group, where the Range Counter generates and
displays on the ship's bridge the true slant range in feet. At the same time, the
Range -Deviation Counter subtracts the portion of the slant range outside the
vessel operating limits and supplies the resultant to the Digital-to-Analog Con-
verter, which provides an analog voltage to the positioning computer. Ancillary
to the basic system is an Alarm circuit which provides a warning if a malfunc-
tion occurs or if widely divergent range information is being received. In addi-
tion, Precision Depth Recorders are provided to permit visual presentation of
the signals both for monitoring and emergency use in the event of failure in all
digital range -determining circuits.

In the Long-Baseline Sonar Subsystem, the positioning computer normally

utilizes range differences between three of the four received ranges. One of the
four channels is, therefore, always available as a standby.

An error analysis indicates that the maximum repeatability error of this

subsystem will be less than 35 ft in 18,000 ft of water.


The Phase -Comparison Subsystem is an acoustic system that provides ac-

curate ranges from a beacon on the sea floor in proximity to the drill hole.

*H. W. Ragland, Honeywell, Inc., "A Dynamic Positioning System for the Mohole
Drilling Platform," in "Ocean Science and Ocean Engineering, 1965," p. 1145,
published by Marine Technology Society and the American Society of Limnology
and Oceanography, Washington, D.C.

McClure and Hove

A Beacon transmits a continuous 10-kc signal, modulated by 100 cycles

which isreceived by four Hydrophones located on the corners of the drill ves-
sel. If the acoustic path length between the beacon and each hydrophone is dif-
ferent, a small signal phase (time) difference in the modulating frequency is
apparent between each pair of hydrophones. The received signals are amplified
and detected in the Receiver and sent to the Tilt Compensation Unit, where a
correction is applied to compensate for vessel roll and pitch. This correction
is derived from the Two-Axis Tilt Sensor. After correction, appropriate signals
are selected by the Mode-Selection Relays and supplied to the Phase-Compare
and Compute circuits, which generate an analog voltage to drive the positioning
computer. The magnitude of this voltage is a function of the displacement of the
vessel-oriented coordinate system from the drill hole. Displays on the bridge
showing vessel displacement in feet from the drill hole are derived from the
analog voltage by the use of an Analog-to -Digital Converter.

Only one bottom beacon is needed to provide a position signal. In normal

operation, three hydrophones and receivers are used, and only two phase
compare and compute circuits are on line. The remaining elements are utilized
to provide continuous system cross-checks, or to compare beacon position if a
new alternate beacon is placed on the bottom.

Accuracy of this subsystem is about 40 ft in the depths of water anticipated.


Short-Baseline Subsystem is an acoustic system which provides accurate

vessel displacement from bottom -mounted transponder located in the vicinity of
the drill hole.

An acoustic interrogation pulse, with a center frequency of 16 kc and a pre-

determined width, is transmitted to the sea floor transponder.

The pulse intercepted and decoded by the Transponder. If the pulse is of

the proper duration, the Transponder transmits a 4-ms reply pulse at 16 kc.
This return pulse is detected by four Hydrophones located on arms suspended
below each corner column of the platform. Due to the Hydrophone separation,
the return pulse does not arrive at each location at the same time.

Pulses detected by the four Hydrophones are routed to four independent

signal-processing channels, where they are detected, amplified, and filtered.
Timing marks are generated from these incoming signals and a differentiation
technique is used which eliminates amplitude imbalance between channels.

The coordinate computation consists primarily of digital counters and

storage registers.

The four coordinate values stored in the register are converted to an ana-
log voltage, and corrected for platform inclination by the Tilt Compensator.
The compensated coordinate values are sent to the computer, as well as for
display purposes at the vessel bridge. Accuracy of this reference subsystem is
expected to be approximately 34 ft under anticipated operating conditions.
Project Mohole Drilling Platform


The Positioning Computer Subsystem is a dual-channel electromechanical
analog computer which accepts range information from the three reference sub-
systems, computes vessel position with respect to the drill hole, and generates
orders for the vessel power units.

Operation of a single channel may be explained as follows:

The Reference System Selector is used to select range data from one of the
three reference systems for computation, and the Reference Point Selector is
used to select two or three of the four reference points for computation. Using
the selected range information, the X-Y Distance Computer computes the dis-
tance between the vessel and a coordinate center in X-Y coordinates. The Geo-
graphic to True Coordinate Converter then rotates these coordinates to a true
north coordinate system. Parallax Offset between the Long Baseline Sonar
transducer and the center of the vessel, and Coordinate Center Offset between
the coordinate center and the drill hole are then added by Offset Addition. The
resulting composite signal represents north and east distances from the vessel
to the drill hole.

The composite signal is routed to total Range to Hole, North Range to Hole,
and East Range to Hole indicators and to the Vessel Position Display. This dis-
play also accepts a gyrocompass input for displaying vessel heading as well as
vessel position.

The composite signal is also sent through the Set Point Offset Integrator,
which may be used to automatically generate set point offset signals. These
signals are used to generate thrust requirements in the Fore -Aft Positioning
Thrust Computer and the Port-Stbd. Positioning Thrust Computer.

Main propulsion motor thrust requirements are scaled from total fore -aft
thrust requirements and subtracted from this signal. Ordered Heading, gyro-
compass information and fore-aft thrust requirements are combined in Vessel
Heading addition circuits to generate required vessel turning force signals.
Positioning unit orders are generated in the Port Pos. Unit Thrust and Azimuth
Computer and in the Stbd. Pos. Unit Thrust and Azimuth Computer.

Computed quantities from computer channel A and channel B are compared

at several points.Alarms are associated with each comparison to indicate that
a difference exists. Only one channel is used for vessel control and position
display at one time.


The motor control subsystem consists of servo modules and electronic cir-
cuitry necessary to control the main propulsion motors and the positioning units.

Propulsion unit control orders are available from either computer channel.
In addition, these orders are routed through Mode Select circuits for selection

McClure and Hove

of the operating mode. If the system is operated in the automatic mode, orders
are derived from the positioning computer. If the manual mode is in use, pro-
pulsion unit orders are manually introduced.

Positioning unit azimuth orders are routed to the Port Pos. Unit Azimuth
Indicator-Control and the Stbd. Pos. Unit Azimuth Indicator -Control, on the po-
sitioning control console, where this information is displayed and compared to
actual positioning unit azimuth. If a discrepancy exists, signals are sent to the
port and starboard Pos. Unit Azimuth Drive motor controllers which drive the
positioning units to the desired azimuth. Signals from Pos. Unit Azimuth Syn-
chros geared to the units are used to insure that ordered and actual azimuth an-
gles are the same.

Positioning unit thrust rpm orders are sent to port and starboard Pos. Unit
Thrust Indicator -Control modules where they are compared to the actual posi-
tioning unit propeller shaft rpm. If a discrepancy exists, signals are sent to
port and starboard Pos. Unit Gen. Field Control modules in the engine room.
These modules control appropriate generator fields which in turn control the
speed of the Pos. Unit Drive Motors. Port and Starboard Pos. Unit Tachometers
generate shaft rpm signals for comparison to rpm orders.

Main propulsion motor thrust orders are routed in a manner similar to the
positioning unit thrust orders. In this case, functions travel to Main Propulsion
Indicator-Control modules, Main Prop. Gen. Field Control modules and Main
Propulsion Motors, Main Shaft Tachometers generate signals which are used
for ordered and actual shaft rpm comparison.

Alarms associated with each indicator-control module indicate when a sus-

tained discrepancy exists between actual and ordered quantities.

Based on component tolerances, error analysis of the computer circuits in-

dicates an error of about 20 ft when the platform is over the hole. Because of
simplifying assumptions in the mathematical model, this error increases to ap-
proximately 40 ft at the maximum allowable distance off.


Robert H. Macy
Naval Architect and Marine Engineer
Pascagoula, Mississippi

For the purposes of this paper an ocean platform is defined as a floating
unit which can be towed or in some cases self-propelled to a location where it
is anchored or dynamically positioned to fulfill its function. In special cases
platforms are propelled slowly while working. However, in general, an ocean
platform is considered to be a unit which is designed for performing some type
of work in a more or less fixed location rather than one that is engaged in trans-
porting commodities. While single hulls such as ships or barges may be posi-
tioned for a working assignment, these are not considered as true platforms,
although they are mentioned in the paper. A platform is envisioned as a unit
that has a relatively large working deck of considerable width in respect to its
length, where the length to width ratio of the platform itself may be anything
from 1.0 to 3.0.

Such platforms have a variety of uses, and with modern technology new uses
are being developed. Some of these are as follows: oil well drilling; oil well
producing; oil well workover; oil storage; undersea mining; heavy lifting; pipe
laying; oceanographic research; weather stations; missile launching; beacons -
visual, radar, loran, etc.; landing platforms - air or water vehicles.

Ocean platforms fall principally into the following categories: fixed pile
structures having built-in buoyancy for towing only; single hulls - ship or barge;
catamarans - floating or submerged; fixed height noncolumn stabilized struc-
tures; jack-up platforms with or without bottom hull; column stabilized plat-
forms; and special types: (a) deadweight anchor type platforms and (b) spar

Many of the types of platforms listed above are shown in Figs. 1 through 15.
Fixed pile structures such as that shown in Fig. 1 are not properly a part of this
paper as they are ordinarily transported to location on the deck of barges. How-
ever, a few have been towed either with the use of attached pontoons to provide
stability or by having at least two of the corner tubular members made suffi-
ciently large to provide stability and buoyancy. Such pontoons are lowered into
position by selective flooding. Once in position on the bottom, they are ordi-
narily regarded as being permanently placed, although it is not inconceivable


Fig. 1 - Fixed pile supported platform

that some of these could later be removed by the same method by which they
were first placed.

Single-hull drilling rigs of the ship and barge type are shown in Figs. 2
and 3.

The platform size for a single-hull vessel is limited by stability and struc-
tural support considerations. A catamaran offers the possibility of having a
very large working platform with normal proportions for the supporting hulls
which is beneficial to mobility and maneuverability. Figure 4 shows the
E. W. Thornton, one of the few existing catamarans.

Fixed-height noncolumn stabilized structures are limited to relatively

shallow water, and therefore, cannot be considered as true ocean platforms.
To submerge such a platform it is necessary to either lower one end to the bot-
tom first to provide a stable base while the other end is going down or else pro-
vide auxiliary pontoons to maintain stability during sinking. This was the

Towing, Motion and Stability of Platforms

Fig. 2 - Floating ship with center well (Global

Marine, Inc., Glomar III)

common type of offshore drilling platform in the early days but is no longer be-
ing built except for relatively shallow water oil storage platforms such as that
shown in Fig. 11, a tank-battery platform.

Jack-up platforms are basically a buoyant hull which is at the same time
the working platform. Attached to this hull are legs which are lowered to the
bottom until they encounter soil resistance after which jacks on the columns
raise the hull out of the water to the desired clearance. The bottoms of the legs
may penetrate the soil independently like those of Figs. 5 and 7 or they may be
attached to a buoyant or a nonbuoyant hull as shown in Fig. 6. With a lower hull
much better soil bearing is obtained, but this is at the expense of additional
steel structure. Although a number of accidents have occurred with jack-up
platforms, the type is very successful and economical and there are perhaps
more platforms of this type in service than any other type.

Column stabilized barges consist of a hull having several large -diameter

columns supporting a fixed platform. These may be submerged by flooding, and
the platform will sink vertically either all the way to the bottom or to some in-
termediate draft. Once the hull has submerged below the surface, the stability
is afforded by the water plane moment of inertia of the stability columns. Such
platforms are shown in Figs. 8, 9, 10, and 12.

Figures 13 and 14 show a small column stabilized platform for oil well serv-
icing having hinged stability columns. When the columns are each rotated 90


Fig. 3 - Floating single barge (Western Offshore

Drilling and Exploration Co., Wodeco V)

degrees in a vertical plane, the columns become catamaran hulls, and in this
mode the unit is moved by self-propulsion.

There are several special types which are not in common use. One of these
is the deadweight anchor type (Fig. 15), consisting of a hull with small columns
extending upward to support the platform. When the platform has arrived at lo-
cation, very heavy anchors suspended directly below the structure are lowered
to the bottom. Then with the use of winches, the unit is pulled under the water
so that the hull is below the maximum wave forces, with the working platform
remaining above the surface. The proportions of the anchor weights and buoy-
ancy members need to meet the following criteria:

1. The anchors must be heavy enough so that the upward components of the
wave forces will not lift the hulls and raise the anchors off the bottom.

2. The reserve buoyancy of the hulls must be enough so that the downward
components of the wave forces will not cause slack in the anchor cables, allow-
ing the platform to drop.
Towing, Motion and Stability of Platforms

Fig. 4 - Floating catannaran (Reading and Bates,

E. W. Thornton)

Fig. 5 - Jack-up platform for

a 200-foot water depth (The
Offshore Co., Jubilee)


Fig. 6 - Comparative models of jack-up platformis with

bottom mats (Bethlehem, Stormdrill III for a 140-foot
depth and Marlin No. 3 for a 250-foot depth)

Fig. 7 - Jack-up platform

without a bottom hull for
a 300 -foot water depth
(Loffland Brothers Ocean
Master 1)

Towing, Motion and Stability of Platfornns

Fig. 8 - Platform on columns stabilized for a 135-foot water

depth or for floating semisubmerged in greater depth (South-
eastern Drilling Co., Sedco 135)

If these two criteria are met the platform will be virtually motionless in a
vertical direction but must be restrained laterally by an anchoring system.

A spar platform is simply a long cylinder which is towed horizontally but is

erected vertically for working purposes. Its use has been limited to oceano-
graphic research, but it could be used for much heavier work. The great verti-
cal dimension when upright results in a very long rolling period with good
damping. The small water-plane area results in a long heaving period.

Another special type of rig is the new Production Platform No. 3 for the
Freeport Sulphur Company. This is actually a column stabilized platform: how-
ever, it is unique in that it rests on the bottom at the beginning of its assignment
in 50 feet of water, but it will eventually, due to subsidence of the bottom as the
sulphur is mined, find itself no longer on bottom but in water approaching twice
this depth. Eight spuds are provided which, once the bottom has started to sub-
side, will assist the stability columns in maintaining stability and, at the same
time, will prevent lateral shifting.


Fig. 9 - Platform on columns (note column enlargements)

stabilized for a 90-foot water depth or for floating semi-
submerged (Odeco, Ocean Queen)

Ocean platforms were originally used almost entirely in the Gulf of Mexico;
distances between locations were not great, and towing speed was not an impor-
tant factor. Today, however, platforms are towed all over the world, and the
importance of speed is demonstrated by a recent performance where a 9000-
horsepower tug towed a platform having a hexagonal shape hull from Orange,
Texas, to Rotterdam, a distance of 5500 nautical miles with a towing time of 58
days. The average speed was only 4 knots. It is entirely possible that on cer-
tain days the rig lost mileage rather than gained. Many of the hulls of offshore
platforms are nothing but rectangular blocks without any shape. Some of these
hulls have a slot in them to permit the platform to get away from a finished oil
well. Such slots are usually placed aft when towing.

Figure 16 illustrates most of the hull forms used or proposed. Single hull
vessels having the proportions of ships or normal cargo barges have much
greater towing speeds, but their deck space, stability, and motion character-
istics are not ideal for use as ocean platforms. Floating catamarans are ca-
pable of high towing speeds and several of them have been built, one of which
is self-propelled, the E. W. Thornton, shown in Fig. 4.

The type of high load and space capacity platform that has the best working
and motion characteristics is the column stabilized platform, which is usually
a square, or nearly a square, or a triangular working platform. The first hulls
for such column stabilized platforms were of a grid pattern, which was practically

Towing, Motion and Stability of Platfornns

Fig, 10 - Platform on colunnns stabilized for a

175-foot water depth (Kerr-McGee, Rig 54)

square in plan. These hulls have extremely poor resistance and maneuvering
characteristics, and it is usually necessary to have one or two tugs ahead as
well as a tug astern to control yaw.

Recent developments in column stabilized platforms have used catamaran

hulls, such as the Mohole platform described in the preceding paper. It is pos-
sible also to use three or four parallel hulls without any cross connection in
the water, all connections being made at a considerable elevation above the sur-
face. An example of this is the Ocean Queen shown in Fig. 9. Such parallel
hulls permit very high towing speeds and yet permit the platform to be of opti-
mum proportions. A nonparallel catamaran has some structural advantage, and
the increase in resistance (Fig. 17) is tolerable.

The Sedco 135, Fig. 8, is a column stabilized platform with elliptical foot-
ings at the bottom of each column. However, the speed-to-length ratio is very
unfavorable due to the short length of each footing. On the contrary the


Fig. 11 - Platform comprising oil storage tanks with a

submersible bottom mat (Chevron Oil Co., S-9Z)

speed-to-length ratio of long catamaran hulls is very low and results in a low
resistance per ton as compared with that of individual footings.

Figure 17 speaks better than words in describing the vast variation in re-
sistance of platform types. It is difficult to obtain a sufficient quantity of good
data on towing resistance on some of the unusual forms that are used. This is
due to the fact that most model tests are made by the individual companies for
their own use, and at the present time such data is regarded as confidential.

Extreme refinement in hull forms for elevated deck ocean platforms is not
justified, because the large platform structure raised on columns high above
the hull has wind resistance which is a large component of the total resistance.
Furthermore, high freeboard in the hulls of column stabilized platforms is not
necessary from a stability standpoint, as the columns provide stability anyway
when the hull is being submerged. In addition, the presence of an excess hull
volume compared with the column volume results in the center of buoyancy be-
ing unfavorably low for stability. Therefore, there is a tendency to keep not
only the displacement but the freeboard of the hulls to a minimum. This has a
disadvantage in towing in that even moderate waves will wash over the hull and
strike the columns, causing a considerable augment in resistance. While most
of this is due to the large stability columns, there is considerable effects on
the smaller support columns as well.

Towing, Motion and Stability of Platforms

Fig. 12 - Oil storage and production platform stabilized by

20,0P0-bbl columns (Chevron Oil Co., S-93)


Fig. 13 - Otis Engineering Corporation column stabilized cata-

maran wire line unit in the transit position




Fig. 14 - Otis Engineering Corporation column stabilized cata-

maran wire line unit in the working position


Fig. 15 - Deadweight anchor type platform

Towing, Motion and Stability of Platforms

c TD




cg: XD



'^ J

Fig. 16 - Platform hull types

Nearly all of the forms shown in Fig. 16 have a tendency to yaw, with the
exception of the forms which have single or multiple parallel hulls.


It is necessary to discuss stability in this paper due to the fact that it is

very closely associated with considerations of motion. The stability of floating

vessels or barges is in all respects similar to that of ordinary ships and re-
quires no special comment here. The only problems of a special nature are the
substantial wind heel moment due to the high structures required on the decks
including the drilling derrick itself. Also if drilling is done on a cantilever ex-
tension over one side, compensating water ballast is usually needed on the op-
posite side with pumps of very high capacity to control the compensating moment.
The load hanging from the drilling derrick can be as high as one million pounds,


Fig. 17 - Towing resistance of mobile

platforms in smooth water. The data
for these composite curves were ob-
tained from actual towing perform-
ances or from model tests.

and this load can be fully effective as soon as the bit is raised off the bottom
when pulling it out of the hole. For this reason, high-capacity single-hull
drilling rigs ordinarily drill in a well on the center line.

Catamaran hulls or the outrigger type vessel have tremendous metacentric

height, and stability is no problem at all, though motion and mooring are.

Likewise, jack-up platforms usually have a hull of substantial length and

width and static stability presents no difficulty at least in the upright condition.
The range of stability however is sometimes a problem, as the great width of
such hulls means that at a relatively small angle the deck is immerged or the
bilge is emerged, resulting in a loss of range of positive righting lever. There-
fore, it is best to have the freeboard equal to the draft so that both occur

The stability of jack-up platforms may be a problem if there is a common

buoyant lower hull at the bottom of the legs or if there are individual buoyant

Towing, Motion and Stability of Platforms

pads at the bottom of each leg. At least one platform has been lost due to the
presence of buoyancy in such footings. If these spaces are insufficiently filled
with water ballast, during raising and lowering, the center of buoyancy of the
entire assembly may be too low and the platform may capsize. Where it is nec-
essary to have ballast in the lower hull, arrangements should be made so that
this ballast is added automatically by an open stand pipe extending up to a pre-
determined height. This insures that such tanks will be filled at an early stage.

The stability of jack-up platforms when actually resting on the bottom is a

matter of overturning moment due to wind and wave versus the resisting moment
provided by the bottom of the sea. This is a matter of soil mechanics and is
outside of the scope of this paper. However, platforms have capsized in this
manner and have been completely lost. The provision of a buoyant upper hull
would have in several cases resulted in the platform at least not disappearing
out of sight, and salvage would have been possible.

Column most successful and safest types

stabilized platforms are one of the
of platforms; yet their stability presents some very unusual problems. The sta-
bility of such platforms when floating on the surface is tremendous but as soon
as they are submerged to the point where the hull is awash, the moment of in-
ertia of the water plane drops so that the metacentric height of hundreds of
feet becomes only 5 to 25 feet (Fig. 18). Exceptional care has to be taken in the
sequence of ballasting in order to provide proper trim as well as to restrict
free surface. The trim problem is aggravated with certain forms in that the
center of flotation may abrubtly jump a considerable distance when the hull be-
comes awash. For example, a configuration having a catamaran hull would have
its center of flotation at midships when surfaced but if this platform has three
stability columns, which is entirely feasible, the center of flotation, once the
hull were submerged, would be at one -third the distance from one end.

It can be shown (4) that for a symmetrical arrangement of stability col-

umns, the moment of inertia of the water plane is the same about any axis.

The diameter and spacing of stability columns are usually a compromise.

Economical construction calls for relatively large columns closely spaced so
that the connecting structures at the hull and at the platform are of minimum
proportions. However, considerations of motion and wave transparency dictate
small diameter columns very widely spaced. On the other hand, to prevent
heaving motions from being too short, small columns are desirable, but this
results in a very low value of tons per foot of immersion, so that considerable
changes in draft and trim occur when adding or removing loads. This partic-
ularly applies to the drilling load, which in some arrangements is at one end.

In general drilling should be performed at the center of flotation in order

toprovide minimum motion and minimum change in trim. One of the drilling
platforms of the Ocean Drilling and Exploration Co., the Ocean Queen (Fig. 9),
has some interesting features one of which is enlargements on some of the
secondary structural support columns which provide an increase in water plane
area at the normal drilling draft. In the event of severe motions and synchro-
nism the barge could be ballasted or deballasted to bring these deeper in the
water or out of water and therefore change the heaving period. Also, presumably


Towing, Motion and Stability of Platforms

drums reduce the permeability. It is considered good practice to provide in

the stability columns a safety deck so located that in the event of inadvertent
total flooding the platform could not completely sink. An alternative procedure
is to make the upper platform structure of a watertight box configuration which
has the dual advantage of restricting the angle of heel in case of unsymmetrical
flooding or preventing foundering in case of total flooding of the lower hull. In
the latter alternative, however, each and every opening of every kind in the
upper platform must be made watertight, which means that drains must all be
connected into a centralized drain tank, and that watertight doors must be
avoided in the upper platform enclosure.

The calculation of righting levers for complex platforms which not only
have stability columns but also secondary structural support columns which
may or may not be vertical is rather complex, and Ref. 5 describes a method of
facilitating such calculations by the use of optical projection in which a beam of
light is projected through a scale model of the platform onto a screen.

In order to obtain the maximum metacentric height with a minimum of struc-

ture, is obvious that the center of buoyancy should be as high as possible. An

optimum situation is to have a column stabilized platform which has no lower

hull of any kind and the entire displacement is afforded by the columns them-
selves. In this case the center of buoyancy is at half the draft. This arrange-
ment has been proposed several times but not actually constructed due to the
fact that the draft would be too high for construction of a large platform in most
shipyards. Therefore column stabilized platforms usually have a buoyant lower
hull, and in keeping with this principle the displacement of this hull should be
at an absolute minimum. It is not even strictly necessary that there be any
positive freeboard at all in the surfaced condition. However, from the practi-
cal consideration of accessibility to tank manholes, a freeboard of several feet
is usually provided. As discussed in the preceding section, however, a greater
freeboard insures that the columns supported on the hull will be high enough
above the water so that the effect of waves on towing resistance is reduced.

Unless the stability columns contain some watertight subdivisions, the flood-
ing of one column will usually result in the loss of the platform. This is espe-
cially true of a three -column platform. A four column platform may survive
actual loss when one column is damaged but will be inclined at a very great
angle. A platform having six columns can survive at a moderate angle the
damage to any one column; but for commercial purposes six columns are not
used due to economic considerations. The platform proposed for the Mohole
project, however, will have six columns.

Ordinarily, the tops of stability columns are tapered in diameter somewhat

above the maximum water line. This reduces the area exposed to waves, al-
though it has a disadvantage of taking away what would otherwise be very de-
sirable reserve buoyancy in the event of damage. The savings in structural cost
is very minor. Platforms having lower hulls or mats which rest on the bottom
of the sea are subject to scouring due to current or, in fairly shallow water,
effects from storm waves. There are three principal methods of reducing the
effect of scouring. One is to slope the sides of the hull into a flat wedge. This
is no longer popular in that it results in increased dimensions and construction


cost. The second method is to provide scour coamings of the "cookie cutter"
type which extend 4 or 5 feet below the bottom of the hull. These are also of
benefit in preventing lateral shifting on bottom during storms. Care must be
taken to have vent pipes through the hulls to prevent trapping air behind these
coamings. The coamings are somewhat vulnerable to damage, and in very soft
bottoms such as encountered in the Gulf of Mexico off Louisiana they would have
to be uneconomically deep to do any real good. A third solution is to provide
the platform with a number of spuds which penetrate deep into the bottom of the
sea. While these do not acti^aUy prevent scouring, they will prevent lateral
shifting, and if the spuds are of sufficient number and capacity and are wedged
or locked into their guides, they will help to prevent undue settling of one
corner or one edge as a result of scouring.

In soft bottoms such as in Louisiana it is not at all unusual for the lower
hulls of platforms to be completely buried in the mud after a long period on sta-
tion. To remove an imbedded hull from the bottom requires considerable pre-
cautions. Water jet piping is a necessity, but care has to be taken in pumping
out water ballast that the platform does not suddenly break loose from the bot-
tom and emerge at an excess velocity. It is ordinarily preferable to try to get
one end free before the other end. With a column stabilized platform disaster
could hardly occur, because as the platform starts to come up, the displace-
ment of the stability columns falls off rapidly, functioning as a natural hydro-
static brake. Old type platforms which had large buoyant lower hulls and only
small-diameter columns did not have this advantage of rapid change in dis-
placement on emerging and could conceivably come up to the surface of a
terrific rate.

In cold areas necessary to consider the effect of ice on stability.

it is
One platform had a loss of metacentric height of 1.5 feet as a result of 3 inches
of ice on the platform deck, not including ice elsewhere. To make matters
worse, ice formation is greater on the windward side resulting in a heeling
moment. Ice is not likely to form on the columns, as the waves would keep it
washed off, but it can form under the platform. As a result of snow, ice may
develop on high-center-of-gravity structures such as drilling derricks. Ref-
erence 2 contains an extensive bibliography on icing of ships.

Ocean platforms exceeding 100 gross tons, other than those which rest on
Guard regulations, and rather complete
the bottom, are subject to U.S. Coast
stability calculations are required.

Aside from the usual considerations of comfort and structural design, mini-
mum motion is a necessity to facilitate the work assignment of a platform. Ex-
cessive angular motion or surge in an oil drilling platform will cause bending
stress in the rotating drill pipe, while heave will result in tension or compres-
sion in the drill pipe. Telescopic sleeve joints just above the bit prevent cyclic
lifting of the bit off the bottom.

Experience has shown that if a flared structure like a curved inverted funnel
is fittedbelow the derrick substructure, that a half angle of as much as 20

Towing, Motion and Stability of Platforms

degrees can be tolerated. The sleeve joints in the drill string consists
of roll
of multiple sections, and enough of them can be used to permit tolerating a
heave of around 20 feet. The platform must be reasonably restrained laterally,
and a rough rule of thumb is that a drift from the vertical of 10 percent of the
water depth is acceptable. Even so, all these motions must be kept to a mini-
mum, and platforms of various types have greatly differing motion properties.
Broadly speaking, the usual types of platforms may be separated into three
categories as shown in Table 1.

Table 1
Platform Categories

Platform Type

Many of the earlier drilling platforms were equipped for drilling off one
end or over the side. Aside from stability and trim control problems, this is
undesirable because the vertical components due to rolling or pitching are
added to the heaving motion. If the drilling is done at the center of flotation,
the vertical component of roll and pitch is zero, and there remains only the
small horizontal components. But unless the platform contains some type of
slot in one end, or has a Y, A, or catamaran configuration, the platform could
not be withdrawn from a permanent pile supported production platform. This
has led to the development of sub-sea completions, of which many forms have
been proposed and some tried with success. However, it is still far from a
routine operation.

The natural period for unresisted rolling or pitching in still water is

1.108 K
T =

where T is period for a complete roll, K is radius of gyration, and GM is the

metacentric height.

The heaving period is

T =

where t is tons per foot of immersion and D is displacement in tons.

In the case of a wall- sided vessel, where the tons per foot of immersion is
constant, D/t may be replaced by the draft d, and the formula becomes


There are two basic philosophies in adopting motion criteria. One is to

maintain all of the natural frequencies below the range of periods of the larger
waves expected. This will not avoid the possibility of synchronism, because
wave periods will be encountered all the way from zero to the maximum con-
templated, and at least one period will give synchronism for each of the roll,
pitch, and heave conditions. There may also be secondary peaks in the response
curves. However, if the platform is a type with short roll, pitch, and heave
periods, the amplitudes even at synchronous motion may not be too great.

The second approach is to design all of the natural frequencies to be

greater than the period of the maximum or the nearly maximum expected wave.
In this case, synchronism will never be reached. The column stabilized plat-
form and the less common spar platform are the only ones which can attain this
criterion. The determination of the design wave period for a particular loca-
tion is an oceanographic matter, but generally in the Gulf of Mexico a 16-second
wave is about the maximum to be expected, and in the Pacific 20- second waves

Towing, Motion and Stability of Platforms

can be expected. Column stabilized platforms can be designed to have natural

frequencies beyond these periods.

Figure 19 shows typical heave response curves with an assumed maximum

wave period superimposed. This shows that a column stabilized platform can
be designed to have a natural frequency beyond the range of most anticipated
waves. The situation for roll and pitch is similar.

To some extent motion periods or amplitudes may be adjusted. The obvious

means of controlling roll and pitch motions is by changing the radius of gyration.
This can be changed in wide hulls or catamarans by shifting ballast between out-
board and inboard locations. The shift must be done horizontally to prevent
modifying the metacentric height. Merely adding water ballast does little good
as the gain in radius of gyration tends to be offset by the increase in the meta-
centric height.

The metacentric height may be adjustedin several ways to change the roll-
ing period. Figure 18 is the ballasting curve of a four -column grid hull plat-
form, and shows the wide choice of GM available with only moderate draft

The metacentric height may also be changed by increasing or decreasing

the free surface in the ballast tanks. The free surface can be increased only
up to the limits imposed by stability requirements. The metacentric height may
also be adjusted on column stabilized platforms by providing enlargements or
bulges on some or all of the columns near the working water line (Fig. 9) so
that the draftmay be set on the enlargements, or above or below them. Also,
if permits, the water plane area of the columns may be decreased by
reducing the stability column diameter over a portion of the length of the col-
umns. Usually holes are provided in the columns and a smaller inner core is
provided to maintain watertight integrity.

The devices outlined in the preceding paragraph also change the tons per
foot and are therefore effective in changing the heave period. Another obvious
way to modify the heave period is to change the displacement, but increasing the
draft to do so results in an increase of surge force and mooring line tension.
Heave damping plates have been tried and are sometimes effective if placed
deeply enough. Otherwise, if they are in the larger wave particle orbits near
the surface, they could actually augment heave.

It seems appropriate word of caution about these motion con-

to introduce a
trol devices; a patent study shouldalways be made before adopting any of them.
Many devices used or proposed on ocean platforms for stability or motion con-
trol based on principles known for many years now seem to be covered by re-
cent patents.

Motion and mooring are closely related in that minimum motions may be
obtained from high tension in mooring lines, literally "tieing down" the rig.
This is at the expense of greatly increased mooring equipment, which on a large
platform can easily reach $1 million in cost.

Three-column stabilized columns are usually moored at each column with

a total of 3, 6, or 9 anchor lines on the platform. Four-column platforms as
well as jack-up platforms in a catamaran have four to eight lines. The anchor
lines should have a moderate degree of pretension, and while constant tension
winches are desirable, their high cost is usually prohibitive. However, in any
case line tension recorders should be installed.

Towing, Motion and Stability of Platfornas

Mooring lines are commonly of the following types: all wire rope, wire
rope with a nylon section, wire rope with a chain section, all chain, or wire rope
from the winch to the buoy and chain from the buoy to the anchor. The resil-
iency afforded by the second and the last types are attractive but complicate the
winding of lines on drums or wildcats. This is less serious than would appear
as most platforms are not maneuverable enough to set their own anchors, and
this has to be done by auxiliary supply vessels. Anchors are usually of the
Navy LWT or Danforth types.

Model tests show that for minimum motion the mooring lines must not be
placed too low. A showed that
test of a platform 140 feet high at 70 feet draft
raising the point of attachment of mooring cables from 30 feet above the bottom
to 100 feet resulted in a reduction of heel due to aerodynamic lift from wind
under the platform deck from 8 degrees to 1 degree. This was accompained by
a reduction of mooring line tension of 40 percent.

This aerodynamic effect is important, and various types of "spoilers" have

been tried with little or no gain and should be the subject of further research.
Care should be taken to avoid overhanging platforms such as cantilevered pipe
racks or helicopter platforms which might be subject to such lift.

A disadvantage of the multiple anchor system is the difficulty in changing

heading in order to improve the motion or kill synchronism. The anchor lines
originate at fixed points on the platform and only a few degrees of swing can
ordinarily be made. The Offshore Company's platform Discoverer is a single-
hull platform with a rotatable annular ring in the center of the hull, having the
anchor lines attached to the bottom of the ring. By the use of thruster propel-
lers, the hull can be rotated 360 degrees. There are, however, some formi-
dable problems of maintenance and servicing the anchor lines under the hull.

Position can be maintained by rotatable propellers instrumented for auto-

matic position sensing and control. Conventional mooring arrangements become
too expensive in water more than about 600 feet deep, and dynamic positioning
will likely be a necessity in very deep water.

Table 2gives an indication of the suitability of several common platform
types. Water depth is a relative term; water deep enough for a platform 50 by
SOfeet is shallow for one 2 50 by 2 50 feet. However the table is based on relatively
large platforms. While spar platforms are shown, their primary field seems
to be in oceanographic research, where a great load capacity is not required.
The principal conclusions drawn from this table are (a) that below 50 feet plat-
forms should rest on bottom, (b) between 50 and 300 feet platform types are
available which can float, rest on the bottom, or be semisubmerged, and (c) above
300 feet the floating or semisubmerged platforms seem the best.

New developments in details of existing types as well as new types of plat-

forms are being developed. Unfortunately model test and actual performance
data does not exist to nearly the degree as in the case of ship data. Further-
more, the majority of platforms in use are for the oil industry, and data is


Table 2
Relative Characteristics of Several Common Platform Types
Towing, Motion and Stability of Platforms

3. Macy, R.H., "Column Stabilized Drilling Barges," Gulf Section, Society of

Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 1961

4. Macy, R.H., "Trends in Offshore Drilling Rigs," Louisiana Engineering

Society, 1963

5. Macy, R.H., "Mobile Drilling Platforms," Society of Petroleum Engineers

of AIME, New Orleans 1966

6. Howe, R.J., "The Evolution of Offshore Mobile Drilling Units," American

Petroleum Institute, 1966

7. Glosten, L.R., "FLIP - Some Remarks on Certain Design Considerations,"

Society of Naval Architects :.nd Marine Engineers, 1962

Monday, October 3, 1966

Morning Session

Chairman: G. Neumann

New York University

New York, New York


Low-Frequency Tail of the Ocean Wave Spectrum 475

Walter H. Munk, University of California, San Diego,
La Jolla, California

Continental Shelf Waves 477

L. A. Mysak, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Nonlinear Processes in Long-Crested Wave Trains 497

T. B, Benjamin and J. E. Feir, University of Cambridge,
Cambridge, England

Computer-Based Procedures for Preparing Global Wave Forecasts

and Wind Field Analyses Capable of Using Wave Data Obtained
by a Spacecraft 499
Willard J. Pierson, Jr., and Leo J. Tick, New York University,
Bronx, New York, and Ledolph Baer, Lockheed California
Company, Burbank, California

Walter H. Munk
Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, La Jolla Laboratories
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, California

I will review briefly four relatively new observations concerning ocean

waves whose frequency is below that of ordinary wind waves. The topics are
vaguely related and they emphasize the importance of nonlinear processes.

At 2 to 3 cycles per minute one occasionally finds well-developed spectral

peaks associated with swell from distant storms. These peaks shift from day to
day toward higher frequency, and the rate of shift gives information concerning
source time and distance.

One new development concerns an attempt by Snodgrass et al. (1) to meas-

ure waves simultaneously at widely separated points. These measurements
confirm nicely what had already been fairly clear since the days of Barber and
Ursell (2): each wave component moves at a group velocity appropriate to its
frequency. The purpose of the experiment was to measure the attenuation of the
ocean waves. They diminish rapidly in the near zone (within one storm diame-
ter) and very slowly thereafter. The behavior can be accounted for in terms of
"Stokes scattering": interacting wave groups from the storm area scatter en-
ergy into high frequencies, where they are ultimately removed by white capping.
From what we know of scattering cross sections, there is no insuperable quan-
titative discrepancy. The super -exponent behavior follows from the fact that
the interaction depends on the products of the interacting amplitudes, on the
beamwidth, and on the bandwidth in the frequency domain; all these quantities
diminish with distance from the storm area.

So far we have been concerned with nonlinear interactions leading to higher

(sum) frequencies. Insofar as these interactions lead to difference frequencies,
one can explain to some extent oscillations at around 1 cycle per minute, which
have been observed with appropriate instrumentation (3).

Further down the frequency scale I would like to refer to one of the few
clear-cut results in some long-time efforts to make sense of the low-frequency
oscillations (4). We used an array of instruments separated by various dis-
tances along shore, ranging from 1/2 mile to 20 miles. By a suitable analysis
one can find the description of wave energy in o), k-space, where a; is the tem-
poral frequency and k is the spacial frequency. Suitable units are cycles per


hour and cycles per kilometer, respectively. It turns out that nearly all the en-
ergy is concentrated along two or three narrow bands, thus defining empirically
the corresponding Gij(k) relations. We have computed the corresponding rela-
tions for trapped edge waves, using the observed off-shore topography, and these
agree very satisfactorily with the empirical relations. There can be no doubt
that most of the energy is in the form of low-order trapped edge waves. Ap-
proximately equal energy travels up and down the coast. At the frequency under
consideration (cycles per hour), the effect of the Coriolis force leads to a slight
splitting of the co(k) curves. As one approaches daily frequencies, the situation
changes radically, and present remarks are not applicable.

Finally, I wish to comment on an unexplained observation in the analysis of

tide records (Munk and Cartwright, 1966): the continuum spectrum peaks
sharply in the vicinity of the strong tidal lines. The explanation is not yet
known, but it appears that there are a number of processes that could be re-
sponsible for this peaking, and each of these might be important under some
circumstances. One is the nonlinear interaction of the low-frequency sea-level
oscillation with the tidal "carrier" frequencies, giving rise to modulated side
bands. Another is the relatively small surface effects associated with internal
tides, these being demonstrably incoherent with tide producing forces. And
finally, there is the effect of multiple line interaction under highly nonlinear
circumstances, such as a near bore situation. For this latter case, the peaked
spectrum is discrete, not continuous.

This is an outline of an interesting set of problems. As the central frequen-

cies of the ocean wave spectrum have become populated, I find myself moving
monotonically towards lower frequencies.

1. Snodgrass, F.E., Groves, G.W., Hasselmann, K.F., Miller, G.R., Munk,
W.H., and Powers, W.H., "Propagation of Ocean Swell Across the Pacific,"
Philosophical Trans. Royal Soc. London A2 59:43 1-497 (1966)

2. Barber, B.F., and Ursell, F., Philosophical Trans. Royal Soc. London A240:
527-560 (1948)

3. Hasselmann, K., Munk, W., and MacDonald, G., "Bispectra of Ocean Waves,"
in "Time Series Analysis," pp. 125-139, New York:Wiley, 1963

4. Munk, W., Snodgrass, F., and Gilbert, F., "Long Waves on the Continental
Shelf," J. Fluid Mech. 20(Part 4):529-554 (1964)

L. A. Mysak
Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts

When a static, normal stress distribution acts upon the sea surface, it
reacts as an inverse barometer. In the literature such a response is often
termed "isostatic"; however, in this paper we shall call such a response 'Taaro-
metric." In the past it has also been assumed that the sea surface responds
barometrically when the distribution is time-dependent, such as in ordinary,
moving weather systems, provided the fluctuations are of sufficiently low fre-
quency (considerably less than the Coriolis parameter). Recently, however,
Hamon (1-3) and Hamon and Hannan (4) have observed that the daily mean sea
level fluctuations at the Australian coast are not barometric: At four stations
on the east coast the behavior is appreciably less than barometric (that is, the
magnitude of the "barometric factor," the ratio of daily mean sea level changes
to atmospheric pressure changes, is appreciably less than the expected value of
1.0 cm/mb), and at two stations on the west coast the behavior is appreciably
greater than barometric. An analysis of a simultaneous record of the daily
mean sea level fluctuations at Lord Howe Island, on the other hand, indicates a
barometric behavior.

Another unexpected phenomenon Hamon (2,3) observed is the existence of

adjusted sea level phase lags between neighboring coastal stations whose dis-
tance separation is of the order 100 km. (The adjusted sea level is defined as
the observed sea level with the atmospheric pressure eliminated according to
the hydrostatic relation 1-cm decrease in sea level for 1-mb increase in pres-
sure.) More specifically, for a series of six east coast stations between Eden
(37 S) and Urangan (25 S), the lags between adjacent stations are related in a
manner which suggests the presence of a northward-traveling wave with a speed
of 400 cm/sec (3). The lagged correlations between adjusted sea levels at (west
coast stations) Geraldton, Fremantle, and Bunbary, on the other hand, suggest
the presence of a southward traveling wave. In this case the wave speed has not
been determined accurately, but it is estimated to lie in the range 300 to 600
cm/sec (3).

Robinson (5) attributed the nonbarometric behavior at the east coast to a

resonant response of the sea surface to a plane-wave pressure distribution
which travels northward along a sloping sheK which sharply drops off to water
at constant depth. His solution also predicts the existence of a northward-
traveling shelf wave with a speed of 250 cm/sec, which is of the order of the


observed wave speed at the east coast. However, the solution does not yield any
information about the variation of sea level behavior with latitude. Also, Robin-
son's mathematical representation of the forcing atmosphere pressure variations
is questionable in view of the fact that at midlatitudes ordinary weather systems
tend to progress eastward rather than northward.

To overcome these two shortcomings of the theory, we consider in this

paper the following problem: the response of the sea surface to a plane-wave
pressure distribution which progresses eastward across a circular continent
with a sloping sheK which sharply drops off to water at constant depth.

The solution to this problem (given in the next section), when applied to the
Australian stations where an anomalous sea level behavior has been observed,
does in general predict the observed behavior, provided the forcing frequency
lies in a small neighborhood of an eigenfrequency. However, the behavior is
indeterminate when the forcing frequency is equal to an eigenfrequency, since
both viscosity and nonlinear effects have been neglected. In view of this short-
coming, we also obtain the solution (given in the third section) for the same
geometry and driving force as used in the next section but with bottom friction
incorporated into the equations of motion. The solution given in these next two
sections also predicts the existence of circularly traveling shelf waves which in
the case of the southern hemisphere, move in the observed direction, namely,
counterclockwise. However, the theoretical wave speeds are somewhat less
than the observed, especially for the values of the parameters which apply to
the east coast. In the fourth section the geometry of the model is modified so
as to include a finite-slope continental slope region. The unforced solution for
this geometry does give a west coast wave speed which lies well within the error
bounds of the observed speed; however, there is still a significant discrepancy
between the theoretical and observed speeds for the case of the east coast. In
view of the fact that the theory does not take into account the intense current and
associated stratification which is present off the east Australian coast (6,7), this
discrepancy is, perhaps, not too surprising. In the last section the change in
wave speeds due to deep-sea stratification (idealized by a two-layer model) and
a uniform, upper-layer deep-sea current is determined.

We mention here that this paper is primarily intended to serve as an intro-

duction to the theory of continental shelf waves; a more complete treatment will
be published elsewhere.


Governing Equations

In view of the nature of the phenomena we are considering, we shall use the
equations of linear shallow-water theory with the addition of the Coriolis param-
eter. Therefore, in terms of a cylindrical polar coordinate system (r. ^ z ) cen- ,

tered at the origin of the continent with z measured vertically upward from the
undistorted sea surface, the adjusted sea level fi(T,4i,t) and velocity components
( r, t )
i//,and u ( r V^ t ) satisfy the equations
, ,

Continental Shelf Waves

- fO, . g = (1)
Bt 3^ ,

Bt r r 30

A(,hu-J. ^(hu-,)+ r^(^.c,)= (3)

Here f 2fi sin 6'q (-0.59x10-1 sec'i for Australia), g is the acceleration of
gravity, -h(r,i/') the equation of the sea bottom, and

V ^-cp (4)

where z = I(r,v'',t) is the sea-level distortion and ^(r.^.t) is the negative of

the atmospheric pressure fluctuations measured in centimeters of water. From

Eq. (4) we note that is a measure of the deviation of the sea-level behavior

from exact barometric behavior. It is thus our purpose to derive an equation for
fj and examine its magnitude relative to cp.

We assume that the driving force is of the form of an eastward moving

plane wave, viz.,

= (Pq exp[i(kr cos - wt)] (5)

where ^ ^ is a constant of order 10 cm. The choice of Eq. (5) as a model for the
ordinary weather systems which progress across mid-Australia is motivated by
two facts: (a) the weather systems essentially progress from west to east, and
(b) for a specified season and at any given station the power spectrum of the daily
mean atmospheric pressure fluctuations, which have an amplitude of about 10 cm,
has a single, albeit broad, maximum (1). In particular, the spectrums for "win-
ter" (April- September) and "summer" (October- March) are peaked at 9 days
{..'^ = 0.81 X 10" ^ sec" ^ ) and 5 days ( ^ = 1.45 x
10" ^ sec' ^ ) respectively. As a

typical example, the winter spectrum of the atmospheric pressure at Sydney is

given in Fig. 1. In this figure the product of frequency and spectral energy den-
sity has been plotted against the logarithm of frequency.

Fig. 1 - Winter spectrum of the daily mean atmos-

pheric pressure at Sydney. The vertical lines rep-
resent the lowest mode eigenfrequencies (m = 5, --
j ^^^

6, .... 20) for 1= i^.


We do not present here the response of 17 to a driving force p which has a

continuous frequency distribution of the form shown in Fig. 1; this case will be
dealt with in a future paper.

In view of Eq. (5) we assume a simple harmonic time factor exp (-ic^t) for
all the unknown quantities:

u^(t,4j) >exp(-ia)t). (6)

Employing Eq. (6), Eqs. (1) and (2) yield, for aj2 ^ i\

Bt] f Bt7 \
iw '
f2_^2 \^ 3r r Bi///

f ^
ico Bt]
2^11]. (8)

Hence Eq. (3) becomes, for h = h(r),

rhV^T] + h'(r77, _.+ ifaj-^77,^) - r( f ^ - ^2.^ g- 1^ ^ ^^f2_^,2.^^-i^^ exp(ikr cos ^) (9)

For the circular geometry described in the Introduction, h(r) takes the form

D, r > R + 't (deep sea region)

d(r - R)/l, P < r < R+ 't (shelf region) ,

where D depth in the deep-sea region, d is the depth at the edge of the
is the
shelf, -i sheK width, and P is the continental radius. For Australia,
is the
D = 5xi05cm, d = 2X10^ cm, ^,3,, ^^^^, ^j. = 5xl0^cm, l^^^, ^^^,, l^ = -- --

7.5 xlO^ cm, and R = 2.05 xlO^ cm. Equation (9) is to be solved separately in
the deep-sea and shelf regions, subject to the boundary conditions |t7(R,s^)| < M
(a constant) and 17(00, = At the edge of the shelf we stipulate that
i/;) . andu^h 17

(radial transport component) be continuous.

In Eqs. (7), (8), and (9), we assume that ^^ f ^ Hence in the deep sea
region, Eq. (9) reduces to

(V2- /32)77 = /32cp(j exp(ikr cos i//) , (10)

where fi^ - f ^/gD. Upon examining the forcing term in Eq. (10), we note that
for - k"
r and /^^
k^, 77 = Oifi^^)^/'^^), which implies that in the deep-sea
region the amplitude of 17 is much smaller than that of w For the case of .

Australia, the sea-level behavior in the deep-sea region is barometric to within

0(10"^) if we set k = ^ x lO"^ cm'^. In the sheK region, Eq. (9) reduces to

^T7.ff + -^.^ - i7V<^ - eacpg exp(ikR cos 0), < ^ < 1, (11)

Continental Shelf Waves

for e = -t/R 1 and y = -il/coYi, a = f ^R^gd, B/3^, and 'd/'^^j each of order
unity; the dimensionless variable ^ is defined by <f = (r - ^)/l. Hence
7? = 0(ea(pQ/7), which implies that the shelf sea-level behavior is also essenti-
ally barometric unless resonance occurs. The unforced equations obtained
from Eqs. (10) and (11) together with the above stated boundary and continuity
conditions constitute an eigenvalue problem with eigenvalue y. Since y^or^, it
follows that when the forcing frequency is in a small neighborhood of an eigen-
frequency, 17 on the sheK is amplified, thereby leading to a nonbarometric be-
havior. For a nonresonant response however, the Australian shelf sea level
behavior is also barometric to within 0(10" ^).

Unforced Solution: Continental Shelf Waves

The appropriate homogeneous solutions to Eqs. (10) and (11) which are
single-valued in are given by

E A^K^ W{U+^)]
exp(im^), ^ > 1 ,

v = (12)

E B^Jo (2VyJ^) exp(im0), 0<^<1.

where m= 0, 1, K^ is the mth order modified Bessel function of the second

. .

kind, and Jg the zeroth order Bessel function of the first kind. Application of the
continuity conditions to Eq. (12) implies that A^ = Bq = and implies the eigenvalue

Jo(2v7S) [1- A+ e(l+ e) /3RK;/7mK^] - [A( 1 + e )A/7S] J^ ( 2v'>^) - 0(m + 0) , (13)

where K^ and K^ are evaluated at ^= 1 and A = d/D. For /3RK^/K^ =0(1) and
e/A 0(1), Eq. (13) implies that to be consistent with our earlier approxima-

tions we must take the eigenvalues to be given by the zeros of Jg Let k^.^ .

(j = 1, 2, .) denote the roots of the equation Jo(^) = 0; then the eigenfrequen-

. .

cies are given by

^j,m = -4f'fe/R^oj ("1+0) . (14)

Finally, in view of Eq. (14), the adjusted sea- level eigenf unctions can be written
in the form

ro(A), ^ > 1

V-. Jr,0,t) = (15)

I Jo (2x7^7^) exp[i(m0-u;3 ,t)] + 0(A), 0<^<1,
where y^ . is defined by 2\-"y^ = ^0 j

The following properties of the unforced solution should be noted:

1. Each eigenf unction f?. ^ is in the form of a circularly traveling wave

almost entirely confined to the shelf; hence we adopt the term "continental shelf


waves" for the fi- ^'s. These waves correspond to Robinson's plane -traveling
shelf waves (5).

2. The eigenfrequencies jj ^ form a doubly discrete set. In the Cartesian

geometry the eigenfrequencies are given by ^.^^^ = -4f^^k v.^j, where k is a N-S
wave number which lies in the range k^V 1 (5). It is clear that in the case
of the circular geometry, the effect of the periodicity requirement is to quantize
the wave number m.

3. In both geometries the waves are nondispersive and the phase velocity
(wave speed) of the jth mode is given by

c. = -4f^V^j .

From Eq. (16) we note that the wave speed is proportional to the sheK width and
isindependent of the depth and acceleration of gravity, which is quite unlike the
case for gravity waves and edgewaves. In the circular geometry the waves travel
counterclockwise in the southern hemisphere and clockwise in the northern

Forced Solution

To solve the forced problem, we expand tj on the shelf in terms of the eigen-
f unctionsgiven in Eq. (15) with a ^ in the exponent replaced by oj. The unknown
coefficients are then determined from Eq. (11). The complete solution takes the

^(^,'A, t) = eacpg

\%]m J 1 ( 2v%]m) m (7 - y^ )

Jo (2V7^~^) exp[i(m^-ajt)] (m M) (17)

Equation (17) explicitly shows that unless the forcing frequency ^ lies within a
"resonant" neighborhood of x ^ defined by ^

|m(7-7oj)l < ^^^0 IJm(l^P)/v'7V^) Ji (2vT^)l , (18)

the sea level behavior on the shelf is very nearly barometric. However, if ^^
lies within a resonant neighborhood of m. ^, then v has an amplitude of o(lOcm),
the leading contribution being n ^, the j,ni the term of Eq. (17). In such a case
the theoretical sea-level amplitude on the shelf is given by ; + n
J with in ' ,

the neighborhood specified above. However, since the eigenfrequencies corre-

sponding to j= 2, 3, ... in the neighborhood of or ^ have large values of m ,^

(m = o(40), 0(10-^), .) and since J(l<^0 rapidly decreases with increasing m,

. .

the resonant neighborhood (Eq. (18)) will be largest for the eigenfrequencies
corresponding to = l.
j Hence we conclude that an anomalous sea-level behav-
ior on the shelf is essentially determined by U + Nj J with within the reso-
nant neighborhood of ^j ^ given by Eq. (18) with = i. The following question j

Continental Shelf Waves

now arises. For a specified or l^) and season (summer or winter), which
f (^j-
a-, ^'s are most (It should be made clear here that although
likely to be excited?
the theoretical shelf wave N, propagates around the whole continental shelf (of

width ) with a fixed frequency given by Eq. (14), we now wish to apply the theory

locally to a small region of the coast in view of the two scales of ^ involved, viz.,
Z and I Hence Eq. (14) implies that the eigenfrequencies corresponding to

each regi'on will differ.) Figure 1 shows the winter spectrum of the atmospheric
pressure at Sydney as a function of frequency along with the eigenfrequencies
oij ^ as given by Eq. (14) with f = l-^. For this case it is evident that g
and -

Wj g are most apt to be excited since only these eigenfrequencies lie at the peak
of the spectrum. For ^ i^, a similar analysis reveals that
5 and
xj ^ are -

most likely to be excited. During summer, the eigenfrequencies most likely to

be excited are ^^ and 15 for I
- = l^, and w^ g and ojj
j j^ for I = l^.

To illustrate the coastal sea-level behavior in the neighborhood of the above

specified eigenfrequencies, we use the normalized amplitude

S^(0,a;;^) - | cp + N ^ ^

1 + Ai + 2A cos mW'+-^j- kR cos /> (19)

A^ = eaj rkR)/0.62(m7- 1.44) .

It isclear that when s^ > l or < l the behavior is greater or less than baro-
metric. From Eq. (19) we note that when A = 0(1), the sea-level behavior
does depend on (as well as on m, w, and l). Hence it is not too surprising

that the observed Australian sea level at the east coast is quite different from
that at the west coast. In Figs. 2 through 5 the amplitude s^ is plotted as a
function of frequency for those east and west coast stations where an anomalous
sea-level behavior has been observed during winter and/or summer. These
stations are listed in Table 1 along with their observed behavior (<and> repre-
sents respectively a less or greater than barometric behavior) and position >//.
(We have taken the origin of our coordinate system to lie at Alice Springs,
which is the geographic center of Australia.)

The following were observed from Figs. 2 through 5:

1. I = l^ and l = i^, the amplitude S^ - +co as ^ a.^^, or

For both
CO -^ This phenomenon arises because both viscosity and nonlinear ef-
coj^ ^. .

fects have been neglected. To determine the amplitude when the forcing fre-
quency is equal to an eigenfrequency (within the framework of a quasi-steady
model), at least one of these effects must be incorporated into equations. In
the next section we obtain the solution for the amplitude which is damped by
bottom friction.

2. Behavior The behavior at all stations during

at the east coast {l = l^).
winter than barometric only when the forcing frequency lies
is distinctly less
in the neighborhood 5x10'^ < co^^^ - < 2 xlO'^ sec"^ (m = 8,9) (Fig. 2). <-o


Continental Shelf Waves

0.88 0.90 (cjjg) 0.92

Fig. 4 - Undamped sea-level amplitude vs frequency in the

neighborhood of oJj ^ and co^ g for ? = ?^^,



1.50 (cu,,,o)

Fig. 5 - Undamped sea-level amplitude vs frequency in the

neighborhood of oJj ^ and co^
^^ for ^ - ^y,


Table 1
Australian Stations with Observed Anomalous Sea- Level Behavior

Continental Shelf Waves

the neighborhood of the east coast {I - -i^), therefore, this wave travels north-
ward with a speed Cj = 200 cm/sec, which is half the observed speed of 400 cm/
sec. In the neighborhood of the west coast (-& = l^), the wave travels southward
with a speed Cj = 310 cm/sec, which just lies within the error bounds for the
observed speed, viz., 300 to 600 cm/sec.


If we vertically integrate the horizontal momentum equations, retain only
linear terms, and neglect lateral eddy viscosity, we obtain

^-,..H|S.i(K.-F,). (20)


Fg.Gg = r,i// components of the wind stress on the sea surface,

Fg,GB = r.i// components of the frictional stress of water on the ocean floor,

Ur'U^ = r,i/' components of transport.

Upon combining (20) and (21) with the continuity equation, it can be shown that
for typical values of the parameters, the forcing terms due to F^ and G^ are an
order of magnitude smaller than the term due to the atmospheric pressure fluc-
tuations; henceforth we take f^ = G^ = 0. We assume (8)

Fg = K U ^^
^ ' (22)

where K is a small positive constant of dimensions sec ' ^. For our problem we
take K to lie in the range 10"^ to 10'^ sec"^, which is obtained by equating the
bottom stress as given by Eq. (22) to the well-known expression for the bottom-
layer Ekman stress in which the vertical eddy viscosity (for the shelf region) is
taken to lie in the range 1 to 10" ^ cm Vsec (see page 482 of Ref. 9). The same
estimate for K is also obtained if we equate Fg, Gg (with velocities u^ = o(10"-^
cm/sec), and u^ = o (1 cm/sec)) to the well-known bottom-frictional force ex-
pression kpu^, where k is a drag coefficient usually taken to have the value
2.5 xlO-3 (see page 136 of Ref. 10). From Eq. (20), Eq. (21), and the continuity
equation, we obtain, for h = h(r), the following equation for f):

g- 2) g"
hLV^Ti + h'(L^, ^+ fr-if;,^) + (L^ + f ^
i 77, ^ = (L^ + f ^ cp,
^ , (23)

where L - B/3t + K.

In the unforced case we anticipate a solution of the form


77 = -^(r,!/') exp[-(iw+ K)t], t > .


Substituting Eq. (24) into Eq. (23), and assuming that oj'^ f^, K oj, e l,
and i^V
gd, and that B/3^, B/Bs//, and y are each of order unity, we find that
the solution for 77 is the same as that given in the preceding section. However,
in view of Eq. (24), the unforced shelf waves now decay with time, in contrast to
the inviscid case. But since K << w, the effolding time of these waves is of the
order of several years.

In the forced case, the solution is given by

i Jn,(kR)
7](^,0,t) ::: eacp^
J^ K/^)
rt: Vroj'" Ji(2 V7oj"i) ^(y-yoj - i^oj

xJo(2\%7^) exp[i(nn//-ajt)] (m^) (25)

Hence, to compare the theoretical sea-level behavior at the coast with the ob-
served behavior, we consider

s^C-A.o^;^) I + Aj + 2A cos "1(^ + ^1+ <^r

kR cos i/*

A = eaj (kR)/0.62 [(ym- 1.44)^ + (1.44 K/co)^]


tan a^ = K/co (7m/1.44- 1), < a^ < tt .

