Case Report: Treatment of Class III Malocclusion: Atypical Extraction Protocol
Case Report: Treatment of Class III Malocclusion: Atypical Extraction Protocol
Case Report: Treatment of Class III Malocclusion: Atypical Extraction Protocol
Case Report
Treatment of Class III Malocclusion:
Atypical Extraction Protocol
Copyright 2017 Fernando Pedrin Carvalho Ferreira et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
The treatment of Angle Class III malocclusion is rather challenging, because the patients growth pattern determines the success
of long-term treatment. Early diagnosis and treatment are still highly discussed issues in orthodontic literature. This type of early
intervention has been indicated more frequently in order to eliminate primary etiological factors and prevent an already present
malocclusion from becoming severe. However, when a patient is diagnosed in adulthood, manipulation of the bone bases becomes
extremely limited, as there is no longer any potential for growth. Treatments are restricted to dental compensations when possible
or orthognathic surgery. However, owing to the high cost and inherent risk of the surgical procedure, this treatment option is often
denied by the patient; in such a case, the orthodontist has little choice but to perform, where possible, compensatory treatments
to restore a functional occlusion and improve facial esthetics. This article reports a case of Class III malocclusion in a patient who
opted for compensatory treatment with lower molar extraction that allowed for correction of the midline and the overjet. Good
facial esthetics and functional normal occlusion were achieved at the end of the treatment.
patients often face the possibility of undergoing orthosurgical upright lower incisors, pointing towards compensation
treatment when craniofacial growth is finished, since the (Figure 2).
face tends to reveal an unfavorable growth pattern over Cephalometric analysis showed a skeletal Class I maloc-
time. The choice of treatment is even more limited and clusion (ANB, 0.13 ), with a well-positioned maxilla, a slight
challenging when a late diagnosis is made. For some patients, mandibular protrusion (SNA, 82.39 ; SNB, 82.27 ), and a
orthognathic surgery is the best option. It is a corrective hyperdivergent growth pattern (SN-MP, 44.17 ). The angle
procedure for the skeletal discrepancy, and if favored when between the upper incisors and the N-A line was 24.0 , and
the bone deformity is severe and excessively affects the facial the angle between the latter and the lower incisors was 17.62 ,
appearance of the patient [7]. However, in borderline cases, verifying the lingual mandibular incisors. This position was
compensatory orthodontic treatment may be opted for, since confirmed by the reduction in the value of IMPA (73.96 ). The
the esthetic balancing of the face is not always the major interincisal angle was 138.1 (Table 1).
motive for treatment. The panoramic radiograph showed the presence of all
Some authors recommended extraction, orthodontic permanent teeth except 18 and 48 (Figure 2). The oral
protocol, as one of the most common ways to treat these cases. examination confirmed a Class III relationship of the molars
Traditionally, the extraction of four premolars is the most and the canines that was more severe on the left side, with an
common choice. Others reported alternative extractions for inferior, midline deviation to the right, and an anterior cross-
the treatment of Class III malocclusion [8, 9]. According to bite (Figure 1).
De Oliveira Ruellas et al. [10], when the third molars are After radiological and facial evaluation, the patient
present, the extraction of the first molar might be a good was diagnosed with a Class III malocclusion, presenting a
option to solve the problems of anterior-inferior crowding dolichofacial, asymmetrical, concave profile, with maxillary
and vertical growth, as well as to attain a Class I molar deficiency and a slightly increased mandibular growth. The
relationship. Other authors, such as Capelozza Filho et al. [11], etiology of skeletal Class III malocclusion in most cases is
have treated this malocclusion with bonding and orthodontic multifactorial, and therefore, the individuals affected by this
brackets with specific angles to achieve compensation when- anomaly demonstrate a combination of dental and skeletal
ever possible. factors [12, 13].
The purpose of this clinical report is to present the case
of an adult male patient with Class III malocclusion, with no 2.2. Therapeutic Options. Two different therapeutic ap-
complaints regarding facial esthetics, treated by an atypical proaches could have been followed for the treatment of
extraction protocol of the lower molars, in order to achieve the malocclusion: orthosurgical treatment or compensatory
a stable and functional occlusion as similar to a natural treatment. Orthognathic surgery was proposed for correction
compensation as possible. of the bone bases, but the patient refused relying on the lack of
esthetic complains. Based on that, an orthodontic corrective
2. Materials and Methods treatment plan was indicated with the objective of dental
2.1. Diagnosis and Etiology. A male Caucasian patient sought
orthodontic treatment for functional and esthetic complaints
regarding his smile. Diagnostic tests were conducted to 2.3. Objectives of the Treatment. The treatment aimed at (1)
identify the problem and seek out possible treatment alter- reestablishing a functional occlusion through dental compen-
natives. Frontal facial analysis showed a decreased zygomatic sation, (2) solving the sagittal imbalance, (3) correcting the
projection, an increased vertical growth in the lower face, midline deviation, and (4) improving the facial esthetics.
and an asymmetrical appearance (deviation to the right
side), without lip sealing (Figure 1). In the lateral view, 2.4. Treatment Progress. Fixed orthodontic treatment was
a concave profile was evident, with an increased chin- initiated with self-ligating straight-wire brackets only in the
neck line, protrusion of the lower lip, and an inadequate upper arch. A decision to extract tooth 36 was made because
zygomatic projection (Figure 1). The lateral face radiograph of its destruction, which aided the treatment by correcting the
confirmed the findings of the facial analysis: a vertical growth inferior midline and reducing the dental mass, thus solving
pattern, protruded mandible, proclined upper incisors, and the anterior edge-to-edge bite (Figure 3).
