Introduction To The Computer 1

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What is Data

Data is a collection of facts or figures from which we may draw conclusions.

What is Information
Information is a message received and understood that reduces the recipient's uncertainty.

Data is RAW unprocessed information that we do not understand, usually in the form of facts or
figures. In order to understand data we have to process it. We can process data by changing or
manipulating it to a point where we can fully understand and draw conclusions from it.
Processed data is known as Information.

Information is processed in three major stages. This is the Information processing cycle.

In stage 1 Data is collected from various sources. In stage 2 the data is processed in order for it
to make sense to us. The final output in stage 3 is what we call Information.

We feed the computer with Data using the keyboard and other Input devices. The data is sent
to the System Unit where it is processed. After the data is processed, the system unit sends the
Information to the Monitor or Printer to display what has been processed. Take a close look at
the illustration to your left. It shows how data travels from the keyboard to the system unit, then
to the monitor to be displayed.


An Input device is a hardware that is used to send data into the Computer. Without Input devices
we cannot communicate with the Computer. Some examples of input devices are the Keyboard,
Mouse, Scanner, Digital Camera, etc.


The System Unit is the main processing device of a Computer. It is the brain of the computer,
where all the information processing takes place. The system unit is made up of the Processor
which does the thinking and the memory which remembers what has been done.

An Output Device is a hardware that shows us what is happening or what has happened in the
system unit. It displays the processed information for us to see. Some examples of output devices
are the Monitor, Printer etc.



1. The main components of a Personal Computer.

2. The functions of each component.
3. Different types of Computer accessories.

The Personal Computer is made up of two main components, which are Hardware, and Software

The Hardware can be defined as the physical, tangible components of the Personal Computer
which can be seen and touched. Another way to think of hardware is the computer equipment
which includes the central processing unit, power supply , memory, cables, keyboard and the
monitor. You can buy hardware from a computer store.

The motherboard is the largest hardware you can find in the system unit. All other hardwares are
connected to it. On the motherboard is a chip called the Central Processing Unit. The Central
Processing Unit is a chip that does most of the thinking for the Computer.

Software refers to all of the programs and instructions that tell your computer what to do.
Software helps you get your work done. For example, software's can be used to surf the Internet
and play games, edit documents, paint and listen to music on the computer.
Unlike hardware, software are cannot be seen or
How to use software!

To feed a computer with a software, you can type the software on the keyboard or insert a disk or
a pen drive containing the software into the computer, you may also let the computer receive
software from another computer on the network.

There are two main types of software. These are the Operating System software's and
Application Programs

An Operating System Software is a software that tells the CPU how to handle the keyboard,
mouse, monitor and the printer etc. An Operating System is what controls the Hardware.
Different computers use different operating system software's e.g. Microsoft Windows is an
operating system software.

An Application Program is a software that is made to perform a specific task such as Payroll,
Creative Applications, Anti-Viruses, Graphics.


A Computer Monitor looks like a TV screen. It displays whatever we type on the keyboard.
Without the Monitor we cannot know what is going on in the System Unit.
The System Unit is the main part of the personal computer because it does most of the thinking.
It also has a memory called the RAM (Random Access Memory) where it stores information
temporarily. The information stored on the RAM is erased when the computer is turned off.

The keyboard is used to to feed the computer with data. When we type on the keyboard it sens
the messages /commands into the System unit to be processed.

The Mouse is a computer equipment that moves a pointer on the screen when you slide it across
your desk . It Mouse is used to point, select or manipulate items on the screen. For example, the
mouse can be used to draw on the screen.



1. Type 30 - 35 words per minute.

2. Use mouse skills in document creation.

A keyboard looks like a typewriter's keyboard. It is used to type and send commands to the

Every key on the keyboard has its function. A function is represented by a symbol and or a letter.
If a key has two symbols on it, it can be used in two ways. The bottom symbol is the default
symbol. To type the bottom symbol press the key. To type the top symbol, (hold down the SHIFT
key) before you press the key.

Shift - To capitalize a letter hold the SHIFT key down whilst typing the letter.

Page Up - Use the Page Up key to move back to the previous page .

Page Down - Use Page Down key to move ahead to the next page.

End - Use the End key to move to the end of a sentence or line .

Scroll Lock - Change how the text moves up and down

Caps Lock- Press the caps lock key if you want to type a whole sentence in capital letters.

Ctrl - Do Special Activities.

Alt - Do Special Activities.

The Space Key- The space key is for creating spaces between characters or letters.
Tab - Hop to the next field or the far right.

Num Lock - On the Keyboards right side you will see a group of numbered keys. It is called the
numerical keypad. Click on Num Lock to turn the numbers on or off.