Equation (26) is the generalization of Eq. (19), so that S^ has the same physical
interpretation as S^. But Eq. (26) differs from Eq. (19) in one important way:
when CO - ojj ^ (a resonant response), Eq. (26) implies that S^ is finite because
of the nonzero term (1.44 K/co)^ in the denominator of A^. Further, for the val-
ues of K quoted above, S^ = 0(1) when w = co^ m> ^^ ^^^^ ^^^ hypernonbarometric
behavior which occurs in the inviscid model when co - co, is now eliminated.
Finally, we note that for k
w the behavior as given by s^ will be essentially
the same as that given by S^^ except for w in the small neighborhood \co-co^ J <hco
where hco = 0(10-^ to 10"^ sec"^).

In Table 2 the value of S^ at each station listed in Table 1 is given when

CO = CO. CO = oj _ (that is, when co,
^ We inter-
- co - hco > o), and co - co, .

cept these data as follows: when (S^)^^^^^^^ -

l > or < 1 - (S^)^ii^^ at a

given station and in the neighborhood of a particular ^^i ,, we regard the behav-
ior in this case as distinctly greater or less than barometric respectively. With
this interpretation we note that at the east coast the behavior is distinctly less
than barometric (the observed behavior) in 50 percent of the cases. In partic-
ular, at Newcastle, Sydney, and Port Kembla during winter, the behavior in the
neighborhood of Wj g is distinctly less than barometric for an "off- resonant"
response to the left. (That is, s at these stations has a minimum when

Continental Shelf Waves

3 a t-,

x: o
o -t->

3 O "S
"g s

II 0) "O
3 ^ >
M -C ^

Xi Icrt .

c^ -C W 13
.^ .^

5 M <i>

** J3

01 ^
> II



oj = Wj g_ .) This is not unexpected if we note that the very low minimums of Sg

are well to the left of Wj g in Fig. 2. During summer at these stations, however,
the behavior in the neighborhood of uJj 14 is distinctly less than barometric for
a "true" resonant responsp. (That is, Sj4 at these stations has a minimum when
00 - a>j
j^ .) Again, this is not too surprising in view of the closeness of the s,^
minimum s to "Jj 14 (Fig. 3). At the west coast, the behavior is distinctly
greater than barometric (the observed behavior) only during winter, and in two
of the three cases in which this is true the response is also off- resonant to the
left, which is also not surprising in view of Fig. 4. While this theory does pre-
dict, in many of the cases, the observed behavior when the forcing frequency is
in a small neighborhood of an eigenfrequency, the discrepancies which do exist
perhaps suggest that bottom friction is not the only amplitude- limiting mecha-
nism involved. In fact it can be shown that the terms due to bottom friction (for
the values of K given above) are the same order of magnitude as the nonlinear,
inertial acceleration terms which have been hitherto neglected. It would thus
be of value to determine the theoretical s6a- level response which is damped by
both bottom friction and inertial acceleration terms.


If a finite-slope continental slope region is included in the theory of edge-
waves, which are similar in form to continental shelf waves, the wave speed is
increased by about 2 percent (11). Since the wavelengths and periods associ-
ated with continental shelf waves are much greater, it is quite plausible that a
similar geometrical modification would give rise to an even larger increase in
the shelf wave speed. In fact it has been suggested (3) that the discrepancy be-
tween the observed and theoretical wave speeds may be due to the oversimpli-
fied bottom topography used by Robinson (5). Of course the same criticism also
applies to the circular model used above.

To answer this question we assume that between the deep-sea and shelf
regions there exists a uniformly sloping continental slope of width with depth t '

d at r = R+ 't and depth D at r = R + f + f. Then it can be shown that to within

our order of approximations the eigehfrequencies are given by

2x7^ - ^oj + qj^^ (mM; j

= 1. 2. ...) . (27)

where q- is a constant of order unity and A' = d-f (D- d){. For the case of

Australia we take i'-^ = 7.5x10^ cm and C^ = 12.5x10^ cm. For these values of
-t' we find that A^ =6x10-^ and a; = 7x10"^. Equation (27) therefore implies
that a continental slope region produces a significant shift in the eigenfrequen-
cies. For j = 1 the eigenvalue equation implies that qj = -0.9 and -1.1 for the

east and west coasts respectively.

From Eq. (27) the new wave speeds are now readily determined; the results
are given in Table 3, along with the theoretical values computed for the previous
model and the observed values. From Table 3 we first note that with a continen-
tal slope the wave speed at either coast is increased by about 30 percent, which,
as conjectured earlier, is much greater than the increase for edgewaves. The
theoretical wave speed for the west coast now lies well within the error bounds

Continental Shelf Waves

Table 3
Observed and Theoretical Lowest- Mode Wave Speeds

///////////////////// ^
Fig. 6 - The uniform, basic
Two-layer model.
flow Vq confined to the deep-sea region and
to the upper layer. For the east Australian
coast region, typical values of the parameters
shown are Vq = 100 cm/sec, d^ = 2.5x10'* cm,
Do = 5 X 10^ cm, ? = 5 X 10^ cm, d = 2 x 10" cm.
p - 1.025 g/cm^, and p' - p = 2.5x lO"'' g/cm''.

A^Jo(2xT?), < X < ^,

N = < (29)
Ai exphCa/z^Xx-k-t] + Aj exp[-(x-k^)] , -k > I ,

Z' = -(1/m^) Ai exp[-(a//x)(x-k^)] + A2 exp [-(y- k^)] , x > -t , (30)

where ^ = xZ-C, x = kx, and v = -ik-i/co. In obtaining Eqs. (29) and (30), we have
imposed the boundary conditions |N(0)| < M, N(oo) = 0, and |z'(oo)| < m. Appli-
cation of the boundary condition x'(^) = yields Aj = 0; application of the con-
tinuity conditions to theupper layer solutions implies the eigenvalue equation

Jo(2VT) [/3%(l-Ao)- (l+vRo)\'^o] - /3*Ao^ J^(2\^) (31)

where /3* ^(gd)^^^ (l\f\)-\

= = d/d^ \
and R^ = -Vq/U. We first note that in

the limit - 0(p' - p-*0)

/3* and R^ - 0(Vo -0), Eq. (31) implies that the eigenval-
ues are given by the zeros of jg, in agreement with the unstratified case with no
basic deep-sea current. However, with stratification and a deep-sea current,
Eq. (31) implies that the eigenvalues are quite different, since /3* A^, and Rg , ,

are each of order unity. The physical reason for this change in the eigenvalues
is that the motion of the surface wave 7] in the deep-sea region is now coupled to
that of the interfacial wave C' through the conservation equations, so that new
modes of oscillation result. Finally, from Eqs. (28) and (31) we observe that the
waves are still nondispersive and progress northward at the east coast of a con-
tinent which lies in the southern hemisphere.

Continental Shelf Waves

In Fig. 7 the lowest- mode wave speed Cj (= -^fl/v^, where i^, is the lowest
eigenvalue as determined by Eq. (31)) is plotted as a function of Vg for the case
of the east Australian coast in the neighborhood of Sydney to Coff's Harbour
(f = -0.73x10"'* sec"^). From Fig. 7 we observe that for Vq in the range 50 to
100 cm/sec (typical East Australian Current speeds) and for all values of A^
considered, there is now excellent agreement between the theoretical and ob-
served wave speeds. Even for Vg = 0, it is interesting to note, Cj is only about
10 percent greater than the observed speed; this is to say, the main shortcom-
ing of the earlier models was the absence of deep-sea stratification. However,
the wave speeds are relatively insensitive to changes in stratification (Fig. 7).
Finally, we conclude this paper by noting that in each A^ curve, cj decreases
(essentially linearly) with increasing Vq
. This result suggests that we can the-
oretically determine the speed of an essentially surface deep-sea current which
flows alongside a continental shelf by analyzing the sea level at the coast. How-
ever, since the wave speed in any small coastal section (distance of the order

100 km) is determined by computing the cross spectrum of daily mean sea level
data from two stations bounding this section, the theory can at most predict
seasonal current speeds, or the seasonal difference in the current speed be-
tween two widely separated regions (distance separation of the order 500 km).

I thank Professor A. R. Robinson for introducing me to the subject of con-

tinental shelf waves, for many valuable discussions, and for reading this manu-
script. This work was jointly supported by the National Science Foundation
Grant GP 3533-44-709-7869-2 in oceanic dynamics to Harvard University and a
Special Scholarship from the National Research Council of Canada.

1. Hamon, B.V., "The Spectrums of Mean Sea Level at Sydney, Coff's Harbour,
and Lord Howe Island," J. Geophys. Res. 67:5147-5155 (1962)

2. Hamon, B.V., "Correction to 'The Spectrums of Mean Sea Level at Sydney,

Coff's Harbour, and Lord Howe Island'," J. Geophys. Res. 68:4635 (1963)

3. Hamon, B.V., "Continental Shelf Waves and the Effects of Atmospheric

Pressure and Wind Stress on Sea Level," J. Geophys. Res. 71:2883-2896

4. Hamon, B.V., and Hannan, E.J., "Estimating Relations Between Time

Series," J. Geophys. Res. 68:6033-6041 (1963)

5. Robinson, A.R., "Continental Shelf Waves and the Response of the Sea Level
toWeather Systems," J. Geophys. Res. 69:367-368 (1964)

6. Hamon, B.V., "The East Australian Current, 1960-1964," Deep-Sea Res, 12:
899-922 (1965)

7. CSIRO, Australia, Oceanographic Cruise Report 6, 1963

8. Proudman, J., "Note on Dynamical Theory of Storm Surges," Arch. Meteor.

Geophys. Bioklein. A7:344-351 (1954)

9. Sverdrup, H.U., Johnson, M.W., and Fleming, R.M., "The Oceans: Their
Physics, Chemistry, and General Biology," Prentice-Hall

10. Proudman, J., "Dynamic Oceanography," Dover

11. Munk, W., Snodgrass, F., and Carrier, G.F., "Edgewaves on the Continental
Shelf," Science 123:127-132 (1956)

Continental Shelf Waves


Bernard D. Zetler
U.S. Department of Commerce
Institute for Oceanography
Silver Spring, Maryland

With reference to the history of the ratio of sea level changes to atmos-
pheric changes varying from a value of 1, Ted Saur reported on this in AGU
several years ago and the Coast and Geodetic Survey published on this over 100
years ago, using a four-year record of tide and pressure at Boston.

In considering additional forces related to the problem, I note that you set
the wind stress on the surface as equal to zero. I suggest that although it is an
order of magnitude less than the term due to atmospheric pressure fluctuation
and thus not large enough to account for the variations noted, it still can be a
significant disturbing parameter.


Brooke Benjamin and J. E. Feir

University of Cambridge
Cambridge, England

This paper is a commentary on some recent findings in water-wave
theory which have been reported in previous papers by the present au-
thors, and which relate closely to ideas developed recently by Whitham
and by Lighthill, The principal aim here is to clarify the practical
significance of the new results, with regard both to ocean waves and to
waves fornned in model basins.

The original object of the work to be reviewed was to explain an im-

pressive, clearly nonlinear phenomenon that was discovered during ex-
periments with a wave tank. To demonstrate this phenomenon, a long-
crested progressive wave train of fairly large amplitude needs to be
generated on deep water by awavemaker whose reciprocating motion is
slightly miodulated either in amplitude or frequency. It may then be ob-
served that the modulations imposed on the basic wave train undergo
enormous amplifications with distance from the origin, the final result
being a complete disintegration of the wave train and redistribution of
its energy over a broad spectrum,

A theory agreeing very satisfactorily with the experimental observa-

tions has been worked out for the initial phase of these events, during
which the modulations can be represented adequately by two infinitesi-
mal wave components at side-band frequencies separated by a fraction
S from the fundamental frequency. The theory shows in effect that, on
sufficiently deep water, the waves of permanent form described by the
well-known Stokes approximation are unstable to perturbations of this
type over a certain range of S. Nonlinear interaction between the side-
band components and the second harmonic of the basic wave train is
crucial to the mechanism of instability. If S is not too large, a balance
can gradually be attained between the nonlinear effect of the phase ve-
locities of the side -band components and the effect of frequency dis-
persion on them, so that thereafter the interaction is resonant; each
side -band component is then subject to a synchronous forcing action
proportional to the amplitude of the other, and thus the two grow mutu-
ally at an exponential rate.

In an application of the theory to wave trains on water of arbitrary

depth h, it has been found that instability is possible only if kh > 1.363,
where k is the fundamental wavenumber (= Ztt/ wavelength). This crit-
ical value of kh has also been discovered by Whitham. By means of a
variational principle using an averaged fornn of Lagrangian function, he

Benjamin and Feir

obtained equations governing extremely gradual but not necessarily-

small variations in wave properties, and showed that these equations
are of elliptic type if kh > 1.363 (a result also obtained by Lighthill in
the case of deep-water waves, kh - oo) but are hyperbolic if kh < 1.363.
On the whole there is a nice accord among the results of Whitham's,
Lighthill's, and the present authors' theories, and the available experi-
mental results fit well into the established picture.

The complete text of this paper was not available for publication,

Willard J. Pierson, Jr., and Leo J. Tick
New York University
Bronx, New York

Ledolph Baer
Lockheed California Company
Burhank, California

Techniques are needed for improved descriptions of waves on the surface
of the sea. Improvements are needed both in accuracy and in detail of the de-
scriptions. With such descriptions, ships can be routed across the ocean more
economically, and search and rescue operations at sea can be carried out more
efficiently and safely. Warnings of conditions which could produce hazardous
events such as the recent damage to the Michelangelo could be given. An ade-
quate knowledge of the prevailing wave conditions on the ocean would permit the
design of better merchant ships and military vessels. A concept under investi-
gation by the Maritime Administration involving surface effect ships would
require very accurate wave forecasts. Coastal recreation areas need wave

Moreover, the state of the sea is an integrated indication of the weather

over the oceans and should play an important role in numerical weather predic-
tion calculations. Many air-sea interaction processes are a function of the state
of the sea such as the amount of salt nuclei that enters the atmosphere. A bet-
ter understanding of the wave conditions over the oceans will be needed in order
to improve upon numerical weather prediction techniques.

Present knowledge of conditions at sea is gained from ship reports, from
wave recorders, and from special scientific installations
ships with shipborne

Pierson, Tick, and Baer

and investigations such as those made at Argus Island and from FLIP. The esti-
mates of waves reported by ships are of dubious quality. The World Meteoro-
logical Organization's instructions for observers are so nebulous in their state-
ment of what is to be done that the reported wave heights can, and do, differ from
the significant wave heights that are observed instrumentally by a factor of twQ,
either too high or too low. A great contribution to the problem of observing and
forecasting ocean waves at sea could be made by improving the instructions for
the visual observation of waves.

The winds reported by ships are also of dubious quality, except for those
cases where the ships are equipped with calibrated anemometers and the height
of the anemometer is known. Finally, the ships report a quantity called the air-
sea temperature difference which ought to be quite useful in determining the
turbulent structure of the wind over the water. However, the method of record-
ing the sea temperature leaves much to be desired, and there is considerable
debate as to the accuracy and usefulness of the values currently reported.

In addition to the conventional transient merchant ship reports and the visual
estimates by weather ships of wave heights, waves have been recorded since
about 1952 by the British weather ships using the Tucker shipborne wave re-
corder. These data are perhaps the most valuable, because they cover the wid-
est range of conditions and because they are in a part of the ocean where a great
deal of variation in wave height occurs from day to day.

The Argus Island installation is also an extremely valuable one for record-
ing waves. has been used as a primary standard of calibration for many other
kinds of wave recorders which are under development at the Naval Oceano-
graphic Office, and the amount of data, though less in quantity to that available
from the shipborne wave recorder, is sufficient to permit useful interpretation
and analysis.

FLIP has been used for one month at a station halfway between Hawaii and
Alaska by Snodgrass et al. (1) to measure waves in the North Pacific. It is evi-
dent, however, that new techniques for observing waves on a much broader scale
over the oceans are needed and that the installation of shipborne wave recorders,
or other wave recording techniques, on many ships at sea would provide much
valuable data for problems connected with both the analysis of the wind field and
the waves over the ocean. In a later section of this paper, the potentials of a
special kind of radar on a spacecraft will be discussed in the context of a pro-
cedure for enhancing the quality of data obtained over the oceans.


The work to be described here on the problem of developing computer-based
features for wave hindcasts and forecasts reached a certain stage in 1964 upon
the completion of a climatology of wave conditions for the North Atlantic ocean.
Those results have been described in numerous reports to the Navy and to the
scientific community. References of interest are those by Baer (2), Thomasell
and Welsh (3), Moskowitz, Pierson, and Mehr (4), Moskowitz (5), Pierson and
Moskowitz (6), Pierson (7), and Pierson and Tick (8). This entire project has

Global Wave Forecasts Using Spacecraft Data

been summarized by Bunting (9). These results have been used by Wachnik and
Zarnick (10) in the study of aircraft carrier motions. This file of climatological
wave conditions for the year 1959 is proving to be of great value in a number of
other investigations that have not yet reached the stage of publication.

The numerical technique that was developed at that time involved the analy-
sis of the surface wind field over the Atlantic Ocean on the basis of reports from
weather ships at sea and from conventional ships, the description of the wave
spectra at 15 frequencies and 12 directions at each of 519 grid points, the prop-
agation of the various spectral components at their group velocities, certain
dissipation mechanisms essentially based on gross Austausch turbulence, and a
wave growth theory obtained from a study of the data tabulated in the reports by
Moskowitz, Pierson, and Mehr.

At the time that the work described above was completed in 1964, theories
for the growth of waves due to the wind were available but they had not been
checked, and indications were that they did not account for the observed growth
of waves at sea. Since that time, some field work has led us to the conclusion
that perhaps these theories can be used in a modified way to describe wave
growth, and the purpose of this section is to review the available theoretical re-
sults on wind-generated gravity waves in the context of our computer-based

The shape of the spectrum of a fully developed wind sea was studied in the
work completed prior to December 1964. This analysis by Moskowitz (5), Pier-
son and Moskowitz (6), and Pierson (7) seems to have resolved a number of the
important discrepancies in this part of wind-generated-wave theory. The major
source of the discrepancies seems to have been a combination of calibration
effects,which explain the very low values obtained by Darbyshire (11), and dif-
ferences in the elevation above the surface of the sea at which the wind was
measured. A correction for these differences places many of the theories within
reasonable range of each other.

The propagation of waves is also quite well understood, based on the work
of Barber and Ursell (12), Pierson (13), and the more recent study of Snodgrass
et al. (1) in the Pacific. There can be no doubt that each spectral component in
a wind sea propagates at group velocity in an appropriate direction, according
to where it lies in the directional spectrum, and that such components can be
tracked on a great-circle route for a distance comparable to half the circumfer-
ence of the earth.

The problem of the growth of the spectrum of a wind-generated sea has re-
ceived considerable attention. Recent work, starting with that of Eckart (14),
and continuing through the work of Miles (15) and Phillips (16) laid the theoreti-
cal foundations for this problem. It has been found that the growth that can be
calculated from these theories is apparently too low to explain the observed
growth of the spectral components in a wind sea. The fascinating field study by
Snyder and Cox (17), however, does show that the growth of a particular spectral

Pierson, Tick, and Baer

component has the behavior predicted by these theories in that the growth is at
first quite slow and linear and then growing to the full amplitude rather quickly
once a certain minimum is reached. The evaluation by Snyder and Cox, for ex-
ample, led to the conclusion that the Miles term was about eight times smaller
than is actually needed to explain the growth of the spectral component they

Inoue (18) in some recent work has attempted to use the functional forms
postulated in the theories of Miles and Phillips with constants picked in such a
way that the growth will match the growth which was observed in the data pro-
vided by the British shipborne wave recorder. The first effort employed a flat
growth independent of frequency for the Phillips term, and the functional form
of the Miles term increased by a factor of about eight to model the Miles term.
This effort indicated a growth of significant wave height versus fetch (and dura-
tion) very much like that obtained by Sverdrup and Munk many years ago. Cur-
rent investigation involves the study of a more realistic Phillips term in which
the spectral growth will be a function of both frequency and wind speed. The
spectral growth from a flat, calm ocean with a 40-knot wind according to Inoue
(18) is shown in Fig. 1.


m^sec ff^sec






Global Wave Forecasts Using Spacecraft Data

The problem of the growth of the spectrum of a wind-generated sea is a

complicated one in nature for a number of reasons. The winds over the ocean,
either blowing offshore, or on the open ocean, are not constant in velocity for
the length of time required in most of the theories for full development. They
shift in direction and speed over time periods of the order of 6 to 12 hours.
They can build from 20 to 25 knots to 40 to 60 knots in a half a day, remain at
60 knots over an area 400 or 500 nautical miles on a side for 12 to 18 hours, and
then drop in speed to 15 knots in another 18 hours. The models used by ocean-
ographers in attempting to develop wave forecasting methods in the past, that
assumed a constant wind blowing for a certain duration, do not fit conditions at
sea very well. It has been our experience in the study of the data that are avail-
able that the spectra very nearly track the fully developed spectra as the winds
build with time, except for very high winds. The area wherein the difficulties
lie is in the forward face of the spectra and in getting the contribution at these
frequencies correct as a storm builds up and dies down. The high-frequency
portion of the spectrum is more or less always saturated at or near the value
predicted from the spectral form given by Pierson and Moskowitz (6).

An important aspect of the problem of wave generation is the widely differ-

ent rates of growth reported by various investigators. The point raised by
Phillips concerning the presence of a background spectrum in the ocean and its
absence in the lee of land seems to explain these different growth rates. A very
low background can reduce the time to reach full development to less than half
that required if the waves grow from a flat calm. The spectral growth for a 40-
knot wind with a background present is shown in Fig. 2 according to Inoue.

There remains the problem of how waves are dissipated at sea. If there
was no dissipation mechanism, the spectrum of the waves on the open ocean
would soon become isotropic, with spectral components traveling in all direc-
tions at nearly every point. This is observed not to be the case, and there is
some process by which waves traveling against strong wind-generated seas are
rapidly attenuated. The study of Snodgrass et al. (1) on the propagation of waves
from the South Pacific to the North Pacific found that the greatest amount of
attenuation was right in, or near, the generating area and that the swell could
then travel through the subtropical highs and the trade wind regions without very
much additional loss.

It seems to us that the primary reason for the dissipation of the waves is
the turbulence generated by the breaking waves in a wind-generated sea. An
attempt has been made to model this effect by taking the simple theories pro-
posed by Lamb for viscous attenuation and using an Austausch coefficient in its
place that enhances this effect. This method very strongly attenuates waves that
travel against the wind. This dissipation, as discussed in a later section, seems
to be an important contribution to the decrease of waves after a storm passes
and the wind shifts. There is certainly plenty of room for improvement in this
particular aspect of our computer-based procedures. However, it does appear
to yield consistent results when tested against available sequences of wave spec-
tra computed from wave records obtained from both Argus Island and from the
British weather ships. As an example, for the square North Atlantic grid system.
Figs. 3, 4, and 5 show the results near the Weather Reporter for the original

Pierson, Tick, and Baer


Global Wave Forecasts Using Spacecraft Data

00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12
DEC 16 DEC 17 DEC 18 DEC 19 DEC 20 DEC 21 DEC 22 DEC 23 DEC 24 DEC 25 DEC 26 DEC 27 DEC 28

Fig. 3 - Observed and computed significant wave heights based on

a spectral growth theory developed in 1964

q I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12
DEC 16 DEC 17 DEC 18 DEC 19 DEC 20 DEC 21 DEC 22 DEC 23 DEC 24 DEC 25 DEC 26 DEC 27 DEC 28

Fig. 4- Observed and computed significant wave heights based on the

same growth and propagation as in Fig. 3 but without any dissipation

Pierson, Tick, and Baer


00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12
DEC 16 DEC 17 DEC 18 DEC 19 DEC 20 DEC 21 DEC 22 DEC 23 DEC 24 DEC 25 DEC 26 DEC 27 DEC 28

Fig. 5 - Observed and computed significant wave heights based on

the same wind fields, dissipation and propagation as Fig. 3 but
with Eqs. (7), (8), and (9) describing the wave growth

Finally, the character of the turbulence in the wind over the ocean should
play an important part in determining the rate of growth of the waves. A great
deal of new theoretical work on turbulence is becoming available in the litera-
ture. These results suggest that the drag coefficient, and the roughness length,
depend on atmospheric stability and on the height of the sea present in that par-
ticular area. It would be highly desirable to develop a better way to modify the
growth of a wave spectrum on the basis of how high the waves are at the time of
the observation and on the basis of the stability of the air over the water. Miles'
theory states that the rate of growth of a particular spectral component is deter-
mined by the ratio of the curvature of the wind profile to the slope of the wind
profiled at that elevation above the sea surface where the phase speed of the
waves equals the wind speed. Since the phase speeds observed in fully developed
seas are considerably in excess of the winds measured 19.5 meters above the
surface, this means that knowledge of the wind profile over the water must ex-
tend both theoretically and observationally to elevations well over 70 meters.
Also, since the wind profile changes its character as a function of stability, the
rate of growth of different spectral components will be quite different depending
upon how the particular ratio mentioned above compares to the ratio that would
exist under neutral conditions.


A procedure for hindcasting and forecasting wave spectra over the world
ocean isunder development. It will include many of the results described above

Global Wave Forecasts Using Spacecraft Data

plus a wave propagation procedure that has new and desirable features for large
oceans. It will include procedures for specifying the wind field over the oceans,
and the turbulent structure of the winds. The wave spectra will be computed at
each grid point by three steps for each 2-hour time step. The three steps are
called: growth, dissipation, and propagation. The procedures under develop-
ment for specifying the wind field, and for the three steps of the wave spectra
computation will now be described.

Wind Fields

Presently, the wind field is described by a direction and speed at each grid
point. The speed is that which would supposedly be observed at an elevation of
19.5 meters over the sea surface under conditions of neutral stability, under the
assumption that the drag coefficient given by Sheppard (22) as a function of the
wind at 10 meters is correct.

The surface pressure field is used to obtain a first estimate of the wind
field by means of a regression equation given by Thomasell and Welsh (3). The
weather ships are used next to correct the winds at the points on the grid closest
to the ships. The anemometer heights of the weather ships are used to compute
the wind at 19.5 meters under the above assumptions.

All other ships with anemometers are then used. If a grid point is cor-
rected, subsequent ship reports are not allowed to change the wind at that grid

Finally, the transient merchant ships are used as if the reported wind had
been observed at 19.5 meters above the sea surface. These winds were also
first treated as if they had been observed at 10 meters above the sea surface
and increased according to the logarithmic wind profile to 19.5 meters above
the sea surface. This led to waves that were much too high.

The wind fields are obtained on a JNWP grid (23) and interpolated to the
wave forecasting grid.

In the system under development, the number of points on the JNWP grid
will be quadrupled by halving the distance between grid points. This will pro-
vide better resolution in areas of strong winds and strong wind shear. Also
more ships will be used in correcting the wind field from the regression analy-
sis. Recent Russian papers (and unpublished work by P. S. DeLeonibus) suggest
that air-sea temperature differences and wave height can be used to modify the
wind profile over the waves in a way that will influence the curvature and slope
of the profile so as to permit a modification of the growth rate for different
spectral components.


The growth portion of the computer program is based on the concept that if
the wind blows uniformly in direction and speed over a large enough area for a

Pierson, Tick, and Baer

long enough time, and if swell does not enter the area from some other region,
the spectrum in the area will settle down eventually to the fully developed spec-
trum represented by

S(c.,^,v)=^e"^^'^''^^' [F(-,^*.v)] . (1)

where a = 8.1 x 10 3, /3 = 0.74, and Wq = g/vjg j and where

F(c^,e*,v) = ^ 1. (o.50+0.82e-^"^'-^'^^'/')cos2^%0.32e-^'^^^-5/^)'''' cos 46*


for -7T/2 < 0* < rr/2 and is zero otherwise {0* being measured with reference to
the direction of the wind).

The fully developed sea develops as the waves originally present propagate
out of the area, which may take a long time, and as the effect of fetch and dura-
tion become established.

This fully developed sea, designated by s^ (f . ,

eij ) is approximated over a
band of frequencies and directions f i = 1, 2, .
, . .
, 15, and = 0, 1,
, j23, . . . ,


+ Af J
9 .+Ae .

Sco(fi-^j)-J j' '

S(27Tf, 0, Vi9 5) de 277df , (3)
f - A f e .- ^e

where Eqs. (1) and (2) define S(27rf, 0, Vjg j), the (9. are 0, 15, 30, etc., and
all A^'s are 7.5.

In general, the spectrum from the 360

at a particular grid point differs
numbers defined by Eq. them are zero from Eq. (2)) because the sea
(3) (half of
is not necessarily a fully developed sea, because components outside the range
of 90 to the wind may be present, and because higher components from other
winds can remain. The spectrum actually present is also described by 360
numbers according to the formula

f . + Af 6 .+A9 .

S(f.,0j)= \ S(27Tf, ^)de 277df . (4)

After the procedure has gone through a number of time steps, there will in
general be 360 values of s (f ^. ) at a particular grid point. For the particular
. ,

time step a wind speed v and a wind direction 0^ will be given for that grid

For appropriately defined angles certain 0- will be within 90 to the wind


Global Wave Forecasts Using Spacecraft Data

- 90 < e. < ^^+90 (5)

The sum for 0-^ satisfying the above inequality is defined as

s,(fi) = Ls(i,,e.) (6)

and represents the sum of all contributions to the spectrum for a given f j trav-
eling within 90 to the wind. If S^ (f j) > S (f j), there is no change in the values
of s ( f J 6* ) , but if S^ ( f i ) < S< ( .), there will be growth during the next time

step. The growth of each frequency band f ^ is then given by the solution to the
ordinary differential equation

Sw(fi) = A(v) 1- + B(v, fi)S,(fi)
Jt Sco(fi).

Sw(fi) Sw(fi)'
A(v) 1 + B(v. i.) S^({.) (7)
Sco(fi)J s(fi)


A(v) = 1.4x 10"^ V- (8)

B(v, f) = 6.27 (v/c)2 e' 2fAf (9)

for those frequency bands where 2Af = 1/180 and where Eq. (7) has units of
feet Vhour and v and c are in knots (18). Equation (7) can be integrated for the ini-
tial value s^(f. ) = to yield s^(f .; t^) so that one can solve for the effective
time tp corresponding to s^(f ) at the start of the time step. From this,

s^ ( f j; tg + At) for the end of the 2-hour time step can be found. The incre-
mental growth

Sw(fi) = S,(fi; t,+ At) - S,(f.; t^)

is thenspread out in direction according to Eq. (2) with 0^ corresponding to

0* = 0. The increments are not allowed to exceed the values given by Eq. (3)
for each 0^, although the shape of F(co, 0, v) is not always preserved.

It would be possible to treat each s^ (f 0^) separately as an initial-value . ,

problem. As the wind direction changed, such a procedure would tend to produce
spectra in excess of Eq. (1), whereas this procedure avoids this, at least in part.

A modification based on the work of Snyder and Cox (17) and Barnett (24)
for the term A(v) in Eq. (8) is under investigation. The Phillips term would then
be a function of both wind speed and frequency (but still not direction according to

Pierson, Tick, and Baer

A%^-" (27Tf)"" d
(0.33)2 \T /v \ 2 (10)
(0.52)2 + - sin + - cos 6/ - 1

where v is in meters/second, k is in meters ^, and c = g/27Tf The growth of .

the wave spectrum for a 40-knot wind with Eq. (10) replacing Eq. (8) is shown in
Fig. 6.

= 40 knots

Duration In hours

0.030 0.040 0.060 0.080 0.100 0.120 0.140 0.160

frequency (sec')

Fig. 6 - The growth of a spectrum for a 40-knot wind with Eq. (10)
replacing Eq. (8) in Eq. (7)

There are several possibilities for further modification of Eq. (9). The low
frequencies do not seem to grow fast enough, so that a change in the two con-
stants is still possible. Also, from the analysis of the stability and roughness
length, it may be possible to represent the wind profile at each grid point by an
equation of the form

V = V [z, T^-T,, S(, 0)], (11)

and for the condition v = c = g/27Tf .

, the height z^ . can be found:

Zfi = Z [g/27Tf., T3-T,. S(2T7f.)] . (12)

Global Wave Forecasts Using Spacecraft Data

ral profile assuming She

to construct the original wind field as in

Vn(z) = v(z; Cio), (13)

the ratio

d2v(z)/dz2 dvM(z)/dz
R = ^
dv(z)/dz d2v^(z)/dz2

can be evaluated at Zf. to get FB(v, f), which will replace B(v, f) in Eq. (7).

Stable conditions will probably make R near one for high frequencies and
less than one for low frequencies because the greatest variation in the wind pro-
file is near the surface. Unstable conditions will probably make R greater than
one over the whole frequency range.

The effect will be to produce more rapidly developing seas in unstable air,
but the fully developed spectrum will not be changed. Whether or not this cor-
responds to all aspects of reality is open to question. Present data do not seem
to show any dependence of the fully developed spectrum on air sea temperature
difference (5).

The papers at the International Symposium on Turbulence in the Boundary

Layer held at Kyoto, Japan, in September 1966 (lUGG-IUTAM) provided many
new concepts for the integration of the pressure field with the boundary layer.
In particular, we hope to be able to use the ideas of Dr. Swinbank, Dr. Priestly,
and Prof. Lettau in the further development of the preceding concepts.


The spectral components traveling against the wind will not receive energy
from the wind and must undergo some form of dissipation. This dissipation in
our model is governed by the height of the wind sea. With S^ = X s,^,(fi),

SpCfj-^j) f-ys.^f.X (15)

So(fi.^j) \ /

where Sg ( f 6?^ )
. , is a component traveling against the wind, s^ ( f 6'. ) is the .

component after 2 hours of dissipation, and N = 4 if f. is opposite to the wind,

N = 3.5 if e. is 15 to the wind, N = 3 if 6^j is 30 to the wind, and so on.

For a spectral component of 0.10 sec"^ traveling opposite to a fully devel-

oped 30 -knot- wind sea,

Sd(0-10.^) ^-0.1248
So(0.10, 77) " ^

Pierson, Tick, and Baer

for a 2-hour time step, so that in 16 hours the component will decay to l/e of
its original value. A frequency of 0.20 sec"^ is attenuated 16 times faster, so
that the local chop traveling against the wind rapidly disappears, whereas a fre-
quency of 0.05 takes more than 10 days to be attenuated to l/e of its original

The effect of this attenuation isshown in Figs. 3 and 4, where it has not
been included inone computation and it has been included in a second computa-
tion. The effects of propagation accoxint for a major part of the variation at the
weather ship, but attenuation appears to be needed to explain the full sequence of
observations. This attenuation is only effective if the spectral component is
traveling against the wind. In Figures 3, 4, and 5, for example, the wind shifted
after the peak of the December 17 cyclone, and this kind of dissipation provides
for closer agreement between theory and observation. For the peak of Decem-
ber 22-23, the wind speed decreased, but the winds did not change direction, so
that the dissipation term did not operate. Although, without dissipation, the peak
waves are too high, the decrease after the peak is at the same rate and is due
to the effects of propagation in all of the figures. The correct determination of
the effect of dissipation will be extremely important, because Eq. (7) indicates a
quite different behavior, depending on the initial value of s^( f )
.It would be
highly desirable to replace the above dissipation computation by some measure
of breaking waves and white caps in the wind sea, but this problem is not yet
clearly enough understood for this to be possible.

Propagation on a Global Scale

To forecast both local sea and swell, the winds from essentially the entire
ocean area are needed at some time. Thus if the spectral component is travel-
ing at 33 knots, the effects of the winds 12 hours ago and 400 miles away from
the forecast point will be needed. Similarly, day-old information is needed from
800 nautical miles away and 2-day-old information from 1600 nautical miles.
Other components travel at a different velocity, so that data over most of the
ocean is needed to make a single forecast. By judicious scanning of all of these
wind fields, one might conceivably drop many of the areas and reduce the prob-
lem to manageable size for a single forecast point. However, for many require-
ments, such as ship routing, wave forecasts are needed for such large areas
that it is worthwhile to consider forecasting for at least a large region of the
ocean and perhaps for all the oceans.

One of the problemsis how to represent the wave conditions over such a
large area. From the previous discussion it is obvious that the spectrum can
have an infinite number of different shapes, so that no simple system can repre-
sent the condition at a particular location. We have therefore searched for a
simple function which could represent the spectrum and be remembered in the
computer by a reasonable number of parameters. Many such functions are
available, but they are not amenable to the components being propagated inde-
pendently. We have therefore been forced to use individual discrete frequency
and directional components to represent the spectrum. After rather extensive
testing, we found that 15 frequencies and 12 directions did well for the North
Atlantic. An increase to 24 directions is planned in the present development

Global Wave Forecasts Using Spacecraft Data

and should be fairly optimum for the time and space scales and quality of data
expected. The very high frequencies are always treated as fully developed and
can therefore be handled quite simply.

The geographical variations are represented by remembering the spectrum

at discrete grid points. As can be seen from Figs. 3, 4, and 5 the variation of
significant wave height at adjacent grid points 120 nautical miles apart on a
square grid is quite large. Thus a tighter grid spacing has been chosen. If the
number of grid points is doubled on the square grid, each grid point represents
about 6400 square nautical miles. This is near the limit of the useful precision
from the presently available wind data. A similar, though larger, grid-point
system is used in most numerical dynamical weather prediction work.

The time scale chosen must be compatible with the space scale such that
the fastestwave components do not skip grid points during a particular time
step. Because of the general smoothness of both the wind and wave fields for
the longer faster components, the time constraint can be relaxed slightly without
serious error. The time interval was therefore chosen as 2 hours to be an in-
tegral divisor of the normal 6 -hourly meteorological charts.

Since the fields of wave spectra adequately represent an integration of all

that has happened previously, the initial value problem given by a single initial
wave field and the wind field for the next time interval are adequate to compute
the change for the next time step. Thus, only the latest information is used for
successive time steps.

Since wave energy propagates along great circle routes, it would be desir-
able for the lines connecting the grid points to be great circles. Then the energy
could travel directly from one grid point to another grid point. It would also be
desirable for the spacing of these points to be constant for the entire ocean and
for as many directions as possible.

To have a conformal, equal-area, equidistant representation of the earth

with great circles shown as simple curves (say, circular arcs or straight lines)
we would be forced to work on a sphere. However, a usable network of nearly
equally- spaced grid points which are defined by great circles cannot be developed

On plane projections, both geometrical and conventional (i.e., mathematical),

the straight-line great circle property is the rarest one of the desired proper-
ties. It occurs only in the gnomonic projection, a geometric projection of no
more than a hemisphere onto a tangent plane by means of diverging rays origi-
nating at the center of the sphere. On this projection, great circles are repre-
sented by straight lines. The primary disadvantage is that of great areal dis-
tortion. Many other projections exist which preserve either angles and small
shapes, or areas, or distances; but on all of them the problems of accounting for
the three properties not preserved is very complicated. On the other hand, the
gnomonic projection possesses radial symmetry and the various distortions can
be expressed as relatively simple functions of the distance between the point of
tangency of the projection and the point in question. The equations, describing
this projection and its superimposed grid, can be found in Baer and Adamo (25)
or developed relatively easily if one is familiar with spherical geometry.

Pierson, Tick, and Baer

In order that each grid point will represent approximately the same area, a
multiple -projection system was developed. This will keep the maximum distor-
tion on each segment of the projection relatively small. But, the problem of
bridging between the segments of the multiple-projection is thus introduced.
The system, named an "icosahedral-gnomonic projection," is a separate gno-
monic projection," is a separate gnomonic projection on each face of an icosa-
hedron circumscribed about the earth. A similar projection was described by
Fisher (26) but emphasized land and was therefore not suitable for the present

Various properties of one of these triangular gnomonic projections are

listed in Table 1. Figure 7 illustrates the areal distortion relative to 1.00 of
the location of mean areal distortion for an equilateral triangular projection.
Note that the distortion ranges only from -19% to +62% at the extremes and this
positive extreme applies only to the apexes.

Table 1
Properties of the Gnomonic Projection on a Face of an Icosahedron

Area, l/20th of the earth's surface

Global Wave Forecasts Using Spacecraft Data

Fig. 7 - Areal and direction distortion for the icosahedral-

gnomic projection

The orientation of the icosahedron relative to the earth sphere was opti-
mized for wave forecasting purposes by (a) having as many vertices as possible
on land, (b) having as many edges as possible along shore lines, (c) using as few
faces as possible for the ocean area, and (d) optimizing for the Northern oceans
where a choice is necessary. To accomplish this, a clear plastic icosahedron to
circumscribe a globe was prepared. For several interesting orientations thus
approximated, detailed computations were made and a "best" one chosen. The
final location of the 20 centers and orientations are listed in Table 2, and the
triangles are shown on a Mercator projection in Fig. 8. It must be remembered
that each triangular face represents the same area, since a presentation is sub-
ject to severe distortion. A further simplification is to put small extensions on
the few triangles which have edges only slightly offshore. This eliminates
bridging without significantly increasing distortion. Two possible arrangements
of the polynomonic projection on a plane are shown in Figs. 9a and 9b. An inset
in Fig. 9a shows how the map folds into an icosahedron, and Fig. 9b is the work-
ing projection that shows the coordinates of all grid points.

A 60 -degree coordinate system was selected for use on the icosahedral-

gnomonic projection. In such a system the grid axes will coincide with two
sides of the triangles and the third side will fall precisely on a line of grid

Pierson, Tick, and Baer

Table 2
Location of the Tangent Points and Orientation
of the Icosahedral Faces

Global Wave Forecasts Using Spacecraft Data

Fig. 8 - The locations on a Mercator projection of the triangles

that constitute the icosahedral-gnomonic projection

points. While this is an important advantage of the system, it is not the only one.
The area represented by each point is hexagonal, as shown in Fig. 10, which
minimizes the maximum distance from the grid point to any point in the area.
Hence, the value of some parameter such as wind speed at the grid point may
be a better description of the entire area represented by the grid point than for,
say, square unit areas. Also, each grid point in the hexagonal system has six
natural directions associated with its neighbors. Twelve directions are exactly
defined within 1.7 grid units. This compares with only eight exact directions in
the square grid. And for the hexagonal system, the 12 can be increased to 24 if
we accept a reasonable approximation. To achieve the desired representation
for each grid point, each side of the triangle is divided into 48 intervals of 94.8
nautical miles by 49 grid points. Thus, an average grid point represents 6469
square nautical miles of the earth's surface. Extremes are therefore 6469/0.83
and 6469/1.66.

Since the gnomonic projection is not conformal, the change in direction from
true geographical direction and the change in scale in the various directions be-
tween "radial" and "transverse" must be considered. For a general triangular
projection of this size Fig. 7 also illustrates the changes in scales and the
changes in directions at the vertices of the triangle compared with an infinitesi-
mal circle at true scale at the point of tangency. The circle is transformed to
an ellipse at any point other than the tangent point with the major axis in a radial

Pierson, Tick, and Baer

Global Wave Forecasts Using Spacecraft Data






.s ^

o c



Pierson, Tick, and Baer

Fig. 10 - The hexagonal unit

areas and the 60 grid system
(from Ref. 25)

Each frequency-direction component propagates along a great circle tangent

to its principal direction at aspeed depending on its frequency, in accordance
with linear wave theory. These tangent great circles connect nearby grid points
in the chosen grid system. Further, this is relatively simple because great cir-
cles are straight lines within each triangular subprojection. There are, how-
ever, complications which occur because of scale and direction variations,
bridging between subprojections, spatial discontinuities in the spectral compo-
nents, and the discrete representation for the spectra.

Neither wave nor wave component fields representing the spatial distribution
are continuous to first order. For example, regions of zero spectral variance
are adjacent to regions where waves exist. Allowance for these possible dis-
continuities is a serious problem. As shown by Baer (2), propagation by multi-
plying the linear gradient as computed from grid points by the velocity to get the
change at the grid point is inadequate for such discontinuities when repeated
many times. Use of higher order gradients can cause other more serious er-
rors. Allowance for discontinuities was accomplished in the previous North
Atlantic work by assuming that all values were discontinuous. This was possi-
ble because in the region of the projection that was used the scale did not vary
significantly throughout the field. It was thus possible to "jump" the values
from all grid points in the field to the adjoining ones simultaneously after, of
course, waiting the required time for the wave components to travel that dis-
tance. This caused some temporary irregularities in the component fields.

In the present case, using the icosahedral-gnomonic projection, variations

in true distance between grid points are slightly over 50%, which is too much for
such a simple system. A system has therefore been established which keeps
track of the location of each discontinuity and uses the velocity gradient method
within continuous regions.

Global Wave Forecasts Using Spacecraft Data

The location of the discontinuity is remembered by keeping a field repre-

senting the fractional distance of any discontinuity to the next downstream grid
point in a parallel storage position to that of the spectral variance itself. This
simple system forces some assumptions that do not seem to have a significant

Typically, the velocity-gradient propagation on grid points with a linear

assumption results in errors near maxima and minima. This has been at least
partially avoided in the present case at little expense by simply treating all
maxima and minima as discontinuities.

It was pointed
out previously that the 60 grid provides six primary direc-
tions, six secondary directions, and 12 tertiary directions. Propagation along
the six primary directions is relatively simple in that the energy moves from
grid point to adjacent grid point. However, in the other directions, the great
circle along which the energy propagates skips either one or two rows of grid
points. Thus, if the great circle path is taken too literally, winds a long way
from the grid point of interest will have an effect rather than just winds at the
adjoining grid points. Since both the wind and wave fields are relatively smooth,
and since the accuracy of the method cannot exceed the grid point spacing, and
to alleviate this proximity problem, we use a zigzag propagation scheme.

This zigzag is accomplished by choosing the location from which the energy
travels by alternating between the grid points stradling the desired great circle
path at successive time steps as illustrated in Fig. 11. For the secondary direc-
tions the two intermediate grid points are used alternately. For the tertiary,
the grid point to one side is used thrice and the other once. This results in a
slight but unimportant error because of scale changes.

In theabove it is implicit that a system of grid directions are used in which

rhumb lines and great circles are the same within a subprojection. This is
similar to what was done for the North Atlantic computations. It thus becomes
necessary to translate between grid coordinates and true earth coordinates at
input and output and along the internal borders.

There are discontinuities in the particular projection chosen along the three
internal triangle sides. As a great circle crosses these lines it changes direc-
tion dis continuously. These direction changes can most easily be seen by refer-
ence to the breaks in the latitude and longitude lines in Fig. 9. Near the center
of the triangle sides there is little or no effect, but near an apex there is up to a
30 change depending on the direction of the great circle. This change in direc-
tion must therefore be taken into account.

At any grid point the spectral variance assigned to a particular frequency-

direction component represents the integrated value from the complete direc-
tional spectrum over the region represented by the component. Since the change
in grid direction which is required when a boundary is crossed is not usually an
integral change of components, an approximation is required. Further, the
angle representing a 15 grid increment on one projection will not always map
a 15 increment on the adjoining projection.

Pierson, Tick, and Baer








Fig. 1 1 - Propagation scheme for the

24 different directions

To facilitate solution of this problem a set of grid points has been chosen
such that they fall exactly along the borders. The 24 direction increments are
then split into two parts so that 12 are in the coordinates associated with each
of the adjacent projections. Specifically, the 180 components representing out-
going directions are in the coordinates of the projection. This is simplified,
because the two directions along the discontinuity are common to both projec-
tions. Before allowing energy to enter the region of the projection the incoming
spectral components are curve-fitted (piecewise) and integrated over the appro-
priate directional limits found from the 7.5 limits within the projection. This
introduces some smoothing and error which would be significant if repeated
many times. However, for the entire North Pacific only a maximum of three
such corrections are required.

For some situations with discontinuities, forward interpolation is required.

Important here is that if a discontinuity is associated with an incoming direction
at a border point and passes the next adjacent internal grid point in the time
step, information must be provided in the adjoining projection to allow this for-
ward interpolation. That is to say, instead of working with a triangle of only 49
grid points on a side there must be 51 grid points including a one-grid-point
overlap of the adjoiningprojections. This overlap is integrated in much the same
manner as the interpolation to allow for the changed location of the desired point.

Global Wave Forecasts Using Spacecraft Data

The discrete representation of the spectra allows a possibility of false

irregularities to develop in the variance fields, because truly continuous com-
ponents are forced to propagate at the mean velocity for the frequency interval.
Having a tight grid and many small components tends to minimize this effect.
Also, the smoother and larger scale the wind field and the field for the spectral
component is, the less the problem. But it must be allowed for in large area
forecasts. The solution might be the use of a smoothing function while consid-
ering the location of the component discontinuities.

With experience it may

also be found that the changing winds generate or
dissipate a significant of real discontinuities. The discontinuity location
fields must therefore be updated. This is accomplished by testing the variance
fields often enough that newly generated discontinuities will not be smoothed out.

The Combined Steps

The computation procedure is to read in a wind field for a certain synoptic

time, and carry out the steps of growth and dissipation at each grid point. Then
the values of S (f j, (9. ) are propagated in their appropriate directions at their
appropriate group velocities, and the new spectra are reassembled, completing
a 2-hour time step. This is repeated twice more for the same wind field; then
the next wind field is read in and the process is continued.

The usual starting point is a flat calm ocean, s (f e. ) = 0, for all fre-
. ,

quencies and directions, and it takes about one week for the North Atlantic to
begin to behave realistically. The initial condition for each time step is the
spectrum at each grid point, and the computations then proceed without inter-
ruption. Interesting effects have been observed in the results for the North
Atlantic obtained to date. At times, several bands of swell are present plus a
local sea. The swell off of North Africa is quite evident. Sometimes spectral
values are present for all 360 of wave direction.

These procedures will be tested against data from the Weather Explorer,
from Argus Island, and from FLIP (1) as kindly provided by Dr. Walter Munk.
This will provide an independent check against the instrument used in measuring
the waves.


The flat earth approximation, the total number of data points (approximately
100,000), and the type of calculations being performed made the programming
problem for the North Atlantic case a fairly simple one. Since the computations
are of fairly low accuracy and the data are in a small range, it was possible to
deal with the 100,000 data points within the structure of a 32,000 machine by
packing four to a word. This packing and unpacking operation was efficient and
its cost is small. The propagation portion involves simply a translation of the
vector containing a frequency-direction field by some predetermined amount.
The language it was written in was a rather high quality FORTRAN. However,
the compiler which translated this does not produce a very efficient code. Even

Pierson, Tick, and Baer

SO, the running time we have been able to achieve with a rather obsolete com-
puter was 50 seconds for a 3 -hour time step. It was estimated that the running
time could be reduced to about 35 seconds if the program is recoded in machine

The North Pacific, on the other hand, does present some very difficult pro-
gramming problems. The amount of active data is approximately one million
numbers. Even with the latest computers having large core memories, large
word sizes, and packing, it would not be possible to hold all the data in the main
store. Use of external lower speed mass storage is required. In addition, for
reasons indicated in previous sections, the program itself will be very large.

Since the basic nature of the operations required is that of having a matrix
first in row order for growth and dissipation and then in column order for prop-
agation, a careful layout of the data on this external storage medium is essential
if the program is not to spend an inordinate amount of time exchanging the data
between the main memory and the mass memory. One of the latest of the new
generation of computers will be required for operational use.

Making the computations for a global grid is intrinsically no more difficult

than that for the Pacific. The same techniques for moving data off and to the
external memory will work for this larger grid. There will be considerably
more programming to deal with the various marginal seas and with island arcs,
and for special propagation procedures in the various parts of the world, but
none of these present very great obstacles. The running time for the calculation
at this stage becomes an important factor. Extrapolating from the past assures
one that the needed computer speeds will be available by the time the program
is ready.

A global forecast system using spacecraft measurements as input involves

the use of a large data network and a great deal of message switching and dis-
play capability. The time constraints and the volume of computation to be han-
dled will require a data system of a very sophisticated and highly automatic
variety. These requirements, however, are not unique to the oceanographic
forecasting. The space program, and even the planned management information
systems, all require the same type of performance within the same type of con-
straints. One may also expect that the technology and experiences will be avail-
able at the time the system is ready for full-scale implementation.

The preparation of the wind fields present the usual problems of dealing
with data from a remote source. The errors in the format have to be discovered
and corrected, and data must be removed from the transmission medium into
the computer with a minimum of human intervention. These, of course, are now
standard problems, and most any organization can deal with them.


It seems possible to measure a wave property which will be related to
either the wind speed or to the wave height at a point on the ocean by means
of a
radar scatterometer on a polar orbiting spacecraft. Such a radar scatterometer

Global Wave Forecasts Using Spacecraft Data

would measure radar scattering cross section, a-^ versus the angle 4> of the
radar beam to the sea surface and present a graph of ctq versus <P. If is 90
when the beam points straight down, then cr^ is high for low waves at = 90
and low at small 0. Conversely for large waves cr^ is low for <P = 90 and high
for small 0. The variation of a^ for 4> defined in this way is shown in Fig. 12.
The difficulty is that present measurements are presented equally often in terms
of either wind speed or the ill-defined term, sea state.




Yi -10

5 -20


Pierson, Tick, and Baer

of satellite data to improve on the initial specification of the conditions over the
ocean so as to obtain improved forecasts of the weather and wave conditions.

A spacecraft in a near polar orbit can complete an orbit in about 90 min-

utes. Each orbitis about 22.5 away from the preceding orbit, and due to
"dwell" the higher latitudes are sampled more densely on an areal basis. Two
complete surveys of the ocean would be made each day. The six, or seven, suc-
cessive orbits that would provide the data for the North Pacific, say, would be
obtained in 10 hours. With a wind speed, or a wave height, every 90 nautical
miles along the subsatellite track, the result would be the equivalent of about
300 ships rather evenly spaced over the ocean and reporting on conditions. For
all oceans, in one day the satellite would be equivalent to about 2800 ship reports
spaced fairly uniformly over the oceans but concentrated at the higher latitudes.

For a particular pass, one can think of the data as a series of values along
the line describing the subsatellite path. For the North Pacific again, as an ex-
ample, one pass would be completed in 20 minutes and would be essentially
synoptic. Were the satellite to pass over an extra tropical cyclone, the data
would provide either a wave section or wind speed section through the cyclone.

The data can be compared with the winds and waves obtained from a con-
ventional wind field analysis and the wave computed from the above procedures.
A discrepancy would indicate a correction for the wind field to bring the results
into agreement, and the final result would be an improved surface wind field that
would yield improved meteorological and wave predictions.

After the development of the procedures described for spectral calculations

and wind field calculations is completed, radar scatterometer data will be sim-
ulated and procedures for integrating it into improved wave forecasts and im-
proved wind fields will be developed.

The final goal of this effort will be to use actual data from a spacecraft in
real time to generate wave forecasts and wind field forecasts based on wind
fields and initial wave conditions corrected by means of the spacecraft data.

This research is being supported by two separate Task Orders with the
Naval Oceanographic Office under Contract N62306-1042. The purpose of one
Task Order as funded by Code RAAD-22, Airframe Design Branch of the Air
Systems Command, is to develop a wave hindcasting procedure for the North
Pacific and produce a wave climatology for one year of weather data. The pur-
pose of the second Task Order, monitored by the Spacecraft Oceanography
Project of Navoceano, is to extend the results to the entire globe and develop
ways to integrate data from a satellite into the problem of describing and pre-
dicting the surface winds and waves.

We have been assisted in this work by Miss Catherine Vail, Mr. Louis
Adamo, Mr. Tokujiro Inoue, Miss Ming Shun Chang, Mr. Vincent Cardone, and
Mr. Hong Chin. The personnel of the Naval Oceanographic Office have been

Global Wave Forecasts Using Spacecraft Data

helpful in gathering data, carrying out supplemented investigations, and evaluat-

ing the results that have been obtained to date. We are indebted to Mr. Tim
Barrett for discussions of his work in this area and to Mr. Lionel Moskowitz
for his interest and support.

1. Snodgrass, F.E., Groves, G.W., Hasselman, K.F., Miller, C.R., Munk, W.H.,
and Powers, W.H., "Propagation of Ocean Swell Across the Pacific," Phil.
Trans. Roy. Soc. (London) A259(No. 1103):431-497 (1966)

2. Baer, L., "An Experiment in Numerical Forecasting of Deep Water Ocean

Waves," Lockheed Missile and Space Co., LMSC-801296, 1962, and "Ocean
Wave Forecasting Study Final Report," Lockheed Report 17501, 1963

3. Thomasell, A., and Welsh, J.G., "Studies of the Specification of Surface

Winds over the Ocean," The Travelers Research Center, Inc., 1963

4. Moskowitz, L., Pierson, W.J., and Mehr, E., "Wave Spectral Estimated
from Wave Records obtained by OWS Weather Explorer and OWS Weather
Reporter," (I) 1962, (II) 1963, (III) 1965, School of Engineering and Science,
New York University

5. Moskowitz, L., "Estimates of the Power Spectra for Fully Developed Seas
for Wind Speeds of 20 to 40 Knots," J. Geophys. Res. 69(No. 29):5161-5179

6. Pierson, W.J., and Moskowitz, L., "A Proposed Spectral Form for Fully
Developed Wind Seas Based on the Similarity Theory of S. A. Kitaizorod-
skii," J. Geophys. Res. 69(No. 24):5181-5190 (1964)

7. Pierson, W.J., "The Interpretation of Wave Spectrums in Terms of the Wind

Profile instead of the Wind Measured at a Constant Height," J. Geophys.
Res. 67(No.24):5191-5203 (1964)

8. Pierson, W.J., and Tick, L.J., "The Accuracy and Potential Uses of Com-
puter Based Wave Forecasts and Hindcasts for the North Atlantic," Second
U.S. Navy Symposium on Military Oceanography, May 6, 1965

9. Bunting, D.C., "Wave Hindcast Project, North Atlantic Ocean," Evaluation

Branch, Oceanographic Analysis Division, Naval Oceanographic Office, 1965

10. Wachnick, Z.G., and Zarnick, E.E., "Ship Motions Prediction in Realistic
Short Crested Seas," Trans. Soc. Naval Architects Marine Engrs. 73:100-134

11. Darby shire, J., "The One Dimensional Wave Spectrum in the Atlantic Ocean
and in Coastal Waters," in "Ocean Wave Spectra," Prentice-Hall, 1963

Pierson, Tick, and Baer

12. Barber, N.F., and Ursell, F., "The Generation and Propagation of Ocean
Waves and Swell," Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. A240:527-560 (1948)

13. Pierson, W.J., "A Unified Mathematical Theory for the Analysis, Propaga-
tion and Refraction of Storm-generated Ocean Surface Waves," Parts I and 11,
College of Engineering, Research Division, New York University, 1952

14. Eckart, C, "The Generation of Wind Waves on a Water Surface," J. Applied

Phys. 24:1489-1491 (1953)

15. Miles, J.W., "On the Generation of Surface Waves by Shear Flow, Part 2,"
J. Fluid Mechanics 6:568-583 (1959)

16. Phillips, O.M.,"On the Generation of Waves by Turbulent Wind," J. Fluid

Mechanics 2(No. 5):917-945 (1957)

17. Synder, R.L., and Cox, C.S., "A Field Study of the Wind Generation of Ocean
Waves," (in press, 1965)

18. Inoue, T., "On the Growth of the Spectrum of a Wind Generated Sea accord-
ing to a Modified Miles-Phillips Mechanism," School of Engineering and
Science, New York University, GSL Report TR-66-6, 1966

19. Phillips, O.M., "On the Dynamics of Unsteady Gravity Waves of Finite Am-
plitude, Part I, The Elementary Interactions," J. Fluid Mechanics 9:193-217

20. Hasselman, K., "On the Non-linear Energy Transfer in a Gravity Wave
Spectrum," Part I, J. Fluid Mechanics 12:481-500 (1961), Part 2, J. Fluid
Mechanics 15:273-281 (1963), Part 3, J. Fluid Mechanics 15:385-398 (1963)

21. Pierson, W.J., "Third Order Steady State Solutions for Intersecting Trains
of GravityWaves," School of Engineering and Science, New York University,
GSL Report 64-3, 1964

22. Sheppard, P.A., "Transfer Across the Earth's Surface and through the Air
Above," Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc. 84:205-224 (1958)

23. Cressman, C.P., "An Operational Objective Analysis System," Monthly

Weather Rev. 87 (No. 10):367 (1959)

24. Barnett, T.P., "On the Generation, Dissipation, and Prediction of Wind
Waves," Ph.D. Thesis, Scripps Inst, of Oceanography, (in preparation, 1966)

25. Baer, L., and Adamo, L.C., "Pacific Ocean Wave Forecasting Study," Lock-
heed Report 19354, 1965

26. Fisher, I., "A World Map on a Regular Icosahedron by Gnomic Projection,"
Geographical Review 33:605-619 (1943)

Global Wave Forecasts Using Spacecraft Data

27. Ewing, G.C., "Oceanography from Space," Woods Hole Oceanographic Ref-
erence 65-10, 1965

28. Moore, R.K., and Pierson, W.J., "Measuring Sea State and Estimating Sur-
face Winds from a Polar Orbiting Satellite," presented in Miami at the
International Symposium on Electromagnetic Sensing from Space, Univer-
sity of Miami (in press, 1965)


John W. Miles
Institute for Geophysics and Planetary Physics, LaJolla Laboratories
University of California, San Diego
LaJolla, California

Ishall confine my comments to the discrepancies between the theoretical

(15)* and observationally inferred (17,18,24) values of the energy-transfer coef-
ficient, say /3, that governs the exponential growth of wind-generated waves.
The most likely causes of these discrepancies appear to be (a) the neglect of
wave -induced components of the Reynolds stresses in the turbulent shear flow
and (b) the departure of the mean wind velocity from the logarithmic profile as-
sumed in the original theoretical model. Both of these discrepancies are likely
to be especially significant for those parts of the spectrum in which the critical
layer, say z = z^,, at which wave speed equals wind speed, is at a relatively
large elevation, say kz^, ^ l; this last condition appears to be typical in the
neighborhood of the spectral peak for a fully developed sea. On the other hand,
recent laboratory measurements, by Hsu and his colleagues at Stanford, appear
to yield values of /s that are consistent with the original theoretical calculations
for kz^, 1.

