CHAPTER 11 Partial Differential Equations: Change

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CHAPTER 11 Partial Differential Equations


The Fourier transform method has been included in the section on Fourier integrals for
heat problems (Sec. 11.6).

SECTION 11.1 Basic Concepts, page 583

Purpose. To familiarize the student with the following:
Concept of solution, verification of solutions
Superposition principle for homogeneous linear equations
Equations solvable by methods for ordinary differential equations


16. u = A(y) cos 3x + B(y) sin 3x
18. uyfu = -2y, In u = -y 2 + c(x), u = c(x) exp (-y 2 )
20. u = c 1(x)eY + c2 (x)e-Y
22. uy = q, qY = q, q = c(x)eY, u = J q dy = c(x)eY + h(x)
24. By the chain rule,

Now r = (x 2 + y 2 ) 112 , rx = !(x2 + y 2 )- 112 2x = x/r, ry = ylr, so that yrx - xry =0

in (A) and (A) gives z6 = 0.

SECTION 11.2. Modeling: Vibrating String, Wave Equation, page 585

Purpose. A careful derivation of the one-dimensional wave equation (more careful than in
most other texts, where some of the essential physical assumptions are usually missing).
Short Courses. One may perhaps omit the derivation and just state the wave equation
and mention of what c 2 is composed.

SECTION 11.3. Separation of Variables. Use of Fourier Series, page 587

Purpose. This first section in which we solve a "big" problem has several purposes:
1. To familiarize the student with the wave equation and with the typical initial and
boundary conditions that physically meaningful solutions must satisfy.
2. To explain and apply the important method of separation of variables, by which the
partial differential equation is reduced to ordinary differential equations.
3. To show how Fourier series help to get the final answer, thus seeing the reward of
our great and long effort in Chap. 10.
4. To discuss the eigenfunctions of the problem, the basic building blocks of the solu-
tion, which lead to a deeper understanding of the whole problem.

162 Instructor's Manual

Steps of Solution
1. Setting u = F(x)G(t) gives two ordinary differential equations for F and G.
2. The boundary conditions lead to sine and cosine solutions of the latter.
3. A series of those solutions with coefficients determined from the Fourier series of
the initial conditions gives the final answer.


2. 0.01 cos 3t sin 3x

4. u
= -;;; ( cos t sin x 1
+ 33 cos 3t sin 3x 1
+ 53 cos St sin 5x + )
6. u = 2kl('TTa - a 2 ) (sin a cos t sin x + f sin 2a cos 2t sin 2x
+ ! sin 3a cos 3t sin 3x + )
4'TT (1 cos 2t sin 2x - 1 1 cos lOt sin lOx - + )
8. u =
5 4 36 cos 6t sin 6x + 100
0.04 n'TT
10. u = ~ Bn* sin nx sin nt, B n * = - - sin - 2
12. u = cek<x -y)
14. f' lx f = gly 2g
2 = 3k, u =
cek<x +Y

II a
16 -F = - -G = k 2 ' F II - k 2 F = 0' G- + k 2 G = 0' hence
u = (c 1ekx + c 2 e-kx)(A cos ky + B sin ky).
Taking the separation constant negative, we obtain a similar result. Taking it zero,
we have
u = (ax + b)(cy + d).
18. u = (A cos kx + B sin kx)(C cos ky + D sin ky)

u = (ax + b)(cy + d).
20. TEAM PROJECT. (c) From the given initial conditions we obtain

Gn(O) = Bn = -L
2 f f(x) sin -n'TTX dx,

o L
Gn(O) - A.,,Bn
*+ 2Aw(l - COS W'TT) _
- 0.
n'TT(A..,,2 - w2 )
(e) u(O, t) = 0, w(O, t) = 0, u(L, t) = h(t), w(L, t) = h(t): The simplest w satisfying
these conditions is w(x, t) = xh(t)IL. Then
v(x, 0) = f(x) - .xh(O)IL = f i(x),
v/x, 0) = g(x) - xh' (0)/L = g1 (x),
Utt - c 2 Vxx = -xh /L.
Instructor's Manual 163

SECTION 11.4. D' Alembert's Solution of the Wave Equation, page 595
Purpose. To show a simpler methooof solving the wave equation, which, unfortunately,
is not so universal as separation of variables.
Comment on Order of Sections
Section 11.12 on the solution of the wave equation by the Laplace transform may be stud-
ied directly after this section. We have placed that material at the end of this chapter be-
cause some students may not have studied Chap. 5 on the Laplace transform, which is
not a prerequisite for Chap. 11.
Comment on Footnote 2
D' Alembert's Traite de dynamique appeared in 1743 and his solution of the vibrating
string problem in 1747; the latter makes him, together with Daniel Bernoulli (1700-
1782), the founder of the theory of partial differential equations. In 1754 d' Alembert be-
came Secretary of the French Academy of Science and as such the most influential man
of science in France.


2. T = 200 nt, p = 0.8/(2 9.80) nt sec2 /meter 2 , c 2 = 4900 meters 2 /sec 2 .
Answer: 70 meters/sec
4. u(O, t) = }[f(ct) + f(-ct)] = 0, f(-ct) = -f(ct), so that f is odd. Also,
u(L, t) = !U(ct + L) + f(-ct + L)] = 0,
f(ct + L) = -f(-ct + L) = f(ct - L),

which proves the periodicity.

12. y' 2 - 2y + 1 = (y - 1)2 = 0, y = X + C, 'Y(X, y) = X - y, V = X, Z = X - y
1 1

14. Hyperbolic, y' 2 - y' - 2 = (y' + l)(y' - 2) = 0, y + x = c, y - 2x = c,

V = X + y, Z = 2x - Y, Uvz = 0, U = f1(X + y) + fi2x - y)

16. Parabolic, y' 2 + 2y' + 1 = (y' + 1)2 , Uvv = 0, V = x, z = X + y,

u = vf(z) + f(z) = xf(x + y) + f(x + y)
G 'Y2 F"
_ WTTX 2 _
18. u = F(x)G(t), -2 - + 2 = - = -p 2, Fn - sm--, G + An G - 0,
c G c F L

An2 = ( C~7T) 2 + 'Y2, etc.

