Project Report

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Submitted by

AJAY VAILORE (1301061014)


CHIRAG AHUJA (1301061056)

ADARSH RAJPAL (1301061012)

in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree










Certified that this project report DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING OF INTEGRATED



the project work under my supervision.




I feel much honoured in presenting this dissertation report in such an authenticable form
of sheer endurance and continual efforts of inspiring excellence from various coordinating
factor of cooperation and sincere efforts drawn from all sources of knowledge. I express my
UNIVERSITY, and UCoST for funding this project.

I wish to express my profound gratitude to PROF. UMESH WAZIR, HEAD OF

providing all the facilities, which would have made it possible for me to complete the
dissertation report. The cooperation he gave is greatly appreciated.
I extend my thanks to all classmates who have given their full cooperation and valuable
suggestion for my dissertation report work.



Many places in India, as we all know, has water crisis. Especially locations with high
altitudes face this problem. The solution to this problem entails the distribution of water to high
altitude places with the use of a pump. The pump is usually driven by a motor of the required
specification. The pump is then designed accordingly for the required head and discharge. The
downside to this method is that it requires continuous supply of electricity, which sometimes
may not be available at these remote areas.
Electricity is produced in many ways, the major one of them is by dams. The power produced
by dams is called hydroelectricity. Turbines are used in this process of producing electricity by
the heads available in rivers, it converts the pressure energy available in river into electrical
In this project, we are omitting the use of motor. Instead, the pump is driven by a turbine. The
pump then supplies water to the rural areas in high altitudes. The turbine and pump are mounted
on a single shaft, allowing the turbine to run the pump. This setup is encompassed by a single
volute casing.
A volute casing is a kind of spiral casing. It is an integral part of a turbine or a pump, which
directs the water into or out of the system seamlessly and hence contributing to the increase in
the overall efficiency.
The ultimate aim of this project is to design and manufacture a volute casing for an integrated
turbine-pump system.


















1 Runner
p 9
Kaplan turbine 10
2 s
Pelton wheel 11
3 i
Cut way view of centrifugal pump 12
Volute 13
Diffuser 14
Centrifugal pump
7 15
Velocity diagram
8 23


H : Discharge head
Q : Discharge
Ns : Specific speed
P : Shaft power
0 : Overall efficiency
D1 : Inlet dia
D2 : Outlet dia


This project requires the complete understanding of both turbine and pump as it
integrates these into a working system which pumps up water without any external aid.

A hydraulic turbine uses potential energy and kinetic energy of water and converts it
into usable mechanical energy. The mechanical energy made available at the turbine shaft is
used to run an electric power generator which is directly coupled to the turbine shaft. It is well
known from Newtons Law that to change momentum of fluid, a force is required. Similarly,
when momentum of fluid is changed, a force is generated. This principle is made use in
hydraulic turbine

Classification and Types of Turbines

Turbines can be classified on the basis of power produced by them. A brief classification is
show in the Table 1.2 below.
Classification Power output
Large >100 MW
Medium 10-100 MW
Small 1-10 MW
Mini 100 kW-1 MW
Micro 5-100 kW
Pico < 5 kW
Table 1.2 Power output classification of hydro power scheme

Turbines can be either reaction or impulse types. The turbines type indicates the manner
in which the water causes the turbine runner to rotate. Reaction turbine operates with their
runners fully flooded and develops torque because of the reaction of water pressure against
runner blades. Impulse turbines operate with their runner in air and convert the waters pressure
energy into kinetic energy of a jet that impinges onto the runner buckets to develop torque.

Reaction turbines:

Reaction turbines are classified as Francis (mixed flow) or axial flow. Axial flow turbines
are available with both fixed blades (Propeller) and variable pitch blades (Kaplan). Both axial
flow (Propeller & Kaplan) and Francis turbines may be mounted either horizontally or
vertically. Additionally, propeller turbines may be slant mounted.