It seems quite unlikely that the profile discrepancy, (b) above, could account
for an order-of-magnitude increase of 8 in /i, relative to the value calculated on
the hypothesis that the mean flow can be regarded as laminar. It is, however,
entirely plausible that the wave-induced turbulent Reynolds stresses could ac-
count for this discrepancy, at least for kz^
i, although it seems unlikely that
the energy-transfer processes associated with the quasi-laminar and turbulent
mechanisms would be effective in the same proportion for all kz^.

Further progress in our basic understanding of the physical processes in-

volved in the generation of waves by wind almost certainly depends on controlled
laboratory experiments. Further theoretical development also is possible, but
our very limited understanding of turbulence suggests that this development is

'Numbers refer to references given by Pierson et al.

Pierson, Tick, and Baer

likely to rest on ad hoc hypotheses, the validity of which can be established only
by a series of careful measurements. This will require time; meanwhile, prac-
tical necessity dictates the use of semiempirical models, in which the theoreti-
cal developments can be accommodated in the best tradition of engineering.
Dr. Pierson and his colleagues have led the way in the development and testing
of such models and are to be congratulated on their success.


Klaus Hasselmann
Institut fiir Schiffbauder Universitat Hamburg
Hamburg, Germany
Institute for Geophysics and Planetary Physics, LaJolla Laboratories
University of California, San Diego
LaJolla, California

I congratulate the authors on this paper, which I feel represents an appre-

ciable advance in the art of wave prediction. It may be recalled that at the time
of the last Ocean Wave Conference at Easton, in 1961, wave forecasting was in a
very unsatisfactory state. It was one of the principal conclusions at that meet-
ing that a reliable wave forecasting technique would need to be based on the nu-
merical integration of the radiative transfer equation, and I feel that the authors
have given very encouraging support to this view. It may be mentioned that sim-
ilar forecasting techniques have been developed by Gelci and collaborators (the
"DSA" method, Gelci and Cazale, J. d. Math. Phys. de I'Atmosph. 2(No. 16):
15-41, 1962, Fons, Cah. Ocean. 18:16-33, 1966) and Barnett (Ph.D. thesis,
Scripps Inst, of Oceanography, 1966). The most urgent need now appears to be
for more detailed measurements of wave growth, as the source functions used
by different authors in the transfer equation still differ appreciably. As regards
the significance of the nonlinear energy transfer, it should be pointed out that
the recent measurements of Snodgrass et al. (1) have clearly demonstrated that
it is important and will need to be included in the source function.


WlUard J. Pierson, Jr., Leo J. Tick, and Ledolph Baer

Since the preparation of our paper we have had the opportunity to study the
two possible sources, suggested by Dr. Miles, of the discrepancies we found.

Global Wave Forecasts Using Spacecraft Data

He has put his finger on the exact sources of the difficulties we encountered in
applying the then available results of Dr. Phillips and him. We are most pleased
to be able to report that by combining the original work of Miles (15) and Phillips
(16) with the material in a recent text by Phillips (29)* and with a variety of re-
sults on the wind profile and on the roughness length over a wind sea, Inoue (30)
is now able to compute a realistic wave spectral growth in which the discrepancy
between Miles' theory and the observations is reduced to a factor of less than 3
and in which the fit depends on the constant relating friction velocity to rough-
ness length.

The new work of Phillips (29) provides realistic exponential growth rates
for the low-frequency end of a wind sea spectrum by means of wind- induced
components of the Reynolds stress. The original work of Miles (15) with a fac-
tor of less than 3 is then capable of accounting for the high-frequency end using
an improved version based on the work of Barnett (24) of the linear growth term
of Phillips. The earlier factor of 8 resulted from the need to get reasonable
results at low frequencies and overdrove the high frequencies. An abstract of
the results of Inoue (30) can be found in the Spring 1967 program of the Wash-
ington, D. C, meeting of the American Geophysical Union. The results should
appear shortly in greater detail.

The departure of the wind profile from a simple logarithmic form was also
of concern to us. Cardone (31) has, we believe, made progress on this part of
the problem by introducing the form for the roughness length Zg proposed by
Kitaigorodskii and Volkov (32) and by including the effects of the Richardson
number and the thermal wind. Variation in stability and in Zg (as derived solely
from the wave spectrum) makes it possible to obtain as selective subsets all of
the various previously obtained curves on how the drag coefficient should vary
with the wind speed. The natural variability of the underlying waves and the
effect of atmospheric stability are quite capable of producing the wide scatter of
data points usually associated with attempts to study C lo- The results are again
given in abstract form in the program of the Washington AGU meeting and should
appear shortly in published form.

There are a few more places in the structure of our numerical model where
traces of semiempirical techniques can be found, but they are no longer as glar-
ing as that factor of 8 that has now been considerably reduced.

In reply to Dr. Hasselmajin's comments, it is instructive to point out how

much of the wave forecasting theory available prior to the Easton conference
seems to be borne out by our present results. As an example, the growth of
significant wave height versus either duration or fetch turns out to be remark-
ably close to the curves given originally by Sverdrup and Munk. Also, once the
difficulty of working with winds at a variety of elevations is clarified, the par-
tially developed spectra derivable from the co-cumulative spectra in HO 603
turns out to be quite close to the more recent results. All frequencies start to
grow at the same time, but the low frequencies take so much longer to reach the
explosive exponential growth stage that the spectra appear to grow from high

'Additional references to those of the paper are given at the end of this reply.

Pierson, Tick, and Baer

frequencies toward low frequencies. It would be useful to discuss the ways

these modern methods actually improve on earlier methods. They are substan-
tial, but, nevertheless, the earlier methods had considerable validity.

With reference to nonlinear energy transfer, there are contradicting theo-

ries as to what actually happens to trains of long-crested intersecting waves.
There is some evidence that a simple frequency adjustment is all that is needed
to obtain realistic steady-state third-order results. The cited work of Snod-
grass et al. (1), in our opinion, does not conclusively demonstrate the existence
of this phenomenon on a geophysical scale. More definitive theories and obser-
vations are both needed.


29. Phillips, O.M., "The Dsmamics of the Upper Ocean," Cambridge University
Press, 1966

30. Inoue, T., "On the Growth of Ocean Wave Spectra in Terms of a Miles-
Phillips Mechanism" (abstract only). Trans. A. G. U. Vol. 48(No. 1):139

31. Cardone, V.J., "Specification of the Wind Distribution in the Marine Bound-
ary Layer for Wave Forecasting" (abstract only), Trans. A. G. U. 48(No. 1):
139 (1967)

32. Kitaigorodskii, S.A., and Volkov, Yu.A., "On the Roughness Parameter of
the Sea Surface and the Calculation of Momentum Flux in the Near-Water
Layer of the Atmosphere," Izv. Atmospheric and Oceanics Physics Series,
VoL l(No.9):973-988 (1965)

Monday, October 3, 1966

Afternoon Session

Chairman: J. K. Lunde

Trondheim, Norway


Internal Wave Interactions 535

O. M. Phillips, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,

Radiation and Dispersion of Internal Waves 551

T. Yao-tsu Wu, California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, California

Damping of Gravity Waves by Surface Films 573

John W. Miles, University of California, San Diego,
La Jolla, California

Generation of Waves by Turbulent Wind 585

Klaus F. Hasselmann, Institut fur Schiffbau der UniversitSt
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, and Institute of Geophysics
and Planetary Physics, University of California, San Diego,
La Jolla, California


O. M. Phillips
The Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, Maryland

The second-order resonant interaction equations are derived for three
internal wave modes in a fluid with constant Brunt -Vaisala frequency,
N. These specify the energy interchanges among the modes, the redis-
tribution of energy from one wavenumber to another. Integrals are
shown to exist, representing the partition of energy among the modes
and the conservation of energy among all three modes.

One particularly interesting type of interaction is that among two inter-

nal wave modes and a zero frequency horizontal drifting motion in the
stratified fluid. Simple solutions are derived, and it is shown that the
energy densities of the two wave nnodes are proportional to cos^(crt)
and sin^(crt), respectively, where ct is proportional to the vorticity in
the steady horizontal motion. The energy exchange depends on, but
does not involve, the horizontal motion; the latter acts as a catalyst for
the interactions. From these results, it is inferred that an irregular
vertical profile of horizontal velocity results in a horizontal channeling
of low frequency internal wave nnotion, restricting their vertical spread
even when the Brunt-Vaisala frequency is constant and much greater
than the wave frequency.

The interactions among modes in wave motions have been studied consider-
ably in recent years, and it is becoming evident that they are involved in a sur-
prising number of physical phenomena, some of which have long been observed
but not understood. Probably the most striking such example is the instability
of the classical Stokes wave discovered by Benjamin and Feir (1) and described
in the paper before the preceding one. The effect is well known; it is common
knowledge among wave -tank people that if a plunger generates a smooth train of
finite amplitude waves in a long tank, then as the waves propagate down the tank,
they gradually degenerate into chaos, and that the steeper the initial wave, the
sooner this happens. This has been regarded as a nuisance, probably "some-
thing to do with the plunger," and it was not until Benjamin and Feir's important
work that this has been recognized as a genuine hydrodynamic instability of the
wave train itself. Although their analysis is set up in terms of small perturba-
tions to the Stokes wave train, with wavenumbers parallel and almost equal to
that of the primary wave, it has since been shown (2) that the Benjamin-Feir


instability can be interpreted in terms of the theory of resonant interactions and

that it is not restricted to purely two-dimensional motion.

Other manifestations of resonant interactions among surface waves have

been studied theoretically by Benney, Hasselmann, Saffman and others; there
have been unambiguous expei'imental verification of the existence of the inter-
action and the confirmation of its salient properties by both Longuet-Higgins
and Smith (3) and by McGoldrick, Phillips, Huang, and Hodgson (4). The same
type of interaction occurs in other dispersive wave motions and some have been
considered in detail. In various contexts, they can be responsible for the gen-
eration of internal waves at considerable depth by the interaction between sur-
face waves of nearly equal wavenumber (5,6), for the transfer of energy from
capillary to longer but still short gravity waves (7), and for the transfer of en-
ergy to longer waves in a wind-gene^-ated sea (8).

In this paper, I propose to describe the resonant interactions among inter-

nal gravity waves in a fluid of constant stratification (i.e., constant Brunt-
Vaisala frequency). One simple but important case will be considered in detail,
namely, the case when one of the wave components reduces to a zero frequency
wave, or a steady horizontal shearing motion with a periodic variation of veloc-
ity along the vertical. Motions of this kind appear to be widespread in stratified
fluids, and it is found that their effect can be to prevent the vertical propagation
of other internal wave modes to restrict a disturbance to a zone surrounding
the horizontal plane to the height of the source. This effect is clearly relevant
to questions involving the vertical spread of internal wave energy in both oceans
and atmosphere. It is described later in this paper, but the first step is to set
up the general interaction equation from which these results are specialized.


Suppose that, in the ambient state, the fluid is stratified with a uniform
Brunt -Vaisala frequency

the z axis being vertically upward and p^ being the reference density. If the
velocity field is represented as u (q.w), where q represents the horizontal

vectorial component of the velocity and w the vertical component, then the dis-
turbances to the fluid are governed (9) by the equation

'' ' '""^ "-r 3b 3 /
^ (2)
3t2 3xBz3t \ J Bxj / *"
L ^ 9x. 3t \ J 9x.

where v^^^ = b^/Bx^ + B^/By^, and where the summation convention is used with j

taking values 1, 2, 3 and a taking values 1, 2. The coordinate specifications

x.y.z and Xj.Xj.Xj are used interchangeably. The fluctuation b in buoyancy is
related to that p in density by

Internal Wave Interactions

b = -gp'/Po

An elementary infinitesimal disturbance satisfying this equation with the non-

linear terms neglected is of the form

u = a cos X , (3a)

b = N^^-^
sin X, (3b)

where x= k-x-nt+e and visa unit vector vertically upward. The vector a
specifies the maximum particle velocity in the wave motion and, in virtue of the
incompressibility condition v u = 0, is always normal to k:

a k = .

Note that the particle trajectories are in the vertical plane, so that [a.k.v] = 0.
The frequency of the wave motion is given by

n = N cos ^ , (4)

where d is the angle between the wavenumber vector and the horizontal in the
same vertical plane. Note also that

a. 'V - a. cos e ^ 1^1 max


These wave components are capable of resonant interaction; energy can be

exchanged among sets of waves whose wavenumber s kj.kj.kj and frequencies
nj,n2,n3 Satisfy the conditions

ki + kj = kj ,

Hj + Hj = nj . (6b)

The last of these conditions is equivalent to

cos 6'i + cos ^2 ~ ^^ ^3

' '

It has been shown (2) that provided the rates of shear in the internal wave modes
are small compared with the Brunt-Vaisala frequency, the energy exchange is
limited to this set of wavenumbers; the other components generated by the inter-
action (for example, the component with wavenumber kj - kj) are bounded in
amplitude and remain small. They play no part in the resonant interaction and
in the continuing energy exchange from one mode to another, at least to this

We consider, then, a set of three interacting internal wave components:

u = V a^. cos X^ + u ,
r= 1


a V

b = sin X, + b ,

where x^. = k^ x- n^t + e^., and G and b represent the small forced (nonreso-

nant) products of the interaction. The "amplitudes" a^ of the three primary

waves will be supposed to be slowly varying functions of time, in general, as
energy is exchanged in the interaction. The phase angle e^ may also vary
slowly as a result of the interaction. Equations that express the variations of
these quantities are obtained by the substitution of Eqs. (8) into Eq. (2). The
linear terms on the left are proportional to cos x^ and sin X^, and the quadratic
terms on the right generate quantities proportional to cos (X^. + X^) and
cos (X^-Xg), some of which, in view of the resonance conditions (6), have the
same spatial and temporal behavior as the primary waves themselves. Since

X1 + X2 = X3+ e ,
e = 1+ ^2- ^3 '

then, in particular, the terms with wavenumber k^ and frequency n^ must bal-
ance. This condition leads, after some algebra, to

kj^ (-2nj ttj / + e'jaj-i/ + 2e j^a^^-v) sin Xj

-kj^(2ejnjaj-i/ +a.^-v-k^a^'v) cos Xj

- Gjaa-jCij cos (Xj - X3) = ^23^20.3 cos (Xj - e) , (9)


Grs = Gsr = (n,-n3)(k^-k3) -i/k^k, COS 0^^ cos 6^^

+ (n^-n3)(k^-k3)2 (k^ cos 0^3 cos 6^ - k, cos e^^ cos ^)


+ |n |(k^-k3)2 - [(k^-k^) -vl^ .

(k^ cos 0^3 + k^ cos 6?3^) (10)

(no summation), with 6^, 0^^ being defined by

k. "^s = k^a^ cos e. (11a)

ttj. y = a^ cos 6^ . (lib)

In general, in the weak interaction, the time scale of the variation of the
wave amplitudes is long compared with the wave period:

laj/njaj 1 ,

Internal Wave Interactions

SO that the terms on the left side of Eq, (9) of the second order in the time de-
rivative can be neglected. This then reduces to the pair of first-order equations

2n J
k j^ cosfi'jO.j = "Gjjttja^ sin e, (12a)

2n J
k j^ cos t'jttjej = ~ G23 cij a^ cos e. (12b)

Similar pairs of equations specifying the rate of change of amplitude and phase
of the other two components can be found in a similar way. They are


2n2k2^ cos (^2^ 2'^ 2 ~ ~^3i'^3'^i ^'^^ ^ (13b)

2n3 kj^ cos Q -^0-2, ~ ^i2^i^2 ^i" ^

2n3 k3^ cos d ^a^'e ^ - ~

^X2'\'^2 ^^^ ^ '


rs = -("r+"s)('^r + ''s) ' ^ <

r ^ s ^OS 6^^ COS 9^^

+ 9 (nr + "s)('*r+'^s)^ (^r '^"S 6^^ COS 6^ + k^ COS 0^^ COS 6 J

.In (k^+kj2 _ [(k^+k^) -u] (k^ COS 0^^ + k^ COS 9^^ . (15)

The individual phase angles e^.ej.ej can be eliminated from the second of each
of these sets, giving

2 -i -i -i '^l ^^2
-G.3 ,/ , ^3. ,/ -".. ,.' ' . (16)
kj COS
kj COS '6' ^{' cos'' 6^/

since n^. = N cos 6^. This, together with

2Nkj^ cos^i^j o-j = -G23 sin e a^ a3 ,


2Nk2^ cos^i92 a^ - -G31 sin e aj aj , (l^b)

2Nk3^ cos^b'j a^ - \{^^ sin e a^a.^, (17c)

provide four equations for the four unknowns, e the relative phase and the three
amplitudes aj,a2,a3 of the wave components involved. They are characteristic


of those describing second-order resonant interactions, other examples having

been given by McGoldrick (7) and Thorpe (6). From arbitrary initial conditions,
the development in time can be traced and the full solution given in terms of
elliptic functions (as in the manner described by Bretherton (10),

Some simple properties of the interaction can, however, be demonstrated

without recourse to the general solution. It is evident that there are two sta-
tionary solutions for the phase angle, namely, 77/2, the value e = 77/2 being
stable if the coefficient in the large parentheses of Eq. (16) is of the opposite
sign to aja2a3, and the value e - -77/2 being stable if the coefficient is the same.
When any one of aj, a^, or a^ passes through zero, the relative phase can
change by 77.

Two partition integrals follow immediately from Eqs. (17). From Eqs. (17a)
and (17c),

(Hjjki^ cos2ei)aj2 + (G^sk^ 005253) a32 = const., (18)

and similarly, from Eqs. (17b) and (17c),

(Hijk/ cos252)'^2^ + (Gsika^ cos26>3)a32 = const. (19)

Since a^^ represents the mean energy in the component with wavenumber k^.
these evidently describe the partition of energy among the three component
modes. Not all of G23, G31, and Hjj can have the same sign. If, say, Hjj and
G23 do have the same sign, then as the energy of the k, component increases as
a result of the interaction, that of the kj and k^ components decreases; this
continues until (from Eqs. (17)) either a^ or a^ vanishes. At this point ij = 0;
the energy in the 1 component is a maximum and decreases at later times as
energy is transferred back to the 2 and 3 components.

The conservation of total energy in the three wave components can be dem-
onstrated, either from these partition integrals, or directly from Eqs. (17):

N jT (a.j2 + a^ + a^) = - sin

kj^ cos^e^ kj^ cos2 02 ^3^ cos^^j

It is perhaps not obvious that the term containing the interaction coefficients on
the right vanishes identically. The proof of this involves some elementary but
tedious algebra and requires the use of the auxiliary conditions (6), a v - 0,
[a,k,i/] = 0, and the set

kj cos ^12 = kj cos 6'3 2 , (20a)

kj cos ^23 - ~kj COS i9j3, (20b)

k3 COS 6^^ = kj COS '21 (20c)

These last conditions are readily derived from

Internal Wave Interactions

ki a^ = (kj- kj) 0-2 = '^a


(since k^. a^ - o), together with its permutations. The details will not be given

here; suffice it to say that the right side vanishes identically and that

aj2 + a^ + a^ - const. (21)

These interactions provide the means of energy exchange in a field of weak

interacting gravity waves and play a role in determining the spectral properties
of an ensemble of such waves. In this paper, however, we are concerned with a
more restricted problem: the interaction between these waves and steady, hori-
zontal shearing motions, with a periodic variation in the vertical.


A very slowly varying, horizontal shearing motion can be considered as the

limit of an internalwave whose frequency, Oj say, approaches zero as the ,

wavenumber approaches the vertical. The frequency condition for resonance

then reduces to
nj = ng ,

cos ^2 = ^os ^3 . (22b)

Consequently, the internal waves capable of resonant interaction with the steady
motion have wavenumbers that form the two equal sides of an isosceles triangle
as indicated in the following figure. Clearly,

-d^= e^= e , say , . /

kj -v = kj ,
kj * V = kj sin ^j - ~^^2 ^^" ^ '
k^ V - kj sin 6^ - \^^ sin d ,
^ \

2 sin

The motion then represents the interaction of two internal waves of the same
frequency but of opposite inclination to the vertical with a steady, horizontal
motion whose variation in the vertical is specified by kj. Under these condi-
tions, the interaction coefficients simplify considerably:

G23 = ,

Nk,' cos^g (23b)


The first of the interaction equations, Eq. (17a), vanishes identically, since
cos 0j = also, and the other two, Eqs. (17b) and (17c), become

20-2 = -kj cos Q sin 6 a^aj , (24a)



a^ + a^ - const. , (25)

SO that from Eq. (21) a^ = const. The energy density of the shearing motion is
unaltered in time; though it plays a central role in the interaction, it does not
partake of the energy exchange.

The complete solution to the interaction equations is very simple in this


cij =-(-^kj cos 6 sin d a Ah..

Ty k cos 6 sin 8 aj

so that if a^ = and a3 = a at t = ,

ttj = -A sin at ,

a^ = A COS at , (26b)


a = 2 COS 9 sin 6 aj k^ .

The energy density of the component with wavenumber kj then varies as sin^at
and that of the k3 component as cos^ at; the energy oscillates completely from
one component to the other with a frequency that is proportional to the vorticity
in the steady shearing motion.

This kind of behavior is remarkable in several respects. The steady shear-

ing motion takes part in the interaction but does not share in the energy ex-
change; it acts as a kind of catalyst for the interaction. As far as I know, this
is the first kind of interaction in which this effect has been demonstrated. It
has some interesting physical consequences also. Suppose, in the ocean ther-
mocline, there is some distribution of horizontal velocity with an internal wave
with wavenumber V^ propagating upward through this region. This wave will
select from the steady shearing motion the Fourier component with wavenumber
kj = 2k 2 sin with which to interact (resonant interactions with other compo-
nents being not possible). As a result of the interaction between this wave and
the steady motion, energy begins to drain from the first wave component and
generates another with the same frequency but moving in the downward direction

Internal Wave Interactions

with equal inclination; this continues until all the energy is extracted from the
first wave and has drained off to the second one. This, in turn, interacts with the
shear, producing the first wave again traveling upward. As a result of this con-
tinual interchange between components whose propagation directions are inclined
upward and downward, the internal waves are confined to a horizontal channel, in
which the energy density in the upward and downward moving components are, on
the average, equal. The kind of channeling is quite distinct from the well-known
effect of the thermocline itself in restricting internal gravity waves to regions
where n < N, and may have consequences that are equally important. If a local
source generates internal gravity waves in the presence of steady motion, with
an irregular velocity distribution, the resulting disturbance is limited to a range
of depths surrounding the source, as shown in the following figure, even though


the stratification may be uniform far beyond. This range can be estimated sim-
ply from Eq. (27). The interaction time is t = 1/(1/2) cos 6 sin 6 a^ki, and the
group velocity is c = (n/kj) sin6i in the direction normal to kj, or (n/kj)
cos 6 sin d in the vertical. The distance that the disturbance propagates in the
interaction time is therefore

Z = c_ COS d T

2n, 4N cos 6 sin

a, k, k, a, k,^

The maximum depth of the disturbance zone is found when 6 = 45, and the dis-
turbance frequency equals N/'/T; in this case z 2N/ajki^. When n-0, e-^-n/i,

and when n -N 6* - o; in either case z ^ and the disturbance is concentrated at


the level of the source. The low-frequency limit is of particular interest in the
oceanic and atmospheric case. It implies that low-frequency internal wave dis-
turbances distribute themselves horizontally but very little vertically a result
that is consistent with the commonly observed zones of horizontal motions in
the atmosphere, whose vertical extent is very limited.

Another interesting corollary

of these results is that if a^ = o, then
ttj = const., a3 = const. Two
internal waves of the same frequency pass
through one another without interaction in a uniformly stratified ambient fluid
at rest. The time seems to have come when controlled experiments on these
effects would be of great value.


1. Benjamin, T.B., and Feir, J.E., "The Disintegration of Wave Trains on
Deep Water, Part 1 - Theory," J. Fluid Mech. 27:417 (1967)

2. Phillips, O.M., "Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Gravity Wave In-

teractions," Proc. Roy. Soc. A299:104 (1967)

3. Longuet-Higgins, M.S., and Smith, N.D., "An Experiment on Third Order

Resonant Wave Interactions," J. Fluid Mech. 25:421 (1966)

4. McGoldrick, L.F., Phillips, O.M., Huang, N., and Hodgson, T., "Measure-
ments on Resonant Wave Interactions," J. Fluid Mech. 25:437 (1966)

5. Ball, K., "Energy Transfer Between External and Internal Gravity Waves,"
J. Fluid Mech. 19:465 (1964)

6. Thorpe, S.A., "On Wave Interactions in a Stratified Fluid," J. Fluid Mech.

24:737 (1966)

7. McGoldrick, L.F., "Resonant Interactions Among Capillary-Gravity Waves,'

J.Fluid Mech. 21:305 (1965)

8. Hasselmann, K., "On the Non-Linear Energy Transfer in a Gravity Wave

Spectrum, Part 3," J. Fluid Mech. 15:385 (1963)

9. Phillips, O.M., "The Dynamics of the Upper Ocean," Cambridge University

Press, 1966

10. Bretherton, F.P., "Resonant Interactions Between Waves," J. Fluid Mech.

20:457 (1964)


T. Brooke Benjamin
Institute ofGeophysics and Planetary Physics
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, California
{on leave from the University of Cambridge)

In his interesting paper Prof. Phillips has demonstrated analytically that

internal waves can be channeled horizontally by interaction with a periodically
layered distribution of horizontal currents. This result seems to have consid-
erable potential value as regards the interpretation of internal-wave motions in
the ocean and in the atmosphere. I wish now to summarize an alternative anal-
ysis of the mechanism of channeling, proceeding on lines quite different from

Internal Wave Interactions

the application of general interaction theory made in the paper. Use is made of
a method that has previously been applied to various other problems of wave
propagation in periodically structured media, as discussed, for example, in
Brillouin's well-known treatise.* It will be shown that, for a given current dis-
tribution and given wave frequency, channeling of waves occurs not only at the
particular wavenumber determined in the paper but over a set of wavenumber
bands whose widths increase with the amplitude of the current.

The basic state is taken to be a stratified fluid with constant Vaisala fre-
quency N,as defined by Eq. (1) in the paper, and with a steady velocity U(z) in
the horizontal x direction. The wave motion is considered as a small perturba-
tion from this basic state: thus the velocity vector is expressed in the form

u = hU(z) + u'(x,y, z, t) (Dl)

where h is a unit vector in the X direction, and then the equations of motion are
linearized in u '

Let us now assume u' to be periodic in time and in the horizontal coordi-
nates X and y, hence seek to determine its possible dependence on the vertical
coordinate z When u is found to be a periodic function of z free propagation
. ' ,

in a direction with a vertical component is in effect demonstrated. But the ap-

pearance of solutions attenuating with + z indicates that horizontal channeling of
the wave motion must occur.

Accordingly we write

,i(ax + /3y-nt)
= u'(z) (D2)

and from the linearized equations of motion we may derive a set of ordinary
differential equations for the components (u,v,w) of u'(z). Some simplification
of the resulting equations is justified on the basis of the assumption (made im-
plicitly in the paper) that -p^^ dp/dz = N^ g
k, where k is a typical wavenum-
ber. (Alternatively, we may consider the linearized form of Eq. (1) in the paper,
also using the incompressibility condition v u' = and the equation



72 = k2 sin20 = l^j (a2 + /32) (D4)


f = -^U(z). (D5)

Note that in the absence of the steady current ( f = 0) Eq. (D3) shows y to be
simply the vertical wavenumber, and Eq. (D4) gives the dispersion relation

\ a'' + /3'^ + 7^ /

which was presented as Eq. (4) in the paper.


If f(z) is any periodic function, then Eq. (D3) becomes a form of Hill's
equation and resort may be made to the extensive theory available for equations
of this general type. However, let us keep to the simple example treated in the
paper. Thus we take

U = u cos kj z ,

and further assume that is small in comparison with the phase velocity n/a in
the X direction, so that f = au/n l. Hence Eq. (D3) becomes approximately

dz 2
+ (7^ + kj2 a cos kjZ) w = ,


^ ^' - 1^ f . (D9)
sin 25 V^

This is Mathieu's equation, and so the problem is now cast in a very familiar

According to the well-known theory of Mathieu's equation,* the solutions of

Eq. (D8) are periodic for most values of 7^ > when a is small. In this case,
free transmission upward or downward is possible. The exceptional case oc-
curs when the parameters ^'y'^/\<.^ and a lie in certain ranges indicated by the
shaded areas in the following diagram:

*See, for example, Chapter IV of "Theory and Application of Mathieu Functions,"

by N. W. McLachlan (Oxford University Press, 1947).

Internal Wave Interactions

The solutions then take the form

X (periodic function) (DIO)

where is a real constant. This case rep-


resents the horizontal channeling of waves:

the negative exponential in (10) describes
the attenuation of wave amplitude in the
upward direction (z increasing), and the
positive exponential describes the downward attenuation. (Note that this is not,
of course, a dissipative attenuation. It corresponds, rather, to the attenuation
along a lossless transmission line excited at a frequency above the cutoff value.)

The first range in which vertical transmission is suppressed occurs when y

is near v^/2. For small a, the limits of this range are approximately

2 k,(lS) ,

and X is a maximum at approximately the center of it, i.e., at y = kj/2. The

latter case is precisely the one considered in the paper. The maximum value
of K is

2 sin2(;

kjaU cos 261


hence, in view of Eq. (D6) and since

a = 7 cot 6 cos k J
cot d cos (D13)

where ^ is the angle between the x direction and the horizontal component of
the wavenumber vector k = (a,/3,7), we have

Z_ = 8N
kj^ (Ucos0) cos 2(9

This expression for the minimum value of the "penetration depth" Z may be
compared with Eq. (7) in the paper (here cos = aj in the paper), but unfor-
tunately the two results are not in agreement as regards the factors depending
on 6 .The reason for the disagreement has not yet been fully uncovered. Note
that, as would be expected for obvious reasons, the penetration depth depends on
the mean-velocity component cos ^ in the horizontal direction of wave propa-


Using Eq. (D6) again, we can rewrite Eq. (D14) in the form

, ,3/2
8 (N^ - n^)
kj^ (U cos 0) |2n-

which shows clearly that the penetration depth for y - V^/2 is least when the
wave frequency approaches the Vaisala frequency. Note also that z^-* (i.e.,
there is a window for transmission upward or downward) when n -N/v^ and so
d - 77/4. At a given frequency the horizontal wavenumbers a and /3 correspond-
ing to y - ki/2 are given by

2 (N^ - n^)

and the limits of the channeled range of wavenumbers are given approximately
by this expression times l a.

Channeling also occurs for small f when y is near the values

7 = -|ki ,
s = 2, 3, 4 (D17)

But the widths of these higher ranges become progressively narrower with in-
creasing s . Also the respective minimum penetration depths corresponding to
Eq. (D14) are proportional to f " ^ approximately for small f, and so they
greatly exceed z^ in the first range. The higher wavenumber ranges in which
channeling occurs appear to be much less significant, therefore, than the first
range discussed in the preceding paragraphs.


O. M. Phillips

In these comments, Dr. Benjamin makes a most valuable contribution. The

problem is viewed here from the point of view of single scattering theory,
whereas the interaction problem corresponds more to multiple scattering.
Nevertheless, one might have expected the results to have been in qualitative
agreement, and the appearance of the window in Dr. Benjamin's analysis but not
in mine is a difference that must be resolved.

Further work (which will be described elsewhere in due course) has indi-
cated that the discrepancy has arisen as a result of different specifications of
the current structure, which in both cases is periodic in the vertical direction.

Internal Wave Interactions

In the paper, I considered the steady motion as the limit of a zero frequency in-
ternal wave. In an internal gravity wave in a uniformly stratified fluid, the
magnitude of the variations in density op and velocity 5u are intimately related:

Su I

N 3z '

and this relation is preserved as the frequency approaches zero. Consequently,

in the analysis that I presented, there are coupled vertical variations in both the
density gradient and the horizontal velocity field. In Dr. Benjamin's analysis,
only velocity variations are considered. In actual fact, either or both can occur
independently; it will be of interest to see how the two effects separately influ-
ence the nature of the trapping. Preliminary results indicate that Dr. Benja-
min's result can be recovered when the density gradient is uniform and that the
results presented in the paper appear when the variations in density and velocity
are related according to the equation above. These further results will be pre-
sented in the literature in due course.

T. Yao-tsu Wu
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, California

For small perturbations of a basic flow having a prescribed stratifica-
tion of entropy and a vertical shear of horizontal free stream in a grav-
ity field, a linearized equation for the vertical component of velocity is
derived. The dispersion function is examined in detail for the special
case of incompressible stratified flows with a uniform specific-density
gradient and without shear. This dispersion relationship is applied to
consider the radiation of internal gravity waves due to (a) an oscillating
dipole and (b) a steadily moving singularity. Analyses of these two
problems are also carried out in order to present a self-contained dis-
cussion of the results.

Consideration of the propagation of gravity and infrasonic waves in the at-
mosphere or ocean generally requires full- wave methods. Previous treatments
of this class of flow problems have shown that the integral representations of
the solutions of steady and quasi- steady flows involve, in general, some branch
points on the path of integration. The indeterminancy of the branch cuts had
been a subject of discussion for some time (see, for example, a review by Yih
(1), p. 65 ff .), until a clarification by the approach of an initial value problem
was given by Crapper (2). It is of interest to examine if the solution can also
be made determinate by the consideration of the propagation of wave energy
alone. One of the purposes of the present investigation is to discuss and com-
pare these two approaches.

For the general purpose, a linearized equation is derived for the vertical
velocity component of a perturbed flow while the basic flow is entropy- stratified
and has a vertical shear. The gravity-acoustic mode and the effect of shear are
not considered further here; discussions of some phases of these problems can
be found in the recent literature, e.g., see Bjerknes (3), Hines (4) on isothermal
atmosphere without winds, Weston (5), Pierce (6) on isothermal atmosphere with
constant winds. The dispersion relation is investigated in detail for an incom-
pressible flow with a constant specific-density gradient in the absence of shear.

found that the group velocity and phase velocity of these internal gravity
It is
waves can differ drastically from each other in both magnitude and direction.
Based on this dispersion relation, the radiation of internal waves is traced for
two specific problems: (a) an oscillating dipole and (b) the three-dimensional
fundamental solution of a steady flow. From the comparison with the corre-
sponding analytical solutions, it is found that the usual dynamic concept of the
group velocity associated with the propagation of wave energy remains valid


When the effects of viscosity, heat conduction, and mass diffusion can be
neglected, the basic equations of motion for a compressible fluid are;

continuity 77 ^ ^ ^^^ ^ " pO(x,t) , (1)

momentum dt
~ ~ p" g'"^^ p + X(x,t) , (2)

dS /
energy dF " ^^'

state f(p,/o,T) = , (4)

in which t denotes the time, x = (x,y,z) the Cartesian coordinates fixed in an

inertial frame, q the flow velocity, p the density, p the pressure, T the temper-
ature, S the specific entropy of the fluid, Q the fluid source strength, X the ex-
ternal force acting on a unit mass of the fluid, and d/dt = B/Bt + q v. Equation

(3) states that the processisentropic along a material line, which is a valid
assumption for not too rapid change of state in the absence of heat conduction.

The class of flows of our present interest is characterized by a uniform

gravity field acting in the direction of z decreasing, or X= (O,0,-g),ona basic
reference flow which has a specified vertical shear and entropy stratification

q = (U(z), V(z), 0), S = So(z). (5)

It isassumed that So(z) = dSg/dz > o to ensure thermodynamic stability, e.g.,

see Landau and Ltfshitz (7) (but we shall not go here into the condition relating
U'(z), v'(z), and So(z) for dynamic stability).

At the surface of a solid boundary the condition, as usual, is that the veloc-
ity component normal to the surface vanishes,

q n = (6)

on solid surface. At a free surface, say described by F(x, t) = 0, across which

the tangential velocity, density, temperature, and entropy may have a jump,
there are two conditions:

Radiation and Dispersion of Internal Waves

dF/dt = on F = , (7)

p is continuous across F= .

In (8) the surface tension effect, if any, is not included.

The following special cases are of particular interest.

Incompressible Stratified Flows

When the effect of compressibility of the fluid is negligible in flows of con-

cern, S is not considered, andEq. (3) is replaced by the equation of incompres-
sibility, which is, in general,

dp/dt = , (9)

stating that p remains constant along a material line. Then Eq. (1) reduces to

div q = Q(x,t) . (10)

The momentum Eq. (2) remains the same in form, with X = -ge^. The dual role
ofboth hydrodynamic and thermodynamic nature played by p in the general case
now reduces to one of only the hydrodynamic origin in incompressible flows.
The basic flow is now characterized by a shear and a density stratification

q = (U(z), V(z), 0) , p = Po(0 - (11)

in which p^iz) is assumed to be 50 for static stability. A sufficient condition

for stability is that -^^Pq/Po > (U')^ + (V')^ (see Howard (8).

Steady Stratified Flows

When the flow is steady the time derivatives of all flow quantities drop out
from the above set of equations. In this case there exists a useful transforma-
tion, due to Yih (1,9,10), by which flows of nonhomogeneous fluids can be reduced
to flows of homogeneous ones (called the related flows) under certain conditions.
However, the related flow involves, in general, a nonuniform force field and an
additional shear in the free stream.

For steady, two-dimensional incompressible flows, with q = (u,0,w), a

stream function ^(x, z) exists such that

u = 3i///3z ,
w = -a^/Bx . (12)

Then density p and the total head H remain constant along each streamline,

p = p(^) , H(>//) - p + /0(u2 + w2) + gpz .



The differential equation for 41 (in a source free region) can be written

pvV + p'(s^) -2 (V0)'+ gz H'(0) = 0, (14)

which is due to Dubreil-Jacotin (11) and Long (12). In terms of the pseudo-
stream-function 0(x,y) of Yih (10), such that


Eq. (14) becomes, somewhat simpler in form,

VV + gzp'(^) - H'(0) - 0. (16)

These equations have been often used as a starting point for studying steady
flows of finite amplitude.


If the disturbed flow differs only slightly from the basic flow, we may intro-
duce the perturbation quantities; for the general case of compressible flows of
an ideal gas, we write

lo + fli P - PQ-^ Pi P = Pn + P: S = S + S, (17)

in which qo = (U,v,0), the perturbation velocity q, has the components (ui,Vi,Wj),

Pq) Po > ^0 ^^ related to each other by

Po(z) = -gPo (18)

-l/y Sq/c^ -l/y S/c,
e " P e r
^oPo = pp , (19)

where 7 = Cp/c^ is the ratio of the specific heats. The local speed of sound
relative to the medium of the basic flow is Cq , where

(dpo/dpo) = yPo/Po (20)

Substituting Eq. (17) into Eqs. (1-3), assuming qi, pj, Pj, Sj all small com-
pared with their appropriate counterparts of the basic flow, we obtain the lin-
earized equations as:

Po "^iv qj + (Dpj + WjPo) = PqQ (21)

Dqi + Wi(U'e^+ V'e ) -VPi - gPiC^ , (22)

Dpi + WjPg = (Dpi - gPoWi)/cc (23)

Radiation and Dispersion of Internal Waves


^= ^^"(^>l^^^(^>|; (24)

Now p^, ui, vj can be readily eliminated from Eqs. (21), (22), and (23) (e.g.,
first eliminate p^ in (21) and (22) by substitution of (23), then eliminate
(Buj/Bx + Bvj/By) calculated from (22) by using (21)), giving

='is-rii-"' ,' - ^ d2 Pi + DQ (25)

(D^ + N^) Wj

)Pi (26)


D' = U'A+V'^,
3x By
Bx2 By2 \"-o

N(z) being known as Vaisala frequency. Further elimination of Pi or Vj can be

effected by cross differentiation and by using again (25) or (26), giving, after
some manipulation.

(D^ + N^) [V^^ - -5^) Wj

+ D
-$)(^-^)-^ (Lwj-DQ) = , (28)


If a horizontal free surface is present, represented by z= ^x,y,t), then

Wj(x,y,0, t) = DC (29)

The dynamic condition dp/dt = on z = ^ is linearized to give

DPi - gPo *i = ^ on z = , (30)

which becomes, upon using (25) or (26),

- gV^-DD' w, = on z = (31)


Bz pQ
pJ = on z = (32)

noteworthy that the compressibility effect does not appear explicitly in the
It is
above boundary conditions on free surface.

Incompressible Flows of Small Amplitude

The linearized differential equations for incompressible flows with density

stratification and shear can be deduced from the above case by passing to the
limit Co^-co and dc' Vdz - o. In this limit, the order of Eq. (28) reduces by two
and (28) becomes

(D2 + n2)V2^ + d (i-+

d 1-- '1 = 1-^(^0 DQ). (33)

or, after some rearrangement,

D^V^ + ,:!!>' 3z ^-sv= DD'-^iDD']}., =

^ A(pDg,,

effect of: inertia gravity Shear- stratification
density gradient Shear

in which

,3 ,3 3 d

3x 3y

and v^ is the Laplacian in x,y,z. The vertical displacement C(x,y,z,t), such

that Wj = D^, satisfies the equation

D^V^ +
^ = ^^(^oDQ) (35)

This equation may be called the Love Equation (Lamb (13)), although Love (1891)
first derived it for u' = v' = 0. For two-dimensional flows (in x-z plane), all the
y -derivatives in (33) and (34) of course drop out.

The different physical nature represented by different terms in (34) is indi-

cated below (34). The effect of density gradient appears in two terms, one due
to inertial and the other due to gravitational origin. The quantity D^3w,/Bz gives
a measure of the acceleration of rotation of a fluid bulk, and (-p^/p'^) is related
to the radius of gyration of the heterogeneous bulk. The gravity term represents
the restoring force. The relative magnitude of these two terms gives rise to a
Froude number,

O^D^ -^ gV' w,j - UoVg^ = Fr .

where Ug is a characteristic velocity and ^ a characteristic length, both appro-

priate to the particular problem in question. For small values of this Fr, g^2^*i

Radiation and Dispersion of Internal Waves

is more important. Strictly speaking, this is true only in a region beyond a

certain distance from the disturbance, for the inertial effect cannot be negligible
at small distances. For large values of Fr, D^Bwj/Bz is dominant near the dis-
turbance. This relative importance of the inertial effect for large Fr however, ,

is not uniformly valid at infinity. The third term in the square bracket of (34)
represents the effect of shear, which depends linearly on the shear gradient u"
V" and is independent of the shear scale u' , V The latter, however, may play .

a role in the interaction with the effect of density stratification.


The simplest case of density stratification is the uniform density gradient

such that for a positive constant /?,

Po = const e-^^" or -p'^/p^ = (/3>0). (36)

For periodic motions in this medium (which is otherwise at rest),

U=V=0, wj = w(x) e"'"^* , Q = Qo(x) e^^'"* , (37)

Eq. (34) further reduces to


N' = - ;^ Po = 2/3g .

Her e the Vaisala frequency N is constant, corresponding to a period r = 2n/N =

277 x/g/H (H= 1/2/S), the same as that of a pendulum of length H. The partial dif-
ferential Eq. (37) of w(x,y,z) has constant coefficients; its type is

elliptic >
parabolic according as w^ = n^ . (39)

For 0)2 < N^, Eq. (37) has two real mathematical characteristics (straight lines):

for plane flows

, \ 1/2

for axisymmetric flows

(x2+y2)^/^ t(N! - l)'''z = const. (40b)

When co^ -^ N^ , it is expected that the nonlinear effects will become important.

Although this is a highly idealized special case, its mathematical simplicity

facilitates a thorough investigation of the detailed flow features, and these fea-
tures may cast light on more complicated general problems. Some theoretical
and experimental study of this type of flow has been done by Gortler (14).

Dispersion Relation

We propose to investigate once more the elementary wave

4 = f(z) exp[i(k^x+kyy-a;t)] (41)

propagating in an unbounded medium free of wave source. The solution of f(z)


f = e^^(Ae''^% Be-''^n. (42)


1/ 2

k,2=k,2+k/. (43)

k^2 >

according as o) '^^ ~ . (44)

K' --^ < / '

Thus CO- co^ separates the motion oscillatory in z from that aperiodic in z.

Rewriting (43) and (44), we obtain the basic dispersion relation as

(l<z>0) (45a)

(k^2 +/32_cr2)

For plane waves in x-z plane, k = 0, one simply replaces k^ by k^ in these

formulas. This dispersion relation (45) is plotted in Fig. 1, with level lines and
paths of steepest ascent on the c^ -surface shown. The projections of these lines
on the kj.-k^ plane are shown in Fig. 2.

For a wave oscillatory in z, of given wave number vector k = (k^,ky,k^),

the phase velocity c is

Radiation and Dispersion of Internal Waves

Aperiodic -in-z mode

Oscillator y-in- z


Oscillotory - 2 mode

2.0 k,//3 (or k,//9)


Radiation and Dispersion of Internal Waves

It issignificant to note that Cg^ is always opposite in sign to c^, and Cg /cg^ =
Cy/c^. Since Cg gives the direction and speed of propagation of wave energy,
this means that c, Cg and e^ are always coplanar, and a wave group propagates
with its vertical component in the direction opposite to the phase velocity of
individual wavelets. Furthermore, Cg has the magnitude

= A (cos^e + e2 sin^e*) (50a)

Hence for fixed k, c > c for o < 6 < cot" ' x/l- e2, and c < dor e <e < 77/2.

n = ec , Cfl = A cos (50b)

These basic features are illustrated in Fig. 3. These waves may be superim-
posed to give standing cellular waves, such as can be observed in a heated room.
The amplitude of these waves increases upward, proportional to e^^, so that the
energy in each cell is the same.

Fig. 3 - Dispersion of gravity waves

For the mode aperiodic in z, given by Eq. (45b), the phase velocity c is
horizontal, and its value can be obtained much the same as before. However,
calculation of Cg should depend on the physical circumstance of the problem.
For instance, boundary conditions and nature of disturbances give rise to a rela-
tionship (often an eigenvalue problem) between w, k^., and a- (other than that in
Eq. (45b)); consequently a is no longer arbitrary. Even new modes may arise,
such as the irrotational wave modes in a stratified deep ocean. Some classical
examples can be found in Lamb (13) and Yih (1); another will be discussed later.

The above results of elementary waves can be used to construct qualitative

solutions ofmore complicated form. The following are two typical examples.



Consider the flow due to a point singularity oscillating up and down with a
fixed (circular) frequency w in a uniformly stratified fluid (/3 = const.) which is
unbounded and otherwise at rest. First we consider the case w < n. Since w is
fixed, all the steady- state waves that are oscillating in z must have their wave
vector k ending at the hyperbola (see Eq. (45a))

k^ + fi^ = M^k, (51a)



Evidently, 9 is bounded in the range

e^<e<'n-e^ {6^= cot" ^m), (52)

and (51b) gives k for each 6 lying in this range, as illustrated in Fig. 4. The
group velocity of these waves therefore has the components (by substituting (51)
in (49))

Fig. 4 - Radiation of internal waves due to

an oscillating singularity

Radiation and Dispersion of Internal Waves

_ N M^ CSC e _ -N cos e csc'^6

^g. ~ \r(f)\ ,3/2 '
'^gj ,3/2 (53)
^y^> (1 + m2)
(1 + m2)

The wavelet for each specific e is propagated along the straight line

f=^=-4cot^. (54)

and all these waves therefore exist only in the sector outside the vertical cone
bounded by r = Mz Since the waves are all outgoing, with wave front normal

to k, the slope of the constant phase surfaces (crests) is

57 = - tan 5 .

Upon elimination of 6 from (54) and (55), and integrating the resulting equation,
we obtain the constant-phase surfaces as

M^z^ = r2- r^^, (56)

which are hyperbolic surfaces of revolution. Furthermore, c has the mag-


c^^ (M^ sin^^ - cos^C)^^^ (M'* sin^^ + cos^^)^^^ csc^^ .


For large t ( N" '), the extent penetrated by these waves will be (Cgt), which
depends on i9, as illustrated in Fig. 4. The solution is singular as - ^^ (or
r = Mz), which are the mathematical characteristics.

Furthermore, there are also waves with w < N that propagate in horizontal
directions, with their amplitudes varying exponentially in z. The wave number
k^ and exponential factor a satisfy the relation (see (45b))

M^k^^ ^ ^2 ^ ^2 (0 < k^ < /3/M, < |a| < /3) . (58)

Hence all real values of k^ lying in (0, /3/m) are admissible to this class of
waves, and the solution will be of the form

ySz-iwt o" I z I
+ ik , r
I = e f(k J dk. ,

in which a = (/J^- M^k^^^ 1/2 assumes the positive branch, and f(k^) depends on
the description of the singularity. For large values of r and z , the above in- |

tegral may be evaluated by usual asymptotic methods, such as the method of

steepest descent, by which it can be shown that


^ ^ e/32-i-t fn^^VM^z^ - r2 \ (r<M|z|), (60)

provided f(k^) satisfies certain conditions of regularity.

For a; > N, all admissible waves behave exponentially in z since

_ 1,2
B^k/2 1,
+ /S^ B^ = 1 > o] . (61)

Hence all positive real values of k^ may be used to construct the solution as for-
mally expressed in (59), except the upper limit of integration is cd. From this it
follows that, as can be verified by using the method of steepest descent,

^ -^ e/3z-i-t fn(-^yr2+ B^z^ \ (fi^/rU z^ 1^ .


The dependence of ^ on r, z as given by (60) and (62) will be evaluated again

analytically later.


Suppose a localized disturbance, such as one produced by an obstacle of
fixed shape, moves horizontally with a constant velocity u in the negative x-
direction, while the fluid (with /S = const.) was originally at rest; and suppose
the point disturbance reaches the origin at time t = At an instant t earlier, .

the moving disturbance passed by the point Q, located at x = ut , and emitted at

that instant all components of internal gravity waves. These waves have been
propagating away from Q in all directions after the disturbance left Q. For
each specific wave number k, the waves with this k, if they had been carried
along with phase velocity c (see (46c)), would be situated at t = on a surface
of revolution which is obtained by revolving the circle having a horizontal diam-
eter PQ about the vertical axis through Q, where PQ = c^t = Nt/(k^ + /3^)'^. The
waves with different k will be located at the present instant on a different such
surface of revolution. The farthermost penetration of these waves is reached
by the limiting component with k = (infinite wavelength), corresponding to
PqQ = Nt//5 Of all the waves generated at Q, those that may remain stationary

relative to the moving disturbance must have their wave number vector k sat-
isfy the relation

kU = w = ck , (63)

where U is the velocity vector of the moving disturbance, so that the frequency
of these stationary waves will appear to be zero with respect to the disturbance.
But U-k = -Uk sin 6 cos qp (see Fig. 5), hence from (63)

U cos cp = -N/(k2 + . (64)

The solution k of (64) is real if u |cos(p| < N//3 and 77/2 < cp < i-n/i; then

Radiation and Dispersion of Internal Waves


x= Ut - |c
|t = Ut(l -e) sin26i,
z = c t = -ut (1 - e) sin 6 cos 6 ,

in which use has been made of (49) (with cp = w) and (64), and

e = /3V(k2 + /32) = (U/3/N)' , (67)

which is generally small. Eliminating 9 in (66), we obtain the locus of the sta-
tionary waves produced by the disturbance at Q as

x2+ z2 = Ut (1 - e)x, (68)

which is a circle with diameter joining the points x= o and x = ut (l- e). This
result is shown in Fig. 5 (with ut normalized to 1); also shown in Fig. 5 is the
slope of constant phase lines for several wave elements.

Next we consider the three dimensional case. The equations analogous to

(66) are:

X = ut - |cg I
t = ut |l - cos^cp [(1- e) cos20+ e]i ,

y = c By t = Ut sin cp |
cos cp |
[(1-e) cos ^6' + e] , (69)

z = c t = -Ut I
cos cp| (1- e) sin 9 cos ,

in which e is given by (67). Upon elimination of 6 and cp from the above, we


Ut (Ut - x)
[x(Ut- x)-y2] ,
(Ut- x)2 + y^J

which is the equation of a closed surface bounded in the sphere y^+ z^ = x(Ut - x).

It is seen that the waves are nearly horizontal directly above and below the
origin, and vertical along the inner rim of the surface near x = ut

We proceed to treat a few typical problems analytically in order to achieve

an overall understanding of the analytical features of the problem and the physi-
cal arguments presented above.


In order to avoid the indeterminancy of the quasi- steady solution, we con-

sider a corresponding initial value problem of a plane flow so that the vertical
velocity component w satisfies (see Eq. (34))

K-N'(t I- 5)] "= ^'^ sT

[''.Kx)KOlH(t)e-'-'. (71)

where D = B/Bt, v^ is the Laplacian in (x,z), n^ again given by (38b), and H(t)

Radiation and Dispersion of Internal Waves

is the Heaviside step function. By applying the Fourier transform (denoted with
a tilde over w) with respect to x, and the Laplace transform (denoted with a bar)
with respect to t as defined by

/OO - 00

w(k, z, )
= e-"* dt e-^"^" w(x,z,t) dx , (72)
'0 J - 00

Eq. (71) becomes

w(x,z,t)= ( - 2/3jG(x,z,t), (73)

4- 2/^f--
kMl +
8(z) (74)
Ldz^ \

The solution of G of (74) which is continuous at z = and satisfies the required

jump in dc/dz across z = o is

^/3z-ml z
G = - 42 (s + iaj)m


m(k, s) = ,.^,.,. (75b)

The function m(k, s) has two branch points in the complex k -plane. An appro-
priate branch cut is to be introduced such that m-|k| ask->co along the real
k -axis in order to ensure the convergence of the Fourier inverse integral. By
using the translation s j = s + iw in the Laplace inversion, we have

^ '' '
= ^
e^^-i'^* /^' F(k,z,Si)-
, (76)


F(k,z,Sj) = exp[- |z| m(k, Sj- ia))]/[- 2m(k, Sj- ioj)]

and r is an integration path parallel to the imaginary Sj-axis in the right half
plane. The large time solution of G(k,z, t) can be evaluated by applying the
Tauberian theorem which states that

lim G(k,z,t) = e^'-'"-"^ lim F(k,z,Si), (77)

provided that a certain necessary and sufficient condition is satisfied (which can
be verified separately). Now for small positive s ^ the branch points of m are


k = 1 + 0(s.2)l

Hence, (a) for w

the two branch points are in the first and third quadrant of
< n,
the k -plane; (b) for w > n, they lie very close to the imaginary k-axis; and they
are symmetric with respect to k = in both cases. The appropriate branch cut
for these two cases may be introduced as shown in Fig. 6. Therefore in the
limit as t - +C0, we obtain the following solutions after applying (77) and Fourier

(I) w < n:

G(x,z,t) = ^ e^^"''^* I

e''"' F(k,z,(}f ) dk

2.2, .2
zl//3^-M^k dk
J- CO V/S^-M^k^

where M^ is defined in (51a). With the branch cut so chosen and the integral
path indented as shown in Fig. 6, it follows that

G(x,z,t) = --e /3z- iojt

Hy'(|yjTTi^) (x^ > M2z2) (78)

= -2;^^'^-"^o|V^^T- (x^ < M^z^) (79)

.( 1)
where Hg denotes the Hankel function, and Kq the modified Bessel function of
the second kind. Equation (78) shows that there is an outgoing wave in the region
x^ > M^ z^, its phase being constant along x^- m^ z^ - const, at any instant. These
salient features have already been predicted by our previous geometric construc-
tion of the waves. In the region x^ < M^ z^, however, our previous approach was
only strong enough to predict the argument of the functional dependence.

Itnk Imk
(w<N) (o) > N)


fi/ -0/1*

Fig, 6 - Branch cuts of m for

< Nand
CO > N <x)

Radiation and Dispersion of Internal Waves

(n) oj > n:

1 /Sz-iat ikx- I z I
//3^ +B^k^ f^k
G(x,z, t

^ (80)
2t7B *^o \B^

where b^ = l - (N/c-j)^ . The argument of the functional dependence of G in this

case also has been correctly predicted earlier (see (62)).

This problem has also been investigated by Gortler (14) and Wong (15).


The fundamental solution of steady two-dimensional internal waves due to
a point source moving underneath a free surface was discussed earlier by Mei
and Wu (16) for the cases (a) ;3 = const., (b) p arbitrary but g (/Su^) large. An
error contained in the solution of one case due to the indeterminancy of making
the necessary branch cuts has been corrected subsequently (Wu and Mei (17)).
The three-dimensional case has been discussed by Wu (18) for /: = const. We
propose to review here briefly the solution of three-dimensional internal waves
in order to make a comparison with the approach based on the propagation of
wave groups. The two-dimensional solution then appears to be deducible by a
descent in dimension.

For the steady three-dimensional flow of a stratified fluid (with /3 = const,

and the fluid unbounded in extent) having a uniform velocity u past a point
source Q = S(x) S(y) S(z), the vertical velocity component w satisfies the equa-
tion (see (34))

G = -^ S(x) S(y) 5(z) , (81a)

Bx^ Bx^Bz Bx2 By2 Bx

w(x,y,z) = ^ - 2/3) G(x,y,z) , (81b)

1 ,

a2 = n2/u2 = U/V^)(-p'o/Po) /3 = - (82)


By applying to (81a) the double Fourier transform

i< ,y
G(k G(x, y z) dx dy (83)
.S-) =
^ ,

under the assumption that G vanishes sufficiently rapidly at upstream infinity,
(81a) is transformed to

__ 2/3-- (k^-a^csc^cp) G = S(z) (84)


k sin cp , k = k cos (85)

P _ _ 1 /3z-m I z

m(k,(p) = (k^- a2 csc\ + /3^) (86b)

the positive branch of m (so that m -> k as k - + co) being understood. Regarding cp

to be real and k complex, m has two branch points at

+ b , b = (a^ csc^cp ) (87)

Hence a> /3. For a </3,

b is real for is real or imaginary according as
sin^cp < or >aV/3^. Ordinary, a >> /? in most of the natural circumstances. We
shall only consider the case a> /3. A branch cut may be introduced between
k = -b and +b along the real k-axis. By inversion, we have

G = -L e"^ Pe d(p e^*^^

^^^^ cp -e)-m I z I kdk
4^' Jo Jo.

X = r cos y = r sin (89)

and the path r is taken along the positive real k-axis except that it lies below
the branch cut from k = to k = b; this choice of r can be justified by the large
time limit of a corresponding initial value
problem (see Wu (18)). The path of integra-
tion r may be further deformed for -(tt- 5)
< cp < 6* to proceed along the entire negative
fl< ^<ir + e
( )

imaginary k-axis from k - -iO to -ioo. For

61 < cp < (7/+ (9), r may be deformed to cir-
cumvent the branch cut from k = i around
the point k = btok=+iO, and then along the
positive imaginary axis to k = + ico (see
Fig. 7).
At large distances from the singularity
(ar >> l), the asymptotic values of these re-
Fig, 7 - Path of inte- sulting integrals can be evaluated by the
gration r method of stationary phase or by that of

Radiation and Dispersion of Internal Waves

steepest descent. The final result for a >> /? may be cited here as

G - ^ e^^ H(x) A(x,y,z) sin (a^) 1 +

ar (90)

where H(x) is the step function,

^PCx.y.z) (91)

A(x,y, z)
1/ 2 (92)
(x2+y2+ z2) [(y2+ z2)^ + x2y2]

and there are no internal waves on the upstream side (x < o). A characteristic
wavelength of G is


= 277
= 277U
- ^0 -T (93)
\ i/^o

which agrees with (65b). The equiphase surfaces v^ = const, are given by

n + (n=0, ...).
'^n - 4 T 1, 2, . (94)

they being the wave crests. The surface w^ = const, is plotted in Fig. 8, which
is typical of all v^ = const. They all descend downward in the streamwise di-
rection to form a long-trenched valley, starting from x^ = (2n + i)\/4 to oo. The
steepest path of descent is the circular arc in the symmetry plane y = The .

level lines on w^ = const, are hyperbolas, along each of which the amplitude A
decreases monotonically with increasing x. These salient features are in quali-
tative agreement with the previous discussion of the wave field based on the
propagation of wave energy, and it should be noted that some of the fine structure

Fig. 8 - The surface of * = constant

of the flow field is lost in the above analytical result under the assumption
of a yS.

