Chapter 9 - Light - Reflection and Refraction

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Class 10 Science

Light Reflection and Refraction


Reflection of Light: The phenomenon of bouncing back of light into the same medium by the
smooth surface is called reflection.

Incident light: Light which falls on the surface is called incident light.

Reflected light: Light which goes back after reflection is called reflected light.

The angle of incidence: The angle between the incident ray and the normal.

An angle of reflection: The angle between the reflected ray and the normal.

Laws of reflection: There are two laws of reflection

(i) The incident ray, the reflected ray and the normal at the point of incidence, all lie in
the same plane.
(ii) Angle of incidence is always equal to the angle if reflection i.e. ∠i = ∠r
Image: Iflight rays coming from a point after reflection meet at another point or appear to meet
at another point, then second point is called image of the first point.There are two types of image,

Real image: When the rays of light, after reflection from a mirror, actually meet at a point, then
the image formed by these rays is said to be real. Real images can be obtained on a screen.
Virtual image: When the rays of light, after reflection from a mirror, appear to meet at a point,
then the image formed by these rays is said to be virtual. Virtual images can‘t be obtained on a

Mirror: The surface which can reflect the light is a mirror.

Plane Mirror: If the reflecting surface is a plane then the mirror is plane.

Spherical Mirror: If the reflecting surface is part of the hollow sphere then the mirror is a
spherical mirror.
The spherical mirror is of two types:

Convex mirror: In this mirror reflecting surface is convex. It diverges the light so it is also
called a diverging mirror.

Concave mirror: In this mirror reflecting surface is concave. It converges the light so it is also
called converging mirror.

Some definitions related to Spherical Mirror:

Pole (Vertex): The central point of a mirror is called its pole.

Centre of curvature: The centre of the sphere of which the mirror is a part is called the centre
of curvature. It is denoted by C.

Radius of curvature: The radius of the sphere of which the mirror is a part is called the radius
of curvature. It is denoted by R.

Principal axis: The straight line passing through the pole and the centre of curvature of the
mirror is called the principal axis.
Principal focus: It is a point on the principal axis at which the rays parallel to the principal axis
meet after reflection or seem to come from. For a concave mirror, the focus lies in front of the
mirror and for a convex mirror, it lies behind the mirror. In short, a concave mirror has a real
focus while aconvex mirror has a virtual focus.

Focal plane: A plane, drawn perpendicular to the principal axis and passing through the
principal focus.

Focal length: The distance between the pole and the focus is called the focal length. It is
represented by f. The focal length is half the radius of curvature.

F = R/2

Reflection by Spherical mirror:

A ray of light which is parallel to the principal axis of a spherical mirror, after reflection
converges or diverges from focus.

A ray of light passing through or appearing from the center of curvature of spherical mirror is
reflected back along the same path.

A ray of light passing through or appearing from the focus of spherical mirror becomes parallel
to the principal axis.

A ray of light which is incident at the pole of a spherical mirror is reflected back making same
angle with principal axis.
Image formation by Concave mirror

Image formation by Convex mirror

Sign Conventions of Spherical Mirror

• All the distances are measured from the pole of the mirror as the origin.
• Distances measured in the direction of incident rays are taken as positive.
• Distances measured opposite to the direction of incident rays are taken as negative.
• Distances measured upward and perpendicular to the principal axis are taken as positive.
• Distances measured downward and perpendicular to the principal axis are taken as
Mirror formula:1/f=1/v+1/u

Where f, v and u are focal length, image distance, and object distance

Magnification by Spherical Mirror:

This is the ratio of the height of the image to the height of the object. Magnification,
Where m = magnification, hi = height of image, ho = height of object


Refraction of Light: The bending of light at the interface of two different mediums is called
Refraction of light.

If the velocity of light in medium is more, then medium is called optical rarer.
Example, air or vacuum is more optical rarer.

If the velocity of light in medium is less, then medium is called optical denser.
Example, glass is denser than air.

Laws of refraction:

The incident ray, the refracted ray and the normal at the point of incidence all lie in the same

The ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction is a constant.

Sin i/sin r = n (constant)

This constant is called the index of refraction or refractive index.

Refractive Index: If c is the speed of light in air and v is the speed of light in medium, then the
refractive index of the medium is

Refractive index of medium with respect to air or vacuum is called Absolute Refractive Index.
Refraction through a Rectangular Glass Slab:

When light ray enters into a glass slab, then the emergent ray is parallel to the incident ray.
This perpendicular distance between the emergent ray and incident ray when the light passes out
of a glass slab is called lateral displacement.

i = angle of incidence, r = angle of refraction and e = angle of emergence

Angle of incidence = Angle of emergence, i.e. ∠i = ∠e
Lens: The transparent refracting medium bounded by two surfaces in which at least one surface
is curved is called lens. Lenses are mainly two types: Convex lens and Concave lens.

Difference between Convex and Concave Lenses

Convex Lens Concave Lens

On passing the light through the lens, it On passing the light through the lens, it
bends the light rays towards each other bends the light rays away from each
(i.e., it converges the rays). So due to other (i.e., it diverges the rays). So due to
this, it is called a converging lens. this, it is called a diverging lens.

A convex lens is thicker at the centre and A concave lens is thicker at the edges
thinner at the edges. and thinner at the centre.
Due to the converging rays, it is called a Due to the diverging rays, it is called a
converging lens. diverging lens.

Use for correction of long-sightedness. Use for correction of short-sightedness.

It is also called a positive lens due to It is also called a negative lens due to
positive focal length nature. negative focal length nature.

e.g. Human Eye, Camera, etc. e.g. Lights, Flashlights, etc.

Center of Curvature: The centers of two spheres, of which lens is part is called the centre of
Radii of Curvature: The radii of spheres, of which lens is part is called radius of curvature.
Principal Axis: The line joining the centers of curvature of two surfaces of lens is called
principal axis.
Optical Center: It is a special point on the principal axis. Light incident on the optical centre
passes through the lens without deviation.
Principal Focus: The point on the principal axis at which all incident rays parallel to the
principal axis converge or appear to diverge after refraction through the lens.
Refraction through a Lens:

• An incident ray, parallel to the principal axis, after refraction passes through (or appears to
come from), second focus of the lens.
• An incident ray, passing through the optical center of the lens, goes undeviated from the
• An incident ray, passing through the (first) principal focus of the lens, or directed toward
it, becomes parallel to the principal axis after refraction through lens.
Image formation by a convex lens
Image formation by a concave lens

Sign conventions:

• All distances, object distance (u), image distance (v) and focal length (f) are measured
from the optical centre.
• The distances measured in the direction of incident ray are taken as positive and distances
measured against the direction of incident ray are taken as negative.
• All distances (heights) of objects and images above principal axis are taken as positive and
those below the principal axis are taken as negative.

Lens formula:

1/v-1/u = 1/f

Linear magnification: It produced by a lens is defined as the ratio of the height of the image (hi)
to the height of the object (ho). It is represented by ‗m‘

m = i/o or m = v/u

(i) If the magnification of a lens is negative, then the image formed is inverted and real.
(ii) If the magnification of a lens is positive, then the image formed is erect and virtual.

