Tut 5 On PDEs
Tut 5 On PDEs
Tut 5 On PDEs
Questions on CO1
1. Identify the following equations by their name (if any), order, linear or
nonlinear, homogeneous or non-homogeneous:
∂2y ∂2y
∂t2 + ∂s2 = es+t
Ans: 2-D Poisson equation, second order, linear, non-homogeneous differ-
ential equation.
∂y ∂2y
∂t = ∂t2
Ans: second order, linear, homogeneous differential equation that can be
solved as an ODE.
∂2u 2
∂t2 = c2 ∂∂xu2
Ans: One dimensional wave equation, second order, linear, homogeneous
differential equation.
∂ y ∂y
( ∂x2 )siny + ∂t =0
Ans: second order, non-linear, homogeneous differential equation.
∂2u ∂2u
∂x2 + ∂y 2 = f (x, y) Ans: Same as first.
2. Write the general one dimensional heat equation and show that u = e−9t sinωx
is a solution for some suitable constant c.
3. State the ideal physical conditions which are assumed to model the Partial
Differential Equation of a vibrating string?
Ans: String is homogeneous i.e. density is uniform and perfectly elastic i.e.
no resistance to bending, tightly stretched so that tension is so large that
gravitational force can be neglected, motion of the particles is only in one
direction i.e. vertical so that deflection and slope at any point is always
small in absolute value.
Questions on CO2 and CO3
1. Find solutions u(x, y) of the following equations by separating variables.
2 2
(a) ux + uy = (x + y)u Ans: ce(x +y )/2+k(x−y)
3 3
(b) y 2 ux − x2 uy = 0 Ans: cem(x +y )
(c) ux = 2ut + u, u(x, 0) = 6e−3x Ans: u(x, t) = 6e−3x−2t
(d) 2xzx − 3yzy = 0 Ans: cxk/2 y k/3
2. Find the deflection u(x, t) of the string of length L = 1 when c = 1, the
initial velocity is zero, and the initial deflection is 2x − x2 , 0 < x < 1/2 and
is zero if 1/2 < x < 1 Express u(x, t) as superposition of two functions.
3. Find the deflection u(x, t) of the string of length L when c = 1, the initial
velocity is zero, and the initial deflection in the interval [0, L] is
(a) f (x) = kx(1 − x2 ) with L = 1 Ans:
X 12k(−1)n+1
u(x, t) = cos nπt sin nπx
n3 π 3
X 18b sin nπ/3
u(x, t) = Bn cos nπt sin nπx; Bn = (1 − 2 cos nπ/3)
n2 π 2
4. Find the deflection u(x, t) of the string of length L when c = 1, the initial
deflection is zero, and the initial velocity is
(a)g(x) = 0.01x if 0 ≤ x ≤ π/2, g(x) = 0.01(π − x) if π/2 ≤ x ≤ π with
L = π.
b b
(b)g(x) = b sin(3πx/L) cos(2πx/L) Ans: 2 sin t sin x + 10 sin 5t sin 5x
For a vibrating string there is only one set of boundary conditions viz. zero
boundary conditions. And hence when we solve the ODE we get only the
trivial solution for two choices of the constant (k = 0 and k > 0) and only
the case when k < 0 gives us a solution which is harmonic in nature and
then we can get the complete solution by applying the initial conditions.
But this is not so for the one dimensional heat equation. Mathematically
you get a solution for two cases - viz. when k = 0 , solution is u(x, t) =
Ax + B; and when k < 0 = −λ2 , the solution is u(x, t) = (acosλx +
2 2 2
bsinλx)e−c λ t/l (Note that the third choice of k is physically impossible
since the temperature cannot go to infinity as t goes to infinity). Now using
the principle of superposition we get the solution of the problem as u(x, t) =
2 2 2
Ax + B + (acosλx + bsinλx)e−c λ t/l . Observe that this tends to Ax + B
as t → ∞ and hence is called the steady state solution. What happens to
the temperature distribution till the steady state is reached is governed by
2 2 2
the term (acosλx + bsinλx)e−c λ t/l and hence this part of the solution is
called the transient solution. Now to get the values of A, B and λ we must
have three conditions and they are - the two boundary conditions and one
initial condition. We can have different sets boundary conditions and initial
condition may also be given in different ways. Following problems (5 to 11)
illustrate the different sets of boundary conditions and initial conditions.
