Plastic Conversion From Waste

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Submitted in the partial fulfilment of requirement for the award of the degree of

Submitted by

Department of Mechanical Engineering KAMALA INSTITUTE OF

TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE (Affiliated to JNTU, Hyderabad & Approved
by AICTE) Singapur, Huzurabad, Karimnagar, Telangana, India-505468
(Approved by AICTE and Affiliated to JNTU, Hyderabad)


This is to certify that P.ANUPREDDY (16281A0363) has satisfactorily

presented the technical seminar entitled to CONVERSION OF PLASTIC WASTE
TO FUELwards partial fulfilment for the award of B.Tech degree in



Project Coordinater Professor
Assistant professor Head of the Department(ME)

The satisfaction that accompanies the successful completion of any task would be incomplete
without the mention of people who made it possible and whose encouragement and guidance
has been the source of inspiration throughout the course of project.

I take this opportunity to express our deep sense of gratitude and respect to our Technical
seminar coordinator Mr.R.VENUMADHAV Asst.Professor without his constant
encouragement it would not have been possible to complete this work. I express unfeigned
gratitude towards my seminar coordinator for his valuable guidance in completion of seminar

I specially thank Dr.M.V.SATISH KUMAR, Professor and Head of the Department of

Mechanical Engineering for their suggestions and whole hearted support.

We take this opportunity to extend our hearty thanks to Dr.K.SHANKER, Principal of

his moral support and encouragement throughout the study.

My sincere thanks to all the staff members of Mechanical Department who have contributed
directly towards this seminar in the form of encouragement and moral support.

Presented by,


The waste plastic is generated in India 15000 tons per day (as per government
survey).The waste plastic affects the humans, animals, birds’ earth and environment. For
dissolving (breakdown) plastic may require around 500 years in the earth. Every year 65%
waste plastic is land filled or in the natural environment (River system and ocean). The
technology is used to dissolve these all type waste plastic is pyrolysis. The pyrolysis is the
heating substance in the absence of oxygen. In this study 4300 Celsius temperature need. The
all type of waste plastic is converting to fuel. It works like Petrol, diesel, kerosene and LPG.
By implementing this concept can be reduced 80-90% of waste plastic and can be provide
60% oil for diesel vehicles. The fuel does not emit sulphur dioxide.(SO2). It increases machine
efficiency. The 5% residue is obtained which is carbon block.
In chemistry, plastics are large molecules, called polymers, composed of repeated
segments, called monomers, with carbon backbones. A polymer is simply a very large
molecule made up of many smaller units joined together, generally end to end, to create a
long chain. The smallest building block of a polymer is called a monomer. Polymers are
divided into two distinct groups: thermoplastics (moldable) and thermo sets (not). The word
“plastics” generally applies to the synthetic products of chemistry. More than 15,000 tones
of plastic waste are generated in India everyday, of which 6,000 tones remain uncollected
and littered, the government today said. However, as per the CPCB report in 2014-15, 51.4
million tones of solid waste were generated in the country, of which 91 per cent was
collected, and 27 per cent was treated and remaining 73 per cent disposed of at dump
sites. "Central Pollution Control Board has estimated the generation of 15,342 tones of
plastic waste in the country, out of which, 9,205 tones were reported to be recycled and
leaving 6,137 tones uncollected and littered". The technology is used to dissolve these all
type waste plastic is pyrolysis. The pyrolysis is the heating substance in the absence of
oxygen. In this study 4300 Celsius temperature need. The all type of waste plastic is
converting to fuel. It works like Petrol, diesel, kerosene and LPG. By implementing this
concept can be reduced 80-90% of waste plastic and can be provide 60% oil for diesel
vehicles. The fuel does not emit sulfur dioxide.(SO2). It increases machine efficiency. The
5% residue is obtained which is carbon block.


Plastic is a high molecular weight material that was invented by Alexander Parkes
in1862. Plastics are also called polymers. The term polymer means a molecule madeup by
repetition of simple unit. For example, the structure of polystyrene can be written in a form
as shown in figure (polystyrene structure).

1) Thermoplastics which are softened by heat and can be moulded. (Injection moulded,
blow moulded or vacuum formed). Good examples are acrylic, polypropylene, polystyrene,
polythene and PVC.