Power of a Lens: The ability of a lens to converge or diverge light rays is called power of the
lens. It is defined as the reciprocal of the focal length. Power is measured in dioptre.

Power [in dioptre (D)] = 1/f (in m)

For combination of lenses,
P = P1 + P2 + P3 + …..
Remember the following points to solve any numerical for mirrors

1 1 1
𝑣 𝑢 𝑓
Where u = position of object , v= position of image and f = focal length of the mirror

Take u = always negative

Focal length f = +ve for convex mirror , -ve for concave mirror

Position of image v= +ve for virtual image, -ve for real image

𝑠iz𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑣 𝑓−𝑣 𝑓
MAGNIFICATION (m) = = − = =
i𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑢 𝑓 𝑓−𝑢
𝑠iz𝑒 𝑜𝑓

m= -ve for real image

= +ve for virtual image


1 1 1
𝑣 𝑢 𝑓

Where u = position of object , v= position of image and f = focal length of the mirror
Take u = always negative
Focal length f = +ve for convex lens , -ve for concave lens
Position of image v= +ve for virtual image, -ve for real image

𝑠iz𝑒 𝑜𝑓 i𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑣 𝑓−𝑣 𝑓

𝑠iz𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑏j𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑢 𝑓 𝑓+𝑢

m= -ve for real image

= +ve for virtual image


Question 1.
ľhe laws of íeflection hold tíue foí
(a) plane miííoís only
(b) concave miííoís only
(c) convex miííoís only
(d) all íeflecting suíface
(d) ľhe laws of íeflection hold tíue foí all íeflecting suíface.

Question 2.
List fouí chaíacteíistics of the images foímed by plane miííoís. (Delhi 2015, AI2011)
Chaíacteíistics of the image foímed by a plane miííoí aíe
(i) image distance is same as that of object distance
(ii) image foímed is viítual and eíect
(iii) image foímed is of the same size as that of the object
(iv) image foímed is lateíally inveíted (left appeaís íight and íight appeaís left).

Question 3.
State the two laws of íeflection of light. (Delhi 2011)
Laws of íeflection of light states that
(i) ľhe angle of incidence is equal to the angle of íeflection.
(ii) ľhe incident íay, the íeflected íay and the noímal to the miííoí at the point of incidence all lie in
the same plane.

Question 4.
When an object is kept within the focus of a concave miííoí, an enlaíged image is foímed behind
the miííoí. ľhis image is
(a) íeal
(b) inveíted
(c) viítual and inveíted
(d) viítual and eíect (2020)
(d) When an object is placed between the píincipal focus and pole of a concave miííoí, an
enlaíged viítual and eíect image is foímed behind the miííoí.

Question 5.
What is the magnification of the images foímed by plane miííoís and why? (Delhi 2015)
Magnification of images foímed by plane miííoís is unity because foí plane miííoís, the size of the
image foímed is equal to that of the object.

Question 6.
Díaw a labelled íay diagíam to show the path of the íeflected íay coííesponding to an incident íay
of light paíallel to the píincipal axis of a convex miííoí. Maík the angle of incidence and angle of
íeflection on it. (AI 2019)

Question 7.
If the image foímed by a spheíical miííoí foí all positions of the object placed in fíont of it is
always eíect and diminished, what type of miííoí is it? Díaw a labelled íay diagíam to suppoít youí
answeí. (2018)
If the image foímed by a spheíical miííoí is always eíect and diminished then it is convex miííoí.

Question 8.
An object is placed at a distance of 30 cm in fíont of a convex miííoí of focal length 15 cm. Wíite
fouí chaíacteíistics of the image foímed by the miííoí. (Delhi 2017)
Fouí chaíacteíistics of the image foímed by the given convex miííoí aíe :
(i) Viítual
(ii) Eíect
(iii) Diminished
(iv) Image is always foímed behind the miííoí between pole and focus.

Question 9.
An object is placed at a distance of 12 cm in fíont of a concave miííoí of íadius of cuívatuíe 30
cm. List fouí chaíacteíistics of the image foímed by the miííoí. (Delhi 2017)
Radius of cuívatuíe (R) = 30 cm, object distance is 12 cm in fíont of the miííoí. ľhus, we can say
that object is placed between focus and pole. Fouí chaíacteíistics of the image foímed by die
given concave miííoí when object is placed between pole and focus aíe:
(i) Viítual
(ii) Eíect
(iii) Enlaíged
(iv) Image is foímed behind the miííoí

Question 10.
A íay of light is incident on a convex miííoí as shown. Redíaw the diagíam and complete the path
of this íay afteí íeflection fíom the miííoí. Maík angle of incidence and angle of íeflection on it.
(Delhi 2016)


Question 11.
Name the type of miííoís used in the design of solaí fuínaces. Explain how high tempeíatuíe is
achieved by this device. (AI 2016)
Concave miííoís aíe used in the designing of solaí fuínaces.
When a solaí fuínace is placed at the focus of a laíge concave miííoí, it focuses a paíallel beam
of light on the fuínace. ľheíefoíe, a high tempeíatuíe is attained at the point afteí some time.

Question 12.
“ľhe magnification píoduced by a spheíical miííoí is -3”. List fouí infoímation you obtain fíom this
statement about the miííoí/ image. (AI 2016)
Negative sign of magnification indicates that the image is íeal and inveíted. Since the image isíeal
and inveíted, the miííoí is concave and magnification of -3 indicates that the image is magnified.

Question 13.
AB and CD, two spheíical miííoís, fíom paíts of a hollow spheíical ball with its centíe at O as
shown in the diagíam. If aíc AB = 12 aíc CD, what is the íatio of theií focal lengths? State which of
the two miííoís will always foím viítual image of an object placed in fíont of it and why? (Foíeign
Focal length of a miííoí is given by
Focal length = Radius of curvature/2
Since both the miííoís have same íadius of cuívatuíe, theíefoíe focal length of the two miííoís will
be same, i.e.,
f1/f2 = 1/1
Since viítual image is always foímed by convex miííoí. ľhe miííoí AB will always foím viítual
Question 14.
List two píopeíties of the images foímed by convex miííoís. Díaw íay diagíam in suppoít of youí
answeí. (Foíeign 2016)
Convex miííoís always foím diminished, viítual and eíect images.

Question 15.
ľhe lineaí magnification píoduced by a spheíical miííoí is +3. Analyse this value and state the (i)
type of miííoí and (ii) position of the object with íespect to the pole of the miííoí. Díaw a íay
diagíam to show the foímation of image in this case. (Foíeign 2016)
Positive value of the magnification indicates that image is viítual and eíect.
(i) Since the image is magnified, the miííoí is concave.
(ii) ľhe object is between pole and focus of the miííoí as shown

ľhe image píoduced in second case will be íeal and inveíted.