Print Screen - Capture and print whatever is on your screen.

Esc - Escape from a mistake.

Insert - Insert a new character in the middle of the text.

Enter - Click on Enter to finish a command or instruction

Home - Move back to the beginning.

Left - Press left to move to the left.

Right - Press right to move to the right.

Up- Press Up to move up.

Down - Press down to move down.

Backspace - Press backspace to delete a previous character

~ 1 5 Backspace

Tab Q R { } \

Caps Loc G H J :; Enter

Shift Shift

Ctrl Space bar

Create your own keyboard by typing the required characters into the fields above.
Use the mouse pointer to select the field and type the character on the keyboard to insert it.

Complete the entire keyboard.



1. Turn on the computer using the correct procedure.
2. Open an Application.
3. Turn off the computer using the correct procedure.

There is a basic procedure you must follow when turning the computer ON. If you want your
computer to last long and work efficiently, you must always follow this procedure.

The computer is an electronic equipment, meaning it uses electricity. Electricity can be harmful
if we don't work safely when using the computer.

1. Check all the cables connected to your computer. These wires carry electricity . So be
careful when doing so. Make sure they are all well-connected.

2. Check the main socket cable and switch. Make sure the plug is connected well before you
turn the switch on.

3. Make sure you remove all pen drives, removable hard disk's, diskettes and any other
removable storage device from the computer before turning the computer ON.

4. Press on the Power button of the System unit and the Monitor. Note: These may be
located at different parts on different personal computers


If your plug has a fuse in it and the fuse is blown, your computer will not start.

All computers are not the same. Different computers can be switched ON in different ways.
Some have the power switch at the front or back whilst others have the switch at the side.

If your computer has a manual attached, it is advisable to read it before you peel the plastic from
your brand new computer. Most manuals have troubleshooting tips that could help you further,
with specific instructions for your machine.


Now you know how to turn our personal computer ON. After using thecomputer it is important
to turn it off or to "shut the computer
down." The process is simple.

1. Make sure all applications running on the computer are closed.

2. Click on the Start Menu.

3. Click on Turn Off Computer as illustrated in ( 1) below.

4. Select Turn Off from the dialogue box and wait patiently for the screen to go off.

5. Turn off the Monitor.

6. Switch off the main socket.

Note: Some system units automatically go off with the shutdown command. Pressing on the
power button after shutdown will only restart the computer.


An application software is used to perform a specific task on the Personal Computer such as,
document creation, Playing Games, Playing Music , Surfing the Internet etc. In this lesson you
will learn how to open applications on the Computer.

To open an application,

1. Click on the Start Menu

2. From the Start menu select All Programs.
3. The Items listed in the All Programs menu are applications.
4. Click on the Application you want to open and wait for it to load on the screen.



1. Identify the possible health hazards associated with long-term exposure to ICT-Tools
2. State safety precautions for the use of ICT tools.

Although it is unlikely that ICT equipment will be dangerous in itself, it can be used in ways
which can be a hazard to our health. In this lesson you will learn about the possible long-term
health hazards associated with the use of ICT equipment and guidance in avoiding these health

It is important to note that although ICT makes our lives easier, long term exposure to ICT
equipment without precaution may lead to possible health hazards in future. Here are some of the
possible health hazards.

Long term exposure to Television affects vision.

Your vision is not suited for staring into the Television set for hours. Staring into the television
set for hours can be dangerous and harmful to the eye. By staring continuously you cause the eye
to overwork itself and this may lead to eye irritation, such as dry eye; red, itchy, and watery eyes;
fatigue, including heaviness of the eyelids or forehead; and difficulty in focusing the eyes.

The negative effects of using a computer does not differ greatly from that of the television.
Staring at the computers' monitor for more than two hours a day can lead to eye irritation, such
as watery eye's, heaviness of the eyelids or forehead, difficulty in focusing the eyes and fatigue
of the eye structures etc. It is therefore important to keep a distance of 20 to 26 inches away from
the monitor and arrange your lights sources in order to prevent reflections or glare on the monitor

The Lower Back

Sitting behind the computer for long periods of time or using the wrong kind of chair can lead to
pain in the lumbar region of the back. People may experience wrist pains usually because their
hands are not positioned properly when typing. Pains in the back, wrists or fingers often occur
when you are not able to reach the keyboard and mouse whilst bending your elbows at 90
degrees, with your shoulders relaxed.