1. Yih, C.S., "Dynamics of Nonhomogeneous Fluids," New York:The Macmillan
Co., 1965

2. Crapper, G.D., J. Fluid Mech. 6:51-76 (1959)

3. Bjerknes, V. et al., "Physikalische Hydrodynamik, " Springer, p. 797, 1933

4. Hines, CO., Can. J. Phys. 38:1441-1448 (1960)

5. Weston, V.H., Can. J. Phys. 40:446 (1962)

6. Pierce, A.D., J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 39:832 (1966)

7. Landau, L.D., and Lifshitz, E.M., "Mechanics of Continuous Media," 1953

8. Howard, L.N., J. Fluid. Mech. 10:509 (1961)

9. Yih, C.S., "Proceedings of the Third U.S. National Congress of Applied

Mechanics," p. 857 (1958)

10. Yih, C.S., J. Fluid Mech. 9:68 (1960)

11. Dubriel-Jacotin, M.L., J. Math. Pures Appl. 19(No.9):43 (1937)

12. Long, R.R., Tellus 5:42 (1953)

13. Lamb, H., "Hydrodynamics," 6th ed., Cambridge University Press, 235,

14. Gortler, H., ZAMM 23:65-71 (1943)

15. Wong, K.K., Hydronautics Inc. Technical Report 231-5, 1965

16. Mei, C.C, and Wu, T.Y., Phys. Fluids 7:1117 (1964)

17. Wu, T.Y., and Mei, C.C, "Note on Two-Dimensional Gravity Waves in a
Stratified Ocean," to be published

18. Wu, T.Y., Abstract in ZAMM Sonderhelft (GAMM-Tagung) 45:194 (1965)

presented at GAMM Meeting, Vienna, April 1965

John W. Miles
Institute ofGeophysics and Planetary Physics
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, California


We consider the damping of gravity waves in the presence of surface con-

tamination. Our primary goal is an estimate of the effect of such contamination
on the generation of waves by wind on an unbounded surface; however, in order
to facilitate comparison with laboratory experiments, we consider waves in a
cylindrical basin, with an unbounded surface as a limiting case. We give rather
more detailed results for the surface-film damping coefficient than is warranted
by our present knowledge of the physical parameters, and in the final analysis
we consider only the limiting cases of an uncontaminated surface and an inex-
tensible film. We find that the minimum wind speed required to initiate waves
of significant magnitude on a contaminated surface may be roughly an order of
magnitude larger than for a clean surface. This conclusion is consistent with
the available observations.

Let k and o- denote the wave number and angular frequency of an oscillation
determined on the hypothesis of an inviscid liquid, and let v be the kinematic
viscosity of the actual liquid. Then l k is an appropriate length scale for the
irrotational component of the velocity field, and

= (2v/cr)l/2 _ (1)

the thickness of the boundary layer on an oscillating flat plate, is an appropriate

length scale for the viscous component. We base our discussion on the hypo-
thesis that

e := kS 1, kh, (2)

where h is the mean depth of the liquid. The dispersion relation between cr and
k then is

0-2 = gk tank kh [1 + 0(e)] , (3)

where g is the acceleration due to gravity.


The contribution of viscous dissipation in the boundary layers on the walls

ofa cylindrical basin to the logarithmic decrement has been calculated by
Ursell (1) (see Benjamin and Ursell (2) for the corrected result) and has the

a^ = Ae + 0(e2) , (4)

where A depends only on the geometrical shape of the container and the partic-
ular mode; see Eq. (32) and Eqs. (33).

The logarithmic decrement for a clean, unbounded surface is given by

(Stokes (3) and Lamb (4a))

a^^ = IrreK (5)

It can be shown(cf. Ursell (1) and Case and Parkinson (5)) that this result also
is valid,within a factor of l + 0(e), for a bounded surface, but it then is negli-
gible compared with a^^,. (Case and Parkinson and others have retained a^> in
the calculation of a for closed basins, but this is clearly inconsistent unless
terms of O(e^) and 0(e) are included in the dissipation in the boundary layer on
w and in the mean energy of the oscillation, respectively.

Available measurements (Benjamin and Ursell (2), Case and Parkinson (5),
Keulegan (6), Van Dorn (7)) reveal that (the theoretical value of) a^ does not
provide an adequate approximation to a for gravity waves in laboratory-size
basins except under special and carefully controlled conditions and that the ob-
served values of a/a^ may be as large as three.

Van Dorn (7) attributed the observed discrepancies to a surface film pro-
duced by spontaneous contamination. He found that "while the observed attenua-
tion agreed with that computed for the solid boundaries [a^] when the water was
fresh, the former tended to increase with time to some higher limiting value,
usually within an hour." He also reported that "the fully contaminated surfaces
exhibited no obvious visual manifestation" and that "the water always appear[ed]
to be in every respect as clear and fresh as when uncontaminated." He obtained
an adequate approximation to the limiting value of simply by adding to a^ the

value of a calculated on the hypothesis of an inextensible film, namely (Lamb


4''-T-^- (6)

This agreement notwithstanding, we suggest that capillary hysteresis could have

been significant in Van Dorn's experiments, especially since some of his meas-
urements were made in Incite tanks (see following description of Keulegan's
experiments (6)).

The observation that surfactants, such as oil on water, can lead to appre-
ciable damping of surface waves goes back to antiquity (Pliny the Elder, in the
first century A.D., is cited by Levich (8) and by Davies and Vose (9), and
Benjamin Franklin (10) attempted a phenomenological explanation in 1774). The

Damping of Gravity Waves by Surface Films

first satisfactory explanations appear to have been given by Reynolds (11) and
Aitken (12), each of whom invoked the variations of surface tension with wave
motion; Aitken also carried out laboratory experiments. Lamb provided the
necessary mathematical analysis in support of the Reynolds -Aitken model in the
second (1895) edition of his "hydrodynamics," but abbreviated the analysis to that
for an inextensible film in the sixth edition (4b). Subsequent analyses, dealing
with the physicochemical as well as the hydrodynamical problem, have been
given by Levich (8,13), Dorrestein (14), Goodrich (15), and Tempel and Riet (16).

Levich considered both insoluble and soluble surfactants, but appears to

have assumed (as, implicitly, did Lamb) that damping would increase monotoni-
cally with concentration to the limiting value a^i). This tacit assumption led
him to overlook the fact that his general formulation for an insoluble film yields
the maximum value a^ = 2ag at an intermediate concentration, a result estab-

lished independently by Dorrestein. Levich considered various limiting cases

of his general formulation, but his approximations do not appear to be entirely
systematic and, in any event, do not give a clear picture of the interrelations
among such parameters as frequency, surface modulus of compression, and
solubility. Dorrestein considered only insoluble surfactants, but included sur-
face viscosity in his analysis (Levich included surface diffusion of the surfac-
tant, which is essentially similar to surface viscosity in its effect on damping).
Tempel and Riet attributed differences among the results of Levich, Dorrestein,
and Goodrich to "the use of an incorrect boundary condition for the tangential
stress." In fact, Tempel and Riet's formulation appears to agree with those of
Levich and Dorrestein when appropriate comparisons are made; detailed com-
parisons of their analytical results are not possible, as Tempel and Riet used
an electronic computer to solve the algebraic equations implied by their bound-
ary conditions.

None of the formulations of Levich, Dorrestein, Goodrich, and Tempel and

Riet is directly applicable to gravity waves in closed basins. In the following
three sections we present a derivation of ag for either soluble or insoluble
films that, by virtue of its direct appeal to boundary -layer approximations, is
not only simpler than its antecedents, but also is applicable to closed basins.

Davies and Vose (9) have made careful measurements of the damping of
150-cps capillary waves by various types of surface films. Their experiments
were carried out in a "draught-free darkroom"; their apparatus was "cleaned
with hot chromic acid followed by washings with syrupy phosphoric acid, hot
tap water and distilled water" before each run. In their experiments on clean
water, "the surface was cleaned prior to the observations by spreading ignited
talc on the surface and then sucking off the talc and any contamination through
a fine capillary," a procedure that was repeated between observations. They
monitored surface tension continuously. They found that a did approximate a^^
for clean water and also confirmed Dorrestein' s prediction that a increases
from a^^ to approximately 2a^^' and then decreases to the limiting value a^^^
with increasing concentration of an insoluble surfactant. They also obtained
qualitative confirmation of Dorrestein' s calculations for the effect of surface
viscosity. They found that ag was typically smaller for soluble surfactants pro-
vided that the relaxation frequency for solution was above that of the capillary
waves; however, their results were not in complete agreement with the


predictions of Levich (we recall that Levich did not establish, at least in any
systematic way, regimes of validity for his various approximations).

Benjamin and Ursell (2), Case and Parkinson (5), and Keulegan (6) all at-
tributed the observed discrepancies between a and a^^, to capillary hysteresis at
the contact line of the meniscus, but none of them attempted a direct calculation
of this effect. Although Benjamin and Ursell appear to have been the first to
recognize the significance of capillary hysteresis for surface-wave damping, the
basic phenomenon is well known in the literature of surface chemistry (see, e.g.,
Schwartz et al. (17)), and Adam (18) refers to A. A. Milne (19) for an everyday

Keulegan (6) established that damping in a hydrophobic basin may be sub-

stantially larger than in a geometrically similar, hydrophilic basin. Subse-
quently, Keulegan and Brockman (20) carried out a series of measurements
aimed at isolating the effect and concluded, at least tentatively, that both the
advance and the recession of a meniscus are opposed by constant forces that
depend only on the material properties of the three-phase interface. This con-
clusion agrees with that generally accepted in the literature of surface chemistry.

We have reexamined the results of Case and Parkinson (5) and Keulegan (6)
and regard it as probable that both surface contamination and capillary hystere-
sis were significant in their experiments. We emphasize, however, that these
two effects are not likely to be entirely independent, for both the modulus of
compression for the surface film and capillary hysteresis at the meniscus de-
pend on the contamination of the free surface through mechanisms that are far
from being fully understood.


We consider a cylindrical container filled to a mean depth h with a slightly

viscous liquid of density p and designate the upper surface of the liquid by s and
the wetted boundary of the container by w. The velocity field associated with a
wave motion on s will be essentially irrotational outside of viscous boundary
layers at s and w and can be derived from a velocity potential, say q = v^.
Choosing cylindrical coordinates, with z measured vertically downward from
the mean position of s, we pose this potential in the form (Lamb (4c))

0(x,y,z,t) = (//(x.y) sech kh cosh [k(z-h)] e^^ , (<)

where ^ is real and satisfies the two-dimensional Helmholtz equation

v20+k20 = .

The usual conventions hold in respect to complex, time-dependent variables,

such as <t>.

The wave number k is determined (as a member of an infinite, discrete set

of eigenvalues)by the requirement that the normal derivative of r vanish on w.
The angular frequency, t, is given by Eq. (3). We regard c as real, with the

Damping of Gravity Waves by Surface Films

implication that is a slowly varying function of time for free oscillations. We

then account for the time dependence of only indirectly, by introducing a dissi-
pation function (see the section on Dissipation). The consequent errors in the
kinematical description are 0(e).

The tangential component of the velocity in the boundary layers at S and w

can be calculated by analogy with the flow over a flat plate that moves with the
tangential velocity

V = V0O - u , (9)

where V0q denotes the tangential component of V0 at the boundary, and u denotes
the actual tangential velocity at the boundary (u= on w). Evaluating v^g at z =
from Eq. (7) and remarking that the velocity in the surface film must be parallel
to V0O, say u = (l-C)V0oj ^^ obtain

u = (l-C)V0e^"* , (10a)

V = CV0e'^* (z= 0) , (10b)

where c is a constant that is determined (in next section) by the equality between
the viscous shearing stress in the liquid and the tangential stress in the surface
film. Following Stokes (3), who remarked that "the effect of [viscosity] may be
calculated with a very close degree of approximation by regarding each element
of the [boundary] as an element of an infinite plane oscillating with the same
linear velocity," we obtain (cf. Landau and Lifshitz (21a))

r = -p{ivcr)^''^v (11a)

= -Cp(ii^a)/2v^ei'^t (lib)

as the boundary- layer approximation to the viscous shearing stress

We neglect surface viscosity (a more detailed investigation reveals that
surface viscosity is likely to be significant only for very short capillary waves)
and assume that the surface tension is uniquely specified by the superficial
concentration of the surface film, say T = T(r). The shearing stress associated
with small variations of r about the equilibrium concentration, say r^ then is ,

given by

T = vT % (dT/dr)o vcr-To) . (12)

The calculation of r - r^ for an insoluble film follows directly from the

continuity equation

3r/3t + rv-u = . (13)


Linearizing Eq. (13) with respect to perturbations about r= r^, and u = 0, we

obtain .,

r-To = -(ia)-' r.v-u. (14)

Substituting Eq. (14) into Eq. (12) and invoking Eq. (10a) and Eq. (8), we obtain

T = -(icr)-' ro(dT/dr)o vv-u (15a)

= (i-c)(ic7)-i ro(dT/dr)ok2v>/'ei^* (15b)

Equating Eq. (15b) and Eq. (lib) and solving for c, we place the result in the

C = ^/(^- 1+i), (16)


^^ -p-^ ro(dT/dr)o(2/v)i/2k2a-3/2. (17)

We extend this last result to soluble surfactants on the hypothesis that the
relaxation time for equilibrium between the material in the film and the dis-
solved material in the underlying liquid is negligible compared with l-n/cr (there
can be little departure from this assumption for gravity waves; cf the relaxa- .

tion times given by Davies and Vose (9)). We then can relate the changes in
surface concentration to the corresponding changes in bulk concentration, say
7- 7o, by the linearized equilibrium equation

r-r^ ^ (dr/d7)o(7-7o), (18)

where y satisfies the diffusion equation*

By/Bt = DB^y/Bz^ , (19)

and the right-hand side of Eq. (13) is replaced by the transfer rate DCBy/Bz)^; D
is the bulk diffusion coefficient. Solving this set of equations for y - y^ and
r - Tq, we obtain results that differ from Eq. (14) and Eq. (15) only by an addi-
tional factor of [1 + 1/2 (1 - i )t7]- on the right-hand side of each, where

T) -- (2D/cr)l/2(dr/d7)-/. (20)

The corresponding generalization of Eq. (16) is

C = ^/[^- 1+ 1(1 + 7,)] . (21)

The quantities rp(dT/dr)Q and (dT/dy),, must be determined either experi-

mentally or from surf ace -chemistry considerations. Invoking the semiempirical
equations of Szyszkowski and Langmuir for soluble surfactants (18a), we find that

This is a boundary -layer approximation (V^7 % 3'^7/3z^). Typically, D << v, so

that the diffusion boundary layer lies inside of the viscous boundary layer.

Damping of Gravity Waves by Surface Films

ro(dT/dr)o = -AT(0)(7o/7,) (21a)

^ T(ro) - T(0) (7o7i) (21b)

(dT/dy), = AT(O)(R0)-i7i(7o + 7i)"^ (22a)

^ (A/Wy,)T(0) (yoyi)' (22b)

where A is a dimensionless constant (A = 0.18 for fatty acids), y^ is that value

of 7o ^t which Fq attains half its saturation {y^ ^ co) value, R is the gas constant,
and 6 is the absolute temperature. The results (Eqs. (21a,b)) are not, of course,
applicable to insoluble surfactants.


Let Eg be the total energy of the oscillation on the hypothesis e = o, and

let a be the logarithmic decrement of the damped oscillation as e - o. Invoking
the hypothesis of small oscillations, which implies that the energy must be
quadratic in the amplitude, we infer that the mean energy must decay like

<E> = Eg exp(-aat/7T) , (23)

where < > implies an average over one cycle of the oscillation, say t = (0. 2n/cr).
Introducing the Rayleigh dissipation function

D = - i-dE/dt , (24)

equating its mean value to the corresponding mean value implied by Eq. (23),
and anticipating that a. = 0(e), we obtain

a= (27T/crEo) <D> [l + 0(e)] . (25)

The total energy of the undamped oscillation is equal to twice the mean
kinetic energy and is given by

o{\\<y<p>^d\ (26a)

^plk'^ tanh kh , (26b)


I = ||(v0)2ds -
k^JJ^^ds. (27)

The two forms of i are equivalent by Green's theorem.

The viscous dissipation in the boundary layer on S, say Ej is equal to that ,

for a flat plate oscillating with the velocity v and is given by (21b)


1 [( ->

El = -P
Y^ JJ^^S.

To this we must add the dissipation associated with the motion in the film,

Ej = JJ T.udS
If... .

Substituting rfrom Eq. (11a) into Eq. (29), adding the result to Eq. (28), and
averaging with respect to t we obtain ,

<Ds> = - y <Ei + E2>

Damping of Gravity Waves by Surface Films

Cj. - Cj -> l). Referring to Eq. (21), we obtain

(^- 1)' + (i + vf (34)

which is plotted vs ^ in Fig. 1 for 77 = 0, 1, 2.


Fig. 1 - The surface-damping parameter

C^ - C^ as given by Eq. (34)

The parameter f vanishes like as cT -. (i.e., ^oca^/^ fQj. iQj^g gravity

gravity waves) a- ^^^ as ex - 00 (very short capillary waves) and is typically
smaller for gravity waves than for capillary waves. The parameter v varies
monotonically like o-- ^^ g^j^^ therefore is more important for gravity waves.
This is consistent both with the observations of Davies and Vose (9), who found
that bulk solubility of the film material has only a slight effect on the damping
of capillary waves in the absence of relaxation effects (i.e., in the frequency
range for which Eq. (18) is valid), and with the empirical (and ancient) observa-
tion that soluble oils are less effective in the damping of gravity waves than are
insoluble oils. We remark that <E2> is proportional to -q and therefore vanishes
for an insoluble film; more generally.

<E2>/<Ei> = (C^-Ci- Id 2)/|c| V^. (35)

The maximum value of C^- Cj is 2 and is attained for = 2 and 77= 0. Dr. T. B. <f

Benjamin (private communication) has pointed out that the film velocity u is in
quadrature with the irrotational velocity v^g at this point, in consequence of
which |v| ^ = 2 Ivi/'l ^, thereby doubling the dissipation rate for an inextensible
film, for which u = and v| ^ = Ivs/^l ^.


We now consider the effect of an inextensible surface film on the generation

of deep-water gravity waves by wind. That this effect is substantial is a matter


ofcommon knowledge (see, e.g., Franklin (10)), and both Keulegan (22) and Van
Dorn (23) found that the addition of detergent prevented the formation of sensible
waves by winds of at least 12 m/sec. There appears to be little doubt that the
primary effect of a surface film is to increase the dissipation, and hence the
energy that must be supplied by the wind, although associated changes in the
velocity profile of the wind also could be significant. (Dorrestein (14) suggested
that a surface film inhibits the transfer of energy from wind to waves through
tangential stresses, but it is now generally accepted that this transfer takes
place primarily through normal pressures.)

We first assume that the aerodynamic energy transfer can be described by

the (equivalent) logarithmic decrement (24)

-a^ = 77s(Ui/c)2/3, (36)

where s -
pJp^ is the air/water density ratio, c = a- /v. is the wave speed, Uj is
a reference wind speed, and /? is a dimensionless energy-transfer coefficient
that depends on c/Uj. Equating -a^ to a^'\ as given by Eq. (6), and solving for
u as a function of c AJ
1 j
we obtain

u, . (gv/2s2)'/'(c/u, )'''/?- ''' (37a)

= 150 (c/Ui) 1/3/3' cm/sec , (37b)

Where Eq. (37b) follows from Eq. (37a) after setting g = 980, v =10-2 ^^^
s = 1.2x10"^ in cgs units. Invoking the theoretical model (24,25) for an equiva-
lent laminar profile of the form u = Uj log y + const., we find that the minimum
value of Uj predicted by Eq. (37b) is about 1 m/sec at cAJj ^ 3, corresponding
to a nominal wind speed of about 12 m/sec and a wavelength of about 6 m. The
predicted critical wind speed of 12 m/sec is at least consistent with the observa-
tions of Keulegan (22) and Van Dorn (23) and is roughly an order of magnitude
larger than that predicted by a similar calculation based on a^ namely, ^

Ui = 14-15 cm/sec for gravity waves of 20-30 cm (25).

rather different energy-transfer process, which depends on the existence
of a viscous sublayer for the wind structure very close to the water, may be ef-
fective for cAli < 3 (26). Hidy (27) has obtained qualitative confirmation of the
theoretical model, but found it necessary to postulate increased dissipation,
relative to that based on a.\^^ in order to obtain approximate, quantitative

agreement. He commented that, "Although care was taken to minimize the

contamination of the water surface small amounts of oil may have been un-
. .

avoidably present [and] could easily account for the systematic deviation be-
tween [the theoretical and experimental results] shown in the data." The origi-
nal theoretical predictions (26) were carried out for a wind profile that is linear
in the viscous sublayer and logarithmic above this layer with a free- surface
damping given by a^>. Replacing a^ by a^'> in these calculations, we find

that waves of roughly 4-10 cm in length should be generated by a wind with a

friction velocity u^ of 15 cm/sec, corresponding to a nominal wind speed of
roughly 4-5 m/sec. This prediction is consistent with the observations of Hidy,
but not with those of Keulegan (22).

Damping of Gravity Waves by Surface Films


We conclude that, in the absence of very special precautions, surface con-

tamination may contribute significantly to the damping of surface waves. The
preceding analysis provides a rational estimate of the corresponding logarithmic
decrement provided that the required parameters, especially the surface com-
pressional modulus, are known. Further observations, including controlled ex-
periments guided by the theoretical predictions, are necessary before we can
say whether a reliable understanding and ability to predict have been achieved.

1. Ursell, F., Proc. Roy. Soc. (London), Ser. A 214:79 (1952)

2. Benjamin, T.B., and Ursell, F., Proc. Roy. Soc. (London), Ser. A 225:505

3. Stokes, C.G., Trans. Cambr. Phil. Soc, 9:8 (1851); "Mathematical and
Physical Papers," Vol. 3, Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-141, 1922

4. Lamb, H., "Hydrodynamics," Cambridge University Press, 1932

a. Section 348
b. Section 351
c. Section 257

5. Case, K.M., and Parkinson, W.C., J. Fluid Mech. 2:172 (1957)

6. Keulegan, G.H., J. Fluid Mech. 6:33 (1959)

7. Van Dorn, W.G., J. Fluid Mech. 24:769 (1966)

8. Levich, V.G., "Physicochemical Hydrodynamics," Edgewood Cliffs, N.J.:

Prentice- Hall, Inc., 120-122, 1962

9. Davies, J.T., and Vose, R.M., Proc. Roy. Soc. (London), Ser. A 286:218,

10. Franklin, B., 1774 Phil. Trans. 64:445 (1774)

11. Reynolds, O., Brit. Assoc. Rep.; Papers, Vol. 1, p. 409, 1880

12. Aitken, J., Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 12:56 (1883)

13. Levich, V.G., Acta Physicochim. URSS 14:308, 321 (1941)

14. Dorrestein, R., 1951 Nederl. Akad. van Wetenschappen B 54:260, 350, 1951

15. Goodrich, F.C., Proc. Roy. Soc. A 260:481, 490, 503 (1961)

16. Tempel, M., and Riet, R.P., J. Chem. Phys. 42:2769 (1965)

17. Schwartz, A.M., Rader, C.A., and Huey, E., "Contact Angle, Wettability, and
Adhesion," Washington: American Chemical Society, pp. 250ff, 1964

18. Adam, N.K., "Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces," Oxford University Press,

19. Milne, A. A., "Waiting at the Window," in Now We are Six," London: Button,

20. Keulegan, G.H., and Brockman, M.R. (unpublished work at the U.S. National
Bureau of Standards), 1962

21. Landau, L.D., and Lifshitz, E.M., "Fluid Mechanics," London: Pergamon
Press, 1959

a. p. 90
b. p. 93

22. Keulegan, G.H., J. Res. Nat. Bur. Std. 46:358 (1951)

23. Van Dorn, W.G., J. Marine Res. 12:249 (1953)

24. MUes, J.W., J. Fluid Mech. 3, 185, 1957

25. Miles, J.W., J. Fluid Mech. 6:568, 1959

26. Miles, J. W., J. Fluid Mech. 13:433, 1962

27. Hidy, G.M., "The Growth of Wind Waves on Water in a Channel" (unpublished),


Klaus F. Hasselmann
Institut fur Schiffbau der Universitdt Hamburg
Hamburg, Germany
Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, California

Interactions between random gravity waves and the turbulent atmosphere
boundary layer can be treated by an extension of wave-wave interaction
theory. The energy transfer resulting from various interaction combi-
nations can be characterized by transfer diagrams corresponding to the
Feynman diagrams of wave-wave interactions. The complete set of
lowest order transfer diagrams is shown to include Miles' and Phillips'
theories of wave generation and a further set of wave-turbulence inter-
actions which have not been considered previously. The predicted wave
growth for the various interactions is compared with existing measure-
ments. But a conclusive answer to the question of wave generation
must await nnore detailed experiments correlating wave nneasurements
with turbulence measurements in the atmosphere boundary layer.

The fundamental papers of Miles (1) and Phillips (2) marked an important
advance in our understanding of the basic processes by which waves can be gen-
erated by wind. It has been widely hoped that the growth of waves could be largely
accounted for by a superposition of these two processes. However, it is known
that although the theories describe independent aspects of the wave-atmosphere
interaction, they are not entirely complementary; there remain interactions which
are included in neither theory. Miles considers the coupling of the wave field
with the mean atmospheric boundary -layer flow, but ignores the wave -turbulence
interactions. These are similarly neglected in Phillips' treatment, which is
concerned only with the external excitation of the waves by the undisturbed turbu-
lent field.

Apart from the general theoretical interest, a complete theory of wave-

atmosphere interactions has now become particularly desirable through the field


study of Snyder and Cox (3), which indicates that the combined Miles- Phillips
mechanisms fail to account for the observed wave growth by almost an order of

We shall attempt here to outline a complete theory based on a systematic

expansion of the coupled fields. Besides the Miles and Phillips processes, the
theory yields three further processes at lowest order: a nonlinear interaction
with the mean boundary- layer flow and two forms of wave -turbulence interaction.

The problem may be divided into two parts: the analysis of the coupling
between the wave field and the turbulent boundary- layer flow, and the determi-
nation of the energy transfer due to the coupling. The first part concerns the
details of the interaction expansion. The second part may be regarded as a
particular application of a general transfer theory for random wave fields in
weakly coupled systems.

We present here only the general structure of the interaction analysis; a
detailed derivation is given in Ref 4. Let . be the surface displacement,

u = U+ u' be the turbulent velocity field in the atmosphere, consisting of a mean

flow U and a superimposed fluctuating component u' of zero mean, and Su be
the wave- induced perturbation of the turbulent velocity field. We assume that
all fields are statistically homogeneous, so that they may be represented as a
superposition of mutually statistically orthogonal Fourier components of ampli-
tude i^, u^, Su,^, where k is the two-dimensional, horizontal wavenumber

The equations of motion of the coupled wave -atmosphere system may then
be expressed in the form

L(Su^) = Q(u^, Su,^) (z>0) , (1)

Su^ = R[u^, i^] (z=0) , (2)

+ ct2^^ = S[^^, u^, SuJ (z=0) , (3)

where cr = (gk tanh kH)*''^, g is the gravitational acceleration, H is the water

depth, 2 is the vertical coordinate, measured positive upward, L represents a
linear (essentially the Orr-Sommerfeld) operator, and Q, R, and s are nonlinear
functionals of the coupled fields.

The wave -atmosphere interactions are proportional to the air-to-water

density ratio and are therefore weak. This suggests a solution by iteration. To
first order, the forcing function s in the harmonic-oscillator equation (Eq. (3))
can be neglected, yielding a stationary wave field of free, sinusoidal waves. The
free-wave field can then be substituted in the boundary condition (Eq. (2)), which
together with Eq. (1) determines the wave-induced velocity field Su. Substitution
of the solution hu in the forcing function S then determines a second-order solu-
tion for the wave field, and so forth.

Generation of Waves by Turbulent Wind

Miles and Phillips introduce additional simplifications. Phillips ignores the

dependence of s on the fields and Su,j, so that Eq. (3) reduces to a purely ex-

ternal excitation by the turbulence field u (physically, s corresponds in this


case to the unmodified turbulent surface pressure). Miles ignores the nonlinear
term Q in Eq. (1) (i.e., the wave-induced perturbation of the turbulent Reynolds
stress) and the u' -dependence of R in Eq. (2). This reduces Eqs. (1) and (2) to
linear, constant -coefficient equations, and the boundary- value problem of deter-
mining Su becomes tractable.

the Miles approximation is regarded as an acceptable first-order solu-


tion, the general case can be approached by introducing a second iteration loop
in which Q and the u' dependence of R are treated as further perturbations.
The nth iteration is obtained by solving Eqs. (1) and (2) with the (n - l )th itera-
tion substituted in the right-hand sides. In this manner, the wave-induced
velocity field is obtained as a power series in the components ^^ and u'^, and
the forced-harmonic-oscillator equation (Eq. (3)) takes the form

+ ^'^k = Pk +B,^, + L
kj tkj :k
q 1

The first two terms on the right correspond to the Phillips and Miles approxi-
mations, respectively; P^ denotes the external forcing term due to random
turbulent pressure fluctuations; and B^, C^jk^, are coupling coefficients,

which are determined by solving the Orr-Sommerfeld equation, Eq. (1), under
boundary condition (2). In general, this is possible only by numerical methods
or by restriction to simple boundary -layer models. (It is known that a simple
constant-velocity or constant- slope profile is inadequate in the Miles approxi-
mation, in which the energy transfer is determined by the local profile curvature
at the critical layer. However, the detailed properties of the velocity profile are
probably less important for the higher order processes.)

Correlation measurements of wave height and surface pressure by Longuet-

Higgins et al. (5) indicate that the Miles approximation does indeed yield a rea-
sonable first-order description of the wave-induced fluctuations in the atmos-
phere. It should be noted, however, that this does not necessarily apply to the
Miles transfer expression. In Miles' approximation, the wave- induced pressure
fluctuations are almost 90 degrees out of phase with the wave height over most
of the wave spectrum, so that only a small fraction of the pressure field is effec-
tive in generating waves. It is therefore conceivable that the higher order pres-
sure fluctuations, although smaller in absolute magnitude, lead to a larger
energy transfer.


After determining the coefficients of the interaction expansion, the problem
remains of evaluating the energy transfer resulting from the coupled equations
(Eqs. (4)). The analysis is basically straightforward but involved algebraically.
We summarize here only the results, referring to Refs. 4 and 6 for details. The
problem may be regarded as a generalization of the theory of wave-wave inter-
actions, first considered by Peierls (7) in his classic study on the heat conduction


in solids and now developed to a standard scattering formalism in various fields

of physics. The theory has recently also found a number of geophysical applica-
tions (8).

The energy transfer arises from interactions between combinations of

Fourier components whose wave numbers kj, k^^ and frequencies oj^,
, . .
. , w^
satisfy the transfer conditions


L (6)

where s^ = l Equation (5) follows from the homogeneity of the physical sys-

tem and applies to all interactions. An energy transfer between the interacting
components occurs only if the additional resonance condition of Eq. (6) is also

The net energy transfer is found by summing the contributions from all
combinations of resonant interactions. The final expression consists of a num-
ber of integrals containing various spectral products, which can conveniently be
divided into two classes. Integrals in which the transfer conditions of Eqs. (5)
and (6) occur as S factors are associated with scattering processes, the remain-
ing integrals are associated with parametric processes.

To distinguish between the various transfer terms, it is further convenient

to introduce a notation based on transfer diagrams. The transfer diagram for a
scattering process consists of a number of wavenumber vectors k j
k^_ j
, . .
. ,

entering a vertex and a single wave component k^^ leaving the vertex. The com-
ponents satisfy the transfer conditions of Eqs. (5) and (6). Components associ-
ated with a negative sign s. = -l are indicated by a cross stroke.

The transfer diagram for a parametric process consists only of ingoing

components. There are no side conditions on the wavenumber s or frequencies.
Parametric processes occur only in interacting systems in which the total
energy and momentum of the wave fields are not conserved. They have no
counterpart in the theory of wave-wave interactions, but there is a close analogy
with the interactions occurring in nonlinear parametric amplifiers.

The structure of the various transfer expressions can be deduced from the
transfer diagrams with the aid of a single transfer rule: the rate of change of
the energy spectrum of any wave component in a transfer diagram is proportional
to the product of the spectral densities of the ingoing components. Thus for any
interacting system, the set of all transfer expressions for a particular wave field
w is obtained by applying the transfer rule to all wave components w in all possi-
ble transfer diagrams (Fig. 1).

Generation of Waves by Turbulent Wind

9^n f

(n.1.2 ,^-2,1)

'* FF^F^dkclk.
dt J


Fig, 1 - Examples of transfer dia-

grams and transfer expression for
a third- order scattering process
and (ii) a third-order parametric
process, a and b represent arbi-
trary field components; Wj, Wj, and
w represent wave components; T^^,
T are transfer functions; and the
indices n, n refer to the wave com-
ponents Wj, Wj.

It isimportant to note that the transfer diagrams reflect only the structure
of the transfer expressions. They are normally not directly related to the basic
component- interactions responsible for the energy transfer. Thus although all
transfer expressions are due entirely to resonant interactions, the resonant in-
teraction conditions of Eqs. (5) and (6) occur only in the scattering, not the
parametric transfer diagrams. The structure of the interaction analysis can be
summarized independently in terms of interaction diagrams (6). (However, for
conservative wave-wave interactions, the interaction and transfer diagrams are
very simply interrelated (8).)


The complete set of lowest-order transfer diagrams in the case of wave-

atmosphere interactions are shown in Fig. 2. The linear interaction with the
mean boundary -layer flow according to Miles appears as the degenerate pa-
rametric diagram (i). Phillips' external excitation by the atmospheric turbu-
lence field is represented by the diagrams (iii). (If the external field is ex-
pressed in terms of the turbulent pressure p* instead of the turbulent velocity
components t, these reduce to a single linear diagram.) The remaining proc-
esses represent a nonlinear interaction with the mean boundary- layer flow,


9F(k) r.
, ,

-J^ 'j[T4(k.i')F(i'hT,(!i.k')F(k)]dk- -^ - TfFfk)

iiv) (r)

Fig. Z - Lowest order transfer dia-

grams and transfer expressions for
wave -atmosphere interactions: (i)
Miles, nonlinear interaction with
mean wind, (iii) Phillips, (iv) wave-
turbulence scattering processes, and
(v) wave -turbulence parametric proc-
ess. The components g, t, and p*
represent gravity- wave, turbulent-
velocity and turbulent-pressure com-
ponents, respectively.

diagram and wave -turbulence interactions, diagrams (iv) and (v). The trans-
fer expressions derived from the transfer rule are also shown. Only the depend-
ence on the wave spectrum is given explicitly. The transfer functions Tj, T, ,

depend on the coupling coefficients, and in the case of diagrams (iii), (iv), and (v),
on the atmospheric turbulence spectra. The expressions are given in full in
Ref. 4.


Figure 3 shows schematically a two-dimensional kj-w section of the three-
dimensional surface pressure spectra Fp(k,aj) associated with the various
transfer processes. The scattering processes (iii) and (iv) of Fig. 2 correspond
to three-dimensional pressure distributions, whereas the parametric processes
(i), (ii), and (v) yield two-dimensional distributions concentrated on the gravity-

wave dispersion surfaces oo - cr(k) = (gk tanh kH)^^^. Only the pressure fluc-
tuations in resonance with free gravity waves, i.e., on the dispersion surface,
transfer energy to the wave field.

The three-dimensional turbulent pressure distribution is concentrated

about the "convection surface" w+ k,u
1 m = 0, where um is the mean

Generation of Waves by Turbulent Wind

wovt -tyrbi/ltnc*
icotlrring intfroetlens

trOYt-mton flow inltroelions,

potommlric mravt-turbultnct


Fig. 3 - Two-dimensional k ^ - a; sec-

tion of the three-dimensional surface
pressure spectra F (k.w), (The mean
wind Uj^ is parallel to the Xj axis.)

("anemometer") wind speed and kj is the wavenumber component parallel to the

wind. The distribution follows from Taylor's hypothesis, according to which the
wavenumber and frequency spectra of a turbulence field are approximately
related as though the turbulence were a frozen special pattern convected bodily
downstream with the mean flow velocity. It follows that the energy transfer due
to Phillips' mechanism is appreciable only where the convection surface and
dispersion surface intersect, i.e., for gravity waves whose phase velocities in
wind direction are approximately equal to the wind speed (2) (see also Ref. 9 for
the present interpretation of Phillips' result).

Linear wave interactions with the mean wind lead to pressure fluctuations
of the same wavenumber and frequency as the wave components. Miles' pres-
sure spectrum is therefore represented by a two-dimensional distribution on
the dispersion surface.

The parametric processes (ii) and (v) also corresponds to two-dimensional

pressure distributions. The process (ii) is due to a cubic wave- wind interaction
involving a wave component (k, cr) and a complex conjugate pair of wave compo-
nents (k', a'), (-k' -cr' ). This leads to a pressure fluctuation with the wave-

number and frequency of the first wave component. Process (iv) is due to a
similar cubic interaction between a wave component (k, a) and a complex con-
jugate pair of turbulence components (k', oj'), (-k', -w'), again producing a pres-
sure fluctuation of wavenumber k and frequency a-.

The scattering processes (iv) are associated with quadratic interactions

between wave components (k, a) and turbulence components (k', co'). In this
case the induced pressure fluctuations can have arbitrary wavenumbers k + k'
and frequencies cr+ w', and the spectrum is a three-dimensional continuum.


Since atmospheric turbulence spectra are normally peaked at much lower wave-
numbers and frequencies than wave spectra, it may be expected that for most
interactions k' << k, w' << a, so that the resultant pressure distribution lies
rather close to the dispersion curve. Furthermore, the maximum of the dis-
tribution will lie close to the wave spectral maximum. The strongest wave
generation may therefore be expected for frequencies close to the wave spectral
peak, in accordance with the observed sequential development of the wave spec-
trum form high to low frequencies, the waves growing only in a narrow fre-
quency band about the momentary wave peak. (However, other explanations of
the sequential wave growth have also been suggested.)


The recent field study of Snyder and Cox (3) indicate that both Miles' and
Phillips' theories are incapable of explaining the wave growth observed in the
ocean, strongly suggesting that one or more of the remaining lowest-order
processes, in particular the wave -turbulence interactions, are the principal
source of wave energy. However, the question of wave generation must be re-
garded as open until further measurements and transfer computations have
been made. Although a complete theory of expansible interactions has been
developed, the expansions are valid only for weak spacially uniform interac-
tions. Strong, local effects, such as flow separation at the wave crests, are
therefore not included in the theory.

1. Miles, J.W., J. Fluid Mech. 3:185-204 (1957)

2. Phillips, O.M., J. Fluid Mech. 2:417-445 (1957)

3. Snyder, R.L., and Cox, C.S., J. Marine Res. 24:141-178 (1966)

4. Hasselmann, K., in "Basic Developments in Fluid Mechanics," Vol. II, M.

Holt, editor, Academic Press, 1968

5. Longuet-Higgins, M.S., Cartwright, D.E., and Smith, N.D., pp. 111-136 in

"Ocean Wave Spectra, Proceedings of a Conference," Easton, Maryland,
1961, Prentice -Hall, 1963

6. Hasselmann, K., Proc. Roy. Soc. A299:77-100 (1967)

7. Peierls, R., Ann. Phys. 3:1055-1101 (1929)

8. Hasselmann, K., Rev. Geophys. 4:1-32 (1966)

9. Hasselmann, K., Schiffstechnik 1:191-195 (1960)

Tuesday, October 4, 1966

Morning Session



Chairman: G. P. Weinblum

Institut fur Schiffbau der Universitat Hamburg

Hamburg, Germany


Second-Order Wave Theory for Submerged Two-Dimensional Bodies 595

Nils Salvesen, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Added Resistance of Ships in Waves 637

W. P. A. Joosen, Netherlands Ship Model Basin, Wageningen,
The Netherlands

Second-Order Contributions to Ship Waves and Wave Resistance 649

K. W. H. Eggers, Institut fur Schiffbau der Universitat Hamburg,
Hamburg, Germany

Analyses on Bow Waves and Stern Waves and Some Small-Wave

Ship Singularity Systems 681
B. Yim, Hydronautics, Inc., Laurel, Maryland

Nils Salvesen
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan
{now at Naval Ship Research and Development Center
Washington, D.C.)

The main object of this work has been to investigate the importance of
nonlinear free-surface effects on flow past submerged two-dinnensional
bodies. For a foil-shaped body the surface waves and the wave resist-
ance have been obtained both experimentally and analytically, including
second-order effects.

Second-order wave theory has previously only been applied to sub-

merged circular cylinders and only the wave resistance and the lift
have been computed correct to the second order. This work therefore
presents the first computations of wave profiles correct to the second
order in wave amplitude for free- surface flow past a body. It is also
the first time an experimental verification of the second-order wave
theory has been carried out.

The wave profiles have been nneasured by a capacitance wire, and the
wave resistance data have been obtained by three techniques: (a) drag
measurements, (b) wave survey, accounting for second-order effects,
and (c) second-order wave theory.

The work clearly proves the importance of the effect of nonlinearity at

the free surface. At low speeds the second-order theory predicts wave
heights several times the size given by the linear theory.

The results show, for low and nnoderate speeds, amazingly good agree-
ment between second-order theory and experiments both for the wave
resistance and the wave elevations. Especially encouraging is the ex-
cellent agreement at the very low speed, where the difference between
linear and second-order theory is large. The theory gives less satis-
factory agreement with experiments at high speeds, however.

Useful information and data are included on wave breaking for snnall

Salve sen

The determination of the wave resistance of ship hulls is one of the most
important and challenging problems the naval architect has to contend with. In
the last century, many outstanding scholars in the field have been engaged in
this subject; moreover, the last several years have brought a renewed interest
in the theory of ship waves. Due to the complexity of the problem, however, we
are by no means able to predict theoretically the wave resistance of a ship with
sufficient accuracy.

The three methods in use for obtaining the wave resistance are (a) model
testing, subtracting the estimated viscous drag from the measured total drag
force, (b) wave survey behind the model, assuming small waves and using linear
wave theory, and (c) theoretical analysis, using linear theory and representing
the hull by some singularity distribution. The correlations between these three
techniques have been far from satisfactory. In many cases, the differences are
as large as 40 to 50 percent (1). Fairly good agreements have been achieved
only by introducing artificial correction factors; however, very little is known
in general about how these factors are related to physical parameters.

The author believes that a main part of the discrepancies between analytical
and experimental results could be due to the neglect of nonlinear effects at the
free surface and that the viscous effect is probably not as important as often
stated. This nonlinearity is investigated here, and in particular its effect on the
wave resistance.

The first nonlinear wave theory for irrotational flow of an ideal fluid was
derived by G. G. Stokes (2). Applying this theory to the problem of flow past
submerged two-dimensional bodies, one can easily relate the wave resistance of
the body to the far downstream wave height. On the other hand, no relationship
between the shape of the body and the wave elevation or the wave resistance can
be obtained from the Stokes wave. Appendix A gives a detailed discussion of
"Stokes Waves and their Application to Wave Resistance Problems."

Only two investigators have applied a consistent second-order wave theory

to the problem of free-surface effects on the flow past bodies: M. Bessho (3)
and E. O. Tuck (4). Both restricted themselves to the simplified two-dimensional
case of a submerged circular cylinder. Bessho in his fine work derived correctly
the complex potential but unfortunately obtained the forces incorrectly such that
the most important higher-order term was not included. His final result and
many of his conclusions are therefore incorrect. Tuck, on the other hand, cor-
rectly obtained the wave resistance and the lift for the circular cylinder, and he
also correctly stated the very opposite conclusion of Bessho, namely, that for a
circular cylinder "it is more important to correct for nonlinearity at the free
surface than for the fact that the boundary condition is not satisfied exactly by
the first approximation on the body surface." This excellent paper by Tuck ap-
pears to be the only work to date in which the effect of nonlinearity at the free
surface has been treated correctly to the second order.

Submerged Two-Dimensional Bodies

Certain features of Tuck's results, however, indicate that the validity of

this second-order theory may be questionable. The three following points will
be mentioned here:

1.At a submergence equal to twice the diameter and at Froude number

U/\/ib = 0.55, thesecond-order theory gives twice the wave resistance obtained
by linear theory, and at an even smaller Froude number, U/Vgb = 0.47, his work
predicts the resistance three times the linear theory. Results of this nature
are not in agreement with the assumed converging perturbation series

w = ew^ ' '>

+ e^w( 2^ + ...

and in this speed range at least, it is therefore doubtful if his theory is appli-

2. The fact that the difference between the linear and second-order theory
increases as the Froude number decreases may indicate that the second-order
wave resistance approaches infinity as the Froude number approaches zero.
Unfortunately, no data are shown by Tuck for Froude numbers smaller than 0.47.

3. The largest submergence investigated by Tuck was twice the diameter of

the cylinder. When the body is as close as that to the free surface, the waves
created by the cylinder will break, resulting in a highly nonlinear phenomenon
which cannot be treated by second-order perturbation theory.

In addition to these points, it should be mentioned that the circular cylinder

lends itself nicely to mathematical treatment and is therefore very useful for a
preliminary mathematical investigation of nonlinear free-surface effects. But
we must keep in mind that when assuming inviscid fluid flow past a circular
cylinder we should not expect the mathematical solution to be "a good approxi-
mation to the true wave resistance" (as hoped by Tuck).

The object of this work has been to investigate the accuracy of second-
order wave theory by a comparison of analytical and experimental results, and
also to clear up some of the uncertainties in previous work. To perform such a
comparison the author has applied second-order wave theory to a streamlined
two-dimensional body and conducted experiments on an 11 -foot-long strut of
13 -inch chord length. Wave resistance data have been obtained by three tech-
niques: (a) drag measurements, (b) wave survey, accounting for second-order
effects, and (c) second-order theory. In addition to these data, the wave profiles
have also been measured and computed for the selected body shape. This is the
first time wave profiles correct to the second order in wave amplitude have
been computed for flow past a body.

An infinitely long cylinder is supposed to move with a constant velocity U in
a direction perpendicular to its axis and at a fixed distance below the free sur-
face. The problem is to determine the surface waves and the wave resistance.

Salve sen

The flow will be treated as steady in a coordinate system moving with the
cylinder. A two-dimensional coordinate system will be used, with the y axis
vertical, and the x axis a distance b below the undisturbed free surface. The
direction of decreasing x coincides with the direction of motion of the cylinder.
The fluid will be assumed to be inviscid, incompressible, and without surface
tension. It will also be assumed that the flow is irrotational and that the dis-
turbances at the free surface are all small.

The assumption of irrotationality ensures the existence of a velocity poten-

from which the velocity field can be derived, i.e.
tial 4(x,y)

V = grad <t) = $^ i + <t'y j


Inview of the equation of continuity, the velocity potential <> is a solution of the
Laplace equation

V2<t> = <I)
XX + yy
= . (2)
^ '

Another significant consequence of the irrotational character is obtained by

integrating the equation of motion, which leads to the Bernoulli equation:

- I
grad <D|' + -+ gy = Ci ,

where p is the pressure, g is the gravitational acceleration, and p is the density.

There are two boundary conditions to be satisfied on the free surface. The
kinematic condition states that any particle which is on the surface remains
there. Thus if y = b+ 77(x) is the equation of the free surface and WCx.y) the
stream function, then

'I'[x, b +T7(x)] = constant = bU (4)

on the free surface. The dynamical condition requires that the pressure above
the free surface is constant, here set equal to zero. By Eq. (3), the Bernoulli
equation, it therefore follows that

grad $1 + gy = constant on y = b + '7(x) . (5)

The nonlinear conditions above are often referred to as the "exact"* free-
surface conditions.
The boundary condition to be satisfied at the wall of the cylinder is clearly


*In this work, "exact" in quotation marks refers to exact within the potential
flow theory.

Submerged Two-Dimensional Bodies

in which 3/Bn represents differentiation along the normal to the surface wall.
For two-dimensional bodies with a sharp trailing edge the Kutta-Jukowski con-
dition specifying that the trailing edge is the stagnation point should also be

The depth of the water is assumed to be infinite, which results in the condi-

lim (grad $) = Ui . /rj\

- ^
y - 00 '

One additional condition is necessary to ensure uniqueness, namely the ab-

sence of waves far upstream. To make the list of boundary conditions complete,
we should also mention the absence of wave reflection far downstream.

Introducing the complex variable z = x + iy and the complex velocity poten-

tial W(z) = a)(x,y) + iw(x,y) and assuming that a perturbation about the flow past
the body in an infinite fluid can be carried out, we write the expansion

W(z) = (uz+WbJ + e^wp^ + wgj + e2^Wp^+WBj+ ... , (8)

where e is some physical parameter which vanishes with the disturbance at the

free surface. The potentials wq^, wg^, etc., are analytic everjrwhere outside
the body and are chosen so that the terms in parentheses in Eq. (8) satisfy the
cylinder -wall condition exactly. On the other hand, wp^ and wpj are analytic
for all im z < b and are the first-order and second-order free -surface contri-

Assuming that the free-surface disturbances are small, of order e , we

have the following expansion for the surface elevation:

7j(x) = e77(^>(x) + e27](2)(x) + ... .


Italso follows from the assumption of small disturbances at the free surface
that the body singularities wq^, wg^, etc., are of one order higher in e near the
free surface than near the body. The expansion near the free surface, therefore,
is of the form

W(z) = Uz + ew( ^) + ^^(2) + ^ (10)


Substitution of the expansion given by Eq. (10) in the "exact" free-surface

conditions of Eqs. (4) and (5) and including only first-order terms gives the
first-order free-surface condition

Salve s en

Re at z = X + ib (11)

where v - gAJ^ is the wavenumber. Including terms of second-order, one ob-

tains after some manipulation that the second-order free-surface condition is

Re ;(2) + iv V^(2) at z = X + ib
irf(''> (12)


- f(x) = ^ Iw^'M
- Im w(i) Re z z z

It also follows from these substitutions that the corresponding approximations

to the wave height are

;(i)(x) = A^(l)(x,b), (13a)

,(2) (X) (x,b) + -^ ^(1) (x,b) 0^'^ (x,b) (13b)


In this work the complex potential will be used only to determine the wave
elevation and to obtain the wave resistance from momentum considerations in
the far field. We will not need, therefore, the general expansion given by Eq. (8)
but only the expansion given by Eq. (10), which is valid near the free surface
and in the far field. The expansions and boundary conditions to be used for the
more general problem are discussed by Giesing (5). It is seen from Eq. (10)
that we have two second-order terms, ewg^ and e^wp^. Tuck (4) has shown that
in obtaining the wave resistance for a circular cylinder it is more important to
include the second-order free-surface term e^wp^, than the body correction in
term ewg^. Assuming that the same applies to the problem treated here, we
will disregard the term ewBj and simply represent the body by its singularity
distribution in an infinite fluid. This implies that the cylinder-wall condition is
satisfied only to the first order of approximation.

It can certainly be argued that the second-order theory presented here is

not consistent; however, it is believed that the method used will give a solution
far more realistic than the first-order theory and therefore that it is an im-
provement over the linear theory.

Complex Potential and Wave Elevation

The two-dimensional submerged body will be represented mathematically

by a singularity distribution of the following strength and location: eleven
sources equally spaced along the x axis between x = and x = 1.0, and with
strengths m^ given by

Submerged Two-Dimensional Bodies

= +0.04 when < j < 2 ,


(65- 3j ) when 3 < j < 10 ,

where j = 0, 1, 2, etc., refer to the sources at x = 0, 0.1, 0.2, etc.

The stream function for this singularity distribution in a uniform flow (ve-
locity = U) with no free surface is

>I'(x,y)=Uy+ E^tan-^ ^_J^^^^

j = o

The body is given by the streamline ^ = 0. Hence the equation of the body is

-1 y
L =


X- (j/10)

The cross section of the body is seen in Fig. 1. In terms of the selected
unit length, the chord length is 1.09 and the thickness is 0.374. The unit length
used here is, for numerical examples as well as for the experimental work, set
equal to 1 foot.

Fig. 1 - Singularity representation

and the cross section of the body

Salve sen

The first-order complex potential for the given singularity distribution

(Eqs. (14)) and satisfying the condition given by Eq. (11) can be obtained from
Wehausen and Laitone (6a):

10 10

'^^(z)= E^-tn (z-^). L^^n (z-^- 2ib)

j=0 j=0


L2^ 1 z - - 2ib (17)

j =

where the exponential integral l(0 is defined as

!(.. P.V.J _ du - i77 e" (18a)

and has the expansion

I(0 - -e-^ [y + Ui+ i77 + ]2 (18b)

where Euler's constant is 7 = 0.5772 ....

In accordance with the assumption that the cylinder -wall condition will be
satisfied only to the first-order approximation, it follows from Eq. (12) that the
second-order complex potential vi'-^^z), must satisfy the conditions

1. V^ w( 2) = , (19a)

2. Re ;(2) f (x) at z = X + ib ,

- 1 (1)1 .(1)
I.., - Im Re z z z

3. lim wl^^ = as Im z - -00 ,


( 2)
4. 1 im w as Re z - -co . (19d)

This is exactly the same differential system as for the linear problem of a
fixed pressure distribution f(x) on the free surface of a uniform stream of ve-
locity U. Thus f(x) may be interpreted as a pressure distribution due to the
first-order wave system.

Submerged Two-Dimensional Bodies

The solution to the differential system of Eqs. (19) is therefore the same as
the well-known solution to the moving pressure distribution problem, given by
Wehausen and Laitone (6b), namely.

w(2) (z) = _L. r ds f(s) I [izy (z- ib- s)] (20)

where the function f(s) is defined in Eqs. (19) and can be written by virtue of
Eq. (17) as

f(s) = pUM2i + 2

r 10

+ 4
j =
j =
b^) s/ + b'

Salve sen


Fig. 2 - Plot of the function

Fe I[iz^(x- s + iO)]

For later reference we shall write the two terms in Eq. (23) as

^(2)( ^
ds f(s) Re I[ii^(x- s + iO)] ,

77U2 J


7]( 2) (x) = l/(7j( 1))^ .

We not turn to the numerical computation of the first-order and second-

order waves. A MAD computer program was prepared for this purpose. Be-
fore we discuss the final results of these computations, let us look at some of
the intermediate steps. It is interesting to note that the "pressure" function
f(s), defined by Eq. (21), is not sinusoidal far downstream but tends to the con-
stant value pgva'^/2, where a is the first-order wave amplitude, as can be seen
from Fig. 3. We also note (Fig. 4) that due to this constant "pressure" value
the first part of the second-order wave q^'^^i-x.) far downstream is sinusoidal
but with the mean line a distance va'^/2 below the undisturbed free -surface level.
The important fact is that this constant dislocation of the mean line is of exactly
the right magnitude to balance the constant part of the term -niVi")^) - ^iv'- ^')^,
leaving only harmonic wave components far downstream.

Plots of the final results, the surface elevation according to the first-order
and the second-order theory, are given in Fig. 5 for the case of 1.25-foot body

Fig. 3 - Plot of the "pressure"

function f(x)

Submerged Two-Dimensional Bodies



u:4 oft/(c a b= i ft

Fig. 4 - Plot of the second-order

wave function 17^ ^^(x)

u^ 2.5 ft/tC

"n yf 'I ,

^>C? ,'' 2.0"


U >: 3.5 ft/c

/ \^




Fig. 5 - First-order and second-order wave

elevation curves for 1.25-ft submergence


submergence and for four different speeds. This is, to the author's knowledge,
the first time that waves created by a body have been computed to the second

Looking at these wave profiles, we immediately notice the extremely large

difference between first-order and second-order waves for the lowest speed of
2.5 ft/sec. This seems to violate the original assumption of expansions of the
r](x) = eT7(i)(x) + e^T]'^^'>(x) + ... , (25)

where the second-order term e^r](^\x) was assumed to be one order smaller
than the first term er]'- '^x). The experimental results to be discussed will,
however, show that the second-order waves agree surprisingly well with the
measured waves for these lower speeds.

It should also be recognized that the shape of the second-order waves

downstream are quite the same as given by second-order Stokes waves, as was

Wave Resistance

The wave resistance will be obtained from the asymptotic form of the ve-
and the wave elevation.
locity potential

It is well known that the first-order wave height, Eq. (22), far downstream
takes the simple form

T7^ ^^(x) = a cos i^x , (26)

where a is the first-order wave amplitude, and x is an x coordinate so selected

that the wave has no phase shift. The second-order part, Eq. (23), can be shown
to have far downstream the form

7?( 2)(x) ^ S COS v(x- r) - -^ i^a^ + i^(77( 1))^ ,


which by Eq. (26) becomes

T7^^)(x) = S cos v(x-t) + va^ cos 2z>x ,


where S is of order a^ and t is a phase shift.

From Eqs. (26) and (28) it can be realized that far downstream we have two
Stokes waves. One has the form

T7j(x) = a cos J>x + va^ cos 2vx + . . . ,


Submerged Two-Dimensional Bodies

and the other, which has a phase shift t and an amplitude of second order in
a, has the form
7]2(x) = S COS y(x-T) + ... , (30)

where both Eqs. (29) and (30) are correct to the second order in a.

From the theory of Stokes waves (Appendix A) it follows that the velocity
potential for these two Stokes waves can be written as

0j(x,y) = - alle'^'^" ^ sin vx , (31)

^jCx.y) = - SUe^^^~ ^ sin v(x-r) (32)

Assuming now that the potential and the wave elevation far downstream can
be written as the sum of the two Stokes waves above, we have that

ue'^^y-b) a sin vx + S sin v(x-t) (33)


Tj - Tjy-k- Tj^ - a COS VX+ ~ va^ cos 2vx + 8 cos v{x- t^ . (34)

Note that the potential, Eq. (33), and the wave elevation, Eq. (34), are valid far
downstream, and that both are correct to the second order in a.

The "exact" formula for the wave resistance derived by Havelock (8) and
by Wehausen and Laitone (6c) using energy considerations and also derived in
Appendix B by momentum considerations, is

b + 7,(x )

= -^ ^x'c^o'y) + <^y'(''o.y)
1 ,

where c/>(x,y) is the "exact" velocity potential, t7(x) is the "exact" wave eleva-
tion, and Xq denotes any vertical plane behind the body.

Evaluating this expression far downstream using the velocity potential (Eq.
(33))and the wave profile (Eq. (34)) it can be shown that the wave resistance
correct to the third order is

R = pg [a^ + 2aS cos vt] . (36)

Since by Eq. (34) the trough-to-crest wave height correct to order a^ is

H = T7(0) - 7](7t) = 2a + 2S cos vt , (37)

the resistance R can also be expressed in terms of the wave height


R = 4 Pg ^
where H is the wave height obtained from the second-order wave theory. This
is exactly the same result as obtained in Appendix A using a second-order
Stokes wave theory.

A plot of the first-order and the second-order wave resistance is seen in

Fig. 6, where the first-order resistance is obtained from the well-known rela-

R = -^PE<^' (39)

with a denoting the first-order wave amplitude far downstream. Again we see
the large difference between the first-order and the second-order theory for the
lower speed range.
Submerged Two-Dimensional Bodies

Accuracy of the Mathematical Representation of the Body

We assumed mathematical formulation that the body could be repre-

in the
sented by a uniform flow without accounting for the free sur-
its singularities in
face. The boundary condition on the cylinder wall is by this assumption correct
only to the first order. To be correct to the second order, we should have mod-
ified these singularities such that the same body would be generated in a fluid
with a linearized free surface. This is one of the critical assumptions in this
work, and it was therefore felt that an investigation of its accuracy should be

A computer program was written which could trace the streamlines around
the singularity distribution including the linearized free surface. This is a
rather time consuming computation, especially because we do not know a priori
the value of the stream function at the stagnation points. The streamlines were
therefore only traced for two speeds, V = 4 ft /sec and v = 6 ft/sec, both with
the same submergence b = 1.25 ft. Each case took about 10 minutes on the IBM
7090 computer. The results are shown in Fig. 7.


SPEED = 4 ft/sec AND SUBMERGENCE - 1.25 ft

SPEED = 6 ft/sec AND SUBMERGENCE =1.25 ft


Fig. 7 - Effect of a linearized free

surface on the flow around assumed

It is seen clearly that when the linearized free-surface effect is included,

the body is no longer closed, and that the forward and aft stagnation points are
on different streamlines. This effect was first pointed out by Tuck (4). The
author is of the opinion, however, that for lower speeds the given singularity
distribution does represent the body fairly well and can be used with reasonable
accuracy for a second-order theory. For larger speeds it is obvious that the


body representation cannot be used for a second-order theory. For a submer-

gence of 1.25 feet the use of this body representation for speeds up to about 4.5
feet per second, and higher speeds for deeper submergences, seems justified,
as can be seen from Fig. 7.