20. TEAM PROJECT. (b) Fn = sin (n1TX!L), Gn = an cos (cn 27T 2t/L2). The solution
satisfying the initial conditions is
2 2 2
u = -8L3 (
cos c (77")
- t sin -7TX + -13 cos c (377")
- 37TX
t sin - - + )
77" L L 3 L L

For the string the frequency of the nth normal mode is proportional to n, whereas for
the beam it is proportional to n 2
(c) u(O, t) = 0, u(L, t) = 0, ux(O, t) = 0, ux(L, t) = 0, Hence
F(O) =A+ C = 0, C = -A, F'(O) = /3(B + D) = 0, D = -B.
164 Instructor's Manual

With this we further obtain

F(L) = A(cos f3L -' cosh {3L)+ B(sin {3L - sinh {3L) = 0,
F' (L) = {3[-A(sin {3L + sinh {3L) + B(cos {3L - cosh {3L)] = 0.
This homogeneous system has a nontrivial solution if and only if its determi-
nant is zero. Thus (cos {3L - cosh {3L) 2 + sin2 {3L - sinh2 {3L = O or
2 - 2 cos {3L cosh {3L = 0.
From this we have ( 17), which can be written
cos f3L = cosh f3L = 0

because cosh f3L is very large. This gives approximate solutions

{3L = f1r, i1r, !1r, (more exactly, 4.730, 7.853, 10.996, ).
(d) F(O) =A+ C = 0, C = -A, F'(O) = {3(B + D) = 0, D = -B. Then
F(x) = A(cos {3x - cosh {3x) + B(sin {3x - sinh {3x),
F"(L) = {3 2 [-A(cos {3L + cosh {3L) - B(sin {3L + sinh {3L)] = 0,
F"'(L) = f33 [A(sin {3L - sinh {3L) - B(cos {3L + cosh {3L)] = 0.
The determinant (cos {3L + cosh {3L) 2 + sin2 {3L - sinh2 {3L of this system must
be zero, and from this the result follows.
From (18) we have
cos {3L =
cosh {3L
because cosh {3L is very large. This gives the approximate solutions
f3L = }1r, f1r, i1r, (more exactly, 1.875, 4.694, 7.855, ).
SECTION 11.5. Heat Equation: Solution by Fourier Series, page 600
Purpose. This section has two purposes:
1. To solve a typical heat problem by steps similar to those for the wave equation,
pointing to the two main differences: only one initial condition (instead of two) and
Ut (instead of Utt), resulting in exponential functions in t (instead of cosine and sine
in the wave equation).
2. Solution of Laplace's equation (which can be interpreted as a time-independent heat
equation in two dimensions).
Comments on Content
Additional points to emphasize are
More rapid decay with increasing n,
Difference. in time evolution in Figs. 267 and 263,
Zero can be an eigenvalue (see Example 4),
Three standard types of boundary value problems,
Analogy of electrostatic and (steady-state) heat problems.
Problem Set 11.5 includes additional heat problems and types of boundary conditions.

Instructor's Manual 165


2. A/ = (ln 2)/20, c 2 = (L2/7r 2 )(ln 2)/20 = 0.0035L2
4. u = k sin 0.2m e- 1 752 .,,.21;125

6. u = 16
'11"2 ( sin 0.1 'Tl"x e-0.01752.,,. 2 t - 91 sin 0.3'Tl"x e-0.01752(3.,,-) t + - ...
2 )

8. u(x, t) = ui(x) + uu(x, t) with u1 as in Prob. 7 and


Uu =L ll'TTX
Bn sin - - e-<cn.,,-/L)2t

Bn = -
2 L f n'TTX
[f(x) - u1(x)] sin - dx
L o L
2 f L ll'TTX 2
= - f(x) sin - dx +- [(-1ru2 - U1J.
Lo L n'TT

10. u =
'TT - ~'TT 9
(cos x e-t
+ _!_ cos 3x e- 9 t + - - cos 5x e- 25t + )
12. u(x, t) = cos 2x e- 4 t
14. w" = -Ne-=tc2 ; make w(O) = w(L) = 0 to get the function
w(x) = c~a2 [ -e-= - 1 (1 - e-aL)x + J.

K'TT ~
16. -L ,,. nBn e-
A 2t

18. CAS PROJECT. (a) u = sin 'TTX sinh 7T)'/sinh 2'11".

(b) uy(x, 0, t) = uy(x, 2, t) = 0, u = sin m'Tl"x cos n7T)'.
20. u = F(x)G(y), F = A cos px + B sinpx, ux(O, y) = F' (O)G(y) = 0, B = 0,
G = C coshpy + D sinhpy, uy(x, b) = F(x)G' (b) = 0, C= coshpb, D = -sinhpb,
G = cosh (pb - py). For u = cos px coshp(b - y) we get

ux(a, y) + hu(a, y) = (-p sinpa + h cos pa) coshp(b - y) = 0.

Hence p must satisfy tan ap = hip, which has infinitely many positive real solutions
p = '}'i, 'Y2, , as you can illustrate by a simple sketch. Answer:
U = Un = COS 'YnX COS 'Yn(b - y),
where y = 'Yn satisfies y tan ya = h.
To determine coefficients of series of un' s from a boundary condition at the lower
side is difficult because that would not be a Fourier series, the 'Yn' s being only ap-
proximately regularly spaced. See [Cl], pp. 114-119, 167.

SECTION 11.6. Heat Equation: Solution by Fourier Integrals and

Transforms, page 61 O
Purpose. Whereas we solved the problem of a finite bar in the last section by using Fourier
series, we show that for an infinite bar (practically, a long insulated wire) we can use the
Fourier integral for the same purpose. Figure 271 shows the time evolution for a "rec-
tangular" initial temperature (100C between x = -1 and + 1, zero elsewhere), giving
bell-shaped curves as for the density of the normal distribution.
166 Instructor's Manual

We also show typical applications of the Fourier transform and the Fourier sine trans-
form to the heat equation.
Short Courses. This section can be omitted.


2. A(p) = -
2 1 Jee 2 7T '
cos pv du = - . - e-P = e-P by (15), Sec. 10.8,
1rol+v2 1T 2
2 2
u(x, t) = e-(p+c p t) cos px dp.
2 2 1 2-2
4. A(p) =
1r(l + p2)
, B(p) = 0, u =-
7T 11 +
O p2
cospx e-c~ t dp

10. CAS PROJECT. (a) Set w = -v in (21) to get erf(-x) = -erf x.

(b) See (36) in Appendix A3.l.
U0 [ 1-x l+x]
(e) u(x, t) =2 erf c\lt + erf c\lt , (t > 0)
2 2
(f) u(x, t) =! +! erf (x/2c\lt)

SECTION 11.7. Modeling: Membrane, Two-Dimensional Wave Equation,

page 616
Purpose. A careful derivation of the !WO-dimensional wave equation governing the mo-
tions of a drumhead, from physical assumptions (the analog of the modeling in Sec. 11.2).

SECTION 11.8. Rectangular Membrane. Use of Double Fourier Series,

page 619
Purpose. To solve the two-dimensional wave equation in a rectangle O ~ x ~ a,
0 ~ y ~- b ("rectangular membrane") by separation of variables and double Fourier
Comment on Content
New features as compared to the one-dimensional case (Sec. 11.3) are as follows:
1. We have to separate twice, first by u = F(x, y)G(t), then the Helmholtz equation for
F by F = H(x)Q(y).
2. We get a double sequence of infinitely many eigenvalues Amn and eigenfunctions
Umn; see (12), (13).

3. We need double Fourier series (easily obtainable from the usual Fourier series) to
get a solution that also satisfies the initial conditions.