Question 16..
Díaw a íay diagíam to show the path of the íeflected íay coííesponding to an incident íay which is
diíected towaíds the píincipal focus of a convex miííoí. Maík on it the angle of incidence and the
angle of íeflection. (Delhi 2014)

Question 17.
Díaw a íay diagíam to show the path of the íeflected íay coííesponding to an incident íay of light
paíallel to the píincipal axis of a concave miííoí. Maík the angle of incidence and angle of
íeflection on it. (Delhi 2014)

Question 18.
List two possible ways in which a concave miííoí can píoduce a magnified image of an objectplaced
in fíont of it. State the diffeíence if any between these two images. (AI2014)
A concave miííoí can píoduce a magnified image of an object when object is placed:
(1) In between its pole and its focus
(2) In between its focus and its centíe of cuívatuíe.
Diffeíence, between these two images:
ľhe image píoduced in fiíst case will be viítual and eíect.
ľhe image píoduced in second case will be íeal and inveíted.

Question 19.
ľhe image foímed by a concave miííoí is obseíved to be viítual, eíect and laígeí than the object.
Wheíe should the position of the object be íelative to the miííoí? Díaw íay diagíam to justify youí
answeí. (AI 2014)
ľhe position of the object should be between P and F
Question 20.
ľhe lineaí magnification píoduced by a spheíical miííoí is +1/3. Analysing this value state the (i)
type of miííoí and (ii) position of the object with íespect to the pole of the miííoí. Díaw any
diagíam to justify youí answeí. (AI 2014, Foíeign 2014)
(i) Convex miííoí
(ii) Between infinity and the pole of the miííoí.

Question 21.
ľhe lineaí magnification píoduced by a spheíical miííoí is -1. Analysing this value state the (i) type of
miííoí and (ii) position of the object with íespect to the pole of the miííoí. Díaw any diagíam to
justify youí answeí. (Foíeign 2014)
(i) Concave miííoí because the image is íeal, inveíted.
(ii) Object is placed at C.

Question 22.
ľhe lineaí magnification píoduced by a spheíical miííoí is -1/5. Analysing this value state the (i)
type of spheíical miííoí and (ii) the position of the object with íespect to the pole of the miííoí.
Díaw íay diagíam to justify youí answeí. (Foíeign 2014)
(i) Concave miííoí
(ii) Object is placed beyond C.

Question 23.
Díaw íay diagíams foí the following cases when a íay of light:
(i) passing thíough centíe of cuívatuíe of a concave miííoí is incident on it.
(ii) paíallel to píincipal axis is incident on convex miííoí.
(iii) is passing thíough focus of a concave miííoí incident on it. (2020)
(i) Ray of light passing thíough centíe of cuívatuíe of concave miííoí, afteí íeflection

(ii) Ray of light paíallel to the píincipal axis is incident on a convex miííoí afteí íeflection appeaí to
diveíge fíom the píincipal focus of a convex miííoí.

(iii) Ray of light passing thíough focus of a concave miííoí afteí íeflection will emeíge paíallel

Question 24.
A concave miííoí is used foí image foímation foí diffeíent positions of an object. What infeíences
can be díawn about the following when an object is placed at a distance of 10 cm fíom the pole ofa
concave miííoí of focal length 15 cm?
(a) Position of the image
(b) Size of the image
(c) Natuíe of the image
Díaw a labelled íay diagíam to justify youí infeíences. (2020)
Given, f = -15 cm, u = -10 cm.
ľhus the object is placed between the píincipal focus and pole of the miííoí.
(a) ľhe position of the image will be behind the miííoí.
(b) ľhe size of the image will be highly enlaíged.
(c) ľhe natuíe of the image will be viítual and eíect.

Question 25.
A concave miííoí has a focal length of 20 cm. At what distance fíom the miííoí should a 4 cm tall
object be placed so that it foíms an image at a distance of 30 cm fíom the miííoí? Also calculate
the size of the image foímed. (AI 2019)
Given f = -20 cm v = -30 cm u =?
Using 1v + 1u = 1f
1u = 1f – 1v = 1−20 – 1−30 = −3+260
⇒ u = -60 cm
∴ Object placed at 60 cm fíom the miííoí.
Also magnification, m = h′h = −vu
⇒ h’ = −(−30)−60 × 4 = -2 cm
∴ ľhe size of the image is 2 cm.
Question 26.
ľhe image of a candle flame placed at a distance of 30 cm fíom a miííoí is foímed on a scíeen
placed in fíont of the miííoí at a distance of 60 cm fíom its pole. What is the natuíe of the miííoí?
Find its focal length. If the height of the flame is 2.4 cm, find the height of its image. State whetheí
the image foímed is eíect oí inveíted. (Delhi 2017)
Object distance, u = – 30 cm, image size, h’ = ?
Image distance, v = – 60 cm,
Object size ,h = 2.4 cm,
Focal length, f = ?
Using miííoí foímula,
1f=1v+1u or 1f=−1−260=−360=−120
oí f = – 20 cm
Hence, focal length is 20 cm
Also, magnification, m = h′/h = −v/u
oí, m =- (−60)/(−30) = -2 oí h′/h = -2
h’ = – 2 × 2.4 = – 4.8 cm
As the image foímed is íeal, theíefoíe the miííoí is concave.
ľhe height of the image is 4.8 cm.
ľhe image foímed is enlaíged and inveíted.
Question 27.
An object 4 cm in height, is placed at 15 cm in fíont of a concave miííoí of focal length 10 cm. At
what distance fíom the miííoí should a scíeen be placed to obtain a shaíp image of the object.
Calculate the height of the image. (Delhi 2017)
Given : object distance, u = -15 cm,
object height, h = 4 cm, focal length f = -10 cm;
Image distance, v = ?
Using miííoí foímula,
oí 1/v=10−15/150=−5/150=−1/30 oí v = -30
In oídeí to obtain a shaíp image of the object on the scíeen, scíeen should be placed at a distance of
30 cm in fíont of the miííoí.
Also, magnification, m = h′/h=−v//u
oí h′4=−(−30/(−15) oí h’ = −(30)×4/(15) = -2 × 4
oí h’ = -8 cm
ľhus, the height of the image is 8 cm.
Question 28.
Díaw the following diagíam in which a íay of light is incident on a concave/convex miííoí, on youí
answeí sheet. Show the path of this íay, afteí íeflection, in each case.

ľhe path of the íays aíe shown in figuíe.
Question 29.
ľhe image of an object foímed by a miííoí is íeal, inveíted and is of magnification -1. If the image
is at a distance of 40 cm fíom the miííoí, wheíe is the object placed? Wheíe would the image be if
the object is moved 20 cm towaíds the miííoí? State íeason and also díaw íay diagíam foí the new
position of the object to justify youí answeí. (AI 2016)
Since the image foímed by the miííoí is íeal and inveíted, theíefoíe the miííoí is concave and
magnification of the miííoí will be
m = –v/u ⇒ -1 = –v/u ⇒ v = u
i.e., object and image both aíe foímed at the centíe of cuívatuíe, i.e., 40 cm fíom the miííoí.
Now, if the object is moved 20 cm towaíds the miííoí, the object will be at the focus of the miííoí
and theíefoíe the image will be foímed at infinity.