Francis turbine : A Francis turbine is one having a runner with fixed buckets (vanes),
usually nine or more, to which the water enters the turbine in a radial direction, with
respect to the shaft, and is discharged in an axial direction. Principal components consist
of the runner, a water supply case to convey the water to the runner, wicket gates to
control the quantity of water and distribute it equally to the runner and a draft tube to
convey the water away from the turbines. It exists in large numbers throughout the
world. It is applied at head ranges generally from about 15 to 750 meters and in power
ranges from about 0.25 to 800 MW per unit. There are also numerous small units at
very low heads.
A Francis turbine may be operated over a range of flows approximately 40 to 105% of
rated discharge. Below 40% rated discharge, there can be an area of operation where
vibration and/or power surges occur. The upper limit generally corresponds to the
generator rating. The approximate head range for operation is from 65% to 125% of
design head. In general, peak efficiencies of Francis turbines, within the capacity range
of 25 MW, with modern design tool like CFD (computational fluid dynamics) have
enabled to achieve peak efficiency in the range of 93 to 94%.

Figure 1 runner

Axial Flow Turbines : Kaplan/propeller turbine : Axial flow turbines are those in
which water flow through the runner is aligned with the axis of rotation. Axial flow
hydraulic turbines have been used for net heads up to 75 meters with power output up
to 200 MW. However, they are generally used in head applications below 35 meters.
Tubular turbines (S-type) are used below 30 meters head and 8 MW capacity. Bulb
units can be used to about 25 meters head and up to about 100 MW capacity. In SHP
Bulb units can be used for low heads if runner diameter is more than 1 meter. Specific
mechanical designs, civil construction, and economic factors must be given full
consideration when selecting among these three axial flow turbine arrangements.
A Kaplan/propeller turbine is one having a runner with three, four, five or six blades in
which the water passes through the runner in an axial direction with respect to the shaft.
The pitch of the blades may be fixed or movable. Principal components consist of a
water supply case, wicket gates, a runner and a draft tube. Axial flow turbine with
movable blades is called Kaplan turbines. Axial flow turbines with fixed blades is called
propeller turbine. An axial flow turbine with movable blades but fixed guide vanes (no
wicket gates) is called semi Kaplan turbine.

Figure 2 kaplan turbine

Impulse Turbines : Pelton turbine An impulse turbine is one having one or more free jets
discharging into an aerated space and impinging on the buckets of a runner. Efficiencies are
often 90% and above. In general, an impulse turbine will not be competitive in cost with a
reaction turbine in overlapping range. However, certain hydraulic conditions or surge
protection requirements may warrant investigation into the suitability of an impulse turbine in
the overlapping head range. Single nozzle impulse pelton turbine has a very flat efficiency
curve and may be operated down to loads of 20% of rated capacity with good efficiency. For
10 | P a g e
multi-nozzle units, the range is even broader because the number of operating jets can be

Figure 3 pelton wheel

Hydro energy can be defined as the process of extracting the potential energy from a flow of
water over a height difference (head). The gravitational potential energy associated with the
water is converted to mechanical energy that can be used directly or converted again into
electrical energy by means of a generator.
The power, P that can be generated from the turbine

Where is the efficiency of the turbine system, Q is total volumetric flow or discharge, H is
head (the actual height difference between the free surfaces of the reservoirs or channels
upstream and downstream of a turbine), is water density, and g is the gravitational constant
(9.81 m/s2).


Centrifugal pumps are a sub-class of dynamic axisymmetric work

absorbing turbomachinery. Centrifugal pumps are used to transport fluids by the conversion of
rotational kinetic energy to the hydrodynamic energy of the fluid flow. The rotational energy
typically comes from an engine or electric motor. The fluid enters the pump impeller along or
near to the rotating axis and is accelerated by the impeller, flowing radially outward into a
diffuser or volute chamber (casing), from where it exits.