6. Bmn = l6/mn1r 2 (m and n odd), 0 otherwise
8. Bmn = (-1r+n4/mn
10. CAS PROJECT. (b) The figure shows the first partial sum (a single term) and the
partial sum of the terms up to that with coefficient b55 (9 terms).
Instructor's Manual 167

Section 11.8. GAS Project 10(b). Two partial sums

12. u = k cos 7TV2t sin 7TX sin 7TY

00 00
64k 1
14. ~ ~ ~ m(m2 _ 4 )n(n 2 _ 4) cos (7rtYm
2 2
+ n ) sin m7Tx sin n7ry
1 1
m,n odd
16. A = ab, b = Ala, so that from (12) with m = n = 1 by differentiating with respect
to a and equating the derivative to zero, we obtain


( c21~2
a2 + b2
(1 1)' 1
a )' -2 2a
( a2 + A2 = aa + A2 = O;

hence a 4 = A2, a 2 = A, b =Ala= a.

18. c7r V260 (corresponding eigenfunctions F 4 , 16 , F 16 ,14), etc.
2 2 00 00 2 2
64a b 1 ( ~ n ) m7Tx n7ry
20. . 2: 2:

7r6 m=l n=l m n

3 3 7T -
a 2
+ -2 t sin-- sin--
b a b
m,n odd

SECTION 11.9. Laplacian in Polar Coordinates, page 626

Purpose. A detailed discussion.of the transformation of the Laplacian into polar coordi-
nates as a typical case of a task often required in applications. The result (4) will be needed
in the next section.
Short Courses. This section can be omitted.


6. TEAM PROJECT. (a) r 2 cos 20 = r 2 (cos 2 (} - sin2 (}) = x2 - y 2, r 2 sin 20 = 2xy,
(c) u 400(
=- - r sin (} + -1 r 3 sin 3(} + -1 r 5 sin 5(} + )
7T 3 5
168 Instructor's Manual

(d) The form of the series results as in (b) and the formulas for the coefficients fol-
low from

ur(R, 0) =~ nRn- 1 (An cos nO + Bn sin nO) = f(O).

8. u(O) = 10(! + l cos 20). Answer: 5 + 5r 2 cos 20
10. u= 2 ~TT (r cos O + _!_9 r cos 30 + -251- r
7T -
3 5
cos 50 + )
12. u = 75r sin O - 25r3 sin 30. Note that this also follows from Prob. 7 because of the
skew symmetry of the boundary condition as a function of 0.
14 = 7T (r
sin O + _..!:_
sin 30 + _..!:_
53 r sin 50 + )

SECTION 11.1 O. Circular Membrane: Use of Fourier-Bessel Series,

page 629
Purpose. To derive the function that gives the vibrations of a circular membrane, by solv-
ing the wave equation in polar coordinates.
Comment on Content
We concentrate on the simpler case of radially symmetric vibrations, that is, vibrations
independent of the angle. (For eigenfunctions depending on the angle, see Probs. 11-18.)
We do three steps:
1. u = W(r)G(t) gives for W Bessel's equation with v = 0, hence solutions
W(r) = 10 (kr).
2. We satisfy the boundary condition W(R) = 0 by choosing suitable values of k.
3. A Fourier-Bessel series (13) helps to get the solution (12) of the entire problem.

Short Courses. This section can be omitted.


2. f 1 = ck1!2TT = ca112TTR = 0.3827c/R = 0.3827~
4. In polar coordinates the boundary has the simple representation R = const.
6. CAS PROJECT (b) Error 0.04864 (m = 1), 0.02229, 0.01435, 0.01056, 0.00835,
0.00690, 0.00589, 0.00512, 0.00454, 0.00408 (m = 10)
8. From (24), Sec. 4.5, we have (fl1(r)) 1 = rl0 (r). By integration

(A) {"'rl0 (r) dr = <XmliCarr).


am = 0 because the initial deflection is zero. From (15) and (A), with g(r) = 1 and
amr = s, we obtain
1 '

bm =
J ~(
1 fXm
) f0
rlo(< dr
Instructor's Manual 169

Hence the series is

10; f(O) = 1; 1.10801, 0.96823, 1.01371, 0.99272, 1.00436, and we see that the last value
is already correct to 3 significant digits.
18. a 11/21r = 0.6099 (see Table Al in Appendix 5)

SECTION 11.11. Laplace's Equation in Cylindrical and Spherical

Coordinates. Potential, page 636
Purpose. 1. Transformation of the Laplacian into cylindrical coordinates (which is triv-
ial because of Sec. 11.9) and spherical coordinates; some remarks on areas in which
Laplace's equation is basic.
2. Separation of the Laplace equation in spherical coordinates and application to a typ-
ical boundary value problem. For simplicity we consider a boundary value problem for a
sphere with boundary values depending only on <p. We do three steps:
1. u = G(r)H(<p) and separation gives for HLegendre's equation.
2. Continuity requirements restrict H to Legendre polynomials.
3. A Fourier-Legendre series (17) helps to get the solution (16) of the interior prob-
lem. Similarly for the exterior problem, whose solution is (19).

Short Courses. Omit the derivation of the Laplacian in cylindrical and spherical coordi-


4. u = -80 In r/(ln 2) + 300
6. For u = u(r) we get from (7)
u" 2
Vu= u
+ -2 u I = 0, In u' = -2 ln r + c1,
r u
I r

u =- u=-+k.
r2 ' r

10. f(w) = w, An =
2n + 1 J 1
wPn(w) dw. Since w = P 1 (w) and the P n(w) are or-
thogonal on the interval -1 ~ w ~ 1, we obtain A 1 = 1, An = 0 (n > 1). Answer:
u = r cos <p. Of course, this is at once seen by inspection.
12. u = -Jr2 P 2 (cos <p) + J = r 2 (-cos 2 <p + }) + i
14. u = 4r3 Ps(cos <p) - 2r 2 P 2 (cos <p) + rP1 (cos <p) - 2
16. f (<p) = COS <p, Uint = r COS <p, Uext = r-:- 2 COS <p, f (<p) = COS 2</> = 2 cos 2 <p - 1,
4 1
2x2 - 1 = fP2 (x) - }, Uint = fr 2Picos <p) - !, Uext = r 3 Picos <p) - r
3 3
18. A 4 = 0, A 5 = 605/16, A 6 = 0, A 7 = -4125/128, A 8 = 0, A 9 = 7315/256, A 10 = 0
170 Instructor's Manual

20. Set - = p and consider u(p, e, cp) = rv(r, e, cp). By differentiation,


UPP +- 2pUP -
_1 (2Vr
4p + rVrr) - r-5( + -2) Vrr
Vr .

By substituting this and u<l><I> = rv<!><I> etc., into (7) [written in terms of p] and divid-
ing by r 5 we obtain the result.
22. v = r- 2 cos (J sin (J = xyl(x 2 + y 2 ) 2
24. TEAM PROJECT. (a) The two drops over a portion of the cable of length Ax are
-RiAx and -L(ai/at)Ax, respectively. Their sum equals the difference ux+t.x - ux.
Divide by Ax and let Ax - 0.
(c) To get the first equation, differentiate the first transmission line equation with re-
spect to x and use the second equation to replace ix and ixt:
-u= = Rix + Lixt
= R(-Gu - Cut)+ L(-GUt - Cutt)

Now collect terms. Similarly for the second equation.