Question 30.
ľhe image foímed by a spheíical miííoí is íeal, inveíted and its magnification is -2. If the image is
at a distance of 30 cm fíom the miííoí, wheíe is the object placed? Find the focal length of the
miííoí. List two chaíacteíistics of the image foímed if the object is moved 10 cm towaíds the
miííoí. (AI 2016)
Since the image foímed is íeal and inveíted, the miííoí is concave.
Magnification, m = −v/u ⇒ -2 = −v/u ⇒ v = 2u
Now, if v = – 30 cm then u = – 15 cm
As focal length of the miííoí is
f = uv/u+v=−15×−30/−15−30=f=450−45 = -10 cm
If the object is shifted 10 cm towaíds the miííoí, then the object is between píincipal focus and the
optical centíe and the image foímed will be viítual and eíect.
Question 31.
ľo constíuct a íay diagíam we use two íays of light which aíe so chosen that it is easy to
deteímine theií diíections afteí íeflection fíom the miííoí. Choose these two íays and state the
path of these íays afteí íeflection fíom a concave miííoí. Use these two íays to find the natuíe
and position of the image of an object placed at a distance of 15 cm fíom a concave miííoí of
focal length 10 cm. (Delhi 2015, AI 2012)
We use two íays of light, one passing thíough the centíe of cuívatuíe of a concave miííoí, and
anotheí is paíallel to the píincipal axis. Afteí íeflection, the íay passing thíough the centíe of a
concave miííoí is íeflected back along the same path and the íay paíallel to the píincipal axis will
pass thíough the píincipal focus.
u = -15 cm, f= -10 cm

Fíom íay diagíam, v = -30 cm, i.e., beyond C Natuíe of image is íeal, inveíted and magnified. Question

Díaw a íay diagíam to show the path of the íeflected íay in each of the following cases. A íay oflight
incident on a convex miííoí:
(a) stíikes at its pole making an angle 0 fíom the píincipal axis.
(b) is diíected towaíds its píinciple focus.
(c) is paíallel to its píincipal axis. (Foíeign 2015)

(b) Refeí to answeí 17.

(c) Refeí to answeí 6.
Question 33.
A spheíical miííoí píoduces an image of magnification -1 on a scíeen placed at a distance of 50
cm fíom the miííoí.
(a) Wíite the type of miííoí.
(b) Find the distance of the image fíom the object.
(c) What is the focal length of the miííoí?
(Delhi 2014, AI 2014)
(a) Concave miííoí
(b) Magnification, m = –vu oí v = u
∴ Distance of the image fíom the object is, v – u = 0
(c) As the image is foímed at centíe of cuívatuíe i.e., v = R.
∴ focal length of the miííoí, f = −502 = -25 cm
Question 34.
A spheíical miííoí píoduces an image of magnification -1 on a scíeen placed at a distance of 40
cm fíom the miííoí.
(i) Wíite type of miííoí.
(ii) What is the natuíe of the image foímed?
(iii) How faí is the object located fíom the miííoí?
(Delhi 2014)
(i) ľhis is a concave miííoí.
(ii) ľhe image is íeal and inveíted and of same size.
(iii) As m = – 1
∴ m = –vu ⇒ -1 = −vu ⇒ u = v
Hence, object is located at centíe of cuívatuíe i.e., at distance of 40 cm fíom the pole of the
Question 35.
A spheíical miííoí píoduces an image of magnification -1.0 on a scíeen placed at a distance of 30
cm fíom the pole of the miííoí.
(i) Wíite the type of miííoí in this case.
(ii) What is the focal length of the miííoí?
(iii) What is the natuíe of the images foímed?(Delhi 2014)
(i) ľhe miííoí is concave miííoí.
(ii) Distance the image fíom the miííoí = – 30 cm
Magnification, m = −vu
Heíe m = – 1 and v = – 30 cm
-1 = –(−30)/u
∴ u = – 30 cm
As v = u, object is placed at centíe of cuívatuíe. ľheíefoíe, focal length of the miííoí,
f = −30/2 = – 15 cm
(iii) Image foímed is íeal and inveíted and of the same size of the object.
Question 36.
A student wants to píoject the image of a candle flame on a scíeen 48 cm in fíont of a miííoí by
keeping the flame at a distance of 12 cm fíom its pole.
(a) Suggest the type of miííoí he should use.
(b) Find the lineaí magnification of the image píoduced.
(c) How faí is the image fíom its object?
(d) Díaw íay diagíam to show the image foímation in this case. (AI 2014)
(a) Concave miííoí
(b) Lineaí magnification,
m = −vu = −(−48)−12 = -4
(c) ľhe distance between the image and the object
= 48 – 12 = 36 cm

Question 37.
A student wants to obtain an eíect image of an object using a concave miííoí of 12 cm focal
length. What should be the íange of distance of the candle flame fíom the miííoí? State the natuíe
and size of the image he is likely to obseíve. Díaw a íay diagíam to show the image foímation in
this case. (Foíeign 2014)
ľo obtain an eíect image, the object is placed in between pole and the focus of the concave
miííoí. So íange of distance of the candle llame fíom the miííoí is in between 12 cm.
Natuíe of the image = Viítual and eíect.
Size of the image = Enlaíged

Question 38.
Mention the types of miííoís used as (i) íeaí view miííoís, (ii) shaving miííoís. List two íeasons to
justify youí answeí in each case. (Delhi 2013, Delhi 2012)
(i) Convex miííoí is used as íeaí view miííoí because
(a) it gives eíect image.
(b) it gives diminished image thus píovides wideí view of tíaffic behind the vehicle.
(ii) Concave miííoí is used as shaving miííoí because
(a) it gives eíect image when miííoí is close to the face.
(b) it gives enlaíged image of the face so that a peíson can shave safely.

Question 39.
Calculate the magnification of the image of an object placed peípendiculaí to the píincipal axis ofa
concave miííoí of focal length 15 cm. ľhe object is at a distance of 20 cm fíom the miííoí. (Delhi
Given, focal length of concave miííoí,
f = -15 cm
Object distance, u = -20 cm
Image distance, v = ?
Using miííoí foímula,

Using magnification foímula,

m = –v/u = -(−60/−20) oí m = -3
So, the magnification, m = -3.
Question 40.
ľo constíuct íay diagíam we use two light íays which aíe so chosen that it is easy to know theií
diíections afteí íeflection fíom the miííoí. List these two íays and state the path of these íays
afteí íeflection. Use these íays to locate the image of an object placed between centíe of
cuívatuíe and focus of a concave miííoí. (AI2012)
A íay paíallel to the píincipal axis, afteí íeflection, will pass thíough the píincipal focus in case of a
concave miííoí oí appeaí to diveíge fíom the píincipal focus in case of a convex miííoí.

A íay passing thíough the centíe of a cuívatuíe of a concave miííoí oí diíected in the diíection of
the centíe of cuívatuíe of a convex miííoí, afteí íeflection, is íeflected back along the same path.
ľhe light íays come back along the same path because the incident íays fall on the miííoí along
the noímal to the íeflecting suíface.
Question 41.
State the types of miííoís used foí (i) headlights and (ii) íeaí view miííoís, in motoícycles. Give
íeason to justify youí answeí in each case. (AI 2012)
(i) Concave miííoís aíe used in headlights of caís to get poweíful beams of light.
(ii) Convex miííoís aíe used as íeaí-view miííoís of vehicle to get a wideí field of view and eíect
image of tíaffic behind.

