Formulas and Tables For Gerstman

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Formulas and Tables for Gerstman

Measurement and Study Design

Biostatistics is more than a compilation of computational techniques!
Measurement scales: quantitative, ordinal, categorical; appreciate the essential nature of
information quality in your study.
Data table: observations, variables, values
Surveys samples must use random sampling techniques to allow for generalization to the
population. Use Table A or a random number generator to choose the sample.
Comparative studies must strive for group comparability to make valid inferences. Comparative
studies may be either experimental or observational in design:

Beware: lurking variables!

Exploring and Describing Data

Explore distributional shape, location, and spread; check for outliers
Frequency, relative frequency, cumulative frequency
Sample mean: x =
n +1
Median: Form an ordered array. The median is the value with a depth of ; when n is odd,
average the two middle values.
Quartiles (Tukeys hinges): Divide the ordered array at the median; when n is odd, the median
belongs to both the low group and the high group. Q1 is median of the low group. Q3 is the
median of the high group.
IQR = Q3 Q1
Boxplot: plot median and quartiles (box); determine upper and lower fences: FL = Q1 1.5IQR,
FU = Q3 + 1.5IQR; plot outside values; draw whiskers from hinges to inside values
Five-point summary: minimum, Q1, median, Q3, maximum
Sample standard deviation: s =
n 1 (x x)

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Elementary rules of probability: (1) 0 Pr(A) 1; (2) Pr(S) = 1; (3) Pr() = 1 Pr(A); (4) Pr(A
or B) = Pr(A) + Pr(B) for disjoint events
For X ~ b(n, p), Pr( X = x)= n C x p x q n x where n C x = ; mean and standard deviation
x!(n x)!
of binomial random variables: = np and = npq where q = 1 p
To find probabilities on X ~ N(, ): (1) State (2) Standardize z = (3) Sketch (4) Use

Table B
To find percentile values on X ~ N(, ): (1) State (2) Sketch (3) Table B (4) Unstandardize: x =
+ zp

Sampling Distributions and Introduction to Inference

Sampling distribution of x from Normal populations and from large samples: x ~ N(, n )
Testing procedure: (A.) H0 and Ha (B.) Test statistic (C.) P-value (D.) Optional: Significance level
x 0
One-sample test of H0: = 0: z = where SE x =
SE x n

One sample confidence interval for ( known): x z1 / 2 SE x where SE x =
Conditions for z procedures: SRS, Normal population or large sample, known

Inference about Means

Single samples and match-pairs (address delta variable for matched pairs)
x 0 s
To test H0: = 0 : t stat = where SE x = with n 1 df
SE x n
(1 )100% Confidence interval for : x t n 1,1 SE x

Sample size and power


o to limit margin of error m when estimating , use n = z1
2 m

o to detect a difference of with stated power and , use n =

2 z1 + z1

| | n
oto determine the power of a test to detect , 1 = z1 +

Two independent samples
x1 x2 s12 s22
To test H0: 1 = 2 : tstat = where SE x1 x 2 = + with dfconservative = smaller of (n1
SE x1 x2 n1 n2
1) or (n2 1) [use dfWelch when working with a computer]

(1 )100% confidence interval for 1 2 =: ( x1 x2 ) (t df ,1 )(SE x1 x2 )


Power and sample size:

2 2 z12
To estimate 1 2 with margin of error m, use n = 2
in each group

To test H0: 1 = 2 to detect at given (1) and : use n =

2 2 z1 + z1

in each group

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If it is not possible to study groups of equal size, then determine n by the above formulas, fix
the size of n1, and have n2 = .
2n1 n

k independent samples
To test H0: 1 = 2 = = k: Fstat = with dfB and dfW via ANOVA table
Variance Sum of Squares df Mean Square
k SS
SS B = ni (xi x )2
i =1
dfB = k 1 MSB = B
df B
SSW = (n 1)s
i =1
i dfW = N k MSW =
Total SST = SSB + SSW df = dfB + dfW
xi x j 1 1
Post hoc LSD test of H0: i = j: tstat = where SE xi x j = MSW + and df = N k
SE xi x j ni n j

Post hoc LSD confidence interval: ( x1 x2 ) (t df ,1 )( SE x1 x2 ) using LSD SE and df

Bonferroni correction: multiply P by number of comparisons made and use t in the

N k ,1
confidence interval formula.

Correlation and Regression (use computer)

n 1
z X zY

r 1 r2
To test H0: = 0, use tstat = where SEr = and df = n 2
SEr n2

r r + t df2 ,1
Confidence interval for : LCL = and UCL = where = 2 2

1 r 1 + r t df ,1 + df

Regression: y = a + bx where slope b = r Y and intercept a = y bx . Interpret slope estimate b
as key statistic. Standard error of the regression sY |x =
n2 residuals 2
with df = n 2

sY | x
(1 )100% confidence interval for = b (tn-2,1-/2)(SEb) where SEb =
n 1 sX
To test H0: = 0, use tstat = with df = n 2
Multiple regression model: y = a + b1 x1 + b2 x2 + " + bk xk , which adjusts for multiple
independent variables. (See text for inference notes.)