(d) Set RC = c 2 . Then Ut = c 2 u=, the heat equation. By (10), (11), Sec. 11.5,

u 4U-
=- 0
sm -'TTX e-A12t
( .
+ -1 sm
. -
- e-A32 t + )
'TT l 3 l '
(e) u = U0 cos ('TTtllVLC) sin ('TTxll)

SECTION 11.12. Solution by Laplace Transforms, page 643

Purpose. For students familiar with Chap. 5 we show that the Laplace transform also ap-
plies to certain partial differential equations, where the subsidiary equation must be ex-
pected to be an ordinary differential equation.
Short Courses. This section can be omitted.


2. Use c = 'VT/p.
t +1 if t ;a x 2
4. u(x, t) = t + 1 - (t - x 2 )u(t - x 2 ) = { 2 .
X +1 iftis::X 2
(where u(t - x ) is the unit step fuction) as obtained from

1+s 2
U(x, s) =- -2 - + c(s)e-sx
with c(s) = -1/s 2 as obtained from u(O, t) = 1, U(O, s) = 1/s.
Instructor's Manual 171

6. u = f(x)g(t), xf' g + f g = xt, hence

J' g xt
f g Jg

To complete the separation, we take f(x) = x, obtaining
g t
1 + g = g, g + g = t, g = ce-t + t - 1;
u = x(ce-t + t - 1),
which satisfies u(O, t) = 0. Also, u(x, 0) = x(c - 1). Thus c = 1 and the answer is,
as before,
u = x(e-t +t- 1).

8. From W = F(s)e-<x!c)Vs and the convolution theorem we have

k = -.

From this and formula 39 in Sec. 5.9 we get, as asserted,

w = f
f(t - r)
e-k214,,. dr.

10. W 0 (x, s) = s- 1e--vsx1c, ;, {u(t)} = 1/s, and since w(x, 0) = 0,

W(x, s) = F(s)sW0 (x, s) = F(s)[sW0 (x, s) - w(x, O)]

= F(s) ;, { a;o} .
Now apply the convolution theorem.


22. u = c(x)e-Y - !x 2
24. u = g(y)(l - e-x) + f(y)
26. u = (Aekx + Be-kx)(C cos ky + D sin ky),
u = (ax + b)(cy + d),
u = (A cos kx + B sin kx)(Ceky + De-kY)
28. Parabolic, y' 2 - 6y' + 9 = (y' - 3)2, v = x, z = y - 3x,
u = xf1 (y - 3x) + f2(Y - 3x)
30. ! cos 2t sin x - :i cos 6t sin 3x
32. u = : ( cos 2t sin x - ! cos 6t sin 3x + 2~ cos lOt.sin 5x - + )

34. u = _4002 ( sin--

1TX 1
e-o.001143t _ _ 37TX
sin-- e-o.0102set + _ ... )
7T 100 9 100

36. u = 51r2 - 60 (cos x e-t - cos 2x e- 4 t + ! cos 3x e- 9 t - + )

38. u 32 ( 1 cos 2x e- 4 t + 1
= 1T - ---;; cos 6x e- 3 et + )
4 36
172 Instructor's Manual

. u = 400 f 1 sin (2n - 1)7Tx sinh [(2n - 1)7Ty/12]
7T n=l 2n - 1 12 sinh (2n - 1)77"

Chapter 11 Review. Equipotential lines in Prob. 42

44. A11/27T = c7T(V1+1 )/277" = 1/V2

46. Area 7TR2 /2 = 1, R = "Viiir,
ck11/27T = k11/27T = a 11/27TR = 3.832/277"-vifir = 3.832/~
(u 0 - u1)r0 r 1 u1r1 - u 0 r.0 .
48. u = + , where r 1s the distance from the center of the
(r1 - r0 )r r 1 - r0
3 1
50. f(cp) = 4 cos <p. Now, by (11 ), Sec. 4.3,
cos <p = iPa(cos <p) + !P1(cos cp).
CHAPTER 19 Numerical Methods for Differential Equations
Major Changes

These include automatic variable step size selection in modem codes, the discussion of
the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method, and the extension of Euler and Runge-Kutta methods
to systems and higher order equations.

SECTION 19.1. Methods for First-Order Differential Equations, page 942

Purpose. To explain three numerical methods for solving initial value problems
y' = f(x, y), y(x0 ) = y 0 by stepwise computing approximations to the solution at
x 1 = x 0 + h, x 2 = x 0 + 2h, etc.
Main Content, Important Concepts
Euler's method (3)
Automatic variable step size selection
Improved Euler method (7)
Classical Runge-Kutta method (Table 19.4)
Error and step size control
Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method
Comments on Content
Euler's method is good for explaining the principle but is too crude'to be of practical
The improved Euler method is a simple case of a predictor-corrector method.
The classical Runge-Kutta method is of order h4 and is of great practical importance.
Principles for a good choice of hare important in any method.
f in the equation must be such that the problem has a unique solution (see Sec. 1.9).


2. y = sin !1rx. Since the values obtained give y9 = 1.01170 > 1, y 10 comes out com-
plex and is meaningless.

Xn Yn Error X 105
0.1 0.15708 -65
0.2 0.31221 -319
0.3 0.46144 -745
0.4 0.60079 -1301
0.5 0.72636 -1926
0.6 0.83433 -2531
0.7 0.92092 -2991
0.8 0.98214 -3109
0.9 1.01170 -2401

248 Instructor's Manual

4. y = tan x - x (special Riccati equation; set y + x = u, then u' = u2 + 1, etc.). The

computation gives

Xn Yn y(xn) Error X 106

0.1 0.000 000 0.000 335 335
0.2 0.001000 0.002 710 1 710
0.3 0.005 040 0.009 336 4296
0.4 0.014 345 0.022 793 8 448
0.5 0.031513 0.046 302 14 789
0.6 0.059 764 0.084137 24 373
0.7 0.103 292 0.142 288 38 996
0.8 0.167 820 0.229 639 61 818
0.9 0.261488 0.360 158 98 670
1.0 0.396 393 0.557 408 161 014

6. y = 1/(1 + e-x). The given Verhulst equation is a special Bernoulli equation; see
Sec. 1.6.

Xn Yn Error X 106
0.1 0.524969 10
0.2 0.549813 21
0.3 0.574411 32
0.4 0.598645 42
0.5 0.622407 53
0.6 0.645593 63
0.7 0.668114 74
0.8 0.689890 84
0.9 0.710855 94
1.0 0.730955 104

8. y = tan 2x. Note that the error is first negative and then positive and rapidly increasing,
due to the behavior of the tangent.