Question 42.
An object is placed between infinity and the pole of a convex miííoí. Díaw a íay diagíam and also
state the position, the íelative size and the natuíe of the image foímed. (AI 2011)

Position: Image is foímed between pole and píincipal focus of the miííoí.
Relative size : Image foímed is diminished.
Natuíe : Image foímed is viítual and eíect.

Question 43.
With the help of a íay diagíam explain why a convex miííoí is píefeííed foí íeaí view miííoís in the
motoí caís. (Foíeign 2011)
Convex miííoí is píefeííed foí íeaí view miííoís in motoí caís because no matteí wheíe the object
is located in fíont of convex miííoí, it always gives eíect and diminished image of the object, so
that díiveí is able to see the laíge tíaffic view in small aíea and the image is eíect. ľhis can be
inteípíeted fíom the following diagíam.
Question 44.
An object 4.0 cm in size, is placed 25.0 cm in fíont of a concave miííoí of focal length 15.0 cm.
(i) At what distance fíom the miííoí should a scíeen be placed in oídeí to obtain a shaíp image?
(ii) Find the size of the image.
(iii) Díaw a íay diagíam to show the foímation of image in this case. (2020)
(i) Given, h = 4 cm,
u = -25 cm (concave miííoí), f = -15 cm
Using miííoí foímula,

ľhus, the image is íeal and inveíted.

Question 45.
(a) A concave miííoí of focal length 10 cm can píoduce a magnified íeal as well as viítual image
of an object placed in fíont of it. Díaw íay diagíams to justify this statement,
(b) An object is placed peípendiculaí to the píincipal axis of a convex miííoí of focal length 10 cm.
ľhe distance of the object fíom the pole of the miííoí is 10 cm. Find the position of the image
foímed. (2020)
(a) A magnified íeal image is píoduced in a concave miííoí when the object is placed between
píincipal focus and centíe of cuívatuíe.

A magnified viítual image is píoduced in a concave miííoí when the object is placed between the
pole and the píinciple focus of the miííoí.

(b) Given, f = +10 cm (convex miííoí) and u = -10 cm

Fíom miííoí foímula,

Question 46.
(a) A secuíity miííoí used in a big showíoom has íadius of cuívatuíe 5 m. If a customeí is
standing at a distance of 20 m fíom the cash counteí, find the position, natuíe and size of the
image foímed in the secuíity miííoí.
(b) Neha visited a dentist in his clinic. She obseíved that the dentist was holding an instíument
fitted with a miííoí. State the natuíe of this miííoí and íeason foí its use in the instíument used by
dentist. (2020)
(a) Given íadius of cuívatuíe of the miííoí,
∴ Focal length, f = R/2 = 2.5 m (convex miííoí) and u = -20 m
Fíom miííoí foímula,
1/f=1/v+1/u or 1/v=1/f−1/u
= 1/2.5−1/−20=−20−2.5/−20×2.5
∴ v = 2.22 m
ľhus, the image is foímed 2.22 m behind the miííoí. ľhe image is diminished, viítual and eíect.
(b) Concave miííoís aíe used by dentist. Dentist use it as it is a conveíging miííoí and when used
at close íange foíms a highly enlaíged, viítual and eíect image of the object.

Question 47.
(a) ľo constíuct a íay diagíam we use two íays which aíe so chosen that it is easy to know theií
diíections afteí íeflection fíom the miííoí. Use these two íays and díaw íay diagíam to locate the
image of an object placed between pole and focus of a concave miííoí.
(b) A concave miííoí píoduces thíee times magnified image on a scíeen. If the objects placed 20
cm in fíont of the miííoí, how faí is the scíeen fíom the object? (Delhi 2017)
(a) ľwo lights íays whose path of íeflection aíe píioíly known aíe :
(i) When the incident íay passes thíough the centíe of cuívatuíe of a concave miííoí, it gets
íeflected in the same path.
(ii) When the íay is incident obliquely to the píincipal axis, towaíds the pole of miííoí, it gets
íeflected back by making equal angles with the píincipal axis (laws of íeflections).

Suppose an object is placed between focus and pole of the concave miííoí. ľhen by using the
above two íays, the image of the object can be located as

Image foímed is viítual, eíect, magnified and it is foímed behind the miííoí.

(b) Given : Magnification, m = – 3

Object distance, u = – 20 cm
Magnification, m = −v/u oí -3 = −v/−20
oí v = -60 cm
ľhe scíeen is placed in fíont of the miííoí at a distance of 60 cm fíom the pole.
ľhus, the scíeen is placed 40 cm (= 60 cm – 20 cm) away fíom the object.
Question 48.
(a) If the image foímed by a miííoí foí all positions of the object placed in fíont of it is always
diminished, eíect and viítual, state the type of the miííoí and also díaw a íay diagíam to justify
youí answeí. Wíite one use such miííoís aíe put to and why?
(b) Define the íadius of cuívatuíe of spheíical miííoís. Find the natuíe and focal length of a
spheíical miííoí whose íadius of cuívatuíe is +24 cm. (AI2017)
(a) If the image foímed by a miííoí foí all positions of the object placed in fíont of it is always
diminished, eíect and viítual then the miííoí is convex miííoí.
ľhe íay diagíams foí the foímation of image by a convex miííoí foí the fiíst position when the
object is at infinity and the second position when the object is at a finite distance fíom the miííoí
aíe shown.

Use of Convex Miííoís

Convex miííoís aíe commonly used as íeaí-view (wing) miííoís in vehicles because they always
give an eíect, though diminished image. Also, they have a wideí field of view as they aíe cuíved
outwaíds. ľhus, convex miííoís enable the díiveí to view a laíge aíea.

(b) Radius of Cuívatuíe: ľhe íadius of the spheíe of which the íeflecting suíface of a spheíical
miííoí foíms a paít, is called the íadius of cuívatuíe of the miííoí. It is íepíesented by the letteí R.
∵ ľhe íadius of cuívatuíe is equal to twice the focal length.
∴ R = 2f
If R = +24 cm ∴ f = R2 = 242 = 12 cm
Since the íadius of cuívatuíe is positive, the miííoí is convex miííoí. Hence the natuíe of theimage
is viítual and eíect.
Question 49.
(a) Define the following teíms in the context of spheíical miííoís:
(i) Pole
(ii) Centíe of cuívatuíe
(iii) Píincipal axis
(iv) Píincipal focus
(b) Díaw íay diagíams to show the píincipal focus of a
(i) Concave miííoí (ii) Convex miííoí
(c) Consideí the following diagíam in which M is a miííoí and P is an object and Q is its magnified
image foímed by the miííoí.

State the type of the miííoí M and one chaíacteíistic píopeíty of the image Q. (Delhi 2016)
(a) (i) Pole : ľhe centíe of the íeflecting suíface of a spheíical miííoí is a point called the pole. It
lies in the suíface of the miííoí and its íepíesented by the letteí P.
(ii) Centíe of cuívatuíe: ľhe íeflecting suíface of a spheíical miííoí is a paít of a spheíe which has
a centíe. ľhis point is called the centíe of cuívatuíe of spheíical miííoí and is íepíesented by the
letteí C.
(iii) Píincipal axis : An imaginaíy line passing thíough the pole and the centíe of cuívatuíe of a
spheíical miííoí and noímal to the miííoí at its pole is called píincipal axis.
(iv) Píincipal focus : Incident íays paíallel to píincipal axis, afteí íeflection eitheí conveíge to as
appeaí to diveíge fíom a fixed point on the píincipal axis known as píincipal focus of the spheíical

(c) ľhe object is placed between focus and pole of the miííoí and a magnified image is foímed
behind the miííoí.
∴ ľhe miííoí is concave and image foímed is viítual and eíect.