Case Reports in Dentistry 3
Figure 3: Intraoral views of treatment. Start of leveling, extraction of tooth 36, and segmented arch in the lower arch.
The wire sequence adopted for alignment and leveling increase in the angle between the upper incisors and the N-A
was 0.014 NiTi, 0.016 NiTi, and 0.016 stainless steel line from 24.0 to 27,14 , and for the lower incisors from 13,35
wire. The lower brackets were also bonded on molars and to 17.62 . A reduction in the value of IMPA from 73.96 to 68,1
premolars only at this point and after the installation of the was also noted. The interincisal angle was 138.8 (Table 1).
0.017 0.025 TMA wire, the lower anterior retraction was
performed, only to the left side where tooth 36 was extracted 4. Discussion
(Figure 3). The use of Class III elastics was indicated at the
same time, to facilitate the correction of overjet. In the upper Studies on the multifactorial etiology of Class III malocclu-
arch, 0.016 0.022 NITI wire was used, followed by 0.018 sion show that maxillary retrognathism is as common as
and 0.020 bowflex steel arch to expand the left side for mandibular prognathism. Previous research has reported that
transverse adjustment. After achieving sufficient room for 3263% of the patients with skeletal Class III malocclusion
the incisors alignment, the lower anterior teeth were bonded have a maxillary deficiency or its combination with excessive
(Figure 4). In order to close the extraction space and to mandibular growth [3, 5].
correct the midline deviation retraction loops were applied Most authors agree that an early intervention is the
(Figure 5). With the 0.019 0.025 stainless steel wire, an best option for Class III malocclusion treatment, because
elastic chain was used for the mesialization of tooth 37. Tooth of the possibility of orthopedic management through face-
38 was subsequently bonded, and the remaining spaces were mask therapy, after maxillary expansion. This would redirect
closed with an elastic chain (Figure 6). The total treatment growth, making the malocclusion correction possible [14, 15].
duration was 30 months. Treatment options at later stages are limited, restricted
to orthosurgical approach to correct bone discrepancies
3. Results or orthodontic treatment aimed at correcting malocclusion
through dental compensation. Frequently, the treatment plan
At the end of treatment, a good occlusal relationship was includes extractions, and the use of intermaxillary elastics.
achieved, with the correction of the overjet, coincidence of This, however, has no impact on the facial esthetics, since
the midlines, and the correction of Angle Class III malocclu- the skeletal problem remains uncorrected [13, 16, 17]. Even
sion, without the need for orthognathic surgery. It was also considering this advantage, some authors still have reported
observed in the facial lateral view, passive lip sealing, and success performing the compensatory treatment protocol [4,
great improvement of facial esthetics (Figure 7). 1620].
New records were obtained 2 years after final treatment, Despite being the most indicated treatment option in
last follow-up, and evaluation of the occlusion revealed Angle these cases, the inherent risk and high cost of the orthosurgi-
Class I molar relationship. The occlusion was stable and cal procedures make patients reluctant to accept it [6, 17, 21,
functional (Figure 8). 22].
Final cephalometric analysis showed values for ANB, In this case the patient also opted for orthodontic treat-
0,69 ; SNA, 82.53 ; SNB, 81.84 ; and a SN-MP, 43.42 defin- ment without orthognathic surgery. In order to make possible
ing the hyperdivergent growth pattern. It was observed an the lower compensation and midline correction, extraction
Case Reports in Dentistry 5
Figure 4: Intraoral views of treatment. Bonding the lower incisor, intermaxillary elastics, and loop to start closure extraction space.
Figure 5: Intraoral views of treatment. End of leveling 0.017 0.025 stainless steel wire and retraction loops applied to close the extraction
space and to correct the midline deviation.
Figure 6: Intraoral views of treatment and panoramic radiograph. Bonding tooth 38, cantilever applied to upright tooth 37, and elastic chain
to close the remaining spaces. Panoramic radiograph showing uprighted good position of tooth 38.
6 Case Reports in Dentistry
Figure 8: Posttreatment facial and intraoral photographs, and cephalometric radiograph (2 years after treatment completion).
8 Case Reports in Dentistry
of tooth 36 was necessary. De Oliveira Ruellas et al. [10] functional treatment outcome was possible, in large part, by
and Sandler et al. [23] indicated the extraction of the first the patient compliance.
molars as a feasible treatment option in the presence of
extensive caries, apical pathologies, significant restorations,
severe crowding in the posterior region or anterior open bite.
The option to extract the first molar depends on the presence The patient hereby grants all rights to publish photographs or
and position of the third molar. other images of them in the manuscript where they appear as
For the correction of anterior cross-bite and the normal- a patient or subject without payment of any kind. The patient
ization of the molar relationship, Lin and Gu [24] suggested has been informed that any images of them that do appear
the extraction of the second molar as the best option, may be modified.
as long as the patient had the third molar. This was in
concurrence with a previous report by M. E. Richardson and
A. Richardson [25], supporting the idea that the third molar Competing Interests
can take the place of the second molar.
The authors have no competing interests to disclose.
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