Xn Yn Error X 105

0.05 0.10050 -17

0.10 0.20304 -33
0.15 0.30981 -48
0.20 0.42341 -62
0.25 0.54702 -72
0.30 0.68490 -76
0.35 0.84295 -66
0.40 1.02989 -25
0.45 1..25930 +86
0.50 1.55379 362

10. The error of y(l) is -0.0036, hence comparable to that in Prob. 7. The error of y(2)
is +0.0067, hence twice that in Prob. 7 and of the opposite sign.
12. y = 0, 0.2055, 0.4276, 0.6587, 0.8924; error 0, 0.0101, 0.0221, 0.0322, 0.0409. Hence
the error is about 20% less.
Instructor's Manual 249

14. y = 0, 0.1033, 0.2134, 0.3280, 0.4456, 0.5650, 0.6852, 0.8058, 0.9261; error 0, 0.0011,
0.0022, , 0.0071; about 15% of that in Prob. 11.
16. For instance, x = 0.5, y = 0.632 114 762 (error 0.58 10- 5 ); x = 1,
y = 0.864 660 452 (error 0.43 10- 5 ); hence the error is substantially less, and it is
interesting that it is not increasing: for x = 0.1, , 1.0, it is 0.26, 0.42, 0.52, 0.57,
0.58, 0.57, 0.54, 0.51, 0.47, 0.43 times 10- 5 .
18. Errors -0.004, -0.008, -0.011, -0.015, -0.017, -0.019, -0.021, -0.021, -0.021,
-0.021. For the improved Euler method, the errors times 10 5 are 0.8, 1.6, 2.2, 2.5,
2.5, 1.8, +0.4, -1.9, -5.1, -9.3.

20. Xn Yn Error Estimate (10) X 109 Error X 109

0.1 1.20033 46725 3.0 -0.4

0.2 1.40271 00374 3.7 -1.9
0.3 1.60933 62546 5.9 -5.0
0.4 1.82279 32298 9.4 -11.0
0.5 2.04630 25124 13.1 -22.5
0.6 2.28413 68531 14.4 -44.7
0.7 2.54228 84689 +5.0 -88.4
0.8 2.82963 87346 -38.8 -177.6
0.9 3.16015 85865 -191.1 -369.0
1.0 3.55740 85377 -699.9 -813.0

SECTION 19.2. Multistep Methods, page 952

Purpose. To explain the idea of a multistep method in terms of the practically important
Adams-Moulton method, a predictor-corrector method that in each computation uses four
preceding values.
Main Content, Important Concepts
Adams-Bashforth method (5)
Adams-Moulton method (7)
Short Courses. This section may be omitted.


2. Starting Predicted Corrected

n Xn Exact
Yn y~ Yn

0 0.0 1.000 000

0.1 1.105 171
2 0.2 1.221403
3 0.3 1.349 859
4 0.4 1.491 821 1.491 825 1.491 825
5 0.5 1.648 717 1.648 722 1.648 721
6 0.6 1.822 114 1.822120 1.822 119
7 0.7 2.013 748 2.013 754 2.013 753
8 0.8 2.225 536 2.225 543 2.225 541
9 0.9 2.459 598 2.459 605 2.459 603
IO 1.0 2.718 277 2.718 285 2.718 282
250 Instructor's Manual

4. n x,,, Yn Exact Error X 106

0 1.0 0 0 0
1 1.1 0.104394 0.104394 0
2 1.2 0.215563 0.215563 0
3 1.3 0.331199 0.331199 0
4 1.4 0.449688 0.449886 -2.3
5 1.5 0.569871 0.569867 -3.5
6 1.6 0.690911 0.690907 -3.8
7 1.7 0.812198 0.812195 -3.9
8 1.8 0.933284 0.933280 -3.9

6. Solution y 2 - x2 = 8.
Xn Yn

1.2 3.07246
1.4 3.15595
1.6 3.24962
1.8 3.35261
2.0 3.46410
2.2 3.58330
2.4 3.70945
2.6 3.84188
2.8 3.97995
3.0 4.12311

8. y = tan x + x + 1. tan x approaches infinity as x -

12. y = ex Some of the values and errors are:

Xn Yn (h = 0.05) Error X 106 Yn (h = 0.1) Error X 106

0.1 1.010050 1.01005
0.2 1.040817 -6 1.040811
0.3 1.094188 -14 1.094224 -50
0.4 1.173535 -24 1.173623 -112
0.5 1.284064 -38 1.284219 -194
0.6 1.433388 -58 1.433636 -307
0.7 1.632404 -87 1.632782 -466
0.8 1.896612 -131 1.897175 -694
0.9 2.248105 -197 2.248931 -1023
1.0 2.718579 -297 2.719785 -1503

The errors differ by a factor 4 to 5, approximately.

14. y 1 = 4.002707, y2 = 4.022789, Ya = 4.084511, y4 = 4.230685, y5 = 4.559046,
y6 = 5.364224, y7 = 8.060954. Exact: y = tan x - x +4

SECTION 19.3. Methods for Systems and Higher Order Differential

Equations, page 956
Purpose. Extension of the methods in Sec. 19.1 to first-order systems and to higher or-
. de:r equations.
Instructor's Manual 251

Euler's method for systems (5)
Classical Runge-Kutta method extended to systems (6)
Runge-Kutta-Nystrom method (7)


2. See Fig. 82 in Sec. 3.3. The discussion in Sec. 3.3 is not needed for the present pur-
pose. The computation gives:

X Yi Y2
0 0 4
0.2 0.8 3.2
0.4 1.28 2.4
0.6 1.504 1.664
0.8 1.536 1.0304
1.0 1.43488 0.51712

4. y = 0, -0.15, -0.3, -0.44925, -0.596996, -0.742481. The error increases

monotone from Oto 0.0081.
6. Much more accurate values.

X y(x) 108 X Error of y(x) y'(x)

0.1 0.804837 -8 -1.90484

0.2 0.618731 -15 -1.81873
0.3 0.440818 -20 -1.74082

8. We had to choose x0 *
0 because of the factor 1/x. Those initial values were taken
from Ref. [1] in Appendix 1.

X fo(X) J~(x) 106 X Error of J0 (x)

1 0.765198 -0.440051 0
1.5 0.511903 -0.558002 -76
2 0.224008 -0.576897 -117
2.5 -0.048289 -0.497386 -95
3 -0.260055 -0.339446 +3
3.5 -0.380298 -0.137795 170

I II Exact
Xn Yn Yn Yn Error
10. (4S)

0 0 0 0 0
0.2 0.02 0.2 1.21 0.0214 0.0014
0.4 0.0842 0.4420 1.4631 0.0918 0.0076
0.6 0.2019 0.7346 1.7682 0.2221 0.0202
0.8 0.3842 1.0883 2.1362 0.4255 0.0413
1.0 0.6446 0.7183 0.0737
252 Instructor's Manual

12. f(2/3) = (3/2)f(5/3) by (25); now use interpolation in Table A2, etc.

14. 106 X Error

Xn Yn k1 k2 k3 k4

1.0 0.765 198 -0.081287 -0.056 989 -0.061848 -0.034604 0

1.5 0.511 819 -0.034 970 -0.007 296 -0.011250 +O.G15 740 +9
2.0 +0.223 946 +0.016098 +0.041840 +O.G38 979 0.061 098 -55
2.5 -0.048 241 0.061 767 0.080770 0.079042 0.092 562 -143
3.0 -0.259 845 0.093 218 0.102 154 0.101466 0.104 389 -207
3.5 -0.379 914 -214

In the present case the errors of the two methods are of the same order of magnitude.
An exact comparison is not possible since the errors change sign in a different fash- _
ion in each method.