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According to Reti, the first machine that could be characterized as a centrifugal pump
was a mud lifting machine which appeared as early as 1475 in a treatise by the Italian
Renaissance engineer Francesco di Giorgio Martini. True centrifugal pumps were not
developed until the late 17th century, when Denis Papin built one using straight vanes. The
curved vane was introduced by British inventor John Appold in 1851.

Figure 4 Cutaway view of centrifugal pump (source: Wikipedia)

Like most pumps, a centrifugal pump converts rotational energy, often from a motor,
to energy in a moving fluid. A portion of the energy goes into kinetic energy of the fluid. Fluid
enters axially through eye of the casing, is caught up in the impeller blades, and is whirled
tangentially and radially outward until it leaves through all circumferential parts of the impeller
into the diffuser part of the casing. The fluid gains both velocity and pressure while passing
through the impeller. The doughnut-shaped diffuser, or scroll, section of the casing decelerates
the flow and further increases the pressure.


Centrifugal pumps basically consist of a stationary pump casing and an impeller mounted on
a rotating shaft. The pump casing provides a pressure boundary for the pump and contains
channels to properly direct the suction and discharge flow. The pump casing has suction and
discharge penetrations for the main flow path of the pump and normally has small drain and
vent fittings to remove gases trapped in the pump casing or to drain the pump casing for

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The illustration directly below, is a simplified diagram of a typical centrifugal pump that shows
the relative locations of the pump suction, impeller, volute, and discharge. The centrifugal
pump casing guides the liquid from the suction connection to the center, or eye, of the impeller.
The vanes of the rotating impeller impart a radial and rotary motion to the liquid, forcing it to
the outer periphery of the pump casing where it is collected in the outer part of the pump casing
called the volute. The volute is a region that expands in cross-sectional area as it wraps around
the pump casing. The purpose of the volute is to collect the liquid discharged from the periphery
of the impeller at high velocity and gradually cause a reduction in fluid velocity by increasing
the flow area. This converts the velocity head to static pressure. The fluid is then discharged
from the centrifugal pump through the discharge connection.

Types of Pump Casings

There two basic types of pump casings: volutes and diffusers.

Whether were talking about volutes or diffusers, what all casings have in common is that they
are designed to take energy in the form of velocity and convert it into pressure.


Volutes are designed to capture the velocity of liquid as it

enters the outermost diameter of an impeller and convert the
velocity of the liquid into pressure.

In the picture to the right, the impeller is not located in the

center of the volute. This is intentional. The portion of the
volute that extends closest to the impeller is called the
cutwater. Figure 5 volute casing

Starting from the cutwater and proceeding in a counter-clockwise fashion, the distance
between the volute and the impeller increases gradually. This has the effect of causing pressure
to build within the volute as the distance increases. Once the point of greatest separation is
reached directly next to the cutwater moving in clockwise direction the pressure is at its
greatest, and water is forced out the casing when it encounters the cutwater.

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What a cutwater is to a volute, vanes are to a diffuser. While

volutes only have one (or sometimes two) points where the edge
of the casing approaches the edge of the impeller in order to
begin building pressure, diffusers often have many vanes. In the
case of the assembly drawing shown the diffuser contains 10
vanes as compared the volute casing which only has one.

Also, while an impeller is placed in the center of a volute, an

Figure 6 diffuser
impeller generally sits directly adjacent to a diffuser and pushes
water into the diffuser vanes.

The basic function of a diffuser is similar to that of a volute. Diffuser vanes are positioned
such that they begin close to the outer edge of the impeller and then gradually extend away
from the impeller periphery.


Impellers are usually classified in two ways:

Specific Speed (Ns): The relationship between the amount of flow an impeller
produces and the amount of head or pressure generated is called specific speed.
Physical Design: Details such as whether an impeller is open or enclosed, whether it
is single or double suction, and the way the impeller vanes are designed can all be
used to describe and classify impellers.

Specific Speed (Ns)

Specific speed, also referred to as Ns, describes the relationship between how much flow an
impeller produces and how much head it generates. When the specific speed of an impeller is
calculated, the result is the speed at which a theoretical impeller of the same geometric
design, but only 1 in diameter, would have to operate to produce a flow of 1 gallon per
minute and 1 foot of total dynamic head.