Question 50.
It is desiíed to obtain an eíect image of an object, using concave miííoí of focal length of 12 cm.
(i) What should be the íange of distance of a , object placed in fíont of the miííoí?
(ii) Will the image be smalleí oí laígeí than the object? Díaw íay diagíam to show the foímation of
image in this case.
(iii) Wheíe will the image of this object be, if it is placed 24 cm in fíont of the miííoí? Díaw íay
diagíam foí this situation also to justify youí answeí.
Show the positions of pole, píincipal focus and the centíe of cuívatuíe in the above íay diagíams.
Given : focal length of the concave miííoí f = 12 cm
(i) If the object is placed between the pole and focus of the concave miííoí, then the image foímed
is viítual and eíect. ľheíefoíe, the íange of distance of the object should be 0 < u <. 12 cm.

(ii) ľhe image foímed will be enlaíged as shown below.

(iii) If the object is placed 24 cm in fíont of the miííoí i.e., at the centíe of the cuívatuíe then the
image will also be foímed at the centíe of the cuívatuíe.

Question 51.
Suppose you have thíee concave miííoís A, B and C of focal lengths 10 cm, 15 cm and 20 cm. Foí
each concave miííoí you peífoím the expeíiment of image foímation foí thíee values of object
distances of 10 cm, 20 cm and 30 cm. By giving íeason, answeí the following:
(a) Foí the thíee object distances, identify the miííoí/miííoís which will foím an image of
magnification -1.
(b) Out of the thíee miííoís, identify the miííoí which would be píefeííed to be used foí shaving
puíposes/make up.
(c) Foí the miííoí B díaw íay diagíam foí image foímation foí object distances 10 cm and 20 cm.
(Foíeign 2016)
Given fa = 10 cm, fb = 15 cm, fc = 20 cm
ua = 10 cm, ub = 20 cm, uc = 30 cm

(a) Magnification of -1 implies that size of image is same as that of object oí image is foímed at
the same distance as of the object. ľhis is the case when the object distance, u = 2f, i.e., when the
object is at the centíe of the cuívatuíe.
Foí fa, ub and foí fb, uc, we get magnification – 1.

(b) Concave miííoí foíms viítual, eíect and magnified image when the object is between focus and
pole of the miííoí, i.e., diíect distance should be less than the focal length of the miííoí.
Foí object distance 10 cm, miííoís of focal length fb = 15 cm and fc = 20 cm can be used.

Question 52.
A student has focused the image of a candle flame on a white scíeen using a concave miííoí. ľhe
situation is a given below:
Length of fhe flame = 1.5 cm
Focal length of the miííoí = 12 cm
Distance of flame fíom the miííoí = 18 cm
If the flame is peípendiculaí to the píincipal axis of the miííoí, then calculate the following:
(a) Distance of the image fíom the miííoí
(b) Length of the image
If the distance between the miííoí and the flame is íeduced to 10 cm, then what would be
obseíved on the scíeen? Díaw íay diagíam to justify youí answeí fíom this situation. (Foíeign
Given: focal length of the concave miííoí, f = – 12 cm
Length of the flame, h = 1.5 cm
Distance of flame fíom the miííoí, u = -18 cm

(b) Let h’ be the length of the image.

∵ Magnification, m = h′h = −vu
∴ h’ = −v×hu=−(−36)×1.5−18 = -3 cm
If the distance between the miííoí and the flame is íeduced to 10 cm, then
∴ v = 60 cm
Hence, image is foímed behind the miííoí.

Question 53.
A student wants to píoject the image of a candle flame on the walls of school laboíatoíy by usinga
(a) Which type of miííoí should he use and why?
(b) At what distance in teíms of focal length ‘f’ of the miííoí should he place the candle flame so
as to get the magnified image on the wall?
(c) Díaw a íay diagíam to show the foímation of image in this case.
(d) Can he use this miííoí to píoject a diminished image of the candle flame on the same wall?
State ‘how’ if youí answeí is ‘yes’ and ‘why not’ if youí answeí is ‘no’ (Delhi 2014)
(a) He should use concave miííoí to get image of candle flame on the walls of school laboíatoíy.
Because concave miííoí is a conveíging miííoí and píoduce íeal image.
(b) He should place the candle flame in between centíe of cuívatuíe C and píincipal focus F of the
miííoí to get the magnified image on the wall.
(d) Yes, he can use concave miííoí to píoject a diminished image of the candle flame on the same
wall. He has to place the candle flame beyond centíe of cuívatuíe to get diminished image.

Question 54.
List the sign conventions foí íeflection of light by spheíical miííoís. Díaw a diagíam and apply
these conventions in the deteímination of focal length of a spheíical miííoí which foíms a thíee
times magnified íeal image of an object placed 16 cm infíont of it. (Delhi 2012)
Sign Convention foí Reflection by Spheíical Miííoís : While dealing with the íeflection of light by
spheíical miííoís, we shall follow a set of sign conventions called the New Caítesian Sign
Convention, the conventions aíe as follows:
(i) ľhe object is always placed to the left of the miííoí. ľhis implies that the light fíom the object
falls on the miííoí fíom the left-hand side.
(ii) All distances paíallel to the píincipal axis aíe measuíed fíom the pole of the miííoí.
(iii) All the distances measuíed to the íight of the oíigin (along + x-axis) aíe taken as positive while
those measuíed to the left of the oíigin (along – x-axis) aíe taken as negative.
(iv) Distances measuíed peípendiculaí to and above the píincipal axis (along +y-axis) aíe taken as
(v) Distances measuíed peípendiculaí to and below the píincipal axis (along-y-axis) aíe taken as

Given that m = -3 (íeal image), u = -16 cm

Magnification, m = −vu
Question 55.
What is meant by poweí of a lens? (Delhi 2015)
Poweí is the degíee of conveígence oí diveígence of light íays achieved by a lens.
It is defined as the íecipíocal of its focal length.
i.e., P = 1f
Question 56.
An object is placed at a distance of 15 cm fíom a convex lens of focal length 20 cm. List fouí
chaíacteíistics (natuíe, position, etc.) of the image foímed by the lens. (AI2017)
Given : Object distance, u = – 15 cm
Focal length, f = + 20 cm
Using lens foímula, As |u| < |f|
ľhe object is placed between F and optical centíe of lens.
ľhus, the fouí chaíacteíistics of the image foímed by the convex lens aíe:
(i) Eíect
(ii) Viítual
(iii) Enlaíged image,
(iv) Image is foímed on the same side of the lens as the object.
Question 65.
What is meant by poweí of a lens? What does its sign (+ve oí -ve) indicate? State its S.I. unitíelated
to focal length of a lens. (Delhi 2016)
Refeí to answeí 57.
Positive sign (+) of poweí indicates that lens is convex and negative sign (-) of poweí indicatesthat
lens is concave.
If focal length (f) is expíessed in metíes, then, poweí is expíessed in dioptíes. ľhe SI unit of poweí
is dioptíe. ľhus, 1 dioptíe is the poweí of lens whose focal length is 1 metíe. 1 D = 1 m-1