SECTION 19.4. Methods for Elliptic Partial Differential Equations,

page 962
Purpose. To explain numerical methods for the Dirichlet problem involving the Laplace
equation, the typical representative of elliptic equations.
Main Content, Important Concepts
Elliptic, parabolic, hyperbolic equations
Dirichlet, Neumann, mixed problems
Difference analogs (7), (8) of Poisson's and Laplace's equations
Coefficient scheme (9)
Liebmann's method of solution (identical with Gauss-Seidel, Sec. 18.3)
Peaceman-Rachford's ADI method (15)
Short Courses. Omit the ADI method.
Comments on Content
Neumann's problem and the mixed problem follow in the next section, including the mod-
ification in the case of irregular boundaries.
The distinction between the three kinds of equations (elliptic, parabolic, hyperbolic) is
not merely a formal matter because the solutions of the three types behave differently in
principle, and the boundary and initial conditions are different; this necessitates different
numerical methods, as we shall see.


2. 6 steps. Some results are
[93.75 90.625 65.625 64.0625] (Step 2)
[87.8906 87.6953 62.6953 62.5977] (Step 4)
[87.5244 87.5122 62.5122 62.5061] (Step 6)
[87.5001 87.5 62.5 62.5] (Step 10)
Instructor's Manual 253

4. The values obtained by the Gauss elimination agree with those of the exact solution
of the problem, u(x, y) = x3 - 3xy 2 . Gauss-Seidel would need 14 steps to produce
6S-values or 9 steps for 3S-values.
6. This shows the importance of good starting values; it then does not take long until
the approximations come close to the solution. A rule of thumb is to take a rough es-
timate of the average of the boundary values at the points that enter the linear sys-
tem. By starting from O we obtain
[0.094722 0.101487 0.317994 0.321376] (Step 3)
[0.107407 0.107830 0.324337 0.324548] (Step 5).
8. Uu = 92.86, U21 = 90.18, U12 = 81.25, U22 = 75.00, U13 = 57.14,
u 23 = 47.32, u31 = u 11 , etc., by symmetry.
10. All the isotherms must begin and end at a comer. The diagonals are isotherms u =
25, because of the data obtained and for reasons of symmetry. Hence we obtain a
qualitative picture as follows.

Section 19.4. Problem 10

12. (a) u11 = -u 12 = -66

(b) By symmetry, we can reduce the problem to four equations in four unknowns.
u11 = u31 = -u15 = -u35 = -92.92
= -87.45
u 12 = u32 = -u14 = -u34 = -64.22
= -53.98
14. First step. First come rows j = 1, j = 2; for these, (14a) is
j = 1, i = l. uo1 - 4uu + U21 = -urn - U12
i = 2. Uu - 4u21 + U31 = - U20 - U22

j = 2, i = l. Uo2 - 4u12 + U22 = -uu - U13

i = 2. U12 - 4u22 + U32 = -u21 - U23.

Six of the boundary values are zero, and the two on the upper edge are u13 = u 23 =
\!'312 = 0.866 025. Also, on the right we substitute the starting values 0. With this,
254 Instructor's Manual

our four equations become

--Aun + U21 = 0
un - 4u 21 =0
-4u12 + U22 = -0.866 025
U12 - 4U22 = -0.866 025.
The solution is from the first two equations
Un= 0,
and from the other two equations
U12 = 0.288 675, U22 = 0.288 675.
First step. Now come columns; for these, (14b) is
i = 1, j = 1. U10 - 4un + U12 = - Uo1 - U21
j = 2. Un - 4u12 + U13 = - Uo2 - U22

i = 2, j = 1. U20 - 4u21 + U22 = - Un - U31

j = 2. U21 - 4U22 + U23 = - U12 - U32

With the boundary values and the previous solution on the right, this becomes
-4un + u 12 = 0
un - 4u 12 = -0.866 025 - 0.288 675
-4u21 + U22 =0
U21 - 4U22 = -0.866 025 - 0.288 675.
The solution is
Un = 0.076 98
U21 = 0.076 98
U12 = 0.307 92
U22 = 0.307 92.
Second step. Rows. We can use the previous equations, changing only the right sides:
-4un + u 21 = -0.307 92
un - 4u 21 = -0.307 92
-4u12 + U22 = -0.866 025 - 0.076 98
U12 - 4u22 = -0.866 025 - 0.076 98
Un = U21 = 0.102 640, U12 = U22 = 0.314 335.
Second step. Columns. The equations with the new right sides are
-4un + u12 = -0.102 640
un - 4u 12 = -0.866 025 - 0.314 335
-4u21 + U22 = -0.102 640
u 21 - 4u 22 = -0.866 025 - 0.314 335.
Instructor's Manual 255

Final result (solution of these equations):

Un = 0.106 061
U21 = 0.106 061
U12 = 0.321 605
U22 = 0.321 605.
Exact 3D values:
Uu = U21 = 0.108, U12 = U22 = 0.325.

16. CAS PROJECT. (b) The solution of the linear system (rounded to integers), with
the values arranged as the points in the xy-plane, is
160 170 157 110
138 145 125 75
138 145 125 75
160 170 157 110
Twenty steps gave accuracies of 3S- 5S, with slight variations between the compo-
nents of the output vector.

SECTION 19.5. Neumann and Mixed Problems. Irregular Boundary,

page 971
Purpose. Continuing our discussion of elliptic equations, we explain the ideas needed for
handling Neumann and mixed problems and the modifications required when the domain
is no longer a rectangle.
Main Content, Important Concepts
Mixed problem for a Poisson equation (Example 1)
Modified stencil (6) (notation in Fig. 428)
Comments on Content
Neumann's problem can be handled as explained in Example 1.
In all the cases of an elliptic equation we need only one boundary condition at each
point (given u or given un).


2. 0 = u 01 ,x = h (un - u_ 1,1) gives u_ 1,1 = Un. Similarly, u41 = u21 + 3 from the
condition on the right edge, so that the equations are
-4u 01 + 2un 1
u01 - 4un + u21 = -0.25 + 0.75 = 0.5
un - 4u21 + U31 = -1
2u21 - 4u31 = -2.25 - 1.25 - 3 = -6.5.
u01 = -0.25, un = 0, u21 = 0.75, u31 = 2; this agrees with the values of the exact
solution u(x, y) = x 2 - y 2 of the problem.
256 Instructor's Manual