It is interesting to note that the body can be made closed simply by applying
a small angle of attack and hence without introducing any new singularities. In
other words, a closed body can be obtained by an appropriate rotation of the line
on which the 11 sources are located. The amount of rotation necessary to close
the body will obviously depend on the velocity and the submergence of the

An experiment was conducted to see how well this second-order theory can
predict wave elevations and wave resistance for submerged two-dimensional
foil-shaped bodies. The experiment was performed at the University of Michi-
gan model tank (360 ft by 20 ft by 9 ft) on an 11-ft two-dimensional strut seen in
Fig. 8. The model's cross-sectional offsets are given in Fig. 1. The instru-
mentation for measuring horizontal drag force and wave elevation is schemati-
cally shown in Fig. 9. The horizontal drag force was measured on the middle,
2-foot section of the model by waterproofed strain gages mounted on two small
cantilever beams (Fig. 10). The wave elevation was measured by a 0.0016-in.
capacitance wire attached to a small carriage which could move on a 10-ft rail
as shown in Fig. 11. The change in capacitance of this wire as caused by
changes in water elevation was registered by a highly sensitive capacitance
bridge (Wayne Kerr B541) from which results were traced on an x-y recorder.
The X coordinate was used for the position of the carriage, and the y coordinate
was used for wave elevation. With this capacitance wire we were able to obtain
the wave profile to a good accuracy, about 0.03 in. for speeds up to 4.5 ft/sec.

Fig. 8 - Foil with supports

Submerged Two-Dimensional Bodies

n. OO
o "V" oo
aaosal oo

Fig. 9 - Instrumentation for measuring the horizontal

drag force and the free- surface elevation

Fig. 10 - Test section of a foil with strain gages


No records could be taken at speeds

higher than 6 ft/sec, however, due to an
air cavity formed behind the wire. At
speeds between 4.5 and 6 ft/sec the wire
did not give as good accuracy as desired,
so the wave heights were also checked

Wave profiles were recorded for five

submergences (b = 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25,
and 1.50 ft) and for nine speeds for each
submergence (u = 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, ..., 6.0
ft/sec). Every profile included in this re-
port was obtained from at least two runs
in order to check the results, and about
200 runs were performed.

The wave resistance was obtained

from the model test data in two ways: (a)
by subtracting the horizontal drag at 4.5-ft
submergence from the total horizontal
drag at the other submergences (assuming
no wave resistance at the 4.5-ft submer-
gence, that there is no interaction between
wave and viscous resistance, and that the
viscous drag is the same at a deep sub-
mergence as for a submergence where
waves are created), and (b) from the de-
Fig, 1 1 - Carriage and
rived equation
capacitance wire on a
10 -ft rail

where H is the actual measured trough-to-crest wave height, this equation being
correct to the third order in wave height.

The wave elevation curves for 1.2 5 -ft submergence are shown in Fig. 12.
Good correlation in wave height can be seen between the measured waves and
second-order theory for speeds up to 4.5 ft/sec. The figure shows, on the other
hand, some discrepancy between measured and theoretical wavelengths. We note
especially the excellent agreement at the lowest speed, where the difference in
elevation from first-order and second-order theory is extremely large. The
wave resistance curves plotted in Fig. 13 show exactly the same trend. We do
observe from these figures a poor agreement at speeds above 4.5 ft/sec, how-
ever. This is believed to be caused by the inaccurate mathematical representa-
tion of the body at higher speeds.

Presently the author is working on an extension of this problem, applying a

consistent second-order theory satisfying the cylinder -wall condition to the
same order of accuracy as the free-surface condition. The preliminary results

Submerged Two -Dimensional Bodies

u = 2 5 fl/ec



Fig. 12 - "Wave elevations for

1.25-ft submergence


4 5

SPEED U , ft/sec

Fig. 13 - Wave resistances

for 1.25-ft submergence

show that the rather large discrepancy at higher speeds between the theory pre-
sented here and the experiment is indeed due to the inaccurate body representa-

The wave resistance curve obtained from horizontal drag measurements

seems to be rather high at the lower speeds, which seems to indicate that the
viscous drag is not the same at 4.5-ft and 1.25-ft submergence but that it in-
creases as the body gets closer to the free surface. This is most likely due to
an increase in the velocity of the fluid particles next to the body as a result of
the free surface. Furthermore, this proves how extremely difficult it is to de-
termine the exact wave resistance from drag force measurements. The author,
therefore, strongly believes that we should not compare wave resistance curves
but rather wave profiles when checking the accuracy of theoretical work.

Figures 14 and 15 show the wave profiles and the wave resistance curves
for 1.50-ft submergence, and as expected the agreement is even better at this
larger submergence.

Submerged Two-Dimensional Bodies


Fig. 15 - Wave resistances

for 1.50-ft submergence

Another interesting result is that the waves start to break at submergences

smaller than 1.25 ft. This can clearly be seen from the wave profiles plotted in
Fig. 16 and from the pictures shown in Fig. 17, both for 1.0-ft submergence
(about three times the thickness of the body). Many theorist investigators have
assumed that submergences of this magnitude were large enough to apply small
disturbance theory. Tuck (4) used twice the thickness as his largest submer-
gence. This wave breaking, however, is such a highly nonlinear phenomenon
that no perturbation theory can predict its occurrence.

We note that for the 1.0-ft submergence the waves break for speeds between
about 2.5 and 5.5 ft/sec and that for lower speeds when the waves do not break,
the second-order theory agrees fairly well with measurements.

Figure 18 is included to show that at even smaller submergences (b = 0.75

ft)the waves break down completely, leaving no regular waves behind the body
but only some kind of a "hydraulic jump." This has previously been observed
by Laitone (9) and by Parkin, Perry, and Wu (10).

Submerged Two -Dimensional Bodies
Salve sen

(e) U = 4,92 FT/SEC (f) U = 5.00 FT/SEC

Fig. 17 - Breaking waves for 1.0-ft submergence

Submerged Two -Dimensional Bodies


/ ^ \



Fig. 18 - Breaking wave for 0.7 5 -ft

submergence and U = 3.50 ft/sec

Salve sen


This work clearly proves the importance of the effect of nonlinearity at the
free surface, and it shows how much better results can be achieved by the
second-order theory than by the linear theory. The speed range and submer-
gences are also indicated for which linear and for which second-order theory
may be applied.

The following conclusions can be drawn for free-surface flow past sub-
merged two-dimensional foil-shaped bodies:

1. The second-order theory gives very good results at moderate speeds

(u/Vgb <0.72) and submergences larger than 3-1/2 times the thickness of the

2. At very low speeds the second-order theory predicts wave heights sev-
eral times the size given by the linear theory. The agreement between experi-
ment and second-order theory is surprisingly good at these very low speeds.

3. For checking the accuracy of the theory a comparison between theoreti-

cal and measured wave profiles should be used rather than a comparison of wave
resistance data.

4. Due to the wave breaking phenomenon at smaller submergences, the

perturbation theory should not be used over the entire speed range if the sub-
mergence is smaller than three times the thickness of the body. The experi-
ments show that at a submergence three times the thickness of the body the
waves break in the speed range 0.45 < UA^ < 0.90; and at smaller submer-
gences the waves break in an even larger speed range.

5. Both the linear and the proposed second-order theory give rather poor
results at higher speeds (u/Vib > 0.72). This is believed to be due to the inac-
curate mathematical representation of the body at these speeds.

We should be careful in extending any of these conclusions to the three-

dimensional ship problem. It seems reasonable to conclude however, that non-
linear free -surface effects are most likely more important for surface ships
than previously believed.

Further research should be carried out in this area. Presently the author
is applying a consistent second-order theory which seems to predict the wave
resistance and the wave profiles very well also at higher speeds. In addition to
this work the two following problems deserve attention:

1. A thorough investigation should be made of the viscous effects on free-

surface flow past a cylinder by means of wake study and possibly also by apply-
ing boundary -layer suction control.

2. Work should be extended to include three-dimensional submerged bodies.

Submerged Two-Dimensional Bodies

From this extended research, we may be able to draw conclusions of great

importance to the surface-ship case.

The author would like to mention briefly some additional work completed
after the preparation of this paper. This additional work is included here in re-
sponse to the discussion following this paper.

It is shown in this paper that at the free-surface and in the far-field the
complex potential has the two following second-order terms:

2w the second-order free-surface term,

ewg , the second-order body correction term.

The author only included one of these second-order contributions, namely the
free-surface term e^wp The only justification for this was that Tuck (4) has

shown that for a circular cylinder this is the most important higher-order con-
tribution to the wave resistance. On the other hand, Giesing and Smith (5) have
developed a method which neglects the second-order free-surface term e^Wj,
but includes the second-order term from the body boundary condition ewg .

The author has applied the method by Giesing and Smith and combined it

with the method presented in this paper, resulting in an entirely consistent

second-order theory. The wave resistance computed from the consistent
second-order potential is shown in Fig. 19. Comparing Fig. 13 and Fig. 19 it is
seen that both second-order terms are important and that neither should be neg-
glected. It is especially interesting to note that at lower speeds (u/N/ib" < 0.65),
the main higher order contribution to the wave resistance comes from the free-
surface term; however, at higher speeds (u/\/ib" > 0.75) it is seen that the body-
correction term gives the essential contribution. This is an interesting result,
considering that in the case of the circular cylinder Tuck showed that the free-
surface contribution was the most important for the entire speed range.

The reason that the body -condition term is so important for the wing-shaped
body treated here is that in addition to the singularities introduced in closing
the body a circulation term must also be introduced such that the Kutta condition
is satisfied at the trailing edge. It can be shown that it is mainly this circula-
tion term which gives rise to the large higher order effect at higher speeds
(u/^iF > 0.75).

To Professor Finn C. Michelsen and Professor Chia-Shun Yih I express my
deep gratitude for their unending inspiration, encouragement, and guidance in

Salve sen

Submerged Two-Dime nsional Bodies

3. Bessho, M., "On the Wave Resistance Theory of a Submerged Body," The
Society of Naval Architects of Japan, 60th Anniversary Series, Vol. 2, 1957,
pp. 135-172

4. Tuck, E.O., "The Effect of Non-Linearity at the Free Surface of Flow Past
a Submerged Cylinder," J. Fluid Mech. 22:401-414 (1965)

5. Giesing, J. P., "Two-Dimensional Potential Flow About Bodies Moving Be-

neath a Free Surface and an Expansion for Large Submergence Depths,"
Douglas Aircraft Company Paper 4002, 1966

6. Wehausen, J.V., and Laitone, E.V., "Handbuch der Physik," Vol. 9, "Surface
Waves," Berlin rSpringer-Verlag, 1960
a. p. 489
b. p. 601

c. p. 458

7. Lamb, Sir Horace, "Hydrodynamics," sixth edition. New York:Dover, 1945,

sections 243 and 244

8. Havelock, T.H., "The Calculation of Wave Resistance," Proc. Roy. Soc.

A144:514-521 (1934)

9. Laitone, E.V., "Limiting Pressure on Hydrofoils at Small Submergence

Depth," Appl. Physics 25:623-626 (1954)

10. Parkin, B.R., Perry, B., and Wu, T.V., "Pressure Distribution on a Hydro-
foilNear the Water Surface," J. Appl. Physics 27:224-240 (1956)

11. Giesing, J. P., and Smith, A.M.O., "Potential Flow about Two-Dimensional
Hydrofoils," Douglas Aircraft Company Engineering Paper 3541, 1965

Appendix A

It was first shown by Stokes* that the velocity potential and the stream
function given by

$ = Ux - VBe sin i^x

I* = Uy - U/Ge^y cos i^x - C

*G. G. Stokes, "On the Theory of Oscillatory Waves," Trans. Cambridge Philo-
soph. Soc. 8:441-455 (1847).


is not only the linearized wave solution but also satisfies the free-surface con-
ditions correctly to the second order, for the case of infinite depth. Lord Ray-
leigh''' pointed out that this solution can also be shown to be correct to the third
order. In the present work, however, we will only be concerned with first-order
and second-order terms.

The equation of the wave profile (^ = o) follows from Eq. (Al) by successive

Tj - + /? e'^^ cos vx = + fS(l + vrj+ . . . ) cos vx

B^ + B cos z^x +
/S^ cos 2vx + ...

For convenience, let us set

c^ = - u/3^ (A3)

such that the wave profile becomes

7] - fi COS VX + vfi^ cos 2vx ... . (A4)

We note that Eq. (A4) coincides with the equation for a trochoidal wave to the
given order of accuracy.

The solution, Eq. (Al), with the wave profile, Eq. (A4), must, to be valid,
also satisfy the condition of constant pressure (p = 0) at the free surface. Ap-
plying the Bernoulli equation

^+ i Igrad <D|' + gy = Ci (A5)

we have that

^U^ (1- 2v/3e^y cos vx + v"^ fi'^ e'^'^y) + gy = Cj .


At points on the line

T7 = - 1//32 + ^e'"' cos vx

we therefore have

(g- 2^^ + ^u^

u2 .
- C. (A7)
vv\'')-n Ci .

*Lord Rayleigh, "On Waves," Philosoph. Mag., Series 5, 1:257-279 (1876).

Submerged Two-Dimensional Bodies

where only terms to the order /S^ have been included. Hence, the pressure is
constant (p = 0) on the free surface if

V - (A8)

Let us now investigate if it is possible to have a Stokes wave behind a sub-

merged two-dimensional body in a uniform stream. The two following condi-
tions must be satisfied.

1. The pressure at the horizontal plane y = -h ash-co must be the same far
upstream and far downstream.

2. Conservation of mass: The inflow through a section upstream must be

equal to the outflow through any section downstream.

The pressure at a depth y = -h far downstream is by the Bernoulli equation,

Eq. (A5),

- +
^ U^ (-2z./3e-^'' cos vk + v^ fi^ e' ^''^) - gh = ,

and therefore when h is very large

P = Pgh . (AlO)

Hence, to satisfy the pressure condition 1, we have that the undisturbed free
surface far upstream is given by y = 0.

The conservation of mass condition requires that


udy r I'xdy
[ (All)
lim ; = 1 im ;

h - CO

where the left side is

j Udy (A12)
h - 00

and the right side is

Salve sen

- h 1
lim r = lim T- (Ut7 - U/Se'^"' cos vx + Uh)
h h^co h

= lim U-^^U 1 1^/32

U. (A13)

Hence, condition 2 is also satisfied, and a Stokes wave is therefore a possi-

ble wave behind a two-dimensional body.

Having concluded this we may now obtain the wave resistance for any two-
dimensional body in terms of the Stokes wave far behind the body. The "exact"
formula for the wave resistance, as derived in Appendix B, is

where x^ denotes any vertical plane behind the body. Evaluating this expres-
sion far downstream, using the velocity potential, Eq. (Al) and the wave eleva-
tion, Eq. (A4), it is seen that the wave resistance correct to the third order in /3

R = jPg/32 + o(/?'). (A15)

Let us now compare the wave resistance, Eq. (A15), obtained by the second-
order Stokes wave to the resistance obtained by the linear theory. The linear-
ized velocity potential and wave elevation are

(D = Ux - Vae^y sin i/x (A16a)

Tj = a cos vx , (A16b)

where a is the linearized wave amplitude. The well-known wave resistance for
the linear theory is therefore

R=\pga'. (A17)

It is important here to distinguish between the linearized wave amplitude a

and the second-order Stokes wave amplitude /5, If these amplitudes are mis-
takenly set equal, we have by Eqs. (A15) and (A17) the incorrect conclusion that
the linear theory and the second-order Stokes wave both yield the same wave

In fact we have that

/S = a + 0(a2) , (A18)

Submerged Two-Dimensional Bodies

and in general the complete second-order problem must be solved in order to

obtain p> correct to the second order.

In other words, the Stokes wave theory gives us the form of the potential
(Eq. (Al)) and the shape of the wave (Eq. (A4)) correct to the second order; how-
ever, the magnitude of the wave elevation cannot be obtained without solving the
complete second-order problem.

A very useful result can be obtained from the theory of Stokes waves. By
the wave profile, Eq. (A4), it follows that

^ 2

where H is the wave height. Therefore the wave resistance, Eq. (A15), becomes

R=|pj4T^0(H^). (A19)
4 "^ V2

Applying this result to experimental work, we have that Eq. (A19) gives the wave
resistance from measured waves correct to the third order in wave height.

Appendix B



Consider a two-dimensional body in a uniform stream of velocity u, and let

us apply the momentum theorem to the fluid region bounded by the plane x = a
far ahead, another plane x= c behind the body, the bottom y = -h, the surface of
the body, and the free surface. The horizontal force on the body is then given by

R= r (P + pOx^) dy - r (p + P<1>^^) dy , (Bl)

x= a x= c

where $ = Ux + 0. Introducing the Bernoulli equation, Eq. (3), and the continuity

r $x dy = I'x dy , (B2)
we have that

R -y dy dy " (B3)
= pg
+ pg
y dy + ^ r {^^ - <^^)
^ f (^y'" "^x") ^V

Salve sen

And as a --oo it follows that the "exact" wave resistance formula under the as-
sumption of ideal fluid, irrotational flow, and negligible surface tension is

T)( C )

^x'(C'y) + ^y'c^-y) dy 4g^'(0- (B4)

41 +

We note that the plane x = c may be taken at any distance behind the body and
that V is the wave elevation measured relative to the undisturbed free surface
far ahead of the body.

This expression is "exact" and therefore when applied to a linear problem

will yield the wave resistance correct to the second order and when applied to a
potential correct to the second order will give the wave resistance correct to
the third order.

Sharma* shows that if the continuity condition, Eq. (B2), is not applied,
however, the wave resistance becomes

R -
y r (-0x' + -^y') dy + |- gT]^ + pV ^ U dy - pU
(U - J dy .
x = c x = a

He then introduces the linearized velocity potential and wave profile and gets
the "variable resistance paradox"

R - a^ + pga^ sin vx .

This paradox shows the kind of erroneous conclusions which follow from a
first-order theory if the equations are applied directly without a specific knowl-
edge of the order of magnitude of each term involved. Equation (B6) was ob-
tained using a linear theory; hence continuity is satisfied only to the first order.
Therefore any second-order terms resulting from the continuity condition have
no meaning and should have been disregarded by Sharma.

D. Sharma, "A Comparison of the Calculated and Measured Free-Wave Spec-


trum of an Inued in Steady Motion," in "International Senninar on Theoretical

Wave-Resistance," Vol. 1, University of Michigan, 1963, p. 255.

Submerged Two-Dimensional Bodies


J. p. Giesing
Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc.
Long Beach, California

This very good paper compares wave-resistance theory with an excellent

set of experimental data obtained by the author. The comparison is designed to
illustrate the importance of the higher order terms in the wave -resistance
theory. There are two types of higher order terms (higher than first order), as
pointed out by the author. One type is due to nonlinear free-surface effects, and
one type is due to the satisfaction of the boundary condition on the body surface
to higher than zeroth order. The author has included the second-order, non-
linear free-surface term but has omitted the second-order term related to the
body-surface boundary condition. This was done with the hope that the one
omitted would be small compared to the one retained. His experiment indicates
that, for the specific conditions considered, this is not the true case for speeds
greater than 5 ft/sec. As an aid in explaining a possible cause of this failure of
the theory, it may be helpful to inspect the terms in the wave-resistance expan-
sion, especially those that were omitted.

In the author's notation, wg q = 0, 1, 2, are the 0th, 1st, 2nd,

, , .
, . . .

order contributions to the complex potential due to the singularities on or within

the body, and wp , q = l, 2, are the 1st, 2nd,
. .
, order contributions to the . . .

potential due to the free -surface disturbance, A multipole expansion plus a

vortex may be used to represent Wg as

ir^^Un z + E D^,
q= 0, 1, 2,

where r(^) are all real but D^^^ are complex. In the vicinity of the body sur-
face the effects of the free surface may be expanded as a Taylor series as

= ^E n- 1
C^^^-". q=l, 2, ... ,

where the C^''^ are complex. With these definitions and the aid of the Blasius
theorem, it can be shown that the wave resistance of a symmetrical body at
zero incidence is

Salve sen

.{o 0(1)

) ( 1
+ Re Cn.in(n+1) 0(e)

+ Fe E(0

C,,,n(n+1) 0(62)

The terms enclosed within the rectangle are the second-order terms arising
from the boundary condition on the body surface. These terms are neglected by
the author.

A conclusion reached by Tuck* was that the second-order free -surface

correction term is more important than the second-order body-surface correc-
tion term. This conclusion was arrived at by assuming, in part, that the body
could not maintain circulation; i.e., r (^^ = o. With this assumption, Tuck's con-
clusion may be expressed as

Re E(0
) ( 2)
C^+in(n+ 1) > Re 2^ Dn
(1) ( 1


The body considered here by Salvesen cannot remain circulation-free, since it

has the shape of a hydrofoil. Therefore, in this case. Tuck's conclusion may
not be used. If the inequality given above is still valid, there may be justifica-
tion for neglecting the term on the right-hand side; however, the term
Re [ir^i) C^j^^] must still be considered. It may be that the omission of this
term causes the major part of the difference between the theory and the ex-
perimental data presented.

The term Re [ir^ ^^Cj^^] is just the wave resistance of the first-order cir-
culation. The zeroth-order circulation is zero, since the body is symmetrical
and at zero incidence. The first-order wave system causes a nonuniform flow
field that, in general, produces a first-order circulation, this circulation being
required to maintain the Kutta condition at the trailing edge.

A method developed by Giesing and Smitht is based on a theory that is

complementary, in terms of wave resistance, to the theory used by Salvesen.
Specifically, it retains the terms in the rectangle in the expression for the

*E. O. Tuck, "The Effect of Non-Linearity at the Free Surface of Flow Past a
Submerged Cylinder," J. Fluid Mech. 22:401-414 (1965).
ij. P. Giesing and A. M. O. Smith, "Potential Flow about Two-Dimensional Hy-
drofoils," Douglas Aircraft Company Engineering Paper 3541, 1965.

Submerged Two -Dimensional Bodies

second-order wave resistance and neglects the free-surface nonlinear term. It

would be of interest to see results obtained by applying this method to the shape
considered. An ideal situation, however, would result if this method were joined
to the method used in this paper, since the result would then be an entirely con-
sistent second-order theory.


E. O. Tuck
David Taylor Model Basin
Washington, D.C.

This isa most admirable piece of work, and is precisely the kind of more
realistic study I hoped would be prompted by my work on the admittedly aca-

demic case of a circular cylinder. It is unfortunate that in the version presented

the author has not carried the theory through to consistent second-order by sat-
isfying the body boundary condition to this order, but since he has remedied this
situation in more recent work, this objection is somewhat beside the point. It is
important to note that in my work I did not recommend that the free -surface
second-order effect be included while neglecting the less important body-
condition second-order effect; I found a factor of 3 or 4 between the former and
the latter for circular cylinders but do not consider this high enough to neglect
the latter. Indeed, from the author's Fig. 13, it is quite clear that the body-
induced second-order effect is vital for more streamlined bodies at higher
speeds, this being presumably a consequence of the Kutta condition, which gives
a second-order contribution at zero angle of attack.

I should comment onthe author's statements in his introduction about my

work. First, thesecond-order wave resistance for a circular cylinder does not
tend to infinity as the Froude number tends to zero; it tends to zero, but more
slowly than the linear resistance, so that the ratio between the two tends to in-
finity. Second, it is of course true that the computed results I presented are for
a circular cylinder too close to the free surface for the validity of a perturba-
tion series, and indeed I would expect gross nonlinearity including breaking
waves under these conditions. While one can easily make the series converge
by submerging the cylinder deeper and deeper, the relative order of magnitude
of the two second-order effects is unchanged. It was therefore convenient to
present for illustrative purposes a case where the second-order effects are
rather too large for convergence but which shows more clearly the relative
orders of magnitude. This argument applies with equal force to the present
work; thus. Fig. 16 is valuable in spite of the fact that breaking was observed to
occur at the intermediate speeds. The really remarkable feature of the present
work is that in some cases (e.g., the lowest speed in Fig. 12) where the second-
order wave effect is substantially greater than the first -order, the total never-
theless agrees well with the author's experiments.

Salve sen

Last, I should make it clear that my use of the word "true" corresponds to
the author's use of "exact," as defined by his footnote. That is, by the "true
wave resistance" of the circular cylinder is meant the x component of force on
the body in the "exact" potential flow of an inviscid fluid past it, irrespective of
whether this flow is a good representation of reality or not. For a circular
cylinder there is no question that this flow does not represent reality, but in the
present case of a streamlined body there is plenty of evidence to suggest that it
is a good approximation.

would seem from this fine paper that the mild warnings I gave at the end
of mypaper have been strengthened a little, and it is now clear that it was not
the bluffness of the circular cylinder that caused free-surface nonlinearity to be
so important. The question remains was it the two-dimensionality ? The
analogous results for three-dimensional bodies now become even more interest-
ing, and I understand some work is being done at Stevens Institute on a sub-
merged sphere. If the nonlinear effect persists for submerged three-dimensional
bodies, it can hardly be less important for nonsubmerged bodies.


F. C. Michelsen
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan

It has become increasingly evident that research on second-order wave

theories should be increased in magnitude and scope in an attempt to answer
some of the basic questions raised when applying the linearized first-order
theory to the study of wave resistance of ships. In the past the linear theory
has required a major part of our attention. Besides, we may be guilty of some
reluctance in tackling the second-order theory because of its complexity when
applied to three-dimensional ship shapes. Furthermore, one should demand
that basic theoretical results be verified experimentally, which in view of the
difficulties in defining the measured wave-resistance of ship models is not par-
ticularly encouraging to the researcher contemplating investigations of second-
order effects.

can be concluded that a much simpler model should be studied, and this
is exactly what the author has done. He selected a two-dimensional submerged
strut which was shaped in such a way that a flow separation as well as viscous
boundary layer would hopefully have a negligible influence on the results.

Because of close contact with the research described in this paper I find
myself at a handicap in the role as a critical reviewer. On the other hand, I do
not believe there is much I could have said anyway. Research objectives are
well formulated and only in one or two cases does the author express ideas

Submerged Two-Dimensional Bodies

which may be broadly construed as matters of opinion. Thus, there is very little
room for argument and I must restrict myself to comments of general nature.

First, I submit that the author has presented a remarkable paper. It is not
every day that one can study what may be referred to as a classical problem
and be able to supply information not already available. This is exactly what he
has been able to do, however. Theoretical findings which are here presented
for the first time are of the greatest significance for the basic understanding of
the physical and mathematical features of the second-order wave theories. This
is particularly true when viewed against the background of experimental data
which are here indispensable. One can only imagine the author's feeling of re-
lief when measured data verified the large differences predicted between first-
order and second-order theories. It is comforting indeed to observe the close
correlation between second-order theory and experiments, although this leads
to the nagging question of convergence of the perturbation expansion of the ve-
locity potential. The less satisfactory agreement between experiments and
theory in the higher speed range may be due to the fact that the sources and
sinks are not suitable representation for the strut. I ask the author if he could
comment on this.

It is stated in the paper that because the cylinder -wall condition is satisfied
only to the first order of approximation it can be argued that the second-order
theory presented here is not consistent. It is my opinion that for the depth of
submergence used by the author only higher than second-order resistance terms
will be influenced by the cylinder -wall conditions, provided the traced stream-
lines are made to form a closed body. This matter ought to be carefully inves-
tigated for at least one speed.

I have a slight objection to referring to Eq. (30) as a Stokes wave. Within

the order of approximation the author is, of course, free to add a term of the

vS ^ COS 2v(x - t)

and make it represent a higher order Stokes wave if it is preferable to do so.

To the order of approximation, however, it is not important whether the second-
order wave is a Stokes wave or not.

In closing I wish to point out that the apparatus designed by the author will
be used at the University of Michigan for further studies into some of the areas
of continued research outlined by him. This work is being sponsored by the
David Taylor Model Basin. I wish therefore to thank the author for his direct
contribution to the education of new talent so vital to our profession.



L. van Wijngaarden
Netherlands Ship Model Basin
Wageningen, The Netherlands

Dr. Salvesen has calculated the drag by calculation of the wave energy. An-
other method to calculate the wave resistance is with help of the pressure dis-
tribution around the submerged body. Looking at the contours as given in Fig. 7,
which shows open bodies, the question occurred to me whether there is also a
vertical force on the body and of which order of magnitude.


W. D. Kim
Davidson Laboratory
Stevens Institute of Technology
Hoboken, New Jersey

In line with Tuck's earlier endeavor, given as Ref 4, this paper points out

the nonlinearity effect from the free -surface condition which may partly be ac-
countable for the disagreement between the analytic and measured values of the
wave resistance of a body translating beneath the free surface. The author suc-
cessfully presented his contention through an extensive experiment in which the
addition of the nonlinear correction term clearly improves the prediction of the
wave profile.

In Tuck's procedure, at outset, all the lengths of the problem were made
dimensionless by dividing with a typical length u^/g, which is a ratio of the
forward speed squared to the gravitational acceleration. Then the solution is
expressed in an asymptotic series with respect to the square of the dimension
less radius

g -

a being the actual radius, as

Therefore, it is essential to keep the perturbation parameter a small in order

that the series should converge.

Submerged Two -Dimensional Bodies

It appears that for the problem of a symmetrical foil the author chose a new

s = -Ls

in terms of one-half the maximum foil thickness S = 0.187 ft. It follows then for
the lowest to the highest speeds tested, u = 2.5 to 5.5 ft/sec, the corresponding
values of the perturbation parameter s ranges from 0.92 to 0.20, while the
Froude numbers defined in a customary manner by use of the full chord length
correspond from 0.43 to 0.92.

In the asymptotic series given as Eq. (Dl), fg represents a uniform stream;

f 1 represents the image of the uniform flow within a circle and its reflection
with respect to the free surface; f 2 consists of the image of the first -order
free -surface disturbance within the circle, its reflection with respect to the
free surface, and the nonlinear correction term corresponding to the particular
solution of the inhomogeneous equation describing the second-order free-surface
condition, and so on.

To complete a true second-order solution of the problem, the author indi-

cated that missing parts of the solution in f 2 are now being sought by a process
similar to that employed by Giesing and Smith for the two-dimensional problem,
as cited in Giesing's discussion, by the preceding footnote. For the configura-
tion of a circle or a sphere, the disturbed kinematic condition due to the intro-
duction of the external singularities can readily be adjusted by invoking the
circle or sphere theorem. However, for a general geometry, the violation of
the kinematic condition can be arrested by the solution of the Neumann's exterior
problem via an integral equation in which the density of the surface-distributed
sources appears as the unknown, with the induced normal velocity due to the
external singularity being given over the surface of the body.

Application of Tuck's procedure to the three-dimensional problem of a

sphere, which is under progress at Davidson Laboratory, is found to be rather
complicated due to the appearance of the wave-angle integral in the analysis, in
which case the velocity potential can be expanded in an asymptotic series of the

here a being the perturbation parameter, the actual radius of the sphere a di-
vided by the typical length u^/g and where, for example, one finds the first-
order potential as

i f cos ^d^if^^ /i.^^r
^2^] (qi)^ucosd?d^+ 2j
, X
(q2)^u cos n
t? + 0(a^u2)
2;fJ 2
Tr -77 --rr/O

with u - y + i(x cos (9 + z sin 0),


^^^^ = ^^" 2
E,(2hsec ^) sec.

-2h sec^e .^^^2 z,n3
(qj) = e (sec'^^).* .

* *


Nils Salvesen

The author is grateful to the discussers for their contributions to this work.

Mr. Giesing, Dr. Tuck, and Professor Michelsen questioned the assumption
of omitting the second-order contributions related to the body-surface boundary
condition. These very important second-order contributions have recently been
investigated by the author, and the results have now been included in an adden-
dum to this paper.

It is interesting to note that Mr. Giesing predicted in his discussion the

importance of the circulation term as mentioned in the author's addendum.

Dr. van Wijngaarden raises the question of "whether there is also a vertical
force on the body and of which order of magnitude." For this symmetrical body
at zero incidence the first-order theory will predict no vertical force, while the
second-order theory clearly will give a vertical force due to the nonuniform
flow caused by the first-order wave system. In this work only the surface waves
and the wave resistance were investigated; however, the vertical force can
easily be determined from the consistent second-order potential.

In closing the author would like to express how pleased he was to hear that
Dr. Kim at the Davidson Laboratory is now applying Tuck's procedure to the
three-dimensional problem of a sphere and that at the University of Michigan
one of Professor Michelsen 's students is studying boundary layer effects for the
same two-dimensional body treated by the author.

W. P. A. Joosen
Netherlands Ship Model Basin
Wageningen, The Netherlands

An expression is derived for the drift force acting on a slender ship in
waves. The speed effect in the added resistance is taken into account
by using the frequency of encounter. Numerical calculations based on
a two-dinnensional strip theory are carried out for various ship forms
and the results are connpared with experimental data.


The problem of a ship heaving and pitching in the presence of incident

waves can be treated by a linear hydrodynamical theory. The forces acting on
the ship are purely harmonic and have a linear relation with the motion amplitude
or the wave height. Within the framework of the linear theory it is possible,
however, also to determine higher order steady forces in the horizontal plane
which are due to various nonlinear effects.

After the work of Havelock (1) and Hanaoka (2) the first complete analysis
of the drift forceswas obtained by Maruo (3). He derived expressions in terms
of the Kochin function. The drift force appeared to be composed of two effects:
the motion of the ship and the reflection of the waves. Maruo carried out cal-
culations for simple ship shapes.

The work of Maruo was extended by Newman (4), who included the determi-
nation of the vertical moment. He further obtained approximate expressions for
slender ships in waves of moderate or large lengths.

In the present paper a slender body approximation will be developed for

short waves. It is well known that in the theory of ship motions this procedure
leads to a two-dimensional strip theory, the resulting values being in good
agreement with the experimental data. It is expected that a strip theory will
give useful results for the drift force as well. Therefore Maruo's expression
will be expanded into an asymptotic series with respect to the slenderness
parameter, taking into account the first order term only.



First we shall consider a ship at zero forward speed in the presence of in-
cident plane progressive waves.

The fluid is supposed to be incompressible, irrotational, and inviscid;

therefore a potential theory can be applied. The x coordinate is taken in the
longitudinal direction of the ship, and the z coordinate is taken positive upward.
The x-y plane coincides with the position of the undisturbed free surface of the

The ship is supposed to be slender, i.e., the beam -to -length ratio e - B/L is
small. Moreover, the wave amplitude h and the amplitude of the ship motion a
are assumed to be small; consequently a linearized theory can be used. The
motion is assumed to be harmonic in time with frequency W27t The fluid ve- .

locity can be represented by the gradient of a velocity potential ^.

The following dimensionless quantities are introduced:

X = 2x/L ,
ey = 2y/L , ez = 2z/L , h = 2h/L , a = a/h ,

k = c^2B/2g , (D = gL/2w
h0 e"^'^* .

In this coordinate system the transverse coordinates are stretched in the ratio
e" * ; therefore the longitudinal and transverse dimensions of the ship are of the
same order of magnitude. The cross section curves c are given by the equation
y= f(x, z) sgny. The frequency parameter is assumed to be of order unity.

Let the incident wave be characterized by the potential function

4>Q - exp k (z + i cos /3 + iy sin /?

where ji is the angle of wave incidence relative to the x axis. Let (t>^ be the
disturbance potential due to the presence of the body. 4>^ must satisfy the La-
place equation, the free surface condition, the radiation condition, and a bound-
ary condition at the ship's hull. This last condition reads in the slender body

-rr - - -^ ikf ^
a (1 - f /)
av av

where v is the direction normal to the ship's hull S. Since the problem is
linear 4>^ can be split up in two other potential functions

01 = 0j + a0^ ,


3x/ 'bv

Added Resistance of Ships in Waves


at S. 4>d
is the diffraction potential due to the incident wave c^q, and 0^ is the
radiation potential due to the oscillatory motion of the body for the case of am-
plitude unity.

These functions can be determined by solving the boundary value problems.

We shall restrict ourselves to slender bodies and to frequencies for which k is
of order unity. It is well known that these restrictions lead to the results of the
two-dimensional strip theory (5).

The mean force and moment acting horizontally on the ship can be related
to the rate of change of linear momentum within the fluid domain bounded by the
ship's hull, the free surface, and a control surface at infinity. The result is de-
rived by Maruo (3) and Newman (4) and reads for the two force components

F^ = -j ^
(cos + cos /3) |H(0)|^de , (1)


F =-^
=-r-A (sin e + sin yS) |H(e)i'd^, (2)

where H(0) is the Kochin function

'-1 ''c ( X )

These expressions are still valid for bodies of arbitrary shape.

We shall apply this result to a slender ship for the case of k being of order

The first order term in the series expansion of Eq. (1) and Eq. (2) with re-
spect to e will be derived in the next section.

The expression for H(0) can be written as


H(0) dx a Gj(x, z, y) dz
-r, C(x)

-k f dx r G2(x,z,0)e^'^(''/')(^^^"^^^>dz ,

~'- 1 Jc ( X )


if^ + (i sin ^ -
]k(z+iy sin


^k(z +iy sin

(i sin/3-fJe'^(^'^y^^"^> + (i sin0-f,)0,e-^'^('''^)" s/3 (9)

The expressions for the force components become

dx dz r d^ dC g(5)d? Ja, e^"^'^)^"-^)"'
1 C( X )
J- 1 C( f ''0 t

6^^'''^^^^''"^^^''^^**'^'^^ 3*^^''^*^'^^''"^^''^^'^''^'^^
+ A + A

'^"^ ^ "^^ '^"^ '^-'

+ A e^^'''^^^'-^''"^)


g(9) = cos + cos /?

for the X component;

g(^) = sin 6 + sin /3

for the y component, and further

Ai(^,5) = GiGi , A2(^,5) = G2G2, A3(^,0) = G3G3, A^C^,^) = G4G4.

The bar means that the complex conjugate has to be taken.

Applying the method of stationary phase on the inner integrals of F (5,6) we

obtain the result

F^ = cos /?
'" Ai x.^U Ai X dz ,

'-1 1
-^c ( X )


Added Resistance of Ships in Waves

dx (1 - sin /3) Ai[x,^U (-1 + sin /S) Ai(x,


+ 2A2 (X, 77-/3) dz.

It can immediately be concluded that in this approximation the longitudinal

force component depends on the radiation potential (P^ only; in contrast with the
transverse component, which also depends on the diffraction potential cp^. It is
consistent with the theory developed here to use for 4>^ the values which can be
calculated with the two-dimensional strip theory.

In the next part of the paper we shall restrict ourselves to the longitudinal
force component, since this component is important for the computation of the
added resistance of a ship in waves.

After substitution of the various expressions the formula for F^ reads

cos /3
|P(x)| ^dx ,
8^2 J_ 1


-1 -'C( X)
ifz + (i-fz) ?
k( z+iy)^
^ d2

and a is the dimensionless amplitude of the ship motion at the point x . Let the
heave amplitude be given by ze^^' and the pitch angle amplitude by "^e^^^. In-
troducing the dimensionless quantities

z = z/h , 4' - ^0/277h

we obtain

a = z^ +
7t2 T
x'^ ^p + 5;
x z cos (e 1
- 3)

The expression for |P(x)| ^

can be reduced to a more simple form


The behaviour of 0^ ^t infinite distance of the two-dimensional body can be

written as

0^ = Ae'^^^'^'y')"^^ .

Applying Green's theorem in the y- z plane leads to


P(x) = i-e^ i


|P(x)|' = ^ k-

The final expression for f^ becomes then

F, .^f lal^ A2(k,x)dx, (4)

where A is related to the two-dimensional damping by

n = A^ ^ . (5)

The result obtained by Havelock is

1 OJ^
^^ "
T T^^o ^0 ^'" ^ + Pq^o sin y')

where B^ is the amplitude of the exciting force for heave, ^^ the amplitude of
the heave motion, and y the phase lag. Pq 0^, and y' are the same quantities

corresponding to the pitch motion. Using Havelock's uncoupled equations of

motion the result can also be written as

i4(N^^. N'^,^). (6)

2 g

where N and N' are the damping values. This expression is exactly the same
as Eq. (4) except for the coupling term of heave and pitch.

In order to obtain the added resistance of a ship moving in waves, it seems
necessary to derive a theory in which the forward speed effect is included.

Let us consider, however, the case of a slender, sharply pointed body which
oscillates in short waves, the frequency parameter k being of order unity. If
the body is moving forward at speed v, we have to assume the order of magni-
tude of the Froude number in regard to the slenderness parameter in order to
develop a correct asymptotic expansion with respect to e.

The speed V appears in the first order term of the velocity potential if we
assume the Froude number to be of order unity or the parameter "jV g to be
close to 0.25. When considering practical values, however, it seems reasonable
to suppose the Froude number to be of order v'^. From (5) we know that this

Added Resistance of Ships in Waves

assumption leads to a first order term in the potential which does not contain
forward speed effects. We may expect, therefore, that the expression for the
added resistance is also independent of the speed.

Therefore we shall apply the expression for the drift force at zero forward
speed to the problem of the moving body as well: ar= f,^. For the determina-
tion of the frequency parameter k, we shall use the frequency of encounter:

27Tg 1/2 277

V COS /3

Although not being consistent with the mathematical theory we shall apply this
procedure, since we know that it gives very reliable results in determining the
ship motions.


To determine the drift force and added resistance for an actual ship, a
computer program has been written based on Eq. (3). The values of the potential
4>^, the motion amplitudes, and the phase difference are calculated by a method
of Tasai (7) for a two-parameter family of cross sections.

Numerical results are obtained for a "Series 60" model (Cg = 0.65) in head
waves at zero forward speed. To compare the results with experimental data,
the model was tested in the sea-keeping laboratory of the Netherlands Ship
Model Basin. The results are plotted against the wavelength ratio \/L in Fig. 1.
The agreement between theory and experiment is satisfactory for wavelengths


Of the order of the ship length. For short waves, however, a rather serious
discrepancy occurs. This can be explained by a simple theoretical considera-

The expression for the longitudinal drift force depends on the radiation
potential only. It is proportional to the square of the motion amplitude. The
diffraction effect of the waves is of negligible order of magnitude. This is cor-
rect provided that the motion amplitude is of the same order of magnitude for
the whole frequency range. For short waves, however, the motion amplitudes
appear to be much smaller than in the case of larger wavelengths. Therefore it
is to be expected that for higher frequencies the diffraction effect becomes more
and more important in relation to the radiation effect. In the limiting case for
infinite small wavelength the added resistance is caused by the diffraction effect
only. To get an impression about the diffraction effect a correction term is
added to the theoretical curve in Fig. 1. For this correction term an expression
is taken for the drift force in very short waves, obtained by Havelock (8) de-
pending on the wave diffraction only:

2e- sin a dy ,

where a is the angle between the tangent of the water plane curve and the x axis.
The agreement between theoretical values and experimental data then becomes
much better.

As a second example the added resistance is calculated for a fast cargo

ship with a block coefficient Cg = 0.62, The values for Froude number F^ =
0.225 are represented in Fig. 2 together with the experimental results (9). Es-
pecially the peaks show an excellent agreement. It is plausible that the discrep-
ancy in the high frequency range is again due to the diffraction effect, while the
discrepancy in the low-frequency range can be explained by a failure of the
theory, since it is derived for rather high frequencies.

Finally, experimental data of Sibul (10) are compared with theoretical cal-
culations. For three "Series 60" models (Cg = 0.6, 0.7, 0.8) the results are
plotted in Fig. 3. The model with block coefficient 0.8 shows a remarkable
discrepancy. In Fig. 4 the peak values are represented as a function of the
Froude number.


The first-order term of the longitudinal component of the drift force is

proportional to the square of the motion amplitude. The diffraction effect is
found to be of negligible order. Except for a coupling term the expression ob-
tained is equivalent to the result of Havelock. From a calculatory point of view
the formula is more useful, since it is easier to calculate the damping coeffi-
cient than the phase difference between exciting force and ship motion.

Added Resistance of Ships in Waves

Fig, 2 - Added resistance for

a fast cargo ship with a block
coefficient Cg = 0.62 and a
Froude number F_ = 0.225

0.3 1.1



Fig. 4 - Peak resistance values

as a function of Froude nunnber

0.2 025 0.3

The theoretical result is in agreement with experimental data in the range

where the wavelength has the same order of magnitude as the ship length. For
shorter waves the diffraction effect is not negligible.

Ships which are moving forward at constant speed have a peak of added re-
sistance in the neighbourhood of A./L = l Using the frequency of encounter, the

theory gives very useful results in this range.

From the theoretical calculations it can be concluded that the added resist-
ance decreases with increasing block coefficient. This cannot be verified by the
available experimental data.

Further experiments are necessary to check the theory especially for

larger block coefficients.

1. Havelock, T.H., "The Drifting Force on a Ship Among Waves," Phil. Mag.
33 (1942)

2. Hanaoka, T., "Non Uniform Wave Resistance," J. Zosen Kiokai 94 (1954)

3. Maruo, H., "The Drift of a Body Floating on Waves," J. Ship Res. (1960)

4. Newman, J.N., "The Drift Force and Moment on Ships in Waves," David
Taylor Model Basin Report, 1965

5. Joosen, W.P.A., "Oscillating Slender Ships at Forward Speed," Thesis,

Delft, 1965

6. Jones, D.S., and Kline, M., "Asymptotic Expansion of Multiple Integrals

and the Method of Stationary Phase," J. Math. Phys. (1958)

7. Tasai, F., "On the Damping Force and Added Mass of Ships Heaving and
Pitching," J. Zosen Kiokai (1959)

Added Resistance of Ships in Waves

8. Havelock, T.H., "The Pressure of Water Waves upon a Fixed Obstacle,"

Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) Ser. A175 (1940)

9. Wahab, R., To be published in Jahrbuch des Schiffsbautechnischen Gessels-

haft, Hamburg, 1966

10. Sibul, O.J., "Ship Resistance in Uniform Waves," Institute of Engineering

Research, University of California, 1964


K. W. H. Eggers
Institut fur Schiffbauder Universitdt Hamburg
Hamburg, Germany

The ONR-NSF Symposium on Wave Resistance Theory held in Ann Arbor in

1963 made clear that current research is focused around (a) determination of
quantities from the wave pattern representative for wave resistance, (b) formal
and semiempirical corrections to the classical linearized theory, and (c) more
refined techniques for optimizing ship forms within linear theory. In the pres-
ent paper I shall report on work done since then which might provide material
to reinforce progress in any of these directions. The "piece de resistance" of
this contribution is the gradual evolution of a computer program which in a
rationalized way gives the basic information of flow and wave components due to
typical singularities (as discrete doublets, doublet struts, continuous parabolic
distributions on submerged lines, infinite and truncated vertical planes) all
within linearized approach. This information lends itself readily for application
to item (a). Any method proposed for determination of energy flow from char-
acteristics of the flow, in particular from the geometry of wave pattern, can be
tested for accuracy and for consistency on such a theoretical wave field avail-
able numerically before entering into expensive experimental work which pro-
vides in general too little reliable information on optimal choice of region where
to perform measurements. The overwhelming part of the methods proposed for
(a) is implicitly based on validity of certain asymptotic representations for the
wave pattern. Only numerical calculations can tell what distances are already
large enough, especially regarding decay of the so-called "local flow compo-
nents" in order that such representations may be applied.

For (b), the theories of wave resistance used nowadays are of second order,
based on linearized flow models. For calculation of wave resistance, only a
far-field component of this flow has to be known explicitly; for any consistent
approach to third-order resistance contributions, however, the knowledge of the
entire first-order flow is essential. Aside from some semiempirical approaches
to alternate formulations of linear theory, which we shall submit to some criti-
cal examination, and aside from an indirect approach as successfully carried
out by Kajitani recently, the tool for a systematic perturbation attack to the
higher order flow components has been provided by Wehausen (1-3) in a series
of papers starting with that read before this audience in 1956 up to his contri-
bution to the Ann Arbor conference. As, however, the step to formulate


resistance expressions was not performed, credit is generally given to Sisov (4)
for first dealing with these. We should, nevertheless, be aware that expressions
given by Sisov so far essentially contain divergent integrals due to the selection
of an improper radiation condition for Green's function of the pressure point. In
our present investigation, we will rederive some of Sisov 's results from a
Green's theorem approach essentially following Wehausen. We will, in particu-
lar, show some simplifications which make calculations straightforward once a
Fourier representation of first-order flow components is given. It will become
evident that integration over the undisturbed free surface has to be performed
only in a small domain where local flow is significant; third-order wave resist-
ance is, therefore, much more tractable to numerical evaluation than is appar-
ent from what was formulated by Sisov, provided we decide on an appropriate
definition of wave resistance.

We decided to deviate from Wehausen 's approach by some simplifications

regarding the actual flow boundaries. However, the resulting expressions found
for third-order resistance depend in a simple manner only on the ship's offsets
and on first-order velocity components. We, therefore, feel that these devia-
tions at least have not introduced artificial complications against results still to
be found from more refined analysis.

Regarding the third problem, i.e., ships of minimum resistance within low-
est order theory, our investigation should throw light on the question as to what
degree third-order contributions might counteract the tendencies predicted. At
the present stage, however, our calculations are limited to a two-parameter
class of hull forms having parabolic waterlines. This is mainly due to the fact
that we preferred analytical evaluation of integrals over the geometry of the
ship. An extension of our program for local flow, to include contributions from
empirical surface elements is feasible, but loss of closed integration would
probably increase time for computation and weaken control of accuracy. More-
over, the necessary degree of hull subdivision will in general depend on the
Froude number and is not known beforehand. Even for analytical ship forms,
the development of formal expressions for closed integration cannot be done by
the computer and provides many opportunities for errors in evaluation of singu-
lar regions of integrands for local flow.


We shall essentially follow the approach of Wehausen (3), but modify it for
flow in a tank of rectangular cross section. This will simplify the formulation
of radiation conditions for the flow and allows the use of a Green's function in a
Fourier series representation regarding the coordinate y chosen in the direc-
tion perpendicular to the vertical tank walls. The ship's motion is in the +x
direction with speed c the z coordinate is taken vertically upward to conform

with earlier work (6). As far as possible we otherwise use notation consistent
with Ref. 3. However, the direction of normal vectors is reversed resulting
from our definition of Green's function with an opposite sign. Extension of the
results to unrestricted water is straightforward.

Ship Waves and Wave Resistance ^

Derivation of the Second-Order Potential

We introduce the dimensionless coordinates X = 2x/L, Y = 2y/L, and Z = 2z/L,

where L is the ship's length. The velocity potential is nondimensionalized as
= 20/Lc. As speed parameter we use y^ = gL/2c2.

Let Y= eF(X,Z) be the dimensionless representation of the hull geometry,

where B is the ship's breadth, e - b/l will serve as a perturbation parameter
and is considered as a small quantity. Let X = X3 and X = x^ be the equations of
two vertical control planes S^ and S^ ahead of and behind the ship (Fig. 1). Let
Sj, stand for the tank bottom plane Z = - H Let Y = T be the equations of the

vertical tank walls s^ and Sg, where T = b/L and b = tank width. Let s^ stand
for the free surface Z = UX,Y) for x^ < x < X3 and T < Y < T, and let s/' stand
for the undisturbed free surface z = with the water-plane area of the ship ex-
cluded. Let S^ stand for the wetted surface of the ship, and let S^ stand for
the part of the surface up to Z= 0. Let D stand for the domain of the complete
flow, bounded by s^, Sj, s^ s^, s^ ,s^ and s^, and let D describe the corre-

sponding domain if S^ and S^ are replaced by 5^ and Sj' Let 0^ ^^ stand for .

the Michell type first approximation to the exact potential 0. Let P stand for a
point in D or D with coordinates X, Y, and Z, and let P' represent a point on a
boundary surface with coordinates ^, 77, and ^. Let G(P,P' ) stand for the po-
tential of a source of output ^-n as defined in the appendix.

The functions 0, 0^ '^ and G of the variables X, Y, and z are subject to


the following set of conditions:

A. Laplace equation: A0 = in D, A0( ^) = in D and AG = 4r7S(P - p' ) in D ,

where A stands for SVSX^+ h'^/hY'^^ sVSZ^ and S means the Dirac delta function,
which is zero if P is unequal P' (Condition A implies that G becomes singular

at - l/|P-P'| .)

B. On s9 we have (linearized free surface condition):

( 1)
"Xo^ -Xn G, + Gxx = 0.

X-X, Y-0 Y-T

Z-(X,Y)on S,
Y-fF(X,Z) on S^

Fig. 1 - Nomenclature


For the exact potential i//, no such condition holds. But we define a function

7o02 + ^xx = S(X,Y) .

C. On S( and s^ we have 0y= 0? ^y^^ " ^' ^"^^ ^y = ^

D. On Sj^ we have ^z = 0, sA^^^ = 0, and G^ = 0.

E. On S^ we have 4j^- eFy^/^/e^^[T7WJTT, where stands for rj positive

or negative and the index n stands for derivation in normal direction out of the
fluid's domain D. On S * the projection of s^ on the plane Y= 0, we have

'l^Y^^- eFx for the first-order potential.

F. For fixed P' we have

G = 0( 1 ) as X - -00 ;
G = 0(X" ^ ) as X - +C0 ,

Gx = 0( 1 ) as X -> -co ; G^ = 0(X- ^ ) as X -> +co .

Application of Green's theorem shows that // '' and can be defined sub- Z-

ject to thesame modes of asymptotic decay, provided the quantity H^.Y) will
then turn out to be well behaved. The symmetry of functions 'P and 0^ '^ with
regard to the lateral coordinate Y will be taken for granted by the symmetry of
the ship sections and the tank profile.

We should bear in mind that (3) for the function P existence as a harmonic
function is if at all guaranteed only in domain D but not necessarily in D.
However, low-order approximations have been derived (3) which are found to
exist in the whole interior of D For the moment we seek terms up to second

degree only; we shall in the following formulate the problem for the domain D
with boundaries known a priori in favor of a less intricate analysis, and derive
approximate solutions to this auxiliary problem by perturbation techniques.
Then, for point P within D we may apply Green's theorem to functions p and G

to find a representation of 4j(P) as

- 0(P') G(P,P') (1)

0(P) = 4;; [^n,(P') G(P,P') dS' ,

where the closed boundary S' is composed of s , 5^ , s^ , s^, S^ s^, and S^

and the subscript n stands for normal derivative outward in P' space.

From conditions C and D we may conclude that the contributions of S^, S^.,

and S^ can be omitted on the right-hand side.

The integral over s/*, where the normal derivative is in z direction, may
be transformed by integration regarding ^ and use of B:

Ship Waves and Wave Resistance

^ = x.

(^zG- 0G^) dS (^x^" 0G^)
^^ It f = x.

K^.OGdS (^xG-^G^)d77 ,
^^-Xo J,

where the line integral around the ship's load waterline Lp has to be understood
in counterclockwise sense when viewed from above (compare Eq. (19) of Ref. 3).

line integral has been thoroughly investigated by Yim (5). We shall

find, however, that it is pertinent to merge it with a similar term from the
wetted surface s^ If now we assume the functions
, and uniformly bounded /; i/^j^

for X < Xp, then, due to the finite size of s^ with conditions F, we may infer that
the contribution of s^ becomes insignificant as we let x^ tend to -00. Similarly,
if and ^^ ^^^^^ to zero as X->oo, then, due to boundedness of g and g^, the
contribution of S^ may be neglected with x^ becoming large. But the contribu-
tions of Sg and S^, must be independent of position x^ and X^ inasmuch as the
contribution of the defect 6(X,Y) may be neglected. Considering higher order
terms, however, we will see that independence from x^ cannot be assumed in

For the first integral in Eq. (2) over the wetted surface s^ we shall make ,

the assumption that condition E for holds even for parts of the hull not included

in S^ up to the undisturbed free surface, so that we may substitute

0^ dS = eF^/y/e- F^ + e'F^' ^ 1 dS, (3)

and observe that

ds^ = ./I^VJTT^VIVI ds^' (4)

For the second integral over s^ we substitute the actual components of the
normal vector to obtain (compare Eq. (18) of Ref. 3)

(-Fx, 1, -Fz)M + e^Fx' +e2F

and thereby have

^47T f
0G dS'
4t7 JJ
>A k, eF(f,0. ^ 6Fx(G^ + G")

+ eFz(G^ + G-) - G; + G; d^d^ (5)


where stands for 17 positive or negative. By partial integration regarding f

and i , observing the Laplace equation for G as stated in A and making use of
the fact that F = at the integration limits if C < , we then have

ir I ^^ndS' --^ \\ F(^,o[0x(G^G-) + 0z(Gj + G-^) d^d^

^j F(^,0^(GYY
+ G;Y)d^d^ +^ |J0(G;-G;)d^dC

-^ f
0F(^,O) (gJ + G") d^. (6)

We can now transform the line integral, obtained previously, as

-^ J (^xG-G^0)d7^ = -
^ r Lj^(G* + G-) -0(GJ + G-)] Fx(^,0) df

/^(^' V^Xx(G' + G-) - 0(G^^+G^^) d^ (7)

and then combine all components, observing B for G, as

= -
^ II F(^,0(G^ + G^)d^d^ +
4^ 11
S(^,77)Gd^ dv

J_ ^
F(^,O)0xx(G*+G-) d^ -
^ I"
F(^,0 >Ax(G^ + G^) + 02(G^+G^) d^dTj

^x(^,V,0)G -4^(^,V,0)G^
+ >Axx(^-^'OG- 0x(^'-^.OG^ da d77

f = x.

^^[^[f. eF(^,0- ^ (G;-eFG;^) - (G;+eFG;^)] d^d^ .


Ifwe here neglect the contributions of S^ and S^, the remaining expression,
proper behavior of &(X,Y) assumed, really makes this omission legitimate due
to the properties stated under F for the function G.

Ship Waves and Wave Resistance

So far, we have
not used any considerations regarding the smallness of
e = B/L. We
should note that G is defined even for 17 = 0, i.e., for P' within the
ship's hull, and is well behaved there, if P is not too close to P' By develop- .

ment in a Taylor series regarding eF we therefore may infer that

G; = -eFC;^ + 0(e2) (9a)

G; = +eFG;^ + 0(e2), (Qb)

which shows that the factor of ^ in the last integral is small at least of order
e 2 In general we have

+ GI = G^(^,0,O + 0(e2) (10a)

G^ + G^ = G^(^,0,O + 0(e2) . (10b)

If we now assume an expansion

cp = ecp^'^ + e2cp(2) + 0(e3) ,


S = eS(') + e2S(2) +0(e') ,


inserting into Green's formula and collecting terms of equal order in e, we find
that ^'^^ is just the expression from Michell's theory with ( = o and no con-

tributions from Sg and S^.

For examination of ^^ 2) ^g must go into the nature of < 2)(x, Y). From
Ref. 2, page 464, Eq. (10.12), we find with p = const, and replacing 3/a^ by -B/^x
and -g by y^ for our nondimensional representation.

y,4'> . ^i^' = 5<^.(X,V) = [grad ^^"^'^^ 4"[ro4" * tf], (12)

(It should be observed that only the local component of ^^ ^> contributes to the
expression brackets in the second term due to structure of G see the appen-
dix.) Sisov's expression corresponding to Eq. (12) is incorrect.

the decay of G and its derivatives as 0(X-^) for x- +oo, causing the
same mode of decay for ^^ ^ it may be seen that s(^'>
^ , = 0(X' 2) for x - +co, and

this means that 2)

-//^ = o(X- ') ahead of the ship and that the contribution of s^ to

the Green's formula expression may be neglected. If now we can assume that
the potential


and its x derivative are uniformly bounded for x < x^ and to prove this for not
too peculiar ^^ ^^ should be possible with moderate effort then we may drop
the contribution of S^ as well as x^ tending to infinity and may finally write
0(2), ^(2), ^(2)^

<2)(X,Y,Z) = _2 F(^.0 ^x'^^-^F.O G^(^,0,O + ^z'\^,eF,0 G^(^,0,O dfd^

^1 4^11

F(^,0) G(f,0,0) d^ (13)

4^Xo 1,


( 2)
02 '(X,Y,Z) .(2)(^,^) Gd^ dr;.
4777o (14)

The second-order potential is thus produced by:

1. A distribution of doublets with moments corresponding to the deviation

of the local first-order flow relative to the ship from a uniform parallel flow
(giving rise to the Michell distribution) times the local volume of the ship.

2. A distribution of sources over the plane z= whose density is essentially

the time derivative in an inertial system of dynamic pressure (save a contribu-
tion of the local flow components in the vicinity of the ship).

3. A line distribution of sources around the ship's load water line of output
corresponding to the local breadth times the wave slope in the X direction along
the ship's contour according to linear theory.

One should observe that the potential appears only in derivative form. On
the other hand, no differentiability of the hull surface function F is required to
make the expression for 0' ^' meaningful.