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Inference about Proportions

Single samples:
p p0
To test H0: p = p0 use z stat = ; use exact binomial procedure in small samples
p0 q0 n
~~ x+2
(1 )100% confidence intervals for p = ~
p z1 pq ~ where ~ p= and q~ = 1 ~
2 n n+4
z12 p*q*
To limit the margin of error (m) when estimating p, use n = 2

Independent samples:

p1 p 2
To test H0: p1 = p2 in large samples use zstat = or a chi-square test; in small
1 1
pq +
n1 n2
samples, use Fishers exact test

To test H0: no association in population (homogeneity of proportions) in an R-by-C table, use

(Oi Ei )2 row total column total
X stat =

E i
where Ei =
table total
with df = (R 1) (C 1)

Measures of association:

Risk difference = p 1 p 2 (do not use in case-control sample); CI for risk difference =
a +1 ~
p q~ ~p q~
p1 ~
p2 ) z1 SE ~p1 ~p 2 where ~
pi = i and SE ~p1 ~p 2 = ~1 1 + ~2 2
2 n +2
i n 1n 2

ln RR z SEln R R
p a /n
Risk ratio = R R = 1 = 1 1 (do not use in case-control sample); CI for RR = e

p 2 a2 / n2
1 1 1 1
where SEln R R = +
a1 n1 a2 n2

ln OR z SEln O R
a /b
Odds ratio = O R = 1 2 ; confidence interval for the OR = e
a 2 / b1
1 1 1 1
SEln O R = + + +
a1 b1 a2 b2

ln OR z SEln O R
Matched-pairs: O R = ; confidence interval for the OR = e
1 1 (c b) 2
SEln O R = + ; to testH0: OR = 1, use z stat = of exact binomial procedure
c b c+b
Sample size and power: see text
Stratified tables, Mantel Haenszel summary statistics, test of interaction: see text

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Table A. Two thousand random digits
01 79587 19407 49825 58687 99639 82670 73457 53546 30292 75741
02 02213 54407 22917 67392 51745 53341 74452 66258 19597 38440
03 77633 43390 63003 55825 63714 40243 91576 90982 71540 04987
04 02927 39916 38879 97492 54232 26582 75594 31430 62481 48852
05 27673 08260 19904 22537 85260 03805 27138 83323 82080 65863
06 53302 10918 20917 50444 34147 78213 19541 55366 81300 98651
07 43372 88167 59836 05054 51874 59309 72740 58205 60603 55196
08 67893 05723 37080 64029 75438 13959 16442 50847 33442 99647
09 54532 47973 68704 47487 29668 31437 11068 11238 24304 15632
10 34867 89777 96947 44092 49866 94813 71694 78305 33524 30622
11 95162 43739 48362 85438 70133 18178 56655 48265 53784 36693
12 70230 91840 05955 30586 13850 24182 88039 16226 03304 28002
13 19551 63026 59709 55085 18293 50503 75710 24402 62411 97615
14 31237 82396 46680 94704 69287 24926 38249 68858 62146 00131
15 76931 95289 55809 19381 56686 37898 36275 15881 98125 55618
16 88630 59115 76942 53000 89109 61901 55927 96619 34893 97543
17 50728 87768 16193 90514 58042 64398 18491 96407 97303 93459
18 52677 87418 65211 04353 71242 43041 24940 59906 61926 36837
19 04247 38798 73286 99890 09907 17260 04619 47185 71470 98872
20 76012 83064 66743 58110 49524 51685 51815 11837 06368 68488
21 77403 60931 68951 69023 02578 08934 89067 96693 07387 94489
22 70045 45404 80652 60568 94238 08517 34838 60958 94947 98568
23 74424 09905 65366 62295 26118 87077 19265 97192 45317 67620
24 39950 05637 14388 10366 67923 29927 72973 55083 83840 45719
25 13510 32969 80172 86599 57381 52330 38380 28773 97261 75126
26 30108 01696 59451 01073 27760 86472 04865 51333 83736 52416
27 00982 91303 72173 72499 26938 78075 74684 98037 18851 11754
28 47948 47652 25224 65500 86080 47438 11404 56085 04416 22130
29 54985 64122 15648 24313 46612 28442 74549 69001 89813 61596
30 48786 26571 21652 54949 57714 05975 82721 05667 13121 31879
31 81552 66957 51926 54171 50576 41745 87903 80302 76901 18060
32 99551 02072 20173 01563 01602 63964 59429 81601 74924 87038
33 67881 88556 16382 85038 67970 31366 67243 78854 63456 16789
34 06162 40256 69688 98904 82391 82920 13214 25743 31805 82401
35 63716 64311 26224 94569 18043 26137 99795 19047 92258 95604
36 46558 56764 32508 81263 43490 29181 38375 99015 37766 52912
37 14202 65556 24283 65881 37766 54388 80069 78335 79539 60511
38 53265 52355 13913 22834 95995 24878 14148 60663 03207 95208
39 15815 72512 32388 93730 31126 11194 91331 19052 64565 87124
40 56492 44200 29678 29214 08990 01549 40625 52756 62466 96748