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The word volute describes a specific type of pump casing that converts energy created
by the impeller into pressure. The impeller pushes water into the volute which converts that
energy into pressure and directs the flow toward the discharge point. In the picture on the right
notice that the impeller is not located in the centre of the volute. This is intentional. The portion
of the volute that extends closest to the impeller is called the cutwater. It is the point where
the flow is forced to exit through the discharge point rather than continuing to swirl around the
impeller. The gradually increasing distance between the volute and casing and the direction of
rotation of the impeller (noted by the arrow above the volute) combine to force the water around
the volute in a counter-clockwise direction in the pump section shown, and once the flow
reaches the cutwater it is forced to exit the volute. A volute is a curved funnel increasing in
area to the discharge port. It is often used with impeller pumps. As the area of the cross-section
increases, the volute reduces the speed of the liquid and increases the pressure of the liquid.

Figure 7 Volute casing

Pumps are used in a wide range of industrial and residential applications. Pumping equipment
is extremely diverse, varying in type, size, and materials of construction. There have been
significant new developments in the area of pumping equipment. They are used to transfer
liquids from low-pressure to high pressure in this system, the liquid would move in the opposite

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direction because of the pressure difference. Centrifugal pumps are widely used for irrigation,
water supply plants, stream power plants, sewage, oil refineries,

Chemical plants, hydraulic power service, food processing factories and mines. Moreover, they
are also used extensively in the chemical industry because of their suitability in practically any
service and are mostly used in many applications such as water pumping project, domestic
water raising, industrial waste water removal, raising water from tube wells to the fields. A
centrifugal pump delivers useful energy to the fluid on pumpage largely through velocity
changes that occur as this fluid flows through the impeller and the associated fixed passage
ways of the pump. It is converting of mechanical energy to hydraulic energy of the handling
fluid to get it to a required place or height by the centrifugal force of the impeller blade. The
input power of centrifugal pump is the mechanical energy and such as electrical motor of the
drive shaft driven by the prime mover or small engine. The output energy is hydraulic energy
of the fluid being raised or carried.

In a centrifugal pump, the liquid is forced by atmospheric or other pressure into a set of rotating
vanes. A centrifugal pump consists of a set of rotation vanes enclosed within a housing or
casing that is used to impart energy to a fluid through centrifugal force.

A pump transfer mechanical energy from some external source to the liquid flowing through it
and losses occur in any energy conversion process. The energy transferred is predicted by the
Euler Equation. The energy transfer quantities are losses between fluid power and mechanical
power of the impeller or runner. Thus, centrifugal pump may be taken losses of energy. The
kinds of loss of centrifugal pumps can be differentiated in internal losses and external or
mechanical losses. The internal loss is hydraulic losses or blade losses by friction, variations
of the effective area or changes of direction losses of quantity at the sealing places between the
impeller and housing at the rotary shaft seals. The external or mechanical loss is sliding surface
losses by bearing friction or seal friction.

