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Sr. Particulars Page No.

1. General Information 8
2. Service Marketing 20
3. Survey on Consumer 55
4. Limitations of Study 71
5. SWOT Analysis 72
6. Conclusion 73
7. Suggestions 74
8. Bibliography 75
General Information
Sr. Particulars Page No.
1. About Bharti Televentures 10-11
2. About Airtel 12-14
3. Launching of Airtel in Gujarat 15
4. Airtel to revolutionize the 16
mobile category
5. Bharti launched Airtel India's 17-18
most advanced mobile service
6. Privacy Policy 19

Peeaar Graphics (2455837)

About Bharti Televentures
Bharti Tele-Ventures is India's leading
private sector provider of telecommunications
services based on an aggregate of
approximately 1,932,000 customers comprising
of mobile, fi xed-line and Internet customers, as
of June 30, 2002. Of these, 1,607,000 are
mobile customers. The company also provides
VSAT, Internet and broadband network
solutions. In addition, it off ers national long
distance services by providing data
transmission services and voice transmission

Bharti Tele-Ventures plans to widen its

range of telecommunication services by
providing international bandwidth access and
international voice services. The company
seeks to capitalize on the growth opportunities
that it believes are available in the Indian
telecommunications market and consolidate its
position to be an integrated
telecommunications service provider in key
markets in India, with a focus on providing
mobile services.

Bharti Tele-Ventures is a holding company

and its operations are segmented into four
divisions, operated by wholly owned
subsidiaries: Mobile - Bharti Cellular, Access -
Bharti Telenet, Long Distance - Bharti Telesonic,
Peeaar Graphics (2455837)
Broadband Solutions - Bharti Broadband

The Company today off ers mobile services

in Fifteen out of 22 circles in India. As of June
30, 2002, approximately 93% of India's total
number of mobile subscribers resided in BTVL's
existing and proposed mobile circles, according
to COAI reports.

Bharti Tele-Ventures was the fi rst private

sector operator to provide fi xed-line services in
India when it commenced providing services in
the Madhya Pradesh & Chattisgarh circle in
June 1998. BTVL recently launched its fi xed-line
services in the license areas of Haryana, Delhi,
Tamil Nadu and Karnataka and thus became the
fi rst private sector service provider to provide
fi xed-line services in all its remaining licensed

Bharti Tele-Ventures has always believed in

creating strong partnerships with its joint
venture partners. Today, Singtel and War burg
Pincus are its leading partners. The other
partners include leading international fi nancial
investors such as International Finance
Corporation, Asian Infrastructure Fund Group
and New York Life Insurance.

Peeaar Graphics (2455837)

About Airtel
Airtel .. A vibrant new World of
unlimited opportunities, where "Air' symbolized
a word of unlimited freedom to think .
to dream & to achieve, where "Tel' connotes
new innovative yet simple ways to
communicate spontaneously, not just through
words but through ideas, emotions and
feelings. Together they represent a sensitive
contemporary confi dent symbol for those who
believe in true leadership.

Airtel comes to you from Bharti Cellular

Limited - a part of the biggest private
integrated telecom conglomerate, Bharti

Bharti Enterprises has been at the forefront

of technology and has revolutionized
telecommunications with its world-class
products and services. Established in 1976,
Bharti has been a pioneering force in the
telecom sector with many fi rsts and
Peeaar Graphics (2455837)
innovations to its credit. Bharti has many joint
ventures with world leaders like Singtel
(Singapore Telecom); War burg Pincus, USA;
Telia, Sweden; Asian infrastructure fi nd,
Mauritius; International Finance Corporation,
USA and New York Life International, USA.

Bharti provides a range of telecom

services, which include Cellular, Basic, Internet
and recently introduced National Long
Distance. Bharti also manufactures and exports
telephone terminals and cordless phones. Apart
from being the largest manufacturer of
telephone instruments in India, it is also the
fi rst company to export its products to the USA.

Bharti is the leading cellular service

provider, with a footprint in 15 states covering
all four metros. It has over one million satisfi ed


Consecutively for four years 1997, 1998,

1999 and 2000, Airtel has been voted as the
Best Cellular Service in the country and won
the coveted Techies award.

The Asia Pacifi c Award for the Most

Innovative HR practices-2000 The Golden
Peeaar Graphics (2455837)
Peacock National Training Award for excellence
in Training practices-2000 The Golden Peacock
National Quality Award-2001.


"To make mobile communications a way of

life and be the customers' fi rst choice."


We will meet the mobile communication

needs of our customers through:

Error- free service delivery

Innovative products and services
Cost effi ciency
Unifi ed Messaging Solutions

Peeaar Graphics (2455837)

Launching of Airtel in
Ahmedabad, August 5, 2002: Bharti
Cellular Limited, a subsidiary of Bharti Tele-
Ventures, India's leading telecom
conglomerate, today announced the launch of
Airtel mobile services in Gujarat.