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Table B: Cumulative probabilities for a Standard Normal Z variable; traditional z table.
z .00 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09
3.4 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0002
3.3 .0005 .0005 .0005 .0004 .0004 .0004 .0004 .0004 .0004 .0003
3.2 .0007 .0007 .0006 .0006 .0006 .0006 .0006 .0005 .0005 .0005
3.1 .0010 .0009 .0009 .0009 .0008 .0008 .0008 .0008 .0007 .0007
3.0 .0013 .0013 .0013 .0012 .0012 .0011 .0011 .0011 .0010 .0010
2.9 .0019 .0018 .0018 .0017 .0016 .0016 .0015 .0015 .0014 .0014
2.8 .0026 .0025 .0024 .0023 .0023 .0022 .0021 .0021 .0020 .0019
2.7 .0035 .0034 .0033 .0032 .0031 .0030 .0029 .0028 .0027 .0026
2.6 .0047 .0045 .0044 .0043 .0041 .0040 .0039 .0038 .0037 .0036
2.5 .0062 .0060 .0059 .0057 .0055 .0054 .0052 .0051 .0049 .0048
2.4 .0082 .0080 .0078 .0075 .0073 .0071 .0069 .0068 .0066 .0064
2.3 .0107 .0104 .0102 .0099 .0096 .0094 .0091 .0089 .0087 .0084
2.2 .0139 .0136 .0132 .0129 .0125 .0122 .0119 .0116 .0113 .0110
2.1 .0179 .0174 .0170 .0166 .0162 .0158 .0154 .0150 .0146 .0143
2.0 .0228 .0222 .0217 .0212 .0207 .0202 .0197 .0192 .0188 .0183
1.9 .0287 .0281 .0274 .0268 .0262 .0256 .0250 .0244 .0239 .0233
1.8 .0359 .0351 .0344 .0336 .0329 .0322 .0314 .0307 .0301 .0294
1.7 .0446 .0436 .0427 .0418 .0409 .0401 .0392 .0384 .0375 .0367
1.6 .0548 .0537 .0526 .0516 .0505 .0495 .0485 .0475 .0465 .0455
1.5 .0668 .0655 .0643 .0630 .0618 .0606 .0594 .0582 .0571 .0559
1.4 .0808 .0793 .0778 .0764 .0749 .0735 .0721 .0708 .0694 .0681
1.3 .0968 .0951 .0934 .0918 .0901 .0885 .0869 .0853 .0838 .0823
1.2 .1151 .1131 .1112 .1093 .1075 .1056 .1038 .1020 .1003 .0985
1.1 .1357 .1335 .1314 .1292 .1271 .1251 .1230 .1210 .1190 .1170
1.0 .1587 .1562 .1539 .1515 .1492 .1469 .1446 .1423 .1401 .1379
0.9 .1841 .1814 .1788 .1762 .1736 .1711 .1685 .1660 .1635 .1611
0.8 .2119 .2090 .2061 .2033 .2005 .1977 .1949 .1922 .1894 .1867
0.7 .2420 .2389 .2358 .2327 .2296 .2266 .2236 .2206 .2177 .2148
0.6 .2743 .2709 .2676 .2643 .2611 .2578 .2546 .2514 .2483 .2451
0.5 .3085 .3050 .3015 .2981 .2946 .2912 .2877 .2843 .2810 .2776
0.4 .3446 .3409 .3372 .3336 .3300 .3264 .3228 .3192 .3156 .3121
0.3 .3821 .3783 .3745 .3707 .3669 .3632 .3594 .3557 .3520 .3483
0.2 .4207 .4168 .4129 .4090 .4052 .4013 .3974 .3936 .3897 .3859
0.1 .4602 .4562 .4522 .4483 .4443 .4404 .4364 .4325 .4286 .4247
0.0 .5000 .4960 .4920 .4880 .4840 .4801 .4761 .4721 .4681 .4641
0.0 .5000 .5040 .5080 .5120 .5160 .5199 .5239 .5279 .5319 .5359
0.1 .5398 .5438 .5478 .5517 .5557 .5596 .5636 .5675 .5714 .5753
0.2 .5793 .5832 .5871 .5910 .5948 .5987 .6026 .6064 .6103 .6141
0.3 .6179 .6217 .6255 .6293 .6331 .6368 .6406 .6443 .6480 .6517
0.4 .6554 .6591 .6628 .6664 .6700 .6736 .6772 .6808 .6844 .6879
0.5 .6915 .6950 .6985 .7019 .7054 .7088 .7123 .7157 .7190 .7224
0.6 .7257 .7291 .7324 .7357 .7389 .7422 .7454 .7486 .7517 .7549
0.7 .7580 .7611 .7642 .7673 .7704 .7734 .7764 .7794 .7823 .7852
0.8 .7881 .7910 .7939 .7967 .7995 .8023 .8051 .8078 .8106 .8133
0.9 .8159 .8186 .8212 .8238 .8264 .8289 .8315 .8340 .8365 .8389
1.0 .8413 .8438 .8461 .8485 .8508 .8531 .8554 .8577 .8599 .8621
1.1 .8643 .8665 .8686 .8708 .8729 .8749 .8770 .8790 .8810 .8830
1.2 .8849 .8869 .8888 .8907 .8925 .8944 .8962 .8980 .8997 .9015
1.3 .9032 .9049 .9066 .9082 .9099 .9115 .9131 .9147 .9162 .9177
1.4 .9192 .9207 .9222 .9236 .9251 .9265 .9279 .9292 .9306 .9319
1.5 .9332 .9345 .9357 .9370 .9382 .9394 .9406 .9418 .9429 .9441
1.6 .9452 .9463 .9474 .9484 .9495 .9505 .9515 .9525 .9535 .9545
1.7 .9554 .9564 .9573 .9582 .9591 .9599 .9608 .9616 .9625 .9633
1.8 .9641 .9649 .9656 .9664 .9671 .9678 .9686 .9693 .9699 .9706
1.9 .9713 .9719 .9726 .9732 .9738 .9744 .9750 .9756 .9761 .9767
2.0 .9772 .9778 .9783 .9788 .9793 .9798 .9803 .9808 .9812 .9817
2.1 .9821 .9826 .9830 .9834 .9838 .9842 .9846 .9850 .9854 .9857
2.2 .9861 .9864 .9868 .9871 .9875 .9878 .9881 .9884 .9887 .9890
2.3 .9893 .9896 .9898 .9901 .9904 .9906 .9909 .9911 .9913 .9916
2.4 .9918 .9920 .9922 .9925 .9927 .9929 .9931 .9932 .9934 .9936
2.5 .9938 .9940 .9941 .9943 .9945 .9946 .9948 .9949 .9951 .9952
2.6 .9953 .9955 .9956 .9957 .9959 .9960 .9961 .9962 .9963 .9964
2.7 .9965 .9966 .9967 .9968 .9969 .9970 .9971 .9972 .9973 .9974
2.8 .9974 .9975 .9976 .9977 .9977 .9978 .9979 .9979 .9980 .9981
2.9 .9981 .9982 .9982 .9983 .9984 .9984 .9985 .9985 .9986 .9986
3.0 .9987 .9987 .9987 .9988 .9988 .9989 .9989 .9989 .9990 .9990
3.1 .9990 .9991 .9991 .9991 .9992 .9992 .9992 .9992 .9993 .9993
3.2 .9993 .9993 .9994 .9994 .9994 .9994 .9994 .9995 .9995 .9995
3.3 .9995 .9995 .9995 .9996 .9996 .9996 .9996 .9996 .9996 .9997
3.4 .9997 .9997 .9997 .9997 .9997 .9997 .9997 .9997 .9997 .9998