2 2 2
Starting from the solution u(x, t) = Ax + B + (acosλx + bsinλx)e−c λ t/l
one can find the constants by using the given conditions.
Important tips:
1. Always think of the physical nature of the problem.
2. Note that it is always easier to use the zero conditions first.
3. Any zero condition, for example u(0, t) = 0 must be understood
as to be true for all t
4. Insulated ends or adiabatic conditions mean that there is no
flow of heat in the direction of the gradient which for one dimen-
sional heat equation means that ∂u/∂x is zero at the ends at all
5. You could have mixed boundary conditions.
5. Consider ut = c2 uxx such that u(0, t) = u(L, t) = 0. Find first three eigen-
functions with Bn = 1, c = 1, L = π.
6. If the first eigenfunction of the bar for above heat equation decreases to
half its value within 10 sec. What is the value of diffusivity. ( Ans: c2 =
0.00702L2 )
7. Find the temperature u(x, t) in a bar of length L that is perfectly insu-
lated laterally, whose ends are kept at temperature 0 0 c and whose initial
temperature is f (x) where
(a) f (x) = k sin(0.2πx); L = 10cm, ρ = 10.6gm/cm3 , thermal conductivity
= 1.04cal/(cmseco c), σ = 0.056cal/gm0 c. Ans: B2 = k, all other coefficients
are 0.
Not part of syllabus
(b) f (x) = x if 0 < x < 2.5; f (x) = 2.5 if 2.5 < x < 7.5; f (x) = 10 −
x if 7.5 < x < 10; L = 10cm, ρ = 10.6gm/cm3 , thermal conductivity =
1.04cal/(cmseco c), σ = 0.056cal/gm0 c. Ans:
(c) f (x) = 2 − 0.4|x − 5|; L = 10cm
8. Find the temperature u(x, t) in a bar that is perfectly insulated laterally,
whose ends are insulated and whose initial temperature is f (x) where
(a) f (x) = cos(2x), L = π, c = 1 (b) f (x) = 1 − (x/π), L = π, c = 1
(c) f (x) = (x − π/2)2 , L = π, c = 1.Ans:
Not part of syllabus
π2 X 1 −4k 2 t
u(x, t) = + cos 2kxe
12 k2
11. A rod of 100 cm. length has its ends kept at 0 0 c and 100 0 c until the
steady state conditions prevail. The two ends are then suddenly insulated
and maintained so. Find the temperature in the rod. Show that the sum
of the temperatures at any two points equidistant from the centre is always
100 0 c.Ans:
400 X 1 (2k − 1)πx −t(2k−1)2 π2 c2 /100
u(x, t) = 50 − 2 cos e
π (2k − 1)2 100
12. The faces of a thin square copper plate of side 24 cm. are perfectly insulated.
The right side is kept at 20 0 c and the other sides are kept at 0 0 c. Find the
steady state temperature u(x, y) in the plate. Ans:
80 X 1 nπx nπy
sinh sin
π n sinh nπ 24 24
Not part of syllabus nodd
13. Find the steady state temperature distribution in a thin rectangular metal
plate 0 < x < a, 0 < y < b with its two faces insulated with the following
boundary conditions prescribed on the four edges - u(0, y) = u(a, y) =
u(x, 0) = 0; u(x, b) = sin(nπx/a).Ans:
X nπb nπx nπy
u(x, y) = cosech sin sinh
a a a
8. Obtain the temperature u(x, y) at any point (x, y) in a rectangular plate of
sides a and b where the heat flow is steady, faces are completely insulated
and if initial temperature is given by u(0, y) = f (y), u(x, 0) = u(a, y) =
u(x, b) = 0.
Please report any mistakes in the problems here and start a forum on moodle
where you can post the solutions to these.