Speaking on the occasion Mr Sunil Bharti

Mittal, Chairman and Group Managing Director,
Bharti Enterprises said "It is my proud privilege
to bring Airtel to Gujarat. Today we bring to
Gujarat a world-class network and a slew of
unique benefi ts for the fi rst time in India that
only a true pan-India mobile player can off er."

Mr Sanjay Kapoor, Executive Director,

Bharti Cellular Limited said, "Airtel's entry in
Gujarat is a defi ning event which brings to our
Peeaar Graphics (2455837)
customers a bouquet of unique benefi ts. We are
sure our service off erings will further stimulate
growth and enhance the quality standards of
mobile services in Gujarat."

Airtel To Revolutionize
The Mobile Category
Mr Prabhat Pani, Chief Executive Offi cer -
Gujarat, Bharti Cellular Limited, said, "Airtel is
set to redefi ne the existing benchmarks of the
mobile category in Gujarat. We will bring to
Gujarat customers the same unmatched
network quality and outstanding value that has
made Airtel the preferred choice of lakhs of
customers across the country."

Peeaar Graphics (2455837)

Bharti Launches Airtel
India's Most Advanced
Mobile Service
Introduces in Gujarat a slew of never-

benefi ts for the fi rst time leveraging

Bharti's pan-India footprint

Launches fi rst 1800 MHz GSM mobile

service in Gujarat

Launches 30-Second Pulse

Peeaar Graphics (2455837)


Introduces never-before benefi ts for the
fi rst time in India that leverage Bharti's
national footprint
No Roaming charges on Airtel networks
across the country
Incoming calls free from any mobile across
India for a fi xed monthly rental
- Free Airtime on 1 international, 1 national
and 1 local number without any monthly

Creates Outstanding Value for Customers

Innovative Tariff Plan, Airtel Dream-The more
you talk, the less you pay
Airtel Delight Plan - Airtime on all incoming
calls free for a fl at monthly charge
Airtel Paradise Plan - Airtime on both
incoming and outgoing calls free
Free Airtime packages at night
- Free SMS and Voice Mail for 3 months

Delivers enhanced Customer Care

through 45 Airtel exclusive one-stop
mobile shops

Launches Airtel Magic - India's largest

Peeaar Graphics (2455837)
selling Prepaid card with Full two-way
Roaming across Western India on Pre-
paid cards

Privacy Policy

Airtel values the privacy of information

pertaining to its associates. We do not use or
disclose information about your individual visits
to our portal or information that you may give

Peeaar Graphics (2455837)

us, such as your name, address, email address
or telephone number, to any outside sources.

We will not use information about you

without your permission and will provide the
means for you to manage and control the
information that you have provided. We will
enable you to communicate your privacy
concerns to us and that we will respond to
them appropriately. We do not disclose any
personal information to advertisers and for
other marketing and promotional purposes that
could be used to personally identify you, such
as your password, credit card number and bank
account number. The credit card transaction
information is protected by the industry
standard Secure Socket Layer (SSL).

Service Marketing
Sr. Particulars Page No.
1. Service marketing mix 22

Peeaar Graphics (2455837)

2. Product V/s. Service marketing 23
3. Nature & role of service 24
4. Marketing yesterday & today 25-26
5. Views on yesterday & today's 27-28
6. Marketing yesterday & today 29-31
in chart form
7. Change in philosophy of 32
8. Airtel's most advanced 33-37
9. Wide range of value added 38
10. Airtel Rajkot Zone 39
11. Airtel magic guide 40-42
12. Airtel magic tariff 43-44
13. Welcome to Airtel magic 45
14. Airtel services 46-49
15. Coverage 50
16. Frequently Asked Questions 51-52
17. Magic Help line 53
18. Value added services in magic 54

Service Marketing Mix

Peeaar Graphics (2455837)

The diff erence between marketing goods
and marketing services becomes more
noticeable at the tactical level. This occurs
primarily because as marketing moves towards
tactical level. This occurs primarily because as
marketing moves towards tactical issues then it
also moves closer to, and, must be more
tailored to the distinguishing features of
specifi c products and markets. In the context
of the marketing mix, this suggests that in the
case of services, the composition of that mix
and the management of its elements can be
quite distinctive. Thus, we fi nd that the
applicability of the traditional 4 P's in the case
of service marketing has been extensively

The service marketing mix should include a

fi fth "P' namely "people' to acknowledge the
important role played by individuals in the
provision of services. This additional element
incorporates not just personnel involved in
direct communication with customers; it also
includes operational personnel and the
customer group.