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Table C. Traditional t table; tables entries represent t values.
Upper tail P
df 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.025 0.01 0.005 0.0025 0.001 0.0005
1 1.000 1.376 1.963 3.078 6.314 12.71 31.82 63.66 127.3 318.3 636.6
2 0.816 1.061 1.386 1.886 2.920 4.303 6.965 9.925 14.09 22.33 31.60
3 0.765 0.978 1.250 1.638 2.353 3.182 4.541 5.841 7.453 10.21 12.92
4 0.741 0.941 1.190 1.533 2.132 2.776 3.747 4.604 5.598 7.173 8.610
5 0.727 0.920 1.156 1.476 2.015 2.571 3.365 4.032 4.773 5.893 6.869
6 0.718 0.906 1.134 1.440 1.943 2.447 3.143 3.707 4.317 5.208 5.959
7 0.711 0.896 1.119 1.415 1.895 2.365 2.998 3.499 4.029 4.785 5.408
8 0.706 0.889 1.108 1.397 1.860 2.306 2.896 3.355 3.833 4.501 5.041
9 0.703 0.883 1.100 1.383 1.833 2.262 2.821 3.250 3.690 4.297 4.781
10 0.700 0.879 1.093 1.372 1.812 2.228 2.764 3.169 3.581 4.144 4.587
11 0.697 0.876 1.088 1.363 1.796 2.201 2.718 3.106 3.497 4.025 4.437
12 0.695 0.873 1.083 1.356 1.782 2.179 2.681 3.055 3.428 3.930 4.318
13 0.694 0.870 1.079 1.350 1.771 2.160 2.650 3.012 3.372 3.852 4.221
14 0.692 0.868 1.076 1.345 1.761 2.145 2.624 2.977 3.326 3.787 4.140
15 0.691 0.866 1.074 1.341 1.753 2.131 2.602 2.947 3.286 3.733 4.073
16 0.690 0.865 1.071 1.337 1.746 2.120 2.583 2.921 3.252 3.686 4.015
17 0.689 0.863 1.069 1.333 1.740 2.110 2.567 2.898 3.222 3.646 3.965
18 0.688 0.862 1.067 1.330 1.734 2.101 2.552 2.878 3.197 3.610 3.922
19 0.688 0.861 1.066 1.328 1.729 2.093 2.539 2.861 3.174 3.579 3.883
10 0.687 0.860 1.064 1.325 1.725 2.086 2.528 2.845 3.153 3.552 3.850
21 0.686 0.859 1.063 1.323 1.721 2.080 2.518 2.831 3.135 3.527 3.819
22 0.686 0.858 1.061 1.321 1.717 2.074 2.508 2.819 3.119 3.505 3.792
23 0.685 0.858 1.060 1.319 1.714 2.069 2.500 2.807 3.104 3.485 3.768
24 0.685 0.857 1.059 1.318 1.711 2.064 2.492 2.797 3.091 3.467 3.745
25 0.684 0.856 1.058 1.316 1.708 2.060 2.485 2.787 3.078 3.450 3.725
26 0.684 0.856 1.058 1.315 1.706 2.056 2.479 2.779 3.067 3.435 3.707
27 0.684 0.855 1.057 1.314 1.703 2.052 2.473 2.771 3.057 3.421 3.690
28 0.683 0.855 1.056 1.313 1.701 2.048 2.467 2.763 3.047 3.408 3.674
29 0.683 0.854 1.055 1.311 1.699 2.045 2.462 2.756 3.038 3.396 3.659
30 0.683 0.854 1.055 1.310 1.697 2.042 2.457 2.750 3.030 3.385 3.646
40 0.681 0.851 1.050 1.303 1.684 2.021 2.423 2.704 2.971 3.307 3.551
60 0.679 0.848 1.045 1.296 1.671 2.000 2.390 2.660 2.915 3.232 3.460
80 0.678 0.846 1.043 1.292 1.664 1.990 2.374 2.639 2.887 3.195 3.416
100 0.677 0.845 1.042 1.290 1.660 1.984 2.364 2.626 2.871 3.174 3.390
1000 0.675 0.842 1.037 1.282 1.646 1.962 2.330 2.581 2.813 3.098 3.300
z 0.674 0.842 1.036 1.282 1.645 1.960 2.326 2.576 2.807 3.090 3.291
50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% 98% 99% 99.5% 99.8% 99.9%
Confidence level: (1 /2)100%