For numerical evaluation, the following approximations are made: (a) cal-
culating the potential from a distribution &(X,Y) extending over the entire undis-
turbed free surface Z = including the waterplane area, and (b) inserting the
flow components calculated for the plane v= rather than on the hull surface.
Both these steps require continuation of the flow potential and some of its de-
rivatives into the domain occupied by the ship. This is achieved by extension of
the corresponding Fourier series in v- Insofar as these series would not con-
verge for 77 = in the usual sense (for example, the series for ^y) we treat them
as generalized functions. The second term of 5(X,Y) in Eq. (12) will in general
become singular at bow and stern; however, for a symmetric hull we will find
that it can be left out for calculation of wave resistance.

The error involved with these modifications will in general be of higher

order in e than the terms to be determined; nevertheless, it should be checked
for components not uniformly bounded in the extended domain. It should be

Ship Waves and Wave Resistance

noted that Eq. (13) for A^j^^ can be retransformed by partial integration in f and
C to a representation by a source distribution over s*, eliminating the line in-
tegral, so that

^ ^{Wx']^ [f4'1 '^"'"^ '''^''- ^^^^
We should observe that the source density corresponds to the change of internal
flow with coordinate rather than to the normal velocity.

Equation (15) may be compared with Eq. (43) of Ref. 3, in which the influ-
ence of trim and sinkage is included. We see that all line integrals presented
there can be eliminated under validity of our assumptions.

Determination of Wave Resistance

Having thus selected a model for the approximation of the flow, there is a
decision to be made for definition of wave resistance to the corresponding de-
gree of approximation. Three different approaches may be considered: (a) in-
tegrate pressure components over the wetted part of the hull bounded by the
calculated wave profile, retaining only terms up to third order, (b) start with
expressions for the energy flow through a vertical plane behind the ship, as
given in Eq. (8.6), page 460 of Ref. 2, and evaluate these for approximate flow,
using the wave contour from this approximate flow, or (c) consider the approxi-
mate second-order flow to be physically real in the domain D, that is, consider
a closed surface, part of which is the wetted hull, and from the fact that mo-
mentum in the enclosed volume D should not change with time, infer that action
of pressure on the hull can be expressed through flow of generalized momentum
across the rest of the surface.

It can be shown easily that for the linearized flow model one and the same

expression for the resistance can be derived by either approach (see however
the objections raised by Sharma (9)). Up to third order, however, (a) and (c)
should only give equivalent expressions R^ and R^, if the boundary condition on
the hull is already met exactly by the approximate flow, as otherwise we may
have substantial flux of momentum into the ship's interior. The formula for (b)
was derived under assumption of a free surface under constant pressure and
composed of streamlines. For a second-order flow, it is unrealistic to maintain
this assumption. We should therefore expect that resistance R^, calculated by
this formula applied to the approximate flow, could, even in a nonmonotonic way
depend on the location x^ of the vertical control plane where data are taken.

But R^, derived by approach (c), should be independent of choice of domain

D. We
shall select D= D, the domain bounded above by the undisturbed free
surface as described before. Due to conservation of momentum we have for
surface integrals enclosing any domain D of the flow (compare Refs. 2 and 7)

P A(v v)/2n - (v n)v} ds = , (16)


where v is the flow vector in any system of reference either at rest or in uni-
form translatory motion and n is the unit normal vector directed outward. If
we now select

and define fi^ as the X component of

ff = /o [(V n)v - (v . v)/2n] dS , (17)


where integration has to be performed over s^ the hull surface up to z= 0, ,

then we have from Eq. (15), returning to nondimensional quantities, with e^ as

the unit vector in the X direction.

V/JJ02 ^^^'n - ^'^^^
pc2(L/2)2yg 1 7o '/'xS^Y

.s ^x'^7 ^^^'n + 7, IJ-JJ dr]di (18)

Reference to conditions C and D shows that the surface S^, s^ and Sj^ may be ,

left out. The integral over s may be transformed to line integrals along the
boundaries and an integral containing the function &(X,Y) in a similar way as
was done for the potential given by Eq. (2). The contribution from S^, including
the line integral from 5^ tends to zero as x^ ^oo due to F. Thus, we are left


V'x' [^.eF(^,0),0) dr,

K^^V) ^xi^'V^O) d^dr,
-i -I

2 2 ^^ dr]
+ ^0 ,


where the line integral over the load waterline Lp is again in counterclockwise
direction when viewed from above.

There is no reason to assume that the contribution from s , though

bounded in magnitude, should tend to a definite limit as x^ ^-a, nor can we pos-
tulate this for the contribution of the region X= x^. It is only by some property
of the Green's function G involved that we shall be able to evaluate the contribu-
tion of S(X,Y) to the resistance by an integration on Sf in the vicinity of the
ship only. We shall now look for a relation between the quantities defined as R^
and fig. To achieve this, we add an expression to the integrand of Eq. (17)
which has no component in the direction of e^.. We set

Ship Waves and Wave Resistance

c = e

Therefore, with
+ lP




X c

dsy =

assumed even
R^ + p
N (v

for the first-order flow,

c)n - (c n)v dS (20)

P(ei n) (c v) - (v v)/2 dS (21)


But this is just fig, the resistance defined from pressure integration over the
hull,because the nonstatic pressure is /o[(v c) - (v v)/2] and we thus have

from the contribution of S,.?

R^ + P J (Px [(c n) - (v . n)] dS .


To R^ as defined above we now add an appropriate correction for the influence

of the wave profile along the water line, as only the wetted part of the hull can
experience pressure from the fluid, and then define the quantity obtained as
"third-order wave resistance." Up to second order, pressure is atmospheric
pressure plus hydrostatic pressure due to the wave elevation ^. Integrating the
last quantity over dZdY, the projection of the surface element on the plane ver-
tical to X axis, we find a correction as

AR = pg ^ (Z- O dZd77 = pg j.
dv .

Now the perturbation procedure gives the first-order wave elevation (2) as

^t^X. i.e.,^=^0i^\x,Y,O).

and adding this in nondimensional form to Eq. (19), we see that this correction
just cancels the line integral around Lp, which we therefore can happily discard

A further simplification will be made by extending the integration of s over

the whole plane (,= 0, -T < rj < t and ^ < X^, which means an error of order

e"*, as the water plane area is of order e Inserting now ^ = ei/'^ *^ + e V^ ^\ .

= e 2s ( 2)and R = e 2r( 2 + e 3r( 3 ) we have


./,(!)' + 0O)^2 ,(In2

_ ,,,(1)
{(2) = r dL drj (25)

andR^^^ = R^i^^ + rI,^^ (corresponding to the partition ^^^= i/;^!^^ +i//^^^), with


,( 3 C \ I ,<')/( 2 ) ^ r [,(!),( 2) ^
,( 1) ,(2) (1) (2)
dC dT? (26)
^ 4^2 ^1^ - ^X '/'l^


S^'^C^.^) 4*^ d^d77
^0 It Jx^

,( 1) ,(2) ( 1) (2) 1) 2)
^X ^^2^ + ^Z "^'22 - ^X
( (

^2^ da d77 (27)

Resistance Due to Additional Singularities Within the Hull

Let us now, only to save labor in writing down formulas, assume that the
depth of the tank is large enough that we may put H= . If 0( i) can at X= X^ be
represented by a system of free waves (we omit terms nonsymmetric in Y for
reasons of simplicity) as

^5c'^^"'= ^ [a^'^ ^^(W.7oX) + Bi'^sin(W^7oX) 6^'^''^ cos (U^ y^ Y) . (28)

where AU = 77/(7oT) and U^ = vAU = sec ^^^ sin 0^, M^ = l + 4U^^ K^= (l + M^)/2= sec 2^^,
*v = Vk7 = sec^^, A^^^ = Ail\ and B^^) - B^;^) (where e^ stands for the angle of
wave propagation against the X axis), then (6) we can evaluate the integrals in
closed form as


( 2) 2 - COS'
R = T A + B Xn (29)

(This formula reflects the fact that the resistance is essentially equal to the av-
erage energy in the wave components times the difference between the ship's
speed c and the x component of the group-velocity, divided by c.)

K ,(
has a corresponding far -field representation

( 2)free KrnZ
*x 7] aJ'^ cos (W^7oX) + b['^ sin (W^y^X) COS (U^7oY) .

then R*^ as interference between both systems can be written down directly as

( 2) .( 1) _(2) ( 1)'
R<,'>=Tf'(2-cos^fi,)(A',;'A: + B, B. (31)

Ship Waves and Wave Resistance

For evaluation of Eqs. (29) and (31) we have to keep in mind that for v- the
Green's function G has a representation for ^ >> X as a system of free waves


K^^o(Z+0 (32)
^x - /_, gv COS W.7o(X-^) cos (U^7oY)
V =- CO

with g^ - g_^ = -87tk^7o/(M^T) (see the appendix) and that we have







Air=i^jj^(^.o 0x'^W^7o sin (W^7o^) + ^z'^K^y cos (W^7o^) d^d^

( 1)
F(^,0) ^xx sin (W^7o^) d^, (37)
2^7o J_^


4'^Wv^o cs (W^7o^) - ^z'^K^7o sin (W^7o^) d^d^

^^ r F(^,0) V'xi^ cos (W^7o^) d^ (38)


The above expressions can in general be evaluated in closed form for mathemat-
icalelementary hulls, save the contributions of the local flow ^A^ '^ to the inte-
grands, where however the v integration may be interchanged with closed-form
^,C integration.

Resistance Due to Additional Singularities at the

Undisturbed Free Surface

Consider a strip of width d^ extending from 77= -T to 77= T at ( = with or-

dinate X = ^. Assume that a Fourier expansion for (^,17) holds as

^^'\i,V) cos (U,7o^)- (39)


Y^ K(^)

If Xg ^ , this strip will contribute to


(2 ) r S free
d0 =
Gx (^,7j.0,X,Y,Z) dT7d^ (40)



free y(^'^
W,7o(X-^) COS (U,7oY) cos (U^ro77) (41)

(+ terms odd in r] not needed here), where

g, = g.^ = 477K, 7o'/^'vT (42)

(compare Eq. (Al) in the appendix). We then have

d02^^ = - 2T 2^ (S.KyM,T) e"-'^ [cos (W^7^) cos (W,7oX)

+ sin (W^ro^) sin (W^7oX)] cos (U^7oY) d^ (43)

K now for ^\^^ as well, only free waves are significant at X= X^, i.e., if we have

4'' =
4'^'^'^ = COS (W.7oX) +
sin (W,7oX)l e''- " cos (U,7oY)
2Z k''
V=- 00 L
Bi'^ ,

( 2 ( 3
then di/^j will make up a contribution to Rj as

Ship Waves and Wave Resistance

(3) K
dR -T 2] S,(2-cos2^J^ A^^ cos (W^7o^) - R^'^ sin (W^7o<f) d^. (45)

But from Eq. (28) we may derive that

KyM^ = Ky ( 2K, - 1 ) = 1/(2- cos ^ ^^ ) (46)



dR - 2T kl'^ cos(W^7o^) + B^'^ sin (Vl^y,^)

( 1 ) free
This is not yet the whole contribution of the strip to Rj(3) ,
however; from Eq
(27) we have to add

dR ^\^<V) 4^x\^'V,0) d77d^. (48)

This leads to the simple result

J- 00 J- T

-y (1) ( l)free

The potential ^ would correspond to the solution of the first-order boundary

value problem if we had postulated waves traveling ahead of the ship instead of
behind the ship. For a ship symmetrical to the midship section we may insert
0(X) = ^(i)(-X).

The above integral, Eq. (49), will have significant contributions to resist-
ance only from the vicinity of the ship, as & has strong decay ahead and the
factor 0x shows a decay aft. The overwhelming contribution should therefore
come from the rhombe-shaped region bounded by a Kelvin angle drawn from the
bow and an opposite angle from the stern.

The expression for Rj^^ could have been derived directly as the Lagally
force of the wave field due to the surface disturbance 8(^,^) acting on the sin-
gularities creating the first-order flow field of the ship. It would, therefore,
have been found by Sisov under use of the proper radiation condition. For the
case of a nonsubmerged body, we felt that formal application of Lagally 's law
even for higher order contributions deserved caution. Inserting Eq. (13) we have



In particular for a symmetrical hull, where Tq^z*^ ^'/'xx^ ^^ ^^ ^^<^ ^x'^'^x i^

even, we have

-T ^00
( 3)
[grad0^*^] 0x^\-X) dXdY = - [grad^^^)] ^jcx^"^)^^^
J-J J-O) J- J J- CD

= 7" [grad 0^')] 4'^-X)dXdY.

J-T J-co

K now for a symmetrical hull we have

4'\X,Y,0) a^(X) cos (U^7oY) with a^ a.^ (53a)

2^ ,


0y'\x,Y,O) = /3^(X) sin (U,7oY) with = (53b)

V=- CD
. /3^ /3_^ ,



4'\x,Y,0) =
2^ 7^(X) cos (U,7oY) with y^ = y_^ ,
V=- CO

where according to Eqs. (33) and (Al) the coefficients a^ , /3^, and y^ depend on
hull geometry given by Y= eF(X,Z) through the relations

a^ = BHyBX , /3^ = V^y^H^ , \ = SHyBZ . (54)

with the function H^(X,Y,Z) given by

H^(X,Y,Z) = -^ ^^
[sign(X-^)- 1] e'^'^^'o^ F(^, O cos [W^7o(X-f)] d^dC

sign(X-^) F(^,Oe""'' '^' V cos (\yA)


-0* -'v=o

U dV
- U^ sin (V7oO d^d^ (55)
J U'* +

and u^, M^, w^, K^, and u as given by Eq. (A4b); then we can express

Ship Waves and Wave Resistance

R</>- P<^>.,
fij .W...3..-


/*C0 00 03

%(X) ap^(X) - /3 (X) /3^(X) + 7 (X) 7^(X)

'-00 u = -oo X = -oo L

a^(X) a^(X) + ^^(X) /3^(X) + 7^(X) y^(X) 7,^.x,(-X) dX (56)

due to the Fourier orthogonality relations for y integration, where the X inte-
gral may be truncated soon after x exceeds 1 in absolute value.

The above formula can easily be extended to the case of infinite tank width
as T->oo; however, for practical evaluation it is recommended to consider T as
inverse of spacing in integration by trapezoidal rule and let T be just large
enough, dependent on X, that for <f = X the actual wave pattern is well within
|y| < t, i.e., that no tank effect can be felt.

For actual calculations we have to reintroduce dimensions; we have

y^R'-^^ = (B/L)Vc^(L/2)2 R(3) = pc^B^/(4L)R<' ^' (57a)


y^R^^^ = (B/L)Vc^(L/2)2 R(2) = pc2bV4R(2) (57b)

(compare Eqs. (18), (25), (26), and (27)), where fl^^^ and fl^^^ are the actual
third-order and second-order resistance components.

For most of the computations done so far, at the present stage the author's
caution predominates over the temptation to have them presented prematurely.
From the field of wave pattern analysis, however, two typical examples shall be

For a ship with parabolic waterlines and a draft/length ratio equal to 1/20,
in Fig. 2 we have plotted our calculations for

Rxy(X,Y) J_ X J- " J-as

R(2) R(2) 7(B/L)2

It has been shown by Ward (14) that this quantity, measured by him as an inte-
gral over the product of X force and Y force experienced by a vertical cylinder
placed at distance y from the ship's path, is representative for the portion of
the total wave resistance R^ ^^ which is manifested in the energy transport of

Fig. 2 - Portion of resistance obtainable from cylinder
force measurements by Ward's X-Y method: ship with
parabolic waterlines, draft/length = 1/ZO, 7o - ^^ ^""^
10. The curve with the percentages
J. o labeled is
that of the wave resistance from the various cuts i - rj
truncated at X = 10.

Ship Waves and Wave Resistance

waves passing through the plane 77= y between c= -X and - - X, Roughly speak-
ing, the diagram shows that at least a record of five times the ship's length
within the Kelvin pattern is necessary to attain 80 percent of the resistance.
Our calculation showed that omission of the local wave components did not sig-
nificantly change the result even for Y less than 1,

In Fig. 3, we have plotted the ratio of resistance derived from transverse

cut analysis to exact second-order resistance as function of distance X from
midship section. The diagram essentially reflects the decay of the local waves
in relation to the residual free wave system. The data for this calculation were
selected in correspondence with investigations of Kobus in Ref. 13; the influence
of a tankwidth equal to 5/3 the ship's length is included.

Fig. 3 - Ratio of the calculated resistance R^'^-*(x) from the

transverse cut analysis (6) (wave elevation and x slope) to
the asymptotic value R^^^ (tank width equal to 5/6 the ship
length, >'q = 3.86, and infinite strut)

With the above analytical considerations, an attempt was made to coordinate
the intuitive approach of Sisov with the rigorous procedure of Wehausen. Allow-
ing some simplifications, we found that even the latter leads to a representation
of the second-order wave potential by sources only, located on the undisturbed
free surface and on the longitudinal centerplane of the ship; in particular, all
line integrals can be eliminated. Additional resistance can be expressed in
terms of first-order flowcomponents which determine these singularities. Only
a region of the free surface close to the ship need be considered.


Development of the fundamental program for computations was initiated
during the author's National Science Foundation Fellowship at the University of
Notre Dame and continued under support of Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
The author wishes to express gratitude to Deutsches Electronen Synchrotron,
Hamburg, for generosity in making available their IBM 7044 computer facilities.
He also thanks the H-5 Panel of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine En-
gineers for their continued interest in his work.

1. Wehausen, J.V., Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Washington, D.C.,
1956, pp. 109-133, National Academy of Sciences - National Research
Council, 1957

2. Wehausen, J.V., "Handbuch der Physik - Encyclopedia of Physics," Vol, IX,

Berlin, Springer, 1960

3. Wehausen, J.V., "Proceedings of International Seminar on Wave Resistance

Theory," Ann Arbor, 1963, pp. 821-855

4. Sisov, V.G., Izvestiya Akad. Nauk SSSR Otdel. Tekhn. Nauk, Mekh. i

Mashinostr. 1961(No. l):75-85

5. Yim, B., Hydronautics Technical Report 117-6, 1964

6. Eggers, K., "Proceedings of International Seminar on Wave Resistance

Theory," Ann Arbor, pp. 1313-1352

7. Eggers, K., Schiffstechnik 7:134-146 (1960)

8. Eggers, K., Schiffstechnik 4:140-142 (1957)

9. Sharma, S.D., "Proceedings of International Seminar on Wave Resistance

Theory," Ann Arbor, 1963, pp. 203-272

10. Kajitani, Journal Zosen Kiokai 118:189-212 (1965)

11. Bauer, F.L., and Stetter, H.J., "Numerische Mathematik 1,208,220 (1959)

12. Bessho, M., Anniversary Series Soc. Nav. Arch, of Japan, Vol. 2, pp.

13. Kobus, H., thesis, Iowa, 1965

14. Ward, L.W., "Proceedings of International Seminar on Wave Resistance

Theory," Ann Arbor, 1963, pp. 383-416

Ship Waves and Wave Resistance


The expression to be presented here has essentially been derived in Ref. 6.

We shall confine ourselves to show certain properties which are needed in the
foregoing applications.

The expression describes a wave potential of a source of output +4tt i.e., ,

a singularity like negative inverse distance, in coordinates made dimensionless

by ship's half length as introduced under the first subheading of the text. The
expression is

G = 27 (X,^,z,o + gi"'^ (X,^,z,o jcos (U^7oY) cos (U,7o^) [1 + (-1)"]

1/ CO

+ sin (U^7oY) sin (U^7o^) [1 " (" 1 )"] AU (Al)


AU = 77/(7oT) ,

U = z^AU = sec 2 sin 0 ,

ree _ free
'1/ 6- V [sign(X-0 -1] ^ e^^^^^'^^ sin W^7o(X- ^) ,

K = Vl + 4U^2 ^

W^ = yii; = sec 6^


local _ local U7ni X-^l

Vcos(V7oZ) - U^ sin (V7oZ) Vcos (V7o0

- U^ sin (V7oO|| - 5J'(U) V2 muCU'' + V^)] dV (A2)

withu = and S^^^(u) = l for i^ = and 8^ =

+n/v^ + U^2 elsewhere or only the
Hadamard "part fini" should be taken for i/ = o. As shown in Ref. 6 it is easy to
find out by investigation of single terms of the series that the function G is sub-
ject to the following conditions:


A. Gxx+ Gyy+ ^zz' provided the corresponding v integrals exist, which is

guaranteed for X - <f > I !

B. 70G2+ Gxx= for Z= 0;

C. Gy= for Y= T;

D. G^-* as z->-oo;

F. G = 0(X- <f)" ^
as X->+co, G= 0(1) as X--co, G^ = 0(X- ^")' ^
as X-+co ,

Gx= 0(1) as X--CO.

Since the structure of G is symmetric, corresponding relations can be obtained

under exchange of x, Y, and z with t -n, and i. ,

It remains to be shown that (a) the expressions for G and G^ match in a

continuous way at x = ^ and (b) for \y - r]\ <t, Z<0, and C < 0, G and G^ be-
come singular only for x= <f Y = ^7, and Z- and that the functions
, i, ,

G = G + l/r (A3a)


Gx+ (l/r)<. (A3b)

,- 1/2
r = [(X-^)2 + (Y-7i)2 + (Z- O']'

remain finite here (convergence of the series for ^ ^ Z is shown in Ref. 6.

Statement (a) is evident for the function G. Assume for simplicity <f = 0,

Then it is sufficient to show that

-rr- e
= Iim
1 Kyn X
V COS (Vy^Z) - U^ sin(V>oZ) V cos (V7oO
M., v^ r^ W

- U^ sin (V/oO (A4a)
J U^ + V
for arbitrary u^ > and z^ i with

U = yV^77J7 , M, = /mUJ , K^=(l + M,)/2 (A4b)

On the right-hand side we may substitute

Ship Waves and Wave Resistance

2^ X-^0
V^ COS V/o(Z+ O + COS V7o(Z-0[ - U"*] cos v/o(z+^.; V.o(Z-

e-"^"" dV
+ 2U2V sin V7o(Z+ O

V+ iU^ iVr(Z+0-Vynlx -UroX+iVyo(Z-0

lim Re dV + dV
^ x-o V- iU' r
J v=- <

uroixi _ ^-vrolxlj ^iv.^cz.o

dV (A5)
^17 =-
V - iU^

The second integral term in the last expression is zero for any finite X. The
term is 0(X). The
last integral first integral term may be written

4- x-!>0 1J,._ (V+iK)[V-i(M,+ l)/2] " ^^r

which shows poles of the integrand for v = i(M^, - 1)2 and V = -i(M^ + 1)2 = -iK^.

By shifting the path of integration downward in the complex plane we can make
the integral arbitrarily small after splitting off the residuum at v = -iK^; thus
we finally get

(V-iK^[V+ i(M,+ l)/2] VroCZ+ol 1
277i Res (A7)
V = -iK4 (V+ iKJ[V-i(M,+ l)/2] 477

To prove statement (b) we start with the representation

l/Fj = 1/(277) e'"'^"^' COS u [(Y- t;) COS + (Z+ O sin e] dud(9
^U=0 ^d =


u X-
1/r = 1/(277)
COS u [(Y- 77) COS 6) + (Z- O sin 0] dudt^ ,

where Tj corresponds to r with ^ under negative sign. Introducing new varia-

bles of integration U, V, and U by

U = u/7o , U = u cos S/y^ , V = u sin i^/y^ ,



we have
-co .00
1/r- l/rj -
7o/(277) e 2 sin (VyQZ) sin (VygO cos [U7o(Y - tj)] /U dUdV


.00 CO
(1/r- 1/ri)^ -7^/(2^) ^ ' 2 sin (V7oZ) sin (V7oO
X cos [U7o(Y-'^)] dUdV sign(X- ^) . (All)

A general law in the theory of Fourier transforms (see Ref. 11 of the preceding
list) essentially known as Poisson's summation rule states that if the func-
tion F(y) has a representation

F(y) = G(U) e^^y dU ,



F (S,y) =
2_, ^^y+ ^^)

provided this series converges, has a representation


F*(S,y) =
2] ^("v) e'^^^AU (A13)

with Au - l/s and u^ = z^Au. With S = tA, we therefore have the representation

CO , -

|[(X- <f)2+(Y + 1^1- 7^)2 + (Z+O']''^'- [(X-f)2+(Y+vT-77)2+(Z- 0']''^'[


e""^o'^'^' sin (V7oZ) sin (V7o0/U dV cos {V^y^i^ - v)) ^^^^^

,--00 v = -<

with u^ = 27rj>/(7o T) and u = \A^^~i^lJ7^. But the terms under summation are

equivalent to corresponding terms in the series for G given by Eq. (Al), and it
can be seen that after subtraction of these terms the integrals for the coeffi-
cients g^^^^ in Eq. (Al) converge even in the case x= -^ and z= ^. ,

The argument for the function c^^ is analogous.

* * *

Ship Waves and Wave Resistance


John V. Wehausen
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, California

I am not convinced by, and probably do not understand correctly, Dr. Egg-
ers' reason for not using his approach (b) to determine the wave resistance
(second subsection of his analysis section). His discarding it seems especially
puzzling in view of the fruitful use that he has made in other contexts of the as-
sociated formula

^("e'V) r

R y (Xg,y) dy \p dy r dz
= Pg
^ + 2 \
<Px (''e-y-^)"^ ^y + ^; .

If one granted the assumption of irrotational flow of an inviscid fluid, and Dr.

Eggers makes this assumption, the above formula is exact; i.e., no further ap-
proximations are required to derive it. This being so, an approximation to rp

and i of any particular sort should at the same time also yield an approximation
to R of an appropriate sort. If we suppose then, following Dr. Eggers, that

cp = ecp( '^ + e^ cp(^' + ... ,

= e^(pl^\x,y,0)

2 1
C (2) 1 ( 1
,, ( 1 ) ( 1 c ( 1 ) (1)1
+ CD cp ...
g " 2g 2 ^x ^xz I

(see e.g., Eq. (14) of Ref. 1 or Eq. (27.6) of Ref. 2), substitution into the formula
for R and some easy manipulations yield


R = e- (Xp,y,0) dy +
2" P
f dy -cp^^Ve^y.^-^^^^^l^'' dz
2g I

{^ I
V^'\x^,y,0) cp^'\x^,y,0) dy

'.l"Ve.y.o)-^.<"%i;' dy

+ dy
(l)x v(2) (1)(2) (1)(2)
p -f^x (''e-y-O^x + ^y ^y + ^z ^'z


This agrees with Dr. Eggers' results given by Eqs. (25), (26), and (27) ex-
cept that his integral containing s( 2) js replaced by the integral above with the

^x - -g-^x *xy

It immediately clear that these integrals are equal, although this may be
is not
true. they are not identical, the difference should be 0(e), provided neither
of us has made an error. In any case, the formula above seems to be well
founded, perhaps easier to evaluate than the other by using asymptotic expres-
sions as Xp ^a, and to lend itself to Dr. Eggers' later analysis. However, Dr.
Eggers evidently has special insights into this problem as a result of his expe-
rience with the computation, and I would appreciate his clarifying further the
reasons for choosing his method for computing P..

Finally, I should like to express my pleasure in learning that my paper at

the Ann Arbor symposium has played some part in the genesis of Dr. Eggers'
interesting work.


B. Yim
Hydronautics, Inc.
Laurel, Maryland

respect Dr. Eggers' courage of committing himself in such a complicated

and second-order wave resistance due to a finite-
difficult task of evaluating the
draft ship. It is so complicated that I would even be glad at this stage to see
just the partial numerical results, for example, those related to the higher or-
der free surface effect or to the ship bottom effect. In the formulation of the
second-order theory I think he very nicely combined the line integral with the
ship surface integral. However, he omitted the influence on the potential due to
the change of ship singularity domain caused by wave height, namely, the change
of the wet area of a ship surface. This was considered by Wehausen (3) and
Sisov (4) as another line integral on the free surface. However, as long as we
consider a Green's function defined under the mean free surface, it is meaning-
less to put a ship singularity over the mean free surface so that the free surface
condition is satisfied on the mean free surface. Thus, it is not easy to deal with
this problem in a conventional way.

Recently I considered this (Hydronautics, Incorporated, Technical Report

503-1, "Higher Order Wave Theory for Slender Ships," 1966) with a distorted
coordinate system (^,17,^, x=^, 7=77, z = i+ f(x,y), and f(x,y) = free surface
wave height, so that C = in (^",77, l,) space corresponds exactly to the free

Ship Waves and Wave Resistance

surface. The Jacobian is equal to 1, and the one-to-one correspondence holds.

Since f(x,y) is small, the first-order potential in (f.r,,/;) space again satisfies
the Laplace equation. Thus, the first-order problem is essentially the same as
that of Michell's solution except the interpretation of the free surface. The
higher order potential, in general, satisfies the Poisson's equation in the trans-
formed space. Thus, the effect due to the change of ship singularity domain
comes from near the ship bottom rather than the free surface.

If we investigate the influence of the Froude number (or the wavelength) on

the higher order potential, we find that we have to be careful to analyze the or-
der of magnitudes. The inverse of the wavenumber is equal to the square of the
Froude number, and this is a smaller quantity than the beam/length ratio for the
usual merchant ship. However, it does not seem to affect the consistency of the
development except in the case of a high-speed, small-draft ship where the
second-order potential is simpler. This case was also discussed by Wehausen

I certainly believe that Dr. Eggers' contribution will be a very significant

one in the development of more accurate ship wave theory.


Lawrence W. Ward
Webb Institute ofNaval Architecture
Glen Cove, New York

It is me to have the opportunity to comment on this

a great pleasure for
paper, as had the rewarding experience of spending the past academic year at

the Institut fur Schiffbau der Universitat Hamburg under a National Science
Foundation Fellowship, and I therefore know something of the ingenuity and ef-
fort which my friend and colleague Dr. Eggers expended to produce these re-
sults. Development of the computer program for the linearized case including
the total wave field for shiplike bodies in an ideal fluid provides us with a mini-
mum test for our various wave analysis methods, which are based on the same
assumptions, that must be met more-or-less exactly, before we can expect any
hope of even approximate validity of these methods for an actual model in a real
fluid. I will comment further on this point in respect to the "X-Y" method in a
moment. The carrying on of a consistent next approximation beyond the linear-
ized theory, following the lead of Wehausen, promises to be even more interest-
ing. It is not obvious to me that the effect of viscosity alone must explain the
major portion of the discrepancy between the Michell theory and experiment
this would be equivalent to saying that the linearized theory would agree with
tests run on the actual model in an ideal fluid; we must however await numeri-
cal results from the author to clarify this picture.



Fig.Dl - Total "X-Y" method predic-

tion from Eggers' computer results
(ship with parabolic waterlines, 7g =
10.0, and 2X/L = 10.0)

I thank the author for selecting the very specialized "X-Y" function to use

as a illustration of his computer results, and I take this opportunity to point out
that it is not necessary for this quantity to equal 100% of the theoretical wave
resistance for validity of the method to be established. This is because the
"X-Y" method also includes a "centerline wave term," R^ which is not in-

cluded in the author's Fig. 2. Using wave elevation data from the same com-
puter program, kindly supplied to me by the author, I have made an estimate of
this term and have added it to the "X-Y" term for the location 2X/L = 10.0 as
shown in Fig. Dl. The centerline wave term R^ is drawn for convenience from
the top down, and is roughly linear with the distance 2Y/L off the centerline.
Similar lines can be drawn for the other locations. It can be seen that the addi-
tion of this term brings the method into almost exact agreement with the theory
at this section, assuming measurements to be taken at the distance 1.0 2Y/L ^
2.5, the former limit being required by the need to exclude the local effect from
the measurements and the latter because the centerline wave term as calculated
is an approximation based on a plane wave which becomes inexact too far from
the centerline, and also because of tank wall effects. This dimension in the
case of all previous tests using this method was selected within these limits,
but I am of course happy to have a more rational basis for making this selection
in the future.

Ship Waves and Wave Resistance

I again thank the author for his significant contribution to a subject of great


K. W. H. Eggers


I am pleased to have Prof. Wehausen raise his question. In fact, I tried ap-
proach (b) first. In my notati.on, I had to evaluate

( 3)
Ej = Ii+ I2


,( 1) ,(2) / r ( ,( 2) ( 1) ( 2) ( 1) ( 2)
f )
+ 02 >/'2 " "^X "^X
da drj


( 1) (!) ( 1) ,(1) (1)

0Y + dr]
0x Ao- 0x Ar\

For finite x^, both Ij and

1 2 are difficult to evaluate. Due to tank wall re-
flection, there isno decay of first-order flow components. This implies that
S(X,Y) has no decay as well; thus ^^ everywhere includes local components

from nearby singularities. Furthermore 1 2, after performing the t? integra-

tion on triple products of Fourier terms, leaves us with expressions depending
on x^ with an infinite variety of nonrelated periods.

I met the first difficulty, which arises under approach (c) as well, by trans-
forming li to an integral over the undisturbed free surface for -x^-o? (see Eq.
(47)). This was possible by use of a peculiar property of the Green's function
involved, which appears even in the case of finite depth: If we represent the
free wave system of a point source as a Fourier integral in y, then the ampli-
tude function (in our case K^/Mj^T, see Eq. (42)) is inverse to the weighting factor
of spectral energy (in our case T(2- cos ^(9^), see Eq. (29)) of the expression for
wave resistance.


difficulties with the term 1 2 made me resign and decide on approach

(c), I was certain that the sum of ij and the integral of <p^^^b{X,Y) must
for which
be independent of x^ by Gauss' theorem.

Following now Prof, Wehausen's suggestion, using conditions A and B, I can

finally prove that

( 1 d ,(!)' ,(1)/ fl) _d_ ,(1) ,(1)

^x ^xz/^0 -
^'x dY

The second term vanishes under Y integration due to condition C, if we may dis-
regard a contribution from the ship's load waterline. Thus definitely approach
(b) gives one and the same result for any value of x^ behind the ship, as it
should, and our result, Eq. (49), can be obtained by approach (b) as well.

critical review of our analysis showed that this equivalence even holds if
we do not disregard the influence of the waterline. We had, however, to acknowl-
edge that extending the integration over 5^!,^^ in Eq. (19) to the waterplane area
meant a change of order e^, which, after a correction to be made in Eq. (19),
again made all line integrals cancel in the final expression for R^^\ Eq. (27).

of infinite tank width, it may be argued that 1 2 tends to zero

For the case
as Xg--oo,
though for the contribution of the cusp region this is not necessarily
evident. But even in this case it is only the addition of the expression for 1 2 to
11 which enables us to introduce the reversed potential into the integrand and
thus obtain the convenient expression (Eq. (49)) amenable to numerical evalua-


There is at least an equal amount of respect on my side for Dr. Yim's
courage to attack the problem for the domain bounded by the first-order free
surface, where the analysis is definitely less elegant to perform. I sympathize
with his idea of using coordinates adjusted to the wave profile, and I wonder if
to first order this is just equivalent to distorting the ship's geometry as was
done by Hanaoka.

can hardly expect one-to-one correspondence between our components
of potential and resistance; however, if Dr. Yim finds one of his line integral
terms missing in my analysis, perhaps a hint may help: A recent study of
Bessho reveals that if only the boundary condition on the body surface below
Z = is prescribed, different second-order potentials may exist for a floating
body of finite beam. Within his scheme, my potential appears as the limiting
case of that due to a flat-topped body, and so does Sisov's.

For a wall-sided ship, the second summand of my double integral term in

Eq. (13) could be transformed to line integrals representing contributions from
the bottom and from the load waterline. But I am not convinced that the differ-
ence of these line integrals should dominate against the remaining double inte-
gral over the vertical surface, even if the ship has shallow draft.

Ship Waves and Wave Resistance

I share Dr. Yim's cautions regarding a study of the asymptotic influence of

the speed parameter. The potential is certainly more intricately dependent on

the Froude number than is apparent from explicit factors. But I shall try to ex-
tend my investigations in this direction.

Fortunately, I can meet Dr. Yim's request for some numerical results;
these are selected for a parabolic ship with a draft/length ratio equal to 1/20
and 7o = 10' Additional resistance due to the free-surface singularity <'(X,Y) is
K^2^' = -0.04(B'T.)R< 2>, additional resistance due to second-order singularities to
represent the ship is R^^^^ = 0, 15(B/L)R( 2) with 10% accuracy, where R^ ^^ is the
resistance from linear theory. Unfortunately, only the free-wave part of the
first-order flow on the hull was accounted for when calculating ^\^\ though the
local component is of equal magnitude. The local component gave contributions
obviously inconsistent and too large. Very probably the Fourier series repre-
sentation in Y is not appropriate at the center plane for the local part of the
potential due to the discontinuity in the Y derivative. We shall try either to
evaluate the integrals on the actual ship surface or to split off the singular part
and integrate it in some closed form.
"^ *"
The effect of ^ ^
i//^on the free wave spectrum
^ "^
is a uniform phase shift
of all wave components toward the bow.


I thank Prof. Ward for his well meaning comments, which need no additional
clarification. Prof.Ward is certainly right in pointing out that my result on the
X-Y method is incomplete; thus I welcome his elucidating remarks.


B. Yim
Hydronautics, Incorporated
Laurel, Maryland

The qualities of the bow and stern waves of a ship are discussed. The
local disturbance of ships with zero wave resistance is formulated.
Thus the innage systems of sinnple no-wave singularities are obtained.
The force distribution of the zero wave ship is analyzed. The applica-
tion of these theories to the case of practical ships is discussed.

The mechanism of the reduction in wave resistance due to a bulb appendage
at a ship bow has been explained by the reduction in the wave height of each ele-
mentary wave starting from the bow (1). This explanation has been further veri-
fied through the existence of an ideal bulb which cancels all the elementary bow
waves (2), However, complete understanding of ship wave phenomenon even just
in connection with bulbs is yet far from complete. For the time being, we may
ask ourselves two questions: First, what happens to the local disturbance when
we cancel all the regular bow waves? This is directly concerned with higher
order effects, and, in addition, this question leads us to find the exact and sim-
ple image system which satisfies the linearized free surface boundary condition.
Second, what is the relation between the wave height on the ship hull and the total
wave resistance, especially when the regular bow waves are canceled? The an-
swer to this question may explain the sizable wave resistance for a ship which
appears to have small wave heights on the hull. These questions are of funda-
mental importance not only in connection with the design of a bulb through the
observation of wave heights on the ship's hull but also for a more profound un-
derstanding of the mechanism of ship waves.
Before investigating these questions we will re-examine the physical and
mathematical meanings of bow waves and stern waves, and their relation to the
waves due to a bulb.

It turns out that the local disturbance due to the small-wave ship treated by
bulbs is in low Froude numbers, approximately the same as the local disturbance



O + k O =



Fig. 1 - Image system of

a simple zero-wave ship

proportional to the perturbation pressure on the mean free surface caused by a

double model of the same ship. It is found that the image system of the simple
zero-wave ship is very simple (Fig. 1). This image system can be applied to
build ships by tracing streamlines from the optimum singularity distributions
for bulbous ships.

Through Lagally's theorem, it is found that the force equivalent to the stern
wave resistance of the symmetric ship is exerted on the doublet distribution
which is distributed along the stem line forming the bow bulb and which cancels
the regular bow waves. Thus the regular wave along the surface waterline of
the hull of an optimum bulbous ship may be very small. Yet, with the expense
of the force exerted on the bow bulb the stern wave energy can be propagated
far away.


We consider a Michell thin ship in a steady, incompressible, inviscid flow
with a free surface and with an infinitely deep bottom. We locate the origin of
the coordinate at the bow and on the mean free surface which forms the xy plane.
The flow at infinity is in the positive x direction. The z axis is positive upward.

We use the solution (see Ref. 3) for the Laplace equation

v'0 = , (1)

where is a perturbation potential, with the conventional linearized boundary



on the mean free surface z = 0, where k^ = g/v^, g is the acceleration of gravity,

and V is the flow velocity at co. The wave height i is

Bow and Stern Waves and Small-Wave-Ship Singularities

^ =
^ . (3)

The wave height due to a simple point source of strength m at (xj,o,-Zj),

with Zj > 0, is given by

77 00
2k sec 6 e
^ = -5^"^ kp sec 6 - sec
dkde ,

where m is the fictitious frictional force and

0) - (x- Xj) cos 6 + y sin (5)

or, letting C -
^r+ ^/' where i^ refers to an integral representing the regular
wave pattern and ii refers to a double integral representing the local disturb-

I- 4^k exp(-kQ z, sec^i9) sec^ (9 cos (kg oj sec^^)d6'

- (rr/ 2) + i

(77/ +
2m r I exp(-ta>)t sec
kg sects' sin(tZj)-t cos (tZj) dtd(9 ,
77V / (77/2) +
'-(77/2) 8 ^(,2 sec'* 5+ t2


S = arctan (7)

The wave height due to a point doublet of strength -/Xj located at (0,0, -zJ is

y ^1 r, f r 2k 2 ^'^(^---'i)
:<Jk' e ' ^^g
dkcieT' /o\
^ ^^^
""i-l^^'i J k - kg sec 2^ - i/^i sec


exp(-kQZj sects') sec'' sin (kgOj sects') d^

C<, =
-4^K.^J (9

(77/ 2) + S

.(-/2) + S
kg sec 2 (9 sin(mZj) - m cos (mz j
dmd^ . (9)
ttV J (77/ 2) + S
2 sec^e + m'



consider a source distribution m(xj,Zj) on a ship centerplane D in the
plane y If we use the principle of superposition, the regular ship wave can
= 0.

be represented as

C =


m(Xi,Zj) exp(-koZi sec^ 6)
'-77/ 2+8

X sec^ e cos (kow sec^fii) dedxjdzj , (10)

where L and H are the ship length and the ship draft respectively. This regular
wave is important because this is the only wave which contributes to the wave
resistance no matter what method we use to calculate the wave resistance. For
example, Havelock's (4,5) formula is from the regular waves far behind the
ship, while Lagally's method is from the regular waves on the singularity plane
(3). If we change the order of integration in Eq. (10), we obtain

^ = -T^ dd \ U(koH,Xj,e) cos (kpo; sec'^e)dy.^


4ko r"^' c"^

+ -^ de \
U(koH,Xi,5) cos (kpoj sec^^) dxj ,


U(koH,Xi,5) = m(Xj,Zj) expC-kgZj sec^ ^) sec^ 6 dz j ,

1 = tan" * (y/x) ,


2 = tan"* (y/x-L) .

When we consider the wave height on the x axis (y = 0),

4 = -T^ r dd { U(koH,Xi,6') cos [ko(x-Xj) sec 6] dy.^ (13)

for < X < L and

i =
4k -^/^

U(koH,Xj,5) cos [k(,(x-Xi) sec 9] dxj (14)

77/ 2

for x > L.

Bow and Stern Waves and Snnall-Wave-Ship Singularities

If we consider, for convenience, a polynomial source distribution


in < X < L and < Zj < H, then Eq. (13) becomes

^1 = -r^ A(0,^) sin (kgX sec ^) + B(0, ^) cos (koxsec^) - B(x,^) d^ ,


... - 2n
n=0 kn sec


B(L,5) = 1-e j L
Equation (16) is an analytic function of x. Therefore, Eq. (16) or (13) can be
anal3rtically continued to x > L, and we may call these the physical bow waves
on the x axis for the source distribution given by Eq. (15); then the physical
stern waves will be, from Eq. (14),

4ko r^/^ r''

^2 "^ ^^ U(koH,x,^) cos [ko(x-Xi) sec 9] dxj

V \

- rr- A(L,6) sin (kgX-L sec 6)

+ BCL.ei) cos (kgT^T sec 6) - B(x,0) 66 (17)

for x > L.

This is essentially a fictitious consideration of the analytically continued

source distribution in x > L for the bow waves and a sink distribution with the
same magnitude of strength from x = L to x > L for the stern waves, so that the
total source strength in x > L is zero. In this sense we may extend our defini-
tion of the physical bow and stern waves to any point on the free surface (x,y,o).

In Eqs. (16) and (17) the integrals of B(x,6) are canceled out in a total wave
(bow waves plus stern waves) for x > l Therefore .


^1 = -^ I
A(O,0) sin (UgX sec 6) + B(O,0) cos (k^x sec 9) - dd ,
-77/ 2


4k r"/2 r'-

^2 = ~^ d^ U(koH,x,0) cos [ko(x-Xi) sec 6] dx j

^77/2 -^X

= B(L,0) cos (kgX-L sec^)- d^

^ ^-77/2
A(L,0) sin(koX-Lsec6') + (17')

have been called (1) regular bow waves and regular stern waves respectively at
X > L. report, we use simply bow waves and stern waves in this sense.)
(In this
Another reason for this can be attributed to the concept of elementary waves (4).
Namely, Eqs. (16') and (17') can be considered to be equivalent to i9-wise super-
positions of elementary waves starting from the bow and the stern respectively.
Thus, the wave resistance of an analytic ship is considered to consist of three
components: the bow wave resistance, the stern wave resistance, and the inter-
action of the two. This concept is very helpful to treat a bulbous bow (6) for the
range of low Froude numbers.

If we consider the source distribution

m(Xj,z j) = ag

in < Xj < a and < Zj < h, which is only the first term of Eq. (15) and rep-

resents a wedge ship bow approximately, then Eqs. (16) and (16') or (17) and
(17') coincide with each other, Eq. (17) representing the shoulder wave rather
than the stern wave. Namely, B(x,i9) in Eqs. (16) and (17) is identically zero,
and the actual regular waves in < x < a is represented by Eq. (16'). We no-

tice that a^ is a dominating term (1,7) in the wave height (Eqs. (16) and (17)) for
low Froude numbers (<0.3).

It is well known that the bow bulb flattens the regular bow waves. In fact, if
the ship source distribution is represented in an even power series of x as in
cos TTx, it was shown (2) that a doublet distribution exists along the straight in-
finite stemlines of the bow and the stern, which cancels all the regular ship

In general, the influence of the stern shape on the wave is very complicated
due to the effects of the boundary layer and the wakes in the actual fluid. These
effects seem to tend to decrease the influence of the discontinuity of the slope at
the stern. Therefore, in the low Froude number range, the bulb even at the bow
only is supposed to decrease the wave resistance considerably.

It must be noted, however, that in < x < L the regular wave which contrib-
utes to the wave resistance is in general expressed not by Eq. (16') but by Eq.
(16). Therefore, just canceling Eq. (16') does not necessarily mean canceling
the actual regular waves on the ship hull. In addition, although Eq. (16') involves

Bow and Stern Waves and Small-Wave-Ship Singularities

physical quantities related to the bow only, and Eq. (17'), the stern only, to deal
separately with Eq. (16') from Eq. (17') is quite dangerous for the range of
higher Froude numbers. The following example may demonstrate this.

Let us consider a source distribution

"^(^i-^i) (18)
= a cos (ttXj)
, , ^ '

in < Xj < 1 and < Zj < H, which produces approximately a ship of sine wa-
terlines. Then from Eq. (14) we have the regular wave height at x > l , and y = 0,

p"/2 1 _ exp(-koH sec2<9)

C = 4ak I
~ sec 9 [sec d sin (kx sec 9)

J../2 (^0 sec

+ sec 9 sin (kgX- 1 sec 9] 69 ,

where the first term in the brackets corresponds to Eq. (16') and the second
term corresponds to Eq. (17'). However each term becomes singular when kg
approaches to n (or the wavelength is 2 and Froude number F = 0.564), although
the total regular wave height is always finite. If we examine the regular wave
height on < X < 1 and y = 0, from Eq. (13),

'"^^ 1 - exp(-koH sec^^)

4a I
sec 9 [k^ sec 6* sin (kgX sec 9) - v sin ttx] d9 ,

-77/2 (k sec 9)'

which is also finite for any k^ . This expresses physical bow waves defined in
Eq. (16).

It is easily seen here that dealing with only bow waves, Eq. (16'), without
the stern waves, Eq. (17'), in the neighborhood of Froude number l/yJrF is


When we observe the wave height on a ship hull, it is the superposition of
the regular wave height and the local disturbance. Although the local disturb-
ance does not contribute to the wave resistance in the linear theory, a large
local disturbance may induce sizable higher order effects. Therefore, it is of
interest to check the behavior of the local disturbance of the zero wave ship. In
addition, by this we can understand the nature of zero wave singularities better.

For convenience, first, we will consider the simplest case of the zero-
bow-wave submerged body (2). A uniform source distribution of the strength
m/v= a^ on a line o<xi<i,y = o, and Zj = f produces the x component of the

perturbation velocity (3):


!5Sx(x.y-z) = Q(x,y,z)

^k(i^-lz-f I)
+ Fe
^1 adx, j sec^d^l
Q k - kg sec^ 6 - ijjL sec

Kn Qfi r k( iw- I z-f


= Q+ r sec^^d^ r dkde* (19)

k - kg sec^ 6 - i^ sec


z I
) _ k( iw- i f-z I

'^=-i^rf h'"-"*
A uniform doublet distribution of the strength b^ on a vertical line x= 0, y = 0,
f < Zj< CO produces

^OxC^'-y.O = Fo(x,y,z) + Re j dz ^ ^ j JQ k - kg sects'-

k^ e


knb. k( i^Q- I z-f I

F+ Re dkde ,


77 a

F = k cos ^
kCicg-l f + z| ) k(ia,o-| f-z| )


Wq = X cos 6' + y sin c' .


t>o = ao/l^o (21)

and considering another similar doublet line as given by Eq. (20) but with the
negative strength on the line x=l, y=0, f < Zj <co^ whose x component of ve-
locity is 01^, we combine all three cases. Then we obtain

-'Sx^^Ox >ix = Q+Fo + Fi-Re
^r/ I)
dkdt^ (22)

Bow and Stern Waves and Snna 11 -Wave -Ship Singularities

This indicates that on the free surface the x component of the perturbation ve-
locity is exactly the same as that due to the double model of the ship in the infi-
nite medium. The flow as a whole is the same as that due to the ship and bulb
plus the positive mirror image of the ship and the negative mirror image of
bulb with respect to the mean free surface (Fig. 1).

In other words, for this special case of the uniform source distribution, if
we combine such a doublet distribution and the opposite sign ofdoublet images
and the same sign of source images, the free surface condition is exactly satis-
fied without any wave images. In the general case of ship shapes, it is not that
simple to express the local disturbance.

For a body symmetric with respect to its midsection, the regular bow wave
is the same as the stern wave and the local disturbance is also symmetric with
respect to the midsection.

When the analytic ship source distribution, antisymmetric with respect to

midsection, is represented by an even power series

.(.,)- t
a, "T (23)

in < Xj < 1, Zj=f, y = 0, there exists a doublet distribution

z:b(z,-f)" (24)

on f < Zj <oo, y=0, x=0 and y = , x = l by which the regular ship waves are
completely canceled (2) with

n! k

Due to the symmetry of the body with respect to the midsection the coefficients
of Eq. (23) have relations


^ (2n- 2m)!
= -(2m)!
v a2m
, m= 0. 1, 2, . . . .


Using Eqs. (4), (8), and (25) we obtain formally the total wave height due to
Eqs. (23), (24), and (26):

-kf kiojg kio),

2(2n)!a, 2b n n!
i - Re
V ' 2n
+ -! \^ 1^ i-dkd^
n= (ik cos 6)' k - kg sec^^- ifi. sec 6


7T <r
(k - kg sec^^) (2n)!(-l)"
C = Re 2 2 a^^
I | k - kg sec^ 8 - ijj. sec

. E
.^0 k"-J(kcos^)2i
/ " l^i^o
dkd^ ,

where Wj = (x- l) cos ^ + y sin0.

At the limit m ~* 0, this expresses the disturbance ^^k,, on z = o due to the

source distribution

^ (2n)! V koi(z- f)"-J-^x^J(-l)J

(n- j- 1)! (2j)!
k. ;=n

on o<x<l,f<z<oo in addition to the disturbance due to the double model of

ship and the doublet distribution (24) and (25) with its negative mirror image in
the infinite medium. For n > 2, this is not finite. The local disturbance of the
ideal zero regular wave of general ships may not be finite. This is because the
ideal bulb for the general body becomes large with depth and becomes infinite at
z = -03. Of course, in practice the effect of the bulb at shallow depth is so large
that we need not make the bulb so deep and big for approximate wave cancella-
tion (2). Besides, for low Froude numbers, which is rather usual, the influence
of the large n in Eqs. (23) and (24) is very small, both on the regular waves and
the local disturbance. This can be shown by taking one general term of Eq. (23).
The total wave height due to a x^", say, is

TT J^ .1 k( i OJ -z , )
2n i2k sec a e
a ox 1 dkd^dx
"0 k - kg sec^ 6 - ifj. sec

2n! (ik cos 6) .ikcos6
-no ^
k cos 6)'
- L

k(ia; -Zj)
k - kg sec^ - ifj- sec 6

If we replace k cos 9 by kk^ sec 0,

(ik^k sec 0)2n-i

2n !
^ (2n- j)!
.i^^^ ,^^
k sec e)' =

. kgk sec 5(ia>Q-Zj)

dkd9 (29)
k -
1 1
1 - cos


low and Stern Waves and Small-Wave -Ship Singularities


(ikpk sec 0)^"-i -ikoksece

Z (2n-j)! "

iknk sec 6 (ikk sec 0)^ -ik,, k sec

= 2n + 1

0' sec
ikk e y-i ( ik^k sec d)^
= 2n + 1

and where the absolute value of this becomes smaller when n becomes larger,
since the series

(ikgk sec 8)^

L =0

is a converging series mainly due to the factor 1 j Therefore, i^ has no ! .

singularity except k = 1 + (i/u/kg) cos by which the regular wave and the local
disturbance can be separated. Due to the factor k^^", for small Froude num-
bers (= 1 '\^), iCnl becomes smaller when n becomes larger. In general, for
a usual smooth ship, the influence of the entrance angle or the term of a^ is
dominant when the Froude number is less than 0.3. Therefore the bulb for the
term a^, in this case, will be adequate to cancel almost all the regular waves
(7). Then the wave height will be mainly the local disturbance proportional to
0^ due to the ship double model. Even cutting off the bulb at a certain distance
will not affect the disturbance too much, for the same reason that truncated
bulbs work effectively to reduce the regular wave height.

The surface ship whose source distribution is distributed both in the x and
the z direction on the xz plane, can be treated in a similar manner as above,
since only superposition in the draftwise direction (2) is involved.


Ithas been known that a combination of two higher order singularities, a
doublet in the z direction and a quadrupole in the x direction produce no regu-

lar waves (2). The local disturbance due to this no-wave singularity can easily
be analyzed as in the previous sections.

The wave height due to the doublet in the z direction located at (0,0. - zj is


^-^-1 I^ i2k^ sec 9 e

- i/Li sec t?
dkdei ,


where a = x cos 6 + y sin ^, and fi^ is the doublet strength. The wave height due
to the quadrupole in x direction at (o,o,-Zj) is

^a = T-77 Ke dkd6' ,
J-^-^o k-ko sec2 6? - i/^ sec

where V is the quadrupole strength. By combination with k^K - /Xj we obtain in

the limit ^i ^

^q + ^dz - - ^K^ ( \
2ik^ COS e'^'""''^ dkd^. (33)
-'-77 -^0

This indicates that the local disturbance (= /x ^q), is due only to the doublet at
(o,0,Zj) and the mirror image. The total flow is produced by the singularity
system shown in Fig. 2, which satisfies the free surface boundary condition.
Namely, the x component of the perturbation velocity on the free surface is ex-
actly the same as that due to the doublet and its mirror image only. Since the
sign of the image of the quadrupole is opposite from the real one, these do not
contribute to the horizontal velocity on the free surface. It is interesting to
have such a simple set of singularities and images which satisfies the free-
surface boundary condition.

(J) + k *

Fig. 2 - Image system

of a no-wave singularity

In this manner, we can obtain the simple image system for any order no-
wave point singularities, namely, for all the derivatives as well as integrals of
the first-order no-wave point singularity mentioned above. For example, if we
uniformly distribute the first-order no-wave singularity from x to x = infin-
ity, we obtain the zeroth-order no-wave singularity which is composed of a dou-
blet in the x direction and a lift element at (o,0,Zj) with the image composed of
the doublet and the lift element in the opposite direction at the position of the
mirror image. M. P. Tulin, in a seminar at Hydronautics, Incorporated, has
brought attention to this particular no-wave singularity system. He pointed out
that the existence of this system indicates the theoretical possibility of a finite
three-dimensional ship without wave resistance (although, as he also pointed
out, the buoyancy of the ship would be canceled by its negative dynamic lift). He
has also discussed the application of these singularities to both two-dimensional
and three-dimensional cavity flows beneath free surfaces.

Bow and Stern Waves and Snnall-Wave-Ship Singularities

From the composition of the no-wave point singularity and its image, it can
be easily seen that any such three-dimensional point singularity with finite
strength located on the free surface is nullified by its image. Thus, in the case
of the zeroth-order no-wave point singularity, the flow field produced by a dou-
blet in the x direction located on the free surface is exactly the same as that
due to a vortex element at the same point. This flow field is also equivalent to
that due to a pressure point on the free surface.

If we consider the strength of a no-wave singularity increasing inversely

proportionally to the distance between the singularity and the image, we will ob-
tain a higher order no-wave singularity (derivative with respect to z) located on
the free surface. In this case, with a single no-wave singularity on the free
surface, the linear free surface condition is exactly satisfied without needing
any image. This is the similar situation as of a vortex on the free surface in
the case of infinite Froude number.


It is well known that the ship wave resistance can be obtained by pressure
integration around the ship hull or by applying Lagally's theorem to the source
distribution. We consider as an example a wedge ship for simplicity which has
bow waves and shoulder waves. If we cancel the bow waves completely with a
bulb, there will remain shoulder waves, yet the pressure integration on the
wedge hull seems to give no resistance from the front of the wedge ship. In
connection with this problem, it will be interesting to see the actual resistance
force distribution of bulbous ships. For the simple case of a submerged point
source and a point doublet, the analysis has been performed (6), and it was
found that the negative interference due to the doublet on the source contributes
to reduce the total resistance.

Lagally's theorem shows that the force at the source distribution is

AttpJ lcp^(x,z) m(x,z) dxdz (34)

and the force at the doublet distribution is

477P ^xxC''' ^) M(x, z) dxdz , (35)


integrating over the whole source and doublet distribution respectively.

If we consider a source distribution

m(Xj,Zj) = Bg (36)

ino<Xj<a, 0<Zj<H,y=o and the doublet distribution

Ml = bzj (37a)


inO<Zj<H,Xj = y=o and

Ml = bH (37b)

inH<Zi<cOjXi = y=o, this combination of singularities will not produce any

regular bow waves Likewise, it is easy to see that the x component of per-
turbation velocity minus the local disturbance (this may be called the regular
part of the perturbation velocity) is zero in < x < a > z > -H It is known , .

that the local disturbance of 0^ does not contribute to the force (3) for any
source distribution. Therefore, it is evident that Eq. (34) in this case is zero.
However, Eq. (35) in this case is exactly the same as the wave resistance of the
doublet distribution itself, due to following reasons. When we consider a doublet
line (Eqs. (37)) located at x = -b, y = (b - 0), the regular 4>^ on the doublet line
due to the source distribution (Eq. (36)) is zero because the regular wave does
not propagate forward. Thus, 0xx('''^) i^ Eq. (35) is due to the doublet line it-
self only, without any contribution from the source distribution (Eq. (36)). In
fact, this wave resistance of the doublet line (Eqs. (37)) is exactly the same as
the bow (or shoulder) wave resistance. Namely, when we consider the pressure
distribution on the bulbous bow of the wedge ship corresponding to Eqs. (36) plus
(37), the bulb has eliminated the pressure on the ship hull, making the drag due
to the ship hull equal to zero, but is carrying its own drag, which is exactly the
same as the shoulder wave drag.

For a symmetric ship, we consider, as an example, the source distribution

of Eq. (15),

m(Xi) =
X] ^n''"

mo<x,<l, 0<z. H. The X component of the regular velocity can be ob-

tained exactly the same way as for Eq. (16):

4k r"^
<^^ = -^ I
Ai(0,z,^) sin (kox sec 6)

+ Bi(O,z,0) cos (kgx sec 6) - Bi(x,z,0) d9 , (38)


N n ( 2n)
kgzsec 8 kQ(zH)sec 2.n .-. (_1) m^ (X)
Ai(x,z,^) E k2"-i sec^" 6


n+ 1 ( 2n+ 1 )

kgZ sec 6 kQ(z-H) sec (-1) m' \x)

Bi(x,z,0) = ? - e E
, 2n 2n+ 1
k sec

Because of symmetry

Bow and Stern Waves and Small-Wave-Ship Singularities

n,^"\0). (-l)"m^">(l). (41)


r ( 2n+ 1 ,.n\
m(x) m '(x) dx = . (42)

In the evaluation of the wave resistance by substitution of Eqs. (38) and (42) in
Eq. (34) we obtain

Bi(x,z, 6) m(x) dx =

Therefore in this case the term including Bj(x,z,6') is like a local disturbance
and does not contribute to the wave resistance. Now the situation is exactly
similar to the case of the uniform source distribution of Eq. (36) mentioned be-
fore. Namely, if we use a doublet distribution to cancel the bow waves, the re-
sistance due to the source given by Eq. (34) becomes zero, while the resistance
due to the doublet given by Eq. (35) remains, and is equal to the bow wave re-
sistance, which is equal to the stern wave resistance here.