Therefore, the fi ve P's of service marketing

mix are "Product, Price, Promotion, Place &

Peeaar Graphics (2455837)

Product V/s. Service
In manufacturing, the marketing function
plays an important role in the identifi cation of
customers need. Here customer needs are
identifi ed and product development before the
production. Production precedes demand
stimulation, which precedes consumption. The
postproduction refer include creating brand
awareness, including brand trial, demonstrating
brand benefi ts and building brand preference.
Customers assess the brands promised benefi ts
during consumption, strengthening or
weakening brand preference accordingly.

Peeaar Graphics (2455837)

Nature & Role of
Service Marketing
Although both services marketing and
goods marketing start with the critical need
identifi cation and product design functions,
goods generally are produced before it is sold
and services generally are sold before it is
produced. Moreover, service marketing has
more limited infl uence on customers before the
purchase than goods marketing.

Normally, the customers must experience

the intangible service to really know it.
Intangibility makes more diffi cult for customers
to imagine and desire than goods. Customer's
perception of risk tends to be high for services
because services cannot be touched, smelled,
tasted or tried before purchase.

Peeaar Graphics (2455837)

Yesterday & Today
The word marketing was spelled out in a
diff erent sense few years back. Then, it was
understood as restricted to mere selling of
goods and services. The motive of the profi t-
oriented fi rms was to earn profi t through higher
sales volume for which aggressive selling
techniques were essential. It was the sellers
market where in goods were sold with least
regard to its quality, value, etc.

But today, the defi nition of marketing has

been changed. The marketing activities of an
organisation start before the product is
produced and continues ever after the product
is sold. In the buyers market of recent times
the sharpest weapon that a company can
develop in a globalised marketing place is the
value creation and delivery. The product and
demanding customer of today brings before
corporates a critical fact, when the customer is
jury, it is the value generation for the customer
that will separate the victor from the
vanquished. The value of customer service
cascades all over the company. The aim of
Peeaar Graphics (2455837)
customer focus is not just satisfaction but

"Satisfaction suffi ce but delight dazzles'

Moreover the marketing activities of a fi rm

are not just limited to profi t through customer
satisfaction, but it also includes the concept of
socially responsible marketing. Today, in order
to create a responsible and caring image of a
company, it needs to carry out various social

Therefore, the modern marketing concept

aims at delighting the customer by meeting his
requirements and therefore earns profi t and
fulfi lls the social responsibilities.

Peeaar Graphics (2455837)

Views on Yesterday &
Today's Marketing
Traditional Views

Defi nitions

"Marketing comprises both buying and

selling activities."

"It is an economic process by means of

which goods and services are exchanged
and their values determined in terms of
money price."
Edward David.

We can conclude that:

(1) The traditional concept lays emphasis on
the production or sale and purchase of
goods and services.
(2) Almost all the authorities belonging to the
group have neglected a key ingredient like
after sales service.
Peeaar Graphics (2455837)
(3) The traditional thoughts are "Product-
(4) None of the traditional experts have given
any importance to the social responsibility
or accounting.
(5) They have confi ned the functional areas of
marketing only to the limit of transfer of
goods and services or exchange of

Modern Views

Defi nitions

"Marketing is the creation and delivery of a

standard of living."
Malcom Mcnair & Paul

"Marketing is the process of discovering

and translating consumer needs and wants
into product and services specifi cation,
creating demand for the product and
services and then in turn expanding their

We conclude that:
(1) Marketing is a means to make profi table
(2) It is medium to satisfy consumer needs.
(3) It is a chain of processes backed by
creative thinking.
(4) Everything the business does is marketing.
Peeaar Graphics (2455837)
(5) Marketing is the creation and delivery of
standard of living.
(6) Marketing is a response to consumer
(7) Marketing is a set of human activities.

Marketing Yesterday &

Today in Chart Form
Marketing as an equal function

Personnel Finance


Marketing as an
important Marketing function

Peeaar Graphics (2455837)


Marketing as a major function

Personnel Finance



Personnel Finance
Customer as the controlling function &
marketing as theMarketing
intelligence function

Peeaar Graphics (2455837)



Customer as a controlling function




Peeaar Graphics (2455837)

Change in philosophy of
Old New
Particular Strategic
Philosoph Philosoph
s Philosophy
y y
1960 -
Era Pre 1960 Post 1990
Way of
Focus Product Customer doing
Integrated Knowledge
Mean Marketing and
Mix Experience
benefi cial
Ends Profi ts Value
Marketing Selling Recognize Everything
Peeaar Graphics (2455837)
d as an

Airtel's Most Advanced


Airtel, which will be operating on 1800 MHz with over

220 cell sites, will bring to Gujarat an unmatched
network quality. The network is riding on the state-
of-the-art Mobile Switching Centre from
Siemens and Radio network from Motorola, and
an Intelligent Network platform from Siemens. The
Mobile Switching Centre has a superior processor to
handle calls, reduce network congestion, enable
better call completion rate and increase efficiency.