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Table E. Chi-square table
Upper tail P
df .975 .25 .20 .15 .10 .05 .025 .01 .01 .001 .0005
1 0.001 1.32 1.64 2.07 2.71 3.84 5.02 6.63 7.88 10.83 12.12
2 0.051 2.77 3.22 3.79 4.61 5.99 7.38 9.21 10.60 13.82 15.20
3 0.216 4.11 4.64 5.32 6.25 7.81 9.35 11.34 12.84 16.27 17.73
4 0.48 5.39 5.99 6.74 7.78 9.49 11.14 13.28 14.86 18.47 20.00
5 0.83 6.63 7.29 8.12 9.24 11.07 12.83 15.09 16.75 20.52 22.11
6 1.24 7.84 8.56 9.45 10.64 12.59 14.45 16.81 18.55 22.46 24.10
7 1.69 9.04 9.80 10.75 12.02 14.07 16.01 18.48 20.28 24.32 26.02
8 2.18 10.22 11.03 12.03 13.36 15.51 17.53 20.09 21.95 26.12 27.87
9 2.70 11.39 12.24 13.29 14.68 16.92 19.02 21.67 23.59 27.88 29.67
10 3.25 12.55 13.44 14.53 15.99 18.31 20.48 23.21 25.19 29.59 31.42
11 3.82 13.70 14.63 15.77 17.28 19.68 21.92 24.72 26.76 31.26 33.14
12 4.40 14.85 15.81 16.99 18.55 21.03 23.34 26.22 28.30 32.91 34.82
13 5.01 15.98 16.98 18.20 19.81 22.36 24.74 27.69 29.82 34.53 36.48
14 5.63 17.12 18.15 19.41 21.06 23.68 26.12 29.14 31.32 36.12 38.11
15 6.26 18.25 19.31 20.60 22.31 25.00 27.49 30.58 32.80 37.70 39.72
16 6.91 19.37 20.47 21.79 23.54 26.30 28.85 32.00 34.27 39.25 41.31
17 7.56 20.49 21.61 22.98 24.77 27.59 30.19 33.41 35.72 40.79 42.88
18 8.23 21.60 22.76 24.16 25.99 28.87 31.53 34.81 37.16 42.31 44.43
19 8.91 22.72 23.90 25.33 27.20 30.14 32.85 36.19 38.58 43.82 45.97
20 9.59 23.83 25.04 26.50 28.41 31.41 34.17 37.57 40.00 45.31 47.50
21 10.28 24.93 26.17 27.66 29.62 32.67 35.48 38.93 41.40 46.80 49.01
22 10.98 26.04 27.30 28.82 30.81 33.92 36.78 40.29 42.80 48.27 50.51
23 11.69 27.14 28.43 29.98 32.01 35.17 38.08 41.64 44.18 49.73 52.00
24 12.40 28.24 29.55 31.13 33.20 36.42 39.36 42.98 45.56 51.18 53.48
25 13.12 29.34 30.68 32.28 34.38 37.65 40.65 44.31 46.93 52.62 54.95
26 13.84 30.43 31.79 33.43 35.56 38.89 41.92 45.64 48.29 54.05 56.41
27 14.57 31.53 32.91 34.57 36.74 40.11 43.19 46.96 49.64 55.48 57.86
28 15.31 32.62 34.03 35.71 37.92 41.34 44.46 48.28 50.99 56.89 59.30
29 16.05 33.71 35.14 36.85 39.09 42.56 45.72 49.59 52.34 58.30 60.7
30 16.79 34.80 36.25 37.99 40.26 43.8 47.0 50.9 53.7 59.7 62.2
40 24.43 45.62 47.27 49.24 51.81 55.76 59.34 63.69 66.77 73.40 76.09
50 32.36 56.33 58.16 60.35 63.17 67.50 71.42 76.15 79.49 86.66 89.56
60 40.48 66.98 68.97 71.34 74.40 79.08 83.30 88.38 91.95 99.61 102.69
80 57.15 88.13 90.41 93.11 96.58 101.88 106.63 112.33 116.32 124.84 128.26
100 74.22 109.1 111.7 114.7 118.5 124.3 129.6 135.8 140.2 149.4 153.2

