Reflection: Light - Reflection and Refraction

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Light - Reflection and Refraction


Light is the form of energy, which enables us to interact with our surroundings in a most effective way.
Light causes the sensation of vision. There are two major phenomena of light that takes place in the
process of seeing. They are reflection and refraction.

In general reflection is the process where the incident light on an object is bounced back into the same


Most of all the objects reflect the light incident on them to different extent. Some of the objects which have
a smooth surface reflect the incident light to the maximum extent. An object that reflects 100% of the
incident light is called a mirror. If the surface of the mirror is plane, it is referred to as a plane mirror.
Other types of mirrors are curved mirrors.

We find our images in proper proportions in plane mirrors due to regular reflection.

We cannot observe our images formed by plane mirrors on a screen as they are virtual images unlike
those which are formed on a screen and termed as real images. The reflection that takes place on other
surfaces other than plane mirrors is irregular reflection. Irrespective of the type of reflection, the light ray
(which is the path of light) follows two laws of reflection.

Laws of Reflection

The first law of reflection states that the angle of incidence (i.e., the angle between the incident ray and
the normal at the point of incidence) is equal to the angle of reflection (i.e., the angle between the normal
and the reflected ray). The second law of reflection states that the incident ray, reflected ray and the
corresponding normal, all lie in the same plane.

Rear View Mirror

The rear view mirror in a car is a plane mirror as it helps us to estimate the distances of the vehicles that
are behind our car in motion. In a plane mirror, the object distance is equal to the image distance.

If we stand at any distance in front of one whose length is half your height we can observe our full size
image in a plane mirror.
Light - Reflection and Refraction
If we rotate a plane mirror maintaining the object position, through certain angle we find that the reflected
ray rotates twice the angle.
Regular and Diffuse Reflection
The phenomenon of bouncing back of light after falling on the surfaces of the objects is called reflection of
The reflection of light is of of two types, they are
1. Regular reflection or Specular reflection
2. Diffused or irregular reflection.

In general, reflection is the process where the light incident on an object bounces back into the same medium. This
happens when light is incident on a translucent or an opaque medium. When light is incident on a transparent
medium, all the incident light passes through the medium, and reflection does not take place. In the case of
translucent medium, a part of the incident light is reflected, and the rest is transmitted through the medium.

We get light from a luminous object, which we refer to as a source of light. If the size of the source of light is very
small, then we call it a point source of light. If the size of the source of light is considerable, then we say it is
an extended source of light. Light rays from a point source of light travel in all directions, moving away with time.
Such a beam of light is called a divergent beam of light.

If the light source is an extended source, then we get a parallel beam of light from it. Consider a parallel beam of light
from an extended source, incident on a plane surface like a plane mirror. As the beam of light is parallel, and the
surface on which the beam is incident is a plane surface, the angle made by each ray with the normal at the point of
incidence on the surface is equal, which implies that the angle of incidence of all the rays is equal.

Each ray of light follows the laws of reflection irrespective of whether it is from a parallel beam or not. According to
the laws of reflection, the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence.
Thus, for every ray of light incident on the mirror, the angle of reflection is equal to its angle of incidence.

Regular Reflection
As the angles of incidence of a parallel beam of t all the ligh rays are equal for a smooth plane like a
plane mirror,the angles of reflection of all the rays equal. This implies that all the reflected rays are
parallel. When all the reflected rays, reflected from a given surface, are parallel then it is called regular
Light - Reflection and Refraction

Diffuse Reflection
If the surface is not a plane surface, then the reflected rays are not parallel to each other. In such a case, the
reflection is called diffused reflection.

The diffused reflection occurs at the rough or un polished or the slightly polished non smooth or rough surfaces.
Figure above represents the light falling over the rough surface.

As the rays of light falls on a rough surface at any angle of incidence then the angle of reflection is equal to the angle
of incidence.

Laws of reflection are valid for both regular and irregular reflections of liht.