4. The exact solution of the Poisson equation is u = x 2 y 2 The approximate solution re-
sults from Au = b, where
-4 1 0 1 0 0 4
1 -4 1 0 1 0 10
0 2 -4 0 0 1 8
A= b=
1 0 0 -4 1 0 1
0 1 0 1 -4 1 -20
0 0 1 0 2 -4 -103
where the six equations correspond to Pn, P 21 , P 31 , P 12 , P 22 , P 32 , in our usual or-
der. The components of b are of the form a - c with a resulting from 2(x 2 + y 2 )
and c from the boundary values; thus, 4 - 0 = 4, 10 - 0 = 10, 20 - 12 = 8,
10 - 9 = I, 16 - 36 = -20, 26 - 81 - 48 = -103. The solution of this system
agrees with the values obtained at the Pik from the exact solution, un = 1, u21 =
u12 = 4, u 22 = 16, and u31 = 9, u32 = 36 on the boundary. u41 = u21 + 12 and u42
= u 22 + 48 produced entries 2 in A and -12 and -48 in b.
6. Exact solution u = 9y sin i7Tx. Linear system Au = b, where
-4 1 1 0 0 0 a
1 -4 0 1 0 0 a
1 0 -4 1 1 0 2a
A= b=
0 1 1 -4 0 1 2a
0 0 2 0 -4 1 3a +C
0 0 0 2 1 -4 3a + C
a= -8.54733, c = -V243 = -15.5885. The solution of this system is (exact val-
ues of u in par~ntheses)
un = u21 = 8.46365 (exact iV3 = 7.79423)
u12 = u 22 = 16.8436 (exact 9V3 = 15.5885)
u13 = u 23 = 24.9726 (exact 2iv'3 = 23.3827).
14. Let v denote the unknown boundary potential. Then v occurs in Au = b, where

The solution of this linear system is u [5 10 10 16]T. From this and
5v/I9 = 100 (the potential at Pn) we have v = 380 as the constant boundary po-
tential on the indicated portion of the boundary.
16. Two equations are as usual:

-4un + U21 + u12 - 2= 2

un - 4u 21 - 0.5 =2
Instructor's Manual 257

where the right side is due to the fact that we are dealing with the Poisson equation.
The third equation results from (6) with a = p = q = 1 and b = 1/2. We get

2 [
+ ul,5/2 +
+ U11 -
1/2 U12
L ___
The first two terms are zero and u02 = -2; these are given boundary values. There
remains I
iu11 - 6u 12 = 4.
Our three equations for the three unknowns have the solution
U11 = -1.5, U21 = -1, U12 = -1.

SECTION 19.6. Methods for Parabolic Equations, page 976

Purpose. To show the numerical solution of the heat equation, the prototype of a para-
bolic equation, on the region given by O ;::;; x;::;; l, t ~ 0, subject to one initial condition
(initial temperature) and one boundary condition on each of the two vertical boundaries.
Direct method based on (5), convergence condition (6)
Crank-Nicolson method based on (8)
Special case (9) of (8)
Comment on Content
Condition (6) restricts the size of time steps too much, a disadvillltage that the Crank-
Nicolson method avoids.


4. The first terin in (10), Sec. 11.5, gives exp [- 1J0 1r2 t] = 0.1, t = 100 (In l0)/1r 2 =
23.3. The other terms decrease much more rapidly and contribute practically nothing.
6. u(x, 0) = u(l - x, 0) and the boundary conditions imply u(x, t) = u(l - x, t) for all
t. The calculation gives
(0, 0.2, 0.35, 0.35, 0.2, 0)
(0, 0.1875, 0.3125, 0.3125, 0.1875, 0)
(0, 0.171875, 0.28125, 0.28125, 0.171875, 0)
(0, 0.15625, 0.253906, 0.253906, 0.15625, 0)
(0, 0.141602, 0.229492, 0.229492, 0.141602, 0)
8. We have k = 0.01. The boundary condition on the left is that the normal derivative
is zero. Now if we were at an inner point, we would have, by (5),
Uo,j+l - 4U-1,j
+12Uoj +14U1j

Here, by the central difference formula for the normal derivative (partial derivative
with respect to x) we get
auo. 1
0 = -ax-3 = -(u1
2h 3
- U_1 -)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ---------

258 Instructor's Manual

so that the previous formula gives what we need,

uo,j+i = !(uoj + Uij).
The underlying idea is quite similar to that in Sec. 19.5. The computation gives

x=O X = 0.2 X = 0.4 X = 0.6 X = 0.8 X = 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0.5
0.02 0 0 0 0 0.125 0.866025
0.03 0 0 0 0.031 0.279 1
0.04 0 0 0.008 0.085 0.397 0.866 025
0.05 0 0.002 0.025 0.144 0.437 0.5
0.06 0.001 0.007 0.049 0.187 0.379 0
0.07 0.004 0.016 0.073 0.201 0.236 -0.5
0.08 0.010 0.027 0.091 0.178 0.043 -0.866025
0.09 0.019 0.039 0.097 0.122 -0.601 -1
0.10 0.029 0.048 0.089 -0.065 -0.520 -0.866 025
0.11 0.039 0.054 0.040 -0.140 -0.493 -0.5
0.12 0.046 0.047 -0.002 -0.183 -0.406 0

10. r = k/h 2 = 1, k = 1, 2 steps. The series in Sec. 11.5 gives (with L = 10, t = 2,
bi = 2.58012, b2 = 0, b3 = 0.09556)
u = bi sin O. lx exp (- 7T 2 /50) + b3 sin 0.3x exp ( -97T2 /50).
The values fort = 2 and x = 0, 1, , 10 are (exact values in parentheses) 0 (0),
0.6691 (0.6546), 1.2619 (l.2449), 1.7212 (1.7135), 2.0075 (2.0143), 2.1043 (2.1179),
2.0075 (2.0143), etc. (symmetric).
12. CAS PROJECT. u(O, t) = u(l, t) = 0, u(0.2, t) = u(0.8, t), u(0.4, t) = u(0.6, t),

X = 0.2 X = 0.4

t= 0 0.587785 0.951057
0.393432 0.636586 Explicit
t = 0.04 0.399274 0.646039 CN
0.396065 0.640846 Exact (6D)
0.263342 0.426096
t = 0.08 0.271221 0.438844
0.266878 0.431818
0.176267 0.285206
t = 0.12 0.184236 0.298100
0.179829 0.290970
0.117983 0.190901
t = 0.16 0.125149 0.202495
0.121174 0.196063
0.078972 0.127779
t = 0.2 0.085012 0.137552
0.081650 0.132112
Instructor's Manual 259

SECTION 19.7. Methods for Hyperbolic Equations, page 982

Purpose. Explanation of the numerical solution of the wave equation, the prototype of a
hyperbolic equation, on a region of the same type as in the last section, subject to initial
and boundary conditions that guarantee the uniqueness of the solution.
Comments on Content
We now have two initial conditions (given initial displacement and given initial veloc-
ity), in contrast to the heat equation in the last section, where we had only one initial con-
The computation by (6) is simple. Formula (8) gives the values of the first time steps
in terms of the initial data.