16 | P a g e


The turbine and its design has been working for a very long time now. But the amount
of research done on them is very limited. There has been a small amount of research done on
simplified designs, suitable for micro hydro applications. There is very little information on
how aspects of the design such as blade angle, shape, and hub size, etc, affect the performance.
Most of the previous researches and designs of turbines that were made was based on large
capacity turbines usually in Mega Watts (MW) and not much importance was given to the
micro and Pico turbines.
Rao, (1988) has tested a turbine with eight helical blades which produce 5 kW from a head of
5 m. It would be a suitable design for lower heads but it was thought that further simplifications
to the design would be worth testing, particularly using flat rather than helical blades.
A turbine with moulded fibreglass blades, hub, and housing designed to produce 5 kW from a
head of 10 m was tested at M.I.T. This is described by Ho, L.W in Manufacture and Evaluation
of a Five-Kilowatt Axial-Flow Water Turbine, Master of Science Thesis, (Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA02139, USA), 1976.
Susanto, (1983) describes a 200 mm diameter turbine with four cast iron blades, designed to
produce 2.5 kW from a head of 2 m. Its design speed was 1000 RPM, giving a specific speed
of Ns = 665 RPM (kW,m) or 174 RPM (hp,ft) (Susanto gives Ns =236, with no units). However
the turbine had not been tested so the actual performance was not known.
The "Metaz" turbine manufactured in various sizes in Czeckoslovalda, is briefly described by
Nechleba and Kopecky (1986). This turbine is built in a siphon configuration (Figure 2.1 E),
which enables it to be installed on existing weirs and dams. It was designed with an emphasis
on economical mass production and simple operation, with few parts. Most of the parts,
including the blades, are iron castings and only a few parts require machining. The efficiency
indicated is approximately 70% - 80%, with the higher efficiencies occurring as the power (i.e.,
size and head) increases. A turbine with a diameter D = 300 mm and head H = 2.6 m was tested
and the efficiency found to be 76% (including mechanical losses from seals, etc.).
There are a few other simplified propeller turbines that have been manufactured, for example
the French "Hydrolec" described briefly by Monition (1984), and an "8-inch, fixed-blade

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propeller turbine, which generates 1-l0 kW under a head of 2-8 m", described briefly by
Inversin (1986). This turbine, and the one described by Susanto (1983), has the shaft mounted
in a right angle pipe bend, so that the shaft can be positioned horizontally, and the hub can be
positioned low down near the outlet water level, which allows a higher head before cavitations
In 1991, Faulkner conducted research on the development of a simplified propeller turbine
unit to produce power in a low head micro hydroelectric power installation. A prototype hydro
turbine was installed on a New Zealand farm. The best efficiency of the turbine was 62% . The
design produced 4.3 kW power at 612 RPM from a head of 2.7 m and flow rate of 0.41 m3/s.
Faulkner also predicted that the overall efficiency of the turbine can also be further
improved by about 5 % with the addition of a straight sided cone on the hub.
Usually all the researches that was carried out used fresh water to generate the electricity, but
Zainuddin et al. (2009) designed and developed a pico-hydro generation system using
consuming water to generate electricity. The project was conducted to develop a small scale
hydro generation system using consuming water distributed to houses as an alternative electric
energy source for residential use.
Many researchers have performed simulation and numerical analysis on the turbine to improve
the design of the turbine and its various parts. One of the most useful tool for this purpose is
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Due to the complication of the flow and computation
cost, the analysis of separate parts is carried out separately. Some of the researches involving
numerical analysis are mentioned below.
Shukla et al. (2011) conducted a research on the CFD analysis of 3-D flow for francis turbine.
In this research 3-D real flow analysis is conducted for experimentally tested turbine and the
characteristics of prototype turbine were predicted in actual operating regimes. Results of CFD
analysis were very close to experimental results.
Khare et al. (2012) performed CFD analysis on the optimisation of conical draft tube of
hydraulic turbine. The researcher varied the shape and size of draft tube. The results showed
the cross-sectional area of the exit was dependent on the length of the tube and angle of the
diffuser. The draft tube performance was analysed by calculating head loss, head recovery
coefficients and efficiency of the draft tube from simulation results.
A research carried out by Abubakar et at., was on the modelling and analysis of a very low
head Kaplan turbine runner blades for a specific sit. The net head and rated flow of water was
1.16m and 7.07 m3/sec respectively. The static and modal analysis of the Kaplan turbine runner
was carried out in ANSYS 14.
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In 2006 Simpson and Williams performed a research in which they applied the concept of
Computational Fluid Dynamics on the design of pico propeller hydro turbines. The CFD
analysis was performed to obtain the overall performance data for the turbine and to assist for
the design of new rotor. The research presents the comparison and validation of the CFD results
with the field test results. From the CFD results the size of the rotor was optimised and thus
improving the overall performance of the turbine by increasing its efficiency.