Peeaar Graphics (2455837)

The network is equipped with "Enhanced Full Rate"
capabilities to provide distinctively superior voice
quality to all its customers.

Airtels Intelligent Network will bring to Gujarat a

superior Pre-paid product along with a host of value-
added services.

30-Second Pulse

Based on strong customer feedback, Airtel launches

with a 30-second pulse in Gujarat. This will ensure
that the customer does not get billed for 60 seconds
when his call is less than or equal to 30 seconds.
Whatever be the call length, customers are assured
of significant savings.

Introduces never-before benefits for the first

time in India that leverage Bhartis national

Customers can now carry their Gujarat rate plan and

roam without paying roaming charges on all
Airtel networks across the country (the standard
STD charges would continue to be applicable). This
service will be available in all Airtel networks except
Chennai, Kolkata, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka
where it will be rolled out shortly.
Peeaar Graphics (2455837)
Airtel now makes all incoming calls from any
mobile across the country absolutely free for
one month and thereafter for a fixed monthly
rental (provided customers are on their home
network in Gujarat when they receive them).

Airtel makes keeping in touch with friends and family

effortless by giving free airtime on all outgoing
calls on 1 international, 1 national & 1 local
number of choice without any monthly charge
(only PSTN / STD / ISD charges would be applicable).

Outstanding Value to Customers

Airtel brings to the customers of Gujarat a unique

plan - Airtel Dream where the airtime rate
keeps reducing with increasing usage. Moreover,
the customer does not have to commit airtime in
advance to avail this benefit.

Airtel also introduces two plans meant for high-end

users: Airtel Delight Plan - where customers can
get all incoming calls free for a flat monthly
charge and Airtel Paradise Plan - whereby
customers can talk as much as they want with
free airtime on both incoming and outgoing
calls for a flat monthly charge.

Peeaar Graphics (2455837)

Airtel gives to all its post-paid subscribers in Gujarat
32K SIM, a card with larger memory that allows
storage of 250 telephone numbers in the phone book
and 30 messages in the inbox. It offers a menu-
driven browser that lets customers use SMS-based
applications without needing to remember
complicated keywords.

Airtel offers simple and convenient access to

information and shopping through its Shopping
Junction and Info Junction service. Customers can:
Dial 600 for Shopping Junction and order food,
book movie tickets, book airline tickets or arrange
delivery of flowers.
- Dial 601 for Info Junction for the latest in news,
cricket, stocks, astrology and lots more.

Airtel brings to Gujarat a special introductory

offer of free SMS & free Voice Mail for 3
months, to let customers experience the complete
benefits of mobile telephony.

Enhanced Customer Care through 45 Airtel

exclusive one stop mobile shops

Peeaar Graphics (2455837)

Airtel brings to Gujarat 45 Airtel exclusive one
stop mobile shops. Here, customers can avail of all
the services including purchase a mobile phone, get
a new connection, subscribe to value-added services,
pay bills and resolve any other queries.

Airtel offers 24-hours Customer care through its

Customer Care Call centre, front-ended by a
robust Per phonics IVR, which allows customers to
solve over 50% of their queries themselves without
having to wait for manual assistance.

Airtel is supported by state-of-the-art technology. The

Oracle e CRM provides a uniform & consistent
experience to the customers irrespective of the
interface (Voice, fax, e-mail, SMS, face-to-face) they
choose. Kenan, one of the top billing systems in the
world, gives the assurance of bills that are accurate
and easy to understand.

Launches Airtel Magic - Indias largest selling

Prepaid card

Simple, convenient and affordable way to go


Offers potential customers a low-cost entry to
the mobile category. Every card comes with an
introductory offer of free talk time and getting
back their activation charge over a period of 6
Peeaar Graphics (2455837)

Introduces a simple tariff plan with same rates
for incoming and outgoing calls

Launches for the first time reduced rates at

30-Second Pulse

Airtel ensures that the customer does not get
billed for 60 seconds when his call is less than or
equal to 30 seconds. Considering almost 50% of
all calls are under 30-seconds, customers can look
forward to significant savings.

Airtel Magic introduces for the first time in

India "Full Roaming"(two-way) on Pre-paid
cards across Western India (Gujarat,
Maharashtra, Goa, Mumbai, Madhya Pradesh
and Chattisgarh)
Not just receive from, but also make calls to
anywhere in Western India
Recharge from anywhere in Western India
(Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Mumbai, Madhya
Pradesh and Chattisgarh)
Send and receive SMS.

Balance on screen and Instant recharge

Instant balance enquiry facility by simply dialing
*123# from handset, enabling user to control

Peeaar Graphics (2455837)


Recharge instantly by dialing *101 * recharge
code# directly from the handset without any IVR /
customer care intervention, enabling instant
recharge, 24 hours a day.