2. Note that the curve of f(x) is no longer symmetric with respect to x = 0.5. The so-
lution was required for O ~ t ~ 1. We present it here for a full cycle O ~ t ~ 2:

X = 0.2 X = 0.4 X = 0.6 X = 0.8

0 0.032 0.096 0.144 0.128
0.2 0.048 0.088 0.112 0.072
0.4 0.056 0.064 0.016 -0.016
0.6 0.016 -0.016 -0.064 -0.056
0.8 -0.072 -0.112 -0.088 -0.048
1.0 -0.128 -0.144 -0.096 -0.032
1.2 -0.072 -0.112 -0.088 -0.048
1.4 0.016 -0.016 -0.064 -0.056
1.6 0.056 0.064 0.016 -0.016
1.8 0.048 0.088 0.112 0.072
2.0 0.032 0.096 0.144 0.128

4. By (14), Sec. 11.4, with c = 1 the left side of (6) is

(A) ui,j+l = u(ih, (j + l)h) = i[J(ih + (j + l)h) + f(ih - (j + l)h)]

and the right side is the sum of the six terms

ui-l,j = i[J((i - l)h + jh) + f((i - l)h - jh)],

Ui+l,j = i[f(i + l)h + jh) + f((i + l)h - jh)],

-ui,j-l = -i[J(ih + (j - l)h) + f(ih - (j - l)h].

Four of these six terms cancel in pairs, and the remaining expression equals the right
side of (A).
6. From (13), Sec. 11.4, with c = 1 we get the exact solution

u(x, t) =-
1 fx+ct sin 'TTS ds = - 1 [cos 'TT(x - ct) - cos 'TT(x + ct)].
2 x-ct 2 'TT

From (8) we have kgi = O.lgi = 0.1 sin 0.1 'TTi. Because of the symmetry with respect
260 Instructor's Manual

to x = 0.5 we may list only the following values (with the exact values in parenthe-

X = 0.1 X = 0.2 X = 0.3 X = 0.4 X = 0.5

0.0 0 0 0 0 0
0.030 902 0.058 779 0.080902 0.095 106 0.100000
(O.o30 396) (0.057 816) (0.079 577) (0.093 549) (0.098 363)
0.058 779 0.111 804 0.153 885 0.180 902 0.190 212
(0.057 816) (0.109 973) (0.151 365) (0.177 941) (0.187 098)
0.080 902 0.153 885 0.211 804 0.248 991 0.261 804
(0.079 577) (0.151 365) (0.208 337) (0.244 914) (0.257 518)
0.095106 0.180 902 0.248 991 0.292 706 0.307 770
(0.093 549) (0.177 941) (0.244 914) (0.287 914) (0.302 731)

8. Since u(x, 0) = f(x), the derivation is immediate. Formula (8) results if the integral
equals 2kgi.
10. Exact solution: u(x, t) = (x + t)2. The values obtained in the computation are those
of the exact solution. u 11 , u 21 , u 3 i , u 41 are obtained from (8) and the initial condi-
tions uio = (0.2i) 2 , gi = 0.2i. In connection with the left boundary condition we can
use the central difference formula

to obtain u_ 1 ,j and then (8) to compute u 01 and (6) to compute uo,j+l


22. y = ex. Computed values are

Xn Yn y(xn) Error X 106 Error in Prob. 21

O.ol 1.010 000 1.010 050 50

0.02 1.020100 1.020 201 101
0.03 1.030 301 1.030 455 154
0.04 1.040 604 1.040 811 207
0.05 1.051010 1.051 271 261
0.06 1.061 520 1.061 837 316
0.07 1.072 135 1.072 508 373
0.08 1.082 857 1.083 287 430
0.09 1.093 685 1.094174 489
0.10 1.104 622 1.105 171 549 0.005 171

We see that the error of the last value has decreased by a factor 10, approximately,
due to the smaller step.
Instructor's Manual 261

24. y = 2e-x + x2 + I.

Xn Yn Error X 10 4

0.1 2.8205 -8
0.2 2.6790 -15
0.3 2.5738 -22
0.4 2.5033 -27
0.5 2.4662 -32
0.6 2.4612 -36
0.7 2.4871 -39
0.8 2.5429 -42
0.9 2.6276 -44
1.0 2.7404 -46

26. y = ex 212 ; 0, 7 10-9 , 7 10-8 , 4 10- 7 , 10- 6 , 5 10-6

28. From y' = x + y and the given formula we get, with h = 0.2,
k1 = 0.2(Xn + Yn)
kz = 0.2[xn + 0.1 + Yn + O.l(xn + Yn)]
= 0.2[1.l(xn + Yn) + 0.1]
k~ = 0.2[xn + 0.2 + Yn - 0.2(Xn + Yn) + 0.4[1.l(xn + Yn) + 0.1 ]]
= 0.2[1.24(xn + Yn) + 0.24]
and from this
Yn+l = Yn + !(1.328(xn + Yn) + 0.128].
The computed values are

Xn Yn Error X 106

0.0 0.000000 0
0.2 0.021333 69
0.4 0.091655 170
0.6 0.221 808 311
0.8 0.425 035 506
1.0 0.717 509 772

30. Solution y = tan x - x + 4.

Xn Yn Error X 106

0.8 4.22969 -52

1.0 4.55686 +548

The starting values were obtained by classical Runge-Kutta.

34. y 1 = 2, 2, 1.68, , -3.30955; y 2 = 0, -1.6, - 3.2, , 5.17403. Exact solution
4yi2 + yz2 = 16 (ellipse).
36. y 1 = -6e 9 x + 3e 3 x, y2 = -2e 9 x - e 3 x; errors of y 1 : - I X 10- 3 , -3 X 10- 3 ,
-7 X 10-3 ; errors of y 2 : -3 X 10-4, -10 X 10-4 , -25 X 10-4

262 Instructor's Manual

38. The computed values are

Xn Yn Yn ' Yexact Error '

Yexact Error
0.0 0 -3 0 0 -3 0
0.1 -0.3 -3 -0.299 0.001 -2.97 O.D3
0.2 -0.597 -2.94 -0.592 0.005 -2.88 0.06
0.3 -0.884985 -2.819 700 -0.873 O.Dl 1 985 -2.73 0.089 7
0.4 -1.157 910 -2.638 796 -1.136 0.021 910 -2.52 0.118 796
0.5 -1.409 698 -1.375 0.034 698 -2.25

40. u(P11 ) = u(P12) = 105, u(P21 ) = 155, u(Pd = 115

42. 1.96, 7.86, 29.46
44. From the 3D-values given below we see that at each point x > 0 the temperature os-
cillates with a phase lag and a maximum amplitude that decreases with decreasing x.

x=O X = 0.2 X = 0.4 X = 0.6 X = 0.8 X = 1.0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.02 0 0 0 0 0 0.5
0.04 0 0 0 0 0.250 0.866 025
0.06 0 0 0 0.125 0.433 1
0.08 0 0 0.062 0.217 0.562 0.866 025
0.10 0 0.031 0.108 0.312 0.541 0.5
0.12 0 0.054 0.172 0.325 0.406 0
0.14 0 0.086 0.189 0.289 0.162 -0.5
0.16 0 0.095 0.188 0.176 -0.105 -0.866025
0.18 0 0.094 0.135 0.041 -0.345 -1
0.20 0 0.068 0.067 -0.105 -0.479 -0.866 025
0.22 0 0.034 -0.019 -0.206 -0.485 -0.5
0.24 0 -0.009 -0.086 -0.252 -0.353 0

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