Spherical Mirrors

Terms Associated with Spherical Mirrors

Centre of curvature (C) is the centre of the sphere, of which the mirror is a part.
Radius of curvature (R) is the radius of the sphere, of which the mirror is a part.
Pole (P) is the geometric centre of the spherical mirror.
Principal axis is the line joining the pole and the centre of curvature.
Light - Reflection and Refraction
Principal focus (F) is the point on the principal axis, where a parallel beam of light, parallel to the
principal axis after reflection converges in the case of a concave mirror and appears to diverge from
in the case of a convex mirror.
Focal length (f) is the distance of the principal focus from the pole of the mirror.

There are two types of images: real and virtual. Real images are those that can be caught on a screen
while virtual images are those that cannot be caught on a screen.

Concave Mirror

If a part of a hollow glass sphere is cut and the cut part of the sphere is coated outside with silver or
similar material, then its inner surface reflects the entire light incident on it, and thus, forms a mirror. Since
the inner surface is a concave surface, the mirror so formed is called a concave mirror.

Concave mirrors converge the light incident on them and hence are called converging mirrors. We can
observe ourselves magnified when the mirror is placed close to our face. This is due the position of the
object between the focus and the pole. As the object moves away from the mirror, the size of its image
reduces along with its distance from the mirror. If an object is placed close to a concave mirror such that
the distance between the mirror and the object is less than its focal length, then a magnified and virtual
image is formed. Due to this property, concave mirrors are used as shaving mirrors, and by dentists to
view clearly the inner parts of the mouth.

Convex Mirror

If the cut part of the glass sphere is coated from inside with silver or a similar material, then its outer
surface reflects the entire light incident on it, and thus forms a mirror. Since the outer surface is a convex
surface, the mirror so formed is called a convex mirror.

Convex mirrors diverge the light incident on them and hence they are called the diverging mirrors. Due to
Light - Reflection and Refraction
this they always form diminished, virtual and erect images irrespective of the position of the object in front
of them. Thus, the magnification produced by these mirrors is always less than one. The field of view for a
convex mirror is greater than that for a plane mirror, the aperture being the same. Hence, convex mirrors
are used as rear-view mirrors in vehicles. It is also installed behind automated teller machines as a
security measure.

Rules for Construction of Ray Diagrams for Spherical Mirrors

Rule 1: A light ray incident parallel to the principal axis, after reflection, either actually passes through the
principal focus or appears to pass through the principal focus.
Rule 2: A light ray which first passes through the principal focus or appears to pass through the principal
focus, after reflection, will travell parallel to the principal axis.
Rule 3: A light ray which first passes through the centre of curvature or appears to pass through the
centre of curvature, after reflection, retraces its initial path.

Image Formation by Concave Mirror

Depending on the position of the object in front of the concave mirror, the position, size and the nature of
the image varies.

1. Object at infinity: A real, inverted, highly diminished image is formed at the focal point F, in front of the
concave mirror.

2. Object beyond C: A real, inverted, diminished image is formed between C and F, in front of the
concave mirror.
Light - Reflection and Refraction

3. Object at C: A real, inverted, same sized image is formed at C, in front of the concave mirror.

4. Object between C and F: A real, inverted, enlarged image is formed beyond C, in front of the concave

5. Object at F: A real, inverted, highly enlarged image is formed at infinity, in front of the concave mirror.
Light - Reflection and Refraction

6. Object between F and P: A virtual, erect and enlarged image is formed behind the concave mirror.

Image Formation by Convex Mirror

Irrespective of the position of the object, a virtual, erect and diminished image is formed between F and P,
behind the convex mirror.
Light - Reflection and Refraction

Mirror Formula and Sign Conventions

The relation between the focal length (f), object distance (u) and the image distance (v) is given by 1/f =
1/v + 1/u. This is called the mirror formula. All the distances are measured from the pole of the mirror. If
we measure the distances in the direction of the incident light, then they are taken positive or else they
are taken negative. These constitute the sign conventions.

Uses of Concave Mirrors

Concave mirrors are used as shaving mirrors to see a larger image of the face.
Dentists use concave mirrors to view the back of the tooth.
ENT doctors use them for examining the internal parts of the ear, nose and throat.
They are used as reflectors in the headlights of vehicles, search lights and in torch lights to produce a
strong parallel beam of light.
Huge concave mirrors are used to focus sunlight to produce heat in solar furnaces.