Other recharge option IVR based

Wide range of Value Added

Apart from this, offers a host of services in
addition to its inherent benefits of no rentals,
no security deposits and STD & ISD facility
Access to Shopping Junction (Dial 600) and Info
Junction (Dial 601)
Free SMS for three months
Introduces Voice Mail Service, free for three

Airtel Magic Brand Ambassadors

Shahrukh Khan and Kareena Kapoor will be the
voice and face of "Airtel Magic". Kareena brings in
fresh, youthful energy while Shahrukh brings
leadership and experience. Together they promise
to mirror the energy, optimism, hopes and
achievements of 600 million people across 16
states with one mobile service.

Peeaar Graphics (2455837)

Airtel - Rajkot Zone
Name Address

Shop No.4,Shaligram Complex,

Aastha Cellular Opp. Deevanpara Police Station,
Services Near Rajashree Cinema, Rajkot.
Ph: 0281 - 223232

Shop No.3 & 4, Dhan Rajni

2 Genius enterprises Complex, Yagnik Road, Rajkot. Ph:
0281 - 462561

Vibhag -B , Shop No.8, Shree

Sanjayraj Traders Panchnath Complex,Opp.St.Mary's
Pvt.Ltd School,Kalawad Road, Rajkot. Ph:
0281 - 586360

Shop No 4/5 "SHILP" Ground floor,

Tushar Cellular
4 Indira Gandih Marg, Jamnagar. Ph:
0288 - 533400

C/o Uno Chemist , Summair Club

5 Uno Cellular Road, Jamnagar. Ph: 0288 -
552705 / 661187
Peeaar Graphics (2455837)
Shop No.5 ,Uganda Road, Near
6 Raj Trade Links Vishva Hospital, Porbandar. Ph:
0286 - 253330 / 253351

Shilpam Building , Opp.Sagar

7 Modern Cellular Restaurant , Kalwa Chowk ,
Jayshree Road , Junagarh.

Shop No 2, Satya Darshan

Complex, Near Ambe Matas
8 Pragati Tel
Temple, Hospital Road, Bhuj - Ph.
02832 - 50234 / 50334

C. V. Chamber, M. G. Road, Tanki

9 JC & Co Chowk , Surendranagar - Ph
02752 - 23875 / 37813

Shop No. 3 City Centre, Ground

10 Vijay Enterprises Floor,Kananala , Bhavnagar - Ph
0278 - 517150 / 411590

Airtel Magic Guide

Getting Started

To begin using the Airtel Magic SIM Card, you need to

purchase an Airtel Magic Recharge Card. Recharge
Cards are available for as low as Rs.300. Other
denominations are Rs.500, Rs.1000, Rs.2000 and Rs.
3000. You can choose the option you like. Each
option has its specific calling value, which you need
to load on to your Airtel Magic account to be able to

Peeaar Graphics (2455837)

Instant Balance Check

To check your balance amount simply dial 123

and listen to the voice announcements.

If you wish to check your balance amount on

your handset screen, simply press *123#.

How to recharge your Airtel Magic Card

The calling value on your card keeps reducing, as

you make and receive calls, as per the applicable
Before you exhaust your calling value or validity
period, please recharge your Airtel Magic Card.
Once your validity period expires, your Airtel Magic
Card gets deactivated. However, you get a grace
period in which you can reactivate your card by
recharging it.
If you recharge within the validity period or within
the grace period, any unused calling value will get
added to the new calling value.
Every time you recharge your card, you get a fresh
validity starting from the day you recharge

Making and Receiving Calls

To make a local call:

Dial the city STD code and the landline phone
number, e.g. 079 7544527

To call a local mobile phone number:

Dial the 10 digit number you want, e.g. 98980 98980
Peeaar Graphics (2455837)
To call a 3 digit number:
Dial city STD code and the number you want, e.g.
079 197

To call an STD number:

Dial the STD code and the landline number, e.g. 011

To call a mobile phone outside Gujarat:

Dial 0 and the 10 digit mobile phone number, e.g.
098101 98101

To make an ISD call:

Dial 00, the country code, the area code, the landline
phone number, e.g. 0033856312345

To make an ISD call to another mobile phone:

Dial 00, the country code, the desired number e.g.

Similarly an international caller wanting to call you

will dial 0091 and your Airtel Magic number.

To leave a message on a pager:

Dial the local STD code and the pager number. eg
079 9624 203897

About your SIM card

Your Airtel Magic SIM card brings your mobile

phone to life and gives you your mobile number. Find
your SIM card on the last page of the Users Guide.