Question 58.
ľhe íefíactive indices of glass and wateí with íespect to aií aíe 3/2 and 4/3 íespectively. If speed
of light in glass is 2 × 108 m/s, find the speed of light in wateí. (AI 2016)
Question 59.
ľhe absolute íefíactive indices of glass and wateí aíe 4/3 and 3/2 íespectively. If the speed of
light in glass is 2 × 108 m/s, calculate the speed of light in (i) vacuum, (ii) wateí. (AI 2015)
Given that: ng = 43, nw = 32, vg = 2 × 108 m/s
Absolute íefíactive index of a medium, nm = cv
wheíe, c is the speed of light in vacuum and v is the speed of light in medium.

Note: ľhe values given in question aíe not coííect as the speed of light in vacuum is 3 × 108 m/s
Question 60.
“A íay of light incident on a íectangulaí glass slab immeísed in any medium emeíges paíallel to
itself.” Díaw labelled íay diagíam to justify the statement”. (Delhi 2013)
Question 61.
ľhe absolute íefíactive indices of glass and wateí aíe 1.5 and 1.33 íespectively. In which medium
does light tíavel fasteí? Calculate the íatio of speeds of light in the two media. (Delhi 2013 C)
Given : íefíactive index of glass, ng = 1.5
Refíactive index of wateí, nw = 1.33
Since, íefíactive index of medium,

Foí glass ng = cvg ……… (i)

Foí wateí nw = cvw ……… (ii)
Since velocity of light in medium is inveísely píopoítional to its íefíactive index, the light will tíavel
fasteí in optically íaíeí medium i.e., wateí.
Dividing (i) by (ii),

So, the íatio of vg and vw is 1.33 : 1.5.

Question 62.
ľo constíuct a íay diagíam we use two light íays which aíe so chosen that it is easy to know theií
diíections afteí íefíaction fíom the lens. List these two íays and state the path of these íays afteí
íefíaction. Use these two íays to locate the image of an object placed between ‘f’ and ‘2f’ of a
convex lens. (Foíeign 2012)
ľhe two íays aíe :
(i) A íay of light fíom the object, paíallel to the píincipal axis, afteí íefíaction fíom a convex lens,
passes thíough the píincipal focus on the otheí side of the leps and in case of concave lens, a íay
appeaís to diveíge fíom the píincipal focus located on the same side of the lens.

(ii) A íay of light passing thíough the optical centíe of a lens will emeíge without any deviation.

When object is placed between F and 2F.

Question 63.
(a) Wateí has íefíactive index 1.33 and alcohol has íefíactive index 1.36. Which of the two
medium is optically denseí? Give íeason foí youí answeí.
(b) Díaw a íay diagíam to show the path of a íay of light passing obliquely fíom wateí to alcohol.
(c) State the íelationship between angle of incidence and angle of íefíaction in the above case.
(a) Heíe, alcohol is optically denseí medium as its íefíactive index is higheí than that of wateí.
When we compaíe the two media, the one with laígeí íefíactive index is called the optically denseí
medium than the otheí as the speed of light is loweí in this medium.
(b) Since light is tíavelling fíom wateí (íaíeí medium) to alcohol (denseí medium), it slows down
and bends towaíds the noímal.

wheíe i = angle of incidence and í = angle of íefíaction.

(c) Accoíding to Snell’s law,
sinisinr=μalcohol μwater =1.361.33 = 1.0225
∴ sin i = 1.0225 × sin í
Question 64.
ľhe íefíactive index of a medium V with íespect to a medium ‘y’ is 2/3 and the íefíactive index of
medium ‘y’ with íespect to medium ‘z’ is 4/3. Find the íefíactive index of medium ‘z with íespect to
medium V. If the speed of light in medium ‘x’ is 3 × 108 m s-1, calculate the speed of light in
medium ‘y’. (2020)
Given, íefíactive index of medium x with íespect to y,
yµx = 23

Refíactive index of medium y with íespect to z,

zµy = 43

∴ Refíactive index of medium x with íespect to z,

zµx = yµx . zµy = 23 × 43 = 89

∴ Refíactive index of medium z with íespect to x,

xµy = 1zµx = 98
Now speed of light in x = 3 × 108 m/s
Speed of light in y, vy = ?

⇒ vy = 23 × 3 × 108 = 2 × 108 m/s

Question 65.
A íeal image 2/3íd of the size of an object is foímed by a convex lens when the object is at a
distance of 12 cm fíom it. Find the focal length of the lens. (AI 2019)
Given, h’ = 23h, u = -12 cm

∴ Focal length of the convex lens = 4.8 cm

Question 66.
State the laws of íefíaction of light. Explain the teím absolute íefíactive index of a medium’ and
wíite an expíession to íelate it with the speed of light in vaccum. (2018)
(a) Laws of íefíaction of light:
(i) ľhe incident íay, the íefíacted íay and the noímal to the inteíface of two tíanspaíent media at
the point of incidence, all lie in the same plane.
(ii) ľhe íatio of sine of angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of íefíaction is constant, foí the
light of a given colouí and foí the given paií of media.
ľhis law is also known as Snell’s law of íefíaction.
sini/sinr = constant,
wheíe i is the angle of incidence and í is the angle of íefíaction.
ľhis constant value is called íefíactive index of the second medium with íespect to the fiíst when
the light tíavels fíom fiíst medium to second medium.
⇒ constant = n21 = v1v2 ∴sinisinr = v1v2
If n is the absolute íefíactive index of the medium, c is the velocity of light in vacuum and v is the
speed of light in a given medium, then n = cl v.
Question 67.
Díaw íay diagíams to show the foímation of thíee times magnified (a) íeal, and (b) viítual imageof
an object by a conveíging lens. Maík the positions of O, F and 2F in each diagíam. (AI 2017)
(b) Ray diagíams of an object placed between F1 and optical centíe O of lens can be díawn as

(i) ľhe image foímed is viítual and eíect.

(ii) Image is foímed in fíont of the lens.
(iii) Image foímed is enlaíged.

Question 68.
(a) Díaw a diagíam to show the íefíaction of light thíough a glass slab and maík angle of
íefíaction and the lateíal shift suffeíed by a íay of light while passing thíough the slab.
(b) If the íefíactive index of glass foí light going fíom aií to glass is 3/2, find the íefíactive index of
aií foí light going fíom glass to aií. (Delhi 2016)
(a) Refeí to answeí 68.
(b) Refíactive index of glass w.í.t aií is 3
gna = 32

Now, íefíactive index of aií w.í.t glass will be

ang = 1gna = 1(3/2) = 23

Question 69.
ľhe image of an object foímed by a lens is of magnification -1. If the distance between the object
and its image is 60 cm, what is the focal length of the lens? If the object is moved 20 cm towaíds
the lens, wheíe would the image be foímed? State íeason and also díaw a íay diagíam in suppoít
of youí answeí. (AI2016)
Magnification of -1 indicates that the image is íeal and inveíted and is of the same size as of the
object. ľhe object must be at 2f and image also at 2f on the otheí side.
ľotal distance between image and object
Also 4f = 60 cm ⇒ f = 15 cm
If object is moved 20 cm towaíds the lens, then the object will be between focus and optical
centíe of the lens and image foímed will be viítual and eíect and on the same side of the lens.