If a ship is not symmetric, the contribution of B^ in Eq. (38) to the wave

resistance is not zero, and the bow wave resistance is not equal to the stern
wave resistance. If we cancel the bow waves by the doublet distribution in this
case, the stern wave resistance will be exactly the same as the effect on Bj on
the wave resistance plus the bow wave resistance which is exerted on the dou-
blet distribution. To sum up, for a symmetric ship, the regular bow waves on a
ship hull which are responsible for the total wave resistance can be eliminated
by our ideal bow bulb, yet there remains the wave drag of the bulb itself, which
is equivalent to the stern wave resistance.

This means that the regular wave heights along the ship hull is not the only
origin of all the wave resistance. The stern wave energy can be propagated with
the expense of the force on the bow bulb.

If we
attach the ideal stern bulb to a symmetric ship in addition to the ideal
bow bulb,it is known that the entire wave resistance will become zero (2). That
is, the ideal stern bulb will have a negative force to cancel the force at the bow
bulb. This mechanism can be seen by the same method used for the bow bulb.
Namely, we consider a doublet distribution to cancel regular stern waves on the
line x= 1, y= 0. Then the regular part of 4>^^ in Eq. (35) becomes

onx=l + 0, y=0
XX '^^^ ^ stern waves only without the
stern bulb effect onx= 1-0, y= 0.

The stern waves of a symmetric ship are exactly the same as the bow waves
and of the opposite sign of the regular waves due to the doublet distribution.
Therefore, from Eq. (35) the force at the doublet distribution at the stern is in


the opposite direction of that at the bow. Thus, we understand how the wave ef-
fect in the vicinity of the submerged bulb at the stern acts to decrease the wave

We cannot use the ideal bulb in practice, since it is infinitely long. How-
ever, this idealized situation not only introduces an easy analysis but also intro-
duces us to a deeper insight of the mechanism. Since the lower part of the bulb
deeply submerged under the free surface does not very much influence the reg-
ular waves, in general all the theory here can be applied approximately to prac-
tical bulbous ships (see Ref. 2).


Michell's ship theory has too much discrepancy with experiments for a
given surface ship; hence it was suggested to build a model from a singularity
distribution by tracing the body streamlines. However, since it is so compli-
cated and time consuming to plot streamlines for the ship singularity under the
free surface with the free surface condition satisfied, Inui used a double model
for which the free surface is considered to be flat. Inui (1) claims that the dou-
ble model is better than Michell's ship for common Froude numbers. Pien (8)
also used double models for his optimum singularity distributions to build his
bulbous ships which showed better performance than the corresponding ships in
the Taylor series.

Here, as an application of the theory on the image system of a zero wave

ship in an earlier section we may propose to use a small wave image system
that is composed of a double model ship with a point doublet for a bulb and its
negative mirror image as shown in Fig. 3. The approximate optimum radius of
a bulb represented by a point doublet which minimizes the bow wave resistance
for each Froude number (0.15 < F < 0.3) and each entrance angle is given by
Yim (7). For the case of the ideal zero wave singularity system as in Fig. 1,
the free surface condition is satisfied without having any wave image. Since the
general behavior of the flow field near the free surface due to the long vertical
doublet distribution and its negative mirror image is similar to that due to the
concentrated doublet and its negative mirror image, the free surface condition
may be almost satisfied by this small wave singularity system, and the approx-
imate local disturbance will be represented by the free surface streamlines.

+ + +
+ + +

CO ++ +

Fig. 3 - Singularity and image

system of a bulbous systenn

Bow and Stern Waves and Small-Wave-Ship Singularities

-0.04 -0.02 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16

-0.04 -0.02

Fig. 4 - Surface streamlines of a bulbous parabolic ship

(F = 0.25, B/L = 0.10, L/H = 16.0)


As examples, we chose parabolic ship hulls with point doublet bulbs at the
bow and the stern. Considering the image system mentioned above we plotted
the body streamlines shown in Figs. 4 and 5. The interference between the ship
and the bulb in reducing the ship entrance angle seems to be important, although
this must be less severe than the case of the double model of the whole bulbous
ship where not only the regular waves but also the local disturbances on the
free surface are totally neglected.

Thanks are due to Mr. M. P. Tulin for his helpful discussions and for his
reading of the manuscript.

1. Inui, T., "Wave Making Resistance of Ships," Trans. SNAME 70:283-353

2. Yim, B., "On Ships with Zero and Small Wave Resistance," International
Seminar on Theoretical Wave-Resistance, 1963

3. Lunde, J.K., "On the Theory of Wave Resistance and Wave Profile,"
Skipsmodelltankens Meddelelse No. 10, 1952

4. Havelock, T.H., "Wave Patterns and Wave Resistance," TINA 76:430-443


5. Havelock, T.H., "The Calculation of Wave Resistance," Proc. Roy. Soc.

A144:514-521 (1934)

6. Yim, B., "Some Recent Developments in the Theory of Bulbous Ships," in

"Fifth Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics: Ship Motions and Drag Reduc-
tion," Office of Naval Research, Department of the Navy, ACR-112, 1964

7. Yim, B., "Analysis of Spherical Bulbs on a Ship Bow," Hydronautics, Inc.,

Technical Report 117-8, 1965

8. Pien, P.C, "Some Experimental Results of Hull Form Research," David

Taylor Model Basin Report 2144, Nov. 1965

Bow and Stern Waves and Small-Wave-Ship Singularities


K. W. H. Eggers
Institut fur Schiffbau der Universitdt Hamburg
Hamburg, Germany

Dr. Yim's approach is definitely unorthodox. But I feel that we should de-
viate from usual ideas still further on his line in order to have more simple

Dr. Yim tries to compensate for the ship's integrated wave system by in-
troduction of singularities at a peculiar position, namely, at vertical lines
through bow and stern only. He assumes a polynomial representation of the hull
form and then has to calculate derivatives at the stem, each higher derivative
giving rise to singularities of a corresponding high degree, producing even infi-
nite local wave height for the local component save for the first derivative.
Certainly any continuous hull form may be approximated arbitrarily close by
polynomials, but would such an approximation be adequate as well for the deriv-
atives in the sense under consideration here ?

I propose the following modification of Dr. Yim's procedure: Let us as-

sume some spatial distribution of sources which, combined with its image above
the undisturbed free surface, will represent a double body composed of a ship
and its image in unbounded parallel flow, i.e., under zero Froude number. A
ship form generated like this by sources may be called an Inuid, even if the
sources are not necessarily on the centerplane.

Now we should add to each source element a distribution of xx quadrupoles

on the vertical line extending from the source point Py down to infinity, and an
image system of negative intensity above. The intensity of this quadrupole dis-
tribution should be equal to the source strength times kg = g/c^ This would .

cancel the wave element generated by the source element.

It is possible to perform closed form integration vertically. The expres-

sion for the potential G(P,Pi) at a point P due to a unit source element at Pj
then is

G(P,Pi) = 1+ ^- log
z - z + r

This potential meets the linearized free surface condition; only the first two
terms determine the first-order wave elevation, which is entirely local.

After integration over the assumed source distribution the contribution of

the third term will be singular only below some line marking the edge of the
horizontal extension of the source distribution. As quadrupoles do not contribute
to Kelvin-impulse, the volume of a body generated by the total system of singu-
larities should not differ much from that of the Inuid. The wave pattern due to


the integrated singularity system will be a representation of the flow around the
Inuid in the horizontal meridian plane in the limiting case of zero Froude num-

Influence of Froude number on wave pattern is only by affinity through a

factor kg In particular this wave pattern comes out to be independent of the
' .

choice of singularity system to represent the Inuid in unbounded flow, whereas

the uncorrected wave field and wave resistance are not.-''

For a symmetrical Inuid, the corrected flow will be symmetrical as well

and therefore even the third order wave resistance component R< ^^ as given in
my Eq. (51) in the preceding paper will be zero. This is due to a peculiar selec-
tion among all correction potentials making the second order wave resistance
vanish and differing by wave free potentials.

now, by tracing streamlines, we could for any k^ determine an associated

hull form, starting with the Inuid for zero Froude number, we would have a class
of zero wave ships with form dependent continuously on k" ^ But theory tells
us that no such forms of finite extent exist. However, I hope that the approach
sketched above will after some intuitive modification lend itself at least for de-
termination of hull changes to achieve low wave making. The expressions for
the velocity field are much simpler than for those of the uncorrected wave sys-
tem due to a source.


B. Yim

I appreciate Dr. Eggers' interest in my paper and his cordial comment on

it. The theory shows that if we are required to cancel the entire regular ship
waves for a certain Froude number, we can do it, but with some features we do
not want in practice such as infinite volume or infinite local disturbance. How-
ever, if we consider the dependence of the wave height on such parameters as
the depth, the Froude number, and derivatives of the waterline y coordinate
with respect to x, we can easily see that the deeper part of the concentrated
singularity corresponding to the bulb attachment contributes mainly to the local
disturbance rather than to the regular waves with which we are concerned; and
the higher order derivatives on the waterline are significant for regular waves
only when the Froude number is sufficiently large (>0.3). Thus it is clear that
in practice even the finite bulb works, under such a theoretical basis, with the
image systems as are explained in the present paper.

''K.Eggers, discussion following Dr. Pien's paper in "Fifth Symposium on Naval

Hydrodynamics: Ship Motions and Drag Reduction," Office of Naval Research,
Department of the Navy, ACR-112, 1964.

Bow and Stern Waves and Small-Wave -Ship Singularities

On the modification Dr. Eggers proposed, I would like to point out that his
suggested source plus the downward infinite line of xx quadrupoles is the uni-
form downward line distribution of the no-wave singularities which are com-
posed of z -direction doublets and xx quadrupoles (mentioned in my present
paper). As it is explained in the present paper, we can form some interesting
no-wave singularity distributions. As for his suggested no-wave singularity
distribution, I also wonder what kind of ship shape we will get even if we con-
sider cutting off the quadrupole lines from the keel. Since we neglected the vis-
cosity in our problem, the shape which not only reduces the wave resistance but
also prevents the separation is most interesting to us.

Tuesday, October 4, 1966

Afternoon Session



Chairman: F. H. Todd

David Taylor Model Basin

Washington, D.C.


An Approach to the Design of Low -Resistance Hull Forms 705

G. E. Gadd, National Physical Laboratory, Feltham,
Middlesex, England

An Attempted Application of Wave Analysis Techniques to Achieve

Bow -Wave Reduction 731
S. D. Sharma, Hamburgische Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt,
Hamburg, Germany

The Minimum Problem of the Wave Resistance of the Surface

Pressure Distribution 775
Masatoshi Bessho, Defense Academy, Yokosuka, Japan

G. E. Gadd
Ship Division, National Physical Laboratory
Feltham, Middlesex, England


This paper is divided into three parts. The first seeks to establish criteria
for judging what is meant by a hull form of low resistance. The task of a ship
is seen as that of carrying a given load at a given speed, and accordingly the
question asked is "What is the minimum power required to propel a ship of
given displacement (with no explicit restrictions on linear dimensions or shape)
at a given speed?" It is recognized that a form which is optimum from this
viewpoint may be more expensive to build and hence less attractive as an eco-
nomic proposition than some more resistful form. Nevertheless it is useful to
know what this purely hydrodynamic optimum is, so that one can judge what pen-
alties may reasonably be incurred in departing from it for practical reasons.

Whilst the hull forms of present-day ships are determined by mainly em-
pirical means, it is to be hoped that in the future mathematical theory may be
employed as a design tool. This theory is largely concerned with wave resist-
ance, so it is of interest to try to establish whether or not present theories of
wave resistance, incomplete though they are, are nevertheless adequate for de-
sign purposes. Accordingly, the second part of the paper deals with an experi-
mental investigation into the adequacy of Inui's (1) approach to the relationship
between hull form and wavemaking. In this investigation boundary -layer effects,
which sometimes cloud the issue, are kept small.

To see whether the theoretical approach to design can improve on the con-
ventional empirical one, it seems useful to try to beat the target set in the first
section of the paper and to design a hull which, for a given displacement and
speed, requires less propulsive power than any normal ship. Unless a consid-
erably lower power can be achieved in this artificial situation, where no re-
strictions are placed on hull shape, it seems unlikely that much improvement
can be expected in any real design, where practical limitations will have to be
allowed for. The third section of the paper, therefore, deals with an initial NPL
attempt at this artificial design problem. This attempt, in a very rough and
ready way, pays as much attention to minimizing friction resistance as to wave-
making. The experimental results obtained for the designed hull form, though
they represent only a fairly small improvement on the best conventional prac-
tice, are considered encouraging in view of the crudity of the design methods


used. However the experimental results also raise questions as to the extent of
viscous effects on wavemaking resistance. These questions will need to be sat-
isfactorily answered (perhaps by a modification of the wavemaking theory on the
lines suggested by Guilloton (2)) if the theoretical approach to design is to be-
come much more accurate.


Waveless Bodies

Optimum ships in the sense defined above would be expected to have a low
wavemaking resistance. This does not mean that the only requirement is to
minimize wavemaking, which for a given displacement and speed could doubt-
less be done by making the ship resemble a rowing eight. This would, of course,
lead to an excessive wetted area and a correspondingly high friction drag. For
deeply submerged bodies, with no wavemaking, experience suggests that a
streamlined airship shape, of length to diameter ratio in the region of 5 to 7, is
best. For such a body of revolution, a suitable equation for the radius r as a
function of the distance x from the nose is

where L is the body length. If the maximum thickness position is 40 percent of

the length back from the nose, n = 2/3, and, as can be seen from Fig. 1, the
body has a well streamlined shape. It is then easily shown that the displace-
ment volume V and the surface area s are given by

V = 0.439t2L^ (1)

S = tL^ (2.168 + 0.946 t^) ,

where t the ratio of the maximum diameter to the length, is assumed to be


small enough for ds = dx[l+ (dr/dx)^] ^''^ to be replaced by dx [i+ (1/2) (dr'dx)^] .

Hoerner (3) suggests that for turbulent boundary -layer flow the drag coefficient
c^^, based on wetted area for such a body, is related to the corresponding flat-
plate friction coefficient Cp by

Fig. 1 - Body of the form

r = A(xA-)^'^ [1- (x/L)]

Design of Low-Resistance Hull Forms

Cdw = Cp (1 + 1.5t^/2 + 7 ^3)

Hence, for motion at speed v through a fluid of density / and viscosity /x, the
drag D is given by

1 , V2/3t
D = -4r pV^ (2.168 + 0.946 t 2) (1 + 1.5 t^^^ + 7 t^) C^.
*^ .

^ o.syst'*/^

where Cp is a function of the Reynolds number

pVL _ 1.318 pVV^/

R =

Most of the standard turbulent friction formulations imply that Cp varies

something like R" '^^ Hence, for minimum drag with a given speed V and vol-

ume V the factor

n = (2.168 + 0.946 t 2) (1 + 1.5 t^^^ + j ^.3^ ^- i/s

must be a minimum. can be seen from Fig. 2 that n has a fairly flat mini-
mum in the region of = 0.15, and that n does not differ much from this mini-

mum value for t in the range 0.1 to 0.25. This covers the range of beam-to-
length ratios encountered in ships.

Setting t =0.15 we obtain the minimum value of D,

min '^
r ^ n ' '

Fig. 2 - Factor n proportional to the

drag of the streamlined form

*Hoerner uses the Schoenherr line for Cp. The ITTC formula (Eq. (5) below)
approxinnates quite closely to this for Reynolds numbers greater than 10 .



_ 4.7 pvg'^'

Thus, if an overall propulsive efficiency of 70 percent can be assumed, the min-

imum horsepower P^- ^ required to propel a body of volume V at speed V is

Pmin = 1.04X 10-2 ^v3 ^2/ 3 Cp(R^) , (4)

where p is in slugs/ft^, V in ft/sec, and V in cu ft.

It is of interest to compare the performances of some of the old airships,

whose shapes were quite similar to Fig. 1, with Eq. (4). We assume for air that
P = 0.00238 slugs/ft^ and fj./p = 1.564.10-'' ftVsec, and throughout this paper
we employ the ITTC formulation for Cp,

0.075 /_v
(logio Rn-2)-

In Table 1 the speeds v and actual powers P^ of a few airships are shown to-
gether with the estimated values of P^^^, calculated by assuming the displaced
volume to be the gas capacity times 1.06 (an average ratio). It can be seen that
for the later airships Pa/Pmin ^^^ lower than for the early ones, though it al-
ways remained appreciably greater than 1. This is hardly surprising, since the
engine nacelles were attached to the hull by struts and bracing wires, whose
drag was probably appreciable, and the fabric -covered hulls were probably not
completely smooth.

Table 2 shows a similar comparison for submarines in the submerged con-

dition. Here Eq. (4) and Eq. (3) become

mi n
= 1061 V^ A2/3 Cp.(R
r n) "^ '^

R^ = 2.11 X 10^ VAi/3

where A is the salt-water displacement in tons (35 cu ft = 1 ton) and V is the

speed in knots. Prewar submarines were not primarily designed for high
speeds under water and were poorly streamlined, with consequent very high
values of pa /p mi n More modern submarines seem to have performances
. .
^ com-
parable with those of airships. It has to be borne in mind that the data upon
which Tables 1 and 2 are based, and the ship data to be presented below, may not
be completely accurate, and that a small error in speed makes an appreciable
difference to P- .

Surface Ships
If a body of revolution of the shape shown in Fig. 1 were moved, half im-
mersed, through water, with its axis of symmetry in the plane of the undisturbed

Design of Low-Resistance Hull Forms



water, it would of course make waves. Let us imagine, however, that its shape
could be modified so that its wavemaking were reduced virtually to zero, without
altering its immersed volume or appreciably increasing its frictional drag. The
resistance of such an imaginary ship would then be half that given by Eq. (2)
with V set equal to twice the immersed volume, since the water surface would
remain practically flat and would be equivalent to a plane of symmetry for a
deeply immersed body. Correspondingly, the power needed to drive this ship
with 70 percent propulsive efficiency would, from Eq. (4), be given by

Pn,in = 0-845 V^ A2/3 Cp(RJ , (6)

R^ = 2.66 X 10^ VAi/3 ^

V is the speed in knots, and A the salt-water displacement in tons of the im-
mersed part of the hull. This implies that, in the usual notation, the minimum
value of C is l8.9/(logjQ r^ - 2)^, remarkably close to Hughes' estimate (4),
derived by quite different procedures, for the minimum viscous contribution
to C .

In reality, of course, a greater power is likely to be needed, since the mod-

ifications in shape required to reduce the wavemaking of the half-immersed
body of revolution would almost certainly increase frictional drag. Neverthe-
less Eq. (6), in conjunction with Eq. (5) and Eq. (7), provides a reasonable datum
with which to compare actual ship performances.

In Table 3 the actual powers P^ of a number of ships, whose details are

given in published literature, are compared with the P^-^ values calculated
from A and V using Eq. (6). Speed-to-length ratios v/\T7 are also given, where
L is the LBP in feet. Some of the data of Table 3 are quite probably in error;
although we have tried to ensure that the stated power corresponds to smooth-
water smooth-hull operation at the stated displacement and speed, this may not
be true in every case. Sometimes, for example, the displacement given may be
a service one, whereas the speed may be a trials result obtained at a different
displacement. Likewise, the power quoted may contain an appreciable service
margin to enable the ship to reach the given speed even in rough-weather con-
ditions and when the hull surface has deteriorated with time out of dock. Thus,
some of the results for Pg/Pniin "^^Y ^^ subject to quite large errors.

It can be seen that the ratios Pa/Pn,in vary widely, even for ships of roughly
the same speed-to-length ratios. For large values of V \1^, typical of fast war-
ships, Pg/Pniin is large, in the region of 3 to 5. It is interesting that the power
ratios of postwar warships are somewhat lower than those for prewar ones; this
presumably reflects improvements in hull design and the use of welded rather
than riveted construction. Among the vessels with V/vTT in the region of 1, cargo
liners with displacements in the region of 10,000 to 20,000 tons are much supe-
rior to passenger ferries; the latter have to be made beamier because of draught
limitations and for stability reasons. Large tankers and bulk carriers show a
wide range of performance, the best of them having a power ratio of as low as
1.5, whilst some have ratios of well over 2.

Design of Low-Resistance Hull Forms

Table 3
Published Data for Ships

Table 3 (Continued)
Design of Low-Resistance Hull Forms

We now attempt to find a formula for the power required to propel a ship of
salt-water displacement A tons at a speed of V knots, when this ship is designed
by the best current procedures to have minimum resistance, with no other re-
strictions imposed. A reasonable form of expression, based on Eq, (6), is

Pbest = V' A2/3 [0.845 Cp(RJ + F(N)] , (8)

where N, approximately equal to V/VU, is given by


from Eq. (1), where we put t equal to 0.15, as for the optimum body of revolu-
tion, and V equal to twice the displaced volume in cu ft of the ship, or 70A, Eq.
(8) was fitted to the best data of Table 3 and of a further collection of trials
data, not reproduced here. These best data were:

Tanker A = 24,230 tons V = 13.78 knots P^ = 4,120 hp

Cargo liner A = 11,070 tons v = 22 knots P^ = 11,290 hp

Frigate A = 2,700 tons V = 28 knots P^ = 20,000 hp

and so we obtained an approximate relation

^^ ^^^^ [0.845 Cp(R^) 0.5x 10"^ 0.3 X 10-3 ^qj

Pfaest = + + N'*] .

An alternative, equally plausible, relation roughly fitting the same optimum data

Pbest = V^ A2/3 [1.20 Cp(R^) + 0.3x 10-3 N''] .

This does not differ much from Eq. (10) in the low Reynolds number range, but
shows up most of the large tankers in an even poorer light* than does Eq. (10),
which we therefore assume to be more appropriate. In a sense, this may be de-
parting from the intention that Ptest should represent the minimum power at-
tainable, since large tankers, which provide most of the low Froude-number
data, are always designed with very bluff lines, and there is little doubt that a
finer-lined ship of the same displacement and speed would require less power.
To this extent, therefore, Eq. (10) may represent some compromise with prac-
tical requirements. This compromise could perhaps have been avoided by using
model results in deriving Eq. (10). However, we have consistently used full-
scale data to avoid uncertainties in ship-model correlations and to include ef-
fects of any hull-surface imperfections which may be normally present on the
full scale. There is a scarcity of full-scale data for large fine -lined ships at
low Froude numbers, but, since most tanker powers are considerably in excess

*That is, when looked at purely fronn the point of view of resistance.
of course,
As pointed out earlier, practical considerations (in this case the desirability
of minimizing length, so reducing construction costs) nnay often require large
departures from the minimum-resistance "optimum."


of Pbest ^^ given by Eq. (10), the latter may not be too much of an overestimate
at the low Froude-number end. At the other extreme, it cannot be expected to
apply for speed-to-length ratios much larger than for the frigate results used in
its derivation; hence we restrict N, given by Eq. (9), to values less than 2.

Figure 3 shows curves of P^est' given by Eq. (10), as a function of dis-

placement A for various speeds V, It also shows the corresponding curves of
P .
given by Eq. (6). Even with very sophisticated design, ship powers are
never likely to come down as low as P^in, but the difference P^est ~ Pmin never-
theless gives some measure of the improvement over the best current designs
which might conceivably be achievable. Most of the ship powers given in Table
3 lie above the P^est curves, in some cases a great deal above, as is only to be
expected, since the curves of Fig. 3 are (subject to the possible reservation

500 1000 2000 SOOO 10000 20000 100000 200000

100. coo
90, 000
so, ooo
70, ooo
0. 000



9 ooo
8 ooo

Design of Low-Resistance Hull Forms

noted above concerning the tanker end of the data) intended to represent mini-
mum powers achieved by current optimum designs when subject to the minimum
of extraneous practical requirements.

Conclusions from Part 1

It has been shown that the propulsive shaft horsepowers P^est ^ those >

present-day ships which for a given displacement A and speed V have the least
resistance, approximately fit the formula

Pbest ^ "^^ ^^''^ [0.845 Cp(R^) + 0.5x 10"^ + 0.3x 10"^ N'*] , (10)

Cp(R) = 0.075 (logjo R,-2)-^ (5)

R = 2.66 X 10^ VAi/3 _ (7)

N = 0.228 VA- 1/6 .

It is unlikely that, however much design can be improved, the power could ever
be brought down much below

Pmin = 0-845 V^ A2/3 Cp(RJ , (6)

to achieve which, wavemaking would have to be virtually eliminated without in-

creasing the frictional drag per ton above that of a fully submerged optimum
airship form. The difference between P^est ^^^ Pmin? therefore, represents
the margin there is for improvement on present-day designs.

Three points should be borne in mind.

Equation (10) represents an envelope for different ships, each "opti-

mised" (by empirical processes) for its particular operational conditions, and
so it does not represent what happens to a given hull form as its speed is varied.
Thus the N'' factor cannot be identified simply with wave resistance, though un-
doubtedly it forms an important part of the wave resistance.

2. A ship whose propulsive power greatly exceeds P^est ^^ ^^^ necessarily

a badly designed ship, since Eq. (10) represents only a hydrodynamic optimum,
and a more resistful ship may well be cheaper to build and hence a more eco-
nomic design than one conforming to Eq. (10). The latter form may also be un-
able to meet practical requirements of stability, draught limitation, etc.

3. Nevertheless, Fig. 2 suggests that even for very beamy, and hence short
and cheap, ships, the viscous component of resistance need not necessarily
greatly exceed its optimum value. If, therefore, we were sufficiently adept at
reducing wave resistance for large beam-to-length ratios, we ought to be able
to design a ship which was not only cheap to build, but which also compared
favourably with Eq. (10).



One possible technique for handling the wavemaking side of design is that
adopted by Inui (1) and Pien (5). A distribution of wavemaking sources, giving
suitably low resistance, is chosen and the corresponding hull surface calculated
by, in effect, assuming the water surface to remain flat. Thus the source dis-
tribution is treated as one of ordinary potential sources reflected in the undis-
turbed water plane. This procedure cannot be rigourously justified, even for
very low Froude numbers, but it has been plausibly argued by Pien that for
forms of low wavemaking resistance, in which we are mainly interested, the
theory should be adequate, since the water surface then does remain fairly flat.

Inui has made experimental comparisons between models (which have been
termed "Inuids") derived from source distributions in this way and other models
derived from the same source distribution by the Michell thin- ship approxima-
tion. The latter is equivalent to relating the waterline slope to the source den-
sity on the central plane. In general the Inuids showed better agreement with
experiment, but discrepancies remained and were attributed by Inui largely to
viscous effects.

A way in which the source distribution may be related to hull

third possible
shape proposed by Guilloton (2). Although this method looks very prom-
is that
ising it has not been investigated here. Rather, it was attempted to establish
whether in experiments with Inuids the discrepancies between theory and exper-
iment could reasonably be ascribed to viscous effects or whether instead the
discrepancies resulted mainly from the Draconian treatment of the free surface

With normal ship models viscous interference with wavemaking arises

mainly at the stern. If, then, a head form is used, followed by a long parallel
afterbody from which it is separated by a small gap, the viscous effects on the
wavemaking of the head should be small. Such a head form in deeply submerged
potential flow would have zero drag if the pressure in the gap were equal to that
in the undisturbed stream. In a free surface, therefore, the net pressure force
on the head, acting over all its surfaces, plus the force represented by the ex-
cess of mean pressure in the gap over free-stream pressure times the wetted
area of the rear face of the head abutting the gap should equal the wave resist-
ance. A net total force measurement on the head will, of course, include a fric-
tion component, but this ought to be reliably calculable, since the boundary layer
should remain thin and well-behaved.

Experiments on models of this kind were independently suggested by Bres-

lin (6). At the NPL, two such head-form models were designed as shown in
Figs. 4 and 5. Each model was generated, by the Inui method, from source dis-
tributions defined over a rectangular area of length l and depth D = L/^-n on the
central plane. The source distribution was uniform for the first model, which
did not have a particularly low theoretical wave resistance. For the second,
quasi bulbous-bow, model the source distribution varied both in the longitudinal
or X direction and the depth or z direction, as indicated in Fig. 5. However,
the source density was everywhere positive to ensure that the waterlines were
everywhere inclined at a positive angle to the oncoming flow, in the interests of

Design of Low-Resistance Hull Fornns



Fig. 4 - Unifornn source distribution head form

a well-behaved boundary layer. Also, at each depth within the source-

distribution rectangle the integral of the source density was the same as for the
uniform source -density model, thus ensuring that the afterbody was of roughly
the same shape for the two models. Within these imposed limitations the form
chosen for the source density in Fig. 5 was arrived at by a cut-and-try proce-
dure to give a resistance which, if not necessarily the lowest possible, was at
least substantially below that for the uniform density model, as can be seen
from Fig. 6. On Pien's arrangement, therefore, experimental results for the
quasi -bulbous model should agree closer with theory than those for the uniform
source -density model.

\ I L D L
tA L H
ES- r.i
I 2 3 4 5 6 ,
7 7 321

Fig. 5 - Quasi-bulbous head form



O 8

9Vv2-2 "
0-2 -

OI5 0-2 0-5

Fig. 6 - Calculated wave resistance curves

for the two head forms

The models as made had L = 6 ft, and the junction with the afterbody was at
10 ft from the bow. Figures 7 and 8 show the experimental results obtained for
the net force on the head of the uniform density model and the pressure force on
its rear bulkhead as functions of speed. The pressure involved in Fig. 8 was
measured at the centre of the bulkhead. It is possible that some variation of
pressure occurred on the bulkhead close to the hull surface, and this would in-
troduce errors in Fig. 8. However, it is expected that these would be small
since the gap, 1/4 in., was small compared with the local boundary layer thick-
ness of about 2 in. It can be seen from Figs. 7 and 8 that each of the force
components oscillates more wildly than their sum, in Fig. 9, representing wave
drag plus friction drag. Also shown in Fig. 9 are the theoretical friction drag
Dp, based on wetted area and the ITTC line, Eq. (5), and the sum of Dp and the
theoretical wave drag D^^,, derived from Fig. 6. It will be seen that the lower
speed hump is bigger experimentally than theoretically, the reverse of what usu-
ally happens on a complete ship model. However, the addition of the oscillatory
components. Figs. 7 and 8, may lead to inaccuracies, especially at the lower
speeds where the forces are smaller, so perhaps too much attention should not
be paid to this discrepancy. More significant probably is the fact that the ex-
perimental humps and hollows are displaced to the right of the theoretical ones,
in exactly the same way as for complete models. Thus this displacement seems
unlikely to be the result mainly of viscous effects, but rather to arise from the
inadequacies of the approximations of the potential-flow problem.

However, as was mentioned above, the agreement between theory and ex-
periment was not necessarily expected to be as good for the resistful uniform-
source form as for the quasi-bulbous form. The results corresponding to Fig.
9 are shown for the latter form in Fig. 10.

Design of Low-Resistance Hull Forms

Dn lb

4 S
V ft /sec

Fig. 7 - Net drag Dj^ of the head of

the uniform source density model

3 -

Db lb

Fig. 8 - Bulkhead pressure force Dg

of the uniform source density model




V .ft /sec

Fig. 9 - Theoretical and experi-

mental drags of the uniform source
density model


D lb

4 -

V -ft/sec

Fig. 10 - Theoretical and experi-

mental drags of the quasi-bulbous

Design of Low-Resistance Hull Forms

It can be seen that the agreement with experiment is certainly no better for

the quasi -bulbous form, except for speeds below 3.5 ft/sec where the water sur-
face does indeed remain nearly flat as assumed in the theory. The expected re-
duction of resistance as compared with the uniform-source form is not for the
most part realized. The experimental resistance curve is much less undular in
Fig. 10 than in Fig. 9, and in this qualitative respect the experimental results
resemble the theoretical ones. However, if the experimental results can be be-
lieved (and as mentioned above they are subject to some uncertainties) it would
appear that wavemaking theory applied in the Inui manner may be a very unsafe
guide to hull design.

Computations are in hand to determine the wave resistance according to the

Michell thin-ship theory for the two head forms tested. It will be interesting to
see if this theory agrees better or worse with the experimental results than the
Inui theory, and it is hoped to present results at the meeting.



If a more theoretical approach to ship design is to lead to better results

than current practice can achieve, its use ought to make possible the design of a
ship with a substantially lower power than is predicted by Eq. (10). In this sec-
tion a very crude attempt is made at such a design. This follows in the wake of
the remarkable achievements of Inui (1) and Pien (5) but lays more stress on
the frictional component of resistance.

In the discussion of Part 1 we talked of regarding a ship as half an airship,

so modified as to reduce its wavemaking without losing the viscous-drag advan-
tages of the airship form. Airships, unlike ships, have their maximum-thickness
sections well forward of amidships. Such a form would, for a ship, usually lead
to high wavemaking, but if we were clever enough at reducing the latter, might
not this shape then have advantages due to reduced frictional drag? These
somewhat naive questionings prompted the design shown in Fig. 11.

The starting point of this design was the observation that in Fig. 5 the after-
body of the quasi-bulbous form is roughly semieliptical in section. An airship
has circular cross sections, as this gives the minimum wetted area. For the
same reason a low -re si stance ship ought to have semicircular cross sections.
(We ignore here matters such as lack of stability and high costs of construction
which sections of such a shape might give rise to, since we are for the moment
only concerned with the artificial design task of achieving a purely hydrodynamic
optimum.) The head form of Fig. 5, stretched laterally so that it ended as a
semicircle rather than an ellipse, might therefore, it was thought, make a fore-
body of sufficiently low wave resistance to be joined onto an afterbody derived
from an airship form. (These ideas were conceived prior to the actual testing
of the quasi -bulbous model, and would have seemed less attractive in the light
of the unfavourable experimental results for it.) The airship form chosen was
as in Fig. 1, and the afterbody was basically the part of this downstream of the
maximum section. However, to avoid the draught becoming zero at the stern,
the after sections were smoothly changed from semicircles to semiellipses of



Fig. 11 - Widened bulbous head form matched with the

afterbody. The longitudinal dinnensions are compressed
by a factor of 1/2.

the same area to produce a stern draught of half the maximum. The forebody
length of 8 ft corresponded to 1.28 times the source length L in Fig. 5, and the
beam was 2.5 ft. The initially designed total length was 20 ft, but the stern was
found to be so finely cusped that it was truncated by 6 inches to give a model
19.5 ft long.

As from Fig. 11 the sectional area curve for the resulting

will be seen
model is same as for the dotted airship form, and is highly asymmet-
nearly the
rical. Wave theory suggests that this must be a bad thing, but the hope was to
recoup any losses on this score from a reduction in frictional resistance. Al-
though it was intended that the bulbous end of the model should form the bow, an
over-rigid dogmatism on this point was felt to be undesirable, and hence the
model was fitted with transition -fixing studs at both ends.

The wisdom of this decision is illustrated in Fig. 12, which shows that the
resistance was, for the most part, much less when run with the bulbous end aft.
At low speeds it is true the airship-way round shows some advantages, but these
are very small. Perhaps even here wavemaking is still significant, or perhaps
the viscous drag penalties due to running a sufficiently fine airship form back-
wards rather than forwards are smaller than I had supposed. (Such penalties
might well be greater for beamier forms.) However, once wavemaking becomes
appreciable the bulb-aft condition shows a clear advantage, with a resitance
curve well below that for the other condition, though parallel to it for speeds
above 5 ft/sec.

The residuary resistance is thus much less for the model with the fuller
end apparent contradiction to theory, which states that a given source
aft, in
distribution should have the same wave drag run in either direction. The direc-
tional effect found in the experiments reinforces Wigley's findings (7) on asym-
metrical forms. In the present experiments the wave-pattern resistance was
determined from wave -pattern measurements which were fed into computer

Design of Low-Resistance Hull Fornns

D model(stern bulb) self propulsion

D(lba ) 0-2

Si_ _Co_\ ,
bulb forward
V2 VVVu..,,c

V Fb/sc




25 ^

Fig, 12 - Experimental results for the 19.5-ft-long

would-be low-drag hull form

programmes (8) based on the Eggers method (9). In Fig. 12 points are shown
corresponding to the total resistance minus the wave-pattern resistance. For
the bulb-forward condition these points lie close to a line which may be regarded
as representing the frictional resistance. Thus in this condition the residuary
and wave-pattern resistances agree. For the bulb-aft condition, however, the
points of total minus wave -pattern resistance lie well above the frictional line.
Thus it appears that the wave -pattern resistance is much smaller than even the
reduced residuary resistance for this condition. Flow photographs taken in the
Ship Division circulating water channel explain this discrepancy. They show, as
in Figs. 13a and 13b, that at 5.66 ft/sec there is more evidence of separation
from the bulb at the stern that at 3 ft/sec. This is doubtless due to the stern
wave being higher at 5.66 ft/sec, causing an adverse pressure gradient over the
bulb. Thus part of the residuary resistance at the higher speeds with the bulb
aft can be attributed to an increase in form drag above that acting on the vessel
at lower speeds.

In Figs. 13aand 13b a fairing can be seen over a propeller shaft which was
end after it was found that the bulb-aft condition was best.
fitted in the bulb
When the model was run at 5.66 ft/sec, and propelled, as appropriate for a full
scale ship 693 ft long, at 20 knots, the quasi -propulsive coefficient was found to
be 0.74. When run at the model self-propulsion point the model resistance was,
as can be seen from Fig. 12, appreciably higher than when towed. However the
wave-pattern resistance was also higher then, (D/V^)^a^g being 0.038, much
greater than the unpropelled value of 0.009, and nearly as great as the value
0.045 for the towed model run bulb forward at the same speed of 5.66 ft /sec.
The running of the propeller suppressed the separation evident in Fig. 13b as
can be seen from Fig. 13c.

All this raises some interesting questions. Does the lower wave-pattern
resistance with the bulb aft result mainly from the boundary layer thickness at
the stern being greater then than when the fine end is run aft? Is this true also



(c )

Fig. 13 - Flow over the stern bulb: (a) 3 ft/ sec,

(b) 5.66 ft/sec, and (c) 5.66 ft/sec but with the
propeller running

Design of Low-Resistance Hull Forms

of the residuary resistance ? Ifso, it means that boundary layer thickening can
have a net beneficial effect, a very surprising result.

Of course, the increase in wave -pattern resistance when the propeller is

running might be due, not to a mere suppression of separation, but rather to an
induction by the screw, over the stern bulb, of low pressures such as would oc-
cur in potential flow. It appears from Figs. 13b and 13c that there is little effect
on wave height at the stern, but a very small change of local wave height could
be associated with a relatively large change in pressure drag. For this latter
reason it cannot be accepted as conclusive proof in favour of Guilloton's theory
(2) that he demonstrates good agreement between theory and experiment re-
garding the wave profiles along the side of the model.

Guilloton's theory does, however, suggest an alternative explanation of the

discrepancy between the residuary resistances of the model run in the different
directions. As mentioned above, a given source distribution should have the
same wave drag run in either direction. According to either Michell's theory
or to Inui's theory the same hull run in opposite directions corresponds to the
same source distribution, but this is not so for Guilloton's theory. (I cite Guil-
loton's method rather than other potentially more exact methods of taking ac-
count of the distortion of the free surface because these latter methods have not
so far been developed to the point of being practicable for application, whereas
Guilloton's method is practicable.) If, then, Inui's theory is valid, the discrep-
ancies in Fig. 12 must be attributed to viscosity, but they need not be if Guillo-
ton's theory is more correct. On the other hand even Guilloton's theory predicts
that a hull of minimum wavemaking should be symmetrical about the centre line.
The bulb-aft model has such a low wave resistance that it is hard to imagine
that its effective hydrodynamic shape (including boundary layer displacement
effects) can be far from an optimum, unless this is such that some kinds of
large departure from the ideal shape can be tolerated without much increase of

If then we fall back on viscous effects as representing probably at least

part of the explanation, it seems important to develop a theoretical treatment of
them. Of course Havelock (10), Wigley (11), Emerson (12), and Inui (1) have
attempted to do this, but their methods lack a strong theoretical justification.
More satisfactory in principle is the method of Wu (13), but its development to
take proper account of the three-dimensional, turbulent nature of the boundary
layer would be difficult. However, the following arguments suggest, in support
of Havelock's intuition (10), that probably only the local boundary -layer thicken-
ing near the stern is of any significance. Hogben's experimental measurements
(14) show that the mean displacement thickness on a mathematical-form model
with parabolic waterlines varies roughly linearly with distance from the bow till
quite near the stern, where there is a rapid increase. Let us therefore consider
a central-plane source distribution whose density S is defined by

S = AV
1 -
+AVe, 0<x<L, 0<z<D,

where e = o for x < X. If X= such a distribution defines, according to the

Michell approximations, a body of the shape shown in Fig. 14a, with parabolic


Fig. 14 - Mathematical models of viscous effects

waterlines and a linearly growing boundary layer with a constant-thickness

wake. If however X is close to L, as in Fig. 14b, the boundary-layer thickness
is assumed to be negligible until close to the stern, where a wedge-shaped re-
gion of separation occurs followed by a constant -thickness wake. It may be
shown that the theoretical wave resistance corresponding to this source distri-
bution is given by

= ^ r [l- exp(- KqD sec^e*)] cos^ G((9)
'W -
dfi" ,


G(0) = a b - ea [1 - cos (KgX sec 0)]


+ eb sin (KqX sec 0) + e^ {l - cos [KqCL-X) sec 6]} ,

2 cos 9
= 1 + cos (KgL sec 9) ^r-r sin (KgL sec 9)


2 cos
sin (KqL sec 0) [1 - cos (KqL sec e*)]

Thus if X= 0, as in Fig. 14a, the e terms in G(^) vanish, and the wave resist-
ance is simply a linear combination of the inviscid resistance with - = and that
due to a uniform source distribution, as in Fig. 6. There is no interaction be-
tween the two components. To obtain the right kind of displacement thickness at
the stern we need e in the region of 0.003/A, and since this enters only as the
square it is likely to make only a negligible contribution to the wave resistance.
On the other hand if X is close to L, say 0.9L, e must be much bigger, say
0.03/A, if an appreciable growth of displacement thickness within the separated
region is to take place. Then, since e now enters in its first power, we see that
there is likely to be a much greater effect on wave resistance. Moreover this
latter effect is approximately independent of the small distance t (= L- X) from
the stern at which separation takes place, provided 1 1 is kept constant. Since
et defines the displacement thickness at the stern, or perhaps rather that part
of it which is due to the rapid growth of displacement thickness near the stern,
it could be determined experimentally fairly easily. Thus a simple method of
correcting theoretical wavemaking calculations for viscous effects may be to
locate concentrated sources of the proper strength at the stern. Alternatively

Design of Low-Resistance Hull Fornns

doublets might be used, since although the displacement thickness of the far
wake will be nonzero, it will be considerably less there than it is at the stern.

Figure 15 provides concrete evidence in favour of the general argument ad-

vanced above that the rapid boundary layer thickening near the stern matters
far more than the gradual thickening over the complete hull. However the ef-
fects are smaller than one would perhaps expect for the action of viscosity, so
it may well be equally important to model the rapid contraction of the wake just

downstream of the stern. This, of course, would be to return very nearly to

Havelock's original proposals (10).


1(a), X-O, 6 = O'OOS
(b), X= 0-9L, CsO-OS

Pn = (KoO

Fig. 15 - Computed effects of

(a) and (b) in Fig. 14 on wave

Whatever the complete explanation may be for the discrepancy between the two
resistance curves in Fig. 12, the outcome of the present exercise has been that,
by happy accident rather than skillful design, a hull form of lower resistance
than Eq. (10) has been achieved. Thus, scaled to a 693-ft-long ship, of 34,300
tons displacement, at 20 knots, the results for the model in the bulb-aft condi-
tion at 5.66 ft/sec lead to an estimated horsepower of 13,800. Here a conserva-
tive quasi-propulsive coefficient of 70 percent has been taken rather than the
measured value of 74 percent. Run bulb forwards, the horsepower would be
16,430. Equation (10) gives P^^^^^ = 15,520 for 34,300 tons displacement and 20
knots. Thus it appears that with the vessel run the opposite way round to what
was originally envisaged the target has been beaten by a small margin. The
change of direction does not necessarily mean that the ideas behind the original
design were entirely unsound, although the low-speed results do suggest that, at
any rate for a ship of this slenderness, the viscous-drag advantages of having
the maximum thickness forward are very small, so that to utilize them one
would have to be far more clever than I have been in reducing wave resistance.


The other way in which viscous effects have been taken account of, the reduction
of wetted area by making the sections as nearly semicircular as possible, has
been shown to be justified for the present limited purposes of striving towards a
purely hydrodynamic optimum. In view of the crude way in which wave resist-
ance has been dealt with in the present design, the results encourage the belief
that more sophisticated techniques could lead to substantial improvements over
current practice.


Part 3 of the paper has left unresolved the doubts raised by Part 2 as to the
adequacy of the Inui approach to the relationship between hull form and wave-
making. It is possible, but far from certain, that the large differences in resid-
uary resistance of the asymmetrical model in the different directions of motion
are due to viscous effects. If they are not, then theories, such as the Inui one,
for which the relationship between hull shape and source distribution is inde-
pendent of the direction of motion must be wrong. If they are, then potential
flow theory, even if accurate in itself, must be an unreliable guide to experimen-
tal residuary resistance, especially for forms with full afterbodies. In either
event, improvements in our present theories are called for. These might take
the form of an improvement in the theory for potential flow, and possibly Guil-
loton's theory (2) already represents such an improvement. Alternatively it
may be more important to take account of viscous effects.

Despite these uncertainties, there are grounds for hope that considerable
reductions of resistance of ship forms are possible. It seems worthwhile to
make further attempts to beat the target set in Part 1, without any practical ap-
plication in mind, as a means of forging the theoretical tools which will ulti-
mately, it is hoped, be useful for practical design, but which, as we have seen,
are at present only rather blunt instruments. Moreover, if really radical im-
provements on current designs could be demonstrated, this might lead to some
practical restrictions, normally insisted upon, being relaxed. Even if, in most
practical cases, the form of least possible resistance may not be the shape that
should be chosen for a ship, knowledge concerning this purely hydrodynamic
optimum must be of assistance in making a correct technical assessment of
ship design.

The work described above was carried out in the Ship Division of the Na-
tional Physical Laboratory, and is published by permission of the Director of
the Laboratory.

1. "Wave-Making Resistance of Ships," Soc.
Inui, T., of Naval Architects and
Marine Engineers Trans. 70:283 (1962)

Design of Low-Resistance Hull Fornns

2. Guilloton, R., "L'Etude Theorique du Bateau en Fluide Parfait," Bulletin,

Association Technique Maritime et Aeronautique, p. 537, 1964

3. Horner, S.F., "Fluid-Dynamic Drag," Published by the author, 1958

4. Hughes, G., "Ship Model Viscous Resistance Coefficients," NPL Ship Divi-
sion, Ship TM 80, 1965

5. Pien, P.C, "The Application of Wavemaking Resistance Theory to the De-

sign of Ship Hulls with Low Total Resistance," Paper presented at the Fifth
Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Bergen, Norway, September 1964,
Office of Naval Research, Department of the Navy, ACR 112, 1964

6. Breslin, "ANew Interpretation of the Wave Resistance of Point Sources

J. P.,
Moving Constant Speed Below the Surface of an Infinitely Deep Fluid,"
Stevens Institute of Technology Davidson Laboratory Technical Memoran-
dum 144, 1965

7. Wigley, W.C.S., "Comparison of Calculated and Measured Wave Resistances

for a Series of Forms Not Symmetrical Fore and Aft," Trans. Inst. Naval
Architects, 86:41 (1944)

8. Gadd, G.E., and Hogben, N., "The Determination of Wave Resistance from
Measurements of the Wave Pattern," NPL Ship Division, Ship Rep. 70, 1965

9. Eggers, K., "Uber die Ermittlung des Wellenwiderstandes eines Schiffs-

modells durch Analyse seines Wellensystems," Schiffstechnik 9:79 (1962)

10. Havelock, T.H., "Calculations Illustrating the Effect of Boundary Layer on

Wave Resistance," Trans. Inst. Naval Architects 90:259 (1948)

11. Wigley, C, "The Effect of Viscosity on Wave Resistance," Schiffstechnik

9:69 (1962)

12. Emerson, A., "The Application of Wave Resistance Calculations to Ship

HuU Design," Trans. Inst. Naval Architects 96:268 (1954)

13. Wu, T. Yao-tsu, "Interaction Between Ship Waves and Boundary Layer,"
International Seminar on Theoretical Wave Resistance, Ann Arbor, 3:1263,

14. Hogben, N,, "Record of a Boundary Layer Exploration on a Mathematical

Ship Model," NPL Ship Division, Ship Rep. 52, 1964

S. D. Sharma
Hamburgische Schiffbau- Versuchsanstalt
Hamburg, Germany

Two longitudinal -cut methods of analyzing the wave systenn of a ship
model, originally proposed by the author in 1963, have been numerically
and experimentally verified. It has been found that the free wave spec-
trum of a given model can be derived with fair accuracy fronn measure-
ments of wave height or slope along a single track parallel to the direc-
tion of nnotion, provided suitable truncation corrections are applied to
account for the asymptotic behaviour of the wave profile behind the
model. A concrete exannple shows that such empirical information on
the wave making characteristics of a nnain-huU form can be used as a
basis for the theoretical design of an additive bow bulb which would
achieve optimum wave cancellation and thus indirectly reduce ship re-
sistance and improve performance.



This paper presents the first results of a research project initiated about
a year ago with a view to devising a systematic method for the design and ap-
propriate dimensioning of bulbous bows. It is generally recognized that the
beneficial action of the bow bulb in reducing ship resistance and thereby im-
proving performance results primarily from an attenuation of the bov/ wave
system which is usually accompanied by a reduction of wave making resistance.
Even in such cases, with fuller ships for example, where there is good reason
to believe that the bulb tends to reduce the viscous rather than wave resistance
by smoothening the flow around the forebody, the wave reduction can be used as
a good practical criterion for bulb efficiency, since it is an empirical fact that
optimum designs of least total resistance generally display the least surface
disturbance in the vicinity of the bow. Therefore, it seems to be a sound work-
ing principle to try to match the bow wave system of the main hull against that
of an additive bulb.


In theory, this matching can be accomplished by purely analytical means.

Using the well-known concept of Havelock sources and representing the main-
hull/bulb combination by distributed and concentrated singularities respectively,
one can derive systems of extremely low, or even zero, theoretical wave resist-
ance. Perhaps the most striking of such results have been obtained by Yim,
whose paper (1) to the last ONR Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics at Bergen,
Norway, in 1964 may be consulted also for references to previous literature on
the subject. However, the underlying linearized theory is known to be quite in-
adequate for practical purposes. It generally fails to predict with sufficient ac-
curacy the actual wave-making characteristics of even simple ship forms.

Therefore, for the present work a semiempirical approach as advocated by

Inui, for example in his 1962 paper (2), was adopted. In this method theory is
only used to estimate the bulb wave system, while the wave-making character-
istics of the main hull are determined essentially from model experiments. As
rightly emphasized by Inui the concept of a free wave spectrum is extremely
useful in matching the bulb wave pattern to that of the main hull, for this enables
one to adjust the two systems by considering the individual amplitudes and
phases of component plane waves rather than the complicated geometry of the
integrated two-dimensional wave pattern. In actual application, however, Inui
and his collaborators seem to have used the general configuration of the meas-
ured wave crests and troughs to define a fictitious point of origin ahead of the
bow and have then taken radial wave profiles through this point for further eval-
uation, cf. Takahei (3). This method requires laborious stereophotogrammetric
measurements of the entire wave system and, in effect, fails to take full advan-
tage of the simple and elegant concept of the free wave spectrum.

For the present investigation it was decided to make a consistent use of the
elementary wave concept by first analyzing the measured wave system of the
main hull to obtain the spectrum and then adjusting the bulb to it. The basic
step, therefore, was to find a convenient and practical method of obtaining the
empirical spectrum from wave measurements capable of being taken, if possi-
ble, during a routine resistance test. Extensive testing previously conducted by
the author (4-6) on a mathematical model, designated as the Inuid S-201, had
established the validity of a transverse-cut method of deriving the free wave
spectrum from Fourier transforms of two or more wave profiles measured
along straight lines normal to the direction of motion of the model. However,
this method appeared to be somewhat inconvenient for the present purpose,
since transverse cuts can be measured only by moving wave probes across the
towing carriage during the model run, unless the even more difficult stereo-
photogrammetric technique is used. Moreover, there is no unique way of break-
ing up the waves measured behind the model into contributions from the bow and
the stern which may be desirable from the point of view of bulb design.

Hence it was decided to try out the two longitudinal-cut methods of wave
analysis originally suggested by the author in 1963, see Ref. 4a. These require
only the knowledge of wave height or transverse wave slope along a single
straight track parallel to the direction of motion of the model. This information
can be obtained rather easily by locating a stationary wave probe at some suit-
able point in the towing tank and taking time -dependent records while the model
passes by, without any interference with the routine testing. Incidentally, this

Wave Analysis Techniques to Achieve Bow-Wave Reduction

method is also best suited to application on a full-size ship for investigating

scale effects.

Although the longitudinal-cut methods had been proposed with a certain

reservation regarding their feasibility, see Ref. 4b, the numerical and experi-
mental experience gained so far and reported in this paper seems to confirm
their validity and practicability.


The surface disturbance produced by a moving ship cannot in general be

described in terms of a one -dimensional wave spectrum. However, if one ne-
glects certain local effects and considers the asymptotic behavior of the far
field, it turns out that only one wavelength, the so-called free wave, predomi-
nates in each direction of propagation. The remaining terms decay so rapidly
that the wave-making resistance in an ideal fluid is determined entirely by
these free waves. For most practical purposes, therefore, the wave-making
characteristics of a ship form may be considered as established if the free
wave spectrum, that is, the pair of functions relating the amplitudes and phases
of the component plane waves to their wave numbers, is known. Since each
component wave has a different direction of propagation and wavenumber, the
spectrum can be defined in various ways depending upon whether the total free
wave system is expressed as an integral in the direction of propagation or in
one of the possible wavenumbers. It will be found convenient for the present
work to first define an unambiguous amplitude spectrum.

Consider a right-handed Cartesian coordinate system Oxyz moving steadily

with the ship at speed V in the direction of Ox. Let Oxy be the undisturbed free
surface, Ozx the center plane, and Oyz the midship section of the ship. Take Oz
vertically upward, i.e., against the acceleration of gravity g. The steady sur-
face deformation produced by the moving ship can then be expressed by the

z = ^(x.y), (1)

where i is an arbitrary function of (x,y).

From now on it will be advantageous to use only nondimensional quantities.

This can be easily achieved by multiplying or dividing all lengths and wavenum-
bers by the quantity kg = g/v^, which is a fundamental unit of the problem. The
only relevant dimensional quantity other than a length or a wavenumber needed
here is the wave resistance R^, which will be rendered nondimensional by the

Rw=RwkoVpv2, (2)

where p denotes the density of water. (The term "wave resistance" will be used
in thispaper to designate the dynamic reaction of any given free wave system
as predicted by linearized potential theory.) When dimensional quantities are
used in the following pages for special reasons they will be identified by under-


The nondimensional free surface deformation due to the moving ship is now
given by
z = ^x,y). (3)

Following Havelock (7) this function may be represented for large distances
by a general superposition of elementary plane waves
(x^ + y2)

C(x,y) = J[f(6')
/- sin (sx+ uy) + g(0) cos (sx+ uy)] d0 , (4)

s - sec 6 , u = sec 6 tan 6 ,

where 9 is the direction of propagation, s and u are the kinematically linked

longitudinal and transverse (circular) wavenumbers respectively, f(0) and g(d)
are two arbitrary functions, and the limits of integration may depend on the lo-
cation of the point (x,y). In the relevant literature i(d) and g(d) are sometimes
called the amplitude functions of the sine and cosine wave systems respectively.
However, this terminology can be misleading, since i(0) and g(9) do not actu-
ally have the physical significance of wave amplitudes. Thus Takahei (3a) and
Inui (2a) introduce a "wave slope" as the ratio of amplitude to wavelength in
direction 6:

f(0)A((9) = i(d)/2rT cos^ 6 (5)

and then question the validity of linearized wave theory because this ratio for a
simple cosine ship (Inuid C-201) approaches infinity as d tends to 7t/2.

In the author's opinion such fallacious conclusions can be avoided by repre-

senting ^(x,y) as an integral in the transverse wavenumber u:

^(x,y) = JlF(u) sin (sx + uy) + G(u) cos (sx+uy)] du , (6)

u = s ^/7^^ , s2 = (^1+ (2u)2 + l)/2 .

The redefined amplitudes F(u) and G(u) contain an additional factor

d^/du = cos^e/(l + sin 2^)

as compared to f(^) and gid); therefore the ratios

F(u)/2-n- cos^ e and G(u)/277- cos^^

always remain finite, except when the linearized theory is genuinely over-
strained (for example by locating a singularity on the free surface).

Even otherwise, the functions F(u) andG(u) come quite close to what may
be considered as physical amplitudes except for a constant factor of proportion-
ality. For instance, the average rate of flow of total energy across a transverse
vertical plane for large negative x is given by

Wave Analysis Techniques to Achieve Bow-Wave Reduction

77 [F^Cu) + G^Cu)] du

and the wave resistance is given by

Rw = 2 [F^Cu) + G^Cu)] (2 - cos2 0)du ,

J - CO

as was first shown by Havelock (7).

In previous work (4-6) the author has used, following Eggers (8), the con-
venient "deep tank representation," which is obtained immediately from Eq. (6)
by replacing the integral with an infinite series. Assuming a transverse sym-
metric disturbance in a deep tank with straight vertical walls y = b/2 one ob-
tains the following general expression for a linearized free wave system far

U^'V) = ^^ ^"'^ ^^ (s^x) + /3^ sin (s^x)] cos (u^y) ,


u^ - 277V /b ,
e^ - 1/2 for v= and 1 elsewhere,

or alternatively


Ux,y) = e^ [A^ sin s^(x-^^)] cos (u^y) ,


A. - yf^J^ . tan (s^^^) = -ay^^ ;

see, for instance, Ref. 6a. The coefficients A^ and f ^ in Eq. (9) are, in fact,
actual amplitudes and phases of elementary tank waves, each of which can be
considered as a separate physical entity. For any given disturbance producing
the free wave in a tank of width b the coefficients a^ and /3^ are simply related
to the continuous functions F(u) and G(u) which constitute the free wave spec-
trum by the proportionality

a^ = (477/b) G(u) ,
/S^ = (477/b) F(u) . (10)

Assuming any sufficiently large hypothetical tank width b, Eqs. (9) and (10)
can also be considered as a numerical approximation to the exact integral in Eq.
(6) for laterally unrestricted fluid. The corresponding approximation for wave
resistance is then


R, = (b/8) e^{aj + fij) (2 - l/s^^) (11)

2^ ,


which again "exact" for a tank of width b. The quantity A (in an actual tank)
or Ab tank width b is only a numerical artifice) considered as a continuous
function of the wavenumber u or s seems to be a quite reasonable definition of
the "amplitude spectrum" and will, therefore, be used for its graphical repre-
sentation in this paper, as has already been the practice in previous publications
of the author.


For the sake of completeness the theory of longitudinal-cut analysis, al-

ready derived and discussed in Ref. 4, will be briefly recapitulated here. Con-
sider the following Fourier transforms


C(s,y) + iS(s,y) = ^(x,y) exp(isx)dx, 1 < s < w ,

J- 00

of any longitudinal cut y = const, through a transverse symmetric wave system

z = ^x,y) generated by a ship or model in laterally unrestricted deep water.
Now it was shown in Ref. 4a, by exploiting the asymptotic behavior of ^(x,y) for
large y, that the sine and cosine amplitude functions characteristic of the wave-
generating agency, as defined in the foregoing, can be directly obtained from the
above transforms by the simple relationship

4n/s2 - 1 ^ (13a)
^ '
ba(u) = 47tG(u) = [C sin (uy) - S cos (uy)] ^

2s - 1

b/Q(u) = 4-r7F(u) = [C sin (uy) - S cos (uy)] ,

2s2 - 1

while the wave resistance can also be computed directly, without reference to
the amplitude or phase spectrum, by the formula

^\:[ f ~ ^
(C^ + S^)du. (14)

It maybe noted in passing that if the wave pattern is transversally unsymmet-

ric, one longitudinal cut on either side of the disturbance is necessary and suf-
ficient for the determination of the entire spectrum in the range -co < u < oo and
hence for the computation of the original wave resistance integral in Eq. (7).