PIN (Personal Identification Number)

Peeaar Graphics (2455837)

Your PIN is a four-digit password that protects your
SIM card against misuse. To key in your desired PIN
number, refer to your mobile phone manual. Your
existing PIN is 1234. We recommend that you
personalize your PIN for maximum security.

PUK (PIN Unblocking Key)

If the PIN is entered incorrectly thrice in a row, your

SIM card will get blocked, and your mobile phone will
ask for the PUK. To get the PUK, please call our
Customer Care at 98980 98980. Please enter the PUK
carefully, as the wrong PUK entered 10 times can
damage your SIM card permanently. You will then
have to replace the SIM with a new one.

Airtel Magic Tariff

Welcome to Airtel Magic. The simple, instant and
easy way to go mobile.

Going mobile has never been easier with only

Rs. 290/- (inclusive of Rs. 90/- free talk time) as a one
time activation fee for your Airtel Magic Sim Card.

Airtime Day (8 am to 10 Night (10 pm to 8

Rates * pm) am)
Peeaar Graphics (2455837)
Rs.1.50 Rs.0.75
Rs.1.50 Rs.0.75

* Pulse Rate of 30 seconds. Local/ STD/ ISD charges

extra as applicable

Vouche Processin Talk Servic Validit Grace

r g Fee Time e Tax y Period
300 100 185.71 14.29 90 Days
500 120 356.71 23.81 90 Days
1000 200 752.38 47.62 90 Days
1679.7 90
2000 225 95.24 90 Days
6 Days
2557.1 120
3000 300 142.86 90 Days
4 Days

Special Launch Offer

Go mobile for free - We offer free talk time worth

Rs.290. Rs.145 at the end of 3rd month and the
balance Rs.145 at the end of the sixth month from
the date of making the first call.

Free airtime - Every Airtel magic card will come
with Rs.90 worth talk time, valid for 7 days
Peeaar Graphics (2455837)
Free SMS for three months

Free VoiceMail for three months

Regional Roaming

Airtel Magic subscribers can now avail of Full

Roaming in the Western Region states by opting to
pay a Regional Roaming Monthly charge of Rs. 25/- .

The Regional roaming airtimes charges are Rs. 3

per minute (60 second pulse) plus a 8% surcharge as
recommended by TRAI.


Use the same SIM card and mobile number while

Recharge anywhere in the region
Access IN menu 123 from anywhere in the region

Welcome to Airtel Magic

Welcome to Airtel Magic prepaid mobile card. It
comes to you from Bharti Enterprises, Indias leading
integrated telecom service provider. Going mobile
with Airtel Magic is a new way of life. With a host of
Peeaar Graphics (2455837)
great features, also simple to use, Airtel Magic makes
everything that you dreamt and believed, possible.

Indeed, Magic hai to mumkin hai!

Here are the many advantages you enjoy with

AirTel Magic.

Total Cost Control

No Rentals
No deposits
STD/ISD facility till the last rupee
Instant Balance Inquiry
24-hour recharge facility
Caller Line Identification
Call Divert, Call Hold and Call Wait
Short Messaging Service (SMS)
SMS based Information Services
Voice Mail service
Info Junction
Shopping Junction

Airtel Services
Airtel welcomes you to a vibrant new world of
unlimited opportunities. More exciting, innovative yet
simple new ways to communicate, just when you
want to, not just through words but ideas, emotions
Peeaar Graphics (2455837)
and feelings. To give you the unlimited freedom to
reach out to your special people in your special way.

What is Airtel Services?

It's a menu on your SIM card that allows you to

access a host of information services and cool
downloads on your phone in just a few clicks. So now
no need to remember key words/ short codes to
access information. For eg instead of typing and
sending an SMS of short code - "AST, NEW, CRI,
MOV" to access information on horoscope, news,
cricket, movies etc on India times, you could now
scroll in your menu and reach the information in just
a few clicks. This menu already has the key words
pre-coded in your SIM card, allowing you to get
information. easily & swiftly. The desired
information will be displayed on your screen in about
15 seconds.

What are the various services available on the

Airtel Services?

With Airtel Services, you can now get the latest

news, download ring tones and logos, check the
status of you train ticket or the Jet Airways flight
schedule or surf to get the latest movie reviews on
your Airtel.

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Services Description
Ringers Download the latest ring tones
Fun Download logos or send flashing
Messages messages
Get the latest on news, cricket, travel,
India times
Get the latest on news, stocks, astro-
India Today
Movie review, top songs, top movies
Star Peep Get an interactive astro-forecast
Jet Mobile Know your flight status and set alerts
Railways Get your PNR status, train schedules
Get the latest IPO news, status of
gainers and losers at BSE

You could select any of the services mentioned

above and get further information options on each of
the services. So, for example if you select 'news'
under India times, you will then have the option of
choosing from the following i.e. latest news, world
news, business news, entertainment news or sports

Peeaar Graphics (2455837)

How do you access Airtel Services on your

Simply go your main menu and scroll till you reach

'Airtel Services' and press 'Yes / OK'. The various
options mentioned above will now be displayed on
your screen. As shown above, select any service that
you would wish more information on and press 'Yes/

Which are the handsets, which are compatible

with the Airtel Services?