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Table F: Two tails of z; table entries are two-sided P-values for |z|.
|z| .00 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09
0.0 1.0000 .99202 .98404 .97607 .96809 .96012 .95216 .94419 .93624 .92829
0.1 .92034 .91241 .90448 .89657 .88866 .88076 .87288 .86501 .85715 .84931
0.2 .84148 .83367 .82587 .81809 .81033 .80259 .79486 .78716 .77948 .77182
0.3 .76418 .75656 .74897 .74140 .73386 .72634 .71885 .71138 .70395 .69654
0.4 .68916 .68181 .67449 .66720 .65994 .65271 .64552 .63836 .63123 .62413
0.5 .61708 .61005 .60306 .59611 .58920 .58232 .57548 .56868 .56191 .55519
0.6 .54851 .54186 .53526 .52869 .52217 .51569 .50925 .50286 .49650 .49019
0.7 .48393 .47770 .47152 .46539 .45930 .45325 .44725 .44130 .43539 .42953
0.8 .42371 .41794 .41222 .40654 .40091 .39533 .38979 .38430 .37886 .37347
0.9 .36812 .36282 .35757 .35237 .34722 .34211 .33706 .33205 .32709 .32217
1.0 .31731 .31250 .30773 .30301 .29834 .29372 .28914 .28462 .28014 .27571
1.1 .27133 .26700 .26271 .25848 .25429 .25014 .24605 .24200 .23800 .23405
1.2 .23014 .22628 .22246 .21870 .21498 .21130 .20767 .20408 .20055 .19705
1.3 .19360 .19020 .18684 .18352 .18025 .17702 .17383 .17069 .16759 .16453
1.4 .16151 .15854 .15561 .15272 .14987 .14706 .14429 .14156 .13887 .13622
1.5 .13361 .13104 .12851 .12602 .12356 .12114 .11876 .11642 .11411 .11183
1.6 .10960 .10740 .10523 .10310 .10101 .09894 .09691 .09492 .09296 .09103
1.7 .08913 .08727 .08543 .08363 .08186 .08012 .07841 .07673 .07508 .07345
1.8 .07186 .07030 .06876 .06725 .06577 .06431 .06289 .06148 .06011 .05876
1.9 .05743 .05613 .05486 .05361 .05238 .05118 .05000 .04884 .04770 .04659
2.0 .04550 .04443 .04338 .04236 .04135 .04036 .03940 .03845 .03753 .03662
2.1 .03573 .03486 .03401 .03317 .03235 .03156 .03077 .03001 .02926 .02852
2.2 .02781 .02711 .02642 .02575 .02509 .02445 .02382 .02321 .02261 .02202
2.3 .02145 .02089 .02034 .01981 .01928 .01877 .01827 .01779 .01731 .01685
2.4 .01640 .01595 .01552 .01510 .01469 .01429 .01389 .01351 .01314 .01277
2.5 .01242 .01207 .01174 .01141 .01109 .01077 .01047 .01017 .00988 .00960
2.6 .00932 .00905 .00879 .00854 .00829 .00805 .00781 .00759 .00736 .00715
2.7 .00693 .00673 .00653 .00633 .00614 .00596 .00578 .00561 .00544 .00527
2.8 .00511 .00495 .00480 .00465 .00451 .00437 .00424 .00410 .00398 .00385
2.9 .00373 .00361 .00350 .00339 .00328 .00318 .00308 .00298 .00288 .00279
3.0 .00270 .00261 .00253 .00245 .00237 .00229 .00221 .00214 .00207 .00200
3.1 .00194 .00187 .00181 .00175 .00169 .00163 .00158 .00152 .00147 .00142
3.2 .00137 .00133 .00128 .00124 .00120 .00115 .00111 .00108 .00104 .00100
3.3 .00097 .00093 .00090 .00087 .00084 .00081 .00078 .00075 .00072 .00070
3.4 .00067 .00065 .00063 .00060 .00058 .00056 .00054 .00052 .00050 .00048
3.5 .00047 .00045 .00043 .00042 .00040 .00039 .00037 .00036 .00034 .00033
3.6 .00032 .00031 .00029 .00028 .00027 .00026 .00025 .00024 .00023 .00022
3.7 .00022 .00021 .00020 .00019 .00018 .00018 .00017 .00016 .00016 .00015
3.8 .00014 .00014 .00013 .00013 .00012 .00012 .00011 .00011 .00010 .00010
3.9 .00010 .00009 .00009 .00008 .00008 .00008 .00007 .00007 .00007 .00007

