A) PH: PH of Water Sample Depends On The Number of Free Hydrogen Ions. A Solution Is

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Water quality monitoring

CHY 1001L 0 0 2 0 1
Problem definition pH , Total dissolved solids (TDS) and Dissolved oxygen (DO) are
important parameters which determine the quality of water
Methodology Instrumental methods for pH, TDS and Winklers method for DO
Solution Measurement of pH, DO and TDS in water sample to know the quality
Student learning Students will learn
outcomes a) Usage of pH meter and TDS-conductivity meter
b) Wrinklers method for DO
Experimental procedure

a) pH: pH of water sample depends on the number of free hydrogen ions. A solution is
more acidic when it contains more hydrogen ions. The level of acidity is important to
the plant and animal life. Most animals are adapted to live in neutral conditions. pH
of water in the range <6.5 or >8.5 is considered as harmful. Highly acidic water
causes corrosion to pipes and highly basic water causes staining.
A pH Meter is a device used for potentiometrically measuring the pH, which is either
the concentration or the activity of hydrogen ions, of an aqueous solution. It usually
has a glass electrode plus a calomel reference electrode, or a combination electrode.

b) TDS: Total dissolved solids is the amount of particles dissolved in water. It may
include all suspended solids from organic sources and inorganic materials.
Concentration of dissolved solids that are too high or too low may limit the growth
and may lead to the death of many aquatic organisms. TDS of drinking water should
not exceed 500 mg/L.
A TDS Meter indicates the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) of a solution, i.e. the
concentration of dissolved solids present in it. Since dissolved and ionized solids such
as salts as well as minerals increase the conductivity of a solids, measurement of the
conductivity of the solution gives a direct indication of TDS present.
A TDS meter typically displays the TDS in parts per million (ppm). For example, a
TDS reading of 1 ppm would indicate presence of 1 milligram of dissolved solids in
each litre of water.

c) Dissolved oxygen: Dissolved oxygen is an important factor in corrosion. Oxygen is

poorly soluble in water. The solubility of oxygen decreases with increase in conc. of
the salt under a pressure of one atmosphere, the solubility is less in saline water. The
estimation of dissolved oxygen in water is useful in studying corrosion effect of boiler
feed water and in studying water pollution. Dissolved oxygen is usually determined by
Winklers method. It is based on the fact that dissolved oxygen oxidized potassium
iodide (KI) to iodine. The liberated iodine is titrated against standard sodium
thiosulphate solution using starch indicator. Since dissolved oxygen in water is in
molecular state. It as such cannot oxidize KI. Hence Manganese Hydroxide is used as
an oxygen carrier to bring about the reaction between KI and Oxygen. Manganese
hydroxide, in turn, is obtained by the action of NaOH on MnSO4.

The liberated iodine (I2) is titrated against standard sodium thiosulphate (Na2S2O3)
solution using starch as indicator.


Titration I:
Burette reading (mL) Volume of sodium
S. No. Volume of K2Cr2O7 (mL) thiosulphate
Initial Final
(V1, mL)

Concordant value

Volume of potassium dichromate V1 = 20mL
Strength of potassium dichromate N1=0.01N
Volume of sodium thiosulphate V2 =.mL
Strength of sodium thiosulphate N2= ?
and therefore, N2=V1N1/V2
Strength of sodium thiosulphate = N2= 200.01/V2 =..
Titration : II
Estimation of dissolved oxygen
Burette reading (mL) Volume of sodium
Volume of water sample
S. No. thiosulphate
(V1,mL) Initial Final

Concordant value

Calculations :
Volume of sodium thiosulphate V2 = . mL
Strength of sodium thiosulphate N2 = N
Volume of water sample taken V1= 100 mL
Strength of given water sample N1 = ?
N1= V2 X N2/V1

= .
Amount of dissolved oxygen (ppm) = normality equivalent weight of
of the given water sample.

= .N 8 1000mg/L

= ------------------ ppm.

pH and TDS readings of a water sample:

Water sample pH TDS(ppm)/Conductivity(S)

Reagents and solutions: Standard buffer of pH 7, Standard KCl solution of 0.01 M
concentration, Standard Potassium dichromate of 0.01 N, sodium thiosulphate solution,
potassium iodide solution, Alkali Iodide solution (KI + NaOH in water), conc. H2SO4,
Manganese sulphate, starch solution as indicator,.
Apparatus: pH meter, combined electrode (glass electrode), TDS-Conductivity meter,
conductivity cell, conical flask, Burette, Measuring flask, Beakers.

a) pH measurement:
The pH meter is switched on and allowed to stabilize for 5 minutes. The glass electrode is
dipped in distilled water in a beaker and connected to the pH meter. Temperature knob on the
pH meter is set to the ambient temperature. Then standard buffer solution of pH is taken in a
beaker, the glass electrode is taken out of the distilled water, wiped with a tissue paper and
then dipped in the standard buffer solution. Using the calibration knob, the pH is adjusted to
read 7. Now, the pH meter is calibrated and read for measuring pH of sample water.
Sample water is taken in another beaker, the glass electrode is dipped in the water sample and
the observed pH is measured and recorded.
b) TDS-conductivity measurement:
The TDS-conductivity meter is switched on and allowed to stabilize for five minutes. In a
clean beaker, 0.01N KCl solution is taken and the conductivity cell connected to the
conductivity meter is immersed in the solution. The calibration button is pressed and the
meter will display concentration of KCl and cell constant. The meter is now ready for
measurement of conductivity of the water sample containing dissolved solids. The
conductivity of the water sample is measured in the same way and the TDS is measured on
the meter.
c) Measurement of dissolved oxygen (Wrinklers method):
The burette is washed and rinsed with sodium thiosulphate solution. Then the burette is filled
with given sodium thiosulphate solution. 20 mL of 0.01N potassium dichromate solution is
pipette out into a clean conical flask. To this 5 mL of sulphuric acid and 10 mL of 10%
potassium iodide are added. This is titrated against sodium thiosulphate solution, when the
solution become straw yellow colour, starch indicator is added and then the titration is
continued. The end point is disappearance of bluish brown colour. The titration is further
repeated twice or thrice to get the concordant value.
100 mL of water sample is taken in a conical flask, 2 mL of manganese sulphate and 2mL of
alkali iodide solution are added and shaken well for the rough mixing of the reagents. The
flask is left aside for few minutes to allow the precipitate to settle down and then 2mL of
conc. Sulphuric acid is added for the complete dissolution of the precipitate. Then it is further
titrated against standard sodium thiosulphate solution. When the solution becomes light
yellow, starch indicator is added. The end point is disappearance of bluish brown colour. The
titration is repeated twice or thrice to get the concordant value. From the titre value the
strength of dissolved oxygen is calculated and hence the amount of dissolved oxygen in the
water sample is calculated.


a) The observed pH of the water sample =

b) The TDS present in the water sample/conductivity of the sample = ppm/


c) Amount of dissolved oxygen in the given water sample = ppm.

Learning outcomes:

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