Uses of Convex Mirrors

Used as rear view mirrors in automobiles as it covers wide area behind the driver.
Used as reflectors for street light bulbs as it diverges light rays over a wide area.

Spherical Mirrors
Mirrors are the basic means of viewing our own beauty. Generally we can classify the mirrors into the
following two types as

i. Plane mirrors
ii. Curved mirrors.
Light - Reflection and Refraction
Generally mirrors refer to plane mirrors. But if the surface of a mirror is curved it is said to be a curved
mirror. If the curved mirror is a part of a huge sphere, then the mirror is a spherical mirror.

Terms Associated with Spherical Mirrors

Centre of curvature (C) is the centre of the sphere, of which the mirror is a part.
Radius of curvature (R) is the radius of the sphere, of which the mirror is a part.
Pole (P) is the geometric centre of the spherical mirror.
Principal axis is the line joining the pole and the centre of curvature.
Principal focus (F) is the point on the principal axis, where a parallel beam of light, parallel to the
principal axis after reflection converges in the case of a concave mirror and appears to diverge from
in the case of a convex mirror.
Focal length (f) is the distance of the principal focus from the pole of the mirror.
Spherical mirrors can be further classified into the following two types as

i. Concave mirrors
ii . Convex mirrors.

The images formed by the mirrors are of two types they are

i. Real images
ii. Virtual Images

Real images are those that can be caught on a screen while virtual images are those that cannot be
caught on a screen.

Formation of Images by Spherical Mirrors

The image formed by a convex mirror is always erect, virtual, and diminished in size. The location of the
Light - Reflection and Refraction
object does not affect the characteristics of the image. Thus, as the object approaches the mirror, the
image approaches the mirror too but not proportionately. This is why, the rear view mirrors of the cars and
bikes are made of convex mirrors.

Hence, we have the caution Objects seen in the mirror are closer than they appear printed on the
outside rear view mirrors of vehicles.

Unlike in a convex mirror, the nature and size of the image in a concave mirror depends on the distance
of the object from the mirror.

Concave Mirror

If a part of a hollow glass sphere is cut and the cut part of the sphere is coated outside with silver or
similar material, then its inner surface reflects the entire light incident on it, and thus, forms a mirror. Since
the inner surface is a concave surface, the mirror so formed is called a concave mirror.
The geometric centre of a concave mirror is called its pole.
The centre of the sphere from which concave mirror was cut is called the centre of curvature of the
concave mirror.
The distance from any point on the concave mirror to its centre of curvature is called the radius of
curvature of the concave mirror.
An imaginary line passing through the centre of curvature and the pole of the concave mirror is
called principal axis of the concave mirror.
The area of a concave mirror that is exposed to incident light is called the aperture of the concave
The length along the principal axis from the pole to the principal focus is called the focal length of the
concave mirror.

If an object is placed close to a concave mirror such that the distance between the mirror and the object is
less than its focal length, then a magnified and virtual image is formed. Due to this property, concave
mirrors are used in many applications. A concave mirror can be used as a shaving mirror, and by dentists
to view clearly the inner parts of the mouth.
Light - Reflection and Refraction

Concave mirrors converge the light incident on them and hence are called converging mirrors. We can
observe ourselves magnified when the mirror is placed close to our face. This is due the position of the
object between the focus and the pole. As the object moves away from the mirror, the size of its image
reduces along with its distance from the mirror. If an object is placed close to a concave mirror such that
the distance between the mirror and the object is less than its focal length, then a magnified and virtual
image is formed. Due to this property, concave mirrors are used as shaving mirrors, and by dentists to
view clearly the inner parts of the mouth.

Reflection by Concave Mirrors

Incident Ray Reflected Ray

Parallel to principal axis Passes through focus

Passes through C Retraces its path

Passes through focus parallel to principal axis

Strikes the pole at an angle eith principal

Makes the same angle with principal axis

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