A Wireless Internet Browser (WIB) on your mobile

phone supports the Airtel Services. While all the
above-mentioned handsets should support Airtel
Services, these services have been tested to work
optimally on the list of handsets mentioned below.

Nokia: 3310, 3315, 3330, 6210, 6510, 8310, 8250,

Motorola: Time port P7389i, Talk about
Panasonic: GD75
Siemens: C35i, M35
Samsung: SGH9100, R220
Ericsson: T28s

We shall endeavor to continuously add to this list

from time to time. In particular old handset models
have software versions, which may not support
Advanced WIB functionality.
Peeaar Graphics (2455837)
I click on a service but there is no response
message. Why?

Essentially it may take upto 15 sec on some

handsets for the response to be displayed.

Further advantages of Airtel Services

No more SMS inbox overload

With this browser, on clicking on any of the

abovementioned services the information comes
directly to your screen in the form of a flash
message. Since the message flashes on your
screen it doesn't block any space in your inbox
thereby avoiding the cumbersome exercise of
clearing your inbox from time to time.

What's New' service

'What's New' is a feature that enables you to

download new Airtel services from time to time. So
expect to continuously get the latest information
services and cool downloads on your Airtel.
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To know more about this service, please call our
Customer Care Centre at 98980 12345 or visit any of
our Airtel Exclusive Outlets.

In the first phase, the following areas are covered.
Sl. No.

Towns Sl. No. ay

1 Ahmedabad 1 Narol

2 Mehsana 2 Aslali

3 Palanpur 3 Bareja

4 HimmatNagar 4 Kheda

5 Godhra 5 Nadiad

6 Gandhinagar 6 Gamdi

7 Kadi 7 Vasad

8 Kalol 8 Channi

9 Chatral 9 Por

10 Mehmdabad 10 Karjan
Peeaar Graphics (2455837)
11 Vadodra 11 Palej

12 Anand 12 Manj

13 Nadiad 13 Rajpipala

14 Godhra 14 Kamrej Chowkdi

15 Jarod 15 Kadodara

16 Halol 16 Changodar

17 Kalol 17 Bavla

Super Gas
18 Surat 18

19 Valsad 19 Bagodra

20 Vapi 20 Kanpara

21 Ankleshwar 21 Limdi

22 Navsari 22 Vadod Village

23 Bharuch 23 Sayola

24 Umargam 24 Deduki

25 Rajkot 25 Chotila

26 SurenderNagar 26 Bawanbhor

27 Junagarh 27 Kuadwa

28 Bhavnagar

Peeaar Graphics (2455837)

Frequently Asked Questions
There might be times when you have certain
questions about your Airtel and its services. Queries
about the range, billing and other details. Or you
might like to know whom you can contact in case of
loss or theft. Here are answers to some of the
frequently asked questions. Remember, we are
always there for you at 98980 12345 or 121 from
your cell phone.

How do I take care of my handset?

Ensure that your cell phone is not exposed to

wet substances.
If your cell phone gets water logged, DO NOT
switch it ON. Do NOT expose it to direct or
indirect heat.
Dry the phone and the battery with cloth.
Remove the battery and refit the battery and

Are there any safety tips for my handset?

Do not hold the antenna when the cellular
phone is IN USE. This affects Call Quality.
Repairs and service of your cell phone or
accessories (like battery, charger, etc.) should
be handled only by authorised service centres.

Contact our Customer Care at 121 or 98920

12345 at the earliest with details of your SIM
Peeaar Graphics (2455837)
card, so we can process the same for
invalidation of your SIM. Make sure you do not
waste time because all calls made till you notify
Customer Service staff will be billed to your

You can be called in from anywhere in Mumbai

provided you are in the Airtel coverage area.
You can also call anywhere in India and overseas
when you avail of STD/ISD facility.

While on Roaming, all incoming calls are routed

through Madhya Pradesh. Therefore your
incoming call charge comprises the Roaming
airtime tariff plus STD/ISD.

Peeaar Graphics (2455837)

Will my calls be automatically diverted if my
cell phone is switched off or if I am not in a
transmission area?
Not unless you have activated the call divert
facility. In which case all your incoming calls will
be diverted to another pre-specified number. If
you have not programmed your cell phone for
this facility you will simply lose the call.

Who pays for diverted calls?