2) Thermo sets which are formed by ha heat process but are then set (like concrete) and
cannot change shape by reheating. Good examples are melamine (kitchen worktops),
Bakelite (black saucepan handles), polyester and epoxy resins.

Type I Recyclable Polyethylene Beverages.

Type II Recyclable Highdensity Milk, detergent,oil bottles, toys,
polyethylene containers used outside parts
and plastic bags.
TypeIII Recyclable(unco Polyvinyl chloride Food wrap, vegetable
mmon) oil,bottles,automotivepars
TypeIV Recyclable Low density Plastic bags, shrink
polyethylene wraps, garment
Type V Recyclable Poly-propylene Refrigerated containers,
some bags, most bottle
tops, somecarpets.


In order to have a proper background study on technologies available for conversion

of waste plastics to fuel, literature survey is carried out to know its various applied method
throughout the globe, they are summarized below. From this crude oil various products
petrol, diesel and kerosene etc. can be obtained by distillation. This process can convert all
HDPE waste plastic to different grade fuels and specially jet grade fuel. After reviewing
these various literatures, we can see that different forms of Pyrolysis processes have been
employed for the conversion of plastic wastes to efficient fuels and also successfully tested
a s w e l l .

A. Production of Plastics
The production of plastic begins with a distillation process in an oil refinery. The
distillation process involves the separation of heavy crude oil into lighter
groups called fractions. Each fraction is a mixture of hydrocarbon chains (chemical
compounds made up of carbon and hydrogen), which differ in terms of the size and structure
of their molecules. One of these fractions naphtha, is the crucial element for the production
of plastics. Plastics are also produced from natural gas.

B.Production of Naphtha
Naphtha is an intermediate hydrocarbon liquid stream derived from the refining of
crude oil. It is the lightest liquid distillate product of crude distillation consisting of C5 to
C10 hydrocarbons boiling in the 100 to 310°F range. It is produced from the atmospheric
distillation of crude oil and from many secondary processing units in the refinery. Unlike
other petroleum fuels such as kerosene, diesel, or fuel oil, naphtha is not a direct petroleum
fuel but is used as a feedstock for the manufacture of plastics. The first unit process in a
petroleum refinery is the crude oil distillation unit. The overhead liquid distillate from that
unit is called virgin or straight-run naphtha and that distillate is the largest source of naphtha
in most petroleum refineries. The naphtha is a mixture of very many different hydrocarbon
compounds. It has an initial boiling point of about 35 °C and a final boiling point of about
200°C, and it contains paraffin, naphthenic (cyclic paraffin’s) and aromatic hydrocarbons
ranging from those containing 4 carbon atoms to those containing about 10 or 11 carbon
atoms. The virgin naphtha is often further distilled into two streams: a virgin light naphtha
with an IFP of about 30°C and a FBP of about 145 °C containing most (but not all) of the
hydrocarbons with 6 or less carbon atoms. A virgin heavy naphtha containing most (but not
all) of the hydrocarbons with more than 6 carbon atoms. The heavy naphtha has an IFP of
about 140 °C and a FBP of about 205 °C [2]. It is the virgin heavy naphtha that is usually
processed in a catalytic reformer because the light naphtha has molecules with 6 or less
carbon atoms which, when reformed, tend to crack into butane and lower molecular weight
hydrocarbons which are not useful as high-octane gasoline blending components. Also, the
virgin light naphtha molecules with 6 carbon atoms tend to form aromatics which are high-
octane components but which are undesirable because they are carcinogens (most
particularly benzene) and governmental environmental regulations in a many countries limit
the amount of aromatics that gasoline may contain.


A. Pyrolysis Pyrolysis is generally defined as the controlled heating of a material in the

absence of oxygen. In plastics Pyrolysis, the macromolecular structures of polymers are
broken down into smaller molecules or oligomers and sometimes monomer units. Further
degradation of these subsequent molecules depends on a number of different conditions
including (and not limited to) temperature, residence time, presence of catalysts and other
process conditions. The Pyrolysis reaction can be carried out with or without the presence
of catalyst Accordingly, the reaction will be thermal and catalytic Pyrolysis. Since
majority of plastic used are polyolefin, so extensive research has been done on this
polymer which is summarized as below.
B. Thermal Pyrolysis of Polyolefin
The non-catalytic or thermal Pyrolysis of polyolefin is a high energy, endothermic process
requiring temperatures of at least 350– 500 °C.
Model used for extract fuel
In the pyrolysis the oil will be collected at different temperature. At the 1300 C 20% oil, at
2100 C 30% oil, at 2500 40% oil, at 3000 60% and at 4300C 90% oil will be collected.