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Table G: Two-sided P-values from t statistics ("non-traditional t table")
df (1 to 15)
|t| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
0.0 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
0.1 0.937 0.929 0.927 0.925 0.924 0.924 0.923 0.923 0.923 0.922 0.922 0.922 0.922 0.922 0.922
0.2 0.874 0.860 0.854 0.851 0.849 0.848 0.847 0.846 0.846 0.845 0.845 0.845 0.845 0.844 0.844
0.3 0.814 0.792 0.784 0.779 0.776 0.774 0.773 0.772 0.771 0.770 0.770 0.769 0.769 0.769 0.768
0.4 0.758 0.728 0.716 0.710 0.706 0.703 0.701 0.700 0.698 0.698 0.697 0.696 0.696 0.695 0.695
0.5 0.705 0.667 0.651 0.643 0.638 0.635 0.632 0.631 0.629 0.628 0.627 0.626 0.625 0.625 0.624
0.6 0.656 0.609 0.591 0.581 0.575 0.570 0.567 0.565 0.563 0.562 0.561 0.560 0.559 0.558 0.557
0.7 0.611 0.556 0.534 0.523 0.515 0.510 0.507 0.504 0.502 0.500 0.498 0.497 0.496 0.495 0.495
0.8 0.570 0.508 0.482 0.469 0.460 0.454 0.450 0.447 0.444 0.442 0.441 0.439 0.438 0.437 0.436
0.9 0.533 0.463 0.434 0.419 0.409 0.403 0.398 0.394 0.392 0.389 0.387 0.386 0.384 0.383 0.382
1.0 0.500 0.423 0.391 0.374 0.363 0.356 0.351 0.347 0.343 0.341 0.339 0.337 0.336 0.334 0.333
1.1 0.470 0.386 0.352 0.333 0.321 0.313 0.308 0.303 0.300 0.297 0.295 0.293 0.291 0.290 0.289
1.2 0.442 0.353 0.316 0.296 0.284 0.275 0.269 0.264 0.261 0.258 0.255 0.253 0.252 0.250 0.249
1.3 0.417 0.323 0.284 0.263 0.250 0.241 0.235 0.230 0.226 0.223 0.220 0.218 0.216 0.215 0.213
1.4 0.395 0.296 0.256 0.234 0.220 0.211 0.204 0.199 0.195 0.192 0.189 0.187 0.185 0.183 0.182
1.5 0.374 0.272 0.231 0.208 0.194 0.184 0.177 0.172 0.168 0.165 0.162 0.159 0.158 0.156 0.154
1.6 0.356 0.251 0.208 0.185 0.170 0.161 0.154 0.148 0.144 0.141 0.138 0.136 0.134 0.132 0.130
1.7 0.339 0.231 0.188 0.164 0.150 0.140 0.133 0.128 0.123 0.120 0.117 0.115 0.113 0.111 0.110
1.8 0.323 0.214 0.170 0.146 0.132 0.122 0.115 0.110 0.105 0.102 0.099 0.097 0.095 0.093 0.092
1.9 0.308 0.198 0.154 0.130 0.116 0.106 0.099 0.094 0.090 0.087 0.084 0.082 0.080 0.078 0.077
2.0 0.295 0.184 0.139 0.116 0.102 0.092 0.086 0.081 0.077 0.073 0.071 0.069 0.067 0.065 0.064
2.1 0.283 0.171 0.127 0.104 0.090 0.080 0.074 0.069 0.065 0.062 0.060 0.058 0.056 0.054 0.053
2.2 0.272 0.159 0.115 0.093 0.079 0.070 0.064 0.059 0.055 0.052 0.050 0.048 0.046 0.045 0.044
2.3 0.261 0.148 0.105 0.083 0.070 0.061 0.055 0.050 0.047 0.044 0.042 0.040 0.039 0.037 0.036
2.4 0.251 0.138 0.096 0.074 0.062 0.053 0.047 0.043 0.040 0.037 0.035 0.034 0.032 0.031 0.030
2.5 0.242 0.130 0.088 0.067 0.054 0.047 0.041 0.037 0.034 0.031 0.030 0.028 0.027 0.025 0.025
2.6 0.234 0.122 0.080 0.060 0.048 0.041 0.035 0.032 0.029 0.026 0.025 0.023 0.022 0.021 0.020
2.7 0.226 0.114 0.074 0.054 0.043 0.036 0.031 0.027 0.024 0.022 0.021 0.019 0.018 0.017 0.016
2.8 0.218 0.107 0.068 0.049 0.038 0.031 0.027 0.023 0.021 0.019 0.017 0.016 0.015 0.014 0.013
2.9 0.211 0.101 0.063 0.044 0.034 0.027 0.023 0.020 0.018 0.016 0.014 0.013 0.012 0.012 0.011
3.0 0.205 0.095 0.058 0.040 0.030 0.024 0.020 0.017 0.015 0.013 0.012 0.011 0.010 0.010 0.009