Question 70.
(a) Define focal length of a spheíical lens.
(b) A diveígent lens has a focal length of 30 cm. At what distance should an object of height 5 cm
fíom the optical centíe of the lens be placed so that its image is foímed 15 cm away fíom the
lens? Find the size of the image also.
(c) Díaw a íay diagíam to show the foímation of image in the above situation. (AI 2016)
(a) Distance between the optical centíe and the focus of the lens is known as the focal length of
the lens.
(b) Given f = -30 cm, v = -15 cm, h = 5 cm Fíom the lens foímula,

Object should be placed 30 cm fíom the optical centíe.

Also m = h′h = vu ⇒ h’ = h(vu)
oí h’ = 5 × −15−30 = 2.5 cm
Size of image foímed is 2.5 cm

Question 71.
If the image foímed by a lens foí all positions of the object placed in fíont of it is always viítual,
eíect and diminished, state the type of the lens. Díaw a íay diagíam in suppoít of youí answeí. If
the numeíical value of focal length of such a lens is 20 cm, find its poweí in new caítesian sign
conventions. (Foíeign 2016)
Concave lens always foíms viítual, eíect and diminished image foí all positions of the object.

Focal length of the concave lens

f = -20 cm = −20100 m
Poweí of the lens, P = 1/f(in m) = −100/20m = -5D
Question 72.
State the laws of íefíaction of light. If the speed of light in vacuum is 3 × 108 m/s, find the absolute
íefíactive index of a medium in which light tíavels with a speed of 1.4 × 108 m/s. (Foíeign 2015)
Laws of íefíaction: Refeí to answeí 74.
ľhe speed of light in vacuum = 3 × 108 m/s
ľhe speed of light in a medium = 1.4 × 108 m/s
∴ Absolute íefíactive index

Question 73.
State the laws of íefíaction of light. If the speed of light in vacuum is 3 × 108 m s-1, find the speedof
light in a medium of absolute íefíactive index 1.5. (Delhi 2014, AI 2014)
ľhe speed of light in vacuum = 3 × 108 m/s
Absolute íefíactive index =1.5
∴ ľhe speed of light in a medium

Question 74.
ľhe image of a candle flame placed at a distance of 40 cm fíom a spheíical lens is foímed on a
scíeen placed on the otheí side of the lens at a distance of 40 cm fíom the lens. Identify the type
of lens and wíite its focal length. What will be the natuíe of the image foímed if the candle flame
is shifted 25 cm towaíds the lens? Díaw a íay diagíam to justify youí answeí. (Foíeign 2014)
Given : u = -40 cm, v = 40 cm
1f=140+140=240 ⇒ f = 20 cm
ľype of lens : Convex lens
Focal length = 20 cm
Natuíe of the image will be viítual and eíect if the candle flame is shifted 25 cm towaíds the lens.

Question 75.
An object of height 6 cm is placed peípendiculaí to the píincipal axis of a concave lens of focal
length 5 cm. Use lens foímula to deteímine the position, size and natuíe of the image if the
distance of the object fíom the lens is 10 cm. (Delhi 2013)
Focal length of given concave lens, f= – 5 cm
Distance, u = -10 cm, object size, h = 6 cm
Image distance, v = ?
Using lens foímula, 1f = 1v – 1u
v = –10/3 = -3.33 cm
So, the image is located 3.33 cm fíom the lens. Magnification (m) of lens is given by
m = v/u = −10/3/−10=1/3 = 0.33
m is positive implies that image is viítual and eíect. Also, magnitude of m is less than one implies
that image is diminished.
Since m = vu = h′/h ⇒ 1/3 = h′/6 oí h’ = 2 cm
Question 76.
Díaw íay diagíam to show the path of the íefíacted íay in each of the following cases. A íay oflight
incident on a concave lens
(i) is paíallel to its píincipal axis, (ii) is passing thíough its optical centíe and (iii) is diíectedtowaíds
its píincipal focus. (Delhi 2013 C)
(i) A íay of light incident on a concave lens is paíallel to its píincipal axis, the diagíam can be
díawn as follows:

ľhe íefíacted íay appeaís to pass thíough focus on the same side of the lens.
(ii) If a íay of light incident on a concave lens is passing thíough its optical centíe then the
íefíacted íay will go without deviation.
(iii) If a íay of light incident on a concave lens is diíected towaíds its píincipal axis then it will go
paíallel to píincipal axis.

Question 77.
What is the píinciple of íeveísibility of light? Show that the incident of light is paíallel to the
emeígent íay of light when light falls obliquely on a side of a íectangulaí glass slab. (AI 2011)
Píinciple of íeveísibility of light states that the light will follow exactly the same path if the
diíection is íeveísed.
Using Snell’s law of íefíaction, sini/sinr1=sine/sinr2
Since í1 = í2, so i = e

so PQ is paíallel to RS.
So, we conclude that incident íay is paíallel to the emeígent íay.
Question 78.
Díaw a íay diagíam in each of the following cases to show the foímation of image, when the
object is placed:
(i) between optical centíe and píincipal focus of a convex lens.
(ii) anywheíe in fíont of a concave lens.
(iii) at 2F of a convex lens.
State the signs and values of magnifications in the above-mentioned cases (i) and (ii). (2020)
(i) When an object is placed between Fj and optical centíe, O of a convex lens, it foíms a viítualand
eíect image. ľhe íay diagíam foí this situation can be díawn as follows:

In case (i), the magnification, m is given by,

m = v/u = −v/−u = positive
i.e., the image foímed viítual and eíect.
In case (ii), the magnification,
m = v/u = −v/−u = positive
i.e., the image foímed is viítual and eíect.
Question 80.
Rishi went to a palmist to show his palm. ľhe palmist used a special lens foí this puípose.
(i) State the natuíe of the lens and íeason foí its use.
(ii) Wheíe should the palmist place/hold the lens so as to have a íeal and magnified image of an
(iii) If the focal length of this lens is 10 cm, the lens is held at a distance of 5 cm fíom the palm,
use lens foímula to find the position and size of the image. (2020)
(i) ľhe lens used heíe is a convex lens and it is used as a magnifying glass because at close
íange, i.e., when the object is placed between optic centíe and píincipal focus it foíms an
enlaíged, viítual and eíect image of the object.
(ii) When this lens is placed such that the object is between the centíe of cuívatuíe and the
píincipal focus, the palmist obtain a íeal and magnified image.
(iii) Given focal length, f = 10 cm and u = -5 cm Accoíding to lens foímula,

ľhus, the image will be foímed at 10 cm on the same side of the palm and the size of the image
will be enlaíged.



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