It was further pointed out in Ref. 4 that similar relations can be derived for
the analogous Fourier transforms of wave slopes ^^ or i^ measured along lon-
gitudinal cuts. Especially, a decided numerical advantage was claimed in favor
of the transforms Cy and Sy of the transverse wave slope ^y over those of wave
height i because of a more reasonable weighting function in the following rela-
tions corresponding to Eqs. (13) and (14):

Wave Analysis Techniques to Achieve Bow-Wave Reduction

ba(u) = 47rG(u) = ^
s(2s2- I)
[C sin (uy) +
y ^ '
S cos (uy)]

b/3(u) = 477F(u) = ^ [C cos (uy) - S^ sin (uy)] ,

s(2s^ - 1) ^


R =-f -^ \ (C2+S2)du. (16)

It isobvious from an inspection of the foregoing equations that in the most im-
portant and interesting region of the spectrum at u = o, that is at s = 1, a numeri-
cal zero must be multiplied with a numerical infinity on the right-hand side of
Eqs. (13) and (14) in order to obtain a nonzero value of the transverse wave am-
plitude Aq, while no such difficulty occurs with the Eqs. (15) or (16).

Finally, it should be mentioned that Newman (9a) independently derived an

equivalent of Eq. (14) and presented it simultaneously with the author (4) to the
International Seminar on Theoretical Wave Resistance at Ann Arbor, Michigan,
in August 1963, while Pien and Moore (10) and Shor (11) proposed somewhat dif-
ferent methods of longitudinal-cut analysis on the same occasion.

The numerical difficulty just mentioned finds another expression in the fact
that under certain circumstances the Fourier transforms c, S and Cy, Sy etc., ,

do not converge at all. In fact the theoretical free wave spectrum of any ship
form is such that in general the function ^(x,y) is not absolutely integrable at
the afterend -x-co, andc^ + S^ becomes infinite at the point s = l

Similarly, for a surface disturbance (as distinguished from a submerged

disturbance of arbitrarily small but nonzero depth of submergence) also the
function ^y(x,y) is not absolutely integrable and produces an infinity of Cy^ + Sy^
at the other end of the spectrum, namely, as s-oo. However, this problem can
be circumvented by restricting the computation to a finite range of wave number
s without prejudice to the practical aim of wave analysis, since this end of the

spectrum contributes but little to wave resistance. In one typical case, for in-
stance, it was estimated that truncating the spectrum at s = 3 would cause an
error of less than 0.5 percent in wave resistance.

Fortunately, the aforesaid convergence and the associated truncation prob-

lem (arising from the practical restriction of the x integration to a finite range)
in the analysis of height records can be approximately solved by a simple trick.
Since the amplitudes are in any c ase ob tained by multiplying the Fourier trans-
forms C and s with the factor 4y/s^- l/(2s2- i), which becomes zero at s = l,
one might as well start right away with the following weighted Fourier trans-


C*(s,y) + iS*(s,y) = ^s^- 1 ^(x,y) exp(isx) dx .


Now, if the asymptotic behavior of wave height

-X -co: ^x,y) ^ (Cj cos x + Cj sin x)/\/c ^ - x (18)

is postulated inanalogy to the result obtained by the usual stationary phase

analysis of any theoretical wave system, then the function Ux,y) can indeed be
extrapolated to -x^co, once the constants Cj Cj, and C3 have been determined ,

by, say, a least-squares fit to the known function ^ in some finite region
Xj < X < Xj, where -Xj, -x^ >> !

The contribution of the integration - 00 < x < x^, where x^ is some large
negative value of x can then be derived by closed evaluation of the following


r e C,
c C, sin
COS X + Co Sin X /-v
AC + iAS*
= ys2- 1 ,

exp(isx)dx. (19)
J- 00 7^

After some rewriting and simplification one obtains the following results:

AC* d2Sp(z*) d3Cp(z-) (20a)

y^ [diCpCz^) + + + d^SpCz')]

AS' = /^[-diSp(z*)
+ d^CpCz^) - d3Sp(z-) + d^CpCz-)] (20b)

with the abbreviations

dj - 7s - 1 [cj cos C3(s + 1) + C2 sin C3(s + 1)] ,


dj = ys-l [cj sin C3(s+ 1) - Cj cos C3(s+ 1)] , (21b)

dj = V s + 1 [cj cos C3(s- 1) - Cj sin C3(s- 1)] , (21c)

d^ = V s + 1 [cj sin C3(s- 1) + Cj cos C3(s- 1)] . (21d)

Herein Cp and Sp denote the easily computable Fresnel integrals

Cp(z) + iSp(z) = exp^i^ tA dt ,


e.g., see Ref. 12, and the argument z takes the values

Wave Analysis Techniques to Achieve Bow-Wave Reduction

Z- = V2(C3-XJ(S l)/77 . (23)

The further evaluation of the weighted Fourier transforms c* and s* thus cor- ,

rected for any truncation errors at the after end -x - proceeds as before but ,

with modified weighting factors. Thus

ba(u) = 47tG(u) = -
[C* cos (uy) - S* sin (uy)] ,
2s 1

b/3(u) = 47rF(u) = ^ -
[C* sin (uy) + S* cos (uy)] ,
2s 1


P. = i Jl(C')^* (S*)^l

It isapparent that the numerical ambiguity at s = l has been eliminated. It may

be noted in passing that the function ^(x,y) decays so rapidly for x->cd that no
truncation corrections are in practice needed at this end.

For the sake of record it may be recalled that Newman (9) also derived a
certain truncation correction for wave resistance in a different way but starting
with an assumed asymptotic behavior of wave height similar to Eq. (18).


Before trying to apply the longitudinal-cut methods in practice it appeared
advisable to check them first on a few theoretical wave patterns of predetermined
spectra. As a simple example, typical of a bulb wave system, the linearized
wave pattern of a submerged sphere of unit radius r = l, located at x = y = 0,
z = -f was investigated. This is represented to a good order of approximation
by the functions

r- x/y
^x,y) =2 s^ exp(-fs2) sin (sx + uy) dt ,
J _ 00

n- x/y
^y(x,y) = 2 us^ exp(-fs2) cos (sx+uy) dt ,
J _ 00

s = yt^ + 1 , u = t /t^TT , y > ,

which are adapted from Havelock (13) after neglecting certain local terms in-
volving double integrals (which had to be dropped in view of limited computer
facilities at the disposal of the author).


The above integrals were numerically evaluated at 241 points, in the range
X = - 207T (n/ 10
)4tt for typical parameter values f = l y =
, by the Romberg ,

method specifying an absolute accuracy of 0.0005. The results are listed in

Tables 1 and 2. may
be noted that at the afterend of the cut the slope oscilla-
tions have decayed down
to about 1 percent of their peak values (which is a real-
istic simulation of experimental accuracy), while the corresponding figure for
height is much higher (about 25 percent) as may also be expected.

Table 1
List of Computed i^ (xlO"*) Values for a Submerged Sphere
(Parameters: r := i, f = i^ y = tt; Variable, x = 477 stepped -VlO
until -2O77)
Wave Analysis Techniques to Achieve Bow-Wave Reduction

Table 2
List of Computed i Values for a Submerged Sphere
(Parameters: r=i, f=i^y = 77; Variable, x=4: stepped
-Tj/lO until -207t)

Fig. 1 - Amplitude spectrum of an iso-

lated submerged sphere of unit radius

Wave Analysis Techniques to Achieve Bow-Wave Reduction

sphere of unit radius r = l and submergence f = 1 was located at x = -3t7, y ^ o

and the total wave system obtained by superposing the data listed in Table 1 or
2 on itsel f with a phase shift of 30 steps. This corresponds to a Froude number
F^ = Vl/L of about 0.326, since the nondimensional separation L of the two
spheres is here 3tt taken center to center.

The result of this analysis is depicted in Fig. 2 where, in order to avoid

overcrowding, only two sets of points are indicated in addition to the continuous
theoretical curve, namely, the solid dots from slope analysis and the open dots
from height analysis (with truncation correction), each cut running through 240
steps from x = 477 to -20t. The corresponding figures for wave resistance are
2.018 (theory), 1.994 (slope analysis), and 1.892 (height analysis).

Finally, in order to test the method on a typical ship-wave pattern gener-

ated by a continuous distribution of sources and sinks the theoretical wave sys-
tem of the Inuid S-201 was selected. This model has been described frequently
in previous work (see Ref. 6b for instance); therefore details will be omitted.

Fig. 2 - Amplitude spectrum of a pair

of submerged spheres F^^ = 0.326


The test cut was a height record for a nondimensional model length L = 20 (cor-
responds to F^ = 0.2236) at transverse location y = 8,01 in a tank of width b =
90, taken in 250 equal steps from x = -100 to +25. The theoretical heights were
computed by Dr. Klaus Eggers of the Institut fur Schiffbau der Universitat Ham-
burg by the usual linearized theory including all local effects and with a speci-
fied absolute error limit of 0.0005. The data as used by the author are repro-
duced in Table 3.

Table 3
List of Computed ^ (xlO^*) Values for Inuid S-201
(Parameters: y^ = 10, b = 90, y = 8.01; Variable,
X = 25 stepped -0.5 until -100)
Wave Analysis Techniques to Achieve Bow-Wave Reduction

o s*^-2,5 12.5

Fig. 3 - Amplitude spectrum of

Inuid S-201 for >'(, =10

The principal results of the three foregoing numerical tests on theoretical

wave systems can be summarized as follows. Both, the wave height and the
transverse slope, methods of longitudinal-cut analysis are essentially correct
and feasible. The accuracy of analysis is practically limited by two factors:
the finite transverse location y of the cut and the finite length of run in the neg-
ative X direction. The truncation errors are most prominent at the lower end
of the spectrum (about u = that is, s = i) and are relatively less serious in

slope analysis than in height analysis (see Figs. 1 and 2). The latter, conducted
without truncation correction for any finite length of run however large, will al-
ways yield zero amplitudes at the point u = and will generally lead to large
errors of amplitude and phase in a significant portion of the spectrum (see Figs.
1 and 3), which may, however, sometimes cancel out in the integration and yield
a surprisingly reasonable value of wave resistance (see Fig. 1). The truncation
correction for height analysis as applied by the author seems to be most effec-
tive in the case of an isolated point disturbance and yields strikingly accurate
results (Fig. 1), while the improvement achieved in the case of a pair of point


disturbances (Fig. 2) and of a distributed singularity (Fig, 3) is not quite as

good. In any case the truncation correction itself becomes more and more ef-
fective with increasing length of run (see Fig. 3). The residual errors are rel-
atively larger at hump speeds (Fig. 3) than at hollow speeds (Fig. 2) as may be
expected in view of the different relative importance of the lower end of the

On the whole, it appears that the analysis of a longitudinal cut located at a

realistic transverse distance (say one fundamental wavelength, y = 27t) and con-
tinued to a realistic extent behind the disturbance (say -x = 40Tr) in realistic
steps (say Ax = 7t/io) would yield, after application of suitable truncation correc-
tions, the free wave spectrum with fair accuracy and the wave resistance with
an error of less than 5 percent.

A further demonstration of the feasibility of the longitudinal-cut method of
wave analysis was obtained from a special test run on the mathematical model
Inuid S-201. This same model had been previously subjected to a series of ex-
tensive tests, including wave analysis, based on the transverse-cut method;
hence sufficient reliable data for crucial comparisons were available. Refer-
ences 4, 5, and 6 may be consulted for a description of the model and the details
of past experiments and analysis.

For the present purpose a new resistance-wire-type wave probe which si-
multaneously records wave height and partial slope in any one desired orienta-
tion was designed and constructed by Mr. Hans Luft of the HSVA (Hamburgische
Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt, Hamburg, Germany) with the expert advice of Pro-
fessor L. W. Ward of the Webb Institute of Naval Architecture, Long Island, N.Y.

The test runs on Inuid S-201 were conducted in the HSVA on May 9, 1966, in
collaboration with Dr. Klaus Eggers of the Institut fur Schiffbau der Universitat
Hamburg and with the financial support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
The wave probe was located at a fixed point in the tank at a transverse distance
of 1655 mm from the model center plane, and time records of wave height ^ and
transverse slope l^ were taken as the model passed by at six different speeds
between 1.4 and 2.0 m/sec. The comparative geometry of the longitudinal cuts
thus obtained and the transverse cuts measured in August 1962 with the same
model in the same tank but using a sonic wave probe is shown in Fig. 4. It may
be noted that actual tank dimensions allowed recording of very much longer
runs, but these were deliberately restricted to keep them well outside of the
wave system reflected from the tank walls, which is an extraneous effect not
accounted for in the present methods of longitudinal-cut analysis.

Owing to an unexpected ambiguity in the calibration of the slope signal it

has not yet been possible to evaluate the ly records, but four height records
have already been analyzed. The relevant parameters of these runs are listed
in Table 4 and the height data as used for analysis are recorded in Tables 5 to
8. It should be noted that although the data are reproduced to four digits, the
accuracy of measurement is not claimed to be any better than about 2 percent of

Wave Analysis Techniques to Achieve Bow-Wave Reduction

the peak values. Table 4 also shows relevant information on comparable trans-
verse cuts of the older test series and the final result (wave resistance) obtained
in each case.

Table 4
Comparison Parameters and Results
of of Transverse and Longitudinal-Cut
Analysis Conducted on a 4-m Model of the Mathematical Form Inuid S-201


Fig. 4 - Comparative geometry of transverse and longitudinal cuts

actually analyzed. The numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, on the longitudinal cut,
mark the range of data listed in Tables 5, 6, 7, and 8.

Table 5
List of Measured i (xio'^) Values for Inuid S-201
(Parameters: y^ = 10.01, b = 90.09, y = 8.28;
Variable, x = 10.54 stepped -0.3502 until -86.46)

Wave Analysis Techniques to Achieve Bow-Wave Reduction

Table 6
List of Measured I (xio^) Values for Inuid S-201
(Parameters: >o = 7.690, b = 69.21, y = 6.36; Var-
iable, X = 8.82 stepped -0.3070 until -69.47)


Table 7
List of Measured i Values for Inuid S-201
(x 10"*)
(Parameters: y^ = 6.067, b = 54.60, y =5.02; Var-
iable:X = 9.10 stepped -0.2733 until -64.70)

Wave Analysis Techniques to Achieve Bow-Wave Reduction

Table 8
List of Measured i, (xlO"*)Values for Inuid S-201
(Parameters: y^ = 4.903, b = 44.13, y = 4.06; Var-
iable, X = 7.55 stepped -0.2462 until -73.68)




Exact theoretical curve
by direct computation

With seni-eapiricaL
correctiono after Inui
and author, see Bef. 4

O ProB analysis of five

transYerse C cuts,
see Bef. 4

?roB analysis of a
single longitudinal
C cut (present work)

a 2.5 15.0 [m-'j

Fig. 5 - Amplitude spectrum of Inuid

S-201 for 7o = 10.0 or F^ = 0.224

Wave Analysis Techniques to Achieve Bow-Wave Reduction



Exact theoretical curve
by direct computation

With semi-empirical
corrections after Inui
and author, see Ref. 4
Q Prom analysis of five
transverse C cuts,
see Ref. 4

From analysis of a
single longitudinal
C cut (present work)

u 25 150 [m-'2

Fig. 6 - Amplitude spectrum of Inuid

S-201 for 7o = 7.7 or F^ = 0.255


Exact theoretical curre

by direct coaputatlon

With seBl-emplrlcaL
corrections after Inul
and author, aee Ref. 4

Q Prom analysio of
five transverse
C cuts, see Bef.

From analysis of a
single longitudinal
C cut (present work)

-?5 7.S 1Q0 12,5 ^5.0 [rry-1]

Fig. 7 - Amplitude spectrum of Inuid

S-201 for 7o = 6.1 or F = 0.287

The overall result of this experimental verification can be tentatively sum-

marized as follows. The transverse- and longitudinal-cut methods yield fairly
consistent results and appear to be essentially equivalent, thus allowing the
great practical advantages of the longitudinal-cut methods to be fully exploited
in the future. If wave resistance alone is used as a criterion, then the differ-
ences manifested in Table 4 can be almost dismissed as due to experimental
error. However, it should be noted that the discrepancy is least in Case 2
(Fig. 6), where the amplitude A^ is relatively small, and highest in Case 3
(Fig. 7), where the amplitude A^ is relatively large. In view of the numerical
experience gained on theoretical wave systems (Figs. 2 and 3) this could be evi-
dence of a systematic error arising from inadequate truncation correction and
should therefore be further investigated.

Another possibility of improving the accuracy of the longitudinal-cut analy-

sis would be to record two or more cuts simultaneously and use the redundant
information to obtain more reliable least-squares fits. It may be recalled that

Wave Analysis Techniques to Achieve Bow-Wave Reduction




Exact theoretical curve
by direct computation

With semi-empirical
corrections after Inui
and author, see Ref. 4

Prom analysis of
five transverse
C outs, see Bef. 4

Prom analysis of a
single longitudinal
C cut (present work)

1S.0 [m-'j

Fig. 8 - Amplitude spectrum of Ihuid

S-201 for 7o = 4.9 or F^ = 0.319

the same experience has been made previously with the transverse-cut method
where as many as had to be taken (instead of a theoretical minimum
five cuts
requirement of only two cuts) to reduce the mean error to less than 5 percent
(see Ref. 5a).

By the way, this mutual confirmation of the results of transverse- and

longitudinal -cut analyses seems to further justify the working definition of wave
resistance in a real fluid as the dynamic reaction of the associated free wave
system. This quantity does seem to be a significant invariant property of the
model not unduly sensitive to an arbitrary choice of parameters selected for

It seems that a convenient and practical method of wave analysis has now
been established. This involves the measurement of a time record of wave


height at a suitable fixed point in the towing tank while the model passes by at a
steady speed, during a routine resistance test for example. A simple Fourier
transform analysis of this record based on linearized potential theory then
yields the free wave spectrum and the wave resistance of the model. The
method has been numerically checked on different theoretical wave systems of
predetermined spectra and experimentally verified on the mathematical model
Inuid S-201. All essential numerical and experimental data leading to this con-
clusion have been reproduced in the paper, and others working in the field are
invited to check the author's or their own methods on it.

One of the possible practical applications of this new experimental tool in

ship-model testing would be to use the empirical free-wave spectrum of a main
hull determined in this way as a basis for the design of an optimum additive bulb
adapted to minimize free surface deformation, reduce resistance, and improve
performance. (Such an application is described in Part II.)

Another possible application would be to analyze geosim model and full-size

ship wave patterns by this method with a view to investigate scale effects and
improve ship model correlation. It is hoped that those with the appropriate fa-
cilities at their disposal will take up the problem.


The numerical and experimental verification of a longitudinal-cut method of

analyzing the measured wave system of a ship model with a view to determine
its free wave spectrum was reported in Part I. The purpose of the following
addendum is to round out this report by including a concrete example of possible
practical application of this method to the problem of optimum bow design.

The basic empirical information needed for this work consisted of longitu-
dinal wave profiles, measured during routine resistance tests at the HSVA, of
two alternative designs (one with and the other without a bulbous bow) of a cargo
ship model. Both the main hull and the bow bulb were of purely empirical de-
sign. The relevant parameters of the models tested are reproduced in Table 9.
It may be noted that two operating conditions were specified; hence four sets of
resistance and wave measurements were taken. The data analyzed and reported
in the following were obtained at model speeds corresponding to the designed
service speeds of the full-size ship in the fully loaded and ballast conditions.
The transverse location and longitudinal extent of the profiles recorded and
evaluated was very similar to that shown in Fig. 4.

An analysis of the wave height records by the method described in Part I

yielded directly the free wave spectrum of the model with and without a bulb.
From this the differential bulb spectrum was derived by taking the vector differ-
ence between the wave amplitudes with a bulb and those without a bulb at the
same speed assuming the principle of linear superposition of the wave patterns
created by the main hull and the bow bulb. The three sets of amplitudes obtained
in this way are shown as functions of the transverse wavenumber u in Fig. 9 for
the fully loaded condition and in Fig. 10 for the ballast condition. It will be
noted that the amplitude spectrum of the model (both with and without a bulb)

Wave Analysis Techniques to Achieve Bow-Wave Reduction

Table 9
Particulars of a Cargo Ship Model Tested with and
without a Bulb at Two Different Loading Conditions


Fig. 9 - Amplitude spectrum of a

cargo ship model at load draft for
7 = 8.25 or F = 0.246

Wave Analysis Techniques to Achieve Bow-Wave Reduction

0.8 r

Fig. 10- Amplitude spectrum of a

cargo ship model at ballast draft

for 7o = 7.27 or F^ = 0.262

exhibits regular oscillations arising from interference between bow and stern
waves typical of any singularity distribution (see Fig. 3) in the linearized theory,
while the differential bulb spectrum is a fairly monotonic curve characteristic
of a concentrated point disturbance (see Fig. 1), The irregular high frequency
fluctuations visible in the bulb amplitude function could be attributed to experi-
mental error, while the somewhat more regular low frequency oscillations could
result from nonlinear interaction between the main hull and bulb spectra.

Before passing on to the bulb optimization problem it may be useful to refer

to the total resistance curves reproduced in Fig. 11. It will be seen that the ef-
fect of the bulb is by no means spectacular but that there is a definite reduction
of total resistance over the entire speed range tested, amounting to about 12
percent at the ballast draft and 2 percent at the load draft at the respective de-
sign speeds. (The corresponding figures for the full-size ship would be pre-
sumably somewhat more favorable.) However, in view of the modest size of the
bulb (less than 1 percent of the main hull volume, see Table 9) this seems to be



Fig. 11 - Measured total resistance coeffi-

cients of a cargo ship model with and with-
out a bulb, at two drafts

a good result. In the present context it is more important to observe the follow-
ing features in Fig. 11. The wave resistance coefficient C^ as computed from
the spectra displayed in Figs. 9 and 10 is also plotted in Fig. 11 as a deduction
from the measured total resistance coefficient c^. Now, if the standard corre-
lation line recommended by the ITTC 1957 is used as an estimate of frictional
resistance Cf it is obvious that the residuary resistance C^ - Cj is not ac-

counted for by wave -making alone. Thus there is indirect evidence of consid-
erable pressure drag of viscous origin. Considering differences, it is worth
noting that the resistance reduction due to the bulb at the load draft can be fully
explained by the observed attenuation of the wave system, whereas at the ballast
draft only about two thirds of the total resistance reduction can be attributed to
the attenuation of the visible surface deformation. This indicates that in the
latter condition either the bulb is simultaneously acting to reduce viscous re-
sistance or that the present method tends to underestimate the "actual" wave
resistance. That this second possibility cannot be ruled out is suggested by the

Wave Analysis Techniques to Achieve Bow-Wave Reduction

appearance of the bow waves on the models with and without a bulb as compared
in Fig. 12. Although the photographs are only a poor reproduction of the flow
conditions actually observed during the tests, and there are certain extraneous
features such as irrelevant foam patches on the free surface (foreground of Fig.
12(a)), it should be evident that the bow wave of the bulbless model has a broken
crest and produces violently turbulent motion, while the bulbous model exhibits
a fairly smooth flow. It is quite conceivable that in face of such highly nonlinear
(and in fact nonpotential) flow phenomena the present linearized method of wave
analysis would yield inaccurate results and generally tend to underestimate the
"actual" wave-making resistance.

In spite of such possible shortcomings of the present method of analysis it

was attempted to derive some practical results relevant to the optimization
problem. To this end the theoretical effect of changing bulb size and location

(a) BOW WAVE OF BULBLESS MODEL 1877 AT 2.065 m/s


-0.10 -0.05 (Ax/LBP)

.- 0.05

Fig. 13 - Contour lines of the ratio of

wave resistance with bulbto that with-
out bulb for ballast condition (thick
lines) and load condition (thin lines)

was investigated by computing the wave resistance ui corresponding linear com-

binations of the empirically derived free wave spectra of the main hull and the
bow bulb. The results of this calculation are plotted in Fig. 13 as contour lines
of the ratio of wave resistance with a bulb to that without a bulb. The set of
thick lines holds for the ballast condition while the thin lines apply to the load

It will be seen that for each condition there is a definite range of bulb size
and location (bounded by the contour line marked 1.0) inside which the bulb pro-
duces beneficial action. There also exists in each case a definite optimal
choice. The best that can be achieved with this model by merely changing bulb
size and longitudinal location (i.e., without altering the basic bulb form) is a re-
duction of wave resistance down to about 48 percent in the ballast condition or
69 percent in the load condition. Evidently the two optima cannot be realized
simultaneously and it is the designer's problem to choose a compromise some-
where along a straight line connecting the two optimal points in Fig. 13. The
picture also confirms the empirical fact already known to designers that a bulb
optimized for the load draft is generally oversized and detrimental at the ballast

Wave Analysis Techniques to Achieve Bow-Wave Reduction

draft. It may be noted in passing that the empirical bulb design actually tested
being represented by the coordinates (0,1) in the diagram is a near hit to the
theoretical optimum for the ballast condition, and this was to the author's knowl-
edge also the aim of the designer in the present case. However, there is still
some room for minor overall improvement, and this diagram serves to illus-
trate the type of practical recommendations that can be made to the designer
with the aid of the wave analysis techniques in this paper.

This work has been performed in the Hamburgische Schiffbau-Versuchs-
anstalt(HSVA) at the instigation of the Director, Professor Dr.-Ing. Hermann
Lerbs, and with the financial support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.

The wave profile measurements on the mathematical model Inuid S-201 re-
ported in Part I of the paper were conducted in collaboration with Professor

Lawrence W. Ward of the Webb Institute of Naval Architecture and Dr. Klaus
Eggers of the Institut fur Schiffbau der Universitat Hamburg as part of a related
research program aimed at comparing different methods of wave analysis. A
complete report on this work is currently in preparation.
The wave records of the cargo ship model with and without a bulb, presented
in Part II, were obtained during routine testing for a German shipyard,
Orenstein-Koppel und Lubecker Maschinenbau Aktiengesellschaft, to whom the
author is greatly indebted for kind permission to conduct these measurements
and to publish most of the information.
The author is also grateful to Mr. Harald Keil of the Institut fur Schiffbau
for his assistance in automatic data acquisition and to Mr. Walter Alef of the
HSVA for his help in data reduction and computer programming.

(Unless otherwise specified, all lengths have been rendered nondimensional
by multiplication with the fundamental wavenumber k^ and all wavenumbers
have been rendered nondimensional by division with k^.)

A Dimensional amplitude of an elementary wave in a tank of


A = kgA Nondimensional wave amplitude

b Tank width

c,s Fourier transforms of Ux), see Eq. (12)

Cy,Sy Analogous Fourier transforms of ^y(x)

C*,S* Weighted Fourier transforms, see Eq. (17)

Cp, Sp Fresnel integrals, see Eq. (22)


Cj.Cj.Cj Constants for asymptotic representation of wave height, see

Eq. (18)

F^ Froude number V/V^

F(u),G(u) Amplitude functions, see Eq. (6)

f('5'),g((9) Arbitrary functions for definition of spectrum, see Eq. (4)

f Depth of submergence of a dipole representing a spherical


g Acceleration of gravity (m/sec^)

kg - g/v^ Fundamental wave number (1/m)

L Usual dimensional model length

L = kgL Nondimensional model length

Origin of coordinate system moving with the ship

Oxyz Usual dimensional coordinate system

Oxyz Nondimensional coordinate system

Oxy Undisturbed free surface

Oyz Midship section

Ozx Longitudinal center plane

R^ Nondimensional wave resistance RJcq^Z/oV^

R^ Usual dimensional wave resistance

s = sec Longitudinal wavenumber

s = kg sec e Dimensional wavenumber

t = tan 6 Variable of integration

u = sec 6 tan d Transverse wavenumber

u = kpu Dimensional wavenumber

Uj, = 277V /b Wavenumber of a discrete elementary wave in a tank of

width b

X = kpX Coordinate in the direction of motion of the ship

Wave Analysis Techniques to Achieve Bow-Wave Reduction

y = kgy Horizontal coordinate pointing to portside

z = kgZ Vertical coordinate positive upward

CL^ Amplitude of the cosine component of an elementary tank wave,

see Eq. (8)

/3j^ Amplitude of the sine component of an elementary tank wave,

see Eq. (8)

= gL/2V^ Physical Froude number = L/2

e^ Numerical factor = 1/2 for v -^ and 1 elsewhere

^x,y) Wave height, free surface deformation

^y(x,y) Transverse wave slope (partial derivative of ^ with respect

to y)

d Direction of propagation of a component plane wave

X(^) Wavelength of a component plane wave in its direction of

propagation 6

V Tank wavenumber

^^ Phase of elementary tank wave in a prescribed coordinate

system, see Eq. (9)

P Density of water

1. Yim, B., "Some Recent Developments in the Theory of Bulbous Ships,"
Hydronautics Inc. Technical Report 117-6, Aug. 1964

2. "Wave-Making Resistance of Ships," Trans. Soc. Naval Architects

Inui, T.,
and Marine Engineers 70:282-326,353 (1962)

a. p. 345

3. Takahei, T., "A Study on the Waveless Bow (Parts 1 and 2)," J. SNA Japan
108:289-297 (1960); 109:203-217 (1961)

a. Part 2, p. 213

4. Sharma, S.D., "A Comparison of the Calculated and Measured Free-Wave

Spectrum of an Inuid in Steady Motion," Proc. "International Seminar on


Theoretical Wave Resistance," Ann Arbor, Michigan, Aug. 1963, pp. 201-
a. p. 222

b. p. 224

c. Figures 11 to 14

5. Sharma, S.D., "Untersuchungen uber den Zahigkeits- und Wellenwiderstand

mit besonderer Berucksichtigung ihrer Wechselwirkung," Institut fur
Schiffbau der Universitat Hamburg, Report 138, Dec. 1964

a. pp. 442-451

6. Sharma, S.D., "Zur Problematik der Aufteilung des Schiffswiderstandes in

zahigkeits- und wellenbedingte Anteile," Jahrbuch STG, 59:458-504 (1965)

a. pp. 473-474
b. pp. 477-479

7. Havelock, T.H., "The Calculation of Wave Resistance," Proc. Roy. Soc.

(London) Ser. A 144:514-521 (1934)

8. Eggers, K., "Uber die Ermittlung des Wellenwiderstandes eines Schiffs-

modells durch Analyse seines Wellensystems (Teil 1 und 2)," Schiffstechnik
9(No. 46):79-84,85 (1962); 10(No. 52):93-106 (1963)

9. Newman, J.N., "The Determination of Wave Resistance from Wave Meas-

urements along a Parallel Cut," Proc. International Seminar on Theoretical
Wave Resistance, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Aug. 1963, pp. 353-376,379
a. p. 357

10. Pien, P.C, and Moore, W.L., "Theoretical and Experimental Study of
Wave -Making Resistance of Ships," Proc. International Seminar on Theo-
retical Wave Resistance, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Aug. 1963, pp. 133-182,188

11. Shor, S.W.W., "A Fourier Transform Method for Calculating Wave-Making
Resistance from Wave Height on a Line Parallel to a Ship's Track," Proc.
International Seminar on Theoretical Wave Resistance, Ann Arbor, Michi-
gan, Aug. 1963, pp. 601-615

12. Gautschi, W., "Error Function and Fresnel Integrals," in "Handbook of

Mathematical Functions," NBS Applied Mathematics Series Vol. 55, Dec.
1965 (4th Printing) p. 300

13. Havelock, T.H., "The Wave Pattern of a Doublet in a Stream," Proc. Roy.
Soc. (London) Ser. A 121:515-523 (1928)

Wave Analysis Techniques to Achieve Bow-Wave Reduction


Lawrence W. Ward
Webb Naval Architecture
Institute of
Glen Cove, New York

again a pleasure for me today to comment on a paper by a colleague

It is
with whom I have had the opportunity this past academic year to carry on inter-

esting and valuable discussions and experimental investigations; this now, with
Dr. Eggers, completes a triumvirate at the Institut fur Schiffbau and at the
Hamburgische Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt which, as the author mentioned, at-
tempted to bring both theoretical and experimental methods to bear during this
period on the question of which methods of wave analysis are both valid and
practical for determination of the wave resistance and other related questions,
such as that of the bulbous bow which the author has focused on in the paper.
Some of the results of this joint effort, in particular the results of a longitudinal
cut analysis of the wave elevation due to the model Inuid S-201, are given in
Table 4 in Part I. I would like to take this occasion to present other results we
obtained on the same model by the "X-Y" method, in order to draw a compari-
son, the first that has been possible using the same model under the same con-
ditions, between these two methods as well as with the author's previously ob-
tained results using the Eggers transverse-cut relationships. These results
are summarized in Fig. Dl, in which the wave resistance coefficient c^ is pre-
sented as a function of the Froude number F^ for the three test series. It is
seen that essential agreement is obtained between the three methods, except in
two regions, one in a hollow and the other at the highest Froude numbers

Fig, Dl - Results of various wave

surveys on Inuid S-ZOl: L = 4.0 m
andC = R /(p/2)SV2




considered, where the transverse cut analysis result is higher. Thus the com-
parison is encouraging and lends further support to the author's comment, in
the last paragraph of the section "Experimental Verification," that this meas-
ured quantity, which N. Hogben has aptly termed "wave pattern resistance,"
seems to be definable in a practical sense. Further details on these results,
including if possible results on a longitudinal cut method using the wave slope,
should be forthcoming in a joint paper as mentioned by the author in his aclaiowl-

Let me make a comment on the specific question of the paper, that is, the
experimental design of a bulb for a given ship. This is that the obvious suita-
bility of the spectrum result in the present method of wave analysis for investi-
gating size and location of the bulb does not preclude the consideration of other
methods under the same assumptions, to solve the same problem in the tank.
These are (a) linearity of the bulb wave system to the bulb strength and (b) fixed
relative location of the bulb wave system with the bulb itself. In particular, one
could construct the bulb X and Y signals (not the product) from the test data or
from theory and apply this record through a computer analysis to the basic ship
X and Y records to find optimum locations and strengths, without substantially
more effort than required in analyzing and integrating the spectrum for the
same purpose.

I am glad to see, that the author has included a plug for full-scale tests of
wave resistance using one of these methods; a task which would require great
effort but which would also, in my opinion, afford correspondingly great promise
to learn something useful as well. Let me conclude by again thanking the author
for preparing such an interesting paper; indeed one of a growing number of
papers in this field with results and techniques which are of practical use to the
ship designer.


K. W. H. Eggers
Institut fur Schiffbau der Universitdt Hamburg
Hamburg University

Dr. Sharma showed us some computed results regarding the efficiency of

wave analysis based on wave height along a longitudinal cut. In his Fig. 3 we
may observe to what degree the spectrum of the free wave system may be de-
termined from a profile of finite length. He also gives values for the ratio of
wave resistance calculated from information of a finite cut to exact theoretical

I want to complete his presentation by a general survey of the dependence

of this ratio on the sidewise distance y of a cut from the ship's path as well as
from location X of the truncation point. For the same model and for a speed

Wave Analysis Techniques to Achieve Bow-Wave Reduction

Fig. DZ - Portion of the resistance obtainable fronn Ward's

cylinder force (broken lines) and longitudinal cut Fourier-
transformation (solid lines) for different distances Y from
the centerline as a function of truncation point X. 7q = 10
and no truncation corrections have been applied.

parameter y^ = 10, I calculated additional data in comparison of this method

with the approach of Ward, which is based on force measurements on a vertical
cylinder at fixed position in the same sidewise distance. For four different val-
ues of Y, Fig. D2 shows curves of the portion of resistance gained from a cut
truncated at X behind the model; no corrections for truncation are applied yet.
The values for Ward's method correspond to those given in a different represen-
tation in Fig. 2 of my contribution to this symposium. All units of length are
reduced by a factor 1/10 against the scale used by Dr. Sharma; i.e., the ship's
half-length is taken as unity.

For both methods, we see that a distance y = 0.45 will still bring consider-
able influence of local waves on the initial part of the curves; therefore even for
a long cut only a limited degree of accuracy can be expected. A distance of 0.9
appears to be optimal to obtain a high percentage of resistance from a short cut,
i.e., if the truncation point has to be close to the ship to avoid influence of a tank
wall reflection.


The strong correlation between the curves for larger y is very surprising
in view of the different origin of the two methods.


S. D. Sharma

Professor Ward has presented an instructive diagram (Fig. Dl) showing a

comparison of the experimental wave resistance of the Inuid S-201 determined
in three different ways. This is the first time such a verification of the mutual
consistency of these methods has been attempted. It may appear from the fig-
ure that the overall agreement is not quite as good as would be desirable, but it
should be remembered that wave resistance is only a fraction of the total re-
sistance, and the discrepancies regarded as percentages of the latter are small.
This is encouraging in two respects. First, it shows that an approximately in-
variant wave resistance can be defined in a real fluid on the basis of these
methods. Second, it seems permissible to use, alternatively, any of these three
methods depending upon the facilities available.

Further, it is true that the "X-Y" method can also be used to predict the
wave -making resistance of certain linear combinations of the bulb and the main
hull under the same assumptions as used by the author. However, the spectral
approach is more powerful. For example, given a certain wave profile (longi-
tudinal or transverse) of a particular hull form, it is an easy matter to predict
by linear superposition the corresponding profile (i.e., longitudinal or trans-
verse respectively but not vice versa) of a pair of such hulls moving in tandem
or side by side (catamaran) respectively. However, if one takes the trouble of
deriving the spectrum by either method, one can predict any profile (longitudi-
nal, transverse, or inclined) of any parallel configuration of any number of
similar hulls! Of course, in principle, one could also derive the spectrum from
the X and Y signals, but it would be a poor way of doing so.

The additional results of a computer study on the Inuid S-201 supplied by

Dr. Eggers in Fig. D2 are welcome. It is evident that if y is not too small, both
longitudinal cut methods would asymptotically yield the right value of wave re-
sistance as the truncation point -x^ -oo. Figure D3 has been prepared by taking
two cross curves from Dr. Eggers' data and supplementing it with the corre-
sponding values corrected for truncation error as explained in the paper. It is
obvious that for any given finite length of the cut there is an optimum transverse
location (e.g., ca. y= 8 in the present case). This results from the fact that the
truncation error increases with increasing y, while the error due to local ef-
fects decreases.

Wave Analysis Techniques to Achieve Bow-Wave Reduction

Wave Analysis Techniques to Achieve Bow-Wave Reduction

A further result showing the relative magnitudes of the truncation error in

the ^-cut and the 4y-cut methods is presented in Fig. D4. Incidentally, a cou-
ple of numerical errors in Table 1 were discovered in the course of this work,
and opportunity is now taken to provide a revised version in Table Dl. The
conclusions of the paper are not significantly affected by this correction.

Table Dl
Revised and Enlarged Version of Table 1. List of Computed
^y (xlO'*) Values for a Submerged Sphere (Parameters: r = l,
f =1, y = 7t; Variable, x = 47t stepped -rr/lO until -267^)

Masatoshi Bessho
Defense Academy
Yokosuka, Japan

The minimum problem of the wave resistance has no solution in thin ship
theory, and this means that singularity distributions exist which have no wave
resistance. On the other hand, the wave-free distribution belonging to the usual
functional class has no displacement, but wave -free distributions with a finite
displacement exist in the theory of the slender ship, although the wave-resistance
integral has no finite value in such case (1,2). This apparent contradiction is
caused by the confusion of the functional class of the distribution, but the intro-
duction of the function of the wider class or the higher order singularity makes
the theory more fruitful (3),

This paper explains such a situation of the problem with respect to the sur-
face pressure distribution (1,4,5). The theory is very similar to the thin and
slender ship theory.

By the way, this theory is the case in which the ship surface and the pres-
sure are given in the framework of linearized theory, so that it may be interest-
ing to compare it with the so-called second-order theory.

Consider a uniform stream with unit velocity, and Cartesian coordinates,
taking the origin at the water surface, the x axis as positive toward the upstream
side, and the z axis as positive upward. If a pressure p(x,y) acts over the
surface s at the water surface, some wave motion occurs. Let <P(x,y,z) be the
velocity potential of this motion; then it must satisfy the conditions (6)

% -
0(x,y,O) - gZ(x,y) , (1)

p(x,y) = outside of S, (2)


--Z(x,y) = _0(x,y,O) , (3)

ox oz


32 0(x,y,O) = -g ^-0(x,y,O) outside of S, (4)

ox dz

where p is the water density, g is the gravity constant, and Z(x,y) is the water
surface elevation.

Then, it has the well-known (6) representation

''^(''y-z) =
4;^ JJ
P(x',y') S(x,y,z; x',y',0) dx'dy' ,

where (7)

exp[kz + ik(x - x' ) cos 6 + ik(y-y') sin 6\

S = - 1 im
" J., r Jr

k cos
6 - g + i/Li cos 6

= 4go!2^ [g(x-x'), g(y-y'), -z] ,


and where

^- g^
ox oz
S= 2g'-^^,
r^= (x-x')^. (y-y')^. z^ (7)

Then the condition on the ship surface s becomes

'^' (8)
3x Bz ^e Bx ^ i Bx2


Z(x,y) = - - p(x,y) + 4;^||p(x',y') ^^ S dx'dy' .


The solution of this integral equation has been examined by Maruo for small
values (7,8).

For large g values, it is well known that the second term of the right-hand
side of Eq. (9) is small and

Z(x,y) % -p(x,y)/pg (10)

except near the periphery of s.

Minimum Wave Resistance of Surface Pressure Distribution

If the auxiliary function m(x,y) is defined by the partial differential equation

3" /^^

W 3'
m(x,y) (11)

then it will be determined uniquely except for some arbitrary boundary condi-
tions, say,

ni(l,y) = m(il,y)
= 0, m(x,b) = 0, (12)

where S is assumed as a rectangle with length 2 and breadth 2b.

Putting Eqs. (11) and (12) into Eq. (5), and integrating partially, yields (10)


For a simple example, the pressure distribution deduced from

m(x,y) = (b2-y2) (l-x2) (17)

is shown in Fig. 1.


5 . b 0-2


Fig. 1 -Pressure distribution

of a wave -free potential

By the way, there are wave-free distributions with finite displacement

(payload) in the two-dimensional problem, but their displacement is very small
compared with their static buoyancy for high speed. This means that there is a
large negative lift at high speed with wave -free distributions (11).

In another way, the potential f(x,y,z) of Eq. (14) is always wave-free for an
arbitrary function m(x,y) without the conditions of Eqs (12) and (15), because it
satisfies the surface condition of Eq. (4), but higher order singularities than the
doublet must be introduced.

Thus, an arbitrary large number of pressure distributions exist with the

same displacement and wave resistance as the following simple cases:

1. The longitudinal line distribution along the two segments ly| = b, |x| < 1

which may be called the twin hull ship type.

2. The slender ship as the limiting case b = of the above.

3. The transversal line distribution along one or two segments |y| ^ b,

which may be called the planing surface type.

Minimum Wave Resistance of Surface Pressure Distribution

For example, the pressure distribution deduced from

m(x,y) = (b2-y2)(l- x^)'* (18)

belongs to case 1, and the pressure distribution deduced from

m(x,y) = (b2-y2)'(l- x)Vl+x)3 (19)

belongs to case 2. Figures 2 and 3 show these examples.

When g is very small, the first term of Eq. (11) is dominant, but as g be-
comes larger and b smaller, the third term becomes dominant, where Eq. (10)
is to be remembered.

The twin hull ship type for large g (Fig. 2) is especially interesting, for it
may be considered as a model of a broad flat stern of a displacement ship (12).

Finally, the wave resistance R is (6)

^ / 2

R = _il ( |F(g sec^ ^, ^)| sec5(9de, (20)


F(k,0) = p(x,y) exp[-ik(x cos + y sin 6)] dxdy , (21)


or, interchanging the order of integration, the wave resistance can be written

R =
-^ ||p(x,y) G'(x,y) dxdy ,


G'(x,y) =1 jTp(x',y') P.5[g(x-x'), g(y-y'), 0] dx'dy', (23)


in which (13)

P, ,1 f"/2 f-COS (X SeC0) COS^n+lfi"! 2o

'" '
(x,y,z)= (-1)" cos(ysec20sin0) . ,
., cos 2n \e-'^^''^d9.
^ '
[ sin (x sec a) 6*


This function G' may be called the influence function.

Putting Eq. (11) into Eq. (20), integrating partially, and making use of Eqs.
(12) and (15), it is found that the wave-free distribution has no wave resistance.


3 0-5. b'2


Fig. 2 - Pressure distribution

of the twin hull ship type


i-Ot , b=2



Fig. 3 - Pressure distribution

of the planing surface type

Minimum Wave Resistance of Surface Pressure Distribution

When the total pressure is given, namely,

||p(x, y) dxdy ^ A , (25)

if the influence function becomes constant over s, that is, if

G'(x,y) = c > 0, (26)

then the wave resistance is minimum.

On the other hand, differentiating partially, G' satisfies the differential


G'(x,y) = 0, (27)
ax" ^ ^ W' ^ ^2

assuming the existence of the integral.

Accordingly, G' may be represented uniquely by some boundary conditions.

Hence, the integral equation given by Eq. (26) is regular in the domain, so that
it may have a unique solution.

Since the existence of its derivative is assumed, the integral equation ob-
tained by the differentiation of both sides of Eq. (26) may also have a unique so-
lution, and this solution must be identically zero, because the right-hand side is

Hence, the present minimum problem has no definite solution and no mini-
mum value exists for the wave resistance (1,14). This fact may mean that its
least value will be zero, because it may be possible to reduce the total wave
amplitude as small as necessary, adding the longitudinal and transversal distri-
bution to each other appropriately. However, the minimum solution exists in
elementary cases such as thin ship theory.

Thus, the problem may be classified as follows:

1. Twin hull ship type distribution. When the speed is very high and the
breadth narrow, this case nearly equals the next. As seen from the preceding
section, it is also interesting at low speed, but usually it seems more useful to
consider it in combination with case 3 (12), which means case 4.

2. Slender ship. In this well-known case there exists a unique solution ex-
cept for arbitrary wave -free distributions which have no wave resistance but a
finite displacement (1,9).

3. Transversal line distribution. This is the case to be studied in the fol-

lowing section (1,4,5,7).


4. Problem to reduce the wave resistance. This is also a practical prob-

lem, that is, how and how much the wave resistance can be reduced by the ade-
quate combination of the elementary distributions, keeping the practical restric-
tions of the actual ship.

There is another case which has a unique solution, that is, a symmetric dis-
tribution about the origin over a circular disc, but it is nearly equal to case 3
for large velocity (1).


Case above will now be studied, namely, a transversal line distribution
(1,5,7-9). Suppose the wave-source doublet is along the segment |y| < l, of
which the total is given as Eq. (25). Introducing a normalized distribution H as

H(y) =
^Jp(x,y) dx ,

this is written as

H(y) dy = 2
1 1

The wave resistance (Eq. (22)) can be written as

K|-^Uk/('^U2 H(y) G(y) dy ,



2 ^' dM (31)
r. ^fi

and also

G*(y) H(y') P.JO, g(y-y'), dy (32)

^ 0]


G*(y) = -^ r H(y') K^ ^-|- y - y '

dy '

where B is the breadth in the usual unit system and K^ is a modified Bessel

Equation (31) can be deduced from the following relations. Since the func-
tion P. has an expansion (13)

Minimum Wave Resistance of Surface Pressure Distribution

P.i(x,y,0) = ^K2(y/2) J^^Cx) (34)

J^ ,

and since

P.5(x,y,0) = _^P_j(x,y,0)


P.5(0,y.O) . -Ko(y/2)-
= -j U " 2 _
K(y/2) (35)

To solve the integral equation (33), assume the next expansion in Mathieu
functions (15)

H(y) = 0(0)/sin e y = cos 5




Then, since there is the integral

^f ^0 (I '''' ^ " ''' ^'') ^^2n(^''-q) d^' = ^2n ^e^^C^.-q)


( 2n)
Fek,(0.-q) (38)

ce2(0,q) ce2(0,-q)

because of the representations

( 2n)
r'" (-1)" Aq Ce2(u.q)
cos (2k cos 9 sinh u) cej^C^.-q) d^ =

(-1)" Aq'"' Fek2(z,-q)
I cos (2k cosh z sinh u) Ce2n(u, q) du =

and the relation

Re [Fek2.(-i^,-q)] = ce2(^.-q) .


G* can be integrated as (1,15)

''* CD

G* (C0S5) = ^^^^
X^n ^2n ^e2n(^--q)

The minimum solution is a solution such that

G(y) = constant , (42)

but, putting this into Eq. (31) results in a differential equation, so that

G*(y) = constant (43)

may be a special solution, but there is also a homogeneous solution:

G*(y) = C cosh (gy/vT) , (44)

where C is an arbitrary constant, for which

G(y) =0 and r* = .

This solution will be called a wave-free solution (1).

Since there are expansions (15)

1= 2^(-l)nA:^"^ ce,(^.-q), (46)


cosh (g cos 0/v^) = (-1)" Cj^ ce2(^,-q) (4?)



2(-l)" Ao'"^ Ce2(sinh-i 1,-q)

*^'" ce2(0,q)

the general solution can be written in the form

H(y) = aH^Cy) - bHb(y) . a-b=l. (48)



0a(^)/sin (^9)
Ha(y) = 0a(^) =
21 ^2n ^e^^C^.-q) ,

Minimum Wave Resistance of Surface Pressure Distribution

Hb(y) = 0b(^)/sin e 4>^{d) = b*2 ce2^(^.-q) (50)


n =

( 2n) 00



2(-l)" C, V^ (2n)

G(y) = agV(27fA) ,
r* = 2agV(T7A) (53)

Although this solution becomes infinite at both ends y = l in general, taking

as a thevalue

a = 0b(O)/t<^b(O)-'^a(O)] . (54)

this solution becomes zero there, in which case it will be called H^.

For the numerical computation at high speed, it is more convenient to ex-

pand in the series of trigonometric functions as follows:


4>se) ~-
COS 2ne 4>^{d) = cos 2n6 (55)
2^ -2n ,

Figures 4, 5, and 6 and Tables 1 and 2 show the results (4). When the ve-
very large, that is, when g
locity is is very small, the functions become approx-

>(^)^- 1 - ^
log (8/yg) cos 26

,(^) ^17 1 + ^
log (8/rg) cos 26 (56b)

- sin2 6 ,

He(y) =-rvi-y^ (56d)

where y means Euler's constant. The wave resistance is, respectively (1,4)

Minimum Wave Resistance of Surface Pressure Distribution




(2gVTr) log (8/7g) for HgCy) ,


for Hb(y) , (57b)

8g/7T for H^(y) . (57c)

Thus, H^ represents the elliptic loading of which resistance and minimum

character are found by Maruo. He explains that the wave resistance is similar
to the induced drag of a wing physically and theoretically (7).

In this respect, H^, corresponds to the load distribution of a wing:

H(y) = l/7l-y'

Since the induced velocity of this distribution is zero, there might be no in-
duced drag for such a wing, if such a flow could be realized (16). For the plan-
ing surface, however, there may be a possibility to realize such a flow by adding
floats at both ends (17).

On the other hand, the similarity of H^ (Fig. 5) to the wave -free distribu-
tion (Fig. 1), especially at low speed, is also to be remarked.

Generally speaking, the situation with respect to the wave -free solution may
be similar to that of slender ship theory, in which case there also exist wave-
free distributions having a finite displacement, and they correspond to another
class of the distribution which has smaller resistance than the slender ship (2).


As explained above, there

is a close similarity between the theory of the
thin shipand the pressure distribution. Thus, any pressure distribution is
composed of line wave sources and wave -free distributions which have no dis-

A typical elementary wave source is the twin hull ship type, that is, the
longitudinal line distribution of the pressure on two parallel lines. Another is
the planing surface type, that is, the transversal line distribution of the pressure.

Generally speaking, the minimum of the wave resistance has no

solution and the least wave resistance may
be zero, because some elementary
wave sources could be summed up so as to cancel out their amplitude functions
with each other. However, there are special cases when the solutions exist.

In this paper, the transversal line distribution of the pressure is treated,

and itis found that there exists a unique minimum solution except for the wave-
free distribution with a finite displacement. This wave -free distribution corre-
sponds to the inverse elliptic load distribution of a wing and seems difficult to
realize practically but suggests that distributions of another class may exist
which have smaller wave resistance than the one considered here.

Minimum Wave Resistance of Surface Pressure Distribution

Finally, the larger the velocity, the smaller the wave resistance of the
transversal line distribution; namely, this type is essentially preferable for very
high speed, but it may be also possible to apply this theory to, say, the design of
the destroyer stern.

1. Bessho, M., "On the Problem of the Minimum Wave-Making Resistance of
Ships," M.D.A., Vol. 2, No. 4 (1963)

2. Zosen Kyokai, "Symposium on the Wave -Resistance," Tokyo, 1965

3. Yim, B., "On Ships with Zero and Small Wave Resistance," International
Seminar on Theoretical Wave Resistance, Vol. 3, Univ. of Michigan, 1963

4. Bessho, M., "Solutions of Minimum Problems of the Wave-Making Resist-

ance of the Doublet Distribution on the Line and over the Area Perpendicu-
lar to the Uniform Flow," M.D.A., Vol. 4, No. 1 (1964)

5. "On a Solution of the Minimum Problem of the Wave-

Ikeda, A,, and Ono, N.,
Making Resistance," Thesis, Dept. of Mech. Eng., Defense Academy, 1964

6. Wehausen, J.V., and Laitone, E.V., "Surface Waves," Handbuch der Physik,
Vol. 9, Springer, 1960

7. Maruo, H., "On the Theory of Wave Resistance of A Body Gliding on the
Surface of Water," J. Zosen Kyokai, Vol. 81, 1949

8. Maruo, H., "Hydrodynamic Researches of the Hydroplane (1)," J. Zosen

Kyokai, Vol. 91 (1956); (2), Vol. 92 (1957); (3), Vol. 105 (1959)

9. Maruo, H., "The Lift of Low Aspect Ratio Planing Surface," Proc. 11th
Japan National Congress for Appl. Mech., 1961

10. Bessho, M., "New Approach to the Problem of Ship Waves," Memoirs of
Defense Academy, Vol. 2, No. 2 (1962)

11. Ogasahara, A., Tabuchi, H., and Yamazaki, M., "Experimental Study of
Wave-Free Distributions," Thesis, Dept. of Mech. Eng., Defense Academy,

12. Bessho, M., and Mizuno, T., "A Study of Full Ship Forms (2)," Spring
Meeting of Kansai Zosen Kyokai, 1966

13. Bessho, M., "On the Fundamental Function in the Theory of the Wave-
Making Resistance of Ships," M.D.A., Vol. 4, No. 2 (1964)

14. Kotik, J., and Newman, D.J., "A Sequence of Submerged Dipole Distribu-
tions Whose Wave Resistance Tends to Zero," J. Math, and Mech., Vol. 13,
No. 5 (1964)


15. McLachlan, N.W., "Theory and Application of Mathieu Functions," Oxford,


16. Thwaites, B., "Incompressible Aerodynamics," Oxford, 1960

17. Reinecke, H., "Die praktische Bedeutung einiger grundlegender theoretischer

Erkenntnisse fur die Wahl der Hauptabmessungen und fur die Projektierung
von Gleitbooten," Schiffstechnik, Vol. 65, No. 13 (1966)

18. Maruo, H., "Calculation of the Wave Resistance of Ships, the Draught of
Which is as Small as the Beam," J. Zosen Kyokai, Vol. 112 (1962)

19. Bessho, M., "Wave-Free Distributions and their Applications," Interna-

tionalSeminar on Theoretical Wave Resistance, Vol. 2, Univ. of Michigan,


G. P. Weinblum
Institut fur Schiffbau der Universitdt Hamburg
Hamburg, Germany

Science is subject to fashion as much as other human activities. Recently

the thin ship and surrogates have completely dominated the field, but in the
twenties (and earlier) the pressure system has been considered as being an
equally important hydrodynamic model (at least in principle) as the Michell
ship, especially suitable for picturing fast shallow -draft and planing vessels.
By Dr. Bessho's paper a sound equilibrium has been established. The present
speaker had emphasized the similarity of the Hogner and the Michell integral
(Zamm, 1930) and thus inspired Sir Thomas Havelock to derive the simple rela-
tion between source-sink distributions a and pressure systems p

^mpga = c

With the usual notations (c = speed of advance) (Havelock, collected papers, p.

373). The line distribution established by Dr. Bessho for a rectangular pres-
sure domain follows from this equation.

Somewhat later (1935) von Karman has shown that the induced resistance of
a finite-span wing can be derived from Hogner's integral for vanishing gL/c ^ or
vanishing g in Bessho's formulation, thus anticipating Maruo's result in his
splendid papers on planing surfaces. His analysis of pressure systems and cor-
responding form of planing hulls should be developed. A useful scheme had been
developed by H. Wagner, who connected planing surface and wing phenomena.

Minimum Wave Resistance of Surface Pressure Distribution

Dr. Bessho has clarified the conditions of minimum resistance for pressure
systems in a similar far-reaching manner, as he and Krein have succeeded in
doing it for the Michell ship now a classical problem which caused so much
discussion. Obviously, further work should be done on nonrectangular domains
of pressure distributions and on combinations of such domains. Further, his
remarks on ship forms and singularity (source-line) distributions open the field
for a much needed treatment of the resistance of moderately fast and high-speed
forms, including fast displacement ships with transom sterns.

I have two questions: Dr. Bessho's g equals my speed parameter

7q = 1/2F^. How is this g defined, and how is the condition obtained given by
Eq. (27)?


Masatoshi Bessho

thank Prof. Weinblum for his kind remarks and will clarify his questions.

The definition of g in my paper is as follows: Suppose the uniform velocity V is

unity and take the unit length to be a half of the ship length L; then the gravity
constant g in this unit system is

where g* is the gravity constant in the usual unit system, so that it equals Prof.
Weinblum's In the latter part, the breadth of the planing surface is taken as
twice unity, so that

^ "

Equation (11) is derived as follows: We can introduce a regular function -n

such that

^-(x,y,z)= -^|^+ g^)0(x,y,z)

having the surface value

^(x.y,-0) = ^P(x,y) .

On the other hand, if 4^ can be calculated from a regular function M by the



where M(x,y,z) = -M(x,y,z), then has no radiating wave. Hence, putting the
above into the first equation, we have

Tr(x,y.-0) = -P(x.y) = ^_ r2 \ m(x,y)

21 O

^ m(x,y) ,

where m(x,y) = M(x,y,-0). By the assumption, this is a wave-free pressure


Baer, Ledolph, 499, 530 Miles, John W., 529, 573
Benjamin, Brooke T., 129, 497, 544 Milgram, Jerome H., 409
Bernd, Leslie H., 77, 112 Motora, Seizo, 383, 411
Bessho, Mosatoshi, 775, 791 Munk, Walter H., 475
Bindel, S., 272 Mysak, L. A., 477
Bjorheden, Orvas, 272
Borden, Avis, 183 Newman, J. N., 203, 236, 473
Brard, Roger, 201, 232 Norr bin. Nils H., 235

Chislett, M. S., 317 Oosterveld, M. W. C, 239, 274

Eggers, K. W. H., 649, 677, 699, 768 Phillips, O. M., 535, 548
Ellis, A. T., 137, 160 Pierson, Willard J., Jr., 499, 530
Porter, William R., 404
Fabula, A. S., 39, 73
Feir, J. E., 497 Rice, S. Roy, 313
Frank, W., 407
Salvesen, Nils, 595, 636
Gadd, G. E., 71, 705 Seyer, F. A., 19
Gertler, M., 231 Schubauer, G. B., 1
Giesing, J. P., 629 Sharma, S. D., 731, 770
Gibson, D. C, 158, 161 Silverleaf, A., 75
Skolnick, A., 312
Hammitt, Frederick, T., 154 Strom-Tejsen, J., 271, 317
Haselton, F. R., 305, 314 Strumpf, A., 277
Hasselmann, Klaus F., 530, 585
Hickling, R., 156, 161 Tick, Leo J., 499, 530
Hove, A. S., 415 Todd, F. H., 703
Hsieh, Tsuying, 163, 181 Tuck, E. O., 631
Hummel, Richard L., 37, 72, 111 Tulin, Marshall P., 3

Johnsson, C.-A., 108, 179 van Lammeren, W. P. A., 315

Johnson, Virgil E., Jr., 163, 181 van Manen, J. D., 239, 274
Joosen, W. P. A., 637 van Wijngaarden, L., 115, 134, 181
Kim, W. D., 634
Koyama, Takeo, 383, 411 Ward, Lawrence W., 675, 767
Wehausen, John V., 673
Lackenby, H., 270 Weinblum, G. P., 593, 790
Lunde, J. K., 533 Witte, J. H., 239, 274
Wu, T. Yao-Tsu, 551
Macy, Robert H., 447
McClure, A. C, 415 Yim, B., 681, 674, 700
Metzner, A. B., 19, 38
Michelsen, F. C, 632 Zetler, Bernard D., 495


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