df (16 to 30)
|t| 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
0.0 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
0.1 0.937 0.929 0.927 0.925 0.924 0.924 0.923 0.923 0.923 0.922 0.922 0.922 0.922 0.922 0.922
0.2 0.874 0.860 0.854 0.851 0.849 0.848 0.847 0.846 0.846 0.845 0.845 0.845 0.845 0.844 0.844
0.3 0.814 0.792 0.784 0.779 0.776 0.774 0.773 0.772 0.771 0.770 0.770 0.769 0.769 0.769 0.768
0.4 0.758 0.728 0.716 0.710 0.706 0.703 0.701 0.700 0.698 0.698 0.697 0.696 0.696 0.695 0.695
0.5 0.705 0.667 0.651 0.643 0.638 0.635 0.632 0.631 0.629 0.628 0.627 0.626 0.625 0.625 0.624
0.6 0.656 0.609 0.591 0.581 0.575 0.570 0.567 0.565 0.563 0.562 0.561 0.560 0.559 0.558 0.557
0.7 0.611 0.556 0.534 0.523 0.515 0.510 0.507 0.504 0.502 0.500 0.498 0.497 0.496 0.495 0.495
0.8 0.570 0.508 0.482 0.469 0.460 0.454 0.450 0.447 0.444 0.442 0.441 0.439 0.438 0.437 0.436
0.9 0.533 0.463 0.434 0.419 0.409 0.403 0.398 0.394 0.392 0.389 0.387 0.386 0.384 0.383 0.382
1.0 0.500 0.423 0.391 0.374 0.363 0.356 0.351 0.347 0.343 0.341 0.339 0.337 0.336 0.334 0.333
1.1 0.470 0.386 0.352 0.333 0.321 0.313 0.308 0.303 0.300 0.297 0.295 0.293 0.291 0.290 0.289
1.2 0.442 0.353 0.316 0.296 0.284 0.275 0.269 0.264 0.261 0.258 0.255 0.253 0.252 0.250 0.249
1.3 0.417 0.323 0.284 0.263 0.250 0.241 0.235 0.230 0.226 0.223 0.220 0.218 0.216 0.215 0.213
1.4 0.395 0.296 0.256 0.234 0.220 0.211 0.204 0.199 0.195 0.192 0.189 0.187 0.185 0.183 0.182
1.5 0.374 0.272 0.231 0.208 0.194 0.184 0.177 0.172 0.168 0.165 0.162 0.159 0.158 0.156 0.154
1.6 0.356 0.251 0.208 0.185 0.170 0.161 0.154 0.148 0.144 0.141 0.138 0.136 0.134 0.132 0.130
1.7 0.339 0.231 0.188 0.164 0.150 0.140 0.133 0.128 0.123 0.120 0.117 0.115 0.113 0.111 0.110
1.8 0.323 0.214 0.170 0.146 0.132 0.122 0.115 0.110 0.105 0.102 0.099 0.097 0.095 0.093 0.092
1.9 0.308 0.198 0.154 0.130 0.116 0.106 0.099 0.094 0.090 0.087 0.084 0.082 0.080 0.078 0.077
2.0 0.295 0.184 0.139 0.116 0.102 0.092 0.086 0.081 0.077 0.073 0.071 0.069 0.067 0.065 0.064
2.1 0.283 0.171 0.127 0.104 0.090 0.080 0.074 0.069 0.065 0.062 0.060 0.058 0.056 0.054 0.053
2.2 0.272 0.159 0.115 0.093 0.079 0.070 0.064 0.059 0.055 0.052 0.050 0.048 0.046 0.045 0.044
2.3 0.261 0.148 0.105 0.083 0.070 0.061 0.055 0.050 0.047 0.044 0.042 0.040 0.039 0.037 0.036
2.4 0.251 0.138 0.096 0.074 0.062 0.053 0.047 0.043 0.040 0.037 0.035 0.034 0.032 0.031 0.030
2.5 0.242 0.130 0.088 0.067 0.054 0.047 0.041 0.037 0.034 0.031 0.030 0.028 0.027 0.025 0.025
2.6 0.234 0.122 0.080 0.060 0.048 0.041 0.035 0.032 0.029 0.026 0.025 0.023 0.022 0.021 0.020
2.7 0.226 0.114 0.074 0.054 0.043 0.036 0.031 0.027 0.024 0.022 0.021 0.019 0.018 0.017 0.016
2.8 0.218 0.107 0.068 0.049 0.038 0.031 0.027 0.023 0.021 0.019 0.017 0.016 0.015 0.014 0.013
2.9 0.211 0.101 0.063 0.044 0.034 0.027 0.023 0.020 0.018 0.016 0.014 0.013 0.012 0.012 0.011
3.0 0.205 0.095 0.058 0.040 0.030 0.024 0.020 0.017 0.015 0.013 0.012 0.011 0.010 0.010 0.009

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