In the paper- World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 46 2008

design and performance analysis of centrifugal pump is given by Khin Cho Thin, Mya Mya
Khaing, and Khin Maung Aye. In this paper, centrifugal pump is analyzed by using a single-
stage end suction centrifugal pump. Two main components of a centrifugal pump are the
impeller and the casing. The impeller is a rotating component and the casing is a stationary
component. In centrifugal pump, water enters axially through the impeller eyes and water exits
radially. The pump casing is to guide the liquid to the impeller, converts into pressure the high
velocity kinetic energy of the flow from the impeller discharge and leads liquid away of the
energy having imparted to the liquid comes from the volute casing. A design of centrifugal
pump is carried out and analysed to get the best performance point. The design and performance
analysis of centrifugal pump are chosen because it is the most useful mechanical rotodynamic
machine in fluid works which widely used in domestic, irrigation, industry, large plants and
river water pumping system. Moreover, centrifugal pumps are produced by manufacturing
processes in Myanmar. In this paper, the pump is driven by one horse power electric motor and
the design is based on Berman Method. The head and flow rate of this pump are 10 m and
0.179m3/s and the motor speed is 2900 rpm. The low specific speed is chosen because the
value of specific speed is 100. The number of impeller blade is 9 blades. The performance
analysis of centrifugal pump is carried out after designing the dimensions of centrifugal pump.
So, shock losses, impeller friction losses, volute friction losses, disk friction losses and
recirculation losses of centrifugal pump are also considered in performance analysis of
centrifugal pump.

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The project requirement is the integrated assembly of turbine and pump to be mounted
on the common shaft. So, it becomes necessary to discuss about the design parameters of both
turbine and pump as pump is driven by turbine and consequently pump performance depends
on turbine performance and design parameters.
These parameters for the turbine and pump volute design are chosen by performing a survey at
the sites. These parameters mainly constitute the discharge and the net head available. In rural
Uttarakhand, there is a huge source for the hydro energy.So, turbine such as micro-hydro
Propeller Turbine find its best application in these areas and thus we chose this turbine. From
the survey it was accounted that this turbine net head range was in the range of 2.5 to 5.5m and
the flow discharge was in the range of 0.15-0.34 m3/s.
For pump we chose Multistage Centrifugal Pump- a two stage centrifugal pump in order to
generate a net head range of 50-150m and the flow discharge range of 2-5 lt/s.
Thus, the integrated assembly has a two stage centrifugal 3kw pump driven by a 5kw shaft
output power producing turbine. The volute casing will be integrated for both turbine and


The turbine used is micro-hydro Propeller turbine. Since, the turbine required for the
integrated assembly of turbine-pump assembly is preoccupied. So, we need to focus
more on performance parameters which are-

Sr. No. Parameter Value

1. Power P (KW) 5

2. N (RPM) 1500

3. Head H (m) 2.5-5.5 (4.2)

4. Discharge Q (m/s) 0.15-0.34 (0.17)

5. Efficiency (%) 70

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The pump used is 2-stage centrifugal pump. Its performance parameters are-
Sr. No. Parameter Value

1. Power P (KW) 3

2. N (RPM) 1500

3. Head H (m) 50-150

4. Discharge Q (lt/s) 2-5

5. Efficiency (%) 60


Before pump design or selection can be got, specifications is needed to be established which
express several requirements.

Specific speed is used to classify impellers on the basis of their performance, and proportions
regardless of their actual size or the speed at which they operate.

Specific Speed: 3.65 *n*QH3/4

Capacity, volute flow rate of a pump is the amount of water pumped per unit time and it is also
known traditionally as volume flow rate. The capacity is directly related with the velocity of
flow in the suction pipe.

Capacity: Q = AV

where A and V are area of pipe and volume flow rate.

