Assignment Wind Energy Engineering 16EE

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Assignment Wind Energy Engineering 16EE

Question No. 1 What is wind energy how it is formed? What are characteristics of wind
energy, Discuss time variation characteristics of wind energy.

Question No. 2 Write Down the Brief History of Wind and Describe the following:
(i) Coriolis forces (ii) Geostrophic wind (iii) Trade winds: (iv) Monsoons (v) Westerlies

Question No. 3 Visit Website of NEPRA and Write down the Current status of wind Farms in

Question No. 4 Write down the Equation of available wind power, What will be wind power at
speed of wind equal to 10 m/s .

Question No. 5 What are measurement devices for wind energy and wind direction? Explain.

Question No. 6 What is Wind Data Analysis? also Explain wind rose with suitable example.

Question No. 7 How wind resource assessment is carried out? Discuss various methods of wind
resource assessment.

Question No. 8 From an analysis of wind speed data (hourly interval average, taken over a one
year period), the weilbull parameters are determined to be c= 6 m/s and k=1.8.

a) What is the average velocity at this site?

b) Estimate the number of hours per year that wind speed will be between 6.5 to 7.5
m/s during the year.
c) Estimate the number of hours per year that wind speed is above 16 m/s

Question No. 9 Give Classifications of Wind Turbines, Explain Types of Wind Turbines and also
Discuss Wind Turbine Subsystems Components in detail.

Question No. 10 What kind of Generators are used in Wind Energy Conversion System? Give brief

Question No. 11 What do you know about aerodynamic theory of blades? Describe
Aerodynamic Forces, Lift force, drag force, pitching moment, Lift coefficient, drag coefficient
Describe blade element theory of wind turbine

Question No. 12 What is an Airfoil? How does an airfoil generate lift? Mention Applications of
Airfoil and discuss NACA series of airfoil sections.

Question No. 13 Draw sketch of Airfoil section illustrating its nomenclature and define
symmetrical airfoil .

Question No. 14 Calculate lift force acting on an airfoil of length 10 m and chord 1 m when
exposed to wind speed of 5 m/s with air density of 1200 gm/cu m. Section lift coefficient is 1.2

Question No. 15 Derive the power equation using Blade element momentum method;

Question No. 16 Discuss how airfoil data can be analyzed.

Question No. 17 A 40m diameter, three bladed wind turines produces 700 kW at a wind speed
(hub height) of 14 m/s. the air density is 1.225 kg/m3. Find:

a. The rotational speed (rpm) of the rotor at the tip speed ratio of 5.0.
b. What is the tip speed (m/s)?
c. If the generator turn at 1800 rpm, what gear ratio is needed to match the rotor speed
to the generated speed.

Question No. 18 How wind power is controlled if there is overspeed of wind. Discuss types of
wind power control methods.

Question No. 19 Describe the types of brakes used in HAWT. Also, give merits and demerits.

Question No. 20 A wind turbine rotor turning at 60 rpm is brought to a stop by a mechanical
brake. The rotor inertia is 13558 kg m2

a. What is kinetic energy in the rotor before it is stopped? How much energy does the
brake absorbed during the stop?
b. Suppose that all the energy is absorbed in a steel brake disc with a mass of 27 kg.
ignoring losses, how much does the temperature of the steel brake disc rise during
the stop? Assume a specific heat for steel of 0.46 kJ/kg C.

Question No. 21 What is Wake of wind turbine? Also, discuss the impact of wake in a wind farm.

Question No. 22 Four identical wind turbines that are lined up in a row 12 rotors diameter
apart are experiencing wind parallel to the row of wind turbines. Use Katic’s wake model to
determine the speed of wind approaching each of the wind turbines. Assume that k=010 and that
the thrust coefficient is 0.7.

Question No. 23 Explain the key steps/Procedures in designing a wind turbine, also Discuss in
detail the factors considered for wind turbine siting.

Question No. 24 What do you know about environmental benefits of wind energy? Discuss
wind energy from economic point of view. also Explain environmental effects of wind

Question No. 25 Write short notes on the following

(i) Betz Limits (ii) Baufort Numbers ((iii) Wind power density (iv) gust (v Available Wind
Power (vii) Delivered power of wind (iv) Coefficient of performance

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