In the Pyrolysis reaction different type of oil will be extracted from different type of
waste plastic. Such oil acts as petrol, diesel and kerosene. The same pyrolysis reaction
produce 10% gas it acts as LPG.
Three different types oil

Gas acts as LPG

Oil composition with diesel

Properties Diesel Plastic fuel
Density(gm/cc) 0.735-0.755 0.68
Flash point(oC) 52 29
Ash(%) .01 No ash
Carbon content(%) 10 5
For overall pyrolysis reaction using vacuum pump and catalyst oil production will be
faster. For 1Kg of waste plastic will get 900ml oil can be extracted and 100gm of gas can be
extracted and the remaining thing is carbon block.

1. Problem of disposal waste plastic can be solved.
2. Waste plastic is converted into the high value of fuels.
3. Industrial and automobile fuel requirement shall be fulfilled to some extent at lower
4. No pollutants during cracking of plastic.
5. The crude oil can be used for generation of electricity.
6. Volume of waste is significantly reduced.
7. Storable/transportable fuel or chemical feed stock is obtained
8. Desirable process as energy is obtained from renewable sources like municipal solid
waste or sewage sludge.
9. Reduce environment effects .
10. Reduce importing of petroleum products
11. Good helpful for ‘Swach Bharat’
12. Helpful for Make in India.
13. Carbon block is used in blast furnace.
14. Echo friendly.
Plastics present a major threat to today's society and environment. Over 14 million
tons of plastics are dumped into the ocean annually, killing about 1,000,000 species of
oceanic life. Though mankind has awoken to this threat and responded with developments in
creating degradable bio-plastics, there is still no conclusive effort done to repair the damage
already caused. In this regard, the catalytic Pyrolysis studied here presents an efficient, clean
and very effective means of removing the debris that we have left behind over the last several
decades. By converting plastics to fuel, we solve two issues, one of the large plastic seas, and
the other of the fuel shortage. This dual benefit, though will exist only as long as the waste
plastics last, but will surely provide a strong platform for us to build on a sustainable, clean
and green future. By taking into account the financial benefits of such a project, it would be a
great boon to our economy. So, from the studies conducted we can conclude that the
properties of the fuel obtained from plastics are similar to that of petrol and further studies on
this field can yield better results.

[1] Feedstock refining and pyrolysis of waste plastics by John Scheirs and Waller Kaminski.
[3] plastic-wastes
[4] Worner, Timothy. 2011. “Why and How to Baseline Your Extruder.” Plastic Technology,
August 2011.
[5] Onu P. Vasile C. Ciocilteu S. Iojoiu S. Darie H. thermal and catalytic decomposition of
polyethylene and polypropylene Journal
of analytic and applied pyrolysis 1999.
[6]. Lee KH. Shin DH. Thermal degradation of waste polyolefin polymers using spent FCC
catalysts with various experimental
variables. Korean journal of chemical engineering 2003.
[7].Thermal and catalytic conversion of waste polyolefin’s by
jerzymieczyslawsteiningerwalendziewski and mieczyslawsteininger
institute of chemistry and technology of petroleum and coal, Wroclaw university of
[8].Engine fuel derived from waste plastics by thermal treatment jerzy walend ziewski
institute of chemistry and technology of
petroleum and coal, technical university of Wroclaw Poland.
[9].continuous flow cracking of waste plastics by jerzywalendziewski institute of chemistry
and technology of petroleum and coal.
[10].Alkazadgaonker “waste plastic to hydrocarbon fuels projects” final report published in
Envis aug-04 issue.
[11].website: production
[12].public domain:en.wikipedia.ord/wiki/plastic materials in India.
[13].Book: Author Dr.samirsarkar fuels and combustion, second edition, chapter 5 liquid

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