Water Power and Shaft Power

The power imparted to the water by the pump is called water power. To calculate water power,
the flow rate and the pump head must be known. As a result, to provide a certain amount of
power to the water a larger amount of power must be provided to the pump shaft. This power
is called brake power. The efficiency of the pump determines how much more power is required
at the shaft. The water power is determined from the relationship

21 | P a g e
N= gHQ

The shaft power is:

Shaft power = water power/ o

Pump efficiency is

o = m v r

Maximum shaft power is:

Mmax: = 1 gHQ/ o

1 is the safety factor in charge condition of the work of pump

Inlet diameter of impeller is:

D1= (1.1~1.15) K0*Q/n

The value of K0 is chosen as 4.5.

The outlet diameter of impeller is:

D2= 19.2 (nopt/100)1/6*(2gH)/n

D0 is the eye diameter of impeller.

D0= K0 (Q/n)1/3

where K0 is the constant parameter which value is chosen as 4.5.

Inlet width of the impeller is:

b1 = R0/2

R0 is the radius of the impeller eye.

Outlet width of the impeller is:

b2 = 0.78(ns opt:/100)1/2(Q/n)1/3

22 | P a g e
The hydraulic efficiency is:

1- (.42/(log D-.172)2

where HT and Dy are the pressure head and seal diameter.

The pressure head is:

HT = H/r

The seal diameter is:

Dy = D0 + 10

Figure 8 velocity diagram

23 | P a g e

Sr. No. Parameter Value

1. NS (Specific Speed) 17.47

2. D1(Inlet Dia. Impeller) 66.2 mm

3. D2(Outlet Dia. Impeller) 336 mm

4. B1(inlet width impeller) 16.5 mm

5. B2(outlet width impeller) 4.36 mm

6. U1(inlet tangential velocity) 5.18 m/s

7. U2 (outlet tangential velocity) 26.37 m/s

8. T(thickness) 2 mm

9. Z (no. of blades) 6

10. Vf1(inlet flow velocity) 1.286 m/s

11. Vf2(outlet flow velocity) .811 m/s

12. 13.942

13. h (Hydraulic efficiency) 77 %

14. Vw2(whirl velocity outlet) 24.44 m/s

15. 22.79

24 | P a g e


Calculated parameters comply with the specifications of the already available products
in the market. Hence, the assembly is feasible.

Designed pump would be able to supply water to various remote areas in India,
especially hilly regions.

In this project, we are omitting the use of an electric motor, Electricity being a major
scarcity in these regions.

Since the pump and turbine has an integrated casing, a lot of material is saved, and the
rendered product is cost effective.

The most basic and vital innovation that we have used is that instead of using a motor to
drive the pump, the centrifugal pump is driven by a turbine of higher output than the required
input of the pump. By decreasing the discharge and increasing the head, we can distribute water
to high altitudes with the existing low head.
This project is very useful as many of the villages do not have adequate electricity supply but
there is availability of water in low heads. This project will be ideal for these kind of locations.


This kind of assembly is not currently available in the markets. We can say the potential
for this project is very high, especially in India, as this projects avoids the use of an electric
motor and is very useful in areas without proper electricity supply.

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1. Bansal R K (1983), A Textbook of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines, 1st

Edition, Laxmi Publications.

2. Simpson, R., & Williams, A. (2011). Design of propeller turbines for pico hydro.
Information on

3. Ho-Yan, B., 2012. Design of a Low Head Pico Hydro Turbine for Rural
Electrification in Cameroon (Doctoral dissertation).

4. Patel, U. R., Patel, D. A., & Maisuria, M. S. (2014). ANALYSE THE EFFECT OF
WITH EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS. International Journal of Mechanical
Engineering and Robotics Research, 3(3), 250

5. N. Smith and G. Ranjitkhar, Nepal Case StudyPart One: Installation and

performance of the Pico Power Pack, Pico Hydro Newsletter, April 2000.

6. P. Maher and N. Smith, Pico hydro for village power: A practical manual for
schemes up to 5 kW in hilly areas, 2nd ed., Intermediate Technology Publications,
May 2001.

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