When a call is diverted to a landline phone, you
are charged outgoing airtime charges and
landline charges. When a call is diverted to
another cell phone number, you will be charged
outgoing airtime and the cell phone number it
has been diverted to will be charged incoming

Magic Help line

Airtel Magic Care

For assistance dial 121 or 98980 98980 (toll free)

from your Airtel Magic Mobile Phone, 24 hours a day.
You can also dial 98980 98980 from a landline

Peeaar Graphics (2455837)


Now that you know the infinite possibilities with your

Airtel Magic, go ahead. Dream your dreams. And you
will make them possible. Indeed, "Magic hai to
mumkin hai!".

Value Plus Services in Magic

Call Management Services:

1. Caller Line Identification Presentation (CLIP)

2. Call Waiting
3. Call Hold
Peeaar Graphics (2455837)
4. Call Divert
5. Call Conferencing

Value Plus Services

1. SMS (Short Messaging Service)

2. Voice Based Services
3. Prepaid Roaming
4. STD/ ISD till the last rupee
5. ISD Dynamic Lock Service

Consumer Survey On Customer

Satisfaction & Comparative Study Of Other
Family Entertainment Centers


(1) Personal Biodata

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Phone: (R) _______________________ (O)




Age: _______________

Sex: Male [ ] Female [ ]

(2) Occupation: Business [ ]

Profession [ ]

Service [ ]

Any other [ ]

Peeaar Graphics (2455837)
(3) Income Group: 5000 to 10000 [ ]

10000 to 20000 [ ]

20000 to 30000 [ ]

Above 30000 [ ]

(4) Do you have mobile phone?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

(6) Which of the following service

providers you prefer the most?

Airtel [ ]

Hutch [ ]

Idea [ ]

BSNL [ ]

(7) Are you a prepaid user or post-paid


Prepaid [ ]

Post Paid [ ]

Peeaar Graphics (2455837)

(8) If you are a prepaid user please
answer the following?
How many recharge coupon you purchase
per month? _____________________

Which scheme you use presently?


Do you use value added service?

Please specify

(9) Do you use roaming facility?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

(10) How many calls you receive & dial?

Receive _________ Dial _________

(11) Why you use mobile?

Just for emergency [ ]

Status symbol [ ]

Normal use [ ]

Peeaar Graphics (2455837)

(12) Are you satisfi ed with your service

Yes [ ] No [ ]

If No, specify

(13) If you get better services by other

service providers, will you switch over
to other service provider?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

(14) Give your suggestions to improve

the service quality.




Peeaar Graphics (2455837)

Thank You !!!


The survey done on Airtel has been

conducted with maximum accuracy and
eff ectiveness and tried to minimize the
limitations of the survey method. But still the
study suff ers from certain limitations, which are
as follows:

Sample size of 50 units may not be

suffi cient to draw the accurate conclusion.

Some important aspects aff ecting the

consumer and preference of consumer in

Peeaar Graphics (2455837)

terms of features may not be covered on
revealed in the questionnaire used.

Personal bias of respondents and in

analysis and interpretation may become a
constraint in revealing the true price.


High market
S Strength share brand
To attract all
W Weaknesses class of
Good service
will increase
O Opportunities
the no. of
T Threats Emerging
like Reliance,
Peeaar Graphics (2455837)
Hutch, Orange,

Airtel has good reputation in the market.
Objective of survey is to know the satisfaction
of users. I have already discussed the objects
in the survey.

The organisation has good reputation in the

market; however, it requires some eff orts to
maintain the reputation for the betterment of
its future. However, now they are taking
reasonable steps to improve its brand name
and sales target.
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Lastly, I can say that Airtel has bright
future for the coming years. And I hope this
project report will help them taking right
decision and fulfi ll their customer demands.

Again, I am thanking to all who directly or

indirectly helped me.

Wishing Airtel, the best success


After making a survey in Rajkot on Airtel, I

have come to some conclusive suggestions,
which are necessary for the company. From my
point of view to maintain and improve the
market share of Airtel, my main points or
suggestions are:
Peeaar Graphics (2455837)
During the survey, the major problem faced
by the user is the "price' of particular
service. So as far as possible they should
maintain their price level less as per
market price.

Most of the customers of Rajkot don't know

about the services provided by Airtel. So
company should concentrate on this point
and advertise so they attract customers.


Although it is said that only theoretical

knowledge is not enough. For studying any
topic, practical knowledge is must, hereby in
Peeaar Graphics (2455837)
this practical study, undergone without the
base of theoretical knowledge, the
understanding is incomplete.

Hence, to make this report easily

understandable and simple, I have taken
references of certain books regarding
marketing topics, retailing marketing, which are
mentioned below. For the basic knowledge and
concept clarity it was essential.

The references from which I gained


Sr. Description Author

1. Marketing Management Philip Kotler
2. Marketing Management Stanton
3. Website

Peeaar Graphics (2455837)


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