Mobile phones and our Health

It is believed that mobile phones can affect the health of people who use them. Research from
Finland suggests that mobile phone radiation causes changes in the brain and even low level
emissions from headsets are still damaging. However there has not been any major research that
provides scientific evidence of the danger of using mobile phones. It is therefore too soon to
reach a definitive verdict on health risk from mobile phones. Nevertheless there are some effects
that you can have when you do not use the mobile phone properly.
Some of the health effects are,

1. Headaches and tiredness.

Using the mobile phone for hours can be very stressful and may lead to mild or severe

2. Creates joint pain

Holding the mobile phone to your ear for more than 15 minutes can lead to a strain ligaments in
the back of the hand and your wrist.

3. Induce ringing ! in the ears.

You can overwork your eardrum by holding the mobile phone very close to your ear. Keeping the
mobile phone close to your ear for a long periods of time may weaken your eardrums, induce
ringing in your ears and eventually damage your hearing in future.

Listening to the Radio

The radio is an interesting form of entertainment and can sometimes be closer to us than
anybody. Nowadays radio's come in handy. The pocket radio is widely used in Ghana. You can
find people walking around with the radio's sets or headphones in their ears. Some people enjoy
it when their radio volume is turned up to the highest level. although this seems very
entertaining, It is dangerous to listen to loud music because loud sounds tend to weaken your
eardrums which may affect your hearing in future.

Public Address Systems

Public Address Systems are also harmful to the human ear. Loud and prolonged sounds emitted
from these equipment can cause hearing loss in the

1. Do not answer of receive calls when charging your mobile phones.

2. Correctly position your body when using the computer.
3. Avoid plugging ICT tools in damaged sockets.
4. Do not overload a socket.
5. Do not place radio speakers close to your ears.
6. Use appropriate headsets when using mobile phones to avoid microwave rays from affecting
the brain.
7. Do not make the watching of television a habit because prolonged exposure to the rays from
the television screen may cause severe eye problems in future.



1. Use commonly used keys on the keyboard to create a document.
2. Use: Shift, Tab, Enter, Insert, Backspace, and Delete Keys to create a Document

Some keys have more than one function. There are also keys that have been assigned to perform
special functions. For example, the delete key is used to erase errors made when typing a text or
clear unwanted files. It is also used in combination with the Alt key and the Ctrl key when you
want to restart the computer.

Lets take a look at some few manipulative keys.

The Shift key is a modifier key on a keyboard, used to type capital letters and other alternate
"upper" characters. There are two shift keys on the keyboard. One on the left (below the caps
Lock key) and right sides (below the enter key).

The Tab key on a keyboard is used to move the cursor to the next "tab stop". Tab is the
abbreviation of Tabulator. To tabulate (tabulating) means putting something into a table or chart.

The Backspace key moves the cursor backward one character space.It can also be used to delete
the character to the left of the cursor. It is particularly useful, therefore, for correcting spelling

Also known as a Return key, the enter key is used to return a
cursor to the next line or execute a command or operation. You can find two enter keys on most
keyboards. One on the main key pad and another on the numerical keypad.

Sometimes displayed as Ins on the keyboard, the Insert key is a keyboard
key located on the majority of all computers that allows text to be inserted.
When insert is enabled, the text inserted in a document will not overwrite any other text.
However, when disabled, text will be overwritten. Find out more on the World Wide Web

On computer keyboards , the delete key (sometimes shortened "Del"),
should, during normal text editing, discard the character at the cursor 's
position, moving all following characters one position "back" towards the freed place.



1. Explain how ICT tools are used to support learning.

ICT has turned from being a technology of communication and information to a tool for
curriculum creation that supports teaching and learning.
How can computers be used to support learning.

Computers can be used in the classroom. They can help teachers to keep records of lessons and
grades of all students in their class. Students can also use computers to study and to do research
through educational software's or the World wide web.

Accessing Information

When students want to look for information they can use the internet. The internet is a largest
network of computers and has a large amount of educational Information. By using search
engines like google, students can can easily find articles and publications that are related to their
field of study. For example, to find a particular book, go to

Sharing Idea's

Students can also share ideas using ICT tools. They can create forums on the internet where they
can share thoughts concerning some important issues. Students can share information on a local
network in their school's computer lab. They can also do their homework using the telephone or
an online instant messenger. ICT tools are very useful for sharing ideas.


We no longer need to use our fingers to do complex calculations. Computers are the fastest tools
we can use for calculation. Students who study complex mathematical problems can
conveniently use the computer to solve them. The scientific calculator is a good tool for science
and math students in the Secondary and tertiary schools. Nowadays mobile phones have
calculators on them.


Illustrations help to make studying more efficient because students are able to see what the
teacher is really talking about. Presenting pictures, video and audio items help the students to get
a clearer picture and experience what the teacher is talking about for themselves. Computers can
help a teacher to share music, videos and pictures with students when teaching. This makes
teaching and learning more effective.

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